To expand on previous answers, a function to do this could work like this (changing the time and interval formats however you like them according to this for, and this for DateInterval):
(I've also written an alternate form of the below function here.)
// Return adjusted time.
function addMinutesToTime( $time, $plusMinutes ) {
$time = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'g:i:s', $time );
$time->add( new DateInterval( 'PT' . ( (integer) $plusMinutes ) . 'M' ) );
$newTime = $time->format( 'g:i:s' );
return $newTime;
$adjustedTime = addMinutesToTime( '9:15:00', 15 );
echo '<h1>Adjusted Time: ' . $adjustedTime . '</h1>' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;