Programs & Examples On #Multi step

Build Step Progress Bar (css and jquery)

This is what I did:

  1. Create jQuery .progressbar() to load a div into a progress bar.
  2. Create the step title on the bottom of the progress bar. Position them with CSS.
  3. Then I create function in jQuery that change the value of the progressbar everytime user move on to next step.


<div id="divProgress"></div>
<div id="divStepTitle">
    <span class="spanStep">Step 1</span> <span class="spanStep">Step 2</span> <span class="spanStep">Step 3</span>

<input type="button" id="btnPrev" name="btnPrev" value="Prev" />
<input type="button" id="btnNext" name="btnNext" value="Next" />


    width: 600px;

    width: 600px;

    text-align: center;
    width: 200px;


var progress = 0;

    //set step progress bar

    //event handler for prev and next button
    $("#btnPrev, #btnNext").click(function(){

function step(obj)
    //switch to prev/next page
    if (obj.val() == "Prev")
        //set new value for progress bar
        progress -= 20;
        $("#divProgress").progressbar({ value: progress });

        //do extra step for showing previous page
    else if (obj.val() == "Next")
        //set new value for progress bar
        progress += 20;
        $("#divProgress").progressbar({ value: progress });

        //do extra step for showing next page

How to resolve "must be an instance of string, string given" prior to PHP 7?

As others have already said, type hinting currently only works for object types. But I think the particular error you've triggered might be in preparation of the upcoming string type SplString.

In theory it behaves like a string, but since it is an object would pass the object type verification. Unfortunately it's not yet in PHP 5.3, might come in 5.4, so haven't tested this.

How do I find Waldo with Mathematica?

I agree with @GregoryKlopper that the right way to solve the general problem of finding Waldo (or any object of interest) in an arbitrary image would be to train a supervised machine learning classifier. Using many positive and negative labeled examples, an algorithm such as Support Vector Machine, Boosted Decision Stump or Boltzmann Machine could likely be trained to achieve high accuracy on this problem. Mathematica even includes these algorithms in its Machine Learning Framework.

The two challenges with training a Waldo classifier would be:

  1. Determining the right image feature transform. This is where @Heike's answer would be useful: a red filter and a stripped pattern detector (e.g., wavelet or DCT decomposition) would be a good way to turn raw pixels into a format that the classification algorithm could learn from. A block-based decomposition that assesses all subsections of the image would also be required ... but this is made easier by the fact that Waldo is a) always roughly the same size and b) always present exactly once in each image.
  2. Obtaining enough training examples. SVMs work best with at least 100 examples of each class. Commercial applications of boosting (e.g., the face-focusing in digital cameras) are trained on millions of positive and negative examples.

A quick Google image search turns up some good data -- I'm going to have a go at collecting some training examples and coding this up right now!

However, even a machine learning approach (or the rule-based approach suggested by @iND) will struggle for an image like the Land of Waldos!

How do I update the password for Git?

To fix this on macOS, you can use

git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain

A username and password prompt will appear with your next Git action (pull, clone, push, etc.).

For Windows, it's the same command with a different argument:

git config --global credential.helper wincred

Removing a non empty directory programmatically in C or C++

You can use opendir and readdir to read directory entries and unlink to delete them.

Java Generate Random Number Between Two Given Values

Use Random.nextInt(int).

In your case it would look something like this:

a[i][j] = r.nextInt(101);

Hiding the scroll bar on an HTML page

Cross browser approach to hiding the scrollbar.

It was tested on Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari

Hide scrollbar while still being able to scroll with mouse wheel!


/* Make parent invisible */
#parent {
    visibility: hidden;
    overflow: scroll;

/* Safari and Chrome specific style. Don't need to make parent invisible, because we can style WebKit scrollbars */
#parent:not(*:root) {
  visibility: visible;

/* Make Safari and Chrome scrollbar invisible */
#parent::-webkit-scrollbar {
  visibility: hidden;

/* Make the child visible */
#child {
    visibility: visible;

python for increment inner loop

In python, for loops iterate over iterables, instead of incrementing a counter, so you have a couple choices. Using a skip flag like Artsiom recommended is one way to do it. Another option is to make a generator from your range and manually advance it by discarding an element using next().

iGen = (i for i in range(0, 6))
for i in iGen:
    print i
    if not i % 2:

But this isn't quite complete because next() might throw a StopIteration if it reaches the end of the range, so you have to add some logic to detect that and break out of the outer loop if that happens.

In the end, I'd probably go with aw4ully's solution with the while loops.

How to initialize an array in angular2 and typescript

hi @JackSlayer94 please find the below example to understand how to make an array of size 5.

class Hero {_x000D_
    name: string;_x000D_
    constructor(text: string) {_x000D_ = text;_x000D_
    display() {_x000D_
        return "Hello, " +;_x000D_
let heros:Hero[] = new Array(5);_x000D_
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){_x000D_
    heros[i] = new Hero("Name: " + i);_x000D_
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){_x000D_

Can I use a binary literal in C or C++?

You could try using an array of bool:

bool i[8] = {0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1}

What is the difference between statically typed and dynamically typed languages?

  • In a statically typed language, a variable is associated with a type which is known at compile time, and that type remains unchanged throughout the execution of a program. Equivalently, the variable can only be assigned a value which is an instance of the known/specified type.
  • In a dynamically typed language, a variable has no type, and its value during execution can be anything of any shape and form.

How to kill zombie process

I tried

kill -9 $(ps -A -ostat,ppid | grep -e '[zZ]'| awk '{ print $2 }')

and it works for me.

jQuery - What are differences between $(document).ready and $(window).load?

From the jQuery API Document

While JavaScript provides the load event for executing code when a page is rendered, this event does not get triggered until all assets such as images have been completely received. In most cases, the script can be run as soon as the DOM hierarchy has been fully constructed. The handler passed to .ready() is guaranteed to be executed after the DOM is ready, so this is usually the best place to attach all other event handlers and run other jQuery code. When using scripts that rely on the value of CSS style properties, it's important to reference external stylesheets or embed style elements before referencing the scripts.

In cases where code relies on loaded assets (for example, if the dimensions of an image are required), the code should be placed in a handler for the load event instead.

Answer to the second question -

No, they are identical as long as you are not using jQuery in no conflict mode.

how to do "press enter to exit" in batch

Default interpreters from Microsoft are done in a way, that causes them exit when they reach EOF. If rake is another batch file, command interpreter switches to it and exits when rake interpretation is finished. To prevent this write:

@echo off
call rake

IMHO, call operator will lauch another instance of intepretator thereby preventing the current one interpreter from switching to another input file.

AES Encrypt and Decrypt

Try with below code it`s working for me.

AES Encryption

public static String getEncryptedString(String value) {
        try {
          byte[] key = your Key in byte array;
          byte[] input = sault in byte array

            return Base64.encodeToString(encrypt(value.getBytes("UTF-8"), key, input), Base64.DEFAULT);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            return "";

 public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] ivs) {
        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
            SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
            byte[] finalIvs = new byte[16];
            int len = ivs.length > 16 ? 16 : ivs.length;
            System.arraycopy(ivs, 0, finalIvs, 0, len);
            IvParameterSpec ivps = new IvParameterSpec(finalIvs);
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec, ivps);
            return cipher.doFinal(data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;


 public static String decrypt(String encrypted) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

            byte[] key = your Key in byte array;
            byte[] input = sault in byte array

            SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
            IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(input);
            Cipher ecipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
            ecipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, ivSpec);
            byte[] raw = Base64.decode(encrypted, Base64.DEFAULT);
            byte[] originalBytes = ecipher.doFinal(raw);
            String original = new String(originalBytes, "UTF8");
            return original;

What is the time complexity of indexing, inserting and removing from common data structures?

I guess I will start you off with the time complexity of a linked list:

Inserting / Deleting at end---->O(1) or O(n)
Inserting / Deleting in middle--->O(1) with iterator O(n) with out

The time complexity for the Inserting at the end depends if you have the location of the last node, if you do, it would be O(1) other wise you will have to search through the linked list and the time complexity would jump to O(n).

Refresh certain row of UITableView based on Int in Swift

Swift 4

let indexPathRow:Int = 0    
let indexPosition = IndexPath(row: indexPathRow, section: 0)
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPosition], with: .none)

How to check if a std::thread is still running?

This simple mechanism you can use for detecting finishing of a thread without blocking in join method.

std::thread thread([&thread]() {


How do I apply a perspective transform to a UIView?

You can only use Core Graphics (Quartz, 2D only) transforms directly applied to a UIView's transform property. To get the effects in coverflow, you'll have to use CATransform3D, which are applied in 3-D space, and so can give you the perspective view you want. You can only apply CATransform3Ds to layers, not views, so you're going to have to switch to layers for this.

Check out the "CovertFlow" sample that comes with Xcode. It's mac-only (ie not for iPhone), but a lot of the concepts transfer well.

How do I replace all the spaces with %20 in C#?

To properly escape spaces as well as the rest of the special characters, use System.Uri.EscapeDataString(string stringToEscape).

pandas create new column based on values from other columns / apply a function of multiple columns, row-wise

Since this is the first Google result for 'pandas new column from others', here's a simple example:

import pandas as pd

# make a simple dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2], 'b':[3,4]})
#    a  b
# 0  1  3
# 1  2  4

# create an unattached column with an index
df.apply(lambda row: row.a + row.b, axis=1)
# 0    4
# 1    6

# do same but attach it to the dataframe
df['c'] = df.apply(lambda row: row.a + row.b, axis=1)
#    a  b  c
# 0  1  3  4
# 1  2  4  6

If you get the SettingWithCopyWarning you can do it this way also:

fn = lambda row: row.a + row.b # define a function for the new column
col = df.apply(fn, axis=1) # get column data with an index
df = df.assign(c=col.values) # assign values to column 'c'


And if your column name includes spaces you can use syntax like this:

df = df.assign(**{'some column name': col.values})

And here's the documentation for apply, and assign.

Implicit type conversion rules in C++ operators


The conversions occur from left to right.

Try this:

int i = 3, j = 2;
double k = 33;
cout << k * j / i << endl; // prints 22
cout << j / i * k << endl; // prints 0

Round double value to 2 decimal places

You could do this:

NSNumberFormatter* f = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[f setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
[f setFormat:@0.00"];

// test
NSNumber* a = @12;
NSString* s = [f stringFromNumber:a];
NSLog(@"%@", s);

Find commit by hash SHA in Git

git log -1 --format="%an %ae%n%cn %ce" a2c25061

The Pretty Formats section of the git show documentation contains

  • format:<string>

The format:<string> format allows you to specify which information you want to show. It works a little bit like printf format, with the notable exception that you get a newline with %n instead of \n

The placeholders are:

  • %an: author name
  • %ae: author email
  • %cn: committer name
  • %ce: committer email

Printing Batch file results to a text file

Step 1: Simply put all the required code in a "MAIN.BAT" file.

Step 2: Create another bat file, say MainCaller.bat, and just copy/paste these 3 lines of code:

CD "File_Path_Where_Main.bat_is_located"
MAIN.BAT > log.txt

Step 3: Just double click "MainCaller.bat".

All the output will be logged into the text file named "log".

how to convert java string to Date object

You basically effectively converted your date in a string format to a date object. If you print it out at that point, you will get the standard date formatting output. In order to format it after that, you then need to convert it back to a date object with a specified format (already specified previously)

String startDateString = "06/27/2007";
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); 
Date startDate;
try {
    startDate = df.parse(startDateString);
    String newDateString = df.format(startDate);
} catch (ParseException e) {

Passing Parameters JavaFX FXML

Recommended Approach

This answer enumerates different mechanisms for passing parameters to FXML controllers.

For small applications I highly recommend passing parameters directly from the caller to the controller - it's simple, straightforward and requires no extra frameworks.

For larger, more complicated applications, it would be worthwhile investigating if you want to use Dependency Injection or Event Bus mechanisms within your application.

Passing Parameters Directly From the Caller to the Controller

Pass custom data to an FXML controller by retrieving the controller from the FXML loader instance and calling a method on the controller to initialize it with the required data values.

Something like the following code:

public Stage showCustomerDialog(Customer customer) {
  FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(

  Stage stage = new Stage(StageStyle.DECORATED);
    new Scene(loader.load())

  CustomerDialogController controller = loader.getController();

  return stage;


class CustomerDialogController {
  @FXML private Label customerName;
  void initialize() {}
  void initData(Customer customer) {

A new FXMLLoader is constructed as shown in the sample code i.e. new FXMLLoader(location). The location is a URL and you can generate such a URL from an FXML resource by:

new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("sample.fxml"));

Be careful NOT to use a static load function on the FXMLLoader, or you will not be able to get your controller from your loader instance.

FXMLLoader instances themselves never know anything about domain objects. You do not directly pass application specific domain objects into the FXMLLoader constructor, instead you:

  1. Construct an FXMLLoader based upon fxml markup at a specified location
  2. Get a controller from the FXMLLoader instance.
  3. Invoke methods on the retrieved controller to provide the controller with references to the domain objects.

This blog (by another writer) provides an alternate, but similar, example.

Setting a Controller on the FXMLLoader

CustomerDialogController dialogController = 
    new CustomerDialogController(param1, param2);

FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(

Pane mainPane = loader.load();

You can construct a new controller in code, passing any parameters you want from your caller into the controller constructor. Once you have constructed a controller, you can set it on an FXMLLoader instance before you invoke the load() instance method.

To set a controller on a loader (in JavaFX 2.x) you CANNOT also define a fx:controller attribute in your fxml file.

Due to the limitation on the fx:controller definition in FXML, I personally prefer getting the controller from the FXMLLoader rather than setting the controller into the FXMLLoader.

Having the Controller Retrieve Parameters from an External Static Method

This method is exemplified by Sergey's answer to Javafx 2.0 How-to Application.getParameters() in a file.

Use Dependency Injection

FXMLLoader supports dependency injection systems like Guice, Spring or Java EE CDI by allowing you to set a custom controller factory on the FXMLLoader. This provides a callback that you can use to create the controller instance with dependent values injected by the respective dependency injection system.

An example of JavaFX application and controller dependency injection with Spring is provided in the answer to:

A really nice, clean dependency injection approach is exemplified by the afterburner.fx framework with a sample air-hacks application that uses it. afterburner.fx relies on JEE6 javax.inject to perform the dependency injection.

Use an Event Bus

Greg Brown, the original FXML specification creator and implementor, often suggests considering use of an event bus, such as the Guava EventBus, for communication between FXML instantiated controllers and other application logic.

The EventBus is a simple but powerful publish/subscribe API with annotations that allows POJOs to communicate with each other anywhere in a JVM without having to refer to each other.

Follow-up Q&A

on first method, why do you return Stage? The method can be void as well because you already giving the command show(); just before return stage;. How do you plan usage by returning the Stage

It is a functional solution to a problem. A stage is returned from the showCustomerDialog function so that a reference to it can be stored by an external class which may wish to do something, such as hide the stage based on a button click in the main window, at a later time. An alternate, object-oriented solution could encapsulate the functionality and stage reference inside a CustomerDialog object or have a CustomerDialog extend Stage. A full example for an object-oriented interface to a custom dialog encapsulating FXML, controller and model data is beyond the scope of this answer, but may make a worthwhile blog post for anybody inclined to create one.

Additional information supplied by StackOverflow user named @dzim

Example for Spring Boot Dependency Injection

The question of how to do it "The Spring Boot Way", there was a discussion about JavaFX 2, which I anserwered in the attached permalink. The approach is still valid and tested in March 2016, on Spring Boot v1.3.3.RELEASE:

Sometimes, you might want to pass results back to the caller, in which case you can check out the answer to the related question:

Invoking modal window in AngularJS Bootstrap UI using JavaScript

OK, so first of all the has a <modal> directive and the $dialog service and both of those can be used to open modal windows.

The difference is that with the <modal> directive content of a modal is embedded in a hosting template (one that triggers modal window opening). The $dialog service is far more flexible and allow you to load modal's content from a separate file as well as trigger modal windows from any place in AngularJS code (this being a controller, a service or another directive).

Not sure what you mean exactly by "using JavaScript code" but assuming that you mean any place in AngularJS code the $dialog service is probably a way to go.

It is very easy to use and in its simplest form you could just write:


To illustrate that it can be really triggered by any JavaScript code here is a version that triggers modal with a timer, 3 seconds after a controller was instantiated:

function DialogDemoCtrl($scope, $timeout, $dialog){
  }, 3000);  

This can be seen in action in this plunk:

Finally, here is the full reference documentation to the $dialog service described here:

ASP.NET Core Get Json Array using IConfiguration

This worked for me to return an array of strings from my config:

var allowedMethods = Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings:CORS-Settings:Allow-Methods")

My configuration section looks like this:

"AppSettings": {
    "CORS-Settings": {
        "Allow-Origins": [ "http://localhost:8000" ],
        "Allow-Methods": [ "OPTIONS","GET","HEAD","POST","PUT","DELETE" ]

Docker is installed but Docker Compose is not ? why?

You also need to install Docker Compose. See the manual. Here are the commands you need to execute

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)"  -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose

Add/remove class with jquery based on vertical scroll?

Is this value intended? if (scroll <= 500) { ... This means it's happening from 0 to 500, and not 500 and greater. In the original post you said "after the user scrolls down a little"

How to uncompress a tar.gz in another directory

gzip -dc archive.tar.gz | tar -xf - -C /destination

or, with GNU tar

tar xzf archive.tar.gz -C /destination

How to prevent scrollbar from repositioning web page?

Simply setting the width of your container element like this will do the trick

width: 100vw;

This will make that element ignore the scrollbar and it works with background color or images.

open program minimized via command prompt

You could try using the third-party tool called NirCmd. It is a genuine, free command line utility. If or when you have it, use this code in a batch file:

title Open Word
nircmd win hide title "Open Word"
start "C:\Program" "Files" "(x86)\Microsoft" "Office\Office12\WINWORD.exe
nircmd wait 20
nircmd win min foreground

This program, in order, changes its title, hides itself according to its title, starts Word, waits 20 milliseconds as a buffer for Word to settle, minimizes Word by assuming it is now the top window, and then exits itself. This program should work as intended as long as their are no key presses or clicks in that ~50 millisecond time window, which shouldn't be hard.

As for installing nircmd on your computer, use this link, and click "Download NirCmd" at the bottom of the page. Save the .zip folder to a normal directory (like "My Documents"), extract it, and copy "nircmd.exe" to %systemroot%\system32, and there you go. Now you have nircmd included with your command line utilities.

Fast Linux file count for a large number of files

This answer here is faster than almost everything else on this page for very large, very nested directories:

locate -r '.' | grep -c "^$PWD"

python: iterate a specific range in a list

A more memory efficient way to iterate over a slice of a list would be to use islice() from the itertools module:

from itertools import islice

listOfStuff = (['a','b'], ['c','d'], ['e','f'], ['g','h'])

for item in islice(listOfStuff, 1, 3):
    print item

# ['c', 'd']
# ['e', 'f']

However, this can be relatively inefficient in terms of performance if the start value of the range is a large value sinceislicewould have to iterate over the first start value-1 items before returning items.

Getting assembly name

You can use the AssemblyName class to get the assembly name, provided you have the full name for the assembly:




MSDN Reference - AssemblyName Class

CSS: Truncate table cells, but fit as much as possible

If Javascript is acceptable, I put together a quick routine which you could use as a starting point. It dynamically tries to adapt the cell widths using the inner width of a span, in reaction to window resize events.

Currently it assumes that each cell normally gets 50% of the row width, and it will collapse the right cell to keep the left cell at its maximum width to avoid overflowing. You could implement much more complex width balancing logic, depending on your use cases. Hope this helps:

Markup for the row I used for testing:

<tr class="row">
    <td style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis">
    <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</span>
    <td style="overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis">
    <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</span>

JQuery which hooks up the resize event:

$(window).resize(function() {
    $('.row').each(function() {
        var row_width = $(this).width();
        var cols = $(this).find('td');
        var left = cols[0];
        var lcell_width = $(left).width();
        var lspan_width = $(left).find('span').width();
        var right = cols[1];
        var rcell_width = $(right).width();
        var rspan_width = $(right).find('span').width();

        if (lcell_width < lspan_width) {
            $(left).width(row_width - rcell_width);
        } else if (rcell_width > rspan_width) {
            $(left).width(row_width / 2);

jquery datatables default sort

Just Include the following code:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#tableID').DataTable( {
            "order": [[ 3, "desc" ]]
        } );

Full reference article with the example:

Styling a disabled input with css only

Let's just say you have 3 buttons:

<input type="button" disabled="disabled" value="hello world">
<input type="button" disabled value="hello world">
<input type="button" value="hello world">

To style the disabled button you can use the following css:


This will only affect the button which is disabled.

To stop the color changing when hovering you can use this too:


You can also avoid this by using a css-reset.

How to create a Calendar table for 100 years in Sql

This will create you the result in lightning fast.

select top 100000  identity (int ,1,1) as Sequence into Tally from sysobjects , sys.all_columns

select dateadd(dd,sequence,-1) Dates into CalenderTable from tally

delete from CalenderTable where dates < -- mention the mindate you need
delete from CalenderTable where dates >  -- mention the max date you need

Step 1 : Create a sequence table

Step 2 : Use the sequence table to generate the desired dates

Step 3 : Delete unwanted dates

Call to getLayoutInflater() in places not in activity


View.inflate(context, layout, parent)

Integrating the ZXing library directly into my Android application


compile ''

unfortunately didn't work for me.

This is what worked for me:

dependencies {
   compile 'com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:3.0.1@aar'
   compile ''

Please find the link here:

How to display request headers with command line curl

curl's -v or --verbose option shows the HTTP request headers, among other things. Here is some sample output:

$ curl -v
* About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
*   Trying connected
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.16.4 (i386-apple-darwin9.0) libcurl/7.16.4 OpenSSL/0.9.7l zlib/1.2.3
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Location:
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 06:06:52 GMT
< Expires: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 06:06:52 GMT
< Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000
< Server: gws
< Content-Length: 219
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>301 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
<A HREF="">here</A>.
* Connection #0 to host left intact
* Closing connection #0

How to detect DIV's dimension changed?

jQuery(document).ready( function($) {

function resizeMapDIVs() {

// check the parent value...

var size = $('#map').parent().width();

if( $size < 640 ) {

//  ...and decrease...

} else {

//  ..or increase  as necessary






What is the reason and how to avoid the [FIN, ACK] , [RST] and [RST, ACK]

Here is a rough explanation of the concepts.

[ACK] is the acknowledgement that the previously sent data packet was received.

[FIN] is sent by a host when it wants to terminate the connection; the TCP protocol requires both endpoints to send the termination request (i.e. FIN).

So, suppose

  • host A sends a data packet to host B
  • and then host B wants to close the connection.
  • Host B (depending on timing) can respond with [FIN,ACK] indicating that it received the sent packet and wants to close the session.
  • Host A should then respond with a [FIN,ACK] indicating that it received the termination request (the ACK part) and that it too will close the connection (the FIN part).

However, if host A wants to close the session after sending the packet, it would only send a [FIN] packet (nothing to acknowledge) but host B would respond with [FIN,ACK] (acknowledges the request and responds with FIN).

Finally, some TCP stacks perform half-duplex termination, meaning that they can send [RST] instead of the usual [FIN,ACK]. This happens when the host actively closes the session without processing all the data that was sent to it. Linux is one operating system which does just this.

You can find a more detailed and comprehensive explanation here.

How to print colored text to the terminal?

Here is a simple function I use to print a text message in color without having to remember ANSI codes but rather using standard RGB tuples to define the foreground and background colors.

def print_in_color(txt_msg, fore_tuple, back_tuple, ):
    # Prints the text_msg in the foreground color specified by fore_tuple with the background specified by back_tuple
    # text_msg is the text, fore_tuple is foreground color tuple (r,g,b), back_tuple is background tuple (r,g,b)
    rf,bf,gf = fore_tuple
    rb,gb,bb = back_tuple
    msg = '{0}' + txt_msg
    mat = '\33[38;2;' + str(rf) + ';' + str(gf) + ';' + str(bf) + ';48;2;' + str(rb) + ';' +str(gb) + ';' + str(bb) + 'm'
    print(msg .format(mat))
    print('\33[0m') # Returns default print color to back to black

# Example of use using a message with variables
fore_color = 'cyan'
back_color = 'dark green'
msg = 'foreground color is {0} and the background color is {1}'.format(fore_color, back_color)
print_in_color(msg, (0,255,255), (0,127,127))

Regex Letters, Numbers, Dashes, and Underscores

Your expression should already match dashes, because the final - will not be interpreted as a range operator (since the range has no end). To add underscores as well, try:


How to embed a PDF?

Here is the code you can use for every browser:

<embed src="pdfFiles/interfaces.pdf" width="600" height="500" alt="pdf" pluginspage="">

Tested on firefox and chrome

How to pretty print nested dictionaries?

Sth, i sink that's pretty ;)

def pretty(d, indent=0):
    for key, value in d.iteritems():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            print '\t' * indent + (("%30s: {\n") % str(key).upper())
            pretty(value, indent+1)
            print '\t' * indent + ' ' * 32 + ('} # end of %s #\n' % str(key).upper())
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            for val in value:
                print '\t' * indent + (("%30s: [\n") % str(key).upper())
                pretty(val, indent+1)
                print '\t' * indent + ' ' * 32 + ('] # end of %s #\n' % str(key).upper())
            print '\t' * indent + (("%30s: %s") % (str(key).upper(),str(value)))

Detect if the app was launched/opened from a push notification

For Swift Users:

If you want to launch a different page on opening from push or something like that, you need to check it in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions like:

let directVc: directVC! = directVC(nibName:"directVC", bundle: nil)
let pushVc: pushVC! = pushVC(nibName:"pushVC", bundle: nil)

if let remoteNotification = launchOptions?[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey] as? NSDictionary {
     self.navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: pushVc!)
} else {
     self.navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: directVc!)
self.window!.rootViewController = self.navigationController

Create MSI or setup project with Visual Studio 2012

I think that Deploying an Office Solution by Using ClickOnce (MSDN) can be useful.

After creating an Outlook plugin for Office 2010 the problem was to install it on the customer's computer, without using ISLE or other complex tools (or expensive).

The solution was to use the publish instrument of the Visual Studio project, as described in the link. Just two things to be done before the setup will work:

html 5 audio tag width

You can use html and be a boss with simple things :

<embed src="music.mp3" width="3000" height="200" controls>

Typescript export vs. default export

Named export

In TS you can export with the export keyword. It then can be imported via import {name} from "./mydir";. This is called a named export. A file can export multiple named exports. Also the names of the imports have to match the exports. For example:

// foo.js file
export class foo{}
export class bar{}

// main.js file in same dir
import {foo, bar} from "./foo";

The following alternative syntax is also valid:

// foo.js file
function foo() {};
function bar() {};
export {foo, bar};

// main.js file in same dir
import {foo, bar} from './foo'

Default export

We can also use a default export. There can only be one default export per file. When importing a default export we omit the square brackets in the import statement. We can also choose our own name for our import.

// foo.js file
export default class foo{}

// main.js file in same directory
import abc from "./foo";

It's just JavaScript

Modules and their associated keyword like import, export, and export default are JavaScript constructs, not typescript. However typescript added the exporting and importing of interfaces and type aliases to it.

Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android

2020 now.

Simple add this to PageAdapter:

override fun getItemPosition(`object`: Any): Int {
    return PagerAdapter.POSITION_NONE

Remove a symlink to a directory

rm should remove the symbolic link.

skrall@skrall-desktop:~$ mkdir bar
skrall@skrall-desktop:~$ ln -s bar foo
skrall@skrall-desktop:~$ ls -l foo
lrwxrwxrwx 1 skrall skrall 3 2008-10-16 16:22 foo -> bar
skrall@skrall-desktop:~$ rm foo
skrall@skrall-desktop:~$ ls -l foo
ls: cannot access foo: No such file or directory
skrall@skrall-desktop:~$ ls -l bar
total 0

Syncing Android Studio project with Gradle files


Starting with Android Studio 3.1, you should go to:

File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files


Clicking the button 'Sync Project With Gradle Files' should do the trick:

Tools -> Android -> Sync Project with Gradle Files

If that fails, try running 'Rebuild project':

Build -> Rebuild Project

Auto generate function documentation in Visual Studio

You can use code snippets to insert any lines you want.

Also, if you type three single quotation marks (''') on the line above the function header, it will insert the XML header template that you can then fill out.

These XML comments can be interpreted by documentation software, and they are included in the build output as an assembly.xml file. If you keep that XML file with the DLL and reference that DLL in another project, those comments become available in intellisense.

Jquery Button Click Event via ajax

This is where jQuery really shines for ASP.Net developers. Lets say you have this ASP button:

When that renders, you can look at the source of the page and the id on it won't be btnAwesome, but $ctr001_btnAwesome or something like that. This makes it a pain in the butt to find in javascript. Enter jQuery.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("input[id$='btnAwesome']").click(function() {
    // Do client side button click stuff here.

The id$= is doing a regex match for an id ENDING with btnAwesome.


Did you want the ajax call being called from the button click event on the client side? What did you want to call? There are a lot of really good articles on using jQuery to make ajax calls to ASP.Net code behind methods.

The gist of it is you create a static method marked with the WebMethod attribute. You then can make a call to it using jQuery by using $.ajax.

  type: "POST",
  url: "PageName.aspx/MethodName",
  data: "{}",
  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(msg) {
    // Do something interesting here.

I learned my WebMethod stuff from:

A lot of really good ASP.Net/jQuery stuff there. Make sure you read up about why you have to use msg.d in the return on .Net 3.5 (maybe since 3.0) stuff.

Comparing arrays in JUnit assertions, concise built-in way?

Use org.junit.Assert's method assertArrayEquals:

import org.junit.Assert;

Assert.assertArrayEquals( expectedResult, result );

If this method is not available, you may have accidentally imported the Assert class from junit.framework.

How to specify different Debug/Release output directories in QMake .pro file

It's also useful to have a slightly different name for the output executable. You can't use something like:

release: Target = ProgramName
debug: Target = ProgramName_d

Why it doesn't work is not clear, but it does not. But:

CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
    TARGET = ProgramName
} else {
    TARGET = ProgramName_d

This does work as long as the CONFIG += line precedes it.

How to use and style new AlertDialog from appCompat 22.1 and above

If you want to use the new and have different colors for the buttons and also have a custom layout then have a look at my

public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_layout, null);


    final AlertDialog d = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity,
                    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

    // change color of positive button         
    d.setOnShowListener(new DialogInterface.OnShowListener() {
        public void onShow(DialogInterface dialog) {
            Button b = d.getButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE);

    return d;

enter image description here

Determine device (iPhone, iPod Touch) with iOS

- (BOOL)deviceiPhoneOriPod
    NSString *deviceType = [UIDevice currentDevice].model;
    if([deviceType rangeOfString:@"iPhone"].location!=NSNotFound)
      return YES;
      return NO;

Absolute position of an element on the screen using jQuery

BTW, if anyone want to get coordinates of element on screen without jQuery, please try this:

function getOffsetTop (el) {
    if (el.offsetParent) return el.offsetTop + getOffsetTop(el.offsetParent)
    return el.offsetTop || 0
function getOffsetLeft (el) {
    if (el.offsetParent) return el.offsetLeft + getOffsetLeft(el.offsetParent)
    return el.offsetleft || 0
function coordinates(el) {
    var y1 = getOffsetTop(el) - window.scrollY;
    var x1 = getOffsetLeft(el) - window.scrollX; 
    var y2 = y1 + el.offsetHeight;
    var x2 = x1 + el.offsetWidth;
    return {
        x1: x1, x2: x2, y1: y1, y2: y2

Running an outside program (executable) in Python?

The simplest way is:

import os
os.startfile("C:\Documents and Settings\flow_model\flow.exe")

It works; I tried it.

How to click a browser button with JavaScript automatically?

This would work

setInterval(function(){$("#myButtonId").click();}, 1000);

Call a PHP function after onClick HTML event

There are two ways. the first is to completely refresh the page using typical form submission



$saveSuccess = null;
$saveMessage = null;

  // if form has been posted process data

  // you dont need the addContact function you jsut need to put it in a new array
  // and it doesnt make sense in this context so jsut do it here
  // then used json_decode and json_decode to read/save your json in
  // saveContact()
  $data = array(
    'fullname' = $_POST['fullname'],
    'email' => $_POST['email'],
    'phone' => $_POST['phone']

  // always return true if you save the contact data ok or false if it fails
  if(($saveSuccess = saveContact($data)) {
     $saveMessage = 'Your submission has been saved!';     
  } else {
     $saveMessage = 'There was a problem saving your submission.';

<!-- your other html -->

<?php if($saveSuccess !== null): ?>
   <p class="flash_message"><?php echo $saveMessage ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

<form action="your_page.php" method="post">
        <legend>Add New Contact</legend>
        <input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="First name and last name" required /> <br />
        <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="[email protected]" required /> <br />
        <input type="text" name="phone" placeholder="Personal phone number: mobile, home phone etc." required /> <br />
        <input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="Add Contact" onClick="" />
        <input type="button" name="cancel" class="button" value="Reset" />

<!-- the rest of your HTML -->

The second way would be to use AJAX. to do that youll want to completely seprate the form processing into a separate file:

// process.php

$response = array();

  // if form has been posted process data

  // you dont need the addContact function you jsut need to put it in a new array
  // and it doesnt make sense in this context so jsut do it here
  // then used json_decode and json_decode to read/save your json in
  // saveContact()
  $data = array(
    'fullname' => $_POST['fullname'],
    'email' => $_POST['email'],
    'phone' => $_POST['phone']

  // always return true if you save the contact data ok or false if it fails
  $response['status'] = saveContact($data) ? 'success' : 'error';
  $response['message'] = $response['status']
      ? 'Your submission has been saved!'
      : 'There was a problem saving your submission.';

  header('Content-type: application/json');
  echo json_encode($response);

And then in your html/js

<form id="add_contact" action="process.php" method="post">
            <legend>Add New Contact</legend>
            <input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="First name and last name" required /> <br />
            <input type="email" name="email" placeholder="[email protected]" required /> <br />
            <input type="text" name="phone" placeholder="Personal phone number: mobile, home phone etc." required /> <br />
            <input id="add_contact_submit" type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="Add Contact" onClick="" />
            <input type="button" name="cancel" class="button" value="Reset" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
            $form = $(this).closest('form');

            // if you need to then wrap this ajax call in conditional logic

              url: $form.attr('action'),
              type: $form.attr('method'),
              dataType: 'json',
              success: function(responseJson) {
              error: function() {
                 $form.before("<p>There was an error processing your request.</p>");

Comparing two byte arrays in .NET

For comparing short byte arrays the following is an interesting hack:

if(myByteArray1.Length != myByteArray2.Length) return false;
if(myByteArray1.Length == 8)
   return BitConverter.ToInt64(myByteArray1, 0) == BitConverter.ToInt64(myByteArray2, 0); 
else if(myByteArray.Length == 4)
   return BitConverter.ToInt32(myByteArray2, 0) == BitConverter.ToInt32(myByteArray2, 0); 

Then I would probably fall out to the solution listed in the question.

It'd be interesting to do a performance analysis of this code.

Read input stream twice

For splitting an InputStream in two, while avoiding to load all data in memory, and then process them independently:

  1. Create a couple of OutputStream, precisely: PipedOutputStream
  2. Connect each PipedOutputStream with a PipedInputStream, these PipedInputStream are the returned InputStream.
  3. Connect the sourcing InputStream with just created OutputStream. So, everything read it from the sourcing InputStream, would be written in both OutputStream. There is not need to implement that, because it is done already in TeeInputStream (
  4. Within a separated thread read the whole sourcing inputStream, and implicitly the input data is transferred to the target inputStreams.

    public static final List<InputStream> splitInputStream(InputStream input) 
        throws IOException 
        PipedOutputStream pipedOut01 = new PipedOutputStream();
        PipedOutputStream pipedOut02 = new PipedOutputStream();
        List<InputStream> inputStreamList = new ArrayList<>();
        inputStreamList.add(new PipedInputStream(pipedOut01));
        inputStreamList.add(new PipedInputStream(pipedOut02));
        TeeOutputStream tout = new TeeOutputStream(pipedOut01, pipedOut02);
        TeeInputStream tin = new TeeInputStream(input, tout, true);
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(inputStreamList);

Be aware to close the inputStreams after being consumed, and close the thread that runs: TeeInputStream.readAllBytes()

In case, you need to split it into multiple InputStream, instead of just two. Replace in the previous fragment of code the class TeeOutputStream for your own implementation, which would encapsulate a List<OutputStream> and override the OutputStream interface:

public final class TeeListOutputStream extends OutputStream {
    private final List<? extends OutputStream> branchList;

    public TeeListOutputStream(final List<? extends OutputStream> branchList) {
        this.branchList = branchList;

    public synchronized void write(final int b) throws IOException {
        for (OutputStream branch : branchList) {

    public void flush() throws IOException {
        for (OutputStream branch : branchList) {

    public void close() throws IOException {
        for (OutputStream branch : branchList) {

Connecting PostgreSQL 9.2.1 with Hibernate

This is the hibernate.cfg.xml file to connect postgresql 9.5 and this is help to you basic configuration.

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

  ~ Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
  ~ License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
  ~ See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration SYSTEM
        <!-- Database connection settings -->
        <property name="connection.driver_class">org.postgresql.Driver</property>
        <property name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/hibernatedb</property>
        <property name="connection.username">postgres</property>
        <property name="connection.password">password</property>

        <!-- JDBC connection pool (use the built-in) -->
        <property name="connection.pool_size">1</property>

        <!-- SQL dialect -->
        <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</property>

        <!-- Enable Hibernate's automatic session context management -->
        <property name="current_session_context_class">thread</property>

        <!-- Disable the second-level cache  -->
        <property name="cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.internal.NoCacheProvider</property>

        <!-- Echo all executed SQL to stdout -->
        <property name="show_sql">true</property>

        <!-- Drop and re-create the database schema on startup -->
        <property name="">create</property>
        <mapping class="com.waseem.UserDetails"/>

Make sure File Location should be under src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml

Postman: sending nested JSON object

This is a combination of the above, because I had to read several posts to understand.

  1. In the Headers, add the following key-values:
    1. Content-Type to application/json
    2. and Accept to application/json

enter image description here

  1. In the Body:
    1. change the type to "raw"
    2. confirm "JSON (application/json)" is the text type
    3. put the nested property there: { "Obj1" : { "key1" : "val1" } }

enter image description here

Hope this helps!

Page redirect after certain time PHP

You can try this:

header('Refresh: 10; URL=');

Where 10 is in seconds.

How to exclude a directory from ant fileset, based on directories contents

I think one way is first to check whether your file exists and if it exists to exclude the folder from copy:

<target name="excludeLocales">

    <property name="de-DE.file" value="${basedir}/locale/de-DE/incompelte.flag"/>
    <available property="de-DE.file.exists" file="${de-DE.file}" />

    <copy todir="C:/temp/">
        <fileset dir="${basedir}/locale">
            <exclude name="de-DE/**" if="${de-DE.file.exists}"/>
            <include name="xy/**"/>

This should work also for the other languages.

how to solve Error cannot add duplicate collection entry of type add with unique key attribute 'value' in iis 7

The ideal scenario is to have <add value="default.aspx" /> in config so the application can be deployed to any server without having to reconfigure. IMHO I think the implementation within IIS is poor.

We've used the following to make our default document setup more robust and as a result more SEO friendly by using canonical URL's:

        <remove value="default.aspx" />
        <add value="default.aspx" />

Works OK for us.

How do I fix a NoSuchMethodError?

Above answer explains very well ..just to add one thing If you are using using eclipse use ctrl+shift+T and enter package structure of class (e.g. : gateway.smpp.PDUEventListener ), you will find all jars/projects where it's present. Remove unnecessary jars from classpath or add above in class path. Now it will pick up correct one.

How to find foreign key dependencies in SQL Server?

The following query will help to get you started. It lists all Foreign Key Relationships within the current database.

    FK_Table = FK.TABLE_NAME,
    FK_Column = CU.COLUMN_NAME,
    PK_Table = PK.TABLE_NAME,
    PK_Column = PT.COLUMN_NAME,
    Constraint_Name = C.CONSTRAINT_NAME
                i1.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY'
           ) PT

You can also view relationships graphically within SQL Server Management studio within Database Diagrams.

how to save canvas as png image?

try this:

var c=document.getElementById("alpha");
var d=c.toDataURL("image/png");
var'about:blank','image from canvas');
w.document.write("<img src='"+d+"' alt='from canvas'/>");

This shows image from canvas on new page, but if you have open popup in new tab setting it shows about:blank in address bar.

EDIT:- though"<img src='"+ c.toDataURL('image/png') +"'/>") does not work in FF or Chrome, following works though rendering is somewhat different from what is shown on canvas, I think transparency is the issue:'image/png'));

How to find out which JavaScript events fired?

Regarding Chrome, checkout the monitorEvents() via the command line API.

  • Open the console via Menu > Tools > JavaScript Console.

  • Enter monitorEvents(window);

  • View the console flooded with events

     mousemove MouseEvent {dataTransfer: ...}
     mouseout MouseEvent {dataTransfer: ...}
     mouseover MouseEvent {dataTransfer: ...}
     change Event {clipboardData: ...}

There are other examples in the documentation. I'm guessing this feature was added after the previous answer.

How to find numbers from a string?

Alternative via Byte Array

If you assign a string to a Byte array you typically get the number equivalents of each character in pairs of the array elements. Use a loop for numeric check via the Like operator and return the joined array as string:

Function Nums(s$)
  Dim by() As Byte, i&, ii&
  by = s: ReDim tmp(UBound(by))                    ' assign string to byte array; prepare temp array
  For i = 0 To UBound(by) - 1 Step 2               ' check num value in byte array (0, 2, 4 ... n-1)
      If Chr(by(i)) Like "#" Then tmp(ii) = Chr(by(i)): ii = ii + 1
  Next i
  Nums = Trim(Join(tmp, vbNullString))             ' return string with numbers only
  End Function

Example call

Sub testByteApproach()
  Dim s$: s = "a12bx99y /\:3,14159"                 ' [1] define original string
  Debug.Print s & " => " & Nums(s)                  ' [2] display original string and result
End Sub

would display the original string and the result string in the immediate window:

  a12bx99y /\:3,14159 => 1299314159

Python: instance has no attribute

Your class doesn't have a __init__(), so by the time it's instantiated, the attribute atoms is not present. You'd have to do C.setdata('something') so C.atoms becomes available.

>>> C = Residues()
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#84>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: Residues instance has no attribute 'atoms'

>>> C.setdata('something')
>>> C.atoms.append('thing')   # now it works

Unlike in languages like Java, where you know at compile time what attributes/member variables an object will have, in Python you can dynamically add attributes at runtime. This also implies instances of the same class can have different attributes.

To ensure you'll always have (unless you mess with it down the line, then it's your own fault) an atoms list you could add a constructor:

def __init__(self):
    self.atoms = []

SQL Joins Vs SQL Subqueries (Performance)?

I know this is an old post, but I think this is a very important topic, especially nowadays where we have 10M+ records and talk about terabytes of data.

I will also weight in with the following observations. I have about 45M records in my table ([data]), and about 300 records in my [cats] table. I have extensive indexing for all of the queries I am about to talk about.

Consider Example 1:

UPDATE d set category = c.categoryname
FROM [data] d
JOIN [cats] c on = d.catid

versus Example 2:

UPDATE d set category = (SELECT TOP(1) c.categoryname FROM [cats] c where = d.catid)
FROM [data] d

Example 1 took about 23 mins to run. Example 2 took around 5 mins.

So I would conclude that sub-query in this case is much faster. Of course keep in mind that I am using M.2 SSD drives capable of i/o @ 1GB/sec (thats bytes not bits), so my indexes are really fast too. So this may affect the speeds too in your circumstance

If its a one-off data cleansing, probably best to just leave it run and finish. I use TOP(10000) and see how long it takes and multiply by number of records before I hit the big query.

If you are optimizing production databases, I would strongly suggest pre-processing data, i.e. use triggers or job-broker to async update records, so that real-time access retrieves static data.

Is there a TRY CATCH command in Bash

You can do:

if <command> ; then # TRY
else # CATCH
    echo 'Exception'

Returning from a void function

The first way is "more correct", what intention could there be to express? If the code ends, it ends. That's pretty clear, in my opinion.

I don't understand what could possibly be confusing and need clarification. If there's no looping construct being used, then what could possibly happen other than that the function stops executing?

I would be severly annoyed by such a pointless extra return statement at the end of a void function, since it clearly serves no purpose and just makes me feel the original programmer said "I was confused about this, and now you can be too!" which is not very nice.

how to set ul/li bullet point color?

I believe this is controlled by the css color property applied to the element.

SyntaxError: import declarations may only appear at top level of a module

I got this on Firefox (FF58). I fixed this with:

  1. It is still experimental on Firefox (from v54): You have to set to true the variable dom.moduleScripts.enabled in about:config

Source: Import page on mozilla (See Browser compatibility)

  1. Add type="module" to your script tag where you import the js file

<script type="module" src="appthatimports.js"></script>

  1. Import files have to be prefixed (./, /, ../ or http:// before)

import * from "./mylib.js"

For more examples, this blog post is good.

Getting visitors country from their IP

Try this simple PHP function.


function ip_info($ip = NULL, $purpose = "location", $deep_detect = TRUE) {
    $output = NULL;
    if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === FALSE) {
        $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        if ($deep_detect) {
            if (filter_var(@$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))
                $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
            if (filter_var(@$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP))
                $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
    $purpose    = str_replace(array("name", "\n", "\t", " ", "-", "_"), NULL, strtolower(trim($purpose)));
    $support    = array("country", "countrycode", "state", "region", "city", "location", "address");
    $continents = array(
        "AF" => "Africa",
        "AN" => "Antarctica",
        "AS" => "Asia",
        "EU" => "Europe",
        "OC" => "Australia (Oceania)",
        "NA" => "North America",
        "SA" => "South America"
    if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) && in_array($purpose, $support)) {
        $ipdat = @json_decode(file_get_contents("" . $ip));
        if (@strlen(trim($ipdat->geoplugin_countryCode)) == 2) {
            switch ($purpose) {
                case "location":
                    $output = array(
                        "city"           => @$ipdat->geoplugin_city,
                        "state"          => @$ipdat->geoplugin_regionName,
                        "country"        => @$ipdat->geoplugin_countryName,
                        "country_code"   => @$ipdat->geoplugin_countryCode,
                        "continent"      => @$continents[strtoupper($ipdat->geoplugin_continentCode)],
                        "continent_code" => @$ipdat->geoplugin_continentCode
                case "address":
                    $address = array($ipdat->geoplugin_countryName);
                    if (@strlen($ipdat->geoplugin_regionName) >= 1)
                        $address[] = $ipdat->geoplugin_regionName;
                    if (@strlen($ipdat->geoplugin_city) >= 1)
                        $address[] = $ipdat->geoplugin_city;
                    $output = implode(", ", array_reverse($address));
                case "city":
                    $output = @$ipdat->geoplugin_city;
                case "state":
                    $output = @$ipdat->geoplugin_regionName;
                case "region":
                    $output = @$ipdat->geoplugin_regionName;
                case "country":
                    $output = @$ipdat->geoplugin_countryName;
                case "countrycode":
                    $output = @$ipdat->geoplugin_countryCode;
    return $output;


How to use:

Example1: Get visitor IP address details


echo ip_info("Visitor", "Country"); // India
echo ip_info("Visitor", "Country Code"); // IN
echo ip_info("Visitor", "State"); // Andhra Pradesh
echo ip_info("Visitor", "City"); // Proddatur
echo ip_info("Visitor", "Address"); // Proddatur, Andhra Pradesh, India

print_r(ip_info("Visitor", "Location")); // Array ( [city] => Proddatur [state] => Andhra Pradesh [country] => India [country_code] => IN [continent] => Asia [continent_code] => AS )


Example 2: Get details of any IP address. [Support IPV4 & IPV6]


echo ip_info("", "Country"); // United States
echo ip_info("", "Country Code"); // US
echo ip_info("", "State"); // California
echo ip_info("", "City"); // Menlo Park
echo ip_info("", "Address"); // Menlo Park, California, United States

print_r(ip_info("", "Location")); // Array ( [city] => Menlo Park [state] => California [country] => United States [country_code] => US [continent] => North America [continent_code] => NA )


Print raw string from variable? (not getting the answers)

I know i'm too late for the answer but for people reading this I found a much easier way for doing it

myVariable = 'This string is supposed to be raw \'
print(r'%s' %myVariable)


Maybe you have your NGINX setup for HTTPS but your certificates are invalid? I've had a similar problem in the past and redirecting from http to https solved the problem

How to check all versions of python installed on osx and centos

The more easy way its by executing the next command:

ls -ls /usr/bin/python*

Output look like this:

/usr/bin/python           /usr/bin/python2.7        /usr/bin/pythonw
/usr/bin/python-config    /usr/bin/python2.7-config /usr/bin/pythonw2.7

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

is due to the fact that you declare a string to be of a fixed length (say 20), and at some point in your code you assign it a value whose length exceeds what you declared.

for example:

myString VARCHAR2(20);
myString :='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; --length 26

will fire such an error

How to check if a table exists in a given schema

It depends on what you want to test exactly.

Information schema?

To find "whether the table exists" (no matter who's asking), querying the information schema (information_schema.tables) is incorrect, strictly speaking, because (per documentation):

Only those tables and views are shown that the current user has access to (by way of being the owner or having some privilege).

The query provided by @kong can return FALSE, but the table can still exist. It answers the question:

How to check whether a table (or view) exists, and the current user has access to it?

   SELECT FROM information_schema.tables 
   WHERE  table_schema = 'schema_name'
   AND    table_name   = 'table_name'

The information schema is mainly useful to stay portable across major versions and across different RDBMS. But the implementation is slow, because Postgres has to use sophisticated views to comply to the standard (information_schema.tables is a rather simple example). And some information (like OIDs) gets lost in translation from the system catalogs - which actually carry all information.

System catalogs

Your question was:

How to check whether a table exists?

   SELECT FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
   JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
   WHERE  n.nspname = 'schema_name'
   AND    c.relname = 'table_name'
   AND    c.relkind = 'r'    -- only tables

Use the system catalogs pg_class and pg_namespace directly, which is also considerably faster. However, per documentation on pg_class:

The catalog pg_class catalogs tables and most everything else that has columns or is otherwise similar to a table. This includes indexes (but see also pg_index), sequences, views, materialized views, composite types, and TOAST tables;

For this particular question you can also use the system view pg_tables. A bit simpler and more portable across major Postgres versions (which is hardly of concern for this basic query):

   SELECT FROM pg_tables
   WHERE  schemaname = 'schema_name'
   AND    tablename  = 'table_name'

Identifiers have to be unique among all objects mentioned above. If you want to ask:

How to check whether a name for a table or similar object in a given schema is taken?

   SELECT FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
   JOIN   pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
   WHERE  n.nspname = 'schema_name'
   AND    c.relname = 'table_name'

Alternative: cast to regclass

SELECT 'schema_name.table_name'::regclass

This raises an exception if the (optionally schema-qualified) table (or other object occupying that name) does not exist.

If you do not schema-qualify the table name, a cast to regclass defaults to the search_path and returns the OID for the first table found - or an exception if the table is in none of the listed schemas. Note that the system schemas pg_catalog and pg_temp (the schema for temporary objects of the current session) are automatically part of the search_path.

You can use that and catch a possible exception in a function. Example:

A query like above avoids possible exceptions and is therefore slightly faster.

to_regclass(rel_name) in Postgres 9.4+

Much simpler now:

SELECT to_regclass('schema_name.table_name');

Same as the cast, but it returns ...

... null rather than throwing an error if the name is not found

Trying to make bootstrap modal wider

Always have handy the un-minified CSS for bootstrap so you can see what styles they have on their components, then create a CSS file AFTER it, if you don't use LESS and over-write their mixins or whatever

This is the default modal css for 768px and up:

@media (min-width: 768px) {
  .modal-dialog {
    width: 600px;
    margin: 30px auto;

They have a class modal-lg for larger widths

@media (min-width: 992px) {
  .modal-lg {
    width: 900px;

If you need something twice the 600px size, and something fluid, do something like this in your CSS after the Bootstrap css and assign that class to the modal-dialog.

@media (min-width: 768px) {
  .modal-xl {
    width: 90%;


<div class="modal-dialog modal-xl">


How to initialize std::vector from C-style array?

Well, Pavel was close, but there's even a more simple and elegant solution to initialize a sequential container from a c style array.

In your case:

w_ (array, std::end(array))
  • array will get us a pointer to the beginning of the array (didn't catch it's name),
  • std::end(array) will get us an iterator to the end of the array.

Cannot edit in read-only editor VS Code

I was experiencing this issue while using the SFTP extension in VSCode. In this case, all you have to do is right-click somewhere in the file and select 'edit in local'

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

What is the best way to know if all the variables in a Class are null?

This can be done fairly easily using a Lombok generated equals and a static EMPTY object:

import lombok.Data;

public class EmptyCheck {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        User user1 = new User();

        User user2 = new User();

        System.out.println(user1.isEmpty()); // prints true
        System.out.println(user2.isEmpty()); // prints false

    public static class User {
        private static final User EMPTY = new User();

        private String id;
        private String name;
        private int age;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return this.equals(EMPTY);


  • Default constructor should not be implemented with custom behavior as that is used to create the EMPTY object
  • All fields of the class should have an implemented equals (built-in Java types are usually not a problem, in case of custom types you can use Lombok)


  • No reflection involved
  • As new fields added to the class, this does not require any maintenance as due to Lombok they will be automatically checked in the equals implementation
  • Unlike some other answers this works not just for null checks but also for primitive types which have a non-null default value (e.g. if field is int it checks for 0, in case of boolean for false, etc.)

Import Maven dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA

If in the lower right corner it says "2 processes running..." or similar, you may just need to wait for that to finish, since it may take time to download all the jars.

How to get the parent dir location

Use the following to jump to previous folder:


If you need multiple jumps a good and easy solution will be to use a simple decorator in this case.

Jquery UI Datepicker not displaying

it's the css file in the new one doesn't work. Try to include the old 1.7.* css file on your header too, and try again.

Also, did you try to do a .datepicker( "show" ) right after it constructed?

Amazon Linux: apt-get: command not found

For openSUSE Linux distribution:

sudo zypper install <package>

For example:

sudo zypper install git

The term 'ng' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

exit everything and run npm i -g @angular/cli in command prompt , and build your angular app there itself(do not build on powershell)

How would I check a string for a certain letter in Python?

Use the in keyword without is.

if "x" in dog:
    print "Yes!"

If you'd like to check for the non-existence of a character, use not in:

if "x" not in dog:
    print "No!"

How to upper case every first letter of word in a string?

i dont know if there is a function but this would do the job in case there is no exsiting one:

String s = "here are a bunch of words";

final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(s.length());
String[] words = s.split("\\s");
for(int i=0,l=words.length;i<l;++i) {
  if(i>0) result.append(" ");      


Getting the HTTP Referrer in ASP.NET

I'm using .Net Core 2 mvc, this one work for me ( to get the previews page) :


Public class is inaccessible due to its protection level

This error is a result of the protection level of ClassB's constructor, not ClassB itself. Since the name of the constructor is the same as the name of the class* , the error may be interpreted incorrectly. Since you did not specify the protection level of your constructor, it is assumed to be internal by default. Declaring the constructor public will fix this problem:

public ClassB() { } 

* One could also say that constructors have no name, only a type; this does not change the essence of the problem.

Convert to date format dd/mm/yyyy

There is also the DateTime object if you want to go that way:

Find nearest value in numpy array

I think the most pythonic way would be:

 num = 65 # Input number
 array = n.random.random((10))*100 # Given array 
 nearest_idx = n.where(abs(array-num)==abs(array-num).min())[0] # If you want the index of the element of array (array) nearest to the the given number (num)
 nearest_val = array[abs(array-num)==abs(array-num).min()] # If you directly want the element of array (array) nearest to the given number (num)

This is the basic code. You can use it as a function if you want

What's a "static method" in C#?

From another point of view: Consider that you want to make some changes on a single String. for example you want to make the letters Uppercase and so on. you make another class named "Tools" for these actions. there is no meaning of making instance of "Tools" class because there is not any kind of entity available inside that class (compare to "Person" or "Teacher" class). So we use static keyword in order to use "Tools" class without making any instance of that, and when you press dot after class name ("Tools") you can have access to the methods you want.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine(Tools.ToUpperCase("Behnoud Sherafati"));

public static class Tools
    public static string ToUpperCase(string str)
        return str.ToUpper();


running php script (php function) in linux bash

just run in linux terminal to get phpinfo .

   php -r 'phpinfo();'

and to run file like index.php

    php -f index.php

"query function not defined for Select2 undefined error"

For me this issue boiled down to setting the correct data-ui-select2 attribute:

<input type="text" data-ui-select2="select2Options.projectManagers" placeholder="Project Manager" ng-model="selectedProjectManager">

$scope.projectManagers = { 
  data: []  //Must have data property 

$scope.selectedProjectManager = {};

If I take off the data property on $scope.projectManagers I get this error.

How to add a RequiredFieldValidator to DropDownList control?

For the most part you treat it as if you are validating any other kind of control but use the InitialValue property of the required field validator.

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfv1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="your-dropdownlist" InitialValue="Please select" ErrorMessage="Please select something" />

Basically what it's saying is that validation will succeed if any other value than the 1 set in InitialValue is selected in the dropdownlist.

If databinding you will need to insert the "Please select" value afterwards as follows

this.ddl1.Items.Insert(0, "Please select");

C++ Vector of pointers

I am not sure what the last line means. Does it mean, I read the file, create multiple Movie objects. Then make a vector of pointers where each element (pointer) points to one of those Movie objects?

I would guess this is what is intended. The intent is probably that you read the data for one movie, allocate an object with new, fill the object in with the data, and then push the address of the data onto the vector (probably not the best design, but most likely what's intended anyway).

Python subprocess.Popen "OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory"

As a general rule (i.e. in vanilla kernels), fork/clone failures with ENOMEM occur specifically because of either an honest to God out-of-memory condition (dup_mm, dup_task_struct, alloc_pid, mpol_dup, mm_init etc. croak), or because security_vm_enough_memory_mm failed you while enforcing the overcommit policy.

Start by checking the vmsize of the process that failed to fork, at the time of the fork attempt, and then compare to the amount of free memory (physical and swap) as it relates to the overcommit policy (plug the numbers in.)

In your particular case, note that Virtuozzo has additional checks in overcommit enforcement. Moreover, I'm not sure how much control you truly have, from within your container, over swap and overcommit configuration (in order to influence the outcome of the enforcement.)

Now, in order to actually move forward I'd say you're left with two options:

  • switch to a larger instance, or
  • put some coding effort into more effectively controlling your script's memory footprint

NOTE that the coding effort may be all for naught if it turns out that it's not you, but some other guy collocated in a different instance on the same server as you running amock.

Memory-wise, we already know that subprocess.Popen uses fork/clone under the hood, meaning that every time you call it you're requesting once more as much memory as Python is already eating up, i.e. in the hundreds of additional MB, all in order to then exec a puny 10kB executable such as free or ps. In the case of an unfavourable overcommit policy, you'll soon see ENOMEM.

Alternatives to fork that do not have this parent page tables etc. copy problem are vfork and posix_spawn. But if you do not feel like rewriting chunks of subprocess.Popen in terms of vfork/posix_spawn, consider using suprocess.Popen only once, at the beginning of your script (when Python's memory footprint is minimal), to spawn a shell script that then runs free/ps/sleep and whatever else in a loop parallel to your script; poll the script's output or read it synchronously, possibly from a separate thread if you have other stuff to take care of asynchronously -- do your data crunching in Python but leave the forking to the subordinate process.

HOWEVER, in your particular case you can skip invoking ps and free altogether; that information is readily available to you in Python directly from procfs, whether you choose to access it yourself or via existing libraries and/or packages. If ps and free were the only utilities you were running, then you can do away with subprocess.Popen completely.

Finally, whatever you do as far as subprocess.Popen is concerned, if your script leaks memory you will still hit the wall eventually. Keep an eye on it, and check for memory leaks.

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?

Macros should generally be avoided; prefer inline functions to them at all times. Any compiler worth its salt should be capable of inlining a small function as if it were a macro, and an inline function will respect namespaces and other scopes, as well as evaluating all the arguments once.

If it must be a macro, a while loop (already suggested) will work, or you can try the comma operator:

#define MACRO(X,Y) \
 ( \
  (cout << "1st arg is:" << (X) << endl), \
  (cout << "2nd arg is:" << (Y) << endl), \
  (cout << "3rd arg is:" << ((X) + (Y)) << endl), \
  (void)0 \

The (void)0 causes the statement to evaluate to one of void type, and the use of commas rather than semicolons allows it to be used inside a statement, rather than only as a standalone. I would still recommend an inline function for a host of reasons, the least of which being scope and the fact that MACRO(a++, b++) will increment a and b twice.

Node.js/Windows error: ENOENT, stat 'C:\Users\RT\AppData\Roaming\npm'

You can go to the Start Menu and search the Node.js icon and open the shell and then install anything with

install <packagename> -g

Converting a double to an int in Javascript without rounding

A trick to truncate that avoids a function call entirely is

var number = 2.9
var truncated = number - number % 1;
console.log(truncated); // 2 

To round a floating-point number to the nearest integer, use the addition/subtraction trick. This works for numbers with absolute value < 2 ^ 51.

var number = 2.9
var rounded = number + 6755399441055744.0 - 6755399441055744.0;  // (2^52 + 2^51)
console.log(rounded); // 3 


Halfway values are rounded to the nearest even using "round half to even" as the tie-breaking rule. Thus, for example, +23.5 becomes +24, as does +24.5. This variant of the round-to-nearest mode is also called bankers' rounding.

The magic number 6755399441055744.0 is explained in the stackoverflow post "A fast method to round a double to a 32-bit int explained".

// Round to whole integers using arithmetic operators
let trunc = (v) => v - v % 1;
let ceil  = (v) => trunc(v % 1 > 0 ? v + 1 : v);
let floor = (v) => trunc(v % 1 < 0 ? v - 1 : v);
let round = (v) => trunc(v < 0 ? v - 0.5 : v + 0.5);

let roundHalfEven = (v) => v + 6755399441055744.0 - 6755399441055744.0; // (2^52 + 2^51)

console.log("number  floor   ceil  round  trunc");
var array = [1.5, 1.4, 1.0, -1.0, -1.4, -1.5];
array.forEach(x => {
    let f = x => (x).toString().padStart(6," ");
    console.log(`${f(x)} ${f(floor(x))} ${f(ceil(x))} ${f(round(x))} ${f(trunc(x))}`);  

How to prevent browser to invoke basic auth popup and handle 401 error using Jquery?

Alternatively, if you can customize your server response, you could return a 403 Forbidden.

The browser will not open the authentication popup and the jquery callback will be called.

What is the best practice for creating a favicon on a web site?

  1. you can work with this website for generate favin.ico
  2. I recommend use .ico format because the png don't work with method 1 and ico could have more detail!
  3. both method work with all browser but when it's automatically work what you want type a code for it? so i think method 1 is better.

What is the purpose of class methods?

if you are not a "programmer by training", this should help:

I think I have understood the technical explanations above and elsewhere on the net, but I was always left with a question "Nice, but why do I need it? What is a practical, use case?". and now life gave me a good example that clarified all:

I am using it to control the global-shared variable that is shared among instances of a class instantiated by multi-threading module. in humane language, I am running multiple agents that create examples for deep learning IN PARALLEL. (imagine multiple players playing ATARI game at the same time and each saving the results of their game to one common repository (the SHARED VARIABLE))

I instantiate the players/agents with the following code (in Main/Execution Code):

a3c_workers = [A3C_Worker(self.master_model, self.optimizer, i, self.env_name, self.model_dir) for i in range(multiprocessing.cpu_count())]
  • it creates as many players as there are processor cores on my comp A3C_Worker - is a class that defines the agent a3c_workers - is a list of the instances of that class (i.e. each instance is one player/agent)

now i want to know how many games have been played across all players/agents thus within the A3C_Worker definition I define the variable to be shared across all instances:

class A3C_Worker(threading.Thread):
   global_shared_total_episodes_across_all_workers = 0

now as the workers finish their games they increase that count by 1 each for each game finished

at the end of my example generation i was closing the instances but the shared variable had assigned the total number of games played. so when I was re-running it again my initial total number of episodes was that of the previous total. but i needed that count to represent that value for each run individually

to fix that i specified :

class A3C_Worker(threading.Thread):
    def reset(cls):
        A3C_Worker.global_shared_total_episodes_across_all_workers = 0

than in the execution code i just call:


note that it is a call to the CLASS overall not any INSTANCE of it individually. thus it will set my counter to 0 for every new agent I initiate from now on.

using the usual method definition def play(self):, would require us to reset that counter for each instance individually, which would be more computationally demanding and difficult to track.

set pythonpath before import statements

As also noted in the docs here.
Go to Python X.X/Lib and add these lines to the there,

import sys

This changes your sys.path so that on every load, it will have that value in it..

As stated here about,

This module is automatically imported during initialization. Importing this module will append site-specific paths to the module search path and add a few builtins.

For other possible methods of adding some path to sys.path see these docs

How to set layout_weight attribute dynamically from code?

If you have already defined your view in layout(xml) file and only want to change the weight pro grammatically, then then creating new LayoutParams overwrites other params defined in you xml file.

So first you should use "getLayoutParams" and then setLayoutParams

LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) mButton.getLayoutParams(); params.weight = 4f; mButton.setLayoutParams(params);

How to validate email id in angularJs using ng-pattern

If you want to validate email then use input with type="email" instead of type="text". AngularJS has email validation out of the box, so no need to use ng-pattern for this.

Here is the example from original documentation:

function Ctrl($scope) {
  $scope.text = '[email protected]';
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="Ctrl">
  Email: <input type="email" name="input" ng-model="text" required>
  <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.required">
  <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$">
    Not valid email!</span>
  <tt>text = {{text}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.$ = {{!!myForm.$}}</tt><br/>

For more details read this doc:

Live example:


If you are not satisfied with built-in email validator and you want to use your custom RegExp pattern validation then ng-pattern directive can be applied and according to the documentation the error message can be displayed like this:

The validator sets the pattern error key if the ngModel.$viewValue does not match a RegExp

function Ctrl($scope) {
  $scope.text = '[email protected]';
  $scope.emailFormat = /^[a-z]+[a-z0-9._]+@[a-z]+\.[a-z.]{2,5}$/;
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="Ctrl">
  Email: <input type="email" name="input" ng-model="text" ng-pattern="emailFormat" required>
  <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.required">
  <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.pattern">
    Not valid email!
  <tt>text = {{text}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}</tt><br/>
  <tt>myForm.$error.pattern = {{!!myForm.$error.pattern}}</tt><br/>


How to programmatically set style attribute in a view

The answer by @Dayerman and @h_rules is right. To give an elaborated example with code, In drawable folder, create an xml file called button_disabled.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
android:shape="rectangle" android:padding="10dp">   
 <solid android:color="@color/silver"/>

Then in Java,

((Button) findViewById(;
((Button) findViewById(;

This will set the button's property to disabled and sets the color to silver.

[The color is defined in color.xml as:


    <color name="silver">#C0C0C0</color>


How do I make a batch file terminate upon encountering an error?

@echo off

set startbuild=%TIME%

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\msbuild.exe c:\link.xml /flp1:logfile=c:\link\errors.log;errorsonly /flp2:logfile=c:\link\warnings.log;warningsonly || goto :error

copy c:\app_offline.htm "\\lawpccnweb01\d$\websites\OperationsLinkWeb\app_offline.htm"

del \\lawpccnweb01\d$\websites\OperationsLinkWeb\bin\ /Q

echo Start Copy: %TIME%

set copystart=%TIME%

xcopy C:\link\_PublishedWebsites\OperationsLink \\lawpccnweb01\d$\websites\OperationsLinkWeb\ /s /y /d

del \\lawpccnweb01\d$\websites\OperationsLinkWeb\app_offline.htm

echo Started Build: %startbuild%
echo Started Copy: %copystart%
echo Finished Copy: %TIME%




PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command in command prompt

Set "C:\xampp\php" in your PATH Environment Variable. Then restart CMD prompt.

Fade In on Scroll Down, Fade Out on Scroll Up - based on element position in window

The reason your attempt wasn't working, is because the two animations (fade-in and fade-out) were working against each other.

Right before an object became visible, it was still invisible and so the animation for fading-out would run. Then, the fraction of a second later when that same object had become visible, the fade-in animation would try to run, but the fade-out was still running. So they would work against each other and you would see nothing.

Eventually the object would become visible (most of the time), but it would take a while. And if you would scroll down by using the arrow-button at the button of the scrollbar, the animation would sort of work, because you would scroll using bigger increments, creating less scroll-events.

Enough explanation, the solution (JS, CSS, HTML):

$(window).on("load",function() {_x000D_
  $(window).scroll(function() {_x000D_
    var windowBottom = $(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight();_x000D_
    $(".fade").each(function() {_x000D_
      /* Check the location of each desired element */_x000D_
      var objectBottom = $(this).offset().top + $(this).outerHeight();_x000D_
      /* If the element is completely within bounds of the window, fade it in */_x000D_
      if (objectBottom < windowBottom) { //object comes into view (scrolling down)_x000D_
        if ($(this).css("opacity")==0) {$(this).fadeTo(500,1);}_x000D_
      } else { //object goes out of view (scrolling up)_x000D_
        if ($(this).css("opacity")==1) {$(this).fadeTo(500,0);}_x000D_
  }).scroll(); //invoke scroll-handler on page-load_x000D_
.fade {_x000D_
  margin: 50px;_x000D_
  padding: 50px;_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 01</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 02</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 03</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 04</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 05</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 06</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 07</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 08</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 09</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 10</div>_x000D_
_x000D_ (fiddle:

  • I wrapped the fade-codeline in an if-clause: if ($(this).css("opacity")==0) {...}. This makes sure the object is only faded in when the opacity is 0. Same goes for fading out. And this prevents the fade-in and fade-out from working against each other, because now there's ever only one of the two running at one time on an object.
  • I changed .animate() to .fadeTo(). It's jQuery's specialized function for opacity, a lot shorter to write and probably lighter than animate.
  • I changed .position() to .offset(). This always calculates relative to the body, whereas position is relative to the parent. For your case I believe offset is the way to go.
  • I changed $(window).height() to $(window).innerHeight(). The latter is more reliable in my experience.
  • Directly after the scroll-handler, I invoke that handler once on page-load with $(window).scroll();. Now you can give all desired objects on the page the .fade class, and objects that should be invisible at page-load, will be faded out immediately.
  • I removed #container from both HTML and CSS, because (at least for this answer) it isn't necessary. (I thought maybe you needed the height:2000px because you used .position() instead of .offset(), otherwise I don't know. Feel free of course to leave it in your code.)


If you want opacity values other than 0 and 1, use the following code:

$(window).on("load",function() {_x000D_
  function fade(pageLoad) {_x000D_
    var windowBottom = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).innerHeight();_x000D_
    var min = 0.3;_x000D_
    var max = 0.7;_x000D_
    var threshold = 0.01;_x000D_
    $(".fade").each(function() {_x000D_
      /* Check the location of each desired element */_x000D_
      var objectBottom = $(this).offset().top + $(this).outerHeight();_x000D_
      /* If the element is completely within bounds of the window, fade it in */_x000D_
      if (objectBottom < windowBottom) { //object comes into view (scrolling down)_x000D_
        if ($(this).css("opacity")<=min+threshold || pageLoad) {$(this).fadeTo(500,max);}_x000D_
      } else { //object goes out of view (scrolling up)_x000D_
        if ($(this).css("opacity")>=max-threshold || pageLoad) {$(this).fadeTo(500,min);}_x000D_
  } fade(true); //fade elements on page-load_x000D_
  $(window).scroll(function(){fade(false);}); //fade elements on scroll_x000D_
.fade {_x000D_
  margin: 50px;_x000D_
  padding: 50px;_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 01</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 02</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 03</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 04</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 05</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 06</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 07</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 08</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 09</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 10</div>_x000D_
_x000D_ (fiddle:

  • I added a threshold to the if-clause, see explanation below.
  • I created variables for the threshold and for min/max at the start of the function. In the rest of the function these variables are referenced. This way, if you ever want to change the values again, you only have to do it in one place.
  • I also added || pageLoad to the if-clause. This was necessary to make sure all objects are faded to the correct opacity on page-load. pageLoad is a boolean that is send along as an argument when fade() is invoked.
    I had to put the fade-code inside the extra function fade() {...}, in order to be able to send along the pageLoad boolean when the scroll-handler is invoked.
    I did't see any other way to do this, if anyone else does, please leave a comment.

The reason the code in your fiddle didn't work, is because the actual opacity values are always a little off from the value you set it to. So if you set the opacity to 0.3, the actual value (in this case) is 0.300000011920929. That's just one of those little bugs you have to learn along the way by trail and error. That's why this if-clause won't work: if ($(this).css("opacity") == 0.3) {...}.

I added a threshold, to take that difference into account: == 0.3 becomes <= 0.31.
(I've set the threshold to 0.01, this can be changed of course, just as long as the actual opacity will fall between the set value and this threshold.)

The operators are now changed from == to <= and >=.


If you want to fade the elements based on their visible percentage, use the following code:

$(window).on("load",function() {_x000D_
  function fade(pageLoad) {_x000D_
    var windowTop=$(window).scrollTop(), windowBottom=windowTop+$(window).innerHeight();_x000D_
    var min=0.3, max=0.7, threshold=0.01;_x000D_
    $(".fade").each(function() {_x000D_
      /* Check the location of each desired element */_x000D_
      var objectHeight=$(this).outerHeight(), objectTop=$(this).offset().top, objectBottom=$(this).offset().top+objectHeight;_x000D_
      /* Fade element in/out based on its visible percentage */_x000D_
      if (objectTop < windowTop) {_x000D_
        if (objectBottom > windowTop) {$(this).fadeTo(0,min+((max-min)*((objectBottom-windowTop)/objectHeight)));}_x000D_
        else if ($(this).css("opacity")>=min+threshold || pageLoad) {$(this).fadeTo(0,min);}_x000D_
      } else if (objectBottom > windowBottom) {_x000D_
        if (objectTop < windowBottom) {$(this).fadeTo(0,min+((max-min)*((windowBottom-objectTop)/objectHeight)));}_x000D_
        else if ($(this).css("opacity")>=min+threshold || pageLoad) {$(this).fadeTo(0,min);}_x000D_
      } else if ($(this).css("opacity")<=max-threshold || pageLoad) {$(this).fadeTo(0,max);}_x000D_
  } fade(true); //fade elements on page-load_x000D_
  $(window).scroll(function(){fade(false);}); //fade elements on scroll_x000D_
.fade {_x000D_
  margin: 50px;_x000D_
  padding: 50px;_x000D_
  background-color: lightgreen;_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 01</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 02</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 03</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 04</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 05</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 06</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 07</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 08</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 09</div>_x000D_
  <div class="fade">Fade In 10</div>_x000D_
_x000D_ (fiddle:

Parse JSON from HttpURLConnection object

In addition, if you wish to parse your object in case of http error (400-5** codes), You can use the following code: (just replace 'getInputStream' with 'getErrorStream':

    BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(conn.getErrorStream()));
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String line;
    while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
    return sb.toString();

format a number with commas and decimals in C# ( MVC3)

All that is needed is "#,0.00", c# does the rest.


  • The "#,0" formats the thousand separators
  • "0.00" forces two decimal points

Bootstrap 3: Scroll bars

You need to use overflow option like below:

    max-height: 300px;
    overflow-y: scroll; 

Change the height according to amount of items you need to show

How to check if an integer is in a given range?

if you are using Spring data you can also use the Range object from Spring.

range = new, 8); range.contains(5) will return true.

Google Maps API v3: InfoWindow not sizing correctly

var infowindowopts = { 
    maxWidth: 274, 
    content: response

How to Get a Layout Inflater Given a Context?

You can use the static from() method from the LayoutInflater class:

 LayoutInflater li = LayoutInflater.from(context);

Efficient way to do batch INSERTS with JDBC

How about using the INSERT ALL statement ?


INTO table_name VALUES ()

INTO table_name VALUES ()


SELECT Statement;

I remember that the last select statement is mandatory in order to make this request succeed. Don't remember why though. You might consider using PreparedStatement instead as well. lots of advantages !


Concatenate multiple files but include filename as section headers

When there is more than one input file, the more command concatenates them and also includes each filename as a header.

To concatenate to a file:

more *.txt > out.txt

To concatenate to the terminal:

more *.txt | cat

Example output:

This is
my first file.
And this is my
second file.

Is java.sql.Timestamp timezone specific?

For Mysql, we have a limitation. In the driver Mysql doc, we have :

The following are some known issues and limitations for MySQL Connector/J: When Connector/J retrieves timestamps for a daylight saving time (DST) switch day using the getTimeStamp() method on the result set, some of the returned values might be wrong. The errors can be avoided by using the following connection options when connecting to a database:


So, when we do not use this parameters and we call setTimestamp or getTimestamp with calendar or without calendar, we have the timestamp in the jvm timezone.

Example :

The jvm timezone is GMT+2. In the database, we have a timestamp : 1461100256 = 19/04/16 21:10:56,000000000 GMT

Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("user", "root");
props.setProperty("password", "");
props.setProperty("useTimezone", "true");
props.setProperty("useLegacyDatetimeCode", "false");
props.setProperty("serverTimezone", "UTC");
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(conString, props);
Calendar nowGMT = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
Calendar nowGMTPlus4 = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+4"));
rs.getTimestamp("timestampColumn");//Oracle driver convert date to jvm timezone and Mysql convert date to GMT (specified in the parameter)
rs.getTimestamp("timestampColumn", nowGMT);//convert date to GMT 
rs.getTimestamp("timestampColumn", nowGMTPlus4);//convert date to GMT+4 timezone

The first method returns : 1461100256000 = 19/04/2016 - 21:10:56 GMT

The second method returns : 1461100256000 = 19/04/2016 - 21:10:56 GMT

The third method returns : 1461085856000 = 19/04/2016 - 17:10:56 GMT

Instead of Oracle, when we use the same calls, we have :

The first method returns : 1461093056000 = 19/04/2016 - 19:10:56 GMT

The second method returns : 1461100256000 = 19/04/2016 - 21:10:56 GMT

The third method returns : 1461085856000 = 19/04/2016 - 17:10:56 GMT

NB : It is not necessary to specify the parameters for Oracle.

jQuery: get parent, parent id?


How to break line in JavaScript?

Here you are ;-)

<script type="text/javascript">
    alert("Hello there.\nI am on a second line ;-)")

Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds()

My experience with this is that getTextBounds will return that absolute minimal bounding rect that encapsulates the text, not necessarily the measured width used when rendering. I also want to say that measureText assumes one line.

In order to get accurate measuring results, you should use the StaticLayout to render the text and pull out the measurements.

For example:

String text = "text";
TextPaint textPaint = textView.getPaint();
int boundedWidth = 1000;

StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(text, textPaint, boundedWidth , Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
int height = layout.getHeight();

the MySQL service on local computer started and then stopped

Search for services.msc and look up through your services that are running if there is a mysql service running already other than the one you want to run (it could be xampp or wamp) or another service (for example Skype) using the same port as mysql and stop the service so you can run your mysql service.

What is the best way to ensure only one instance of a Bash script is running?

I found a pretty simple way to handle "one copy of script per system". It doesn't allow me to run multiple copies of the script from many accounts though (on standard Linux that is).


At the beginning of script, I gave:

pidof -s -o '%PPID' -x $( basename $0 ) > /dev/null 2>&1 && exit

Apparently pidof works great in a way that:

  • it doesn't have limit on program name like ps -C ...
  • it doesn't require me to do grep -v grep ( or anything similar )

And it doesn't rely on lockfiles, which for me is a big win, because relaying on them means you have to add handling of stale lockfiles - which is not really complicated, but if it can be avoided - why not?

As for checking with "one copy of script per running user", i wrote this, but I'm not overly happy with it:

    pidof -s -o '%PPID' -x $( basename $0 ) | tr ' ' '\n'
    ps xo pid= | tr -cd '[0-9\n]'
) | sort | uniq -d

and then I check its output - if it's empty - there are no copies of the script from same user.

MySQL: How to set the Primary Key on phpMyAdmin?

MySQL can index the first x characters of a column,but a TEXT type is of variable length so mysql cant assure the uniqueness of the column.If you still want text column,use VARCHAR.

What is the full path to the Packages folder for Sublime text 2 on Mac OS Lion

You can browse package folder below method.

  1. Use Sublime Text 2 menu : Preferences\Browse Packages
  2. In Windows 7 : C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages (equals %appdata%\Sublime Text 2\Packages)

Styling Google Maps InfoWindow

google.maps.event.addListener(infowindow, 'domready', function() {

    // Reference to the DIV that wraps the bottom of infowindow
    var iwOuter = $('.gm-style-iw');

    /* Since this div is in a position prior to .gm-div style-iw.
     * We use jQuery and create a iwBackground variable,
     * and took advantage of the existing reference .gm-style-iw for the previous div with .prev().
    var iwBackground = iwOuter.prev();

    // Removes background shadow DIV
    iwBackground.children(':nth-child(2)').css({'display' : 'none'});

    // Removes white background DIV
    iwBackground.children(':nth-child(4)').css({'display' : 'none'});

    // Moves the infowindow 115px to the right.
    iwOuter.parent().parent().css({left: '115px'});

    // Moves the shadow of the arrow 76px to the left margin.
    iwBackground.children(':nth-child(1)').attr('style', function(i,s){ return s + 'left: 76px !important;'});

    // Moves the arrow 76px to the left margin.
    iwBackground.children(':nth-child(3)').attr('style', function(i,s){ return s + 'left: 76px !important;'});

    // Changes the desired tail shadow color.
    iwBackground.children(':nth-child(3)').find('div').children().css({'box-shadow': 'rgba(72, 181, 233, 0.6) 0px 1px 6px', 'z-index' : '1'});

    // Reference to the div that groups the close button elements.
    var iwCloseBtn =;

    // Apply the desired effect to the close button
    iwCloseBtn.css({opacity: '1', right: '38px', top: '3px', border: '7px solid #48b5e9', 'border-radius': '13px', 'box-shadow': '0 0 5px #3990B9'});

    // If the content of infowindow not exceed the set maximum height, then the gradient is removed.
    if($('.iw-content').height() < 140){
      $('.iw-bottom-gradient').css({display: 'none'});

    // The API automatically applies 0.7 opacity to the button after the mouseout event. This function reverses this event to the desired value.
      $(this).css({opacity: '1'});

//CSS put in stylesheet

.gm-style-iw {
  background-color: rgb(237, 28, 36);
    border: 1px solid rgba(72, 181, 233, 0.6);
    border-radius: 10px;
    box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(178, 178, 178, 0.6);
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-family: gothambook;
    text-align: center;
    top: 15px !important;
    width: 150px !important;

wait process until all subprocess finish?

A Popen object has a .wait() method exactly defined for this: to wait for the completion of a given subprocess (and, besides, for retuning its exit status).

If you use this method, you'll prevent that the process zombies are lying around for too long.

(Alternatively, you can use or subprocess.check_call() for calling and waiting. If you don't need IO with the process, that might be enough. But probably this is not an option, because your if the two subprocesses seem to be supposed to run in parallel, which they won't with (check_)call().)

If you have several subprocesses to wait for, you can do

exit_codes = [p.wait() for p in p1, p2]

which returns as soon as all subprocesses have finished. You then have a list of return codes which you maybe can evaluate.

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute

To get all the counts for all the columns in a dataframe, it's just df.count()

Make a Bash alias that takes a parameter?

Bash alias absolutely does accept parameters. I just added an alias to create a new react app which accepts the app name as a parameter. Here's my process:

Open the bash_profile for editing in nano

nano /.bash_profile

Add your aliases, one per line:

alias gita='git add .'
alias gitc='git commit -m "$@"'
alias gitpom='git push origin master'
alias creact='npx create-react-app "$@"'

note: the "$@" accepts parameters passed in like "creact my-new-app"

Save and exit nano editor

ctrl+o to to write (hit enter); ctrl+x to exit

Tell terminal to use the new aliases in .bash_profile

source /.bash_profile

That's it! You can now use your new aliases

Tab space instead of multiple non-breaking spaces ("nbsp")?

No, Tab is just whitespace as far as HTML is concerned. I'd recommend an em-space instead which is this big (?| |?) ...typically 4 spaces wide — and is input as &emsp;.

You might even be able to get away with using the Unicode character (" ") for it, if you're lucky.

Converting NumPy array into Python List structure?

tolist() works fine even if encountered a nested array, say a pandas DataFrame;

my_list = [0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0]
my_dt = pd.DataFrame(my_list)
new_list = [i[0] for i in my_dt.values.tolist()]


How do I write outputs to the Log in Android?

Look into android.util.Log. It lets you write to the log with various log levels, and you can specify different tags to group the output. For example

Log.w("myApp", "no network");

will output a warning with the tag myApp and the message no network.

PHP, get file name without file extension

No need for all that. Check out pathinfo(), it gives you all the components of your path.

Example from the manual:

$path_parts = pathinfo('/www/htdocs/index.html');

echo $path_parts['dirname'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['basename'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['extension'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['filename'], "\n"; // filename is only since PHP 5.2.0

Output of the code:


And alternatively you can get only certain parts like:

echo pathinfo('/www/htdocs/index.html', PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // outputs html

How to bind RadioButtons to an enum?

I've created a new class to handle binding RadioButtons and CheckBoxes to enums. It works for flagged enums (with multiple checkbox selections) and non-flagged enums for single-selection checkboxes or radio buttons. It also requires no ValueConverters at all.

This might look more complicated at first, however, once you copy this class into your project, it's done. It's generic so it can easily be reused for any enum.

public class EnumSelection<T> : INotifyPropertyChanged where T : struct, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible
  private T value; // stored value of the Enum
  private bool isFlagged; // Enum uses flags?
  private bool canDeselect; // Can be deselected? (Radio buttons cannot deselect, checkboxes can)
  private T blankValue; // what is considered the "blank" value if it can be deselected?

  public EnumSelection(T value) : this(value, false, default(T)) { }
  public EnumSelection(T value, bool canDeselect) : this(value, canDeselect, default(T)) { }
  public EnumSelection(T value, T blankValue) : this(value, true, blankValue) { }
  public EnumSelection(T value, bool canDeselect, T blankValue)
    if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(T)} must be an enum type"); // I really wish there was a way to constrain generic types to enums...
    isFlagged = typeof(T).IsDefined(typeof(FlagsAttribute), false);

    this.value = value;
    this.canDeselect = canDeselect;
    this.blankValue = blankValue;

  public T Value
    get { return value; }
      if (this.value.Equals(value)) return;
      this.value = value;
      OnPropertyChanged("Item[]"); // Notify that the indexer property has changed

  public bool this[T key]
      int iKey = (int)(object)key;
      return isFlagged ? ((int)(object)value & iKey) == iKey : value.Equals(key);
      if (isFlagged)
        int iValue = (int)(object)this.value;
        int iKey = (int)(object)key;

        if (((iValue & iKey) == iKey) == value) return;

        if (value)
          Value = (T)(object)(iValue | iKey);
          Value = (T)(object)(iValue & ~iKey);
        if (this.value.Equals(key) == value) return;
        if (!value && !canDeselect) return;

        Value = value ? key : blankValue;

  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

  private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
    PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

And for how to use it, let's say you have an enum for running a task manually or automatically, and can be scheduled for any days of the week, and some optional options...

public enum StartTask

public enum DayOfWeek
  Sunday = 1 << 0,
  Monday = 1 << 1,
  Tuesday = 1 << 2,
  Wednesday = 1 << 3,
  Thursday = 1 << 4,
  Friday = 1 << 5,
  Saturday = 1 << 6

public enum AdditionalOptions
  None = 0,

Now, here's how easy it is to use this class:

public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
  public MyViewModel()
    StartUp = new EnumSelection<StartTask>(StartTask.Manual);
    Days = new EnumSelection<DayOfWeek>(default(DayOfWeek));
    Options = new EnumSelection<AdditionalOptions>(AdditionalOptions.None, true, AdditionalOptions.None);

  public EnumSelection<StartTask> StartUp { get; private set; }
  public EnumSelection<DayOfWeek> Days { get; private set; }
  public EnumSelection<AdditionalOptions> Options { get; private set; }

And here's how easy it is to bind checkboxes and radio buttons with this class:

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <!-- Using RadioButtons for exactly 1 selection behavior -->
    <RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding StartUp[Manual]}">Manual</RadioButton>
    <RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding StartUp[Automatic]}">Automatic</RadioButton>
  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <!-- Using CheckBoxes for 0 or Many selection behavior -->
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Sunday]}">Sunday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Monday]}">Monday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Tuesday]}">Tuesday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Wednesday]}">Wednesday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Thursday]}">Thursday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Friday]}">Friday</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Days[Saturday]}">Saturday</CheckBox>
  <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <!-- Using CheckBoxes for 0 or 1 selection behavior -->
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Options[OptionA]}">Option A</CheckBox>
    <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Options[OptionB]}">Option B</CheckBox>
  1. When the UI loads, the "Manual" radio button will be selected and you can alter your selection between "Manual" or "Automatic" but either one of them must always be selected.
  2. Every day of the week will be unchecked, but any number of them can be checked or unchecked.
  3. "Option A" and "Option B" will both initially be unchecked. You can check one or the other, checking one will uncheck the other (similar to RadioButtons), but now you can also uncheck both of them (which you cannot do with WPF's RadioButton, which is why CheckBox is being used here)

How to access POST form fields

Update for Express 4.4.1

Middleware of the following is removed from Express.

  • bodyParser
  • json
  • urlencoded
  • multipart

When you use the middleware directly like you did in express 3.0. You will get the following error:

Error: Most middleware (like urlencoded) is no longer bundled with Express and 
must be installed separately.

In order to utilize those middleware, now you need to do npm for each middleware separately.

Since bodyParser is marked as deprecated, so I recommend the following way using json, urlencode and multipart parser like formidable, connect-multiparty. (Multipart middleware is deprecated as well).

Also remember, just defining urlencode + json, the form data will not be parsed and req.body will be undefined. You need to define a middleware handle the multipart request.

var urlencode = require('urlencode');
var json = require('json-middleware');
var multipart = require('connect-multiparty');
var multipartMiddleware = multipart();

app.use('/url/that/accepts/form-data', multipartMiddleware);

Run a string as a command within a Bash script

For me echo | grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]{4}[[:digit:]]{2}[[:digit:]]{2}' was working fine but unable to store output of command into variable. I had same issue I tried eval but didn't got output.

Here is answer for my problem: cmd=$(echo | grep -Eo '[[:digit:]]{4}[[:digit:]]{2}[[:digit:]]{2}')

echo $cmd

My output is now 20200824

Hash table runtime complexity (insert, search and delete)

Hash tables are O(1) average and amortized case complexity, however it suffers from O(n) worst case time complexity. [And I think this is where your confusion is]

Hash tables suffer from O(n) worst time complexity due to two reasons:

  1. If too many elements were hashed into the same key: looking inside this key may take O(n) time.
  2. Once a hash table has passed its load balance - it has to rehash [create a new bigger table, and re-insert each element to the table].

However, it is said to be O(1) average and amortized case because:

  1. It is very rare that many items will be hashed to the same key [if you chose a good hash function and you don't have too big load balance.
  2. The rehash operation, which is O(n), can at most happen after n/2 ops, which are all assumed O(1): Thus when you sum the average time per op, you get : (n*O(1) + O(n)) / n) = O(1)

Note because of the rehashing issue - a realtime applications and applications that need low latency - should not use a hash table as their data structure.

EDIT: Annother issue with hash tables: cache
Another issue where you might see a performance loss in large hash tables is due to cache performance. Hash Tables suffer from bad cache performance, and thus for large collection - the access time might take longer, since you need to reload the relevant part of the table from the memory back into the cache.

Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible?

I believe there are two main reasons for trying to seperate templated code into a header and a cpp:

One is for mere elegance. We all like to write code that is wasy to read, manage and is reusable later.

Other is reduction of compilation times.

I am currently (as always) coding simulation software in conjuction with OpenCL and we like to keep code so it can be run using float (cl_float) or double (cl_double) types as needed depending on HW capability. Right now this is done using a #define REAL at the beginning of the code, but this is not very elegant. Changing desired precision requires recompiling the application. Since there are no real run-time types, we have to live with this for the time being. Luckily OpenCL kernels are compiled runtime, and a simple sizeof(REAL) allows us to alter the kernel code runtime accordingly.

The much bigger problem is that even though the application is modular, when developing auxiliary classes (such as those that pre-calculate simulation constants) also have to be templated. These classes all appear at least once on the top of the class dependency tree, as the final template class Simulation will have an instance of one of these factory classes, meaning that practically every time I make a minor change to the factory class, the entire software has to be rebuilt. This is very annoying, but I cannot seem to find a better solution.

Return a 2d array from a function

I would suggest you Matrix library as an open source tool for c++, its usage is like arrays in c++. Here you can see documention.

Matrix funcionName(){

    Matrix<int> arr(2, 2);

    arr[0][0] = 5;
    arr[0][1] = 10;
    arr[1][0] = 0;
    arr[1][1] = 44;

    return arr;

How to push object into an array using AngularJS

  var app = angular.module('myApp', []);_x000D_
        app.controller('myCtrl', function ($scope) {_x000D_
            //Comments object having reply oject_x000D_
            $scope.comments = [{ comment: 'hi', reply: [{ comment: 'hi inside commnet' }, { comment: 'hi inside commnet' }] }];_x000D_
            //push reply_x000D_
            $scope.insertReply = function (index, reply) {_x000D_
                $scope.comments[index].reply.push({ comment: reply });_x000D_
            //push commnet_x000D_
            $scope.newComment = function (comment) {_x000D_
                $scope.comments.push({ comment:comment, reply: [] });_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">_x000D_
        <!--Comment section-->_x000D_
        <ul ng-repeat="comment in comments track by $index" style="background: skyblue; padding: 10px;">_x000D_
                <b>Comment {{$index}} : </b>_x000D_
                <!--Reply section-->_x000D_
                    <ul ng-repeat="reply in comment.reply track by $index">_x000D_
                        <li><i>Reply {{$index}} :</i><br>_x000D_
                <!--End reply section-->_x000D_
                <input type="text" ng-model="reply" placeholder=" Write your reply." /><a href="" ng-click="insertReply($index,reply)">Reply</a>_x000D_
        <!--End comment section -->_x000D_
        <!--Post your comment-->_x000D_
        <b>New comment</b>_x000D_
        <input type="text" placeholder="Your comment" ng-model="comment" />_x000D_
        <a href="" ng-click="newComment(comment)">Post </a>_x000D_

FirebaseInstanceIdService is deprecated

Use FirebaseMessaging instead

    .addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<String>() {
        public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<String> task) {
          if (!task.isSuccessful()) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Fetching FCM registration token failed", task.getException());

          // Get new FCM registration token
          String token = task.getResult();

          // Log and toast
          String msg = getString(R.string.msg_token_fmt, token);
          Log.d(TAG, msg);
          Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

OnItemClickListener using ArrayAdapter for ListView

Use OnItemClickListener

   ListView lv = getListView();
   lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
      public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapter, View v, int position,
            long arg3) 
            String value = (String)adapter.getItemAtPosition(position); 
            // assuming string and if you want to get the value on click of list item
            // do what you intend to do on click of listview row

When you click on a row a listener is fired. So you setOnClickListener on the listview and use the annonymous inner class OnItemClickListener.

You also override onItemClick. The first param is a adapter. Second param is the view. third param is the position ( index of listview items).

Using the position you get the item .

Edit : From your comments i assume you need to set the adapter o listview

So assuming your activity extends ListActivtiy


Or if your activity class extends Activity

     ListView lv = (ListView) findViewById(;
     //initialize adapter 

Convert a Python int into a big-endian string of bytes

In Python 3.2+, you can use int.to_bytes:

If you don't want to specify the size

>>> n = 1245427
>>> n.to_bytes((n.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big') or b'\0'

If you don't mind specifying the size

>>> (1245427).to_bytes(3, byteorder='big')

How to allow only one radio button to be checked?

Give them the same name, and it will work. By definition Radio buttons will only have one choice, while check boxes can have many.

<input type="radio" name="Radio1" />

How to call a JavaScript function, declared in <head>, in the body when I want to call it

Just drop


in the body where you want it to be called, understanding that when the page loads and the browser reaches that point, that's when the call will occur.

HttpClient won't import in Android Studio

HttpClient is not supported in sdk 23 and 23+.

If you need to use into sdk 23, add below code to your gradle:

android {
    useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'

Its working for me. Hope useful for you.

onclick event function in JavaScript

Try this

<input type="button" onClick="return click();">button text</input>  

How can I extract substrings from a string in Perl?

You could use a regular expression such as the following:


So for example:

$s = "abc-456-hu5t10 (High priority) *";
$s =~ /([-a-z0-9]+)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*(\*)?/;
print "$1\n$2\n$3\n";


High priority

how to hide a vertical scroll bar when not needed

Add this class in .css class

.scrol  { 
font: bold 14px Arial; 
border:1px solid black; 
width:100% ; 

and use the class in div. like here.

<div> <p class = "scrol" id = "title">-</p></div>

I have attached image , you see the out put of the above code enter image description here

How do I set a program to launch at startup

Add an app to run automatically at startup in Windows 10

Step 1: Select the Windows Start button and scroll to find the app you want to run at startup.

Step 2: Right-click the app, select More, and then select Open file location. This opens the location where the shortcut to the app is saved. If there isn't an option for Open file location, it means the app can't run at startup.

Step 3: With the file location open, press the Windows logo key + R, type shell:startup, then select OK. This opens the Startup folder.

Step 4: Copy and paste the shortcut to the app from the file location to the Startup folder.

How to find elements by class

How to find elements by class

I'm having trouble parsing html elements with "class" attribute using Beautifulsoup.

You can easily find by one class, but if you want to find by the intersection of two classes, it's a little more difficult,

From the documentation (emphasis added):

If you want to search for tags that match two or more CSS classes, you should use a CSS selector:"p.strikeout.body")
# [<p class="body strikeout"></p>]

To be clear, this selects only the p tags that are both strikeout and body class.

To find for the intersection of any in a set of classes (not the intersection, but the union), you can give a list to the class_ keyword argument (as of 4.1.2):

soup = BeautifulSoup(sdata)
class_list = ["stylelistrow"] # can add any other classes to this list.
# will find any divs with any names in class_list:
mydivs = soup.find_all('div', class_=class_list) 

Also note that findAll has been renamed from the camelCase to the more Pythonic find_all.

Create Local SQL Server database

After installation you need to connect to Server Name : localhost to start using the local instance of SQL Server.

Once you are connected to the local instance, right click on Databases and create a new database.

LEFT INNER JOIN vs. LEFT OUTER JOIN - Why does the OUTER take longer?

Wait -- did you actually mean that "the same number of rows ... are being processed" or that "the same number of rows are being returned"? In general, the outer join would process many more rows, including those for which there is no match, even if it returns the same number of records.

How to call a function in shell Scripting?

The functions need to be defined before being used. There is no mechanism is sh to pre-declare functions, but a common technique is to do something like:

main() {
  case "$choice" in
    true)  process_install;;
    false) process_exit;;




Perl: Use s/ (replace) and return new string

print "bla: ", $_, "\n" if ($_ = $myvar) =~ s/a/b/g or 1;

Magento addFieldToFilter: Two fields, match as OR, not AND

To filter by multiple attributes use something like:

//for AND
    $collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
    ->addFieldToFilter('my_field1', 'my_value1')
    ->addFieldToFilter('my_field2', 'my_value2');

    echo $collection->getSelect()->__toString();

//for OR - please note 'attribute' is the key name and must remain the same, only replace //the value (my_field1, my_field2) with your attribute name

    $collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
                array('attribute'=>'my_field2', 'eq'=>'my_value2')

For more information check:

C++ convert string to hexadecimal and vice versa

Why has nobody used sprintf?

#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>

static const std::string str = "hello world!";

int main()
  //copy the data from the string to a char array
  char *strarr = new char[str.size()+1];
  strarr[str.size()+1] = 0; //set the null terminator
  memcpy(strarr, str.c_str(),str.size()); //memory copy to the char array

  printf("\n\nHEX: ");

  //now print the data
  for(int i = 0; i < str.size()+1; i++)
    char x = strarr[i];
    sprintf("%x ", reinterpret_cast<const char*>(x));


  return 0;

Update a column value, replacing part of a string

You need the WHERE clause to replace ONLY the records that complies with the condition in the WHERE clause (as opposed to all records). You use % sign to indicate partial string: I.E.

LIKE ('...//');

means all records that BEGIN with "...//" and have anything AFTER (that's the % for...)

Another example:

LIKE ('%')

which means all records that contains ""

in any part of the string...

Java HTML Parsing

Several years ago I used JTidy for the same purpose:

"JTidy is a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer. Like its non-Java cousin, JTidy can be used as a tool for cleaning up malformed and faulty HTML. In addition, JTidy provides a DOM interface to the document that is being processed, which effectively makes you able to use JTidy as a DOM parser for real-world HTML.

JTidy was written by Andy Quick, who later stepped down from the maintainer position. Now JTidy is maintained by a group of volunteers.

More information on JTidy can be found on the JTidy SourceForge project page ."

Is there a way to create interfaces in ES6 / Node 4?

Interfaces are not part of the ES6 but classes are.

If you really need them, you should look at TypeScript which support them.

Wordpress plugin install: Could not create directory

If anyone using shared hosting and get same problem it may be disk space issue. In that case contact with your hosting support and ask them to increase disk space of your acocunt.

Is it possible to make an HTML anchor tag not clickable/linkable using CSS?

<a href="page.html" onclick="return false" style="cursor:default;">page link</a>

Postgresql - select something where date = "01/01/11"

I think you want to cast your dt to a date and fix the format of your date literal:

FROM table
WHERE dt::date = '2011-01-01' -- This should be ISO-8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD

Or the standard version:

FROM table
WHERE CAST(dt AS DATE) = '2011-01-01' -- This should be ISO-8601 format, YYYY-MM-DD

The extract function doesn't understand "date" and it returns a number.

replacing text in a file with Python

This is a short and simple example I just used:


fp = open("file.txt", "w")


fp.write(line.replace('is', 'now'))
// "This is me" becomes "This now me"


line.replace('is', 'now')
// "This is me" not changed while writing

MS Access VBA: Sending an email through Outlook

Here is email code I used in one of my databases. I just made variables for the person I wanted to send it to, CC, subject, and the body. Then you just use the DoCmd.SendObject command. I also set it to "True" after the body so you can edit the message before it automatically sends.

Public Function SendEmail2()

Dim varName As Variant          
Dim varCC As Variant            
Dim varSubject As Variant      
Dim varBody As Variant          

varName = "[email protected]"
varCC = "[email protected], [email protected]"
'separate each email by a ','

varSubject = "Hello"
'Email subject

varBody = "Let's get ice cream this week"

'Body of the email
DoCmd.SendObject , , , varName, varCC, , varSubject, varBody, True, False
'Send email command. The True after "varBody" allows user to edit email before sending.
'The False at the end will not send it as a Template File

End Function

Trying to create a file in Android: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system)

If anyone getting this in unit/instrumentation testing, make sure you call getFilesDir() on the app context, not the test context. i.e. use:

Context appContext = getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getApplicationContext();


Context appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext;

Convert an image (selected by path) to base64 string

This is the class I wrote for this purpose:

public class Base64Image
    public static Base64Image Parse(string base64Content)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base64Content))
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(base64Content));

        int indexOfSemiColon = base64Content.IndexOf(";", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

        string dataLabel = base64Content.Substring(0, indexOfSemiColon);

        string contentType = dataLabel.Split(':').Last();

        var startIndex = base64Content.IndexOf("base64,", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 7;

        var fileContents = base64Content.Substring(startIndex);

        var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(fileContents);

        return new Base64Image
            ContentType = contentType,
            FileContents = bytes

    public string ContentType { get; set; }

    public byte[] FileContents { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return $"data:{ContentType};base64,{Convert.ToBase64String(FileContents)}";

var base64Img = new Base64Image { 
  FileContents = File.ReadAllBytes("Path to image"), 

string base64EncodedImg = base64Img.ToString();

How do I update/upsert a document in Mongoose?

Here's the simplest way to create/update while also calling the middleware and validators.

Contact.findOne({ phone: }, (err, doc) => {
    const contact = (doc) ? doc.set(request) : new Contact(request);, savedContact) => {
        if (saveErr) throw saveErr;

Download and open PDF file using Ajax

The following code worked for me

//Parameter to be passed
var data = 'reportid=R3823&isSQL=1&filter=[]';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "Reporting.jsp"); //url.It can pdf file path
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
xhr.responseType = "blob";
xhr.onload = function () {
    if (this.status === 200) {
        var blob = new Blob([xhr.response]);
        const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
        var a = document.createElement('a');
        a.href = url; = 'myFile.pdf';;
        setTimeout(function () {
            // For Firefox it is necessary to delay revoking the ObjectURL
                , 100

Razor MVC Populating Javascript array with Model Array

I was integrating a slider and needed to get all the files in the folder and was having same situationof C# array to javascript array.This solution by @heymega worked perfectly except my javascript parser was annoyed on var use in foreach loop. So i did a little work around avoiding the loop.

var allowedExtensions = new string[] { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".png", ".gif" };

var bannerImages = string.Join(",", Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath, "Images", "banners"), "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
    .Where(d => allowedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(d).ToLower()))
    .Select(d => string.Format("'{0}'", Path.GetFileName(d)))

And the javascript code is

var imagesArray = new Array(@Html.Raw(bannerImages));

Hope it helps

How can I Convert HTML to Text in C#?

I don't know C#, but there is a fairly small & easy to read python html2txt script here:

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute

You're returning a tuple. Index it.

print obj[0] + " is a benefit of functions!"
print obj[1] + " is a benefit of functions!"
print obj[2] + " is a benefit of functions!"

How to change option menu icon in the action bar?

I got a simpler solution which worked perfectly for me :

Drawable drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(getApplicationContext(),R.drawable.change_pass);

Can't update data-attribute value

Had a similar problem, I propose this solution althought is not supported in IE 10 and under.


<div id='example' data-example-update='1'></div>

The Javascript standard defines a property called dataset to update data-example-update.

document.getElementById('example').dataset.exampleUpdate = 2;

Note: use camel case notation to access the correct data attribute.


Sending POST data without form

You could use AJAX to send a POST request if you don't want forms.

Using jquery $.post method it is pretty simple:

$.post('/foo.php', { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }, function(result) {
    alert('successfully posted key1=value1&key2=value2 to foo.php');

Getting A File's Mime Type In Java

I did it with following code.


public class MimeFileType {

    public static void main(String args[]){

            URL url = new URL ("");

            HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            InputStream content = (InputStream)connection.getInputStream();

            System.out.println("Content-Type "+ connection.getHeaderField("Content-Type"));

            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(content));

        }catch (Exception e){


MySQL Sum() multiple columns

SELECT student, SUM(mark1+mark2+mark3+....+markn) AS Total FROM your_table

How can I roll back my last delete command in MySQL?

I also had deleted some values from my development database, but I had the same copy in QA database, so I did a generate script and selected option "type of data to script" to "data only" and selected my table.

Then I got the insert statements with same data, and then I run the script on my development database.

How to run vbs as administrator from vbs?

fun lil batch file

@set E=ECHO &set S=SET &set CS=CScript //T:3 //nologo %~n0.vbs /REALTIME^>nul^& timeout 1 /NOBREAK^>nul^& del /Q %~n0.vbs&CLS
@%E%off&color 4a&title %~n0&%S%CX=CLS^&EXIT&%S%BS=^>%~n0.vbs&%S%G=GOTO &%S%H=shell&AT>NUL
) ELSE (
    if not "%minimized%"=="" %G%1
%S%minimized=true & start /min cmd /C "%~dpnx0"&%CX%
%E%%S%%H%=CreateObject("%H%.Application"):%H%.%H%Execute "%~dpnx0",,"%CD%", "runas", 1:%S%%H%=nothing%BS%&%CS%&%CX%
%E%%~dpnx0 fvcLing admin mode look up&wmic process where name="cmd.exe" CALL setpriority "realtime"& timeout 3 /NOBREAK>nul
%E%x=msgbox("end of line" ,48, "%~n0")%BS%&%CS%&%CX%