Please see if below can help you
Class Post_Sales
Public Shared Sub Post_sales()
Dim ITM_ID As Integer
Dim SLS_QTY As Integer
Dim SLS_PRC As Double
Dim SLS_AMT As Double
Dim DSPL_RCT As String
Dim TAX_CODE As Integer
'Format the current date and send it to a textbox
Form1.TextBox6.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString((" yyyy-MM-dd"))
'Open Connection
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Initial Catalog=Your Database here;Data source=.;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;User ID=sa;Password=")
'Insert Records into the database
For Each rw As DataGridViewRow In Form1.DataGridView1.Rows
ITM_ID = rw.Cells("Column1").Value
DSPL_RCT = rw.Cells("Column2").Value
SLS_QTY = rw.Cells("Column3").Value
SLS_PRC = rw.Cells("Column4").Value
SLS_AMT = rw.Cells("Column5").Value
TAX_CODE = rw.Cells("Column6").Value
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO DAY_PLUSALES (DT,ITM_ID,DSPL_RCT,SLS_QTY,SLS_PRC,SLS_AMT,TAX_CODE) values ('" & Form1.TextBox6.Text & "','" & ITM_ID & "','" & DSPL_RCT & "','" & SLS_QTY & "','" & SLS_PRC & "','" & SLS_AMT & "','" & TAX_CODE & "')", con)
MessageBox.Show("Records Added to the SQL Database successfully!", "Records Updated ")
End Sub
End Class