[jquery] How to get mouse position in jQuery without mouse-events?

I would like to get current mouse position but I don't want to use:

        $("#log").text("e.pageX: " + e.pageX + ", e.pageY: " + e.pageY); 

because I just need to get the position and process the information

This question is related to jquery mouse position

The answer is

var CurrentMouseXPostion;
var CurrentMouseYPostion;

$(document).mousemove(function(event) {
    CurrentMouseXPostion = event.pageX;
    CurrentMouseYPostion = event.pageY;

Make an eventListener on the main object , in my case the document object, to get the mouse coords every frame and store them in global variables, and like that you can read mouse Y & Z whenever youlike , wherever you like.

You can't read mouse position in jQuery without using an event. Note firstly that the event.pageX and event.pageY properties exists on any event, so you could do:

$('#myEl').click(function(e) {

Your other option is to use a closure to give your whole code access to a variable that is updated by a mousemove handler:

var mouseX, mouseY;
$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
    mouseX = e.pageX;
    mouseY = e.pageY;
}).mouseover(); // call the handler immediately

// do something with mouseX and mouseY

I came across this, tot it would be nice to share...

What do you guys think?

$(document).ready(function() {
  window.mousemove = function(e) {
    p = $(e).position();  //remember $(e) - could be any html tag also.. 
    left = e.left;        //retrieving the left position of the div... 
    top = e.top;          //get the top position of the div... 

and boom, there we have it..

Moreover, mousemove events are not triggered if you perform drag'n'drop over a browser window. To track mouse coordinates during drag'n'drop you should attach handler for document.ondragover event and use it's originalEvent property.


var globalDragOver = function (e)
    var original = e.originalEvent;
    if (original)
        window.x = original.pageX;
        window.y = original.pageY;

I used this method:

$(document).mousemove(function(e) {
    window.x = e.pageX;
    window.y = e.pageY;

function show_popup(str) {
    $("#popup").css("top", y);
    $("#popup").css("left", x);

In this way I'll always have the distance from the top saved in y and the distance from the left saved in x.

use window.event - it contains last event and as any event contains pageX, pageY etc. Works for Chrome, Safari, IE but not FF.

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