[dns] Can (domain name) subdomains have an underscore "_" in it?

Here my 2 cents from Java world:

From a Spark Scala console, with Java 8:

scala> new java.net.URI("spark://spark_master").getHost
res10: String = null

scala> new java.net.URI("spark://spark-master").getHost
res11: String = spark-master

scala> new java.net.URI("spark://spark_master.google.fr").getHost
res12: String = null

scala> new java.net.URI("spark://spark.master.google.fr").getHost
res13: String = spark.master.google.fr

scala> new java.net.URI("spark://spark-master.google.fr:3434").getHost
res14: String = spark-master.google.fr

scala> new java.net.URI("spark://spark-master.goo_gle.fr:3434").getHost
res15: String = null

It's definitely a bad idea ^^

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