I actually had solved this not long after posting but failed to post my solution. I honestly don't remember it. But, I had to re-visit the task when I was given a new project that faced the same challenge.
I used the ReceivedTime property of Outlook.MailItem to get the time-stamp, I was able to use this as a unique identifier for each file so they do not override one another.
Public Sub saveAttachtoDisk(itm As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim objAtt As Outlook.Attachment
Dim saveFolder As String
saveFolder = "C:\PathToDirectory\"
Dim dateFormat As String
dateFormat = Format(itm.ReceivedTime, "yyyy-mm-dd Hmm ")
For Each objAtt In itm.Attachments
objAtt.SaveAsFile saveFolder & "\" & dateFormat & objAtt.DisplayName
End Sub
Thanks a ton for the other solutions, many of them go above an beyond :)