Instants are already in UTC and already have a default date format of yyyy-MM-dd. If you're happy with that and don't want to mess with time zones or formatting, you could also toString()
Instant instant =;
output: 2020-02-06T18:01:55.648475Z
Don't want the T and Z? (Z indicates this date is UTC. Z stands for "Zulu" aka "Zero hour offset" aka UTC):
instant.toString().replaceAll("[TZ]", " ")
output: 2020-02-06 18:01:55.663763
Want milliseconds instead of nanoseconds? (So you can plop it into a sql query):
instant.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MILLIS).toString().replaceAll("[TZ]", " ")
output: 2020-02-06 18:01:55.664