[c#] Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged - does a better way exist?

Let me introduce my own approach called Yappi. It belongs to Runtime proxy|derived class generators, adding new functionality to an existing object or type, like Caste Project's Dynamic Proxy.

It allows to implement INotifyPropertyChanged once in base class, and then declare derived classes in following style, still supporting INotifyPropertyChanged for new properties:

public class Animal:Concept
    protected Animal(){}
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual int Age { get; set; }

Complexity of derived class or proxy construction can be hidden behind the following line:

var animal = Concept.Create<Animal>.New();

And all INotifyPropertyChanged implementation work can be done like this:

public class Concept:INotifyPropertyChanged
    //Hide constructor
    protected Concept(){}

    public static class Create<TConcept> where TConcept:Concept
        //Construct derived Type calling PropertyProxy.ConstructType
        public static readonly Type Type = PropertyProxy.ConstructType<TConcept, Implementation<TConcept>>(new Type[0], true);
        //Create constructing delegate calling Constructor.Compile
        public static Func<TConcept> New = Constructor.Compile<Func<TConcept>>(Type);

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs eventArgs)
        var caller = PropertyChanged;
            caller(this, eventArgs);

    //define implementation
    public class Implementation<TConcept> : DefaultImplementation<TConcept> where TConcept:Concept
        public override Func<TBaseType, TResult> OverrideGetter<TBaseType, TDeclaringType, TConstructedType, TResult>(PropertyInfo property)
            return PropertyImplementation<TBaseType, TDeclaringType>.GetGetter<TResult>(property.Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Overriding property setter implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TBaseType">Base type for implementation. TBaseType must be TConcept, and inherits all its constraints. Also TBaseType is TDeclaringType.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TDeclaringType">Type, declaring property.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TConstructedType">Constructed type. TConstructedType is TDeclaringType and TBaseType.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult">Type of property.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="property">PropertyInfo of property.</param>
        /// <returns>Delegate, corresponding to property setter implementation.</returns>
        public override Action<TBaseType, TResult> OverrideSetter<TBaseType, TDeclaringType, TConstructedType, TResult>(PropertyInfo property)
            //This code called once for each declared property on derived type's initialization.
            //EventArgs instance is shared between all events for each concrete property.
            var eventArgs = new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property.Name);
            //get delegates for base calls.
            Action<TBaseType, TResult> setter = PropertyImplementation<TBaseType, TDeclaringType>.GetSetter<TResult>(property.Name);
            Func<TBaseType, TResult> getter = PropertyImplementation<TBaseType, TDeclaringType>.GetGetter<TResult>(property.Name);

            var comparer = EqualityComparer<TResult>.Default;

            return (pthis, value) =>
            {//This code executes each time property setter is called.
                if (comparer.Equals(value, getter(pthis))) return;
                //base. call
                setter(pthis, value);
                //Directly accessing Concept's protected method.

It is fully safe for refactoring, uses no reflection after type construction and fast enough.

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