[bash] Make a Bash alias that takes a parameter?

Once i did some fun project and i still use it. It's showing some animation while i copy files via cp command coz cp don't show anything and it's kind of frustrating. So i made this alias

alias cp="~/SCR/spiner cp"

And this is the spiner script


#Set timer
T=$(date +%s)

#Add some color
. ~/SCR/color

#Animation sprites
sprite=( "(* )  ( *)" " (* )( *) " " ( *)(* ) " "( *)  (* )" "(* )  ( *)" )

#Print empty line and hide cursor
printf "\n${COF}"

#Exit function
function bye { printf "${CON}"; [ -e /proc/$pid ] && kill -9 $pid; exit; }; trap bye INT

#Run our command and get its pid
"$@" & pid=$!

#Waiting animation
i=0; while [ -e /proc/$pid ]; do sleep 0.1

    printf "\r${GRN}Please wait... ${YLW}${sprite[$i]}${DEF}"
    ((i++)); [[ $i = ${#sprite[@]} ]] && i=0


#Print time and exit
T=$(($(date +%s)-$T))
printf "\n\nTime taken: $(date -u -d @${T} +'%T')\n"


It's look like this

enter image description here

Cycled animation)

enter image description here

Here is the link to a color script mentioned above. And new animation cycle)

enter image description here