Programs & Examples On #Ocamlbuild

OCamlbuild is a generic build tool, that has built-in rules for building OCaml library and programs.

C# error: Use of unassigned local variable

The compiler doesn't know that Environment.Exit() does not return. Why not just "return" from Main()?

Git Pull While Ignoring Local Changes?

I usually do:

git checkout .
git pull

In the project's root folder.

Python int to binary string?

>>> format(123, 'b')

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?

Update (May 14, 2010):

It turns out, the russian developer Ilya Konyukhov picked up the gauntlet after reading this and created a new auth library for CI based on DX Auth, following the recommendations and requirements below.

And the resulting Tank Auth is looking like the answer to the OP's question. I'm going to go out on a limb here and call Tank Auth the best authentication library for CodeIgniter available today. It's a rock-solid library that has all the features you need and none of the bloat you don't:

Tank Auth


  • Full featured
  • Lean footprint (20 files) considering the feature set
  • Very good documentation
  • Simple and elegant database design (just 4 DB tables)
  • Most features are optional and easily configured
  • Language file support
  • reCAPTCHA supported
  • Hooks into CI's validation system
  • Activation emails
  • Login with email, username or both (configurable)
  • Unactivated accounts auto-expire
  • Simple yet effective error handling
  • Uses phpass for hashing (and also hashes autologin codes in the DB)
  • Does not use security questions
  • Separation of user and profile data is very nice
  • Very reasonable security model around failed login attempts (good protection against bots and DoS attacks)

(Minor) Cons

  • Lost password codes are not hashed in DB
  • Includes a native (poor) CAPTCHA, which is nice for those who don't want to depend on the (Google-owned) reCAPTCHA service, but it really isn't secure enough
  • Very sparse online documentation (minor issue here, since the code is nicely documented and intuitive)

Download Tank Auth here

Original answer:

I've implemented my own as well (currently about 80% done after a few weeks of work). I tried all of the others first; FreakAuth Light, DX Auth, Redux, SimpleLogin, SimpleLoginSecure, pc_user, Fresh Powered, and a few more. None of them were up to par, IMO, either they were lacking basic features, inherently INsecure, or too bloated for my taste.

Actually, I did a detailed roundup of all the authentication libraries for CodeIgniter when I was testing them out (just after New Year's). FWIW, I'll share it with you:

DX Auth


  • Very full featured
  • Medium footprint (25+ files), but manages to feel quite slim
  • Excellent documentation, although some is in slightly broken English
  • Language file support
  • reCAPTCHA supported
  • Hooks into CI's validation system
  • Activation emails
  • Unactivated accounts auto-expire
  • Suggests for salts (not bad for a PRNG)
  • Banning with stored 'reason' strings
  • Simple yet effective error handling


  • Only lets users 'reset' a lost password (rather than letting them pick a new one upon reactivation)
  • Homebrew pseudo-event model - good intention, but misses the mark
  • Two password fields in the user table, bad style
  • Uses two separate user tables (one for 'temp' users - ambiguous and redundant)
  • Uses potentially unsafe md5 hashing
  • Failed login attempts only stored by IP, not by username - unsafe!
  • Autologin key not hashed in the database - practically as unsafe as storing passwords in cleartext!
  • Role system is a complete mess: is_admin function with hard-coded role names, is_role a complete mess, check_uri_permissions is a mess, the whole permissions table is a bad idea (a URI can change and render pages unprotected; permissions should always be stored exactly where the sensitive logic is). Dealbreaker!
  • Includes a native (poor) CAPTCHA
  • reCAPTCHA function interface is messy

FreakAuth Light


  • Very full featured
  • Mostly quite well documented code
  • Separation of user and profile data is a nice touch
  • Hooks into CI's validation system
  • Activation emails
  • Language file support
  • Actively developed


  • Feels a bit bloated (50+ files)
  • And yet it lacks automatic cookie login (!)
  • Doesn't support logins with both username and email
  • Seems to have issues with UTF-8 characters
  • Requires a lot of autoloading (impeding performance)
  • Badly micromanaged config file
  • Terrible View-Controller separation, with lots of program logic in views and output hard-coded into controllers. Dealbreaker!
  • Poor HTML code in the included views
  • Includes substandard CAPTCHA
  • Commented debug echoes everywhere
  • Forces a specific folder structure
  • Forces a specific Ajax library (can be switched, but shouldn't be there in the first place)
  • No max limit on login attempts - VERY unsafe! Dealbreaker!
  • Hijacks form validation
  • Uses potentially unsafe md5 hashing



  • Good feature set for its tiny footprint
  • Lightweight, no bloat (3 files)
  • Elegant automatic cookie login
  • Comes with optional test implementation (nice touch)


  • Uses the old CI database syntax (less safe)
  • Doesn't hook into CI's validation system
  • Kinda unintuitive status (role) system (indexes upside down - impractical)
  • Uses potentially unsafe sha1 hashing

Fresh Powered


  • Small footprint (6 files)


  • Lacks a lot of essential features. Dealbreaker!
  • Everything is hard-coded. Dealbreaker!

Redux / Ion Auth

According to the CodeIgniter wiki, Redux has been discontinued, but the Ion Auth fork is going strong:

Ion Auth is a well featured library without it being overly heavy or under advanced. In most cases its feature set will more than cater for a project's requirements.


  • Lightweight and simple to integrate with CodeIgniter
  • Supports sending emails directly from the library
  • Well documented online and good active dev/user community
  • Simple to implement into a project


  • More complex DB schema than some others
  • Documentation lacks detail in some areas



  • Tiny footprint (4 files)
  • Minimalistic, absolutely no bloat
  • Uses phpass for hashing (excellent)


  • Only login, logout, create and delete
  • Lacks a lot of essential features. Dealbreaker!
  • More of a starting point than a library

Don't get me wrong: I don't mean to disrespect any of the above libraries; I am very impressed with what their developers have accomplished and how far each of them have come, and I'm not above reusing some of their code to build my own. What I'm saying is, sometimes in these projects, the focus shifts from the essential 'need-to-haves' (such as hard security practices) over to softer 'nice-to-haves', and that's what I hope to remedy.

Therefore: back to basics.

Authentication for CodeIgniter done right

Here's my MINIMAL required list of features from an authentication library. It also happens to be a subset of my own library's feature list ;)

  1. Tiny footprint with optional test implementation
  2. Full documentation
  3. No autoloading required. Just-in-time loading of libraries for performance
  4. Language file support; no hard-coded strings
  5. reCAPTCHA supported but optional
  6. Recommended TRUE random salt generation (e.g. using or
  7. Optional add-ons to support 3rd party login (OpenID, Facebook Connect, Google Account, etc.)
  8. Login using either username or email
  9. Separation of user and profile data
  10. Emails for activation and lost passwords
  11. Automatic cookie login feature
  12. Configurable phpass for hashing (properly salted of course!)
  13. Hashing of passwords
  14. Hashing of autologin codes
  15. Hashing of lost password codes
  16. Hooks into CI's validation system
  17. NO security questions!
  18. Enforced strong password policy server-side, with optional client-side (Javascript) validator
  19. Enforced maximum number of failed login attempts with BEST PRACTICES countermeasures against both dictionary and DoS attacks!
  20. All database access done through prepared (bound) statements!

Note: those last few points are not super-high-security overkill that you don't need for your web application. If an authentication library doesn't meet these security standards 100%, DO NOT USE IT!

Recent high-profile examples of irresponsible coders who left them out of their software: #17 is how Sarah Palin's AOL email was hacked during the Presidential campaign; a nasty combination of #18 and #19 were the culprit recently when the Twitter accounts of Britney Spears, Barack Obama, Fox News and others were hacked; and #20 alone is how Chinese hackers managed to steal 9 million items of personal information from more than 70.000 Korean web sites in one automated hack in 2008.

These attacks are not brain surgery. If you leave your back doors wide open, you shouldn't delude yourself into a false sense of security by bolting the front. Moreover, if you're serious enough about coding to choose a best-practices framework like CodeIgniter, you owe it to yourself to at least get the most basic security measures done right.


Basically, here's how it is: I don't care if an auth library offers a bunch of features, advanced role management, PHP4 compatibility, pretty CAPTCHA fonts, country tables, complete admin panels, bells and whistles -- if the library actually makes my site less secure by not following best practices. It's an authentication package; it needs to do ONE thing right: Authentication. If it fails to do that, it's actually doing more harm than good.


/Jens Roland

Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive

You can use in Content-security-policy add "img-src 'self' data:;" And Use outline CSS.Don't use Inline CSS.It's secure from attackers.

How to apply CSS to iframe?

Other answers here seem to use jQuery and CSS links.

This code uses vanilla JavaScript. It creates a new <style> element. It sets the text content of that element to be a string containing the new CSS. And it appends that element directly to the iframe document's head.

var iframe = document.getElementById('the-iframe');
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent =
  '.some-class-name {' +
  '  some-style-name: some-value;' +

link_to image tag. how to add class to a tag

this is my solution:

<%= link_to root_path do %>
   <%= image_tag "image.jpg", class: "some class here" %>
<% end %>

Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc...) in the user's language?

//selected date from calender
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); //Date and time
String currentDate = sdf.format(myCalendar.getTime());

//selcted_day name
SimpleDateFormat sdf_ = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
String dayofweek=sdf_.format(myCalendar.getTime());

Log.e("dayname", dayofweek);

How to Find Item in Dictionary Collection?

Sometimes you still need to use FirstOrDefault if you have to do different tests. If the Key component of your dictionnary is nullable, you can do this:

thisTag = _tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Key.SubString(1,1) == 'a');
if(thisTag.Key != null) { ... }

Using FirstOrDefault, the returned KeyValuePair's key and value will both be null if no match is found.

How to install numpy on windows using pip install?

Frustratingly the Numpy package published to PyPI won't install on most Windows computers


  1. Download the Numpy wheel for your Python version from
  2. Install it from the command line pip install numpy-1.10.2+mkl-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl

What function is to replace a substring from a string in C?

char *replace(const char*instring, const char *old_part, const char *new_part)


    if(!instring || !old_part || !new_part)
        return (char*)NULL;

    size_t instring_len=strlen(instring);
    size_t new_len=strlen(new_part);
    size_t old_len=strlen(old_part);
    if(instring_len<old_len || old_len==0)
        return (char*)NULL;

    const char *in=instring;
    const char *found=NULL;
    size_t count=0;
    size_t out=0;
    size_t ax=0;
    char *outstring=NULL;

    if(new_len> old_len )
        size_t Diff=EXPECTED_REPLACEMENTS*(new_len-old_len);
        size_t outstring_len=instring_len + Diff;
        outstring =(char*) malloc(outstring_len); 
            return (char*)NULL;
        while((found = strstr(in, old_part))!=NULL)
                     return (char*)NULL;
        outstring =(char*) malloc(instring_len);
            return (char*)NULL;
        while((found = strstr(in, old_part))!=NULL)

    return outstring;

How to place a div on the right side with absolute position

   top  :<x>px;

positions it in the right corner. Note, that the position is dependent of the first ancestor-element which is not static positioned!


I updated your fiddle.

How can I generate an INSERT script for an existing SQL Server table that includes all stored rows?

Yes, use the commercial but inexpensive SSMS Tools Pack addin which has a nifty "Generate Insert statements from resultsets, tables or database" feature

"ImportError: no module named 'requests'" after installing with pip

I had this error before when I was executing a python3 script, after this:

sudo pip3 install requests

the problem solved, If you are using python3, give a shot.

How to fill color in a cell in VBA?

  1. Use conditional formatting instead of VBA to highlight errors.

  2. Using a VBA loop like the one you posted will take a long time to process

  3. the statement If cell.Value = "#N/A" Then will never work. If you insist on using VBA to highlight errors, try this instead.

    Sub ColorCells()

    Dim Data As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Set currentsheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Comparison")
    Set Data = currentsheet.Range("A2:AW1048576")
    For Each cell In Data
    If IsError(cell.Value) Then
       cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
    End If
    End Sub
  4. Be prepared for a long wait, since the procedure loops through 51 million cells

  5. There are more efficient ways to achieve what you want to do. Update your question if you have a change of mind.

Java Project: Failed to load ApplicationContext

Looks like you are using maven (src/main/java). In this case put the applicationContext.xml file in the src/main/resources directory. It will be copied in the classpath directory and you should be able to access it with


From the Spring-Documentation: A plain path, for example "context.xml", will be treated as a classpath resource from the same package in which the test class is defined. A path starting with a slash is treated as a fully qualified classpath location, for example "/org/example/config.xml".

So it's important that you add the slash when referencing the file in the root directory of the classpath.

If you work with the absolute file path you have to use 'file:C:...' (if I understand the documentation correctly).

Postgresql query between date ranges

From PostreSQL 9.2 Range Types are supported. So you can write this like:

SELECT user_id
FROM user_logs
WHERE '[2014-02-01, 2014-03-01]'::daterange @> login_date

this should be more efficient than the string comparison

Set transparent background of an imageview on Android

There is already a predefined constant. Use Color.TRANSPARENT.

How to select data of a table from another database in SQL Server?

Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio you can create Linked Server. First make connection to current (local) server, then go to Server Objects > Linked Servers > context menu > New Linked Server. In window New Linked Server you have to specify desired server name for remote server, real server name or IP address (Data Source) and credentials (Security page).

And further you can select data from linked server:

select * from [linked_server_name].[database].[schema].[table]

Getting Hour and Minute in PHP

function get_time($time) {
    $duration = $time / 1000;
    $hours = floor($duration / 3600);
    $minutes = floor(($duration / 60) % 60);
    $seconds = $duration % 60;
    if ($hours != 0)
        echo "$hours:$minutes:$seconds";
        echo "$minutes:$seconds";


Using %s in C correctly - very basic level

%s will get all the values until it gets NULL i.e. '\0'.

char str1[] = "This is the end\0";

will give

This is the end

char str2[] = "this is\0 the end\0";

will give

this is

Where can I find the assembly System.Web.Extensions dll?

Your project is mostly likely targetting .NET Framework 4 Client Profile. Check the application tab in your project properties.

This question has a good answer on the different versions: Target framework, what does ".NET Framework ... Client Profile" mean?

setting an environment variable in virtualenv

In case you're using virtualenvwrapper (I highly recommend doing so), you can define different hooks (preactivate, postactivate, predeactivate, postdeactivate) using the scripts with the same names in $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/. You need the postactivate hook.

$ workon myvenv

$ cat $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
# This hook is run after this virtualenv is activated.
export DJANGO_DEBUG=True
export S3_KEY=mykey
export S3_SECRET=mysecret


If you want to keep this configuration in your project directory, simply create a symlink from your project directory to $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate.

$ rm $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
$ ln -s .env/postactivate $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate

You could even automate the creation of the symlinks each time you use mkvirtualenv.

Cleaning up on deactivate

Remember that this wont clean up after itself. When you deactivate the virtualenv, the environment variable will persist. To clean up symmetrically you can add to $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/predeactivate.

$ cat $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/predeactivate
# This hook is run before this virtualenv is deactivated.

$ deactivate


Remember that if using this for environment variables that might already be set in your environment then the unset will result in them being completely unset on leaving the virtualenv. So if that is at all probable you could record the previous value somewhere temporary then read it back in on deactivate.


$ cat $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
# This hook is run after this virtualenv is activated.
if [[ -n $SOME_VAR ]]
export SOME_VAR=apple

$ cat $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/predeactivate
# This hook is run before this virtualenv is deactivated.
if [[ -n $SOME_VAR_BACKUP ]]
    unset SOME_VAR


$ echo $SOME_VAR

$ workon myenv

$ echo $SOME_VAR

$ deactivate

$ echo $SOME_VAR

Ansible Ignore errors in tasks and fail at end of the playbook if any tasks had errors

Fail module works great! Thanks.

I had to define my fact before checking it, otherwise I'd get an undefined variable error.

And I had issues when doing setting the fact with quotes and without spaces.

This worked:

set_fact: flag="failed"

This threw errors:

set_fact: flag = failed 

How do I install cURL on Windows?

I recently installed Curl on PHP5 for Windows Vista. I did not enable the CURL library when I initially installed PHP5, so nothing about Curl was showing up in phpinfo() or php.ini.

I installed CURL by re-running the PHP5 installer (php-5.2.8-win32-installer.msi for me) and choosing "Change". Then, I added the CURL component. Restart Apache, and CURL should work. CURL will show up in phpinfo(). Also, here is a sample script you can run to verify it works. It displays an RSS feed from Google:

    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $contents = curl_exec ($ch);
    echo $contents;
    curl_close ($ch);

Is it possible to use jQuery to read meta tags

jQuery now supports .data();, so if you have

<div id='author' data-content='stuff!'>


var author = $('#author').data("content"); // author = 'stuff!'

How can I echo a newline in a batch file?

You can use @echo ( @echo + [space] + [insecable space] )

Note: The insecable space can be obtained with Alt+0160

Hope it helps :)

[edit] Hmm you're right, I needed it in a Makefile, it works perfectly in there. I guess my answer is not adapted for batch files... My bad.

image size (drawable-hdpi/ldpi/mdpi/xhdpi)

Hope this will help...

mdpi is the reference density -- that is, 1 px on an mdpi display is equal to 1 dip. The ratio for asset scaling is:

ldpi | mdpi | hdpi | xhdpi | xxhdpi | xxxhdpi
0.75 | 1    | 1.5  | 2     | 3      | 4

Although you don't really need to worry about tvdpi unless you're developing specifically for Google TV or the original Nexus 7 -- but even Google recommends simply using hdpi assets. You probably don't need to worry about xxhdpi either (although it never hurts, and at least the launcher icon should be provided at xxhdpi), and xxxhdpi is just a constant in the source code right now (no devices use it, nor do I expect any to for a while, if ever), so it's safe to ignore as well.

What this means is if you're doing a 48dip image and plan to support up to xhdpi resolution, you should start with a 96px image (144px if you want native assets for xxhdpi) and make the following images for the densities:

ldpi    | mdpi    | hdpi    | xhdpi     | xxhdpi    | xxxhdpi
36 x 36 | 48 x 48 | 72 x 72 | 96 x 96   | 144 x 144 | 192 x 192

And these should display at roughly the same size on any device, provided you've placed these in density-specific folders (e.g. drawable-xhdpi, drawable-hdpi, etc.)

For reference, the pixel densities for these are:

ldpi  | mdpi  | hdpi  | xhdpi  | xxhdpi  | xxxhdpi
120   | 160   | 240   | 320    | 480     | 640

How do I handle a click anywhere in the page, even when a certain element stops the propagation?

What you really want to do is bind the event handler for the capture phase of the event. However, that isn't supported in IE as far as I know, so that might not be all that useful.

Related questions:

How to use View.OnTouchListener instead of onClick

The event when user releases his finger is MotionEvent.ACTION_UP. I'm not aware if there are any guidelines which prohibit using View.OnTouchListener instead of onClick(), most probably it depends of situation.

Here's a sample code:

imageButton.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){

            // Do what you want
            return true;
        return false;

Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity?

When you want to open an activity within your app then you can call the startActivity() method with an Intent as parameter. That intent would be the activity that you want to open. First you have to create an object of that intent with first parameter to be the context and second parameter to be the targeted activity class.

Intent intent = new Intent(this, Activity_a.class);

Hope this will help.

Difference between maven scope compile and provided for JAR packaging

If jar file is like executable spring boot jar file then scope of all dependencies must be compile to include all jar files.

But if jar file used in other packages or applications then it does not need to include all dependencies in jar file because these packages or applications can provide other dependencies themselves.

jquery ajax function not working

you need to prevent the default behavior of your form when submitting

by adding this:

$("#postcontent").on('submit' , function(e) {


  //then the rest of your code

PHP function overloading

 * author  : [email protected] 
 * version : 3.8
 * create on : 2017-09-17
 * updated on : 2020-01-12
 * download example:

#> 1. Include Overloadable class

class Overloadable
    static function call($obj, $method, $params=null) {
        $class = get_class($obj);
        // Get real method name
        $suffix_method_name = $method.self::getMethodSuffix($method, $params);

        if (method_exists($obj, $suffix_method_name)) {
            // Call method
            return call_user_func_array(array($obj, $suffix_method_name), $params);
            throw new Exception('Tried to call unknown method '.$class.'::'.$suffix_method_name);

    static function getMethodSuffix($method, $params_ary=array()) {
        $c = '__';
            foreach($params_ary as $i=>$param){
                // Adding special characters to the end of method name 
                    case 'array':       $c .= 'a'; break;
                    case 'boolean':     $c .= 'b'; break;
                    case 'double':      $c .= 'd'; break;
                    case 'integer':     $c .= 'i'; break;
                    case 'NULL':        $c .= 'n'; break;
                    case 'object':
                        // Support closure parameter
                        if($param instanceof Closure ){
                            $c .= 'c';
                            $c .= 'o'; 
                    case 'resource':    $c .= 'r'; break;
                    case 'string':      $c .= 's'; break;
                    case 'unknown type':$c .= 'u'; break;
        return $c;
    // Get a reference variable by name
    static function &refAccess($var_name) {
        $r =& $GLOBALS["$var_name"]; 
        return $r;
#> 2. create new class

class test 
    private $name = 'test-1';

    #> 3. Add __call 'magic method' to your class

    // Call Overloadable class 
    // you must copy this method in your class to activate overloading
    function __call($method, $args) {
        return Overloadable::call($this, $method, $args);

    #> 4. Add your methods with __ and arg type as one letter ie:(__i, __s, __is) and so on.
    #> methodname__i = methodname($integer)
    #> methodname__s = methodname($string)
    #> methodname__is = methodname($integer, $string)

    // func(void)
    function func__() {
        pre('func(void)', __function__);
    // func(integer)
    function func__i($int) {
        pre('func(integer '.$int.')', __function__);
    // func(string)
    function func__s($string) {
        pre('func(string '.$string.')', __function__);
    // func(string, object)
    function func__so($string, $object) {
        pre('func(string '.$string.', '.print_r($object, 1).')', __function__);
        //pre($object, 'Object: ');
    // func(closure)
    function func__c(Closure $callback) {
                array( $callback, $callback($this->name) ), 
            ).");", __function__.'(Closure)'
    // anotherFunction(array)
    function anotherFunction__a($array) {
        pre('anotherFunction('.print_r($array, 1).')', __function__);
        $array[0]++;        // change the reference value
        $array['val']++;    // change the reference value
    // anotherFunction(string)
    function anotherFunction__s($key) {
        pre('anotherFunction(string '.$key.')', __function__);
        // Get a reference
        $a2 =& Overloadable::refAccess($key); // $a2 =& $GLOBALS['val'];
        $a2 *= 3;   // change the reference value

// Some data to work with:
$val  = 10;
class obj {
    private $x=10;

#> 5. create your object

// Start
$t = new test;

#> 6. Call your method

// Call first method with no args:
// Output: func(void)

// Output: func(integer 10)

// Output: func(string hello)

$t->func("str", new obj());
/* Output: 
func(string str, obj Object
    [x:obj:private] => 10

// call method with closure function
    return strtoupper($n);

/* Output:
    [0] => Closure Object
            [parameter] => Array
                    [$n] => 


    [1] => TEST-1

## Passing by Reference:

echo '<br><br>$val='.$val;
// Output: $val=10

$t->anotherFunction(array(&$val, 'val'=>&$val));
/* Output:
    [0] => 10
    [val] => 10

echo 'Result: $val='.$val;
// Output: $val=12

// Output: anotherFunction(string val)

echo 'Result: $val='.$val;
// Output: $val=36

// Helper function
function pre($mixed, $title=null){
    $output = "<fieldset>";
    $output .= $title ? "<legend><h2>$title</h2></legend>" : "";
    $output .= '<pre>'. print_r($mixed, 1). '</pre>';
    $output .= "</fieldset>";
    echo $output;

Set up Python 3 build system with Sublime Text 3

first you need to find your python.exe location, to find location run this python script:

import sys

Then you can create your custom python build:

"cmd": ["C:\\Users\\Sashi\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe", "-u", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]File \"(...?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python"}

You can change the location, In my case it is C:\Users\Sashi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe

Then save your new build. Don't change the file extension while saving.

Change GitHub Account username

Yes, this is an old question. But it's misleading, as this was the first result in my search, and both the answers aren't correct anymore.

You can change your Github account name at any time.

To do this, click your profile picture > Settings > Account Settings > Change Username.

Links to your repositories will redirect to the new URLs, but they should be updated on other sites because someone who chooses your abandoned username can override the links. Links to your profile page will be 404'd.

For more information, see the official help page.

And furthermore, if you want to change your username to something else, but that specific username is being taken up by someone else who has been completely inactive for the entire time their account has existed, you can report their account for name squatting.

Apache is downloading php files instead of displaying them

I got this kind of problem. This is how I solve it. After installed Apache then I installed PHP using this command.

sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php

it executes correctly but I request .php file from Apache, it gives without executing the PHP script.

Then I check PHP is enabled.

$ cd /etc/apache2
$ ls -l mods-*/*php*

but it didn't show any results. I check installed PHP packages.

$ dpkg -l | grep php| awk '{print $2}' |tr "\n" " "

Different type of PHP versions installed to my computer. Then I remove some PHP packages from my previous list, using apt-get purge.

sudo apt-get purge libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0 php7.0-cli php7.0-common php7.0-json

I reinstall PHP

sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql

Verify that the PHP module is loaded

$ a2query -m php7.0

if not enabled with:

$ sudo a2enmod php7.0

Restart Apache server

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

Finally, I check PHP process on Apache

create an empty file

sudo vim /var/www/html/info.php

Add this content to info.php & save.


Check on browser:


it shows correctly.I think this will help anyone.

Maven:Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources



Was getting the following exception:

Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Mark invalid
    at org.apache.maven.plugin.resources.ResourcesMojo.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
    ... 25 more
Caused by: org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.MavenFilteringException: Mark invalid
    at org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.DefaultMavenFileFilter.copyFile(
    at org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.DefaultMavenResourcesFiltering.filterResources(
    at org.apache.maven.plugin.resources.ResourcesMojo.execute(
    ... 27 more
Caused by: Mark invalid
    at org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.DefaultMavenFileFilter.copyFile(
    ... 29 more

Then it is gone after adding maven-filtering 1.3:


Something like 'contains any' for Java set?

There's a bit rough method to do that. If and only if the A set contains some B's element than the call


will modify the A set. In this situation removeAll will return true (As stated at removeAll docs). But probably you don't want to modify the A set so you may think to act on a copy, like this way:

new HashSet(A).removeAll(B)

and the returning value will be true if the sets are not distinct, that is they have non-empty intersection.

Also see Apache Commons Collections

how to get javaScript event source element?

You should change the generated HTML to not use inline javascript, and use addEventListener instead.

If you can not in any way change the HTML, you could get the onclick attributes, the functions and arguments used, and "convert" it to unobtrusive javascript instead by removing the onclick handlers, and using event listeners.

We'd start by getting the values from the attributes

$('button').each(function(i, el) {_x000D_
    var funcs = [];_x000D_
 $(el).attr('onclick').split(';').map(function(item) {_x000D_
     var fn     = item.split('(').shift(),_x000D_
         params = item.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/), _x000D_
        if (params && params.length) {_x000D_
         args = params[1].split(',');_x000D_
            if (args && args.length) {_x000D_
                args = {_x000D_
              return par.trim().replace(/('")/g,"");_x000D_
        funcs.push([fn, args||[]]);_x000D_
    $(el).data('args', funcs); // store in jQuery's $.data_x000D_
    console.log( $(el).data('args') );_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button onclick="doSomething('param')" id="id_button1">action1</button>_x000D_
<button onclick="doAnotherSomething('param1', 'param2')" id="id_button1">action2</button>._x000D_
<button onclick="doDifferentThing()" id="id_button3">action3</button>

That gives us an array of all and any global methods called by the onclick attribute, and the arguments passed, so we can replicate it.

Then we'd just remove all the inline javascript handlers


and attach our own handlers

$('button').on('click', function() {...}

Inside those handlers we'd get the stored original function calls and their arguments, and call them.
As we know any function called by inline javascript are global, we can call them with window[functionName].apply(this-value, argumentsArray), so

$('button').on('click', function() {
    var element = this;
    $.each(($(this).data('args') || []), function(_,fn) {
        if (fn[0] in window) window[fn[0]].apply(element, fn[1]);

And inside that click handler we can add anything we want before or after the original functions are called.

A working example

$('button').each(function(i, el) {_x000D_
    var funcs = [];_x000D_
 $(el).attr('onclick').split(';').map(function(item) {_x000D_
     var fn     = item.split('(').shift(),_x000D_
         params = item.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/), _x000D_
        if (params && params.length) {_x000D_
         args = params[1].split(',');_x000D_
            if (args && args.length) {_x000D_
                args = {_x000D_
              return par.trim().replace(/('")/g,"");_x000D_
        funcs.push([fn, args||[]]);_x000D_
    $(el).data('args', funcs);_x000D_
}).removeAttr('onclick').on('click', function() {_x000D_
 console.log('click handler for : ' +;_x000D_
 var element = this;_x000D_
 $.each(($(this).data('args') || []), function(_,fn) {_x000D_
     if (fn[0] in window) window[fn[0]].apply(element, fn[1]);_x000D_
    console.log('after function call --------');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button onclick="doSomething('param');" id="id_button1">action1</button>_x000D_
<button onclick="doAnotherSomething('param1', 'param2')" id="id_button2">action2</button>._x000D_
<button onclick="doDifferentThing()" id="id_button3">action3</button>_x000D_
 function doSomething(arg) { console.log('doSomething', arg) }_x000D_
    function doAnotherSomething(arg1, arg2) { console.log('doAnotherSomething', arg1, arg2) }_x000D_
    function doDifferentThing() { console.log('doDifferentThing','no arguments') }_x000D_

Create a zip file and download it

// http headers for zip downloads
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize($filepath.$filename));

I found this soludtion here and it work for me

Difference between DOM parentNode and parentElement

Use .parentElement and you can't go wrong as long as you aren't using document fragments.

If you use document fragments, then you need .parentNode:

let div = document.createDocumentFragment().appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
div.parentElement // null
div.parentNode // document fragment


let div = document.getElementById('t').content.firstChild_x000D_
div.parentElement // null_x000D_
div.parentNode // document fragment
<template id="t"><div></div></template>

Apparently the <html>'s .parentNode links to the Document. This should be considered a decision phail as documents aren't nodes since nodes are defined to be containable by documents and documents can't be contained by documents.

Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20

Look for the hidden .android folder in your user home folder. You might rename or delete this folder, recreate your AVD, and restart the emulator. It could be there is a .ini file in that folder that has that setting munged.

What is the best way to manage a user's session in React?

There is a React module called react-client-session that makes storing client side session data very easy. The git repo is here.

This is implemented in a similar way as the closure approach in my other answer, however it also supports persistence using 3 different persistence stores. The default store is memory(not persistent).

  1. Cookie
  2. localStorage
  3. sessionStorage

After installing, just set the desired store type where you mount the root component ...

import ReactSession from 'react-client-session';


... and set/get key value pairs from anywhere in your app:

import ReactSession from 'react-client-session';

ReactSession.set("username", "Bob");
ReactSession.get("username");  // Returns "Bob"

Copy Image from Remote Server Over HTTP

It's extremely simple using file_get_contents. Just provide the url as the first parameter.

Set variable in jinja

{{ }} tells the template to print the value, this won't work in expressions like you're trying to do. Instead, use the {% set %} template tag and then assign the value the same way you would in normal python code.

{% set testing = 'it worked' %}
{% set another = testing %}
{{ another }}


it worked

Jupyter Notebook not saving: '_xsrf' argument missing from post

The most voted answer doesn't seem to work when using Jupyter Lab. This one does, however. Just copy the url into a new tab, replace 'lab' with 'tree' and hit enter to load the page. It will generate a new csrf token for your session and you're good to go!

I would suggest enabling Settings > Autosave Documents by default to avoid worrying about losing work in future. It saves very regularly so everything should be up to date before any timeouts happen anyway.

I did not need to open a new notebook. Instead, I reopened the tree, and reconnected the kernel. At some point I also restarted the kernel. – user650654 Oct 9 '19 at 0:17

Submit Button Image

<input type="image" src="path to image" name="submit" />


For button states, you can use type="submit" and then add a class to it

<input type="submit" name="submit" class="states" />

Then in css, use background images for:

background-image:url(path to url);



How to clone all remote branches in Git?

Looking at one of answers to the question I noticed that it's possible to shorten it:

for branch in  `git branch -r | grep -v 'HEAD\|master'`; do  
 git branch --track ${branch##*/} $branch;

But beware, if one of remote branches is named as e.g. admin_master it won't get downloaded!

Thanks to bigfish for original idea

Can (domain name) subdomains have an underscore "_" in it?

Just created local project (with vagrant) and it was working perfectly when accessed over ip address. Then I added some_name.test to hosts file and tried accessing it that way, but I was getting "bad request - 400" all the time. Wasted hours until I figured out that just changing domain name to some-name.test solves the problem. So at least locally on Mac OS it's not working.

How to merge multiple dicts with same key or different key?

This function merges two dicts even if the keys in the two dictionaries are different:

def combine_dict(d1, d2):
    combined = {}
    for k in set(d1.keys()) | set(d2.keys()):
        combined[k] = tuple(d[k] for d in [d1, d2] if k in d)
    return combined


d1 = {
    'a': 1,
    'b': 2,
d2` = {
    'b': 'boat',
    'c': 'car',
combine_dict(d1, d2)
# Returns: {
#    'a': (1,),
#    'b': (2, 'boat'),
#    'c': ('car',)
# }

inline if statement java, why is not working

This should be (condition)? True statement : False statement

Leave out the "if"

React : difference between <Route exact path="/" /> and <Route path="/" />

Please try this.

            <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
            <Route path="/news" component={NewsFeed} />


Predefined type 'System.ValueTuple´2´ is not defined or imported

It's part of the .NET Framework 4.7.

As long as you don't target the above framework or higher (or .NET Core 2.0 / .NET Standard 2.0), you'll need to reference ValueTuple. Do this by adding the System.ValueTuple NuGet Package

What's the best way to send a signal to all members of a process group?

Kill The Group Using Only Name of Process Which Belongs to Group:

kill -- -$(ps -ae o pid,pgrp,cmd | grep "[e]" | awk '{print $2}' | tail -1)

This is a modification of olibre's answer but you don't need to know the PID, just the name of a member of the group.


To get the group id you do the ps command using the arguments as shown, grep it for your command, but formatting with quotes and using the bracket for the first letter (this filters out the grep command itself) then filter it through awk to get the second field which is the group id. The tail -1 gets rid of duplicate group ids. You put all of that in a variable using the $() syntax and voila – you get the group id. So you substitute that $(mess) for that -groupid above.

Javascript date regex DD/MM/YYYY

A regex is good for matching the general format but I think you should move parsing to the Date class, e.g.:

function parseDate(str) {
  var m = str.match(/^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})$/);
  return (m) ? new Date(m[3], m[2]-1, m[1]) : null;

Now you can use this function to check for valid dates; however, if you need to actually validate without rolling (e.g. "31/2/2010" doesn't automatically roll to "3/3/2010") then you've got another problem.

[Edit] If you also want to validate without rolling then you could add a check to compare against the original string to make sure it is the same date:

function parseDate(str) {
  var m = str.match(/^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})$/)
    , d = (m) ? new Date(m[3], m[2]-1, m[1]) : null
    , nonRolling = (d&&(str==[d.getDate(),d.getMonth()+1,d.getFullYear()].join('/')));
  return (nonRolling) ? d : null;

[Edit2] If you want to match against zero-padded dates (e.g. "08/08/2013") then you could do something like this:

function parseDate(str) {
  function pad(x){return (((''+x).length==2) ? '' : '0') + x; }
  var m = str.match(/^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})$/)
    , d = (m) ? new Date(m[3], m[2]-1, m[1]) : null
    , matchesPadded = (d&&(str==[pad(d.getDate()),pad(d.getMonth()+1),d.getFullYear()].join('/')))
    , matchesNonPadded = (d&&(str==[d.getDate(),d.getMonth()+1,d.getFullYear()].join('/')));
  return (matchesPadded || matchesNonPadded) ? d : null;

However, it will still fail for inconsistently padded dates (e.g. "8/08/2013").

Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView

private Parcelable state;
public void onPause() {
    state = mAlbumListView.onSaveInstanceState();

public void onResume() {

    if (getAdapter() != null) {
        if (state != null){

That's enough

What are the true benefits of ExpandoObject?

One advantage is for binding scenarios. Data grids and property grids will pick up the dynamic properties via the TypeDescriptor system. In addition, WPF data binding will understand dynamic properties, so WPF controls can bind to an ExpandoObject more readily than a dictionary.

Interoperability with dynamic languages, which will be expecting DLR properties rather than dictionary entries, may also be a consideration in some scenarios.

Checking if a string array contains a value, and if so, getting its position

string[] strArray = { "text1", "text2", "text3", "text4" };
string value = "text3";

if(Array.contains(strArray , value))
    // Do something if the value is available in Array.

Package signatures do not match the previously installed version

Only 1 emulator or device may be open at a time. Make sure you don't have multiple emulators running.

How to drop SQL default constraint without knowing its name?

Expanded solution (takes table schema into account):

-- Drop default contstraint for SchemaName.TableName.ColumnName
DECLARE @schema_name NVARCHAR(256)
DECLARE @table_name NVARCHAR(256)
DECLARE @col_name NVARCHAR(256)
DECLARE @Command  NVARCHAR(1000)

set @schema_name = N'SchemaName'
set @table_name = N'TableName'
set @col_name = N'ColumnName'

SELECT @Command = 'ALTER TABLE [' + @schema_name + '].[' + @table_name + '] DROP CONSTRAINT ' +
 FROM sys.tables t   
  JOIN sys.default_constraints d       
   ON d.parent_object_id = t.object_id  
  JOIN sys.schemas s
        ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id
  JOIN    sys.columns c      
   ON c.object_id = t.object_id      
    AND c.column_id = d.parent_column_id
 WHERE = @table_name
    AND = @schema_name 
  AND = @col_name

EXECUTE (@Command)

How to comment a block in Eclipse?

Eclipse Oxygen with CDT, PyDev:

Block comments under Source menu

Add Comment Block Ctrl + 4

Add Single Comment Block Ctrl+Shift+4

Remove Comment Block Ctrl + 5

jQuery: Clearing Form Inputs

Took some searching and reading to find a method that suited my situation, on form submit, run ajax to a remote php script, on success/failure inform user, on complete clear the form.

I had some default values, all other methods involved .val('') thereby not resetting but clearing the form.

I got this too work by adding a reset button to the form, which had an id of myform:

$("#myform > input[type=reset]").trigger('click');

This for me had the correct outcome on resetting the form, oh and dont forget the


to stop the form submitting in browser, like I did :).



random number generator between 0 - 1000 in c#

Use this:

static int RandomNumber(int min, int max)
    Random random = new Random(); return random.Next(min, max);


This is example for you to modify and use in your application.

Can table columns with a Foreign Key be NULL?

I found that when inserting, the null column values had to be specifically declared as NULL, otherwise I would get a constraint violation error (as opposed to an empty string).

How to check for the type of a template parameter?

Use is_same:

#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
void foo()
    if (std::is_same<T, animal>::value) { /* ... */ }  // optimizable...

Usually, that's a totally unworkable design, though, and you really want to specialize:

template <typename T> void foo() { /* generic implementation  */ }

template <> void foo<animal>()   { /* specific for T = animal */ }

Note also that it's unusual to have function templates with explicit (non-deduced) arguments. It's not unheard of, but often there are better approaches.

Pip error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required

On Windows, I strongly recommand installing latest Visual Stuido Community, it's free, you will maybe miss some build tools if you only install vc_redist, so you can easily install package by pip instead of wheel, it save lot of time

How to find time complexity of an algorithm

I know this question goes a way back and there are some excellent answers here, nonetheless I wanted to share another bit for the mathematically-minded people that will stumble in this post. The Master theorem is another usefull thing to know when studying complexity. I didn't see it mentioned in the other answers.

How to display PDF file in HTML?

Portable Document Format (PDF).

  • Any Browser « Use _Embeddable Google Document Viewer to embed the PDF file in iframe.

    <iframe src="
        style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0">
  • Only for chrome browser « Chrome PDF viewer using plugin. pluginspage=

    <embed type="application/pdf" 
    width="100%" height="500" alt="pdf" pluginspage="" 
    background-color="0xFF525659" top-toolbar-height="56" full-frame="" internalinstanceid="21" 

Example Sippet:

   <body style=" height: 100%;">_x000D_
      <div style=" position: relative;">_x000D_
      <div style="width: 100%; /*overflow: auto;*/ position: relative;height: auto; margin-top: 70px;">_x000D_
         <p>An _x000D_
            <a href="" >image</a> is an artifact that depicts visual perception_x000D_
         <!-- To make div with scroll data [max-height: 500;]-->_x000D_
         <div style="/* overflow: scroll; */ max-height: 500; float: left; width: 49%; height: 100%; ">_x000D_
            <img width="" height="400" src="" title="Google" style="-webkit-user-select: none;background-position: 0px 0px, 10px 10px;background-size: 20px 20px;background-image:linear-gradient(45deg, #eee 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, #eee 75%, #eee 100%),linear-gradient(45deg, #eee 25%, white 25%, white 75%, #eee 75%, #eee 100%);cursor: zoom-in;" />_x000D_
            <p>Streaming an Image form Response Stream (binary data) «  This buffers the output in smaller chunks of data rather than sending the entire image as a single block. _x000D_
               <a href="" >StreamToBrowser</a>_x000D_
         <div style="float: left; width: 10%; background-color: red;"></div>_x000D_
         <div style="float: left;width: 49%; ">_x000D_
            <img width="" height="400" src="" alt="Red dot"/>_x000D_
            <p>Streaming an Image form Base64 String « embedding images directly into your HTML._x000D_
               <a href="">_x000D_
               <sup>Data URI scheme</sup>_x000D_
               <a href="">_x000D_
               <sup>, Convert Your Image to Base64</sup>_x000D_
            <pre>data:[&lt;media type&gt;][;base64],&lt;data&gt;</pre>_x000D_
      <div style="width: 100%;overflow: auto;position: relative;height: auto; margin-top: 70px;">_x000D_
      <video style="height: 500px;width: 100%;" name="media" controls="controls">_x000D_
         <!-- autoplay -->_x000D_
         <source src="" type="video/mp4">_x000D_
         <source src="" type="video/ogg">_x000D_
      <p>Video courtesy of _x000D_
         <a href="" >Big Buck Bunny</a>._x000D_
         <div style="width: 100%;overflow: auto;position: relative;height: auto; margin-top: 70px;">_x000D_
            <p>Portable Document Format _x000D_
               <a href="" >(PDF)</a>._x000D_
            <div style="float: left;width: 49%; overflow: auto;position: relative;height: auto;">_x000D_
               <embed type="application/pdf" src="" width="100%" height="500" alt="pdf" pluginspage="" background-color="0xFF525659" top-toolbar-height="56" full-frame="" internalinstanceid="21" title="CHROME">_x000D_
               <p>Chrome PDF viewer _x000D_
                  <a href="!topic/chrome/MP_1qzVgemo">_x000D_
                  <a href="">_x000D_
                  <sup> (surfingkeys)</sup>_x000D_
            <div style="float: left; width: 10%; background-color: red;"></div>_x000D_
            <div style="float: left;width: 49%; ">_x000D_
               <iframe src="" style="" width="100%" height="500px" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen=""></iframe>_x000D_
               <p>Embeddable _x000D_
                  <a href="" >Google</a> Document Viewer. Here's the code I used to embed the PDF file: _x000D_
&lt;iframe _x000D_
url=" _x000D_
style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;_x000D_

Java: is there a map function?

There is no notion of a function in the JDK as of java 6.

Guava has a Function interface though and the
Collections2.transform(Collection<E>, Function<E,E2>)
method provides the functionality you require.


// example, converts a collection of integers to their
// hexadecimal string representations
final Collection<Integer> input = Arrays.asList(10, 20, 30, 40, 50);
final Collection<String> output =
    Collections2.transform(input, new Function<Integer, String>(){

        public String apply(final Integer input){
            return Integer.toHexString(input.intValue());


[a, 14, 1e, 28, 32]

These days, with Java 8, there is actually a map function, so I'd probably write the code in a more concise way:

Collection<String> hex =

Custom edit view in UITableViewCell while swipe left. Objective-C or Swift

- (UISwipeActionsConfiguration *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    UIContextualAction *delete = [UIContextualAction contextualActionWithStyle:UIContextualActionStyleNormal title:nil handler:^(UIContextualAction * _Nonnull action, __kindof UIView * _Nonnull sourceView, void (^ _Nonnull completionHandler)(BOOL)) {
        // your code...
    delete.image  = [UIImage systemImageNamed:@"trash"];
    UISwipeActionsConfiguration *actions = [UISwipeActionsConfiguration configurationWithActions:[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:delete, nil]];
    return actions;

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

This error is coming only for your PHP version v7.0. you can avoid these using PHP v5.0 else

use it


i made only mysqli from mysql

What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

Mindprod points out that this is not a straightforward question to answer:

A JVM is free to store data any way it pleases internally, big or little endian, with any amount of padding or overhead, though primitives must behave as if they had the official sizes.
For example, the JVM or native compiler might decide to store a boolean[] in 64-bit long chunks like a BitSet. It does not have to tell you, so long as the program gives the same answers.

  • It might allocate some temporary Objects on the stack.
  • It may optimize some variables or method calls totally out of existence replacing them with constants.
  • It might version methods or loops, i.e. compile two versions of a method, each optimized for a certain situation, then decide up front which one to call.

Then of course the hardware and OS have multilayer caches, on chip-cache, SRAM cache, DRAM cache, ordinary RAM working set and backing store on disk. Your data may be duplicated at every cache level. All this complexity means you can only very roughly predict RAM consumption.

Measurement methods

You can use Instrumentation.getObjectSize() to obtain an estimate of the storage consumed by an object.

To visualize the actual object layout, footprint, and references, you can use the JOL (Java Object Layout) tool.

Object headers and Object references

In a modern 64-bit JDK, an object has a 12-byte header, padded to a multiple of 8 bytes, so the minimum object size is 16 bytes. For 32-bit JVMs, the overhead is 8 bytes, padded to a multiple of 4 bytes. (From Dmitry Spikhalskiy's answer, Jayen's answer, and JavaWorld.)

Typically, references are 4 bytes on 32bit platforms or on 64bit platforms up to -Xmx32G; and 8 bytes above 32Gb (-Xmx32G). (See compressed object references.)

As a result, a 64-bit JVM would typically require 30-50% more heap space. (Should I use a 32- or a 64-bit JVM?, 2012, JDK 1.7)

Boxed types, arrays, and strings

Boxed wrappers have overhead compared to primitive types (from JavaWorld):

  • Integer: The 16-byte result is a little worse than I expected because an int value can fit into just 4 extra bytes. Using an Integer costs me a 300 percent memory overhead compared to when I can store the value as a primitive type

  • Long: 16 bytes also: Clearly, actual object size on the heap is subject to low-level memory alignment done by a particular JVM implementation for a particular CPU type. It looks like a Long is 8 bytes of Object overhead, plus 8 bytes more for the actual long value. In contrast, Integer had an unused 4-byte hole, most likely because the JVM I use forces object alignment on an 8-byte word boundary.

Other containers are costly too:

  • Multidimensional arrays: it offers another surprise.
    Developers commonly employ constructs like int[dim1][dim2] in numerical and scientific computing.

    In an int[dim1][dim2] array instance, every nested int[dim2] array is an Object in its own right. Each adds the usual 16-byte array overhead. When I don't need a triangular or ragged array, that represents pure overhead. The impact grows when array dimensions greatly differ.

    For example, a int[128][2] instance takes 3,600 bytes. Compared to the 1,040 bytes an int[256] instance uses (which has the same capacity), 3,600 bytes represent a 246 percent overhead. In the extreme case of byte[256][1], the overhead factor is almost 19! Compare that to the C/C++ situation in which the same syntax does not add any storage overhead.

  • String: a String's memory growth tracks its internal char array's growth. However, the String class adds another 24 bytes of overhead.

    For a nonempty String of size 10 characters or less, the added overhead cost relative to useful payload (2 bytes for each char plus 4 bytes for the length), ranges from 100 to 400 percent.


Consider this example object:

class X {                      // 8 bytes for reference to the class definition
   int a;                      // 4 bytes
   byte b;                     // 1 byte
   Integer c = new Integer();  // 4 bytes for a reference

A naïve sum would suggest that an instance of X would use 17 bytes. However, due to alignment (also called padding), the JVM allocates the memory in multiples of 8 bytes, so instead of 17 bytes it would allocate 24 bytes.

HTTP 1.0 vs 1.1

One of the first differences that I can recall from top of my head are multiple domains running in the same server, partial resource retrieval, this allows you to retrieve and speed up the download of a resource (it's what almost every download accelerator does).

If you want to develop an application like a website or similar, you don't need to worry too much about the differences but you should know the difference between GET and POST verbs at least.

Now if you want to develop a browser then yes, you will have to know the complete protocol as well as if you are trying to develop a HTTP server.

If you are only interested in knowing the HTTP protocol I would recommend you starting with HTTP/1.1 instead of 1.0.

Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline

i was looking for the same and found the answer,

solution is to use the styled map, on below link you can create your custom styles through wizard and test is at the same time google map style wizard

you can check all available options : here

here is my sample code which creates boundary for states and hide all the road and there labels.

    var styles = [
    "featureType": "administrative.province",
    "elementType": "geometry.stroke",
    "stylers": [
      { "visibility": "on" },
      { "weight": 2.5 },
      { "color": "#24b0e2" }
    "featureType": "road",
    "elementType": "geometry",
    "stylers": [
      { "visibility": "off" }
    "featureType": "administrative.locality",
    "stylers": [
      { "visibility": "off" }
    "featureType": "road",
    "elementType": "labels",
    "stylers": [
      { "visibility": "off" }

  var  geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
       'address': "rajasthan"
   }, (results, status)=> {
     var mapOpts = {
       mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
       scaleControl: true,
       scrollwheel: false,
       center: results[0].geometry.location,
     map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOpts);

Find the smallest positive integer that does not occur in a given sequence

You're doing too much. You've create a TreeSet which is an order set of integers, then you've tried to turn that back into an array. Instead go through the list, and skip all negative values, then once you find positive values start counting the index. If the index is greater than the number, then the set has skipped a positive value.

int index = 1;
for(int a: set){
            return index;
        } else{
return index;

Updated for negative values.

A different solution that is O(n) would be to use an array. This is like the hash solution.

int N = A.length;
int[] hashed = new int[N];

for( int i: A){
    if(i>0 && i<=N){
        hashed[i-1] = 1;

for(int i = 0; i<N; i++){
        return i+1;
return N+1;

This could be further optimized counting down the upper limit for the second loop.

Eclipse No tests found using JUnit 5 caused by NoClassDefFoundError for LauncherFactory

I am using eclipse 2019-09.

I had to update the junit-bom version to at least 5.4.0. I previously had 5.3.1 and that caused the same symptoms of the OP.

My config is now:


Is there a way to access an iteration-counter in Java's for-each loop?

One of the changes Sun is considering for Java7 is to provide access to the inner Iterator in foreach loops. the syntax will be something like this (if this is accepted):

for (String str : list : it) {
  if (str.length() > 100) {

This is syntactic sugar, but apparently a lot of requests were made for this feature. But until it is approved, you'll have to count the iterations yourself, or use a regular for loop with an Iterator.

Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server

if you want to install a PHP version < 5.3.0, you must replace




in your ./configure statement, excerpt from the doc:


If this is enabled, the CGI module will be built with support for FastCGI also. Available since PHP 4.3.0

As of PHP 5.3.0 this argument no longer exists and is enabled by --enable-cgi instead. After the compilation the ./php-cgi -v should look like this:

PHP 5.2.17 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Jul  9 2013 18:28:12)
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies

NOTICE THE (cgi-fcgi)

How to replace space with comma using sed?

I know it's not exactly what you're asking, but, for replacing a comma with a newline, this works great:

tr , '\n' < file

How do I access ViewBag from JS

ViewBag is server side code.
Javascript is client side code.

You can't really connect them.

You can do something like this:

var x = $('#' + '@(ViewBag.CC)').val();

But it will get parsed on the server, so you didn't really connect them.

Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS5.1'

It means you haven't assigned a provisioning profile to the configuration.

Usually it's because "Any iOS SDK" must have a profile and cannot be set to "Don't sign".

All this and more is answered in the TN2250 Tech Note about Code Signing and Troubleshooting.

Freely convert between List<T> and IEnumerable<T>

List<string> myList = new List<string>();
IEnumerable<string> myEnumerable = myList;
List<string> listAgain = myEnumerable.ToList();

OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application

All above solution are logical and I think covers the root cause, but for me, none of the above worked. Hence putting it here as may be helpful for others.

My environment was messed up. As you can see from the traceback, there are two python environments involved here:

  1. C:\Users\example\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37
  2. C:\Users\example\Anaconda3

I cleaned up the path and just deleted all the files from C:\Users\example\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37.

Then it worked like the charm.

I hope others may find this helpful.

This link helped me to found the solution.

How do I add one month to current date in Java?

In order to find the day after one month, it is necessary to look at what day of the month it is today.

So if the day is first day of month run following code

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

    Calendar calFebruary = Calendar.getInstance();
    calFebruary.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.FEBRUARY);

    if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 1) {// if first day of month
    calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
    calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, calendar.getActualMinimum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
    Date nextMonthFirstDay = calendar.getTime();


if the day is last day of month, run following codes.

    else if ((calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))) {// if last day of month
    calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
    calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
    Date nextMonthLastDay = calendar.getTime();

if the day is in february run following code

    else if (calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.JANUARY
            && calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) > calFebruary.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) {// control of february

    calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
    calendar.set(Calendar.DATE, calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
    Date nextMonthLastDay = calendar.getTime();


the following codes are used for other cases.

    else { // any day
    calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, calendar.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
    Date theNextDate = calendar.getTime();

Is there a way to make AngularJS load partials in the beginning and not at when needed?

I just use eco to do the job for me. eco is supported by Sprockets by default. It's a shorthand for Embedded Coffeescript which takes a eco file and compile into a Javascript template file, and the file will be treated like any other js files you have in your assets folder.

All you need to do is to create a template with extension and write some html code in there, and rails will automatically compile and serve the file with the assets pipeline, and the way to access the template is really easy: JST['path/to/file']({var: value}); where path/to/file is based on the logical path, so if you have file in /assets/javascript/path/, you can access the template at JST['path/file']()

To make it work with angularjs, you can pass it into the template attribute instead of templateDir, and it will start working magically!

XAMPP - Apache could not start - Attempting to start Apache service

Starting Xampp as a console application (simply by doubleclicking xampp_start.exe in the Xampp root folder) was the only thing that worked for me on Windows 10 (no Skype, no Word Wide Web Publishing Service). WampServer and UwAmp also didn't work.

Object of custom type as dictionary key

You override __hash__ if you want special hash-semantics, and __cmp__ or __eq__ in order to make your class usable as a key. Objects who compare equal need to have the same hash value.

Python expects __hash__ to return an integer, returning Banana() is not recommended :)

User defined classes have __hash__ by default that calls id(self), as you noted.

There is some extra tips from the documentation.:

Classes which inherit a __hash__() method from a parent class but change the meaning of __cmp__() or __eq__() such that the hash value returned is no longer appropriate (e.g. by switching to a value-based concept of equality instead of the default identity based equality) can explicitly flag themselves as being unhashable by setting __hash__ = None in the class definition. Doing so means that not only will instances of the class raise an appropriate TypeError when a program attempts to retrieve their hash value, but they will also be correctly identified as unhashable when checking isinstance(obj, collections.Hashable) (unlike classes which define their own __hash__() to explicitly raise TypeError).

How to Clear Console in Java?

Use the following code:


'\f' is an escape sequence which represents FormFeed. This is what I have used in my projects to clear the console. This is simpler than the other codes, I guess.

Convert data.frame column to a vector?

You do not need as.vector(), but you do need correct indexing: avector <- aframe[ , "a2"]

The one other thing to be aware of is the drop=FALSE option to [:

R> aframe <- data.frame(a1=c1:5, a2=6:10, a3=11:15)
R> aframe
  a1 a2 a3
1  1  6 11
2  2  7 12
3  3  8 13
4  4  9 14
5  5 10 15
R> avector <- aframe[, "a2"]
R> avector
[1]  6  7  8  9 10
R> avector <- aframe[, "a2", drop=FALSE]
R> avector
1  6
2  7
3  8
4  9
5 10

How to compare strings in C conditional preprocessor-directives

The following worked for me with clang. Allows what appears as symbolic macro value comparison. #error xxx is just to see what compiler really does. Replacing cat definition with #define cat(a,b) a ## b breaks things.

#define cat(a,...) cat_impl(a, __VA_ARGS__)
#define cat_impl(a,...) a ## __VA_ARGS__

#define xUSER_jack 0
#define xUSER_queen 1
#define USER_VAL cat(xUSER_,USER)

#define USER jack // jack or queen

#if USER_VAL==xUSER_jack
  #error USER=jack
  #define USER_VS "queen"
#elif USER_VAL==xUSER_queen
  #error USER=queen
  #define USER_VS "jack"

What is the difference between Builder Design pattern and Factory Design pattern?

Builder and Abstract Factory

The Builder design pattern is very similar, at some extent, to the Abstract Factory pattern. That's why it is important to be able to make the difference between the situations when one or the other is used. In the case of the Abstract Factory, the client uses the factory's methods to create its own objects. In the Builder's case, the Builder class is instructed on how to create the object and then it is asked for it, but the way that the class is put together is up to the Builder class, this detail making the difference between the two patterns.

Common interface for products

In practice the products created by the concrete builders have a structure significantly different, so if there is not a reason to derive different products a common parent class. This also distinguishes the Builder pattern from the Abstract Factory pattern which creates objects derived from a common type.


How to get all count of mongoose model?

Background for the solution

As stated in the mongoose documentation and in the answer by Benjamin, the method Model.count() is deprecated. Instead of using count(), the alternatives are the following:

Model.countDocuments(filterObject, callback)

Counts how many documents match the filter in a collection. Passing an empty object {} as filter executes a full collection scan. If the collection is large, the following method might be used.


This model method estimates the number of documents in the MongoDB collection. This method is faster than the previous countDocuments(), because it uses collection metadata instead of going through the entire collection. However, as the method name suggests, and depending on db configuration, the result is an estimate as the metadata might not reflect the actual count of documents in a collection at the method execution moment.

Both methods return a mongoose query object, which can be executed in one of the following two ways. Use .exec() if you want to execute a query at a later time.

The solution

Option 1: Pass a callback function

For example, count all documents in a collection using .countDocuments():

someModel.countDocuments({}, function(err, docCount) {
    if (err) { return handleError(err) } //handle possible errors
    //and do some other fancy stuff

Or, count all documents in a collection having a certain name using .countDocuments():

someModel.countDocuments({ name: 'Snow' }, function(err, docCount) {
    //see other example

Option 2: Use .then()

A mongoose query has .then() so it’s “thenable”. This is for a convenience and query itself is not a promise.

For example, count all documents in a collection using .estimatedDocumentCount():

    .then(docCount => {
        //and do one super neat trick
    .catch(err => {
        //handle possible errors

Option 3: Use async/await

When using async/await approach, the recommended way is to use it with .exec() as it provides better stack traces.

const docCount = await someModel.countDocuments({}).exec();

Learning by stackoverflowing,

How to view file history in Git?

My favorite is git log -p <filename>, which will give you a history of all the commits of the given file as well as the diffs for each commit.

Nginx - Customizing 404 page

Be careful with the syntax! Great Turtle used them interchangeably, but:

error_page 404 = /404.html;

Will return the 404.html page with a status code of 200 (because = has relayed that to this page)

error_page 404 /404.html;

Will return the 404.html page with a (the original) 404 error code.

Making a list of evenly spaced numbers in a certain range in python

Similar to Howard's answer but a bit more efficient:

def my_func(low, up, leng):
    step = ((up-low) * 1.0 / leng)
    return [low+i*step for i in xrange(leng)]

Make header and footer files to be included in multiple html pages

I've been working in C#/Razor and since I don't have IIS setup on my home laptop I looked for a javascript solution to load in views while creating static markup for our project.

I stumbled upon a website explaining methods of "ditching jquery," it demonstrates a method on the site does exactly what you're after in plain Jane javascript (reference link at the bottom of post). Be sure to investigate any security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues if you intend to use this in production. I am not, so I never looked into it myself.

JS Function

var getURL = function (url, success, error) {
    if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return;
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    request.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (request.readyState === 4) {
            if (request.status !== 200) {
                if (error && typeof error === 'function') {
                    error(request.responseText, request);
            if (success && typeof success === 'function') {
                success(request.responseText, request);
    };'GET', url);

Get the content

    function (data) {
        var el = document.createElement(el);
        el.innerHTML = data;
        var fetch = el.querySelector('#new-header');
        var embed = document.querySelector('#header');
        if (!fetch || !embed) return;
        embed.innerHTML = fetch.innerHTML;



<!-- This element will be replaced with #new-header -->
<div id="header"></div>


<!-- This element will replace #header -->
<header id="new-header"></header>

The source is not my own, I'm merely referencing it as it's a good vanilla javascript solution to the OP. Original code lives here:

Utilizing multi core for tar+gzip/bzip compression/decompression

You can also use the tar flag "--use-compress-program=" to tell tar what compression program to use.

For example use:

tar -c --use-compress-program=pigz -f tar.file dir_to_zip 

Setting attribute disabled on a SPAN element does not prevent click events

The disabled attribute is not global and is only allowed on form controls. What you could do is set a custom data attribute (perhaps data-disabled) and check for that attribute when you handle the click event.

Finding local maxima/minima with Numpy in a 1D numpy array

import numpy as np
minm = np.array([])
maxm = np.array([])
i = 0
while i < length-1:
    if i < length - 1:
        while i < length-1 and y[i+1] >= y[i]:

        if i != 0 and i < length-1:
            maxm = np.append(maxm,i)


    if i < length - 1:
        while i < length-1 and y[i+1] <= y[i]:

        if i < length-1:
            minm = np.append(minm,i)

print minm
print maxm

minm and maxm contain indices of minima and maxima, respectively. For a huge data set, it will give lots of maximas/minimas so in that case smooth the curve first and then apply this algorithm.

Cookie blocked/not saved in IFRAME in Internet Explorer

This finally worked for me (after a lot of hastle and generating some policies using IBMs policy generator). You can downlod the policy generator here:

I was not able to download the generator from the official IBM website any more.

I created these files in the root folder of my Web-App

/w3c/policy.html (Human readable format)
  1. Index.php: Just send an additional header:
header('P3P: policyref="/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="ALL DSP NID CURa ADMa DEVa HISa OTPa OUR NOR NAV DEM"');
  1. Content of p3p.xml
        <POLICY-REF about="/w3c/policy.p3p#App">
  1. Content of my policy.html file

<STYLE type="text/css">_x000D_
title { color: #3333FF}_x000D_
<title>Privacy Statement for YOUR COMPANY NAME</title>_x000D_
<h1 class="title">Privacy Policy</h1>_x000D_
<!-- "About Us" section of privacy policy -->_x000D_
<h2>About Us</h2>_x000D_
<p>This is a privacy policy for YOUR COMPANY NAME._x000D_
Our homepage on the Web is located at <a href="YOURWEBSITE">_x000D_
The full text of our privacy policy is available on the Web at _x000D_
This policy does not tell users where they can go to exercise their opt-in or opt-out options._x000D_
<p>We invite you to contact us if you have questions about this policy._x000D_
You may contact us by mail at the following address:_x000D_
<p>You may contact us by e-mail at _x000D_
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">_x000D_
[email protected]</a>. _x000D_
You may call us at TELEPHONENUMBER._x000D_
<!-- "Privacy Seals" section of privacy policy -->_x000D_
<h2>Dispute Resolution and Privacy Seals</h2>_x000D_
<p>We have the following privacy seals and/or dispute resolution mechanisms._x000D_
If you think we have not followed our privacy policy in some way, they can help you resolve your concern._x000D_
Contact us for further information_x000D_
<!-- "Additional information" section of privacy policy -->_x000D_
<h2>Additional Information</h2>_x000D_
This policy is valid for 1 day from the time that it is loaded by a client._x000D_
<!-- "Data Collection" section of privacy policy -->_x000D_
<h2>Data Collection</h2>_x000D_
<p>P3P policies declare the data they collect in groups (also referred to as "statements")._x000D_
This policy contains 1 data group._x000D_
<hr width="50%" align="center">_x000D_
<h3>Group "App control data"</h3>_x000D_
<p>We collect the following information:_x000D_
<li>HTTP cookies</li>_x000D_
<p>This data will be used for the following purposes:</p>_x000D_
<li>Completion and support of the current activity.</li>_x000D_
<li>Web site and system administration.</li>_x000D_
<li>Research and development.</li>_x000D_
<li>Historical preservation.</li>_x000D_
<li>Other purposes<p>Control Flow of the application</p></li>_x000D_
<p>This data will be used by ourselves and our agents._x000D_
<p>The data in this group has been marked as non-identifiable. This means that there is no_x000D_
reasonable way for the site to identify the individual person this data was collected from._x000D_
<p>The following explanation is provided for why this data is collected:</p>_x000D_
<blockquote>This cookie data is only used to control the application within an iframe (e.g. a Facebook App)</blockquote>_x000D_
<!-- "Use of Cookies" section of privacy policy -->_x000D_
<hr width="50%" align="center">_x000D_
<p>Cookies are a technology which can be used to provide you with tailored information from a Web site. A cookie is an element of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it._x000D_
<p>Our site makes use of cookies._x000D_
Cookies are used for the following purposes:_x000D_
<li>Site administration_x000D_
<li>Completing the user's current activity_x000D_
<li>Research and development_x000D_
(Control Flow of the application)_x000D_
<!-- "Compact Policy Explanation" section of privacy policy -->_x000D_
<hr width="50%" align="center">_x000D_
<h2>Compact Policy Summary</h2>_x000D_
<p>The compact policy which corresponds to this policy is:_x000D_
<p>The following table explains the meaning of each field in the compact policy._x000D_
<center><table width="80%" border="1" cols="2">_x000D_
<tr><td align="center" valign="top" width="20%"><b>Field</b></td><td align="center" valign="top" width="80%"><b>Meaning</b></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>CP=</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">This is the compact policy header; it indicates that what follows is a P3P compact policy.</td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>ALL</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
Access to all collected information is available._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>DSP</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The policy contains at least one dispute-resolution mechanism._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>NID</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The information collected is not personally identifiable._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>CURa</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The data is used for completion of the current activity._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>ADMa</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The data is used for site administration._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>DEVa</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The data is used for research and development._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>HISa</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The data is used for historical archival purposes._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>OTPa</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The data is used for other purposes._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>OUR</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The data is given to ourselves and our agents._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>NOR</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
The data is not kept beyond the current transaction._x000D_
<tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="20%"><tt>NAV</tt></td>_x000D_
<td align="left" valign="top" width="80%">_x000D_
Navigation and clickstream data is collected._x000D_
<p>The compact policy is sent by the Web server along with the cookies it describes._x000D_
For more information, see the P3P deployment guide at <a href=""></a>._x000D_
<!-- "Policy Evaluation" section of privacy policy -->_x000D_
<hr width="50%" align="center">_x000D_
<h2>Policy Evaluation</h2>_x000D_
<p>Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 will evaluate this policy's compact policy whenever it is used with a cookie._x000D_
The actions IE will take depend on what privacy level the user has selected in their browser (Low, Medium, Medium High, or High; the default is Medium._x000D_
In addition, IE will examine whether the cookie's policy is considered satisfactory or unsatisfactory, whether the cookie is a session cookie or a persistent cookie, and whether the cookie is used in a first-party or third-party context._x000D_
This section will attempt to evaluate this policy's compact policy against Microsoft's stated behavior for IE6._x000D_
<p><b>Note:</b> this evaluation is currently experimental and should not be considered a substitute for testing with a real Web browser._x000D_
<p><b>Satisfactory policy</b>: this compact policy is considered <em>satisfactory</em> according to the rules defined by Internet Explorer 6._x000D_
IE6 will accept cookies accompanied by this policy under the High, Medium High, Medium, Low, and Accept All Cookies settings._x000D_

  1. Content of policy.p3p
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<POLICIES xmlns="">
    <!-- Generated by IBM P3P Policy Editor version Beta 1.12 built 2/27/04 1:19 PM -->

    <!-- Expiry information for this policy -->
    <EXPIRY max-age="86400"/>

    discuri="ABSOLUTE URL TO policy.html"
    <!-- Description of the entity making this policy statement. -->
<DATA ref="">[email protected]</DATA>
<DATA ref="">CITY</DATA>
<DATA ref="">Germany</DATA>

    <!-- Disclosure -->

    <!-- Disputes -->
        <DISPUTES resolution-type="service" service="YOURWEBSITE CONTACT FORM" short-description="Dispute">
            <LONG-DESCRIPTION>Contact us for further information</LONG-DESCRIPTION>
    <!-- No remedies specified -->

    <!-- Statement for group "App control data" -->
        <EXTENSION optional="yes">
            <GROUP-INFO xmlns="" name="App control data"/>

    <!-- Consequence -->
This cookie data is only used to control the application within an iframe (e.g. a Facebook App)</CONSEQUENCE>

    <!-- Data in this statement is marked as being non-identifiable -->

    <!-- Use (purpose) -->
    <PURPOSE><admin/><current/><develop/><historical/><other-purpose>Control Flow of the application</other-purpose></PURPOSE>

    <!-- Recipients -->

    <!-- Retention -->

    <!-- Base dataschema elements. -->
    <DATA ref="#dynamic.cookies"><CATEGORIES><navigation/></CATEGORIES></DATA>

<!-- End of policy -->

Proper way to use AJAX Post in jquery to pass model from strongly typed MVC3 view

You can skip the var declaration and the stringify. Otherwise, that will work just fine.

    url: '/home/check',
    type: 'POST',
    data: {
        Address1: "423 Judy Road",
        Address2: "1001",
        City: "New York",
        State: "NY",
        ZipCode: "10301",
        Country: "USA"
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    success: function (data) {
    error: function () {

Ignore cells on Excel line graph

Not for blanks in the middle of a range, but this works for a complex chart from a start date until infinity (ie no need to adjust the chart's data source each time informatiom is added), without showing any lines for dates that have not yet been entered. As you add dates and data to the spreadsheet, the chart expands. Without it, the chart has a brain hemorrhage.

So, to count a complex range of conditions over an extended period of time but only if the date of the events is not blank :

=IF($B6<>"",(COUNTIF($O6:$O6,Q$5)),"") returns “#N/A” if there is no date in column B.

In other words, "count apples or oranges or whatever in column O (as determined by what is in Q5) but only if column B (the dates) is not blank". By returning “#N/A”, the chart will skip the "blank" rows (blank as in a zero value or rather "#N/A").

From that table of returned values you can make a chart from a date in the past to infinity

Add number of days to a date

You could also try:

$date->modify("+30 days");

How to change color and font on ListView

Even better, you do not need to create separate android xml layout for list cell view. You can just use "android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1" if the list only contains textview.

private class ExampleAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String>{

    public ExampleAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId, String[] objects) {
        super(context, textViewResourceId, objects);

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

        View view =  super.getView(position, convertView, parent);

        TextView tv = (TextView) view.findViewById(;

        return view;

parsing JSONP $http.jsonp() response in angular.js

You still need to set callback in the params:

var params = {
  'a': b,
  'token_auth': TOKEN,
  'callback': 'functionName'

$http.jsonp(url, {
  params: params

Where 'functionName' is a stringified reference to globally defined function. You can define it outside of your angular script and then redefine it in your module.

Where to put the file

Gradle looks for files in these places:

  • in project build dir (that is where your build script is)
  • in sub-project dir
  • in gradle user home (defined by the GRADLE_USER_HOME environment variable, which if not set defaults to USER_HOME/.gradle)

Properties from one file will override the properties from the previous ones (so file in gradle user home has precedence over the others, and file in sub-project has precedence over the one in project root).


Different ways of clearing lists

another solution that works fine is to create empty list as a reference empty list.

empt_list = []

for example you have a list as a_list = [1,2,3]. To clear it just make the following:

a_list = list(empt_list)

this will make a_list an empty list just like the empt_list.

Last Key in Python Dictionary

In python 3.6 I got the value of last key from the following code


How to check if a key exists in Json Object and get its value

Please try this one..

JSONObject jsonObject= null;
try {
     jsonObject = new JSONObject("result........");
     String labelDataString=jsonObject.getString("LabelData");
     JSONObject labelDataJson= null;
     labelDataJson= new JSONObject(labelDataString);
       String video=labelDataJson.getString("video");
    } catch (JSONException e) {

Replacing from match to end-of-line

Use this, two<anything any number of times><end of line>


Insert all data of a datagridview to database at once

You have a syntax error Please try the following syntax as given below:

string StrQuery="INSERT INTO tableName VALUES ('" + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value + "',' " + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value + "', '" + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value + "', '" + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value + "',' " + dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value + "')";

Flask - Calling python function on button OnClick event

You can simply do this with help of AJAX... Here is a example which calls a python function which prints hello without redirecting or refreshing the page.

In put below code segment.

#rendering the HTML page which has the button
def json():
    return render_template('json.html')

#background process happening without any refreshing
def background_process_test():
    print ("Hello")
    return ("nothing")

And your json.html page should look like below.

<script src="//"></script>
<script type=text/javascript>
        $(function() {
          $('a#test').on('click', function(e) {
                function(data) {
              //do nothing
            return false;

<div class='container'>
            <a href=# id=test><button class='btn btn-default'>Test</button></a>


Here when you press the button Test simple in the console you can see "Hello" is displaying without any refreshing.

Should a RESTful 'PUT' operation return something

I think it is possible for the server to return content in response to a PUT. If you are using a response envelop format that allows for sideloaded data (such as the format consumed by ember-data), then you can also include other objects that may have been modified via database triggers, etc. (Sideloaded data is explicitly to reduce # of requests, and this seems like a fine place to optimize.)

If I just accept the PUT and have nothing to report back, I use status code 204 with no body. If I have something to report, I use status code 200, and include a body.

Strangest language feature

Java caches Integer object instances in the range from -128 to 127. If you don't know this the following might be somewhat unexpected.

Integer.valueOf(127) == Integer.valueOf(127); // true, same instance
Integer.valueOf(128) == Integer.valueOf(128); // false, two different instances

Struct with template variables in C++

Looks like @monkeyking is trying it to make it more obvious code as shown below

template <typename T> 
struct Array { 
  size_t x; 
  T *ary; 

typedef Array<int> iArray;
typedef Array<float> fArray;

node.js vs. meteor.js what's the difference?

Meteor is a framework built ontop of node.js. It uses node.js to deploy but has several differences.

The key being it uses its own packaging system instead of node's module based system. It makes it easy to make web applications using Node. Node can be used for a variety of things and on its own is terrible at serving up dynamic web content. Meteor's libraries make all of this easy.

How to convert HTML to PDF using iTextSharp

I use the following code to create PDF

protected void CreatePDF(Stream stream)
            using (var document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 40, 40, 40, 30))
                var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream);
                writer.PageEvent = new ITextEvents();

                // instantiate custom tag processor and add to `HtmlPipelineContext`.
                var tagProcessorFactory = Tags.GetHtmlTagProcessorFactory();
                    new TableProcessor(),
                    new string[] { HTML.Tag.TABLE }

                //Register Fonts.
                XMLWorkerFontProvider fontProvider = new XMLWorkerFontProvider(XMLWorkerFontProvider.DONTLOOKFORFONTS);
                fontProvider.Register(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/Fonts/GothamRounded-Medium.ttf"), "Gotham Rounded Medium");
                CssAppliers cssAppliers = new CssAppliersImpl(fontProvider);

                var htmlPipelineContext = new HtmlPipelineContext(cssAppliers);

                var pdfWriterPipeline = new PdfWriterPipeline(document, writer);
                var htmlPipeline = new HtmlPipeline(htmlPipelineContext, pdfWriterPipeline);

                // get an ICssResolver and add the custom CSS
                var cssResolver = XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().GetDefaultCssResolver(true);
                cssResolver.AddCss(CSSSource, "utf-8", true);
                var cssResolverPipeline = new CssResolverPipeline(
                    cssResolver, htmlPipeline

                var worker = new XMLWorker(cssResolverPipeline, true);
                var parser = new XMLParser(worker);
                using (var stringReader = new StringReader(HTMLSource))
                    HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application /pdf";
                    if (base.View)
                        HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "inline;filename=\"" + OutputFileName + ".pdf\"");
                        HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + OutputFileName + ".pdf\"");

Generating matplotlib graphs without a running X server

You need to use the matplotlib API directly rather than going through the pylab interface. There's a good example here:

phpmyadmin "Not Found" after install on Apache, Ubuntu

It seems like sometime during the second half of 2018 many php packages such as php-mysql and phpmyadmin were removed or changed. I faced that same problem too. So you'll have to download it from another source or find out the new packages

How to test if a list contains another list?

If we refine the problem talking about testing if a list contains another list with as a sequence, the answer could be the next one-liner:

def contains(subseq, inseq):
    return any(inseq[pos:pos + len(subseq)] == subseq for pos in range(0, len(inseq) - len(subseq) + 1))

Here unit tests I used to tune up this one-liner:

How do I set the maximum line length in PyCharm?

For PyCharm 2018.1 on Mac:

Preferences (?+,), then Editor -> Code Style:

enter image description here

For PyCharm 2018.3 on Windows:

File -> Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S), then Editor -> Code Style:

To follow PEP-8 set Hard wrap at to 80.

How do I insert datetime value into a SQLite database?

Use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP when you need it, instead OF NOW() (which is MySQL)

Change the Value of h1 Element within a Form with JavaScript

You may try the following:

document.getElementById("your_h1_id").innerHTML = "your new text here"

Fast Bitmap Blur For Android SDK

For future Googlers who choose NDK approach - i find reliable mentioned stackblur algorithm. I found C++ implementation which does not rely on SSE here - which contains some optimizations using static tables like:

static unsigned short const stackblur_mul[255] =

static unsigned char const stackblur_shr[255] =
    9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17,
    17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19,
    19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20,
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    21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21,
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    23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
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I made modification of stackblur algorithm for multi-core systems - it can be found here As more and more devices have 4 cores - optimizations give 4x speed benefit.

How do you add swap to an EC2 instance?

If you are on t2 instances (t2.micro, t2.medium, t2.small), there is no ephemeral or instance storage available to you. So you need to just create your swap in EBS which depending on your use case may or maynot be a good idea. Otherwise follow @David 's answer, and create your swap on the ephemeral storage to avoid paying EBS costs.

More info: there is a table that shows how much ephemeral storage you get for each instance type.

How to install cron

Cron is so named "deamon" (same as service under Win).

Most likely cron is already installed on your system (if it is a Linux/Unix system).

Look here:

or there

for more details.

How can I get the username of the logged-in user in Django?

For classed based views use

What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?

it must be changed whenever anything changes that affects the serialization (additional fields, removed fields, change of field order, ...)

That's not correct, and you will be unable to cite an authoriitative source for that claim. It should be changed whenever you make a change that is incompatible under the rules given in the Versioning of Serializable Objects section of the Object Serialization Specification, which specifically does not include additional fields or change of field order, and when you haven't provided readObject(), writeObject(), and/or readResolve() or /writeReplace() methods and/or a serializableFields declaration that could cope with the change.

Float a div above page content

give z-index:-1 to flash and give z-index:100 to div..

SQL SELECT from multiple tables

i think i hve some joined like this from 7 Tables

SELECT a.no_surat , 
a.nm_anggota , 
a.nrp_nip_anggota , 
a.tmpt_lahir , 
a.tgl_lahir , 
a.bln_lahir , 
a.thn_lahir , 
a.alamat , 
a.keperluan , 
a.nm_jabatan , 
b.id_polsek ,b.nm_polsek, 
c.id_polres ,c.nm_polres , 
d.id_pangkat , d.nm_pangkat, 
e.id_pejabat , e.nm_pejabat , 
f.id_ket , f.nm_ket, 
FROM tbl_skhp AS a 
LEFT JOIN tbl_polsek AS b ON a.id_polsek=b.id_polsek 
LEFT JOIN tbl_polres AS c ON a.id_polres=c.id_polres 
LEFT JOIN tbl_pangkat AS d ON a.id_pangkat=d.id_pangkat
LEFT JOIN tbl_pejabat AS e ON a.id_pejabat=e.id_pejabat
LEFT JOIN tbl_ket AS f ON a.id_ket=f.id_ket 
LEFT JOIN tbl_pejabat AS g ON a.id_pejabat=g.id_pejabat

i hope u understand.... i am just sharing worked code for me.... i am use it to fetch data to my readonly form just for priview...

ETag vs Header Expires

Expires and Cache-Control are "strong caching headers"

Last-Modified and ETag are "weak caching headers"

First the browser check Expires/Cache-Control to determine whether or not to make a request to the server

If have to make a request, it will send Last-Modified/ETag in the HTTP request. If the Etag value of the document matches that, the server will send a 304 code instead of 200, and no content. The browser will load the contents from its cache.

How to prevent Google Colab from disconnecting?

Instead of clicking the connect button, i just clicking on comment button to keep my session alive. (August-2020)

function ClickConnect(){

document.querySelector("#comments > span").click() 

How to get javax.comm API?


On Debian install librxtx-java by typing:

sudo apt-get install librxtx-java

On Fedora or Enterprise Linux install rxtx by typing:

sudo yum install rxtx

How to create custom spinner like border around the spinner with down triangle on the right side?

To change only "background" (add corners, change color, ....) you can put it into FrameLayout with wanted background drawable, else you need to make nine patch background for to not lose spinner arrow. Spinner background is transparent.

How to wrap async function calls into a sync function in Node.js or Javascript?

Making Node.js code sync is essential in few aspects such as database. But actual advantage of Node.js lies in async code. As it is single thread non-blocking.

we can sync it using important functionality Fiber() Use await() and defer () we call all methods using await(). then replace the callback functions with defer().

Normal Async code.This uses CallBack functions.

function add (var a, var b, function(err,res){

 function sub (var res2, var b, function(err,res1){

 function div (var res2, var b, function(err,res3){

Sync the above code using Fiber(), await() and defer()

     var obj1 = await(function add(var a, var b,defer()));
     var obj2 = await(function sub(var obj1, var b, defer()));
     var obj3 = await(function sub(var obj2, var b, defer()));


I hope this will help. Thank You

How to fit Windows Form to any screen resolution?

simply set Autoscroll = true for ur windows form.. (its not good solution but helpful)..

try for panel also(Autoscroll property = true)

get UTC timestamp in python with datetime

Simplest way:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> dt = datetime(2008, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
>>> dt.strftime("%s")

Edit: @Daniel is correct, this would convert it to the machine's timezone. Here is a revised answer:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
>>> epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
>>> dt = datetime(2008, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
>>> int((dt-epoch).total_seconds())

In fact, its not even necessary to specify timezone.utc, because the time difference is the same so long as both datetime have the same timezone (or no timezone).

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
>>> dt = datetime(2008, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
>>> int((dt-epoch).total_seconds())

How to check whether the user uploaded a file in PHP?

You can use is_uploaded_file():

if(!file_exists($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['myfile']['tmp_name'])) {
    echo 'No upload';

From the docs:

Returns TRUE if the file named by filename was uploaded via HTTP POST. This is useful to help ensure that a malicious user hasn't tried to trick the script into working on files upon which it should not be working--for instance, /etc/passwd.

This sort of check is especially important if there is any chance that anything done with uploaded files could reveal their contents to the user, or even to other users on the same system.

EDIT: I'm using this in my FileUpload class, in case it helps:

public function fileUploaded()
    if(empty($_FILES)) {
        return false;       
    $this->file = $_FILES[$this->formField];
    if(!file_exists($this->file['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($this->file['tmp_name'])){
        $this->errors['FileNotExists'] = true;
        return false;
    return true;

How to find serial number of Android device?

Another way is to use /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial in an App with no permissions whatsoever.

user@creep:~$ adb shell ls -l /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial
-rw-r--r-- root     root         4096 2013-01-10 21:08 iSerial
user@creep:~$ adb shell cat /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iSerial

To do this in java one would just use a FileInputStream to open the iSerial file and read out the characters. Just be sure you wrap it in an exception handler because not all devices have this file.

At least the following devices are known to have this file world-readable:

  • Galaxy Nexus
  • Nexus S
  • Motorola Xoom 3g
  • Toshiba AT300
  • HTC One V
  • Mini MK802
  • Samsung Galaxy S II

You can also see my blog post here: where I discuss what other files are available for info.

How can I invert color using CSS?

Add the same color of the background to the paragraph and then invert with CSS:

div {_x000D_
    background-color: #f00;_x000D_
p { _x000D_
    color: #f00;_x000D_
    -webkit-filter: invert(100%);_x000D_
    filter: invert(100%);_x000D_
    <p>inverted color</p>_x000D_

What is the difference between readonly="true" & readonly="readonly"?

According to HTML standards, the use of

<input name="TextBox1" type="text" id="TextBox1" readonly/>

is enough to make the input element readonly. But, XHTML standard says that the usage listed above is invalid due to attribute minimization. You can refer to the links below:

Array copy values to keys in PHP

$final_array = array_combine($a, $a);


P.S. Be careful with source array containing duplicated keys like the following:

$a = ['one','two','one'];

Note the duplicated one element.

How to extract request http headers from a request using NodeJS connect

To see a list of HTTP request headers, you can use :


to return a list in JSON format.

"user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.107 Safari/537.36",
"accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, sdch",

Performing a Stress Test on Web Application?

I second the opensta suggestion. I would just add that it allows you to do things to monitor the server you're testing using SMTP. We keep track of processor load, memory used, byes sent, etc. The only downside is that if you find something boken and want to do a fix it relies on several open-source libraries that are no longer kept up, so getting a compiling version of the source is more tricky than with most OSS.

Convert integers to strings to create output filenames at run time

To convert an integer to a string:

integer :: i    
character* :: s    
if (i.LE.9) then
else if (i.GE.10) then
     s=char(48+(i/10))// char(48-10*(i/10)+i)    

Image scaling causes poor quality in firefox/internet explorer but not chrome

Remember that sizes on the web are increasing dramatically. 3 years ago, I did an overhaul to bring our 500 px wide site layout to 1000. Now, where many sites are doing the jump to 1200, we jumped past that and went to a 2560 max optimized for 1600 wide (or 80% depending on the content level) main content area with responsiveness to allow the exact same ratios and look and feel on a laptop (1366x768) and on mobile (1280x720 or smaller).

Dynamic resizing is an integral part of this and will only become more-so as responsiveness becomes more and more important in 2013.

My smartphone has no trouble dealing with the content with 25 items on a page being resized - neither the computation for resizing nor the bandwidth. 3 seconds loads the page from fresh. Looks great on our 6 year old presentation laptop (1366x768) and on the projector (800x600).

Only on Mozilla Firefox does it look genuinely atrocious. It even looks just fine on IE8 (never used/updated since I installed it 2.5 years ago).

Iterator invalidation rules

C++17 (All references are from the final working draft of CPP17 - n4659)


Sequence Containers

  • vector: The functions insert, emplace_back, emplace, push_back cause reallocation if the new size is greater than the old capacity. Reallocation invalidates all the references, pointers, and iterators referring to the elements in the sequence. If no reallocation happens, all the iterators and references before the insertion point remain valid. []
    With respect to the reserve function, reallocation invalidates all the references, pointers, and iterators referring to the elements in the sequence. No reallocation shall take place during insertions that happen after a call to reserve() until the time when an insertion would make the size of the vector greater than the value of capacity(). []

  • deque: An insertion in the middle of the deque invalidates all the iterators and references to elements of the deque. An insertion at either end of the deque invalidates all the iterators to the deque, but has no effect on the validity of references to elements of the deque. []

  • list: Does not affect the validity of iterators and references. If an exception is thrown there are no effects. [].
    The insert, emplace_front, emplace_back, emplace, push_front, push_back functions are covered under this rule.

  • forward_list: None of the overloads of insert_after shall affect the validity of iterators and references []

  • array: As a rule, iterators to an array are never invalidated throughout the lifetime of the array. One should take note, however, that during swap, the iterator will continue to point to the same array element, and will thus change its value.

Associative Containers

  • All Associative Containers: The insert and emplace members shall not affect the validity of iterators and references to the container [26.2.6/9]

Unordered Associative Containers

  • All Unordered Associative Containers: Rehashing invalidates iterators, changes ordering between elements, and changes which buckets elements appear in, but does not invalidate pointers or references to elements. [26.2.7/9]
    The insert and emplace members shall not affect the validity of references to container elements, but may invalidate all iterators to the container. [26.2.7/14]
    The insert and emplace members shall not affect the validity of iterators if (N+n) <= z * B, where N is the number of elements in the container prior to the insert operation, n is the number of elements inserted, B is the container’s bucket count, and z is the container’s maximum load factor. [26.2.7/15]

  • All Unordered Associative Containers: In case of a merge operation (e.g., a.merge(a2)), iterators referring to the transferred elements and all iterators referring to a will be invalidated, but iterators to elements remaining in a2 will remain valid. (Table 91 — Unordered associative container requirements)

Container Adaptors

  • stack: inherited from underlying container
  • queue: inherited from underlying container
  • priority_queue: inherited from underlying container


Sequence Containers

  • vector: The functions erase and pop_back invalidate iterators and references at or after the point of the erase. []

  • deque: An erase operation that erases the last element of a deque invalidates only the past-the-end iterator and all iterators and references to the erased elements. An erase operation that erases the first element of a deque but not the last element invalidates only iterators and references to the erased elements. An erase operation that erases neither the first element nor the last element of a deque invalidates the past-the-end iterator and all iterators and references to all the elements of the deque. [ Note: pop_front and pop_back are erase operations. —end note ] []

  • list: Invalidates only the iterators and references to the erased elements. []. This applies to erase, pop_front, pop_back, clear functions.
    remove and remove_if member functions: Erases all the elements in the list referred by a list iterator i for which the following conditions hold: *i == value, pred(*i) != false. Invalidates only the iterators and references to the erased elements [].
    unique member function - Erases all but the first element from every consecutive group of equal elements referred to by the iterator i in the range [first + 1, last) for which *i == *(i-1) (for the version of unique with no arguments) or pred(*i, *(i - 1)) (for the version of unique with a predicate argument) holds. Invalidates only the iterators and references to the erased elements. []

  • forward_list: erase_after shall invalidate only iterators and references to the erased elements. [].
    remove and remove_if member functions - Erases all the elements in the list referred by a list iterator i for which the following conditions hold: *i == value (for remove()), pred(*i) is true (for remove_if()). Invalidates only the iterators and references to the erased elements. [].
    unique member function - Erases all but the first element from every consecutive group of equal elements referred to by the iterator i in the range [first + 1, last) for which *i == *(i-1) (for the version with no arguments) or pred(*i, *(i - 1)) (for the version with a predicate argument) holds. Invalidates only the iterators and references to the erased elements. []

  • All Sequence Containers: clear invalidates all references, pointers, and iterators referring to the elements of a and may invalidate the past-the-end iterator (Table 87 — Sequence container requirements). But for forward_list, clear does not invalidate past-the-end iterators. []

  • All Sequence Containers: assign invalidates all references, pointers and iterators referring to the elements of the container. For vector and deque, also invalidates the past-the-end iterator. (Table 87 — Sequence container requirements)

Associative Containers

  • All Associative Containers: The erase members shall invalidate only iterators and references to the erased elements [26.2.6/9]

  • All Associative Containers: The extract members invalidate only iterators to the removed element; pointers and references to the removed element remain valid [26.2.6/10]

Container Adaptors

  • stack: inherited from underlying container
  • queue: inherited from underlying container
  • priority_queue: inherited from underlying container

General container requirements relating to iterator invalidation:

  • Unless otherwise specified (either explicitly or by defining a function in terms of other functions), invoking a container member function or passing a container as an argument to a library function shall not invalidate iterators to, or change the values of, objects within that container. [26.2.1/12]

  • no swap() function invalidates any references, pointers, or iterators referring to the elements of the containers being swapped. [ Note: The end() iterator does not refer to any element, so it may be invalidated. —end note ] [26.2.1/(11.6)]

As examples of the above requirements:

  • transform algorithm: The op and binary_op functions shall not invalidate iterators or subranges, or modify elements in the ranges [28.6.4/1]

  • accumulate algorithm: In the range [first, last], binary_op shall neither modify elements nor invalidate iterators or subranges [29.8.2/1]

  • reduce algorithm: binary_op shall neither invalidate iterators or subranges, nor modify elements in the range [first, last]. [29.8.3/5]

and so on...

Best way to test for a variable's existence in PHP; isset() is clearly broken

I have to say in all my years of PHP programming, I have never encountered a problem with isset() returning false on a null variable. OTOH, I have encountered problems with isset() failing on a null array entry - but array_key_exists() works correctly in that case.

For some comparison, Icon explicitly defines an unused variable as returning &null so you use the is-null test in Icon to also check for an unset variable. This does make things easier. On the other hand, Visual BASIC has multiple states for a variable that doesn't have a value (Null, Empty, Nothing, ...), and you often have to check for more than one of them. This is known to be a source of bugs.

Convert string[] to int[] in one line of code using LINQ

To avoid exceptions with .Parse, here are some .TryParse alternatives.

To use only the elements that can be parsed:

string[] arr = { null, " ", " 1 ", " 002 ", "3.0" };
int i = 0; 
var a = (from s in arr where int.TryParse(s, out i) select i).ToArray();  // a = { 1, 2 }


var a = arr.SelectMany(s => int.TryParse(s, out i) ? new[] { i } : new int[0]).ToArray();

Alternatives using 0 for the elements that can't be parsed:

int i; 
var a = Array.ConvertAll(arr, s => int.TryParse(s, out i) ? i : 0); //a = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 0 }


var a = arr.Select((s, i) => int.TryParse(s, out i) ? i : 0).ToArray();

C# 7.0:

var a = Array.ConvertAll(arr, s => int.TryParse(s, out var i) ? i : 0);

Can you hide the controls of a YouTube embed without enabling autoplay?

Follow this for more info about video controls like:

<iframe id="video_iframe" width="660" height="415" src="{{course_url}}?start=7&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&rel=0"

start=7&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&rel=0" frameborder="0"

all controls are described in there

multiple where condition codeigniter

Try this

$data = array(
               'email' =>$email,
               'last_ip' => $last_ip

$where = array('username ' => $username , 'status ' => $status);
$this->db->update('table_user ', $data); 

How to send 100,000 emails weekly?

Short answer: While it's technically possible to send 100k e-mails each week yourself, the simplest, easiest and cheapest solution is to outsource this to one of the companies that specialize in it (I did say "cheapest": there's no limit to the amount of development time (and therefore money) that you can sink into this when trying to DIY).

Long answer: If you decide that you absolutely want to do this yourself, prepare for a world of hurt (after all, this is e-mail/e-fail we're talking about). You'll need:

  • e-mail content that is not spam (otherwise you'll run into additional major roadblocks on every step, even legal repercussions)
  • in addition, your content should be easy to distinguish from spam - that may be a bit hard to do in some cases (I heard that a certain pharmaceutical company had to all but abandon e-mail, as their brand names are quite common in spams)
  • a configurable SMTP server of your own, one which won't buckle when you dump 100k e-mails onto it (your ISP's upstream server won't be sufficient here and you'll make the ISP violently unhappy; we used two dedicated boxes)
  • some mail wrapper (e.g. PhpMailer if PHP's your poison of choice; using PHP's mail() is horrible enough by itself)
  • your own sender function to run in a loop, create the mails and pass them to the wrapper (note that you may run into PHP's memory limits if your app has a memory leak; you may need to recycle the sending process periodically, or even better, decouple the "creating e-mails" and "sending e-mails" altogether)

Surprisingly, that was the easy part. The hard part is actually sending it:

  • some servers will ban you when you send too many mails close together, so you need to shuffle and watch your queue (e.g. send one mail to [email protected], then three to other domains, only then another to [email protected])
  • you need to have correct PTR, SPF, DKIM records
  • handling remote server timeouts, misconfigured DNS records and other network pleasantries
  • handling invalid e-mails (and no, regex is the wrong tool for that)
  • handling unsubscriptions (many legitimate newsletters have been reclassified as spam due to many frustrated users who couldn't unsubscribe in one step and instead chose to "mark as spam" - the spam filters do learn, esp. with large e-mail providers)
  • handling bounces and rejects ("no such mailbox [email protected]","mailbox [email protected] full")
  • handling blacklisting and removal from blacklists (Sure, you're not sending spam. Some recipients won't be so sure - with such large list, it will happen sometimes, no matter what precautions you take. Some people (e.g. your not-so-scrupulous competitors) might even go as far to falsely report your mailings as spam - it does happen. On average, it takes weeks to get yourself removed from a blacklist.)

And to top it off, you'll have to manage the legal part of it (various federal, state, and local laws; and even different tangles of laws once you send outside the U.S. (note: you have no way of finding if [email protected] lives in Southwest Elbonia, the country with world's most draconian antispam laws)).

I'm pretty sure I missed a few heads of this hydra - are you still sure you want to do this yourself? If so, there'll be another wave, this time merely the annoying problems inherent in sending an e-mail. (You see, SMTP is a store-and-forward protocol, which means that your e-mail will be shuffled across many SMTP servers around the Internet, in the hope that the next one is a bit closer to the final recipient. Basically, the e-mail is sent to an SMTP server, which puts it into its forward queue; when time comes, it will forward it further to a different SMTP server, until it reaches the SMTP server for the given domain. This forward could happen immediately, or in a few minutes, or hours, or days, or never.) Thus, you'll see the following issues - most of which could happen en route as well as at the destination:

  • the remote SMTP servers don't want to talk to your SMTP server
  • your mails are getting marked as spam (<blink> is not your friend here, nor is <font color=...>)
  • your mails are delivered days, even weeks late (contrary to popular opinion, SMTP is designed to make a best effort to deliver the message sometime in the future - not to deliver it now)
  • your mails are not delivered at all (already sent from e-mail server on hop #4, not sent yet from server on hop #5, the server that currently holds the message crashes, data is lost)
  • your mails are mangled by some braindead server en route (this one is somewhat solvable with base64 encoding, but then the size goes up and the e-mail looks more suspicious)
  • your mails are delivered and the recipients seem not to want them ("I'm sure I didn't sign up for this, I remember exactly what I did a year ago" (of course you do, sir))
  • users with various versions of Microsoft Outlook and its special handling of Internet mail
  • wizard's apprentice mode (a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop - in other words, automated e-mails as replies to automated e-mails as replies to...; you really don't want to be the one to set this off, as you'd anger half the internet at yourself)

and it'll be your job to troubleshoot and solve this (hint: you can't, mostly). The people who run a legit mass-mailing businesses know that in the end you can't solve it, and that they can't solve it either - and they have the reasons well researched, documented and outlined (maybe even as a Powerpoint presentation - complete with sounds and cool transitions - that your bosses can understand), as they've had to explain this a million times before. Plus, for the problems that are actually solvable, they know very well how to solve them.

If, after all this, you are not discouraged and still want to do this, go right ahead: it's even possible that you'll find a better way to do this. Just know that the road ahead won't be easy - sending e-mail is trivial, getting it delivered is hard.

Send FormData and String Data Together Through JQuery AJAX?

For multiple files in ajax try this

        var url = "your_url";
        var data = $('#form').serialize();
        var form_data = new FormData(); 
        //get the length of file inputs   
        var length = $('input[type="file"]').length; 

        for(var i = 0;i<length;i++){
           file_data = $('input[type="file"]')[i].files;

            form_data.append("file_"+i, file_data[0]);

            // for other data

                url: url,
                type: "POST",
                data: form_data,
                cache: false,
                contentType: false, //important
                processData: false, //important
                success: function (data) {
                  //do something

In php

        parse_str($_POST['data'], $_POST); 
                   $file = $_FILES['file_'.$i];
                   $file_name = $file['name'];
                   $file_type = $file ['type'];
                   $file_size = $file ['size'];
                   $file_path = $file ['tmp_name'];

shell init issue when click tab, what's wrong with getcwd?

Just change the directory to another one and come back. Probably that one has been deleted or moved.

How to display Wordpress search results?

WordPress include tags, categories and taxonomies in search results

This code is taken from

Some functions here are taken from twentynineteen theme.Because it is made on this theme.

This code example will help you to include tags, categories or any custom taxonomy in your search. And show the posts contaning these tags or categories.

You need to modify your search.php of your theme to do so.

$all_categories = get_terms( array('taxonomy' => 'category','hide_empty' => true) ); 
$all_tags = get_terms( array('taxonomy' => 'post_tag','hide_empty' => true) );
//if you have any custom taxonomy
$all_custom_taxonomy = get_terms( array('taxonomy' => 'your-taxonomy-slug','hide_empty' => true) );


foreach($all_categories as $all){
if (strpos($par, $search) !== false) {

foreach($all_tags as $all){
if (strpos($par, $search) !== false) {

foreach($all_custom_taxonomy as $all){
if (strpos($par, $search) !== false) {

$args1= array( 'post_status' => 'publish','posts_per_page' => -1,'tax_query' =>array('relation' => 'OR',array('taxonomy' => 'category','field' => 'term_id','terms' =>$mcat),array('taxonomy' => 'post_tag','field' => 'term_id','terms' =>$mtag),array('taxonomy' => 'custom_taxonomy','field' => 'term_id','terms' =>$mcustom_taxonomy)));

$the_query = new WP_Query( $args1 );
if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
//echo '<li>' . get_the_id() . '</li>';
} else {


// now we will do the normal wordpress search
$query2 = new WP_Query( array( 's' => $search,'posts_per_page' => -1 ) );
if ( $query2->have_posts() ) {
while ( $query2->have_posts() ) {
} else {

$matched_posts= array_unique($matched_posts);

$paged = ( get_query_var('paged') ) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
$query3 = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type'=>'any','post__in' => $matched_posts ,'paged' => $paged) );
if ( $query3->have_posts() ) {
while ( $query3->have_posts() ) {
get_template_part( 'template-parts/content/content', 'excerpt' );
} else {


How to pass prepareForSegue: an object

Just use this function.

 override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    let index = CategorytableView.indexPathForSelectedRow
    let indexNumber = index?.row
    let VC = segue.destination as! DestinationViewController
   VC.value =


How do I get the type of a variable?

I'm not sure if my answer would help.

The short answer is, you don't really need/want to know the type of a variable to use it.

If you need to give a type to a static variable, then you may simply use auto.

In more sophisticated case where you want to use "auto" in a class or struct, I would suggest use template with decltype.

For example, say you are using someone else's library and it has a variable called "unknown_var" and you would want to put it in a vector or struct, you can totally do this:

template <typename T>
struct my_struct {
    int some_field;
    T my_data;
vector<decltype(unknown_var)> complex_vector;
vector<my_struct<decltype(unknown_var)> > simple_vector

Hope this helps.

EDIT: For good measure, here is the most complex case that I can think of: having a global variable of unknown type. In this case you would need c++14 and template variable.

Something like this:

template<typename T> vector<T> global_var;

void random_func (auto unknown_var) {

It's still a bit tedious but it's as close as you can get to typeless languages. Just make sure whenever you reference template variable, always put the template specification there.

Invoking a PHP script from a MySQL trigger

I don't know if it's possible but I always pictured myself being able to do this with the CSV storage engine in MySQL. I don't know the details of this engine: but you can look into it and have a file watcher in your operating system that triggers a PHP call if the file is modified.

Relative imports in Python 3

For PyCharm users:

I also was getting ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package because I was adding the . notation to silence a PyCharm parsing error. PyCharm innaccurately reports not being able to find:

lib.thing import function

If you change it to:

.lib.thing import function

it silences the error but then you get the aforementioned ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package. Just ignore PyCharm's parser. It's wrong and the code runs fine despite what it says.

Hiding axis text in matplotlib plots

If you want to hide just the axis text keeping the grid lines:

frame1 = plt.gca()

Doing set_visible(False) or set_ticks([]) will also hide the grid lines.

Excel VBA Run-time Error '32809' - Trying to Understand it

Ok, this might be weird. Anyway one of my colleagues had this error and we tried the edit VBA compile whatever. But the thing is, just copy the excel file to the desktop. And it worked. The Excel file was originally in a network drive. This worked, this is my answer to this issue.

Proxy with urllib2

To use the default system proxies (e.g. from the http_support environment variable), the following works for the current request (without installing it into urllib2 globally):

url = ''
proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy)
in_ =

Error: Specified cast is not valid. (SqlManagerUI)

There are some funnies restoring old databases into SQL 2008 via the guy; have you tried doing it via TSQL ?

Use Master
FROM DISK = 'C:\YourBackUpFile.bak'
WITH MOVE 'YourMDFLogicalName' TO 'D:\Data\YourMDFFile.mdf',--check and adjust path
MOVE 'YourLDFLogicalName' TO 'D:\Data\YourLDFFile.ldf' 

How Can I Remove “public/index.php” in the URL Generated Laravel?

 RewriteEngine on

 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

use this in .htaccess and restart the server

Casting to string in JavaScript

They behave the same but toString also provides a way to convert a number binary, octal, or hexadecimal strings:


var a = (50274).toString(16)  // "c462"
var b = (76).toString(8)      // "114"
var c = (7623).toString(36)   // "5vr"
var d = (100).toString(2)     // "1100100"

Write a function that returns the longest palindrome in a given string

Program to find the longest substring which is palindrome from a given string.

 package source;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class LongestPalindrome 
        //Check the given string is palindrome by 
        public static boolean isPalindrome (String s)
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);
                return true;
                return false;
        public static void main(String[] args) 
            //String / word without space
            String str = "MOMABCMOMOM"; // "mom" //abccbabcd
            if(str.length() > 2 )
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                ArrayList<String> allPalindromeList = new ArrayList<>();
                for(int i=0; i<str.length(); i++)
                    for(int j=i; j<str.length(); j++)
                        if( isPalindrome(sb.toString()) ) {
                    //clear the stringBuffer
                    sb.delete(0, sb.length());
                int maxSubStrLength = -1;
                int indexMaxSubStr = -1;
                int index = -1;
                for (String subStr : allPalindromeList) {
                    if(maxSubStrLength < subStr.length()) {
                        maxSubStrLength = subStr.length();
                        indexMaxSubStr = index;
                if(maxSubStrLength > 2)
                    System.out.println("Maximum Length Palindrome SubString is : "+allPalindromeList.get(indexMaxSubStr));
                    System.out.println("Not able to find a Palindrome who is three character in length!!");

CSS Font "Helvetica Neue"

Helvetica Neue is a paid font, so you shouldn't @font-face it, as you'd be freely distributing a copyrighted font. It's included in Mac systems but not in windows/linux ones, so yes, plenty of your users wont have it installed. Anyway, you can use 'Arial Narrow' as a windows substitute, which is it's windows equivalent.

How to delete history of last 10 commands in shell?

First, type: history and write down the sequence of line numbers you want to remove.

To clear lines from let's say line 1800 to 1815 write the following in terminal:

$ for line in $(seq 1800 1815) ; do history -d 1800; done

If you want to delete the history for the deletion command, add +1 for 1815 = 1816 and history for that sequence + the deletion command will be deleted.

For example :

$ for line in $(seq 1800 1816) ; do history -d 1800; done

Replace Div Content onclick

A simple addClass and removeClass will do the trick on what you need..

$('#change').on('click', function() { 
  $('div').each(function() { 
    if($(this).hasClass('active')) { 
    } else { 


Seee fiddle

I recommend you to learn jquery first before using.

How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call

You can also hook XMLHttpRequest send prototype. This will work for all sends (jQuery/dojo/etc) with one handler.

I wrote this code to handle a 500 page expired error, but it should work just as well to trap a 200 redirect. Ready the wikipedia entry on XMLHttpRequest onreadystatechange about the meaning of readyState.

// Hook XMLHttpRequest
var oldXMLHttpRequestSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;

XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {
  //console.dir( this );

  this.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 500 && this.responseText.indexOf("Expired") != -1) {
      try {
        document.documentElement.innerHTML = this.responseText;
      } catch(error) {
        // IE makes document.documentElement read only
        document.body.innerHTML = this.responseText;

  oldXMLHttpRequestSend.apply(this, arguments);

How do I put double quotes in a string in vba?

Another work-around is to construct a string with a temporary substitute character. Then you can use REPLACE to change each temp character to the double quote. I use tilde as the temporary substitute character.

Here is an example from a project I have been working on. This is a little utility routine to repair a very complicated formula if/when the cell gets stepped on accidentally. It is a difficult formula to enter into a cell, but this little utility fixes it instantly.

Sub RepairFormula()
Dim FormulaString As String

FormulaString = "=MID(CELL(~filename~,$A$1),FIND(~[~,CELL(~filename~,$A$1))+1,FIND(~]~, CELL(~filename~,$A$1))-FIND(~[~,CELL(~filename~,$A$1))-1)"
FormulaString = Replace(FormulaString, Chr(126), Chr(34)) 'this replaces every instance of the tilde with a double quote.
Range("WorkbookFileName").Formula = FormulaString

This is really just a simple programming trick, but it makes entering the formula in your VBA code pretty easy.

How to check if a class inherits another class without instantiating it?

To check for assignability, you can use the Type.IsAssignableFrom method:


This will work as you expect for type-equality, inheritance-relationships and interface-implementations but not when you are looking for 'assignability' across explicit / implicit conversion operators.

To check for strict inheritance, you can use Type.IsSubclassOf:


Xcode Simulator: how to remove older unneeded devices?

following some of the answers here, deleting some simulators from my Xcode Menu > Window > Devices > Simulators did nothing to help my dying disk space: enter image description here

however, cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport and running du -sh * I got all of these guys:

2.9G    10.0.1 (14A403)
1.3G    10.1.1 (14B100)
2.9G    10.3.2 (14F89)
1.3G    10.3.3 (14G60)
1.9G    11.0.1 (15A402)
1.9G    11.0.3 (15A432)
2.0G    11.1.2 (15B202)
2.0G    11.2 (15C114)
2.0G    11.2.1 (15C153)
2.0G    11.2.2 (15C202)
2.0G    11.2.6 (15D100)
2.0G    11.4 (15F79)
2.0G    11.4.1 (15G77)
2.3G    12.0 (16A366)
2.3G    12.0.1 (16A404)
2.3G    12.1 (16B92)

All together that's 33 GB!

A blood bath ensued

see more details here

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

I know that is late to answer but could be useful for someone else You can use sub-query and convert the null to 0

                THEN 0 
                ELSE id_field 
            END AS id_field
      FROM tbl_name) AS tbl
WHERE tbl.id_field IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3', 0)

How to set at runtime?

System.setProperty is not working for applets. Because JVM already running before applet start. In this case we use applet parameters like this:

        id: 'MyApplet',
        code: 'com.mkysoft.myapplet.SomeClass',
        archive: 'com.mkysoft.myapplet.jar'
    }, {
        java_version: "1.6*", // Target version
        cache_option: "no",
        cache_archive: "",
        codebase_lookup: true,
        java_arguments: ""
       "1.6" // Minimum version

You can find deployJava.js at

height: 100% for <div> inside <div> with display: table-cell

In Addition to jsFiddle, I can offer an ugly hack if you wish in order to make it cross-browser (IE11, Chrome, Firefox).

Instead of height:100%;, put height:1em; on the .cell.

Is there a way to have printf() properly print out an array (of floats, say)?

C is not object oriented programming (OOP) language. So you can not use properties in OOP. Eg. There is no .length property in C. So you need to use loops for your task.

How to run an awk commands in Windows?

Go to command windows (cmd) then type:

"c:\Progam Files(x86)\GnuWin32\bin\awk"

How do I add a newline using printf?

Try this:

printf '\n%s\n' 'I want this on a new line!'

That allows you to separate the formatting from the actual text. You can use multiple placeholders and multiple arguments.

quantity=38; price=142.15; description='advanced widget'
$ printf '%8d%10.2f  %s\n' "$quantity" "$price" "$description"
      38    142.15  advanced widget

pip installs packages successfully, but executables not found from command line

On Windows, you need to add the path %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts to your path.

How to add fonts to create-react-app based projects?

There are two options:

Using Imports

This is the suggested option. It ensures your fonts go through the build pipeline, get hashes during compilation so that browser caching works correctly, and that you get compilation errors if the files are missing.

As described in “Adding Images, Fonts, and Files”, you need to have a CSS file imported from JS. For example, by default src/index.js imports src/index.css:

import './index.css';

A CSS file like this goes through the build pipeline, and can reference fonts and images. For example, if you put a font in src/fonts/MyFont.woff, your index.css might include this:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyFont';
  src: local('MyFont'), url(./fonts/MyFont.woff) format('woff');

Notice how we’re using a relative path starting with ./. This is a special notation that helps the build pipeline (powered by Webpack) discover this file.

Normally this should be enough.

Using public Folder

If for some reason you prefer not to use the build pipeline, and instead do it the “classic way”, you can use the public folder and put your fonts there.

The downside of this approach is that the files don’t get hashes when you compile for production so you’ll have to update their names every time you change them, or browsers will cache the old versions.

If you want to do it this way, put the fonts somewhere into the public folder, for example, into public/fonts/MyFont.woff. If you follow this approach, you should put CSS files into public folder as well and not import them from JS because mixing these approaches is going to be very confusing. So, if you still want to do it, you’d have a file like public/index.css. You would have to manually add <link> to this stylesheet from public/index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/index.css">

And inside of it, you would use the regular CSS notation:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyFont';
  src: local('MyFont'), url(fonts/MyFont.woff) format('woff');

Notice how I’m using fonts/MyFont.woff as the path. This is because index.css is in the public folder so it will be served from the public path (usually it’s the server root, but if you deploy to GitHub Pages and set your homepage field to, it will be served from /myproject). However fonts are also in the public folder, so they will be served from fonts relatively (either or Therefore we use the relative path.

Note that since we’re avoiding the build pipeline in this example, it doesn’t verify that the file actually exists. This is why I don’t recommend this approach. Another problem is that our index.css file doesn’t get minified and doesn’t get a hash. So it’s going to be slower for the end users, and you risk the browsers caching old versions of the file.

 Which Way to Use?

Go with the first method (“Using Imports”). I only described the second one since that’s what you attempted to do (judging by your comment), but it has many problems and should only be the last resort when you’re working around some issue.

php multidimensional array get values

For people who searched for php multidimensional array get values and actually want to solve problem comes from getting one column value from a 2 dimensinal array (like me!), here's a much elegant way than using foreach, which is array_column

For example, if I only want to get hotel_name from the below array, and form to another array:

$hotels = [
        'hotel_name' => 'Hotel A',
        'info' => 'Hotel A Info',
        'hotel_name' => 'Hotel B',
        'info' => 'Hotel B Info',

I can do this using array_column:

$hotel_name = array_column($hotels, 'hotel_name');

print_r($hotel_name); // Which will give me ['Hotel A', 'Hotel B']

For the actual answer for this question, it can also be beautified by array_column and call_user_func_array('array_merge', $twoDimensionalArray);

Let's make the data in PHP:

$hotels = [
        'hotel_name' => 'Hotel A',
        'info' => 'Hotel A Info',
        'rooms' => [
                'room_name' => 'Luxury Room',
                'bed' => 2,
                'boards' => [
                    'board_id' => 1,
                    'price' => 200
                'room_name' => 'Non Luxy Room',
                'bed' => 4,
                'boards' => [
                    'board_id' => 2,
                    'price' => 150
        'hotel_name' => 'Hotel B',
        'info' => 'Hotel B Info',
        'rooms' => [
                'room_name' => 'Luxury Room',
                'bed' => 2,
                'boards' => [
                    'board_id' => 3,
                    'price' => 900
                'room_name' => 'Non Luxy Room',
                'bed' => 4,
                'boards' => [
                    'board_id' => 4,
                    'price' => 300

And here's the calculation:

$rooms = array_column($hotels, 'rooms');
$rooms = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $rooms);
$boards = array_column($rooms, 'boards');

foreach($boards as $board){
    $board_id = $board['board_id'];
    $price = $board['price'];
    echo "Board ID is: ".$board_id." and price is: ".$price . "<br/>";

Which will give you the following result:

Board ID is: 1 and price is: 200
Board ID is: 2 and price is: 150
Board ID is: 3 and price is: 900
Board ID is: 4 and price is: 300

Create a Dropdown List for MVC3 using Entity Framework (.edmx Model) & Razor Views && Insert A Database Record to Multiple Tables

Well, actually I'll have to say David is right with his solution, but there are some topics disturbing me:

  1. You should never send your model to the view => This is correct
  2. If you create a ViewModel, and include the Model as member in the ViewModel, then you effectively sent your model to the View => this is BAD
  3. Using dictionaries to send the options to the view => this not good style

So how can you create a better coupling?

I would use a tool like AutoMapper or ValueInjecter to map between ViewModel and Model. AutoMapper does seem to have the better syntax and feel to it, but the current version lacks a very severe topic: It is not able to perform the mapping from ViewModel to Model (under certain circumstances like flattening, etc., but this is off topic) So at present I prefer to use ValueInjecter.

So you create a ViewModel with the fields you need in the view. You add the SelectList items you need as lookups. And you add them as SelectLists already. So you can query from a LINQ enabled sourc, select the ID and text field and store it as a selectlist: You gain that you do not have to create a new type (dictionary) as lookup and you just move the new SelectList from the view to the controller.

  // StaffTypes is an IEnumerable<StaffType> from dbContext
  // viewModel is the viewModel initialized to copy content of Model Employee  
  // viewModel.StaffTypes is of type SelectList

  viewModel.StaffTypes =
    new SelectList(
        StaffTypes.OrderBy( item => item.Name )

In the view you just have to call

@Html.DropDownListFor( model => mode.StaffTypeID, model.StaffTypes )

Back in the post element of your method in the controller you have to take a parameter of the type of your ViewModel. You then check for validation. If the validation fails, you have to remember to re-populate the viewModel.StaffTypes SelectList, because this item will be null on entering the post function. So I tend to have those population things separated into a function. You just call back return new View(viewModel) if anything is wrong. Validation errors found by MVC3 will automatically be shown in the view.

If you have your own validation code you can add validation errors by specifying which field they belong to. Check documentation on ModelState to get info on that.

If the viewModel is valid you have to perform the next step:

If it is a create of a new item, you have to populate a model from the viewModel (best suited is ValueInjecter). Then you can add it to the EF collection of that type and commit changes.

If you have an update, you get the current db item first into a model. Then you can copy the values from the viewModel back to the model (again using ValueInjecter gets you do that very quick). After that you can SaveChanges and are done.

Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.

How to compile a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit linux machine with gcc/cmake

For any complex application, I suggest to use an lxc container. lxc containers are 'something in the middle between a chroot on steroids and a full fledged virtual machine'.

For example, here's a way to build 32-bit wine using lxc on an Ubuntu Trusty system:

sudo apt-get install lxc lxc-templates
sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n my32bitbox -- --bindhome $LOGNAME -a i386 --release trusty
sudo lxc-start -n my32bitbox
# login as yourself
sudo sh -c "sed s/deb/deb-src/ /etc/apt/sources.list >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt-get install devscripts
sudo apt-get build-dep wine1.7
apt-get source wine1.7
cd wine1.7-*
debuild -eDEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=8" -i -us -uc -b
shutdown -h now   # to exit the container

Here is the wiki page about how to build 32-bit wine on a 64-bit host using lxc.

How can I concatenate a string and a number in Python?

Python is strongly typed. There are no implicit type conversions.

You have to do one of these:

"asd%d" % 9
"asd" + str(9)

VBScript -- Using error handling

Note that On Error Resume Next is not set globally. You can put your unsafe part of code eg into a function, which will interrupted immediately if error occurs, and call this function from sub containing precedent OERN statement.


Sub ErrCatch()
    Dim Res, CurrentStep

    On Error Resume Next

    Res = UnSafeCode(20, CurrentStep)
    MsgBox "ErrStep " & CurrentStep & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

Function UnSafeCode(Arg, ErrStep)

    ErrStep = 1
    UnSafeCode = 1 / (Arg - 10)

    ErrStep = 2
    UnSafeCode = 1 / (Arg - 20)

    ErrStep = 3
    UnSafeCode = 1 / (Arg - 30)

    ErrStep = 0
End Function

Convert hex to binary

bin(int("abc123efff", 16))[2:]

Oracle Trigger ORA-04098: trigger is invalid and failed re-validation

in my case, this error is raised due to sequence was not created..


How do I remove my IntelliJ license in 2019.3?

I think there are more solutions!

You can start the app, and here are 3 things you can do:

  1. If the app shows for the first time the "import settings" dialog and then the "create/open a project" dialog, you can click on Settings > Manage License... > Remove License, and that removes for all Jetbrains products*.
  2. If you open products like IntelliJ IDEA and have projects currently active (like the app open automatically the all IDE without prompt), then click on File > Close Project, and follow the first step.
  3. Inside any app of IntelliJ, click on Help > Register... > Remove license.

*In case you have a license for a pack of products. If not, you have to remove the license per product individually. Check the 3rd step.

How to create a button programmatically?

Here is a complete solution to add a UIButton programmatically with the targetAction.
Swift 2.2

override func viewDidLoad() {

  let button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 50))
  button.backgroundColor = .greenColor()
  button.setTitle("Test Button", forState: .Normal)
  button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonAction), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)


func buttonAction(sender: UIButton!) {
  print("Button tapped")

It is probably better to use NSLayoutConstraint rather than frame to correctly place the button for each iPhone screen.

Updated code to Swift 3.1:

override func viewDidLoad() {

  let button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 50))
  button.backgroundColor = .green
  button.setTitle("Test Button", for: .normal)
  button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonAction), for: .touchUpInside)


func buttonAction(sender: UIButton!) {
  print("Button tapped")

Updated code to Swift 4.2:

override func viewDidLoad() {

  let button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 50))
  button.backgroundColor = .green
  button.setTitle("Test Button", for: .normal)
  button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonAction), for: .touchUpInside)


@objc func buttonAction(sender: UIButton!) {
  print("Button tapped")

The above still works if func buttonAction is declared private or internal.

pythonic way to do something N times without an index variable?

Use the _ variable, as I learned when I asked this question, for example:

# A long way to do integer exponentiation
num = 2
power = 3
product = 1
for _ in xrange(power):
    product *= num
print product

Understanding dispatch_async

Swift version

This is the Swift version of David's Objective-C answer. You use the global queue to run things in the background and the main queue to update the UI. .background).async {
    // Background Thread
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // Run UI Updates

How to ignore certain files in Git

Create a .gitignore in the directory where .git is. You can list files in it separated by a newline. You also can use wildcards:


Return JSON response from Flask view

If you don't want to use jsonify for some reason, you can do what it does manually. Call flask.json.dumps to create JSON data, then return a response with the application/json content type.

from flask import json

def summary():
    data = make_summary()
    response = app.response_class(
    return response

flask.json is distinct from the built-in json module. It will use the faster simplejson module if available, and enables various integrations with your Flask app.

CSS background image alt attribute

It''s not clear to me what you want.

If you want a CSS property to render the alt attribute value, then perhaps you're looking for the CSS attribute function for example:

IMG:before { content: attr(alt) }

If you want to put the alt attribute on a background image, then ... that's odd because the alt attribute is an HTML attribute whereas the background image is a CSS property. If you want to use the HTML alt attribute then I think you'd need a corresponding HTML element to put it in.

Why do you "need to use alt tags on background images": is this for a semantic reason or for some visual-effect reason (and if so, then what effect or what reason)?

Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC)

If you're running a WHM-powered VPS (virtual private server) you may find that you do not have permissions to edit PHP.INI directly; the system must do it. In the WHM host control panel, go to Service ConfigurationPHP Configuration Editor and modify memory_limit:

Updating memory_limit on WHM 11.48.4

Creating stored procedure with declare and set variables

I assume you want to pass the Order ID in. So:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure_Name]
    @OrderID INT
) AS
    Declare @OrderItemID AS INT
    DECLARE @AppointmentID AS INT
    DECLARE @PurchaseOrderID AS INT
    DECLARE @PurchaseOrderItemID AS INT
    DECLARE @SalesOrderID AS INT
    DECLARE @SalesOrderItemID AS INT

    SET @OrderItemID = (SELECT OrderItemID FROM [OrderItem] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID)
    SET @AppointmentID = (SELECT AppoinmentID FROM [Appointment] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID)
    SET @PurchaseOrderID = (SELECT PurchaseOrderID FROM [PurchaseOrder] WHERE OrderID = @OrderID)