Programs & Examples On #Maskededitextender

How to resolve /var/www copy/write permission denied?

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www

What's the "average" requests per second for a production web application?

personally, I like both analysis done every time....requests/second and average time/request and love seeing the max request time as well on top of that. it is easy to flip if you have 61 requests/second, you can then just flip it to 1000ms / 61 requests.

To answer your question, we have been doing a huge load test ourselves and find it ranges on various amazon hardware we use(best value was the 32 bit medium cpu when it came down to $$ / event / second) and our requests / seconds ranged from 29 requests / second / node up to 150 requests/second/node.

Giving better hardware of course gives better results but not the best ROI. Anyways, this post was great as I was looking for some parallels to see if my numbers where in the ballpark and shared mine as well in case someone else is looking. Mine is purely loaded as high as I can go.

NOTE: thanks to requests/second analysis(not ms/request) we found a major linux issue that we are trying to resolve where linux(we tested a server in C and java) freezes all the calls into socket libraries when under too much load which seems very odd. The full post can be found here actually....

We are still trying to resolve that as it gives us a huge performance boost in that our test goes from 2 minutes 42 seconds to 1 minute 35 seconds when this is fixed so we see a 33% performancce improvement....not to mention, the worse the DoS attack is the longer these pauses are so that all cpus drop to zero and stop my opinion server processing should continue in the face of a DoS but for some reason, it freezes up every once in a while during the Dos sometimes up to 30 seconds!!!

ADDITION: We found out it was actually a jdk race condition bug....hard to isolate on big clusters but when we ran 1 server 1 data node but 10 of those, we could reproduce it every time then and just looked at the server/datanode it occurred on. Switching the jdk to an earlier release fixed the issue. We were on jdk1.6.0_26 I believe.

Gitignore not working

The files/folder in your version control will not just delete themselves just because you added them to the .gitignore. They are already in the repository and you have to remove them. You can just do that with this:

Remember to commit everything you've changed before you do this!

git rm -rf --cached .
git add .

This removes all files from the repository and adds them back (this time respecting the rules in your .gitignore).

NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed on iOS 9


As of Xcode 7.1, you don't need to manually enter the NSAppTransportSecurity Dictionary in the info.plist.

It will now autocomplete for you, realize it's a dictionary, and then autocomplete the Allows Arbitrary Loads as well. info.plist screenshot

Why is Android Studio reporting "URI is not registered"?

Anyone getting this error right after project import might be hitting an unsuccessful initial gradle import/sync. Usually it is encountered with serious errors (blinking exclamation mark in the lower right corner). For me this was the very strange cause (project folder was symlinked):

What is the most efficient way to store tags in a database?

If you don't mind using a bit of non-standard stuff, Postgres version 9.4 and up has an option of storing a record of type JSON text array.

Your schema would be:

Table: Items
Columns: Item_ID:int, Title:text, Content:text

Table: Tags
Columns: Item_ID:int, Tag_Title:text[]

For more info, see this excellent post by Josh Berkus:

There are more various options compared thoroughly for performance and the one suggested above is the best overall.

How do I pull my project from github?

First, you'll need to tell git about yourself. Get your username and token together from your settings page.

Then run:

git config --global github.user YOUR_USERNAME
git config --global github.token YOURTOKEN

You will need to generate a new key if you don't have a back-up of your key.

Then you should be able to run:

git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_PROJECT.git

Using true and false in C

I used to use the #define because they make code easier to read, and there should be no performances degradation compared to using numbers (0,1) coz' the preprocessor converts the #define into numbers before compilation. Once the application is run preprocessor does not come into the way again because the code is already compiled.

BTW it should be:

#define FALSE 0 
#define TRUE 1

and remember that -1, -2, ... 2, 3, etc. all evaluates to true.

How to increase heap size for jBoss server

Edit the following entry in the run.conf file. But if you have multiple JVMs running on the same JBoss, you might want to run it via command line argument of -Xms2g -Xmx4g (or whatever your preferred start/max memory settings are.

if [ "x$JAVA_OPTS" = "x" ]; then
    JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2g -Xmx4g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true

Docker-Compose persistent data MySQL

Adding on to the answer from @Ohmen, you could also add an external flag to create the data volume outside of docker compose. This way docker compose would not attempt to create it. Also you wouldn't have to worry about losing the data inside the data-volume in the event of $ docker-compose down -v. The below example is from the official page.

version: "3.8"

    image: postgres
      - data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

    external: true

Differences between utf8 and latin1

In latin1 each character is exactly one byte long. In utf8 a character can consist of more than one byte. Consequently utf8 has more characters than latin1 (and the characters they do have in common aren't necessarily represented by the same byte/bytesequence).

Finding all positions of substring in a larger string in C#

Based on the code I've used for finding multiple instances of a string within a larger string, your code would look like:

List<int> inst = new List<int>();
int index = 0;
while (index >=0)
    index = source.IndexOf("extract\"(me,i-have lots. of]punctuation", index);

java.math.BigInteger cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer

The column in the database is probably a DECIMAL. You should process it as a BigInteger, not an Integer, otherwise you are losing digits. Or else change the column to int.

Display an image with Python

If you are using matplotlib and want to show the image in your interactive notebook, try the following:

%pylab inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('your_image.png')
imgplot = plt.imshow(img)

Pass command parameter to method in ViewModel in WPF?

Just using Data Binding syntax. For example,

<Button x:Name="btn" 
         Command="{Binding ClickCmd}" 
         CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=btn,Path=Content}" /> 

Not only can we use Data Binding to get some data from View Models, but also pass data back to View Models. In CommandParameter, must use ElementName to declare binding source explicitly.

How can I parse a CSV string with JavaScript, which contains comma in data?

To complement this answer

If you need to parse quotes escaped with another quote, example:

"some ""value"" that is on xlsx file",123

You can use

function parse(text) {
  const csvExp = /(?!\s*$)\s*(?:'([^'\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^'\\]*)*)'|"([^"\\]*(?:\\[\S\s][^"\\]*)*)"|"([^""]*(?:"[\S\s][^""]*)*)"|([^,'"\s\\]*(?:\s+[^,'"\s\\]+)*))\s*(?:,|$)/g;

  const values = [];

  text.replace(csvExp, (m0, m1, m2, m3, m4) => {
    if (m1 !== undefined) {
      values.push(m1.replace(/\\'/g, "'"));
    else if (m2 !== undefined) {
      values.push(m2.replace(/\\"/g, '"'));
    else if (m3 !== undefined) {
      values.push(m3.replace(/""/g, '"'));
    else if (m4 !== undefined) {
    return '';

  if (/,\s*$/.test(text)) {

  return values;

How can I find my php.ini on wordpress?

Create a file yourself php.ini anywhere in your root or wp-admin folder and add the necessary code to the file it should work

How does the enhanced for statement work for arrays, and how to get an iterator for an array?

You can't directly get an iterator for an array.

But you can use a List, backed by your array, and get an ierator on this list. For that, your array must be an Integer array (instead of an int array):

Integer[] arr={1,2,3};
List<Integer> arrAsList = Arrays.asList(arr);
Iterator<Integer> iter = arrAsList.iterator();

Note: it is only theory. You can get an iterator like this, but I discourage you to do so. Performances are not good compared to a direct iteration on the array with the "extended for syntax".

Note 2: a list construct with this method doesn't support all methods (since the list is backed by the array which have a fixed size). For example, "remove" method of your iterator will result in an exception.

How to flush output after each `echo` call?

The correct function to use is flush().

Hello! I am waiting for the next message...<br />
<?php flush(); sleep(5); ?>
I am the next message!<br />
<?php flush(); sleep(5); ?>
And I am the last message. Good bye.

Please note that there is a "problem" with IE, which only outputs the flushed content when it is at least 256 byte, so your first part of the page needs to be at least 256 byte.

Changing the cursor in WPF sometimes works, sometimes doesn't

You can use a data trigger (with a view model) on the button to enable a wait cursor.

<Button x:Name="NextButton"
        Command="{Binding GoCommand }">
         <Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
             <Setter Property="Cursor" Value="Arrow"/>
                 <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=IsWorking}" Value="True">
                     <Setter Property="Cursor" Value="Wait"/>

Here is the code from the view-model:

public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
   // most code removed for this example

   public MainViewModel()
      GoCommand = new DelegateCommand<object>(OnGoCommand, CanGoCommand);

   // flag used by data binding trigger
   private bool _isWorking = false;
   public bool IsWorking
      get { return _isWorking; }
         _isWorking = value;

   // button click event gets processed here
   public ICommand GoCommand { get; private set; }
   private void OnGoCommand(object obj)
      if ( _selectedCustomer != null )
         // wait cursor ON
         IsWorking = true;
         _ds = OrdersManager.LoadToDataSet(_selectedCustomer.ID);

         // wait cursor off
         IsWorking = false;

equals vs Arrays.equals in Java

The Arrays.equals(array1, array2) :

check if both arrays contain the same number of elements, and all corresponding pairs of elements in the two arrays are equal.

The array1.equals(array2) :

compare the object to another object and return true only if the reference of the two object are equal as in the Object.equals()

How can I build a recursive function in python?

Recursion in Python works just as recursion in an other language, with the recursive construct defined in terms of itself:

For example a recursive class could be a binary tree (or any tree):

class tree():
    def __init__(self):
        '''Initialise the tree'''
        self.Data = None
        self.Count = 0
        self.LeftSubtree = None
        self.RightSubtree = None

    def Insert(self, data):
        '''Add an item of data to the tree'''
        if self.Data == None:
            self.Data = data
            self.Count += 1
        elif data < self.Data:
            if self.LeftSubtree == None:
                # tree is a recurive class definition
                self.LeftSubtree = tree()
            # Insert is a recursive function
        elif data == self.Data:
            self.Count += 1
        elif data > self.Data:
            if self.RightSubtree == None:
                self.RightSubtree = tree()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    T = tree()
    # The root node
    # Will be put into the left subtree
    # Will be put into the right subtree

As already mentioned a recursive structure must have a termination condition. In this class, it is not so obvious because it only recurses if new elements are added, and only does it a single time extra.

Also worth noting, python by default has a limit to the depth of recursion available, to avoid absorbing all of the computer's memory. On my computer this is 1000. I don't know if this changes depending on hardware, etc. To see yours :

import sys

and to set it :

import sys #(if you haven't already)

edit: I can't guarentee that my binary tree is the most efficient design ever. If anyone can improve it, I'd be happy to hear how

Python Infinity - Any caveats?

I found a caveat that no one so far has mentioned. I don't know if it will come up often in practical situations, but here it is for the sake of completeness.

Usually, calculating a number modulo infinity returns itself as a float, but a fraction modulo infinity returns nan (not a number). Here is an example:

>>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> from math import inf
>>> 3 % inf
>>> 3.5 % inf
>>> Fraction('1/3') % inf

I filed an issue on the Python bug tracker. It can be seen at

Update: this will be fixed in Python 3.8.

Given a view, how do I get its viewController?

Yes, the superview is the view that contains your view. Your view shouldn't know which exactly is its view controller, because that would break MVC principles.

The controller, on the other hand, knows which view it's responsible for (self.view = myView), and usually, this view delegates methods/events for handling to the controller.

Typically, instead of a pointer to your view, you should have a pointer to your controller, which in turn can either execute some controlling logic, or pass something to its view.

How to pass arguments to addEventListener listener function?

someVar value should be accessible only in some_function() context, not from listener's. If you like to have it within listener, you must do something like:

                             var newVar = someVar;

and use newVar instead.

The other way is to return someVar value from some_function() for using it further in listener (as a new local var):

var someVar = some_function(someVar);

Volley JsonObjectRequest Post request not working

You can create a custom JSONObjectReuqest and override the getParams method, or you can provide them in the constructor as a JSONObject to be put in the body of the request.

Like this (I edited your code):

JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("id", "1");
obj.put("name", "myname");

RequestQueue queue = MyVolley.getRequestQueue();
JsonObjectRequest jsObjRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.POST,SPHERE_URL,obj,
    new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
        public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
    new Response.ErrorListener() {
        public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {

Javascript How to define multiple variables on a single line?

Here is the new ES6 method of declaration multiple variables in one line:

const person = { name: 'Prince', age: 22, id: 1 };_x000D_
let {name, age, id} = person;_x000D_

* Your variable name and object index need be same

How to determine the screen width in terms of dp or dip at runtime in Android?

How about using this instead ?

final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics=getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
final float screenWidthInDp=displayMetrics.widthPixels/displayMetrics.density;
final float screenHeightInDp=displayMetrics.heightPixels/displayMetrics.density;

How to run a script as root on Mac OS X?

In order for sudo to work the way everyone suggest, you need to be in the admin group.

Getting "error": "unsupported_grant_type" when trying to get a JWT by calling an OWIN OAuth secured Web Api via Postman

Old Question, but for angular 6, this needs to be done when you are using HttpClient I am exposing token data publicly here but it would be good if accessed via read-only properties.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { delay, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';

export class AuthService {
    isLoggedIn: boolean = false;
    url = "token";

    tokenData = {};
    username = "";
    AccessToken = "";

    constructor(private http: HttpClient, private router: Router) { }

    login(username: string, password: string): Observable<object> {
        let model = "username=" + username + "&password=" + password + "&grant_type=" + "password";

        return, model).pipe(
                data => {
                    console.log('Log In succesful')
                    this.isLoggedIn = true;
                    this.tokenData = data;
                    this.username = data["username"];
                    this.AccessToken = data["access_token"];
                    return true;

                error => {
                    return false;


Remove numbers from string sql server

Quoting part of @Jatin answer with some modifications,

use this in your where statement:

    SELECT * FROM .... etc.
        (REPLACE (Name, '0', ''),
        '1', ''),
        '2', ''),
        '3', ''),
        '4', ''),
        '5', ''),
        '6', ''),
        '7', ''),
        '8', ''),
        '9', '') = P_SEARCH_KEY

Using Selenium Web Driver to retrieve value of a HTML input

You can do like this :

webelement time=driver.findElement("input_name")).getAttribute("value");

this will give you the time displaying on the webpage.

How to convert the following json string to java object?

Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject object = (JsonObject) parser.parse(response);// response will be the json String
YourPojo emp = gson.fromJson(object, YourPojo.class); 

Calling a class method raises a TypeError in Python

Every function inside a class, and every class variable must take the self argument as pointed.

class mystuff:
    def average(a,b,c): #get the average of three numbers
            return result
    def sum(self,a,b):
            return a+b

print mystuff.average(9,18,27) # should raise error
print mystuff.sum(18,27) # should be ok

If class variables are involved:

 class mystuff:
    def setVariables(self,a,b):
            self.x = a
            self.y = b
            return a+b
    def mult(self):
            return x * y  # This line will raise an error
    def sum(self):
            return self.x + self.y

 print mystuff.setVariables(9,18) # Setting mystuff.x and mystuff.y
 print mystuff.mult() # should raise error
 print mystuff.sum()  # should be ok

How to check if current thread is not main thread

you can verify it in android ddms logcat where process id will be same but thread id will be different.

Java Could not reserve enough space for object heap error

This was occuring for me and it is such an easy fix.

  1. you have to make sure that you have the correct java for your system such as 32bit or 64bit.
  2. if you have installed the correct software and it still occurs than goto

    control panelsystemadvanced system settings for Windows 8 or

    control panelsystem and securitysystemadvanced system settings for Windows 10.

  3. you must goto the {advanced tab} and then click on {Environment Variables}.
  4. you will click on {New} under the <system variables>
  5. you will create a new variable. Variable name: _JAVA_OPTIONS Variable Value: -Xmx512M

At least that is what worked for me.

How to get coordinates of an svg element?

    // get x coord
    console.log(this.getBBox().x, 'or','x'))
    // get y coord
    // get dx coord

Whitespace Matching Regex - Java

You can’t use \s in Java to match white space on its own native character set, because Java doesn’t support the Unicode white space property — even though doing so is strictly required to meet UTS#18’s RL1.2! What it does have is not standards-conforming, alas.

Unicode defines 26 code points as \p{White_Space}: 20 of them are various sorts of \pZ GeneralCategory=Separator, and the remaining 6 are \p{Cc} GeneralCategory=Control.

White space is a pretty stable property, and those same ones have been around virtually forever. Even so, Java has no property that conforms to The Unicode Standard for these, so you instead have to use code like this:

String whitespace_chars =  ""       /* dummy empty string for homogeneity */
                        + "\\u0009" // CHARACTER TABULATION
                        + "\\u000A" // LINE FEED (LF)
                        + "\\u000B" // LINE TABULATION
                        + "\\u000C" // FORM FEED (FF)
                        + "\\u000D" // CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
                        + "\\u0020" // SPACE
                        + "\\u0085" // NEXT LINE (NEL) 
                        + "\\u00A0" // NO-BREAK SPACE
                        + "\\u1680" // OGHAM SPACE MARK
                        + "\\u180E" // MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR
                        + "\\u2000" // EN QUAD 
                        + "\\u2001" // EM QUAD 
                        + "\\u2002" // EN SPACE
                        + "\\u2003" // EM SPACE
                        + "\\u2004" // THREE-PER-EM SPACE
                        + "\\u2005" // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
                        + "\\u2006" // SIX-PER-EM SPACE
                        + "\\u2007" // FIGURE SPACE
                        + "\\u2008" // PUNCTUATION SPACE
                        + "\\u2009" // THIN SPACE
                        + "\\u200A" // HAIR SPACE
                        + "\\u2028" // LINE SEPARATOR
                        + "\\u2029" // PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
                        + "\\u202F" // NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
                        + "\\u205F" // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
                        + "\\u3000" // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
/* A \s that actually works for Java’s native character set: Unicode */
String     whitespace_charclass = "["  + whitespace_chars + "]";    
/* A \S that actually works for  Java’s native character set: Unicode */
String not_whitespace_charclass = "[^" + whitespace_chars + "]";

Now you can use whitespace_charclass + "+" as the pattern in your replaceAll.

Sorry ’bout all that. Java’s regexes just don’t work very well on its own native character set, and so you really have to jump through exotic hoops to make them work.

And if you think white space is bad, you should see what you have to do to get \w and \b to finally behave properly!

Yes, it’s possible, and yes, it’s a mindnumbing mess. That’s being charitable, even. The easiest way to get a standards-comforming regex library for Java is to JNI over to ICU’s stuff. That’s what Google does for Android, because OraSun’s doesn’t measure up.

If you don’t want to do that but still want to stick with Java, I have a front-end regex rewriting library I wrote that “fixes” Java’s patterns, at least to get them conform to the requirements of RL1.2a in UTS#18, Unicode Regular Expressions.

how to specify new environment location for conda create

If you want to use the --prefix or -p arguments, but want to avoid having to use the environment's full path to activate it, you need to edit the .condarc config file before you create the environment.

The .condarc file is in the home directory; C:\Users\<user> on Windows. Edit the values under the envs_dirs key to include the custom path for your environment. Assuming the custom path is D:\envs, the file should end up looking something like this:

ssl_verify: true
  - defaults
  - C:\Users\<user>\Anaconda3\envs
  - D:\envs

Then, when you create a new environment on that path, its name will appear along with the path when you run conda env list, and you should be able to activate it using only the name, and not the full path.

Command line screenshot

In summary, if you edit .condarc to include D:\envs, and then run conda env create -p D:\envs\myenv python=x.x, then activate myenv (or source activate myenv on Linux) should work.

Hope that helps!

P.S. I stumbled upon this through trial and error. I think what happens is when you edit the envs_dirs key, conda updates ~\.conda\environments.txt to include the environments found in all the directories specified under the envs_dirs, so they can be accessed without using absolute paths.

window.location.reload with clear cache

i had this problem and i solved it using javascript


you may also use


to stop the browser back button after user logs out of the application.

How to remove part of a string before a ":" in javascript?

There is no need for jQuery here, regular JavaScript will do:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.substring(str.indexOf(":") + 1);

Or, the .split() and .pop() version:

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = str.split(":").pop();

Or, the regex version (several variants of this):

var str = "Abc: Lorem ipsum sit amet";
str = /:(.+)/.exec(str)[1];

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure,

First remove Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure from package.config.

and ran the command again

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure and make sure Copy Local property should be true.

'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level

For me, this was caused by a reference to module in a hot module replacement implementation:

constructor() {
  if (module && { => {
      if (status === 'dispose') {

How do I get the result of a command in a variable in windows?

you need to use the SET command with parameter /P and direct your output to it. For example see Will work for CMD, not sure about .BAT files

From a comment to this post:

That link has the command "Set /P _MyVar=<MyFilename.txt" which says it will set _MyVar to the first line from MyFilename.txt. This could be used as "myCmd > tmp.txt" with "set /P myVar=<tmp.txt". But it will only get the first line of the output, not all the output

How to test which port MySQL is running on and whether it can be connected to?

I agree with @bortunac's solution. my.conf is mysql specific while netstat will provide you with all the listening ports.

Perhaps use both, one to confirm which is port set for mysql and the other to check that the system is listening through that port.

My client uses CentOS 6.6 and I have found the my.conf file under /etc/, so I used:

grep port /etc/my.conf (CentOS 6.6)

Difference between Java SE/EE/ME?

Java SE (Standard Edition) is for building desktop apps.

Java ME (Micro Edition) is for old mobile devices.

Java EE (Enterprise Edition) is for developing web based applications.

Can't ignore UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate

Git is probably already tracking the file.

From the gitignore docs:

To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use git rm --cached.

Use this, replacing [project] and [username] with your info:

git rm --cached [project].xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/[username].xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
git commit -m "Removed file that shouldn't be tracked"

Alternatively you can use the -a option to git commit that will add all files that have been modified or deleted.

Once you've removed the file from git, it will respect your .gitignore.

Name attribute in @Entity and @Table

@Entity(name = "someThing") => this name will be used to name the Entity
@Table(name = "someThing")  => this name will be used to name a table in DB

So, in the first case your table and entity will have the same name, that will allow you to access your table with the same name as the entity while writing HQL or JPQL.

And in second case while writing queries you have to use the name given in @Entity and the name given in @Table will be used to name the table in the DB.

So in HQL your someThing will refer to otherThing in the DB.

How to select a single child element using jQuery?

No. Every jQuery function returns a jQuery object, and that is how it works. This is a crucial part of jQuery's magic.

If you want to access the underlying element, you have three options...

  1. Do not use jQuery
  2. Use [0] to reference it
  3. Extend jQuery to do what you want...

    $.fn.child = function(s) {
        return $(this).children(s)[0];

Global Variable from a different file Python

Importing file2 in makes the global (i.e., module level) names bound in file2 available to following code in file1 -- the only such name is SomeClass. It does not do the reverse: names defined in file1 are not made available to code in file2 when file1 imports file2. This would be the case even if you imported the right way (import file2, as @nate correctly recommends) rather than in the horrible, horrible way you're doing it (if everybody under the Sun forgot the very existence of the construct from ... import *, life would be so much better for everybody).

Apparently you want to make global names defined in file1 available to code in file2 and vice versa. This is known as a "cyclical dependency" and is a terrible idea (in Python, or anywhere else for that matter).

So, rather than showing you the incredibly fragile, often unmaintainable hacks to achieve (some semblance of) a cyclical dependency in Python, I'd much rather discuss the many excellent way in which you can avoid such terrible structure.

For example, you could put global names that need to be available to both modules in a third module (e.g., to continue your naming streak;-) and import that third module into each of the other two (import file3 in both file1 and file2, and then use etc, that is, qualified names, for the purpose of accessing or setting those global names from either or both of the other modules, not barenames).

Of course, more and more specific help could be offered if you clarified (by editing your Q) exactly why you think you need a cyclical dependency (just one easy prediction: no matter what makes you think you need a cyclical dependency, you're wrong;-).

How to create an empty R vector to add new items

I've also seen

x <- {}

Now you can concatenate or bind a vector of any dimension to x

rbind(x, 1:10)
cbind(x, 1:10)
c(x, 10)

Array of arrays (Python/NumPy)

You'll have problems creating lists without commas. It shouldn't be too hard to transform your data so that it uses commas as separating character.

Once you have commas in there, it's a relatively simple list creation operations:

array1 = [1,2,3]
array2 = [4,5,6]

array3 = [array1, array2]

array4 = [7,8,9]
array5 = [10,11,12]

array3 = [array3, [array4, array5]]

When testing we get:


[[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]]

And if we test with indexing it works correctly reading the matrix as made up of 2 rows and 2 columns:

[4, 5, 6]

[10, 11, 12]

Hope that helps.

What is the use of a cursor in SQL Server?

Cursor itself is an iterator (like WHILE). By saying iterator I mean a way to traverse the record set (aka a set of selected data rows) and do operations on it while traversing. Operations could be INSERT or DELETE for example. Hence you can use it for data retrieval for example. Cursor works with the rows of the result set sequentially - row by row. A cursor can be viewed as a pointer to one row in a set of rows and can only reference one row at a time, but can move to other rows of the result set as needed.

This link can has a clear explanation of its syntax and contains additional information plus examples.

Cursors can be used in Sprocs too. They are a shortcut that allow you to use one query to do a task instead of several queries. However, cursors recognize scope and are considered undefined out of the scope of the sproc and their operations execute within a single procedure. A stored procedure cannot open, fetch, or close a cursor that was not declared in the procedure.

How to play only the audio of a Youtube video using HTML 5?

Embed the video player and use CSS to hide the video. If you do it properly you may even be able to hide only the video and not the controls below it.

However, I'd recommend against it, because it will be a violation of YouTube TOS. Use your own server instead if you really want to play only audio.

How do I output lists as a table in Jupyter notebook?

You could try to use the following function

def tableIt(data):
    for lin in data:
        for inlin in lin:
            print("|",str(inlin),"", end="")

data = [[1,2,3,2,3],[1,2,3,2,3],[1,2,3,2,3],[1,2,3,2,3]]


Merge two (or more) lists into one, in C# .NET

You need to use Concat operation

Android Gradle 5.0 Update:Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util

Issue has been resolved after updating Android studio version to 3.3-rc2 or latest released version.

cr: @shadowsheep

have to change version under /gradle/wrapper/ refer below url

boolean in an if statement

Also can be tested with Boolean object, if you need to test an object error={Boolean(}

VB.NET Switch Statement GoTo Case

In VB.NET, you can apply multiple conditions even if the other conditions don't apply to the Select parameter. See below:

Select Case parameter 
    Case "userID"
                ' does something here.
        Case "packageID"
                ' does something here.
        Case "mvrType" And otherFactor
                ' does something here. 
        Case Else 
                ' does some processing... 
End Select

javascript regular expression to not match a word

function doesNotContainAbcOrDef(x) {
    return (x.match('abc') || x.match('def')) === null;

How to scroll to the bottom of a UITableView on the iPhone before the view appears

The accepted solution by @JacobRelkin didn't work for me in iOS 7.0 using Auto Layout.

I have a custom subclass of UIViewController and added an instance variable _tableView as a subview of its view. I positioned _tableView using Auto Layout. I tried calling this method at the end of viewDidLoad and even in viewWillAppear:. Neither worked.

So, I added the following method to my custom subclass of UIViewController.

- (void)tableViewScrollToBottomAnimated:(BOOL)animated {
    NSInteger numberOfRows = [_tableView numberOfRowsInSection:0];
    if (numberOfRows) {
        [_tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:numberOfRows-1 inSection:0] atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:animated];

Calling [self tableViewScrollToBottomAnimated:NO] at the end of viewDidLoad works. Unfortunately, it also causes tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: to get called three times for every cell.

Center image in table td in CSS

Set a fixed with of your image in your css and add an auto-margin/padding on the image to...

div.image img {
    width: 100px;
    margin: auto;

Or set the text-align to center...

td {
    text-align: center;

Getting URL parameter in java and extract a specific text from that URL

public static String getQueryMap(String query) {        
    String[] params = query.split("&");     
    for (String param : params) {           
       String name = param.split("=")[0];
       if ("YourParam".equals(name)) {
           return param.split("=")[1]; 
    return null;

How to initialize all members of an array to the same value?

For initializing 'normal' data types (like int arrays), you can use the bracket notation, but it will zero the values after the last if there is still space in the array:

// put values 1-8, then two zeroes
int list[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};

applying css to specific li class

You have specified different colors for the li elements but it is being overridden by the specified color in the a within the li. Remove color: #C1C1C1; style from a element and it should work.

How can I get all the request headers in Django?

For what it's worth, it appears your intent is to use the incoming HTTP request to form another HTTP request. Sort of like a gateway. There is an excellent module django-revproxy that accomplishes exactly this.

The source is a pretty good reference on how to accomplish what you are trying to do.

Format JavaScript date as yyyy-mm-dd

Just leverage the built-in toISOString method that brings your date to the ISO 8601 format:


Where yourDate is your date object.

Edit: @exbuddha wrote this to handle time zone in the comments:

const offset = yourDate.getTimezoneOffset()
yourDate = new Date(yourDate.getTime() - (offset*60*1000))
return yourDate.toISOString().split('T')[0]

What does the line "#!/bin/sh" mean in a UNIX shell script?

#!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash has to be first line of the script because if you don't use it on the first line then the system will treat all the commands in that script as different commands. If the first line is #!/bin/sh then it will consider all commands as a one script and it will show the that this file is running in ps command and not the commands inside the file.


ps -ef |grep echo
trainee   3036  2717  0 16:24 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/sh ./
root      3042  2912  0 16:24 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto echo

Using jQuery to programmatically click an <a> link

I had similar issue. try this $('#myAnchor').get(0).click();this works for me

Fastest way to ping a network range and return responsive hosts?


for i in $(seq 1 254); do (ping -c1 -W5 192.168.1.$i >/dev/null && echo "192.168.1.$i" &) ;done

Android/Eclipse: how can I add an image in the res/drawable folder?

Just copy the image and paste into Eclipse in the res/drawable directory. Note that the image name should be in lowercase, otherwise it will end up with an error.

jQuery CSS Opacity

Try with this :

jQuery('#main').css({ opacity: 0.6 });

Java; String replace (using regular expressions)?

Try this:

String str = "5 * x^3 - 6 * x^1 + 1";
String replacedStr = str.replaceAll("\\^(\\d+)", "<sup>\$1</sup>");

Be sure to import java.util.regex.

For loop in multidimensional javascript array

You can do something like this:

var cubes = [
 [1, 2, 3],
 [4, 5, 6],    
 [7, 8, 9],

for(var i = 0; i < cubes.length; i++) {
    var cube = cubes[i];
    for(var j = 0; j < cube.length; j++) {
        display("cube[" + i + "][" + j + "] = " + cube[j]);

Working jsFiddle:

The output of the above:

cube[0][0] = 1
cube[0][1] = 2
cube[0][2] = 3
cube[1][0] = 4
cube[1][1] = 5
cube[1][2] = 6
cube[2][0] = 7
cube[2][1] = 8
cube[2][2] = 9

An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll

    private const string strconneciton = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Employees;Integrated Security=True";
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strconneciton);

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into EmployeeData (Name,S/O,Address,Phone,CellNo,CNICNO,LicenseNo,LicenseDistrict,LicenseValidPhoto,ReferenceName,ReferenceContactNo) values ( '" + textName.Text + "','" + textSO.Text + "','" + textAddress.Text + "','" + textPhone.Text + "','" + textCell.Text + "','" + textCNIC.Text + "','" + textLicenseNo.Text + "','" + textLicenseDistrict.Text + "','" + textLicensePhoto.Text + "','" + textReferenceName.Text + "','" + textContact.Text + "' )", con);

Are static class variables possible in Python?

Static and Class Methods

As the other answers have noted, static and class methods are easily accomplished using the built-in decorators:

class Test(object):

    # regular instance method:
    def MyMethod(self):

    # class method:
    def MyClassMethod(klass):

    # static method:
    def MyStaticMethod():

As usual, the first argument to MyMethod() is bound to the class instance object. In contrast, the first argument to MyClassMethod() is bound to the class object itself (e.g., in this case, Test). For MyStaticMethod(), none of the arguments are bound, and having arguments at all is optional.

"Static Variables"

However, implementing "static variables" (well, mutable static variables, anyway, if that's not a contradiction in terms...) is not as straight forward. As millerdev pointed out in his answer, the problem is that Python's class attributes are not truly "static variables". Consider:

class Test(object):
    i = 3  # This is a class attribute

x = Test()
x.i = 12   # Attempt to change the value of the class attribute using x instance
assert x.i == Test.i  # ERROR
assert Test.i == 3    # Test.i was not affected
assert x.i == 12      # x.i is a different object than Test.i

This is because the line x.i = 12 has added a new instance attribute i to x instead of changing the value of the Test class i attribute.

Partial expected static variable behavior, i.e., syncing of the attribute between multiple instances (but not with the class itself; see "gotcha" below), can be achieved by turning the class attribute into a property:

class Test(object):

    _i = 3

    def i(self):
        return type(self)._i

    def i(self,val):
        type(self)._i = val

## (except with separate methods for getting and setting i) ##

class Test(object):

    _i = 3

    def get_i(self):
        return type(self)._i

    def set_i(self,val):
        type(self)._i = val

    i = property(get_i, set_i)

Now you can do:

x1 = Test()
x2 = Test()
x1.i = 50
assert x2.i == x1.i  # no error
assert x2.i == 50    # the property is synced

The static variable will now remain in sync between all class instances.

(NOTE: That is, unless a class instance decides to define its own version of _i! But if someone decides to do THAT, they deserve what they get, don't they???)

Note that technically speaking, i is still not a 'static variable' at all; it is a property, which is a special type of descriptor. However, the property behavior is now equivalent to a (mutable) static variable synced across all class instances.

Immutable "Static Variables"

For immutable static variable behavior, simply omit the property setter:

class Test(object):

    _i = 3

    def i(self):
        return type(self)._i

## (except with separate methods for getting i) ##

class Test(object):

    _i = 3

    def get_i(self):
        return type(self)._i

    i = property(get_i)

Now attempting to set the instance i attribute will return an AttributeError:

x = Test()
assert x.i == 3  # success
x.i = 12         # ERROR

One Gotcha to be Aware of

Note that the above methods only work with instances of your class - they will not work when using the class itself. So for example:

x = Test()
assert x.i == Test.i  # ERROR

# x.i and Test.i are two different objects:
type(Test.i)  # class 'property'
type(x.i)     # class 'int'

The line assert Test.i == x.i produces an error, because the i attribute of Test and x are two different objects.

Many people will find this surprising. However, it should not be. If we go back and inspect our Test class definition (the second version), we take note of this line:

    i = property(get_i) 

Clearly, the member i of Test must be a property object, which is the type of object returned from the property function.

If you find the above confusing, you are most likely still thinking about it from the perspective of other languages (e.g. Java or c++). You should go study the property object, about the order in which Python attributes are returned, the descriptor protocol, and the method resolution order (MRO).

I present a solution to the above 'gotcha' below; however I would suggest - strenuously - that you do not try to do something like the following until - at minimum - you thoroughly understand why assert Test.i = x.i causes an error.

REAL, ACTUAL Static Variables - Test.i == x.i

I present the (Python 3) solution below for informational purposes only. I am not endorsing it as a "good solution". I have my doubts as to whether emulating the static variable behavior of other languages in Python is ever actually necessary. However, regardless as to whether it is actually useful, the below should help further understanding of how Python works.

UPDATE: this attempt is really pretty awful; if you insist on doing something like this (hint: please don't; Python is a very elegant language and shoe-horning it into behaving like another language is just not necessary), use the code in Ethan Furman's answer instead.

Emulating static variable behavior of other languages using a metaclass

A metaclass is the class of a class. The default metaclass for all classes in Python (i.e., the "new style" classes post Python 2.3 I believe) is type. For example:

type(int)  # class 'type'
type(str)  # class 'type'
class Test(): pass
type(Test) # class 'type'

However, you can define your own metaclass like this:

class MyMeta(type): pass

And apply it to your own class like this (Python 3 only):

class MyClass(metaclass = MyMeta):

type(MyClass)  # class MyMeta

Below is a metaclass I have created which attempts to emulate "static variable" behavior of other languages. It basically works by replacing the default getter, setter, and deleter with versions which check to see if the attribute being requested is a "static variable".

A catalog of the "static variables" is stored in the StaticVarMeta.statics attribute. All attribute requests are initially attempted to be resolved using a substitute resolution order. I have dubbed this the "static resolution order", or "SRO". This is done by looking for the requested attribute in the set of "static variables" for a given class (or its parent classes). If the attribute does not appear in the "SRO", the class will fall back on the default attribute get/set/delete behavior (i.e., "MRO").

from functools import wraps

class StaticVarsMeta(type):
    '''A metaclass for creating classes that emulate the "static variable" behavior
    of other languages. I do not advise actually using this for anything!!!

    Behavior is intended to be similar to classes that use __slots__. However, "normal"
    attributes and __statics___ can coexist (unlike with __slots__). 

    Example usage: 

        class MyBaseClass(metaclass = StaticVarsMeta):
            __statics__ = {'a','b','c'}
            i = 0  # regular attribute
            a = 1  # static var defined (optional)

        class MyParentClass(MyBaseClass):
            __statics__ = {'d','e','f'}
            j = 2              # regular attribute
            d, e, f = 3, 4, 5  # Static vars
            a, b, c = 6, 7, 8  # Static vars (inherited from MyBaseClass, defined/re-defined here)

        class MyChildClass(MyParentClass):
            __statics__ = {'a','b','c'}
            j = 2  # regular attribute (redefines j from MyParentClass)
            d, e, f = 9, 10, 11   # Static vars (inherited from MyParentClass, redefined here)
            a, b, c = 12, 13, 14  # Static vars (overriding previous definition in MyParentClass here)'''
    statics = {}
    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace):
        # Get the class object
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace)
        # Establish the "statics resolution order"
        cls.__sro__ = tuple(c for c in cls.__mro__ if isinstance(c,mcls))

        # Replace class getter, setter, and deleter for instance attributes
        cls.__getattribute__ = StaticVarsMeta.__inst_getattribute__(cls, cls.__getattribute__)
        cls.__setattr__ = StaticVarsMeta.__inst_setattr__(cls, cls.__setattr__)
        cls.__delattr__ = StaticVarsMeta.__inst_delattr__(cls, cls.__delattr__)
        # Store the list of static variables for the class object
        # This list is permanent and cannot be changed, similar to __slots__
            mcls.statics[cls] = getattr(cls,'__statics__')
        except AttributeError:
            mcls.statics[cls] = namespace['__statics__'] = set() # No static vars provided
        # Check and make sure the statics var names are strings
        if any(not isinstance(static,str) for static in mcls.statics[cls]):
            typ = dict(zip((not isinstance(static,str) for static in mcls.statics[cls]), map(type,mcls.statics[cls])))[True].__name__
            raise TypeError('__statics__ items must be strings, not {0}'.format(typ))
        # Move any previously existing, not overridden statics to the static var parent class(es)
        if len(cls.__sro__) > 1:
            for attr,value in namespace.items():
                if attr not in StaticVarsMeta.statics[cls] and attr != ['__statics__']:
                    for c in cls.__sro__[1:]:
                        if attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c]:
        return cls
    def __inst_getattribute__(self, orig_getattribute):
        '''Replaces the class __getattribute__'''
        def wrapper(self, attr):
            if StaticVarsMeta.is_static(type(self),attr):
                return StaticVarsMeta.__getstatic__(type(self),attr)
                return orig_getattribute(self, attr)
        return wrapper
    def __inst_setattr__(self, orig_setattribute):
        '''Replaces the class __setattr__'''
        def wrapper(self, attr, value):
            if StaticVarsMeta.is_static(type(self),attr):
                StaticVarsMeta.__setstatic__(type(self),attr, value)
                orig_setattribute(self, attr, value)
        return wrapper
    def __inst_delattr__(self, orig_delattribute):
        '''Replaces the class __delattr__'''
        def wrapper(self, attr):
            if StaticVarsMeta.is_static(type(self),attr):
                orig_delattribute(self, attr)
        return wrapper
    def __getstatic__(cls,attr):
        '''Static variable getter'''
        for c in cls.__sro__:
            if attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c]:
                    return getattr(c,attr)
                except AttributeError:
        raise AttributeError(cls.__name__ + " object has no attribute '{0}'".format(attr))
    def __setstatic__(cls,attr,value):
        '''Static variable setter'''
        for c in cls.__sro__:
            if attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c]:
    def __delstatic__(cls,attr):
        '''Static variable deleter'''
        for c in cls.__sro__:
            if attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c]:
                except AttributeError:
        raise AttributeError(cls.__name__ + " object has no attribute '{0}'".format(attr))
    def __delattr__(cls,attr):
        '''Prevent __sro__ attribute from deletion'''
        if attr == '__sro__':
            raise AttributeError('readonly attribute')
    def is_static(cls,attr):
        '''Returns True if an attribute is a static variable of any class in the __sro__'''
        if any(attr in StaticVarsMeta.statics[c] for c in cls.__sro__):
            return True
        return False

How good is Java's UUID.randomUUID?

We have been using the Java's random UUID in our application for more than one year and that to very extensively. But we never come across of having collision.

Controlling fps with requestAnimationFrame?

Update 2016/6

The problem throttling the frame rate is that the screen has a constant update rate, typically 60 FPS.

If we want 24 FPS we will never get the true 24 fps on the screen, we can time it as such but not show it as the monitor can only show synced frames at 15 fps, 30 fps or 60 fps (some monitors also 120 fps).

However, for timing purposes we can calculate and update when possible.

You can build all the logic for controlling the frame-rate by encapsulating calculations and callbacks into an object:

function FpsCtrl(fps, callback) {

    var delay = 1000 / fps,                               // calc. time per frame
        time = null,                                      // start time
        frame = -1,                                       // frame count
        tref;                                             // rAF time reference

    function loop(timestamp) {
        if (time === null) time = timestamp;              // init start time
        var seg = Math.floor((timestamp - time) / delay); // calc frame no.
        if (seg > frame) {                                // moved to next frame?
            frame = seg;                                  // update
            callback({                                    // callback function
                time: timestamp,
                frame: frame
        tref = requestAnimationFrame(loop)

Then add some controller and configuration code:

// play status
this.isPlaying = false;

// set frame-rate
this.frameRate = function(newfps) {
    if (!arguments.length) return fps;
    fps = newfps;
    delay = 1000 / fps;
    frame = -1;
    time = null;

// enable starting/pausing of the object
this.start = function() {
    if (!this.isPlaying) {
        this.isPlaying = true;
        tref = requestAnimationFrame(loop);

this.pause = function() {
    if (this.isPlaying) {
        this.isPlaying = false;
        time = null;
        frame = -1;


It becomes very simple - now, all that we have to do is to create an instance by setting callback function and desired frame rate just like this:

var fc = new FpsCtrl(24, function(e) {
     // render each frame here

Then start (which could be the default behavior if desired):


That's it, all the logic is handled internally.


var ctx = c.getContext("2d"), pTime = 0, mTime = 0, x = 0;_x000D_
ctx.font = "20px sans-serif";_x000D_
// update canvas with some information and animation_x000D_
var fps = new FpsCtrl(12, function(e) {_x000D_
 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);_x000D_
 ctx.fillText("FPS: " + fps.frameRate() + _x000D_
                 " Frame: " + e.frame + _x000D_
                 " Time: " + (e.time - pTime).toFixed(1), 4, 30);_x000D_
 pTime = e.time;_x000D_
 var x = (pTime - mTime) * 0.1;_x000D_
 if (x > c.width) mTime = pTime;_x000D_
 ctx.fillRect(x, 50, 10, 10)_x000D_
// start the loop_x000D_
// UI_x000D_
bState.onclick = function() {_x000D_
 fps.isPlaying ? fps.pause() : fps.start();_x000D_
sFPS.onchange = function() {_x000D_
function FpsCtrl(fps, callback) {_x000D_
 var delay = 1000 / fps,_x000D_
  time = null,_x000D_
  frame = -1,_x000D_
 function loop(timestamp) {_x000D_
  if (time === null) time = timestamp;_x000D_
  var seg = Math.floor((timestamp - time) / delay);_x000D_
  if (seg > frame) {_x000D_
   frame = seg;_x000D_
    time: timestamp,_x000D_
    frame: frame_x000D_
  tref = requestAnimationFrame(loop)_x000D_
 this.isPlaying = false;_x000D_
 this.frameRate = function(newfps) {_x000D_
  if (!arguments.length) return fps;_x000D_
  fps = newfps;_x000D_
  delay = 1000 / fps;_x000D_
  frame = -1;_x000D_
  time = null;_x000D_
 this.start = function() {_x000D_
  if (!this.isPlaying) {_x000D_
   this.isPlaying = true;_x000D_
   tref = requestAnimationFrame(loop);_x000D_
 this.pause = function() {_x000D_
  if (this.isPlaying) {_x000D_
   this.isPlaying = false;_x000D_
   time = null;_x000D_
   frame = -1;_x000D_
body {font:16px sans-serif}
<label>Framerate: <select id=sFPS>_x000D_
<canvas id=c height=60></canvas><br>_x000D_
<button id=bState>Start/Stop</button>

Old answer

The main purpose of requestAnimationFrame is to sync updates to the monitor's refresh rate. This will require you to animate at the FPS of the monitor or a factor of it (ie. 60, 30, 15 FPS for a typical refresh rate @ 60 Hz).

If you want a more arbitrary FPS then there is no point using rAF as the frame rate will never match the monitor's update frequency anyways (just a frame here and there) which simply cannot give you a smooth animation (as with all frame re-timings) and you can might as well use setTimeout or setInterval instead.

This is also a well known problem in the professional video industry when you want to playback a video at a different FPS then the device showing it refresh at. Many techniques has been used such as frame blending and complex re-timing re-building intermediate frames based on motion vectors, but with canvas these techniques are not available and the result will always be jerky video.

var FPS = 24;  /// "silver screen"
var isPlaying = true;

function loop() {
    if (isPlaying) setTimeout(loop, 1000 / FPS);

    ... code for frame here

The reason why we place setTimeout first (and why some place rAF first when a poly-fill is used) is that this will be more accurate as the setTimeout will queue an event immediately when the loop starts so that no matter how much time the remaining code will use (provided it doesn't exceed the timeout interval) the next call will be at the interval it represents (for pure rAF this is not essential as rAF will try to jump onto the next frame in any case).

Also worth to note that placing it first will also risk calls stacking up as with setInterval. setInterval may be slightly more accurate for this use.

And you can use setInterval instead outside the loop to do the same.

var FPS = 29.97;   /// NTSC
var rememberMe = setInterval(loop, 1000 / FPS);

function loop() {

    ... code for frame here

And to stop the loop:


In order to reduce frame rate when the tab gets blurred you can add a factor like this:

var isFocus = 1;
var FPS = 25;

function loop() {
    setTimeout(loop, 1000 / (isFocus * FPS)); /// note the change here

    ... code for frame here

window.onblur = function() {
    isFocus = 0.5; /// reduce FPS to half   

window.onfocus = function() {
    isFocus = 1; /// full FPS

This way you can reduce the FPS to 1/4 etc.

how to make a new line in a jupyter markdown cell

The double space generally works well. However, sometimes the lacking newline in the PDF still occurs to me when using four pound sign sub titles #### in Jupyter Notebook, as the next paragraph is put into the subtitle as a single paragraph. No amount of double spaces and returns fixed this, until I created a notebook copy 'v. PDF' and started using a single backslash '\' which also indents the next paragraph nicely:

#### 1.1 My Subtitle  \

1.1 My Subtitle
    Next paragraph text.

An alternative to this, is to upgrade the level of your four # titles to three # titles, etc. up the title chain, which will remove the next paragraph indent and format the indent of the title itself (#### My Subtitle ---> ### My Subtitle).

### My Subtitle

1.1 My Subtitle

Next paragraph text.

CSS I want a div to be on top of everything

I gonna assumed you making a popup with code from WW3 school, correct? check it css. the .modal one, there're already word z-index there. just change from 1 to 100.

.modal {
    display: none; /* Hidden by default */
    position: fixed; /* Stay in place */
    z-index: 1; /* Sit on top */
    padding-top: 100px; /* Location of the box */
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%; /* Full width */
    height: 100%; /* Full height */
    overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */
    background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */

If my interface must return Task what is the best way to have a no-operation implementation?

When you must return specified type:


[INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]

My app was running on Nexus 5X API 26 x86 (virtual device on emulator) without any errors and then I included a third party AAR. Then it keeps giving this error. I cleaned, rebuilt, checked/unchecked instant run option, wiped the data in AVD, performed cold boot but problem insists. Then I tried the solution found here. he/she says that add splits & abi blocks for 'x86', 'armeabi-v7a' in to module build.gradle file and hallelujah it is clean and fresh again :)

Edit: On this post Driss Bounouar's solution seems to be same. But my emulator was x86 before adding the new AAR and HAXM emulator was already working.

How to group by month from Date field using sql

I used the FORMAT function to accomplish this:

 FORMAT(Closing_Date, 'yyyy_MM') AS Closing_Month
 , count(*) cc 
 Defect_Status1 IS NOT NULL
 AND Closing_Date >= '2011-12-01'
 AND Closing_Date < '2016-07-01' 
GROUP BY FORMAT(Closing_Date, 'yyyy_MM')
ORDER BY Closing_Month

Making an API call in Python with an API that requires a bearer token

Here is full example of implementation in cURL and in Python - for authorization and for making API calls


1. Authorization

You have received access data like this:

Username: johndoe

Password: zznAQOoWyj8uuAgq

Consumer Key: ggczWttBWlTjXCEtk3Yie_WJGEIa

Consumer Secret: uuzPjjJykiuuLfHkfgSdXLV98Ciga

Which you can call in cURL like this:

curl -k -d "grant_type=password&username=Username&password=Password" \

                    -H "Authorization: Basic Base64(consumer-key:consumer-secret)" \


or for this case it would be:

curl -k -d "grant_type=password&username=johndoe&password=zznAQOoWyj8uuAgq" \

                    -H "Authorization: Basic zzRjettzNUJXbFRqWENuuGszWWllX1iiR0VJYTpRelBLZkp5a2l2V0xmSGtmZ1NkWExWzzhDaWdh" \


Answer would be something like:

    "access_token": "zz8d62zz-56zz-34zz-9zzf-azze1b8057f8",
    "refresh_token": "zzazz4c3-zz2e-zz25-zz97-ezz6e219cbf6",
    "scope": "default",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600

2. Calling API

Here is how you call some API that uses authentication from above. Limit and offset are just examples of 2 parameters that API could implement. You need access_token from above inserted after "Bearer ".So here is how you call some API with authentication data from above:

curl -k -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer zz8d62zz-56zz-34zz-9zzf-azze1b8057f8"


Same thing from above implemented in Python. I've put text in comments so code could be copy-pasted.

# Authorization data

import base64
import requests

username = 'johndoe'
password= 'zznAQOoWyj8uuAgq'
consumer_key = 'ggczWttBWlTjXCEtk3Yie_WJGEIa'
consumer_secret = 'uuzPjjJykiuuLfHkfgSdXLV98Ciga'
consumer_key_secret = consumer_key+":"+consumer_secret
consumer_key_secret_enc = base64.b64encode(consumer_key_secret.encode()).decode()

# Your decoded key will be something like:

headersAuth = {
    'Authorization': 'Basic '+ str(consumer_key_secret_enc),

data = {
  'grant_type': 'password',
  'username': username,
  'password': password

## Authentication request

response ='', headers=headersAuth, data=data, verify=True)
j = response.json()

# When you print that response you will get dictionary like this:

        "access_token": "zz8d62zz-56zz-34zz-9zzf-azze1b8057f8",
        "refresh_token": "zzazz4c3-zz2e-zz25-zz97-ezz6e219cbf6",
        "scope": "default",
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "expires_in": 3600

# You have to use `access_token` in API calls explained bellow.
# You can get `access_token` with j['access_token'].

# Using authentication to make API calls   

## Define header for making API calls that will hold authentication data

headersAPI = {
    'accept': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer '+j['access_token'],

### Usage of parameters defined in your API
params = (
    ('offset', '0'),
    ('limit', '20'),

# Making sample API call with authentication and API parameters data

response = requests.get('', headers=headersAPI, params=params, verify=True)
api_response = response.json()

Combining node.js and Python

I'd recommend using some work queue using, for example, the excellent Gearman, which will provide you with a great way to dispatch background jobs, and asynchronously get their result once they're processed.

The advantage of this, used heavily at Digg (among many others) is that it provides a strong, scalable and robust way to make workers in any language to speak with clients in any language.

How to read from stdin with fgets()?

You have a wrong idea of what fgets returns. Take a look at this:

It returns null when it finds an EOF character. Try running the program above and pressing CTRL+D (or whatever combination is your EOF character), and the loop will exit succesfully.

How do you want to detect the end of the input? Newline? Dot (you said sentence xD)?

Using a dictionary to count the items in a list

I like:

counts = dict()
for i in items:
  counts[i] = counts.get(i, 0) + 1

.get allows you to specify a default value if the key does not exist.

Using reflection in Java to create a new instance with the reference variable type set to the new instance class name?

I'm not absolutely sure I got your question correctly, but it seems you want something like this:

    Class c = null;
    try {
        c = Class.forName("");
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    T interfaceType = null;
    try {
        interfaceType = (T) c.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

Where T can be defined in method level or in class level, i.e. <T extends InterfaceType>

How to reset form body in bootstrap modal box?

If you using ajax to load modal's body such way and want to be able to reload it's content

<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" href="./add">Add</a>
<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" href="./edit/id">Modify</a>

<div id="myModal" class="modal fade">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <!-- Content will be loaded here -->


    $(function() {
        $('.modal').on('', function(){

How do I clear inner HTML

Take a look at this. a clean and simple solution using jQuery.

    <h1 onmouseover="go('The dog is in its shed')" onmouseout="clear()">lalala</h1>
    <div id="goy"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">

    $(function() {
       $("h1").on('mouseover', function() {
          $("#goy").text('The dog is in its shed');
       }).on('mouseout', function() {

Algorithm to generate all possible permutations of a list?

In Scala

    def permutazione(n: List[Int]): List[List[Int]] = permutationeAcc(n, Nil)

def permutationeAcc(n: List[Int], acc: List[Int]): List[List[Int]] = {

    var result: List[List[Int]] = Nil
    for (i ? n if (!(acc contains (i))))
        if (acc.size == n.size-1)
            result = (i :: acc) :: result
            result = result ::: permutationeAcc(n, i :: acc)

Add back button to action bar

this one worked for me:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // ... other stuff

public boolean onSupportNavigateUp(){
    return true;

The method onSupportNavigateUp() is called when you use the back button in the SupportActionBar.

Querying data by joining two tables in two database on different servers

A join of two tables is best done by a DBMS, so it should be done that way. You could mirror the smaller table or subset of it on one of the databases and then join them. One might get tempted of doing this on an ETL server like informatica but I guess its not advisable if the tables are huge.

*.h or *.hpp for your class definitions

In "The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup", the nº1 must-read C++ book, he uses *.h. So I assume the best practice is to use *.h.

However, *.hpp is fine as well!

Any way to declare an array in-line?

Another way to do that, if you want the result as a List inline, you can do it like this:

Arrays.asList(new String[] { "String1", "string2" });

jQuery disable a link

You should find you answer here.

Thanks @Will and @Matt for this elegant solution.

jQuery('#path .to .your a').each(function(){
    var $t = jQuery(this);

Accurate way to measure execution times of php scripts

You can use microtime(true) with following manners:

Put this at the start of your php file:

//place this before any script you want to calculate time
$time_start = microtime(true);

// your script code goes here

// do something

Put this at the end of your php file:

// Display Script End time
$time_end = microtime(true);

//dividing with 60 will give the execution time in minutes other wise seconds
$execution_time = ($time_end - $time_start)/60;

//execution time of the script
echo '<b>Total Execution Time:</b> '.$execution_time.' Mins';

It will output you result in minutes.


Update the create action as below:

def create
  respond_to do |format|
      format.html do
        redirect_to '/'
      format.json { render json: @reservation.to_json }
      format.html { render 'new'} ## Specify the format in which you are rendering "new" page
      format.json { render json: @reservation.errors } ## You might want to specify a json format as well

You are using respond_to method but anot specifying the format in which a new page is rendered. Hence, the error ActionController::UnknownFormat .

How to remove the first character of string in PHP?

$str = substr($str, 1);

See PHP manual example 3

echo substr('abcdef', 1);     // bcdef



will not work as you cannot unset part of a string:-

Fatal error: Cannot unset string offsets

Keyword not supported: "data source" initializing Entity Framework Context

Just use \" instead ", it should resolve the issue.

How to compare 2 files fast using .NET?

My answer is a derivative of @lars but fixes the bug in the call to Stream.Read. I also add some fast path checking that other answers had, and input validation. In short, this should be the answer:

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace ConsoleApp4
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var fi1 = new FileInfo(args[0]);
            var fi2 = new FileInfo(args[1]);
            Console.WriteLine(FilesContentsAreEqual(fi1, fi2));

        public static bool FilesContentsAreEqual(FileInfo fileInfo1, FileInfo fileInfo2)
            if (fileInfo1 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileInfo1));

            if (fileInfo2 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileInfo2));

            if (string.Equals(fileInfo1.FullName, fileInfo2.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return true;

            if (fileInfo1.Length != fileInfo2.Length)
                return false;
                using (var file1 = fileInfo1.OpenRead())
                    using (var file2 = fileInfo2.OpenRead())
                        return StreamsContentsAreEqual(file1, file2);

        private static int ReadFullBuffer(Stream stream, byte[] buffer)
            int bytesRead = 0;
            while (bytesRead < buffer.Length)
                int read = stream.Read(buffer, bytesRead, buffer.Length - bytesRead);
                if (read == 0)
                    // Reached end of stream.
                    return bytesRead;

                bytesRead += read;

            return bytesRead;

        private static bool StreamsContentsAreEqual(Stream stream1, Stream stream2)
            const int bufferSize = 1024 * sizeof(Int64);
            var buffer1 = new byte[bufferSize];
            var buffer2 = new byte[bufferSize];

            while (true)
                int count1 = ReadFullBuffer(stream1, buffer1);
                int count2 = ReadFullBuffer(stream2, buffer2);

                if (count1 != count2)
                    return false;

                if (count1 == 0)
                    return true;

                int iterations = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)count1 / sizeof(Int64));
                for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                    if (BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer1, i * sizeof(Int64)) != BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer2, i * sizeof(Int64)))
                        return false;

Or if you want to be super-awesome, you can use the async variant:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp4
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var fi1 = new FileInfo(args[0]);
            var fi2 = new FileInfo(args[1]);
            Console.WriteLine(FilesContentsAreEqualAsync(fi1, fi2).GetAwaiter().GetResult());

        public static async Task<bool> FilesContentsAreEqualAsync(FileInfo fileInfo1, FileInfo fileInfo2)
            if (fileInfo1 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileInfo1));

            if (fileInfo2 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileInfo2));

            if (string.Equals(fileInfo1.FullName, fileInfo2.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return true;

            if (fileInfo1.Length != fileInfo2.Length)
                return false;
                using (var file1 = fileInfo1.OpenRead())
                    using (var file2 = fileInfo2.OpenRead())
                        return await StreamsContentsAreEqualAsync(file1, file2).ConfigureAwait(false);

        private static async Task<int> ReadFullBufferAsync(Stream stream, byte[] buffer)
            int bytesRead = 0;
            while (bytesRead < buffer.Length)
                int read = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, bytesRead, buffer.Length - bytesRead).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (read == 0)
                    // Reached end of stream.
                    return bytesRead;

                bytesRead += read;

            return bytesRead;

        private static async Task<bool> StreamsContentsAreEqualAsync(Stream stream1, Stream stream2)
            const int bufferSize = 1024 * sizeof(Int64);
            var buffer1 = new byte[bufferSize];
            var buffer2 = new byte[bufferSize];

            while (true)
                int count1 = await ReadFullBufferAsync(stream1, buffer1).ConfigureAwait(false);
                int count2 = await ReadFullBufferAsync(stream2, buffer2).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (count1 != count2)
                    return false;

                if (count1 == 0)
                    return true;

                int iterations = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)count1 / sizeof(Int64));
                for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                    if (BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer1, i * sizeof(Int64)) != BitConverter.ToInt64(buffer2, i * sizeof(Int64)))
                        return false;

Accessing members of items in a JSONArray with Java

Have you tried using JSONArray.getJSONObject(int), and JSONArray.length() to create your for-loop:

for (int i = 0; i < recs.length(); ++i) {
    JSONObject rec = recs.getJSONObject(i);
    int id = rec.getInt("id");
    String loc = rec.getString("loc");
    // ...

Scala how can I count the number of occurrences in a list

I had the same problem as Sharath Prabhal, and I got another (to me clearer) solution :

val s = Seq("apple", "oranges", "apple", "banana", "apple", "oranges", "oranges")
s.groupBy(l => l).map(t => (t._1, t._2.length))

With as result :

Map(banana -> 1, oranges -> 3, apple -> 3)

How do I monitor the computer's CPU, memory, and disk usage in Java?

A lot of this is already available via JMX. With Java 5, JMX is built-in and they include a JMX console viewer with the JDK.

You can use JMX to monitor manually, or invoke JMX commands from Java if you need this information in your own run-time.

Apache VirtualHost 403 Forbidden

I had this issue on Arch Linux too... it costs me some time but I'm happy now that I found my mistake:

My directory with the .html files where in my account.
I set everything on r+x but I still got the 403 error.
Than I went completely back and tried to set my home-directory to execute which solved my problem.

How can prepared statements protect from SQL injection attacks?

Root Cause #1 - The Delimiter Problem

Sql injection is possible because we use quotation marks to delimit strings and also to be parts of strings, making it impossible to interpret them sometimes. If we had delimiters that could not be used in string data, sql injection never would have happened. Solving the delimiter problem eliminates the sql injection problem. Structure queries do that.

Root Cause #2 - Human Nature, People are Crafty and Some Crafty People Are Malicious And All People Make Mistakes

The other root cause of sql injection is human nature. People, including programmers, make mistakes. When you make a mistake on a structured query, it does not make your system vulnerable to sql injection. If you are not using structured queries, mistakes can generate sql injection vulnerability.

How Structured Queries Resolve the Root Causes of SQL Injection

Structured Queries Solve The Delimiter Problem, by by putting sql commands in one statement and putting the data in a separate programming statement. Programming statements create the separation needed.

Structured queries help prevent human error from creating critical security holes. With regard to humans making mistakes, sql injection cannot happen when structure queries are used. There are ways of preventing sql injection that don't involve structured queries, but normal human error in that approaches usually leads to at least some exposure to sql injection. Structured Queries are fail safe from sql injection. You can make all the mistakes in the world, almost, with structured queries, same as any other programming, but none that you can make can be turned into a ssstem taken over by sql injection. That is why people like to say this is the right way to prevent sql injection.

So, there you have it, the causes of sql injection and the nature structured queries that makes them impossible when they are used.

How to reset settings in Visual Studio Code?

Heads up, if clearing the settings doesn't fix your issue you may need to uninstall the extensions as well.

Parse JSON with R

The function fromJSON() in RJSONIO, rjson and jsonlite don't return a simple 2D data.frame for complex nested json objects.

To overcome this you can use tidyjson. It takes in a json and always returns a data.frame. It is currently not availble in CRAN, you can get it here:

Update: tidyjson is now available in cran, you can install it directly using install.packages("tidyjson")

Simulate a button click in Jest

Additionally to the solutions that were suggested in sibling comments, you may change your testing approach a little bit and test not the whole page all at once (with a deep children components tree), but do an isolated component testing. This will simplify testing of onClick() and similar events (see example below).

The idea is to test only one component at a time and not all of them together. In this case all children components will be mocked using the jest.mock() function.

Here is an example of how the onClick() event may be tested in an isolated SearchForm component using Jest and react-test-renderer.

import React from 'react';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import { SearchForm } from '../SearchForm';

describe('SearchForm', () => {
  it('should fire onSubmit form callback', () => {
    // Mock search form parameters.
    const searchQuery = 'kittens';
    const onSubmit = jest.fn();

    // Create test component instance.
    const testComponentInstance = renderer.create((
      <SearchForm query={searchQuery} onSearchSubmit={onSubmit} />

    // Try to find submit button inside the form.
    const submitButtonInstance = testComponentInstance.findByProps({
      type: 'submit',

    // Since we're not going to test the button component itself
    // we may just simulate its onClick event manually.
    const eventMock = { preventDefault: jest.fn() };


How to call Stored Procedures with EntityFramework?

This is what I recently did for my Data Visualization Application which has a 2008 SQL Database. In this example I am recieving a list returned from a stored procedure:

public List<CumulativeInstrumentsDataRow> GetCumulativeInstrumentLogs(RunLogFilter filter)
        EFDbContext db = new EFDbContext();
        if (filter.SystemFullName == string.Empty)
            filter.SystemFullName = null;
        if (filter.Reconciled == null)
            filter.Reconciled = 1;
        string sql = GetRunLogFilterSQLString("[dbo].[rm_sp_GetCumulativeInstrumentLogs]", filter);
        return db.Database.SqlQuery<CumulativeInstrumentsDataRow>(sql).ToList();

And then this extension method for some formatting in my case:

public string GetRunLogFilterSQLString(string procedureName, RunLogFilter filter)
            return string.Format("EXEC {0} {1},{2}, {3}, {4}", procedureName, filter.SystemFullName == null ? "null" : "\'" + filter.SystemFullName + "\'", filter.MinimumDate == null ? "null" : "\'" + filter.MinimumDate.Value + "\'", filter.MaximumDate == null ? "null" : "\'" + filter.MaximumDate.Value + "\'", +filter.Reconciled == null ? "null" : "\'" + filter.Reconciled + "\'");


Parsing ISO 8601 date in Javascript

According to MSDN, the JavaScript Date object does not provide any specific date formatting methods (as you may see with other programming languages). However, you can use a few of the Date methods and formatting to accomplish your goal:

function dateToString (date) {
  // Use an array to format the month numbers
  var months = [

  // Use an object to format the timezone identifiers
  var timeZones = {
    "360": "EST",

  var month = months[date.getMonth()];
  var day = date.getDate();
  var year = date.getFullYear();

  var hours = date.getHours();
  var minutes = date.getMinutes();
  var time = (hours > 11 ? (hours - 11) : (hours + 1)) + ":" + minutes + (hours > 11 ? "PM" : "AM");
  var timezone = timeZones[date.getTimezoneOffset()];

  // Returns formatted date as string (e.g. January 28, 2011 - 7:30PM EST)
  return month + " " + day + ", " + year + " - " + time + " " + timezone;

var date = new Date("2011-01-28T19:30:00-05:00");


You could even take it one step further and override the Date.toString() method:

function dateToString () { // No date argument this time
  // Use an array to format the month numbers
  var months = [

  // Use an object to format the timezone identifiers
  var timeZones = {
    "360": "EST",

  var month = months[*this*.getMonth()];
  var day = *this*.getDate();
  var year = *this*.getFullYear();

  var hours = *this*.getHours();
  var minutes = *this*.getMinutes();
  var time = (hours > 11 ? (hours - 11) : (hours + 1)) + ":" + minutes + (hours > 11 ? "PM" : "AM");
  var timezone = timeZones[*this*.getTimezoneOffset()];

  // Returns formatted date as string (e.g. January 28, 2011 - 7:30PM EST)
  return month + " " + day + ", " + year + " - " + time + " " + timezone;

var date = new Date("2011-01-28T19:30:00-05:00");
Date.prototype.toString = dateToString;


How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate

**If you want hibernate to print generated sql queries with real values instead of question marks.**
**add following entry in hibernate.cfg.xml/**

**And add following entry in :**, hb

Import python package from local directory into interpreter

Keep it simple:

     from . import mymodule     # "myapp" case
     import mymodule            # "__main__" case

How to use QueryPerformanceCounter?

I would extend this question with a NDIS driver example on getting time. As one knows, KeQuerySystemTime (mimicked under NdisGetCurrentSystemTime) has a low resolution above milliseconds, and there are some processes like network packets or other IRPs which may need a better timestamp;

The example is just as simple:

LONG_INTEGER data, frequency;
data = KeQueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&frequency)
diff = data.QuadPart / (Frequency.QuadPart/$divisor)

where divisor is 10^3, or 10^6 depending on required resolution.

php return 500 error but no error log

Scan your source files to find @.

From php documentation site

Currently the "@" error-control operator prefix will even disable error reporting for critical errors that will terminate script execution. Among other things, this means that if you use "@" to suppress errors from a certain function and either it isn't available or has been mistyped, the script will die right there with no indication as to why.

Java difference between FileWriter and BufferedWriter

From the Java API specification:


Convenience class for writing character files. The constructors of this class assume that the default character encoding and the default byte-buffer size are acceptable.


Write text to a character-output stream, buffering characters so as to provide for the efficient writing of single characters, arrays, and strings.

Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite

After reading this tutorial, I tried to implement it to my program.

I have 4-5 files that contain addresses. Each file has approx 30 million records. I am using the same configuration that you are suggesting but my number of INSERTs per second is way low (~10.000 records per sec).

Here is where your suggestion fails. You use a single transaction for all the records and a single insert with no errors/fails. Let's say that you are splitting each record into multiple inserts on different tables. What happens if the record is broken?

The ON CONFLICT command does not apply, cause if you have 10 elements in a record and you need each element inserted to a different table, if element 5 gets a CONSTRAINT error, then all previous 4 inserts need to go too.

So here is where the rollback comes. The only issue with the rollback is that you lose all your inserts and start from the top. How can you solve this?

My solution was to use multiple transactions. I begin and end a transaction every 10.000 records (Don't ask why that number, it was the fastest one I tested). I created an array sized 10.000 and insert the successful records there. When the error occurs, I do a rollback, begin a transaction, insert the records from my array, commit and then begin a new transaction after the broken record.

This solution helped me bypass the issues I have when dealing with files containing bad/duplicate records (I had almost 4% bad records).

The algorithm I created helped me reduce my process by 2 hours. Final loading process of file 1hr 30m which is still slow but not compared to the 4hrs that it initially took. I managed to speed the inserts from 10.000/s to ~14.000/s

If anyone has any other ideas on how to speed it up, I am open to suggestions.


In Addition to my answer above, you should keep in mind that inserts per second depending on the hard drive you are using too. I tested it on 3 different PCs with different hard drives and got massive differences in times. PC1 (1hr 30m), PC2 (6hrs) PC3 (14hrs), so I started wondering why would that be.

After two weeks of research and checking multiple resources: Hard Drive, Ram, Cache, I found out that some settings on your hard drive can affect the I/O rate. By clicking properties on your desired output drive you can see two options in the general tab. Opt1: Compress this drive, Opt2: Allow files of this drive to have contents indexed.

By disabling these two options all 3 PCs now take approximately the same time to finish (1hr and 20 to 40min). If you encounter slow inserts check whether your hard drive is configured with these options. It will save you lots of time and headaches trying to find the solution

How can I create an object and add attributes to it?

Now you can do (not sure if it's the same answer as evilpie):

MyObject = type('MyObject', (object,), {})
obj = MyObject()
obj.value = 42

Javascript Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

There is no error when I use your code,

but I am calling the hasLetter method like this:


How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android

I think I am too late but maybe this solution helpful for others. For using custom font place your font file in your font directory.

textView.setTypeface(ResourcesCompat.getFont(this, R.font.lato));

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages

First, a clarification, Java is not fully static-compiled and linked in the way C++. It is compiled into bytecode, which is then interpreted by a JVM. The JVM can go and do just-in-time compilation to the native machine language, but doesn't have to do it.

More to the point: I think interactivity is the main practical difference. Since everything is interpreted, you can take a small excerpt of code, parse and run it against the current state of the environment. Thus, if you had already executed code that initialized a variable, you would have access to that variable, etc. It really lends itself way to things like the functional style.

Interpretation, however, costs a lot, especially when you have a large system with a lot of references and context. By definition, it is wasteful because identical code may have to be interpreted and optimized twice (although most runtimes have some caching and optimizations for that). Still, you pay a runtime cost and often need a runtime environment. You are also less likely to see complex interprocedural optimizations because at present their performance is not sufficiently interactive.

Therefore, for large systems that are not going to change much, and for certain languages, it makes more sense to precompile and prelink everything, do all the optimizations that you can do. This ends up with a very lean runtime that is already optimized for the target machine.

As for generating executables, that has little to do with it, IMHO. You can often create an executable from a compiled language. But you can also create an executable from an interpreted language, except that the interpreter and runtime is already packaged in the exectuable and hidden from you. This means that you generally still pay the runtime costs (although I am sure that for some language there are ways to translate everything to a tree executable).

I disagree that all languages could be made interactive. Certain languages, like C, are so tied to the machine and the entire link structure that I'm not sure you can build a meaningful fully-fledged interactive version

jQuery check if an input is type checkbox?

A non-jQuery solution is much like a jQuery solution:

document.querySelector('#myinput').getAttribute('type') === 'checkbox'

How do I request and process JSON with python?

Python's standard library has json and urllib2 modules.

import json
import urllib2

data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen('http://someurl/path/to/json'))

How can I get query parameters from a URL in Vue.js?

Without vue-route, split the URL

var vm = new Vue({
    let uri = window.location.href.split('?');
    if (uri.length == 2)
      let vars = uri[1].split('&');
      let getVars = {};
      let tmp = '';
        tmp = v.split('=');
        if(tmp.length == 2)
        getVars[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];
      // do 

Another solution

var vm = new Vue({
    let uri =; 
    let params = new URLSearchParams(uri);

Why do this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor?

The main goal of adding the super() in the sub-class constructors is that the main job of the compiler is to make a direct or indirect connection of all the classes with the Object class that's why the compiler checks if we have provided the super(parameterized) then compiler doesn't take any responsibility. so that all the instance member gets initialized from Object to the sub - classes.

jquery ajax get responsetext from http url

This is super old, but hopefully this helps somebody. I'm sending responses with different error codes back and this is the only solution I've found that works in

    data: {
        "data": "mydata"
    type: "POST",
    url: "myurl"

Since JQuery deprecated the success and error functions, it's you need to use done and fail, and access the data with data.responseText when in fail, and just with data when in done. This is similar to @Marco Pavan 's answer, but you don't need any JQuery plugins or anything to use it.

How do I test if a variable does not equal either of two values?

May I suggest trying to use in else if statement in your if/else statement. And if you don't want to run any code that not under any conditions you want you can just leave the else out at the end of the statement. else if can also be used for any number of diversion paths that need things to be a certain condition for each.

if(condition 1){

} else if (condition 2) {

}else {


HttpRequest maximum allowable size in tomcat?

The connector section has the parameter


The maximum size in bytes of the POST which will be handled by the container FORM URL parameter parsing. The limit can be disabled by setting this attribute to a value less than or equal to 0. If not specified, this attribute is set to 2097152 (2 megabytes).

Another Limit is:

maxHttpHeaderSize The maximum size of the request and response HTTP header, specified in bytes. If not specified, this attribute is set to 4096 (4 KB).

You find them in


Eclipse IDE: How to zoom in on text?

Here's a quicker way than multi-layer menus without resorting to plug-ins:

Use the Quick Access tool at the upper left corner.

Type in "font", then, from the list that drops down, click on the link for "Preferences->Colors and Fonts->General->Appearance".

One click replaces the 4 needed to get there through menus. I do it so often, my Quick Access tool pulls it up as a previous choice right at the top of the list so I can just type "font" with a tap on the enter key and Boom!, I'm there.

If you want a keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+3 sets the focus to the Quick Access tool. Better yet, this even automatically brings up a list with your previous choices. The last one you chose will be on top, in which case a simple Ctrl+3 followed by enter would bring you straight there! I use this all the time to make it bigger during long typing or reading sessions to ease eye strain, or to make it smaller if I need more text on the screen at one time to make it easier to find something.

It's not quite as nice as zooming with the scroll wheel, but it's a lot better than navigating through the menus every time!

How to echo print statements while executing a sql script

What about using mysql -v to put mysql client in verbose mode ?

Get PostGIS version

As the above people stated, select PostGIS_full_version(); will answer your question. On my machine, where I'm running PostGIS 2.0 from trunk, I get the following output:

postgres=# select PostGIS_full_version();
POSTGIS="2.0.0alpha4SVN" GEOS="3.3.2-CAPI-1.7.2" PROJ="Rel. 4.7.1, 23 September 2009" GDAL="GDAL 1.8.1, released 2011/07/09" LIBXML="2.7.3" USE_STATS
(1 row)

You do need to care about the versions of PROJ and GEOS that are included if you didn't install an all-inclusive package - in particular, there's some brokenness in GEOS prior to 3.3.2 (as noted in the postgis 2.0 manual) in dealing with geometry validity.

What is the easiest/best/most correct way to iterate through the characters of a string in Java?

This Example Code will Help you out!

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class Solution {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        map.put("a", 10);
        map.put("b", 30);
        map.put("c", 50);
        map.put("d", 40);
        map.put("e", 20);

        Map sortedMap = sortByValue(map);

    public static Map sortByValue(Map unsortedMap) {
        Map sortedMap = new TreeMap(new ValueComparator(unsortedMap));
        return sortedMap;


class ValueComparator implements Comparator {
    Map map;

    public ValueComparator(Map map) { = map;

    public int compare(Object keyA, Object keyB) {
        Comparable valueA = (Comparable) map.get(keyA);
        Comparable valueB = (Comparable) map.get(keyB);
        return valueB.compareTo(valueA);

Error 1046 No database Selected, how to resolve?

You need to tell MySQL which database to use:

USE database_name;

before you create a table.

In case the database does not exist, you need to create it as:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

followed by:

USE database_name;

AWS - Disconnected : No supported authentication methods available (server sent :publickey)

There is another cause that would impact a previously working system. I re-created my instances (using AWS OpsWorks) to use Amazon Linux instead of Ubuntu, and received this error after doing so. Switching to use "ec2-user" as the username instead of "ubuntu" resolved the issue for me.

Python: Get HTTP headers from urllib2.urlopen call?

Use the method to get the headers.

From the urllib2 docs:

urllib2.urlopen(url[, data][, timeout])


This function returns a file-like object with two additional methods:

  • geturl() — return the URL of the resource retrieved, commonly used to determine if a redirect was followed
  • info() — return the meta-information of the page, such as headers, in the form of an httplib.HTTPMessage instance (see Quick Reference to HTTP Headers)

So, for your example, try stepping through the result of for what you're looking for.

Note the major caveat to using httplib.HTTPMessage is documented in python issue 4773.

How to run batch file from network share without "UNC path are not supported" message?

Instead of launching the batch directly from explorer - create a shortcut to the batch and set the starting directory in the properties of the shortcut to a local path like %TEMP% or something.

To delete the symbolic link, use the rmdir command.

How can I detect if Flash is installed and if not, display a hidden div that informs the user?

You can use navigator.mimeTypes.

if (navigator.mimeTypes ["application/x-shockwave-flash"] == undefined)
    $("#someDiv").show ();

How to add "active" class to Html.ActionLink in ASP.NET MVC

My Solution to this problem is

<li class="@(Context.Request.Path.Value.ToLower().Contains("about") ? "active " : "" ) nav-item">
                <a class="nav-link" asp-area="" asp-controller="Home" asp-action="About">About</a>

A better way may be adding an Html extension method to return the current path to be compared with link

How to start/stop/restart a thread in Java?

Sometimes if a Thread was started and it loaded a downside dynamic class which is processing with lots of Thread/currentThread sleep while ignoring interrupted Exception catch(es), one interrupt might not be enough to completely exit execution.

In that case, we can supply these loop-based interrupts:

    log.trace("Still processing Internally; Sending Interrupt;");
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

set the width of select2 input (through Angular-ui directive)

You need to specify the attribute width to resolve in order to preserve element width

$(document).ready(function() { 
    $("#myselect").select2({ width: 'resolve' });           

How do I add an active class to a Link from React Router?

Expanding on @BaiJiFeiLong's answer, add an active={} property to the link:

<Nav.Link as={Link} to="/user" active={pathname.startsWith('/user')}>User</Nav.Link>

This will show the User link as active when any path starts with '/user'. For this to update with each path change, include withRouter() on the component:

import React from 'react'
import { Link, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
import Navbar from 'react-bootstrap/Navbar'
import Nav from 'react-bootstrap/Nav'

function Header(props) {
    const pathname = props.location.pathname

    return (
        <Navbar variant="dark" expand="sm" bg="black">
            <Navbar.Brand as={Link} to="/">
                Brand name
            <Navbar.Toggle aria-controls="basic-navbar-nav" />
            <Navbar.Collapse id="basic-navbar-nav">
                <Nav className="mr-auto">
                    <Nav.Link as={Link} to="/user" active={pathname.startsWith('/user')}>User</Nav.Link>
                    <Nav.Link as={Link} to="/about" active={pathname.startsWith('/about')}>About</Nav.Link>

export default withRouter(Header)   // updates on every new page

The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32'

You get that error because ASP.NET MVC cannot find an id parameter value to provide for the id parameter of your action method.

You need to either pass that as part of the url, ("/Home/Edit/123"), as a query string parameter ("/Home/Edit?id=123") or as a POSTed parameter (make sure to have something like <input type="hidden" name="id" value="123" /> in your HTML form).

Alternatively, you could make the id parameter be a nullable int (Edit(int? id, User collection) {...}), but if the id were null, you wouldn't know what to edit.

How to print HTML content on click of a button, but not the page?

If you add and remove the innerHTML, all javascript, css and more will be loaded twice, and the events will fire twice (happened to me), is better hide content, using jQuery and css like this:

function printDiv(selector) {
    $('body .site-container').css({display:'none'});
    var content = $(selector).clone();
    $('body .site-container').before(content);
    $('body .site-container').css({display:''});

The div "site-container" contain all site, so you can call the function like:


How to style dt and dd so they are on the same line?

If you use Bootstrap 3 (or earlier)...

<dl class="dl-horizontal">
      Description of planet
      Description of planet

WHERE statement after a UNION in SQL?

If you want to apply the WHERE clause to the result of the UNION, then you have to embed the UNION in the FROM clause:

        SELECT * FROM TableB
       ) AS U
 WHERE U.Col1 = ...

I'm assuming TableA and TableB are union-compatible. You could also apply a WHERE clause to each of the individual SELECT statements in the UNION, of course.

How to delete specific rows and columns from a matrix in a smarter way?

> S = matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,2,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2,5,4,3,2,1),ncol = 5,byrow = TRUE);S
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    1    2    3    4    5
[2,]    2    1    2    3    4
[3,]    3    2    1    2    3
[4,]    4    3    2    1    2
[5,]    5    4    3    2    1
> S<-S[,-2]
> S
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    1    3    4    5
[2,]    2    2    3    4
[3,]    3    1    2    3
[4,]    4    2    1    2
[5,]    5    3    2    1

Just use the command S <- S[,-2] to remove the second column. Similarly to delete a row, for example, to delete the second row use S <- S[-2,].

how to install python distutils

I ran across this error on a Beaglebone Black using the standard Angstrom distribution. It is currently running Python 2.7.3, but does not include distutils. The solution for me was to install distutils. (It required su privileges.)

    opkg install python-distutils

After that installation, the previously erroring command ran fine.

    python build

How do I add records to a DataGridView in VB.Net?

If you want to use something that is more descriptive than a dumb array without resorting to using a DataSet then the following might prove useful. It still isn't strongly-typed, but at least it is checked by the compiler and will handle being refactored quite well.

Dim previousAllowUserToAddRows = dgvHistoricalInfo.AllowUserToAddRows
dgvHistoricalInfo.AllowUserToAddRows = True

Dim newTimeRecord As DataGridViewRow = dgvHistoricalInfo.Rows(dgvHistoricalInfo.NewRowIndex).Clone

With record
    newTimeRecord.Cells(dgvcDate.Index).Value = .Date
    newTimeRecord.Cells(dgvcHours.Index).Value = .Hours
    newTimeRecord.Cells(dgvcRemarks.Index).Value = .Remarks
End With


dgvHistoricalInfo.AllowUserToAddRows = previousAllowUserToAddRows

It is worth noting that the user must have AllowUserToAddRows permission or this won't work. That is why I store the existing value, set it to true, do my work, and then reset it to how it was.

Python: print a generator expression?

You can just wrap the expression in a call to list:

>>> list(x for x in string.letters if x in (y for y in "BigMan on campus"))
['a', 'c', 'g', 'i', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 's', 'u', 'B', 'M']

How to query as GROUP BY in django?

The following module allows you to group Django models and still work with a QuerySet in the result:

For example:

from django_group_by import GroupByMixin

class BookQuerySet(QuerySet, GroupByMixin):

class Book(Model):
    title = TextField(...)
    author = ForeignKey(User, ...)
    shop = ForeignKey(Shop, ...)
    price = DecimalField(...)

class GroupedBookListView(PaginationMixin, ListView):
    template_name = 'book/books.html'
    model = Book
    paginate_by = 100

    def get_queryset(self):
        return Book.objects.group_by('title', 'author').annotate(
            shop_count=Count('shop'), price_avg=Avg('price')).order_by(
            'name', 'author').distinct()

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        return super().get_context_data(total_count=self.get_queryset().count(), **kwargs)


{% for book in object_list %}
        <h2>{{ book.title }}</td>
        <p>{{ }}, {{ }}</p>
        <p>{{ book.shop_count }}</p>
        <p>{{ book.price_avg }}</p>
{% endfor %}

The difference to the annotate/aggregate basic Django queries is the use of the attributes of a related field, e.g.

If you need the PKs of the instances that have been grouped together, add the following annotation:


NOTE: ArrayAgg is a Postgres specific function, available from Django 1.9 onwards:

What is <scope> under <dependency> in pom.xml for?

If we don't provide any scope then the default scope is compile, If you want to confirm, simply go to Effective pom tab in eclipse editor, it will show you as compile.

How to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid?

Here is the way that I've followed,

int[] selRows = ((GridView)gridControl1.MainView).GetSelectedRows();
DataRowView selRow = (DataRowView)(((GridView)gridControl1.MainView).GetRow(selRows[0]));
txtName.Text = selRow["name"].ToString();

Also you can iterate through selected rows using the selRows array. Here the code describes how to get data only from first selected row. You can insert these code lines to click event of the grid.

Set size on background image with CSS?

background-size: 200px 50px change it to 100% 100% and it will scale on the needs of the content tag like ul li or div... tried it

how to add lines to existing file using python

Open the file for 'append' rather than 'write'.

with open('file.txt', 'a') as file:

Importing a Maven project into Eclipse from Git

I would prefer to import projects into Eclipse as maven projects rather than git project. Doing this will still allow the project contents to be recognized as git contents. You can continue to perform git operations from Eclipse. As you have mentioned the reverse is not true.

The nature of a project in Eclipse is not based on the SCM which holds the project, but on the type of project - whether war or jar, etc. - which is automagically determined when the project is imported as maven project.

I would be hesitant to check-in to SCM IDE-specific metadata. Doing so assumes a lot of things - all developers are using the same IDE or version of the IDE, perhaps same version of JDK/JRE, that they continue to use the same version throughout the project lifecycle and so on.

CSS hide scroll bar, but have element scrollable

I combined a couple of different answers in SO into the following snippet, which should work on all, if not most, modern browsers I believe. All you have to do is add the CSS class .disable-scrollbars onto the element you wish to apply this to.

.disable-scrollbars::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 0px;
    background: transparent; /* Chrome/Safari/Webkit */

.disable-scrollbars {
  scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */
  -ms-overflow-style: none;  /* IE 10+ */

And if you want to use SCSS/SASS:

.disable-scrollbars {
  scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */
  -ms-overflow-style: none;  /* IE 10+ */
  &::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 0px;
    background: transparent; /* Chrome/Safari/Webkit */

How to execute multiple commands in a single line

Googling gives me this:

Command A & Command B

Execute Command A, then execute Command B (no evaluation of anything)

Command A | Command B

Execute Command A, and redirect all its output into the input of Command B

Command A && Command B

Execute Command A, evaluate the errorlevel after running and if the exit code (errorlevel) is 0, only then execute Command B

Command A || Command B

Execute Command A, evaluate the exit code of this command and if it's anything but 0, only then execute Command B

Which Protocols are used for PING?

Netscantools Pro Ping can do ICMP, UDP, and TCP.

Spring Security with roles and permissions

This is the simplest way to do it. Allows for group authorities, as well as user authorities.

-- Postgres syntax

create table users (
  user_id serial primary key,
  enabled boolean not null default true,
  password text not null,
  username citext not null unique

create index on users (username);

create table groups (
  group_id serial primary key,
  name citext not null unique

create table authorities (
  authority_id serial primary key,
  authority citext not null unique

create table user_authorities (
  user_id int references users,
  authority_id int references authorities,
  primary key (user_id, authority_id)

create table group_users (
  group_id int references groups,
  user_id int referenecs users,
  primary key (group_id, user_id)

create table group_authorities (
  group_id int references groups,
  authority_id int references authorities,
  primary key (group_id, authority_id)

Then in META-INF/applicationContext-security.xml

<beans:bean class="" id="passwordEncoder" />



                users-by-username-query="select username, password, enabled from users where username=?"

                authorities-by-username-query="select users.username, authorities.authority from users join user_authorities using(user_id) join authorities using(authority_id) where users.username=?"

                group-authorities-by-username-query="select,, authorities.authority from users join group_users using(user_id) join groups using(group_id) join group_authorities using(group_id) join authorities using(authority_id) where users.username=?"


          <password-encoder ref="passwordEncoder" />


compare differences between two tables in mysql

You can construct the intersection manually using UNION. It's easy if you have some unique field in both tables, e.g. ID:




If you don't have a unique value, you can still expand the above code to check for all fields instead of just the ID, and use AND to connect them (e.g. ID NOT IN(...) AND OTHER_FIELD NOT IN(...) etc)

How do I hide an element when printing a web page?

In your stylesheet add:

@media print
    .no-print, .no-print *
        display: none !important;

Then add class='no-print' (or add the no-print class to an existing class statement) in your HTML that you don't want to appear in the printed version, such as your button.

When to use StringBuilder in Java

If you use String concatenation in a loop, something like this,

String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    s += ", " + i;

then you should use a StringBuilder (not StringBuffer) instead of a String, because it is much faster and consumes less memory.

If you have a single statement,

String s = "1, " + "2, " + "3, " + "4, " ...;

then you can use Strings, because the compiler will use StringBuilder automatically.

Copying an array of objects into another array in javascript

I suggest using concat() if you are using nodeJS. In all other cases, I have found that slice(0) works fine.

Connecting to remote URL which requires authentication using Java

Be really careful with the "Base64().encode()"approach, my team and I got 400 Apache bad request issues because it adds a \r\n at the end of the string generated.

We found it sniffing packets thanks to Wireshark.

Here is our solution :

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(endpoint);
getRequest.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + getBasicAuthenticationEncoding());

private String getBasicAuthenticationEncoding() {

        String userPassword = username + ":" + password;
        return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(userPassword.getBytes()));

Hope it helps!

How to get Url Hash (#) from server side

Probably the only choice is to read it on the client side and transfer it manually to the server (GET/POST/AJAX). Regards Artur

You may see also how to play with back button and browser history at Malcan

Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types

I suspect that the line

DataTO.Id = Convert.ToInt64(dataAccCom.GetParameterValue(IDbCmd, "op_Id"));

is causing the problem. Is it possible that the op_Id value is being set to null by the stored procedure?

To Guard against it use the Convert.IsDBNull method. For example:

if (!Convert.IsDBNull(dataAccCom.GetParameterValue(IDbCmd, "op_Id"))
 DataTO.Id = Convert.ToInt64(dataAccCom.GetParameterValue(IDbCmd, "op_Id"));
 DataTO.Id = ...some default value or perform some error case management

Set default value of an integer column SQLite

A column with default value:

<ColumnName> <Type> DEFAULT <DefaultValue>

<DefaultValue> is a placeholder for a:

  • value literal
  • ( expression )


LastSeen TEXT DEFAULT (datetime('now'))

ng-repeat finish event

<div ng-repeat="i in items">
        <div ng-if="$last" ng-init="ngRepeatFinished()"></div>            

My solution was to add a div to call a function if the item was the last in a repeat.

What does this square bracket and parenthesis bracket notation mean [first1,last1)?

That's a half-open interval.

  • A closed interval [a,b] includes the end points.
  • An open interval (a,b) excludes them.

In your case the end-point at the start of the interval is included, but the end is excluded. So it means the interval "first1 <= x < last1".

Half-open intervals are useful in programming because they correspond to the common idiom for looping:

for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ... } 

Here i is in the range [0, n).

How can I make a DateTimePicker display an empty string?

this worked for me for c#

if (enableEndDateCheckBox.Checked == true)
    endDateDateTimePicker.Enabled = true;
    endDateDateTimePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short;                
    endDateDateTimePicker.Enabled = false;
    endDateDateTimePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
    endDateDateTimePicker.CustomFormat = " ";

nice one guys!

how to call an ASP.NET c# method using javascript

The Jayrock RPC library is a great tool for doing this in a nice familliar way for C# developers. It allows you to create a .NET class with the methods you require, and add this class as a script (in a roundabout way) to your page. You can then create a js object of your type and call methods as you would any other object.

It essentially hides away ajax implementation and presents RPC in a familliar format. Mind you the best option really is to use ASP.NET MVC and use jQuery ajax calls to action methods - much more concise and less messing about!

Length of a JavaScript object

A variation on some of the above is:

var objLength = function(obj){    
    var key,len=0;
    for(key in obj){
        len += Number( obj.hasOwnProperty(key) );
    return len;

It is a bit more elegant way to integrate hasOwnProp.

Pretty printing XML with javascript

If you are looking for a JavaScript solution just take the code from the Pretty Diff tool at

You can also send files to the tool using the s parameter, such as:

Make <body> fill entire screen?

If you have a border or padding, then the solution

html, body {_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
body {_x000D_
    border: solid red 5px;_x000D_
    border-radius: 2em;_x000D_

produces the imperfect rendering

not good

To get it right in the presence of a border or padding


use instead

html, body {_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
body {_x000D_
    box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
    border: solid red 5px;_x000D_
    border-radius: 2em;_x000D_

as Martin pointed out, although overflow: hidden is not needed.

(2018 - tested with Chrome 69 and IE 11)

Daemon Threads Explanation

When your second thread is non-Daemon, your application's primary main thread cannot quit because its exit criteria is being tied to the exit also of non-Daemon thread(s). Threads cannot be forcibly killed in python, therefore your app will have to really wait for the non-Daemon thread(s) to exit. If this behavior is not what you want, then set your second thread as daemon so that it won't hold back your application from exiting.

Volatile Vs Atomic

The effect of the volatile keyword is approximately that each individual read or write operation on that variable is atomic.

Notably, however, an operation that requires more than one read/write -- such as i++, which is equivalent to i = i + 1, which does one read and one write -- is not atomic, since another thread may write to i between the read and the write.

The Atomic classes, like AtomicInteger and AtomicReference, provide a wider variety of operations atomically, specifically including increment for AtomicInteger.

Validate email with a regex in jQuery

function mailValidation(val) {
    var expr = /^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/;

    if (!expr.test(val)) {
        $('#errEmail').text('Please enter valid email.');
    else {

How to make an Asynchronous Method return a value?

Use a BackgroundWorker. It will allow you to get callbacks on completion and allow you to track progress. You can set the Result value on the event arguments to the resulting value.

    public void UseBackgroundWorker()
        var worker = new BackgroundWorker();
        worker.DoWork += DoWork;
        worker.RunWorkerCompleted += WorkDone;

    public void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        e.Result = e.Argument.Equals("input");

    public void WorkDone(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
        var result = (bool) e.Result;

Why don't Java's +=, -=, *=, /= compound assignment operators require casting?

A good example of this casting is using *= or /=

byte b = 10;
b *= 5.7;
System.out.println(b); // prints 57


byte b = 100;
b /= 2.5;
System.out.println(b); // prints 40


char ch = '0';
ch *= 1.1;
System.out.println(ch); // prints '4'


char ch = 'A';
ch *= 1.5;
System.out.println(ch); // prints 'a'

My C# application is returning 0xE0434352 to Windows Task Scheduler but it is not crashing

It is permission issue in my case the task scheduler has a user which doesn't have permission on the server in which the database is present.

Paste a multi-line Java String in Eclipse

As far as i know this seems out of scope of an IDE. Copyin ,you can copy the string and then try to format it using ctrl+shift+ F Most often these multiline strings are not used hard coded,rather they shall be used from property or xml files.which can be edited at later point of time without the need for code change

JSON parsing using Gson for Java

Simplest thing usually is to create matching Object hierarchy, like so:

public class Wrapper {
   public Data data;
static class Data {
   public Translation[] translations;
static class Translation {
   public String translatedText;

and then bind using GSON, traverse object hierarchy via fields. Adding getters and setters is pointless for basic data containers.

So something like:

Wrapper value = GSON.fromJSON(jsonString, Wrapper.class);
String text =[0].translatedText;

Is there a keyboard shortcut (hotkey) to open Terminal in macOS?

iTerm2 - an alternative to Terminal - has an option to use configurable system-wide hotkey to show/hide (initially set to Alt+Space, disabled by default)

Set div height equal to screen size

Use simple CSS height: 100%; matches the height of the parent and using height: 100vh matches the height of the viewport.

Use vh instead of %;

How to change package name in flutter?

According to the official flutter documentation you just need to change the ApplicationId in app/build.gradle directory. Then you have to just build your apk and the package name of the manifest file will be changed according to the ApplicationId you changed in build.gradle. Because of flutter while building an apk and google play both consider ApplicationId from build.gradle. This solution worked for me.

source: Official Documentation

ES6 exporting/importing in index file

Too late but I want to share the way that I resolve it.

Having model file which has two named export:

export { Schema, Model };

and having controller file which has the default export:

export default Controller;

I exposed in the index file in this way:

import { Schema, Model } from './model';
import Controller from './controller';

export { Schema, Model, Controller };

and assuming that I want import all of them:

import { Schema, Model, Controller } from '../../path/';

Add line break within tooltips

&lt;br /&gt; did work if you are using qTip

Mapping list in Yaml to list of objects in Spring Boot

for me the fix was to add the injected class as inner class in the one annotated with @ConfigurationProperites, because I think you need @Component to inject properties.

What's the proper way to install pip, virtualenv, and distribute for Python?

I made this procedure for us to use at work.

cd ~
curl -s | tar xvz
cd pip-1.3.1
python install --user
cd ~
rm -rf pip-1.3.1

$HOME/.local/bin/pip install --user --upgrade pip distribute virtualenvwrapper

# Might want these three in your .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
source $HOME/.local/bin/

mkvirtualenv mypy
workon mypy
pip install --upgrade distribute
pip install pudb # Or whatever other nice package you might want.

Key points for the security minded:

  1. curl does ssl validation. wget doesn't.
  2. Starting from pip 1.3.1, pip also does ssl validation.
  3. Fewer users can upload the pypi tarball than a github tarball.

Unable to start Genymotion Virtual Device - Virtualbox Host Only Ethernet Adapter Failed to start

Select yourVM -> Settings -> Network -> Disable the Network Adapter (It will be re-configured by Genymotion)

Start the Android Image again in Genymotion UI (not in Virtualbox), It should work now!

Getting Error - ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

You can solve the problem by checking if your date matches a REGEX pattern. If not, then NULL (or something else you prefer).

In my particular case it was necessary because I have >20 DATE columns saved as CHAR, so I don't know from which column the error is coming from.

Returning to your query:

1. Declare a REGEX pattern.
It is usually a very long string which will certainly pollute your code (you may want to reuse it as well).

define REGEX_DATE = "'your regex pattern goes here'"

Don't forget a single quote inside a double quote around your Regex :-)

A comprehensive thread about Regex date validation you'll find here.

2. Use it as the first CASE condition:

To use Regex validation in the SELECT statement, you cannot use REGEXP_LIKE (it's only valid in WHERE. It took me a long time to understand why my code was not working. So it's certainly worth a note.

Instead, use REGEXP_INSTR
For entries not found in the pattern (your case) use REGEXP_INSTR (variable, pattern) = 0 .

    DEFINE REGEX_DATE = "'your regex pattern goes here'"

    SELECT   c.contract_num,
            WHEN REGEXP_INSTR(c.event_dt, &REGEX_DATE) = 0 THEN NULL
            WHEN   (  MAX (TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                    - MIN (TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                 / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) < 32
            WHEN       (  MAX (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                        - MIN (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                     / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) >= 32
                 AND   (  MAX (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD'))
                        - MIN (
                            TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (c.event_dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'MMDD')))
                     / COUNT (c.event_occurrence) < 91
FROM     ps_ca_bp_events c
GROUP BY c.contract_num;

How do you get the cursor position in a textarea?

Here is code to get line number and column position

function getLineNumber(tArea) {

    return tArea.value.substr(0, tArea.selectionStart).split("\n").length;

function getCursorPos() {
    var me = $("textarea[name='documenttext']")[0];
    var el = $(me).get(0);
    var pos = 0;
    if ('selectionStart' in el) {
        pos = el.selectionStart;
    } else if ('selection' in document) {
        var Sel = document.selection.createRange();
        var SelLength = document.selection.createRange().text.length;
        Sel.moveStart('character', -el.value.length);
        pos = Sel.text.length - SelLength;
    var ret = pos - prevLine(me);

    return ret; 

function prevLine(me) {
    var lineArr = me.value.substr(0, me.selectionStart).split("\n");

    var numChars = 0;

    for (var i = 0; i < lineArr.length-1; i++) {
        numChars += lineArr[i].length+1;

    return numChars;

tArea is the text area DOM element

Create a Cumulative Sum Column in MySQL

  select, t1.count, SUM(t2.count) cumulative_sum
    from table t1 
        join table t2 on >=
    group by, t1.count

Step by step:

1- Given the following table:

select *
from table t1 
order by;

id  | count
 1  |  11
 2  |  12   
 3  |  13

2 - Get information by groups

select *
from table t1 
    join table t2 on >=
order by,;

id  | count | id | count
 1  | 11    | 1  |  11

 2  | 12    | 1  |  11
 2  | 12    | 2  |  12

 3  | 13    | 1  |  11
 3  | 13    | 2  |  12
 3  | 13    | 3  |  13

3- Step 3: Sum all count by group

select, t1.count, SUM(t2.count) cumulative_sum
from table t1 
    join table t2 on >=
group by, t1.count;

id  | count | cumulative_sum
 1  |  11   |    11
 2  |  12   |    23
 3  |  13   |    36

how to show only even or odd rows in sql server 2008?

FASTER: Bitwise instead of modulus.

select * from MEN where (id&1)=0;

Random question: Do you actually use uppercase table names? Usually uppercase is reserved for keywords. (By convention)

Finding all the subsets of a set

Here is a simple recursive algorithm in python for finding all subsets of a set:

def find_subsets(so_far, rest):
        print 'parameters', so_far, rest
        if not rest:
            print so_far
            find_subsets(so_far + [rest[0]], rest[1:])
            find_subsets(so_far, rest[1:])

find_subsets([], [1,2,3])

The output will be the following: $python

parameters [] [1, 2, 3]
parameters [1] [2, 3]
parameters [1, 2] [3]
parameters [1, 2, 3] []
[1, 2, 3]
parameters [1, 2] []
[1, 2]
parameters [1] [3]
parameters [1, 3] []
[1, 3]
parameters [1] []
parameters [] [2, 3]
parameters [2] [3]
parameters [2, 3] []
[2, 3]
parameters [2] []
parameters [] [3]
parameters [3] []
parameters [] []

Watch the following video from Stanford for a nice explanation of this algorithm:

The create-react-app imports restriction outside of src directory

Remove it using Craco:

module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    configure: webpackConfig => {
      const scopePluginIndex = webpackConfig.resolve.plugins.findIndex(
        ({ constructor }) => constructor && === 'ModuleScopePlugin'

      webpackConfig.resolve.plugins.splice(scopePluginIndex, 1);
      return webpackConfig;

Auto code completion on Eclipse


  • In Eclipse, open the code auto completion box from first letter
  • Go to >> Window >> preference >> [ Java c++ php ... ] >> Editor >> Auto activation triggers for...
  • Add the character SPACE by just putting your cursor inside and box and push the space key..

All the commands and variables which begin with that letter are now going to appear