[oauth-2.0] Using Postman to access OAuth 2.0 Google APIs

I am trying to access Proximity Google API using Postman chrome app. I have followed tutorials on postman and google dev website but I'm still getting 401 error message.

What am I doing?

  • Step 1 - Enable Proximity API:

In order to use Proximity API, it has to be first enabled in Google Dev console. Using this tutorial I have enabled support for Proximity API for my project

  • Step 2 - Get the credentials:

According to this tutorial, I need to get client ID and secret. This is where I am confused. Credentials->Add credentials->OAuth2.0 client ID->select Chrome App radio button (since I am using Postman)->enter last part of Postman's Chrome Web store URL [which is fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop]->hit create button These steps will only generate a client ID, not a secret..am I doing something wrong?

From the Google Dev console, one can download an JSON file which has client id, auth URI and Token URI enter image description here

I downloaded this but this is of little help if I am using Postman. I am guessing this JSON file is something that can be included in a JS application.

  • Step 3 - Use Postman to test the API

enter image description here

What am I getting? enter image description here

And, once I click on the debug URL, I see the following screen

enter image description here

The answer is

The current answer is outdated. Here's the up-to-date flow:

The approach outlined here still works (10.12.2020) as confirmed by alexwhan.

We will use the YouTube Data API for our example. Make changes accordingly.

Make sure you have enabled your desired API for your project.

Create the OAuth 2.0 Client

  1. Visit https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
  3. Select OAuth client ID
  4. For Application Type choose Web Application
  5. Add a name
  6. Add following URI for Authorized redirect URIs
  1. Click Save
  2. Click on the OAuth client you just generated
  3. In the Topbar click on DOWNLOAD JSON and save the file somewhere on your machine.

We will use the file later to authenticate Postman.

Authorize Postman via OAuth 2.0 Client

  1. In the Auth tab under TYPE choose OAuth 2.0
  2. For Access Token enter the Access Token found inside the client_secret_[YourClientID].json file we downloaded in step 9
  3. Click on Get New Access Token
  4. Make sure your settings are as follows:

Click here to see the settings

You can find everything else you need in your .json file.

  1. Click on Request Token
  2. A new browser tab/window will open
  3. Once the browser tab opens, login via the appropriate Google account
  4. Accept the consent screen
  5. Done

Ignore the browser message "Not safe" etc. This will be shown until your app has been screened by Google officials. In this case it will always be shown since Postman is the app.

Postman will query Google API impersonating a Web Application

Generate an OAuth 2.0 token:

  1. Ensure that the Google APIs are enabled
  2. Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID

    • Go to Google Console -> API -> OAuth consent screen
      • Add getpostman.com to the Authorized domains. Click Save.
    • Go to Google Console -> API -> Credentials
      • Click 'Create credentials' -> OAuth client ID -> Web application
        • Name: 'getpostman'
        • Authorized redirect URIs: https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback
    • Copy the generated Client ID and Client secret fields for later use
  3. In Postman select Authorization tab and select "OAuth 2.0" type. Click 'Get New Access Token'

    • Fill the GET NEW ACCESS TOKEN form as following
      • Token Name: 'Google OAuth getpostman'
      • Grant Type: 'Authorization Code'
      • Callback URL: https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback
      • Auth URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth
      • Access Token URL: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token
      • Client ID: Client ID generated in the step 2 (e.g., '123456789012-abracadabra1234546789blablabla12.apps.googleusercontent.com')
      • Client Secret: Client secret generated in the step 2 (e.g., 'ABRACADABRAus1ZMGHvq9R-L')
      • Scope: see the Google docs for the required OAuth scope (e.g., https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform)
      • State: Empty
      • Client Authentication: "Send as Basic Auth header"
    • Click 'Request Token' and 'Use Token'
  4. Set the method, parameters, and body of your request according to the Google docs

I figured out that I was not generating Credentials for the right app type.
If you're using Postman to test Google oAuth 2 APIs, select
Credentials -> Add credentials -> OAuth2.0 client ID -> Web Application.

enter image description here

The best way I found so far is to go to the Oauth playground here: https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/

  1. Select the relevant google api category, and then select the scope inside that category in the UI.
  2. Get the authorization code by clicking "authorize API" blue button. Exchange authorization code for token by clicking the blue button.
  3. Store the OAuth2 token and use it as shown below.

In the HTTP header for the REST API request, add: "Authorization: Bearer ". Here, Authorization is the key, and "Bearer ". For example: "Authorization: Bearer za29.KluqA3vRtZChWfJDabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz6nAZ0y6ElzDT3yH3MT5"

This is an old question, but it has no chosen answer, and I just solved this problem myself. Here's my solution:

  1. Make sure you are set up to work with your Google API in the first place. See Google's list of prerequisites. I was working with Google My Business, so I also went through it's Get Started process.

  2. In the OAuth 2.0 playground, Step 1 requires you to select which API you want to authenticate. Select or input as applicable for your case (in my case for Google My Business, I had to input https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.business.manage into the "Input your own scopes" input field). Note: this is the same as what's described in step 6 of the "Make a simple HTTP request" section of the Get Started guide.

  3. Assuming successful authentication, you should get an "Access token" returned in the "Step 1's result" step in the OAuth playground. Copy this token to your clipboard.

  4. Open Postman and open whichever collection you want as necessary.

  5. In Postman, make sure "GET" is selected as the request type, and click on the "Authorization" tab below the request type drop-down.

  6. In the Authorization "TYPE" dropdown menu, select "Bearer Token"

  7. Paste your previously copied "Access Token" which you copied from the OAuth playground into the "Token" field which displays in Postman.

  8. Almost there! To test if things work, put https://mybusiness.googleapis.com/v4/accounts/ into the main URL input bar in Postman and click the send button. You should get a JSON list of accounts back in the response that looks something like the following:

        "accounts": [
                "name": "accounts/REDACTED",
                "accountName": "REDACTED",
                "type": "PERSONAL",
                "state": {
                    "status": "UNVERIFIED"
                "name": "accounts/REDACTED",
                "accountName": "REDACTED",
                "type": "LOCATION_GROUP",
                "role": "OWNER",
                "state": {
                    "status": "UNVERIFIED"
                "permissionLevel": "OWNER_LEVEL"

  1. go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
  2. create web application credentials.

Postman API Access

  1. use these settings with oauth2 in Postman:

SCOPE = https: //www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.userschema

post https: //www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/customer/customer-id/schemas

  "fields": [
      "fieldName": "role",
      "fieldType": "STRING",
      "multiValued": true,
      "readAccessType": "ADMINS_AND_SELF"
  "schemaName": "SAML"
  1. to patch user use:

SCOPE = https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user

PATCH https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/users/[email protected]

  "customSchemas": {
     "SAML": {
       "role": [
          "value": "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/Admin,arn:aws:iam::123456789123:saml-provider/GoogleApps",
          "customType": "Admin"

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Using Postman to access OAuth 2.0 Google APIs

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