[php] Page redirect after certain time PHP

There is a certain PHP function for redirecting after some time. I saw it somewhere but can't remember. It's like the gmail redirection after logging in. Please, could anyone remind me?

This question is related to php redirect

The answer is

You can use javascript to redirect after some time

setTimeout(function () {
   window.location.href= 'http://www.google.com'; // the redirect goes here

},5000); // 5 seconds

header( "refresh:5;url=wherever.php" );

indeed you can use this code as teneff said, but you don't have to necessarily put the header before any sent output (this would output a "cannot relocate header.... :3 error").

To solve this use the php function ob_start(); before any html is outputed.

To terminate the ob just put ob_end_flush(); after you don't have any html output.


You can use this javascript code to redirect after a specific time. Hope it will work.

setRedirectTime(function () 
   window.location.href= 'https://www.google.com'; // the redirect URL will be here

},10000); // 10 seconds

Redirect PHP time programming:


you would want to use php to write out a meta tag.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=http://www.yoursite.com">

It is not recommended but it is possible. The 5 in this example is the number of seconds before it refreshes.

The PHP refresh after 5 seconds didn't work for me when opening a Save As dialogue to save a file: (header('Content-type: text/plain'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename>");)

After the Save As link was clicked, and file was saved, the timed refresh stopped on the calling page.

However, thank you very much, ibu's javascript solution just kept on ticking and refreshing my webpage, which is what I needed for my specific application. So thank you ibu for posting javascript solution to php problem here.

You can use javascript to redirect after some time

setTimeout(function () {    
    window.location.href = 'http://www.google.com'; 
},5000); // 5 seconds

You can try this:

header('Refresh: 10; URL=http://yoursite.com/page.php');

Where 10 is in seconds.

If you are redirecting with PHP, then you would simply use the sleep() command to sleep for however many seconds before redirecting.

But, I think what you are referring to is the meta refresh tag:
