[mongodb] Insert json file into mongodb

I am new to MongoDB. After installing MongoDB in Windows I am trying to insert a simple json file using the following command:

C:\>mongodb\bin\mongoimport --db test --collection docs < example2.json

I am getting the following error:

connected to:
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.749 exception:BSON representation of supplied JSON is too large: code FailedToParse: FailedToParse: Field name expected: offset:43
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.750
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.750 exception:BSON representation of supplied JSON is too large: code FailedToParse: FailedToParse: Expecting '{': offset:0
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.751
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.751 exception:BSON representation of supplied JSON is too large: code FailedToParse: FailedToParse: Field name expected: offset:42
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.751
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.751 exception:BSON representation of supplied JSON is too large: code FailedToParse: FailedToParse: Expecting '{': offset:0
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.751
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.752 exception:BSON representation of supplied JSON is too large: code FailedToParse: FailedToParse: Field name expected: offset:44
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.752
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.752 exception:BSON representation of supplied JSON is too large: code FailedToParse: FailedToParse: Expecting '{': offset:0
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.752
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.752 check 0 0
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.752 imported 0 objects
Fri Oct 18 09:05:43.752 ERROR: encountered 6 error(s)s


{"FirstName": "Bruce", "LastName": "Wayne", 
"Email": "[email protected]"}
{"FirstName": "Lucius", "LastName": "Fox", 
"Email": "[email protected]"}
{"FirstName": "Dick", "LastName": "Grayson", 
"Email": "[email protected]"}

What do I need to do to import new json file into mongodb?

This question is related to mongodb

The answer is

In MongoDB To insert Json array data from file(from particular location from a system / pc) using mongo shell command. While executing below command, command should be in single line.

var file = cat('I:/data/db/card_type_authorization.json'); var o = JSON.parse(file); db.CARD_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION.insert(o);

JSON File: card_type_authorization.json

"code": "visa",
"position": 1,
"description": "Visa",
"isVertualCard": false,
"comments": ""
    "code": "mastercard",
    "position": 2,
    "description": "Mastercard",
    "isVertualCard": false,
    "comments": ""

In MS Windows, the mongoimport command has to be run in a normal Windows command prompt, not from the mongodb command prompt.

Use below command while importing JSON file

C:\>mongodb\bin\mongoimport --jsonArray -d test -c docs --file example2.json

This solution is applicable for Windows machine.

  1. MongoDB needs data directory to store data. Default path is C:\data\db. In case you don't have the data directory, create one in your C: drive. (P.S.: data\db means there is a directory named 'db' inside the directory 'data')

  2. Place the json you want to import in this path: C:\data\db\ .

  3. Open the command prompt and type the following command

    mongoimport --db databaseName --collections collectionName --file fileName.json --type json --batchSize 1


  • databaseName : your database name
  • collectionName: your collection name
  • fileName: name of your json file which is in the path C:\data\db
  • batchSize can be any integer as per your wish

the following two ways work well:

C:\>mongodb\bin\mongoimport --jsonArray -d test -c docs --file example2.json
C:\>mongodb\bin\mongoimport --jsonArray -d test -c docs < example2.json

if the collections are under a specific user, you can use -u -p --authenticationDatabase

mongoimport --jsonArray  -d DatabaseN -c collectionName /filePath/filename.json

It happened to me couple of weeks back. The version of mongoimport was too old. Once i Updated to latest version it ran successfully and imported all documents.

Reference: http://docs.mongodb.org/master/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/?_ga=1.11365492.1588529687.1434379875

This worked for me - ( from mongo shell )

var file = cat('./new.json');     # file name
use testdb                        # db name
var o = JSON.parse(file);         # convert string to JSON
db.forms.insert(o)                # collection name

Below command worked for me

mongoimport --db test --collection docs --file example2.json

when i removed the extra newline character before Email attribute in each of the documents.


{"FirstName": "Bruce", "LastName": "Wayne", "Email": "[email protected]"}
{"FirstName": "Lucius", "LastName": "Fox", "Email": "[email protected]"}
{"FirstName": "Dick", "LastName": "Grayson", "Email": "[email protected]"}


mongoimport --jsonArray --db test --collection docs --file example2.json

Its probably messing up because of the newline characters.

Open command prompt separately and check:

C:\mongodb\bin\mongoimport --db db_name --collection collection_name< filename.json