[javafx] Passing Parameters JavaFX FXML

Here is an example for using a controller injected by Guice.

 * Loads a FXML file and injects its controller from the given Guice {@code Provider}
public abstract class GuiceFxmlLoader {

   public GuiceFxmlLoader(Stage stage, Provider<?> provider) {
      mStage = Objects.requireNonNull(stage);
      mProvider = Objects.requireNonNull(provider);

    * @return the FXML file name
   public abstract String getFileName();

    * Load FXML, set its controller with given {@code Provider}, and add it to {@code Stage}.
   public void loadView() {
      try {
         FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(getFileName()));
         loader.setControllerFactory(p -> mProvider.get());
         Node view = loader.load();
      catch (IOException ex) {
         LOGGER.error("Failed to load FXML: " + getFileName(), ex);

   private void setViewInStage(Node view) {
      BorderPane pane = (BorderPane)mStage.getScene().getRoot();

   private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GuiceFxmlLoader.class);

   private final Stage mStage;
   private final Provider<?> mProvider;

Here is a concrete implementation of the loader:

public class ConcreteViewLoader extends GuiceFxmlLoader {

   public ConcreteViewLoader(Stage stage, Provider<MyController> provider) {
      super(stage, provider);

   public String getFileName() {
      return "my_view.fxml";

Note this example loads the view into the center of a BoarderPane that is the root of the Scene in the Stage. This is irrelevant to the example (implementation detail of my specific use case) but decided to leave it in as some may find it useful.

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