I have also faced the same type of problem when I had to parse a CSV file.
The file contains a column address which contains the ',' .
After parsing that CSV file to JSON, I get mismatched mapping of the keys while converting it into a JSON file.
I used Node.js for parsing the file and libraries like baby parse and csvtojson.
Example of file -
foo,baar , 123456
While I was parsing directly without using baby parse in JSON, I was getting:
address: 'foo',
pincode: 'baar',
'field3': '123456'
So I wrote code which removes the comma(,) with any other delimiter with every field:
csvString(input) = "address, pincode\\nfoo, bar, 123456\\n"
output = "address, pincode\\nfoo {YOUR DELIMITER} bar, 123455\\n"
const removeComma = function(csvString){
let delimiter = '|'
let Baby = require('babyparse')
let arrRow = Baby.parse(csvString).data;
arrRow = [
[ 'address', 'pincode' ],
[ 'foo, bar', '123456']
return arrRow.map((singleRow, index) => {
//the data will include
singleRow = [ 'address', 'pincode' ]
return singleRow.map(singleField => {
//for removing the comma in the feild
return singleField.split(',').join(delimiter)
}).reduce((acc, value, key) => {
acc = acc +(Array.isArray(value) ?
value.reduce((acc1, val)=> {
acc1 = acc1+ val + ','
return acc1
}, '') : '') + '\n';
return acc;
The function returned can be passed into the csvtojson library and thus the result can be used.
const csv = require('csvtojson')
let csvString = "address, pincode\\nfoo, bar, 123456\\n"
let jsonArray = []
modifiedCsvString = removeComma(csvString)
.on('json', json => jsonArray.push(json))
.on('end', () => {
/* do any thing with the json Array */
Now you can get the output like:
address: 'foo, bar',
pincode: 123456