[python] Python object deleting itself

I am trying the same thing. I have a RPG battle system in which my Death(self) function has to kill the own object of the Fighter class. But it appeared it`s not possible. Maybe my class Game in which I collect all participants in the combat should delete units form the "fictional" map???

   def Death(self):
    if self.stats["HP"] <= 0:
        print("%s wounds were too much... Dead!"%(self.player["Name"]))
        del self
        return True

def Damage(self, enemy):
    todamage = self.stats["ATK"] + randint(1,6)
    todamage -= enemy.stats["DEF"]
    if todamage >=0:
        enemy.stats["HP"] -= todamage
        print("%s took %d damage from your attack!"%(enemy.player["Name"], todamage))
        return True
        return True
def Attack(self, enemy):
    tohit = self.stats["DEX"] + randint(1,6)
    if tohit > enemy.stats["EVA"]:
        print("You landed a successful attack on %s "%(enemy.player["Name"]))
        return True
        return True
def Action(self, enemylist):
    for i in range(0, len(enemylist)):
        print("No.%d, %r"%(i, enemylist[i]))
    print("It`s your turn, %s. Take action!"%(self.player["Name"]))
    choice = input("\n(A)ttack\n(D)efend\n(S)kill\n(I)tem\n(H)elp\n>")
    if choice == 'a'or choice == 'A':
        who = int(input("Who? "))
        return True
        return self.Action()

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