when I sended a question to a Regexbuddy (regex developer application) forum, I got more exact reply to my \s Java question:
"Message author: Jan Goyvaerts
In Java, the shorthands \s, \d, and \w only include ASCII characters. ... This is not a bug in Java, but simply one of the many things you need to be aware of when working with regular expressions. To match all Unicode whitespace as well as line breaks, you can use [\s\p{Z}] in Java. RegexBuddy does not yet support Java-specific properties such as \p{javaSpaceChar} (which matches the exact same characters as [\s\p{Z}]).
... \s\s will match two spaces, if the input is ASCII only. The real problem is with the OP's code, as is pointed out by the accepted answer in that question."