[java] How does Java import work?

I would like to know how the import statement works.

I'm asking this because I have the following imports in my project:

import static com.googlecode.javacv.jna.highgui.cvCreateCameraCapture;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.jna.highgui.cvGrabFrame;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.jna.highgui.cvReleaseCapture;
import com.googlecode.javacv.CanvasFrame;
import com.googlecode.javacv.FrameGrabber;
import com.colorfulwolf.webcamapplet.gui.ImagePanel;
import com.googlecode.javacv.OpenCVFrameGrabber;
import com.googlecode.javacv.jna.cxcore.IplImage;

I don't have these packages in my project, so, how will this be imported?

If I create a JAR file with all my classes, my server where will host this JAR file, has to be free Internet access to get these package?

I got some problem in my Applet that has these imports, and I'm asking this question, to understand if can be an Internet rule.

<applet code="com.colorfulwolf.webcamapplet.WebcamApplet"
archive="http://san.redenetimoveis.com/teste.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/core.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/javacv.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/javase.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/jna.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/customizer.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/jmf.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/mediaplayer.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/multiplayer.jar, http://san.redenetimoveis.com/sound.jar"
    height="550" width="550">

This question is related to java

The answer is

Java's import statement is pure syntactical sugar. import is only evaluated at compile time to indicate to the compiler where to find the names in the code.

You may live without any import statement when you always specify the full qualified name of classes. Like this line needs no import statement at all:

javax.swing.JButton but = new  javax.swing.JButton();

The import statement will make your code more readable like this:

import javax.swing.*;

JButton but = new JButton();

The classes which you are importing have to be on the classpath. So either the users of your Applet have to have the libraries in the right place or you simply provide those libraries by including them in your jar file. For example like this: Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file

Import in Java does not work at all, as it is evaluated at compile time only. (Treat it as shortcuts so you do not have to write fully qualified class names). At runtime there is no import at all, just FQCNs.

At runtime it is necessary that all classes you have referenced can be found by classloaders. (classloader infrastructure is sometimes dark magic and highly dependent on environment.) In case of an applet you will have to rig up your HTML tag properly and also provide necessary JAR archives on your server.

PS: Matching at runtime is done via qualified class names - class found under this name is not necessarily the same or compatible with class you have compiled against.

javac (or java during runtime) looks for the classes being imported in the classpath. If they are not there in the classpath then classnotfound exceptions are thrown.

classpath is just like the path variable in a shell, which is used by the shell to find a command or executable.

Entire directories or individual jar files can be put in the classpath. Also, yes a classpath can perhaps include a path which is not local but is somewhere on the internet. Please read more about classpath to resolve your doubts.