Programs & Examples On #Activeqt

Qt's ActiveX Framework or ActiveQt for short is Qt's ActiveX and COM support for Windows platform.

Concatenating variables in Bash

Try doing this, there's no special character to concatenate in bash :



If you don't put brackets, you will ask to concatenate $arg112 + $argendoffile (I guess that's not what you asked) like in the following example :


The brackets are delimiters for the variables when needed. When not needed, you can use it or not.

another solution

(less portable : require bash > 3.1)

$ arg1=foo
$ arg2=bar
$ mystring="$arg1"
$ mystring+="12"
$ mystring+="$arg2"
$ mystring+="endoffile"
$ echo "$mystring"


Add CSS to iFrame

Based on solution You've already found How to apply CSS to iframe?:

var cssLink = document.createElement("link") 
cssLink.href = "file://path/to/style.css"; 
cssLink .rel = "stylesheet"; 
cssLink .type = "text/css"; 

or more jqueryish (from Append a stylesheet to an iframe with jQuery):

var $head = $("iframe").contents().find("head");                
    { rel: "stylesheet", href: "file://path/to/style.css", type: "text/css" }));

as for security issues: Disabling same-origin policy in Safari

Difference between "while" loop and "do while" loop

do {
    printf("Word length... ");
    scanf("%d", &wdlen);
} while(wdlen<2);

A do-while loop guarantees the execution of the loop at least once because it checks the loop condition AFTER the loop iteration. Therefore it'll print the string and call scanf, thus updating the wdlen variable.

    printf("Word length... ");
    scanf("%d", &wdlen);

As for the while loop, it evaluates the loop condition BEFORE the loop body is executed. wdlen probably starts off as more than 2 in your code that's why you never reach the loop body.

How do I redirect users after submit button click?

// similar behavior as an HTTP redirect

// similar behavior as clicking on a link
window.location.href = "";

An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

My tricky solution is:

  1. Open your windows Task Manager,
  2. Find the Javaw.exe process and highlight it, then End it by End Process
  3. In eclipse project browser, right click it and use Maven -> Update Project again.

Issue is resolved.

If you have Tomcat Server Running in Eclipse, you need to refresh project before restart Tomcat Server.

How do I specify "close existing connections" in sql script

You can disconnect everyone and roll back their transactions with:

alter database [MyDatbase] set single_user with rollback immediate

After that, you can safely drop the database :)

How to enable SOAP on CentOS

I installed php-soap to CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) using following way.

1) yum install php-soap

 Package              Arch           Version                 Repository    Size
 php-soap             x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base         157 k
Updating for dependencies:
 php                  x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base         1.4 M
 php-cli              x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base         2.7 M
 php-common           x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base         563 k
 php-devel            x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base         600 k
 php-gd               x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base         126 k
 php-mbstring         x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base         503 k
 php-mysql            x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base          99 k
 php-pdo              x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base          97 k
 php-xml              x86_64         5.4.16-36.el7_1         base         124 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package
Upgrade             ( 9 Dependent packages)

Total download size: 6.3 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:

  php-soap.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1

Dependency Updated:
  php.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1          php-cli.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1
  php-common.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1   php-devel.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1
  php-gd.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1       php-mbstring.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1
  php-mysql.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1    php-pdo.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1
  php-xml.x86_64 0:5.4.16-36.el7_1


2) yum search php-soap

============================ N/S matched: php-soap =============================
php-soap.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol

3) service httpd restart

To verify run following

4) php -m | grep -i soap


How to verify an XPath expression in Chrome Developers tool or Firefox's Firebug?


This can be achieved by three different approaches (see my blog article here for more details):

  • Search in Elements panel like below
  • Execute $x() and $$() in Console panel, as shown in Lawrence's answer
  • Third party extensions (not really necessary in most of the cases, could be an overkill)

Here is how you search XPath in Elements panel:

  1. Press F12 to open Chrome Developer Tool
  2. In "Elements" panel, press Ctrl+F
  3. In the search box, type in XPath or CSS Selector, if elements are found, they will be highlighted in yellow.

enter image description here

Firefox (since version 75)

Since FF 75 it's possible to use raw xpath query without evaluation xpath expressions, see documentation for more info.

Firefox (prior version 75)

  1. Either select "Web Console" from the Web Developer submenu in the Firefox Menu (or Tools menu if you display the menu bar or are on Mac OS X)
    or press the Ctrl+Shift+K (Command+Option+K on OS X) keyboard shortcut.
  2. In the command line at the bottom use the following:

    • $(): Returns the first element that matches. Equivalent to document.querySelector() or calls the $ function in the page, if it exists.

    • $$(): Returns an array of DOM nodes that match. This is like for document.querySelectorAll(), but returns an array instead of a NodeList.

    • $x(): Evaluates an XPath expression and returns an array of matching nodes.

Firefox (prior version 49)

  1. Install Firebug
  2. Install Firepath
  3. Press F12 to open Firebug
  4. Switch to FirePath panel
  5. In dropdown, select XPathor CSS
  6. Type in to locate

enter image description here

Bootstrap 4 img-circle class not working

In Bootstrap 4 it was renamed to .rounded-circle

Usage :

<div class="col-xs-7">
    <img src="img/gallery2.JPG" class="rounded-circle" alt="HelPic>

See migration docs from bootstrap.

Reading CSV files using C#

Sometimes using libraries are cool when you do not want to reinvent the wheel, but in this case one can do the same job with fewer lines of code and easier to read compared to using libraries. Here is a different approach which I find very easy to use.

  1. In this example, I use StreamReader to read the file
  2. Regex to detect the delimiter from each line(s).
  3. An array to collect the columns from index 0 to n

using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
        string line; 

        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
            //Define pattern
            Regex CSVParser = new Regex(",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))");

            //Separating columns to array
            string[] X = CSVParser.Split(line);

            /* Do something with X */

How do I exit a foreach loop in C#?

Just use the statement:


Extracting .jar file with command line

To extract the jar into specified folder use this command via command prompt

C:\Java> jar xf myFile.jar -C "C:\tempfolder"

Tomcat in Intellij Idea Community Edition

Yes, its possible and its fairly easy.

  1. Near the run button, from the dropdown, choose "edit configurations..."
  2. On the left, click the plus, then maven and rename it "Tomcat" on the right side.
  3. for command line, enter "spring-boot:run"
  4. Under the runner tab, for 'VM Options', enter "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true" NOTE: 'use project settings' should be unticked.
  5. For environment variables enter "env=dev"
  6. Finally, click Ok.

When you're ready to press run, if you go to "localhost:8080/< page_name > " you'll see your page.

My pom.xml file is the same as the Official spring tutorial Serving Web Content with Spring MVC

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""







How can I check if a JSON is empty in NodeJS?

My solution:

let isEmpty = (val) => {
    let typeOfVal = typeof val;
        case 'object':
            return (val.length == 0) || !Object.keys(val).length;
        case 'string':
            let str = val.trim();
            return str == '' || str == undefined;
        case 'number':
            return val == '';
            return val == '' || val == undefined;
console.log(isEmpty([1,2,4,5])); // false
console.log(isEmpty({id: 1, name: "Trung",age: 29})); // false
console.log(isEmpty('TrunvNV')); // false
console.log(isEmpty(8)); // false
console.log(isEmpty('')); // true
console.log(isEmpty('   ')); // true
console.log(isEmpty([])); // true
console.log(isEmpty({})); // true

Set scroll position

... Or just replace body by documentElement:

document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;

Can ordered list produce result that looks like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (instead of just 1, 2, 3, ...) with css?

this is proper code if you want to first child li resize of other css.

    li.title { 
        font-size: 20px; 

        counter-increment: ordem; 
    .my_ol_class { 
        counter-reset: my_ol_class; 
        padding-left: 30px !important; 
    .my_ol_class li { 
          display: block;
        position: relative;

    .my_ol_class li:before { 
        counter-increment: my_ol_class; 
        content: counter(ordem) "." counter(my_ol_class) " "; 
        position: absolute;
        margin-right: 100%;
        right: 10px; /* space between number and text */
    li.title ol li{
         font-size: 15px;

in html file.

            <li class="title"> <p class="page-header list_title">Acceptance of Terms. </p>
                <ol class="my_ol_class">
                            my text 1.
                            my text 2.

How to get the current taxonomy term ID (not the slug) in WordPress?

If you are in taxonomy page.

That's how you get all details about the taxonomy.

get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );

This is how you get the taxonomy id

$termId = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) )->term_id;

But if you are in post page (taxomony -> child)

$terms = wp_get_object_terms( get_queried_object_id(), 'taxonomy-name');
$term_id = $terms[0]->term_id;

Data-frame Object has no Attribute

Check your DataFrame with data.columns

It should print something like this

Index([u'regiment', u'company',  u'name',u'postTestScore'], dtype='object')

Check for hidden white spaces..Then you can rename with

data = data.rename(columns={'Number ': 'Number'})

Testing if a site is vulnerable to Sql Injection

SQL injection is the attempt to issue SQL commands to a database through a website interface, to gain other information. Namely, this information is stored database information such as usernames and passwords.

First rule of securing any script or page that attaches to a database instance is Do not trust user input.

Your example is attempting to end a misquoted string in an SQL statement. To understand this, you first need to understand SQL statements. In your example of adding a ' to a paramater, your 'injection' is hoping for the following type of statement:

SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE username='$username'

By appending a ' to that statement, you could then add additional SQL paramaters or queries.: ' OR username --

SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE username='' OR username -- '$username

That is an injection (one type of; Query Reshaping). The user input becomes an injected statement into the pre-written SQL statement.

Generally there are three types of SQL injection methods:

  • Query Reshaping or redirection (above)
  • Error message based (No such user/password)
  • Blind Injections

Read up on SQL Injection, How to test for vulnerabilities, understanding and overcoming SQL injection, and this question (and related ones) on StackOverflow about avoiding injections.


As far as TESTING your site for SQL injection, understand it gets A LOT more complex than just 'append a symbol'. If your site is critical, and you (or your company) can afford it, hire a professional pen tester. Failing that, this great exaxmple/proof can show you some common techniques one might use to perform an injection test. There is also SQLMap which can automate some tests for SQL Injection and database take over scenarios.

how to send multiple data with $.ajax() jquery

I would recommend using a hash instead of a param string:

data = {id: id, name: name}

find index of an int in a list

FindIndex seems to be what you're looking for:



list1.FindIndex(x => x==5);


// given list1 {3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8}
list1.FindIndex(x => x==5);  // should return 3, as list1[3] == 5;

How to get a random value from dictionary?

Since the original post wanted the pair:

import random
country, capital = random.choice(list(d.items()))

(python 3 style)

Renaming columns in Pandas

One line or Pipeline solutions

I'll focus on two things:

  1. OP clearly states

    I have the edited column names stored it in a list, but I don't know how to replace the column names.

    I do not want to solve the problem of how to replace '$' or strip the first character off of each column header. OP has already done this step. Instead I want to focus on replacing the existing columns object with a new one given a list of replacement column names.

  2. df.columns = new where new is the list of new columns names is as simple as it gets. The drawback of this approach is that it requires editing the existing dataframe's columns attribute and it isn't done inline. I'll show a few ways to perform this via pipelining without editing the existing dataframe.

Setup 1
To focus on the need to rename of replace column names with a pre-existing list, I'll create a new sample dataframe df with initial column names and unrelated new column names.

df = pd.DataFrame({'Jack': [1, 2], 'Mahesh': [3, 4], 'Xin': [5, 6]})
new = ['x098', 'y765', 'z432']


   Jack  Mahesh  Xin
0     1       3    5
1     2       4    6

Solution 1

It has been said already that if you had a dictionary mapping the old column names to new column names, you could use pd.DataFrame.rename.

d = {'Jack': 'x098', 'Mahesh': 'y765', 'Xin': 'z432'}

   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

However, you can easily create that dictionary and include it in the call to rename. The following takes advantage of the fact that when iterating over df, we iterate over each column name.

# Given just a list of new column names
df.rename(columns=dict(zip(df, new)))

   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

This works great if your original column names are unique. But if they are not, then this breaks down.

Setup 2
Non-unique columns

df = pd.DataFrame(
    [[1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]],
    columns=['Mahesh', 'Mahesh', 'Xin']
new = ['x098', 'y765', 'z432']


   Mahesh  Mahesh  Xin
0       1       3    5
1       2       4    6

Solution 2
pd.concat using the keys argument

First, notice what happens when we attempt to use solution 1:

df.rename(columns=dict(zip(df, new)))

   y765  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

We didn't map the new list as the column names. We ended up repeating y765. Instead, we can use the keys argument of the pd.concat function while iterating through the columns of df.

pd.concat([c for _, c in df.items()], axis=1, keys=new) 

   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

Solution 3
Reconstruct. This should only be used if you have a single dtype for all columns. Otherwise, you'll end up with dtype object for all columns and converting them back requires more dictionary work.

Single dtype

pd.DataFrame(df.values, df.index, new)

   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

Mixed dtype

pd.DataFrame(df.values, df.index, new).astype(dict(zip(new, df.dtypes)))

   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

Solution 4
This is a gimmicky trick with transpose and set_index. pd.DataFrame.set_index allows us to set an index inline, but there is no corresponding set_columns. So we can transpose, then set_index, and transpose back. However, the same single dtype versus mixed dtype caveat from solution 3 applies here.

Single dtype


   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

Mixed dtype

df.T.set_index(np.asarray(new)).T.astype(dict(zip(new, df.dtypes)))

   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

Solution 5
Use a lambda in pd.DataFrame.rename that cycles through each element of new.
In this solution, we pass a lambda that takes x but then ignores it. It also takes a y but doesn't expect it. Instead, an iterator is given as a default value and I can then use that to cycle through one at a time without regard to what the value of x is.

df.rename(columns=lambda x, y=iter(new): next(y))

   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

And as pointed out to me by the folks in sopython chat, if I add a * in between x and y, I can protect my y variable. Though, in this context I don't believe it needs protecting. It is still worth mentioning.

df.rename(columns=lambda x, *, y=iter(new): next(y))

   x098  y765  z432
0     1     3     5
1     2     4     6

Newtonsoft JSON Deserialize

A much easier solution: Using a dynamic type

As of Json.NET 4.0 Release 1, there is native dynamic support. You don't need to declare a class, just use dynamic :

dynamic jsonDe = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

All the fields will be available:

foreach (string typeStr in jsonDe.Type[0])
    // Do something with typeStr

string t = jsonDe.t;
bool a = jsonDe.a;
object[] data =;
string[][] type = jsonDe.Type;

With dynamic you don't need to create a specific class to hold your data.

How to destroy an object?

I would go with unset because it might give the garbage collector a better hint so that the memory can be available again sooner. Be careful that any things the object points to either have other references or get unset first or you really will have to wait on the garbage collector since there would then be no handles to them.

How to execute a bash command stored as a string with quotes and asterisk

To eliminate the need for the cmd variable, you can do this:

eval 'mysql AMORE -u root --password="password" -h localhost -e "select host from amoreconfig"'

How to represent e^(-t^2) in MATLAB?

If t is a matrix, you need to use the element-wise multiplication or exponentiation. Note the dot.

x = exp( -t.^2 )


x = exp( -t.*t )

#1214 - The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes

Simply do the following:

  1. Open your .sql file with Notepad or Notepad ++

  2. Find InnoDB and Replace all (around 87) with MyISAM

  3. Save and now you can import your database with out error.

Are iframes considered 'bad practice'?

They're not bad practice, they're just another tool and they add flexibility.

For use as a standard page element... they're good, because they're a simple and reliable way to separate content onto several pages. Especially for user-generated content, it may be useful to "sandbox" internal pages into an iframe so poor markup doesn't affect the main page. The downside is that if you introduce multiple layers of scrolling (one for the browser, one for the iframe) your users will get frustrated. Like adzm said, you don't want to use an iframe for primary navigation, but think about them as a text/markup equivalent to the way a video or another media file would be embedded.

For scripting background events, the choice is generally between a hidden iframe and XmlHttpRequest to load content for the current page. The difference there is that an iframe generates a page load, so you can move back and forward in browser cache with most browsers. Notice that Google, who uses XmlHttpRequest all over the place, also uses iframes in certain cases to allow a user to move back and forward in browser history.

How to split and modify a string in NodeJS?

If you're using lodash and in the mood for a too-cute-for-its-own-good one-liner:'123, 124, 234,252'), _.add.bind(1, 1));

It's surprisingly robust thanks to lodash's powerful parsing capabilities.

If you want one that will also clean non-digit characters out of the string (and is easier to follow...and not quite so cutesy):

_.chain('123, 124, 234,252, n301')
   .replace(/[^\d,]/g, '')
   .map(_.partial(_.add, 1))

2017 edit:

I no longer recommend my previous solution. Besides being overkill and already easy to do without a third-party library, it makes use of _.chain, which has a variety of issues. Here's the solution I would now recommend:

const str = '123, 124, 234,252';
const arr = str.split(',').map(n => parseInt(n, 10) + 1);

My old answer is still correct, so I'll leave it for the record, but there's no need to use it nowadays.

Best way to get identity of inserted row?

Create a uuid and also insert it to a column. Then you can easily identify your row with the uuid. Thats the only 100% working solution you can implement. All the other solutions are too complicated or are not working in same edge cases. E.g.:

1) Create row

INSERT INTO table (uuid, name, street, zip) 
        VALUES ('2f802845-447b-4caa-8783-2086a0a8d437', 'Peter', 'Mainstreet 7', '88888');

2) Get created row

SELECT * FROM table WHERE uuid='2f802845-447b-4caa-8783-2086a0a8d437';

Python-equivalent of short-form "if" in C++

My cryptic version...

a = ['123', '456'][b == True]

Know relationships between all the tables of database in SQL Server

Microsoft Visio is probably the best I've came across, although as far as I know it won't automatically generate based on your relationships.

EDIT: try this in Visio, could give you what you need

How do I update a Tomcat webapp without restarting the entire service?

There are multiple easy ways.

  1. Just touch web.xml of any webapp.

    touch /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/<WEBAPP-NAME>/WEB-INF/web.xml

You can also update a particular jar file in WEB-INF/lib and then touch web.xml, rather than building whole war file and deploying it again.

  1. Delete webapps/YOUR_WEB_APP directory, Tomcat will start deploying war within 5 seconds (assuming your war file still exists in webapps folder).

  2. Generally overwriting war file with new version gets redeployed by tomcat automatically. If not, you can touch web.xml as explained above.

  3. Copy over an already exploded "directory" to your webapps folder

any tool for java object to object mapping?

I'm happy to add Moo as an option, although clearly I'm biased towards it:

It's very easy to use for simple cases, reasonable capable for more complex cases, although there are still some areas where I can imagine enhancing it for even further complexities.

I'm getting the "missing a using directive or assembly reference" and no clue what's going wrong

This problem would be caused by your application missing a reference to an external dll that you are trying to use code from. Usually Visual Studio should give you an idea about which objects that it doesn't know what to do with so that should be a step in the right direction.

You need to look in the solution explorer and right click on project references and then go to add -> and look up the one you need. It's most likely the System.Configuration assembly as most people have pointed out here while should be under the Framework option in the references window. That should resolve your issue.

Writing files in Node.js

Point 1:

If you want to write something into a file. means: it will remove anything already saved in the file and write the new content. use fs.promises.writeFile()

Point 2:

If you want to append something into a file. means: it will not remove anything already saved in the file but append the new item in the file content.then first read the file, and then add the content into the readable value, then write it to the file. so use fs.promises.readFile and fs.promises.writeFile()

example 1: I want to write a JSON object in my JSON file .

const fs = require('fs');

writeFile (filename ,writedata) async function writeFile (filename ,writedata) { try { await fs.promises.writeFile(filename, JSON.stringify(writedata,null, 4), 'utf8'); return true } catch(err) { return false } }

Find object by its property in array of objects with AngularJS way

you can use angular's filter

in your controller:

$filter('filter')(myArray, {'id':73}) 

or in your HTML

{{ myArray | filter : {'id':73} }}

React.js: Wrapping one component into another

In addition to Sophie's answer, I also have found a use in sending in child component types, doing something like this:

var ListView = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        var items = {
            return this.props.delegate({data:item});
        return <ul>{items}</ul>;

var ItemDelegate = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <li>{}</li>

var Wrapper = React.createClass({    
    render: function() {
        return <ListView delegate={ItemDelegate} data={someListOfData} />

Parsing huge logfiles in Node.js - read in line-by-line

I had the same problem yet. After comparing several modules that seem to have this feature, I decided to do it myself, it's simpler than I thought.


var fetchBlock = lineByline(filepath, onEnd);
fetchBlock(function(lines, start){ ... });  //lines{array} start{int} lines[0] No.

It cover the file opened in a closure, that fetchBlock() returned will fetch a block from the file, end split to array (will deal the segment from last fetch).

I've set the block size to 1024 for each read operation. This may have bugs, but code logic is obvious, try it yourself.

How do I move files in node.js?

Use the mv node module which will first try to do an fs.rename and then fallback to copying and then unlinking.

Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active?

this worked for me

document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() {
      document.title = document.hidden ? "I'm away" : "I'm here";


Python/Django: log to console under runserver, log to file under Apache

Text printed to stderr will show up in httpd's error log when running under mod_wsgi. You can either use print directly, or use logging instead.

print >>sys.stderr, 'Goodbye, cruel world!'

Find child element in AngularJS directive

In your link function, do this:

// link function
function (scope, element, attrs) {
  var myEl = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.list-scrollable'));

Also, in your link function, don't name your scope variable using a $. That is an angular convention that is specific to built in angular services, and is not something that you want to use for your own variables.

How to get URL parameter using jQuery or plain JavaScript?

$.urlParam = function(name) {
  var results = new RegExp('[\?&amp;]' + name + '=([^&amp;#]*)').exec(window.location.href);
  return results[1] || 0;

Adjust icon size of Floating action button (fab)

You can use iconSize like this:

    floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
      onPressed: () {
        // Add your onPressed code here
      child: IconButton(
        icon: isPlaying
            ? Icon(
            : Icon(
              iconSize: 40,
        onPressed: () {
          setState(() {
            isPlaying = !isPlaying;

How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery?

    // your code..

To compare two elements(string type) in XSLT?

First of all, the provided long code:

        <xsl:when test="OU_NAME='OU_ADDR1'">   --comparing two elements coming from XML             
            <!--remove if  adrees already contain  operating unit name <xsl:value-of select="OU_NAME"/> <fo:block/>-->
            <xsl:if test="OU_ADDR1 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR1"/>
            <xsl:if test="LE_ADDR2 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR2"/>
            <xsl:if test="LE_ADDR3 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR3"/>
            <xsl:if test="OU_TOWN_CITY !=''">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_TOWN_CITY"/>,
                <fo:leader leader-pattern="space" leader-length="2.0pt"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_REGION2"/>
            <fo:leader leader-pattern="space" leader-length="3.0pt"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_POSTALCODE"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_COUNTRY"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_NAME"/>
            <xsl:if test="OU_ADDR1 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR1"/>
            <xsl:if test="LE_ADDR2 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR2"/>
            <xsl:if test="LE_ADDR3 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR3"/>
            <xsl:if test="OU_TOWN_CITY !=''">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_TOWN_CITY"/>,
                <fo:leader leader-pattern="space" leader-length="2.0pt"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_REGION2"/>
            <fo:leader leader-pattern="space" leader-length="3.0pt"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_POSTALCODE"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_COUNTRY"/>

is equivalent to this, much shorter code:

<xsl:if test="not(OU_NAME='OU_ADDR1)'">
              <xsl:value-of select="OU_NAME"/>
            <xsl:if test="OU_ADDR1 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR1"/>
            <xsl:if test="LE_ADDR2 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR2"/>
            <xsl:if test="LE_ADDR3 !='' ">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_ADDR3"/>
            <xsl:if test="OU_TOWN_CITY !=''">
                <xsl:value-of select="OU_TOWN_CITY"/>,
                <fo:leader leader-pattern="space" leader-length="2.0pt"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_REGION2"/>
            <fo:leader leader-pattern="space" leader-length="3.0pt"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_POSTALCODE"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="OU_COUNTRY"/>

Now, to your question:

how to compare two elements coming from xml as string

In Xpath 1.0 strings can be compared only for equality (or inequality), using the operator = and the function not() together with the operator =.

$str1 = $str2

evaluates to true() exactly when the string $str1 is equal to the string $str2.

not($str1 = $str2)

evaluates to true() exactly when the string $str1 is not equal to the string $str2.

There is also the != operator. It generally should be avoided because it has anomalous behavior whenever one of its operands is a node-set.

Now, the rules for comparing two element nodes are similar:

$el1 = $el2

evaluates to true() exactly when the string value of $el1 is equal to the string value of $el2.

not($el1 = $el2)

evaluates to true() exactly when the string value of $el1 is not equal to the string value of $el2.

However, if one of the operands of = is a node-set, then

 $ns = $str

evaluates to true() exactly when there is at least one node in the node-set $ns1, whose string value is equal to the string $str

$ns1 = $ns2

evaluates to true() exactly when there is at least one node in the node-set $ns1, whose string value is equal to the string value of some node from $ns2

Therefore, the expression:


evaluates to true() only when there is at least one element child of the current node that is named OU_NAME and whose string value is the string 'OU_ADDR1'.

This is obviously not what you want!

Most probably you want:


This expression evaluates to true exactly there is at least one OU_NAME child of the current node and one OU_ADDR1 child of the current node with the same string value.

Finally, in XPath 2.0, strings can be compared also using the value comparison operators lt, le, eq, gt, ge and the inherited from XPath 1.0 general comparison operator =.

Trying to evaluate a value comparison operator when one or both of its arguments is a sequence of more than one item results in error.

How to write a comment in a Razor view?

This comment syntax should work for you:

@* enter comments here *@

How do I search for an object by its ObjectId in the mongo console?

In MongoDB Stitch functions it can be done using BSON like below:

Use the ObjectId helper in the BSON utility package for this purpose like in the follwing example:

var id = "5bb9e9f84186b222c8901149";  

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null

add your script tag on the bottom of the body tag. so that script loads after html content then you won't get such error and add=

"Invalid signature file" when attempting to run a .jar

A strategy would consist in using ANT to simplify the removal of the signature from each Jar file. It would proceed with the following steps:

  1. Copying the MANIFEST.MF in a temporary file
  2. Removing the Name and SHA entries from the temporary file
  3. Creating a temporary Jar file with the temporary manifest
  4. Removing the temporary manifest
  5. Swapping the original Jar file with the temporary one

Here is an ANT macrodef doing the work:

<macrodef name="unsignjar" description="To unsign a specific Jar file">
    <attribute name="jarfile" 
        description="The jar file to unsign" />
<!-- Copying to the temporary manifest file -->
        <copy toFile="@{jarFile}_MANIFEST.tmp">
                <zipentry zipfile="@{jarFile}" name="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"/>
<!-- Removing the Name and SHA entries from the temporary file -->
        <replaceregexp file="@{jarFile}_MANIFEST.tmp" match="\nName:(.+?)\nSH" replace="SH" flags="gis" byline="false"/>
        <replaceregexp file="@{jarFile}_MANIFEST.tmp" match="SHA(.*)" replace="" flags="gis" byline="false"/>
<!-- Creating a temporary Jar file with the temporary manifest -->
        <jar jarfile="@{jarFile}.tmp"
            <zipfileset src="@{jarFile}">
                <include name="**"/>
                <exclude name="META-INF/*.SF"/>
                <exclude name="META-INF/*.DSA"/>
                <exclude name="META-INF/*.RSA"/>
<!-- Removing the temporary manifest -->
        <delete file="@{jarFile}_MANIFEST.tmp" />
<!-- Swapping the original Jar file with the temporary one -->
        <move file="@{jarFile}.tmp"
              overwrite="true" />


The definition can then be called this way in an ANT task:

<target name="unsignJar">
    <unsignjar jarFile="org.test.myjartounsign.jar" />

Colorizing text in the console with C++

ANSI escape color codes :

Name            FG  BG
Black           30  40
Red             31  41
Green           32  42
Yellow          33  43
Blue            34  44
Magenta         35  45
Cyan            36  46
White           37  47
Bright Black    90  100
Bright Red      91  101
Bright Green    92  102
Bright Yellow   93  103
Bright Blue     94  104
Bright Magenta  95  105
Bright Cyan     96  106
Bright White    97  107

Sample code for C/C++ :

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main(int argc, char ** argv){


    return 0;


g++ cpp_interactive_terminal.cpp -o cpp_interactive_terminal.cgi
chmod +x cpp_interactive_terminal.cgi

The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared

I had the same problem when I ran my form application in Firefox. Adding <meta charset="utf-8"/> in the html code solved my issue in Firefox.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8" />_x000D_
  <title>Voice clip upload</title>_x000D_
  <script src="voiceclip.js"></script>_x000D_
  <h2>Upload Voice Clip</h2>_x000D_
  <form id="upload_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">_x000D_
    <input type="file" name="file1" id="file1" onchange="uploadFile()"><br>_x000D_
    <progress id="progressBar" value="0" max="100" style="width:300px;"></progress>_x000D_

How to change btn color in Bootstrap

I guess you forgot .btn-primary:focus property and comma after .btn-primary

You also can use less and redefine some colors in variables.less file

With this in mind your code will be look like this:

.btn-primary:focus {_x000D_
    background-color: #8064A2;_x000D_
    border-color: #8064A2;_x000D_

How to use dashes in HTML-5 data-* attributes in ASP.NET MVC

I do not like use pure "a" tag, too much typing. So I come with solution. In view it look

<%: Html.ActionLink(node.Name, "Show", "Browse", 
                    Dic.Route("id", node.Id), Dic.New("data-nodeId", node.Id)) %>

Implementation of Dic class

public static class Dic
    public static Dictionary<string, object> New(params object[] attrs)
        var res = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        for (var i = 0; i < attrs.Length; i = i + 2)
            res.Add(attrs[i].ToString(), attrs[i + 1]);
        return res;

    public static RouteValueDictionary Route(params object[] attrs)
        return new RouteValueDictionary(Dic.New(attrs));

Hide Twitter Bootstrap nav collapse on click

This hides nav collapse instead of animating it but same concept as above answer


$('.nav a').on('click', function () {
    $("#funk").toggleClass('in collapse');


<div class="navbar-collapse" id="funk">

I prefer this on single page sites because I use localScroll.js that already animates.

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed (Access is denied)

If there are any proxy networks are configured remove them till plugins are installed

How to program a delay in Swift 3

One way is to use DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter as a lot of people have answered.

Another way is to use perform(_:with:afterDelay:). More details here

perform(#selector(delayedFunc), with: nil, afterDelay: 3)

@IBAction func delayedFunc() {
    // implement code

How to get a list of all files that changed between two Git commits?

With git show you can get a similar result. For look the commit (like it looks on git log view) with the list of files included in, use:

git show --name-only [commit-id_A]^..[commit-id_B]

Where [commit-id_A] is the initial commit and [commit-id_B] is the last commit than you want to show.

Special attention with ^ symbol. If you don't put that, the commit-id_A information will not deploy.

Remove large .pack file created by git

I am a little late for the show but in case the above answer didn't solve the query then I found another way. Simply remove the specific large file from .pack. I had this issue where I checked in a large 2GB file accidentally. I followed the steps explained in this link:

Execute JavaScript using Selenium WebDriver in C#

How about a slightly simplified version of @Morten Christiansen's nice extension method idea:

public static object Execute(this IWebDriver driver, string script)
    return ((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript(script);

// usage
var title = (string)driver.Execute("return document.title");

or maybe the generic version:

public static T Execute<T>(this IWebDriver driver, string script)
    return (T)((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript(script);

// usage
var title = driver.Execute<string>("return document.title");

Why does printf not flush after the call unless a newline is in the format string?

No, it's not POSIX behaviour, it's ISO behaviour (well, it is POSIX behaviour but only insofar as they conform to ISO).

Standard output is line buffered if it can be detected to refer to an interactive device, otherwise it's fully buffered. So there are situations where printf won't flush, even if it gets a newline to send out, such as:

myprog >myfile.txt

This makes sense for efficiency since, if you're interacting with a user, they probably want to see every line. If you're sending the output to a file, it's most likely that there's not a user at the other end (though not impossible, they could be tailing the file). Now you could argue that the user wants to see every character but there are two problems with that.

The first is that it's not very efficient. The second is that the original ANSI C mandate was to primarily codify existing behaviour, rather than invent new behaviour, and those design decisions were made long before ANSI started the process. Even ISO nowadays treads very carefully when changing existing rules in the standards.

As to how to deal with that, if you fflush (stdout) after every output call that you want to see immediately, that will solve the problem.

Alternatively, you can use setvbuf before operating on stdout, to set it to unbuffered and you won't have to worry about adding all those fflush lines to your code:

setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);

Just keep in mind that may affect performance quite a bit if you are sending the output to a file. Also keep in mind that support for this is implementation-defined, not guaranteed by the standard.

ISO C99 section 7.19.3/3 is the relevant bit:

When a stream is unbuffered, characters are intended to appear from the source or at the destination as soon as possible. Otherwise characters may be accumulated and transmitted to or from the host environment as a block.

When a stream is fully buffered, characters are intended to be transmitted to or from the host environment as a block when a buffer is filled.

When a stream is line buffered, characters are intended to be transmitted to or from the host environment as a block when a new-line character is encountered.

Furthermore, characters are intended to be transmitted as a block to the host environment when a buffer is filled, when input is requested on an unbuffered stream, or when input is requested on a line buffered stream that requires the transmission of characters from the host environment.

Support for these characteristics is implementation-defined, and may be affected via the setbuf and setvbuf functions.

What is the maximum possible length of a .NET string?

Since String.Length is an integer (that is an alias for Int32), its size is limited to Int32.MaxValue unicode characters. ;-)

Unit Testing: DateTime.Now

Regarding to @crabcrusherclamcollector answer there is issue when using that approach in EF queries (System.NotSupportedException: The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities). I modified implementation to that:

public static class SystemTime
        private static Func<DateTime> UtcNowFunc = () => DateTime.UtcNow;

        public static void SetDateTime(DateTime dateTimeNow)
            UtcNowFunc = () => dateTimeNow;

        public static void ResetDateTime()
            UtcNowFunc = () => DateTime.UtcNow;

        public static DateTime UtcNow
                DateTime now = UtcNowFunc.Invoke();
                return now;

Get screen width and height in Android

DisplayMetrics lDisplayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
int widthPixels = lDisplayMetrics.widthPixels;
int heightPixels = lDisplayMetrics.heightPixels;

How to find controls in a repeater header or footer

For ItemDataBound

protected void Repeater1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header)//header
            Control ctrl = e.Item.FindControl("ctrlID");
    else if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer)//footer
            Control ctrl = e.Item.FindControl("ctrlID");

Passing an array by reference in C?

To expand a little bit on some of the answers here...

In C, when an array identifier appears in a context other than as an operand to either & or sizeof, the type of the identifier is implicitly converted from "N-element array of T" to "pointer to T", and its value is implicitly set to the address of the first element in the array (which is the same as the address of the array itself). That's why when you just pass the array identifier as an argument to a function, the function receives a pointer to the base type, rather than an array. Since you can't tell how big an array is just by looking at the pointer to the first element, you have to pass the size in as a separate parameter.

struct Coordinate { int x; int y; };
void SomeMethod(struct Coordinate *coordinates, size_t numCoordinates)
    coordinates[i].x = ...;
    coordinates[i].y = ...; 
int main (void)
    struct Coordinate coordinates[10];
    SomeMethod (coordinates, sizeof coordinates / sizeof *coordinates);

There are a couple of alternate ways of passing arrays to functions.

There is such a thing as a pointer to an array of T, as opposed to a pointer to T. You would declare such a pointer as

T (*p)[N];

In this case, p is a pointer to an N-element array of T (as opposed to T *p[N], where p is an N-element array of pointer to T). So you could pass a pointer to the array as opposed to a pointer to the first element:

struct Coordinate { int x; int y };

void SomeMethod(struct Coordinate (*coordinates)[10])
    (*coordinates)[i].x = ...;
    (*coordinates)[i].y = ...;

int main(void)
    struct Coordinate coordinates[10];

The disadvantage of this method is that the array size is fixed, since a pointer to a 10-element array of T is a different type from a pointer to a 20-element array of T.

A third method is to wrap the array in a struct:

struct Coordinate { int x; int y; };
struct CoordinateWrapper { struct Coordinate coordinates[10]; };
void SomeMethod(struct CoordinateWrapper wrapper)
    wrapper.coordinates[i].x = ...;
    wrapper.coordinates[i].y = ...;
int main(void)
    struct CoordinateWrapper wrapper;

The advantage of this method is that you aren't mucking around with pointers. The disadvantage is that the array size is fixed (again, a 10-element array of T is a different type from a 20-element array of T).

Trim a string based on the string length

// this is how you shorten the length of the string with .. // add following method to your class

private String abbreviate(String s){
  if(s.length() <= 10) return s;
  return s.substring(0, 8) + ".." ;

Bad Gateway 502 error with Apache mod_proxy and Tomcat

I know this does not answer this question, but I came here because I had the same error with nodeJS server. I am stuck a long time until I found the solution. My solution just adds slash or /in end of proxyreserve apache.

my old code is:

ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

the correct code is:

ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

CSS: Truncate table cells, but fit as much as possible

The problem is the 'table-layout:fixed' which create evenly-spaced-fixed-width columns. But disabling this css-property will kill the text-overflow because the table will become as large as possible (and than there is noting to overflow).

I'm sorry but in this case Fred can't have his cake and eat it to.. unless the landlord gives Celldito less space to work with in the first place, Fred cannot use his..

How do I create and store md5 passwords in mysql

PHP has a method called md5 ;-) Just $password = md5($passToEncrypt);

If you are searching in a SQL u can use a MySQL Method MD5() too....

 SELECT * FROM user WHERE Password='. md5($password) .'

or SELECT * FROM ser WHERE Password=MD5('. $password .')

To insert it u can do it the same way.

remove legend title in ggplot

This works too and also demonstrates how to change the legend title:

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, colour=g)) +
  geom_line(stat="identity") + 
  theme(legend.position="bottom") +

`node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build` failed during MeanJS installation on OSX

Just use this command and it will handle this error npm install --unsafe-perm --allow-root

How to send/receive SOAP request and response using C#?

The urls are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx


  • /acctinqsvc/portfolioinquiry.asmx

Resolve this issue first, as if the web server cannot resolve the URL you are attempting to POST to, you won't even begin to process the actions described by your request.

You should only need to create the WebRequest to the ASMX root URL, ie: http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx, and specify the desired method/operation in the SOAPAction header.

The SOAPAction header values are different.

  • http://localhost/AccountSvc/DataInquiry.asmx/ + methodName



You should be able to determine the correct SOAPAction by going to the correct ASMX URL and appending ?wsdl

There should be a <soap:operation> tag underneath the <wsdl:operation> tag that matches the operation you are attempting to execute, which appears to be GetMyName.

There is no XML declaration in the request body that includes your SOAP XML.

You specify text/xml in the ContentType of your HttpRequest and no charset. Perhaps these default to us-ascii, but there's no telling if you aren't specifying them!

The SoapUI created XML includes an XML declaration that specifies an encoding of utf-8, which also matches the Content-Type provided to the HTTP request which is: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Hope that helps!

Can I specify multiple users for myself in .gitconfig?

GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL + local .bashrc

.bashrc_local: don't track this file, put it only on your work computer:

export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='[email protected]'

.bashrc: track this file, make it the same on both work and home computers:

if [ -r "$F" ]; then
    . "$F"

I'm using to sync my dotfiles.

If only gitconfig would accept environment variables: Shell variable expansion in git config

Where can I find WcfTestClient.exe (part of Visual Studio)

For 64 bit OS, its here (If .Net 4.5) : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE

What is the difference between .yaml and .yml extension?

As @David Heffeman indicates the recommendation is to use .yaml when possible, and the recommendation has been that way since September 2006.

That some projects use .yml is mostly because of ignorance of the implementers/documenters: they wanted to use YAML because of readability, or some other feature not available in other formats, were not familiar with the recommendation and and just implemented what worked, maybe after looking at some other project/library (without questioning whether what was done is correct).

The best way to approach this is to be rigorous when creating new files (i.e. use .yaml) and be permissive when accepting input (i.e. allow .yml when you encounter it), possible automatically upgrading/correcting these errors when possible.

The other recommendation I have is to document the argument(s) why you have to use .yml, when you think you have to. That way you don't look like an ignoramus, and give others the opportunity to understand your reasoning. Of course "everybody else is doing it" and "On Google .yml has more pages than .yaml" are not arguments, they are just statistics about the popularity of project(s) that have it wrong or right (with regards to the extension of YAML files). You can try to prove that some projects are popular, just because they use a .yml extension instead of the correct .yaml, but I think you will be hard pressed to do so.

Some projects realize (too late) that they use the incorrect extension (e.g. originally docker-compose used .yml, but in later versions started to use .yaml, although they still support .yml). Others still seem ignorant about the correct extension, like AppVeyor early 2019, but allow you to specify the configuration file for a project, including extension. This allows you to get the configuration file out of your face as well as giving it the proper extension: I use .appveyor.yaml instead of appveyor.yml for building the windows wheels of my YAML parser for Python).

On the other hand:

The Yaml (sic!) component of Symfony2 implements a selected subset of features defined in the YAML 1.2 version specification.

So it seems fitting that they also use a subset of the recommended extension.

What does $@ mean in a shell script?

From the manual:


Expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, each parameter expands to a separate word. That is, "$@" is equivalent to "$1" "$2" .... If the double-quoted expansion occurs within a word, the expansion of the first parameter is joined with the beginning part of the original word, and the expansion of the last parameter is joined with the last part of the original word. When there are no positional parameters, "$@" and $@ expand to nothing (i.e., they are removed).

jQuery Force set src attribute for iframe

$(document).ready(function() {

How do I change the color of radio buttons?

simple cross browser custom radio button example for you

.checkbox input{_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
.checkbox input:checked + label{_x000D_
    color: #16B67F;_x000D_
.checkbox input:checked + label i{_x000D_
    background-image: url('');_x000D_
.checkbox label i{_x000D_
    width: 15px;_x000D_
    height: 15px;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    background: #fff url('') no-repeat 50%;_x000D_
    background-size: 12px;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    top: 1px;_x000D_
    left: -2px;_x000D_
<div class="checkbox">_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="sort" value="popularity" id="sort1">_x000D_
  <label for="sort1">_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="sort" value="price" id="sort2">_x000D_
  <label for="sort2">_x000D_

Can you have a <span> within a <span>?

Yes. You can have a span within a span. Your problem stems from something else.

Should have subtitle controller already set Mediaplayer error Android

To remove message on logcat, i add a subtitle to track. On windows, right click on track -> Property -> Details -> insert a text on subtitle. Done :)

CSS how to make an element fade in and then fade out?

Try this:

@keyframes animationName {
  0%   { opacity:0; }
  50%  { opacity:1; }
  100% { opacity:0; }
@-o-keyframes animationName{
  0%   { opacity:0; }
  50%  { opacity:1; }
  100% { opacity:0; }
@-moz-keyframes animationName{
  0%   { opacity:0; }
  50%  { opacity:1; }
  100% { opacity:0; }
@-webkit-keyframes animationName{
  0%   { opacity:0; }
  50%  { opacity:1; }
  100% { opacity:0; }
.elementToFadeInAndOut {
   -webkit-animation: animationName 5s infinite;
   -moz-animation: animationName 5s infinite;
   -o-animation: animationName 5s infinite;
    animation: animationName 5s infinite;

How to trigger ngClick programmatically

This following solution works for me :


instead of :


Interface type check with Typescript

Type guards in Typescript:

TS has type guards for this purpose. They define it in the following manner:

Some expression that performs a runtime check that guarantees the type in some scope.

This basically means that the TS compiler can narrow down the type to a more specific type when it has sufficient information. For example:

function foo (arg: number | string) {
    if (typeof arg === 'number') {
        // fine, type number has toFixed method
    } else {
        // Property 'toFixed' does not exist on type 'string'. Did you mean 'fixed'?
        // TSC can infer that the type is string because 
        // the possibility of type number is eliminated at the if statement

To come back to your question, we can also apply this concept of type guards to objects in order to determine their type. To define a type guard for objects, we need to define a function whose return type is a type predicate. For example:

interface Dog {
    bark: () => void;

// The function isDog is a user defined type guard
// the return type: 'pet is Dog' is a type predicate, 
// it determines whether the object is a Dog
function isDog(pet: object): pet is Dog {
  return (pet as Dog).bark !== undefined;

const dog: any = {bark: () => {console.log('woof')}};

if (isDog(dog)) {
    // TS now knows that objects within this if statement are always type Dog
    // This is because the type guard isDog narrowed down the type to Dog

Extracting Ajax return data in jQuery

on success: function (response) { alert(response.d); }

"inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation"

Use pylint it will give you a detailed report about how many spaces you need and where.


Join on one-to-many relation in JPQL looks as follows:

select b.fname, b.lname from Users b JOIN b.groups c where c.groupName = :groupName 

When several properties are specified in select clause, result is returned as Object[]:

Object[] temp = (Object[]) em.createNamedQuery("...")
    .setParameter("groupName", groupName)
String fname = (String) temp[0];
String lname = (String) temp[1];

By the way, why your entities are named in plural form, it's confusing. If you want to have table names in plural, you may use @Table to specify the table name for the entity explicitly, so it doesn't interfere with reserved words:

@Entity @Table(name = "Users")     
public class User implements Serializable { ... } 

How does Java import work?

The classes which you are importing have to be on the classpath. So either the users of your Applet have to have the libraries in the right place or you simply provide those libraries by including them in your jar file. For example like this: Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file

Allow multiple roles to access controller action

One possible simplification would be to subclass AuthorizeAttribute:

public class RolesAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    public RolesAttribute(params string[] roles)
        Roles = String.Join(",", roles);


[Roles("members", "admin")]

Semantically it is the same as Jim Schmehil's answer.

Difference Between Schema / Database in MySQL

PostgreSQL supports schemas, which is a subset of a database:

A database contains one or more named schemas, which in turn contain tables. Schemas also contain other kinds of named objects, including data types, functions, and operators. The same object name can be used in different schemas without conflict; for example, both schema1 and myschema can contain tables named mytable. Unlike databases, schemas are not rigidly separated: a user can access objects in any of the schemas in the database they are connected to, if they have privileges to do so.

Schemas are analogous to directories at the operating system level, except that schemas cannot be nested.

In my humble opinion, MySQL is not a reference database. You should never quote MySQL for an explanation. MySQL implements non-standard SQL and sometimes claims features that it does not support. For example, in MySQL, CREATE schema will only create a DATABASE. It is truely misleading users.

This kind of vocabulary is called "MySQLism" by DBAs.

Angular.js How to change an elements css class on click and to remove all others

have you tried with a condition in ng-class like here : ?

    <span id='1' ng-class='{"myclass":tog==1}' ng-click='tog=1'>span 1</span>
    <span id='2' ng-class='{"myclass":tog==2}' ng-click='tog=2'>span 2</span>

Setting the height of a DIV dynamically

What should happen in the case of overflow? If you want it to just get to the bottom of the window, use absolute positioning:

div {
  position: absolute;
  top: 300px;
  bottom: 0px;
  left: 30px;
  right: 30px;

This will put the DIV 30px in from each side, 300px from the top of the screen, and flush with the bottom. Add an overflow:auto; to handle cases where the content is larger than the div.

Edit: @Whoever marked this down, an explanation would be nice... Is something wrong with the answer?

How do you create an asynchronous method in C#?

One very simple way to make a method asynchronous is to use Task.Yield() method. As MSDN states:

You can use await Task.Yield(); in an asynchronous method to force the method to complete asynchronously.

Insert it at beginning of your method and it will then return immediately to the caller and complete the rest of the method on another thread.

private async Task<DateTime> CountToAsync(int num = 1000)
    await Task.Yield();
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("#{0}", i);
    return DateTime.Now;

Change Bootstrap tooltip color

You can use the quickapproach mentioned in other answers if you just want to change color. However if you are using Bootstrap than you should use themes so that look and feel is consistent. Unfortunately there is no built-in support for themes for Bootstrap so I wrote little piece of CSS that does this. You basically get tooltip-info, tooltip-warning etc classes that you can add to the element to apply theme.

You can find this code along with fiddle, examples and more explanation in this answer:

What's the best way to build a string of delimited items in Java?

I would use Google Collections. There is a nice Join facility.

But if I wanted to write it on my own,

package util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class Utils {
    // accept a collection of objects, since all objects have toString()
    public static String join(String delimiter, Iterable<? extends Object> objs) {
        if (objs.isEmpty()) {
            return "";
        Iterator<? extends Object> iter = objs.iterator();
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        return buffer.toString();

    // for convenience
    public static String join(String delimiter, Object... objs) {
        ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
        Collections.addAll(list, objs);
        return join(delimiter, list);

I think it works better with an object collection, since now you don't have to convert your objects to strings before you join them.

matplotlib get ylim values

I put above-mentioned methods together using ax instead of plt

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = range(100)
y = x

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7.2, 7.2))
ax.plot(x, y);

# method 1
# method 2

enter image description here

What is an abstract class in PHP?

  • Abstract Class contains only declare the method's signature, they can't define the implementation.
  • Abstraction class are defined using the keyword abstract .
  • Abstract Class is not possible to implement multiple inheritance.
  • Latest version of PHP 5 has introduces abstract classes and methods.
  • Classes defined as abstract , we are unable to create the object ( may not instantiated )

How to configure ChromeDriver to initiate Chrome browser in Headless mode through Selenium?

  1. The .exe would be running anyway. According to Google - "Run in headless mode, i.e., without a UI or display server dependencies."

  2. Better prepend 2 dashes to command line arguments, i.e. options.add_argument('--headless')

  3. In headless mode, it is also suggested to disable the GPU, i.e. options.add_argument('--disable-gpu')

jQuery onclick event for <li> tags

You can get the ID, or any other attribute, using jQuery's attrib function.

$(' li').attrib('id');

To get the menu text, which is in the t span, you can do this:

$(' li').children('span.t').html();

To change the HTML is just as easy:

$(' li').children('span.t').html("I'm different");

Of course, if you wanted to get all the span.t's in the first place, it would be simpler to do:

$(' li span.t').html();

But I'm assuming you've already got the li's, and want to use child() to find something within that element.

Regex for quoted string with escaping quotes


Taken straight from man perlre on a Linux system with Perl 5.22.0 installed. As an optimization, this regex uses the 'posessive' form of both + and * to prevent backtracking, for it is known beforehand that a string without a closing quote wouldn't match in any case.

How to use MySQLdb with Python and Django in OSX 10.6?

Try this the commands below. They work for me:

brew install mysql-connector-c 
pip install MySQL-python

Brew install docker does not include docker engine?

To install Docker for Mac with homebrew:

brew cask install docker

To install the command line completion:

brew install bash-completion
brew install docker-completion
brew install docker-compose-completion
brew install docker-machine-completion

How to put multiple statements in one line?

For a python -c oriented solution, and provided you use Bash shell, yes you can have a simple one-line syntax like in this example:

Suppose you would like to do something like this (very similar to your sample, including except: pass instruction):

python -c  "from __future__ import print_function\ntry: import numpy; print( numpy.get_include(), end='\n' )\nexcept:pass\n" OUTPUT_VARIABLE __numpy_path

This will NOT work and produce this Error:

  File "<string>", line 1
    from __future__ import print_function\ntry: import numpy; print( numpy.get_include(), end='\n' )\nexcept:pass\n
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character `

This is because the competition between Bash and Python Interpretation of \n escape sequences. To solve the problem one can use the $'string' Bash syntax to force \n Bash interpretation BEFORE the Python one. To make the example more challenging I added a typical Python end=..\n.. specification in the Python print call: at the end you will be able to get BOTH \n interpretations from bash and Python working together, each on its piece of text of concern. So that finally the proper solution is like this :

python -c  $'from __future__ import print_function\ntry:\n import numpy;\n print( numpy.get_include(), end="\\n" )\n print( "Hello" )\nexcept:pass\n' OUTPUT_VARIABLE __numpy_path

That leads to the proper clean output with no error:


Note: this should work as well with exec oriented solutions, because the problem is still the same (Bash and Python interpreters competition).

Note2: one could workaround the problem by replacing some \n by some ; but it will not work anytime (depending on Python constructs), while my solution allows to always "one-line" any piece of classic multi-line Python program.

Note3: of course, when one-lining, one has always to take care of Python spaces and indentation, because in fact we are not strictly "one-lining" here, BUT doing a proper mixed-management of \n escape sequence between bash and Python. This is how we can deal with any piece of classic multi-line Python program. The solution sample illustrates this as well.

Float to String format specifier

You can pass a format string to the ToString method, like so:

ToString("N4"); // 4 decimal points Number

If you want to see more modifiers, take a look at MSDN - Standard Numeric Format Strings

Play multiple CSS animations at the same time

You cannot play two animations since the attribute can be defined only once. Rather why don't you include the second animation in the first and adjust the keyframes to get the timing right?

.image {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 50%;_x000D_
    left: 50%;_x000D_
    width: 120px;_x000D_
    height: 120px;_x000D_
    margin:-60px 0 0 -60px;_x000D_
    -webkit-animation:spin-scale 4s linear infinite;_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes spin-scale { _x000D_
        transform: rotate(360deg) scale(2);_x000D_
    100% { _x000D_
        transform: rotate(720deg) scale(1);_x000D_
    } _x000D_
<img class="image" src="" alt="" width="120" height="120">

Static method in a generic class?

It is possible to do what you want by using the syntax for generic methods when declaring your doIt() method (notice the addition of <T> between static and void in the method signature of doIt()):

class Clazz<T> {
  static <T> void doIt(T object) {
    // shake that booty

I got Eclipse editor to accept the above code without the Cannot make a static reference to the non-static type T error and then expanded it to the following working program (complete with somewhat age-appropriate cultural reference):

public class Clazz<T> {
  static <T> void doIt(T object) {
    System.out.println("shake that booty '" + object.getClass().toString()
                       + "' !!!");

  private static class KC {

  private static class SunshineBand {

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    KC kc = new KC();
    SunshineBand sunshineBand = new SunshineBand();

Which prints these lines to the console when I run it:

shake that booty 'class com.eclipseoptions.datamanager.Clazz$KC' !!!
shake that booty 'class com.eclipseoptions.datamanager.Clazz$SunshineBand' !!!

Can Powershell Run Commands in Parallel?

To complete previous answers, you can also use Wait-Job to wait for all jobs to complete:

For ($i=1; $i -le 3; $i++) {
    $ScriptBlock = {
        Param (
            [string] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $increment

        Write-Host $increment

    Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $i

Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

cannot import name patterns

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path

urlpatterns = [

How to vertically align an image inside a div

Solution using a table and table cells

Sometimes it should be solved by displaying as table/table-cell. For example, a fast title screen. It is a recommended way by W3 also. I recommend you check this link called Centering a block or image from

The tips used here are:

  • Absolute positioning container displayed as table
  • Vertical aligned to center content displayed as table-cell

.container {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
.content {_x000D_
    display: table-cell;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="content">_x000D_
    <h1 style="text-align:center">Peace in the world</h1>_x000D_

Personally I actually disagree about use helpers for this purpose.

SQL - ORDER BY 'datetime' DESC

  1. use single quotes for strings
  2. do NOT put single quotes around table names(use ` instead)
  3. do NOT put single quotes around numbers (you can, but it's harder to read)
  4. do NOT put AND between ORDER BY and LIMIT
  5. do NOT put = between ORDER BY, LIMIT keywords and condition

So you query will look like:

SELECT post_datetime 
FROM post 
WHERE type = 'published' 
ORDER BY post_datetime DESC 

How to call javascript function from code-behind

One way of doing it is to use the ClientScriptManager:


Using JQuery hover with HTML image map

Although jQuery Maphilight plugin does the job, it relies on the outdated verbose imagemap in your html. I would prefer to keep the mapcoordinates external. This could be as JS with the jquery imagemap plugin but it lacks hover states. A nice solution is googles geomap visualisation in flash and JS. But the opensource future for this kind of vectordata however is svg, considering svg support accross all modern browsers, and googles svgweb for a flash convert for IE, why not a jquery plugin to add links and hoverstates to a svg map, like the JS demo here? That way you also avoid the complex step of transforming a vectormap to a imagemap coordinates.

How to compare two columns in Excel (from different sheets) and copy values from a corresponding column if the first two columns match?

Make a truth table and use SUMPRODUCT to get the values. Copy this into cell B1 on Sheet2 and copy down as far as you need:
=SUMPRODUCT(--($A1 = Sheet1!$A:$A), Sheet1!$B:$B)
the part that creates the truth table is:
--($A1 = Sheet1!$A:$A)
This returns an array of 0's and 1's. 1 when the values match and a 0 when they don't. Then the comma after that will basically do what I call "funny" matrix multiplication and will return the result. I may have misunderstood your question though, are there duplicate values in Column A of Sheet1?

How does JPA orphanRemoval=true differ from the ON DELETE CASCADE DML clause

orphanRemoval has nothing to do with ON DELETE CASCADE.

orphanRemoval is an entirely ORM-specific thing. It marks "child" entity to be removed when it's no longer referenced from the "parent" entity, e.g. when you remove the child entity from the corresponding collection of the parent entity.

ON DELETE CASCADE is a database-specific thing, it deletes the "child" row in the database when the "parent" row is deleted.

Make element fixed on scroll

You can do that with some easy jQuery:

var elementPosition = $('#navigation').offset();

        if($(window).scrollTop() >{
        } else {

Adding horizontal spacing between divs in Bootstrap 3

The best solution is not to use the same element for column and panel:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <div class="panel" id="gameplay-away-team">Away Team</div>
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <div class="panel" id="gameplay-baseball-field">Baseball Field</div>
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <div class="panel" id="gameplay-home-team">Home Team</div>

and some more styles:

#gameplay-baseball-field {
  padding-right: 10px;
  padding-left: 10px;

How to declare array of zeros in python (or an array of a certain size)

You can multiply a list by an integer n to repeat the list n times:

buckets = [0] * 100

Add a fragment to the URL without causing a redirect?

Try this

var URL = "";
var mainURL = window.location.pathname;

if (mainURL == URL) {
    mainURL += ( mainURL.match( /[\?]/g ) ? '&' : '#' ) + '_bypasssharerestrictions_';

Create a folder inside documents folder in iOS apps

Following code may help in creating directory :

-(void) createDirectory : (NSString *) dirName {

NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; // Fetch path for document directory
dataPath = (NSMutableString *)[documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:dirName];

NSError *error;

if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath:dataPath withIntermediateDirectories:NO attributes:nil error:&error]) {
    NSLog(@"Couldn't create directory error: %@", error);
else {
    NSLog(@"directory created!");

NSLog(@"dataPath : %@ ",dataPath); // Path of folder created


Usage :

[self createDirectory:@"MyFolder"];

Result :

directory created!

dataPath : /var/mobile/Applications/BD4B5566-1F11-4723-B54C-F1D0B23CBC/Documents/MyFolder

How to add parameters into a WebRequest?

For doing FORM posts, the best way is to use WebClient.UploadValues() with a POST method.

Set HTML element's style property in javascript

You can try grabbing the cssText and className.

var css1 = table.rows[1].style.cssText;
var css2 = table.rows[2].style.cssText;
var class1 = table.rows[1].className;
var class2 = table.rows[2].className;

// sort

// loop
    if (i%2==0) {
        table.rows[i].style.cssText = css1;
        table.rows[i].className = class1;
    } else {
        table.rows[i].style.cssText = css2;
        table.rows[i].className = class2;

Not entirely sure about browser compatibility with cssText, though.

WCF - How to Increase Message Size Quota

I found the easy way

--- right click the webconfig or app config file and click EDIT WCF CONFIGURATION and got to bingdigs ans select yore service and right side show maxReciveMessageSize give a large number ---

Passing a variable from node.js to html

Other than those on the top, you can use JavaScript to fetch the details from the server. html file

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
      <div id="test">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        let url="http://localhost:8001/test";
        fetch(url).then(response => response.json())
        .then( (result) => {
            console.log('success:', result)
            let div=document.getElementById('test');
            div.innerHTML=`title: ${result.title}<br/>message: ${result.message}`;
        .catch(error => console.log('error:', error));


    //res.sendFile(__dirname +"/views/test.html",);

    res.sendFile(__dirname +"/views/test.html");

The best answer i found on the stack-overflow on the said subject, it's not my answer. Found it somewhere for nearly same question...source source of answer

How to delete all records from table in sqlite with Android?

To delete all the rows within the table you can use:

db.delete(TABLE_NAME, null, null);

How to indent a few lines in Markdown markup?

There's no way to do that in markdown's native features. However markdown allows inline HTML, so writing

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This will appear with six space characters in front of it

will produce:

      This will appear with six space characters in front of it

If you have control over CSS on the page, you could also use a tag and style it, either inline or with CSS rules.

Either way, markdown is not meant as a tool for layout, it is meant to simplify the process of writing for the web, so if you find yourself stretching its feature set to do what you need, you might look at whether or not you're using the right tool here. Check out Gruber's docs:

How would I extract a single file (or changes to a file) from a git stash?

Edit: See cambunctious's answer, which is basically what I now prefer because it only uses the changes in the stash, rather than comparing them to your current state. This makes the operation additive, with much less chance of undoing work done since the stash was created.

To do it interactively, you would first do

git diff stash^! -- path/to/relevant/file/in/stash.ext perhaps/another/file.ext > my.patch

...then open the patch file in a text editor, alter as required, then do

git apply < my.patch

cambunctious's answer bypasses the interactivity by piping one command directly to the other, which is fine if you know you want all changes from the stash. You can edit the stash^! to be any commit range that has the cumulative changes you want (but check over the output of the diff first).

If applying the patch/diff fails, you can change the last command to git apply --reject which makes all the changes it can, and leaves .rej files where there are conflicts it can;r resolve. The .rej files can then be applied using wiggle, like so:

wiggle --replace path/to/relevant/file/in/stash.ext path/to/relevant/file/in/stash.ext.rej

This will either resolve the conflict, or give you conflict markers that you'd get from a merge.

Previous solution: There is an easy way to get changes from any branch, including stashes:

$ git checkout --patch stash@{0} path/to/file

You may omit the file spec if you want to patch in many parts. Or omit patch (but not the path) to get all changes to a single file. Replace 0 with the stash number from git stash list, if you have more than one. Note that this is like diff, and offers to apply all differences between the branches. To get changes from only a single commit/stash, have a look at git cherry-pick --no-commit.

How can I prevent java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "N/A"?

Make an exception handler like this,

private int ConvertIntoNumeric(String xVal)
     return Integer.parseInt(xVal);
 catch(Exception ex) 
     return 0; 


int xTest = ConvertIntoNumeric("N/A");  //Will return 0

Pandas groupby: How to get a union of strings

If you'd like to overwrite column B in the dataframe, this should work:

    df = df.groupby('A',as_index=False).agg(lambda x:'\n'.join(x))

Tuple unpacking in for loops

Short answer, unpacking tuples from a list in a for loop works. enumerate() creates a tuple using the current index and the entire current item, such as (0, ('bob', 3))

I created some test code to demonstrate this:

    list = [('bob', 3), ('alice', 0), ('john', 5), ('chris', 4), ('alex', 2)]

    print("Displaying Enumerated List")
    for name, num in enumerate(list):
        print("{0}: {1}".format(name, num))

    print("Display Normal Iteration though List")
    for name, num in list:
        print("{0}: {1}".format(name, num))

The simplicity of Tuple unpacking is probably one of my favourite things about Python :D

Testing two JSON objects for equality ignoring child order in Java

For org.json I've rolled out my own solution, a method that compares to JSONObject instances. I didn't work with complex JSON objects in that project, so I don't know whether this works in all scenarios. Also, given that I use this in unit tests, I didn't put effort into optimizations. Here it is:

public static boolean jsonObjsAreEqual (JSONObject js1, JSONObject js2) throws JSONException {
    if (js1 == null || js2 == null) {
        return (js1 == js2);

    List<String> l1 =  Arrays.asList(JSONObject.getNames(js1));
    List<String> l2 =  Arrays.asList(JSONObject.getNames(js2));
    if (!l1.equals(l2)) {
        return false;
    for (String key : l1) {
        Object val1 = js1.get(key);
        Object val2 = js2.get(key);
        if (val1 instanceof JSONObject) {
            if (!(val2 instanceof JSONObject)) {
                return false;
            if (!jsonObjsAreEqual((JSONObject)val1, (JSONObject)val2)) {
                return false;

        if (val1 == null) {
            if (val2 != null) {
                return false;
        }  else if (!val1.equals(val2)) {
            return false;
    return true;

How to push changes to github after jenkins build completes?

Actually, the "Checkout to specific local branch" from Claus's answer isn't needed as well.

You can just do changes, execute git commit -am "message" and then use "Git Publisher" with "Branch to push" = /refs/heads/master (or develop or whatever branch you need to push to), "Target remote name" = origin.

Pandas dataframe get first row of each group

maybe this is what you want

import pandas as pd
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['state1','state2'],   ['county1','county2','county3','county4']])
df = pd.DataFrame({'pop': [12,15,65,42,78,67,55,31]}, index=idx)
state1 county1   12
       county2   15
       county3   65
       county4   42
state2 county1   78
       county2   67
       county3   55
       county4   31
df.groupby(level=0, group_keys=False).apply(lambda x: x.sort_values('pop', ascending=False)).groupby(level=0).head(3)

> Out[29]: 
state1 county3   65
       county4   42
       county2   15
state2 county1   78
       county2   67
       county3   55

How to select rows with no matching entry in another table?

You could opt for Views as shown below:

CREATE VIEW AuthorizedUserProjectView AS select t1.username as username, as useremail, as projectid, 
(select m.role from userproject m where m.projectid = and m.userid = as role 
FROM authorizeduser as t1, project as p

and then work on the view for selecting or updating:

select * from AuthorizedUserProjectView where projectid = 49

which yields the result as shown in the picture below i.e. for non-matching column null has been filled in.

[Result of select on the view][1]

Best way to format multiple 'or' conditions in an if statement (Java)

You could look for the presence of a map key or see if it's in a set.

Depending on what you're actually doing, though, you might be trying to solve the problem wrong :) examples?

Minimal example

from setuptools import setup, find_packages


More info in docs

Correct modification of state arrays in React.js

As @nilgun mentioned in the comment, you can use the react immutability helpers. I've found this to be super useful.

From the docs:

Simple push

var initialArray = [1, 2, 3];
var newArray = update(initialArray, {$push: [4]}); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]

initialArray is still [1, 2, 3].

Changing three.js background to transparent or other color

I came across this when I started using three.js as well. It's actually a javascript issue. You currently have:

renderer.setClearColorHex( 0x000000, 1 );

in your threejs init function. Change it to:

renderer.setClearColorHex( 0xffffff, 1 );

Update: Thanks to HdN8 for the updated solution:

renderer.setClearColor( 0xffffff, 0);

Update #2: As pointed out by WestLangley in another, similar question - you must now use the below code when creating a new WebGLRenderer instance in conjunction with the setClearColor() function:

var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true });

Update #3: Mr.doob points out that since r78 you can alternatively use the code below to set your scene's background colour:

var scene = new THREE.Scene(); // initialising the scene
scene.background = new THREE.Color( 0xff0000 );

Python math module


import math

at beginning. and then use:

math.sqrt(num)  # or any other function you deem neccessary

Proper way to handle multiple forms on one page in Django

Based on this answer by @ybendana:

Again, we use is_bound to check if the form is capable of validation. See this section of the documentation:

Bound and unbound forms

A Form instance is either bound to a set of data, or unbound.

  • If it’s bound to a set of data, it’s capable of validating that data and rendering the form as HTML with the data displayed in the HTML.
  • If it’s unbound, it cannot do validation (because there’s no data to validate!), but it can still render the blank form as HTML.

We use a list of tuples for form objects and their details allowing for more extensibility and less repetition.

However, instead of overriding get(), we override get_context_data() to make inserting a new, blank instance of the form (with prefix) into the response the default action for any request. In the context of a POST request, we override the post() method to:

  1. Use the prefix to check if each form has been submitted
  2. Validate the forms that have been submitted
  3. Process the valid forms using the cleaned_data
  4. Return any invalid forms to the response by overwriting the context data

class MultipleForms(TemplateResponseMixin, ContextMixin, View):

    form_list = [ # (context_key, formcls, prefix)
        ("form_a", FormA, "prefix_a"),
        ("form_b", FormB, "prefix_b"),
        ("form_c", FormC, "prefix_c"),
        ("form_x", FormX, "prefix_x"),

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        # Add blank forms to context with prefixes
        for context_key, formcls, prefix in self.form_list:
            context[context_key] = formcls(prefix=prefix)
        return context

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # Get object and context
        self.object = self.get_object()
        context = self.get_context_data(object=self.object)
        # Process forms
        for context_key, formcls, prefix in self.form_list:
            if prefix in request.POST:
                # Get the form object with prefix and pass it the POST data to \
                # validate and clean etc.
                form = formcls(request.POST, prefix=prefix)
                if form.is_bound:
                    # If the form is bound (i.e. it is capable of validation)  \
                    # check the validation
                    if form.is_valid():
                        # call the form's save() method or do whatever you     \
                        # want with form.cleaned_data
                        # overwrite context data for this form so that it is   \
                        # returned to the page with validation errors
                        context[context_key] = form
        # Pass context back to render_to_response() including any invalid forms
        return self.render_to_response(context)

This method allows repeated form entries on the same page, something I found did not work with @ybendana's answer.

I believe it wouldn't be masses more work to fold this method into a Mixin class, taking the form_list object as an attribute and hooking get_context_data() and post() as above.

Edit: This already exists. See this repository.

NB: This method required TemplateResponseMixin for render_to_response() and ContextMixin for get_context_data() to work. Either use these Mixins or a CBV that descends from them.

How do I create a MongoDB dump of my database?

To dump your database for backup you call this command on your terminal

mongodump --db database_name --collection collection_name

To import your backup file to mongodb you can use the following command on your terminal

mongorestore --db database_name path_to_bson_file

Adding CSRFToken to Ajax request

If you are working in node.js with lusca try also this:

url: "",
headers: {'X-CSRF-Token': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')}

How to execute a file within the python interpreter?

Several ways.

From the shell


From inside IDLE, hit F5.

If you're typing interactively, try this: (Python 2 only!)

>>> variables= {}
>>> execfile( "", variables )
>>> print variables # globals from the someFile module

For Python3, use:

>>> exec(open("").read())

Page vs Window in WPF?

Page Control can be contained in Window Control but vice versa is not possible

You can use Page control within the Window control using NavigationWindow and Frame controls. Window is the root control that must be used to hold/host other controls (e.g. Button) as container. Page is a control which can be hosted in other container controls like NavigationWindow or Frame. Page control has its own goal to serve like other controls (e.g. Button). Page is to create browser like applications. So if you host Page in NavigationWindow, you will get the navigation implementation built-in. Pages are intended for use in Navigation applications (usually with Back and Forward buttons, e.g. Internet Explorer).

WPF provides support for browser style navigation inside standalone application using Page class. User can create multiple pages, navigate between those pages along with data.There are multiple ways available to Navigate through one page to another page.

Make XAMPP / Apache serve file outside of htdocs folder

A VirtualHost would also work for this and may work better for you as you can host several projects without the need for subdirectories. Here's how you do it:

httpd.conf (or extra\httpd-vhosts.conf relative to httpd.conf. Trailing slashes "\" might cause it not to work):

NameVirtualHost *:80
# ...
<VirtualHost *:80>  
    DocumentRoot C:\projects\transitCalculator\trunk\
    ServerName transitcalculator.localhost
    <Directory C:\projects\transitCalculator\trunk\>  
        Order allow,deny  
        Allow from all  

HOSTS file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts usually):

# localhost entries localhost transitcalculator.localhost

Now restart XAMPP and you should be able to access http://transitcalculator.localhost/ and it will map straight to that directory.

This can be helpful if you're trying to replicate a production environment where you're developing a site that will sit on the root of a domain name. You can, for example, point to files with absolute paths that will carry over to the server:

<img src="/images/logo.png" alt="My Logo" />

whereas in an environment using aliases or subdirectories, you'd need keep track of exactly where the "images" directory was relative to the current file.

QComboBox - set selected item based on the item's data

If you know the text in the combo box that you want to select, just use the setCurrentText() method to select that item.

ui->comboBox->setCurrentText("choice 2");

From the Qt 5.7 documentation

The setter setCurrentText() simply calls setEditText() if the combo box is editable. Otherwise, if there is a matching text in the list, currentIndex is set to the corresponding index.

So as long as the combo box is not editable, the text specified in the function call will be selected in the combo box.


Include another HTML file in a HTML file

I know this is a very old post, so some methods were not available back then. But here is my very simple take on it (based on Lolo's answer).

It relies on the HTML5 data-* attributes and therefore is very generic in that is uses jQuery's for-each function to get every .class matching "load-html" and uses its respective 'data-source' attribute to load the content:

<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="load-html" id="NavigationMenu" data-source="header.html"></div>
    <div class="load-html" id="MainBody" data-source="body.html"></div>
    <div class="load-html" id="Footer" data-source="footer.html"></div>
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(function () {
    $(".load-html").each(function () {

Installing Bootstrap 3 on Rails App

gem bootstrap-sass

bootstrap-sass is easy to drop into Rails with the asset pipeline.

In your Gemfile you need to add the bootstrap-sass gem, and ensure that the sass-rails gem is present - it is added to new Rails applications by default.

gem 'sass-rails', '>= 3.2' # sass-rails needs to be higher than 3.2 gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>'

bundle install and restart your server to make the files available through the pipeline.


Javascript querySelector vs. getElementById

"Better" is subjective.

querySelector is the newer feature.

getElementById is better supported than querySelector.

querySelector is better supported than getElementsByClassName.

querySelector lets you find elements with rules that can't be expressed with getElementById and getElementsByClassName

You need to pick the appropriate tool for any given task.

(In the above, for querySelector read querySelector / querySelectorAll).

Difference between break and continue in PHP?

break used to get out from the loop statement, but continue just stop script on specific condition and then continue looping statement until reach the end..

for($i=0; $i<10; $i++){
    if($i == 5){
        echo "It reach five<br>";
    echo $i . "<br>";

echo "<hr>";

for($i=0; $i<10; $i++){
    if($i == 5){
         echo "It reach end<br>";
    echo $i . "<br>";

Hope it can help u;

How to change port number in vue-cli project

Late to the party, but I think it's helpful to consolidate all these answers into one outlining all options.

Separated in Vue CLI v2 (webpack template) and Vue CLI v3, ordered by precedence (high to low).

Vue CLI v3

  • package.json: Add port option to serve script: scripts.serve=vue-cli-service serve --port 4000
  • CLI Option --port to npm run serve, e.g. npm run serve -- --port 3000. Note the --, this makes passes the port option to the npm script instead of to npm itself. Since at least v3.4.1, it should be e.g. vue-cli-service serve --port 3000.
  • Environment Variable $PORT, e.g. PORT=3000 npm run serve
  • .env Files, more specific envs override less specific ones, e.g. PORT=3242
  • vue.config.js, devServer.port, e.g. devServer: { port: 9999 }


Vue CLI v2 (deprecated)

  • Environment Variable $PORT, e.g. PORT=3000 npm run dev
  • /config/index.js: dev.port


Simpler way to check if variable is not equal to multiple string values?

An alternative that might make sense especially if this test is being made multiple times and you are running PHP 7+ and have installed the Set class is:

use Ds\Set;

$strings = new Set(['uk', 'in']);    
if (!$strings->contains($some_variable)) {

Or on any version of PHP you can use an associative array to simulate a set:

$strings = ['uk' => 1, 'in' => 1];
if (!isset($strings[$some_variable])) {

There is additional overhead in creating the set but each test then becomes an O(1) operation. Of course the savings becomes greater the longer the list of strings being compared is.

Dark theme in Netbeans 7 or 8

Netbeans 8

Tools -> Options -> Appearance (Look & Feel Tab)

(NetBeans -> Preferences -> Appearance (Look & Feel Tab) on OS X)

Netbeans 7.x

Tools -> Plugins -> Available -> Dark Look and Feel - Install this plugin.

Once this plugin is installed, restarting netbeans should automatically switch to Dark Metal.

There are 2 themes that comes with this plugin - Dark Metal & Dark Nimbus

In order to switch themes, use the below option :

Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneous -> Windows -> Preferred Look & Feel option

enter image description here

How to reload page the page with pagination in Angular 2?

This should technically be achievable using window.location.reload():


<button (click)="refresh()">Refresh</button>


refresh(): void {


Here is a basic StackBlitz example showing the refresh in action. Notice the URL on "/hello" path is retained when window.location.reload() is executed.

Compare one String with multiple values in one expression

In Java 8+, you might use a Stream<T> and anyMatch(Predicate<? super T>) with something like

if (Stream.of("val1", "val2", "val3").anyMatch(str::equalsIgnoreCase)) {
    // ...

MongoDB not equal to

If you want to do multiple $ne then do

db.users.find({name : {$nin : ["mary", "dick", "jane"]}})

Maven parent pom vs modules pom

In my opinion, to answer this question, you need to think in terms of project life cycle and version control. In other words, does the parent pom have its own life cycle i.e. can it be released separately of the other modules or not?

If the answer is yes (and this is the case of most projects that have been mentioned in the question or in comments), then the parent pom needs his own module from a VCS and from a Maven point of view and you'll end up with something like this at the VCS level:

|-- parent-pom
|   |-- branches
|   |-- tags
|   `-- trunk
|       `-- pom.xml
`-- projectA
    |-- branches
    |-- tags
    `-- trunk
        |-- module1
        |   `-- pom.xml
        |-- moduleN
        |   `-- pom.xml
        `-- pom.xml

This makes the checkout a bit painful and a common way to deal with that is to use svn:externals. For example, add a trunks directory:

|-- parent-pom
|   |-- branches
|   |-- tags
|   `-- trunk
|       `-- pom.xml
|-- projectA
|   |-- branches
|   |-- tags
|   `-- trunk
|       |-- module1
|       |   `-- pom.xml
|       |-- moduleN
|       |   `-- pom.xml
|       `-- pom.xml
`-- trunks

With the following externals definition:

parent-pom http://host/svn/parent-pom/trunk
projectA http://host/svn/projectA/trunk

A checkout of trunks would then result in the following local structure (pattern #2):


Optionally, you can even add a pom.xml in the trunks directory:

|-- parent-pom
|   |-- branches
|   |-- tags
|   `-- trunk
|       `-- pom.xml
|-- projectA
|   |-- branches
|   |-- tags
|   `-- trunk
|       |-- module1
|       |   `-- pom.xml
|       |-- moduleN
|       |   `-- pom.xml
|       `-- pom.xml
`-- trunks
    `-- pom.xml

This pom.xml is a kind of "fake" pom: it is never released, it doesn't contain a real version since this file is never released, it only contains a list of modules. With this file, a checkout would result in this structure (pattern #3):


This "hack" allows to launch of a reactor build from the root after a checkout and make things even more handy. Actually, this is how I like to setup maven projects and a VCS repository for large builds: it just works, it scales well, it gives all the flexibility you may need.

If the answer is no (back to the initial question), then I think you can live with pattern #1 (do the simplest thing that could possibly work).

Now, about the bonus questions:

  • Where is the best place to define the various shared configuration as in source control, deployment directories, common plugins etc. (I'm assuming the parent but I've often been bitten by this and they've ended up in each project rather than a common one).

Honestly, I don't know how to not give a general answer here (like "use the level at which you think it makes sense to mutualize things"). And anyway, child poms can always override inherited settings.

  • How do the maven-release plugin, hudson and nexus deal with how you set up your multi-projects (possibly a giant question, it's more if anyone has been caught out when by how a multi-project build has been set up)?

The setup I use works well, nothing particular to mention.

Actually, I wonder how the maven-release-plugin deals with pattern #1 (especially with the <parent> section since you can't have SNAPSHOT dependencies at release time). This sounds like a chicken or egg problem but I just can't remember if it works and was too lazy to test it.

How to do joins in LINQ on multiple fields in single join

you could do something like (below)

var query = from p in context.T1

        join q in context.T2


        new { p.Col1, p.Col2 }


         new { q.Col1, q.Col2 }

        select new {p...., q......};

How to get the entire document HTML as a string?

You can also do:


You will not get the Doctype or html tag, but everything else...

What is setContentView(R.layout.main)?

As per the documentation :

Set the activity content from a layout resource. The resource will be inflated, adding all top-level views to the activity.

Your Launcher activity in the manifest first gets called and it set the layout view as specified in respective java files setContentView(R.layout.main);. Now this activity uses setContentView(R.layout.main) to set xml layout to that activity which will actually render as the UI of your activity.

Which type of folder structure should be used with Angular 2?

I’ve been using ng cli lately, and it was really tough to find a good way to structure my code.

The most efficient one I've seen so far comes from mrholek repository (

This folder structure allows you to keep your root project clean and structure your components, it avoids redundant (sometimes useless) naming convention of the official Style Guide.

Also it’s, this structure is useful to group import when it’s needed and avoid having 30 lines of import for a single file.

|___ app
|   |___ components/shared
|   |   |___ header
|   |
|   |___ containers/layout
|   |   |___ layout1
|   |
|   |___ directives
|   |   |___ sidebar
|   |
|   |___ services
|   |   |___ *user.service.ts* 
|   | 
|   |___ guards
|   |   |___ *auth.guard.ts* 
|   |
|   |___ views
|   |   |___ about  
|   |
|   |___ *app.component.ts*
|   |
|   |___ *app.module.ts*
|   |
|   |___ *app.routing.ts*
|___ assets
|___ environments
|___ img
|___ scss
|___ *index.html*
|___ *main.ts*

git stash -> merge stashed change with current changes

What I want is a way to merge my stashed changes with the current changes

Here is another option to do it:

git stash show -p|git apply
git stash drop

git stash show -p will show the patch of last saved stash. git apply will apply it. After the merge is done, merged stash can be dropped with git stash drop.

Split output of command by columns using Bash?

Using array variables

set $(ps | egrep "^11383 "); echo $4


A=( $(ps | egrep "^11383 ") ) ; echo ${A[3]}

What is the height of Navigation Bar in iOS 7?

There is a difference between the navigation bar and the status bar. The confusing part is that it looks like one solid feature at the top of the screen, but the areas can actually be separated into two distinct views; a status bar and a navigation bar. The status bar spans from y=0 to y=20 points and the navigation bar spans from y=20 to y=64 points. So the navigation bar (which is where the page title and navigation buttons go) has a height of 44 points, but the status bar and navigation bar together have a total height of 64 points.

Here is a great resource that addresses this question along with a number of other sizing idiosyncrasies in iOS7:

Adding Git-Bash to the new Windows Terminal

Another item to note - in settings.json I discovered if you don't use "commandline": "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash.exe"

and instead use: "commandline": "C:/Program Files/Git/git-bash.exe"

the Git shell will open up in an independent window outside of Windows Terminal instead of on a tab - which is not the desired behavior. In addition, the tab in Windows Terminal that opens will also need to be closed manually as it will display process exited information - [process exited with code 3221225786] etc.

Might save someone some headache

How to make html table vertically scrollable

The jQuery plugin is probably the best option.

To fixing header you can check this post

Fixing Header of GridView or HtmlTable (there might be issue that this should work in IE only)

CSS for fixing header


div#gridPanel th
   top: expression(document.getElementById("gridPanel").scrollTop-2);
   position: relative;
   z-index: 20;

<div height="200px" id="gridPanel" runat="server" scrollbars="Auto" width="100px">


Very good post is here for this

How to Freeze Columns Using JavaScript and HTML.


No its not possible but you can make use of div and put table in div

<div style="height: 100px; overflow: auto">
  <table style="height: 500px;">

How do I get TimeSpan in minutes given two Dates?

TimeSpan span = end-start;
double totalMinutes = span.TotalMinutes;

concatenate char array in C

in rare cases when you can't use strncat, strcat or strcpy. And you don't have access to <string.h> so you can't use strlen. Also you maybe don't even know the size of the char arrays and you still want to concatenate because you got only pointers. Well, you can do old school malloc and count characters yourself like..

char *combineStrings(char* inputA, char* inputB) {
    size_t len = 0, lenB = 0;
    while(inputA[len] != '\0') len++;
    while(inputB[lenB] != '\0') lenB++;
    char* output = malloc(len+lenB);
    return output;

It just needs #include <stdio.h> which you will have most likely included already

How to delete the contents of a folder?

Yet Another Solution:

import sh

Best Java obfuscator?

I think that Proguard is the best. It is also possible to integrate it with your IDE (for example NetBeans). However, consider that if you obfuscate your code it could be difficult to track problems in your logs..

Getting the current Fragment instance in the viewpager

In my previous implementation I stored a list of child Fragments to be able to access them later, but this turned out to be a wrong implementation causing huge memory leaks.

I end up using instantiateItem(...) method to get current Fragment:

val currentFragment = adapter?.instantiateItem(viewPager, viewPager.currentItem)

Or to get any other Fragment on position:

val position = 0
val myFirstFragment: MyFragment? = (adapter?.instantiateItem(viewPager, position) as? MyFragment)

From documentation:

Create the page for the given position. The adapter is responsible for adding the view to the container given here, although it only must ensure this is done by the time it returns from finishUpdate(ViewGroup).

React-Native Button style not work

I know this is necro-posting, but I found a real easy way to just add the margin-top and margin-bottom to the button itself without having to build anything else.

When you create the styles, whether inline or by creating an object to pass, you can do this:

var buttonStyle = {
   marginTop: "1px",
   marginBottom: "1px"

It seems that adding the quotes around the value makes it work. I don't know if this is because it's a later version of React versus what was posted two years ago, but I know that it works now.

How to install Android app on LG smart TV?

Here is a great guide how to do that, if your TV is android TV:

Have you enabled 'unknown sources' from security and restrictions settings?

Circular (or cyclic) imports in Python

Circular imports can be confusing because import does two things:

  1. it executes imported module code
  2. adds imported module to importing module global symbol table

The former is done only once, while the latter at each import statement. Circular import creates situation when importing module uses imported one with partially executed code. In consequence it will not see objects created after import statement. Below code sample demonstrates it.

Circular imports are not the ultimate evil to be avoided at all cost. In some frameworks like Flask they are quite natural and tweaking your code to eliminate them does not make the code better.

print 'import b'
import b
print 'a in globals() {}'.format('a' in globals())
print 'import a'
import a
print 'a in globals() {}'.format('a' in globals())
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'imports done'
    print 'b has y {}, a is b.a {}'.format(hasattr(b, 'y'), a is b.a)

print "b in, __name__ = {}".format(__name__)
x = 3
print 'b imports a'
import a
y = 5
print "b out"

print 'a in, __name__ = {}'.format(__name__)
print 'a imports b'
import b
print 'b has x {}'.format(hasattr(b, 'x'))
print 'b has y {}'.format(hasattr(b, 'y'))
print "a out"

python output with comments

import b
b in, __name__ = b    # b code execution started
b imports a
a in, __name__ = a    # a code execution started
a imports b           # b code execution is already in progress
b has x True
b has y False         # b defines y after a import,
a out
b out
a in globals() False  # import only adds a to main global symbol table 
import a
a in globals() True
imports done
b has y True, a is b.a True # all b objects are available

How to unload a package without restarting R

You can uncheck the checkbox button in RStudio (packages).

RStudio packages pane

Error "Metadata file '...\Release\project.dll' could not be found in Visual Studio"

For me it's usually the target framework being off (4.5.2 instead of 4.6) If you fix the target framework of the project to match the target framework of the solution and build, a new .dll will be created.

E11000 duplicate key error index in mongodb mongoose

Drop you database, then it will work.

You can perform the following steps to drop your database

step 1 : Go to mongodb installation directory, default dir is "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin"

step 2 : Start mongod.exe directly or using command prompt and minimize it.

step 3 : Start mongo.exe directly or using command prompt and run the following command

i) use yourDatabaseName (use show databases if you don't remember database name)

ii) db.dropDatabase()

This will remove your database. Now you can insert your data, it won't show error, it will automatically add database and collection.

Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

I faced a similar situation. This is probably because the script is executed before the page loads. By placing the script at the bottom of the page, I circumvented the problem.

Meaning of .Cells(.Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).row


I think the first dot in the parenthesis should not be there, I mean, you should write it in this way:


Before the Cells, you can write your worksheet name, for example:

Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).row

The worksheet name is not necessary when you operate on the same worksheet.

How to display both icon and title of action inside ActionBar?

You can add button in toolbar




create file btn_selector.xml in drawable

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<selector xmlns:android="">



private boolean isSelect = false;

OnClickListener for button:

private void myClick() {
    if (!isSelect) {
       //**your code**//
        isSelect = true;
    } else {//**your code**//
        isSelect = false;

How to extract table as text from the PDF using Python?

This answer is for anyone encountering pdfs with images and needing to use OCR. I could not find a workable off-the-shelf solution; nothing that gave me the accuracy I needed.

Here are the steps I found to work.

  1. Use pdfimages from to turn the pages of the pdf into images.

  2. Use Tesseract to detect rotation and ImageMagick mogrify to fix it.

  3. Use OpenCV to find and extract tables.

  4. Use OpenCV to find and extract each cell from the table.

  5. Use OpenCV to crop and clean up each cell so that there is no noise that will confuse OCR software.

  6. Use Tesseract to OCR each cell.

  7. Combine the extracted text of each cell into the format you need.

I wrote a python package with modules that can help with those steps.


Docs & Source:

Some of the steps don't require code, they take advantage of external tools like pdfimages and tesseract. I'll provide some brief examples for a couple of the steps that do require code.

  1. Finding tables:

This link was a good reference while figuring out how to find tables.

import cv2

def find_tables(image):
    BLUR_KERNEL_SIZE = (17, 17)
    blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(image, BLUR_KERNEL_SIZE, STD_DEV_X_DIRECTION, STD_DEV_Y_DIRECTION)
    MAX_COLOR_VAL = 255
    BLOCK_SIZE = 15

    img_bin = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(
    vertical = horizontal = img_bin.copy()
    SCALE = 5
    image_width, image_height = horizontal.shape
    horizontal_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (int(image_width / SCALE), 1))
    horizontally_opened = cv2.morphologyEx(img_bin, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, horizontal_kernel)
    vertical_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, int(image_height / SCALE)))
    vertically_opened = cv2.morphologyEx(img_bin, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, vertical_kernel)

    horizontally_dilated = cv2.dilate(horizontally_opened, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (40, 1)))
    vertically_dilated = cv2.dilate(vertically_opened, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, 60)))

    mask = horizontally_dilated + vertically_dilated
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(

    MIN_TABLE_AREA = 1e5
    contours = [c for c in contours if cv2.contourArea(c) > MIN_TABLE_AREA]
    perimeter_lengths = [cv2.arcLength(c, True) for c in contours]
    epsilons = [0.1 * p for p in perimeter_lengths]
    approx_polys = [cv2.approxPolyDP(c, e, True) for c, e in zip(contours, epsilons)]
    bounding_rects = [cv2.boundingRect(a) for a in approx_polys]

    # The link where a lot of this code was borrowed from recommends an
    # additional step to check the number of "joints" inside this bounding rectangle.
    # A table should have a lot of intersections. We might have a rectangular image
    # here though which would only have 4 intersections, 1 at each corner.
    # Leaving that step as a future TODO if it is ever necessary.
    images = [image[y:y+h, x:x+w] for x, y, w, h in bounding_rects]
    return images
  1. Extract cells from table.

This is very similar to 2, so I won't include all the code. The part I will reference will be in sorting the cells.

We want to identify the cells from left-to-right, top-to-bottom.

We’ll find the rectangle with the most top-left corner. Then we’ll find all of the rectangles that have a center that is within the top-y and bottom-y values of that top-left rectangle. Then we’ll sort those rectangles by the x value of their center. We’ll remove those rectangles from the list and repeat.

def cell_in_same_row(c1, c2):
    c1_center = c1[1] + c1[3] - c1[3] / 2
    c2_bottom = c2[1] + c2[3]
    c2_top = c2[1]
    return c2_top < c1_center < c2_bottom

orig_cells = [c for c in cells]
rows = []
while cells:
    first = cells[0]
    rest = cells[1:]
    cells_in_same_row = sorted(
            c for c in rest
            if cell_in_same_row(c, first)
        key=lambda c: c[0]

    row_cells = sorted([first] + cells_in_same_row, key=lambda c: c[0])
    cells = [
        c for c in rest
        if not cell_in_same_row(c, first)

# Sort rows by average height of their center.
def avg_height_of_center(row):
    centers = [y + h - h / 2 for x, y, w, h in row]
    return sum(centers) / len(centers)


mysql is not recognised as an internal or external command,operable program or batch

enter image description hereHere what I DO on MY PC I install all software that i usually used in G: partian not C: if my operating system is fall (win 10) , Do not need to reinstall them again and lost time , Then How windows work it update PATH automatic if you install any new programe or pice of softwore ,


I must update PATH like these HERE! all my software i usually used 1- I created folder called Programe Files 2- I install all my programe data in these folder 3-and then going to PATH and add it Dont forget ;

%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;G:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin;G:\xampp\php;G:\xampp\mysql\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\heroku\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\composer;G:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs;G:\Program Files (x86)\Sublime Text 3;G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\cygwin64\bin

enter image description here

Sending HTTP Post request with SOAP action using org.apache.http

This is a full working example :

import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; 
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

public void callWebService(String soapAction, String soapEnvBody)  throws IOException {
    // Create a StringEntity for the SOAP XML.
    String body ="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\" xmlns:ns1=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"\" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=\"\"><SOAP-ENV:Body>"+soapEnvBody+"</SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>";
    StringEntity stringEntity = new StringEntity(body, "UTF-8");

    // Request parameters and other properties.
    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost("");
    httpPost.addHeader("Accept", "text/xml");
    httpPost.addHeader("SOAPAction", soapAction);

    // Execute and get the response.
    HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

    String strResponse = null;
    if (entity != null) {
        strResponse = EntityUtils.toString(entity);

Get the content of a sharepoint folder with Excel VBA

Try mapping the sharepoint library to a drive letter in windows. Then select the drive and path in your code.

reading and parsing a TSV file, then manipulating it for saving as CSV (*efficiently*)

You should use the csv module to read the tab-separated value file. Do not read it into memory in one go. Each row you read has all the information you need to write rows to the output CSV file, after all. Keep the output file open throughout.

import csv

with open('sample.txt', newline='') as tsvin, open('new.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvout:
    tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
    csvout = csv.writer(csvout)

    for row in tsvin:
        count = int(row[4])
        if count > 0:
            csvout.writerows([row[2:4] for _ in range(count)])

or, using the itertools module to do the repeating with itertools.repeat():

from itertools import repeat
import csv

with open('sample.txt', newline='') as tsvin, open('new.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvout:
    tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
    csvout = csv.writer(csvout)

    for row in tsvin:
        count = int(row[4])
        if count > 0:
            csvout.writerows(repeat(row[2:4], count))

.gitignore for Visual Studio Projects and Solutions

Some project might want to add *.manifest to their visual studio file.

That is because some Visual Studio project properties of new projects are set to generate a manifest file.

See "Manifest Generation in Visual Studio"

But if you have generated them and they are static (not changing over time), then it is a good idea to remove them from the .gitignore file.

That is what a project like Git for Windows just did (for Git 2.24, Q4 2019)

See commit aac6ff7 (05 Sep 2019) by Johannes Schindelin (dscho).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 59438be, 30 Sep 2019)

.gitignore: stop ignoring .manifest files

On Windows, it is possible to embed additional metadata into an executable by linking in a "manifest", i.e. an XML document that describes capabilities and requirements (such as minimum or maximum Windows version).
These XML documents are expected to be stored in .manifest files.

At least some Visual Studio versions auto-generate .manifest files when none is specified explicitly, therefore we used to ask Git to ignore them.

However, we do have a beautiful .manifest file now: compat/win32/git.manifest, so neither does Visual Studio auto-generate a manifest for us, nor do we want Git to ignore the .manifest files anymore.

Pretty git branch graphs

I suggest tig , a much much better command line tool for git.

You can use homebrew to install tig on macOS:

$ brew install tig
$ tig

enter image description here

Shell command to sum integers, one per line?

You can using num-utils, although it may be overkill for what you need. This is a set of programs for manipulating numbers in the shell, and can do several nifty things, including of course, adding them up. It's a bit out of date, but they still work and can be useful if you need to do something more.

How to print to the console in Android Studio?

I had solve the issue by revoking my USB debugging authorizations.

To Revoke,

Go to Device Settings > Enable Developer Options > Revoke USB debugging authorizations

Copy table from one database to another

If you need the entire table structure (not just the basic data layout), use Task>Script Table As>Create To>New Query Window and run in your new database. Then you can copy the data at your leisure.

What's the difference between fill_parent and wrap_content?

  • fill_parent will make the width or height of the element to be as large as the parent element, in other words, the container.

  • wrap_content will make the width or height be as large as needed to contain the elements within it.

Click here for ANDROID DOC Reference

rsync: difference between --size-only and --ignore-times

On a Scientific Linux 6.7 system, the man page on rsync says:

--ignore-times          don't skip files that match size and time

I have two files with identical contents, but with different creation dates:

[root@windstorm ~]# ls -ls /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
4 -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 1595 Feb 15 03:45 /tmp/master/usercron
4 -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 1595 Feb 16 04:52 /tmp/new/usercron

[root@windstorm ~]# diff /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
[root@windstorm ~]# md5sum /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
368165347b09204ce25e2fa0f61f3bbd  /tmp/master/usercron
368165347b09204ce25e2fa0f61f3bbd  /tmp/new/usercron

With --size-only, the two files are regarded the same:

[root@windstorm ~]# rsync -v --size-only -n  /tmp/new/usercron /tmp/master/usercron

sent 29 bytes  received 12 bytes  82.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1595  speedup is 38.90 (DRY RUN)

With --ignore-times, the two files are regarded different:

[root@windstorm ~]# rsync -v --ignore-times -n  /tmp/new/usercron /tmp/master/usercron

sent 32 bytes  received 15 bytes  94.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1595  speedup is 33.94 (DRY RUN)

So it does not looks like --ignore-times has any effect at all.

Is there any way to specify a suggested filename when using data: URI?

You actually can achieve this, in Chrome and FireFox.

Try the following url, it will download the code that was used.


Customizing Bootstrap CSS template

The best thing to do is.

1. fork twitter-bootstrap from github and clone locally.

they are changing really quickly the library/framework (they diverge internally. Some prefer library, i'd say that it's a framework, because change your layout from the time you load it on your page). Well... forking/cloning will let you fetch the new upcoming versions easily.

2. Do not modify the bootstrap.css file

It's gonna complicate your life when you need to upgrade bootstrap (and you will need to do it).

3. Create your own css file and overwrite whenever you want original bootstrap stuff

if they set a topbar with, let's say, color: black; but you wan it white, create a new very specific selector for this topbar and use this rule on the specific topbar. For a table for example, it would be <table class="zebra-striped mycustomclass">. If you declare your css file after bootstrap.css, this will overwrite whatever you want to.

How do I force a vertical scrollbar to appear?

Give your body tag an overflow: scroll;

body {
    overflow: scroll;

or if you only want a vertical scrollbar use overflow-y

body {
    overflow-y: scroll;