[python] Global Variable from a different file Python

After searching, I got this clue: https://instructobit.com/tutorial/108/How-to-share-global-variables-between-files-in-Python

the key is: turn on the function to call the variabel that set to global if a function activated.

then import the variabel again from that file.

i give you the hard example so you can understood:

file chromy.py

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options

def opennormal():
    global driver
    options = Options()
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)

def gotourl(str):
    url = str

file tester.py

from chromy import * #this command call all function in chromy.py, but the 'driver' variable in opennormal function is not exists yet. run: dir() to check what you call.

opennormal() #this command activate the driver variable to global, but remember, at the first import you not import it

#then do this, this is the key to solve:
from chromy import driver #run dir() to check what you call and compare with the first dir() result.

#because you already re-import the global that you need, you can use it now

url = 'https://www.google.com'

That's the way you call the global variable that you set in a function. cheers don't forget to give credit