[cordova] ionic 2 - Error Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio

I create ionic 2 project and add diagnostic cordova plugin like this :

ionic plugin add cordova.plugins.diagnostic

npm install --save @ionic-native/diagnostic

and add android platform like this :

ionic platform add android@latest

but when build with ionic build android console give me this error :

Error: Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio,
or on your system to install the gradle wrapper. Please include gradle 
in your path, or install Android Studio

and I try to download manualy gradle.3.3-all.zip and change this distributionUrl var in platform/android/cordova/lib/builders/GradleBuilder.js

 var distributionUrl = process.env['CORDOVA_ANDROID_GRADLE_DISTRIBUTION_URL'] || 'https\\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-3.3-all.zip'


var distributionUrl = process.env['CORDOVA_ANDROID_GRADLE_DISTRIBUTION_URL'] || 'file:///E:/gradles/gradle-3.3-all.zip';

but not working and console give me last error.

I dont know how to add gradle for android@latest version

This question is related to cordova ionic2 android-gradle-plugin cordova-plugins

The answer is

I solve this problem

Download gradle.zip from this site https://gradle.org/install. And follow the instructions indicated in the site.

Then open another terminal cmd and execute the command:

Cordova build android --prod --release

I am on Microsoft Windows:

I encountered this error after upgrading Android Studio from 2.3.3 to 3.0. I solved it by changing the path to gradle in the PATH environment variable, which is now "gradle-4.1" for Android Studio 3.0 (previously it was "gradle-3.2" for Android Studio 2.3.3)

Life is too short to spend it on messing with paths, etc.

Since I had Homebrew installed on the iMac, I just ran this command:

brew install gradle

The Ionic3 project started to build successfully.

For Windows you can try below solution

Copy your gradle-->bin path and add it to system environment variable path.

In my case gradle path is


This solution worked for me.

In Arch Linux/Manjaro: sudo pacman -S gradle

I moved Android folder path to another path and taked this error.

I resolved to this problem in below.

I was changed to Gradle path in system variables. But not path in user variables. You must change to path in system variables

Screenshot this

Alternative Screenshot this

If you dont want to install gradle explicitly just to address this issue, you can overcome this by following the workaround as mentioned below:

  1. Look for check_reqs.js file under platforms\android\cordova\lib folder
  2. Edit the else part of androidStudioPath variable null check in get_gradle_wrapper function as below:

Existing code:

else { //OK, let's try to check for Gradle! return forgivingWhichSync('gradle'); }

Modified code:

else { //OK, let's try to check for Gradle! var sdkDir = process.env['ANDROID_HOME']; return path.join(sdkDir, 'tools', 'templates', 'gradle', 'wrapper', 'gradlew'); }

NOTE: This change needs to be done everytime when the android platform is removed and re-added

UPDATE: The above workaround will work fine till Cordova Android version 6.3.0. For Cordova Android 6.4.0 and above, Gradle needs to be installed as a standalone dependency. Please find Cordova Android 6.4.0 release notes for more info on this.

@Ghandi: Could someone let me know why this answer is downvoted? Yeah, why? It has finally solved this problem ...

In my mind there is a bug when gradle or sdk or android studio is installed in a different directory then the standard one. I have S:\android\Android Studio and S:\android\sdk.

The solution by Ghandi installed gradle somewhere one more time, but I was really exasperated for this: one or two "gradle" more doesn't hurt me anymore

There is a problem with cordova version 6.4.0 and android 6.2.1 .so,please try with below compatible versions

cordova version must be 6.4.0

sudo npm install -g [email protected]

Install android in your project

sudo cordova platform add [email protected]


sudo ionic platform add [email protected]

Just install gradle on linux, Even if Android Studio is installed,

sudo apt install gradle

You will also get this error if you are on Windows and your project path has parenthesis in it. eg. "cordova(something)".

(At least until this issue is fixed.)

Download the latest gradle from https://gradle.org/install and set the gradle path upto bin in your PATH variable and export path in the directory you are working in

example : export PATH=/home/abc/android-sdk-linux/tools:/home/abc/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:/home/abc/android-sdk-linux/tools:/home/abc/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:/home/abc/Downloads/gradle-4.4.1/bin

I spent my whole day resolve this and ultimately this solution worked for me,

this worked with me on linux

sdk install gradle 4.9

install sdk from here https://sdkman.io/

First of all uninstall ionic and cordova, later set your variables envarionment JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_HOME and PATH then reinstall ionic cordova and add platform like follow:

$ sudo npm install -g ionic cordova

$ ionic platform add android

The ionic will setup gradle packages properly.

On Ubuntu 18.04, I intalled gradle with:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gradle

And Ready.

Just install the Gradle through the command line If you are using Mac try

brew install gradle

For windows users:

Download gradle binary from the link in the answer Gradle Download

Extract the zip file to 'C:\Gradle' or somewhere else

open Edit Environment variable dialog from start menu > Search

Click 'New' under system variables and add as below

Variable Name GRADLE_HOME Variable Value C:\Gradle\gradle-4.0.1

Then choose PATH variable from system variable list

append the gradle path to variable value like this C:\Gradle\gradle-4.0.1\bin

then press win Key+R type cmd then enter > in command terminal type gradle -v

if the setup is correct you will see the gradle installation details

In Ubuntu, Installing latest version of gradle solved the issue for me.

Try these steps to install the latest version,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install gradle

then build using,

cordova build android or ionic cordova build android

Note: If you install gradle from ubuntu repo, it will install the old version 1.4 and will not help, so sudo apt-get install gradle alone will not help most times, if you did not add the repo ppa:cwchien/gradle earlier

brew install gradle

In short that will save time :) Ionic team please fix this

just install android studio and select your sdk folder as a android studio's sdk default folder and then android studio repair all the damage area and download needed files.

I was already installed Android Studio and it's just need to add gradle PATH to ~/.bash_profile on my MacOSX Mojave. Also if gradle is upgraded then path might need to update again.

Example .bash_profile :

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="~/Library/Android/sdk"
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export GRADLE_PATH="~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.10.1-all/455itskqi2qtf0v2sja68alqd/gradle-4.10.1/bin"
export ANDROID_STUDIO="/Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/MacOS"

When edited your .bash_profile then run a command below to read it again.

source ~/.bash_profile

For Windows users:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh')
scoop install gradle

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