[php] How to Create Multiple Where Clause Query Using Laravel Eloquent?

I'm using the Laravel Eloquent query builder and I have a query where I want a WHERE clause on multiple conditions. It works, but it's not elegant.


$results = User::where('this', '=', 1)
    ->where('that', '=', 1)
    ->where('this_too', '=', 1)
    ->where('that_too', '=', 1)
    ->where('this_as_well', '=', 1)
    ->where('that_as_well', '=', 1)
    ->where('this_one_too', '=', 1)
    ->where('that_one_too', '=', 1)
    ->where('this_one_as_well', '=', 1)
    ->where('that_one_as_well', '=', 1)

Is there a better way to do this, or should I stick with this method?

This question is related to php laravel eloquent laravel-query-builder

The answer is

Multiple where clauses

        ->whereRaw("users.id BETWEEN 1003 AND 1004")
        ->whereNotIn('users.id', [1005,1006,1007])
        ->whereIn('users.id',  [1008,1009,1010]);
    $query->where(function($query2) use ($value)
        $query2->where('user_type', 2)
            ->orWhere('value', $value);

   if ($user == 'admin'){
        $query->where('users.user_name', $user);

finally getting the result

    $result = $query->get();

You can do it as following, which is the shortest way.

$results = User::where(['this'=>1, 'that'=>1, 'this_too'=>1, 'that_too'=>1, 
          'this_as_well'=>1, 'that_as_well'=>1, 'this_one_too'=>1, 'that_one_too'=>1, 
          'this_one_as_well'=>1, 'that_one_as_well'=>1])->get();

You may use in several ways,

$results = User::where([
    ['column_name1', '=', $value1],
    ['column_name2', '<', $value2],
    ['column_name3', '>', $value3]

You can also use like this,

$results = User::orderBy('id','DESC');
$results = $results->where('column1','=', $value1);
$results = $results->where('column2','<',  $value2);
$results = $results->where('column3','>',  $value3);
$results = $results->get();

Be sure to apply any other filters to sub queries, otherwise the or might gather all records.

$query = Activity::whereNotNull('id');
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->Reporter()->get() as $service) {
        $condition = ($count == 0) ? "where" : "orWhere";
        $query->$condition(function ($query) use ($service) {
            $query->where('branch_id', '=', $service->branch_id)
                  ->where('activity_type_id', '=', $service->activity_type_id)
                  ->whereBetween('activity_date_time', [$this->start_date, $this->end_date]);
return $query->get();

if your conditionals are like that (matching a single value), a simple more elegant way would be:

$results = User::where([
         'this' => value,
         'that' => value,
         'this_too' => value,

but if you need to OR the clauses then make sure for each orWhere() clause you repeat the must meet conditionals.

    $player = Player::where([
            'name' => $name,
            'team_id' => $team_id
            ['nickname', $nickname],
            ['team_id', $team_id]

You can use subqueries in anonymous function like this:

 $results = User::where('this', '=', 1)
            ->where('that', '=', 1)
            ->where(function($query) {
                /** @var $query Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder  */
                return $query->where('this_too', 'LIKE', '%fake%')
                    ->orWhere('that_too', '=', 1);

Conditions using Array:

$users = User::where([
       'column1' => value1,
       'column2' => value2,
       'column3' => value3

Will produce query like bellow:

SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE column1 = value1 and column2 = value2 and column3 = value3

Conditions using Anonymous Function:

$users = User::where('column1', '=', value1)
               ->where(function($query) use ($variable1,$variable2){
              ->where(function($query2) use ($variable1,$variable2){

Will produce query like bellow:

SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE column1 = value1 and (column2 = value2 or column3 = value3) and (column4 = value4 and column5 = value5)

$variable = array('this' => 1,
                    'that' => 1
                    'that' => 1,
                    'this_too' => 1,
                    'that_too' => 1,
                    'this_as_well' => 1,
                    'that_as_well' => 1,
                    'this_one_too' => 1,
                    'that_one_too' => 1,
                    'this_one_as_well' => 1,
                    'that_one_as_well' => 1);

foreach ($variable as $key => $value) {
    User::where($key, '=', $value);

We use this instruction to obtain users according to two conditions, type of user classification and user name.

Here we use two conditions for filtering as you type in addition to fetching user information from the profiles table to reduce the number of queries.

$users = $this->user->where([

Query scopes may help you to let your code more readable.


Updating this answer with some example:

In your model, create scopes methods like this:

public function scopeActive($query)
    return $query->where('active', '=', 1);

public function scopeThat($query)
    return $query->where('that', '=', 1);

Then, you can call this scopes while building your query:

$users = User::active()->that()->get();

use whereIn condition and pass the array

$array = [1008,1009,1010];

User::whereIn('users.id', $array)->get();

You can use eloquent in Laravel 5.3

All results

UserModel::where('id_user', $id_user)
                ->where('estado', 1)

Partial results

UserModel::where('id_user', $id_user)
                    ->where('estado', 1)

With Eloquent it is easy to create multiple where check:

First: (Use simple where)

$users = User::where('name', $request['name'])
    ->where('surname', $request['surname'])
    ->where('address', $request['address'])

Second: (Group your where inside an array)

$users = User::where([
    ['name', $request['name']],
    ['surname', $request['surname']],
    ['address', $request['address']],

You can also use conditional (=, <>, etc.) inside where like this:

$users = User::where('name', '=', $request['name'])
    ->where('surname', '=', $request['surname'])
    ->where('address', '<>', $request['address'])

Without a real example, it is difficult to make a recommendation. However, I've never needed to use that many WHERE clauses in a query and it may indicate a problem with the structure of your data.

It may be helpful for you to learn about data normalization: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_normal_form

Using pure Eloquent, implement it like so. This code returns all logged in users whose accounts are active. $users = \App\User::where('status', 'active')->where('logged_in', true)->get();

The whereColumn method can be passed an array of multiple conditions. These conditions will be joined using the and operator.


$users = DB::table('users')
                ['first_name', '=', 'last_name'],
                ['updated_at', '>', 'created_at']

$users = User::whereColumn([
                ['first_name', '=', 'last_name'],
                ['updated_at', '>', 'created_at']

For more information check this section of the documentation https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/queries#where-clauses

            ->where('name', '=', 'John')
            ->orWhere(function ($query) {
                $query->where('votes', '>', 100)
                      ->where('title', '<>', 'Admin');

You can use array in where clause as shown in below.

'column1' => value1,
'column2' => value2,
'column3' => value3))

public function search()
    if (isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET))
        $prepareQuery = '';
        foreach ($_GET as $key => $data)
            if ($data)
                $prepareQuery.=$key . ' = "' . $data . '" OR ';
        $query = substr($prepareQuery, 0, -3);
        if ($query)
            $model = Businesses::whereRaw($query)->get();
            $model = Businesses::get();

        return view('pages.search', compact('model', 'model'));

$projects = DB::table('projects')->where([['title','like','%'.$input.'%'],
    ['status','<>','Not Available']])
->orwhere([['owner', 'like', '%'.$input.'%'],
    ['status','<>','Not Available']])->get();

Model::where('column_1','=','value_1')->where('column_2 ','=','value_2')->get();


// If you are looking for equal value then no need to add =


Model::where(['column_1' => 'value_1','column_2' => 'value_2'])->get();

Use This

$users = DB::table('users')
                    ->where('votes', '>', 100)
                    ->orWhere('name', 'John')

A sample of code.

Firstly :


array gets filled here using desired count / loop of conditions, incremently :

 $matchesLcl['pos']= $request->pos;
$matchesLcl['operation']= $operation;
$matchesLcl['somethingN']= $valueN;

and further with eloquents like this shrink expression :

if (!empty($matchesLcl))
    $setLcl= MyModel::select(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
        ->whereBetween('updated_at', array($newStartDate . ' 00:00:00', $newEndDate . ' 23:59:59'));
    $setLcl= MyModel::select(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
        ->whereBetween('updated_at', array($newStartDate . ' 00:00:00', $newEndDate . ' 23:59:59'));

In this case you could use something like this:

User::where('this', '=', 1)
        return $query
        ->orWhere('alias', '=', 'admin');

It should supply you with a query like:

SELECT * FROM `user` 
WHERE `user`.`this` = 1 
    AND `user`.`created_at` IS NOT NULL 
    AND `user`.`updated_at` IS NOT NULL 
    AND (`alias` IS NULL OR `alias` = 'admin')

As per my suggestion if you are doing filter or searching

then you should go with :

        $results = User::query();
        $results->when($request->that, function ($q) use ($request) {
            $q->where('that', $request->that);
        $results->when($request->this, function ($q) use ($request) {
            $q->where('this', $request->that);
        $results->when($request->this_too, function ($q) use ($request) {
            $q->where('this_too', $request->that);

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