Programs & Examples On #Mvp

Model View Presenter (MVP) is a derivative of the model-view-controller software pattern, used mostly for building user interfaces.

What is difference between MVC, MVP & MVVM design pattern in terms of coding c#

Some basic differences can be written in short:


Traditional MVC is where there is a

  1. Model: Acts as the model for data
  2. View : Deals with the view to the user which can be the UI
  3. Controller: Controls the interaction between Model and View, where view calls the controller to update model. View can call multiple controllers if needed.


Similar to traditional MVC but Controller is replaced by Presenter. But the Presenter, unlike Controller is responsible for changing the view as well. The view usually does not call the presenter.


The difference here is the presence of View Model. It is kind of an implementation of Observer Design Pattern, where changes in the model are represented in the view as well, by the VM. Eg: If a slider is changed, not only the model is updated but the data which may be a text, that is displayed in the view is updated as well. So there is a two-way data binding.

What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference?

They each addresses different problems and can even be combined together to have something like below

The Combined Pattern

There is also a complete comparison of MVC, MVP and MVVM here

Update statement using with clause

The WITH syntax appears to be valid in an inline view, e.g.

UPDATE (WITH comp AS ...
        SELECT SomeColumn, ComputedValue FROM t INNER JOIN comp ...)
   SET SomeColumn=ComputedValue;

But in the quick tests I did this always failed with ORA-01732: data manipulation operation not legal on this view, although it succeeded if I rewrote to eliminate the WITH clause. So the refactoring may interfere with Oracle's ability to guarantee key-preservation.

You should be able to use a MERGE, though. Using the simple example you've posted this doesn't even require a WITH clause:

MERGE INTO mytable t
USING (select *, 42 as ComputedValue from mytable where id = 1) comp
ON ( =

But I understand you have a more complex subquery you want to factor out. I think that you will be able to make the subquery in the USING clause arbitrarily complex, incorporating multiple WITH clauses.

How can I escape latex code received through user input?

I spent a lot of time trying different answers all around the internet, and I suspect the reasons why one thing works for some people and not for others is due to very small weird differences in application. For context, I needed to read in file names from a csv file that had strange and/or unmappable unicode characters and write them to a new csv file. For what it's worth, here's what worked for me:

s = '\u00e7\u00a3\u0085\u00e5\u008d\u0095' # csv freaks if you try to write this
s = repr(s.encode('utf-8', 'ignore'))[2:-1]

Way to go from recursion to iteration

A rough description of how a system takes any recursive function and executes it using a stack:

This intended to show the idea without details. Consider this function that would print out nodes of a graph:

function show(node)
0. if isleaf(node):
1.  print
2. else:
3.  show(node.left)
4.  show(node)
5.  show(node.right)

For example graph: A->B A->C show(A) would print B, A, C

Function calls mean save the local state and the continuation point so you can come back, and then jump the the function you want to call.

For example, suppose show(A) begins to run. The function call on line 3. show(B) means - Add item to the stack meaning "you'll need to continue at line 2 with local variable state node=A" - Goto line 0 with node=B.

To execute code, the system runs through the instructions. When a function call is encountered, the system pushes information it needs to come back to where it was, runs the function code, and when the function completes, pops the information about where it needs to go to continue.

Application Loader stuck at "Authenticating with the iTunes store" when uploading an iOS app

For me I tried almost all the suggestions given above but the problem still reoccurred after the first success in uploading to App store. Until I found this website. In summary, do the following

  1. Open terminal
  2. Run this command:

      rm -rf ~/.itmstransporter/

Note: this command(which is different from others above) will delete your ITMSTansporter folder and create a new one and ensure that xcode is quitted before running this command. 3. Start Xcode and all should be well.

How to create a DB for MongoDB container on start up?

UPD Today I avoid Docker Swarm, secrets, and configs. I'd run it with docker-compose and the .env file. As long as I don't need autoscaling. If I do, I'd probably choose k8s. And database passwords, root account or not... Do they really matter when you're running a single database in a container not connected to the outside world?.. I'd like to know what you think about it, but Stack Overflow is probably not well suited for this sort of communication.

Mongo image can be affected by MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE variable, but it won't create the database. This variable determines current database when running /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/* scripts. Since you can't use environment variables in scripts executed by Mongo, I went with a shell script:


version: '3.1'

    file: mongo-root-passwd
    file: mongo-user-passwd

    image: mongo:3.2
      MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/mongo-root-passwd
      MONGO_INITDB_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/mongo-user-passwd
      - ./
      - mongo-root-passwd
      - mongo-user-passwd

    var rootUser = '$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME';
    var rootPassword = '$MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD';
    var admin = db.getSiblingDB('admin');
    admin.auth(rootUser, rootPassword);

    var user = '$MONGO_INITDB_USERNAME';
    var passwd = '$(cat "$MONGO_INITDB_PASSWORD_FILE")';
    db.createUser({user: user, pwd: passwd, roles: ["readWrite"]});

Alternatively, you can store in configs (docker config create) and mount it with:

        external: true
            - source:
              target: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

And secrets can be not stored in a file.

A couple of gists on the matter.

Variable interpolation in the shell

In Bash:

tail -1 ${filepath}

Speed up rsync with Simultaneous/Concurrent File Transfers?

Have you tried using

With rclone you could do something like

rclone copy "${source}/${subfolder}/" "${target}/${subfolder}/" --progress --multi-thread-streams=N

where --multi-thread-streams=N represents the number of threads you wish to spawn.

Load json from local file with http.get() in angular 2

For Angular 5+ only preform steps 1 and 4

In order to access your file locally in Angular 2+ you should do the following (4 steps):

[1] Inside your assets folder create a .json file, example: data.json

[2] Go to your angular.cli.json (angular.json in Angular 6+) inside your project and inside the assets array put another object (after the package.json object) like this:

{ "glob": "data.json", "input": "./", "output": "./assets/" }

full example from angular.cli.json

"apps": [
      "root": "src",
      "outDir": "dist",
      "assets": [
        { "glob": "package.json", "input": "../", "output": "./assets/" },
        { "glob": "data.json", "input": "./", "output": "./assets/" }

Remember, data.json is just the example file we've previously added in the assets folder (you can name your file whatever you want to)

[3] Try to access your file via localhost. It should be visible within this address, http://localhost:your_port/assets/data.json

If it's not visible then you've done something incorrectly. Make sure you can access it by typing it in the URL field in your browser before proceeding to step #4.

[4] Now preform a GET request to retrieve your .json file (you've got your full path .json URL and it should be simple)

 constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
        // Make the HTTP request:
                 .subscribe(data => console.log(data));

Create Directory if it doesn't exist with Ruby

You are probably trying to create nested directories. Assuming foo does not exist, you will receive no such file or directory error for:

Dir.mkdir 'foo/bar'
# => Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - 'foo/bar'

To create nested directories at once, FileUtils is needed:

require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.mkdir_p 'foo/bar'
# => ["foo/bar"]

Edit2: you do not have to use FileUtils, you may do system call (update from @mu is too short comment):

> system 'mkdir', '-p', 'foo/bar' # worse version: system 'mkdir -p "foo/bar"'
=> true

But that seems (at least to me) as worse approach as you are using external 'tool' which may be unavailable on some systems (although I can hardly imagine system without mkdir, but who knows).

Java: how do I check if a Date is within a certain range?

This was clearer to me,

// declare calendar outside the scope of isWithinRange() so that we initialize it only once
private Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

public boolean isWithinRange(Date date, Date startDate, Date endDate) {

    int startDayOfYear = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); // first day is 1, last day is 365
    int startYear = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);

    int endDayOfYear = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
    int endYear = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);

    int dayOfYear = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
    int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);

    return (year > startYear && year < endYear) // year is within the range
            || (year == startYear && dayOfYear >= startDayOfYear) // year is same as start year, check day as well
            || (year == endYear && dayOfYear < endDayOfYear); // year is same as end year, check day as well


how to stop a running script in Matlab

Since you mentioned Task Manager, I'll guess you're using Windows. Assuming you're running your script within the editor, if you aren't opposed to quitting the editor at the same time as quitting the running program, the keyboard shortcut to end a process is:

Alt + F4

(By which I mean press the 'Alt' and 'F4' keys on your keyboard simultaneously.)

Alternatively, as mentioned in other answers,

Ctrl + C

should also work, but will not quit the editor.

Swift addsubview and remove it

Thanks for help. This is the solution: I created the subview and i add a gesture to remove it

@IBAction func infoView(sender: UIButton) {
    var testView: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 568))
    testView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
    testView.alpha = 0.5
    testView.tag = 100
    testView.userInteractionEnabled = true

    let aSelector : Selector = "removeSubview"
    let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target:self, action: aSelector)

func removeSubview(){
    println("Start remove sibview")
    if let viewWithTag = self.view.viewWithTag(100) {


Swift 3+

@IBAction func infoView(sender: UIButton) {
    let testView: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 568))
    testView.backgroundColor = .blue
    testView.alpha = 0.5
    testView.tag = 100
    testView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

    let aSelector : Selector = #selector(GasMapViewController.removeSubview)
    let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target:self, action: aSelector)

func removeSubview(){
    print("Start remove sibview")
    if let viewWithTag = self.view.viewWithTag(100) {

Is < faster than <=?

At the very least, if this were true a compiler could trivially optimise a <= b to !(a > b), and so even if the comparison itself were actually slower, with all but the most naive compiler you would not notice a difference.

How can I change the color of a Google Maps marker?

Since maps v2 is deprecated, you are probably interested in v3 maps:

For v2 maps:

You would have one set of logic do all the 'regular' pins, and another that does the 'special' pin(s) using the new marker defined.

What is the best (and safest) way to merge a Git branch into master?

How I would do this

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge test
git push origin master

If I have a local branch from a remote one, I don't feel comfortable with merging other branches than this one with the remote. Also I would not push my changes, until I'm happy with what I want to push and also I wouldn't push things at all, that are only for me and my local repository. In your description it seems, that test is only for you? So no reason to publish it.

git always tries to respect yours and others changes, and so will --rebase. I don't think I can explain it appropriately, so have a look at the Git book - Rebasing or git-ready: Intro into rebasing for a little description. It's a quite cool feature

Python decorators in classes

I have a Implementation of Decorators that Might Help

    import functools
    import datetime

    class Decorator(object):

        def __init__(self):

        def execution_time(func):

            def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs):

                """ Wrapper Function """

                start =
                Tem = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                end =
                print("Exection Time:{}".format(end-start))
                return Tem

            return wrap

    class Test(Decorator):

        def __init__(self):
            self._MethodName = Test.funca.__name__

        def funca(self):
            print("Running Function : {}".format(self._MethodName))
            return True

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        obj = Test()
        data = obj.funca()

Is there a Visual Basic 6 decompiler?

For the final, compiled code of your application, the short answer is “no”. Different tools are able to extract different information from the code (e.g. the forms setups) and there are P code decompilers (see Edgar's excellent link for such tools). However, up to this day, there is no decompiler for native code. I'm not aware of anything similar for other high-level languages either.

how do I create an infinite loop in JavaScript

You can also use a while loop:

while (true) {
    //your code

Is there any kind of hash code function in JavaScript?

My solution introduces a static function for the global Object object.

(function() {
    var lastStorageId = 0;

    this.Object.hash = function(object) {
        var hash = object.__id;

        if (!hash)
             hash = object.__id = lastStorageId++;

        return '#' + hash;

I think this is more convenient with other object manipulating functions in JavaScript.

What does Include() do in LINQ?

Think of it as enforcing Eager-Loading in a scenario where you sub-items would otherwise be lazy-loading.

The Query EF is sending to the database will yield a larger result at first, but on access no follow-up queries will be made when accessing the included items.

On the other hand, without it, EF would execute separte queries later, when you first access the sub-items.

Java: Clear the console

Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cls) did NOT work on my XP laptop. This did -

for(int clear = 0; clear < 1000; clear++)
     System.out.println("\b") ;

Hope this is useful

Error Installing Homebrew - Brew Command Not Found

Check XCode is installed or not.

gcc --version
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update "click here for exact instruction updates"

Binary Search Tree - Java Implementation

Here is a sample implementation:

import java.util.*;

public class MyBSTree<K,V> implements MyTree<K,V>{
    private BSTNode<K,V> _root;
    private int _size;
    private Comparator<K> _comparator;
    private int mod = 0;

    public MyBSTree(Comparator<K> comparator){
        _comparator = comparator;

    public Node<K,V> root(){
        return _root;

    public int size(){
        return _size;

    public boolean containsKey(K key){
        if(_root == null){
            return false;

        BSTNode<K,V> node = _root;

        while (node != null){
            int comparison = compare(key, node.key());

            if(comparison == 0){
                return true;
            }else if(comparison <= 0){
                node = node._left;
            }else {
                node = node._right;

        return false;

    private int compare(K k1, K k2){
        if(_comparator != null){
        else {
            Comparable<K> comparable = (Comparable<K>)k1;
            return comparable.compareTo(k2);

    public V get(K key){
        Node<K,V> node = node(key);

        return node != null ? node.value() : null;

    private BSTNode<K,V> node(K key){
        if(_root != null){
            BSTNode<K,V> node = _root;

            while (node != null){
                int comparison = compare(key, node.key());

                if(comparison == 0){
                    return node;
                }else if(comparison <= 0){
                    node = node._left;
                }else {
                    node = node._right;

        return null;

    public void add(K key, V value){
        if(key == null){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("key");

        if(_root == null){
            _root = new BSTNode<K, V>(key, value);

        BSTNode<K,V> prev = null, curr = _root;
        boolean lastChildLeft = false;
        while(curr != null){
            int comparison = compare(key, curr.key());
            prev = curr;

            if(comparison == 0){
                curr._value = value;
            }else if(comparison < 0){
                curr = curr._left;
                lastChildLeft = true;
                curr = curr._right;
                lastChildLeft = false;

            prev._left = new BSTNode<K, V>(key, value);
        }else {
            prev._right = new BSTNode<K, V>(key, value);

    private void removeNode(BSTNode<K,V> curr){
        if(curr.left() == null && curr.right() == null){
            if(curr == _root){
                _root = null;
                if(curr.isLeft()) curr._parent._left = null;
                else curr._parent._right = null;
        else if(curr._left == null && curr._right != null){
            curr._key = curr._right._key;
            curr._value = curr._right._value;
            curr._left = curr._right._left;
            curr._right = curr._right._right;
        else if(curr._left != null && curr._right == null){
            curr._key = curr._left._key;
            curr._value = curr._left._value;
            curr._right = curr._left._right;
            curr._left = curr._left._left;
        else { // both left & right exist
            BSTNode<K,V> x = curr._left;
            // find right-most node of left sub-tree
            while (x._right != null){ 
                x = x._right;
            // move that to current
            curr._key = x._key;
            curr._value = x._value;
            // delete duplicate data

    public V remove(K key){
        BSTNode<K,V> curr = _root;
        V val = null;
        while(curr != null){
            int comparison = compare(key, curr.key());
            if(comparison == 0){
                val = curr._value;
            }else if(comparison < 0){
                curr = curr._left;
                curr = curr._right;

        return val;

    public Iterator<MyTree.Node<K,V>> iterator(){
        return new MyIterator();

    private class MyIterator implements Iterator<Node<K,V>>{
        int _startMod;
        Stack<BSTNode<K,V>> _stack;

        public MyIterator(){
            _startMod = MyBSTree.this.mod;
            _stack = new Stack<BSTNode<K, V>>();

            BSTNode<K,V> node = MyBSTree.this._root;
            while (node != null){
                node = node._left;

        public void remove(){
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public boolean hasNext(){
            if(MyBSTree.this.mod != _startMod){
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

            return !_stack.empty();

        public Node<K,V> next(){
            if(MyBSTree.this.mod != _startMod){
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

                throw new NoSuchElementException();

            BSTNode<K,V> node = _stack.pop();
            BSTNode<K,V> x = node._right;
            while (x != null){
                x = x._left;

            return node;

    public String toString(){
        if(_root == null) return "[]";

        return _root.toString();

    private static class BSTNode<K,V> implements Node<K,V>{
        K _key;
        V _value;
        BSTNode<K,V> _left, _right, _parent;

        public BSTNode(K key, V value){
            if(key == null){
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("key");

            _key = key;
            _value = value;

        public K key(){
            return _key;

        public V value(){
            return _value;

        public Node<K,V> left(){
            return _left;

        public Node<K,V> right(){
            return _right;

        public Node<K,V> parent(){
            return _parent;

        boolean isLeft(){
            if(_parent == null) return false;

            return _parent._left == this;

        boolean isRight(){
            if(_parent == null) return false;

            return _parent._right == this;

        public boolean equals(Object o){
            if(o == null){
                return false;

                BSTNode<K,V> node = (BSTNode<K,V>)o;
                return node._key.equals(_key) && ((_value == null && node._value == null) || (_value != null && _value.equals(node._value)));
            }catch (ClassCastException ex){
                return false;

        public int hashCode(){
            int hashCode = _key.hashCode();

            if(_value != null){
                hashCode ^= _value.hashCode();

            return hashCode;

        public String toString(){
            String leftStr = _left != null ? _left.toString() : "";
            String rightStr = _right != null ? _right.toString() : "";
            return "["+leftStr+" "+_key+" "+rightStr+"]";

Open multiple Projects/Folders in Visual Studio Code

You can install the Open Folder Context Menus for VS Code extension from Chris Dias

  • Restart Visual Studio Code
  • Right click a folder and select "Open New Workbench Here"

Open New Workbench Here

Replace HTML page with contents retrieved via AJAX

Here's how to do it in Prototype: $(id).update(data)

And jQuery: $('#id').replaceWith(data)

But document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=data should work too.

EDIT: Prototype and jQuery automatically evaluate scripts for you.

how to change a selections options based on another select option selected?

You can use switch case like this:

$(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
  $("#type").change(function () {_x000D_
     switch($(this).val()) {_x000D_
        case 'item1':_x000D_
            $("#size").html("<option value='test'>item1: test 1</option><option value='test2'>item1: test 2</option>");_x000D_
        case 'item2':_x000D_
            $("#size").html("<option value='test'>item2: test 1</option><option value='test2'>item2: test 2</option>");_x000D_
        case 'item3':_x000D_
            $("#size").html("<option value='test'>item3: test 1</option><option value='test2'>item3: test 2</option>");_x000D_
            $("#size").html("<option value=''>--select one--</option>");_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<select id="type">_x000D_
    <option value="item0">--Select an Item--</option>_x000D_
    <option value="item1">item1</option>_x000D_
    <option value="item2">item2</option>_x000D_
    <option value="item3">item3</option>_x000D_
<select id="size">_x000D_
    <option value="">-- select one -- </option>_x000D_

What is the difference between String and StringBuffer in Java?

A String is an immutable character array.

A StringBuffer is a mutable character array. Often converted back to String when done mutating.

Since both are an array, the maximum size for both is equal to the maximum size of an integer, which is 2^31-1 (see JavaDoc, also check out the JavaDoc for both String and StringBuffer).This is because the .length argument of an array is a primitive int. (See Arrays).

How can I set selected option selected in vue.js 2?

<select v-model="challan.warehouse_id">
<option value="">Select Warehouse</option>
<option v-for="warehouse in warehouses" v-bind:value=""  >
   {{ }}

Here "challan.warehouse_id" come from "challan" object you get from:

editChallan: function() {
    let that = this;'/api/challan_list/get_challan_data', {
    challan_id: that.challan_id
 .then(function (response) {
    that.challan =;
 .catch(function (error) {
    that.errors = error;

How does Django's Meta class work?

Inner Meta Class Document:

This document of django Model metadata is “anything that’s not a field”, such as ordering options (ordering), database table name (db_table), or human-readable singular and plural names (verbose_name and verbose_name_plural). None are required, and adding class Meta to a model is completely optional.

Using Jquery Ajax to retrieve data from Mysql

This answer was for @
Neha Gandhi but I modified it for  people who use pdo and mysqli sing mysql functions are not supported. Here is the new answer 

<!--Save this as index.php-->
      <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="//"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
     $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#display").click(function() {                
          $.ajax({    //create an ajax request to display.php
            type: "GET",
            url: "display.php",             
            dataType: "html",   //expect html to be returned                
            success: function(response){                    
    <h3 align="center">Manage Student Details</h3>
    <table border="1" align="center">
           <td> <input type="button" id="display" value="Display All Data" /> </td>
    <div id="responsecontainer" align="center">

// save this as display.php

    // show errors 
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    //errors ends here 
// call the page for connecting to the db
$get_member =" SELECT 
empid, lastName, firstName, email, usercode, companyid, userid, jobTitle, cell, employeetype, address ,initials   FROM employees";
$user_coder1 = $con->prepare($get_member);
$user_coder1 ->execute();

echo "<table border='1' >
<td align=center> <b>Roll No</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Name</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Address</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Stream</b></td></td>
<td align=center><b>Status</b></td>";

while($row =$user_coder1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$firstName = $row['firstName'];
$empid = $row['empid'];
$lastName =    $row['lastName'];
$cell =    $row['cell'];

    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td align=center>$firstName</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$empid</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$lastName </td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$cell</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$cell</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

// save this as dbconnector.php
function connected_Db(){

    $dsn  = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb;charset=utf8';
    $opt  = array(
    #echo "Yes we are connected";
    return new PDO($dsn,'username','password', $opt);
$con = connected_Db();
//echo "me  is connected ";
else {
//echo "Connection faid ";

android download pdf from url then open it with a pdf reader

Hi the problem is in FileDownloader class


You need to remove the above two lines and everything will work fine. Please mark the question as answered if it is working as expected.

Latest solution for the same problem is updated Android PDF Write / Read using Android 9 (API level 28)

Attaching the working code with screenshots.

enter image description here

enter image description here

package com.example.downloadread;


import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;

    public void download(View v)
        new DownloadFile().execute("", "maven.pdf"); 

    public void view(View v)
        File pdfFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/testthreepdf/" + "maven.pdf");  // -> filename = maven.pdf
        Uri path = Uri.fromFile(pdfFile);
        Intent pdfIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
        pdfIntent.setDataAndType(path, "application/pdf");

        }catch(ActivityNotFoundException e){
            Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "No Application available to view PDF", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    private class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void>{

        protected Void doInBackground(String... strings) {
            String fileUrl = strings[0];   // ->
            String fileName = strings[1];  // -> maven.pdf
            String extStorageDirectory = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();
            File folder = new File(extStorageDirectory, "testthreepdf");

            File pdfFile = new File(folder, fileName);

            }catch (IOException e){
            FileDownloader.downloadFile(fileUrl, pdfFile);
            return null;


package com.example.downloadread;


public class FileDownloader {
    private static final int  MEGABYTE = 1024 * 1024;

    public static void downloadFile(String fileUrl, File directory){
        try {

            URL url = new URL(fileUrl);
            HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();

            InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
            FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(directory);
            int totalSize = urlConnection.getContentLength();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[MEGABYTE];
            int bufferLength = 0;
            while((bufferLength =>0 ){
                fileOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
    android:versionName="1.0" >

        android:targetSdkVersion="18" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"></uses-permission>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"></uses-permission>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"></uses-permission>
        android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
            android:label="@string/app_name" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />



<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".MainActivity" >

        android:onClick="download" />

        android:onClick="view" />


Getting rid of \n when using .readlines()

This should do what you want (file contents in a list, by line, without \n)

with open(filename) as f:
    mylist = 

how to customize `show processlist` in mysql?

...We don't have a newer version of MySQL yet, so I was able to do this (works only on UNIX):


 echo "show full processlist\G" | mysql -h$host | grep -B 6 -A 1 Locked

The above will query for all locked sessions, and return the information and SQL that is involved.

...So- assuming you wanted to query for sessions that were sleeping:


  echo "show full processlist\G" | mysql -h$host | grep -B 6 -A 1 Sleep

Or, assuming you needed to provide additional connection parameters for MySQL:




  echo "show full processlist\G" | mysql -h$host -u$user -p$password | grep -B 6 -A 1 Locked

With a couple of tweaks, I'm sure a shell script could be easily created to query the processlist the way you want it.

Capture the screen shot using .NET

It's certainly possible to grab a screenshot using the .NET Framework. The simplest way is to create a new Bitmap object and draw into that using the Graphics.CopyFromScreen method.

Sample code:

using (Bitmap bmpScreenCapture = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, 
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenCapture))
                     0, 0,

Caveat: This method doesn't work properly for layered windows. Hans Passant's answer here explains the more complicated method required to get those in your screen shots.

How do I install Python 3 on an AWS EC2 instance?

Amazon Linux now supports python36.

python36-pip is not available. So need to follow a different route.

sudo yum install python36 python36-devel python36-libs python36-tools

# If you like to have pip3.6:
curl -O
sudo python3

How to compile a c++ program in Linux?

$ g++ 1st.cpp -o 1st

$ ./1st

if you found any error then first install g++ using code as below

$ sudo apt-get install g++

then install g++ and use above run code

rsync: difference between --size-only and --ignore-times

On a Scientific Linux 6.7 system, the man page on rsync says:

--ignore-times          don't skip files that match size and time

I have two files with identical contents, but with different creation dates:

[root@windstorm ~]# ls -ls /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
4 -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 1595 Feb 15 03:45 /tmp/master/usercron
4 -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 1595 Feb 16 04:52 /tmp/new/usercron

[root@windstorm ~]# diff /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
[root@windstorm ~]# md5sum /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
368165347b09204ce25e2fa0f61f3bbd  /tmp/master/usercron
368165347b09204ce25e2fa0f61f3bbd  /tmp/new/usercron

With --size-only, the two files are regarded the same:

[root@windstorm ~]# rsync -v --size-only -n  /tmp/new/usercron /tmp/master/usercron

sent 29 bytes  received 12 bytes  82.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1595  speedup is 38.90 (DRY RUN)

With --ignore-times, the two files are regarded different:

[root@windstorm ~]# rsync -v --ignore-times -n  /tmp/new/usercron /tmp/master/usercron

sent 32 bytes  received 15 bytes  94.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1595  speedup is 33.94 (DRY RUN)

So it does not looks like --ignore-times has any effect at all.

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered

See my post on a similar Stack Exchange thread

I had version 15, not 12 installed, which I found out by running this PowerShell code...


...which gave me this result (I've removed other data sources for brevity)...

SOURCES_NAME              SOURCES_DESCRIPTION                                                                       
------------              -------------------                                                                       
Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0  Microsoft Office 15.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider

Why is there still a row limit in Microsoft Excel?

In a word - speed. An index for up to a million rows fits in a 32-bit word, so it can be used efficiently on 32-bit processors. Function arguments that fit in a CPU register are extremely efficient, while ones that are larger require accessing memory on each function call, a far slower operation. Updating a spreadsheet can be an intensive operation involving many cell references, so speed is important. Besides, the Excel team expects that anyone dealing with more than a million rows will be using a database rather than a spreadsheet.

Iterate over object attributes in python

For all the pythonian zealots out there I'm sure Johan Cleeze would approve of your dogmatism ;). I'm leaving this answer keep demeriting it It actually makes me more confidant. Leave a comment you chickens!

For python 3.6

class SomeClass:

    def attr_list1(self, should_print=False):

        for k in self.__dict__.keys():
            v = self.__dict__.__getitem__(k)
            if should_print:
                print(f"attr: {k}    value: {v}")

    def attr_list(self, should_print=False):

        b = [(k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()]
        if should_print:
            [print(f"attr: {a[0]}    value: {a[1]}") for a in b]
        return b

mysql: get record count between two date-time

for speed you can do this

WHERE date(created_at) ='2019-10-21'

xpath find if node exists

Patrick is correct, both in the use of the xsl:if, and in the syntax for checking for the existence of a node. However, as Patrick's response implies, there is no xsl equivalent to if-then-else, so if you are looking for something more like an if-then-else, you're normally better off using xsl:choose and xsl:otherwise. So, Patrick's example syntax will work, but this is an alternative:

 <xsl:when test="/html/body">body node exists</xsl:when>
 <xsl:otherwise>body node missing</xsl:otherwise>

Convert UTC datetime string to local datetime

If you want to get the correct result even for the time that corresponds to an ambiguous local time (e.g., during a DST transition) and/or the local utc offset is different at different times in your local time zone then use pytz timezones:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from datetime import datetime
import pytz    # $ pip install pytz
import tzlocal # $ pip install tzlocal

local_timezone = tzlocal.get_localzone() # get pytz tzinfo
utc_time = datetime.strptime("2011-01-21 02:37:21", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
local_time = utc_time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(local_timezone)

Passing structs to functions

It is possible to construct a struct inside the function arguments:

function({ .variable = PUT_DATA_HERE });

How to get all Errors from ASP.Net MVC modelState?

<div class="text-danger" style="direction:rtl" asp-validation-summary="All"></div>

simply use asp-validation-summary Tag Helper

The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml": "Scripts"

I searched for the error in the web and came to this page. I am using Visual Studio 2015 and this is my first MVC project.

If you miss the @ symbol before the render section you will get the same error. I would like to share this for future beginners.

 @RenderSection("headscripts", required: false)

How can I wrap or break long text/word in a fixed width span?

Just to extend the pratical scope of the question and as an appendix to the given answers: Sometimes one might find it necessary to specify the selectors a little bit more.

By defining the the full span as display:inline-block you might have a hard time displaying images.

Therefore I prefer to define a span like so:

span {
p span, a span,
h1 span, h2 span, h3 span, h4 span, h5 span {

Assign null to a SqlParameter

if (AgeItem.AgeIndex== null)  
    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ParaMeterName", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DBNull);  
    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("ParaMeterName", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = AgeItem.AgeIndex);

byte array to pdf

Usually this happens if something is wrong with the byte array.

File.WriteAllBytes("filename.PDF", Byte[]);

This creates a new file, writes the specified byte array to the file, and then closes the file. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.

Asynchronous implementation of this is also available.

public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task WriteAllBytesAsync 
(string path, byte[] bytes, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = null);

GoTo Next Iteration in For Loop in java

If you want to skip current iteration, use continue;.

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    if (i == 2){

Need to break out of the whole loop? Use break;

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
    if (i == 2){

If you need to break out of more than one loop use break someLabel;

outerLoop:                                           // Label the loop
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++){
     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
        if (i==2){
          break outerLoop;

*Note that in this case you are not marking a point in code to jump to, you are labeling the loop! So after the break the code will continue right after the loop!

When you need to skip one iteration in nested loops use continue someLabel;, but you can also combine them all.

for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++){
     for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
        if (i + j == 2){
          continue innerLoop;
        if (i + j == 4){
          continue outerLoop;
        if (i + j == 6){
          break innerLoop;
        if (i + j == 8){
          break outerLoop;

Split text file into smaller multiple text file using command line

Syntax looks like:

$ split [OPTION] [INPUT [PREFIX]] 

where prefix is PREFIXaa, PREFIXab, ...

Just use proper one and youre done or just use mv for renameing. I think $ mv * *.txt should work but test it first on smaller scale.


Return in Scala

Don't write if statements without a corresponding else. Once you add the else to your fragment you'll see that your true and false are in fact the last expressions of the function.

def balanceMain(elem: List[Char]): Boolean =
    if (elem.isEmpty)
      if (count == 0)
      if (elem.head == '(')
        balanceMain(elem.tail, open, count + 1)


In my case, I used the ssl module to "workaround" the certification like so:

import ssl

ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

Then to read your link content, you can use:



  • TEXT and BLOB may by stored off the table with the table just having a pointer to the location of the actual storage. Where it is stored depends on lots of things like data size, columns size, row_format, and MySQL version.

  • VARCHAR is stored inline with the table. VARCHAR is faster when the size is reasonable, the tradeoff of which would be faster depends upon your data and your hardware, you'd want to benchmark a real-world scenario with your data.

How to compare two Carbon Timestamps?

Carbon has a bunch of comparison functions with mnemonic names:

  • equalTo()
  • notEqualTo()
  • greaterThan()
  • greaterThanOrEqualTo()
  • lessThan()
  • lessThanOrEqualTo()


     // edited at is newer than created at

Valid for nesbot/carbon 1.36.2

if you are not sure what Carbon version you are on, run this

$composer show "nesbot/carbon"


Adding div element to body or document in JavaScript

Instead of replacing everything with innerHTML try:


I get a "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format" error on a SQL Server replication project

We recently had the issue when trying to run the code from Visual Studio. In that case you need to do
TOOLS > OPTIONS > Projects and Solutions > WEB PROJECTS and check the "Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects".

PHP array: count or sizeof?

According to phpbench:

Is it worth the effort to calculate the length of the loop in advance?

//pre-calculate the size of array
$size = count($x); //or $size = sizeOf($x);

for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) {

//don't pre-calculate
for ($i=0; $i<count($x); $i++) { //or $i<sizeOf($x);

A loop with 1000 keys with 1 byte values are given.

                  | count() | sizeof() |
| With precalc    |     152 |      212 |
| Without precalc |   70401 |    50644 |
+-----------------+---------+----------+  (time in µs)

So I personally prefer to use count() instead of sizeof() with pre calc.

How do you create a hidden div that doesn't create a line break or horizontal space?

Use style="display: none;". Also, you probably don't need to have the DIV, just setting the style to display: none on the checkbox would probably be sufficient.

PHPExcel set border and format for all sheets in spreadsheet

To answer your extra question:

You can set which rows should be repeated on every page using:

$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getPageSetup()->setRowsToRepeatAtTopByStartAndEnd(1, 5);

Now, row 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be repeated.

Get the closest number out of an array

Works with unsorted arrays

While there were some good solutions posted here, JavaScript is a flexible language that gives us tools to solve a problem in many different ways. It all comes down to your style, of course. If your code is more functional, you'll find the reduce variation suitable, i.e.:

  arr.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
    return (Math.abs(curr - goal) < Math.abs(prev - goal) ? curr : prev);

However, some might find that hard to read, depending on their coding style. Therefore I propose a new way of solving the problem:

  var findClosest = function (x, arr) {
    var indexArr = { return Math.abs(k - x) })
    var min = Math.min.apply(Math, indexArr)
    return arr[indexArr.indexOf(min)]

  findClosest(80, [2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202, 242, 282, 322, 362]) // Outputs 82

Contrary to other approaches finding the minimum value using Math.min.apply, this one doesn't require the input array arr to be sorted. We don't need to care about the indexes or sort it beforehand.

I'll explain the code line by line for clarity:

  1. { return Math.abs(k - x) }) Creates a new array, essentially storing the absolute values of the given numbers (number in arr) minus the input number (x). We'll look for the smallest number next (which is also the closest to the input number)
  2. Math.min.apply(Math, indexArr) This is a legit way of finding the smallest number in the array we've just created before (nothing more to it)
  3. arr[indexArr.indexOf(min)] This is perhaps the most interesting part. We have found our smallest number, but we're not sure if we should add or subtract the initial number (x). That's because we used Math.abs() to find the difference. However, creates (logically) a map of the input array, keeping the indexes in the same place. Therefore, to find out the closest number we just return the index of the found minimum in the given array indexArr.indexOf(min).

I've created a bin demonstrating it.

Using a dictionary to count the items in a list

L = ['apple','red','apple','red','red','pear']
d = {}
[d.__setitem__(item,1+d.get(item,0)) for item in L]
print d 

Gives {'pear': 1, 'apple': 2, 'red': 3}

python: create list of tuples from lists

Use the builtin function zip():

In Python 3:

z = list(zip(x,y))

In Python 2:

z = zip(x,y)

How to nicely format floating numbers to string without unnecessary decimal 0's

In short:

If you want to get rid of trailing zeros and locale problems, then you should use:

double myValue = 0.00000021d;

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH));
df.setMaximumFractionDigits(340); //340 = DecimalFormat.DOUBLE_FRACTION_DIGITS

System.out.println(df.format(myValue)); //output: 0.00000021


Why other answers did not suit me:

  • Double.toString() or System.out.println or FloatingDecimal.toJavaFormatString uses scientific notations if double is less than 10^-3 or greater than or equal to 10^7

     double myValue = 0.00000021d;
     String.format("%s", myvalue); //output: 2.1E-7
  • by using %f, the default decimal precision is 6, otherwise you can hardcode it, but it results in extra zeros added if you have fewer decimals. Example:

     double myValue = 0.00000021d;
     String.format("%.12f", myvalue); // Output: 0.000000210000
  • by using setMaximumFractionDigits(0); or %.0f you remove any decimal precision, which is fine for integers/longs but not for double

     double myValue = 0.00000021d;
     System.out.println(String.format("%.0f", myvalue)); // Output: 0
     DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0");
     System.out.println(df.format(myValue)); // Output: 0
  • by using DecimalFormat, you are local dependent. In the French locale, the decimal separator is a comma, not a point:

     double myValue = 0.00000021d;
     DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0");
     System.out.println(df.format(myvalue)); // Output: 0,00000021

    Using the ENGLISH locale makes sure you get a point for decimal separator, wherever your program will run.

Why using 340 then for setMaximumFractionDigits?

Two reasons:

  • setMaximumFractionDigits accepts an integer, but its implementation has a maximum digits allowed of DecimalFormat.DOUBLE_FRACTION_DIGITS which equals 340
  • Double.MIN_VALUE = 4.9E-324 so with 340 digits you are sure not to round your double and lose precision

How do you clear the focus in javascript?

Answer: document.activeElement

To do what you want, use document.activeElement.blur()

If you need to support Firefox 2, you can also use this:

function onElementFocused(e)
    if (e &&
        document.activeElement = == document ? null :;

if (document.addEventListener) 
    document.addEventListener("focus", onElementFocused, true);

Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found, on the build server. What's your solution?

My solution is a mix of several answers here.

I checked the build server, and Windows7/NET4.0 SDK was already installed, so I did find the path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v9.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets`

However, on this line:

<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v9.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />

$(MSBuildExtensionsPath) expands to C:\Program Files\MSBuild which does not have the path.

Therefore what I did was to create a symlink, using this command:

mklink /J "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio"

This way the $(MSBuildExtensionsPath) expands to a valid path, and no changes are needed in the app itself, only in the build server (perhaps one could create the symlink every build, to make sure this step is not lost and is "documented").

Untrack files from git temporarily

To remove all Untrack files. Try this terminal command

 git clean -fdx

Adding input elements dynamically to form

You could use an onclick event handler in order to get the input value for the text field. Make sure you give the field an unique id attribute so you can refer to it safely through document.getElementById():

If you want to dynamically add elements, you should have a container where to place them. For instance, a <div id="container">. Create new elements by means of document.createElement(), and use appendChild() to append each of them to the container. You might be interested in outputting a meaningful name attribute (e.g. name="member"+i for each of the dynamically generated <input>s if they are to be submitted in a form.

Notice you could also create <br/> elements with document.createElement('br'). If you want to just output some text, you can use document.createTextNode() instead.

Also, if you want to clear the container every time it is about to be populated, you could use hasChildNodes() and removeChild() together.

    <script type='text/javascript'>
        function addFields(){
            // Number of inputs to create
            var number = document.getElementById("member").value;
            // Container <div> where dynamic content will be placed
            var container = document.getElementById("container");
            // Clear previous contents of the container
            while (container.hasChildNodes()) {
            for (i=0;i<number;i++){
                // Append a node with a random text
                container.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Member " + (i+1)));
                // Create an <input> element, set its type and name attributes
                var input = document.createElement("input");
                input.type = "text";
       = "member" + i;
                // Append a line break 
    <input type="text" id="member" name="member" value="">Number of members: (max. 10)<br />
    <a href="#" id="filldetails" onclick="addFields()">Fill Details</a>
    <div id="container"/>

See a working sample in this JSFiddle.

C++ cast to derived class

You can't cast a base object to a derived type - it isn't of that type.

If you have a base type pointer to a derived object, then you can cast that pointer around using dynamic_cast. For instance:

DerivedType D;
BaseType B;

BaseType *B_ptr=&B
BaseType *D_ptr=&D;// get a base pointer to derived type

DerivedType *derived_ptr1=dynamic_cast<DerivedType*>(D_ptr);// works fine
DerivedType *derived_ptr2=dynamic_cast<DerivedType*>(B_ptr);// returns NULL

Setting Android Theme background color

Open res -> values -> styles.xml and to your <style> add this line replacing with your image path <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background</item>. Example:


    <!-- Base application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
        <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/background</item>


There is a <item name ="android:colorBackground">@color/black</item> also, that will affect not only your main window background but all the component in your app. Read about customize theme here.

If you want version specific styles:

If a new version of Android adds theme attributes that you want to use, you can add them to your theme while still being compatible with old versions. All you need is another styles.xml file saved in a values directory that includes the resource version qualifier. For example:

res/values/styles.xml        # themes for all versions
res/values-v21/styles.xml    # themes for API level 21+ only

Because the styles in the values/styles.xml file are available for all versions, your themes in values-v21/styles.xml can inherit them. As such, you can avoid duplicating styles by beginning with a "base" theme and then extending it in your version-specific styles.

Read more here(doc in theme).

When would you use the Builder Pattern?

For a multi-threaded problem, we needed a complex object to be built up for each thread. The object represented the data being processed, and could change depending on the user input.

Could we use a factory instead? Yes

Why didn't we? Builder makes more sense I guess.

Factories are used for creating different types of objects that are the same basic type (implement the same interface or base class).

Builders build the same type of object over and over, but the construction is dynamic so it can be changed at runtime.

Difference between npx and npm?

NPM is a package manager, you can install node.js packages using NPM

NPX is a tool to execute node.js packages.

It doesn't matter whether you installed that package globally or locally. NPX will temporarily install it and run it. NPM also can run packages if you configure a package.json file and include it in the script section.

So remember this, if you want to check/run a node package quickly without installing locally or globally use NPX.

npM - Manager

npX - Execute - easy to remember

How to set order of repositories in Maven settings.xml

As far as I know, the order of the repositories in your pom.xml will also decide the order of the repository access.

As for configuring repositories in settings.xml, I've read that the order of repositories is interestingly enough the inverse order of how the repositories will be accessed.

Here a post where someone explains this curiosity:

Filter items which array contains any of given values

Whilst this an old question, I ran into this problem myself recently and some of the answers here are now deprecated (as the comments point out). So for the benefit of others who may have stumbled here:

A term query can be used to find the exact term specified in the reverse index:

  "query": {
   "term" : { "tags" : "a" }

From the documenation

Alternatively you can use a terms query, which will match all documents with any of the items specified in the given array:

  "query": {
   "terms" : { "tags" : ["a", "c"]}

One gotcha to be aware of (which caught me out) - how you define the document also makes a difference. If the field you're searching in has been indexed as a text type then Elasticsearch will perform a full text search (i.e using an analyzed string).

If you've indexed the field as a keyword then a keyword search using a 'non-analyzed' string is performed. This can have a massive practical impact as Analyzed strings are pre-processed (lowercased, punctuation dropped etc.) See (

To avoid these issues, the string field has split into two new types: text, which should be used for full-text search, and keyword, which should be used for keyword search. (

"Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module..."

You just have to go to your Module settings > Project and specify a "Project compiler output" and make your modules inherit from project. (For that go to Modules > Paths > Inherit project.

This did the trick for me.

Why is document.write considered a "bad practice"?

Here's my twopence worth, in general you shouldn't use document.write for heavy lifting, but there is one instance where it is definitely useful:

I discovered this recently trying to create an AJAX slider gallery. I created two nested divs, and applied width/height and overflow: hidden to the outer <div> with JS. This was so that in the event that the browser had JS disabled, the div would float to accommodate the images in the gallery - some nice graceful degradation.

Thing is, as with the article above, this JS hijacking of the CSS didn't kick in until the page had loaded, causing a momentary flash as the div was loaded. So I needed to write a CSS rule, or include a sheet, as the page loaded.

Obviously, this won't work in XHTML, but since XHTML appears to be something of a dead duck (and renders as tag soup in IE) it might be worth re-evaluating your choice of DOCTYPE...

EF 5 Enable-Migrations : No context type was found in the assembly

Thanks for the suggestions, I solved the problem by combining all the solutions here. At first I created the DbContext Model:

 public class MyDbContext: DbContext
        public MyDbContext()

After creating the dbcontext class, I ran the enable-migration command with the project Name: enable-migrations -ProjectName YourProjectName

Python - abs vs fabs

math.fabs() converts its argument to float if it can (if it can't, it throws an exception). It then takes the absolute value, and returns the result as a float.

In addition to floats, abs() also works with integers and complex numbers. Its return type depends on the type of its argument.

In [7]: type(abs(-2))
Out[7]: int

In [8]: type(abs(-2.0))
Out[8]: float

In [9]: type(abs(3+4j))
Out[9]: float

In [10]: type(math.fabs(-2))
Out[10]: float

In [11]: type(math.fabs(-2.0))
Out[11]: float

In [12]: type(math.fabs(3+4j))
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/npe/<ipython-input-12-8368761369da> in <module>()
----> 1 type(math.fabs(3+4j))

TypeError: can't convert complex to float

Format numbers in JavaScript similar to C#

Here's a simple JS function to add commas to an integer number in string format. It will handle whole numbers or decimal numbers. You can pass it either a number or a string. It obviously returns a string.

function addCommas(str) {
    var parts = (str + "").split("."),
        main = parts[0],
        len = main.length,
        output = "",
        first = main.charAt(0),

    if (first === '-') {
        main = main.slice(1);
        len = main.length;    
    } else {
        first = "";
    i = len - 1;
    while(i >= 0) {
        output = main.charAt(i) + output;
        if ((len - i) % 3 === 0 && i > 0) {
            output = "," + output;
    // put sign back
    output = first + output;
    // put decimal part back
    if (parts.length > 1) {
        output += "." + parts[1];
    return output;

Here's a set of test cases:

You can see it being used in this previous jsFiddle: You can find functions that will handle decimal numbers too with a simple Google search for "javascript add commas".

Converting a number to a string can be done many ways. The easiest is just to add it to a string:

var myNumber = 3;
var myStr = "" + myNumber;   // "3"

Within, the context of your jsFiddle, you'd get commas into the counter by changing this line:


to this:


You can see it working here:

How to change context root of a dynamic web project in Eclipse?

In the java project, open .settings folder. there locate the file named "org.eclipse.wst.common.component" . Change tag <wb-module deploy-name="NEW_NAME"> .

Also you may want to change context root in project properties

How can building a heap be O(n) time complexity?

Successive insertions can be described by:

T = O(log(1) + log(2) + .. + log(n)) = O(log(n!))

By starling approximation, n! =~ O(n^(n + O(1))), therefore T =~ O(nlog(n))

Hope this helps, the optimal way O(n) is using the build heap algorithm for a given set (ordering doesn't matter).

Set select option 'selected', by value

You can select on any attribute and its value by using the attribute selector [attributename=optionalvalue], so in your case you can select the option and set the selected attribute.

$("div.id_100 > select > option[value=" + value + "]").prop("selected",true);

Where value is the value you wish to select by.

If you need to removed any prior selected values, as would be the case if this is used multiple times you'd need to change it slightly so as to first remove the selected attribute

$("div.id_100 option:selected").prop("selected",false);
$("div.id_100 option[value=" + value + "]")

commons httpclient - Adding query string parameters to GET/POST request

The HttpParams interface isn't there for specifying query string parameters, it's for specifying runtime behaviour of the HttpClient object.

If you want to pass query string parameters, you need to assemble them on the URL yourself, e.g.

new HttpGet(url + "key1=" + value1 + ...);

Remember to encode the values first (using URLEncoder).

How to do parallel programming in Python?

The solution, as others have said, is to use multiple processes. Which framework is more appropriate, however, depends on many factors. In addition to the ones already mentioned, there is also charm4py and mpi4py (I am the developer of charm4py).

There is a more efficient way to implement the above example than using the worker pool abstraction. The main loop sends the same parameters (including the complete graph G) over and over to workers in each of the 1000 iterations. Since at least one worker will reside on a different process, this involves copying and sending the arguments to the other process(es). This could be very costly depending on the size of the objects. Instead, it makes sense to have workers store state and simply send the updated information.

For example, in charm4py this can be done like this:

class Worker(Chare):

    def __init__(self, Q, G, n):
        self.G = G

    def setinner(self, node1, node2):
        self.updateGraph(node1, node2)

def solve(Q, G, n):
    # create 2 workers, each on a different process, passing the initial state
    worker_a = Chare(Worker, onPE=0, args=[Q, G, n])
    worker_b = Chare(Worker, onPE=1, args=[Q, G, n])
    while i < 1000:
        result_a = worker_a.setinner(node1, node2, ret=True)  # execute setinner on worker A
        result_b = worker_b.setouter(node1, node2, ret=True)  # execute setouter on worker B

        inneropt, partition, x = result_a.get()  # wait for result from worker A
        outeropt = result_b.get()  # wait for result from worker B

Note that for this example we really only need one worker. The main loop could execute one of the functions, and have the worker execute the other. But my code helps to illustrate a couple of things:

  1. Worker A runs in process 0 (same as the main loop). While result_a.get() is blocked waiting on the result, worker A does the computation in the same process.
  2. Arguments are automatically passed by reference to worker A, since it is in the same process (there is no copying involved).

How can I get a Unicode character's code?

For me, only "Integer.toHexString(registered)" worked the way I wanted:

char registered = '®';

This answer will give you only string representations what are usually presented in the tables. Jon Skeet's answer explains more.

Difference between Method and Function?

When a function is a part of a class, it's called a method.

C# is an OOP language and doesn't have functions that are declared outside of classes, that's why all functions in C# are actually methods.

Though, beside this formal difference, they are the same...

How to fix the Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library for windows 7?

In my case I have moved plugins folder mistakenly to another folder while taking backup of my unnecessary projects. Then while I was trying to run the eclipse.exe I was getting the error-

The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.

I have simply copied the plugins folder to eclipse root directory, and it was working fine for me.

If you have the folders backup in your computer then just copy and paste the folders on eclipse directory, you don't need to reinstall or change the ini file so far I realized.

What are the options for (keyup) in Angular2?

you can add keyup event like this

template: `
  <input (keyup)="onKey($event)">

in Component, code some like below

export class KeyUpComponent_v1 {
  values = '';

  onKey(event:any) { // without type info
    this.values += + ' | ';

python for increment inner loop

In python, for loops iterate over iterables, instead of incrementing a counter, so you have a couple choices. Using a skip flag like Artsiom recommended is one way to do it. Another option is to make a generator from your range and manually advance it by discarding an element using next().

iGen = (i for i in range(0, 6))
for i in iGen:
    print i
    if not i % 2:

But this isn't quite complete because next() might throw a StopIteration if it reaches the end of the range, so you have to add some logic to detect that and break out of the outer loop if that happens.

In the end, I'd probably go with aw4ully's solution with the while loops.

How many characters in varchar(max)


varchar [ ( n | max ) ] Variable-length, non-Unicode character data. n can be a value from 1 through 8,000. max indicates that the maximum storage size is 2^31-1 bytes. The storage size is the actual length of data entered + 2 bytes. The data entered can be 0 characters in length. The ISO synonyms for varchar are char varying or character varying.

1 character = 1 byte. And don't forget 2 bytes for the termination. So, 2^31-3 characters.

fatal: ambiguous argument 'origin': unknown revision or path not in the working tree

This worked for me on win replace REL_PATH_TO_FILE with the relative path to the file to remove Removing sensitive data from a repository The docs say full path - but that errored for me -so I tried rel path and it worked.

<from the repo dir>git filter-branch --force --index-filter "git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch REL_PATH_TO_FILE" --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all

How to display a readable array - Laravel

Maybe try kint: composer require raveren/kint "dev-master" More information: Why is my debug data unformatted?

Git pull a certain branch from GitHub

Simply put, If you want to pull from GitHub the branch the_branch_I_want:

git fetch origin
git branch -f the_branch_I_want origin/the_branch_I_want
git checkout the_branch_I_want

Simulator or Emulator? What is the difference?

Simulation = For analysis and study

Emulation = For usage as a substitute

A simulator is an environment which models but an emulator is one that replicates the usage as on the original device or system.

Simulator mimics the activity of something that it is simulating. It "appears"(a lot can go with this "appears", depending on the context) to be the same as the thing being simulated. For example the flight simulator "appears" to be a real flight to the user, although it does not transport you from one place to another.

Emulator, on the other hand, actually "does" what the thing being emulated does, and in doing so it too "appears to be doing the same thing". An emulator may use different set of protocols for mimicking the thing being emulated, but the result/outcome is always the same as the original object. For example, EMU8086 emulates the 8086 microprocessor on your computer, which obviously is not running on 8086 (= different protocols), but the output it gives is what a real 8086 would give.

How can I make a "color map" plot in matlab?

By default mesh will color surface values based on the (default) jet colormap (i.e. hot is higher). You can additionally use surf for filled surface patches and set the 'EdgeColor' property to 'None' (so the patch edges are non-visible).

[X,Y] = meshgrid(-8:.5:8);
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) + eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;

% surface in 3D

enter image description here

2D map: You can get a 2D map by switching the view property of the figure

% 2D map using view

enter image description here

... or treating the values in Z as a matrix, viewing it as a scaled image using imagesc and selecting an appropriate colormap.

% using imagesc to view just Z
colormap jet; 

enter image description here

The color pallet of the map is controlled by colormap(map), where map can be custom or any of the built-in colormaps provided by MATLAB:

enter image description here

Update/Refining the map: Several design options on the map (resolution, smoothing, axis etc.) can be controlled by the regular MATLAB options. As @Floris points out, here is a smoothed, equal-axis, no-axis labels maps, adapted to this example:

surf(X, Y, Z,'EdgeColor', 'None', 'facecolor', 'interp');
axis equal; 
axis off;

enter image description here

How to save data file into .RData?

There are three ways to save objects from your R session:

Saving all objects in your R session:

The save.image() function will save all objects currently in your R session:


These objects can then be loaded back into a new R session using the load() function:


Saving some objects in your R session:

If you want to save some, but not all objects, you can use the save() function:

save(city, country, file="1.RData")

Again, these can be reloaded into another R session using the load() function:


Saving a single object

If you want to save a single object you can use the saveRDS() function:

saveRDS(city, file="city.rds")
saveRDS(country, file="country.rds") 

You can load these into your R session using the readRDS() function, but you will need to assign the result into a the desired variable:

city <- readRDS("city.rds")
country <- readRDS("country.rds")

But this also means you can give these objects new variable names if needed (i.e. if those variables already exist in your new R session but contain different objects):

city_list <- readRDS("city.rds")
country_vector <- readRDS("country.rds")

What's the difference between commit() and apply() in SharedPreferences

commit() writes the data synchronously and returns a boolean value of success or failure depending on the result immediately.

apply() is asynchronous and it won’t return any boolean response. Also if there is an apply() outstanding and we perform another commit(). The commit() will be blocked until the apply() is not completed.

Styling twitter bootstrap buttons

If you are already loading your own custom CSS file after loading bootstrap.css (version 3) you can add these 2 CSS styles to your custom.css and they will override the bootstrap defaults for the default button style.

.btn-primary:hover, .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary:active,, .open .dropdown-toggle.btn-primary {

  background-color: #A6A8C1;
  border-color: #31347B;

  background-color: #9F418F;
  border-color: #9F418F;

List vs tuple, when to use each?

But if I am the one who designs the API and gets to choose the data types, then what are the guidelines?

For input parameters it's best to accept the most generic interface that does what you need. It is seldom just a tuple or list - more often it's sequence, sliceable or even iterable. Python's duck typing usually gets it for free, unless you explicitly check input types. Don't do that unless absolutely unavoidable.

For the data that you produce (output parameters) just return what's most convenient for you, e.g. return whatever datatype you keep or whatever your helper function returns.

One thing to keep in mind is to avoid returning a list (or any other mutable) that's part of your state, e.g.

class ThingsKeeper
    def __init__(self):
        self.__things = []

    def things(self):
        return self.__things  #outside objects can now modify your state

    def safer(self):
        return self.__things[:]  #it's copy-on-write, shouldn't hurt performance

How do I access call log for android?

This is for accessing phone call history:

As of Jellybean (4.1) you need the following permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG" />


 Uri allCalls = Uri.parse("content://call_log/calls");
 Cursor c = managedQuery(allCalls, null, null, null, null);

String num= c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.NUMBER));// for  number
String name= c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME));// for name
String duration = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.DURATION));// for duration
int type = Integer.parseInt(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.TYPE)));// for call type, Incoming or out going.

How can I suppress column header output for a single SQL statement?

You can fake it like this:

-- with column headings 
select column1, column2 from some_table;

-- without column headings
select column1 as '', column2 as '' from some_table;

How do I download a package from apt-get without installing it?

Don't forget the option "-o", which lets you download anywhere you want, although you have to create "archives", "lock" and "partial" first (the command prints what's needed).

apt-get install -d -o=dir::cache=/tmp whateveryouwant

Log4net does not write the log in the log file

In my case, log4net wasn't logging properly due to having a space in my project name. Drove me nuts why the same code worked just fine in a different project, but didn't in the new one. Spaces. A simple space.

So, beware spaces in project names. I've learned my lesson.

Command not found after npm install in zsh

For me the accepted answer for adding export PATH=/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH to .zshrc didn't work. I tried adding the NVM_DIR as well which solved my issue.

  1. Try vi .bashrc
  2. You will find a line like the following. Copy it.

    export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion

  3. Paste the copied content to .zshrc file

  4. Restart the terminal

I hope this solves your issue.

How can I trigger a Bootstrap modal programmatically?

In order to manually show the modal pop up you have to do this


You previously need to initialize it with show: false so it won't show until you manually do it.

$('#myModal').modal({ show: false})

Where myModal is the id of the modal container.

jquery: $(window).scrollTop() but no $(window).scrollBottom()

// Back to bottom button
$(window).scroll(function () {
    var scrollBottom = $(this).scrollTop() + $(this).height();
    var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
    var pageHeight = $('html, body').height();//Fixed

    if ($(this).scrollTop() > pageHeight - 700) {
    } else {
        if ($(this).scrollTop() < 100) {
        else {
$('.back-to-bottom').click(function () {
    var pageHeight = $('html, body').height();//Fixed
    $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: pageHeight }, 1500, 'easeInOutExpo');
    return false;

For loop in Oracle SQL

You will certainly be able to do that using WITH clause, or use analytic functions available in Oracle SQL.

With some effort you'd be able to get anything out of them in terms of cycles as in ordinary procedural languages. Both approaches are pretty powerful compared to ordinary SQL.

It requires some effort though. Don't be afraid to post a concrete example.

Using simple pseudo table DUAL helps too.

SyntaxError: "can't assign to function call"

Syntactically, this line makes no sense:

invest(initial_amount,top_company(5,year,year+1)) = subsequent_amount

You are attempting to assign a value to a function call, as the error says. What are you trying to accomplish? If you're trying set subsequent_amount to the value of the function call, switch the order:

subsequent_amount = invest(initial_amount,top_company(5,year,year+1))

Wildcards in jQuery selectors

Since the title suggests wildcard you could also use this:

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="jander1"></div>_x000D_
<div id="jander2"></div>

This will select the given string anywhere in the id.

What's the easy way to auto create non existing dir in ansible

AFAIK, the only way this could be done is by using the state=directory option. While template module supports most of copy options, which in turn supports most file options, you can not use something like state=directory with it. Moreover, it would be quite confusing (would it mean that {{project_root}}/conf/code.conf is a directory ? or would it mean that {{project_root}}/conf/ should be created first.

So I don't think this is possible right now without adding a previous file task.

- file: 
    path: "{{project_root}}/conf"
    state: directory
    recurse: yes

How to convert a string with comma-delimited items to a list in Python?

m = '[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]'

m= eval(m.split()[0])

[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

Location of WSDL.exe

In case anyone using VS 2008 (.NET 3.5) is also looking for the wsdl.exe. I found it here:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\wsdl.exe

CRON job to run on the last day of the month

55 23 28-31 * * echo "[ $(date -d +1day +%d) -eq 1 ] &&" | /bin/bash 

How can I display an image from a file in Jupyter Notebook?

Courtesy of this post, you can do the following:

from IPython.display import Image

(official docs)

NSDate get year/month/day

Just to reword Itai's excellent (and working!) code, here's what a sample helper class would look like, to return the year value of a given NSDate variable.

As you can see, it's easy enough to modify this code to get the month or day.

    NSDateComponents *components = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:NSDayCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSYearCalendarUnit fromDate:date];

    int year = [components year];
    int month = [components month];
    int day = [components day];

    return year;

(I can't believe we're having to write our own basic iOS date functions like this, in 2013...)

One other thing: don't ever use < and > to compare two NSDate values.

XCode will happily accept such code (without any errors or warnings), but its results are a lottery. You must use the "compare" function to compare NSDates:

if ([date1 compare:date2] == NSOrderedDescending) {
    // date1 is greater than date2        

How to form tuple column from two columns in Pandas

Get comfortable with zip. It comes in handy when dealing with column data.

df['new_col'] = list(zip(, df.long))

It's less complicated and faster than using apply or map. Something like np.dstack is twice as fast as zip, but wouldn't give you tuples.

What is the significance of load factor in HashMap?

From the documentation:

The load factor is a measure of how full the hash table is allowed to get before its capacity is automatically increased

It really depends on your particular requirements, there's no "rule of thumb" for specifying an initial load factor.

MYSQL import data from csv using LOAD DATA INFILE

Insert bulk more than 7000000 record in 1 minutes in database(superfast query with calculation)

mysqli_query($cons, '
    LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "'.$file.'"
    INTO TABLE tablename
     SET RRP = IF(discount = 0.00,price-price * 45/100,IF(discount = 0.01,price,IF(discount != 0.00,price-price * discount/100,@RRP))),
         RRP_nl = RRP * 1.44 + 8,
         RRP_bl = RRP * 1.44 + 8,
         ID = NULL
$affected = (int) (mysqli_affected_rows($cons))-1; 
$log->lwrite('Inventory.CSV to database:'. $affected.' record inserted successfully.');

RRP and RRP_nl and RRP_bl is not in csv but we are calculated that and after insert that.

Generate random number between two numbers in JavaScript


Random Integer: to get a random integer between min and max, use the following code

function getRandomInteger(min, max) {
  min = Math.ceil(min);
  max = Math.floor(max);
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;

Random Floating Point Number: to get a random floating point number between min and max, use the following code

function getRandomFloat(min, max) {
  return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;


JSP : JSTL's <c:out> tag

You can explicitly enable escaping of Xml entities by using an attribute escapeXml value equals to true. FYI, it's by default "true".

php exec() is not executing the command

I already said that I was new to exec() function. After doing some more digging, I came upon 2>&1 which needs to be added at the end of command in exec().

Thanks @mattosmat for pointing it out in the comments too. I did not try this at once because you said it is a Linux command, I am on Windows.

So, what I have discovered, the command is actually executing in the back-end. That is why I could not see it actually running, which I was expecting to happen.

For all of you, who had similar problem, my advise is to use that command. It will point out all the errors and also tell you info/details about execution.

exec('some_command 2>&1', $output);
print_r($output);  // to see the response to your command

Thanks for all the help guys, I appreciate it ;)

Can you get the number of lines of code from a GitHub repository?

If you go to the graphs/contributors page, you can see a list of all the contributors to the repo and how many lines they've added and removed.

Unless I'm missing something, subtracting the aggregate number of lines deleted from the aggregate number of lines added among all contributors should yield the total number of lines of code in the repo. (EDIT: it turns out I was missing something after all. Take a look at orbitbot's comment for details.)


This data is also available in GitHub's API. So I wrote a quick script to fetch the data and do the calculation:

'use strict';

async function countGithub(repo) {
    const response = await fetch(`${repo}/stats/contributors`)
    const contributors = await response.json();
    const lineCounts = => (
        contributor.weeks.reduce((lineCount, week) => lineCount + week.a - week.d, 0)
    const lines = lineCounts.reduce((lineTotal, lineCount) => lineTotal + lineCount);

countGithub('jquery/jquery'); // or count anything you like

Just paste it in a Chrome DevTools snippet, change the repo and click run.

Disclaimer (thanks to lovasoa):

Take the results of this method with a grain of salt, because for some repos (sorich87/bootstrap-tour) it results in negative values, which might indicate there's something wrong with the data returned from GitHub's API.


Looks like this method to calculate total line numbers isn't entirely reliable. Take a look at orbitbot's comment for details.

Proxy Basic Authentication in C#: HTTP 407 error

This problem had been bugging me for years the only workaround for me was to ask our networks team to make exceptions on our firewall so that certain URL requests didn't need to be authenticated on the proxy which is not ideal.

Recently I upgraded the project to .NET 4 from 3.5 and the code just started working using the default credentials for the proxy, no hardcoding of credentials etc.

request.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

How do I set an ASP.NET Label text from code behind on page load?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    myLabel.Text = "My text";

this is the base of ASP.Net, thinking in controls, not html flow.

Consider following a course, or reading a beginner book... and first, forget what you did in php :)

Ant build failed: "Target "build..xml" does not exist"

Looks like you called it 'ant build..xml'. ant automatically choose a file build.xml in the current directory, so it is enough to call 'ant' (if a default-target is defined) or 'ant target' (the target named target will be called).

With the call 'ant -p' you get a list of targets defined in your build.xml.

Edit: In the comment is shown the call 'ant -verbose build.xml'. To be correct, this has to be called as 'ant -verbose'. The file build.xml in the current directory will be used automatically. If it is needed to explicitly specify the buildfile (because it's name isn't build.xml for example), you have to specify the buildfile with the '-f'-option: 'ant -verbose -f build.xml'. I hope this helps.

How to connect to Mysql Server inside VirtualBox Vagrant?

Well, since neither of the given replies helped me, I had to look more, and found solution in this article.

And the answer in a nutshell is the following:

Connecting to MySQL using MySQL Workbench

Connection Method: Standard TCP/IP over SSH
SSH Hostname: <Local VM IP Address (set in PuPHPet)>
SSH Username: vagrant (the default username)
SSH Password: vagrant (the default password)
MySQL Hostname:
MySQL Server Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: <MySQL Root Password (set in PuPHPet)>

Using given approach I was able to connect to mysql database in vagrant from host Ubuntu machine using MySQL Workbench and also using Valentina Studio.

Select from multiple tables without a join?

You should try this

 SELECT t1.*,t2.* FROM t1,t2

rewrite a folder name using .htaccess


RewriteRule ^/apple(.*)?$ /folder1$1 [NC]

Where the folder you want to appear in the url is in the first part of the statement - this is what it will match against and the second part 'rewrites' it to your existing folder. the [NC] flag means that it will ignore case differences eg Apple/ will still forward.

See here for a tutorial:

There is also a nice test utility for windows you can download from here: Just to note for the tester you need to leave out the domain name - so the test would be against /folder1/login.php

to redirect from /folder1 to /apple try this:

RewriteRule ^/folder1(.*)?$ /apple$1 [R]

to redirect and then rewrite just combine the above in the htaccess file:

RewriteRule ^/folder1(.*)?$ /apple$1 [R]
RewriteRule ^/apple(.*)?$ /folder1$1 [NC]

Twitter Bootstrap carousel different height images cause bouncing arrows

 width: auto;
  height: 200px;
  max-height: 200px;
   object-fit: contain;

How do I use cx_freeze?

find the cxfreeze script and run it. It will be in the same path as your other python helper scripts, such as pip.

cxfreeze --target-dir dist

read more at:

How to install crontab on Centos

As seen in Install crontab on CentOS, the crontab package in CentOS is vixie-cron. Hence, do install it with:

yum install vixie-cron

And then start it with:

service crond start

To make it persistent, so that it starts on boot, use:

chkconfig crond on

On CentOS 7 you need to use cronie:

yum install cronie

On CentOS 6 you can install vixie-cron, but the real package is cronie:

yum install vixie-cron


yum install cronie

In both cases you get the same output:

 Package         Arch       Version         Repository      Size
 cronie          x86_64     1.4.4-12.el6    base             73 k
Installing for dependencies:
 cronie-anacron  x86_64     1.4.4-12.el6    base             30 k
 crontabs        noarch     1.10-33.el6     base             10 k
 exim            x86_64     4.72-6.el6      epel            1.2 M

Transaction Summary
Install       4 Package(s)

Get filename from file pointer

You can get the path via Example:

>>> f = open('foo/bar.txt')

You might need os.path.basename if you want only the file name:

>>> import os
>>> f = open('foo/bar.txt')
>>> os.path.basename(

File object docs (for Python 2) here.

Setting JDK in Eclipse

You manage the list of available compilers in the Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JRE's tab.

In the project build path configuration dialog, under the libraries tab, you can delete the entry for JRE System Library, click on Add Library and choose the installed JRE to compile with. Some compilers can be configured to compile at a back-level compiler version. I think that's why you're seeing the addition version options.

Flexbox not working in Internet Explorer 11

I have tested a full layout using flexbox it contains header, footer, main body with left, center and right panels and the panels can contain menu items or footer and headers that should scroll. Pretty complex

IE11 and even IE EDGE have some problems displaying the flex content but it can be overcome. I have tested it in most browsers and it seems to work.

Some fixed i have applies are IE11 height bug, Adding height:100vh and min-height:100% to the html/body. this also helps to not have to set height on container in the dom. Also make the body/html a flex container. Otherwise IE11 will compress the view.

html,body {
    display: flex;
    flex-flow:column nowrap;
    height:100vh; /* fix IE11 */
    min-height:100%; /* fix IE11 */  

A fix for IE EDGE that overflows the flex container: overflow:hidden on main flex container. if you remove the overflow, IE EDGE wil push the content out of the viewport instead of containing it inside the flex main container.

    flex:1 1 auto;
    overflow:hidden; /* IE EDGE overflow fix */  

enter image description here

You can see my testing and example on my codepen page. I remarked the important css parts with the fixes i have applied and hope someone finds it useful.

Save attachments to a folder and rename them

Public Sub Extract_Outlook_Email_Attachments()

Dim OutlookOpened As Boolean
Dim outApp As Outlook.Application
Dim outNs As Outlook.Namespace
Dim outFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim outAttachment As Outlook.Attachment
Dim outItem As Object
Dim saveFolder As String
Dim outMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim inputDate As String, subjectFilter As String


If Right(saveFolder, 1) <> "\" Then saveFolder = saveFolder & "\"

subjectFilter = ("Daily Operations Custom All Req Statuses Report") ' THIS IS WHERE YOU PLACE THE EMAIL SUBJECT FOR THE CODE TO FIND

OutlookOpened = False
On Error Resume Next
Set outApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Set outApp = New Outlook.Application
    OutlookOpened = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0

If outApp Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Cannot start Outlook.", vbExclamation
    Exit Sub
End If

Set outNs = outApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set outFolder = outNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

If Not outFolder Is Nothing Then
    For Each outItem In outFolder.Items
        If outItem.Class = Outlook.OlObjectClass.olMail Then
            Set outMailItem = outItem
                If InStr(1, outMailItem.Subject, subjectFilter) > 0 Then 'removed the quotes around subjectFilter
                    For Each outAttachment In outMailItem.Attachments
                    outAttachment.SaveAsFile saveFolder & outAttachment.filename

                    Set outAttachment = Nothing

                End If
        End If
End If

If OutlookOpened Then outApp.Quit

Set outApp = Nothing

End Sub

When using Trusted_Connection=true and SQL Server authentication, will this affect performance?

Not 100% sure what you mean:


IS using Windows credentials and is 100% equivalent to:

Integrated Security=SSPI;


Integrated Security=true;

If you don't want to use integrated security / trusted connection, you need to specify user id and password explicitly in the connection string (and leave out any reference to Trusted_Connection or Integrated Security)

server=yourservername;database=yourdatabase;user id=YourUser;pwd=TopSecret

Only in this case, the SQL Server authentication mode is used.

If any of these two settings is present (Trusted_Connection=true or Integrated Security=true/SSPI), then the Windows credentials of the current user are used to authenticate against SQL Server and any user iD= setting will be ignored and not used.

For reference, see the Connection Strings site for SQL Server 2005 with lots of samples and explanations.

Using Windows Authentication is the preferred and recommended way of doing things, but it might incur a slight delay since SQL Server would have to authenticate your credentials against Active Directory (typically). I have no idea how much that slight delay might be, and I haven't found any references for that.

Summing up:

If you specify either Trusted_Connection=True; or Integrated Security=SSPI; or Integrated Security=true; in your connection string

==> THEN (and only then) you have Windows Authentication happening. Any user id= setting in the connection string will be ignored.

If you DO NOT specify either of those settings,

==> then you DO NOT have Windows Authentication happening (SQL Authentication mode will be used)

SQL Server : converting varchar to INT

This is more for someone Searching for a result, than the original post-er. This worked for me...

declare @value varchar(max) = 'sad';
select sum(cast(iif(isnumeric(@value) = 1, @value, 0) as bigint));

returns 0

declare @value varchar(max) = '3';
select sum(cast(iif(isnumeric(@value) = 1, @value, 0) as bigint));

returns 3

CSS scrollbar style cross browser

jScrollPane is a good solution to cross browser scrollbars and degrades nicely.

Using JQuery to check if no radio button in a group has been checked

You could do something like this:

var radio_buttons = $("input[name='html_elements']");
if( radio_buttons.filter(':checked').length == 0){
  // None checked
} else {
  // If you need to use the result you can do so without
  // another (costly) jQuery selector call:
  var val = radio_buttons.val();

How to revert a "git rm -r ."?

To regain some single files or folders one may use the following

git reset -- path/to/file
git checkout -- path/to/file

This will first recreate the index entries for path/to/file and recreate the file as it was in the last commit, i.e.HEAD.

Hint: one may pass a commit hash to both commands to recreate files from an older commit. See git reset --help and git checkout --help for details.

What is the IntelliJ shortcut key to create a javadoc comment?

Shortcut Alt+Enter shows intention actions where you can choose "Add Javadoc".

How to perform a LEFT JOIN in SQL Server between two SELECT statements?

SELECT [TailUser], [Weight] FROM [Edge] WHERE [HeadUser] = 5043) t on t.TailUser=u.USerID

File Upload with Angular Material

Another hacked solution, though might be a little cleaner by implementing a Proxy button:


<input id="fileInput" type="file">
<md-button class="md-raised" ng-click="upload()">


app.controller('NiceCtrl', function ( $scope) {
  $scope.upload = function () {

ng: command not found while creating new project using angular-cli

This works to update your angular/cli //*Global package (cmd as administrator)

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache verify
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

Not Equal to This OR That in Lua

For testing only two values, I'd personally do this:

if x ~= 0 and x ~= 1 then
    print( "X must be equal to 1 or 0" )

If you need to test against more than two values, I'd stuff your choices in a table acting like a set, like so:

choices = {[0]=true, [1]=true, [3]=true, [5]=true, [7]=true, [11]=true}

if not choices[x] then
    print("x must be in the first six prime numbers")

Pass user defined environment variable to tomcat

Environment variables can be set, by creating a setenv.bat (windows) or (unix) file in the bin folder of your tomcat installation directory. However, environment variables will not be accessabile from within your code.

System properties are set by -D arguments of the java process. You can define java starting arguments in the environment variable JAVA_OPTS.

My suggestions is the combination of these two mechanisms. In your apache-tomcat-0.0.0\bin\setenv.bat write:


and in your Java code write:


How to calculate 1st and 3rd quartiles?

By using pandas:


0.25    0.483333
0.50    0.500000
0.75    0.516667
Name: time_diff, dtype: float64

How to get the exact local time of client?

new Date( + (-1*new Date().getTimezoneOffset()*60000)).toISOString()

Xcode - How to fix 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: … this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key X" error?

It could mean you're trying to use a sort descriptor without an atsign at the beginning. As in:

[array valueForKeyPath:@"distinctUnionOfObjects.self"]

Which must actually be:

[array valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfObjects.self"]

How do I create a MessageBox in C#?

MessageBox.Show also returns a DialogResult, which if you put some buttons on there, means you can have it returned what the user clicked. Most of the time I write something like

if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to continue?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) {
     //some interesting behaviour here

which I guess is a bit unwieldy but it gets the job done.

See for additional enum options you can use here.

Spring 3 MVC accessing HttpRequest from controller

Spring MVC will give you the HttpRequest if you just add it to your controller method signature:

For instance:

 * Generate a PDF report...
@RequestMapping(value = "/report/{objectId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody void generateReport(
        @PathVariable("objectId") Long objectId, 
        HttpServletRequest request, 
        HttpServletResponse response) {

    // ...
    // Here you can use the request and response objects like:
    // response.setContentType("application/pdf");
    // response.getOutputStream().write(...);


As you see, simply adding the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects to the signature makes Spring MVC to pass those objects to your controller method. You'll want the HttpSession object too.

EDIT: It seems that HttpServletRequest/Response are not working for some people under Spring 3. Try using Spring WebRequest/WebResponse objects as Eduardo Zola pointed out.

I strongly recommend you to have a look at the list of supported arguments that Spring MVC is able to auto-magically inject to your handler methods.

How do I resolve "Please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component"?

In my case I also have unmanaged dll's (C++) in workspace and if you specify:

    <file src="bin\*.dll" target="lib" />

nuget would try to load every dll as an assembly, even the C++ libraries! To avoid this behaviour explicitly define your C# assemblies with references tag:

    <reference file="Managed1.dll" />
    <reference file="Managed2.dll" />

Remark: parent of references is metadata -> according to documentation


If statement for strings in python?

If should be if. Your program should look like this:

answer = raw_input("Is the information correct? Enter Y for yes or N for no")
if answer.upper() == 'Y':
    print("this will do the calculation")

Note also that the indentation is important, because it marks a block in Python. vs onClick

Using $('#myDiv').click(function(){ is better as it follows standard event registration model. (jQuery internally uses addEventListener and attachEvent).

Basically registering an event in modern way is the unobtrusive way of handling events. Also to register more than one event listener for the target you can call addEventListener() for the same target.

var myEl = document.getElementById('myelement');

myEl.addEventListener('click', function() {
    alert('Hello world');
}, false);

myEl.addEventListener('click', function() {
    alert('Hello world again!!!');
}, false);

Why use addEventListener? (From MDN)

addEventListener is the way to register an event listener as specified in W3C DOM. Its benefits are as follows:

  • It allows adding more than a single handler for an event. This is particularly useful for DHTML libraries or Mozilla extensions that need to work well even if other libraries/extensions are used.
  • It gives you finer-grained control of the phase when the listener gets activated (capturing vs. bubbling)
  • It works on any DOM element, not just HTML elements.

More about Modern event registration ->

Other methods such as setting the HTML attributes, example:

<button onclick="alert('Hello world!')">

Or DOM element properties, example:

myEl.onclick = function(event){alert('Hello world');}; 

are old and they can be over written easily.

HTML attribute should be avoided as It makes the markup bigger and less readable. Concerns of content/structure and behavior are not well-separated, making a bug harder to find.

The problem with the DOM element properties method is that only one event handler can be bound to an element per event.

More about Traditional event handling ->

MDN Reference:

How can query string parameters be forwarded through a proxy_pass with nginx?

To redirect Without Query String add below lines in Server block under listen port line:

if ($uri ~ .*.containingString$) {
           return 301 https://$host/$uri/;

With Query String:

if ($uri ~ .*.containingString$) {
           return 301 https://$host/$uri/?$query_string;

Test if a string contains any of the strings from an array

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

String Utils


StringUtils.indexOfAny(inputString, new String[]{item1, item2, item3})

It will return the index of the string found or -1 if none is found.

Log4j output not displayed in Eclipse console

Add a test dependency to your pom to slf4j.


How to make shadow on border-bottom?

The issue is shadow coming out the side of the containing div. In order to avoid this, the blur value must equal the absolute value of the spread value.

div {_x000D_
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -6px #222;_x000D_
  -moz-box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -6px #222;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -6px #222;_x000D_

covered in depth here

How to upload a project to Github

  1. We need Git Bash
  2. In Git Bash Command Section::

1.1 ls

It will show you default location.

1.2 CD "C:\Users\user\Desktop\HTML" We need to assign project path

1.3 git init It will initialize the empty git repository in C:\Users\user\Desktop\HTML

1.4 ls It will list all files name

1.5 git remote add origin it is your is your repository path

1.6 git remote -v To check weather we have fetch or push permisson or not

1.7 git add . If you put . then it mean whatever we have in perticular folder publish all.

1.8 git commit -m "First time"

1.9 git push -u origin master

Array definition in XML?

As its name is "numbers" it is clear it is a list of number... So an array of number... no need of the attribute type... Although I like the principle of specifying the type of field in a type attribute...

Reading PDF documents in .Net

You could look into this: It's not completely free, but it looks very nice.


How to limit text width


<div style="max-width:200px; word-wrap:break-word;">Texttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt</div>

How to add an image to a JPanel?

I'm doing something very similar in a private project I'm working on. Thus far I've generated images up to 1024x1024 without any problems (except memory) and can display them very quickly and without any performance problems.

Overriding the paint method of JPanel subclass is overkill and requires more work than you need to do.

The way I do it is:

Class MapIcon implements Icon {...}


Class MapIcon extends ImageIcon {...}

The code you use to generate the image will be in this class. I use a BufferedImage to draw onto then when the paintIcon() is called, use g.drawImvge(bufferedImage); This reduces the amount of flashing done while you generate your images, and you can thread it.

Next I extend JLabel:

Class MapLabel extends Scrollable, MouseMotionListener {...}

This is because I want to put my image on a scroll pane, I.e. display part of the image and have the user scroll around as needed.

So then I use a JScrollPane to hold the MapLabel, which contains only the MapIcon.

MapIcon map = new MapIcon (); 
MapLabel mapLabel = new MapLabel (map);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();

scrollPane.getViewport ().add (mapLabel);

But for your scenario (just show the whole image every time). You need to add the MapLabel to the top JPanel, and make sure to size them all to the full size of the image (by overriding the GetPreferredSize()).

NodeJS: How to get the server's port?

below a simple http server and how to get the listening port

var http = require("http");
             function onRequest(request, response) {
               console.log("Request received.");
               response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
               response.write("Hello World");

             var server =http.createServer(onRequest).listen(process.env.PORT, function(){
            console.log('Listening on port '); //Listening on port 8888

then get the server port by using :

console.log('Express server started on port %s', server.address().port);

':app:lintVitalRelease' error when generating signed apk

if you want to find out the exact error go to the following path in your project: /app/build/reports/lint-results-release-fatal.html(or .xml). The easiest way is if you go to the xml file, it will show you exactly what the error is including its position of the error in your either java class or xml file. Turning off the lint checks is not a good idea, they're there for a reason. Instead, go to:

    /app/build/reports/lint-results-release-fatal.html or 

and fix it.

Is it possible to set a custom font for entire of application?

As of Android O this is now possible to define directly from the XML and my bug is now closed!

See here for details


First you must add your fonts to the project

Second you add a font family, like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<font-family xmlns:android="">
        android:font="@font/lobster_regular" />
        android:font="@font/lobster_italic" />

Finally, you can use the font in a layout or style:


<style name="customfontstyle" parent="@android:style/TextAppearance.Small">
    <item name="android:fontFamily">@font/lobster</item>


Ajax call Into MVC Controller- Url Issue

Starting from Rob's answer, I am currently using the following syntax.Since the question has received a lot of attention,I decided to share it with you :

var requrl = '@Url.Action("Action", "Controller", null, Request.Url.Scheme, null)';
   type: "POST",
   url: requrl,
   data: "{queryString:'" + searchVal + "'}",
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
   dataType: "html",
   success: function (data) {
   alert("here" + data.d.toString());

Sort JavaScript object by key

function sortObjectKeys(obj){
    return Object.keys(obj).sort().reduce((acc,key)=>{
        return acc;

    telephone: '069911234124',
    name: 'Lola',
    access: true,

How to rollback everything to previous commit

I searched for multiple options to get my git reset to specific commit, but most of them aren't so satisfactory.

I generally use this to reset the git to the specific commit in source tree.

  1. select commit to reset on sourcetree.

  2. In dropdowns select the active branch , first Parent Only

  3. And right click on "Reset branch to this commit" and select hard reset option (soft, mixed and hard)

  4. and then go to terminal git push -f

You should be all set!

How to exit git log or git diff

Actually, there are three ways to do it, precisely.

Type any of the following 3 commands.

  1. :q
  2. :z or
  3. Ctrl + z

P.S.: Sometimes, for someone, one of these options doesn't seem to work and for others it works.

How to assign name for a screen?

The easiest way use screen with name

screen -S 'name' 'application'
  • Ctrl+a, d = exit and leave application open

Return to screen:

screen -r 'name'

for example using lynx with screen

Create screen:

screen -S lynx lynx

Ctrl+a, d =exit

later you can return with:

screen -r lynx

Encode String to UTF-8

A Java String is internally always encoded in UTF-16 - but you really should think about it like this: an encoding is a way to translate between Strings and bytes.

So if you have an encoding problem, by the time you have String, it's too late to fix. You need to fix the place where you create that String from a file, DB or network connection.

Automapper missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping - Error

In your class AutoMapper profile, you need to create a map for your entity and viewmodel.

ViewModel To Domain Model Mappings:

This is usually in AutoMapper/DomainToViewModelMappingProfile

In Configure(), add a line like

Mapper.CreateMap<YourEntityViewModel, YourEntity>();

Domain Model To ViewModel Mappings:

In ViewModelToDomainMappingProfile, add:

Mapper.CreateMap<YourEntity, YourEntityViewModel>();

Gist example

Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3])

I think the problem you're having is that your JSON is a list of objects when it comes in and it doesnt directly relate to your root class.

var content would look something like this (i assume):

    "id": 3636,
    "is_default": true,
    "name": "Unit",
    "quantity": 1,
    "stock": "100000.00",
    "unit_cost": "0"
    "id": 4592,
    "is_default": false,
    "name": "Bundle",
    "quantity": 5,
    "stock": "100000.00",
    "unit_cost": "0"

Note: make use of to format your JSON.

So if you try the following it should work:

  public static List<RootObject> GetItems(string user, string key, Int32 tid, Int32 pid)
        // Customize URL according to geo location parameters
        var url = string.Format(uniqueItemUrl, user, key, tid, pid);

        // Syncronious Consumption
        var syncClient = new WebClient();

        var content = syncClient.DownloadString(url);

        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<RootObject>>(content);


You will need to then iterate if you don't wish to return a list of RootObject.

I went ahead and tested this in a Console app, worked fine.

enter image description here

Adding Python Path on Windows 7

write that on your Command Prompt:

set Path=%path%

Replace %path% by the Path of your Python Folder Example:

set Path=C:/Python27

How to check version of a CocoaPods framework

The highest voted answer (MishieMoo) is correct but it doesn't explain how to open Podfile.lock. Everytime I tried I kept getting:

enter image description here

You open it in terminal by going to the folder it's in and running:

vim Podfile.lock

I got the answer from here: how to open Podfile.lock

You close it by pressing the colon and typing quit or by pressing the colon and the letter q then enter

:quit // then return key
:q // then return key

Another way is in terminal, you can also cd to the folder that your Xcode project is in and enter

$ open Podfile.lock -a Xcode

Doing it the second way, after it opens just press the red X button in the upper left hand corner to close.

Warning as error - How to get rid of these

Each project in Visual Studio has a "treat warnings as errors" option. Go through each of your projects and change that setting:

  1. Right-click on your project, select "Properties".
  2. Click "Build".
  3. Switch "Treat warnings as errors" from "All" to "Specific warnings" or "None".

The location of this switch varies, depending on the type of project (class library vs. web application, for example).

How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux?

As far as your question goes: no, if activating from .ini is not enough and you can't upgrade PHP, there's not much you can do. Some modules, but not all, can be added without recompilation (zypper install php5-soap, yum install php-soap). If it is not enough, try installing some PEAR class for interpreted SOAP support (NuSOAP, etc.).

In general, the double-dash --switches are designed to be used when recompiling PHP from scratch.

You would download the PHP source package (as a compressed .tgz tarball, say), expand it somewhere and then, e.g. under Linux, run the configure script

./configure --prefix ...

The configure command used by your PHP may be shown with phpinfo(). Repeating it identical should give you an exact copy of the PHP you now have installed. Adding --enable-soap will then enable SOAP in addition to everything else.

That said, if you aren't familiar with PHP recompilation, don't do it. It also requires several ancillary libraries that you might, or might not, have available - freetype, gd, libjpeg, XML, expat, and so on and so forth (it's not enough they are installed; they must be a developer version, i.e. with headers and so on; in most distributions, having libjpeg installed might not be enough, and you might need libjpeg-dev also).

I have to keep a separate virtual machine with everything installed for my recompilation purposes.

HTML Input="file" Accept Attribute File Type (CSV)

In addition to the top-answer, CSV files, for example, are reported as text/plain under macOS but as application/ under Windows. So I use this:

<input type="file" accept="text/plain, .csv, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/" />

Java collections convert a string to a list of characters

Create an empty list of Character and then make a loop to get every character from the array and put them in the list one by one.

List<Character> characterList = new ArrayList<Character>();
char arrayChar[] = abc.toCharArray();
for (char aChar : arrayChar) 
    characterList.add(aChar); //  autoboxing 

CodeIgniter - Correct way to link to another page in a view

I assume you are meaning "internally" within your application.

you can create your own <a> tag and insert a url in the href like this

<a href="<?php echo site_url('controller/function/uri') ?>">Link</a>

OR you can use the URL helper this way to generate an <a> tag

anchor(uri segments, text, attributes)

So... to use it...

<?php echo anchor('controller/function/uri', 'Link', 'class="link-class"') ?>

and that will generate

<a href="" class="link-class">Link</a>

For the additional commented question

I would use my first example


<a href="<?php echo site_url('controller/function') ?>"><img src="<?php echo base_url() ?>img/path/file.jpg" /></a>

for images (and other assets) I wouldn't put the file path within the php, I would just echo the base_url() and then add the path normally.

Using import fs from 'fs'

For default exports you should use:

import * as fs from 'fs';

Or in case the module has named exports:

import {fs} from 'fs';



export function function1() {

export function function2() {

export default function1;

And then:

import defaultExport, { function1, function2 } from './module1'

defaultExport();  // This calls function1

Additionally, you should use Webpack or something similar to be able to use ES6 import

Oracle SQL Where clause to find date records older than 30 days


 WHERE creation_date <= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 30

SYSDATE returns the date & time; TRUNC resets the date to being as of midnight so you can omit it if you want the creation_date that is 30 days previous including the current time.

Depending on your needs, you could also look at using ADD_MONTHS:

 WHERE creation_date <= ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -1)

Disable browser 'Save Password' functionality

The simplest way to solve this problem is to place INPUT fields outside the FORM tag and add two hidden fields inside the FORM tag. Then in a submit event listener before the form data gets submitted to server copy values from visible input to the invisible ones.

Here's an example (you can't run it here, since the form action is not set to a real login script):

<!doctype html>_x000D_
  <title>Login & Save password test</title>_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
  <script src="//"></script>_x000D_
      <!-- the following fields will show on page, but are not part of the form -->_x000D_
      <input class="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" />_x000D_
      <input class="password" type="password" placeholder="Password" />_x000D_
      <form id="loginForm" action="login.aspx" method="post">_x000D_
        <!-- thw following two fields are part of the form, but are not visible -->_x000D_
        <input name="username" id="username" type="hidden" />_x000D_
        <input name="password" id="password" type="hidden" />_x000D_
        <!-- standard submit button -->_x000D_
        <button type="submit">Login</button>_x000D_
      // attache a event listener which will get called just before the form data is sent to server_x000D_
      $('form').submit(function(ev) {_x000D_
        // read the value from the visible INPUT and save it to invisible one_x000D_
        // ... so that it gets sent to the server_x000D_

Use stored procedure to insert some data into a table

If you have the table definition to have an IDENTITY column e.g. IDENTITY(1,1) then don't include MyId in your INSERT INTO statement. The point of IDENTITY is it gives it the next unused value as the primary key value.

insert into MYDB.dbo.MainTable (MyFirstName, MyLastName, MyAddress, MyPort)
values(@myFirstName, @myLastName, @myAddress, @myPort)

There is then no need to pass the @MyId parameter into your stored procedure either. So change it to:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Test]
@myFirstName nvarchar(50)
,@myLastName nvarchar(50)
,@myAddress nvarchar(MAX)
,@myPort int


If you want to know what the ID of the newly inserted record is add


to the end of your procedure. e.g.

You will then be able to pick this up in which ever way you are calling it be it SQL or .NET.

P.s. a better way to show you table definision would have been to script the table and paste the text into your stackoverflow browser window because your screen shot is missing the column properties part where IDENTITY is set via the GUI. To do that right click the table 'Script Table as' --> 'CREATE to' --> Clipboard. You can also do File or New Query Editor Window (all self explanitory) experient and see what you get.

Opencv - Grayscale mode Vs gray color conversion

Note: This is not a duplicate, because the OP is aware that the image from cv2.imread is in BGR format (unlike the suggested duplicate question that assumed it was RGB hence the provided answers only address that issue)

To illustrate, I've opened up this same color JPEG image:

enter image description here

once using the conversion

img = cv2.imread(path)
img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

and another by loading it in gray scale mode

img_gray_mode = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

Like you've documented, the diff between the two images is not perfectly 0, I can see diff pixels in towards the left and the bottom

enter image description here

I've summed up the diff too to see

import numpy as np
# I got 6143, on a 494 x 750 image

I tried all cv2.imread() modes

Among all the IMREAD_ modes for cv2.imread(), only IMREAD_COLOR and IMREAD_ANYCOLOR can be converted using COLOR_BGR2GRAY, and both of them gave me the same diff against the image opened in IMREAD_GRAYSCALE

The difference doesn't seem that big. My guess is comes from the differences in the numeric calculations in the two methods (loading grayscale vs conversion to grayscale)

Naturally what you want to avoid is fine tuning your code on a particular version of the image just to find out it was suboptimal for images coming from a different source.

In brief, let's not mix the versions and types in the processing pipeline.

So I'd keep the image sources homogenous, e.g. if you have capturing the image from a video camera in BGR, then I'd use BGR as the source, and do the BGR to grayscale conversion cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

Vice versa if my ultimate source is grayscale then I'd open the files and the video capture in gray scale cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

How do I stop/start a scheduled task on a remote computer programmatically?

Note: "schtasks" (see the other, accepted response) has replaced "at". However, "at" may be of use if the situation calls for compatibility with older versions of Windows that don't have schtasks.

Command-line help for "at":

C:\>at /?
The AT command schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at
a specified time and date. The Schedule service must be running to use
the AT command.

AT [\\computername] [ [id] [/DELETE] | /DELETE [/YES]]
AT [\\computername] time [/INTERACTIVE]
    [ /EVERY:date[,...] | /NEXT:date[,...]] "command"

\\computername     Specifies a remote computer. Commands are scheduled on the
                   local computer if this parameter is omitted.
id                 Is an identification number assigned to a scheduled
/delete            Cancels a scheduled command. If id is omitted, all the
                   scheduled commands on the computer are canceled.
/yes               Used with cancel all jobs command when no further
                   confirmation is desired.
time               Specifies the time when command is to run.
/interactive       Allows the job to interact with the desktop of the user
                   who is logged on at the time the job runs.
/every:date[,...]  Runs the command on each specified day(s) of the week or
                   month. If date is omitted, the current day of the month
                   is assumed.
/next:date[,...]   Runs the specified command on the next occurrence of the
                   day (for example, next Thursday).  If date is omitted, the
                   current day of the month is assumed.
"command"          Is the Windows NT command, or batch program to be run.

Android Studio gradle takes too long to build

Check disk usage in Windows OS ...

The problem can be related to this, in my case I had Windows 8 OS consuming a 100% disk usage.

Especially the Windows Search service, can be the most consuming. Disable it with:

cmd (Admin)

net.exe stop "Windows search"

Check this link 4 Tips to Fix 100% Disk Usage & Improve Windows Performance

Set inputType for an EditText Programmatically?

This may be of help to others like me who wanted to toggle between password and free-text mode. I tried using the input methods suggested but it only worked in one direction. I could go from password to text but then I could not revert. For those trying to handle a toggle (eg a show Password check box) use

        public void onClick(View v)
                Log.i(TAG, "Show password");
                Log.i(TAG, "Hide password");

I have to credit this for the solution. Wish I had found that a few hours ago!

Setting width/height as percentage minus pixels

I use Jquery for this

function setSizes() {
   var containerHeight = $("#listContainer").height();
   $("#myList").height(containerHeight - 18);

then I bind the window resize to recalc it whenever the browser window is resized (if container's size changed with window resize)

$(window).resize(function() { setSizes(); });

"Stack overflow in line 0" on Internet Explorer

Also having smartNavigation="true" causes this"

What are invalid characters in XML

This is a C# code to remove the XML invalid characters from a string and return a new valid string.

public static string CleanInvalidXmlChars(string text) 
    // From xml spec valid chars: 
    // #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]     
    // any Unicode character, excluding the surrogate blocks, FFFE, and FFFF. 
    string re = @"[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u10000-\u10FFFF]"; 
    return Regex.Replace(text, re, ""); 

Server Document Root Path in PHP

$files = glob($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/myFolder/*");

How to get the current date and time of your timezone in Java?

Here are some steps for finding Time for your zone:

Date now = new Date();

 DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");  


Downloading a picture via urllib and python

For Python 3 you will need to import import urllib.request:

import urllib.request 

urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename)

for more info check out the link

Check if a path represents a file or a folder

Please stick to the nio API to perform these checks

import java.nio.file.*;

static Boolean isDir(Path path) {
  if (path == null || !Files.exists(path)) return false;
  else return Files.isDirectory(path);