[java] close fxml window by code, javafx

I need to close the current fxml window by code in the controller

I know stage.close() or stage.hide() do this in fx

how to implement this in fxml? I tried

private void on_btnClose_clicked(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("currentWindow.fxml"));    
        Scene scene = new Scene(root);

        Stage stage = new Stage();            

but it doesn't work!

All help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

This question is related to java user-interface javafx fxml

The answer is

I found a nice solution which does not need an event to be triggered:

private Button cancelButton;

close(new Event(cancelButton, stage, null));

private void close(Event event) {

Hide doesn't close the window, just put in visible mode. The best solution was:

private void exitButtonOnAction(ActionEvent event){

I'm not sure if this is the best way (or if it works), but you could try:

private void on_btnClose_clicked(ActionEvent actionEvent) {

        Window window = getScene().getWindow();   

        if (window instanceof Stage){
            ((Stage) window).close();

(Assuming your controller is a Node. Otherwise you have to get the node first (getScene() is a method of Node)

If you have a window which extends javafx.application.Application; you can use the following method. (This will close the whole application, not just the window. I misinterpreted the OP, thanks to the commenters for pointing it out).



public class MainGUI extends Application {

Button exitButton = new Button("Exit");
exitButton.setOnAction(new ExitButtonListener());

public class ExitButtonListener implements EventHandler<ActionEvent> {

  public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {

Edit for the beauty of Java 8:

 public class MainGUI extends Application {

    Button exitButton = new Button("Exit");
    exitButton.setOnAction(actionEvent -> Platform.exit());

stage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() {
    public void handle(WindowEvent we) {                        

It is equivalent to hide. So when you are going to open it next time, you just check if the stage object is exited or not. If it is exited, you just show() i.e. (stage.show()) call. Otherwise, you have to start the stage.

finally, I found a solution

 Window window =   ((Node)(event.getSource())).getScene().getWindow(); 
            if (window instanceof Stage){
                ((Stage) window).close();

I implemented this in the following way after receiving a NullPointerException from the accepted answer.

In my FXML:

<Button onMouseClicked="#onMouseClickedCancelBtn" text="Cancel">

In my Controller class:

@FXML public void onMouseClickedCancelBtn(InputEvent e) {
    final Node source = (Node) e.getSource();
    final Stage stage = (Stage) source.getScene().getWindow();

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