Sample problem but I found my solution with brew.
1. Make sure you have the latest Android Studio installed.
2. Confirm from SDK manager that you have the required SDKs installed.
3. (optional)you could have an AVD installed as well.
4. install Homebrew.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
5. Then run brew update to make sure Homebrew is up to date.
brew update
6. Run brew doctor to make sure everything is safe
brew doctor
7. Add Homebrew's location to your $PATH in your .bash_profile or .zshrc file.
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
8. If you don't have Node already installed, add:
brew install node
9. (Optional) To test out your Node and npm install, try installing Grunt (you might be asked to run with sudo)
npm install -g grunt-cli
10. Install Gradle
brew install gradle
Run: cordova run android --device
with you device connected on a Mac and you have gradle working this time.