Programs & Examples On #Phase

Xcode 10.2.1 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

Take from project path and paste in Terminal

sudo chmod a+x " file path here"

Example Usage:

sudo chmod a+x "/Users/path/Desktop-path/My Work-path/Pods/"

How to use lifecycle method getDerivedStateFromProps as opposed to componentWillReceiveProps

As mentioned by Dan Abramov

Do it right inside render

We actually use that approach with memoise one for any kind of proxying props to state calculations.

Our code looks this way

// ./decorators/memoized.js  
import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one';

export function memoized(target, key, descriptor) {
  descriptor.value = memoizeOne(descriptor.value);
  return descriptor;

// ./components/exampleComponent.js
import React from 'react';
import { memoized } from 'src/decorators';

class ExampleComponent extends React.Component {
  buildValuesFromProps() {
    const {
    } = this.props
    return {
      value1: buildValue1(watchedProp1, watchedProp2),
      value2: buildValue2(watchedProp1, watchedProp3, watchedProp5),
      value3: buildValue3(watchedProp3, watchedProp4, watchedProp5),

  buildValue1(watchedProp1, watchedProp2) {
    return ...;

  buildValue2(watchedProp1, watchedProp3, watchedProp5) {
    return ...;

  buildValue3(watchedProp3, watchedProp4, watchedProp5) {
    return ...;

  render() {
    const {
    } = this.buildValuesFromProps();

    return (
        <Component1 value={value1}>
        <Component2 value={value2}>
        <Component3 value={value3}>

The benefits of it are that you don't need to code tons of comparison boilerplate inside getDerivedStateFromProps or componentWillReceiveProps and you can skip copy-paste initialization inside a constructor.


This approach is used only for proxying the props to state, in case you have some inner state logic it still needs to be handled in component lifecycles.

Kubernetes Pod fails with CrashLoopBackOff

I faced similar issue "CrashLoopBackOff" when I debugged getting pods and logs of pod. Found out that my command arguments are wrong

Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3

the only thing that worked for me was to run pod deintegrate and pod install

WinError 2 The system cannot find the file specified (Python)

thank you, your first error guides me here and the solution solve mine too!

for permission error, f = open('output', 'w+'), change it into f = open(output+'output', 'w+').

or something else, but the way you are now using is having access to the installation directory of Python which normally in Program Files, and it probably needs administrator permission.

for sure, you could probably running python/your script as administrator to pass permission error though

Unknown lifecycle phase "mvn". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format <plugin-prefix>:<goal> or <plugin-group-id>

You have to specify any one of the above phase to resolve the above error. In most of the situations, this would have occurred due to running the build from the eclipse environment.

instead of mvn clean package or mvn package you can try only package its work fine for me

Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

This worked for me: run

sudo lsof -i :<port_number>

after that it will display the PID which is currently attached to the process.

After that run sudo kill -9 <PID>

if that doesn't work, try the solution offered by user8376606 it would definitely work!

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12:test (default-test) on project.

If there are test failures just skip them with

mvn install -DskipTests

but i strongly recomend fixing your test first.

Make Error 127 when running trying to compile code

Error 127 means one of two things:

  1. file not found: the path you're using is incorrect. double check that the program is actually in your $PATH, or in this case, the relative path is correct -- remember that the current working directory for a random terminal might not be the same for the IDE you're using. it might be better to just use an absolute path instead.
  2. ldso is not found: you're using a pre-compiled binary and it wants an interpreter that isn't on your system. maybe you're using an x86_64 (64-bit) distro, but the prebuilt is for x86 (32-bit). you can determine whether this is the answer by opening a terminal and attempting to execute it directly. or by running file -L on /bin/sh (to get your default/native format) and on the compiler itself (to see what format it is).

if the problem is (2), then you can solve it in a few diff ways:

  1. get a better binary. talk to the vendor that gave you the toolchain and ask them for one that doesn't suck.
  2. see if your distro can install the multilib set of files. most x86_64 64-bit distros allow you to install x86 32-bit libraries in parallel.
  3. build your own cross-compiler using something like crosstool-ng.
  4. you could switch between an x86_64 & x86 install, but that seems a bit drastic ;).

Angular2 get clicked element id

For TypeScript users:

    toggle(event: Event): void {
        let elementId: string = ( as Element).id;
        // do something with the id... 

Setting state on componentDidMount()

The only reason that the linter complains about using setState({..}) in componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate is that when the component render the setState immediately causes the component to re-render. But the most important thing to note: using it inside these component's lifecycles is not an anti-pattern in React.

Please take a look at this issue. you will understand more about this topic. Thanks for reading my answer.

How do you deploy Angular apps?

I would say a lot of people with Web experience prior to angular, are use to deploying their web artifacts inside a war (i.e. jquery and html inside a Java/Spring project). I ended up doing this to get around CORS issue, after attempting to keep my angular and REST projects separate.

My solution was to move all angular (4) contents, generated with CLI, from my-app to MyJavaApplication/angular. Then I modifed my Maven build to use maven-resources-plugin to move the contents from /angular/dist to the root of my distribution (i.e. $}/MyJavaApplication). Angular loads resources from root of the war by default.

When I started to add routing to my angular project, I further modifed maven build to copy index.html from /dist to WEB-INF/app. And, added a Java controller that redirects all server side rest calls to index.

Jquery to open Bootstrap v3 modal of remote url

If using @worldofjr answer in jQuery you are getting error: is not a function

you should use:

$('#myModal').on('', function (e) {
    var loadurl = $(e.relatedTarget).data('load-url');

Not that e.relatedTarget if wrapped by $(..)

I was getting the error in latest Bootstrap 3 and after using this method it's working without any problem.

Invariant Violation: Objects are not valid as a React child

Mine had to do with unnecessarily putting curly braces around a variable holding a HTML element inside the return statement of the render() function. This made React treat it as an object rather than an element.

render() {
  let element = (
    <div className="some-class">
      <span>Some text</span>

  return (

Once I removed the curly braces from the element, the error was gone, and the element was rendered correctly.

Deploying Maven project throws invalid LOC header (bad signature)

We can force the checksum validation in maven with at least two options:

1.Adding the --strict-checksums to our maven command.

2.Adding the following configuration to our maven settings file:

<settings xmlns=""
                    <name>Codehaus Snapshots</name>

More details in this post:

Is JVM ARGS '-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m' still useful in Java 8?

What I know is one reason when “GC overhead limit exceeded” error is thrown when 2% of the memory is freed after several GC cycles

By this error your JVM is signalling that your application is spending too much time in garbage collection. so the little amount GC was able to clean will be quickly filled again thus forcing GC to restart the cleaning process again.

You should try changing the value of -Xmx and -Xms.

Maven Error: Could not find or load main class

add this to your pom.xml file:

       <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
       <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

and add the class name of your project (full path) along with the package name like "com.packageName.className" which consists of the main method having "run" method in it. And instead of your "???" write ${mainClass} which will automatically get the className which you have mentioned above.

Then try command mvn clean install and mvn -jar "jar_file_name.jar" server "yaml_file_name.yml"

I hope it will work normally and server will start at the specified port.

Maven Jacoco Configuration - Exclude classes/packages from report not working

Another solution:

                    <rule implementation="org.jacoco.maven.RuleConfiguration">
                            <limit implementation="">

Please note that, we are using "<element>PACKAGE</element>" in the configuration which then helps us to exclude at package level.

Getting "file not found" in Bridging Header when importing Objective-C frameworks into Swift project

This somehow did the trick for me:

  • Clean project
  • Clean build folder
  • Restart Xcode

iOS8 Beta Ad-Hoc App Download (itms-services)

Specify a 'display-image' and 'full-size-image' as described here:

iOS8 requires these images

OS X Framework Library not loaded: 'Image not found'

open xcode -> general -> Embedded Binaries -> add QBImagepicker.framework and RSKImageCropper -> clean project

just add QBImagePicker.framework and RSKImageCropper.framework at embedded binaries worked for me

Xcode 6 Bug: Unknown class in Interface Builder file

I had the same problem with Xcode Version 6.1 (6A1052d). I think the problem appears if you renamed your App / Xcode Project.

My solution was to add the module name in the interface builder manually.

Why am I getting a "401 Unauthorized" error in Maven?

It could be caused by wrong version, you can double check the parent's version and lib's version, to make sure they're correct and not duplicated, I've experienced same problem

Spring Boot - Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE

I don't if it is too late to answer. I could solve this issue by excluding DataSourceAutoConfiguration from spring boot.

Various ways to remove local Git changes

Option 1: Discard tracked and untracked file changes

Discard changes made to both staged and unstaged files.

$ git reset --hard [HEAD]

Then discard (or remove) untracked files altogether.

$ git clean [-f]

Option 2: Stash

You can first stash your changes

$ git stash

And then either drop or pop it depending on what you want to do. See

Option 3: Manually restore files to original state

First we switch to the target branch

$ git checkout <branch-name>

List all files that have changes

$ git status

Restore each file to its original state manually

$ git restore <file-path>

Why does my Spring Boot App always shutdown immediately after starting?

I think the right answer was at Why does Spring Boot web app close immediately after starting? about the starter-tomcat not being set and if set and running through the IDE, the provided scope should be commented off. Scope doesn't create an issue while running through command. I wonder why.

Anyways just added my additional thoughts.

SonarQube not picking up Unit Test Coverage

Include the sunfire and jacoco plugins in the pom.xml and Run the maven command as given below.

mvn jacoco:prepare-agent jacoco:report sonar:sonar





What is the purpose of shuffling and sorting phase in the reducer in Map Reduce Programming?

Let's revisit key phases of Mapreduce program.

The map phase is done by mappers. Mappers run on unsorted input key/values pairs. Each mapper emits zero, one, or multiple output key/value pairs for each input key/value pairs.

The combine phase is done by combiners. The combiner should combine key/value pairs with the same key. Each combiner may run zero, once, or multiple times.

The shuffle and sort phase is done by the framework. Data from all mappers are grouped by the key, split among reducers and sorted by the key. Each reducer obtains all values associated with the same key. The programmer may supply custom compare functions for sorting and a partitioner for data split.

The partitioner decides which reducer will get a particular key value pair.

The reducer obtains sorted key/[values list] pairs, sorted by the key. The value list contains all values with the same key produced by mappers. Each reducer emits zero, one or multiple output key/value pairs for each input key/value pair.

Have a look at this javacodegeeks article by Maria Jurcovicova and mssqltips article by Datta for a better understanding

Below is the image from safaribooksonline article

enter image description here

Jboss server error : Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."jbpm-console.war"

  1. delete your project folder under C:\....\wildfly-9.0.1.Final\standalone\deployments\YOUR-PROJEKT-FOLDER
  2. restart your wildfly-server

Angular directive how to add an attribute to the element?

You can try this:

<div ng-app="app">
    <div ng-controller="AppCtrl">
        <a my-dir ng-repeat="user in users" ng-click="fxn()">{{}}</a>

var app = angular.module('app', []);

function AppCtrl($scope) {
        $scope.users = [{ name: 'John', id: 1 }, { name: 'anonymous' }];
        $scope.fxn = function () {
            alert('It works');

app.directive("myDir", function ($compile) {
    return {
        scope: {ngClick: '='}

All shards failed

It is possible on your restart some shards were not recovered, causing the cluster to stay red.
If you hit:
http://<yourhost>:9200/_cluster/health/?level=shards you can look for red shards.

I have had issues on restart where shards end up in a non recoverable state. My solution was to simply delete that index completely. That is not an ideal solution for everyone.

It is also nice to visualize issues like this with a plugin like:
Elasticsearch Head

Unable to Build using MAVEN with ERROR - Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile

I had the same issue. When compared the java version mentioned in the pom.xml file is different and the JAVA_HOME env variable was pointing to different version of jdk.

Have the JAVA_HOME and pom.xml updated to the same jdk installation path

Maven won't run my Project : Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec

I solved this issue with right click on project -> Set as Main Project.

Android App Not Install. An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

I had an issue where both debug and release build won't install on devices I used for debugging. The same msg would appear when trying to install the new version. The only workaround was to uninstall the current version and install the new one.

It looks like Android studio marks the apk it installs so that installation using the package managers would distinguish between version installed for debugging and versions downloaded from Google play or other external sources (this never happened to me when using eclipse).

specifying goal in pom.xml

You need to set the path of maven under Global setting like MAVEN_HOME


and make sure the workbench have permission of read, write and delete "777"

How to unpackage and repackage a WAR file

Adapting from the above answers, this works for Tomcat, but can be adapted for JBoss as well or any container:

sudo -u tomcat /opt/tomcat/bin/
cd /opt/tomcat/webapps
sudo mkdir tmp; cd tmp
sudo jar -xvf ../myapp.war
#make edits...
sudo vi WEB-INF/classes/templates/fragments/header.html
sudo vi WEB-INF/classes/
#end of making edits
sudo jar -cvf myapp0.0.1.war *
sudo cp myapp0.0.1.war ..
cd ..
sudo chown tomcat:tomcat myapp0.0.1.war
sudo rm -rf tmp
sudo -u tomcat /opt/tomcat/bin/

Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [43]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21

In my case the underlying system account through which the package was running was locked out. Once we got the system account unlocked and reran the package, it executed successfully. The developer said that he got to know of this while debugging wherein he directly tried to connect to the server and check the status of the connection.

$apply already in progress error

I know it's old question but if you really need use $scope.$applyAsync();

RuntimeError on windows trying python multiprocessing

Though the earlier answers are correct, there's a small complication it would help to remark on.

In case your main module imports another module in which global variables or class member variables are defined and initialized to (or using) some new objects, you may have to condition that import in the same way:

if __name__ ==  '__main__':
  import my_module

Compiling dynamic HTML strings from database

In angular 1.2.10 the line scope.$watch(attrs.dynamic, function(html) { was returning an invalid character error because it was trying to watch the value of attrs.dynamic which was html text.

I fixed that by fetching the attribute from the scope property

 scope: { dynamic: '=dynamic'}, 

My example

  .directive('dynamic', function ($compile) {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      replace: true,
      scope: { dynamic: '=dynamic'},
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
        scope.$watch( 'dynamic' , function(html){

Getting "Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file" upon executing JaCoCo

The execution says it's putting the jacoco data in /Users/davea/Dropbox/workspace/myproject/target/jacoco.exec but your maven configuration is looking for the data in ${basedir}/target/coverage-reports/jacoco-unit.exec.

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2:java (default-cli)

I had a similar problem with 'org.codehaus.mojo'-'jaxws-maven-plugin': could not resolve dependencies. Fortunately, I was able to do a Project > Clean in Eclipse, which resolved the issue.

Django error - matching query does not exist

You can use this:

comment = Comment.objects.filter(pk=comment_id)

WCF Service, the type provided as the service attribute values…could not be found

Faced this exact issue. The problem resolved when i changed the Service="Namespace.ServiceName" tag in the Markup (right click xxxx.svc and select View Markup in visual studio) to match the namespace i used for my xxxx.svc.cs file

Colorplot of 2D array matplotlib

I'm afraid your posted example is not working, since X and Y aren't defined. So instead of pcolormesh let's use imshow:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

H = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
              [5, 6, 7, 8],
              [9, 10, 11, 12],
              [13, 14, 15, 16]])  # added some commas and array creation code

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3.2))

ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

cax = fig.add_axes([0.12, 0.1, 0.78, 0.8])

error: package javax.servlet does not exist

The answer provided by @Matthias Herlitzius is mostly correct. Just for further clarity.

The servlet-api jar is best left up to the server to manage see here for detail

With that said, the dependency to add may vary according to your server/container. For example in Wildfly the dependency would be


So becareful to check how your container has provided the servlet implementation.

What are Maven goals and phases and what is their difference?

Credit to Sandeep Jindal and Premraj. Their explanation help me to understand after confused about this for a while.

I created some full code examples & some simple explanations here . I think it may help others to understand.

In short from the link, You should not try to understand all three at once, first you should understand the relationship in these groups:

  • Life Cycle vs Phase
  • Plugin vs Goal

1. Life Cycle vs Phase

Life Cycle is a collection of phase in sequence see here Life Cycle References. When you call a phase, it will also call all phase before it.

For example, the clean life cycle has 3 phases (pre-clean, clean, post-clean).

mvn clean

It will call pre-clean and clean.

2. Plugin vs Goal

Goal is like an action in Plugin. So if plugin is a class, goal is a method.

you can call a goal like this:

mvn clean:clean

This means "call the clean goal, in the clean plugin" (Nothing relates to the clean phase here. Don't let the word"clean" confusing you, they are not the same!)

3. Now the relation between Phase & Goal:

Phase can (pre)links to Goal(s).For example, normally, the clean phase links to the clean goal. So, when you call this command:

mvn clean

It will call the pre-clean phase and the clean phase which links to the clean:clean goal.

It is almost the same as:

mvn pre-clean clean:clean

More detail and full examples are in

Link vs compile vs controller

this is a good sample for understand directive phases

var app = angular.module('myapp', [])

app.directive('slngStylePrelink', function() {
    return {
        scope: {
            drctvName: '@'
        controller: function($scope) {
            console.log('controller for ', $scope.drctvName);
        compile: function(element, attr) {
            console.log("compile for ",
            return {
                post: function($scope, element, attr) {
                    console.log('post link for ',
                pre: function($scope, element, attr) {
                    $scope.element = element;
                    console.log('pre link for ',
                        // from angular.js 1.4.1
                    function ngStyleWatchAction(newStyles, oldStyles) {
                        if (oldStyles && (newStyles !== oldStyles)) {
                            forEach(oldStyles, function(val, style) {
                                element.css(style, '');
                        if (newStyles) element.css(newStyles);

                    $scope.$watch(attr.slngStylePrelink, ngStyleWatchAction, true);

                    // Run immediately, because the watcher's first run is async


<body ng-app="myapp">
    <div slng-style-prelink="{height:'500px'}" drctv-name='parent' style="border:1px solid" name="parent">
        <div slng-style-prelink="{height:'50%'}" drctv-name='child' style="border:1px solid red" name='child'>

fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'

Make sure branch "master" exists! It's not just a name apparently.

I got this error after creating a blank bare repo, pushing a branch named "dev" to it, and trying to use git log in the bare repo. Interestingly, git branch knows that dev is the only branch existing (so I think this is a git bug).

Solution: I repeated the procedure, this time having renamed "dev" to "master" on the working repo before pushing to the bare repo. Success!

The content type application/xml;charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8)

In my case it was simply an error in the web.config.

I had:

<endpoint address="http://localhost/WebService/WebOnlineService.asmx" 

It should have been:

<endpoint address="http://localhost:10593/WebService/WebOnlineService.asmx"

The port number (:10593) was missing from the address.

Close pre-existing figures in matplotlib when running from eclipse

Nothing works in my case using the scripts above but I was able to close these figures from eclipse console bar by clicking on Terminate ALL (two red nested squares icon).

Most efficient method to groupby on an array of objects

This is probably more easily done with linq.js, which is intended to be a true implementation of LINQ in JavaScript (DEMO):

var linq = Enumerable.From(data);
var result =
    linq.GroupBy(function(x){ return x.Phase; })
          return {
            Phase: x.Key(),
            Value: x.Sum(function(y){ return y.Value|0; })


    { Phase: "Phase 1", Value: 50 },
    { Phase: "Phase 2", Value: 130 }

Or, more simply using the string-based selectors (DEMO):

linq.GroupBy("$.Phase", "",
    "k,e => { Phase:k, Value:e.Sum('$.Value|0') }").ToArray();

SQL Server CTE and recursion example

The execution process is really confusing with recursive CTE, I found the best answer at and the abstract of the CTE execution process is as below.

The semantics of the recursive execution is as follows:

  1. Split the CTE expression into anchor and recursive members.
  2. Run the anchor member(s) creating the first invocation or base result set (T0).
  3. Run the recursive member(s) with Ti as an input and Ti+1 as an output.
  4. Repeat step 3 until an empty set is returned.
  5. Return the result set. This is a UNION ALL of T0 to Tn.

add string to String array

First, this code here,

string [] scripts = new String [] ("test3","test4","test5");

should be

String[] scripts = new String [] {"test3","test4","test5"};

Please read this tutorial on Arrays


Arrays are fixed size, so you can't add new Strings to above array. You may override existing values

scripts[0] = string1;


Create array with size then keep on adding elements till it is full.

If you want resizable arrays, consider using ArrayList.

The point of test %eax %eax

test is a non-destructive and, it doesn't return the result of the operation but it sets the flags register accordingly. To know what it really tests for you need to check the following instruction(s). Often out is used to check a register against 0, possibly coupled with a jz conditional jump.

Getting Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null error in powershell

$_ is the active object in the current pipeline. You've started a new pipeline with $FOLDLIST | ... so $_ represents the objects in that array that are passed down the pipeline. You should stash the FileInfo object from the first pipeline in a variable and then reference that variable later e.g.:

write-host $NEWN.Length
$file = $_
Move-Item $file.Name $DPATH

SQLException: No suitable Driver Found for jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/orcl

I had the same problem. To fix it in Jboss 7 AS, I copy the oracle driver jar file to Jboss module folder. Example: ../jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/modules/org/hibernate/main.

You also need to change "module.xml"

<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.hibernate">
    <resource-root path="hibernate-core-4.0.1.Final.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="hibernate-commons-annotations-4.0.1.Final.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="hibernate-entitymanager-4.0.1.Final.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="hibernate-infinispan-4.0.1.Final.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="ojdbc6.jar"/>

    <module name="asm.asm"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.persistence.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
    <module name="javax.validation.api"/>
    <module name="org.antlr"/>
    <module name="org.apache.commons.collections"/>
    <module name="org.dom4j"/>
    <module name="org.infinispan" optional="true"/>
    <module name="org.javassist"/>
    <module name="" slot="4" optional="true"/>
    <module name="org.jboss.logging"/>
    <module name="org.hibernate.envers" services="import" optional="true"/>

How do I put all required JAR files in a library folder inside the final JAR file with Maven?

The following is my solution. Test it if it works for you:


                <!-- <classpathPrefix>lib</classpathPrefix> -->
                <!-- <mainClass></mainClass> -->

The first plugin puts all dependencies in the target/classes/lib folder, and the second one includes the library folder in the final JAR file, and configures the file.

But then you will need to add custom classloading code to load the JAR files.

Or, to avoid custom classloading, you can use "${}/lib, but in this case, you don't have dependencies inside the final JAR file, which defeats the purpose.

It's been two years since the question was asked. The problem of nested JAR files persists nevertheless. I hope it helps somebody.

AppFabric installation failed because installer MSI returned with error code : 1603

Although many links talk about deleting the trailing space in the environment variable, that did not apply to my case as there was no trailing space in my case.

This was the answer that finally helped me out. I had to delete the AS_Observers and AS_Administrators groups created during previous installation attempt and then reinstall.

Doing this resolved the problem and I could successfully install AppFabric. Couldn't post this as answer in the server fault site due to insufficient reputation.

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'X' or one of its dependencies when deploying the application

's up guys i read every single forum about this topic i still had problem (occurred trying to project from git)

after 4 hours and a lot of swearing i solved this issue by myself just by changing target framework setting in project properties (right click on project -> properties) -> application and changed target framework from .net core 3.0 to .net 5.0 i hope it will help anybody

happy coding gl hf nerds

Customizing the template within a Directive

Here's what I ended up using.

I'm very new to AngularJS, so would love to see better / alternative solutions.

angular.module('formComponents', [])
    .directive('formInput', function() {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            scope: {},
            link: function(scope, element, attrs)
                var type = attrs.type || 'text';
                var required = attrs.hasOwnProperty('required') ? "required='required'" : "";
                var htmlText = '<div class="control-group">' +
                    '<label class="control-label" for="' + attrs.formId + '">' + attrs.label + '</label>' +
                        '<div class="controls">' +
                        '<input type="' + type + '" class="input-xlarge" id="' + attrs.formId + '" name="' + attrs.formId + '" ' + required + '>' +
                        '</div>' +

Example usage:

<form-input label="Application Name" form-id="appName" required/></form-input>
<form-input type="email" label="Email address" form-id="emailAddress" required/></form-input>
<form-input type="password" label="Password" form-id="password" /></form-input>

What is pluginManagement in Maven's pom.xml?

pluginManagement: is an element that is seen along side plugins. Plugin Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that rather than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it is intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However, this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins element in the children. The children have every right to override pluginManagement definitions.


Copied from :

Maven2 - problem with pluginManagement and parent-child relationship

Understanding PIVOT function in T-SQL

Ive something to add here which no one mentioned.

The pivot function works great when the source has 3 columns: One for the aggregate, one to spread as columns with for, and one as a pivot for row distribution. In the product example it's QTY, CUST, PRODUCT.

However, if you have more columns in the source it will break the results into multiple rows instead of one row per pivot based on unique values per additional column (as Group By would do in a simple query).

See this example, ive added a timestamp column to the source table:

enter image description here

Now see its impact:


FROM Product
) AS pvt


enter image description here

In order to fix this, you can either pull a subquery as a source as everyone has done above - with only 3 columns (this is not always going to work for your scenario, imagine if you need to put a where condition for the timestamp).

Second solution is to use a group by and do a sum of the pivoted column values again.

sum(MILK) t_MILK

FROM Product
) AS pvt



enter image description here

Improve SQL Server query performance on large tables

One of the reasons your 1M test ran quicker is likely because the temp tables are entirely in memory and would only go to disk if your server experiences memory pressure. You can either re-craft your query to remove the order by, add a good clustered index and covering index(es) as previously mentioned, or query the DMV to check for IO pressure to see if hardware related.

-- From Glen Barry
-- Clear Wait Stats (consider clearing and running wait stats query again after a few minutes)
-- DBCC SQLPERF('sys.dm_os_wait_stats', CLEAR);

-- Check Task Counts to get an initial idea what the problem might be

-- Avg Current Tasks Count, Avg Runnable Tasks Count, Avg Pending Disk IO Count across all schedulers
-- Run several times in quick succession
SELECT AVG(current_tasks_count) AS [Avg Task Count], 
       AVG(runnable_tasks_count) AS [Avg Runnable Task Count],
       AVG(pending_disk_io_count) AS [Avg Pending DiskIO Count]
FROM sys.dm_os_schedulers WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE scheduler_id < 255 OPTION (RECOMPILE);

-- Sustained values above 10 suggest further investigation in that area
-- High current_tasks_count is often an indication of locking/blocking problems
-- High runnable_tasks_count is a good indication of CPU pressure
-- High pending_disk_io_count is an indication of I/O pressure

Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?

@Resource annotation on field level also could be used to declare look up at runtime

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed (Access is denied)

I solved the problem very easily.

Go to Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Windows Firewall -> Turn off Windows Firewall

And try to install again and see the magic :)

Connect Android to WiFi Enterprise network EAP(PEAP)

Thanks for enlightening us Cypawer.

I also tried this app

and it worked flawlessly.

Leap Wifi Connector

org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing

I had a similar problem and although I made sure that referenced entities were saved first it keeps failing with the same exception. After hours of investigation it turns out that the problem was because the "version" column of the referenced entity was NULL. In my particular setup i was inserting it first in an HSQLDB(that was a unit test) a row like that:

INSERT INTO project VALUES (1,1,'2013-08-28 13:05:38','2013-08-28 13:05:38','aProject','aa',NULL,'bb','dd','ee','ff','gg','ii',NULL,'LEGACY','0','CREATED',NULL,NULL,1,'0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0','0', NULL);

The problem of the above is the version column used by hibernate was set to null, so even if the object was correctly saved, Hibernate considered it as unsaved. When making sure the version had a NON-NULL(1 in this case) value the exception disappeared and everything worked fine.

I am putting it here in case someone else had the same problem, since this took me a long time to figure this out and the solution is completely different than the above.

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration (JBossas 7 EAR archetype)

This is a "feature" of the M2E plugin that had been introduced a while ago. It's not directly related to the JBoss EAR plugin but also happens with most other Maven plugins.

If you have a plugin execution defined in your pom (like the execution of maven-ear-plugin:generate-application-xml), you also need to add additional config information for M2E that tells M2E what to do when the build is run in Eclipse, e.g. should the plugin execution be ignored or executed by M2E, should it be also done for incremental builds, ... If that information is missing, M2E complains about it by showing this error message:

"Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration"

See here for a more detailed explanation and some sample config that needs to be added to the pom to make that error go away:

m2eclipse error

I am using MacOSX with Eclipse 4.3 (Krepler). What I originally tried was to install Maven via the terminal using Brew. It installed correctly Maven 3.0.4. However when I tried to import any ready maven projects (File > Import > Maven) it would display the following two errors:

No marketplace entries found to handle Execution default-testResources

What I did is go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace and type "Maven" in the search bar and install the first default Maven client for Eclipse. Everything worked for me from this point.

Hope it helps to you too.

What is the equivalent of Java's System.out.println() in Javascript?

I found a solution:

print("My message here");

maven-dependency-plugin (goals "copy-dependencies", "unpack") is not supported by m2e

I had the same problem when trying to load Hadoop project in eclipse. I tried the solutions above, and I believe it might have worked in Eclipse Kepler... not even sure anymore (tried too many things).

With all the problems I was having, I decided to move on to Eclipse Luna, and the solutions above did not work for me.

There was another post that recommended changing the ... tag to package. I started doing that, and it would "clear" the errors... However, I start to think that the changes would bite me later - I am not an expert on Maven.

Fortunately, I found out how to remove all the errors. Go to Window->Preferences->Maven-> Error/Warnings and change "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle..." option to "Ignore". Hope it helps.

Install Windows Service created in Visual Studio

Another possible problem (which I ran into):

Be sure that the ProjectInstaller class is public. To be honest, I am not sure how exactly I did it, but I added event handlers to ProjectInstaller.Designer.cs, like:

this.serviceProcessInstaller1.BeforeInstall += new System.Configuration.Install.InstallEventHandler(this.serviceProcessInstaller1_BeforeInstall);

I guess during the automatical process of creating the handler function in ProjectInstaller.cs it changed the class definition from

public class ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer


partial class ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer

replacing the public keyword with partial. So, in order to fix it it must be

public partial class ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer

I use Visual Studio 2013 Community edition.

m2e lifecycle-mapping not found

m2e 1.7 introduces a new syntax for lifecycle mapping metadata that doesn't cause this warning anymore:


        <!-- This executes the goal in Eclipse on project import.
             Other options like are available, eg ignore.  -->
        <?m2e execute?>


What to do about Eclipse's "No repository found containing: ..." error messages?

For me I had Spring IDE installed on Eclipse Oxygen. During check for updates it would find updates, then it would fail with the above error.

I then went to the Eclipse Marketplace, clicked on Installed tab and noticed Spring did not come up (it was there before and is currently installed).

Then I searched for Spring IDE (Tools) clicked install, then it notified that some packages were already installed and just needed to be updated.

After completing the install of Spring Tools and restarting, I was able to check for updates and complete the normal software updates.

How to work with complex numbers in C?

This code will help you, and it's fairly self-explanatory:

#include <stdio.h>      /* Standard Library of Input and Output */
#include <complex.h>    /* Standard Library of Complex Numbers */

int main() {

    double complex z1 = 1.0 + 3.0 * I;
    double complex z2 = 1.0 - 4.0 * I;

    printf("Working with complex numbers:\n\v");

    printf("Starting values: Z1 = %.2f + %.2fi\tZ2 = %.2f %+.2fi\n", creal(z1), cimag(z1), creal(z2), cimag(z2));

    double complex sum = z1 + z2;
    printf("The sum: Z1 + Z2 = %.2f %+.2fi\n", creal(sum), cimag(sum));

    double complex difference = z1 - z2;
    printf("The difference: Z1 - Z2 = %.2f %+.2fi\n", creal(difference), cimag(difference));

    double complex product = z1 * z2;
    printf("The product: Z1 x Z2 = %.2f %+.2fi\n", creal(product), cimag(product));

    double complex quotient = z1 / z2;
    printf("The quotient: Z1 / Z2 = %.2f %+.2fi\n", creal(quotient), cimag(quotient));

    double complex conjugate = conj(z1);
    printf("The conjugate of Z1 = %.2f %+.2fi\n", creal(conjugate), cimag(conjugate));

    return 0;


creal(z1): get the real part (for float crealf(z1), for long double creall(z1))

cimag(z1): get the imaginary part (for float cimagf(z1), for long double cimagl(z1))

Another important point to remember when working with complex numbers is that functions like cos(), exp() and sqrt() must be replaced with their complex forms, e.g. ccos(), cexp(), csqrt().

Adding a public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys does not log me in automatically

Also be sure your home directory is not writeable by others:

chmod g-w,o-w /home/USERNAME

This answer is stolen from here.

How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds

I got the same error. After doing the following it went away.

  1. Right click on the project.
  2. Select Maven > Update Project...

CXF: No message body writer found for class - automatically mapping non-simple resources

If you are using "cxf-rt-rs-client" version 3.03. or above make sure the xml name space and schemaLocation are declared as below

<beans xmlns=""

And make sure the client have JacksonJsonProvider or your custom JsonProvider

<jaxrs-client:client id="serviceClient" address="${cxf.endpoint.service.address}" serviceClass="serviceClass">
            <entry key="Accept" value="application/json"></entry>
            <bean class="org.codehaus.jackson.jaxrs.JacksonJsonProvider">
            <property name="mapper" ref="jacksonMapper" />

How to implement the factory method pattern in C++ correctly

I don't try to answer all of my questions, as I believe it is too broad. Just a couple of notes:

there are cases when object construction is a task complex enough to justify its extraction to another class.

That class is in fact a Builder, rather than a Factory.

In the general case, I don't want to force the users of the factory to be restrained to dynamic allocation.

Then you could have your factory encapsulate it in a smart pointer. I believe this way you can have your cake and eat it too.

This also eliminates the issues related to return-by-value.

Conclusion: Making a factory by returning an object is indeed a solution for some cases (such as the 2-D vector previously mentioned), but still not a general replacement for constructors.

Indeed. All design patterns have their (language specific) constraints and drawbacks. It is recommended to use them only when they help you solve your problem, not for their own sake.

If you are after the "perfect" factory implementation, well, good luck.

Difference between clustered and nonclustered index

You should be using indexes to help SQL server performance. Usually that implies that columns that are used to find rows in a table are indexed.

Clustered indexes makes SQL server order the rows on disk according to the index order. This implies that if you access data in the order of a clustered index, then the data will be present on disk in the correct order. However if the column(s) that have a clustered index is frequently changed, then the row(s) will move around on disk, causing overhead - which generally is not a good idea.

Having many indexes is not good either. They cost to maintain. So start out with the obvious ones, and then profile to see which ones you miss and would benefit from. You do not need them from start, they can be added later on.

Most column datatypes can be used when indexing, but it is better to have small columns indexed than large. Also it is common to create indexes on groups of columns (e.g. country + city + street).

Also you will not notice performance issues until you have quite a bit of data in your tables. And another thing to think about is that SQL server needs statistics to do its query optimizations the right way, so make sure that you do generate that.

javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: View could not be restored

You coud use your own custom AjaxExceptionHandler or primefaces-extensions

Update your faces-config.xml


Add following code in your jsf page

<pe:ajaxErrorHandler />

IF EXIST C:\directory\ goto a else goto b problems windows XP batch files

To check for DIRECTORIES you should not use something like:

if exist c:\windows\

To work properly use:

if exist c:\windows\\.

note the "." at the end.

How to solve Permission denied (publickey) error when using Git?

Let me share my experience too,

I was trying to clone some project from the Gerrit repo where I got my public keys in account settings.

On the first attempt to make git clone I got the following error:

Unable to negotiate with XX.XX.XX.XX port XXX: no matching key exchange
method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

I figured out that I need to pass the SSH option -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 somehow to git clone.

Hopefully GIT_SSH_COMMAND environment variable did the job:

export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1"

But git clone still didn't start to work.. Now it throws the (on topic):

Permission denied (publickey).

I got already SSH keys and didn't want to regenerate them. I checked plain SSH connection to the host and it was ok:

****    Welcome to Gerrit Code Review    ****

  Hi XXXXX, you have successfully connected over SSH.

  Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled.
  To clone a hosted Git repository, use:

  git clone ssh://[email protected]:xxx/REPOSITORY_NAME.git

I was confused a bit. I started again and turned on the debug for SSH via -vvv option. And I saw the following:

debug1: read_passphrase: can't open /dev/tty: No such device or address

Possibly, it was an overhead for the GIT_SSH_COMMAND env variable - my key was secured with passphrase (and I entered it when I was checking the login to the git repo host).

So, I decided to get rid of the phasphrase then. A simple command helped me:

ssh-keygen -p

Then I entered my passphrase for the "old passphrase" and just hit ENTER twice on the "new passphare" to leave it empty i.e. with no passphrase at all and to confirm my choice.

After that I got the freshly cloned repo on my local disk.

jQuery equivalent of JavaScript's addEventListener method

$( "button" ).on( "click", function(event) {_x000D_
    alert( $( this ).html() );_x000D_
    console.log( );_x000D_
} );
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button>test 1</button>_x000D_
<button>test 2</button>

Building executable jar with maven?

Right click the project and give maven build,maven clean,maven generate resource and maven install.The jar file will automatically generate.

Maven2 property that indicates the parent directory

So the problem as I see it is that you can't get the absolute path to a parent directory in maven.

<rant> I've heard this talked about as an anti-pattern, but for every anti-pattern there is real, legitimate use case for it, and I'm sick of maven telling me I can only follow their patterns.</rant>

So the work around I found was to use antrun. Try this in the child pom.xml:

                    <!--Adjust the location below to your directory structure -->
                    <property name="main.basedir" location="./.." />
                    <echo message="main.basedir=${main.basedir}"/>

If you run mvn verify you should see something like this:

     [echo] main.basedir=C:\src\

You can then use ${main.basedir} in any of the other plugins, etc. Took me a while to figure this out, so hope it helps someone else.

jQuery toggle animation

onmouseover="$('.play-detail').stop().animate({'height': '84px'},'300');" 

onmouseout="$('.play-detail').stop().animate({'height': '44px'},'300');"

Just put two stops -- one onmouseover and one onmouseout.

Xcode variables

The best source is probably Apple's official documentation. The specific variable you are looking for is CONFIGURATION.

AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager <Excel Connection Manager> failed with error code 0xC0202009

I was finally able to resolve the "Excel connection issue" in my case it was not a 64 bit issue like some of them had encounterd, I noticed the package worked fine when i didnt enable the package configuration, but i wanted my package to run with the configuration file, digging further into it i noticed i had selected all the properties that were available, I unchecked all and checked only the ones that I needed to store in the package configuration file. and ta dha it works :)

UIImage: Resize, then Crop

I modified Brad Larson's Code. It will aspect fill the image in given rect.

-(UIImage*) scaleAndCropToSize:(CGSize)newSize;
    float ratio = self.size.width / self.size.height;


    if (ratio > 1) {
        CGFloat newWidth = ratio * newSize.width;
        CGFloat newHeight = newSize.height;
        CGFloat leftMargin = (newWidth - newHeight) / 2;
        [self drawInRect:CGRectMake(-leftMargin, 0, newWidth, newHeight)];
    else {
        CGFloat newWidth = newSize.width;
        CGFloat newHeight = newSize.height / ratio;
        CGFloat topMargin = (newHeight - newWidth) / 2;
        [self drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, -topMargin, newSize.width, newSize.height/ratio)];

    UIImage* newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

    return newImage;

How to manually install an artifact in Maven 2?

You need to indicate the groupId, the artifactId and the version for your artifact:

mvn install:install-file \
  -DgroupId=javax.transaction \
  -DartifactId=jta \
  -Dpackaging=jar \
  -Dversion=1.0.1B \
  -Dfile=jta-1.0.1B.jar \

Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them?

For throw away code only

set scope == system and just make up a groupId, artifactId, and version


Note: system dependencies are not copied into resulted jar/war
(see How to include system dependencies in war built using maven)

How do I fix the multiple-step OLE DB operation errors in SSIS?

For me the answer was that I was passing two parameters to and execute SQL task, but only using one. I was doing some testing and commented out a section of code using the second parameter. I neglected to remove the parameter mapping.

So ensure you are passing in the correct number of parameters in the parameter mapping if you are using the Execute SQL task.

How to find the Target *.exe file of *.appref-ms

The appref-ms file does not point to the exe. When you hit that shortcut, it invokes the deployment manifest at the deployment provider url and checks for updates. It checks the application manifest (yourapp.exe.manifest) to see what files to download, and this file contains the definition of the entry point (i.e. the exe).

How to tell CRAN to install package dependencies automatically?

On your own system, try

install.packages("foo", dependencies=...)

with the dependencies= argument is documented as

dependencies: logical indicating to also install uninstalled packages
      which these packages depend on/link to/import/suggest (and so
      on recursively).  Not used if ‘repos = NULL’.  Can also be a
      character vector, a subset of ‘c("Depends", "Imports",
      "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")’.

      Only supported if ‘lib’ is of length one (or missing), so it
      is unambiguous where to install the dependent packages.  If
      this is not the case it is ignored, with a warning.

      The default, ‘NA’, means ‘c("Depends", "Imports",

      ‘TRUE’ means (as from R 2.15.0) to use ‘c("Depends",
      "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests")’ for ‘pkgs’ and
      ‘c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")’ for added
      dependencies: this installs all the packages needed to run
      ‘pkgs’, their examples, tests and vignettes (if the package
      author specified them correctly).

so you probably want a value TRUE.

In your package, list what is needed in Depends:, see the Writing R Extensions manual which is pretty clear on this.

Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'

On apache you need to edit security.conf:

nano /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf

and set:

Header set X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin"

Then enable mod_headers:

cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled

ln -s ../mods-available/headers.load headers.load

And restart Apache:

service apache2 restart

And voila!

C - The %x format specifier


use 0 instead of spaces to pad a field when the width option is specified. For example, printf("%2d", 3) results in " 3", while printf("%02d", 3) results in "03".

modal View controllers - how to display and dismiss

Radu Simionescu - awesome work! and below Your solution for Swift lovers:

@IBAction func showSecondControlerAndCloseCurrentOne(sender: UIButton) {
    let secondViewController = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ConrollerStoryboardID") as UIViewControllerClass // change it as You need it
    var presentingVC = self.presentingViewController
    self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(false, completion: { () -> Void   in
        presentingVC!.presentViewController(secondViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

What is the use of static constructors?

No you can't overload it; a static constructor is useful for initializing any static fields associated with a type (or any other per-type operations) - useful in particular for reading required configuration data into readonly fields, etc.

It is run automatically by the runtime the first time it is needed (the exact rules there are complicated (see "beforefieldinit"), and changed subtly between CLR2 and CLR4). Unless you abuse reflection, it is guaranteed to run at most once (even if two threads arrive at the same time).

Proper usage of Optional.ifPresent()

In addition to @JBNizet's answer, my general use case for ifPresent is to combine .isPresent() and .get():

Old way:

Optional opt = getIntOptional();
if(opt.isPresent()) {
    Integer value = opt.get();
    // do something with value

New way:

Optional opt = getIntOptional();
opt.ifPresent(value -> {
    // do something with value

This, to me, is more intuitive.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode

This means that you must declare strict mode by writing "use strict" at the beginning of the file or the function to use block-scope declarations.


function test(){
    "use strict";
    let a = 1;

Difference between == and === in JavaScript

=== and !== are strict comparison operators:

JavaScript has both strict and type-converting equality comparison. For strict equality the objects being compared must have the same type and:

  • Two strings are strictly equal when they have the same sequence of characters, same length, and same characters in corresponding positions.
  • Two numbers are strictly equal when they are numerically equal (have the same number value). NaN is not equal to anything, including NaN. Positive and negative zeros are equal to one another.
  • Two Boolean operands are strictly equal if both are true or both are false.
  • Two objects are strictly equal if they refer to the same Object.
  • Null and Undefined types are == (but not ===). [I.e. (Null==Undefined) is true but (Null===Undefined) is false]

Comparison Operators - MDC

How to check if a double is null?

How are you getting the value of "results"? Are you getting it via ResultSet.getDouble()? In that case, you can check ResultSet.wasNull().

With CSS, use "..." for overflowed block of multi-lines

thanks @balpha and @Kevin, I combine two method together.

no js needed in this method.

you can use background-image and no gradient needed to hide dots.

the innerHTML of .ellipsis-placeholder is not necessary, I use .ellipsis-placeholder to keep the same width and height with .ellipsis-more. You could use display: inline-block instead.

.ellipsis {_x000D_
    overflow: hidden;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
.ellipsis-more-top {/*push down .ellipsis-more*/_x000D_
    content: "";_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
    width: 5px;_x000D_
.ellipsis-text-container {_x000D_
    float: right;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    margin-left: -5px;_x000D_
.ellipsis-more-container {_x000D_
    float: right;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    left: 100%;_x000D_
    width: 5px;_x000D_
    margin-left: -5px;_x000D_
    border-right: solid 5px transparent;_x000D_
    white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
.ellipsis-placeholder {/*keep text around ,keep it transparent ,keep same width and height as .ellipsis-more*/_x000D_
    float: right;_x000D_
    clear: right;_x000D_
    color: transparent;_x000D_
.ellipsis-placeholder-top {/*push down .ellipsis-placeholder*/_x000D_
    float: right;_x000D_
    width: 0;_x000D_
.ellipsis-more {/*ellipsis things here*/_x000D_
    float: right;_x000D_
.ellipsis-height {/*the total height*/_x000D_
    height: 3.6em;_x000D_
.ellipsis-line-height {/*the line-height*/_x000D_
    line-height: 1.2;_x000D_
.ellipsis-margin-top {/*one line height*/_x000D_
    margin-top: -1.2em;_x000D_
.ellipsis-text {_x000D_
    word-break: break-all;_x000D_
<div class="ellipsis ellipsis-height ellipsis-line-height">_x000D_
    <div class="ellipsis-more-top ellipsis-height"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="ellipsis-text-container">_x000D_
        <div class="ellipsis-placeholder-top ellipsis-height ellipsis-margin-top"></div>_x000D_
        <div class="ellipsis-placeholder">_x000D_
        <span class="ellipsis-text">text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text </span>_x000D_
    <div class="ellipsis-more-container ellipsis-margin-top">_x000D_
        <div class="ellipsis-more">_x000D_


How to parse XML using vba


The procedure presented below gives an example of parsing XML with VBA using the XML DOM objects. Code is based on a beginners guide of the XML DOM.

Public Sub LoadDocument()
    Dim xDoc As MSXML.DOMDocument
    Set xDoc = New MSXML.DOMDocument
    xDoc.validateOnParse = False
    If xDoc.Load("C:\My Documents\sample.xml") Then
        ' The document loaded successfully.
        ' Now do something intersting.
        DisplayNode xDoc.childNodes, 0
        ' The document failed to load.
        ' See the previous listing for error information.
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub DisplayNode(ByRef Nodes As MSXML.IXMLDOMNodeList, _
   ByVal Indent As Integer)

   Dim xNode As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode
   Indent = Indent + 2

   For Each xNode In Nodes
      If xNode.nodeType = NODE_TEXT Then
         Debug.Print Space$(Indent) & xNode.parentNode.nodeName & _
            ":" & xNode.nodeValue
      End If

      If xNode.hasChildNodes Then
         DisplayNode xNode.childNodes, Indent
      End If
   Next xNode
End Sub

Nota Bene - This initial answer shows the simplest possible thing I could imagine (at the time I was working on a very specific issue) . Naturally using the XML facilities built into the VBA XML Dom would be much better. See the updates above.

Original Response

I know this is a very old post but I wanted to share my simple solution to this complicated question. Primarily I've used basic string functions to access the xml data.

This assumes you have some xml data (in the temp variable) that has been returned within a VBA function. Interestingly enough one can also see how I am linking to an xml web service to retrieve the value. The function shown in the image also takes a lookup value because this Excel VBA function can be accessed from within a cell using = FunctionName(value1, value2) to return values via the web service into a spreadsheet.

sample function

openTag = ""
closeTag = "" 

' Locate the position of the enclosing tags startPos = InStr(1, temp, openTag) endPos = InStr(1, temp, closeTag) startTagPos = InStr(startPos, temp, ">") + 1 ' Parse xml for returned value Data = Mid(temp, startTagPos, endPos - startTagPos)

Error in : figure margins too large, Scatter plot

Just clear the plots and try executing the code again...It worked for me

LaTeX beamer: way to change the bullet indentation?

Beamer just delegates responsibility for managing layout of itemize environments back to the base LaTeX packages, so there's nothing funky you need to do in Beamer itself to alter the apperaance / layout of your lists.

Since Beamer redefines itemize, item, etc., the fully proper way to manipulate things like indentation is to redefine the Beamer templates. I get the impression that you're not looking to go that far, but if that's not the case, let me know and I'll elaborate.

There are at least three ways of accomplishing your goal from within your document, without mussing about with Beamer templates.

With itemize

In the following code snippet, you can change the value of \itemindent from 0em to whatever you please, including negative values. 0em is the default item indentation.

The advantage of this method is that the list is styled normally. The disadvantage is that Beamer's redefinition of itemize and \item means that the number of paramters that can be manipulated to change the list layout is limited. It can be very hard to get the spacing right with multi-line items.

  \item This is a normally-indented item.

With list

In the following code snippet, the second parameter to \list is the bullet to use, and the third parameter is a list of layout parameters to change. The \leftmargin parameter adjusts the indentation of the entire list item and all of its rows; \itemindent alters the indentation of subsequent lines.

The advantage of this method is that you have all of the flexibility of lists in non-Beamer LaTeX. The disadvantage is that you have to setup the bullet style (and other visual elements) manually (or identify the right command for the template you're using). Note that if you leave the second argument empty, no bullet will be displayed and you'll save some horizontal space.

\begin{list}{$\square$}{\leftmargin=1em \itemindent=0em}
  \item This item uses the margin and indentation provided above.

Defining a customlist environment

The shortcomings of the list solution can be ameliorated by defining a new customlist environment that basically redefines the itemize environment from Beamer but also incorporates the \leftmargin and \itemindent (etc.) parameters. Put the following in your preamble:

  \ifnum\@itemdepth >2\relax\@toodeep\else
      \usebeamerfont{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body}%
      \usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body}%
      \usebeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body begin}%
            \usebeamertemplate{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}
        { \leftmargin=#1 \itemindent=#2
                    \usebeamerfont*{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}%
                        \usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item}##1}}%
  \usebeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate \beameritemnestingprefix body end}%

Now, to use an itemized list with custom indentation, you can use the following environment. The first argument is for \leftmargin and the second is for \itemindent. The default values are 2.5em and 0em respectively.

   \item Any normal item can go here.

A custom bullet style can be incorporated into the customlist solution using the standard Beamer mechanism of \setbeamertemplate. (See the answers to this question on the TeX Stack Exchange for more information.)

Alternatively, the bullet style can just be modified directly within the environment, by replacing \usebeamertemplate{itemize \beameritemnestingprefix item} with whatever bullet style you'd like to use (e.g. $\square$).

How to change HTML Object element data attribute value in javascript

The behavior of host objects <object> is due to ECMA262 implementation dependent and set attribute by setAttribute() method may fail.

I see two solutions:

  1. soft: = "";

  2. hard: remove object from DOM tree and create new one with changed data attribute.

How to perform string interpolation in TypeScript?

In JavaScript you can use template literals:

let value = 100;
console.log(`The size is ${ value }`);

How to list all functions in a Python module?

Use inspect.getmembers to get all the variables/classes/functions etc. in a module, and pass in inspect.isfunction as the predicate to get just the functions:

from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
from my_project import my_module

functions_list = [o for o in getmembers(my_module) if isfunction(o[1])]

getmembers returns a list of (object_name, object) tuples sorted alphabetically by name.

You can replace isfunction with any of the other isXXX functions in the inspect module.

CSS fill remaining width

This can be achieved by wrapping the image and search bar in their own container and floating the image to the left with a specific width.

This takes the image out of the "flow" which means that any items rendered in normal flow will not adjust their positioning to take account of this.

To make the "in flow" searchBar appear correctly positioned to the right of the image you give it a left padding equal to the width of the image plus a gutter.

The effect is to make the image a fixed width while the rest of the container block is fluidly filled up by the search bar.

<div class="container">
  <img src="img/logo.png"/>
  <div id="searchBar">
    <input type="text" />

and the css

.container {
  width: 100%;

.container img {
  width: 50px;
  float: left;

.searchBar {
  padding-left: 60px;

How to create a shortcut using PowerShell

I don't know any native cmdlet in powershell but you can use com object instead:

$WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut("$Home\Desktop\ColorPix.lnk")
$Shortcut.TargetPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\ColorPix\ColorPix.exe"

you can create a powershell script save as set-shortcut.ps1 in your $pwd

param ( [string]$SourceExe, [string]$DestinationPath )

$WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($DestinationPath)
$Shortcut.TargetPath = $SourceExe

and call it like this

Set-ShortCut "C:\Program Files (x86)\ColorPix\ColorPix.exe" "$Home\Desktop\ColorPix.lnk"

If you want to pass arguments to the target exe, it can be done by:

#Set the additional parameters for the shortcut  
$Shortcut.Arguments = "/argument=value"  

before $Shortcut.Save().

For convenience, here is a modified version of set-shortcut.ps1. It accepts arguments as its second parameter.

param ( [string]$SourceExe, [string]$ArgumentsToSourceExe, [string]$DestinationPath )
$WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($DestinationPath)
$Shortcut.TargetPath = $SourceExe
$Shortcut.Arguments = $ArgumentsToSourceExe

Git merge reports "Already up-to-date" though there is a difference

The same happened to me. But the scenario was a little different, I had master branch, and I carved out release_1 (say) out of it. Made some changes in release_1 branch and merged it into origin. then I did ssh and on the remote server I again checkout out release_1 using the command git checkout -b release_1 - which actually carves out a new branch release_! from the master rather than checking out the already existing branch release_1 from origin. Solved the problem by removing "-b" switch

Spring MVC: Complex object as GET @RequestParam

You can absolutely do that, just remove the @RequestParam annotation, Spring will cleanly bind your request parameters to your class instance:

public @ResponseBody List<MyObject> myAction(
    @RequestParam(value = "page", required = false) int page,
    MyObject myObject)

how to use DEXtoJar

  1. Download latest dex2jar from here -> dex2jar
  2. Run this command on linux -> sh classes.dex
  3. Download java decompiler from here - > JD-GUI
  4. Drag and drop the classes-dex2jar.jar file to JD-GUI

Full examples of using pySerial package

I have not used pyserial but based on the API documentation at it seems like a very nice interface. It might be worth double-checking the specification for AT commands of the device/radio/whatever you are dealing with.

Specifically, some require some period of silence before and/or after the AT command for it to enter into command mode. I have encountered some which do not like reads of the response without some delay first.

jquery/javascript convert date string to date

I would grab date.js or else you will need to roll your own formatting function.

getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

I restarted my computer (Mac Mountain Lion) and the problem fixed itself. Something having to do with the shell thinking it was disconnected from the internet I think.

Restarting your shell in some definite way may solve this problem as well. Simply opening up a new session/window however did not work.

AngularJS : How do I switch views from a controller function?

This little function has served me well:

    //goto view:
    //useage -  $scope.gotoView("your/path/here", boolean_open_in_new_window)
    $scope.gotoView = function (st_view, is_newWindow)

        console.log('going to view: ' + '#/' + st_view, $window.location);
        if (is_newWindow)
            $$window.location.origin + $window.location.pathname + '' + '#/' + st_view, '_blank');
            $window.location.hash = '#/' + st_view;


You dont need the full path, just the view you are switching to

How can I use tabs for indentation in IntelliJ IDEA?

I have started using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition version 12.1.3 and I found the setting in the following place: -

File > Other Settings > Default Settings > {choose from Code Style dropdown}

How can I get LINQ to return the object which has the max value for a given property?

You could use a captured variable.

Item result = items.FirstOrDefault();
items.ForEach(x =>
  if(result.ID < x.ID)
    result = x;

How to get cumulative sum

The SQL solution wich combines "ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW" and "SUM" did exactly what i wanted to achieve. Thank you so much!

If it can help anyone, here was my case. I wanted to cumulate +1 in a column whenever a maker is found as "Some Maker" (example). If not, no increment but show previous increment result.

So this piece of SQL:

SUM( CASE [rmaker] WHEN 'Some Maker' THEN  1 ELSE 0 END) 

Allowed me to get something like this:

User 1  Rank1   MakerA      0  
User 1  Rank2   MakerB      0  
User 1  Rank3   Some Maker  1  
User 1  Rank4   Some Maker  2  
User 1  Rank5   MakerC      2
User 1  Rank6   Some Maker  3  
User 2  Rank1   MakerA      0  
User 2  Rank2   SomeMaker   1  

Explanation of above: It starts the count of "some maker" with 0, Some Maker is found and we do +1. For User 1, MakerC is found so we dont do +1 but instead vertical count of Some Maker is stuck to 2 until next row. Partitioning is by User so when we change user, cumulative count is back to zero.

I am at work, I dont want any merit on this answer, just say thank you and show my example in case someone is in the same situation. I was trying to combine SUM and PARTITION but the amazing syntax "ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW" completed the task.

Thanks! Groaker

How to set a DateTime variable in SQL Server 2008?

 1. I create new Date() and convert her in String .
 2. This string I set in insert.

 **Example:**  insert into newDate(date_create) VALUES (?)";

 PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(CREATE))
        ps.setString(1, getData());

   private String getData() {
      SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-dd hh:mm:ss");
     return  sdf.format(new java.util.Date());

 **It is very important format** = "yyyy-M-dd hh:mm:ss"

A Parser-blocking, cross-origin script is invoked via document.write - how to circumvent it?

@niutech I was having the similar issue which is caused by Rocket Loader Module by Cloudflare. Just disable it for the website and it will sort out all your related issues.

Can a background image be larger than the div itself?

Using background-size cover worked for me.

#footer {
    background-color: #eee;
    background-image: url(images/bodybgbottomleft.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;
    clear: both;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 30px 0 0;

Obviously be aware of support issues, check Can I Use:

How to specify jackson to only use fields - preferably globally

How about this: I used it with a mixin

non-compliant object

public class Telemetry {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long pk;
    private String id;
    private String organizationId;
    private String baseType;
    private String name;
    private Double lat;
    private Double lon;
    private Instant updateTimestamp;


@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = ANY, getterVisibility = NONE, setterVisibility = NONE)
public static class TelemetryMixin {}


    ObjectMapper om = objectMapper.addMixIn(Telemetry.class, TelemetryMixin.class);
    Telemetry[] telemetries = om.readValue(someJson, Telemetry[].class);

There is nothing that says you couldn't foreach any number of classes and apply the same mixin.

If you're not familiar with mixins, they are conceptually simply: The structure of the mixin is super imposed on the target class (according to jackson, not as far as the JVM is concerned).

add created_at and updated_at fields to mongoose schemas

var ItemSchema = new Schema({
    name : { type: String, required: true, trim: true }

ItemSchema.set('timestamps', true); // this will add createdAt and updatedAt timestamps


Jquery DatePicker Set default date

Today date:

$( ".selector" ).datepicker( "setDate", new Date());
// Or on the init
$( ".selector" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: new Date() });

15 days from today:

$( ".selector" ).datepicker( "setDate", 15);
// Or on the init
$( ".selector" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: 15 });

jQuery ui docs

How to custom switch button?

<Switch android:layout_width="wrap_content" 


<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_enabled="false" android:drawable="@drawable/custom_switch_thumb_disabled_holo_light" />
    <item android:state_pressed="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/custom_switch_thumb_pressed_holo_light" />
    <item android:state_checked="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/custom_switch_thumb_activated_holo_light" />
    <item                               android:drawable="@drawable/custom_switch_thumb_holo_light" />


<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_focused="true"  android:drawable="@drawable/custom_switch_bg_focused_holo_light" />
    <item                               android:drawable="@drawable/custom_switch_bg_holo_light" />

Next images are 9.paths drawables and they must be in different density (mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi). As example I give xxhdpi (you can resize they if u needed):












enter image description here

Is there a function to split a string in PL/SQL?

I needed a function that splits a clob and makes sure the function is usable in sql.

create or replace type vchar_tab is table of varchar2(4000)
create or replace function split(
    p_list in clob,
    p_separator in varchar2 default '|'
) return vchar_tab pipelined is
    C_SQL_VCHAR_MAX constant integer:=4000;
    C_MAX_AMOUNT    constant integer:=28000;
    C_SEPARATOR_LEN constant integer:=length(p_separator);
    l_amount        integer:=C_MAX_AMOUNT;
    l_offset        integer:=1;
    l_buffer        varchar2(C_MAX_AMOUNT);
    l_list          varchar2(32767);
    l_index         integer;
    if p_list is not null then
            l_index:=instr(l_list, p_separator);
            if l_index > C_SQL_VCHAR_MAX+1 then
                raise_application_error(-20000, 'item is too large for sql varchar2: len='||(l_index-1));
            elsif l_index > 0 then -- found an item, pipe it
                pipe row (substr(l_list, 1, l_index-1));
                l_list:=substr(l_list, l_index+C_SEPARATOR_LEN);
            elsif length(l_list) > C_SQL_VCHAR_MAX then
                raise_application_error(-20001, 'item is too large for sql varchar2: length exceeds '||length(l_list));
            elsif l_amount = C_MAX_AMOUNT then -- more to read from the clob
      , l_amount, l_offset, l_buffer);
            else -- read through the whole clob
                if length(l_list) > 0 then
                    pipe row (l_list);
                end if;
            end if;
        end loop;
    end if;

    when no_data_needed then -- this happens when you don't fetch all records


select *
from table(split('ASDF|IUYT|KJHG|ASYD'));

How is CountDownLatch used in Java Multithreading?

CoundDownLatch enables you to make a thread wait till all other threads are done with their execution.

Pseudo code can be:

// Main thread starts
// Create CountDownLatch for N threads
// Create and start N threads
// Main thread waits on latch
// N threads completes there tasks are returns
// Main thread resume execution

Delete cookie by name?

In my case I used blow code for different environment.

  document.cookie = name +`=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;Domain=.${document.domain.split('.').splice(1).join('.')}`;

How do you implement a Stack and a Queue in JavaScript?

Seems to me that the built in array is fine for a stack. If you want a Queue in TypeScript here is an implementation

 * A Typescript implementation of a queue.
export default class Queue {

  private queue = [];
  private offset = 0;

  constructor(array = []) {
    // Init the queue using the contents of the array
    for (const item of array) {

   * @returns {number} the length of the queue.
  public getLength(): number {
    return (this.queue.length - this.offset);

   * @returns {boolean} true if the queue is empty, and false otherwise.
  public isEmpty(): boolean {
    return (this.queue.length === 0);

   * Enqueues the specified item.
   * @param item - the item to enqueue
  public enqueue(item) {

   *  Dequeues an item and returns it. If the queue is empty, the value
   * {@code null} is returned.
   * @returns {any}
  public dequeue(): any {
    // if the queue is empty, return immediately
    if (this.queue.length === 0) {
      return null;

    // store the item at the front of the queue
    const item = this.queue[this.offset];

    // increment the offset and remove the free space if necessary
    if (++this.offset * 2 >= this.queue.length) {
      this.queue = this.queue.slice(this.offset);
      this.offset = 0;

    // return the dequeued item
    return item;

   * Returns the item at the front of the queue (without dequeuing it).
   * If the queue is empty then {@code null} is returned.
   * @returns {any}
  public peek(): any {
    return (this.queue.length > 0 ? this.queue[this.offset] : null);


And here is a Jest test for it

it('Queue', () => {
  const queue = new Queue();






Hope someone finds this useful,



How to Create Multiple Where Clause Query Using Laravel Eloquent?

You can use eloquent in Laravel 5.3

All results

UserModel::where('id_user', $id_user)
                ->where('estado', 1)

Partial results

UserModel::where('id_user', $id_user)
                    ->where('estado', 1)

Bootstrap 3: how to make head of dropdown link clickable in navbar

Alternatively here's a simple jQuery solution:

$('#menu-main > li > .dropdown-toggle').click(function () {
    window.location = $(this).attr('href');

Setting Android Theme background color


    <!-- Base application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.NoActionBar">
        <item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/black</item>


What is Model in ModelAndView from Spring MVC?

ModelAndView: The name itself explains it is data structure which contains Model and View data.

Map() model=new HashMap(); 
model.put("", "key.value");
new ModelAndView("", model);

// or as follows

ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
mav.addObject("", "key.value");

if model contains only single value, we can write as follows:

ModelAndView("","", "key.value");

ES6 class variable alternatives

The way I solved this, which is another option (if you have jQuery available), was to Define the fields in an old-school object and then extend the class with that object. I also didn't want to pepper the constructor with assignments, this appeared to be a neat solution.

function MyClassFields(){
    this.createdAt = new Date();

MyClassFields.prototype = {
    id : '',
    type : '',
    title : '',
    createdAt : null,

class MyClass {
    constructor() {
        $.extend(this,new MyClassFields());

-- Update Following Bergi's comment.

No JQuery Version:

class SavedSearch  {
    constructor() {
            id : '',
            type : '',
            title : '',
            createdAt: new Date(),


You still do end up with 'fat' constructor, but at least its all in one class and assigned in one hit.

EDIT #2: I've now gone full circle and am now assigning values in the constructor, e.g.

class SavedSearch  {
    constructor() { = '';
        this.type = '';
        this.title = '';
        this.createdAt = new Date();

Why? Simple really, using the above plus some JSdoc comments, PHPStorm was able to perform code completion on the properties. Assigning all the vars in one hit was nice, but the inability to code complete the properties, imo, isn't worth the (almost certainly minuscule) performance benefit.

What is HTML5 ARIA?

What is it?

WAI-ARIA stands for “Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications”. It is a set of attributes to help enhance the semantics of a web site or web application to help assistive technologies, such as screen readers for the blind, make sense of certain things that are not native to HTML. The information exposed can range from something as simple as telling a screen reader that activating a link or button just showed or hid more items, to widgets as complex as whole menu systems or hierarchical tree views.

This is achieved by applying roles and state attributes to HTML 4.01 or later markup that has no bearing on layout or browser functionality, but provides additional information for assistive technologies.

One corner stone of WAI-ARIA is the role attribute. It tells the browser to tell the assistive technology that the HTML element used is not actually what the element name suggests, but something else. While it originally is only a div element, this div element may be the container to a list of auto-complete items, in which case a role of “listbox” would be appropriate to use. Likewise, another div that is a child of that container div, and which contains a single option item, should then get a role of “option”. Two divs, but through the roles, totally different meaning. The roles are modeled after commonly used desktop application counterparts.

An exception to this are document landmark roles, which don’t change the actual meaning of the element in question, but provide information about this particular place in a document.

The second corner stone are WAI-ARIA states and properties. They define the state of certain native or WAI-ARIA elements such as if something is collapsed or expanded, a form element is required, something has a popup menu attached to it or the like. These are often dynamic and change their values throughout the lifecycle of a web application, and are usually manipulated via JavaScript.

What is it not?

WAI-ARIA is not intended to influence browser behavior. Unlike a real button element, for example, a div which you pour the role of “button” onto does not give you keyboard focusability, an automatic click handler when Space or Enter are being pressed on it, and other properties that are indiginous to a button. The browser itself does not know that a div with role of “button” is a button, only its accessibility API portion does.

As a consequence, this means that you absolutely have to implement keyboard navigation, focusability and other behavioural patterns known from desktop applications yourself. You can find some Advanced ARIA techniques Here.

When should I not use it?

Yes, that’s correct, this section comes first! Because the first rule of using WAI-ARIA is: Don’t use it unless you absolutely have to! The less WAI-ARIA you have, and the more you can count on using native HTML widgets, the better! There are some more rules to follow, you can check them out here.

How to download a file via FTP with Python ftplib

Please note if you are downloading from the FTP to your local, you will need to use the following:

with open( filename, 'wb' ) as file :
        ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, file.write)

Otherwise, the script will at your local file storage rather than the FTP.

I spent a few hours making the mistake myself.

Script below:

import ftplib

# Open the FTP connection
ftp = ftplib.FTP()

filenames = ftp.nlst()

for filename in filenames:

    with open( filename, 'wb' ) as file :
        ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, file.write)



Correct way to focus an element in Selenium WebDriver using Java

You can use JS as below:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

Tool to convert java to c# code

For your reference:

Note: I had no experience on them.

How to name an object within a PowerPoint slide?


Here's a way to list id's in the active presentation to the immediate window (Ctrl + G) in VBA editor:

Sub ListAllShapes()

    Dim curSlide As Slide
    Dim curShape As Shape

    For Each curSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides
        Debug.Print curSlide.SlideID
        For Each curShape In curSlide.Shapes

                If curShape.TextFrame.HasText Then
                    Debug.Print curShape.Id
                End If

        Next curShape
    Next curSlide
End Sub

Open file with associated application

This is an old thread but just in case anyone comes across it like I did. pi.FileName needs to be set to the file name (and possibly full path to file ) of the executable you want to use to open your file. The below code works for me to open a video file with VLC.

var path = files[currentIndex].fileName;
var pi = new ProcessStartInfo(path)
    Arguments = Path.GetFileName(path),
    UseShellExecute = true,
    WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path),
    FileName = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe",
    Verb = "OPEN"

Tigran's answer works but will use windows' default application to open your file, so using ProcessStartInfo may be useful if you want to open the file with an application that is not the default.

What are the proper permissions for an upload folder with PHP/Apache?

What is important is that the apache user and group should have minimum read access and in some cases execute access. For the rest you can give 0 access.

This is the most safe setting.

Compare integer in bash, unary operator expected

Your piece of script works just great. Are you sure you are not assigning anything else before the if to "i"?

A common mistake is also not to leave a space after and before the square brackets.

How to get a specific output iterating a hash in Ruby?

Calling sort on a hash converts it into nested arrays and then sorts them by key, so all you need is this:

puts {|k,v| ["#{k}----"] + v}

And if you don't actually need the "----" part, it can be just:

puts h.sort

How do I add a border to an image in HTML?

The answers above are very good I'm sure. But for dim-wits, like me, I recommend Snagit 10. You can give an image a border in any width, style, and color before inserting it into your webpage. They do a full working program on 30 day trial.

How to get duration, as int milli's and float seconds from <chrono>?

I don't know what "milliseconds and float seconds" means, but this should give you an idea:

#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  auto then = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
  auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
  auto dur = now - then;
  typedef std::chrono::duration<float> float_seconds;
  auto secs = std::chrono::duration_cast<float_seconds>(dur);
  std::cout << secs.count() << '\n';

Count the number occurrences of a character in a string

Python 3

Ther are two ways to achieve this:

1) With built-in function count()

sentence = 'Mary had a little lamb'

2) Without using a function

sentence = 'Mary had a little lamb'    
count = 0

for i in sentence:
    if i == "a":
        count = count + 1


Passing event and argument to v-on in Vue.js

If you want to access event object as well as data passed, you have to pass event and both as parameters, like following:


<input type="number" v-on:input="addToCart($event," min="0" placeholder="0">


methods: {
  addToCart: function (event, id) {
    // use event here as well as id
    console.log('In addToCart')

See working fiddle:

Edited: case with vue-router

In case you are using vue-router, you may have to use $event in your v-on:input method like following:

<input type="number" v-on:input="addToCart($event, num)" min="0" placeholder="0">

Here is working fiddle.

Scala how can I count the number of occurrences in a list

val list = List(1, 2, 4, 2, 4, 7, 3, 2, 4)
// Using the provided count method this would yield the occurrences of each value in the list:
l map(x => l.count(_ == x))

List[Int] = List(1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3)
// This will yield a list of pairs where the first number is the number from the original list and the second number represents how often the first number occurs in the list:
l map(x => (x, l.count(_ == x)))
// outputs => List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,1), (2,3), (4,3), (2,3), (4,3), (7,1), (3,1), (2,3), (4,3))

Reading in a JSON File Using Swift

I'm providing another answer because none of the ones here are geared toward loading the resource from the test bundle. If you are consuming a remote service that puts out JSON and want to unit test parsing the results without hitting the actual service, you take one or more responses and put them into files in the Tests folder in your project.

func testCanReadTestJSONFile() {
    let path = NSBundle(forClass: ForecastIOAdapterTests.self).pathForResource("ForecastIOSample", ofType: "json")
    if let jsonData = NSData(contentsOfFile:path!) {
        let json = JSON(data: jsonData)
        if let currentTemperature = json["currently"]["temperature"].double {
            println("json: \(json)")
            XCTAssertGreaterThan(currentTemperature, 0)

This also uses SwiftyJSON but the core logic of getting the test bundle and loading the file is the answer to the question.

How to get DataGridView cell value in messagebox?


            for (int rows = 0; rows < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; rows++)

                for (int col = 0; col < dataGridView1.Rows[rows].Cells.Count; col++)
                    s1 = dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
                    label20.Text = s1;
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show("try again"+ex);

Cannot find JavaScriptSerializer in .Net 4.0

using System.Web.Script.Serialization; 

is in assembly : System.Web.Extensions (System.Web.Extensions.dll)

How to strip all whitespace from string

Remove the Starting Spaces in Python

string1="    This is Test String to strip leading space"
print string1
print string1.lstrip()

Remove the Trailing or End Spaces in Python

string2="This is Test String to strip trailing space     "
print string2
print string2.rstrip()

Remove the whiteSpaces from Beginning and end of the string in Python

string3="    This is Test String to strip leading and trailing space      "
print string3
print string3.strip()

Remove all the spaces in python

string4="   This is Test String to test all the spaces        "
print string4
print string4.replace(" ", "")

type checking in javascript

Quite a few utility libraries such as YourJS offer functions for determining if something is an array or if something is an integer or a lot of other types as well. YourJS defines isInt by checking if the value is a number and then if it is divisible by 1:

function isInt(x) {
  return typeOf(x, 'Number') && x % 1 == 0;

The above snippet was taken from this YourJS snippet and thusly only works because typeOf is defined by the library. You can download a minimalistic version of YourJS which mainly only has type checking functions such as typeOf(), isInt() and isArray():,2

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\class-http.php on line 1610


  1. locate the file [XAMPP Installation Directory]\php\php.ini (e.g. C:\xampp\php\php.ini)
  2. open php.ini in Notepad or any Text editor
  3. locate the line containing max_execution_time and
  4. increase the value from 30 to some larger number (e.g. set: max_execution_time = 90)
  5. then restart Apache web server from the XAMPP control panel

If there will still be the same error after that, try to increase the value for the max_execution_time further more.

How to run different python versions in cmd

I would suggest using the Python Launcher for Windows utility that was introduced into Python 3.3. You can manually download and install it directly from the author's website for use with earlier versions of Python 2 and 3.

Regardless of how you obtain it, after installation it will have associated itself with all the standard Python file extensions (i.e. .py, .pyw, .pyc, and .pyo files). You'll not only be able to explicitly control which version is used at the command-prompt, but also on a script-by-script basis by adding Linux/Unix-y shebang #!/usr/bin/env pythonX comments at the beginning of your Python scripts.

How to switch databases in psql?

Though not explicitly stated in the question, the purpose is to connect to a specific schema/database.

Another option is to directly connect to the schema. Example:

sudo -u postgres psql -d my_database_name

Source from man psql:

-d dbname
   Specifies the name of the database to connect to. This is equivalent to specifying dbname as the first non-option argument on the command line.

   If this parameter contains an = sign or starts with a valid URI prefix (postgresql:// or postgres://), it is treated as a conninfo string. See Section 31.1.1, “Connection Strings”, in the
   documentation for more information.

What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference?

I think this image by Erwin Vandervalk (and the accompanying article) is the best explanation of MVC, MVP, and MVVM, their similarities, and their differences. The article does not show up in search engine results for queries on "MVC, MVP, and MVVM" because the title of the article does not contain the words "MVC" and "MVP"; but it is the best explanation, I think.

image explaining MVC, MVP and MVVM - by Erwin Vandervalk

(The article also matches what Uncle Bob Martin said in his one of his talks: that MVC was originally designed for the small UI components, not for the architecture of the system)

Set a cookie to never expire

While that isn't exactly possible you could do something similar to what Google does and set your cookie to expire Jan 17, 2038 or something equally far off.

In all practicality you might be better off setting your cookie for 10 years or 60*60*24*365*10, which should outlive most of the machines your cookie will live on.

Android read text raw resource file

You can use this:

    try {
        Resources res = getResources();
        InputStream in_s = res.openRawResource(;

        byte[] b = new byte[in_s.available()];;
        txtHelp.setText(new String(b));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // e.printStackTrace();
        txtHelp.setText("Error: can't show help.");

How can I trigger a Bootstrap modal programmatically?

In order to manually show the modal pop up you have to do this


You previously need to initialize it with show: false so it won't show until you manually do it.

$('#myModal').modal({ show: false})

Where myModal is the id of the modal container.

How do I determine the size of my array in C?

int size = (&arr)[1] - arr;

Check out this link for explanation

How to randomize (or permute) a dataframe rowwise and columnwise?

Given the R data.frame:

> df1
  a b c
1 1 1 0
2 1 0 0
3 0 1 0
4 0 0 0

Shuffle row-wise:

> df2 <- df1[sample(nrow(df1)),]
> df2
  a b c
3 0 1 0
4 0 0 0
2 1 0 0
1 1 1 0

By default sample() randomly reorders the elements passed as the first argument. This means that the default size is the size of the passed array. Passing parameter replace=FALSE (the default) to sample(...) ensures that sampling is done without replacement which accomplishes a row wise shuffle.

Shuffle column-wise:

> df3 <- df1[,sample(ncol(df1))]
> df3
  c a b
1 0 1 1
2 0 1 0
3 0 0 1
4 0 0 0

How to import RecyclerView for Android L-preview

implementation ''

implementation ''

Above works for me in build.gradle file

How to search for string in an array

If it's a list of constants then you can use Select Case as follows:

Dim Item$: Item = "A"

Select Case Item
  Case "A", "B", "C"
    ' If 'Item' is in the list then do something.
  Case Else
    ' Otherwise do something else.
End Select

How to insert text into the textarea at the current cursor position?

New answer:

I'm not sure about the browser support for this though.

Tested in Chrome 81.

function typeInTextarea(newText, el = document.activeElement) {_x000D_
  const [start, end] = [el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd];_x000D_
  el.setRangeText(newText, start, end, 'select');_x000D_
document.getElementById("input").onkeydown = e => {_x000D_
  if (e.key === "Enter") typeInTextarea("lol");_x000D_
<input id="input" />_x000D_
<div>Press Enter to insert "lol" at caret.</div>_x000D_
<div>It'll replace a selection with the given text.</div>

Old answer:

A pure JS modification of Erik Pukinskis' answer:

function typeInTextarea(newText, el = document.activeElement) {_x000D_
  const start = el.selectionStart_x000D_
  const end = el.selectionEnd_x000D_
  const text = el.value_x000D_
  const before = text.substring(0, start)_x000D_
  const after  = text.substring(end, text.length)_x000D_
  el.value = (before + newText + after)_x000D_
  el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = start + newText.length_x000D_
document.getElementById("input").onkeydown = e => {_x000D_
  if (e.key === "Enter") typeInTextarea("lol");_x000D_
<input id="input" />_x000D_
<div>Press Enter to insert "lol" at caret.</div>

Tested in Chrome 47, 81, and Firefox 76.

If you want to change the value of the currently selected text while you're typing in the same field (for an autocomplete or similar effect), pass document.activeElement as the first parameter.

It's not the most elegant way to do this, but it's pretty simple.

Example usages:

typeInTextarea('haha', document.getElementById('some-id'));

How to comment out a block of Python code in Vim

A very minimal light weight plugin: vim-commentary.

gcc to comment a line
gcgc to uncomment. check out the plugin page for more.

v+k/j highlight the block then gcc to comment that block.

Explain the different tiers of 2 tier & 3 tier architecture?

Tiers are nothing but the separation of concerns and in general the presentation layer (the forms or pages that is visible to the user) is separated from the data tier (the class or file interact with the database). This separation is done in order to improve the maintainability, scalability, re-usability, flexibility and performance as well.

A good explanations with demo code of 3-tier and 4-tier architecture can be read at

updating Google play services in Emulator

You need install Google play image, Android SDK -> SDK platforms --> check show Package details --> install Google play. enter image description here

How to sum a list of integers with java streams?

I have declared a list of Integers.

ArrayList<Integer> numberList = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

You can try using these different ways below.

Using mapToInt

int sum =;

Using summarizingInt

int sum =;

Using reduce

int sum =;

How do you pull first 100 characters of a string in PHP

A late but useful answer, PHP has a function specifically for this purpose.


$string = mb_strimwidth($string, 0, 100);
$string = mb_strimwidth($string, 0, 97, '...'); //optional characters for end

Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged - does a better way exist?

A very AOP-like approach is to inject the INotifyPropertyChanged stuff onto an already instantiated object on the fly. You can do this with something like Castle DynamicProxy. Here is an article that explains the technique:

Adding INotifyPropertyChanged to an existing object

Difference between Relative path and absolute path in javascript

Going Relative:

  • You could download a self-contained directory (maybe a zipped file) and open links from an html or xml locally without need to reach the server. This increases speed performance significantly, specially if you have to deal with a slow network.

Going Absolute:

  • You would have to swallow the network speed, but in terms of security you could prevent certain users to see certain files or increase network traffic if (and only if...) that is good for you.

Using "&times" word in html changes to ×

&times; stands for × in html. Use &amp;times to get &times

How to type in textbox using Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) with Java?

This is simple if you only use Selenium WebDriver, and forget the usage of Selenium-RC. I'd go like this.

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebElement email = driver.findElement("email"));
email.sendKeys("[email protected]");

The reason for NullPointerException however is that your variable driver has never been started, you start FirefoxDriver in a variable wb thas is never being used.

InputStream from a URL

Pure Java:


With some success I use this method. It handles redirects and one can pass a variable number of HTTP headers asMap<String,String>. It also allows redirects from HTTP to HTTPS.

private InputStream urlToInputStream(URL url, Map<String, String> args) {
    HttpURLConnection con = null;
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    try {
        con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        if (args != null) {
            for (Entry<String, String> e : args.entrySet()) {
                con.setRequestProperty(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
        int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
        /* By default the connection will follow redirects. The following
         * block is only entered if the implementation of HttpURLConnection
         * does not perform the redirect. The exact behavior depends to 
         * the actual implementation (e.g.
         * !!! Attention: This block allows the connection to 
         * switch protocols (e.g. HTTP to HTTPS), which is <b>not</b> 
         * default behavior. See: 
         * for more info!!!
        if (responseCode < 400 && responseCode > 299) {
            String redirectUrl = con.getHeaderField("Location");
            try {
                URL newUrl = new URL(redirectUrl);
                return urlToInputStream(newUrl, args);
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                URL newUrl = new URL(url.getProtocol() + "://" + url.getHost() + redirectUrl);
                return urlToInputStream(newUrl, args);

        inputStream = con.getInputStream();
        return inputStream;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

Full example call

private InputStream getInputStreamFromUrl(URL url, String user, String passwd) throws IOException {
        String encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString((user + ":" + passwd).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        Map<String,String> httpHeaders=new Map<>();
        httpHeaders.put("Accept", "application/json");
        httpHeaders.put("User-Agent", "myApplication");
        httpHeaders.put("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded);
        return urlToInputStream(url,httpHeaders);

jQuery - disable selected options

This will disable/enable the options when you select/remove them, respectively.

    var value = $(this).val();
    if (value === '') return;
    var theDiv = $(".is" + value);

    var option = $("option[value='" + value + "']", this);


$("div a.remove").click(function () {     
    $(this).parent().slideUp(function() { $(this).addClass("hidden"); });


How to download source in ZIP format from GitHub?

For people using Windows and struggling to download repo as zip from terminal:

url -L --output

MongoDB: update every document on one field

Regardless of the version, for your example, the <update> is:

{  $set: { lastLookedAt: / 1000 }  }

However, depending on your version of MongoDB, the query will look different. Regardless of version, the key is that the empty condition {} will match any document. In the Mongo shell, or with any MongoDB client:

$version >= 3.2: {}, <update> )
  • {} is the condition (the empty condition matches any document)

3.2 > $version >= 2.2: {}, <update>, { multi: true } )
  • {} is the condition (the empty condition matches any document)
  • {multi: true} is the "update multiple documents" option

$version < 2.2: {}, <update>, false, true )
  • {} is the condition (the empty condition matches any document)
  • false is for the "upsert" parameter
  • true is for the "multi" parameter (update multiple records)

How do I get the SelectedItem or SelectedIndex of ListView in

Private Sub ListView1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.Click
        Dim tt As String
        tt = ListView1.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems(1).Text
        TextBox1.Text = tt.ToString
End Sub

Free XML Formatting tool

Use the following:

xmllint --format

how to set default method argument values?

You can't declare default values for the parameters like C# (I believe) lets you, but you could simply just create an overload.

public int doSomething(int arg1, int arg2) {
    //some logic here
    return 0;

//overload supplies default values of 1 and 2
public int doSomething() {
    return doSomething(1, 2);

If you are going to do something like this please do everyone else who works with your code a favor and make sure you mention in Javadoc comments what the default values you are using are!

Write Array to Excel Range

For some reason, converting to a 2 dimensional array didn't work for me. But the following approach did:

public void SetRow(Range range, string[] data)
    range.get_Resize(1, data.Length).Value2 = data;

How to make several plots on a single page using matplotlib?

To answer your main question, you want to use the subplot command. I think changing plt.figure(i) to plt.subplot(4,4,i+1) should work.

Browser Caching of CSS files

To the first part of your question - yes, browsers cache css files (if this is not disabled by browser's configuration). Many browsers have key combination to reload a page without a cache. If you made changes to css and want users to see them immediately instead of waiting next time when browser reloads the files without caching, you can change the way CSS ir served by adding some parameters to the url like this:


Running Java gives "Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'"


I took a back up of the files in it and removed those files from there. Then I opened a new cmd prompt and it works like a charm.

What exactly is the function of Application.CutCopyMode property in Excel

There is a good explanation at

The values expected seem to be xlCopy and xlCut according to xlCutCopyMode enumeration (, but the 0 value (this is what False equals to in VBA) seems to be useful to clear Excel data put on the Clipboard.

Break out of a While...Wend loop

The best way is to use an And clause in your While statement

Dim count as Integer
count =0
While True And count <= 10

How do I rename the android package name?

In addition to @Cristian's answer above, I had to do two more steps to get it working correctly. I will sum all of it here:

  1. Change the package name manually in the manifest file.
  2. Click on your class and the press F6 (Refactor->Move...). It will allow you to move the class to another package, and all references to that class will be updated.
  3. Change manually the application Id in the build.gradle file : android / defaultconfig / application ID [source].
  4. Create a new package with the desired name by right clicking on the java folder -> new -> package and select and drag all your classes to the new package. Android Studio will refactor the package name everywhere [source].

How to make an Android device vibrate? with different frequency?

I struggled understanding how to do this on my first implementation - make sure you have the following:

1) Your device supports vibration (my Samsung tablet did not work so I kept re-checking the code - the original code worked perfectly on my CM Touchpad

2) You have declared above the application level in your AndroidManifest.xml file to give the code permission to run.

3) Have imported both of the following in to your with the other imports: import android.content.Context; import android.os.Vibrator;

4) Call your vibration (discussed extensively in this thread already) - I did it in a separate function and call this in the code at other points - depending on what you want to use to call the vibration you may need an image (Android: long click on a button -> perform actions) or button listener, or a clickable object as defined in XML (Clickable image - android):

 public void vibrate(int duration)
    Vibrator vibs = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);

Apple Cover-flow effect using jQuery or other library?

This one looks really promising, and closer to the actual Apple coverflow effect than the other examples:

Why use #define instead of a variable

Define is evaluated before compilation by the pre-processor, while variables are referenced at run-time. This means you control how your application is built (not how it runs)

Here are a couple examples that use define which cannot be replaced by a variable:

  1. #define min(i, j) (((i) < (j)) ? (i) : (j))
    note this is evaluated by the pre-processor, not during runtime


Check if current date is between two dates Oracle SQL

You don't need to apply to_date() to sysdate. It is already there:

select 1
from dual 
WHERE sysdate BETWEEN TO_DATE('28/02/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY') AND TO_DATE('20/06/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY');

If you are concerned about the time component on the date, then use trunc():

select 1
from dual 
WHERE trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN TO_DATE('28/02/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY') AND
                             TO_DATE('20/06/2014', 'DD/MM/YYYY');

How do I find files that do not contain a given string pattern?

The following command gives me all the files that do not contain the pattern foo:

find .  -not  -ipath '.*svn*' -exec  grep  -H -E -o -c  "foo"  {} \; | grep 0

Git: how to reverse-merge a commit?

To revert a merge commit, you need to use: git revert -m <parent number>. So for example, to revert the recent most merge commit using the parent with number 1 you would use:

git revert -m 1 HEAD

To revert a merge commit before the last commit, you would do:

git revert -m 1 HEAD^

Use git show <merge commit SHA1> to see the parents, the numbering is the order they appear e.g. Merge: e4c54b3 4725ad2

git merge documentation:

git merge discussion (confusing but very detailed):

CSS :selected pseudo class similar to :checked, but for <select> elements

This worked for me :

select option {
   color: black;
select:not(:checked) {
   color: gray;

How to restart remote MySQL server running on Ubuntu linux?

I SSH'ed into my AWS Lightsail wordpress instance, the following worked: sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart mysql I learnt this here:

VBA Excel sort range by specific column

Try this code:

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
Range("A3:D" & lastrow).Sort key1:=Range("B3:B" & lastrow), _
   order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo

HTML: Image won't display?

Here are the most common reasons

  • Incorrect file paths

  • File names are misspelled

  • Wrong file extension

  • Files are missing

  • The read permission has not been set for the image(s)

Note: On *nix systems, consider using the following command to add read permission for an image:

chmod o+r imagedirectoryAddress/imageName.extension

or this command to add read permission for all images:

chmod o+r imagedirectoryAddress/*.extension

If you need more information, refer to this post.

Confirm deletion using Bootstrap 3 modal box

You need the modal in your HTML. When the delete button is clicked it popup the modal. It's also important to prevent the click of that button from submitting the form. When the confirmation is clicked the form will submit.

 $('button[name="remove_levels"]').on('click', function(e) {_x000D_
      var $form = $(this).closest('form');_x000D_
          backdrop: 'static',_x000D_
          keyboard: false_x000D_
      .on('click', '#delete', function(e) {_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form action="#" method="POST">_x000D_
  <button class='btn btn-danger btn-xs' type="submit" name="remove_levels" value="delete"><span class="fa fa-times"></span> delete</button>_x000D_
<div id="confirm" class="modal">_x000D_
  <div class="modal-body">_x000D_
    Are you sure?_x000D_
  <div class="modal-footer">_x000D_
    <button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" class="btn btn-primary" id="delete">Delete</button>_x000D_
    <button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" class="btn">Cancel</button>_x000D_

Why did my Git repo enter a detached HEAD state?

Detached HEAD means that what's currently checked out is not a local branch.

Some scenarios that will result in a Detached HEAD state:

  • If you checkout a remote branch, say origin/master. This is a read-only branch. Thus, when creating a commit from origin/master it will be free-floating, i.e. not connected to any branch.

  • If you checkout a specific tag or commit. When doing a new commit from here, it will again be free-floating, i.e. not connected to any branch. Note that when a branch is checked out, new commits always gets automatically placed at the tip.

    When you want to go back and checkout a specific commit or tag to start working from there, you could create a new branch originating from that commit and switch to it by git checkout -b new_branch_name. This will prevent the Detached HEAD state as you now have a branch checked out and not a commit.

MySQL - SELECT WHERE field IN (subquery) - Extremely slow why?

Try this

 some_table t1,
  (SELECT relevant_field
  FROM some_table
  GROUP BY relevant_field
  HAVING COUNT (*) > 1) t2
 t1.relevant_field = t2.relevant_field;

SQL Server: UPDATE a table by using ORDER BY


Not a documented 100% supported way. There is an approach sometimes used for calculating running totals called "quirky update" that suggests that it might update in order of clustered index if certain conditions are met but as far as I know this relies completely on empirical observation rather than any guarantee.

But what version of SQL Server are you on? If SQL2005+ you might be able to do something with row_number and a CTE (You can update the CTE)

With cte As
SELECT id,Number,
UPDATE cte SET Number=RN

Animate the transition between fragments

I have done this way:

Add this method to replace fragments with Animations:

public void replaceFragmentWithAnimation( fragment, String tag){
    FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    transaction.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.enter_from_left, R.anim.exit_to_right, R.anim.enter_from_right, R.anim.exit_to_left);
    transaction.replace(, fragment);

You have to add four animations in anim folder which is associate with resource:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
        android:fromXDelta="-100%" android:toXDelta="0%"
        android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
        android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="100%"
        android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"
        android:duration="700" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
        android:fromXDelta="100%" android:toXDelta="0%"
        android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"
        android:duration="700" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
        android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="-100%"
        android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"


enter image description here

Its Done.

In Angular, What is 'pathmatch: full' and what effect does it have?

The path-matching strategy, one of 'prefix' or 'full'. Default is 'prefix'.

By default, the router checks URL elements from the left to see if the URL matches a given path, and stops when there is a match. For example, '/team/11/user' matches 'team/:id'.

The path-match strategy 'full' matches against the entire URL. It is important to do this when redirecting empty-path routes. Otherwise, because an empty path is a prefix of any URL, the router would apply the redirect even when navigating to the redirect destination, creating an endless loop.

Source :

How do I create a local database inside of Microsoft SQL Server 2014?

install Local DB from following link then connect to the local db using windows authentication. (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB

Insert multiple rows into single column

  INSERT INTO Data ( Col1 ) VALUES ('Hello'), ('World')

What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?

The simplest way to get this is on an Excel file. Let’s say for example that you have two numbers, 5 and 2 in cells A1 and B1 accordingly, and you want to find their sum in a third cell, let's say A2. You can do this in two ways.

  • Either by passing their values to cell A2 by typing = 5 + 2 into this cell. In this case, if the values of the cells A1 or B1 change, the sum in A2 remains the same.

  • Or by passing the “references” of the cells A1 and B1 to cell A2 by typing = A1 + B1. In this case, if the values of the cells A1 or B1 change, the sum in A2 changes too.

How to "scan" a website (or page) for info, and bring it into my program?

This is referred to as screen scraping, wikipedia has this article on the more specific web scraping. It can be a major challenge because there's some ugly, mess-up, broken-if-not-for-browser-cleverness HTML out there, so good luck.

Python 2.7: %d, %s, and float()

Try the following:

print "First is: %f" % (first)
print "Second is: %f" % (second)

I am unsure what answer is. But apart from that, this will be:

print "DONE: %f DIVIDED BY %f EQUALS %f, SWEET MATH BRO!" % (first, second, ans)

There's a lot of text on Format String Specifiers. You can google it and get a list of specifiers. One thing I forgot to note:

If you try this:

print "First is: %s" % (first)

It converts the float value in first to a string. So that would work as well.

Redirect after Login on WordPress

function redirect_admin(){
    die; // You have to die here

Or if you only want to redirect other users:

function redirect_admin(){
    die; // You have to die here

What does if __name__ == "__main__": do?

There are lots of different takes here on the mechanics of the code in question, the "How", but for me none of it made sense until I understood the "Why". This should be especially helpful for new programmers.

Take file "":

def a():
    print('A function in ab file');

And a second file "":

import ab
def main():
    print('main function: this is where the action is')
def x():
    print ('peripheral task: might be useful in other projects')
if __name__ == "__main__":

What is this code actually doing?

When you execute, you import ab. The import statement runs the module immediately on import, so ab's operations get executed before the remainder of xy's. Once finished with ab, it continues with xy.

The interpreter keeps track of which scripts are running with __name__. When you run a script - no matter what you've named it - the interpreter calls it "__main__", making it the master or 'home' script that gets returned to after running an external script.

Any other script that's called from this "__main__" script is assigned its filename as its __name__ (e.g., __name__ == ""). Hence, the line if __name__ == "__main__": is the interpreter's test to determine if it's interpreting/parsing the 'home' script that was initially executed, or if it's temporarily peeking into another (external) script. This gives the programmer flexibility to have the script behave differently if it's executed directly vs. called externally.

Let's step through the above code to understand what's happening, focusing first on the unindented lines and the order they appear in the scripts. Remember that function - or def - blocks don't do anything by themselves until they're called. What the interpreter might say if mumbled to itself:

  • Open as the 'home' file; call it "__main__" in the __name__ variable.
  • Import and open file with the __name__ == "".
  • Oh, a function. I'll remember that.
  • Ok, function a(); I just learned that. Printing 'A function in ab file'.
  • End of file; back to "__main__"!
  • Oh, a function. I'll remember that.
  • Another one.
  • Function x(); ok, printing 'peripheral task: might be useful in other projects'.
  • What's this? An if statement. Well, the condition has been met (the variable __name__ has been set to "__main__"), so I'll enter the main() function and print 'main function: this is where the action is'.

The bottom two lines mean: "If this is the "__main__" or 'home' script, execute the function called main()". That's why you'll see a def main(): block up top, which contains the main flow of the script's functionality.

Why implement this?

Remember what I said earlier about import statements? When you import a module it doesn't just 'recognize' it and wait for further instructions - it actually runs all the executable operations contained within the script. So, putting the meat of your script into the main() function effectively quarantines it, putting it in isolation so that it won't immediately run when imported by another script.

Again, there will be exceptions, but common practice is that main() doesn't usually get called externally. So you may be wondering one more thing: if we're not calling main(), why are we calling the script at all? It's because many people structure their scripts with standalone functions that are built to be run independent of the rest of the code in the file. They're then later called somewhere else in the body of the script. Which brings me to this:

But the code works without it

Yes, that's right. These separate functions can be called from an in-line script that's not contained inside a main() function. If you're accustomed (as I am, in my early learning stages of programming) to building in-line scripts that do exactly what you need, and you'll try to figure it out again if you ever need that operation again ... well, you're not used to this kind of internal structure to your code, because it's more complicated to build and it's not as intuitive to read.

But that's a script that probably can't have its functions called externally, because if it did it would immediately start calculating and assigning variables. And chances are if you're trying to re-use a function, your new script is related closely enough to the old one that there will be conflicting variables.

In splitting out independent functions, you gain the ability to re-use your previous work by calling them into another script. For example, "" might import "" and call x(), making use of the 'x' function from "". (Maybe it's capitalizing the third word of a given text string; creating a NumPy array from a list of numbers and squaring them; or detrending a 3D surface. The possibilities are limitless.)

(As an aside, this question contains an answer by @kindall that finally helped me to understand - the why, not the how. Unfortunately it's been marked as a duplicate of this one, which I think is a mistake.)

How to add values in a variable in Unix shell scripting?

You can do this as well. Can be faster for quick calculations:

echo $[2+2]

Git for Windows: .bashrc or equivalent configuration files for Git Bash shell

Sometimes the files are actually located at ~/. These are the steps I took to starting Zsh as the default terminal on Visual Studio Code/Windows 10.

  • cd ~/

  • vim .bashrc

  • Paste the following...

if test -t 1; then exec zsh fi

  • Save/close Vim.

  • Restart the terminal

' << ' operator in verilog

<< is a binary shift, shifting 1 to the left 8 places.

4'b0001 << 1 => 4'b0010

>> is a binary right shift adding 0's to the MSB.
>>> is a signed shift which maintains the value of the MSB if the left input is signed.

4'sb1011 >>  1 => 0101
4'sb1011 >>> 1 => 1101

Three ways to indicate left operand is signed:

module shift;
  logic        [3:0] test1 = 4'b1000;
  logic signed [3:0] test2 = 4'b1000;

  initial begin
    $display("%b", $signed(test1) >>> 1 ); //Explicitly set as signed
    $display("%b", test2          >>> 1 ); //Declared as signed type
    $display("%b", 4'sb1000       >>> 1 ); //Signed constant

Xcode5 "No matching provisioning profiles found issue" (but good at xcode4)

In xcode5 from Preferences, Accounts, (select your account), View Details, press refresh button. then select Provision Profile in build settings.

How to create jobs in SQL Server Express edition

The functionality of creating SQL Agent Jobs is not available in SQL Server Express Edition. An alternative is to execute a batch file that executes a SQL script using Windows Task Scheduler.

In order to do this first create a batch file named sqljob.bat

sqlcmd -S servername -U username -P password -i <path of sqljob.sql>

Replace the servername, username, password and path with yours.

Then create the SQL Script file named sqljob.sql

USE [databasename]
--T-SQL commands go here

Replace the [databasename] with your database name. The USE and GO is necessary when you write the SQL script.

sqlcmd is a command-line utility to execute SQL scripts. After creating these two files execute the batch file using Windows Task Scheduler.

NB: An almost same answer was posted for this question before. But I felt it was incomplete as it didn't specify about login information using sqlcmd.

Stylesheet not updating

I ran into this problem too, a lot of people seem to recommend force reloading your page, which won't fix the issue in cases such as if you're running it on a server. I believe the optimal solution in this scenario is to timestamp your css.

  1. This is how I do it in my Django template:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'home/radioStyles.css' %}?{% now 'U' %}" type="text/css"/>

Where adding ?{% now 'U' %} to the end of your css file would fix this issue.

  1. How you would do it with just CSS (hopefully someone edits this to a cleaner version, this looks a little janky but it does work, tested it):

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css?Wednesday 2nd February 2020 12PM" />

Where ?Wednesday 2nd February 2020 12PM (current date) seems to fix the issue, I also noticed just putting the time fixes it too.

Return empty cell from formula in Excel

So many answers that return a value that LOOKS empty but is not actually an empty as cell as requested...

As requested, if you actually want a formula that returns an empty cell. It IS possible through VBA. So, here is the code to do just exactly that. Start by writing a formula to return the #N/A error wherever you want the cells to be empty. Then my solution automatically clears all the cells which contain that #N/A error. Of course you can modify the code to automatically delete the contents of cells based on anything you like.

Open the "visual basic viewer" (Alt + F11) Find the workbook of interest in the project explorer and double click it (or right click and select view code). This will open the "view code" window. Select "Workbook" in the (General) dropdown menu and "SheetCalculate" in the (Declarations) dropdown menu.

Paste the following code (based on the answer by J.T. Grimes) inside the Workbook_SheetCalculate function

    For Each cell In Sh.UsedRange.Cells
        If IsError(cell.Value) Then
            If (cell.Value = CVErr(xlErrNA)) Then cell.ClearContents
        End If

Save your file as a macro enabled workbook

NB: This process is like a scalpel. It will remove the entire contents of any cells that evaluate to the #N/A error so be aware. They will go and you cant get them back without reentering the formula they used to contain.

NB2: Obviously you need to enable macros when you open the file else it won't work and #N/A errors will remain undeleted

c++ compile error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer

A string literal is delimited by quotation marks and is of type char* not char.

Example: "hello"

So when you compare a char to a char* you will get that same compiling error.

char c = 'c';
char *p = "hello";

if(c==p)//compiling error

To fix use a char literal which is delimited by single quotes.

Example: 'c'

SQL Server: Examples of PIVOTing String data

Remember that the MAX aggregate function will work on text as well as numbers. This query will only require the table to be scanned once.

SELECT Action,
       MAX( CASE data WHEN 'View' THEN data ELSE '' END ) ViewCol, 
       MAX( CASE data WHEN 'Edit' THEN data ELSE '' END ) EditCol
 GROUP BY Action

What is ModelState.IsValid valid for in ASP.NET MVC in NerdDinner?

From the Errata: ModelState.AddRuleViolations(dinner.GetRuleViolations());

Should be:



C# Linq Where Date Between 2 Dates

I had a problem getting this to work.

I had two dates in a db line and I need to add them to a list for yesterday, today and tomorrow.

this is my solution:

        var yesterday = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
        var today = DateTime.Today;
        var tomorrow = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);            
        var vm = new Model()
            Yesterday = _context.Table.Where(x => x.From <= yesterday && x.To >= yesterday).ToList(),
            Today = _context.Table.Where(x => x.From <= today & x.To >= today).ToList(),
            Tomorrow = _context.Table.Where(x => x.From <= tomorrow & x.To >= tomorrow).ToList()

Javascript querySelector vs. getElementById

The functions getElementById and getElementsByClassName are very specific, while querySelector and querySelectorAll are more elaborate. My guess is that they will actually have a worse performance.

Also, you need to check for the support of each function in the browsers you are targetting. The newer it is, the higher probability of lack of support or the function being "buggy".

Angular CLI - Please add a @NgModule annotation when using latest

The problem is the import of ProjectsListComponent in your ProjectsModule. You should not import that, but add it to the export array, if you want to use it outside of your ProjectsModule.

Other issues are your project routes. You should add these to an exportable variable, otherwise it's not AOT compatible. And you should -never- import the BrowserModule anywhere else but in your AppModule. Use the CommonModule to get access to the *ngIf, *ngFor...etc directives:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  exports: [

export class ProjectsModule {}


export const ProjectRoutes: Routes = [
      { path: 'projects', component: ProjectsListComponent }

phpmailer: Reply using only "Reply To" address

I have found the answer to this, and it is annoyingly/frustratingly simple! Basically the reply to addresses needed to be added before the from address as such:

$mail->addReplyTo('[email protected]', 'Reply to name');
$mail->SetFrom('[email protected]', 'Mailbox name');

Looking at the phpmailer code in more detail this is the offending line:

public function SetFrom($address, $name = '',$auto=1) {
   $address = trim($address);
   $name = trim(preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', '', $name)); //Strip breaks and trim
   if (!self::ValidateAddress($address)) {
     $this->SetError($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '. $address);
     if ($this->exceptions) {
       throw new phpmailerException($this->Lang('invalid_address').': '.$address);
     echo $this->Lang('invalid_address').': '.$address;
     return false;
   $this->From = $address;
   $this->FromName = $name;
   if ($auto) {
      if (empty($this->ReplyTo)) {
         $this->AddAnAddress('ReplyTo', $address, $name);
      if (empty($this->Sender)) {
         $this->Sender = $address;
   return true;

Specifically this line:

if (empty($this->ReplyTo)) {
   $this->AddAnAddress('ReplyTo', $address, $name);

Thanks for your help everyone!

How to debug .htaccess RewriteRule not working

Perhaps a more logical method would be to create a file (e.g. test.html), add some content and then try to set it as the index page:

DirectoryIndex test.html

For the most part, the .htaccess rule will override the Apache configuration where working at the directory/file level

TypeError: document.getElementbyId is not a function

JavaScript is case-sensitive. The b in getElementbyId should be capitalized.

var content = document.getElementById("edit").innerHTML;

How to exclude a directory from ant fileset, based on directories contents

The following approach works for me:

<exclude name="**/dir_name_to_exclude/**" />

Using Python String Formatting with Lists

Following this resource page, if the length of x is varying, we can use:

', '.join(['%.2f']*len(x))

to create a place holder for each element from the list x. Here is the example:

x = [1/3.0, 1/6.0, 0.678]
s = ("elements in the list are ["+', '.join(['%.2f']*len(x))+"]") % tuple(x)
print s
>>> elements in the list are [0.33, 0.17, 0.68]

How to use Git and Dropbox together?

I think that Git on Dropbox is great. I use it all the time. I have multiple computers (two at home and one at work) on which I use Dropbox as a central bare repository. Since I don’t want to host it on a public service, and I don’t have access to a server that I can always SSH to, Dropbox takes care of this by syncing in the background (very doing so quickly).

Setup is something like this:

~/project $ git init
~/project $ git add .
~/project $ git commit -m "first commit"
~/project $ cd ~/Dropbox/git

~/Dropbox/git $ git init --bare project.git
~/Dropbox/git $ cd ~/project

~/project $ git remote add origin ~/Dropbox/git/project.git
~/project $ git push -u origin master

From there, you can just clone that ~/Dropbox/git/project.git directory (regardless of whether it belongs to your Dropbox account or is shared across multiple accounts) and do all the normal Git operations—they will be synchronized to all your other machines automatically.

I wrote a blog post “On Version Control” in which I cover the reasoning behind my environment setup. It’s based on my Ruby on Rails development experience, but it can be applied to anything, really.

Python: How to ignore an exception and proceed?

There's a new way to do this coming in Python 3.4:

from contextlib import suppress

with suppress(Exception):
  # your code

Here's the commit that added it:

And here's the author, Raymond Hettinger, talking about this and all sorts of other Python hotness (relevant bit at 43:30):

If you wanted to emulate the bare except keyword and also ignore things like KeyboardInterrupt—though you usually don't—you could use with suppress(BaseException).

Edit: Looks like ignored was renamed to suppress before the 3.4 release.

Email Address Validation for ASP.NET

Validating that it is a real email address is much harder.

The regex to confirm the syntax is correct can be very long (see for example). The best way to confirm an email address is to email the user, and get the user to reply by clicking on a link to validate that they have recieved the email (the way most sign-up systems work).

Is there a date format to display the day of the week in java?

I know the question is about getting the day of week as string (e.g. the short name), but for anybody who is looking for the numeric day of week (as I was), you can use the new "u" format string, supported since Java 7. For example:

new SimpleDateFormat("u").format(new Date());

returns today's day-of-week index, namely: 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, ..., 7 = Sunday.

The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable

If you are using AutoMapper with Entity Framework on the same class, you might hit this problem. For instance if your class is

class A
    public ClassB ClassB { get; set; }
    public int ClassBId { get; set; }

AutoMapper.Map<A, A>(input, destination);

This will try to copy both properties. In this case, ClassBId is non Nullable. Since AutoMapper will copy destination.ClassB = input.ClassB; this will cause a problem.

Set your AutoMapper to Ignore ClassB property.

 cfg.CreateMap<A, A>()
     .ForMember(m => m.ClassB, opt => opt.Ignore()); // We use the ClassBId

Angular2 - TypeScript : Increment a number after timeout in AppComponent

This is not valid TypeScript code. You can not have method invocations in the body of a class.

export class AppComponent {
  public n: number = 1;
  setTimeout(function() {
    n = n + 10;
  }, 1000);

Instead move the setTimeout call to the constructor of the class. Additionally, use the arrow function => to gain access to this.

export class AppComponent {
  public n: number = 1;

  constructor() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.n = this.n + 10;
    }, 1000);


In TypeScript, you can only refer to class properties or methods via this. That's why the arrow function => is important.

How do I make a MySQL database run completely in memory?

"How do I do that? I explored PHPMyAdmin, and I can't find a "change engine" functionality."

In direct response to this part of your question, you can issue an ALTER TABLE tbl engine=InnoDB; and it'll recreate the table in the proper engine.

How to extract this specific substring in SQL Server?

If you need to split something into 3 pieces, such as an email address and you don't know the length of the middle part, try this (I just ran this on sqlserver 2012 so I know it works):

SELECT top 2000 
    emailaddr_ as email,
    SUBSTRING(emailaddr_, 1,CHARINDEX('@',emailaddr_) -1) as username,
    SUBSTRING(emailaddr_, CHARINDEX('@',emailaddr_)+1, (LEN(emailaddr_) - charindex('@',emailaddr_) - charindex('.',reverse(emailaddr_)) ))  domain 

Hope this helps.

How to change the font color of a disabled TextBox?

NOTE: see Cheetah's answer below as it identifies a prerequisite to get this solution to work. Setting the BackColor of the TextBox.

I think what you really want to do is enable the TextBox and set the ReadOnly property to true.

It's a bit tricky to change the color of the text in a disabled TextBox. I think you'd probably have to subclass and override the OnPaint event.

ReadOnly though should give you the same result as !Enabled and allow you to maintain control of the color and formatting of the TextBox. I think it will also still support selecting and copying text from the TextBox which is not possible with a disabled TextBox.

Another simple alternative is to use a Label instead of a TextBox.

Sorted collection in Java

with Java 8 Comparator, if we want to sort list then Here are the 10 most populated cities in the world and we want to sort it by name, as reported by Time. Osaka, Japan. ... Mexico City, Mexico. ... Beijing, China. ... São Paulo, Brazil. ... Mumbai, India. ... Shanghai, China. ... Delhi, India. ... Tokyo, Japan.

 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Comparator;
 import java.util.List;

public class SortCityList {

     * Here are the 10 most populated cities in the world and we want to sort it by
     * name, as reported by Time. Osaka, Japan. ... Mexico City, Mexico. ...
     * Beijing, China. ... São Paulo, Brazil. ... Mumbai, India. ... Shanghai,
     * China. ... Delhi, India. ... Tokyo, Japan.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> cities = Arrays.asList("Osaka", "Mexico City", "São Paulo", "Mumbai", "Shanghai", "Delhi",
        System.out.println("Before Sorting List is:-");

        System.out.println("After Use of List sort(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) & Sorting List is:-");
        System.out.println("After Use of List sort(Comparator.naturalOrder()) & Sorting List is:-");



C++ Passing Pointer to Function (Howto) + C++ Pointer Manipulation

If you want to pass a pointer-to-int into your function,

Declaration of function (if you need it):

void Fun(int *ptr);

Definition of function:

void Fun(int *ptr) {
    int *other_pointer = ptr;  // other_pointer points to the same thing as ptr
    *other_ptr = 3;            // manipulate the thing they both point to

Use of function:

int main() {
    int x = 2;
    printf("%d\n", x);
    printf("%d\n", x);

Note as a general rule, that variables called Ptr or Pointer should never have type int, which is what you have then in your code. A pointer-to-int has type int *.

If I have a second pointer (int *oof), then:

bar = oof means: bar points to the oof pointer

It means "make bar point to the same thing oof points to".

bar = *oof means: bar points to the value that oof points to, but not to the oof pointer itself

That doesn't mean anything, it's invalid. bar is a pointer *oof is an int. You can't assign one to the other.

*bar = *oof means: change the value that bar points to to the value that oof points to


&bar = &oof means: change the memory address that bar points to be the same as the memory address that oof points to

Nope, that's invalid again. &bar is a pointer to the bar variable, but it is what's called an "rvalue", or "temporary", and it cannot be assigned to. It's like the result of an arithmetic calculation. You can't write x + 1 = 5.

It might help you to think of pointers as addresses. bar = oof means "make bar, which is an address, equal to oof, which is also an address". bar = &foo means "make bar, which is an address, equal to the address of foo". If bar = *oof meant anything, it would mean "make bar, which is an address, equal to *oof, which is an int". You can't.

Then, & is the address-of operator. It means "the address of the operand", so &foo is the address of foo (i.e, a pointer to foo). * is the dereference operator. It means "the thing at the address given by the operand". So having done bar = &foo, *bar is foo.

How to add default signature in Outlook

I constructed this approach while looking for how to send a message on a recurring schedule. I found the approach where you reference the Inspector property of the created message did not add the signature I wanted (I have more than one account set up in Outlook, with separate signatures.)

The approach below is fairly flexible and still simple.

    Private Sub Add_Signature(ByVal addy as String, ByVal subj as String, ByVal body as String)
       Dim oMsg As MailItem
       Set oMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
       oMsg.To = addy
       oMsg.Subject = subj
       oMsg.Body = body
       Dim sig As String
       ' Mysig is the name you gave your signature in the OL Options dialog 
       sig = ReadSignature("Mysig.htm")
       oMsg.HTMLBody = Item.Body & "<p><BR/><BR/></p>" & sig ' oMsg.HTMLBody
       Set oMsg = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Function ReadSignature(sigName As String) As String
       Dim oFSO, oTextStream, oSig As Object
       Dim appDataDir, sig, sigPath, fileName As String
       appDataDir = Environ("APPDATA") & "\Microsoft\Signatures"
       sigPath = appDataDir & "\" & sigName

       Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
       Set oTextStream = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sigPath)
       sig = oTextStream.ReadAll
       ' fix relative references to images, etc. in sig
       ' by making them absolute paths, OL will find the image
       fileName = Replace(sigName, ".htm", "") & "_files/"
       sig = Replace(sig, fileName, appDataDir & "\" & fileName)
       ReadSignature = sig
    End Function

Removing a non empty directory programmatically in C or C++

If you are using a POSIX compliant OS, you could use nftw() for file tree traversal and remove (removes files or directories). If you are in C++ and your project uses boost, it is not a bad idea to use the Boost.Filesystem as suggested by Manuel.

In the code example below I decided not to traverse symbolic links and mount points (just to avoid a grand removal:) ):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ftw.h>

static int rmFiles(const char *pathname, const struct stat *sbuf, int type, struct FTW *ftwb)
    if(remove(pathname) < 0)
        perror("ERROR: remove");
        return -1;
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc != 2)
        fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s path\n",argv[0]);

    // Delete the directory and its contents by traversing the tree in reverse order, without crossing mount boundaries and symbolic links

    if (nftw(argv[1], rmFiles,10, FTW_DEPTH|FTW_MOUNT|FTW_PHYS) < 0)
        perror("ERROR: ntfw");

    return 0;

Returning a boolean from a Bash function

Be careful when checking directory only with option -d !
if variable $1 is empty the check will still be successfull. To be sure, check also that the variable is not empty.

#! /bin/bash


    if [[ -d $1 ]] && [[ -n $1 ]] ; then
        return 0
        return 1


if is_directory $1 ; then
    echo "Directory exist"
    echo "Directory does not exist!" 

JS - window.history - Delete a state

You may have moved on by now, but... as far as I know there's no way to delete a history entry (or state).

One option I've been looking into is to handle the history yourself in JavaScript and use the window.history object as a carrier of sorts.

Basically, when the page first loads you create your custom history object (we'll go with an array here, but use whatever makes sense for your situation), then do your initial pushState. I would pass your custom history object as the state object, as it may come in handy if you also need to handle users navigating away from your app and coming back later.

var myHistory = [];

function pageLoad() {
    window.history.pushState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

    //Load page data.

Now when you navigate, you add to your own history object (or don't - the history is now in your hands!) and use replaceState to keep the browser out of the loop.

function nav_to_details() {
    window.history.replaceState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

    //Load page data.

When the user navigates backwards, they'll be hitting your "base" state (your state object will be null) and you can handle the navigation according to your custom history object. Afterward, you do another pushState.

function on_popState() {
    // Note that some browsers fire popState on initial load,
    // so you should check your state object and handle things accordingly.
    // (I did not do that in these examples!)

    if (myHistory.length > 0) {
        var pg = myHistory.pop();
        window.history.pushState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

        //Load page data for "pg".
    } else {
        //No "history" - let them exit or keep them in the app.

The user will never be able to navigate forward using their browser buttons because they are always on the newest page.

From the browser's perspective, every time they go "back", they've immediately pushed forward again.

From the user's perspective, they're able to navigate backwards through the pages but not forward (basically simulating the smartphone "page stack" model).

From the developer's perspective, you now have a high level of control over how the user navigates through your application, while still allowing them to use the familiar navigation buttons on their browser. You can add/remove items from anywhere in the history chain as you please. If you use objects in your history array, you can track extra information about the pages as well (like field contents and whatnot).

If you need to handle user-initiated navigation (like the user changing the URL in a hash-based navigation scheme), then you might use a slightly different approach like...

var myHistory = [];

function pageLoad() {
    // When the user first hits your page...
    // Check the state to see what's going on.

    if (window.history.state === null) {
        // If the state is null, this is a NEW navigation,
        //    the user has navigated to your page directly (not using back/forward).

        // First we establish a "back" page to catch backward navigation.
            { isBackPage: true },

        // Then push an "app" page on top of that - this is where the user will sit.
        // (As browsers vary, it might be safer to put this in a short setTimeout).
            { isBackPage: false },

        // We also need to start our history tracking.


    // If the state is NOT null, then the user is returning to our app via history navigation.

    // (Load up the page based on the last entry of myHistory here)

    if (window.history.state.isBackPage) {
        // If the user came into our app via the back page,
        //     you can either push them forward one more step or just use pushState as above.

        // or window.history.pushState({ isBackPage: false }, "<name>", "<url>");

    setTimeout(function() {
        // Add our popstate event listener - doing it here should remove
        //     the issue of dealing with the browser firing it on initial page load.
        window.addEventListener("popstate", on_popstate);
    }, 100);

function on_popstate(e) {
    if (e.state === null) {
        // If there's no state at all, then the user must have navigated to a new hash.

        // <Look at what they've done, maybe by reading the hash from the URL>
        // <Change/load the new page and push it onto the myHistory stack>
        // <Alternatively, ignore their navigation attempt by NOT loading anything new or adding to myHistory>

        // Undo what they've done (as far as navigation) by kicking them backwards to the "app" page

        // Optionally, you can throw another replaceState in here, e.g. if you want to change the visible URL.
        // This would also prevent them from using the "forward" button to return to the new hash.
            { isBackPage: false },
            "<new name>",
            "<new url>"
    } else {
        if (e.state.isBackPage) {
            // If there is state and it's the 'back' page...

            if (myHistory.length > 0) {
                // Pull/load the page from our custom history...
                var pg = myHistory.pop();
                // <load/render/whatever>

                // And push them to our "app" page again
                    { isBackPage: false },
            } else {
                // No more history - let them exit or keep them in the app.

        // Implied 'else' here - if there is state and it's NOT the 'back' page
        //     then we can ignore it since we're already on the page we want.
        //     (This is the case when we push the user back with window.history.go(-1) above)

How to load a UIView using a nib file created with Interface Builder

I too wanted to do something similar, this is what I found: (SDK 3.1.3)

I have a view controller A (itself owned by a Nav controller) which loads VC B on a button press:

In AViewController.m

BViewController *bController = [[BViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"Bnib" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:bController animated:YES];
[bController release];

Now VC B has its interface from Bnib, but when a button is pressed, I want to go to an 'edit mode' which has a separate UI from a different nib, but I don't want a new VC for the edit mode, I want the new nib to be associated with my existing B VC.

So, in BViewController.m (in button press method)

NSArray *nibObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"EditMode" owner:self options:nil];
UIView *theEditView = [nibObjects objectAtIndex:0];
self.editView = theEditView;
[self.view addSubview:theEditView];

Then on another button press (to exit edit mode):

[editView removeFromSuperview];

and I'm back to my original Bnib.

This works fine, but note my EditMode.nib has only 1 top level obj in it, a UIView obj. It doesn't matter whether the File's Owner in this nib is set as BViewController or the default NSObject, BUT make sure the View Outlet in the File's Owner is NOT set to anything. If it is, then I get a exc_bad_access crash and xcode proceeds to load 6677 stack frames showing an internal UIView method repeatedly called... so looks like an infinite loop. (The View Outlet IS set in my original Bnib however)

Hope this helps.

ERROR: Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError

Update django-geoposition at least to version 0.2.3 and add this to


Set a button background image iPhone programmatically

You can set an background image without any code!

Just press the button you want an image to in Main.storyboard, then, in the utilities bar to the right, press the attributes inspector and set the background to the image you want! Make sure you have the picture you want in the supporting files to the left.

Cannot access mongodb through browser - It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port

Before Mongo 3.6:

You may start mongodb with

mongod --httpinterface

And access it on


Since version 2.6: MongoDB disables the HTTP interface by default.


HTTP Interface and REST API

MongoDB 3.6 removes the deprecated HTTP interface and REST API to MongoDB.

See Mongo http interface and rest api

Using filesystem in node.js with async / await

Recommend using an npm package such as, as compared to custom functions. For example:

import * as fs from 'async-file';

await fs.rename('/tmp/hello', '/tmp/world');
await fs.appendFile('message.txt', 'data to append');
await fs.access('/etc/passd', fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK);

var stats = await fs.stat('/tmp/hello', '/tmp/world');

Other answers are outdated

How to find which columns contain any NaN value in Pandas dataframe

Both of these should work:


DataFrame methods isna() or isnull() are completely identical.

Note: Empty strings '' is considered as False (not considered NA)

jQuery show for 5 seconds then hide

Just as simple as this:


How to SUM two fields within an SQL query

Try the following:

SELECT *, (FieldA + FieldB) AS Sum
FROM Table

git submodule tracking latest

Edit (2020.12.28): GitHub change default master branch to main branch since October 2020. See

Update March 2013

Git 1.8.2 added the possibility to track branches.

"git submodule" started learning a new mode to integrate with the tip of the remote branch (as opposed to integrating with the commit recorded in the superproject's gitlink).

# add submodule to track master branch
git submodule add -b master [URL to Git repo];

# update your submodule
git submodule update --remote 

If you had a submodule already present you now wish would track a branch, see "how to make an existing submodule track a branch".

Also see Vogella's tutorial on submodules for general information on submodules.


git submodule add -b . [URL to Git repo];

See git submodule man page:

A special value of . is used to indicate that the name of the branch in the submodule should be the same name as the current branch in the current repository.

See commit b928922727d6691a3bdc28160f93f25712c565f6:

submodule add: If --branch is given, record it in .gitmodules

This allows you to easily record a submodule.<name>.branch option in .gitmodules when you add a new submodule. With this patch,

$ git submodule add -b <branch> <repository> [<path>]
$ git config -f .gitmodules submodule.<path>.branch <branch>

reduces to

$ git submodule add -b <branch> <repository> [<path>]

This means that future calls to

$ git submodule update --remote ...

will get updates from the same branch that you used to initialize the submodule, which is usually what you want.

Signed-off-by: W. Trevor King [email protected]

Original answer (February 2012):

A submodule is a single commit referenced by a parent repo.
Since it is a Git repo on its own, the "history of all commits" is accessible through a git log within that submodule.

So for a parent to track automatically the latest commit of a given branch of a submodule, it would need to:

  • cd in the submodule
  • git fetch/pull to make sure it has the latest commits on the right branch
  • cd back in the parent repo
  • add and commit in order to record the new commit of the submodule.

gitslave (that you already looked at) seems to be the best fit, including for the commit operation.

It is a little annoying to make changes to the submodule due to the requirement to check out onto the correct submodule branch, make the change, commit, and then go into the superproject and commit the commit (or at least record the new location of the submodule).

Other alternatives are detailed here.

Python object deleting itself

In this specific context, your example doesn't make a lot of sense.

When a Being picks up an Item, the item retains an individual existence. It doesn't disappear because it's been picked up. It still exists, but it's (a) in the same location as the Being, and (b) no longer eligible to be picked up. While it's had a state change, it still exists.

There is a two-way association between Being and Item. The Being has the Item in a collection. The Item is associated with a Being.

When an Item is picked up by a Being, two things have to happen.

  • The Being how adds the Item in some set of items. Your bag attribute, for example, could be such a set. [A list is a poor choice -- does order matter in the bag?]

  • The Item's location changes from where it used to be to the Being's location. There are probably two classes os Items - those with an independent sense of location (because they move around by themselves) and items that have to delegate location to the Being or Place where they're sitting.

Under no circumstances does any Python object ever need to get deleted. If an item is "destroyed", then it's not in a Being's bag. It's not in a location.


Is all that's required to let the cat out of the bag. Since the cat is not used anywhere else, it will both exist as "used" memory and not exist because nothing in your program can access it. It will quietly vanish from memory when some quantum event occurs and memory references are garbage collected.

On the other hand,

here.add( cat )

Will put the cat in the current location. The cat continues to exist, and will not be put out with the garbage.

How to implement onBackPressed() in Fragments?

I have used another approach as follows:

  • An Otto event bus to communicate between the Activity and its Fragments
  • A Stack in the Activity containing custom back actions wrapped in a Runnable that the calling fragment defines
  • When onBackPressed is called in the controlling Activity, it pops the most recent custom back action and executes its Runnable. If there's nothing on the Stack, the default super.onBackPressed() is called

The full approach with sample code is included here as an answer to this other SO question.

Enable PHP Apache2

You can use a2enmod or a2dismod to enable/disable modules by name.

From terminal, run: sudo a2enmod php5 to enable PHP5 (or some other module), then sudo service apache2 reload to reload the Apache2 configuration.

Moment.js - tomorrow, today and yesterday

const date = moment(YOUR_DATE)
return (moment().diff(date, 'days') >= 2) ? date.fromNow() : date.calendar().split(' ')[0]

Repeat command automatically in Linux

If you want to do something a specific number of times you can always do this:

repeat 300 do my first command here && sleep 1.5

How do I update the element at a certain position in an ArrayList?

 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;

 public class javaClass {

public static void main(String args[]) {

    ArrayList<String> alstr = new ArrayList<>();

    for(String str : alstr) {
    // update value here
    alstr.set(3, "Ramveer");
    System.out.println("with Iterator");
    Iterator<String>  itr = alstr.iterator();

    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        Object obj =;


Algorithm for solving Sudoku

Hi I've blogged about writing a sudoku solver from scratch in Python and currently writing a whole series about writing a constraint programming solver in Julia (another high level but faster language) You can read the sudoku problem from a file which seems to be easier more handy than a gui or cli way. The general idea it uses is constraint programming. I use the all different / unique constraint but I coded it myself instead of using a constraint programming solver.

If someone is interested:

How can I open Windows Explorer to a certain directory from within a WPF app?

This should work:

Process.Start(@"<directory goes here>")

Or if you'd like a method to run programs/open files and/or folders:

private void StartProcess(string path)
    ProcessStartInfo StartInformation = new ProcessStartInfo();

    StartInformation.FileName = path;

    Process process = Process.Start(StartInformation);

    process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

And then call the method and in the parenthesis put either the directory of the file and/or folder there or the name of the application. Hope this helped!

Check if string matches pattern

import re

ab = re.compile("^([A-Z]{1}[0-9]{1})+$")

I believe that should work for an uppercase, number pattern.

How to dynamically add a class to manual class names?

If you're using css modules this is what worked for me.

const [condition, setCondition] = useState(false);

\\ toggle condition

return (
  <span className={`${styles.always} ${(condition ? styles.sometimes : '')`}>

Cache busting via params

Two questions: Will this effectively break the cache?

Yes. Even Stack Overflow use this method, although I remember that they (with their millions of visitors per day and zillions of different client and proxy versions and configurations) have had some freak edge cases where even this was not enough to break the cache. But the general assumption is that this will work, and is a suitable method to break caching on clients.

Will the param cause the browser to then never cache the response from that url since the param indicates that this is dynamic content?

No. The parameter will not change the caching policy; the caching headers sent by the server still apply, and if it doesn't send any, the browser's defaults.

Failed to resolve version for org.apache.maven.archetypes

Create New User Environment Variables:



MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m

Appened below in Path variable (System Variable):


Check if xdebug is working

If you are using Eclipse then please note that while running on XDebug mode the magic constant __FILE__ will always be evaluated to:


So the following check will return true if your session is under XDebug:

$is_xdebug = false !== strpos(__FILE__,'xdebug'); // true while on XDebug

How to read value of a registry key c#


using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\Wow6432Node\\MySQL AB\\MySQL Connector\\Net"))


 using (RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\Wow6432Node\MySQL AB\MySQL Connector\Net"))

C# Iterate through Class properties

You could possibly use Reflection to do this. As far as I understand it, you could enumerate the properties of your class and set the values. You would have to try this out and make sure you understand the order of the properties though. Refer to this MSDN Documentation for more information on this approach.

For a hint, you could possibly do something like:

Record record = new Record();

PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(Record).GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
    property.SetValue(record, value);

Where value is the value you're wanting to write in (so from your resultItems array).

There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key 'xxx'

Old question, but here's another explanation of the problem. You'll get this error even if you have strongly typed views and aren't using ViewData to create your dropdown list. The reason for the error can becomes clear when you look at the MVC source:

// If we got a null selectList, try to use ViewData to get the list of items.
if (selectList == null)
    selectList = htmlHelper.GetSelectData(name);
    usedViewData = true;

So if you have something like:

@Html.DropDownList("MyList", Model.DropDownData, "")

And Model.DropDownData is null, MVC looks through your ViewData for something named MyList and throws an error if there's no object in ViewData with that name.

Better solution without exluding fields from Binding

You should not use your domain models in your views. ViewModels are the correct way to do it.

You need to map your domain model's necessary fields to viewmodel and then use this viewmodel in your controllers. This way you will have the necessery abstraction in your application.

If you never heard of viewmodels, take a look at this.

Nested Git repositories?

You could add




that should prevent the nested repo to be included in the parent repo, and you can work with them independently.

But: If a user runs git clean -dfx in the parent repo, it will remove the ignored nested repo. Another way is to symlink the folder and ignore the symlink. If you then run git clean, the symlink is removed, but the 'nested' repo will remain intact as it really resides elsewhere.

How to cast the size_t to double or int C++

You can use Boost numeric_cast.

This throws an exception if the source value is out of range of the destination type, but it doesn't detect loss of precision when converting to double.

Whatever function you use, though, you should decide what you want to happen in the case where the value in the size_t is greater than INT_MAX. If you want to detect it use numeric_cast or write your own code to check. If you somehow know that it cannot possibly happen then you could use static_cast to suppress the warning without the cost of a runtime check, but in most cases the cost doesn't matter anyway.

VBA module that runs other modules

Is "Module1" part of the same workbook that contains "moduleController"?
If not, you could call public method of "Module1" using Application.Run someWorkbook.xlsm!methodOfModule.

Xpath: select div that contains class AND whose specific child element contains text

You can use ancestor. I find that this is easier to read because the element you are actually selecting is at the end of the path.

//span[contains(text(),'someText')]/ancestor::div[contains(@class, 'measure-tab')]

ASP.NET Core configuration for .NET Core console application

On .Net Core 3.1 we just need to do these:

static void Main(string[] args)
  var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build();

Using SeriLog will look like:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Serilog;
using System;

namespace yournamespace
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json").Build();
            Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration().ReadFrom.Configuration(configuration).CreateLogger();

                Log.Information("Starting Program.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Fatal(ex, "Program terminated unexpectedly.");

And the Serilog appsetings.json section for generating one file daily will look like:

  "Serilog": {
    "MinimumLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Override": {
        "Microsoft": "Warning",
        "System": "Warning"
    "Using": [ "Serilog.Sinks.Console", "Serilog.Sinks.File" ],
    "WriteTo": [
        "Name": "File",
        "Args": {
          "path": "C:\\Logs\\Program.json",
          "rollingInterval": "Day",
          "formatter": "Serilog.Formatting.Compact.CompactJsonFormatter, Serilog.Formatting.Compact"

jQuery map vs. each makes more sense when you are doing work on arrays as it performs very well with arrays.

Jquery.each is best used when iterating through selector items. Which is evidenced in that the map function does not use a selector.



as you can see, map is not intended to be used with selectors.

JavaScript string and number conversion

r = ("1"+"2"+"3")           // step1 | build string ==> "123"
r = +r                      // step2 | to number    ==> 123
r = r+100                   // step3 | +100         ==> 223
r = ""+r                    // step4 | to string    ==> "223"

//in one line
r = ""+(+("1"+"2"+"3")+100);

How do I list all files of a directory?

I really liked adamk's answer, suggesting that you use glob(), from the module of the same name. This allows you to have pattern matching with *s.

But as other people pointed out in the comments, glob() can get tripped up over inconsistent slash directions. To help with that, I suggest you use the join() and expanduser() functions in the os.path module, and perhaps the getcwd() function in the os module, as well.

As examples:

from glob import glob

# Return everything under C:\Users\admin that contains a folder called wlp.

The above is terrible - the path has been hardcoded and will only ever work on Windows between the drive name and the \s being hardcoded into the path.

from glob    import glob
from os.path import join

# Return everything under Users, admin, that contains a folder called wlp.
glob(join('Users', 'admin', '*', 'wlp'))

The above works better, but it relies on the folder name Users which is often found on Windows and not so often found on other OSs. It also relies on the user having a specific name, admin.

from glob    import glob
from os.path import expanduser, join

# Return everything under the user directory that contains a folder called wlp.
glob(join(expanduser('~'), '*', 'wlp'))

This works perfectly across all platforms.

Another great example that works perfectly across platforms and does something a bit different:

from glob    import glob
from os      import getcwd
from os.path import join

# Return everything under the current directory that contains a folder called wlp.
glob(join(getcwd(), '*', 'wlp'))

Hope these examples help you see the power of a few of the functions you can find in the standard Python library modules.

indexOf method in an object array?

I think you can solve it in one line using the map function:

pos = { return e.hello; }).indexOf('stevie');

Subset a dataframe by multiple factor levels

Here's another:

data[data$Code == "A" | data$Code == "B", ]

It's also worth mentioning that the subsetting factor doesn't have to be part of the data frame if it matches the data frame rows in length and order. In this case we made our data frame from this factor anyway. So,

data[Code == "A" | Code == "B", ]

also works, which is one of the really useful things about R.

How to connect access database in c#

Try this code,

public void ConnectToAccess()
    System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn = new 
    // TODO: Modify the connection string and include any
    // additional required properties for your database.
    conn.ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
        @"Data source= C:\Documents and Settings\username\" +
        @"My Documents\AccessFile.mdb";
        // Insert code to process data.
        catch (Exception ex)
        MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to data source");

How do I stop a program when an exception is raised in Python?

import sys

  sys.exit(1) # exiing with a non zero value is better for returning from an error

How do I count unique items in field in Access query?

Try this

SELECT Count(*) AS N

Read this for more info.

How can I check whether a radio button is selected with JavaScript?



function check() {
  let v= ([].filter(r=>r.checked)[0] || {}).value ;
<form id="myForm">
  <input name="sex" type="radio" value="men"> Men
  <input name="sex" type="radio" value="woman"> Woman
<br><button onClick="check()">Check</button>

ExecJS and could not find a JavaScript runtime

Adding the following gem to my Gemfile solved the issue:

gem 'therubyracer'

Then bundle your new dependencies:

$ bundle install