Programs & Examples On #Edt

A line/screen editor, found on vax/vms systems. The Event Dispatch Thread in Java Swing applications is also abbreviated EDT. The tag [tag:event-dispatch-thread] is used for that.

How to get parameter value for date/time column from empty MaskedTextBox

You're storing the .Text properties of the textboxes directly into the database, this doesn't work. The .Text properties are Strings (i.e. simple text) and not typed as DateTime instances. Do the conversion first, then it will work.

Do this for each date parameter:

Dim bookIssueDate As DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact( txtBookDateIssue.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) cmd.Parameters.Add( New OleDbParameter("@Date_Issue", bookIssueDate ) ) 

Note that this code will crash/fail if a user enters an invalid date, e.g. "64/48/9999", I suggest using DateTime.TryParse or DateTime.TryParseExact, but implementing that is an exercise for the reader.

Server Discovery And Monitoring engine is deprecated

const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const client = new MongoClient(url);

Cut the upper 2nd line then Just Replace that's line

const client = new MongoClient(url, { useUnifiedTopology: true });

Android Gradle 5.0 Update:Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util

I have same problem after upgrading to Gradle Wrapper 5.1.rec3. I am back to Gradle 4.6

FirebaseInstanceIdService is deprecated

And here the solution for C#/Xamarin.Android:

var token = await FirebaseInstallations.Instance.GetToken(forceRefresh: false).AsAsync<InstallationTokenResult>();

Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' Android Studio 3.1 Update

I had the same issue, I could solve it by switching fom JDK 11 to JDK 8.

db.collection is not a function when using MongoClient v3.0

If someone is still trying how to resolve this error, I have done this like below.

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
// Connection URL
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
// Database Name
const dbName = 'mytestingdb';

const retrieveCustomers = (db, callback)=>{
    // Get the customers collection
    const collection = db.collection('customers');
    // Find some customers
    collection.find({}).toArray((err, customers) =>{
        if(err) throw err;
      console.log("Found the following records");

const retrieveCustomer = (db, callback)=>{
    // Get the customers collection
    const collection = db.collection('customers');
    // Find some customers
    collection.find({'name': 'mahendra'}).toArray((err, customers) =>{
        if(err) throw err;
      console.log("Found the following records");

const insertCustomers = (db, callback)=> {
    // Get the customers collection
    const collection = db.collection('customers');
    const dataArray = [{name : 'mahendra'}, {name :'divit'}, {name : 'aryan'} ];
    // Insert some customers
    collection.insertMany(dataArray, (err, result)=> {
        if(err) throw err;
        console.log("Inserted 3 customers into the collection");

// Use connect method to connect to the server
MongoClient.connect(url,{ useUnifiedTopology: true }, (err, client) => {
  console.log("Connected successfully to server");
  const db = client.db(dbName);
  insertCustomers(db, ()=> {
    retrieveCustomers(db, ()=> {
        retrieveCustomer(db, ()=> {

Exception : AAPT2 error: check logs for details

I tried every possible solution to fix this frustrating error and only below worked for me. In your build.gradle add this:

android {
    aaptOptions.cruncherEnabled = false
    aaptOptions.useNewCruncher = false  }

No authenticationScheme was specified, and there was no DefaultChallengeScheme found with default authentification and custom authorization

Your initial statement in the marked solution isn't entirely true. While your new solution may accomplish your original goal, it is still possible to circumvent the original error while preserving your AuthorizationHandler logic--provided you have basic authentication scheme handlers in place, even if they are functionally skeletons.

Speaking broadly, Authentication Handlers and schemes are meant to establish + validate identity, which makes them required for Authorization Handlers/policies to function--as they run on the supposition that an identity has already been established.

ASP.NET Dev Haok summarizes this best best here: "Authentication today isn't aware of authorization at all, it only cares about producing a ClaimsPrincipal per scheme. Authorization has to be aware of authentication somewhat, so AuthenticationSchemes in the policy is a mechanism for you to associate the policy with schemes used to build the effective claims principal for authorization (or it just uses the default httpContext.User for the request, which does rely on DefaultAuthenticateScheme)."

In my case, the solution I'm working on provided its own implicit concept of identity, so we had no need for authentication schemes/handlers--just header tokens for authorization. So until our identity concepts changes, our header token authorization handlers that enforce the policies can be tied to 1-to-1 scheme skeletons.

Tags on endpoints:

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "AuthenticatedUserSchemeName", Policy = "AuthorizedUserPolicyName")]


        services.AddAuthentication(options =>
            options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = "AuthenticatedUserSchemeName";
        }).AddScheme<ValidTokenAuthenticationSchemeOptions, ValidTokenAuthenticationHandler>("AuthenticatedUserSchemeName", _ => { });

        services.AddAuthorization(options =>
            options.AddPolicy("AuthorizedUserPolicyName", policy =>
                policy.AddRequirements(new ValidTokenAuthorizationRequirement());
            services.AddSingleton<IAuthorizationHandler, ValidTokenAuthorizationHandler>();

Both the empty authentication handler and authorization handler are called (similar in setup to OP's respective posts) but the authorization handler still enforces our authorization policies.

Angular4 - No value accessor for form control

You can use formControlName only on directives which implement ControlValueAccessor.

Implement the interface

So, in order to do what you want, you have to create a component which implements ControlValueAccessor, which means implementing the following three functions:

  • writeValue (tells Angular how to write value from model into view)
  • registerOnChange (registers a handler function that is called when the view changes)
  • registerOnTouched (registers a handler to be called when the component receives a touch event, useful for knowing if the component has been focused).

Register a provider

Then, you have to tell Angular that this directive is a ControlValueAccessor (interface is not gonna cut it since it is stripped from the code when TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript). You do this by registering a provider.

The provider should provide NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR and use an existing value. You'll also need a forwardRef here. Note that NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR should be a multi provider.

For example, if your custom directive is named MyControlComponent, you should add something along the following lines inside the object passed to @Component decorator:

providers: [
    provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
    multi: true,
    useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyControlComponent),


Your component is ready to be used. With template-driven forms, ngModel binding will now work properly.

With reactive forms, you can now properly use formControlName and the form control will behave as expected.


Failed to load AppCompat ActionBar with unknown error in android studio

This is the minimum configuration that solves the problem.


dependencies {
    implementation ''


 compileSdkVersion 26
 buildToolsVersion "26.0.1"

and into the build.gradle file located inside the root of the proyect:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugKotlin'. > Compilation error. See log for more details

in my case:: I was using kotlin extensions to access and bind my views, I had recently moved a view to another screen and forgot to remove its reference from the previous fragment that caused this error.

kotlin synthetic extensions are not compile time safe. I really loved this but apparently in big projects, if this happens again I'm surely going to get a heart attack.

Error: the entity type requires a primary key

This worked for me:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

public int ID { get; set; }

cordova Android requirements failed: "Could not find an installed version of Gradle"

I m using Cordova version 7.0.1 and Cordova android version is 6.2.3. I was facing the issue while performing android build. I m using only Cordova CLI and not using android studio at all.

The quick workaround for this issue before its official fixed in Cordova is as follows:

  1. Look for check_reqs.js file under platforms\android\cordova\lib folder
  2. Edit the else part of androidStudioPath variable null check in get_gradle_wrapper function as below:

Existing code:

else { //OK, let's try to check for Gradle! return forgivingWhichSync('gradle'); }

Modified code:

else { //OK, let's try to check for Gradle! var sdkDir = process.env['ANDROID_HOME']; return path.join(sdkDir, 'tools', 'templates', 'gradle', 'wrapper', 'gradlew'); }

NOTE: This change needs to be done everytime when the android platform is removed and re-added

UPDATE: In my case, I already had gradle wrapper inside my android SDK and I dint find necessity to install gradle explicitly. Hence, I made this workaround to minimize my impact and effort

Mongodb: failed to connect to server on first connect

I tried all the method above.

  • Allowed access from any db,
  • Verified correct credentials of connection string,
  • Created another user,

Nothing of those worked for me.

Finally, I created a new DB and switched to it. everything was fine. Luckily, it wasn't so important DB (for self education purpose) so the damage wasn't so big.

Get all validation errors from Angular 2 FormGroup

This is another variant that collects the errors recursively and does not depend on any external library like lodash (ES6 only):

function isFormGroup(control: AbstractControl): control is FormGroup {
  return !!(<FormGroup>control).controls;

function collectErrors(control: AbstractControl): any | null {
  if (isFormGroup(control)) {
    return Object.entries(control.controls)
        (acc, [key, childControl]) => {
          const childErrors = collectErrors(childControl);
          if (childErrors) {
            acc = {...acc, [key]: childErrors};
          return acc;
  } else {
    return control.errors;

How do you format a Date/Time in TypeScript?

Option 1: Momentjs:


npm install moment --save


import * as moment from 'moment';


let formattedDate = (moment(yourDate)).format('DD-MMM-YYYY HH:mm:ss')

Option 2: Use DatePipe if you are doing Angular:


import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';


const datepipe: DatePipe = new DatePipe('en-US')
let formattedDate = datepipe.transform(yourDate, 'DD-MMM-YYYY HH:mm:ss')

How to change the integrated terminal in visual studio code or VSCode

Probably it is too late but the below thing worked for me:

  1. Open Settings --> this will open settings.json
  2. type
  3. Click on {} at the top right corner -- this will open an editor where this setting can be over ridden.
  4. Set the value as C:\\Users\\<user_name>\\Softwares\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe
  5. Click Ctrl + S

Try to open new terminal. It should open in bash editor in integrated mode.

How do I mock a REST template exchange?

If anyone has this problem while trying to mock, the problem seems to be with matchers. As an example: the following won't work,

                , Mockito.eq(HttpMethod.GET)
                , Mockito.any(HttpEntity.class)
                , Mockito.<Class<UserTransaction>>any())
        ).thenReturn(new ResponseEntity<>(transaction, HttpStatus.OK));

but this one will actually work:

  ResponseEntity<UserTransaction> variable = new ResponseEntity<>(transaction, HttpStatus.OK);
                , Mockito.eq(HttpMethod.GET)
                , Mockito.any(HttpEntity.class)
                , Mockito.<Class<UserTransaction>>any())
   ).thenReturn(new ResponseEntity<>(transaction, HttpStatus.OK));

NOTICE the Mockito.anyString() on the second block vs theMockito.any().

Spring Data and Native Query with pagination

I have exact same symptom like @Lasneyx. My workaround for Postgres native query

@Query(value = "select * from users where user_type in (:userTypes) and user_context='abc'--#pageable\n", nativeQuery = true)
List<User> getUsersByTypes(@Param("userTypes") List<String> userTypes, Pageable pageable);

How to create empty constructor for data class in Kotlin Android

You have 2 options here:

  1. Assign a default value to each primary constructor parameter:

    data class Activity(
        var updated_on: String = "",
        var tags: List<String> = emptyList(),
        var description: String = "",
        var user_id: List<Int> = emptyList(),
        var status_id: Int = -1,
        var title: String = "",
        var created_at: String = "",
        var data: HashMap<*, *> = hashMapOf<Any, Any>(),
        var id: Int = -1,
        var counts: LinkedTreeMap<*, *> = LinkedTreeMap<Any, Any>()
  2. Declare a secondary constructor that has no parameters:

    data class Activity(
        var updated_on: String,
        var tags: List<String>,
        var description: String,
        var user_id: List<Int>,
        var status_id: Int,
        var title: String,
        var created_at: String,
        var data: HashMap<*, *>,
        var id: Int,
        var counts: LinkedTreeMap<*, *>
    ) {
        constructor() : this("", emptyList(), 
                             "", emptyList(), -1, 
                             "", "", hashMapOf<Any, Any>(), 
                             -1, LinkedTreeMap<Any, Any>()

If you don't rely on copy or equals of the Activity class or don't use the autogenerated data class methods at all you could use regular class like so:

class ActivityDto {
    var updated_on: String = "",
    var tags: List<String> = emptyList(),
    var description: String = "",
    var user_id: List<Int> = emptyList(),
    var status_id: Int = -1,
    var title: String = "",
    var created_at: String = "",
    var data: HashMap<*, *> = hashMapOf<Any, Any>(),
    var id: Int = -1,
    var counts: LinkedTreeMap<*, *> = LinkedTreeMap<Any, Any>()

Not every DTO needs to be a data class and vice versa. In fact in my experience I find data classes to be particularly useful in areas that involve some complex business logic.

Firebase (FCM) how to get token

FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getInstanceId().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<InstanceIdResult>() {
            public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<InstanceIdResult> task) {
                if (!task.isSuccessful()) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "getInstanceId failed", task.getException());

                // Get new Instance ID token
                String **token** = task.getResult().getToken();


Iterating over Typescript Map

If you don't really like nested functions, you can also iterate over the keys:

myMap : Map<string, boolean>;
for(let key of myMap) {
   if (myMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
       console.log(JSON.stringify({key: key, value: myMap[key]}));

Note, you have to filter out the non-key iterations with the hasOwnProperty, if you don't do this, you get a warning or an error.

org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'

Just a simple solution is worked for me:

  1. Clean Project
  2. Rebuild project
  3. Sync project with gradle file

How to solve the memory error in Python

Assuming your example text is representative of all the text, one line would consume about 75 bytes on my machine:

In [3]: sys.getsizeof('usedfor zipper fasten_coat')
Out[3]: 75

Doing some rough math:

75 bytes * 8,000,000 lines / 1024 / 1024 = ~572 MB

So roughly 572 meg to store the strings alone for one of these files. Once you start adding in additional, similarly structured and sized files, you'll quickly approach your virtual address space limits, as mentioned in @ShadowRanger's answer.

If upgrading your python isn't feasible for you, or if it only kicks the can down the road (you have finite physical memory after all), you really have two options: write your results to temporary files in-between loading in and reading the input files, or write your results to a database. Since you need to further post-process the strings after aggregating them, writing to a database would be the superior approach.

Angular2 get clicked element id

For nested html, use closest

<button (click)="toggle($event)" class="someclass" id="btn1">
    <i class="fa fa-user"></i>

toggle(event) {
   ('button') as Element).id; 

Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 in my app

I also faced this problem when making a new project in eclipse.

  1. Open your eclipse installation directory
  2. Open the file eclipse.ini
  3. Modify




Hope this helps

Android- Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForRelease'

Just Change the google play services in gradle (module app) from 9.x.x to the lower version 8.4.0 is work for me

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient

mybe your hive metastore are inconsistent! I'm in this scene.

first. I run

 $ schematool -dbType mysql -initSchema  

then I found this

Error: Duplicate key name 'PCS_STATS_IDX' (state=42000,code=1061) org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaException: Schema initialization FAILED! Metastore state would be inconsistent !!

then I run

 $ schematool -dbType mysql -info

found this error

Hive distribution version: 2.3.0 Metastore schema version: 1.2.0 org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaException: Metastore schema version is not compatible. Hive Version: 2.3.0, Database Schema Version: 1.2.0

so i format my hive metastore, then it's done!
  • drop mysql database, the database named hive_db
  • run schematool -dbType mysql -initSchema for initialize metadata

Angular2 change detection: ngOnChanges not firing for nested object

rawLapsData continues to point to the same array, even if you modify the contents of the array (e.g., add items, remove items, change an item).

During change detection, when Angular checks components' input properties for change, it uses (essentially) === for dirty checking. For arrays, this means the array references (only) are dirty checked. Since the rawLapsData array reference isn't changing, ngOnChanges() will not be called.

I can think of two possible solutions:

  1. Implement ngDoCheck() and perform your own change detection logic to determine if the array contents have changed. (The Lifecycle Hooks doc has an example.)

  2. Assign a new array to rawLapsData whenever you make any changes to the array contents. Then ngOnChanges() will be called because the array (reference) will appear as a change.

In your answer, you came up with another solution.

Repeating some comments here on the OP:

I still don't see how laps can pick up on the change (surely it must be using something equivalent to ngOnChanges() itself?) while map can't.

  • In the laps component your code/template loops over each entry in the lapsData array, and displays the contents, so there are Angular bindings on each piece of data that is displayed.
  • Even when Angular doesn't detect any changes to a component's input properties (using === checking), it still (by default) dirty checks all of the template bindings. When any of those change, Angular will update the DOM. That's what you are seeing.
  • The maps component likely doesn't have any bindings in its template to its lapsData input property, right? That would explain the difference.

Note that lapsData in both components and rawLapsData in the parent component all point to the same/one array. So even though Angular doesn't notice any (reference) changes to the lapsData input properties, the components "get"/see any array contents changes because they all share/reference that one array. We don't need Angular to propagate these changes, like we would with a primitive type (string, number, boolean). But with a primitive type, any change to the value would always trigger ngOnChanges() – which is something you exploit in your answer/solution.

As you probably figured out by now object input properties have the same behavior as array input properties.

Http Post request with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded not working in Spring

The problem is that when we use application/x-www-form-urlencoded, Spring doesn't understand it as a RequestBody. So, if we want to use this we must remove the @RequestBody annotation.

Then try the following:

@RequestMapping(value = "/patientdetails", method = RequestMethod.POST,consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody List<PatientProfileDto> getPatientDetails(
        PatientProfileDto name) {

    List<PatientProfileDto> list = new ArrayList<PatientProfileDto>();
    list = service.getPatient(name);
    return list;

Note that removed the annotation @RequestBody

Firebase TIMESTAMP to date and Time

For Firestore that is the new generation of database from Google, following code will simply help you through this problem.

var admin    = require("firebase-admin");

var serviceAccount = require("../admin-sdk.json"); // auto-generated file from Google firebase.

  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
var db = admin.firestore();


Invariant Violation: Objects are not valid as a React child

Try this

 {items && items.title ? items.title : 'No item'}

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error processing condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.JndiDataSourceAutoConfiguration

This is caused by non-matching Spring Boot dependencies. Check your classpath to find the offending resources. You have explicitly included version 1.1.8.RELEASE, but you have also included 3 other projects. Those likely contain different Spring Boot versions, leading to this error.

How to change a dataframe column from String type to Double type in PySpark?

the solution was simple -

toDoublefunc = UserDefinedFunction(lambda x: float(x),DoubleType())
changedTypedf = joindf.withColumn("label",toDoublefunc(joindf['show']))

Check for internet connection with Swift

If someone is already using Alamofire then -

struct Connectivity {
  static let sharedInstance = NetworkReachabilityManager()!
  static var isConnectedToInternet:Bool {
      return self.sharedInstance.isReachable


if Connectivity.isConnectedToInternet {
 } else {
     print("No Internet")

Splitting a string into separate variables

Foreach-object operation statement:

$a,$b = 'hi.there' | foreach split .


setState() inside of componentDidUpdate()

this.setState creates an infinite loop when used in ComponentDidUpdate when there is no break condition in the loop. You can use redux to set a variable true in the if statement and then in the condition set the variable false then it will work.

Something like this.


        this.props.route.params.resetFields = false;
        this.setState({broadcastMembersCount: 0,isLinkAttached: false,attachedAffiliatedLink:false,affilatedText: 'add your affiliate link'});
        this.hideNext = false;
        this.initialValue_1 = 140;
        this.initialValue_2 = 140;
        this.height = 20

No tests found for given includes Error, when running Parameterized Unit test in Android Studio

To add to already great and easy solution provided by Przemek315, the same config if you use Kotlin DSL:

tasks.test {

Spark - load CSV file as DataFrame?

With Spark 2.4+, if you want to load a csv from a local directory, then you can use 2 sessions and load that into hive. The first session should be created with master() config as "local[*]" and the second session with "yarn" and Hive enabled.

The below one worked for me.

import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
import org.apache.spark.sql._

object testCSV { 

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val spark_local = SparkSession.builder().appName("CSV local files reader").master("local[*]").getOrCreate()

    import spark_local.implicits._
    val local_path="/tmp/data/spend_diversity.csv"  // Local file
    val df_local ="csv").option("inferSchema","true").load("file://"+local_path) // "file://" is mandatory

    val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("CSV HDFS").config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "/apps/hive/warehouse").enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate()

    import spark.implicits._
    val df = df_local
    spark.sql(" drop table if exists work.local_csv ")
    spark.sql(" create table work.local_csv as select * from lcsv ")


When ran with spark2-submit --master "yarn" --conf spark.ui.enabled=false testCSV.jar it went fine and created the table in hive.

unable to dequeue a cell with identifier Cell - must register a nib or a class for the identifier or connect a prototype cell in a storyboard

I had the same problem. This issue worked for me. In storyboard select your table view and change it from static cells into dynamic cells.

Error:Execution failed for task ':ProjectName:mergeDebugResources'. > Crunching Cruncher *some file* failed, see logs

I was also stuck by this problem.But in my case I delete all .png images from drawable folder ,clean and rebuild application and then paste all .png images to my drawable, rebuild again. It worked fine for me.

Android Studio - Emulator - eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented

I've found the same thing, but only on emulators that have the Use Host GPU setting ticked. Try turning that off, you'll no longer see those warnings (and the emulator will run horribly, horribly slowly..)

In my experience those warnings are harmless. Notice that the "error" is EGL_SUCCESS, which would seem to indicate no error at all!

Spring boot - Not a managed type

You either missed @Entity on class definition or you have explicit component scan path and this path does not contain your class

JsonParseException: Unrecognized token 'http': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')

It might be obvious, but make sure that you are sending to the parser URL object not a String containing www adress. This will not work:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String www = "";
    Weather weather = mapper.readValue(www, Weather.class);

But this will:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    URL www = new URL("");
    Weather weather = mapper.readValue(www, Weather.class);

Could not install Gradle distribution from ''

First check your Internet conection..

or try with

Tools -> Android -> Sync

or Try

File -> Settings -> Gradle -> Check Offline Work

enter image description here

NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.ArrayList.size()' on a null object reference

You should initialize yours recordings. You are passing to adapter null

ArrayList<String> recordings = null; //You are passing this null

ORA-01653: unable to extend table by in tablespace ORA-06512

Just add a new datafile for the existing tablespace

ALTER TABLESPACE LEGAL_DATA ADD DATAFILE '/u01/oradata/userdata03.dbf' SIZE 200M;

To find out the location and size of your data files:


Programmatically set image to UIImageView with Xcode 6.1/Swift

This code is in the wrong place:

var image : UIImage = UIImage(named:"afternoon")!
bgImage = UIImageView(image: image)
bgImage.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 200)

You must place it inside a function. I recommend moving it inside the viewDidLoad function.

In general, the only code you can add within the class that's not inside of a function are variable declarations like:

@IBOutlet weak var bgImage: UIImageView!

How to check if a Java 8 Stream is empty?

Following Stuart's idea, this could be done with a Spliterator like this:

static <T> Stream<T> defaultIfEmpty(Stream<T> stream, Stream<T> defaultStream) {
    final Spliterator<T> spliterator = stream.spliterator();
    final AtomicReference<T> reference = new AtomicReference<>();
    if (spliterator.tryAdvance(reference::set)) {
        return Stream.concat(Stream.of(reference.get()),, stream.isParallel()));
    } else {
        return defaultStream;

I think this works with parallel Streams as the stream.spliterator() operation will terminate the stream, and then rebuild it as required

In my use-case I needed a default Stream rather than a default value. that's quite easy to change if this is not what you need

There is already an object named in the database

In my case, the issue was in Seeder. I was calling _ctx.Database.EnsureCreated() inside of it and as far as I understood, the update database command has successfully executed, but then seeder tried to create database "second" time.

How to address:

  1. Do nut run update, just start application and call EnsureCreated(). Database will be created/updated
  2. Comment out or remove seeder.

Classpath resource not found when running as jar

I encountered this limitation too and created this library to overcome the issue: spring-boot-jar-resources It basically allows you to register a custom ResourceLoader with Spring Boot that extracts the classpath resources from the JAR as needed, transparently.

Format LocalDateTime with Timezone in Java8

The prefix "Local" in JSR-310 (aka java.time-package in Java-8) does not indicate that there is a timezone information in internal state of that class (here: LocalDateTime). Despite the often misleading name such classes like LocalDateTime or LocalTime have NO timezone information or offset.

You tried to format such a temporal type (which does not contain any offset) with offset information (indicated by pattern symbol Z). So the formatter tries to access an unavailable information and has to throw the exception you observed.


Use a type which has such an offset or timezone information. In JSR-310 this is either OffsetDateTime (which contains an offset but not a timezone including DST-rules) or ZonedDateTime. You can watch out all supported fields of such a type by look-up on the method isSupported(TemporalField).. The field OffsetSeconds is supported in OffsetDateTime and ZonedDateTime, but not in LocalDateTime.

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS Z");
String s =;

How to create an alert message in jsp page after submit process is complete

in your servlet

 return mapping.findForward("success");

In your jsp

<c:if test="${not empty submitDone}">
  <script>alert("Form submitted");

Format Instant to String

Instants are already in UTC and already have a default date format of yyyy-MM-dd. If you're happy with that and don't want to mess with time zones or formatting, you could also toString() it:

Instant instant =;
output: 2020-02-06T18:01:55.648475Z

Don't want the T and Z? (Z indicates this date is UTC. Z stands for "Zulu" aka "Zero hour offset" aka UTC):

instant.toString().replaceAll("[TZ]", " ")
output: 2020-02-06 18:01:55.663763

Want milliseconds instead of nanoseconds? (So you can plop it into a sql query):

instant.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS).toString().replaceAll("[TZ]", " ")
output: 2020-02-06 18:01:55.664


Changing specific text's color using NSMutableAttributedString in Swift

swift 4.2

    let textString = "Hello world"
    let range = (textString as NSString).range(of: "world")
    let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: textString)

    attributedString.addAttribute(NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor, value:, range: range)
    self.textUIlable.attributedText = attributedString

How do I make an attributed string using Swift?

Swift 4.2

extension UILabel {

    func boldSubstring(_ substr: String) {
        guard substr.isEmpty == false,
            let text = attributedText,
            let range = text.string.range(of: substr, options: .caseInsensitive) else {
        let attr = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: text)
        let start = text.string.distance(from: text.string.startIndex, to: range.lowerBound)
        let length = text.string.distance(from: range.lowerBound, to: range.upperBound)
        attr.addAttributes([NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: self.font.pointSize)],
                           range: NSMakeRange(start, length))
        attributedText = attr

Using Java generics for JPA findAll() query with WHERE clause

I found this page very useful

public abstract class GenericDAOWithJPA<T, ID extends Serializable> {

    private Class<T> persistentClass;

    //This you might want to get injected by the container
    protected EntityManager entityManager;

    public GenericDAOWithJPA() {
            this.persistentClass = (Class<T>) ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];

    public List<T> findAll() {
            return entityManager.createQuery("Select t from " + persistentClass.getSimpleName() + " t").getResultList();

ReactJS SyntheticEvent stopPropagation() only works with React events?

Worth noting (from this issue) that if you're attaching events to document, e.stopPropagation() isn't going to help. As a workaround, you can use window.addEventListener() instead of document.addEventListener, then event.stopPropagation() will stop event from propagating to the window.

WAITING at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)

unsafe.park is pretty much the same as thread.wait, except that it's using architecture specific code (thus the reason it's 'unsafe'). unsafe is not made available publicly, but is used within java internal libraries where architecture specific code would offer significant optimization benefits. It's used a lot for thread pooling.

So, to answer your question, all the thread is doing is waiting for something, it's not really using any CPU. Considering that your original stack trace shows that you're using a lock I would assume a deadlock is going on in your case.

Yes I know you have almost certainly already solved this issue by now. However, you're one of the top results if someone googles sun.misc.unsafe.park. I figure answering the question may help others trying to understand what this method that seems to be using all their CPU is.

Swift performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is unavailable

Swift 4

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) {
    // your function here

Swift 3

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(0.1)) {
    // your function here

Swift 2

let dispatchTime: dispatch_time_t = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(0.1 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))) 
dispatch_after(dispatchTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), { 
    // your function here 

What is an optional value in Swift?

Optional value allows you to show absence of value. Little bit like NULL in SQL or NSNull in Objective-C. I guess this will be an improvement as you can use this even for "primitive" types.

// Reimplement the Swift standard library's optional type
enum OptionalValue<T> {
    case None
    case Some(T)
var possibleInteger: OptionalValue<Int> = .None
possibleInteger = .Some(100)”

Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.

MongoDB - admin user not authorized

This may be because you havent set noAuth=true in mongodb.conf

# Turn on/off security.  Off is currently the default
noauth = true
#auth = true

After setting this restart the service using

service mongod restart

How do I remove all null and empty string values from an object?

There is a very simple way to remove NULL values from JSON object. By default JSON object includes NULL values. Following can be used to remove NULL from JSON string

JsonConvert.SerializeObject(yourClassObject, new JsonSerializerSettings() {
                                       NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore})) 

AttributeError: can't set attribute in python

For those searching this error, another thing that can trigger AtributeError: can't set attribute is if you try to set a decorated @property that has no setter method. Not the problem in the OP's question, but I'm putting it here to help any searching for the error message directly. (if you don't like it, go edit the question's title :)

class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self._attr = "original value"
        # This will trigger an error...
        self.attr = "new value"
    def attr(self):
        return self._attr


Failed to build gem native extension (installing Compass)

I had the same problem on Linux Mint but I was able to fix it by uninstalling ruby and install it again.

Uninstall ruby:

sudo apt-get remove ruby

It reported some ruby packages like:

Package 'ruby' is not installed, so not removed
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
libruby2.2 ruby-chunky-png ruby-sass rubygems-integration
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.

Uninstall remaining packages*

apt-get autoremove

Install ruby again

sudo apt-get install ruby2.2

Install Compass

sudo gem install compass

The last command was executed with success.

What's the location of the JavaFX runtime JAR file, jfxrt.jar, on Linux?

Mine were located here on Ubuntu 18.04 when I installed JavaFX using apt install openjfx (as noted already by @jewelsea above)


Why does my Spring Boot App always shutdown immediately after starting?

Maybe it does not fit to your code but i found out if you have a code snippet like this:

public class SpringBootApacheKafkaApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {,args).close();

then just remove the close() method. That's fixed my problem! Maybe I can help someone with that

Using Spring RestTemplate in generic method with generic parameter

My own implementation of generic restTemplate call:

private <REQ, RES> RES queryRemoteService(String url, HttpMethod method, REQ req, Class reqClass) {
    RES result = null;
    try {
        long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Set the Content-Type header
        HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
        requestHeaders.setContentType(new MediaType("application","json"));            

        // Set the request entity
        HttpEntity<REQ> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<>(req, requestHeaders);

        // Create a new RestTemplate instance
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

        // Add the Jackson and String message converters
        restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
        restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new StringHttpMessageConverter());

        // Make the HTTP POST request, marshaling the request to JSON, and the response to a String
        ResponseEntity<RES> responseEntity =, method, requestEntity, reqClass);
        result = responseEntity.getBody();
        long stopMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis;

        Log.d(TAG, method + ":" + url + " took " + stopMillis + " ms");
    } catch (Exception e) {
         Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
    return result;

To add some context, I'm consuming RESTful service with this, hence all requests and responses are wrapped into small POJO like this:

public class ValidateRequest {
  User user;
  User checkedUser;
  Vehicle vehicle;


public class UserResponse {
  User user;
  RequestResult requestResult;

Method which calls this is the following:

public User checkUser(User user, String checkedUserName) {
    String url = urlBuilder()

    ValidateRequest request = new ValidateRequest();
    request.setCheckedUser(new User(checkedUserName));

    UserResponse response = queryRemoteService(url, HttpMethod.POST, request, UserResponse.class);
    return response.getUser();

And yes, there's a List dto-s as well.

How to download dependencies in gradle

A slightly lighter task that doesn't unnecessarily copy files to a dir:

task downloadDependencies(type: Exec) {
    commandLine 'echo', 'Downloaded all dependencies'

Updated for kotlin & gradle 6.2.0, with buildscript dependency resolution added:

fun Configuration.isDeprecated() = this is DeprecatableConfiguration && resolutionAlternatives != null

fun ConfigurationContainer.resolveAll() = this
  .filter { it.isCanBeResolved && !it.isDeprecated() }
  .forEach { it.resolve() }

tasks.register("downloadDependencies") {
  doLast {

Spring Boot: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

Adding the spring boot starter dependency fixed my error.


This is required if you want to start the tomcat as an embeded server.

How to Access Hive via Python?

I have solved the same problem with you,here is my operation environment( System:linux Versions:python 3.6 Package:Pyhive) please refer to my answer as follows:

from pyhive import hive
conn = hive.Connection(host='149.129.***.**', port=10000, username='*', database='*',password="*",auth='LDAP')

The key point is to add the reference password & auth and meanwhile set the auth equal to 'LDAP' . Then it works well, any questions please let me know

Scope 'session' is not active for the current thread; IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found

My answer refers to a special case of the general problem the OP describes, but I'll add it just in case it helps somebody out.

When using @EnableOAuth2Sso, Spring puts an OAuth2RestTemplate on the application context, and this component happens to assume thread-bound servlet-related stuff.

My code has a scheduled async method that uses an autowired RestTemplate. This isn't running inside DispatcherServlet, but Spring was injecting the OAuth2RestTemplate, which produced the error the OP describes.

The solution was to do name-based injection. In the Java config:

public RestTemplate pingRestTemplate() {
    return new RestTemplate();

and in the class that uses it:

private RestTemplate restTemplate;

Now Spring injects the intended, servlet-free RestTemplate.

Custom thread pool in Java 8 parallel stream

Alternatively to the trick of triggering the parallel computation inside your own forkJoinPool you can also pass that pool to the CompletableFuture.supplyAsync method like in:

ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(2);
CompletableFuture<List<Integer>> primes = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() ->
    //parallel task here, for example
    range(1, 1_000_000).parallel().filter(PrimesPrint::isPrime).collect(toList()), 


The error occurs when you have the same library/directory included more than once in your build.gradle's dependencies. Ok, let’s say you have an App structure that looks like this:

enter image description here

So you have the main “app” and then you have a bunch of sub-apps/modules/libraries. The libraries are: 1) gene_test_library, 2) genes_nine_old_androids_library, & 3) swipe_list_view_library.

My name is Gene, so that’s why there are all these “gene” libraries.

Inside the build.gradle for “app”, I have:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
    compile ''

    compile project(':libraries:gene_test_library')
    //compile project(':libraries:genes_nine_old_androids_library')
    compile project(':libraries:swipe_list_view_library')

Inside the build.gradle for gene_test_library, I have nothing:

dependencies {

Inside build.gradle for gene_nine_old_androids_library, I have:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ''

Inside build.gradle for swipe_list_view_library, I have:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0+'
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ''

This line of code “compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])” just means “hey, look inside the ‘libs’ folder inside this module for any jar files. I do not have anything in the libs folder of any of the modules so you can ignore that line of code.

So let’s say I uncomment out //compile project(':libraries:genes_nine_old_androids_library') In the build.gradle for the “app” module. Then I would get the “UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION:” error. Why is that?

enter image description here

Well, writing //compile project(':libraries:genes_nine_old_androids_library') inside the build.gradle for “app”, is the same as taking the build dependencies of “genes_nine_old_androids_library” module and putting it there. So uncommenting the //compile project(':libraries:genes_nine_old_androids_library') statement, the build.gradle for “app” module becomes:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
    compile ''

    compile project(':libraries:gene_test_library')
    ***compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])***
    ***compile ''***
    compile project(':libraries:swipe_list_view_library')

Notice how now “compile ''” shows up 2x. That’s where the error is coming from.

one line if statement in php

The provided answers are the best solution in your case, and they are what I do as well, but if your text is printed by a function or class method you could do the same as in Javascript as well

function hello(){
echo 'HELLO';
$print = true;
$print && hello();

How can I send large messages with Kafka (over 15MB)?

You need to adjust three (or four) properties:

  • Consumer side:fetch.message.max.bytes - this will determine the largest size of a message that can be fetched by the consumer.
  • Broker side: replica.fetch.max.bytes - this will allow for the replicas in the brokers to send messages within the cluster and make sure the messages are replicated correctly. If this is too small, then the message will never be replicated, and therefore, the consumer will never see the message because the message will never be committed (fully replicated).
  • Broker side: message.max.bytes - this is the largest size of the message that can be received by the broker from a producer.
  • Broker side (per topic): max.message.bytes - this is the largest size of the message the broker will allow to be appended to the topic. This size is validated pre-compression. (Defaults to broker's message.max.bytes.)

I found out the hard way about number 2 - you don't get ANY exceptions, messages, or warnings from Kafka, so be sure to consider this when you are sending large messages.

Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat

In my case the problem was caused by version inconsistency:

Build tools 25
compileSdk 24
targetSdk 24
Support library 24

The solution was simple: Make everything version 25

Async always WaitingForActivation

I had the same problem. The answers got me on the right track. So the problem is that functions marked with async don't return a task of the function itself as expected (but another continuation task of the function).

So its the "await"and "async" keywords that screws thing up. The simplest solution then is simply to remove them. Then it works as expected. As in:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Foo called");
    var result = Foo(5);

    while (result.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
        Console.WriteLine("Thread ID: {0}, Status: {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, result.Status);

    Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", result.Result);

private static Task<string> Foo(int seconds)
    return Task.Run(() =>
        for (int i = 0; i < seconds; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Thread ID: {0}, second {1}.", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, i);

        return "Foo Completed.";

Which outputs:

Foo called
Thread ID: 1, Status: WaitingToRun
Thread ID: 3, second 0.
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 3, second 1.
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 3, second 2.
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 3, second 3.
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 3, second 4.
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Thread ID: 1, Status: Running
Result: Foo Completed.

Launching Spring application Address already in use

In Eclipse, if Spring Tool Suite is installed, you can go to Boot Dashboard and expand local in explorer and right click on the application that is running on port 8080 and stop it before you re run your application.

PHP Adding 15 minutes to Time value

You can use below code also.It quite simple.

$selectedTime = "9:15:00";
echo date('h:i:s',strtotime($selectedTime . ' +15 minutes'));

How to run certain task every day at a particular time using ScheduledExecutorService?

I had a similar problem. I had to schedule bunch of tasks that should be executed during a day using ScheduledExecutorService. This was solved by one task starting at 3:30 AM scheduling all other tasks relatively to his current time. And rescheduling himself for the next day at 3:30 AM.

With this scenario daylight savings are not an issue anymore.

Insert json file into mongodb

Open command prompt separately and check:

C:\mongodb\bin\mongoimport --db db_name --collection collection_name< filename.json

Is there a need for range(len(a))?

What if you need to access two elements of the list simultaneously?

for i in range(len(a[0:-1])):
    something_new[i] = a[i] * a[i+1]

You can use this, but it's probably less clear:

for i, _ in enumerate(a[0:-1]):
     something_new[i] = a[i] * a[i+1]

Personally I'm not 100% happy with either!

How to query for Xml values and attributes from table in SQL Server?

Actually you're close to your goal, you just need to use nodes() method to split your rows and then get values:

    m.c.value('@id', 'varchar(max)') as id,
    m.c.value('@type', 'varchar(max)') as type,
    m.c.value('@unit', 'varchar(max)') as unit,
    m.c.value('@sum', 'varchar(max)') as [sum],
    m.c.value('@count', 'varchar(max)') as [count],
    m.c.value('@minValue', 'varchar(max)') as minValue,
    m.c.value('@maxValue', 'varchar(max)') as maxValue,
    m.c.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') as Value,
    m.c.value('(text())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as Value2
from sqm as s
    outer apply'Sqm/Metrics/Metric') as m(c)

sql fiddle demo

IIS - 401.3 - Unauthorized

  1. Create a new Site, Right Click on Sites folder then click add Site
  2. Enter the site name.
  3. Select physical path
  4. Select Ip Address
  5. Change Port
  6. Click OK
  7. Go to Application Pools
  8. Select the site pool
  9. Right-click the click Advance Settings
  10. Change the .Net CLR Version to "No Manage Code"
  11. Change the Identity to "ApplicationPoolIdentity"
  12. Go to Site home page then click "Authentication"
  13. Right-click to AnonymousAuthentication then click "Edit"
  14. Select Application Pool Identity
  15. Click ok
  16. boom!

for routes add a web.config

                <rule name="React Routes" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url=".*" />
                    <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
                        <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true" />
                        <add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true" />
                        <add input="{REQUEST_URI}" pattern="^/(api)" negate="true" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" url="/" />

How to get coordinates of an svg element?

You can use the function getBBox() to get the bounding box for the path. This will give you the position and size of the tightest rectangle that could contain the rendered path.

An advantage of using this method over reading the x and y values is that it will work with all graphical objects. There are more objects than paths that do not have x and y, for example circles that have cx and cy instead.

Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [43]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21

In my case the underlying system account through which the package was running was locked out. Once we got the system account unlocked and reran the package, it executed successfully. The developer said that he got to know of this while debugging wherein he directly tried to connect to the server and check the status of the connection.

Bootstrap 3: Keep selected tab on page refresh

I tried this and it works: ( Please replace this with the pill or tab you are using )

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        jQuery('a[data-toggle="pill"]').on('', function(e) {
            localStorage.setItem('activeTab', jQuery('href'));

        // Here, save the index to which the tab corresponds. You can see it 
        // in the chrome dev tool.
        var activeTab = localStorage.getItem('activeTab');

        // In the console you will be shown the tab where you made the last 
        // click and the save to "activeTab". I leave the console for you to 
        // see. And when you refresh the browser, the last one where you 
        // clicked will be active.

        if (activeTab) {
           jQuery('a[href="' + activeTab + '"]').tab('show');

I hope it would help somebody.

Here is the result:

What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error?

Whenever a TypeInitializationException is thrown, check all initialization logic of the type you are referring to for the first time in the statement where the exception is thrown - in your case: Logger.

Initialization logic includes: the type's static constructor (which - if I didn't miss it - you do not have for Logger) and field initialization.

Field initialization is pretty much "uncritical" in Logger except for the following lines:

private static string s_bstCommonAppData = Path.Combine(s_commonAppData, "XXXX");
private static string s_bstUserDataDir = Path.Combine(s_bstCommonAppData, "UserData");
private static string s_commonAppData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData);

s_commonAppData is null at the point where Path.Combine(s_commonAppData, "XXXX"); is called. As far as I'm concerned, these initializations happen in the exact order you wrote them - so put s_commonAppData up by at least two lines ;)

Unable to create a constant value of type Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context

In my case, I was able to resolve the issue by doing the following:

I changed my code from this:

var r2 = db.Instances.Where(x => x.Player1 == inputViewModel.InstanceList.FirstOrDefault().Player2 && x.Player2 == inputViewModel.InstanceList.FirstOrDefault().Player1).ToList();

To this:

var p1 = inputViewModel.InstanceList.FirstOrDefault().Player1;
var p2 = inputViewModel.InstanceList.FirstOrDefault().Player2;
var r1 = db.Instances.Where(x => x.Player1 == p1 && x.Player2 == p2).ToList();

how to resolve DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. in ssis

I would start by turning off TCP offloading. There have been a few things that cause intermittent connectivity issues and this is the one that is usually the culprit.

Note: I have seen this setting cause problems on Win Server 2003 and Win Server 2008

Loading DLLs at runtime in C#

It's not so difficult.

You can inspect the available functions of the loaded object, and if you find the one you're looking for by name, then snoop its expected parms, if any. If it's the call you're trying to find, then call it using the MethodInfo object's Invoke method.

Another option is to simply build your external objects to an interface, and cast the loaded object to that interface. If successful, call the function natively.

This is pretty simple stuff.

How do I perform a JAVA callback between classes?

Define an interface, and implement it in the class that will receive the callback.

Have attention to the multi-threading in your case.

Code example from

interface CallBack {                   //declare an interface with the callback methods, so you can use on more than one class and just refer to the interface
    void methodToCallBack();

class CallBackImpl implements CallBack {          //class that implements the method to callback defined in the interface
    public void methodToCallBack() {
        System.out.println("I've been called back");

class Caller {

    public void register(CallBack callback) {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Caller caller = new Caller();
        CallBack callBack = new CallBackImpl();       //because of the interface, the type is Callback even thought the new instance is the CallBackImpl class. This alows to pass different types of classes that have the implementation of CallBack interface

In your case, apart from multi-threading you could do like this:

interface ServerInterface {
    void newSeverConnection(Socket socket);

public class Server implements ServerInterface {

    public Server(int _address) {
        System.out.println("Starting Server...");
        serverConnectionHandler = new ServerConnections(_address, this);
        System.out.println("Do something else...");

    void newServerConnection(Socket socket) {
        System.out.println("A function of my child class was called.");


public class ServerConnections implements Runnable {

    private ServerInterface serverInterface;

    public ServerConnections(int _serverPort, ServerInterface _serverInterface) {
      serverPort = _serverPort;
      serverInterface = _serverInterface;

    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Starting Server Thread...");

        if (serverInterface == null) {
            System.out.println("Server Thread error: callback null");

        try {
            mainSocket = new ServerSocket(serverPort);

            while (true) {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Server.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


Remember this does not handle multi-threading, this is another topic and can have various solutions depending on the project.

The observer-pattern

The observer-pattern does nearly this, the major difference is the use of an ArrayList for adding more than one listener. Where this is not needed, you get better performance with one reference.

The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions


Surprisingly makes it work, what a strange feature.

A bigger example with a CTE as a way to temporarily "store" a long query to re-order it later:

;WITH cte AS (
    SELECT .....long select statement here....

    ( -- necessary to nest selects for union to work with where & order clauses
        SELECT * FROM cte WHERE cte.MainCol= 1 ORDER BY cte.ColX asc OFFSET 0 ROWS 
    ) first
        SELECT * FROM cte WHERE cte.MainCol = 0 ORDER BY cte.ColY desc OFFSET 0 ROWS 
    ) last
) as unionized
ORDER BY unionized.MainCol desc -- all rows ordered by this one
OFFSET @pPageSize * @pPageOffset ROWS -- params from stored procedure for pagination, not relevant to example
FETCH FIRST @pPageSize ROWS ONLY -- params from stored procedure for pagination, not relevant to example

So we get all results ordered by MainCol

But the results with MainCol = 1 get ordered by ColX

And the results with MainCol = 0 get ordered by ColY

Android Studio: Gradle - build fails -- Execution failed for task ':dexDebug'

Could fix this by adding

compile ''

to the dependencies in the vertretungsplan build.gradle, compile and then remove this line and compile again.

now it works

How is CountDownLatch used in Java Multithreading?

This example from Java Doc helped me understand the concepts clearly:

class Driver { // ...
  void main() throws InterruptedException {
    CountDownLatch startSignal = new CountDownLatch(1);
    CountDownLatch doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(N);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) // create and start threads
      new Thread(new Worker(startSignal, doneSignal)).start();

    doSomethingElse();            // don't let run yet
    startSignal.countDown();      // let all threads proceed
    doneSignal.await();           // wait for all to finish

class Worker implements Runnable {
  private final CountDownLatch startSignal;
  private final CountDownLatch doneSignal;
  Worker(CountDownLatch startSignal, CountDownLatch doneSignal) {
     this.startSignal = startSignal;
     this.doneSignal = doneSignal;
  public void run() {
     try {
     } catch (InterruptedException ex) {} // return;

  void doWork() { ... }

Visual interpretation:

enter image description here

Evidently, CountDownLatch allows one thread (here Driver) to wait until a bunch of running threads (here Worker) are done with their execution.

Programmatically Creating UILabel

Does the following work ?

UIFont * customFont = [UIFont fontWithName:ProximaNovaSemibold size:12]; //custom font
NSString * text = [self fromSender];

CGSize labelSize = [text sizeWithFont:customFont constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(380, 20) lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];

UILabel *fromLabel = [[UILabel alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(91, 15, labelSize.width, labelSize.height)];
fromLabel.text = text;
fromLabel.font = customFont;
fromLabel.numberOfLines = 1;
fromLabel.baselineAdjustment = UIBaselineAdjustmentAlignBaselines; // or UIBaselineAdjustmentAlignCenters, or UIBaselineAdjustmentNone
fromLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES;
fromLabel.adjustsLetterSpacingToFitWidth = YES;
fromLabel.minimumScaleFactor = 10.0f/12.0f;
fromLabel.clipsToBounds = YES;
fromLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
fromLabel.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
fromLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentLeft;
[collapsedViewContainer addSubview:fromLabel];

edit : I believe you may encounter a problem using both adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth and minimumScaleFactor. The former states that you also needs to set a minimumFontWidth (otherwhise it may shrink to something quite unreadable according to my test), but this is deprecated and replaced by the later.

edit 2 : Nevermind, outdated documentation. adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth needs minimumScaleFactor, just be sure no to pass it 0 as a minimumScaleFactor (integer division, 10/12 return 0). Small change on the baselineAdjustment value too.

Gradle: Execution failed for task ':processDebugManifest'

This error might be because of an attribute left empty in the manifest file.

An example:


The fullBackupContent is empty in the above example.

When it's changed to android:fullBackupContent="true" it will be fixed.

How to call a method in MainActivity from another class?

What I have done with no memory leaks or lint warnings is to use @f.trajkovski's method, but instead of using MainActivity, use WeakReference<MainActivity> instead.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public static WeakReference<MainActivity> weakActivity;
// etc..
 public static MainActivity getmInstanceActivity() {
    return weakActivity.get();

Then in MainActivity OnCreate()

weakActivity = new WeakReference<>(MainActivity.this);

Then in another class


Works like a charm

Where is the Java SDK folder in my computer? Ubuntu 12.04

For me, on Ubuntu, the various versions of JDK were in /usr/lib/jvm.

Rotate and translate

The reason is because you are using the transform property twice. Due to CSS rules with the cascade, the last declaration wins if they have the same specificity. As both transform declarations are in the same rule set, this is the case.

What it is doing is this:

  1. rotate the text 90 degrees. Ok.
  2. translate 50% by 50%. Ok, this is same property as step one, so do this step and ignore step 1.

See and open it in the debugger to see the first declaration overwritten

As the translate is overwriting the rotate, you have to combine them in the same declaration instead:

To do this you use a space separated list of transforms:

#rotatedtext {
    transform-origin: left;
    transform: translate(50%, 50%) rotate(90deg) ;

Remember that they are specified in a chain, so the translate is applied first, then the rotate after that.

"date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings..."

I am hosting my EC2 and S3 bucket in us-west-2 (Oregon) region. When I was calling $s3client->listBuckets() to list existing buckets in my php, I was getting exception - "Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'DateTime::__construct(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings...". I made below changes to make it work. Sharing these details in case someone is facing similar issue and any of above answers have not helped.

  1. Based on documentation @ AWS Configuring Network Time Protocol (NTP), I confirmed ntpd service status is fine by running ntpstat command. If you get error, this link helps you to know what is going wrong.
  2. Opened /etc/php.ini file (some may have it in different path based on version of php installed) and found that date.timezone was not set to any value and also it was commented by default. I un-commented by removing ';' before this line and set its value to "UTC" and saved the file.
  3. Restarted http and ntp daemons using sudo service httpd restart and sudo service ntpd restart commands.

After this I am able to list buckets successfully without any exception. Hope this helps.

Permanently hide Navigation Bar in an activity

You can

There are Two ways (both requiring device root) :

1- First way, open the device in adb window command, and then run the following:

 adb shell >
 pm disable-user --user 0 >

and to get it back just do the same but change disable to enable.

2- second way, add the following line to the end of your device's build.prop file :

qemu.hw.mainkeys = 1

then to get it back just remove it.

and if you don't know how to edit build.prop file:

  • download EsExplorer on your device and search for build.prop then change it's permissions to read and write, finally add the line.
  • download a specialized build.prop editor app like build.propEditor.
  • or refer to that link.

How do I implement Toastr JS?

Toastr is a very nice component, and you can show messages with theses commands:

// for success - green box
toastr.success('Success messages');

// for errors - red box
toastr.error('errors messages');

// for warning - orange box
toastr.warning('warning messages');

// for info - blue box'info messages');

If you want to provide a title on the toastr message, just add a second argument:

// for info - blue box
toastr.success('The process has been saved.', 'Success');

you also can change the default behaviour using something like this:

toastr.options.timeOut = 3000; // 3s

See more on the github of the project.


A sample of use:

$(document).ready(function() {

    // show when page load'Page Loaded!');

    $('#linkButton').click(function() {
       // show when the button is clicked
       toastr.success('Click Button');



and a html:

<a id='linkButton'>Show Message</a>

SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 08S01 Communications link failure

The communication link between the driver and the data source to which the driver was attempting to connect failed before the function completed processing. So usually its a network error. This could be caused by packet drops or badly configured Firewall/Switch.

No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

tomcat-maven-plugin in test

Tomcat usually does not add classes in src/test/java to the classpath. They are missing if you run tomcat in scope test. To order tomcat to respect classes in test, use -Dmaven.tomcat.useTestClasspath=true or add


To your pom.xml.

Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0

The selected answer dates from a while back. It is not practical to declare every binding in a custom HK2 binder. I'm using Tomcat and I just had to add one dependency. Even though it was designed for Glassfish it fits perfectly into other containers.


Make sure your container is properly configured too (see the documentation).

How can I bold the fonts of a specific row or cell in an Excel worksheet with C#?

I have done this in a project a long time ago. The code given below write a whole rows bold with specific column names and all of these columns are written in bold format.

private void WriteColumnHeaders(DataColumnCollection columnCollection, int row, int column)
        // row represent particular row you want to bold its content.
        for (i = 0; i < columnCollection.Count; i++)
            DataColumn col = columnCollection[i];
            xlWorkSheet.Cells[row, column + i + 1] = col.Caption;
            // Some Font Styles
            xlWorkSheet.Cells[row, column + i + 1].Style.Font.Bold = true;
            xlWorkSheet.Cells[row, column + i + 1].Interior.Color = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
            //xlWorkSheet.Columns[i + 1].ColumnWidth = xlWorkSheet.Columns[i+1].ColumnWidth + 10;

You must pass value of row 0 so that first row of your excel sheets have column headers with bold font size. Just change DataColumnCollection to your columns name and change col.Caption to specific column name.


You may do this to cell of excel sheet you want bold.

xlWorkSheet.Cells[row, column].Style.Font.Bold = true;

android layout with visibility GONE

    android:visibility="gone" />

Try this piece of code..For me this code worked..

How to pass values between Fragments

From Developers website:

Often you will want one Fragment to communicate with another, for example to change the content based on a user event. All Fragment-to-Fragment communication is done through the associated Activity. Two Fragments should never communicate directly.

You can communicate among fragments with the help of its Activity. You can communicate among activity and fragment using this approach.

Please check this link also. Broken pipe

Error message suggests that the client has closed the connection while the server is still trying to write out a response.

Refer to this link for more details:

Change Text Color of Selected Option in a Select Box

You could do it like this.



var select = document.getElementById('mySelect');
select.onchange = function () {
    select.className = this.options[this.selectedIndex].className;


.redText {
.greenText {
.blueText {

You could use option { background-color: #FFF; } if you want the list to be white.


<select id="mySelect" class="greenText">
    <option class="greenText" value="apple" >Apple</option>
    <option class="redText"   value="banana" >Banana</option>
    <option class="blueText" value="grape" >Grape</option>

Since this is a select it doesn't really make sense to use .yellowText as none selected if that's what you were getting at as something must be selected.

Sending an HTTP POST request on iOS

Heres the method I used in my logging library:

This method fills html forms inside Google Forms. Hope it helps someone using Swift.

var url = NSURL(string: urlstring)

var request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
request.setValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.HTTPBody = postData.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
var connection = NSURLConnection(request: request, delegate: nil, startImmediately: true)

How can I populate a select dropdown list from a JSON feed with AngularJS?

In my Angular Bootstrap dropdowns I initialize the JSON Array (vm.zoneDropdown) with ng-init (you can also have ng-init inside the directive template) and I pass the Array in a custom src attribute

<custom-dropdown control-id="zone" label="Zona" model="" src="vm.zoneDropdown"
                         ng-init="vm.getZoneDropdownSrc()" is-required="true" form="farmaciaForm" css-class="custom-dropdown col-md-3"></custom-dropdown>

Inside the controller:

vm.zoneDropdown = [];
vm.getZoneDropdownSrc = function () {
    vm.zoneDropdown = $customService.getZone();

And inside the customDropdown directive template(note that this is only one part of the bootstrap dropdown):

<ul class="uib-dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="btn-append-to-body">
    <li role="menuitem" ng-repeat="dropdownItem in vm.src" ng-click="vm.setValue(dropdownItem)">
        <a ng-click="vm.preventDefault($event)" href="##">{{dropdownItem.text}}</a>

Save attachments to a folder and rename them

See ReceivedTime Property

You added another \ to the end of C:\Temp\ in the SaveAs File line. Could be a problem. Do a test first before adding a path separator.

dateFormat = Format(itm.ReceivedTime, "yyyy-mm-dd H-mm")  
saveFolder = "C:\Temp"

You have not set objAtt so there is no need for "Set objAtt = Nothing". If there was it would be just before End Sub not in the loop.

Public Sub saveAttachtoDisk (itm As Outlook.MailItem) 
    Dim objAtt As Outlook.Attachment 
    Dim saveFolder As String Dim dateFormat
    dateFormat = Format(itm.ReceivedTime, "yyyy-mm-dd H-mm")  saveFolder = "C:\Temp"
    For Each objAtt In itm.Attachments
        objAtt.SaveAsFile saveFolder & "\" & dateFormat & objAtt.DisplayName
End Sub

Re: It worked the first day I started tinkering but after that it stopped saving files.

This is usually due to Security settings. It is a "trap" set for first time users to allow macros then take it away.

C# refresh DataGridView when updating or inserted on another form

my datagridview is editonEnter mode . so it refresh only after i leave cell or after i revisit and exit cell twice.

to trigger this iimedately . i unfocus from datagridview . then refocus it.

 Application.DoEvents();    //this does magic

How can I display a messagebox in ASP.NET?

This method works fine for me:

private void alert(string message)
    Response.Write("<script>alert('" + message + "')</script>");


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    alert("Hello world!");

And when your page load yo will see something like this:

enter image description here

I'm using .NET Framework 4.5 in Firefox.

DTO pattern: Best way to copy properties between two objects

I had an application that I needed to convert from a JPA entity to DTO, and I thought about it and finally came up using org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.copyProperties for copying simple properties and also extending and using org.springframework.binding.convert.service.DefaultConversionService for converting complex properties.

In detail my service was something like this:

public class SeedingConverterService extends DefaultConversionService implements ISeedingConverterService  {
    public void init(){
        Converter<Feature,FeatureDTO> featureConverter = new Converter<Feature, FeatureDTO>() {

            public FeatureDTO convert(Feature f) {
                FeatureDTO dto = new FeatureDTO();
                //BeanUtils.copyProperties(f, dto,"configurationModel");
                BeanUtils.copyProperties(f, dto);
                return dto;

        Converter<ConfigurationModel,ConfigurationModelDTO> configurationModelConverter = new Converter<ConfigurationModel,ConfigurationModelDTO>() {
            public ConfigurationModelDTO convert(ConfigurationModel c) {
                ConfigurationModelDTO dto = new ConfigurationModelDTO();
                //BeanUtils.copyProperties(c, dto, "features");
                BeanUtils.copyProperties(c, dto);
                List<FeatureDTO> l = c.getFeatures().stream().map(f->featureConverter.convert(f)).collect(Collectors.toList());
                return dto;

Use of REPLACE in SQL Query for newline/ carriage return characters

There are probably embedded tabs (CHAR(9)) etc. as well. You can find out what other characters you need to replace (we have no idea what your goal is) with something like this:


SET @i = 1;

SELECT @var = AccountType FROM dbo.Account
  WHERE AccountNumber = 200
  AND AccountType LIKE '%Daily%';


WHILE @i <= LEN(@var)
  INSERT #x 
    SELECT SUBSTRING(@var, @i, 1), ASCII(SUBSTRING(@var, @i, 1));

  SET @i = @i + 1;


You might also consider doing better cleansing of this data before it gets into your database. Cleaning it every time you need to search or display is not the best approach.

The application may be doing too much work on its main thread

My app had same problem. But it was not doing other than displaying list of cards and text on it. Nothing running in background. But then after some investigation found that the image set for card background was causing this, even though it was small(350kb). Then I converted the image to 9patch images using
This worked for me.

How do I fix the error "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted"?

I faced similar problem on windows server 2012 STD 64 bit , my problem is resolved after updating windows with all available windows updates.

Scheduling recurring task in Android

I am not sure but as per my knowledge I share my views. I always accept best answer if I am wrong .

Alarm Manager

The Alarm Manager holds a CPU wake lock as long as the alarm receiver's onReceive() method is executing. This guarantees that the phone will not sleep until you have finished handling the broadcast. Once onReceive() returns, the Alarm Manager releases this wake lock. This means that the phone will in some cases sleep as soon as your onReceive() method completes. If your alarm receiver called Context.startService(), it is possible that the phone will sleep before the requested service is launched. To prevent this, your BroadcastReceiver and Service will need to implement a separate wake lock policy to ensure that the phone continues running until the service becomes available.

Note: The Alarm Manager is intended for cases where you want to have your application code run at a specific time, even if your application is not currently running. For normal timing operations (ticks, timeouts, etc) it is easier and much more efficient to use Handler.


timer = new Timer();

    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {

        synchronized public void run() {

            \\ here your todo;

        }, TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1), TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1));

Timer has some drawbacks that are solved by ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. So it's not the best choice


You can use java.util.Timer or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor (preferred) to schedule an action to occur at regular intervals on a background thread.

Here is a sample using the latter:

ScheduledExecutorService scheduler =

      (new Runnable() {
         public void run() {
            // call service
      }, 0, 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

So I preferred ScheduledExecutorService

But Also think about that if the updates will occur while your application is running, you can use a Timer, as suggested in other answers, or the newer ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. If your application will update even when it is not running, you should go with the AlarmManager.

The Alarm Manager is intended for cases where you want to have your application code run at a specific time, even if your application is not currently running.

Take note that if you plan on updating when your application is turned off, once every ten minutes is quite frequent, and thus possibly a bit too power consuming.

Calculating Page Load Time In JavaScript

The answer mentioned by @HaNdTriX is a great, but we are not sure if DOM is completely loaded in the below code:

var loadTime = window.performance.timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd- window.performance.timing.navigationStart; 

This works perfectly when used with onload as:

window.onload = function () {
    var loadTime = window.performance.timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd-window.performance.timing.navigationStart; 
    console.log('Page load time is '+ loadTime);

Edit 1: Added some context to answer

Note: loadTime is in milliseconds, you can divide by 1000 to get seconds as mentioned by @nycynik

Change UITableView height dynamically

There isn't a system feature to change the height of the table based upon the contents of the tableview. Having said that, it is possible to programmatically change the height of the tableview based upon the contents, specifically based upon the contentSize of the tableview (which is easier than manually calculating the height yourself). A few of the particulars vary depending upon whether you're using the new autolayout that's part of iOS 6, or not.

But assuming you're configuring your table view's underlying model in viewDidLoad, if you want to then adjust the height of the tableview, you can do this in viewDidAppear:

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];

    [self adjustHeightOfTableview];

Likewise, if you ever perform a reloadData (or otherwise add or remove rows) for a tableview, you'd want to make sure that you also manually call adjustHeightOfTableView there, too, e.g.:

- (IBAction)onPressButton:(id)sender
    [self buildModel];
    [self.tableView reloadData];

    [self adjustHeightOfTableview];

So the question is what should our adjustHeightOfTableview do. Unfortunately, this is a function of whether you use the iOS 6 autolayout or not. You can determine if you have autolayout turned on by opening your storyboard or NIB and go to the "File Inspector" (e.g. press option+command+1 or click on that first tab on the panel on the right):

enter image description here

Let's assume for a second that autolayout was off. In that case, it's quite simple and adjustHeightOfTableview would just adjust the frame of the tableview:

- (void)adjustHeightOfTableview
    CGFloat height = self.tableView.contentSize.height;
    CGFloat maxHeight = self.tableView.superview.frame.size.height - self.tableView.frame.origin.y;

    // if the height of the content is greater than the maxHeight of
    // total space on the screen, limit the height to the size of the
    // superview.

    if (height > maxHeight)
        height = maxHeight;

    // now set the frame accordingly

    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{
        CGRect frame = self.tableView.frame;
        frame.size.height = height;
        self.tableView.frame = frame;

        // if you have other controls that should be resized/moved to accommodate
        // the resized tableview, do that here, too

If your autolayout was on, though, adjustHeightOfTableview would adjust a height constraint for your tableview:

- (void)adjustHeightOfTableview
    CGFloat height = self.tableView.contentSize.height;
    CGFloat maxHeight = self.tableView.superview.frame.size.height - self.tableView.frame.origin.y;

    // if the height of the content is greater than the maxHeight of
    // total space on the screen, limit the height to the size of the
    // superview.

    if (height > maxHeight)
        height = maxHeight;

    // now set the height constraint accordingly

    [UIView animateWithDuration:0.25 animations:^{
        self.tableViewHeightConstraint.constant = height;
        [self.view setNeedsUpdateConstraints];

For this latter constraint-based solution to work with autolayout, we must take care of a few things first:

  1. Make sure your tableview has a height constraint by clicking on the center button in the group of buttons here and then choose to add the height constraint:

    add height constraint

  2. Then add an IBOutlet for that constraint:

    add IBOutlet

  3. Make sure you adjust other constraints so they don't conflict if you adjust the size tableview programmatically. In my example, the tableview had a trailing space constraint that locked it to the bottom of the screen, so I had to adjust that constraint so that rather than being locked at a particular size, it could be greater or equal to a value, and with a lower priority, so that the height and top of the tableview would rule the day:

    adjust other constraints

    What you do here with other constraints will depend entirely upon what other controls you have on your screen below the tableview. As always, dealing with constraints is a little awkward, but it definitely works, though the specifics in your situation depend entirely upon what else you have on the scene. But hopefully you get the idea. Bottom line, with autolayout, make sure to adjust your other constraints (if any) to be flexible to account for the changing tableview height.

As you can see, it's much easier to programmatically adjust the height of a tableview if you're not using autolayout, but in case you are, I present both alternatives.

maven "cannot find symbol" message unhelpful

This is not a function of Maven; it's a function of the compiler. Look closely; the information you're looking for is most likely in the following line.

javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Class *** nor any of its super class is known to this context

Ftrujillo's answer works well but if you only have one package to scan this is the shortest form::

    public Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
        Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
        return marshaller;

setValue:forUndefinedKey: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key

Go to Xcode's breakpoints tab. Use the button at the bottom to add an exception breakpoint. Now you'll see what code is invoking setValue:forKey: and the associated stack. With luck that'll point you straight at the problem's source.

Odd that your class is LoginScreen, yet the error is saying someone is using "LoginScreen" as a key. Check that LoginScreen.m is part of your target.

enter image description here

Footnote: with Swift a common problem arises if you change the name of a class (so, you rename it everywhere in your code). Storyboard struggles with this, and you usually have to re-drag any connections involving that class. And in particular, re-enter the name of the class anywhere used in IdentityInspector tab on the right. (In the picture example I deliberately misspelled the class name. But the same thing often happens when you rename a class; even though it's seemingly correct in IdentityInspector, you need to enter the name again; it will correctly autocomplete and you're good to go.)

Could not load type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' from assembly 'mscorlib

I just ran into this annoying problem today. We use SmartAssembly to pack/obfuscate our .NET assemblies, but suddenly the final product wasn't working on our test systems. I didn't even think I had .NET 4.5, but apparently something installed it about a month ago.

I uninstalled 4.5 and reinstalled 4.0, and now everything is working again. Not too impressed with having blown an afternoon on this.

boundingRectWithSize for NSAttributedString returning wrong size

I have had the same problem with not getting an accurate size using these techniques and I've changed my approach to make it work.

I have a long attributed string which I've been trying to fit into a scroll view so that it shows properly without being truncated. What I did to make the text work reliably was to not set the height at all as a constraint and instead allowed the intrinsic size to take over. Now the text is displayed correctly without being truncated and I do not have to calculate the height.

I suppose if I did need to get the height reliably I would create a view which is hidden and these constraints and get the height of the frame once the constraints are applied.

How to change TIMEZONE for a java.util.Calendar/Date

  1. The class Date/Timestamp represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision, since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. So this time difference (from epoch to current time) will be same in all computers across the world with irrespective of Timezone.

  2. Date/Timestamp doesn't know about the given time is on which timezone.

  3. If we want the time based on timezone we should go for the Calendar or SimpleDateFormat classes in java.

  4. If you try to print a Date/Timestamp object using toString(), it will convert and print the time with the default timezone of your machine.

  5. So we can say (Date/Timestamp).getTime() object will always have UTC (time in milliseconds)

  6. To conclude Date.getTime() will give UTC time, but toString() is on locale specific timezone, not UTC.

Now how will I create/change time on specified timezone?

The below code gives you a date (time in milliseconds) with specified timezones. The only problem here is you have to give date in string format.

   DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss");
   java.util.Date parsedDate = dateFormatLocal.parse(date);

Use dateFormat.format for taking input Date (which is always UTC), timezone and return date as String.

How to store UTC/GMT time in DB:

If you print the parsedDate object, the time will be in default timezone. But you can store the UTC time in DB like below.

        Calendar calGMT = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
        Timestamp tsSchedStartTime = new Timestamp (parsedDate.getTime());
        if (tsSchedStartTime != null) {
            stmt.setTimestamp(11, tsSchedStartTime, calGMT );
        } else {
            stmt.setNull(11, java.sql.Types.DATE);

SSIS cannot convert because a potential loss of data

When you first set up this package, I am guessing that either a one or two digit number was the first value in the ShipTo column. Your package reading from the Excel picked a numeric type for that input field and the word "ALL" fails the package since the input spec for that field is numeric. There are several ways to fix this beforehand, but to fix it after the fact, the easiest way is to right click the Excel Source and choose Show Advanced Editor... From there, choose the tab that says Input and Output Properties. In the topmost part of the inputs and outputs section of that dialog box, find the column ShipTo. You will have to drill down to find it. Set the DataType to "string [DT_STR]" and the length to 20.

Click OK then attempt to run your package again.

Pass multiple values with onClick in HTML link

Please try this

for static values--onclick="return ReAssign('valuationId','user')"
for dynamic values--onclick="return ReAssign(valuationId,user)"

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.10:test

Sometimes you get similar sounding errors but for reasons that're really not related to the tools - in this case Surefire plugin.

For me I was getting a similar error but the reason was i wasn't pointing to the correct DB url !

Among a lot of verbosity (using mvn -X flag) I saw a timeout message.

One trick I did was to install IntelliJ on the build server (for debugging purpose) and fixing problems through it first and then uninstalling it and making sure everything works on build server as well.

Convert time span value to format "hh:mm Am/Pm" using C#

string displayValue="03:00 AM";

This is a point in time , not a duration (TimeSpan).

So something is wrong with your basic design or assumptions.

If you do want to use it, you'll have to convert it to a DateTime (point in time) first. You can format a DateTime without the date part, that would be your desired string.

TimeSpan t1 = ...;
DateTime d1 = DateTime.Today + t1;               // any date will do
string result = d1.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt");

storeTime variable can have value like

No, it can have a value of 4 o'clock but the representation is binary, a TimeSpan cannot record the difference between 16:00 and 4 pm.

Convert string into integer in bash script - "Leading Zero" number error

Here's an easy way, albeit not the prettiest way to get an int value for a string.

hour=`expr $hour + 0`


bash-3.2$ hour="08"
bash-3.2$ hour=`expr $hour + 0`
bash-3.2$ echo $hour

How to print strings with line breaks in java

private static final String mText = "SHOP MA" + "\n" +
        + "----------------------------" + "\n" +
        + "Pannampitiya" + newline +
        + "09-10-2012 harsha  no: 001" + "\n" +
        + "No  Item  Qty  Price  Amount" + "\n" +
        + "1 Bread 1 50.00  50.00" + "\n" +
        + "____________________________" + "\n";

This should work.

Why can I ping a server but not connect via SSH?

On the server, try:

netstat -an 

and look to see if tcp port 22 is opened (use findstr in Windows or grep in Unix).

Setting font on NSAttributedString on UITextView disregards line spacing

I found your question because I was also fighting with NSAttributedString. For me, the beginEditing and endEditing methods did the trick, like stated in Changing an Attributed String. Apart from that, the lineSpacing is set with setLineSpacing on the paragraphStyle.

So you might want to try changing your code to:

NSString *string = @" Hello \n world";
attrString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:string];
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy];

[paragraphStyle setLineSpacing:20]  // Or whatever (positive) value you like...    
[attrSting beginEditing];

[attrString addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:20] range:NSMakeRange(0, string.length)];
[attrString addAttribute:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName value:paragraphStyle range:NSMakeRange(0, string.length)];

[attrString endEditing];

mainTextView.attributedText = attrString;

Didn't test this exact code though, btw, but mine looks nearly the same.


Meanwhile, I've tested it, and, correct me if I'm wrong, the - beginEditing and - endEditing calls seem to be of quite an importance.

Disable automatic sorting on the first column when using jQuery DataTables

this.dtOptions = {
    order: [],
    columnDefs: [ {
        'targets': [0], /* column index [0,1,2,3]*/
        'orderable': false, /* true or false */
    ........ rest all stuff .....

The above worked fine for me.

(I am using Angular version 7, angular-datatables version 6.0.0 and bootstrap version 4)

Disable sorting on last column when using jQuery DataTables

This is work perfect for me if you don't allow sorting the first column then use

    $(document).ready(function () {
            'columnDefs': [{
                "targets": 0,
                "orderable": false

here index row starts with 0, so put 0 in targets.
And if you disable sorting for one or more column then use,

    $(document).ready(function () {
            'columnDefs': [{
                "targets": [0,3],
                "orderable": false

Here you can see , disable sorting in datatable js

Above my checkbox column at 0 positions and Action column at 3rd position so sorting disable in both table.

Setting Windows PATH for Postgres tools

All you need to do is to change the PATH variable to include the bin directory of your PostgreSQL installation.

An explanation on how to change environment variables is here:

To verify that the path is set correctly, you can use:

echo %PATH%

on the commandline.

How to run a method every X seconds

You can please try this code to call the handler every 15 seconds via onResume() and stop it when the activity is not visible, via onPause().

Handler handler = new Handler();
Runnable runnable;
int delay = 15*1000; //Delay for 15 seconds.  One second = 1000 milliseconds.

protected void onResume() {
   //start handler as activity become visible

    handler.postDelayed( runnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            //do something

            handler.postDelayed(runnable, delay);
    }, delay);


// If onPause() is not included the threads will double up when you 
// reload the activity 

protected void onPause() {
    handler.removeCallbacks(runnable); //stop handler when activity not visible

Named tuple and default values for optional keyword arguments

Short, simple, and doesn't lead people to use isinstance improperly:

class Node(namedtuple('Node', ('val', 'left', 'right'))):
    def make(cls, val, left=None, right=None):
        return cls(val, left, right)

# Example
x = Node.make(3)

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

It means that you compiled your classes under a specific JDK, but then try to run them under older version of JDK.

Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?

In the sorted case, you can do better than relying on successful branch prediction or any branchless comparison trick: completely remove the branch.

Indeed, the array is partitioned in a contiguous zone with data < 128 and another with data >= 128. So you should find the partition point with a dichotomic search (using Lg(arraySize) = 15 comparisons), then do a straight accumulation from that point.

Something like (unchecked)

int i= 0, j, k= arraySize;
while (i < k)
  j= (i + k) >> 1;
  if (data[j] >= 128)
    k= j;
    i= j;
sum= 0;
for (; i < arraySize; i++)
  sum+= data[i];

or, slightly more obfuscated

int i, k, j= (i + k) >> 1;
for (i= 0, k= arraySize; i < k; (data[j] >= 128 ? k : i)= j)
  j= (i + k) >> 1;
for (sum= 0; i < arraySize; i++)
  sum+= data[i];

A yet faster approach, that gives an approximate solution for both sorted or unsorted is: sum= 3137536; (assuming a truly uniform distribution, 16384 samples with expected value 191.5) :-)

What is Hive: Return Code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask

I removed the _SUCCESS file from the EMR output path in S3 and it worked fine.

Set selected item of spinner programmatically

This worked for me:

protected void onStart() {

It's similar to @sberezin's solution but calling setSelection() in onStart().

Hibernate error: ids for this class must be manually assigned before calling save():

Resolved this problem using a Sequence ID defined in Oracle database.

ORACLE_DB_SEQ_ID is defined as a sequence for the table. Also look at the console to see the Hibernate SQL that is used to verify.

@Column(name = "MY_ID", unique = true, nullable = false)
@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "id_Sequence")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "id_Sequence", sequenceName = "ORACLE_DB_SEQ_ID")
Long myId;

MVC 4 @Scripts "does not exist"

Just write

@section Scripts{
    <script src="@System.Web.Optimization.BundleTable.Bundles.ResolveBundleUrl("~/bundles/jqueryval")"></script>

How to tackle daylight savings using TimeZone in Java

In java, DateFormatter by default uses DST,To avoid day Light saving (DST) you need to manually do a trick,
first you have to get the DST offset i.e. for how many millisecond DST applied, for ex somewhere DST is also for 45 minutes and for some places it is for 30 min
but in most cases DST is of 1 hour
you have to use Timezone object and check with the date whether it is falling under DST or not and then you have to manually add offset of DST into it. for eg:

 TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST");
 boolean isDST = tz.inDaylightTime(yourDateObj);
 int sec= tz.getDSTSavings()/1000;// for no. of seconds
 Calendar cal= Calendar.getInstance();
 System.out.println(cal.getTime());// your Date with DST neglected

Assigning more than one class for one event

You can select multiple classes at once with jQuery like this:

$('.tag, .tag2').click(function() {
    var $this = $(this);
    if ($this.hasClass('tag')) {
        // do stuff
    } else {
        // do other stuff

Giving a 2nd parameter to the $() function, scopes the selector so $('.tag', '.tag2') looks for tag within elements with the class tag2.

Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher

Had a similar issue. But it is important to understand the root cause and it may vary for different use cases.

Scenario 1
You are trying to decrypt a value which was not encoded correctly in the first place.

byte[] encryptedBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(encryptedBase64String);

If the String is misconfigured for certain reason or has not been encoded correctly, you would see the error " Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher"

Scenario 2
Now if by any chance you are using this encoded string in url (trying to pass in the base64Encoded value in url, it will fail. You should do URLEncoding and then pass in the token, it will work.

Scenario 3
When integrating with one of the vendors, we found that we had to do encryption of Base64 using URLEncoder but then we need not decode it because it was done internally by the Vendor

HttpClient does not exist in .net 4.0: what can I do?

Here's a "translation" to HttpWebRequest (needed rather than WebClient in order to set the referrer). (Uses System.Net and System.IO):

    HttpWebRequest http = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(requestUrl))
    http.Referer = referrer;
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse )http.GetResponse();
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
        string responseJson = sr.ReadToEnd();
        // more stuff

Jquery to get SelectedText from dropdown


this worked for me, here instead of [0], pass the selected index of your drop down list.

ComboBox.SelectedText doesn't give me the SelectedText

I think you want to use

String status = "The status of my combobox is " + comboBoxTest.Text

SelectedText property from MSDN

Gets or sets the text that is selected in the editable portion of a ComboBox.

while Text property from MSDN

Gets or sets the text associated with this control.

Issue with Task Scheduler launching a task

  • Right Click on the Task in Task Scheduler
  • Click on the Actions tab
  • Click on Edit
  • Remove the quotes around the path in the "Starts In" textbox.

How to repair a serialized string which has been corrupted by an incorrect byte count length?

After having tried some things on this page without success I had a look in the page-source and remarked that all quotes in the serialized string have been replaced by html-entities. Decoding these entities helps avoiding much headache:

$myVar = html_entity_decode($myVar);

Xcode error - Thread 1: signal SIGABRT

You are trying to load a XIB named DetailViewController, but no such XIB exists or it's not member of your current target.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/client/HttpClient

I solved this issue for myself, I found there's was two files of http-client with different version of other dependent jar files. So there may version were collapsing between libraries files so remove all old/previous libraries files and re-add are jar files from lib folder of this zip file:

Donwload Zip file from here

How to update UI from another thread running in another class

If this is a long calculation then I would go background worker. It has progress support. It also has support for cancel.

Here I have a TextBox bound to contents.

    private void backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
        if (e.Cancelled)
            contents = "Cancelled get contents.";
        else if (e.Error != null)
            contents = "An Error Occured in get contents";
            contents = (string)e.Result;
            if (contentTabSelectd) NotifyPropertyChanged("Contents");

Unable to load DLL (Module could not be found HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

The DLL has to be in the bin folder.

In Visual Studio, I add the dll to my project (NOT in References, but "Add existing file"). Then set the "Copy to Output Directory" Property for the dll to "Copy if newer".

Unable to instantiate default tuplizer [org.hibernate.tuple.entity.PojoEntityTuplizer]

I had the same exception and I was excluding javassist because of its issue with powermock. Then I was adding it again as below but it was not working:



Finally I found out that I have to remove <scope>test</scope> from javassist dependency. Hope it helps someone.

Detect home button press in android

This is an old question but it might help someone.

protected void onUserLeaveHint()
    Log.d("onUserLeaveHint","Home button pressed");

According to the documentation, the onUserLeaveHint() method is called when the user clicks the home button OR when something interrupts your application (like an incoming phone call).

This works for me.. :)

How to use in jQuery :not and hasClass() to get a specific element without a class

jQuery's hasClass() method returns a boolean (true/false) and not an element. Also, the parameter to be given to it is a class name and not a selector as such.

For ex: x.hasClass('error');

Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect)

Pessimistic locking is generally not recommended and it's very costly in terms of performance on database side. The problem that you have mentioned (the code part) a few things are not clear such as:

  • If your code is being accessed by multiple threads at the same time.
  • How are you creating session object (not sure if you are using Spring)?

Hibernate Session objects are NOT thread-safe. So if there are multiple threads accessing the same session and trying to update the same database entity, your code can potentially end up in an error situation like this.

So what happens here is that more than one thread tries to update the same entity, one thread succeeds and when the next thread goes to commit the data, it sees that its already been modified and ends up throwing StaleObjectStateException.


There is a way to use Pessimistic Locking in Hibernate. Check out this link. But there seems to be some issue with this mechanism. I came across posting a bug in hibernate (HHH-5275), however. The scenario mentioned in the bug is as follows:

Two threads are reading the same database record; one of those threads should use pessimistic locking thereby blocking the other thread. But both threads can read the database record causing the test to fail.

This is very close to what you are facing. Please try this if this does not work, the only way I can think of is using Native SQL queries where you can achieve pessimistic locking in postgres database with SELECT FOR UPDATE query.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String;

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String;

That method was added in Servlet 2.5.

So this problem can have at least 3 causes:

  1. The servlet container does not support Servlet 2.5.
  2. The web.xml is not declared conform Servlet 2.5 or newer.
  3. The webapp's runtime classpath is littered with servlet container specific JAR files of a different servlet container make/version which does not support Servlet 2.5.

To solve it,

  1. Make sure that your servlet container supports at least Servlet 2.5. That are at least Tomcat 6, Glassfish 2, JBoss AS 4.1, etcetera. Tomcat 5.5 for example supports at highest Servlet 2.4. If you can't upgrade Tomcat, then you'd need to downgrade Spring to a Servlet 2.4 compatible version.
  2. Make sure that the root declaration of web.xml complies Servlet 2.5 (or newer, at least the highest whatever your target runtime supports). For an example, see also somewhere halfway our servlets wiki page.
  3. Make sure that you don't have any servlet container specific libraries like servlet-api.jar or j2ee.jar in /WEB-INF/lib or even worse, the JRE/lib or JRE/lib/ext. They do not belong there. This is a pretty common beginner's mistake in an attempt to circumvent compilation errors in an IDE, see also How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project?.

Is there a stopwatch in Java?

Use System.currentTimeMillis() to get the start time and the end time and calculate the difference.

class TimeTest1 {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    long total = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
      total += i;

    long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime;

More info at this tutorial

How to convert enum value to int?

Sometime some C# approach makes the life easier in Java world..:

class XLINK {
static final short PAYLOAD = 102, ACK = 103, PAYLOAD_AND_ACK = 104;
//Now is trivial to use it like a C# enum:
int rcv = XLINK.ACK;

Validation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details

If you are simply catching a generic exception, it may benefit you to cast this as a DbEntityValidationException. This type of an exception has a Validation Errors property, and continuing to expand your way into them, you will find all the problems.

For example, if you put a break point in the catch, you can throw the following into a watch:

((System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException ) ex)

An example of an error is if a field does not allow nulls, and you have a null string, you'll see it say that the field is required.

Getting JSONObject from JSONArray

Here is your json:

    "syncresponse": {
       "synckey": "2011-09-30 14:52:00",
        "createdtrs": [

        "modtrs": [

        "deletedtrs": [
           "companyid": "UTB17",
           "username": "DA",
           "date": "2011-09-26",
           "reportid": "31341"

and it's parsing:

JSONObject object = new JSONObject(result);
String syncresponse = object.getString("syncresponse");
JSONObject object2 = new JSONObject(syncresponse);
String synckey = object2.getString("synckey");
JSONArray jArray1 = object2.getJSONArray("createdtrs");
JSONArray jArray2 = object2.getJSONArray("modtrs");
JSONArray jArray3 = object2.getJSONArray("deletedtrs");
for(int i = 0; i < jArray3 .length(); i++)
   JSONObject object3 = jArray3.getJSONObject(i);
   String comp_id = object3.getString("companyid");
   String username = object3.getString("username");
   String date = object3.getString("date");
   String report_id = object3.getString("reportid");

How do I use a custom Serializer with Jackson?

Use @JsonValue:

public class User {
    int id;
    String name;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

@JsonValue only works on methods so you must add the getId method. You should be able to skip your custom serializer altogether.

inject bean reference into a Quartz job in Spring?

Jdbc jobstore

If you are using jdbc jobstore Quartz uses a different classloader. That prevents all the workarounds for autowiring, since objects from spring will not be compatible at quartz side, because they originited from a different class loader.

To fix that, the default classloader has to be set in the quartz properties file like this:


As reference:

How to remove the querystring and get only the url?

Use PHP Manual - parse_url() to get the parts you need.

Edit (example usage for @Navi Gamage)

You can use it like this:

function reconstruct_url($url){    
    $url_parts = parse_url($url);
    $constructed_url = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://' . $url_parts['host'] . $url_parts['path'];

    return $constructed_url;


Edit (second full example):

Updated function to make sure scheme will be attached and none notice msgs appear:

function reconstruct_url($url){    
    $url_parts = parse_url($url);
    $constructed_url = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://' . $url_parts['host'] . (isset($url_parts['path'])?$url_parts['path']:'');

    return $constructed_url;

$test = array(

foreach($test as $url){

Will return:

    [scheme] => http
    [host] =>
    [path] => /myurl.html
    [query] => unwan=abc
    [scheme] => http
    [host] =>
    [path] => /myurl.html
    [scheme] => http
    [host] =>
    [path] =>
    [query] => unwan=abc&ab=1

This is the output from passing example urls through parse_url() with no second parameter (for explanation only).

And this is the final output after constructing url using:

foreach($test as $url){
    echo reconstruct_url($url) . '<br/>';


Java: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I was able to get it working with code only, i.e. no need to use keytool:

import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig;
import org.apache.http.config.Registry;
import org.apache.http.config.RegistryBuilder;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLContexts;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.TrustStrategy;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier;
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.CloseableHttpAsyncClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.HttpAsyncClients;
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.conn.PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.DefaultConnectingIOReactor;
import org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor.IOReactorConfig;
import org.apache.http.nio.conn.NoopIOSessionStrategy;
import org.apache.http.nio.conn.SchemeIOSessionStrategy;
import org.apache.http.nio.conn.ssl.SSLIOSessionStrategy;


public class Test
    private static final DynamicIntProperty MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getIntProperty("", 40);
    private static final DynamicIntProperty ROUTE_CONNECTIONS = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getIntProperty("", 40);
    private static final DynamicIntProperty CONNECT_TIMEOUT = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getIntProperty("X.connect.timeout", 60000);
    private static final DynamicIntProperty SOCKET_TIMEOUT = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getIntProperty("X.socket.timeout", -1);
    private static final DynamicIntProperty CONNECTION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getIntProperty("X.connectionrequest.timeout", 60000);
    private static final DynamicBooleanProperty STALE_CONNECTION_CHECK = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance().getBooleanProperty("X.checkconnection", true);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

        SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContexts.custom()
                .loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustStrategy()
                    public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException
                        return true;
        SSLIOSessionStrategy sslSessionStrategy = new SSLIOSessionStrategy(sslcontext, new AllowAll());

        Registry<SchemeIOSessionStrategy> sessionStrategyRegistry = RegistryBuilder.<SchemeIOSessionStrategy>create()
                .register("http", NoopIOSessionStrategy.INSTANCE)
                .register("https", sslSessionStrategy)

        DefaultConnectingIOReactor ioReactor = new DefaultConnectingIOReactor(IOReactorConfig.DEFAULT);
        PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager connectionManager = new PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager(ioReactor, sessionStrategyRegistry);

        RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom()

        CloseableHttpAsyncClient httpClient = HttpAsyncClients.custom()


        // use httpClient...

    private static class AllowAll implements X509HostnameVerifier
        public void verify(String s, SSLSocket sslSocket) throws IOException

        public void verify(String s, X509Certificate x509Certificate) throws SSLException {}

        public void verify(String s, String[] strings, String[] strings2) throws SSLException

        public boolean verify(String s, SSLSession sslSession)
            return true;

How to pass datetime from c# to sql correctly?

You've already done it correctly by using a DateTime parameter with the value from the DateTime, so it should already work. Forget about ToString() - since that isn't used here.

If there is a difference, it is most likely to do with different precision between the two environments; maybe choose a rounding (seconds, maybe?) and use that. Also keep in mind UTC/local/unknown (the DB has no concept of the "kind" of date; .NET does).

I have a table and the date-times in it are in the format: 2011-07-01 15:17:33.357

Note that datetimes in the database aren't in any such format; that is just your query-client showing you white lies. It is stored as a number (and even that is an implementation detail), because humans have this odd tendency not to realise that the date you've shown is the same as 40723.6371916281. Stupid humans. By treating it simply as a "datetime" throughout, you shouldn't get any problems.

White spaces are required between publicId and systemId

Change the order of statments. For me, changing the block of code




is valid.

Maven does not find JUnit tests to run

In case someone has searched and I do not solve it, I had a library for different tests:


When I installed junit everything worked, I hope and help this:


Validation error: "No validator could be found for type: java.lang.Integer"

You can add hibernate validator dependency, to provide a Validator


Java Scanner String input

    Scanner ss = new Scanner(;
    System.out.print("Enter the your Name : ");
    // Below Statement used for getting String including sentence
    String s = ss.nextLine(); 
   // Below Statement used for return the first word in the sentence
    String s =;

JavaScript is in array

Just use for your taste:

var blockedTile = [118, 67, 190, 43, 135, 520];_x000D_
// includes (js)_x000D_
if ( blockedTile.includes(118) ){_x000D_
    console.log('Found with "includes"');_x000D_
// indexOf (js)_x000D_
if ( blockedTile.indexOf(67) !== -1 ){_x000D_
    console.log('Found with "indexOf"');_x000D_
// _.indexOf (Underscore library)_x000D_
if ( _.indexOf(blockedTile, 43, true) ){_x000D_
    console.log('Found with Underscore library "_.indexOf"');_x000D_
// $.inArray (jQuery library)_x000D_
if ( $.inArray(190, blockedTile) !== -1 ){_x000D_
    console.log('Found with jQuery library "$.inArray"');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Adding <script> to WordPress in <head> element

For anyone else who comes here looking, I'm afraid I'm with @usama sulaiman here.

Using the enqueue function provides a safe way to load style sheets and scripts according to the script dependencies and is WordPress' recommended method of achieving what the original poster was trying to achieve. Just think of all the plugins trying to load their own copy of jQuery for instance; you better hope they're using enqueue :D.

Also, wherever possible create a plugin; as adding custom code to your functions file can be pita if you don't have a back-up and you upgrade your theme and overwrite your functions file in the process.

Having a plugin handle this and other custom functions also means you can switch them off if you think their code is clashing with some other plugin or functionality.

Something along the following in a plugin file is what you are looking for:

Plugin Name: Your plugin name
Description: Your description
Version: 1.0
Author: Your name
Author URI: 
Plugin URI: 

function $yourJS() {
        plugins_url( '/js/your-script.js', __FILE__ ),
        array( 'jquery' )
 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts',  '$yourJS' );
 add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'prefix_add_my_stylesheet' );

 function prefix_add_my_stylesheet() {
    wp_register_style( 'prefix-style', plugins_url( '/css/your-stylesheet.css', __FILE__ ) );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'prefix-style' );


Structure your folders as follows:

Plugin Folder
  |_ css folder
  |_ js folder
  |_ plugin.php ...contains the above code - modified of course ;D

Then zip it up and upload it to your WordPress installation using your add plugins interface, activate it and Bob's your uncle.

Multiple inheritance for an anonymous class

Anonymous classes always extend superclass or implements interfaces. for example:

button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ // ActionListener is an interface
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){

Moreover, although anonymous class cannot implement multiple interfaces, you can create an interface that extends other interface and let your anonymous class to implement it.

Google Gson - deserialize list<class> object? (generic type)

Refer to example 2 for 'Type' class understanding of Gson.

Example 1: In this deserilizeResturant we used Employee[] array and get the details

public static void deserializeResturant(){

       String empList ="[{\"name\":\"Ram\",\"empId\":1},{\"name\":\"Surya\",\"empId\":2},{\"name\":\"Prasants\",\"empId\":3}]";
       Gson gson = new Gson();
       Employee[] emp = gson.fromJson(empList, Employee[].class);
       int numberOfElementInJson = emp.length();
       System.out.println("Total JSON Elements" + numberOfElementInJson);
       for(Employee e: emp){

Example 2:

//Above deserilizeResturant used Employee[] array but what if we need to use List<Employee>
public static void deserializeResturantUsingList(){

    String empList ="[{\"name\":\"Ram\",\"empId\":1},{\"name\":\"Surya\",\"empId\":2},{\"name\":\"Prasants\",\"empId\":3}]";
    Gson gson = new Gson();

    // Additionally we need to se the Type then only it accepts List<Employee> which we sent here empTypeList
    Type empTypeList = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Employee>>(){}.getType();

    List<Employee> emp = gson.fromJson(empList, empTypeList);
    int numberOfElementInJson = emp.size();
    System.out.println("Total JSON Elements" + numberOfElementInJson);
    for(Employee e: emp){

JSON parsing using Gson for Java

You can use a JsonPath query to extract the value. And with JsonSurfer which is backed by Gson, your problem can be solved by simply two line of code!

    JsonSurfer jsonSurfer = JsonSurfer.gson();
    String result = jsonSurfer.collectOne(jsonLine, String.class, "$.data.translations[0].translatedText");

Unable to run Java GUI programs with Ubuntu

Ubuntu has the option to install a headless Java -- this means without graphics libraries. This wasn't always the case, but I encountered this while trying to run a Java text editor on 10.10 the other day. Run the following command to install a JDK that has these libraries:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk

EDIT: Actually, looking at my config, you might need the JRE. If that's the case, run:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

C++ cast to derived class

First of all - prerequisite for downcast is that object you are casting is of the type you are casting to. Casting with dynamic_cast will check this condition in runtime (provided that casted object has some virtual functions) and throw bad_cast or return NULL pointer on failure. Compile-time casts will not check anything and will just lead tu undefined behaviour if this prerequisite does not hold.
Now analyzing your code:

DerivedType m_derivedType = m_baseType;

Here there is no casting. You are creating a new object of type DerivedType and try to initialize it with value of m_baseType variable.

Next line is not much better:

DerivedType m_derivedType = (DerivedType)m_baseType;

Here you are creating a temporary of DerivedType type initialized with m_baseType value.

The last line

DerivedType * m_derivedType = (DerivedType*) & m_baseType;

should compile provided that BaseType is a direct or indirect public base class of DerivedType. It has two flaws anyway:

  1. You use deprecated C-style cast. The proper way for such casts is
    static_cast<DerivedType *>(&m_baseType)
  2. The actual type of casted object is not of DerivedType (as it was defined as BaseType m_baseType; so any use of m_derivedType pointer will result in undefined behaviour.

Deployment error:Starting of Tomcat failed, the server port 8080 is already in use

By changing proxy settings to "no proxy" in netbeans the tomcat prbolem got solved.Try this it's seriously working.

Configure hibernate to connect to database via JNDI Datasource

Apparently, you did it right. But here is a list of things you'll need with examples from a working application:

1) A context.xml file in META-INF, specifying your data source:


2) web.xml which tells the container that you are using this resource:


3) Hibernate configuration which consumes the data source. In this case, it's a persistence.xml, but it's similar in hibernate.cfg.xml

<persistence-unit name="dswebapp">
        <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect" />
        <property name="hibernate.connection.datasource" value="java:comp/env/jdbc/DsWebAppDB"/>

Convert UTC to local time in Rails 3

It is easy to configure it using your system local zone, Just in your application.rb add this

config.time_zone =

Then, rails should show you timestamps in your localtime or you can use something like this instruction to get the localtime


Is this very likely to create a memory leak in Tomcat?

I added the following to @PreDestroy method in my CDI @ApplicationScoped bean, and when I shutdown TomEE 1.6.0 (tomcat7.0.39, as of today), it clears the thread locals.

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package pf;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * @author Administrator
 * google-gson issue # 402: Memory Leak in web application; comment # 25
public class ThreadLocalImmolater {

    final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThreadLocalImmolater.class);

    Boolean debug;

    public ThreadLocalImmolater() {
        debug = true;

    public Integer immolate() {
        int count = 0;
        try {
            final Field threadLocalsField = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("threadLocals");
            final Field inheritableThreadLocalsField = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("inheritableThreadLocals");
            for (final Thread thread : Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet()) {
                    count += clear(threadLocalsField.get(thread));
                    count += clear(inheritableThreadLocalsField.get(thread));
  "immolated " + count + " values in ThreadLocals");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Error("ThreadLocalImmolater.immolate()", e);
        return count;

    private int clear(final Object threadLocalMap) throws Exception {
        if (threadLocalMap == null)
                return 0;
        int count = 0;
        final Field tableField = threadLocalMap.getClass().getDeclaredField("table");
        final Object table = tableField.get(threadLocalMap);
        for (int i = 0, length = Array.getLength(table); i < length; ++i) {
            final Object entry = Array.get(table, i);
            if (entry != null) {
                final Object threadLocal = ((WeakReference)entry).get();
                if (threadLocal != null) {
                    log(i, threadLocal);
                    Array.set(table, i, null);
        return count;

    private void log(int i, final Object threadLocal) {
        if (!debug) {
        if (threadLocal.getClass() != null &&
            threadLocal.getClass().getEnclosingClass() != null &&
            threadLocal.getClass().getEnclosingClass().getName() != null) {

  "threadLocalMap(" + i + "): " +
        else if (threadLocal.getClass() != null &&
                 threadLocal.getClass().getName() != null) {
  "threadLocalMap(" + i + "): " + threadLocal.getClass().getName());
        else {
  "threadLocalMap(" + i + "): cannot identify threadlocal class name");


HTTP response header content disposition for attachments

This has nothing to do with the MIME type, but the Content-Disposition header, which should be something like:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=genome.jpeg;

Make sure it is actually correctly passed to the client (not filtered by the server, proxy or something). Also you could try to change the order of writing headers and set them before getting output stream.

Fast and simple String encrypt/decrypt in JAVA


the library already have Java/Kotlin support, see github.


To simplify I did a class to be used simply, I added it on Encryption library to use it you just do as follow:

Add the gradle library:

compile 'se.simbio.encryption:library:2.0.0'

and use it:

Encryption encryption = Encryption.getDefault("Key", "Salt", new byte[16]);
String encrypted = encryption.encryptOrNull("top secret string");
String decrypted = encryption.decryptOrNull(encrypted);

if you not want add the Encryption library you can just copy the following class to your project. If you are in an android project you need to import android Base64 in this class, if you are in a pure java project you need to add this class manually you can get it here

package se.simbio.encryption;


import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

 * A class to make more easy and simple the encrypt routines, this is the core of Encryption library
public class Encryption {

     * The Builder used to create the Encryption instance and that contains the information about
     * encryption specifications, this instance need to be private and careful managed
    private final Builder mBuilder;

     * The private and unique constructor, you should use the Encryption.Builder to build your own
     * instance or get the default proving just the sensible information about encryption
    private Encryption(Builder builder) {
        mBuilder = builder;

     * @return an default encryption instance or {@code null} if occur some Exception, you can
     * create yur own Encryption instance using the Encryption.Builder
    public static Encryption getDefault(String key, String salt, byte[] iv) {
        try {
            return Builder.getDefaultBuilder(key, salt, iv).build();
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            return null;

     * Encrypt a String
     * @param data the String to be encrypted
     * @return the encrypted String or {@code null} if you send the data as {@code null}
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException       if the Builder charset name is not supported or if
     *                                            the Builder charset name is not supported
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException           if the Builder digest algorithm is not available
     *                                            or if this has no installed provider that can
     *                                            provide the requested by the Builder secret key
     *                                            type or it is {@code null}, empty or in an invalid
     *                                            format
     * @throws NoSuchPaddingException             if no installed provider can provide the padding
     *                                            scheme in the Builder digest algorithm
     * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for
     *                                            the cipher
     * @throws InvalidKeyException                if the specified key can not be used to initialize
     *                                            the cipher instance
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException            if the specified key specification cannot be used
     *                                            to generate a secret key
     * @throws BadPaddingException                if the padding of the data does not match the
     *                                            padding scheme
     * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException          if the size of the resulting bytes is not a
     *                                            multiple of the cipher block size
     * @throws NullPointerException               if the Builder digest algorithm is {@code null} or
     *                                            if the specified Builder secret key type is
     *                                            {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalStateException              if the cipher instance is not initialized for
     *                                            encryption or decryption
    public String encrypt(String data) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidKeySpecException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException {
        if (data == null) return null;
        SecretKey secretKey = getSecretKey(hashTheKey(mBuilder.getKey()));
        byte[] dataBytes = data.getBytes(mBuilder.getCharsetName());
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(mBuilder.getAlgorithm());
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, mBuilder.getIvParameterSpec(), mBuilder.getSecureRandom());
        return Base64.encodeToString(cipher.doFinal(dataBytes), mBuilder.getBase64Mode());

     * This is a sugar method that calls encrypt method and catch the exceptions returning
     * {@code null} when it occurs and logging the error
     * @param data the String to be encrypted
     * @return the encrypted String or {@code null} if you send the data as {@code null}
    public String encryptOrNull(String data) {
        try {
            return encrypt(data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * This is a sugar method that calls encrypt method in background, it is a good idea to use this
     * one instead the default method because encryption can take several time and with this method
     * the process occurs in a AsyncTask, other advantage is the Callback with separated methods,
     * one for success and other for the exception
     * @param data     the String to be encrypted
     * @param callback the Callback to handle the results
    public void encryptAsync(final String data, final Callback callback) {
        if (callback == null) return;
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    String encrypt = encrypt(data);
                    if (encrypt == null) {
                        callback.onError(new Exception("Encrypt return null, it normally occurs when you send a null data"));
                } catch (Exception e) {

     * Decrypt a String
     * @param data the String to be decrypted
     * @return the decrypted String or {@code null} if you send the data as {@code null}
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException       if the Builder charset name is not supported or if
     *                                            the Builder charset name is not supported
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException           if the Builder digest algorithm is not available
     *                                            or if this has no installed provider that can
     *                                            provide the requested by the Builder secret key
     *                                            type or it is {@code null}, empty or in an invalid
     *                                            format
     * @throws NoSuchPaddingException             if no installed provider can provide the padding
     *                                            scheme in the Builder digest algorithm
     * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for
     *                                            the cipher
     * @throws InvalidKeyException                if the specified key can not be used to initialize
     *                                            the cipher instance
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException            if the specified key specification cannot be used
     *                                            to generate a secret key
     * @throws BadPaddingException                if the padding of the data does not match the
     *                                            padding scheme
     * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException          if the size of the resulting bytes is not a
     *                                            multiple of the cipher block size
     * @throws NullPointerException               if the Builder digest algorithm is {@code null} or
     *                                            if the specified Builder secret key type is
     *                                            {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalStateException              if the cipher instance is not initialized for
     *                                            encryption or decryption
    public String decrypt(String data) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException {
        if (data == null) return null;
        byte[] dataBytes = Base64.decode(data, mBuilder.getBase64Mode());
        SecretKey secretKey = getSecretKey(hashTheKey(mBuilder.getKey()));
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(mBuilder.getAlgorithm());
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey, mBuilder.getIvParameterSpec(), mBuilder.getSecureRandom());
        byte[] dataBytesDecrypted = (cipher.doFinal(dataBytes));
        return new String(dataBytesDecrypted);

     * This is a sugar method that calls decrypt method and catch the exceptions returning
     * {@code null} when it occurs and logging the error
     * @param data the String to be decrypted
     * @return the decrypted String or {@code null} if you send the data as {@code null}
    public String decryptOrNull(String data) {
        try {
            return decrypt(data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * This is a sugar method that calls decrypt method in background, it is a good idea to use this
     * one instead the default method because decryption can take several time and with this method
     * the process occurs in a AsyncTask, other advantage is the Callback with separated methods,
     * one for success and other for the exception
     * @param data     the String to be decrypted
     * @param callback the Callback to handle the results
    public void decryptAsync(final String data, final Callback callback) {
        if (callback == null) return;
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    String decrypt = decrypt(data);
                    if (decrypt == null) {
                        callback.onError(new Exception("Decrypt return null, it normally occurs when you send a null data"));
                } catch (Exception e) {

     * creates a 128bit salted aes key
     * @param key encoded input key
     * @return aes 128 bit salted key
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException     if no installed provider that can provide the requested
     *                                      by the Builder secret key type
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the Builder charset name is not supported
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException      if the specified key specification cannot be used to
     *                                      generate a secret key
     * @throws NullPointerException         if the specified Builder secret key type is {@code null}
    private SecretKey getSecretKey(char[] key) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException, InvalidKeySpecException {
        SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(mBuilder.getSecretKeyType());
        KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(key, mBuilder.getSalt().getBytes(mBuilder.getCharsetName()), mBuilder.getIterationCount(), mBuilder.getKeyLength());
        SecretKey tmp = factory.generateSecret(spec);
        return new SecretKeySpec(tmp.getEncoded(), mBuilder.getKeyAlgorithm());

     * takes in a simple string and performs an sha1 hash
     * that is 128 bits long...we then base64 encode it
     * and return the char array
     * @param key simple inputted string
     * @return sha1 base64 encoded representation
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the Builder charset name is not supported
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException     if the Builder digest algorithm is not available
     * @throws NullPointerException         if the Builder digest algorithm is {@code null}
    private char[] hashTheKey(String key) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(mBuilder.getDigestAlgorithm());
        return Base64.encodeToString(messageDigest.digest(), Base64.NO_PADDING).toCharArray();

     * When you encrypt or decrypt in callback mode you get noticed of result using this interface
    public interface Callback {

         * Called when encrypt or decrypt job ends and the process was a success
         * @param result the encrypted or decrypted String
        void onSuccess(String result);

         * Called when encrypt or decrypt job ends and has occurred an error in the process
         * @param exception the Exception related to the error
        void onError(Exception exception);


     * This class is used to create an Encryption instance, you should provide ALL data or start
     * with the Default Builder provided by the getDefaultBuilder method
    public static class Builder {

        private byte[] mIv;
        private int mKeyLength;
        private int mBase64Mode;
        private int mIterationCount;
        private String mSalt;
        private String mKey;
        private String mAlgorithm;
        private String mKeyAlgorithm;
        private String mCharsetName;
        private String mSecretKeyType;
        private String mDigestAlgorithm;
        private String mSecureRandomAlgorithm;
        private SecureRandom mSecureRandom;
        private IvParameterSpec mIvParameterSpec;

         * @return an default builder with the follow defaults:
         * the default char set is UTF-8
         * the default base mode is Base64
         * the Secret Key Type is the PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1
         * the default salt is "some_salt" but can be anything
         * the default length of key is 128
         * the default iteration count is 65536
         * the default algorithm is AES in CBC mode and PKCS 5 Padding
         * the default secure random algorithm is SHA1PRNG
         * the default message digest algorithm SHA1
        public static Builder getDefaultBuilder(String key, String salt, byte[] iv) {
            return new Builder()

         * Build the Encryption with the provided information
         * @return a new Encryption instance with provided information
         * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified SecureRandomAlgorithm is not available
         * @throws NullPointerException     if the SecureRandomAlgorithm is {@code null} or if the
         *                                  IV byte array is null
        public Encryption build() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
            setIvParameterSpec(new IvParameterSpec(getIv()));
            return new Encryption(this);

         * @return the charset name
        private String getCharsetName() {
            return mCharsetName;

         * @param charsetName the new charset name
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setCharsetName(String charsetName) {
            mCharsetName = charsetName;
            return this;

         * @return the algorithm
        private String getAlgorithm() {
            return mAlgorithm;

         * @param algorithm the algorithm to be used
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setAlgorithm(String algorithm) {
            mAlgorithm = algorithm;
            return this;

         * @return the key algorithm
        private String getKeyAlgorithm() {
            return mKeyAlgorithm;

         * @param keyAlgorithm the keyAlgorithm to be used in keys
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setKeyAlgorithm(String keyAlgorithm) {
            mKeyAlgorithm = keyAlgorithm;
            return this;

         * @return the Base 64 mode
        private int getBase64Mode() {
            return mBase64Mode;

         * @param base64Mode set the base 64 mode
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setBase64Mode(int base64Mode) {
            mBase64Mode = base64Mode;
            return this;

         * @return the type of aes key that will be created, on KITKAT+ the API has changed, if you
         * are getting problems please @see <a href=""></a>
        private String getSecretKeyType() {
            return mSecretKeyType;

         * @param secretKeyType the type of AES key that will be created, on KITKAT+ the API has
         *                      changed, if you are getting problems please @see <a href=""></a>
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setSecretKeyType(String secretKeyType) {
            mSecretKeyType = secretKeyType;
            return this;

         * @return the value used for salting
        private String getSalt() {
            return mSalt;

         * @param salt the value used for salting
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setSalt(String salt) {
            mSalt = salt;
            return this;

         * @return the key
        private String getKey() {
            return mKey;

         * @param key the key.
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setKey(String key) {
            mKey = key;
            return this;

         * @return the length of key
        private int getKeyLength() {
            return mKeyLength;

         * @param keyLength the length of key
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setKeyLength(int keyLength) {
            mKeyLength = keyLength;
            return this;

         * @return the number of times the password is hashed
        private int getIterationCount() {
            return mIterationCount;

         * @param iterationCount the number of times the password is hashed
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setIterationCount(int iterationCount) {
            mIterationCount = iterationCount;
            return this;

         * @return the algorithm used to generate the secure random
        private String getSecureRandomAlgorithm() {
            return mSecureRandomAlgorithm;

         * @param secureRandomAlgorithm the algorithm to generate the secure random
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setSecureRandomAlgorithm(String secureRandomAlgorithm) {
            mSecureRandomAlgorithm = secureRandomAlgorithm;
            return this;

         * @return the IvParameterSpec bytes array
        private byte[] getIv() {
            return mIv;

         * @param iv the byte array to create a new IvParameterSpec
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setIv(byte[] iv) {
            mIv = iv;
            return this;

         * @return the SecureRandom
        private SecureRandom getSecureRandom() {
            return mSecureRandom;

         * @param secureRandom the Secure Random
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setSecureRandom(SecureRandom secureRandom) {
            mSecureRandom = secureRandom;
            return this;

         * @return the IvParameterSpec
        private IvParameterSpec getIvParameterSpec() {
            return mIvParameterSpec;

         * @param ivParameterSpec the IvParameterSpec
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setIvParameterSpec(IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec) {
            mIvParameterSpec = ivParameterSpec;
            return this;

         * @return the message digest algorithm
        private String getDigestAlgorithm() {
            return mDigestAlgorithm;

         * @param digestAlgorithm the algorithm to be used to get message digest instance
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setDigestAlgorithm(String digestAlgorithm) {
            mDigestAlgorithm = digestAlgorithm;
            return this;



jQuery - determine if input element is textbox or select list

If you just want to check the type, you can use jQuery's .is() function,

Like in my case I used below,

if($("#id").is("select")) {
else if($("#id").is("input")) {

filtering a list using LINQ

We should have the projects which include (at least) all the filtered tags, or said in a different way, exclude the ones which doesn't include all those filtered tags. So we can use Linq Except to get those tags which are not included. Then we can use Count() == 0 to have only those which excluded no tags:

var res = projects.Where(p => filteredTags.Except(p.Tags).Count() == 0);

Or we can make it slightly faster with by replacing Count() == 0 with !Any():

var res = projects.Where(p => !filteredTags.Except(p.Tags).Any());

How to set space between listView Items in Android

Although the solution by Nik Reiman DOES work, I found it not to be an optimal solution for what I wanted to do. Using the divider to set the margins had the problem that the divider will no longer be visible so you can not use it to show a clear boundary between your items. Also, it does not add more "clickable area" to each item thus if you want to make your items clickable and your items are thin, it will be very hard for anyone to click on an item as the height added by the divider is not part of an item.

Fortunately I found a better solution that allows you to both show dividers and allows you to adjust the height of each item using not margins but padding. Here is an example:




<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:paddingTop="10dp" >

        android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceSmall" />


Android: Expand/collapse animation

Based on solutions by @Tom Esterez and @Seth Nelson (top 2) I simlified them. As well as original solutions it doesn't depend on Developer options (animation settings).

private void resizeWithAnimation(final View view, int duration, final int targetHeight) {
    final int initialHeight = view.getMeasuredHeight();
    final int distance = targetHeight - initialHeight;


    Animation a = new Animation() {
        protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
            if (interpolatedTime == 1 && targetHeight == 0) {
            view.getLayoutParams().height = (int) (initialHeight + distance * interpolatedTime);

        public boolean willChangeBounds() {
            return true;


Capture the screen shot using .NET

It's certainly possible to grab a screenshot using the .NET Framework. The simplest way is to create a new Bitmap object and draw into that using the Graphics.CopyFromScreen method.

Sample code:

using (Bitmap bmpScreenCapture = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, 
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenCapture))
                     0, 0,

Caveat: This method doesn't work properly for layered windows. Hans Passant's answer here explains the more complicated method required to get those in your screen shots.

What is the quickest way to HTTP GET in Python?

theller's solution for wget is really useful, however, i found it does not print out the progress throughout the downloading process. It's perfect if you add one line after the print statement in reporthook.

import sys, urllib

def reporthook(a, b, c):
    print "% 3.1f%% of %d bytes\r" % (min(100, float(a * b) / c * 100), c),
for url in sys.argv[1:]:
    i = url.rfind("/")
    file = url[i+1:]
    print url, "->", file
    urllib.urlretrieve(url, file, reporthook)

Difference between Parameters.Add(string, object) and Parameters.AddWithValue

There is no difference in terms of functionality. In fact, both do this:

return this.Add(new SqlParameter(parameterName, value));

The reason they deprecated the old one in favor of AddWithValue is to add additional clarity, as well as because the second parameter is object, which makes it not immediately obvious to some people which overload of Add was being called, and they resulted in wildly different behavior.

Take a look at this example:

 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
 command.Parameters.Add("@name", 0);

At first glance, it looks like it is calling the Add(string name, object value) overload, but it isn't. It's calling the Add(string name, SqlDbType type) overload! This is because 0 is implicitly convertible to enum types. So these two lines:

 command.Parameters.Add("@name", 0);


 command.Parameters.Add("@name", 1);

Actually result in two different methods being called. 1 is not convertible to an enum implicitly, so it chooses the object overload. With 0, it chooses the enum overload.

hide/show a image in jquery

What image do you want to hide? Assuming all images, the following should work:


Otherwise, using selectors, you could find all images that are child elements of the containing div, and hide those.

However, i strongly recommend you read the Jquery docs, you could have figured it out yourself:

How do you clear Apache Maven's cache?

Use mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DactTransitively=false -Dskip=true if you have maven plugins as one of the modules. Otherwise Maven will try to recompile them, thus downloading the dependencies again.

Adding Counter in shell script

Here's how you might implement a counter:

while true; do
  if /home/hadoop/latest/bin/hadoop fs -ls /apps/hdtech/bds/quality-rt/dt=$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2 then
       echo "Files Present" | mailx -s "File Present"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       exit 0
  elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then
       echo "Counter: $counter times reached; Exiting loop!"
       exit 1
       echo "Counter: $counter time(s); Sleeping for another half an hour" | mailx -s "Time to Sleep Now"  -r [email protected] [email protected]
       sleep 1800

Some Explanations:

  • counter=$((counter+1)) - this is how you can increment a counter. The $ for counter is optional inside the double parentheses in this case.
  • elif [[ "$counter" -gt 20 ]]; then - this checks whether $counter is not greater than 20. If so, it outputs the appropriate message and breaks out of your while loop.

How to convert current date to epoch timestamp?

Short-hand to convert python date/datetime to Epoch (without microseconds)

int(current_date.strftime("%s")) # 2020-01-14  ---> 1578956400
int(current_datetime.strftime("%s")) # 2020-01-14 16:59:30.251176 -----> 1579017570

Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain

In XCode 4.0 main workspace, at the top left side & just after the "Stop Button", there is scheme selector, click on it and change your scheme to IPhone Simulator. That's it

Regex to extract URLs from href attribute in HTML with Python

import re

url = '<p>Hello World</p><a href="">More Examples</a><a href="">Even More Examples</a>'

urls = re.findall('https?://(?:[-\w.]|(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2}))+', url)

>>> print urls
['', '']

Setting button text via javascript

Create a text node and append it to the button element:

var t = document.createTextNode("test content");

How to get the size of a string in Python?

The most Pythonic way is to use the len(). Keep in mind that the '\' character in escape sequences is not counted and can be dangerous if not used correctly.

>>> len('foo')
>>> len('\foo')
>>> len('\xoo')
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: truncated \xXX escape

Best practice to call ConfigureAwait for all server-side code

Brief answer to your question: No. You shouldn't call ConfigureAwait(false) at the application level like that.

TL;DR version of the long answer: If you are writing a library where you don't know your consumer and don't need a synchronization context (which you shouldn't in a library I believe), you should always use ConfigureAwait(false). Otherwise, the consumers of your library may face deadlocks by consuming your asynchronous methods in a blocking fashion. This depends on the situation.

Here is a bit more detailed explanation on the importance of ConfigureAwait method (a quote from my blog post):

When you are awaiting on a method with await keyword, compiler generates bunch of code in behalf of you. One of the purposes of this action is to handle synchronization with the UI (or main) thread. The key component of this feature is the SynchronizationContext.Current which gets the synchronization context for the current thread. SynchronizationContext.Current is populated depending on the environment you are in. The GetAwaiter method of Task looks up for SynchronizationContext.Current. If current synchronization context is not null, the continuation that gets passed to that awaiter will get posted back to that synchronization context.

When consuming a method, which uses the new asynchronous language features, in a blocking fashion, you will end up with a deadlock if you have an available SynchronizationContext. When you are consuming such methods in a blocking fashion (waiting on the Task with Wait method or taking the result directly from the Result property of the Task), you will block the main thread at the same time. When eventually the Task completes inside that method in the threadpool, it is going to invoke the continuation to post back to the main thread because SynchronizationContext.Current is available and captured. But there is a problem here: the UI thread is blocked and you have a deadlock!

Also, here are two great articles for you which are exactly for your question:

Finally, there is a great short video from Lucian Wischik exactly on this topic: Async library methods should consider using Task.ConfigureAwait(false).

Hope this helps.

Plot different DataFrames in the same figure

Although Chang's answer explains how to plot multiple times on the same figure, in this case you might be better off in this case using a groupby and unstacking:

(Assuming you have this in dataframe, with datetime index already)

In [1]: df
2010-01-01      1  
2010-02-01      1  
2009-01-01      1  

# create additional month and year columns for convenience
df['Month'] = map(lambda x: x.month, df.index)
df['Year'] = map(lambda x: x.year, df.index)    

In [5]: df.groupby(['Month','Year']).mean().unstack()
Year    2009  2010
1          1     1
2        NaN     1

Now it's easy to plot (each year as a separate line):


How to know if .keyup() is a character key (jQuery)

This helped for me:

$("#input").keyup(function(event) {
        //use keyup instead keypress because:
        //- keypress will not work on backspace and delete
        //- keypress is called before the character is added to the textfield (at least in google chrome) 
        var searchText = $.trim($("#input").val());

        var c= String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
        var isWordCharacter = c.match(/\w/);
        var isBackspaceOrDelete = (event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 46);

        // trigger only on word characters, backspace or delete and an entry size of at least 3 characters
        if((isWordCharacter || isBackspaceOrDelete) && searchText.length > 2)
        { ...

Testing if a list of integer is odd or even

You could try using Linq to project the list:

var output = lst.Select(x => x % 2 == 0).ToList();

This will return a new list of bools such that {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} will map to {false, true, false, true, false}.

Which is better, return value or out parameter?

Using the out keyword with a return type of bool, can sometimes reduce code bloat and increase readability. (Primarily when the extra info in the out param is often ignored.) For instance:

var result = DoThing();
if (result.Success)
    result = DoOtherThing()
    if (result.Success)
        result = DoFinalThing()
        if (result.Success)
            success = true;


var result;
if (DoThing(out result))
    if (DoOtherThing(out result))
        if (DoFinalThing(out result))
            success = true;

how to add <script>alert('test');</script> inside a text box?

. I usually do it element.value="<script>alert('test');</script>".

If sounds like you are generating an inline <script> element, in which case the </script> will end the HTML element and cause the script to terminate in the middle of the string.

Escape the / so that it isn't treated as an end tag by the HTML parser:

element.value = "<script>alert('test');<\/script>"

Focusable EditText inside ListView

This helped me.
In your manifest :

<activity android:name= ".yourActivity" android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"/>

Where is the syntax for TypeScript comments documented?

You can use comments like in regular JavaScript:

1 Introduction

[...] TypeScript syntax is a superset of ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015) syntax.

2 Basic Concepts

[...] This document describes the syntactic grammar added by TypeScript [...]

Source: TypeScript Language Specification

The only two mentions of the word "comments" in the spec are:

1 Introduction

[...] TypeScript also provides to JavaScript programmers a system of optional type annotations. These type annotations are like the JSDoc comments found in the Closure system, but in TypeScript they are integrated directly into the language syntax. This integration makes the code more readable and reduces the maintenance cost of synchronizing type annotations with their corresponding variables.

11.1.1 Source Files Dependencies

[...] A comment of the form /// <reference path="..."/> adds a dependency on the source file specified in the path argument. The path is resolved relative to the directory of the containing source file.

How to cast the size_t to double or int C++

A cast, as Blaz Bratanic suggested:

size_t data = 99999999;
int convertdata = static_cast<int>(data);

is likely to silence the warning (though in principle a compiler can warn about anything it likes, even if there's a cast).

But it doesn't solve the problem that the warning was telling you about, namely that a conversion from size_t to int really could overflow.

If at all possible, design your program so you don't need to convert a size_t value to int. Just store it in a size_t variable (as you've already done) and use that.

Converting to double will not cause an overflow, but it could result in a loss of precision for a very large size_t value. Again, it doesn't make a lot of sense to convert a size_t to a double; you're still better off keeping the value in a size_t variable.

(R Sahu's answer has some suggestions if you can't avoid the cast, such as throwing an exception on overflow.)

Center the nav in Twitter Bootstrap

Possible duplicate of Modify twitter bootstrap navbar. I guess this is what you are looking for (copied):

.navbar .nav,
.navbar .nav > li {
  *display:inline; /* ie7 fix */
  *zoom:1; /* hasLayout ie7 trigger */
  vertical-align: top;

.navbar-inner {

As stated in the linked answer, you should make a new class with these properties and add it to the nav div.

Are querystring parameters secure in HTTPS (HTTP + SSL)?

Yes. The querystring is also encrypted with SSL. Nevertheless, as this article shows, it isn't a good idea to put sensitive information in the URL. For example:

URLs are stored in web server logs - typically the whole URL of each request is stored in a server log. This means that any sensitive data in the URL (e.g. a password) is being saved in clear text on the server

Set Locale programmatically

public static void forceLocale(Context context, String localeCode) {
    String localeCodeLowerCase = localeCode.toLowerCase();

    Resources resources = context.getApplicationContext().getResources();
    Configuration overrideConfiguration = resources.getConfiguration();
    Locale overrideLocale = new Locale(localeCodeLowerCase);

    } else {
        overrideConfiguration.locale = overrideLocale;

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
    } else {
        resources.updateConfiguration(overrideConfiguration, null);

Just use this helper method to force specific locale.

UDPATE 22 AUG 2017. Better use this approach.

JPQL SELECT between date statement

Try this query (replace t.eventsDate with e.eventsDate):

SELECT e FROM Events e WHERE e.eventsDate BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate

How to add SHA-1 to android application

Alternatively you can use command line to get your SHA-1 fingerprint:

for your debug certificate you should use:

keytool -list -v -keystore C:\Users\user\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

you should change "c:\Users\user" with the path to your windows user directory

if you want to get the production SHA-1 for your own certificate, replace "C:\Users\user\.android\debug.keystore" with your custom KeyStore path and use your KeystorePass and Keypass instead of android/android.

Than declare the SHA-1 fingerprints you get to your firebase console as Damini said

Resize command prompt through commands

Modify cmd.exe properties using the command prompt Pretty much has what you're asking for. More on the topic, mode con: cols=160 lines=78 should achieve what you want. Change 160 and 78 to your values.

PowerShell Remoting giving "Access is Denied" error

Had similar problems recently. Would suggest you carefully check if the user you're connecting with has proper authorizations on the remote machine.

You can review permissions using the following command.

Set-PSSessionConfiguration -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI -Name Microsoft.PowerShell

Found this tip here (updated link, thanks "unbob"):

It fixed it for me.

Rename multiple files in a directory in Python

This sort of stuff is perfectly fitted for IPython, which has shell integration.

In [1] files = !ls
In [2] for f in files:
           newname = process_filename(f)
           mv $f $newname

Note: to store this in a script, use the .ipy extension, and prefix all shell commands with !.

See also:

How can I detect browser type using jQuery?

I have used this and it works for me.Also include jquery migrate plugin,and jquery file.

if ( $.browser.webkit ) {
alert( "This is WebKit!" );

Limit String Length

You can use something similar to the below:

if (strlen($str) > 10)
   $str = substr($str, 0, 7) . '...';

Adding a user on .htpasswd

FWIW, htpasswd -n username will output the result directly to stdout, and avoid touching files altogether.

Comparison of full text search engine - Lucene, Sphinx, Postgresql, MySQL?

SearchTools-Avi said "MySQL text search, which doesn't even index words of three letters or fewer."

FYIs, The MySQL fulltext min word length is adjustable since at least MySQL 5.0. Google 'mysql fulltext min length' for simple instructions.

That said, MySQL fulltext has limitations: for one, it gets slow to update once you reach a million records or so, ...

MongoDB query multiple collections at once

Perform multiple queries or use embedded documents or look at "database references".

Collision Detection between two images in Java

Use a rectangle to surround each player and enemy, the height and width of the rectangles should correspond to the object you're surrounding, imagine it being in a box only big enough to fit it.

Now, you move these rectangles the same as you do the objects, so they have a 'bounding box'

I'm not sure if Java has this, but it might have a method on the rectangle object called .intersects() so you'd do if(rectangle1.intersectS(rectangle2) to check to see if an object has collided with another.

Otherwise you can get the x and y co-ordinates of the boxes and using the height/width of them detect whether they've intersected yourself.

Anyway, you can use that to either do an event on intersection (make one explode, or whatever) or prevent the movement from being drawn. (revert to previous co-ordinates)

edit: here we go


intersects(Rectangle r) Determines whether or not this Rectangle and the specified Rectangle intersect.

So I would do (and don't paste this code, it most likely won't work, not done java for a long time and I didn't do graphics when I did use it.)

Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(player.x, player.y, player.width, player.height);

Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.width, enemy.height);

//detects when the two rectangles hit

System.out.println("game over, g");

obviously you'd need to fit that in somewhere.

Visual Studio "Could not copy" .... during build

Add in pre-build event of your master project taskkill /f /fi "pid gt 0" /im "YourProcess.vshost.exe"

How to get mouse position in jQuery without mouse-events?

use window.event - it contains last event and as any event contains pageX, pageY etc. Works for Chrome, Safari, IE but not FF.

Generate full SQL script from EF 5 Code First Migrations

The API appears to have changed (or at least, it doesn't work for me).

Running the following in the Package Manager Console works as expected:

Update-Database -Script -SourceMigration:0

Add zero-padding to a string

string strvalue="11".PadRight(4, '0');

output= 1100

string strvalue="301".PadRight(4, '0');

output= 3010

string strvalue="11".PadLeft(4, '0');

output= 0011

string strvalue="301".PadLeft(4, '0');

output= 0301

Hidden Features of C#?

Generic constraints:

 //Constructor constraint, T has a default empty constructor
class Node<K,T> where T : new() 

//Reference\Value Type constraints
//T is a struct
public class MyClass<T> where T : struct 


//T is a reference type
public class MyClass<T> where T : class 


public class MyClass<T> where T : SomeBaseClass, ISomeInterface 


jQuery loop over JSON result from AJAX Success?

if you don't want alert, that is u want html, then do this

    $.each(data, function(index) {

NOTE: use "append" not "html" else the last result is what you will be seeing on your html view

then your html code should look like this

<div id="pr_result"></div>

You can also style (add class) the div in the jquery before it renders as html

CSS3 scrollbar styling on a div

The problem with the css3 scroll bars is that, interaction can only be performed on the content. we can't interact with the scroll bar on touch devices.

Working with a List of Lists in Java

The example provided by @tster shows how to create a list of list. I will provide an example for iterating over such a list.

Iterator<List<String>> iter = listOlist.iterator();
    Iterator<String> siter =;
         String s =;

CSS Select box arrow style

Try to replace the

padding: 2px 30px 2px 2px;


padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;

It should work.

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined raised when starting react app

Just need to remove and re-install react-scripts

To Remove yarn remove react-scripts To Add yarn add react-scripts

and then rm -rf node_modules/ yarn.lock && yarn

  • Remember don't update the react-scripts version maually

Download text/csv content as files from server in Angular

This is what worked for me for IE 11+, Firefox and Chrome. In safari it downloads a file but as unknown and the filename is not set.

if (window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
    var blob = new Blob([csvDataString]);  //csv data string as an array.
    // IE hack; see
    window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fileName);
} else {
    var anchor = angular.element('<a/>');
    anchor.css({display: 'none'}); // Make sure it's not visible
    angular.element(document.body).append(anchor); // Attach to document for FireFox

        href: 'data:attachment/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURI(csvDataString),
        target: '_blank',
        download: fileName

Difference between Inheritance and Composition

as another example, consider a car class, this would be a good use of composition, a car would "have" an engine, a transmission, tires, seats, etc. It would not extend any of those classes.

How can I remove a button or make it invisible in Android?

This view is visible.


This view is invisible, and it doesn't take any space for layout purposes.


But if you just want to make it invisible:


iOS app 'The application could not be verified' only on one device

To others not using RubyMotion and don't think that deleting the app is acceptable (as in, you want to do upgrade testing). Check out the bottom of these docs from Apple:

It looks like they changed something in 8.1.3 to check for this new rule.

The Fix

"[Add] the installed application’s application-identifier value, as logged in the second parentheses, to the previous-application-identifiers entitlement’s array value for the app being installed (by resigning it or re-building it) and requesting new special provisioning profiles as shown below."

    <string>{Your Old App ID Prefix}.YourApp.Bundle.ID</string>


In order to do this, you need special provisioning profiles. You can request these from Apple: "To enable signing with the previous-application-identifiers entitlement new special provisioning profiles are required that can be obtained by going to the Contact US page and requesting them." (from the docs linked above).

css h1 - only as wide as the text

You could use a <span> instead of an <h1>.

How to find available directory objects on Oracle 11g system?

The ALL_DIRECTORIES data dictionary view will have information about all the directories that you have access to. That includes the operating system path

SELECT owner, directory_name, directory_path
  FROM all_directories

NumPy array initialization (fill with identical values)

Apparently, not only the absolute speeds but also the speed order (as reported by user1579844) are machine dependent; here's what I found:

a=np.empty(1e4); a.fill(5) is fastest;

In descending speed order:

timeit a=np.empty(1e4); a.fill(5) 
# 100000 loops, best of 3: 10.2 us per loop
timeit a=np.empty(1e4); a[:]=5
# 100000 loops, best of 3: 16.9 us per loop
timeit a=np.ones(1e4)*5
# 100000 loops, best of 3: 32.2 us per loop
timeit a=np.tile(5,[1e4])
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 90.9 us per loop
timeit a=np.repeat(5,(1e4))
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 98.3 us per loop
timeit a=np.array([5]*int(1e4))
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 1.69 ms per loop (slowest BY FAR!)

So, try and find out, and use what's fastest on your platform.

How to loop through Excel files and load them into a database using SSIS package?

Here is one possible way of doing this based on the assumption that there will not be any blank sheets in the Excel files and also all the sheets follow the exact same structure. Also, under the assumption that the file extension is only .xlsx

Following example was created using SSIS 2008 R2 and Excel 2007. The working folder for this example is F:\Temp\

In the folder path F:\Temp\, create an Excel 2007 spreadsheet file named States_1.xlsx with two worksheets.

Sheet 1 of States_1.xlsx contained the following data


Sheet 2 of States_1.xlsx contained the following data


In the folder path F:\Temp\, create another Excel 2007 spreadsheet file named States_2.xlsx with two worksheets.

Sheet 1 of States_2.xlsx contained the following data


Sheet 2 of States_2.xlsx contained the following data


Create a table in SQL Server named dbo.Destination using the below create script. Excel sheet data will be inserted into this table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Destination](
    [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [State] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
    [Country] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
    [FilePath] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
    [SheetName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

The table is currently empty.

Empty table

Create a new SSIS package and on the package, create the following 4 variables. FolderPath will contain the folder where the Excel files are stored. FilePattern will contain the extension of the files that will be looped through and this example works only for .xlsx. FilePath will be assigned with a value by the Foreach Loop container but we need a valid path to begin with for design time and it is currently populated with the path F:\Temp\States_1.xlsx of the first Excel file. SheetName will contain the actual sheet name but we need to populate with initial value Sheet1$ to avoid design time error.


In the package's connection manager, create an ADO.NET connection with the following configuration and name it as ExcelSchema.

Select the provider Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider under .Net Providers for OleDb. Provide the file path F:\Temp\States_1.xlsx

ExcelSchema 1

Click on the All section on the left side and set the property Extended Properties to Excel 12.0 to denote the version of Excel. Here in this case 12.0 denotes Excel 2007. Click on the Test Connection to make sure that the connection succeeds.

ExcelSchema 2

Create an Excel connection manager named Excel as shown below.


Create an OLE DB Connection SQL Server named SQLServer. So, we should have three connections on the package as shown below.


We need to do the following connection string changes so that the Excel file is dynamically changed as the files are looped through.

On the connection ExcelSchema, configure the expression ServerName to use the variable FilePath. Click on the ellipsis button to configure the expression.

ExcelSchema ServerName

Similarly on the connection Excel, configure the expression ServerName to use the variable FilePath. Click on the ellipsis button to configure the expression.

Excel ServerName

On the Control Flow, place two Foreach Loop containers one within the other. The first Foreach Loop container named Loop files will loop through the files. The second Foreach Loop container will through the sheets within the container. Within the inner For each loop container, place a Data Flow Task that will read the Excel files and load data into SQL

Control Flow

Configure the first Foreach loop container named Loop files as shown below:

Foreach Loop 1 Collection

Foreach Loop 1 Variable Mappings

Configure the first Foreach loop container named Loop sheets as shown below:

Foreach Loop 2 Collection

Foreach Loop 2 Variable Mappings

Inside the data flow task, place an Excel Source, Derived Column and OLE DB Destination as shown below:

Data Flow Task

Configure the Excel Source to read the appropriate Excel file and the sheet that is currently being looped through.

Excel Source Connection Manager

Excel Source Columns

Configure the derived column to create new columns for file name and sheet name. This is just to demonstrate this example but has no significance.

Derived column

Configure the OLE DB destination to insert the data into the SQL table.

OLE DB Destination Connection Manager

OLE DB Destination Columns

Below screenshot shows successful execution of the package.

Execution successful

Below screenshot shows that data from the 4 workbooks in 2 Excel spreadsheets that were creating in the beginning of this answer is correctly loaded into the SQL table dbo.Destination.

SQL table

Hope that helps.

Global variables in header file

The currently-accepted answer to this question is wrong. C11 6.9.2/2:

If a translation unit contains one or more tentative definitions for an identifier, and the translation unit contains no external definition for that identifier, then the behavior is exactly as if the translation unit contains a file scope declaration of that identifier, with the composite type as of the end of the translation unit, with an initializer equal to 0.

So the original code in the question behaves as if file1.c and file2.c each contained the line int i = 0; at the end, which causes undefined behaviour due to multiple external definitions (6.9/5).

Since this is a Semantic rule and not a Constraint, no diagnostic is required.

Here are two more questions about the same code with correct answers:

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

I got an error that the CURL extension was missing whilst installing WebMail Lite 8 on WAMP (so on Windows).

After reading that libeay32.dll was required which was only present in some of the PHP installation folders (such as 7.1.26), I switched the PHP version in use from 7.2.14 to 7.1.26 in the WAMP PHP version menu, and the error went away.

how to hide <li> bullets in navigation menu and footer links BUT show them for listing items

Let's say you're using this HTML5 layout:


You could say in your CSS:

header ul, footer ul, nav ul { list-style-type: none; }

If you're using HTML 4, assign IDs to your DIVs (instead of using the new fancy-pants elements) and change this to:

#header ul, #footer ul, #nav ul { list-style-type: none; }

If you're using a CSS reset stylesheet (like Eric Meyer's), you would actually have to give the list style back, since the reset removes the list style from all lists.

#content ul { list-style-type: disc; margin-left: 1.5em; }

In Perl, how to remove ^M from a file?

To convert DOS style to UNIX style line endings:

for ($line in <FILEHANDLE>) {
   $line =~ s/\r\n$/\n/;

Or, to remove UNIX and/or DOS style line endings:

for ($line in <FILEHANDLE>) {
   $line =~ s/\r?\n$//;

Getting the IP Address of a Remote Socket Endpoint

RemoteEndPoint is a property, its type is System.Net.EndPoint which inherits from System.Net.IPEndPoint.

If you take a look at IPEndPoint's members, you'll see that there's an Address property.

How to pass parameters using ui-sref in ui-router to controller

You simply misspelled $stateParam, it should be $stateParams (with an s). That's why you get undefined ;)

How do I put two increment statements in a C++ 'for' loop?

for (int i = 0; i != 5; ++i, ++j) 
    do_something(i, j);

Listview Scroll to the end of the list after updating the list

The transcript mode is what you want and is used by Google Talk and the SMS/MMS application. Are you correctly calling notifyDatasetChanged() on your adapter when you add items?

What is the difference between pip and conda?

Not to confuse you further, but you can also use pip within your conda environment, which validates the general vs. python specific managers comments above.

conda install -n testenv pip
source activate testenv
pip <pip command>

you can also add pip to default packages of any environment so it is present each time so you don't have to follow the above snippet.

how to Call super constructor in Lombok

If child class has more members, than parent, it could be done not very clean, but short way:

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
@ToString(callSuper = true)
public class User extends BaseEntity {
    private @NonNull String fullName;
    private @NonNull String email;

    public User(Integer id, String fullName, String email, ....) {
        this(fullName, email, ....); = id;

abstract public class BaseEntity {
   protected Integer id;

   public boolean isNew() {
      return id == null;

Limitations of SQL Server Express

You can create user instances and have each app talk to its very own SQL Express.

There is no limit on the number of databases.

How to part DATE and TIME from DATETIME in MySQL

per the mysql documentation, the DATE() function will pull the date part of a datetime feild, and TIME() for the time portion. so I would try:

select DATE(dateTimeField) as Date, TIME(dateTimeField) as Time, col2, col3, FROM Table1 ...

Select last N rows from MySQL


save resources make one query, there is no need to make nested queries

Clearing all cookies with JavaScript

Figured I'd share this method for clearing cookies. Perhaps it may be helpful for someone else at some point.

var cookie = document.cookie.split(';');

for (var i = 0; i < cookie.length; i++) {

    var chip = cookie[i],
        entry = chip.split("="),
        name = entry[0];

    document.cookie = name + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

Reorder HTML table rows using drag-and-drop

thanks to Jim Petkus that did gave me a wonderful answer . but i was trying to solve my own script not to changing it to another plugin . My main focus was not using an independent plugin and do what i wanted just by using the jquery core !

and guess what i did find the problem .

var title = $("em").attr("title");

this is what i add to my script and the blew codes to my html part :

<td> <em title=\"$weight\">$weight</em></td>

and found each row $weight value

thanks again to Jim Petkus

better way to drop nan rows in pandas

To expand Hitesh's answer if you want to drop rows where 'x' specifically is nan, you can use the subset parameter. His answer will drop rows where other columns have nans as well


MongoDB - Update objects in a document's array (nested updating)

We can use $set operator to update the nested array inside object filed update the value

       "_id" : ObjectId("5bd3013ac714ea4959f80115"), 
       "" : "United States of America"
   { $set: 
           "geolocation.$.country" : "USA"

change cursor from block or rectangle to line?

please Press fn +ins key together

PHP get dropdown value and text

Is there a reason you didn't just use this?

<select id="animal" name="animal">                      
  <option value="0">--Select Animal--</option>
  <option value="Cat">Cat</option>
  <option value="Dog">Dog</option>
  <option value="Cow">Cow</option>

if($_POST['submit'] && $_POST['submit'] != 0)

Eclipse/Maven error: "No compiler is provided in this environment"

if someone is running Eclipse in Ubuntu and have this problem I have found the answer by following these steps:

  1. Eclipse->window->preference.
  2. Select installed JREs->Add
  3. Select standardVM.
  4. JRE home: press [Directory..] button.
  5. Choose your java (my problem was my eclipse was running with java8 and my VM were with java7), in my case java8 was installed in usr/local/jvm/java-8-oracle.
  6. Press finish.
  7. Then press installed JRES arrow so you can see the other options.
  8. Go to Execution Environment.
  9. Select JavaSE-1.6 on left and in the right (the compatible JRE) you have to choose the Java you have just installed( in my case java-8-oracle). you have to do this steps with JavaSE1.8.
  10. Click OK and restart Eclipse.

custom facebook share button

This solution is using javascript to open a new window when a user clicks on your custom share button.


<a href="#" onclick="share_fb('');return false;" rel="nofollow" share_url="" target="_blank">

  //using fontawesome
  <i class="uk-icon-facebook uk-float-left"></i>

and in your javascript file. note params are (url, dialogue title, width, height)

function share_fb(url) {''+url,'facebook-share-dialog',"width=626, height=436")

How do I send an HTML email?

The "loginVo.htmlBody(messageBodyPart);" will contain the html formatted designed information, but in mail does not receive it.


package com.action;
import javax.mail.Multipart;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
import com.manager.AttendanceManager;
import com.manager.LoginManager;
import com.manager.SSLEmail;
import com.vo.AttendanceManagementVo;
import com.vo.LeaveManagementVo;
import com.vo.LoginVo;
import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.packaging.mime.internet.MimeBodyPart;

public class InsertApplyLeaveAction implements Action {
private AttendanceManagementVo attendanceManagementVo;

public AttendanceManagementVo getAttendanceManagementVo() {
    return attendanceManagementVo;

public void setAttendanceManagementVo(
        AttendanceManagementVo attendanceManagementVo) {
    this.attendanceManagementVo = attendanceManagementVo;

public String execute() throws Exception {
    String empId=attendanceManagementVo.getEmpId();
    String leaveType=attendanceManagementVo.getLeaveType();
    String leaveStartDate=attendanceManagementVo.getLeaveStartDate();
    String leaveEndDate=attendanceManagementVo.getLeaveEndDate();
    String reason=attendanceManagementVo.getReason();
    String employeeName=attendanceManagementVo.getEmployeeName();
    String manageEmployeeId=empId;
    float totalLeave=attendanceManagementVo.getTotalLeave();
    String leaveStatus=attendanceManagementVo.getLeaveStatus();
//  String approverId=attendanceManagementVo.getApproverId();

    AttendanceManagementVo attendanceManagementVo1=new AttendanceManagementVo();
    AttendanceManager attendanceManager=new AttendanceManager();    
    String approverId=attendanceManagementVo1.getApproverId();
    String approverEmployeeName=attendanceManagementVo1.getApproverEmployeeName();
    LoginVo loginVo=new LoginVo();
    LoginManager loginManager=new LoginManager();
    String emailAddress=loginVo.getEmailAddress();
    String subject="LEAVE IS SUBMITTED FOR AN APPROVAL BY THE  - " +employeeName;
//  String body =   "Hi "+approverEmployeeName+" ," + "\n" + "\n" +
//          leaveType+" is Applied for "+totalLeave+" days by the  " +employeeName+ "\n" + "\n" +
//          " Employee Name: " + employeeName +"\n" +
//          " Applied Leave Type: " + leaveType +"\n" +
//          " Total Days: " + totalLeave +"\n" + "\n" +
  //        " To view Leave History, Please visit the employee poratal or copy and paste the below link in your browser: " + "\n" +  

  //        " NOTE : This is an automated message. Please do not reply."+ "\n" +  "\n" +                        

    Session session = null;

    MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
    Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();

    String htmlText = ("<div style=\"color:red;\">BRIDGEYE</div>");
    messageBodyPart.setContent(htmlText, "text/html");



//  loginVo.setBody(body);
    SSLEmail sSSEmail=new SSLEmail();
    return "success";


How to get unique values in an array

Another thought of this question. Here is what I did to achieve this with fewer code.

var distinctMap = {};_x000D_
var testArray = ['John', 'John', 'Jason', 'Jason'];_x000D_
for (var i = 0; i < testArray.length; i++) {_x000D_
  var value = testArray[i];_x000D_
  distinctMap[value] = '';_x000D_
var unique_values = Object.keys(distinctMap);_x000D_

Base64: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character

I encountered this error since my encoded image started with ....

This answer led me to the solution:

String partSeparator = ",";
if (data.contains(partSeparator)) {
  String encodedImg = data.split(partSeparator)[1];
  byte[] decodedImg = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedImg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
  Path destinationFile = Paths.get("/path/to/imageDir", "myImage.jpg");
  Files.write(destinationFile, decodedImg);

Reminder - \r\n or \n\r?

In any .NET langauge, Environment.NewLine would be preferable.

How to remove the focus from a TextBox in WinForms?

You can try:

textBox1.Enable = false;

PDO support for multiple queries (PDO_MYSQL, PDO_MYSQLND)

Try this function : mltiple queries and multiple values insertion.

function employmentStatus($Status) {
$pdo = PDO2::getInstance();

$sql_parts = array(); 
for($i=0; $i<count($Status); $i++){
    $sql_parts[] = "(:userID, :val$i)";

$requete = $pdo->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM employment_status WHERE userid = :userID; INSERT INTO employment_status (userid, status) VALUES ".implode(",", $sql_parts));
$requete->bindParam(":userID", $_SESSION['userID'],PDO::PARAM_INT);
for($i=0; $i<count($Status); $i++){
    $requete->bindParam(":val$i", $Status[$i],PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($requete->execute()) {
    return true;
return $requete->errorInfo();

How to fix "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized"

Referencing the connection string should be done as such:


ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"] would be looking in the AppSettings for something named ConnectionString, which it would not find. This is why your error message indicated the "ConnectionString" property has not been initialized, because it is looking for an initialized property of AppSettings named ConnectionString.

ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ConnectionString instructs to look for the connection string named "MyDB".

Here is someone talking about using web.config connection strings

git checkout master error: the following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout

Try git checkout -f master.

-f or --force


When switching branches, proceed even if the index or the working tree differs from HEAD. This is used to throw away local changes.

When checking out paths from the index, do not fail upon unmerged entries; instead, unmerged entries are ignored.

Bootstrap 3 collapsed menu doesn't close on click

Though the solution posted earlier to change the menu item itself, like below, works when the menu is on a small device, it has a side effect when the menu is on full width and expanded, this can result in a horizontal scrollbar sliding over your menu items. The javascript solutions do not have this side-effect.

<li><a href="#one">One</a></li> to 
<li><a data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse" href="#one">One</a></li>  

(sorry for answering like this, wanted to add a comment to that answer, but, seems I haven't sufficient credit to make remarks )

String.strip() in Python

strip removes the whitespace from the beginning and end of the string. If you want the whitespace, don't call strip.

Docker Compose wait for container X before starting Y

Not recommended for serious deployments, but here is essentially a "wait x seconds" command.

With docker-compose version 3.4 a start_period instruction has been added to healthcheck. This means we can do the following:


version: "3.4"
  # your server docker container
      context: ./server_router_router
      dockerfile: Dockerfile

  # container that has to wait
      context: ./client_dealer/
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - zmq_server
      test: "sh"
      start_period: 5s


exit 0

What happens here is that the healthcheck is invoked after 5 seconds. This calls the script, which always returns "No problem". We just made zmq_client container wait 5 seconds before starting!

Note: It's important that you have version: "3.4". If the .4 is not there, docker-compose complains.

How to save the output of a console.log(object) to a file?

In case you have an object logged:

  • Right click on the object in console and click Store as a global variable
  • the output will be something like temp1
  • type in console copy(temp1)
  • paste to your favorite text editor

Android Gradle 5.0 Update:Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util

The easiest way I've found is delete Android Studio from the applications folder, then download & install it again.

HTML code for an apostrophe

Here is a great reference for HTML Ascii codes:

The code you are looking for is: &#39;

Regular expression to match balanced parentheses

This might help to match balanced parenthesis.


Specify an SSH key for git push for a given domain

Another alternative is to use ssh-ident, to manage your ssh identities.

It automatically loads and uses different keys based on your current working directory, ssh options, and so on... which means you can easily have a work/ directory and private/ directory that transparently end up using different keys and identities with ssh.

How do you specify a debugger program in Code::Blocks 12.11?

  1. Go to Settings -> Debugger -> Common -> GDB/CDB Debugger -> Default
  2. Click on executable path to find the address to gdb32.exe
  3. Locate where your codeblock is installed
  4. Follow the given path:

CodeBlock -> MinGW -> bin -> gdb32.exe (locate it and double click on it)

  1. Press OK

What is a non-capturing group in regular expressions?

tl;dr non-capturing groups, as the name suggests are the parts of the regex that you do not want to be included in the match and ?: is a way to define a group as being non-capturing.

Let's say you have an email address [email protected]. The following regex will create two groups, the id part and part. (\p{Alpha}*[a-z])( For simplicity's sake, we are extracting the whole domain name including the @ character.

Now let's say, you only need the id part of the address. What you want to do is to grab the first group of the match result, surrounded by () in the regex and the way to do this is to use the non-capturing group syntax, i.e. ?:. So the regex (\p{Alpha}*[a-z])(? will return just the id part of the email.

TCPDF output without saving file

This is what I found out in the documentation.

  • I : send the file inline to the browser (default). The plug-in is used if available. The name given by name is used when one selects the "Save as" option on the link generating the PDF.
  • D : send to the browser and force a file download with the name given by name.
  • F : save to a local server file with the name given by name.
  • S : return the document as a string (name is ignored).
  • FI : equivalent to F + I option
  • FD : equivalent to F + D option
  • E : return the document as base64 mime multi-part email attachment (RFC 2045)

C# Error "The type initializer for ... threw an exception

This problem can occur if a class tries to get value of a non-existent key in web.config.

For example, the class has a static variable ClientID

private static string ClientID = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["GoogleCalendarApplicationClientID"].ToString();

but the web.config doesn't contain the 'GoogleCalendarApplicationClientID' key, then the error will be thrown on any static function call or any class instance creation

<Django object > is not JSON serializable

From version 1.9 Easier and official way of getting json

from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict

return JsonResponse(  model_to_dict(modelinstance) )

How to send data to COM PORT using JAVA?

An alternative to javax.comm is the rxtx library which supports more platforms than javax.comm.

How to call C++ function from C?

Assuming the C++ API is C-compatible (no classes, templates, etc.), you can wrap it in extern "C" { ... }, just as you did when going the other way.

If you want to expose objects and other cute C++ stuff, you'll have to write a wrapper API.

Remove insignificant trailing zeros from a number?

I needed to remove any trailing zeros but keep at least 2 decimals, including any zeros.
The numbers I'm working with are 6 decimal number strings, generated by .toFixed(6).

Expected Result:

var numstra = 12345.000010 // should return 12345.00001
var numstrb = 12345.100000 // should return 12345.10
var numstrc = 12345.000000 // should return 12345.00
var numstrd = 12345.123000 // should return 12345.123


var numstr = 12345.100000

while (numstr[numstr.length-1] === "0") {           
    numstr = numstr.slice(0, -1)
    if (numstr[numstr.length-1] !== "0") {break;}
    if (numstr[numstr.length-3] === ".") {break;}

console.log(numstr) // 12345.10


Run loop function if string last character is a zero.
Remove the last character and update the string variable.
If updated string last character is not a zero, end loop.
If updated string third to last character is a floating point, end loop.

Python import csv to list

Updated for Python 3:

import csv

with open('file.csv', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    your_list = list(reader)



[['This is the first line', 'Line1'], ['This is the second line', 'Line2'], ['This is the third line', 'Line3']]

How do I compare two string variables in an 'if' statement in Bash?




if [ "x$s1" == "x$s2" ]
  echo match

Adding an additional string inside makes it more safe.

You could also use another notation for single-line commands:

[ "x$s1" == "x$s2" ] && echo match

Remove all multiple spaces in Javascript and replace with single space

You could use a regular expression replace:

str = str.replace(/ +(?= )/g,'');

Credit: The above regex was taken from Regex to replace multiple spaces with a single space

How to convert URL parameters to a JavaScript object?


This edit improves and explains the answer based on the comments.

var search =;
JSON.parse('{"' + decodeURI(search).replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g,'":"') + '"}')


Parse abc=foo&def=%5Basf%5D&xyz=5 in five steps:

  • decodeURI: abc=foo&def=[asf]&xyz=5
  • Escape quotes: same, as there are no quotes
  • Replace &: abc=foo","def=[asf]","xyz=5
  • Replace =: abc":"foo","def":"[asf]","xyz":"5
  • Suround with curlies and quotes: {"abc":"foo","def":"[asf]","xyz":"5"}

which is legal JSON.

An improved solution allows for more characters in the search string. It uses a reviver function for URI decoding:

var search =;
JSON.parse('{"' + search.replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g,'":"') + '"}', function(key, value) { return key===""?value:decodeURIComponent(value) })


search = "abc=foo&def=%5Basf%5D&xyz=5&foo=b%3Dar";


Object {abc: "foo", def: "[asf]", xyz: "5", foo: "b=ar"}

Original answer

A one-liner:

JSON.parse('{"' + decodeURI("abc=foo&def=%5Basf%5D&xyz=5".replace(/&/g, "\",\"").replace(/=/g,"\":\"")) + '"}')

String index out of range: 4

You are using the wrong iteration counter, replace inp.charAt(i) with inp.charAt(j).

Is there a limit on how much JSON can hold?

Implementations are free to set limits on JSON documents, including the size, so choose your parser wisely. See RFC 7159, Section 9. Parsers:

"An implementation may set limits on the size of texts that it accepts. An implementation may set limits on the maximum depth of nesting. An implementation may set limits on the range and precision of numbers. An implementation may set limits on the length and character contents of strings."

Why use 'git rm' to remove a file instead of 'rm'?

Remove files from the index, or from the working tree and the index. git rm will not remove a file from just your working directory.

Here's how you might delete a file using rm -f and then remove it from your index with git rm

$ rm -f index.html
$ git status -s
 D index.html
$ git rm index.html
rm 'index.html'
$ git status -s
D  index.html

However you can do this all in one go with just git rm

$ git status -s
$ git rm index.html
rm 'index.html'
$ ls
lib vendor
$ git status -s
D  index.html

Unable to run Java code with Intellij IDEA

right click on the "SRC folder", select "Mark directory as:, select "Resource Root".

Then Edit the run configuration. select Run, run, edit configuration, with the plus button add an application configuration, give it a name (could be any name), and in the main class write down the full name of the main java class for example,

you might also need to check file, project structure, project settings-project, give it a folder for the compiler output, preferably a separate folder, under the java folder,

syntax error: unexpected token <

I suspect one of your scripts includes a source map URL. (Minified jQuery contains a reference to a source map, for example.)

When you open the Chrome developer tools, Chrome will try to fetch the source map from the URL to aid debugging. However, the source map does not actually exist on your server, but you are instead sent a regular 404 page containing HTML.

Get PHP class property by string

In case anyone else wants to find a deep property of unknown depth, I came up with the below without needing to loop through all known properties of all children.

For example, to find $Foo->Bar->baz, or $Foo->baz, or $Foo->Bar->Baz->dave, where $path is a string like 'foo/bar/baz'.

public function callModule($pathString, $delimiter = '/'){

    //split the string into an array
    $pathArray = explode($delimiter, $pathString);

    //get the first and last of the array
    $module = array_shift($pathArray);
    $property = array_pop($pathArray);

    //if the array is now empty, we can access simply without a loop
    if(count($pathArray) == 0){
        return $this->{$module}->{$property};

    //we need to go deeper
    //$tmp = $this->Foo
    $tmp = $this->{$module};

    foreach($pathArray as $deeper){
        //re-assign $tmp to be the next level of the object
        // $tmp = $Foo->Bar --- then $tmp = $Bar->baz
        $tmp = $tmp->{$deeper};

    //now we are at the level we need to be and can access the property
    return $tmp->{$property};


And then call with something like:

$propertyString = getXMLAttribute('string'); // '@Foo/Bar/baz'
$propertyString = substr($propertyString, 1);
$moduleCaller = new ModuleCaller();
echo $moduleCaller->callModule($propertyString);

What is the mouse down selector in CSS?

I figured out that this behaves like a mousedown event:

button:active:hover {}

HTML input type=file, get the image before submitting the form

Here is the complete example for previewing image before it gets upload.


<link class="jsbin" href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script class="jsbin" src=""></script>
<script class="jsbin" src=""></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
<!--[if IE]>
<script src=""></script>
<input type='file' onchange="readURL(this);" />
<img id="blah" src="#" alt="your image" />

JavaScript :

function readURL(input) {
  if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function (e) {

Computational complexity of Fibonacci Sequence

There's a very nice discussion of this specific problem over at MIT. On page 5, they make the point that, if you assume that an addition takes one computational unit, the time required to compute Fib(N) is very closely related to the result of Fib(N).

As a result, you can skip directly to the very close approximation of the Fibonacci series:

Fib(N) = (1/sqrt(5)) * 1.618^(N+1) (approximately)

and say, therefore, that the worst case performance of the naive algorithm is

O((1/sqrt(5)) * 1.618^(N+1)) = O(1.618^(N+1))

PS: There is a discussion of the closed form expression of the Nth Fibonacci number over at Wikipedia if you'd like more information.

find all subsets that sum to a particular value

I have solved this by java. This solution is quite simple.

import java.util.*;

public class Recursion {

static void sum(int[] arr, int i, int sum, int target, String s)
    for(int j = i+1; j<arr.length; j++){
        if(sum+arr[j] == target){
            System.out.println(s+" "+String.valueOf(arr[j]));
            sum(arr, j, sum+arr[j], target, s+" "+String.valueOf(arr[j]));

public static void main(String[] args)
    int[] numbers = {6,3,8,10,1};
    for(int i =0; i<numbers.length; i++){
        sum(numbers, i, numbers[i], 18, String.valueOf(numbers[i])); 


How to validate inputs dynamically created using ng-repeat, ng-show (angular)

This will get the name in the ng-repeat to come up seperate in the form validation.

    <input ng-model="r.QTY" class="span1" name="{{'QTY' + $index}}" ng-pattern="/^[\d]*\.?[\d]*$/" required/>

But I had trouble getting it to look up in its validation message so I had to use an ng-init to get it to resolve a variable as the object key.

    <input ng-model="r.QTY" class="span1" ng-init="name = 'QTY' + $index" name="{{name}}" ng-pattern="/^[\d]*\.?[\d]*$/" required/>
    <span class="alert-error" ng-show="form[name].$error.pattern"><strong>Requires a number.</strong></span>
    <span class="alert-error" ng-show="form[name].$error.required"><strong>*Required</strong></span> 

What is *.o file?

A file ending in .o is an object file. The compiler creates an object file for each source file, before linking them together, into the final executable.

Javascript .querySelector find <div> by innerTEXT

Here's the XPath approach but with a minimum of XPath jargon.

Regular selection based on element attribute values (for comparison):

// for matching <element class="foo bar baz">...</element> by 'bar'
var things = document.querySelectorAll('[class*="bar"]');
for (var i = 0; i < things.length; i++) {
    things[i].style.outline = '1px solid red';

XPath selection based on text within element.

// for matching <element>foo bar baz</element> by 'bar'
var things = document.evaluate('//*[contains(text(),"bar")]',document,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) {
    things.snapshotItem(i).style.outline = '1px solid red';

And here's with case-insensitivity since text is more volatile:

// for matching <element>foo bar baz</element> by 'bar' case-insensitively
var things = document.evaluate('//*[contains(translate(text(),"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"),"bar")]',document,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) {
    things.snapshotItem(i).style.outline = '1px solid red';

How do I get the last word in each line with bash

there are many ways. as awk solutions shows, it's the clean solution

sed solution is to delete anything till the last space. So if there is no space at the end, it should work

sed 's/.* //g' <file>

you can avoid sed also and go for a while loop.

while read line
do [ -z "$line" ] && continue ;
echo $line|rev|cut -f1 -d' '|rev
done < file

it reads a line, reveres it, cuts the first (i.e. last in the original) and restores back

the same can be done in a pure bash way

while read line
do [ -z "$line" ] && continue ;
echo ${line##* }
done < file

it is called parameter expansion

Deleting elements from std::set while iterating

I came across same old issue and found below code more understandable which is in a way per above solutions.

std::set<int*>::iterator beginIt = listOfInts.begin();
while(beginIt != listOfInts.end())
    // Use your member

    // delete the object
    delete (*beginIt);

    // erase item from vector
    listOfInts.erase(beginIt );

    // re-calculate the begin
    beginIt = listOfInts.begin();

Saving timestamp in mysql table using php

If I know the database is MySQL, I'll use the NOW() function like this:

INSERT INTO table_name
   (id, name, created_at) 
   (1, 'Gordon', NOW()) 

Returning unique_ptr from functions

I think it's perfectly explained in item 25 of Scott Meyers' Effective Modern C++. Here's an excerpt:

The part of the Standard blessing the RVO goes on to say that if the conditions for the RVO are met, but compilers choose not to perform copy elision, the object being returned must be treated as an rvalue. In effect, the Standard requires that when the RVO is permitted, either copy elision takes place or std::move is implicitly applied to local objects being returned.

Here, RVO refers to return value optimization, and if the conditions for the RVO are met means returning the local object declared inside the function that you would expect to do the RVO, which is also nicely explained in item 25 of his book by referring to the standard (here the local object includes the temporary objects created by the return statement). The biggest take away from the excerpt is either copy elision takes place or std::move is implicitly applied to local objects being returned. Scott mentions in item 25 that std::move is implicitly applied when the compiler choose not to elide the copy and the programmer should not explicitly do so.

In your case, the code is clearly a candidate for RVO as it returns the local object p and the type of p is the same as the return type, which results in copy elision. And if the compiler chooses not to elide the copy, for whatever reason, std::move would've kicked in to line 1.

Reading a file line by line in Go

// strip '\n' or read until EOF, return error if read error  
func readline(reader io.Reader) (line []byte, err error) {   
    line = make([]byte, 0, 100)                              
    for {                                                    
        b := make([]byte, 1)                                 
        n, er := reader.Read(b)                              
        if n > 0 {                                           
            c := b[0]                                        
            if c == '\n' { // end of line                    
            line = append(line, c)                           
        if er != nil {                                       
            err = er                                         

Python pip install fails: invalid command egg_info

Looks like the default easy_install is broken in its current location:

$ which easy_install /usr/bin/easy_install

A way to overcome this is to use the easy_install in site packages. For example:

$ sudo python /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ boto

Accessing UI (Main) Thread safely in WPF

The best way to go about it would be to get a SynchronizationContext from the UI thread and use it. This class abstracts marshalling calls to other threads, and makes testing easier (in contrast to using WPF's Dispatcher directly). For example:

class MyViewModel
    private readonly SynchronizationContext _syncContext;

    public MyViewModel()
        // we assume this ctor is called from the UI thread!
        _syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    // ...

    private void watcher_Changed(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
         _syncContext.Post(o => DGAddRow(crp.Protocol, ft), null);

"A referral was returned from the server" exception when accessing AD from C#

A referral is sent by an AD server when it doesn't have the information requested itself, but know that another server have the info. It usually appears in trust environment where a DC can refer to a DC in trusted domain.

In your case you are only specifying a domain, relying on automatic lookup of what domain controller to use. I think that you should try to find out what domain controller is used for the query and look if that one really holds the requested information.

If you provide more information on your AD setup, including any trusts/subdomains, global catalogues and the DNS resource records for the domain controllers it will be easier to help you.

How do I pass a command line argument while starting up GDB in Linux?

Once gdb starts, you can run the program using "r args".

So if you are running your code by:

$ executablefile arg1 arg2 arg3 

Debug it on gdb by:

$ gdb executablefile  
(gdb) r arg1 arg2 arg3

Get the data received in a Flask request

If the body is recognized as form data, it will be in request.form. If it's JSON, it will be in request.get_json(). Otherwise the raw data will be in If you're not sure how data will be submitted, you can use an or chain to get the first one with data.

def get_request_data():
    return (
        or request.form
        or request.get_json(force=True, silent=True)

request.args contains args parsed from the query string, regardless of what was in the body, so you would remove that from get_request_data() if both it and a body should data at the same time.

Class 'ViewController' has no initializers in swift

For me was a declaration incomplete. For example:

var isInverted: Bool

Instead the correct way:

var isInverted: Bool = false

Force add despite the .gitignore file

Another way of achieving it would be to temporary edit the gitignore file, add the file and then revert back the gitignore. A bit hacky i feel

How to switch between hide and view password

Add this method:

fun EditText.revertTransformation() {
    transformationMethod = when(transformationMethod) {
        is PasswordTransformationMethod -> SingleLineTransformationMethod.getInstance()
        else -> PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance()

Call it will switch between input type state (you may change the Single-Line transformation to your favorite). Usage example:


How can I get a channel ID from YouTube?

Channel id with the current youtube version is obtained very easily if you login to YouYube website and select 'My channel'

My channel

Your channel ID will be displayed on the address bar of your browser channel id

C++ - Assigning null to a std::string

There are two methods to consider which achieve the same effect for handling null pointers to C-style strings.

The ternary operator

void setvalue(const char *value)
    std::string mValue = value ? value : "";


or the humble if statement

void setvalue(const char *value)
    std::string mValue;
    if(value) mValue = value;


In both cases, value is only assigned to mValue when value is not a null pointer. In all other cases (i.e. when value is null), mValue will contain an empty string.

The ternary operator method may be useful for providing an alternative default string literal in the absence of a value from value:

std::string mValue = value ? value : "(NULL)";

How do I display a decimal value to 2 decimal places?

The top-rated answer describes a method for formatting the string representation of the decimal value, and it works.

However, if you actually want to change the precision saved to the actual value, you need to write something like the following:

public static class PrecisionHelper
    public static decimal TwoDecimalPlaces(this decimal value)
        // These first lines eliminate all digits past two places.
        var timesHundred = (int) (value * 100);
        var removeZeroes = timesHundred / 100m;

        // In this implementation, I don't want to alter the underlying
        // value.  As such, if it needs greater precision to stay unaltered,
        // I return it.
        if (removeZeroes != value)
            return value;

        // Addition and subtraction can reliably change precision.  
        // For two decimal values A and B, (A + B) will have at least as 
        // many digits past the decimal point as A or B.
        return removeZeroes + 0.01m - 0.01m;

An example unit test:

public void PrecisionExampleUnitTest()
    decimal a = 500m;
    decimal b = 99.99m;
    decimal c = 123.4m;
    decimal d = 10101.1000000m;
    decimal e = 908.7650m





    // In this particular implementation, values that can't be expressed in
    // two decimal places are unaltered, so this remains as-is.

Android: Quit application when press back button

When you press back and then you finish your current activity(say A), you see a blank activity with your app logo(say B), this simply means that activity B which is shown after finishing A is still in backstack, and also activity A was started from activity B, so in activity, You should start activity A with flags as

Intent launchNextActivity;
launchNextActivity = new Intent(B.class, A.class);

Now your activity A is top on stack with no other activities of your application on the backstack.

Now in the activity A where you want to implement onBackPressed to close the app, you may do something like this,

private Boolean exit = false;
    public void onBackPressed() {
        if (exit) {
            finish(); // finish activity
        } else {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Press Back again to Exit.",
            exit = true;
            new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    exit = false;
            }, 3 * 1000);



The Handler here handles accidental back presses, it simply shows a Toast, and if there is another back press within 3 seconds, it closes the application.

Can an Android Toast be longer than Toast.LENGTH_LONG?

If you dig deeper in android code, you can find the lines that clearly indicate, that we cannot change the duration of Toast message.

 NotificationManagerService.scheduleTimeoutLocked() {
    long delay = immediate ? 0 : (r.duration == Toast.LENGTH_LONG ? LONG_DELAY : SHORT_DELAY);

and default values for duration are

private static final int LONG_DELAY = 3500; // 3.5 seconds
private static final int SHORT_DELAY = 2000; // 2 seconds

Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network - how to?

Replace Require Local with Require all granted in xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf file.

How to extract the year from a Python datetime object?

The other answers to this question seem to hit it spot on. Now how would you figure this out for yourself without stack overflow? Check out IPython, an interactive Python shell that has tab auto-complete.

> ipython
import Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Nov  6 2007, 16:54:01)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 0.8.2.svn.r2750 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more.

In [1]: import datetime
In [2]:
In [3]: now.

press tab a few times and you'll be prompted with the members of the "now" object:

now.__add__           now.__gt__            now.__radd__          now.__sub__           now.fromordinal       now.microsecond       now.second            now.toordinal         now.weekday
now.__class__         now.__hash__          now.__reduce__        now.astimezone        now.fromtimestamp     now.min               now.strftime          now.tzinfo            now.year
now.__delattr__       now.__init__          now.__reduce_ex__     now.combine           now.hour              now.minute            now.strptime          now.tzname
now.__doc__           now.__le__            now.__repr__          now.ctime             now.isocalendar       now.month             now.time              now.utcfromtimestamp
now.__eq__            now.__lt__            now.__rsub__              now.isoformat               now.timetuple         now.utcnow
now.__ge__            now.__ne__            now.__setattr__               now.isoweekday        now.replace           now.timetz            now.utcoffset
now.__getattribute__  now.__new__           now.__str__           now.dst               now.max               now.resolution             now.utctimetuple

and you'll see that now.year is a member of the "now" object.

copy db file with adb pull results in 'permission denied' error

This is a bit late, but installing adbd Insecure worked for me. It makes adb run in root mode on production ("secure") devices, which is what you likely have.

A paid version is also available on Google Play if you want to support the developer.

What is meant by the term "hook" in programming?

Hooking in programming is a technique employing so-called hooks to make a chain of procedures as an event handler.

ViewBag, ViewData and TempData

Also the scope is different between viewbag and temptdata. viewbag is based on first view (not shared between action methods) but temptdata can be shared between an action method and just one another.

Incomplete type is not allowed: stringstream

Some of the system headers provide a forward declaration of std::stringstream without the definition. This makes it an 'incomplete type'. To fix that you need to include the definition, which is provided in the <sstream> header:

#include <sstream>

Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:crashlyticsStoreDeobsDebug' if I enable the proguard

I was encountering the same issue. In my App build.gradle I had

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'dexguard'
apply plugin: 'io.fabric'

I just switched Dexguard and Fabric, then it worked!

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'io.fabric'
apply plugin: 'dexguard'

Get all column names of a DataTable into string array using (LINQ/Predicate)


var arrayNames = (from DataColumn x in dt.Columns
                  select x.ColumnName).ToArray();

Transition of background-color

Another way of accomplishing this is using animation which provides more control.

#content #nav a {
    background-color: #FF0;
    /* only animation-duration here is required, rest are optional (also animation-name but it will be set on hover)*/
    animation-duration: 1s; /* same as transition duration */
    animation-timing-function: linear; /* kind of same as transition timing */
    animation-delay: 0ms; /* same as transition delay */
    animation-iteration-count: 1; /* set to 2 to make it run twice, or Infinite to run forever!*/
    animation-direction: normal; /* can be set to "alternate" to run animation, then run it backwards.*/
    animation-fill-mode: none; /* can be used to retain keyframe styling after animation, with "forwards" */
    animation-play-state: running; /* can be set dynamically to pause mid animation*/
    /* declaring the states of the animation to transition through */
    /* optionally add other properties that will change here, or new states (50% etc) */
    @keyframes onHoverAnimation {
    0% {
      background-color: #FF0;  
    100% {
      background-color: #AD310B;

#content #nav a:hover {
    /* animation wont run unless the element is given the name of the animation. This is set on hover */
    animation-name: onHoverAnimation;

Calculate mean and standard deviation from a vector of samples in C++ using Boost

Create your own container:

template <class T>
class statList : public std::list<T>
        statList() : std::list<T>::list() {}
        ~statList() {}
        T mean() {
           return accumulate(begin(),end(),0.0)/size();
        T stddev() {
           T diff_sum = 0;
           T m = mean();
           for(iterator it= begin(); it != end(); ++it)
               diff_sum += ((*it - m)*(*it -m));
           return diff_sum/size();

It does have some limitations, but it works beautifully when you know what you are doing.

Why can't I call a public method in another class?

You have to create a variable of the type of the class, and set it equal to a new instance of the object first.

GradeBook myGradeBook = new GradeBook();

Then call the method on the obect you just created.

myGradeBook.[method you want called]

If else on WHERE clause

try this ,hope it helps

select user_display_image as user_image,
user_display_name as user_name,
    WHEN invitee_status=1 THEN "attending" 
    WHEN invitee_status=2 THEN "unsure" 
    WHEN invitee_status=3 THEN "declined" 
    WHEN invitee_status=0 THEN "notreviwed" END
) AS  invitee_status
 FROM your_tbl

How to convert CSV file to multiline JSON?

You can try this

import csvmapper

# how does the object look
mapper = csvmapper.DictMapper([ 
     { 'name' : 'FirstName'},
     { 'name' : 'LastName' },
     { 'name' : 'IDNumber', 'type':'int' },
     { 'name' : 'Messages' }

# parser instance
parser = csvmapper.CSVParser('sample.csv', mapper)
# conversion service
converter = csvmapper.JSONConverter(parser)

print converter.doConvert(pretty=True)


Simpler approach

import csvmapper

fields = ('FirstName', 'LastName', 'IDNumber', 'Messages')
parser = CSVParser('sample.csv', csvmapper.FieldMapper(fields))

converter = csvmapper.JSONConverter(parser)

print converter.doConvert(pretty=True)

Merging two images in C#/.NET

basically i use this in one of our apps: we want to overlay a playicon over a frame of a video:

Image playbutton;
    playbutton = Image.FromFile(/*somekindofpath*/);
catch (Exception ex)

Image frame;
    frame = Image.FromFile(/*somekindofpath*/);
catch (Exception ex)

using (frame)
    using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height))
        using (var canvas = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
            canvas.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                             new Rectangle(0,
                             new Rectangle(0,
                             (bitmap.Width / 2) - (playbutton.Width / 2),
                             (bitmap.Height / 2) - (playbutton.Height / 2));
        catch (Exception ex) { }

ssh-copy-id no identities found error

I had faced this problem today while setting up ssh between name node and data node in fully distributed mode between two VMs in CentOS.

The problem was faced because I ran the below command from data node instead of name node ssh-copy-id -i /home/hduser/.ssh/ hduser@HadoopBox2

Since the public key file did not exist in data node it threw the error.

Find all tables containing column with specified name - MS SQL Server

Create table #yourcolumndetails(
DBaseName varchar(100), 
TableSchema varchar(50), 
TableName varchar(100),
ColumnName varchar(100), 
DataType varchar(100), 
CharMaxLength varchar(100))

EXEC sp_MSForEachDB @command1='USE [?];
    INSERT INTO #yourcolumndetails SELECT
    WHERE COLUMN_NAME like ''origin'''

select * from #yourcolumndetails
Drop table #yourcolumndetails

C# Creating an array of arrays

This loops vertically but might work for you.

int rtn = 0;    
foreach(int[] L in lists){
    for(int i = 0; i<L.Length;i++){
          rtn = L[i];
      //Do something with rtn

move_uploaded_file gives "failed to open stream: Permission denied" error

Try this

find /var/www/html/mysite/images/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -v 664

SQL Client for Mac OS X that works with MS SQL Server

My employer produces a simple, proof-of-concept HTML5-based SQL client which can be used against any ODBC data source on the web-browser host machine, through the HTML5 WebDB-to-ODBC Bridge we also produce. These components are free, for Mac, Windows, and more.

Applicable to many of the other answers here -- the Type 1 JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge that most are referring to is the one Sun built in to and bundled with the JVM. JVM/JRE/JDK documentation has always advised against using this built-in except in experimental scenarios, or when no other option exists, because this component was built as a proof-of-concept, and was never intended for production use.

My employer makes an enterprise-grade JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge, available as either a Single-Tier (installs entirely on the client application host) or a Multi-Tier (splits components over the client application host and the ODBC data source host, enabling JDBC client applications in any JVM to use ODBC data sources on Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.). This solution isn't free.

All of the above can be used with the ODBC Drivers for Sybase & Microsoft SQL Server (or other databases) we also produce ...

load csv into 2D matrix with numpy for plotting

Pure numpy

numpy.loadtxt(open("test.csv", "rb"), delimiter=",", skiprows=1)

Check out the loadtxt documentation.

You can also use python's csv module:

import csv
import numpy
reader = csv.reader(open("test.csv", "rb"), delimiter=",")
x = list(reader)
result = numpy.array(x).astype("float")

You will have to convert it to your favorite numeric type. I guess you can write the whole thing in one line:

result = numpy.array(list(csv.reader(open("test.csv", "rb"), delimiter=","))).astype("float")

Added Hint:

You could also use and get the associated numpy array which can be faster.

"detached entity passed to persist error" with JPA/EJB code

I got the answer, I was using:


I used merge in place of persist:


But no idea, why persist didn't work. :(

How do I delay a function call for 5 seconds?

You can use plain javascript, this will call your_func once, after 5 seconds:

setTimeout(function() { your_func(); }, 5000);

If your function has no parameters and no explicit receiver you can call directly setTimeout(func, 5000)

There is also a plugin I've used once. It has oneTime and everyTime methods.

HTML text input field with currency symbol

Yes, if you are using bootstrap, this would work.

.form-control input {
    border: none;
    padding-left: 4px;


<span class="form-control">$ <input type="text"/></span>

MySQL query finding values in a comma separated string

All the answers are not really correct, try this:

select * from shirts where 1 IN (colors);

SQL: set existing column as Primary Key in MySQL

Go to localhost/phpmyadmin and press enter key. Now select:

database --> table_name --->Structure --->Action  ---> Primary -->click on Primary 

Using Postman to access OAuth 2.0 Google APIs

The best way I found so far is to go to the Oauth playground here:

  1. Select the relevant google api category, and then select the scope inside that category in the UI.
  2. Get the authorization code by clicking "authorize API" blue button. Exchange authorization code for token by clicking the blue button.
  3. Store the OAuth2 token and use it as shown below.

In the HTTP header for the REST API request, add: "Authorization: Bearer ". Here, Authorization is the key, and "Bearer ". For example: "Authorization: Bearer za29.KluqA3vRtZChWfJDabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz6nAZ0y6ElzDT3yH3MT5"

Open a URL in a new tab (and not a new window)

This has nothing to do with browser settings if you are trying to open a new tab from a custom function.

In this page, open a JavaScript console and type:

document.getElementById("nav-questions").setAttribute("target", "_blank");

And it will try to open a popup regardless of your settings, because the 'click' comes from a custom action.

In order to behave like an actual 'mouse click' on a link, you need to follow @spirinvladimir's advice and really create it:

document.getElementById("nav-questions").setAttribute("target", "_blank");
  e.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                    false, false, false, false, 0, null);
  return e

Here is a complete example (do not try it on jsFiddle or similar online editors, as it will not let you redirect to external pages from there):

<!DOCTYPE html>
    #firing_div {
      margin-top: 15px;
      width: 250px;
      border: 1px solid blue;
      text-align: center;
  <a id="my_link" href=""> Go to Google </a>
  <div id="firing_div"> Click me to trigger custom click </div>
  function fire_custom_click() {
    alert("firing click!");
      e.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, /* type, canBubble, cancelable, view */
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0,              /* detail, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY */
            false, false, false, false, /* ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey */
            0, null);                   /* button, relatedTarget */
      return e
  document.getElementById("firing_div").onclick = fire_custom_click;

React-router v4 this.props.history.push(...) not working

You can try to load the child component with history. to do so, pass 'history' through props. Something like that:

  return (
    <Login history={this.props.history} />

Get Public URL for File - Google Cloud Storage - App Engine (Python)

You need to use get_serving_url from the Images API. As that page explains, you need to call create_gs_key() first to get the key to pass to the Images API.

DD/MM/YYYY Date format in Moment.js

This worked for me

var dateToFormat = "2018-05-16 12:57:13"; //TIMESTAMP

moment(dateToFormat).format("DD/MM/YYYY"); // you get "16/05/2018"

How do JavaScript closures work?

Even though many beautiful definitions of JavaScript closures exists on the Internet, I am trying to start explaining my six-year-old friend with my favourite definitions of closure which helped me to understand the closure much better.

What is a Closure?

A closure is an inner function that has access to the outer (enclosing) function’s variables—scope chain. The closure has three scope chains: it has access to its own scope (variables defined between its curly brackets), it has access to the outer function’s variables, and it has access to the global variables.

A closure is the local variables for a function - kept alive after the function has returned.

Closures are functions that refer to independent (free) variables. In other words, the function defined in the closure 'remembers' the environment in which it was created in.

Closures are an extension of the concept of scope. With closures, functions have access to variables that were available in the scope where the function was created.

A closure is a stack-frame which is not deallocated when the function returns. (As if a 'stack-frame' were malloc'ed instead of being on the stack!)

Languages such as Java provide the ability to declare methods private, meaning that they can only be called by other methods in the same class. JavaScript does not provide a native way of doing this, but it is possible to emulate private methods using closures.

A "closure" is an expression (typically a function) that can have free variables together with an environment that binds those variables (that "closes" the expression).

Closures are an abstraction mechanism that allow you to separate concerns very cleanly.

Uses of Closures:

Closures are useful in hiding the implementation of functionality while still revealing the interface.

You can emulate the encapsulation concept in JavaScript using closures.

Closures are used extensively in jQuery and Node.js.

While object literals are certainly easy to create and convenient for storing data, closures are often a better choice for creating static singleton namespaces in a large web application.

Example of Closures:

Assuming my 6-year-old friend get to know addition very recently in his primary school, I felt this example of adding the two numbers would be the simplest and apt for the six-year-old to learn the closure.

Example 1: Closure is achieved here by returning a function.

function makeAdder(x) {
    return function(y) {
        return x + y;

var add5 = makeAdder(5);
var add10 = makeAdder(10);

console.log(add5(2));  // 7
console.log(add10(2)); // 12

Example 2: Closure is achieved here by returning an object literal.

function makeAdder(x) {
    return {
        add: function(y){
            return x + y;

var add5 = makeAdder(5);

var add10 = makeAdder(10);

Example 3: Closures in jQuery

    var name="Closure is easy";

Useful Links:

Thanks to the above links which helps me to understand and explain closure better.

How do you use the ? : (conditional) operator in JavaScript?

This is a one-line shorthand for an if-else statement. It's called the conditional operator.1

Here is an example of code that could be shortened with the conditional operator:

var userType;
if (userIsYoungerThan18) {
  userType = "Minor";
} else {
  userType = "Adult";

if (userIsYoungerThan21) {
  serveDrink("Grape Juice");
} else {

This can be shortened with the ?: like so:

var userType = userIsYoungerThan18 ? "Minor" : "Adult";

serveDrink(userIsYoungerThan21 ? "Grape Juice" : "Wine");

Like all expressions, the conditional operator can also be used as a standalone statement with side-effects, though this is unusual outside of minification:

userIsYoungerThan21 ? serveGrapeJuice() : serveWine();

They can even be chained:

serveDrink(userIsYoungerThan4 ? 'Milk' : userIsYoungerThan21 ? 'Grape Juice' : 'Wine');

Be careful, though, or you will end up with convoluted code like this:

var k = a ? (b ? (c ? d : e) : (d ? e : f)) : f ? (g ? h : i) : j;

1 Often called "the ternary operator," but in fact it's just a ternary operator [an operator accepting three operands]. It's the only one JavaScript currently has, though.

Convert char * to LPWSTR

You may use CString, CStringA, CStringW to do automatic conversions and convert between these types. Further, you may also use CStrBuf, CStrBufA, CStrBufW to get RAII pattern modifiable strings

How can I see function arguments in IPython Notebook Server 3?

In 1.0, the functionality was bound to ( and tab and shift-tab, in 2.0 tab was deprecated but still functional in some unambiguous cases completing or inspecting were competing in many cases. Recommendation was to always use shift-Tab. ( was also added as deprecated as confusing in Haskell-like syntax to also push people toward Shift-Tab as it works in more cases. in 3.0 the deprecated bindings have been remove in favor of the official, present for 18+ month now Shift-Tab.

So press Shift-Tab.

How do I convert ticks to minutes?

TimeSpan.FromTicks( 28000000000 ).TotalMinutes;

OpenCV with Network Cameras

#include <stdio.h>
#include "opencv.hpp"

int main(){

    CvCapture *camera=cvCaptureFromFile("http://username:pass@cam_address/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=640x480&req_fps=30&.mjpg");
    if (camera==NULL)
        printf("camera is null\n");
        printf("camera is not null");

    while (cvWaitKey(10)!=atoi("q")){
        double t1=(double)cvGetTickCount();
        IplImage *img=cvQueryFrame(camera);
        double t2=(double)cvGetTickCount();
        printf("time: %gms  fps: %.2g\n",(t2-t1)/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.), 1000./((t2-t1)/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.)));

Base64 decode snippet in C++

My version is a simple fast encoder (decoder) of Base64 for C++Builder.

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
UnicodeString __fastcall TExample::Base64Encode(void *data, int length)
    if (length <= 0)
        return L"";
    static const char set[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
    unsigned char *in = (unsigned char*)data;
    char *pos, *out = pos = new char[((length - 1) / 3 + 1) << 2];
    while ((length -= 3) >= 0)
        pos[0] = set[in[0] >> 2];
        pos[1] = set[((in[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (in[1] >> 4)];
        pos[2] = set[((in[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | (in[2] >> 6)];
        pos[3] = set[in[2] & 0x3F];
        pos += 4;
        in += 3;
    if ((length & 2) != 0)
        pos[0] = set[in[0] >> 2];
        if ((length & 1) != 0)
            pos[1] = set[((in[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (in[1] >> 4)];
            pos[2] = set[(in[1] & 0x0F) << 2];
            pos[1] = set[(in[0] & 0x03) << 4];
            pos[2] = '=';
        pos[3] = '=';
        pos += 4;
    UnicodeString code = UnicodeString(out, pos - out);
    delete[] out;
    return code;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int __fastcall TExample::Base64Decode(const UnicodeString &code, unsigned char **data)
    int length;
    if (((length = code.Length()) == 0) || ((length & 3) != 0))
        return 0;
    wchar_t *str = code.c_str();
    unsigned char *pos, *out = pos = new unsigned char[(length >> 2) * 3];
    while (*str != 0)
        length = -1;
        int shift = 18, bits = 0;
            wchar_t s = str[++length];
            if ((s >= L'A') && (s <= L'Z'))
                bits |= (s - L'A') << shift;
            else if ((s >= L'a') && (s <= L'z'))
                   bits |= (s - (L'a' - 26)) << shift;
            else if (((s >= L'0') && (s <= L'9')))
                   bits |= (s - (L'0' - 52)) << shift;
            else if (s == L'+')
                   bits |= 62 << shift;
            else if (s == L'/')
                   bits |= 63 << shift;
            else if (s == L'=')
                delete[] out;
                return 0;
        while ((shift -= 6) >= 0);
        pos[0] = bits >> 16;
        pos[1] = bits >> 8;
        pos[2] = bits;
        pos += length;
        str += 4;
    *data = out;
    return pos - out;

Remove 'standalone="yes"' from generated XML

This property:

marshaller.setProperty("com.sun.xml.bind.xmlDeclaration", false);

...can be used to have no:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

However, I wouldn't consider this best practice.

Better solution without exluding fields from Binding

You should not use your domain models in your views. ViewModels are the correct way to do it.

You need to map your domain model's necessary fields to viewmodel and then use this viewmodel in your controllers. This way you will have the necessery abstraction in your application.

If you never heard of viewmodels, take a look at this.

Find nginx version?

My guess is it's not in your path.
in bash, try:
echo $PATH
sudo which nginx
And see if the folder containing nginx is also in your $PATH variable.
If not, either add the folder to your path environment variable, or create an alias (and put it in your .bashrc) ooor your could create a link i guess.
or sudo nginx -v if you just want that...

How to convert entire dataframe to numeric while preserving decimals?

df2 <- data.frame(apply(df1, 2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))

function to return a string in java

Your code is fine. There's no problem with returning Strings in this manner.

In Java, a String is a reference to an immutable object. This, coupled with garbage collection, takes care of much of the potential complexity: you can simply pass a String around without worrying that it would disapper on you, or that someone somewhere would modify it.

If you don't mind me making a couple of stylistic suggestions, I'd modify the code like so:

public String time_to_string(long t) // time in milliseconds
    if (t < 0)
        return "-";
        int secs = (int)(t/1000);
        int mins = secs/60;
        secs = secs - (mins * 60);
        return String.format("%d:%02d", mins, secs);

As you can see, I've pushed the variable declarations as far down as I could (this is the preferred style in C++ and Java). I've also eliminated ans and have replaced the mix of string concatenation and String.format() with a single call to String.format().

height: calc(100%) not working correctly in CSS

You don't need to calculate anything, and probably shouldn't:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
    body {background: blue; height:100%;}
    header {background: red; height: 20px; width:100%}
    h1 {font-size:1.2em; margin:0; padding:0; 
        height: 30px; font-weight: bold; background:yellow}
    .theCalcDiv {background-color:green; padding-bottom: 100%}
<header>Some nav stuff here</header>
<h1>This is the heading</h1>
<div class="theCalcDiv">This blocks needs to have a CSS calc() height of 100% - the height of the other elements.

I stuck it all together for brevity.

CSS text-overflow: ellipsis; not working?

Include the four lines written after the info for ellipsis to work

.app a
 color: #fff;
 font: bold 15px/18px Arial;
 height: 18px;
 margin: 0 5px 0 5px;
 padding: 0;
 position: relative;
 text-align: center;
 text-decoration: none;
 width: 140px;

 Note: The Below 4 Lines are necessary for ellipsis to work.

 display: block;/* Change it as per your requirement. */
 overflow: hidden;
 text-overflow: ellipsis;
 white-space: nowrap;

python: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

This can be caused by the two sides of the connection disagreeing over whether the connection timed out or not during a keepalive. (Your code tries to reused the connection just as the server is closing it because it has been idle for too long.) You should basically just retry the operation over a new connection. (I'm surprised your library doesn't do this automatically.)

Spring Boot Remove Whitelabel Error Page

Spring Boot by default has a “whitelabel” error page which you can see in a browser if you encounter a server error. Whitelabel Error Page is a generic Spring Boot error page which is displayed when no custom error page is found.

Set “server.error.whitelabel.enabled=false” to switch of the default error page

tkinter: Open a new window with a button prompt

Here's the nearly shortest possible solution to your question. The solution works in python 3.x. For python 2.x change the import to Tkinter rather than tkinter (the difference being the capitalization):

import tkinter as tk
#import Tkinter as tk  # for python 2
def create_window():
    window = tk.Toplevel(root)

root = tk.Tk()
b = tk.Button(root, text="Create new window", command=create_window)


This is definitely not what I recommend as an example of good coding style, but it illustrates the basic concepts: a button with a command, and a function that creates a window.

How do I convert a Python 3 byte-string variable into a regular string?


TO NOT HAVE ANY b and quotes at first and end

How to convert bytes as seen to strings, even in weird situations.

As your code may have unrecognizable characters to 'utf-8' encoding, it's better to use just str without any additional parameters:

some_bad_bytes = b'\x02-\xdfI#)'
text = str( some_bad_bytes )[2:-1]

Output: \x02-\xdfI

if you add 'utf-8' parameter, to these specific bytes, you should receive error.

As PYTHON 3 standard says, text would be in utf-8 now with no concern.

How to symbolicate crash log Xcode?

You can refer this one too, I have written step by step procedure of Manual Crash Re-Symbolication.

Crash Re-Symbolication


Move all the above files (, MyApp-dSYM.dSYM and MyApp-Crash-log.crash) into a Folder with a convenient name wherever you can go using Terminal easily.

For me, Desktop is the most easily reachable place ;) So, I have moved these three files into a folder MyApp at Desktop.


Now its turn of Finder, Go to the path from following whichever is applicable for your XCODE version.

Use this command to find the symbolicatecrash script file,
find /Applications/ -name symbolicatecrash

Xcode 8, Xcode 9, Xcode 11 /Applications/

Xcode 7.3 /Applications/

XCode 7 /Applications/

Xcode 6 /Applications/

Lower then Xcode 6 Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDeviceKitBase.framework/Versions/A/Resources

Or Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDeviceKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources


Add the found symbolicatecrash script file's directory to $PATH env variable like this: sudo vim /etc/paths.d/Xcode-symbolicatecrash and paste the script file's directory and save the file. When opening a new terminal, you can call symbolicatecrash at any folder as commands located in /usr/bin.


Copy symbolicatecrash file from this location, and paste it to the Desktop/MyApp (Wait… Don’t blindly follow me, I am pasting sybolicatecrash file in folder MyApp, one that you created in step one at your favorite location, having three files.)


Open Terminal, and CD to the MyApp Folder.

cd Desktop/MyApp — Press Enter
export DEVELOPER_DIR=$(xcode-select --print-path)

Press Enter

./symbolicatecrash -v MyApp-Crash-log.crash MyApp.dSYM

Press Enter

That’s it !! Symbolicated logs are on your terminal… now what are you waiting for? Now simply, Find out the Error and resolve it ;)

Happy Coding !!!

Converting date between DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD?

you first would need to convert string into datetime tuple, and then convert that datetime tuple to string, it would go like this:

lastconnection = datetime.strptime("21/12/2008", "%d/%m/%Y").strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

Is there a way to link someone to a YouTube Video in HD 1080p quality?

To link to a YouTube video so it plays in HD by default, use the following URL:

Change VIDEOID to the YouTube video ID that you want to link to. When someone follows the link, it will display the highest-resolution available (up to 1080p) in full-screen mode. Unfortunately, vq=hd1080 does not work on the normal YouTube site (with comments and related videos).

How can I get the nth character of a string?

Array notation and pointer arithmetic can be used interchangeably in C/C++ (this is not true for ALL the cases but by the time you get there, you will find the cases yourself). So although str is a pointer, you can use it as if it were an array like so:

char char_E = str[1];
char char_L1 = str[2];
char char_O = str[4];

...and so on. What you could also do is "add" 1 to the value of the pointer to a character str which will then point to the second character in the string. Then you can simply do:

str = str + 1; // makes it point to 'E' now
char myChar =  *str;

I hope this helps.

#1062 - Duplicate entry for key 'PRIMARY'

Repair the database by your domain provider cpanel.

Or see if you didnt merged something in the phpMyAdmin

did you specify the right host or port? error on Kubernetes

This errors means that kubectl is attempting to connect to a Kubernetes apiserver running on your local machine, which is the default if you haven't configured it to talk to a remote apiserver.

How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app?

Updated answer, nearly 5 years later:

The code in the original answer no longer works reliably, as images from various sources sometimes return with a different content URI, i.e. content:// rather than file://. A better solution is to simply use context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(intent.getData()), as that will return an InputStream that you can handle as you choose.

For example, BitmapFactory.decodeStream() works perfectly in this situation, as you can also then use the Options and inSampleSize field to downsample large images and avoid memory problems.

However, things like Google Drive return URIs to images which have not actually been downloaded yet. Therefore you need to perform the getContentResolver() code on a background thread.

Original answer:

The other answers explained how to send the intent, but they didn't explain well how to handle the response. Here's some sample code on how to do that:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, 
       Intent imageReturnedIntent) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, imageReturnedIntent); 

    switch(requestCode) { 
        if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){  
            Uri selectedImage = imageReturnedIntent.getData();
            String[] filePathColumn = {MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA};

            Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(
                               selectedImage, filePathColumn, null, null, null);

            int columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(filePathColumn[0]);
            String filePath = cursor.getString(columnIndex);

            Bitmap yourSelectedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath);

After this, you've got the selected image stored in "yourSelectedImage" to do whatever you want with. This code works by getting the location of the image in the ContentResolver database, but that on its own isn't enough. Each image has about 18 columns of information, ranging from its filepath to 'date last modified' to the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken, though many of the fields aren't actually used.

To save time as you don't actually need the other fields, cursor search is done with a filter. The filter works by specifying the name of the column you want, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, which is the path, and then giving that string[] to the cursor query. The cursor query returns with the path, but you don't know which column it's in until you use the columnIndex code. That simply gets the number of the column based on its name, the same one used in the filtering process. Once you've got that, you're finally able to decode the image into a bitmap with the last line of code I gave.

Android file chooser

I used AndExplorer for this purpose and my solution is popup a dialog and then redirect on the market to install the misssing application:

My startCreation is trying to call external file/directory picker. If it is missing call show installResultMessage function.

private void startCreation(){
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    Uri startDir = Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard"));

    intent.putExtra("browser_filter_extension_whitelist", "*.csv");
    intent.putExtra("explorer_title", getText(R.string.andex_file_selection_title));
    intent.putExtra("browser_list_fontscale", "120%");
    intent.putExtra("browser_list_layout", "2");

         ApplicationInfo info = getPackageManager()
                                 .getApplicationInfo("lysesoft.andexplorer", 0 );

            startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_REQUEST_CODE);
    } catch( PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e ){
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage());

This methos is just pick up a dialog and if user wants install the external application from market

private void showInstallResultMessage(int msg_id) {
    AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

HTML5 and frameborder

As per the other posting here, the best solution is to use the CSS entry of


How can I pass request headers with jQuery's getJSON() method?

I think you could set the headers and still use getJSON() like this:

  headers : {
    'Authorization' : 'Basic faskd52352rwfsdfs',
    'X-PartnerKey' : '3252352-sdgds-sdgd-dsgs-sgs332fs3f'
$.getJSON('http://localhost:437/service.svc/logins/jeffrey/house/fas6347/devices?format=json', function(json) { alert("Success"); }); 

Validate phone number with JavaScript

Just wanted to add a solution specifically for selecting non-local phone numbers(800 and 900 types).


How to retrieve the last autoincremented ID from a SQLite table?

Sample code from @polyglot solution

SQLiteCommand sql_cmd;
sql_cmd.CommandText = "select seq from sqlite_sequence where name='myTable'; ";
int newId = Convert.ToInt32( sql_cmd.ExecuteScalar( ) );

Create a function with optional call variables

Not sure I understand the question correctly.

From what I gather, you want to be able to assign a value to Domain if it is null and also what to check if $args2 is supplied and according to the value, execute a certain code?

I changed the code to reassemble the assumptions made above.

Function DoStuff($computername, $arg2, $domain)
    if($domain -ne $null)
        $domain = "Domain1"

    if($arg2 -eq $null)

DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "" -domain "Domain2"
DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "Test"  -domain ""
DoStuff -computername "Test" -domain "Domain2"
DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "Domain2"

Did that help?

How to configure SMTP settings in web.config

I don't have enough rep to answer ClintEastwood, and the accepted answer is correct for the Web.config file. Adding this in for code difference.

When your mailSettings are set on Web.config, you don't need to do anything other than new up your SmtpClient and .Send. It finds the connection itself without needing to be referenced. You would change your C# from this:

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("", Convert.ToInt32(587));
System.Net.NetworkCredential credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
smtpClient.Credentials = credentials;

To this:

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();

Adding open/closed icon to Twitter Bootstrap collapsibles (accordions)

This has been answered by numerous ways but what I came up with was the simplest and easiest for me with Bootstrap 3 and font awesome. I just did

$('a.toggler').on('click', function () {$('i', this).toggleClass('fa-caret-up');});

This just toggles the CSS class of the icon I want to show. I add the class toggler to the item I want to apply this to. This can be added onto any item you want to toggle an icon.

"ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column" when inserting 3

You can't update with a number greater than 1 for datatype number(2,2) is because, the first parameter is the total number of digits in the number and the second one (.i.e 2 here) is the number of digits in decimal part. I guess you can insert or update data < 1. i.e. 0.12, 0.95 etc.

Please check NUMBER DATATYPE in NUMBER Datatype.