[maven] Maven Jacoco Configuration - Exclude classes/packages from report not working


These are the different notations for classes we have:

  • VM Name: java/util/Map$Entry
  • Java Name: java.util.Map$Entry File
  • Name: java/util/Map$Entry.class

Agent Parameters, Ant tasks and Maven prepare-agent goal

  • includes: Java Name (VM Name also works)
  • excludes: Java Name (VM Name also works)
  • exclclassloader: Java Name

These specifications allow wildcards * and ?, where * wildcards any number of characters, even multiple nested folders.

Maven report goal

  • includes: File Name
  • excludes: File Name

These specs allow Ant Filespec like wildcards *, ** and ?, where * wildcards parts of a single path element only.

Examples related to maven

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Examples related to configuration

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Examples related to jacoco

Maven Jacoco Configuration - Exclude classes/packages from report not working SonarQube not picking up Unit Test Coverage Getting "Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file" upon executing JaCoCo How to configure multi-module Maven + Sonar + JaCoCo to give merged coverage report?

Examples related to jacoco-maven-plugin

Maven Jacoco Configuration - Exclude classes/packages from report not working