Here's our standard bit. It can recover from the script somehow dying without cleaning up it's lockfile.
It writes the process ID to the lock file if it runs normally. If it finds a lock file when it starts running, it will read the process ID from the lock file and check if that process exists. If the process does not exist it will remove the stale lock file and carry on. And only if the lock file exists AND the process is still running will it exit. And it writes a message when it exits.
# lock to ensure we don't get two copies of the same job
if [[ -e "${lock}" ]]; then
pid=$(cat ${lock})
if [[ -e /proc/${pid} ]]; then
echo "${script_name}: Process ${pid} is still running, exiting."
exit 1
# Clean up previous lock file
rm -f ${lock}
trap "rm -f ${lock}; exit $?" INT TERM EXIT
# write $$ (PID) to the lock file
echo "$$" > ${lock}