Programs & Examples On #Alarms

Convert Python dictionary to JSON array

If you are fine with non-printable symbols in your json, then add ensure_ascii=False to dumps call.

>>> json.dumps(your_data, ensure_ascii=False)

If ensure_ascii is false, then the return value will be a unicode instance subject to normal Python str to unicode coercion rules instead of being escaped to an ASCII str.

The type initializer for 'MyClass' threw an exception

Somehow exiting Visual Studio and re-opening it solved this for me.

ORA-01861: literal does not match format string

SELECT alarm_id
,TO_CHAR (alarm_datetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
, problem_text
FROM aircom.alarms 
WHERE status = 1 
    AND TO_char (alarm_datetime,'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') > TO_DATE ('07.09.2008  09:43:00', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') 

C# password TextBox in a website

Simply select texbox property 'TextMode' and select password...

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" TextMode="Password" runat="server" />

How to get certain commit from GitHub project

To just download a commit using the 7-digit SHA1 short form do:

Working Example:  



If you have the long hash key 31af650ee25f65794b75d4dfefed6fe4758781c1, just get the first 7 chars 31af650. It's the default for GitHub.

How to load/edit/run/save text files (.py) into an IPython notebook cell?

To write/save


  • write/save cell contents into (use -a to append). Another alias: %%file

To run


  • run and output results in the current cell

To load/import


  • load "import" into the current cell

For more magic and help


  • list all the other cool cell magic commands.


  • for help on how to use a certain command. i.e. %run?


Beside the cell magic commands, IPython notebook (now Jupyter notebook) is so cool that it allows you to use any unix command right from the cell (this is also equivalent to using the %%bash cell magic command).

To run a unix command from the cell, just precede your command with ! mark. for example:

  • !python --version see your python version
  • !python run and output results in the current cell, just like %run (see the difference between !python and %run in the comments below).

Also, see this nbviewer for further explanation with examples. Hope this helps.

HTML Drag And Drop On Mobile Devices

jQuery UI Touch Punch just solves it all.

It's a Touch Event Support for jQuery UI. Basically, it just wires touch event back to jQuery UI. Tested on iPad, iPhone, Android and other touch-enabled mobile devices. I used jQuery UI sortable and it works like a charm.

Can I set subject/content of email using mailto:?

Yes, you can like this:

mailto: [email protected]?subject=something

How do I alter the position of a column in a PostgreSQL database table?

One, albeit a clumsy option to rearrange the columns when the column order must absolutely be changed, and foreign keys are in use, is to first dump the entire database with data, then dump just the schema (pg_dump -s databasename > databasename_schema.sql). Next edit the schema file to rearrange the columns as you would like, then recreate the database from the schema, and finally restore the data into the newly created database.

Accessing an SQLite Database in Swift

The best you can do is import the dynamic library inside a bridging header:

  1. Add libsqlite3.dylib to your "Link Binary With Libraries" build phase
  2. Create a "Bridging-Header.h" and add #import <sqlite3.h> to the top
  3. set "Bridging-Header.h" for the "Objective-C Bridging Header" setting in Build Settings under "Swift Compiler - Code Generation"

You will then be able to access all of the c methods like sqlite3_open from your swift code.

However, you may just want to use FMDB and import that through the bridging header as that is a more object oriented wrapper of sqlite. Dealing with C pointers and structs will be cumbersome in Swift.

JavaScript data grid for millions of rows

I know it's an old question but still.. There is also dhtmlxGrid that can handle millions of rows. There is a demo with 50,000 rows but the number of rows that can be loaded/processed in grid is unlimited.

Disclaimer: I'm from DHTMLX team.

I want to truncate a text or line with ellipsis using JavaScript

KooiInc has a good answer to this. To summarise:

String.prototype.trunc = 
          return this.substr(0,n-1)+(this.length>n?'&hellip;':'');

Now you can do:

var s = 'not very long';
s.trunc(25); //=> not very long
s.trunc(5); //=> not...

And if you prefer it as a function, as per @AlienLifeForm's comment:

function truncateWithEllipses(text, max) 
    return text.substr(0,max-1)+(text.length>max?'&hellip;':''); 

Full credit goes to KooiInc for this.

Refresh Part of Page (div)

Let's assume that you have 2 divs inside of your html file.

<div id="div1">some text</div>
<div id="div2">some other text</div>

The java program itself can't update the content of the html file because the html is related to the client, meanwhile java is related to the back-end.

You can, however, communicate between the server (the back-end) and the client.

What we're talking about is AJAX, which you achieve using JavaScript, I recommend using jQuery which is a common JavaScript library.

Let's assume you want to refresh the page every constant interval, then you can use the interval function to repeat the same action every x time.

}, 30000);

You could also do it like this:

setTimeout(foo, 30000);

Whereea foo is a function.

Instead of the alert("hi") you can perform the AJAX request, which sends a request to the server and receives some information (for example the new text) which you can use to load into the div.

A classic AJAX looks like this:

var fetch = true;
var url = '';
    // Post the variable fetch to url.
    type : 'post',
    url : url,
    dataType : 'json', // expected returned data format.
    data : 
        'fetch' : fetch // You might want to indicate what you're requesting.
    success : function(data)
        // This happens AFTER the backend has returned an JSON array (or other object type)
        var res1, res2;

        for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
            // Parse through the JSON array which was returned.
            // A proper error handling should be added here (check if
            // everything went successful or not)

            res1 = data[i].res1;
            res2 = data[i].res2;

            // Do something with the returned data
    complete : function(data)
        // do something, not critical.

Wherea the backend is able to receive POST'ed data and is able to return a data object of information, for example (and very preferrable) JSON, there are many tutorials out there with how to do so, GSON from Google is something that I used a while back, you could take a look into it.

I'm not professional with Java POST receiving and JSON returning of that sort so I'm not going to give you an example with that but I hope this is a decent start.

How to automatically insert a blank row after a group of data

  1. Insert a column at the left of the table 'Control'
  2. Number the data as 1 to 1000 (assuming there are 1000 rows)
  3. Copy the key field to another sheet and remove duplicates
  4. Copy the unique row items to the main sheet, after 1000th record
  5. In the 'Control' column, add number 1001 to all unique records
  6. Sort the data (including the added records), first on key field and then on 'Control'
  7. A blank line (with data in key field and 'Control') is added

Get only part of an Array in Java?

The length of an array in Java is immutable. So, you need to copy the desired part as a new array.
Use copyOfRange method from java.util.Arrays class:

int[] newArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(oldArray, startIndex, endIndex);

startIndex is the initial index of the range to be copied, inclusive.
endIndex is the final index of the range to be copied, exclusive. (This index may lie outside the array)


   //index   0   1   2   3   4
int[] arr = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
Arrays.copyOfRange(arr, 0, 2);          // returns {10, 20}
Arrays.copyOfRange(arr, 1, 4);          // returns {20, 30, 40}
Arrays.copyOfRange(arr, 2, arr.length); // returns {30, 40, 50} (length = 5)

Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity?

You didn't paste the part where you call startActivity, that's the interesting part.

You might be calling startActivity in a Service context, or in an Application context.

Print "this" to log cat before making the startActivity call, and see what it refers to, it's sometimes a case of using an inner "this" accidentally.

Remove Elements from a HashSet while Iterating

Like timber said - "Java 8 Collection has a nice method called removeIf that makes things easier and safer"

Here is the code that solve your problem:

set.removeIf((Integer element) -> {
    return (element % 2 == 0);

Now your set contains only odd values.

What is the difference between single and double quotes in SQL?

Single quotes delimit a string constant or a date/time constant.

Double quotes delimit identifiers for e.g. table names or column names. This is generally only necessary when your identifier doesn't fit the rules for simple identifiers.

See also:

You can make MySQL use double-quotes per the ANSI standard:


You can make Microsoft SQL Server use double-quotes per the ANSI standard:


What is the difference between null=True and blank=True in Django?

When you set null=true it will set null in your database if the field is not filled. If you set blank='true it will not set any value to the field.

Create HTTP post request and receive response using C# console application

Insted of using System.Net.WebClient I would recommend to have a look on System.Net.Http.HttpClient which was introduced with net 4.5 and makes your life much easier.

Also microsoft recommends to use the HttpClient on this article

An example could look like this:

var client = new HttpClient();
var content = new MultipartFormDataContent
     { new StringContent("myUserId"), "userid"},
     { new StringContent("myFileName"), "filename"},
     { new StringContent("myPassword"), "password"},
     { new StringContent("myType"), "type"}

var responseMessage = await client.PostAsync("some url", content);        
var stream = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

How I can check if an object is null in ruby on rails 2?

Now with Ruby 2.3 you can use &. operator ('lonely operator') to check for nil at the same time as accessing a value.


Use #try instead so you don't have to keep checking for nil.


instead of if @person && @person.spouse

Find a class somewhere inside dozens of JAR files?

user1207523's script works fine for me. Here is a variant that searches for jar files recusively using find instead of simple expansion;

for i in `find . -name '*.jar'`; do jar -tf "$i" | grep $1 | xargs -I{} echo -e "$i : {}" ; done

Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory exception

commons-logging-1.1.1.jar or jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.6.jar al

If you are using maven, use the below code.


How do you create a daemon in Python?

Current solution

A reference implementation of PEP 3143 (Standard daemon process library) is now available as python-daemon.

Historical answer

Sander Marechal's code sample is superior to the original, which was originally posted in 2004. I once contributed a daemonizer for Pyro, but would probably use Sander's code if I had to do it over.

How do I get the offset().top value of an element without using jQuery?

Seems you can just use the prop method on the angular element:

var top = $el.prop('offsetTop');

Works for me. Does anyone know any downside to this?

Open Facebook page from Android app?

Declare constants

  private String FACEBOOK_URL="";
    private String FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID="approids";

Declare Method

public String getFacebookPageURL(Context context) {
        PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
        try {
            int versionCode = packageManager.getPackageInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0).versionCode;

            boolean activated =  packageManager.getApplicationInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0).enabled;
                if ((versionCode >= 3002850)) {
                    Log.d("main","fb first url");
                    return "fb://facewebmodal/f?href=" + FACEBOOK_URL;
                } else {
                    return "fb://page/" + FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID;
                return FACEBOOK_URL;
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
            return FACEBOOK_URL;

Call Function

Intent facebookIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
                String facebookUrl = getFacebookPageURL(MainActivity.this);

Using wget to recursively fetch a directory with arbitrary files in it

You should use the -m (mirror) flag, as that takes care to not mess with timestamps and to recurse indefinitely.

wget -m

If you add the points mentioned by others in this thread, it would be:

wget -m -e robots=off --no-parent

Does reading an entire file leave the file handle open?

Well, if you have to read file line by line to work with each line, you can use

with open('Path/to/file', 'r') as f:
    s = f.readline()
    while s:
        # do whatever you want to
        s = f.readline()

Or even better way:

with open('Path/to/file') as f:
    for line in f:
        # do whatever you want to

How to import js-modules into TypeScript file?

I tested 3 methods to do that...


      const FriendCard:any = require('./../pages/FriendCard')


      import * as FriendCard from './../pages/FriendCard';


if you can find something like this in tsconfig.json:

      { "compilerOptions": { ..., "allowJs": true }

then you can write: import FriendCard from './../pages/FriendCard';

Transition color fade on hover?

What do you want to fade? The background or color attribute?

Currently you're changing the background color, but telling it to transition the color property. You can use all to transition all properties.

.clicker { 
    -moz-transition: all .2s ease-in;
    -o-transition: all .2s ease-in;
    -webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in;
    transition: all .2s ease-in;
    background: #f5f5f5; 
    padding: 20px;

.clicker:hover { 
    background: #eee;

Otherwise just use transition: background .2s ease-in.

Create ArrayList from array

Below code seems nice way of doing this.

new ArrayList<T>(Arrays.asList(myArray));

Removing cordova plugins from the project

Scripts based on processing the list of installed plugins may not work as there are dependencies between installed plugins (e,g, cordova-plugin-file and cordova-plugin-file-transfer).

In the example, the script will find the file plugin first, then it will try to remove it and we'll get an error as file-transfer requires it. Therefore, we shall have

MySQL Cannot Add Foreign Key Constraint

Had a similar error, but in my case I was missing to declare the pk as auto_increment.

Just in case it could be helpful to anyone

Error 80040154 (Class not registered exception) when initializing VCProjectEngineObject (Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine.dll)

There are not many good reasons this would fail, especially the regsvr32 step. Run dumpbin /exports on that dll. If you don't see DllRegisterServer then you've got a corrupt install. It should have more side-effects, you wouldn't be able to build C/C++ projects anymore.

One standard failure mode is running this on a 64-bit operating system. This is 32-bit unmanaged code, you would indeed get the 'class not registered' exception. Project + Properties, Build tab, change Platform Target to x86.

How to add calendar events in Android?

you have to add flag:


or you will cause error with:

startActivity() from outside of an Activity context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK

Excel VBA Open workbook, perform actions, save as, close

I'll try and answer several different things, however my contribution may not cover all of your questions. Maybe several of us can take different chunks out of this. However, this info should be helpful for you. Here we go..

Opening A Seperate File:

ChDir "[Path here]"                          'get into the right folder here
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'include the filename in this path

'copy data into current workbook or whatever you want here

ActiveWindow.Close                          'closes out the file

Opening A File With Specified Date If It Exists:

I'm not sure how to search your directory to see if a file exists, but in my case I wouldn't bother to search for it, I'd just try to open it and put in some error checking so that if it doesn't exist then display this message or do xyz.

Some common error checking statements:

On Error Resume Next   'if error occurs continues on to the next line (ignores it)

ChDir "[Path here]"                         
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

Or (better option):

if one doesn't exist then bring up either a message box or dialogue box to say "the file does not exist, would you like to create a new one?

you would most likely want to use the GoTo ErrorHandler shown below to achieve this

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

ChDir "[Path here]"                         
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here

Much more info on Error handling here:

Also if you want to learn more or need to know more generally in VBA I would recommend Siddharth Rout's site, he has lots of tutorials and example code here:

Hope this helps!

Example on how to ensure error code doesn't run EVERYtime:

if you debug through the code without the Exit Sub BEFORE the error handler you'll soon realize the error handler will be run everytime regarldess of if there is an error or not. The link below the code example shows a previous answer to this question.

  Sub Macro

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

    ChDir "[Path here]"                         
    Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

    Exit Sub      'Code will exit BEFORE ErrorHandler if everything goes smoothly
                  'Otherwise, on error, ErrorHandler will be run

    'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here

  End Sub

Also, look at this other question in you need more reference to how this works: goto block not working VBA

How to resolve ORA-011033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

I had a similar problem when I had installed the 12c database as per Oracle's tutorial . The instruction instructs reader to create a PLUGGABLE DATABASE (pdb).

The problem

sqlplus hr/hr@pdborcl would result in ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress.

The solution

    1. Login as SYSDBA to the dabase :

      sqlplus SYS/Oracle_1@pdborcl AS SYSDBA
    1. Alter database:

      alter pluggable database pdborcl open read write;
    1. Login again:

      sqlplus hr/hr@pdborcl

That worked for me

Some documentation here

Adding a column to an existing table in a Rails migration

You also can use special change_table method in the migration for adding new columns:

change_table(:users) do |t|
  t.column :email, :string

Apache server keeps crashing, "caught SIGTERM, shutting down"

Apache is not running

It could also be something as simple as Apache not being configured to start automatically on boot. Assuming you are on a Red Hat-like system such as CentOS or Fedora, the chkconfig –list command will show you which services are set to start for each runlevel. You should see a line like

    httpd           0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

If instead it says "off" all the way across, you can activate it with chkconfig httpd on. OR you can start apache manually from your panel.

how to get list of port which are in use on the server

nmap is a useful tool for this kind of thing

Prevent direct access to a php include file

I didn't find the suggestions with .htaccess so good because it may block other content in that folder which you might want to allow user to access to, this is my solution:

$currentFileInfo = pathinfo(__FILE__);
$requestInfo = pathinfo($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if($currentFileInfo['basename'] == $requestInfo['basename']){
    // direct access to file

How to center a label text in WPF?


Label label = new Label();
label.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

How to find the privileges and roles granted to a user in Oracle?


How to create/read/write JSON files in Qt5

Example: Read json from file

/* test.json */
   "appDesc": {
      "description": "SomeDescription",
      "message": "SomeMessage"
   "appName": {
      "description": "Home",
      "message": "Welcome",

void readJson()
      QString val;
      QFile file;
      file.setFileName("test.json"); | QIODevice::Text);
      val = file.readAll();
      qWarning() << val;
      QJsonDocument d = QJsonDocument::fromJson(val.toUtf8());
      QJsonObject sett2 = d.object();
      QJsonValue value = sett2.value(QString("appName"));
      qWarning() << value;
      QJsonObject item = value.toObject();
      qWarning() << tr("QJsonObject of description: ") << item;

      /* in case of string value get value and convert into string*/
      qWarning() << tr("QJsonObject[appName] of description: ") << item["description"];
      QJsonValue subobj = item["description"];
      qWarning() << subobj.toString();

      /* in case of array get array and convert into string*/
      qWarning() << tr("QJsonObject[appName] of value: ") << item["imp"];
      QJsonArray test = item["imp"].toArray();
      qWarning() << test[1].toString();


QJsonValue(object, QJsonObject({"description": "Home","imp": ["awesome","best","good"],"message": "YouTube"}) ) 
"QJsonObject of description: " QJsonObject({"description": "Home","imp": ["awesome","best","good"],"message": "YouTube"}) 
"QJsonObject[appName] of description: " QJsonValue(string, "Home") 
"QJsonObject[appName] of value: " QJsonValue(array, QJsonArray(["awesome","best","good"]) ) 

Example: Read json from string

Assign json to string as below and use the readJson() function shown before:

val =   
'  {
       "appDesc": {
          "description": "SomeDescription",
          "message": "SomeMessage"
       "appName": {
          "description": "Home",
          "message": "Welcome",


QJsonValue(object, QJsonObject({"description": "Home","imp": ["awesome","best","good"],"message": "YouTube"}) ) 
"QJsonObject of description: " QJsonObject({"description": "Home","imp": ["awesome","best","good"],"message": "YouTube"}) 
"QJsonObject[appName] of description: " QJsonValue(string, "Home") 
"QJsonObject[appName] of value: " QJsonValue(array, QJsonArray(["awesome","best","good"]) ) 

Adding to the classpath on OSX

Normally there's no need for that. First of all


If there's something in there, you probably want to check Applications -> Utilites -> Java.

Change default text in input type="file"?

Let me add a hack I used. I wanted to have a section that allowed you to drag and drop files, and I wanted that drag and drop section to be clickable along with the original upload button.

Here is how it looked like when I was done (minus the drag and drop ability, there are plenty of tutorials on how to do that).

And then I actually created a series of blog posts that are mainly about file upload buttons.

Get the index of the object inside an array, matching a condition

var list =  [

var findProp = p => {
    var index = -1;
    $.each(list, (i, o) => {
        if(o.prop2 == p) {
            index = i;
            return false; // break
    return index; // -1 == not found, else == index

ssh server connect to host xxx port 22: Connection timed out on linux-ubuntu

If you are on Public Network, Firewall will block all incoming connections by default. check your firewall settings or use private network to SSL

How do I vertically align text in a paragraph?

Alternative solution which scales for multi-line text:

Set vertical and horizontal padding to be (height - line-height) / 2

p.event_desc {
    font: bold 12px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    line-height: 14px;
    padding: 10.5px 0;
    margin: 0px;

IOS - How to segue programmatically using swift

If your segue exists in the storyboard with a segue identifier between your two views, you can just call it programmatically using:

performSegue(withIdentifier: "mySegueID", sender: nil)

For older versions:

performSegueWithIdentifier("mySegueID", sender: nil)

You could also do:

presentViewController(nextViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Or if you are in a Navigation controller:

self.navigationController?.pushViewController(nextViewController, animated: true)

How to cancel a pull request on github?

Go to conversation tab then come down there is one "close pull request" button is there use that button to close pull request, Take ref of attached image

Maven - Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.4.1:clean

On Windows, I got "Unable to delete directory". What's wrong? For instance, clean could fail if you already have opened a command line with target as the current dir. Windows locks some ressources and you need to close the handles on these ressources.

This works for me.

MySQL timestamp select date range

A compact, flexible method for timestamps without fractional seconds would be:

SELECT * FROM table_name 
WHERE field_name 
BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-10-01') AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-10-31 23:59:59')

If you are using fractional seconds and a recent version of MySQL then you would be better to take the approach of using the >= and < operators as per Wouter's answer.

Here is an example of temporal fields defined with fractional second precision (maximum precision in use):

mysql> create table time_info (t_time time(6), t_datetime datetime(6), t_timestamp timestamp(6), t_short timestamp null);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> insert into time_info set t_time = curtime(6), t_datetime = now(6), t_short = t_datetime;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from time_info;
| 22:05:34.378453 | 2016-01-11 22:05:34.378453 | 2016-01-11 22:05:34.378453 | 2016-01-11 22:05:34 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

c# dictionary one key many values

You could use a Dictionary<TKey, List<TValue>>.

That would allow each key to reference a list of values.

How do I tell if a regular file does not exist in Bash?

I prefer to do the following one-liner, in POSIX shell compatible format:

$ [ -f "/$DIR/$FILE" ] || echo "$FILE NOT FOUND"

$ [ -f "/$DIR/$FILE" ] && echo "$FILE FOUND"

For a couple of commands, like I would do in a script:

$  [ -f "/$DIR/$FILE" ] || { echo "$FILE NOT FOUND" ; exit 1 ;}

Once I started doing this, I rarely use the fully typed syntax anymore!!

How to retrieve all keys (or values) from a std::map and put them into a vector?

You can use the versatile boost::transform_iterator. The transform_iterator allows you to transform the iterated values, for example in our case when you want to deal only with the keys, not the values. See

When to use cla(), clf() or close() for clearing a plot in matplotlib?

plt.cla() means clear current axis

plt.clf() means clear current figure

also, there's plt.gca() (get current axis) and plt.gcf() (get current figure)

Read more here: Matplotlib, Pyplot, Pylab etc: What's the difference between these and when to use each?

TypeError: $(...).DataTable is not a function


There could be multiple reasons for this error.

  • jQuery DataTables library is missing.
  • jQuery library is loaded after jQuery DataTables.
  • Multiple versions of jQuery library is loaded.


Include only one version of jQuery library version 1.7 or newer before jQuery DataTables.

For example:

<script src="js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.dataTables.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

See jQuery DataTables: Common JavaScript console errors for more information on this and other common console errors.

How should I throw a divide by zero exception in Java without actually dividing by zero?

You should not throw an ArithmeticException. Since the error is in the supplied arguments, throw an IllegalArgumentException. As the documentation says:

Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.

Which is exactly what is going on here.

if (divisor == 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'divisor' is 0");

Load image from url

URL url = new URL("");
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());

jQuery - How to dynamically add a validation rule

You need to call .validate() before you can add rules this way, like this:

$("#myForm").validate(); //sets up the validator
$("input[id*=Hours]").rules("add", "required");

The .validate() documentation is a good guide, here's the blurb about .rules("add", option):

Adds the specified rules and returns all rules for the first matched element. Requires that the parent form is validated, that is, $("form").validate() is called first.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

I did not add any dependencies, I just change the way I was consuming them.

Preview code

(Uncomment this code if you are using elastic search version < 7.0)

IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest(
  id // this is to make our consumer idempotent
).source(record.value(), XContentType.JSON);

Current code

IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest("tweets")
  .source(record.value(), XContentType.JSON)
  .id(id); // this is to make our consumer idempotent

I am using bulkrequest and with that I remove that error.

php search array key and get value

array_search('20120504', array_keys($your_array));

What is default color for text in textview?

I know it is old but according to my own theme editor with default light theme, default

textPrimaryColor = #000000


textColorPrimaryDark = #757575

Google API authentication: Not valid origin for the client

If you are running it on localhost change the port to 5000 and it will fix it

Can you delete data from influxdb?

Because InfluxDB is a bit painful about deletes, we use a schema that has a boolean field called "ForUse", which looks like this when posting via the line protocol (v0.9):

your_measurement,your_tag=foo ForUse=TRUE,value=123.5 1262304000000000000

You can overwrite the same measurement, tag key, and time with whatever field keys you send, so we do "deletes" by setting "ForUse" to false, and letting retention policy keep the database size under control.

Since the overwrite happens seamlessly, you can retroactively add the schema too. Noice.

View a file in a different Git branch without changing branches

This should work:

git show branch:file

Where branch can be any ref (branch, tag, HEAD, ...) and file is the full path of the file. To export it you could use

git show branch:file > exported_file

You should also look at VonC's answers to some related questions:

UPDATE 2015-01-19:

Nowadays you can use relative paths with git show a1b35:./file.txt.

Regex to split a CSV

If you know that you won't have an empty field (,,) then this expression works well:


As in the following example...

Set rx = new RegExp
rx.Pattern = "(""[^""]*""|[^,]+)"
rx.Global = True
Set col = rx.Execute(sText)
For n = 0 to col.Count - 1
    if n > 0 Then s = s & vbCrLf
    s = s & col(n)

However, if you anticipate an empty field and your text is relatively small than you might consider replacing the empty fields with a space prior to parsing to ensure that they are captured. For example...

Set col = rx.Execute(Replace(sText, ",,", ", ,"))

And if you need to maintain the integrity of the fields, you can restore the commas and test for empty spaces inside the loop. This may not be the most efficient method but it gets the job done.

Substring with reverse index

The substring method allows you to specify start and end index:

var str = "xxx_456";
var subStr = str.substring(str.length - 3, str.length);

When do I need to do "git pull", before or after "git add, git commit"?

Best way for me is:

  1. create new branch, checkout to it
  2. create or modify files, git add, git commit
  3. back to master branch and do pull from remote (to get latest master changes)
  4. merge newly created branch with master
  5. remove newly created branch
  6. push master to remote

Or you can push newly created branch on remote and merge there (if you do it this way, at the end you need to pull from remote master)

Javascript - Regex to validate date format

Try this:


Ball to Ball Collision - Detection and Handling

As a clarification to the suggestion by Ryan Fox to split the screen into regions, and only checking for collisions within regions...

e.g. split the play area up into a grid of squares (which will will arbitrarily say are of 1 unit length per side), and check for collisions within each grid square.

That's absolutely the correct solution. The only problem with it (as another poster pointed out) is that collisions across boundaries are a problem.

The solution to this is to overlay a second grid at a 0.5 unit vertical and horizontal offset to the first one.

Then, any collisions that would be across boundaries in the first grid (and hence not detected) will be within grid squares in the second grid. As long as you keep track of the collisions you've already handled (as there is likely to be some overlap) you don't have to worry about handling edge cases. All collisions will be within a grid square on one of the grids.

Nodejs convert string into UTF-8

I had the same problem, when i loaded a text file via fs.readFile(), I tried to set the encodeing to UTF8, it keeped the same. my solution now is this:

myString = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( myString ) )

after this an Ö is realy interpreted as an Ö.

Number of elements in a javascript object

To do this in any ES5-compatible environment


(Browser support from here)
(Doc on Object.keys here, includes method you can add to non-ECMA5 browsers)

What is a deadlock?

A deadlock is a state of a system in which no single process/thread is capable of executing an action. As mentioned by others, a deadlock is typically the result of a situation where each process/thread wishes to acquire a lock to a resource that is already locked by another (or even the same) process/thread.

There are various methods to find them and avoid them. One is thinking very hard and/or trying lots of things. However, dealing with parallelism is notoriously difficult and most (if not all) people will not be able to completely avoid problems.

Some more formal methods can be useful if you are serious about dealing with these kinds of issues. The most practical method that I'm aware of is to use the process theoretic approach. Here you model your system in some process language (e.g. CCS, CSP, ACP, mCRL2, LOTOS) and use the available tools to (model-)check for deadlocks (and perhaps some other properties as well). Examples of toolset to use are FDR, mCRL2, CADP and Uppaal. Some brave souls might even prove their systems deadlock free by using purely symbolic methods (theorem proving; look for Owicki-Gries).

However, these formal methods typically do require some effort (e.g. learning the basics of process theory). But I guess that's simply a consequence of the fact that these problems are hard.

Javascript - sort array based on another array


const arrayMap = itemsArray.reduce(
  (accumulator, currentValue) => ({
    [currentValue[1]]: currentValue,
const result = => arrayMap[key]);

More examples with different input arrays

What's the purpose of git-mv?

As @Charles says, git mv is a shorthand.

The real question here is "Other version control systems (eg. Subversion and Perforce) treat file renames specially. Why doesn't Git?"

Linus explains at with characteristic tact:

Please stop this "track files" crap. Git tracks exactly what matters, namely "collections of files". Nothing else is relevant, and even thinking that it is relevant only limits your world-view. Notice how the notion of CVS "annotate" always inevitably ends up limiting how people use it. I think it's a totally useless piece of crap, and I've described something that I think is a million times more useful, and it all fell out exactly because I'm not limiting my thinking to the wrong model of the world.

multiprocessing: How do I share a dict among multiple processes?

A general answer involves using a Manager object. Adapted from the docs:

from multiprocessing import Process, Manager

def f(d):
    d[1] += '1'
    d['2'] += 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    manager = Manager()

    d = manager.dict()
    d[1] = '1'
    d['2'] = 2

    p1 = Process(target=f, args=(d,))
    p2 = Process(target=f, args=(d,))

    print d


$ python 
{1: '111', '2': 6}

Spark java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Did you dump your master gc log? So I met similar issue and I found SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY only set the Xmx heap. The initial heap size remains 1G and the heap size never scale up to the Xmx heap.

Passing "--conf "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Xms20g" resolves my issue.

ps aux | grep java and the you'll see the follow log:=

24501 30.7 1.7 41782944 2318184 pts/0 Sl+ 18:49 0:33 /usr/java/latest/bin/java -cp /opt/spark/conf/:/opt/spark/jars/* -Xmx30g -Xms20g

Filter Pyspark dataframe column with None value

if column = None


Use create a temptable on data frame:

sqlContext.sql("select * from tempTable where column_old_value='None' ").show()

So use : column_old_value='None'

What is an HttpHandler in ASP.NET

An ASP.NET HTTP handler is the process (frequently referred to as the "endpoint") that runs in response to a request made to an ASP.NET Web application. The most common handler is an ASP.NET page handler that processes .aspx files. When users request an .aspx file, the request is processed by the page via the page handler.

The ASP.NET page handler is only one type of handler. ASP.NET comes with several other built-in handlers such as the Web service handler for .asmx files.

You can create custom HTTP handlers when you want special handling that you can identify using file name extensions in your application. For example, the following scenarios would be good uses of custom HTTP handlers:

RSS feeds To create an RSS feed for a site, you can create a handler that emits RSS-formatted XML. You can then bind the .rss extension (for example) in your application to the custom handler. When users send a request to your site that ends in .rss, ASP.NET will call your handler to process the request.

Image server If you want your Web application to serve images in a variety of sizes, you can write a custom handler to resize images and then send them back to the user as the handler's response.

HTTP handlers have access to the application context, including the requesting user's identity (if known), application state, and session information. When an HTTP handler is requested, ASP.NET calls the ProcessRequest method on the appropriate handler. The handler's ProcessRequest method creates a response, which is sent back to the requesting browser. As with any page request, the response goes through any HTTP modules that have subscribed to events that occur after the handler has run.

Swift 3: Display Image from URL

There's a few things with your code as it stands:

  1. You are using a lot of casting, which is not needed.
  2. You are treating your URL as a local file URL, which is not the case.
  3. You are never downloading the URL to be used by your image.

The first thing we are going to do is to declare your variable as let, as we are not going to modify it later.

let catPictureURL = URL(string: "")! // We can force unwrap because we are 100% certain the constructor will not return nil in this case.

Then we need to download the contents of that URL. We can do this with the URLSession object. When the completion handler is called, we will have a UIImage downloaded from the web.

// Creating a session object with the default configuration.
// You can read more about it here
let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)

// Define a download task. The download task will download the contents of the URL as a Data object and then you can do what you wish with that data.
let downloadPicTask = session.dataTask(with: catPictureURL) { (data, response, error) in
    // The download has finished.
    if let e = error {
        print("Error downloading cat picture: \(e)")
    } else {
        // No errors found.
        // It would be weird if we didn't have a response, so check for that too.
        if let res = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
            print("Downloaded cat picture with response code \(res.statusCode)")
            if let imageData = data {
                // Finally convert that Data into an image and do what you wish with it.
                let image = UIImage(data: imageData)
                // Do something with your image.
            } else {
                print("Couldn't get image: Image is nil")
        } else {
            print("Couldn't get response code for some reason")

Finally you need to call resume on the download task, otherwise your task will never start:


All this code may look a bit intimidating at first, but the URLSession APIs are block based so they can work asynchronously - If you block your UI thread for a few seconds, the OS will kill your app.

Your full code should look like this:

let catPictureURL = URL(string: "")!

// Creating a session object with the default configuration.
// You can read more about it here
let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)

// Define a download task. The download task will download the contents of the URL as a Data object and then you can do what you wish with that data.
let downloadPicTask = session.dataTask(with: catPictureURL) { (data, response, error) in
    // The download has finished.
    if let e = error {
        print("Error downloading cat picture: \(e)")
    } else {
        // No errors found.
        // It would be weird if we didn't have a response, so check for that too.
        if let res = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
            print("Downloaded cat picture with response code \(res.statusCode)")
            if let imageData = data {
                // Finally convert that Data into an image and do what you wish with it.
                let image = UIImage(data: imageData)
                // Do something with your image.
            } else {
                print("Couldn't get image: Image is nil")
        } else {
            print("Couldn't get response code for some reason")


Update query using Subquery in Sql Server

Here in my sample I find out the solution of this, because I had the same problem with updates and subquerys:

    A.ValueToChange = B.NewValue
        Select * From C
    ) B
    A.Id = B.Id

When to use React "componentDidUpdate" method?

When something in the state has changed and you need to call a side effect (like a request to api - get, put, post, delete). So you need to call componentDidUpdate() because componentDidMount() is already called.

After calling side effect in componentDidUpdate(), you can set the state to new value based on the response data in the then((response) => this.setState({newValue: "here"})). Please make sure that you need to check prevProps or prevState to avoid infinite loop because when setting state to a new value, the componentDidUpdate() will call again.

There are 2 places to call a side effect for best practice - componentDidMount() and componentDidUpdate()

scikit-learn random state in splitting dataset

The random_state splits a randomly selected data but with a twist. And the twist is the order of the data will be same for a particular value of random_state.You need to understand that it's not a bool accpeted value. starting from 0 to any integer no, if you pass as random_state,it'll be a permanent order for it. Ex: the order you will get in random_state=0 remain same. After that if you execuit random_state=5 and again come back to random_state=0 you'll get the same order. And like 0 for all integer will go same. How ever random_state=None splits randomly each time.

If still having doubt watch this

How to convert list data into json in java

Try these simple steps:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String newJsonData = mapper.writeValueAsString(cartList);
return newJsonData;
ObjectMapper() is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.ObjectMapper();

CSS table column autowidth

The following will solve your problem:

td.last {
    width: 1px;
    white-space: nowrap;

Flexible, Class-Based Solution

And a more flexible solution is creating a .fitwidth class and applying that to any columns you want to ensure their contents are fit on one line:

td.fitwidth {
    width: 1px;
    white-space: nowrap;

And then in your HTML:

    <td class="fitwidth">ID</td>
    <td class="fitwidth">Status</td>

How do I rotate the Android emulator display?

I have checked on Windows: Ctrl + F11 and Ctrl + F12 both are working to change the orientation of the Android simulator.

For other shortcut keys:

In the Eclipse toolbar go to "Help-->key Assist.. "

You can also use Ctrl + Shift + L here, so many shortcut keys of Eclipse are given.

SQL DELETE with JOIN another table for WHERE condition

Try this sample SQL scripts for easy understanding,







Your case is:

   DELETE pgc
     FROM guide_category pgc 
LEFT JOIN guide g
       ON g.id_guide = gc.id_guide 
    WHERE g.id_guide IS NULL

Mapping a JDBC ResultSet to an object

If you don't want to use any JPA provider such as OpenJPA or Hibernate, you can just give Apache DbUtils a try.

Then your code will look like this:

QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(dataSource);

// Use the BeanListHandler implementation to convert all
// ResultSet rows into a List of Person JavaBeans.
ResultSetHandler<List<Person>> h = new BeanListHandler<Person>(Person.class);

// Execute the SQL statement and return the results in a List of
// Person objects generated by the BeanListHandler.
List<Person> persons = run.query("SELECT * FROM Person", h);

Import Error: No module named numpy

I had numpy installed on the same environment both by pip and by conda, and simply removing and reinstalling either was not enough.

I had to reinstall both.

I don't know why it suddenly happened, but the solution was

pip uninstall numpy

conda uninstall numpy

uninstalling from conda also removed torch and torchvision.


conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch


pip install numpy

this resolved the issue for me.

Is there a method that calculates a factorial in Java?

public static int fact(int i){
       return 0;
       i = i * fact(--i);

   return i;

How to get JSON response from http.Get

The ideal way is not to use ioutil.ReadAll, but rather use a decoder on the reader directly. Here's a nice function that gets a url and decodes its response onto a target structure.

var myClient = &http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}

func getJson(url string, target interface{}) error {
    r, err := myClient.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer r.Body.Close()

    return json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(target)

Example use:

type Foo struct {
    Bar string

func main() {
    foo1 := new(Foo) // or &Foo{}
    getJson("", foo1)

    // alternately:

    foo2 := Foo{}
    getJson("", &foo2)

You should not be using the default *http.Client structure in production as this answer originally demonstrated! (Which is what http.Get/etc call to). The reason is that the default client has no timeout set; if the remote server is unresponsive, you're going to have a bad day.

'cout' was not declared in this scope

Use std::cout, since cout is defined within the std namespace. Alternatively, add a using std::cout; directive.

SQL Query - how do filter by null or not null

Just like you said

select * from tbl where statusid is null


select * from tbl where statusid is not null

If your statusid is not null, then it will be selected just fine when you have an actual value, no need for any "if" logic if that is what you were thinking

select * from tbl where statusid = 123 -- the record(s) returned will not have null statusid

if you want to select where it is null or a value, try

select * from tbl where statusid = 123 or statusid is null

Access blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check

Since the originating port 4200 is different than 8080,So before angular sends a create (PUT) request,it will send an OPTIONS request to the server to check what all methods and what all access-controls are in place. Server has to respond to that OPTIONS request with list of allowed methods and allowed origins.

Since you are using spring boot, the simple solution is to add ".allowedOrigins("http://localhost:4200");"

In your spring config,class

public class SpringConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {

However a better approach will be to write a Filter(interceptor) which adds the necessary headers to each response.

jQuery find and replace string

You could do something like this:


<div class="element">
   <span>Hi, I am Murtaza</span>


$(".element span").text(function(index, text) { 
    return text.replace('am', 'am not'); 

PowerShell - Start-Process and Cmdline Switches

I've found using cmd works well as an alternative, especially when you need to pipe the output from the called application (espeically when it doesn't have built in logging, unlike msbuild)

cmd /C "$msbuild $args" >> $outputfile

How do you make a div follow as you scroll?

Using styling from CSS, you can define how something is positioned. If you define the element as fixed, it will always remain in the same position on the screen at all times.


Get length of array?

Compilating answers here and there, here's a complete set of arr tools to get the work done:

Function getArraySize(arr As Variant)
' returns array size for a n dimention array
' usage result(k) = size of the k-th dimension

Dim ndims As Long
Dim arrsize() As Variant
ndims = getDimensions(arr)
ReDim arrsize(ndims - 1)
For i = 1 To ndims
    arrsize(i - 1) = getDimSize(arr, i)
Next i
getArraySize = arrsize
End Function

Function getDimSize(arr As Variant, dimension As Integer)
' returns size for the given dimension number
    getDimSize = UBound(arr, dimension) - LBound(arr, dimension) + 1
End Function

Function getDimensions(arr As Variant) As Long
' returns number of dimension in an array (ex. sheet range = 2 dimensions)
    On Error GoTo Err
    Dim i As Long
    Dim tmp As Long
    i = 0
    Do While True
        i = i + 1
        tmp = UBound(arr, i)
    getDimensions = i - 1
End Function

How can I generate a list of files with their absolute path in Linux?

You can do

ls -1 |xargs realpath

If you need to specify an absolute path or relative path You can do that as well

 ls -1 $FILEPATH |xargs realpath

How to ping multiple servers and return IP address and Hostnames using batch script?

the problem with ping is if the host is not alive often your local machine will return an answer that the pinged host is not available, thus the errorcode of ping will be 0 and your code will run in error because not recognizing the down state.

better do it this way

ping -n 4 %1 | findstr TTL
if %errorlevel%==0 (goto :eof) else (goto :error)

this way you look for a typical string ttl which is always in the well done ping result and check error on this findstr instead of irritating ping

overall this looks like this:

@echo off

set log=path/to/logfile.txt
set check=path/to/checkfile.txt

echo. some echo date >>%log%

for /f %%r in (%check%) do (call :ping %%r)
goto :eof

ping -n 4 %1 | findstr TTL
if %errorlevel%==0 (goto :eof) else (goto :error)

echo. some errormessage to >>%log%
echo. some blat to mail?

echo. some good message to >>%log%

Executing Batch File in C#

using System.Diagnostics;

private void ExecuteBatFile()
    Process proc = null;
        string targetDir = string.Format(@"D:\mydir");   //this is where mybatch.bat lies
        proc = new Process();
        proc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = targetDir;
        proc.StartInfo.FileName = "lorenzo.bat";
        proc.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("10");  //this is argument
        proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
        proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;  //this is for hiding the cmd execution will happen in back ground.
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Exception Occurred :{0},{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace.ToString());

How to include header files in GCC search path?

Try gcc -c -I/home/me/development/skia sample.c.

Why can't I define a default constructor for a struct in .NET?

What I use is the null-coalescing operator (??) combined with a backing field like this:

public struct SomeStruct {
  private SomeRefType m_MyRefVariableBackingField;

  public SomeRefType MyRefVariable {
    get { return m_MyRefVariableBackingField ?? (m_MyRefVariableBackingField = new SomeRefType()); }

Hope this helps ;)

Note: the null coalescing assignment is currently a feature proposal for C# 8.0.

Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading

Eager Loading: Eager Loading helps you to load all your needed entities at once. i.e. related objects (child objects) are loaded automatically with its parent object.

When to use:

  1. Use Eager Loading when the relations are not too much. Thus, Eager Loading is a good practice to reduce further queries on the Server.
  2. Use Eager Loading when you are sure that you will be using related entities with the main entity everywhere.

Lazy Loading: In case of lazy loading, related objects (child objects) are not loaded automatically with its parent object until they are requested. By default LINQ supports lazy loading.

When to use:

  1. Use Lazy Loading when you are using one-to-many collections.
  2. Use Lazy Loading when you are sure that you are not using related entities instantly.

NOTE: Entity Framework supports three ways to load related data - eager loading, lazy loading and explicit loading.

Windows path in Python

Yes, \ in Python string literals denotes the start of an escape sequence. In your path you have a valid two-character escape sequence \a, which is collapsed into one character that is ASCII Bell:

>>> '\a'
>>> len('\a')
>>> 'C:\meshes\as'
>>> print('C:\meshes\as')

Other common escape sequences include \t (tab), \n (line feed), \r (carriage return):

>>> list('C:\test')
['C', ':', '\t', 'e', 's', 't']
>>> list('C:\nest')
['C', ':', '\n', 'e', 's', 't']
>>> list('C:\rest')
['C', ':', '\r', 'e', 's', 't']

As you can see, in all these examples the backslash and the next character in the literal were grouped together to form a single character in the final string. The full list of Python's escape sequences is here.

There are a variety of ways to deal with that:

  1. Python will not process escape sequences in string literals prefixed with r or R:

    >>> r'C:\meshes\as'
    >>> print(r'C:\meshes\as')
  2. Python on Windows should handle forward slashes, too.

  3. You could use os.path.join ...

    >>> import os
    >>> os.path.join('C:', os.sep, 'meshes', 'as')
  4. ... or the newer pathlib module

    >>> from pathlib import Path
    >>> Path('C:', '/', 'meshes', 'as')

How can I return camelCase JSON serialized by JSON.NET from ASP.NET MVC controller methods?

I did like this :

public static class JsonExtension
    public static string ToJson(this object value)
        var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
            ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(),
            NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
            ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize
        return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value, settings);

this a simple extension method in MVC core , it's going to give the ToJson() ability to every object in your project , In my opinion in a MVC project most of object should have the ability to become json ,off course it depends :)

Android EditText view Floating Hint in Material Design

Import the Support Libraries, In your project's build.gradle file, add the following lines in the project's dependencies:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

    compile ''
    compile ''

Use following TextInputLayout in your UI Layout:




Than, call setHint on TextInputLayout just after setContentView call because, to animate the floating label, you just need to set a hint, using the setHint method.

final TextInputLayout usernameWrapper = (TextInputLayout) findViewById(;

how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it?

byte[] byteArray = rs.getBytes("columnname");  

Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byteArray, 0 ,byteArray.length);

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_decode()

If you're using phpbrew try to install json extension to fix error with undefined function json_decode():

phpbrew ext install json

Javascript getElementsByName.value not working

Here is the example for having one or more checkboxes value. If you have two or more checkboxes and need values then this would really help.

function myFunction() {_x000D_
  var selchbox = [];_x000D_
  var inputfields = document.getElementsByName("myCheck");_x000D_
  var ar_inputflds = inputfields.length;_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < ar_inputflds; i++) {_x000D_
    if (inputfields[i].type == 'checkbox' && inputfields[i].checked == true)_x000D_
  return selchbox;_x000D_
document.getElementById('btntest').onclick = function() {_x000D_
  var selchb = myFunction();_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="UK">United Kingdom_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="USA">United States_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="IL">Illinois_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="MA">Massachusetts_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" name="myCheck" value="UT">Utah_x000D_
<input type="button" value="Click" id="btntest" />

How to give ASP.NET access to a private key in a certificate in the certificate store?

If you are trying to load a cert from a .pfx file in IIS the solution may be as simple as enabling this option for the Application Pool.

Right click on the App Pool and select Advanced Settings.

Then enable Load User Profile

enter image description here

Using group by and having clause

1.Get supplier numbers and names for suppliers of parts supplied to at least two different projects.


I am not slear about your second question

Fail during installation of Pillow (Python module) in Linux

brew install zlib

on OS X doesn't work anymore and instead prompts to install lzlib. Installing that doesn't help.

Instead you install XCode Command line tools and that should install zlib

xcode-select --install

JavaScript: IIF like statement

'<option value="' + col + '"'+ (col === "screwdriver" ? " selected " : "") +'>Very roomy</option>';

Read and write to binary files in C?

This is an example to read and write binary jjpg or wmv video file. FILE *fout; FILE *fin;

Int ch;
char *s;
     {  printf("\n Unable to open the file ");

 fout=fopen("D:\\ newpic.jpg","wb");
       while (ch!=EOF)
                  s=(char *)ch;
                 ch=fgetc (fin):

        printf("data read and copied");

virtualenvwrapper and Python 3

I added export VIRTUALENV_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 to my ~/.bashrc like this:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENV_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
source /usr/local/bin/

then run source .bashrc

and you can specify the python version for each new env mkvirtualenv --python=python2 env_name

Set a:hover based on class

Set a:hover based on class you can simply try:

a.main-nav-item:hover { }

Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 43148176 bytes) in php

At last I found the answer:

Just add this line before the line where you get error in your php file

ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');

It will take unlimited memory usage of server, it's working fine.

Consider '44M' instead of '-1' for safe memory usage.

How to add noise (Gaussian/salt and pepper etc) to image in Python with OpenCV

just look at cv2.randu() or cv.randn(), it's all pretty similar to matlab already, i guess.

let's play a bit ;) :

import cv2
import numpy as np

>>> im = np.empty((5,5), np.uint8) # needs preallocated input image
>>> im
array([[248, 168,  58,   2,   1],  # uninitialized memory counts as random, too ?  fun ;) 
       [  0, 100,   2,   0, 101],
       [  0,   0, 106,   2,   0],
       [131,   2,   0,  90,   3],
       [  0, 100,   1,   0,  83]], dtype=uint8)
>>> im = np.zeros((5,5), np.uint8) # seriously now.
>>> im
array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=uint8)
>>> cv2.randn(im,(0),(99))         # normal
array([[  0,  76,   0, 129,   0],
       [  0,   0,   0, 188,  27],
       [  0, 152,   0,   0,   0],
       [  0,   0, 134,  79,   0],
       [  0, 181,  36, 128,   0]], dtype=uint8)
>>> cv2.randu(im,(0),(99))         # uniform
array([[19, 53,  2, 86, 82],
       [86, 73, 40, 64, 78],
       [34, 20, 62, 80,  7],
       [24, 92, 37, 60, 72],
       [40, 12, 27, 33, 18]], dtype=uint8)

to apply it to an existing image, just generate noise in the desired range, and add it:

img = ...
noise = ...

image = img + noise

Working with time DURATION, not time of day

Let's say that you want to display the time elapsed between 5pm on Monday and 2:30pm the next day, Tuesday.

In cell A1 (for example), type in the date. In A2, the time. (If you type in 5 pm, including the space, it will display as 5:00 PM. If you want the day of the week to display as well, then in C3 (for example) enter the formula, =A1, then highlight the cell, go into the formatting dropdown menu, select Custom, and type in dddd.

Repeat all this in the row below.

Finally, say you want to display that duration in cell D2. Enter the formula, =(a2+b2)-(a1+b1). If you want this displayed as "22h 30m", select the cell, and in the formatting menu under Custom, type in h"h" m"m".

Select subset of columns in data.table R

Use with=FALSE:

cols = paste("V", c(1,2,3,5), sep="")

dt[, !cols, with=FALSE]

I suggest going through the "Introduction to data.table" vignette.

Update: From v1.10.2 onwards, you can also do:

dt[, ..cols]

See the first NEWS item under v1.10.2 here for additional explanation.

Call to a member function on a non-object

I realized that I wasn't passing $objPage into page_properties(). It works fine now.

Jquery change <p> text programmatically

Try the following, note that when user refreshes the page, the value is "Male" again, data should be stored on database.

<p id="pTest">Male</p>


How can I start InternetExplorerDriver using Selenium WebDriver

To run test cases in IE Browser make sure you have downloaded IE driver and you need to set the property as well.

Below code will help you

// This will set the driver
System.setProperty("","driver path\\IEDriverServer.exe");

// Initialise browser

WebDriver driver=new InternetExplorerDriver();

You can check IE Browser challenges with Selenium and complete code for more details

Splitting a C++ std::string using tokens, e.g. ";"

I find std::getline() is often the simplest. The optional delimiter parameter means it's not just for reading "lines":

#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    vector<string> strings;
    istringstream f("denmark;sweden;india;us");
    string s;    
    while (getline(f, s, ';')) {
        cout << s << endl;

How to find out client ID of component for ajax update/render? Cannot find component with expression "foo" referenced from "bar"

Look in HTML output for actual client ID

You need to look in the generated HTML output to find out the right client ID. Open the page in browser, do a rightclick and View Source. Locate the HTML representation of the JSF component of interest and take its id as client ID. You can use it in an absolute or relative way depending on the current naming container. See following chapter.

Note: if it happens to contain iteration index like :0:, :1:, etc (because it's inside an iterating component), then you need to realize that updating a specific iteration round is not always supported. See bottom of answer for more detail on that.

Memorize NamingContainer components and always give them a fixed ID

If a component which you'd like to reference by ajax process/execute/update/render is inside the same NamingContainer parent, then just reference its own ID.

<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update="result"> <!-- OK! -->
    <h:panelGroup id="result" />

If it's not inside the same NamingContainer, then you need to reference it using an absolute client ID. An absolute client ID starts with the NamingContainer separator character, which is by default :.

<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update="result"> <!-- FAIL! -->
<h:panelGroup id="result" />
<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update=":result"> <!-- OK! -->
<h:panelGroup id="result" />
<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update=":result"> <!-- FAIL! -->
<h:form id="otherform">
    <h:panelGroup id="result" />
<h:form id="form">
    <p:commandLink update=":otherform:result"> <!-- OK! -->
<h:form id="otherform">
    <h:panelGroup id="result" />

NamingContainer components are for example <h:form>, <h:dataTable>, <p:tabView>, <cc:implementation> (thus, all composite components), etc. You recognize them easily by looking at the generated HTML output, their ID will be prepended to the generated client ID of all child components. Note that when they don't have a fixed ID, then JSF will use an autogenerated ID in j_idXXX format. You should absolutely avoid that by giving them a fixed ID. The OmniFaces NoAutoGeneratedIdViewHandler may be helpful in this during development.

If you know to find the javadoc of the UIComponent in question, then you can also just check in there whether it implements the NamingContainer interface or not. For example, the HtmlForm (the UIComponent behind <h:form> tag) shows it implements NamingContainer, but the HtmlPanelGroup (the UIComponent behind <h:panelGroup> tag) does not show it, so it does not implement NamingContainer. Here is the javadoc of all standard components and here is the javadoc of PrimeFaces.

Solving your problem

So in your case of:

<p:tabView id="tabs"><!-- This is a NamingContainer -->
    <p:tab id="search"><!-- This is NOT a NamingContainer -->
        <h:form id="insTable"><!-- This is a NamingContainer -->
            <p:dialog id="dlg"><!-- This is NOT a NamingContainer -->
                <h:panelGrid id="display">

The generated HTML output of <h:panelGrid id="display"> looks like this:

<table id="tabs:insTable:display">

You need to take exactly that id as client ID and then prefix with : for usage in update:

<p:commandLink update=":tabs:insTable:display">

Referencing outside include/tagfile/composite

If this command link is inside an include/tagfile, and the target is outside it, and thus you don't necessarily know the ID of the naming container parent of the current naming container, then you can dynamically reference it via UIComponent#getNamingContainer() like so:

<p:commandLink update=":#{component.namingContainer.parent.namingContainer.clientId}:display">

Or, if this command link is inside a composite component and the target is outside it:

<p:commandLink update=":#{cc.parent.namingContainer.clientId}:display">

Or, if both the command link and target are inside same composite component:

<p:commandLink update=":#{cc.clientId}:display">

See also Get id of parent naming container in template for in render / update attribute

How does it work under the covers

This all is specified as "search expression" in the UIComponent#findComponent() javadoc:

A search expression consists of either an identifier (which is matched exactly against the id property of a UIComponent, or a series of such identifiers linked by the UINamingContainer#getSeparatorChar character value. The search algorithm should operates as follows, though alternate alogrithms may be used as long as the end result is the same:

  • Identify the UIComponent that will be the base for searching, by stopping as soon as one of the following conditions is met:
    • If the search expression begins with the the separator character (called an "absolute" search expression), the base will be the root UIComponent of the component tree. The leading separator character will be stripped off, and the remainder of the search expression will be treated as a "relative" search expression as described below.
    • Otherwise, if this UIComponent is a NamingContainer it will serve as the basis.
    • Otherwise, search up the parents of this component. If a NamingContainer is encountered, it will be the base.
    • Otherwise (if no NamingContainer is encountered) the root UIComponent will be the base.
  • The search expression (possibly modified in the previous step) is now a "relative" search expression that will be used to locate the component (if any) that has an id that matches, within the scope of the base component. The match is performed as follows:
    • If the search expression is a simple identifier, this value is compared to the id property, and then recursively through the facets and children of the base UIComponent (except that if a descendant NamingContainer is found, its own facets and children are not searched).
    • If the search expression includes more than one identifier separated by the separator character, the first identifier is used to locate a NamingContainer by the rules in the previous bullet point. Then, the findComponent() method of this NamingContainer will be called, passing the remainder of the search expression.

Note that PrimeFaces also adheres the JSF spec, but RichFaces uses "some additional exceptions".

"reRender" uses UIComponent.findComponent() algorithm (with some additional exceptions) to find the component in the component tree.

Those additional exceptions are nowhere in detail described, but it's known that relative component IDs (i.e. those not starting with :) are not only searched in the context of the closest parent NamingContainer, but also in all other NamingContainer components in the same view (which is a relatively expensive job by the way).

Never use prependId="false"

If this all still doesn't work, then verify if you aren't using <h:form prependId="false">. This will fail during processing the ajax submit and render. See also this related question: UIForm with prependId="false" breaks <f:ajax render>.

Referencing specific iteration round of iterating components

It was for long time not possible to reference a specific iterated item in iterating components like <ui:repeat> and <h:dataTable> like so:

<h:form id="form">
    <ui:repeat id="list" value="#{['one','two','three']}" var="item">
        <h:outputText id="item" value="#{item}" /><br/>

    <h:commandButton value="Update second item">
        <f:ajax render=":form:list:1:item" />

However, since Mojarra 2.2.5 the <f:ajax> started to support it (it simply stopped validating it; thus you would never face the in the question mentioned exception anymore; another enhancement fix is planned for that later).

This only doesn't work yet in current MyFaces 2.2.7 and PrimeFaces 5.2 versions. The support might come in the future versions. In the meanwhile, your best bet is to update the iterating component itself, or a parent in case it doesn't render HTML, like <ui:repeat>.

When using PrimeFaces, consider Search Expressions or Selectors

PrimeFaces Search Expressions allows you to reference components via JSF component tree search expressions. JSF has several builtin:

  • @this: current component
  • @form: parent UIForm
  • @all: entire document
  • @none: nothing

PrimeFaces has enhanced this with new keywords and composite expression support:

  • @parent: parent component
  • @namingcontainer: parent UINamingContainer
  • @widgetVar(name): component as identified by given widgetVar

You can also mix those keywords in composite expressions such as @form:@parent, @this:@parent:@parent, etc.

PrimeFaces Selectors (PFS) as in @(.someclass) allows you to reference components via jQuery CSS selector syntax. E.g. referencing components having all a common style class in the HTML output. This is particularly helpful in case you need to reference "a lot of" components. This only prerequires that the target components have all a client ID in the HTML output (fixed or autogenerated, doesn't matter). See also How do PrimeFaces Selectors as in update="@(.myClass)" work?

How to initialize a struct in accordance with C programming language standards

void function(void) {
  MY_TYPE a;
  a.flag = true;
  a.value = 15;
  a.stuff = 0.123;

Why doesn't the Scanner class have a nextChar method?

According to the javadoc a Scanner does not seem to be intended for reading single characters. You attach a Scanner to an InputStream (or something else) and it parses the input for you. It also can strip of unwanted characters. So you can read numbers, lines, etc. easily. When you need only the characters from your input, use a InputStreamReader for example.

Create own colormap using matplotlib and plot color scale

Since the methods used in other answers seems quite complicated for such easy task, here is a new answer:

Instead of a ListedColormap, which produces a discrete colormap, you may use a LinearSegmentedColormap. This can easily be created from a list using the from_list method.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors

x,y,c = zip(*np.random.rand(30,3)*4-2)

cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["red","violet","blue"])

plt.scatter(x,y,c=c, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)

enter image description here

More generally, if you have a list of values (e.g. [-2., -1, 2]) and corresponding colors, (e.g. ["red","violet","blue"]), such that the nth value should correspond to the nth color, you can normalize the values and supply them as tuples to the from_list method.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors

x,y,c = zip(*np.random.rand(30,3)*4-2)

cvals  = [-2., -1, 2]
colors = ["red","violet","blue"]

tuples = list(zip(map(norm,cvals), colors))
cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", tuples)

plt.scatter(x,y,c=c, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)

enter image description here

'System.Net.Http.HttpContent' does not contain a definition for 'ReadAsAsync' and no extension method

or if you have VS 2012 you can goto the package manager console and type Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client

This would download the latest version of the package

Cleanest way to write retry logic?

This method allows retries on certain exception types (throws others immediately).

public static void DoRetry(
    List<Type> retryOnExceptionTypes,
    Action actionToTry,
    int retryCount = 5,
    int msWaitBeforeEachRety = 300)
    for (var i = 0; i < retryCount; ++i)
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Retries exceeded
            // Throws on last iteration of loop
            if (i == retryCount - 1) throw;

            // Is type retryable?
            var exceptionType = ex.GetType();
            if (!retryOnExceptionTypes.Contains(exceptionType))

            // Wait before retry
public static void DoRetry(
    Type retryOnExceptionType,
    Action actionToTry,
    int retryCount = 5,
    int msWaitBeforeEachRety = 300)
        => DoRetry(new List<Type> {retryOnExceptionType}, actionToTry, retryCount, msWaitBeforeEachRety);

Example usage:

DoRetry(typeof(IOException), () => {
    using (var fs = new FileStream(requestedFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
        fs.Write(entryBytes, 0, entryBytes.Length);

Kubernetes service external ip pending

same issue:

os>kubectl get svc right-sabertooth-wordpress

right-sabertooth-wordpress LoadBalancer "pending" 80:30454/TCP,443:30427/TCP

os>minikube service list




| default | kubernetes | No node port |

| default | right-sabertooth-mariadb | No node port |

| default | right-sabertooth-wordpress | |

| | | |

| kube-system | kube-dns | No node port |

| kube-system | tiller-deploy | No node port |


It is, however,accesible via that

How to enable explicit_defaults_for_timestamp?

On Windows -- open my.ini file, present at "C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6", find "[mysqld]" (without quotes) in next line add explicit_defaults_for_timestamp and then save the changes.

Align nav-items to right side in bootstrap-4

With Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.6: Two <ul>s (.navbar-na), one with .mr-auto and one with .ml-auto:

<nav ...> 
  <div class="collapse navbar-collapse">
    <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
      <li class="nav-item active">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Left Link </a>
    <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Right Link </a>

Comparing two .jar files

Extract each jar to it's own directory using the jar command with parameters xvf. i.e. jar xvf myjar.jar for each jar.

Then, use the UNIX command diff to compare the two directories. This will show the differences in the directories. You can use diff -r dir1 dir2 two recurse and show the differences in text files in each directory(.xml, .properties, etc).

This will also show if binary class files differ. To actually compare the class files you will have to decompile them as noted by others.

Convert Int to String in Swift

To convert String into Int

var numberA = Int("10")

Print(numberA) // It will print 10

To covert Int into String

var numberA = 10

1st way)

print("numberA is \(numberA)") // It will print 10

2nd way)

var strSomeNumber = String(numberA)


var strSomeNumber = "\(numberA)"

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method

As you've figured out, Entity Framework can't actually run your C# code as part of its query. It has to be able to convert the query to an actual SQL statement. In order for that to work, you will have to restructure your query expression into an expression that Entity Framework can handle.

public System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<Charity, bool>> IsSatisfied()
    string name = this.charityName;
    string referenceNumber = this.referenceNumber;
    return p => 
        (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || 
            p.registeredName.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower()) ||
            p.alias.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower()) ||
            p.charityId.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower())) &&
        (string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNumber) ||

Any free WPF themes?

Read this article on how to convert a silverlight theme to WPF... The have a look at the Silverlight toolkit, thy released loads of free silverlight themes!!!

  • Expression Dark
  • Expression Light
  • Rainier Purple
  • Rainier Orange
  • Shiny Blue
  • Shiny Red

Stop absolutely positioned div from overlapping text

Thank you for all your answers, Whilst all were correct, none actually solved my problem. The solution for me was to create a second invisible div at the end of the content of unknown length, this invisible div is the same size as my absolutely positioned div, this ensures that there is always a space at the end of my content for the absolutely positioned div.

This answer was previously provided here: Prevent absolutely-positioned elements from overlapping with text However I didn't see (until now) how to apply it to a bottom right positioned div.

New structure is as follows:

<div id="outer" style="position: relative; width:450px; background-color:yellow;">
        <p>Content of unknown length</p>
        <div>Content of unknown height </div>
        <div id="spacer" style="width: 200px; height: 25px; margin-right:0px;"></div>
        <div style="position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0px; width: 200px; height: 20px; background-color:red;">bottom right</div>

This seems to solve the issue.

PHP code is not being executed, instead code shows on the page

I found another problem causing this issue and already solved it. I accidentally saved my script in UTF-16 encoding. It seems that PHP5 can't recognize <?php tag in 16 bit encoding by default.

How to render html with AngularJS templates

So maybe you want to have this in your index.html to load the library, script, and initialize the app with a view:

  <body ng-app="yourApp">
    <div class="span12">
      <div ng-view=""></div>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="script.js"></script>

Then yourView.html could just be:

  <h1>{{ stuff.h1 }}</h1>
  <p>{{ stuff.content }}</p>

scripts.js could have your controller with data $scope'd to it.

    .controller('YourCtrl', function ($scope) {
      $scope.stuff = {
        'content':"A paragraph..."

Lastly, you'll have to config routes and assign the controller to view for it's $scope (i.e. your data object)

angular.module('yourApp', [])
.config(function ($routeProvider) {
    .when('/', {
      templateUrl: 'views/yourView.html',
      controller: 'YourCtrl'

I haven't tested this, sorry if there's a bug but I think this is the Angularish way to get data

How to get a property value based on the name

You want Reflection

Type t = typeof(Car);
PropertyInfo prop = t.GetProperty("Make");
if(null != prop)
return prop.GetValue(this, null);

How to delete an app from iTunesConnect / App Store Connect

Here's the answer to my question I got back from Apple support.


I am following up with you about the deletion of your app, “XXX”. Recent changes have been made to the App Delete feature. In order to delete your app from iTunes Connect, you must now have one approved version before the delete button becomes available. For more information on the recent changes, please see the "Deleting an App" section of the iTunes Connect Guide (page 96-97):

You can only delete an app from the App Store if it was previously approved (meaning has one approved version).

From iTunes Connect Developer Guide - Transferring and Deleting Apps:

Apps that have not been approved yet can’t be deleted; instead, reject the app.

As of 2016, new changes have been made to iTunes Connect. Here are the screenshots of deleting an approved app from your account.

How to retrieve the last autoincremented ID from a SQLite table?

According to Android Sqlite get last insert row id there is another query:

SELECT rowid from your_table_name order by ROWID DESC limit 1

How to list the files in current directory?

I used this answer with my local directory ( for example E:// ) it is worked fine for the first directory and for the seconde directory the output made a java null pointer exception, after searching for the reason i discover that the problem was created by the hidden directory, and this directory was created by windows to avoid this problem just use this

public void recursiveSearch(File file ) {
 File[] filesList = file.listFiles();
    for (File f : filesList) {
        if (f.isDirectory() && !f.isHidden()) {
            System.out.println("Directoy name is  -------------->" + f.getName());
        if( f.isFile() ){
            System.out.println("File name is  -------------->" + f.getName());

Using grep to search for hex strings in a file

There's also a pretty handy tool called binwalk, written in python, which provides for binary pattern matching (and quite a lot more besides). Here's how you would search for a binary string, which outputs the offset in decimal and hex (from the docs):

$ binwalk -R "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04" firmware.bin
377654      0x5C336     Raw string signature

Convert string to a variable name

I was working with this a few days ago, and noticed that sometimes you will need to use the get() function to print the results of your variable. ie :

varnames = c('jan', 'feb', 'march')
file_names = list_files('path to multiple csv files saved on drive')
assign(varnames[1], read.csv(file_names[1]) # This will assign the variable

From there, if you try to print the variable varnames[1], it returns 'jan'. To work around this, you need to do print(get(varnames[1]))

How do you use variables in a simple PostgreSQL script?

Here's an example of using a variable in plpgsql:

create table test (id int);
insert into test values (1);
insert into test values (2);
insert into test values (3);

create function test_fn() returns int as $$
    declare val int := 2;
        return (SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = val);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT * FROM test_fn();

Have a look at the plpgsql docs for more information.

Changing PowerShell's default output encoding to UTF-8

Note: The following applies to Windows PowerShell.
See the next section for the cross-platform PowerShell Core (v6+) edition.

  • On PSv5.1 or higher, where > and >> are effectively aliases of Out-File, you can set the default encoding for > / >> / Out-File via the $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable:

    • $PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
  • On PSv5.0 or below, you cannot change the encoding for > / >>, but, on PSv3 or higher, the above technique does work for explicit calls to Out-File.
    (The $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable was introduced in PSv3.0).

  • On PSv3.0 or higher, if you want to set the default encoding for all cmdlets that support
    an -Encoding parameter
    (which in PSv5.1+ includes > and >>), use:

    • $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'

If you place this command in your $PROFILE, cmdlets such as Out-File and Set-Content will use UTF-8 encoding by default, but note that this makes it a session-global setting that will affect all commands / scripts that do not explicitly specify an encoding via their -Encoding parameter.

Similarly, be sure to include such commands in your scripts or modules that you want to behave the same way, so that they indeed behave the same even when run by another user or a different machine; however, to avoid a session-global change, use the following form to create a local copy of $PSDefaultParameterValues:

  • $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ '*:Encoding' = 'utf8' }

Caveat: PowerShell, as of v5.1, invariably creates UTF-8 files _with a (pseudo) BOM_, which is customary only in the Windows world - Unix-based utilities do not recognize this BOM (see bottom); see this post for workarounds that create BOM-less UTF-8 files.

For a summary of the wildly inconsistent default character encoding behavior across many of the Windows PowerShell standard cmdlets, see the bottom section.

The automatic $OutputEncoding variable is unrelated, and only applies to how PowerShell communicates with external programs (what encoding PowerShell uses when sending strings to them) - it has nothing to do with the encoding that the output redirection operators and PowerShell cmdlets use to save to files.

Optional reading: The cross-platform perspective: PowerShell Core:

PowerShell is now cross-platform, via its PowerShell Core edition, whose encoding - sensibly - defaults to BOM-less UTF-8, in line with Unix-like platforms.

  • This means that source-code files without a BOM are assumed to be UTF-8, and using > / Out-File / Set-Content defaults to BOM-less UTF-8; explicit use of the utf8 -Encoding argument too creates BOM-less UTF-8, but you can opt to create files with the pseudo-BOM with the utf8bom value.

  • If you create PowerShell scripts with an editor on a Unix-like platform and nowadays even on Windows with cross-platform editors such as Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text, the resulting *.ps1 file will typically not have a UTF-8 pseudo-BOM:

    • This works fine on PowerShell Core.
    • It may break on Windows PowerShell, if the file contains non-ASCII characters; if you do need to use non-ASCII characters in your scripts, save them as UTF-8 with BOM.
      Without the BOM, Windows PowerShell (mis)interprets your script as being encoded in the legacy "ANSI" codepage (determined by the system locale for pre-Unicode applications; e.g., Windows-1252 on US-English systems).
  • Conversely, files that do have the UTF-8 pseudo-BOM can be problematic on Unix-like platforms, as they cause Unix utilities such as cat, sed, and awk - and even some editors such as gedit - to pass the pseudo-BOM through, i.e., to treat it as data.

    • This may not always be a problem, but definitely can be, such as when you try to read a file into a string in bash with, say, text=$(cat file) or text=$(<file) - the resulting variable will contain the pseudo-BOM as the first 3 bytes.

Inconsistent default encoding behavior in Windows PowerShell:

Regrettably, the default character encoding used in Windows PowerShell is wildly inconsistent; the cross-platform PowerShell Core edition, as discussed in the previous section, has commendably put and end to this.


  • The following doesn't aspire to cover all standard cmdlets.

  • Googling cmdlet names to find their help topics now shows you the PowerShell Core version of the topics by default; use the version drop-down list above the list of topics on the left to switch to a Windows PowerShell version.

  • As of this writing, the documentation frequently incorrectly claims that ASCII is the default encoding in Windows PowerShell - see this GitHub docs issue.

Cmdlets that write:

Out-File and > / >> create "Unicode" - UTF-16LE - files by default - in which every ASCII-range character (too) is represented by 2 bytes - which notably differs from Set-Content / Add-Content (see next point); New-ModuleManifest and Export-CliXml also create UTF-16LE files.

Set-Content (and Add-Content if the file doesn't yet exist / is empty) uses ANSI encoding (the encoding specified by the active system locale's ANSI legacy code page, which PowerShell calls Default).

Export-Csv indeed creates ASCII files, as documented, but see the notes re -Append below.

Export-PSSession creates UTF-8 files with BOM by default.

New-Item -Type File -Value currently creates BOM-less(!) UTF-8.

The Send-MailMessage help topic also claims that ASCII encoding is the default - I have not personally verified that claim.

Start-Transcript invariably creates UTF-8 files with BOM, but see the notes re -Append below.

Re commands that append to an existing file:

>> / Out-File -Append make no attempt to match the encoding of a file's existing content. That is, they blindly apply their default encoding, unless instructed otherwise with -Encoding, which is not an option with >> (except indirectly in PSv5.1+, via $PSDefaultParameterValues, as shown above). In short: you must know the encoding of an existing file's content and append using that same encoding.

Add-Content is the laudable exception: in the absence of an explicit -Encoding argument, it detects the existing encoding and automatically applies it to the new content.Thanks, js2010. Note that in Windows PowerShell this means that it is ANSI encoding that is applied if the existing content has no BOM, whereas it is UTF-8 in PowerShell Core.

This inconsistency between Out-File -Append / >> and Add-Content, which also affects PowerShell Core, is discussed in this GitHub issue.

Export-Csv -Append partially matches the existing encoding: it blindly appends UTF-8 if the existing file's encoding is any of ASCII/UTF-8/ANSI, but correctly matches UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE.
To put it differently: in the absence of a BOM, Export-Csv -Append assumes UTF-8 is, whereas Add-Content assumes ANSI.

Start-Transcript -Append partially matches the existing encoding: It correctly matches encodings with BOM, but defaults to potentially lossy ASCII encoding in the absence of one.

Cmdlets that read (that is, the encoding used in the absence of a BOM):

Get-Content and Import-PowerShellDataFile default to ANSI (Default), which is consistent with Set-Content.
ANSI is also what the PowerShell engine itself defaults to when it reads source code from files.

By contrast, Import-Csv, Import-CliXml and Select-String assume UTF-8 in the absence of a BOM.

How to allow only numeric (0-9) in HTML inputbox using jQuery?

put a class in input text and name it only_numbers

put the jquery code in the page

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.only_numbers').keyup(function() {
        var numbers = $(this).val();
        $(this).val(numbers.replace(/\D/, ''));

have fun :-)

Summarizing count and conditional aggregate functions on the same factor

Assuming that your original dataset is similar to the one you created (i.e. with NA as character. You could specify na.strings while reading the data using read.table. But, I guess NAs would be detected automatically.

The price column is factor which needs to be converted to numeric class. When you use as.numeric, all the non-numeric elements (i.e. "NA", FALSE) gets coerced to NA) with a warning.

df %>%
     mutate(price=as.numeric(as.character(price))) %>%  
     group_by(company, year, product) %>%
               max.price=max(price, na.rm=TRUE))


I am using the same dataset (except the ... row) that was showed.

df = tbl_df(data.frame(company=c("Acme", "Meca", "Emca", "Acme", "Meca","Emca"),
 year=c("2011", "2010", "2009", "2011", "2010", "2013"), product=c("Wrench", "Hammer",
 "Sonic Screwdriver", "Fairy Dust", "Kindness", "Helping Hand"), price=c("5.67",
 "7.12", "12.99", "10.99", "NA",FALSE)))

PHP function use variable from outside

Just put in the function using GLOBAL keyword:

 global $site_url;

How can I read user input from the console?

I think there are some compiler errors.

  • Writeline should be WriteLine (capital 'L')
  • missing semicolon at the end of a line

        double a, b;
        Console.WriteLine("istenen sayiyi sonuna .00 koyarak yaz");
        a = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        b = a * Math.PI; // Missing colon!
        Console.WriteLine("Sonuç " + b);

Replace deprecated preg_replace /e with preg_replace_callback

You can use an anonymous function to pass the matches to your function:

$result = preg_replace_callback(
    function($m) { return CallFunction($m[1], $m[2], $m[3], $m[4], $m[5]); },

Apart from being faster, this will also properly handle double quotes in your string. Your current code using /e would convert a double quote " into \".

How to enable cURL in PHP / XAMPP

On Debian with Apache 2:

apt-get install php5-curl
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

(php4-curl if it's php4)

Not able to launch IE browser using Selenium2 (Webdriver) with Java

Rather than using Absolute path for IEDriverServer.exe, its better to use relative path in accordance to the project.

        DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
        capabilities.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true);
        File fil = new File("iDrivers\\IEDriverServer.exe");
        System.setProperty("", fil.getAbsolutePath());
        WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(capabilities);        

How to set background color of an Activity to white programmatically?

Add this single line in your activity, after setContentView() call


Text blinking jQuery

This code will effectively make the element(s) blink without touching the layout (like fadeIn().fadeOut() will do) by just acting on the opacity ; There you go, blinking text ; usable for both good and evil :)

setInterval(function() {
  $('.blink').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 400).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 600);
}, 800);

How to get min, seconds and milliseconds from in python?

Sorry to open an old thread but I'm posting just in case it helps someone. This seems to be the easiest way to do this in Python 3.

from datetime import datetime

Date = str([:10]
Hour = str([11:13]
Minute = str([14:16]
Second = str([17:19]
Millisecond = str([20:]

If you need the values as a number just cast them as an int e.g

Hour = int(str([11:13])

Turning off hibernate logging console output

I finally figured out, it's because the Hibernate is using slf4j log facade now, to bridge to log4j, you need to put log4j and slf4j-log4j12 jars to your lib and then the log4j properties will take control Hibernate logs.

My pom.xml setting looks as below:



Number of occurrences of a character in a string

Why use regex for that. String implements IEnumerable<char>, so you can just use LINQ.

test.Count(c => c == '&')

Deprecation warning in Moment.js - Not in a recognized ISO format

This answer is to give a better understanding of this warning

Deprecation warning is caused when you use moment to create time object, var today = moment();.

If this warning is okay with you then I have a simpler method.

Don't use date object from js use moment instead. For example use moment() to get the current date.

Or convert the js date object to moment date. You can simply do that specifying the format of your js date object.

ie, moment("js date", "js date format");


moment("2014 04 25", "YYYY MM DD");

(BUT YOU CAN ONLY USE THIS METHOD UNTIL IT'S DEPRECIATED, this may be depreciated from moment in the future)

hide div tag on mobile view only?

try this

@media handheld{
    #title_message { display: none; }

What does it mean when an HTTP request returns status code 0?

In case anyone else comes across this problem, this was giving me issues due to the AJAX request and a normal form request being sent. I solved it with the following line:

<form onsubmit="submitfunc(); return false;">

The key there is the return false, which causes the form not to send. You could also just return false from inside of submitfunc(), but I find explicitly writing it to be clearer.

Javascript format date / time

Please do not reinvent the wheel. There are many open-source & COTS solutions that already exist to solve this problem.

Please take a look at the following JavaScript libraries:


I wrote a one-liner using Moment.js below. You can check out the demo here: JSFiddle.

moment('2014-08-20 15:30:00').format('MM/DD/YYYY h:mm a'); // 08/20/2014 3:30 pm

How to generate xsd from wsdl

Follow these steps :

  1. Create a project using the WSDL.
  2. Choose your interface and open in interface viewer.
  3. Navigate to the tab 'WSDL Content'.
  4. Use the last icon under the tab 'WSDL Content' : 'Export the entire WSDL and included/imported files to a local directory'.
  5. select the folder where you want the XSDs to be exported to.

Note: SOAPUI will remove all relative paths and will save all XSDs to the same folder. Refer the screenshot : enter image description here

Carousel with Thumbnails in Bootstrap 3.0

Bootstrap 4 (update 2019)

A multi-item carousel can be accomplished in several ways as explained here. Another option is to use separate thumbnails to navigate the carousel slides.

Bootstrap 3 (original answer)

This can be done using the grid inside each carousel item.

       <div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide">
                <div class="carousel-inner">
                    <div class="item active">
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-sm-3">..
                            <div class="col-sm-3">..
                            <div class="col-sm-3">..
                            <div class="col-sm-3">..
                    ...add more item(s)

Demo example thumbnail slider using the carousel:

Another example with carousel indicators as thumbnails:

Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

Pass updlock, rowlock, holdlock hints when testing for existence of the row.

begin tran /* default read committed isolation level is fine */

if not exists (select * from Table with (updlock, rowlock, holdlock) where ...)
    /* insert */
    /* update */

commit /* locks are released here */

The updlock hint forces the query to take an update lock on the row if it already exists, preventing other transactions from modifying it until you commit or roll back.

The holdlock hint forces the query to take a range lock, preventing other transactions from adding a row matching your filter criteria until you commit or roll back.

The rowlock hint forces lock granularity to row level instead of the default page level, so your transaction won't block other transactions trying to update unrelated rows in the same page (but be aware of the trade-off between reduced contention and the increase in locking overhead - you should avoid taking large numbers of row-level locks in a single transaction).

See for more information.

Note that locks are taken as the statements which take them are executed - invoking begin tran doesn't give you immunity against another transaction pinching locks on something before you get to it. You should try and factor your SQL to hold locks for the shortest possible time by committing the transaction as soon as possible (acquire late, release early).

Note that row-level locks may be less effective if your PK is a bigint, as the internal hashing on SQL Server is degenerate for 64-bit values (different key values may hash to the same lock id).

Looping through dictionary object

You can do it like this.

Models.TestModels obj = new Models.TestModels();
foreach (var item in obj.sp)

The problem you most likely have right now is that the collection is private. If you add public to the beginning of this line

Dictionary<int, dynamic> sp = new Dictionary<int, dynamic> 

You should be able to access it from the function inside your controller.

Edit: Adding functional example of the full TestModels implementation.

Your TestModels class should look something like this.

public class TestModels
    public Dictionary<int, dynamic> sp = new Dictionary<int, dynamic>();

    public TestModels()
        sp.Add(0, new {name="Test One", age=5});
        sp.Add(1, new {name="Test Two", age=7});

You probably want to read up on the dynamic keyword as well.

How to convert a Drawable to a Bitmap?

public static Bitmap drawableToBitmap (Drawable drawable) {
    Bitmap bitmap = null;

    if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
        BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) drawable;
        if(bitmapDrawable.getBitmap() != null) {
            return bitmapDrawable.getBitmap();

    if(drawable.getIntrinsicWidth() <= 0 || drawable.getIntrinsicHeight() <= 0) {
        bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(1, 1, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); // Single color bitmap will be created of 1x1 pixel
    } else {
        bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
    drawable.setBounds(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight());
    return bitmap;

How do I scroll the UIScrollView when the keyboard appears?

You can scroll by using the property contentOffset in UIScrollView, e.g.,

CGPoint offset = scrollview.contentOffset;
offset.y -= KEYBOARD_HEIGHT + 5;
scrollview.contentOffset = offset;

There's also a method to do animated scrolling.

As for the reason why your second edit is not scrolling correctly, it could be because you seem to assume that a new keyboard will appear every time editing starts. You could try checking if you've already adjusted for the "keyboard" visible position (and likewise check for keyboard visibility at the moment before reverting it).

A better solution might be to listen for the keyboard notification, e.g.:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

DataTable, How to conditionally delete rows

Here's a one-liner using LINQ and avoiding any run-time evaluation of select strings:

    r => r.ItemArray[0] == someValue).ToList().ForEach(r => r.Delete());

How to add 20 minutes to a current date?

Just add 20 minutes in milliseconds to your date:

  var currentDate = new Date();

  currentDate.setTime(currentDate.getTime() + 20*60*1000);

Set Value of Input Using Javascript Function

Depending on the usecase it makes a difference whether you use javascript (element.value = x) or jQuery $(element).val(x);

When x is undefined jQuery results in an empty String whereas javascript results in "undefined" as a String.

Coarse-grained vs fine-grained

Corse-grained services provides broader functionalities as compared to fine-grained service. Depending on the business domain, a single service can be created to serve a single business unit or specialised multiple fine-grained services can be created if subunits are largely independent of each other. Coarse grained service may get more difficult may be less adaptable to change due to its size while fine-grained service may introduce additional complexity of managing multiple services.

Find which rows have different values for a given column in Teradata SQL

You can do this using a group by:

select id, addressCode
from t
group by id, addressCode
having min(address) <> max(address)

Another way of writing this may seem clearer, but does not perform as well:

select id, addressCode
from t
group by id, addressCode
having count(distinct address) > 1

Export P7b file with all the certificate chain into CER file

The selected answer didn't work for me, but it's close. I found a tutorial that worked for me and the certificate I obtained from StartCom.

  1. Open the .p7b in a text editor.
  2. Change the leader and trailer so the file looks similar to this:

    -----BEGIN PKCS7-----
    [... certificate content here ...]
    -----END PKCS7-----

For example, my StartCom certificate began with:

    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- 

and ended with:

    -----END CERTIFICATE----- 
  1. Save and close the .p7b.
  2. Run the following OpenSSL command (works on Ubuntu 14.04.4, as of this writing):

    openssl pkcs7 -print_certs –in pkcs7.p7b -out pem.cer

The output is a .cer with the certificate chain.


check if a key exists in a bucket in s3 using boto3

It's really simple with get() method

import botocore
from boto3.session import Session
session = Session(aws_access_key_id='AWS_ACCESS_KEY',
s3 = session.resource('s3')
bucket_s3 = s3.Bucket('bucket_name')

def not_exist(file_key):
        file_details = bucket_s3.Object(file_key).get()
        # print(file_details) # This line prints the file details
        return False
    except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
        if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "NoSuchKey": # or you can check with e.reponse['HTTPStatusCode'] == '404'
            return True
        return False # For any other error it's hard to determine whether it exists or not. so based on the requirement feel free to change it to True/ False / raise Exception


How to parse a CSV file in Bash?

If you want to read CSV file with some lines, so this the solution.

while IFS=, read -ra line
    test $i -eq 1 && ((i=i+1)) && continue
    for col_val in ${line[@]}
        echo -n "$col_val|"                 
done < "$csvFile"

Android - how to make a scrollable constraintlayout?

Use NestedScrollView with viewport true is working good for me





for android x use this

.....other views....


How to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS

Using the following code in your .htaccess file automatically redirects visitors to the HTTPS version of your site:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

If you have an existing .htaccess file:

Do not duplicate RewriteEngine On.

Make sure the lines beginning RewriteCond and RewriteRule immediately follow the already-existing RewriteEngine On.

Importing Pandas gives error AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'core' in iPython Notebook

I face similar issue while importing TensorFlow. If you are using Tensorflow which uses Pandas library, I suggest restarting your kernel of Anaconda. This works for me.

How to copy file from HDFS to the local file system

1.- Remember the name you gave to the file and instead of using hdfs dfs -put. Use 'get' instead. See below.

$hdfs dfs -get /output-fileFolderName-In-hdfs

How to align center the text in html table row?

<td align="center" valign="center">textgoeshere</td>

Is the only correct answer imho, since your working with tables which is old functionality most common used for e-mail formatting. So your best bet is to not use just style but inline style and known table tags.

How to handle command-line arguments in PowerShell

You are reinventing the wheel. Normal PowerShell scripts have parameters starting with -, like script.ps1 -server http://devserver

Then you handle them in param section in the beginning of the file.

You can also assign default values to your params, read them from console if not available or stop script execution:

 param (
    [string]$server = "http://defaultserver",
    [string]$password = $( Read-Host "Input password, please" )

Inside the script you can simply

write-output $server

since all parameters become variables available in script scope.

In this example, the $server gets a default value if the script is called without it, script stops if you omit the -username parameter and asks for terminal input if -password is omitted.

Update: You might also want to pass a "flag" (a boolean true/false parameter) to a PowerShell script. For instance, your script may accept a "force" where the script runs in a more careful mode when force is not used.

The keyword for that is [switch] parameter type:

 param (
    [string]$server = "http://defaultserver",
    [string]$password = $( Read-Host "Input password, please" ),
    [switch]$force = $false

Inside the script then you would work with it like this:

if ($force) {
  //deletes a file or does something "bad"

Now, when calling the script you'd set the switch/flag parameter like this:

.\yourscript.ps1 -server "http://otherserver" -force

If you explicitly want to state that the flag is not set, there is a special syntax for that

.\yourscript.ps1 -server "http://otherserver" -force:$false

Links to relevant Microsoft documentation (for PowerShell 5.0; tho versions 3.0 and 4.0 are also available at the links):

.attr("disabled", "disabled") issue

Try this updated code :

  if (something) {
     console.log($target.prev("input")) // gives out the right object
     $target.toggleClass("open").prev("input").attr("disabled", "true");
     $target.toggleClass("open").prev("input").removeAttr("disabled"); //this works

What does "pending" mean for request in Chrome Developer Window?

The fix, for me, was to add the following to the top of the php file which was being requested.

header("Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store");

PHP file_get_contents() returns "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!"

$query=file_get_contents('http://###.##.##.##/mp/get?' . http_build_query(array('mpsrc' => ' format=flv')));

Twitter-Bootstrap-2 logo image on top of navbar

i use this code for navbar on bootstrap 3.2.0, the image should be at most 50px high, or else it will bleed the standard bs navbar.

Notice that i purposely do not use the class='navbar-brand' as that introduces padding on the image

<div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
    <div class="container">
    <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
    <div class="navbar-header">
      <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-ex1-collapse">
        <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <a class="" href="/"><img src='img/anyWidthx50.png'/></a>

    <!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse navbar-ex1-collapse">
       <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
        <li class="active"><a href="#">Active Link</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">More Links</a></li>
    </div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->

Convert a Unicode string to a string in Python (containing extra symbols)

Here is an example code

import unicodedata    
raw_text = u"here $%6757 dfgdfg"
convert_text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', raw_text).encode('ascii','ignore')

Why doesn't the height of a container element increase if it contains floated elements?

You confuse how browsers renders the elements when there are floating elements. If one block element is floating (your inner div in your case), other block elements will ignore it because browser removes floating elements from the normal flow of the web page. Then, because the floated div has been removed from the normal flow, the outside div is filled in, like the inner div isn't there. However, inline elements (images, links, text, blackquotes) will respect the boundaries of the floating element. If you introduce text in the outside div, the text will place arround de inner div.

In other words, block elements (headers, paragraphs, divs, etc) ignore floating elements and fill in, and inline elements (images, links, text, etc) respect boundaries of floating elements.

An fiddle example here

    <div style="float:right; background-color:blue;width:200px;min-height:400px;margin-right:20px">
           floating element
    <h1 style="background-color:red;"> this is a big header</h1>
    <p style="background-color:green"> this is a parragraph with text and a big image. The text places arrounds the floating element. Because of the image is wider than space between paragrah and floating element places down the floating element. Try to make wider the viewport and see what happens :D
        <img src="">

Could not find module "@angular-devkit/build-angular"

running the following worked for me npm audit fix --force

How to declare a local variable in Razor?

If you want a variable to be accessible across the entire page, it works well to define it at the top of the file. (You can use either an implicit or explicit type.)

    // implicit type
    var something1 = "something";

    // explicit type
    string something2 = "something";

<div>@something1</div> @*display first variable*@
<div>@something2</div> @*display second variable*@

What is the best way to know if all the variables in a Class are null?

Another non-reflective solution for Java 8, in the line of paxdiabo's answer but without using a series of if's, would be to stream all fields and check for nullness:

return Stream.of(id, name)

This remains quite easy to maintain while avoiding the reflection hammer.

Selector on background color of TextView

Even this works.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@color/dim_orange_btn_pressed" />
    <item android:state_focused="true" android:drawable="@color/dim_orange_btn_pressed" />
    <item android:drawable="@android:color/white" />

I added the android:drawable attribute to each item, and their values are colors.

By the way, why do they say that color is one of the attributes of selector? They don't write that android:drawable is required.

Color State List Resource

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="" >
        android:state_pressed=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_focused=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_selected=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_checkable=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_checked=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_enabled=["true" | "false"]
        android:state_window_focused=["true" | "false"] />

Android: Bitmaps loaded from gallery are rotated in ImageView

The first thing you need is the real File path If you have it great, if you are using URI then use this method to get the real Path:

 public static String getRealPathFromURI(Uri contentURI,Context context) {
    String path= contentURI.getPath();
    try {
        Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(contentURI, null, null, null, null);
        String document_id = cursor.getString(0);
        document_id = document_id.substring(document_id.lastIndexOf(":") + 1);

        cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(
                null, MediaStore.Images.Media._ID + " = ? ", new String[]{document_id}, null);
        path = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA));
    catch(Exception e)
        return path;
    return path;

extract your Bitmap for example:

  try {
                            Bitmap bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(this.getContentResolver(), selectedImage);

                        catch (IOException e)

you can use decodeFile() instead if you wish.

Now that you have the Bitmap and the real Path get the Orientation of the Image:

 private static int getExifOrientation(String src) throws IOException {
        int orientation = 1;

        ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface(src);
        String orientationString=exif.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION);
        try {
            orientation = Integer.parseInt(orientationString);
        catch(NumberFormatException e){}

        return orientation;

and finally rotate it to the right position like so:

public static Bitmap rotateBitmap(String src, Bitmap bitmap) {
        try {
            int orientation = getExifOrientation(src);

            if (orientation == 1) {
                return bitmap;

            Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
            switch (orientation) {
                case 2:
                    matrix.setScale(-1, 1);
                case 3:
                case 4:
                    matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
                case 5:
                    matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
                case 6:
                case 7:
                    matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
                case 8:
                    return bitmap;

            try {
                Bitmap oriented = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix, true);
                return oriented;
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
                return bitmap;
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return bitmap;

That's it , you now have the bitmap rotated to the right position.


Typescript: No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ "A": string; }

This was what I did to solve my related problem

interface Map {
  [key: string]: string | undefined

const HUMAN_MAP: Map = {
  draft: "Draft",

export const human = (str: string) => HUMAN_MAP[str] || str

Finding the direction of scrolling in a UIScrollView?

//Vertical detection
    var lastVelocityYSign = 0
            func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
                let currentVelocityY =  scrollView.panGestureRecognizer.velocity(in: scrollView.superview).y
                let currentVelocityYSign = Int(currentVelocityY).signum()
                if currentVelocityYSign != lastVelocityYSign &&
                    currentVelocityYSign != 0 {
                    lastVelocityYSign = currentVelocityYSign
                if lastVelocityYSign < 0 {
                    print("SCROLLING DOWN")
                } else if lastVelocityYSign > 0 {
                    print("SCOLLING UP")

Answer from Mos6y

Merge 2 DataTables and store in a new one

This is what i did for merging two datatables and bind the final result to the gridview

        DataTable dtTemp=new DataTable();
        for (int k = 0; k < GridView2.Rows.Count; k++)
            string roomno = GridView2.Rows[k].Cells[1].Text;
            DataTable dtx = GetRoomDetails(chk, roomno, out msg);
            if (dtx.Rows.Count > 0)
