Programs & Examples On #Self signed

How can I make git accept a self signed certificate?

It’s not a good practice to set http.sslVerify false. Instead we can use SSL certificate.

So, build agent will use https with SSL certificate and PAT for authentication. enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Copy the content of cer file including –begin—and –end--.

git bash on build agent => git config –global http.sslcainfo “C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt” Go to this file and append the .cer content.

Thus, build agent can access the SSL certificate

How to disable SSL certificate checking with Spring RestTemplate?

In my case, with letsencrypt https, this was caused by using cert.pem instead of fullchain.pem as the certificate file on the requested server. See this thread for details.

Getting Chrome to accept self-signed localhost certificate

This worked for me:

  1. Using Chrome, hit a page on your server via HTTPS and continue past the red warning page (assuming you haven't done this already).
  2. Open up Chrome Settings > Show advanced settings > HTTPS/SSL > Manage Certificates.
  3. Click the Authorities tab and scroll down to find your certificate under the Organization Name that you gave to the certificate.
  4. Select it, click Edit (NOTE: in recent versions of Chrome, the button is now "Advanced" instead of "Edit"), check all the boxes and click OK. You may have to restart Chrome.

You should get the nice green lock on your pages now.

EDIT: I tried this again on a new machine and the certificate did not appear on the Manage Certificates window just by continuing from the red untrusted certificate page. I had to do the following:

  1. On the page with the untrusted certificate (https:// is crossed out in red), click the lock > Certificate Information. NOTE: on newer versions of chrome, you have to open Developer Tools > Security, and select View certificate.
  2. Click the Details tab > Export. Choose PKCS #7, single certificate as the file format.
  3. Then follow my original instructions to get to the Manage Certificates page. Click the Authorities tab > Import and choose the file to which you exported the certificate, and make sure to choose PKCS #7, single certificate as the file type.
  4. If prompted certification store, choose Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
  5. Check all boxes and click OK. Restart Chrome.

How to export private key from a keystore of self-signed certificate

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {
        String keystorePass = "20174";
        String keyPass = "rav@789";
        String alias = "TyaGi!";
        InputStream keystoreStream = new FileInputStream("D:/keyFile.jks");
        KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
        keystore.load(keystoreStream, keystorePass.toCharArray());
        Key key = keystore.getKey(alias, keyPass.toCharArray());

        byte[] bt = key.getEncoded();
        String s = new String(bt);
        String str12 = Base64.encodeBase64String(bt);

        System.out.println("Fetched Key From JKS : " + str12);

    } catch (KeyStoreException | IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateException | UnrecoverableKeyException ex) {


Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

If you're developing, and you're developing with a Windows machine, simply add localhost as a Trusted Site.

And yes, per DarrylGriffiths' comment, although it may look like you're adding an Internet Explorer setting...

I believe those are Windows rather than IE settings. Although MS tend to assume that they're only IE (hence the alert next to "Enable Protected Mode" that it requries restarted IE)...

unsigned APK can not be installed

You could also send your testers the apk that is signed with your debug key. You can find that in the bin folder of your project after building in debug mode.

How to make a machine trust a self-signed Java application

I was having the same issue. So I went to the Java options through Control Panel. Copied the web address that I was having an issue with to the exceptions and it was fixed.

How to create a self-signed certificate for a domain name for development?

With IIS's self-signed certificate feature, you cannot set the common name (CN) for the certificate, and therefore cannot create a certificate bound to your choice of subdomain.

One way around the problem is to use makecert.exe, which is bundled with the .Net 2.0 SDK. On my server it's at:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft.Net\SDK\v2.0 64bit\Bin\makecert.exe

You can create a signing authority and store it in the LocalMachine certificates repository as follows (these commands must be run from an Administrator account or within an elevated command prompt):

makecert.exe -n "CN=My Company Development Root CA,O=My Company,
 OU=Development,L=Wallkill,S=NY,C=US" -pe -ss Root -sr LocalMachine
 -sky exchange -m 120 -a sha1 -len 2048 -r

You can then create a certificate bound to your subdomain and signed by your new authority:

(Note that the the value of the -in parameter must be the same as the CN value used to generate your authority above.)

makecert.exe -n "" -pe -ss My -sr LocalMachine
 -sky exchange -m 120 -in "My Company Development Root CA" -is Root
 -ir LocalMachine -a sha1 -eku

Your certificate should then appear in IIS Manager to be bound to your site as explained in Tom Hall's post.

All kudos for this solution to Mike O'Brien for his excellent blog post at

jQuery onclick toggle class name

jQuery has a toggleClass function:

<button class="switch">Click me</button>

<div class="text-block collapsed pressed">some text</div>

    $('.switch').on('click', function(e) {
      $('.text-block').toggleClass("collapsed pressed"); //you can list several class names 

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on default virtual host without ServerName

I have use mkcert to create infinites * subdomains & localhost with valid HTTPS/SSL certs (Windows 10 XAMPP & Linux Debian 10 Apache2)

I create the certs on Windows with mkcert v1.4.0 (execute CMD as Administrator):

mkcert -install
mkcert localhost "*"

This create in Windows 10 this files (I will install it first in Windows 10 XAMPP)


Overwrite the XAMPP default certs:

copy "localhost+1.pem" C:\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.crt\server.crt
copy "localhost+1-key.pem"  C:\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.key\server.key

Now, in Apache2 for Debian 10, activate SSL & vhost_alias

a2enmod vhosts_alias
a2enmod ssl
a2ensite default-ssl
systemctl restart apache2

For vhost_alias add this Apache2 config:

nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/999-vhosts_alias.conf

With this content:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   UseCanonicalName Off
   ServerAlias *
   VirtualDocumentRoot "/var/www/html/%0/"

Add the site:

a2ensite 999-vhosts_alias

Copy the certs to /root/mkcert by SSH and let overwrite the Debian ones:

systemctl stop apache2

mv /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem.bak
mv /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key.bak

cp "localhost+1.pem" /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
cp "localhost+1-key.pem" /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key

chown root:ssl-cert /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
chmod 640 /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key

systemctl start apache2

Edit the SSL config

nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf

At the start edit the file with this content:

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
    <VirtualHost *:443>

            UseCanonicalName Off
            ServerAlias *
            ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

            # DocumentRoot /var/www/html/
            VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/html/%0/


Last restart:

systemctl restart apache2

NOTE: don´t forget to create the folders for your subdomains in /var/www/html/


Why is HttpContext.Current null?

In IIS7 with integrated mode, Current is not available in Application_Start. There is a similar thread here.

Get MIME type from filename extension

Most of the solutions are working but why take so efforts while we also can get mime type very easily. In System.Web assembly, there is method for getting the mime type from file name. eg:

string mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(filename);

How to vertically center <div> inside the parent element with CSS?

I found a way that works great for me. The next script inserts an invisible image (same as bgcolor or a transparant gif) with height equal to half the size of the white-space on the screen. The effect is a perfect vertical-alignment.

Say you have a header div (height=100) and a footer div (height=50) and the content in the main div that you would like to align has a height of 300:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var screen = window.innerHeight;
var content = 150 + 300;
var imgheight = ( screen - content) / 2 ;
document.write("<img src='empty.jpg' height='" + imgheight + "'>"); 

You place the script just before the content that you want to align!

In my case the content I liked to align was an image (width=95%) with an aspect ratio of 100:85 (width:height).Meaning the height of the image is 85% of it's width. And the Width being 95% of the screenwidth.

I therefore used:

var content = 150 + ( 0.85 * ( 0.95 * window.innerWidth ));

Combine this script with

<body onResize="window.location.href = window.location.href;">

and you have a smooth vertical alignment.

Hope this works for you too!

'do...while' vs. 'while'

do-while is better if the compiler isn't competent at optimization. do-while has only a single conditional jump, as opposed to for and while which have a conditional jump and an unconditional jump. For CPUs which are pipelined and don't do branch prediction, this can make a big difference in the performance of a tight loop.

Also, since most compilers are smart enough to perform this optimization, all loops found in decompiled code will usually be do-while (if the decompiler even bothers to reconstruct loops from backward local gotos at all).

Sort a list of numerical strings in ascending order

The recommended approach in this case is to sort the data in the database, adding an ORDER BY at the end of the query that fetches the results, something like this:

SELECT temperature FROM temperatures ORDER BY temperature ASC;  -- ascending order
SELECT temperature FROM temperatures ORDER BY temperature DESC; -- descending order

If for some reason that is not an option, you can change the sorting order like this in Python:

templist = [25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 33]
sorted(templist, key=int)               # ascending order
> [25, 33, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300]
sorted(templist, key=int, reverse=True) # descending order
> [300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50, 33, 25]

As has been pointed in the comments, the int key (or float if values with decimals are being stored) is required for correctly sorting the data if the data received is of type string, but it'd be very strange to store temperature values as strings, if that is the case, go back and fix the problem at the root, and make sure that the temperatures being stored are numbers.

HTML/CSS: how to put text both right and left aligned in a paragraph

The only half-way proper way to do this is

  <span style="float: right">Text on the right</span>
  <span style="float: left">Text on the left</span>

however, this will get you into trouble if the text overflows. If you can, use divs (block level elements) and give them a fixed width.

A table (or a number of divs with the according display: table / table-row / table-cell properties) would in fact be the safest solution for this - it will be impossible to break, even if you have lots of difficult content.

Input and Output binary streams using JERSEY?

I managed to get a ZIP file or a PDF file by extending the StreamingOutput object. Here is some sample code:

public StreamingOutput getPDF() throws Exception {
    return new StreamingOutput() {
        public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
            try {
                PDFGenerator generator = new PDFGenerator(getEntity());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new WebApplicationException(e);

The PDFGenerator class (my own class for creating the PDF) takes the output stream from the write method and writes to that instead of a newly created output stream.

Don't know if it's the best way to do it, but it works.

Load local javascript file in chrome for testing?

Use Chrome browser and with the Web Server for Chrome extension, set a default folder and put your linked html/js files in there, browse to (0r whatever the port is set at) in Chrome and open the developers panel & console. You can then interact with your html/js scripts in the console.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/mail/util/MailLogger for JUnit test case for Java mail

Really it's interesting. You need just use javax-mail.jar of "com.sun" not "javax.mail".
dwonload com.sun mail jar

Jquery change <p> text programmatically

It seems you have the click event wrapped around a custom event name "pageinit", are you sure you're triggered the event before you click the button?

something like this:


How to read a configuration file in Java

Create a configuration file and put your entries there.


You can load this file using Properties.load(fileName) and retrieved values you get(key);

Received fatal alert: handshake_failure through SSLHandshakeException

I don't think this solves the problem to the first questioner, but for googlers coming here for answers:

On update 51, java 1.8 prohibited[1] RC4 ciphers by default, as we can see on the Release Notes page:

Bug Fix: Prohibit RC4 cipher suites

RC4 is now considered as a compromised cipher.

RC4 cipher suites have been removed from both client and server default enabled cipher suite list in Oracle JSSE implementation. These cipher suites can still be enabled by SSLEngine.setEnabledCipherSuites() and SSLSocket.setEnabledCipherSuites() methods. See JDK-8077109 (not public).

If your server has a strong preference for this cipher (or use only this cipher) this can trigger a handshake_failure on java.

You can test connecting to the server enabling RC4 ciphers (first, try without enabled argument to see if triggers a handshake_failure, then set enabled:


import java.util.Arrays;

/** Establish a SSL connection to a host and port, writes a byte and
 * prints the response. See
public class SSLRC4Poke {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] cyphers;
        if (args.length < 2) {
            System.out.println("Usage: "+SSLRC4Poke.class.getName()+" <host> <port> enable");
        try {
            SSLSocketFactory sslsocketfactory = (SSLSocketFactory) SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
            SSLSocket sslsocket = (SSLSocket) sslsocketfactory.createSocket(args[0], Integer.parseInt(args[1]));
            cyphers = sslsocketfactory.getSupportedCipherSuites();
            if (args.length ==3){
                sslsocket.setEnabledCipherSuites(new String[]{

            InputStream in = sslsocket.getInputStream();
            OutputStream out = sslsocket.getOutputStream();

            // Write a test byte to get a reaction :)

            while (in.available() > 0) {
            System.out.println("Successfully connected");

        } catch (Exception exception) {

1 -

AngularJS format JSON string output

In addition to the angular json filter already mentioned, there is also the angular toJson() function.

angular.toJson(obj, pretty);

The second param of this function lets you switch on pretty printing and set the number of spaces to use.

If set to true, the JSON output will contain newlines and whitespace. If set to an integer, the JSON output will contain that many spaces per indentation.

(default: 2)

Change text (html) with .animate

For fadeOut => change text => fadeIn effect We need to animate the wrapper of texts we would like change.

Example below:


<div class="timeline-yeardata">
  <div class="anime">
    <div class="ilosc-sklepow-sticker">
      <span id="amount">1400</span><br>

    <div class="txts-wrap">
      <h3 class="title">Some text</h3>
      <span class="desc">Lorem ipsum description</span>

    <div class="year-bg" id="current-year">2018</div>

<div class="ch-timeline-wrap">
  <div class="ch-timeline">
    <div class="line"></div>

    <div class="row no-gutters">
      <div class="col">
        <a href="#2009" data-amount="9" data-y="2009" class="el current">
          <span class="yr">2009</span>
          <span class="dot"></span>

          <span class="title">Lorem  asdf asdf asdf a</span>
          <span class="desc">Ww wae awer awe rawer aser as</span>
      <div class="col">
        <a href="#2010" data-amount="19" data-y="2010" class="el">
          <span class="yr">2010</span>
          <span class="dot"></span>

          <span class="title">Lorem brernern</span>
          <span class="desc">A sd asdkj aksjdkajskd jaksjd kajskd jaksjd akjsdk jaskjd akjsdkajskdj akjsd k</span>

JQuery JS


  $('.ch-timeline .el').on('click', function(){

    $('.ch-timeline .el').removeClass('current');

    var ilosc = $(this).data('ilosc');
    var y = $(this).data('y');
    var title = $(this).find('.title').html();
    var desc = $(this).find('desc').html();

    $('.timeline-yeardata .anime').fadeOut(400, function(){
      $('.timeline-yeardata .title').html(title);
      $('.timeline-yeardata .desc').html(desc);



Hope this will help someone.

Check if DataRow exists by column name in c#?

if (drMyRow.Table.Columns["ColNameToCheck"] != null)
else { return; }

Although the DataRow does not have a Columns property, it does have a Table that the column can be checked for.

How to get list of dates between two dates in mysql select query


select * from 
(select adddate('1970-01-01',t4.i*10000 + t3.i*1000 + t2.i*100 + t1.i*10 + t0.i) selected_date from
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t0,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t1,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t2,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t3,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t4) v
where selected_date between '2012-02-10' and '2012-02-15'

-for date ranges up to nearly 300 years in the future.

[Corrected following a suggested edit by UrvishAtSynapse.]

Python - List of unique dictionaries

A quick-and-dirty solution is just by generating a new list.

sortedlist = []

for item in listwhichneedssorting:
    if item not in sortedlist:

How to prevent a browser from storing passwords

I did it by setting the input field as "text", and catching and manipulating the input keys

first activate a function to catch keys

yourInputElement.addEventListener('keydown', onInputPassword);

the onInputPassword function is like this: (assuming that you have the "password" variable defined somewhere)

onInputPassword( event ) {
  let key = event.key;
  event.preventDefault(); // this is to prevent the key to reach the input field

  if( key == "Enter" ) {
    // here you put a call to the function that will do something with the password
  else if( key == "Backspace" ) {
    if( password ) {
      // remove the last character if any
      yourInputElement.value = yourInputElement.value.slice(0, -1);
      password = password.slice(0, -1);
  else if( (key >= '0' && key <= '9') || (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') || (key >= 'a' && key <= 'z') ) {
    // show a fake '*' on input field and store the real password
    yourInputElement.value = yourInputElement.value + "*";
    password += key;

so all alphanumeric keys will be added to the password, the 'backspace' key will erase one character, the 'enter' key will terminate, and any other keys will be ignored

don't forget to call removeEventListener('keydown', onInputPassword) somewhere at the end

SSL error : routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

The server certificate is invalid, either because it is signed by an invalid CA (internal CA, self signed,...), doesn't match the server's name or because it is expired.

Either way, you need to find how to tell to the Python library that you are using that it must not stop at an invalid certificate if you really want to download files from this server.

How can I truncate a string to the first 20 words in PHP?

Change the number 3 to the number 20 below to get the first 20 words, or pass it as parameter. The following demonstrates how to get the first 3 words: (so change the 3 to 20 to change the default value):

function first3words($s, $limit=3) {
    return preg_replace('/((\w+\W*){'.($limit-1).'}(\w+))(.*)/', '${1}', $s);   

var_dump(first3words("hello yes, world wah ha ha"));  # => "hello yes, world"
var_dump(first3words("hello yes,world wah ha ha"));   # => "hello yes,world"
var_dump(first3words("hello yes world wah ha ha"));   # => "hello yes world"
var_dump(first3words("hello yes world"));  # => "hello yes world"
var_dump(first3words("hello yes world.")); # => "hello yes world"
var_dump(first3words("hello yes"));  # => "hello yes"
var_dump(first3words("hello"));  # => "hello"
var_dump(first3words("a")); # => "a"
var_dump(first3words(""));  # => ""

Invert colors of an image in CSS or JavaScript

For inversion from 0 to 1 and back you can use this library InvertImages, which provides support for IE 10. I also tested with IE 11 and it should work.

How to get Tensorflow tensor dimensions (shape) as int values?

Another way to solve this is like this:


This will return the int value of the Dimension object.

How to analyze information from a Java core dump?

jhat is one of the best i have used so far.To take a core dump,I think you better use jmap and jps instead of gcore(i haven't used it).Check the link to see how to use jhat.

What does '--set-upstream' do?

When you push to a remote and you use the --set-upstream flag git sets the branch you are pushing to as the remote tracking branch of the branch you are pushing.

Adding a remote tracking branch means that git then knows what you want to do when you git fetch, git pull or git push in future. It assumes that you want to keep the local branch and the remote branch it is tracking in sync and does the appropriate thing to achieve this.

You could achieve the same thing with git branch --set-upstream-to or git checkout --track. See the git help pages on tracking branches for more information.

Setting up PostgreSQL ODBC on Windows

As I see PostgreSQL installer doesn't include 64 bit version of ODBC driver, which is necessary in your case. Download and install it instead. I checked that on Win 7 64 bit and PostgreSQL 9.0.4 64 bit and it looks ok:

enter image description here

Test connection:

enter image description here

OSX -bash: composer: command not found

This works on Ubuntu;

alias composer='/usr/local/bin/composer/composer.phar'

Easily measure elapsed time

As others have already noted, the time() function in the C standard library does not have a resolution better than one second. The only fully portable C function that may provide better resolution appears to be clock(), but that measures processor time rather than wallclock time. If one is content to limit oneself to POSIX platforms (e.g. Linux), then the clock_gettime() function is a good choice.

Since C++11, there are much better timing facilities available that offer better resolution in a form that should be very portable across different compilers and operating systems. Similarly, the boost::datetime library provides good high-resolution timing classes that should be highly portable.

One challenge in using any of these facilities is the time-delay introduced by querying the system clock. From experimenting with clock_gettime(), boost::datetime and std::chrono, this delay can easily be a matter of microseconds. So, when measuring the duration of any part of your code, you need to allow for there being a measurement error of around this size, or try to correct for that zero-error in some way. Ideally, you may well want to gather multiple measurements of the time taken by your function, and compute the average, or maximum/minimum time taken across many runs.

To help with all these portability and statistics-gathering issues, I've been developing the cxx-rtimers library available on Github which tries to provide a simple API for timing blocks of C++ code, computing zero errors, and reporting stats from multiple timers embedded in your code. If you have a C++11 compiler, you simply #include <rtimers/cxx11.hpp>, and use something like:

void expensiveFunction() {
    static rtimers::cxx11::DefaultTimer timer("expensiveFunc");
    auto scopedStartStop = timer.scopedStart();
    // Do something costly...

On program exit, you'll get a summary of timing stats written to std::cerr such as:

Timer(expensiveFunc): <t> = 6.65289us, std = 3.91685us, 3.842us <= t <= 63.257us (n=731)

which shows the mean time, its standard-deviation, the upper and lower limits, and the number of times this function was called.

If you want to use Linux-specific timing functions, you can #include <rtimers/posix.hpp>, or if you have the Boost libraries but an older C++ compiler, you can #include <rtimers/boost.hpp>. There are also versions of these timer classes that can gather statistical timing information from across multiple threads. There are also methods that allow you to estimate the zero-error associated with two immediately consecutive queries of the system clock.

Creating a new database and new connection in Oracle SQL Developer

This tutorial should help you:

Getting Started with Oracle SQL Developer

See the prerequisites:

  1. Install Oracle SQL Developer. You already have it.
  2. Install the Oracle Database. Download available here.
  3. Unlock the HR user. Login to SQL*Plus as the SYS user and execute the following command:

    alter user hr identified by hr account unlock;

  4. Download and unzip the file that contains all the files you need to perform this tutorial.

Another version from May 2011: Getting Started with Oracle SQL Developer

For more info check this related question:

How to create a new database after initally installing oracle database 11g Express Edition?

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. Why?

Perhaps you're not disposing of the previous connection/ result classes from the previous run which means their still hanging around in memory.

Java Does Not Equal (!=) Not Working?

do the one of these.

        //do something


        //do something

How do you round a floating point number in Perl?

See perldoc/perlfaq:

Remember that int() merely truncates toward 0. For rounding to a certain number of digits, sprintf() or printf() is usually the easiest route.

 # prints 3.142

The POSIX module (part of the standard Perl distribution) implements ceil(), floor(), and a number of other mathematical and trigonometric functions.

use POSIX;
$ceil  = ceil(3.5); # 4
$floor = floor(3.5); # 3

In 5.000 to 5.003 perls, trigonometry was done in the Math::Complex module.

With 5.004, the Math::Trig module (part of the standard Perl distribution) > implements the trigonometric functions.

Internally it uses the Math::Complex module and some functions can break out from the real axis into the complex plane, for example the inverse sine of 2.

Rounding in financial applications can have serious implications, and the rounding method used should be specified precisely. In these cases, it probably pays not to trust whichever system rounding is being used by Perl, but to instead implement the rounding function you need yourself.

To see why, notice how you'll still have an issue on half-way-point alternation:

for ($i = 0; $i < 1.01; $i += 0.05)
   printf "%.1f ",$i

0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0

Don't blame Perl. It's the same as in C. IEEE says we have to do this. Perl numbers whose absolute values are integers under 2**31 (on 32 bit machines) will work pretty much like mathematical integers. Other numbers are not guaranteed.

Created Button Click Event c#

    public MainWindow()
        // This button needs to exist on your form.
        myButton.Click += myButton_Click;

    void myButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        MessageBox.Show("Message here");

How to install PyQt4 on Windows using pip?

Here are Windows wheel packages built by Chris Golke - Python Windows Binary packages - PyQt

In the filenames cp27 means C-python version 2.7, cp35 means python 3.5, etc.

Since Qt is a more complicated system with a compiled C++ codebase underlying the python interface it provides you, it can be more complex to build than just a pure python code package, which means it can be hard to install it from source.

Make sure you grab the correct Windows wheel file (python version, 32/64 bit), and then use pip to install it - e.g:

C:\path\where\wheel\is\> pip install PyQt4-4.11.4-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl

Should properly install if you are running an x64 build of Python 3.5.

Using ffmpeg to encode a high quality video

Unless you do some kind of post-processing work, the video will never be better than the original frames. Also just like a flip-book, if you have a big "jump" between keyframes it will look funny. You generally need enough "tweens" in between the keyframes to give smooth animation. HTH

How to turn on line numbers in IDLE?

There's a set of useful extensions to IDLE called IDLEX that works with MacOS and Windows

It includes line numbering and I find it quite handy & free.

Otherwise there are a bunch of other IDEs some of which are free:

How can I debug a .BAT script?

you can use cmd \k at the end of your script to see the error. it won't close your command prompt after the execution is done

What does \d+ mean in regular expression terms?

\d is a digit, + is 1 or more, so a sequence of 1 or more digits

Keyword not supported: "data source" initializing Entity Framework Context

The real reason you were getting this error is because of the &quot; values in your connection string.

If you replace those with single quotes then it will work fine.

(Posted so others can get the fix faster than I did.)

Get timezone from DateTime

You could use TimeZoneInfo class

The TimeZone class recognizes local time zone, and can convert times between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time. A TimeZoneInfo object can represent any time zone, and methods of the TimeZoneInfo class can be used to convert the time in one time zone to the corresponding time in any other time zone. The members of the TimeZoneInfo class support the following operations:

  1. Retrieving a time zone that is already defined by the operating system.

  2. Enumerating the time zones that are available on a system.

  3. Converting times between different time zones.

  4. Creating a new time zone that is not already defined by the operating system.

    Serializing a time zone for later retrieval.

Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4

I simply went to the XAMMP config button in the XAMPP control panel GUI and clicked on Server and Port settings and I changed the SSL port value.

Closing Twitter Bootstrap Modal From Angular Controller

You can add data-dismiss="modal" to your button attributes which call angularjs funtion.

Such as;

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Send Form</button>

Java ArrayList of Arrays?

ArrayList<String[]> action = new ArrayList<String[]>();

Don't need String[2];

cout is not a member of std

I had a similar issue and it turned out that i had to add an extra entry in cmake to include the files.

Since i was also using the zmq library I had to add this to the included libraries as well.

Is it ok to scrape data from Google results?

Google thrives on scraping websites of the if it was "so illegal" then even Google won't survive ..of course other answers mention ways of mitigating IP blocks by Google. One more way to explore avoiding captcha could be scraping at random times (dint try) ..Moreover, I have a feeling, that if we provide novelty or some significant processing of data then it sounds fine at least to me...if we are simply copying a website.. or hampering its business/brand in some way...then it is bad and should be avoided..on top of it all...if you are a startup then no one will fight you as there is no benefit.. but if your entire premise is on scraping even when you are funded then you should think of more sophisticated ways...alternative APIs..eventually..Also Google keeps releasing (or depricating) fields for its API so what you want to scrap now may be in roadmap of new Google API releases..

Select first 4 rows of a data.frame in R

In case someone is interested in dplyr solution, it's very intuitive:

dt <- dt %>%

Python - Create list with numbers between 2 values?

Use range. In Python 2.x it returns a list so all you need is:

>>> range(11, 17)
[11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

In Python 3.x range is a iterator. So, you need to convert it to a list:

>>> list(range(11, 17))
[11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

Note: The second number is exclusive. So, here it needs to be 16+1 = 17


To respond to the question about incrementing by 0.5, the easiest option would probably be to use numpy's arange() and .tolist():

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.arange(11, 17, 0.5).tolist()

[11.0, 11.5, 12.0, 12.5, 13.0, 13.5,
 14.0, 14.5, 15.0, 15.5, 16.0, 16.5]

C# convert int to string with padding zeros?

C# 6.0 style string interpolation

int i = 1;
var str1 = $"{i:D4}";
var str2 = $"{i:0000}";

How to convert float to varchar in SQL Server

this is the solution I ended up using in sqlserver 2012 (since all the other suggestions had the drawback of truncating fractional part or some other drawback).

declare @float float = 1000000000.1234;
select format(@float, N'#.##############################');



this has the further advantage (in my case) to make thousands separator and localization easy:

select format(@float, N'#,##0.##########', 'de-DE');


How to get a variable name as a string in PHP?

Adapted from answers above for many variables, with good performance, just one $GLOBALS scan for many

function compact_assoc(&$v1='__undefined__', &$v2='__undefined__',&$v3='__undefined__',&$v4='__undefined__',&$v5='__undefined__',&$v6='__undefined__',&$v7='__undefined__',&$v8='__undefined__',&$v9='__undefined__',&$v10='__undefined__',&$v11='__undefined__',&$v12='__undefined__',&$v13='__undefined__',&$v14='__undefined__',&$v15='__undefined__',&$v16='__undefined__',&$v17='__undefined__',&$v18='__undefined__',&$v19='__undefined__'
) {

    foreach( $defined_vars as $source_key => $source_value){
        if($source_value==='__undefined__') break;

    foreach($GLOBALS as $key => &$value){
        if( is_string($value) && isset($reverse_key[$value])  ) {
    foreach( $original_value as $source_key => $original_value){
    return $result;

$a = 'A';
$b = 'B';
$c = '999';
$myArray=Array ('id'=>'id123','name'=>'Foo');
print_r(compact_assoc($a,$b,$c,$myArray) );

    [a] => A
    [b] => B
    [c] => 999
    [myArray] => Array
            [id] => id123
            [name] => Foo


Capturing multiple line output into a Bash variable

How about this, it will read each line to a variable and that can be used subsequently ! say myscript output is redirected to a file called myscript_output

awk '{while ( (getline var < "myscript_output") >0){print var;} close ("myscript_output");}'

Python: Best way to add to sys.path relative to the current running script

I use:

from site import addsitedir

Then, can use any relative directory ! addsitedir('..\lib') ; the two dots implies move (up) one directory first.

Remember that it all depends on what your current working directory your starting from. If C:\Joe\Jen\Becky, then addsitedir('..\lib') imports to your path C:\Joe\Jen\lib

      |_ Jen
      |     |_ Becky
      |_ lib

Angular Material: mat-select not selecting default

You should be binding it as [value] in the mat-option as below,

<mat-select placeholder="Panel color" [(value)]="selected2">
  <mat-option *ngFor="let option of options2" [value]="">
    {{ }}


Qt - reading from a text file

You have to replace string line

QString line = in.readLine();

into while:

QFile file("/home/hamad/lesson11.txt");
if(! {
    QMessageBox::information(0, "error", file.errorString());

QTextStream in(&file);

while(!in.atEnd()) {
    QString line = in.readLine();    
    QStringList fields = line.split(",");    


CSS3 Continuous Rotate Animation (Just like a loading sundial)

You could use animation like this:

-webkit-animation: spin 1s infinite linear;

@-webkit-keyframes spin {
    0%   {-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg)}
    100% {-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg)}

How to dockerize maven project? and how many ways to accomplish it?

Create a Dockerfile
# Build stage

FROM maven:3.6.3-jdk-11-slim AS build

WORKDIR usr/src/app

COPY . ./

RUN mvn clean package

# Package stage

FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim

ARG JAR_NAME="project-name"

WORKDIR /usr/src/app


COPY --from=build /usr/src/app/target/${JAR_NAME}.jar ./app.jar

CMD ["java","-jar", "./app.jar"]

jQuery UI dialog box not positioned center screen

This is how I solved the issue, I added this open function of the dialog:

  open: function () {

This now opens the dialog at the top of the screen, no matter where the page is scrolled to and in all browsers.

Bootstrap carousel multiple frames at once

    $('#carousel-example-generic').on('', function () {_x000D_
        $("" + ($(".carousel-inner .item").length -1) + ") + .item").insertBefore($(".item:first-child"));_x000D_
_x000D_,_x000D_ + .item,_x000D_ + .item  + .item {_x000D_
           width: 33.3%;_x000D_
           display: block;_x000D_
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-1q8mTJOASx8j1Au+a5WDVnPi2lkFfwwEAa8hDDdjZlpLegxhjVME1fgjWPGmkzs7" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<div id="carousel-example-generic" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel" style="max-width:800px;">_x000D_
  <!-- Indicators -->_x000D_
  <ol class="carousel-indicators">_x000D_
    <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li>_x000D_
    <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="1"></li>_x000D_
    <li data-target="#carousel-example-generic" data-slide-to="2"></li>_x000D_
  <!-- Wrapper for slides -->_x000D_
  <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">_x000D_
    <div class="item active">_x000D_
        <img data-src="holder.js/300x200?text=1">_x000D_
    <div class="item">_x000D_
        <img data-src="holder.js/300x200?text=2">_x000D_
    <div class="item">_x000D_
        <img data-src="holder.js/300x200?text=3">_x000D_
    <div class="item">_x000D_
        <img data-src="holder.js/300x200?text=4">_x000D_
    <div class="item">_x000D_
        <img data-src="holder.js/300x200?text=5">_x000D_
    <div class="item">_x000D_
        <img data-src="holder.js/300x200?text=6">_x000D_
    <div class="item">_x000D_
        <img data-src="holder.js/300x200?text=7">_x000D_
    </div>    _x000D_
  <!-- Controls -->_x000D_
  <a class="left carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-generic" role="button" data-slide="prev">_x000D_
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="sr-only">Previous</span>_x000D_
  <a class="right carousel-control" href="#carousel-example-generic" role="button" data-slide="next">_x000D_
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span>_x000D_
    <span class="sr-only">Next</span>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <script src="" integrity="sha384-0mSbJDEHialfmuBBQP6A4Qrprq5OVfW37PRR3j5ELqxss1yVqOtnepnHVP9aJ7xS" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
    <script src=""></script>_x000D_

How to set selected item of Spinner by value, not by position?

if you are using string array this is the best way:

int selectionPosition= adapter.getPosition("YOUR_VALUE");

laravel 5.5 The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again

Go into App/Kernel.php and comment \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class.

How to read a Parquet file into Pandas DataFrame?

Aside from pandas, Apache pyarrow also provides way to transform parquet to dataframe

The code is simple, just type:

import pyarrow.parquet as pq

df = pq.read_table(source=your_file_path).to_pandas()

For more information, see the document from Apache pyarrow Reading and Writing Single Files

How can I measure the actual memory usage of an application or process?

Valgrind can show detailed information, but it slows down the target application significantly, and most of the time it changes the behavior of the application.

Exmap was something I didn't know yet, but it seems that you need a kernel module to get the information, which can be an obstacle.

I assume what everyone wants to know with respect to "memory usage" is the following... In Linux, the amount of physical memory a single process might use can be roughly divided into following categories.

  • M.a anonymous mapped memory

  • .p private

    • .d dirty == malloc/mmapped heap and stack allocated and written memory
    • .c clean == malloc/mmapped heap and stack memory once allocated, written, then freed, but not reclaimed yet
  • .s shared

    • .d dirty == malloc/mmaped heap could get copy-on-write and shared among processes (edited)
    • .c clean == malloc/mmaped heap could get copy-on-write and shared among processes (edited)
  • M.n named mapped memory

  • .p private

    • .d dirty == file mmapped written memory private
    • .c clean == mapped program/library text private mapped
  • .s shared

    • .d dirty == file mmapped written memory shared
    • .c clean == mapped library text shared mapped

Utility included in Android called showmap is quite useful

virtual                    shared   shared   private  private
size     RSS      PSS      clean    dirty    clean    dirty    object
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------------------------
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 0:00 0                  [vsyscall]
       4        4        0        4        0        0        0                         [vdso]
      88       28       28        0        0        4       24                         [stack]
      12       12       12        0        0        0       12 7909                    /lib/
      12        4        4        0        0        0        4 89529                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_IDENTIFICATION
      28        0        0        0        0        0        0 86661                   /usr/lib/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 87660                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MEASUREMENT
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 89528                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_TELEPHONE
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 89527                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_ADDRESS
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 87717                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_NAME
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 87873                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_PAPER
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 13879                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/SYS_LC_MESSAGES
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 89526                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MONETARY
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 89525                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_TIME
       4        0        0        0        0        0        0 11378                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_NUMERIC
    1156        8        8        0        0        4        4 11372                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_COLLATE
     252        0        0        0        0        0        0 11321                   /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_CTYPE
     128       52        1       52        0        0        0 7909                    /lib/
    2316       32       11       24        0        0        8 7986                    /lib/
    2064        8        4        4        0        0        4 7947                    /lib/
    3596      472       46      440        0        4       28 7933                    /lib/
    2084        4        0        4        0        0        0 7995                    /lib/
    2152        4        0        4        0        0        0 7993                    /lib/
    2092        0        0        0        0        0        0 8009                    /lib/
    2100        0        0        0        0        0        0 7999                    /lib/
    3752     2736     2736        0        0      864     1872                         [heap]
      24       24       24        0        0        0       24 [anon]
     916      616      131      584        0        0       32                         /bin/bash
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------------------------------
   22816     4004     3005     1116        0      876     2012 TOTAL

Convert Swift string to array

An easy way to do this is to map the variable and return each Character as a String:

let someText = "hello"

let array ={ String($0) }) // [String]

The output should be ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"].

What does Maven do, in theory and in practice? When is it worth to use it?

Maven is a build tool. Along with Ant or Gradle are Javas tools for building.
If you are a newbie in Java though just build using your IDE since Maven has a steep learning curve.

Android: Quit application when press back button

When you press back and then you finish your current activity(say A), you see a blank activity with your app logo(say B), this simply means that activity B which is shown after finishing A is still in backstack, and also activity A was started from activity B, so in activity, You should start activity A with flags as

Intent launchNextActivity;
launchNextActivity = new Intent(B.class, A.class);

Now your activity A is top on stack with no other activities of your application on the backstack.

Now in the activity A where you want to implement onBackPressed to close the app, you may do something like this,

private Boolean exit = false;
    public void onBackPressed() {
        if (exit) {
            finish(); // finish activity
        } else {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Press Back again to Exit.",
            exit = true;
            new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    exit = false;
            }, 3 * 1000);



The Handler here handles accidental back presses, it simply shows a Toast, and if there is another back press within 3 seconds, it closes the application.

Define static method in source-file with declaration in header-file in C++

Keywords static and virtual should not be repeated in the definition. They should only be used in the class declaration.

Best Practice: Software Versioning

Yet another example for the A.B.C approach is the Eclipse Bundle Versioning. Eclipse bundles rather have a fourth segment:

In Eclipse, version numbers are composed of four (4) segments: 3 integers and a string respectively named major.minor.service.qualifier. Each segment captures a different intent:

  • the major segment indicates breakage in the API
  • the minor segment indicates "externally visible" changes
  • the service segment indicates bug fixes and the change of development stream
  • the qualifier segment indicates a particular build

NVIDIA NVML Driver/library version mismatch

sudo reboot

Rebooting solved it for me.

Convert an NSURL to an NSString

You can use any one way

NSString *string=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",url1];


NSString *str=[url1 absoluteString];

NSLog(@"string :: %@",string);

string :: file:///var/containers/Bundle/Application/E2D7570B-D5A6-45A0-8EAAA1F7476071FE/

NSLog(@"str :: %@", str);

str :: file:///var/containers/Bundle/Application/E2D7570B-D5A6-45A0-8EAA-A1F7476071FE/

Toolbar overlapping below status bar

Remove below lines from style or style(21)

<item name="android:windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds">true</item>
<item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
<item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">false</item>

Responsive css styles on mobile devices ONLY

What's you've got there should be fine to work, but there is no actual "Is Mobile/Tablet" media query so you're always going to be stuck.

There are media queries for common breakpoints , but with the ever changing range of devices they're not guaranteed to work moving forwards.

The idea is that your site maintains the same brand across all sizes, so you should want the styles to cascade across the breakpoints and only update the widths and positioning to best suit that viewport.

To further the answer above, using Modernizr with a no-touch test will allow you to target touch devices which are most likely tablets and smart phones, however with the new releases of touch based screens that is not as good an option as it once was.

Pattern matching using a wildcard

glob2rx() converts a pattern including a wildcard into the equivalent regular expression. You then need to pass this regular expression onto one of R's pattern matching tools.

If you want to match "blue*" where * has the usual wildcard, not regular expression, meaning we use glob2rx() to convert the wildcard pattern into a useful regular expression:

> glob2rx("blue*")
[1] "^blue"

The returned object is a regular expression.

Given your data:

x <- c('red','blue1','blue2', 'red2')

we can pattern match using grep() or similar tools:

> grx <- glob2rx("blue*")
> grep(grx, x)
[1] 2 3
> grep(grx, x, value = TRUE)
[1] "blue1" "blue2"
> grepl(grx, x)

As for the selecting rows problem you posted

> a <- data.frame(x =  c('red','blue1','blue2', 'red2'))
> with(a, a[grepl(grx, x), ])
[1] blue1 blue2
Levels: blue1 blue2 red red2
> with(a, a[grep(grx, x), ])
[1] blue1 blue2
Levels: blue1 blue2 red red2

or via subset():

> with(a, subset(a, subset = grepl(grx, x)))
2 blue1
3 blue2

Hope that explains what grob2rx() does and how to use it?

Focus Input Box On Load

If you can't add to the BODY tag for some reason, you can add this AFTER the Form:

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">

Using Panel or PlaceHolder

PlaceHolder control

Use the PlaceHolder control as a container to store server controls that are dynamically added to the Web page. The PlaceHolder control does not produce any visible output and is used only as a container for other controls on the Web page. You can use the Control.Controls collection to add, insert, or remove a control in the PlaceHolder control.

Panel control

The Panel control is a container for other controls. It is especially useful when you want to generate controls programmatically, hide/show a group of controls, or localize a group of controls.

The Direction property is useful for localizing a Panel control's content to display text for languages that are written from right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew.

The Panel control provides several properties that allow you to customize the behavior and display of its contents. Use the BackImageUrl property to display a custom image for the Panel control. Use the ScrollBars property to specify scroll bars for the control.

Small differences when rendering HTML: a PlaceHolder control will render nothing, but Panel control will render as a <div>.

More information at ASP.NET Forums

Easiest way to make lua script wait/pause/sleep/block for a few seconds?

cy = function()
    local T = os.time()
    return os.time()-T
sleep = function(time)
    if not time or time == 0 then 
        time = cy()
    local t = 0
        local T = os.time()
        coroutine.yield(coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() end)))
        t = t + (os.time()-T)
    until t >= time

Installing PIL (Python Imaging Library) in Win7 64 bits, Python 2.6.4

I've just had the same problem (with Python 2.7 and PIL for this versions, but the solution should work also for 2.6) and the way to solve it is to copy all the registry keys from:




Worked for me

solution found at the address below so credits should go there:

What is the bower (and npm) version syntax?

Bower uses semver syntax, but here are a few quick examples:

You can install a specific version:

$ bower install jquery#1.11.1

You can use ~ to specify 'any version that starts with this':

$ bower install jquery#~1.11

You can specify multiple version requirements together:

$ bower install "jquery#<2.0 >1.10"

Draw a curve with css

You could use an asymmetrical border to make curves with CSS.

border-radius: 50%/100px 100px 0 0;


.box {_x000D_
  width: 500px; _x000D_
  height: 100px;  _x000D_
  border: solid 5px #000;_x000D_
  border-color: #000 transparent transparent transparent;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%/100px 100px 0 0;_x000D_
<div class="box"></div>

php: check if an array has duplicates

I'm using this:

    echo("all values are unique");
    echo("there's dupe values");

I don't know if it's the fastest but works pretty good so far

PHP: Count a stdClass object

count() function works with array. But if you want to count object's length then you can use this method.

$total = $obj->length;

What are all the different ways to create an object in Java?

There are five different ways to create an object in Java,

1. Using new keyword ? constructor get called

Employee emp1 = new Employee();

2. Using newInstance() method of Class ? constructor get called

Employee emp2 = (Employee) Class.forName("org.programming.mitra.exercises.Employee")

It can also be written as

Employee emp2 = Employee.class.newInstance();

3. Using newInstance() method of Constructor ? constructor get called

Constructor<Employee> constructor = Employee.class.getConstructor();
Employee emp3 = constructor.newInstance();

4. Using clone() method ? no constructor call

Employee emp4 = (Employee) emp3.clone();

5. Using deserialization ? no constructor call

ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("data.obj"));
Employee emp5 = (Employee) in.readObject();

First three methods new keyword and both newInstance() include a constructor call but later two clone and deserialization methods create objects without calling the constructor.

All above methods have different bytecode associated with them, Read Different ways to create objects in Java with Example for examples and more detailed description e.g. bytecode conversion of all these methods.

However one can argue that creating an array or string object is also a way of creating the object but these things are more specific to some classes only and handled directly by JVM, while we can create an object of any class by using these 5 ways.

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) symfony2

write direct password into config>database.php

'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', '')

Change to

'password' => 'your password',

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is an open-source CSS, JavaScript framework that was originally developed for twitter application by twitter's team of designers and developers. Then they released it for open-source. Being a longtime user of twitter bootstrap I find that its one of the best for designing mobile ready responsive websites. Many CSS and Javascript plugins are available for designing your website in no time. It's kind of rapid template design framework. Some people complain that the bootstrap CSS files are heavy and take time to load but these claims are made by lazy people. You don't have to keep the complete bootstrap.css in your website. You always have the option to remove the styles for components that you do not need for your website. For example, if you are only using basic components like forms and buttons then you can remove other components like accordions etc from the main CSS file. To start dabbling in bootstrap you can download the basic templates and components from getbootstrap site and let the magic happen.

Posting form to different MVC post action depending on the clicked submit button

You can choose the url where the form must be posted (and thus, the invoked action) in different ways, depending on the browser support:

In this way you don't need to do anything special on the server side.

Of course, you can use Url extensions methods in your Razor to specify the form action.

For browsers supporting HMTL5: simply define your submit buttons like this:

<input type='submit' value='...' formaction='@Url.Action(...)' />

For older browsers I recommend using an unobtrusive script like this (include it in your "master layout"):

$(document).on('click', '[type="submit"][data-form-action]', function (event) {
  var $this = $(this);
  var formAction = $this.attr('data-form-action');
  $this.closest('form').attr('action', formAction);

NOTE: This script will handle the click for any element in the page that has type=submit and data-form-action attributes. When this happens, it takes the value of data-form-action attribute and set the containing form's action to the value of this attribute. As it's a delegated event, it will work even for HTML loaded using AJAX, without taking extra steps.

Then you simply have to add a data-form-action attribute with the desired action URL to your button, like this:

<input type='submit' data-form-action='@Url.Action(...)' value='...'/>

Note that clicking the button changes the form's action, and, right after that, the browser posts the form to the desired action.

As you can see, this requires no custom routing, you can use the standard Url extension methods, and you have nothing special to do in modern browsers.

Root element is missing

Just in case anybody else lands here from Google, I was bitten by this error message when using XDocument.Load(Stream) method.

XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlStream);  

Make sure the stream position is set to 0 (zero) before you try and load the Stream, its an easy mistake I always overlook!

if (xmlStream.Position > 0)
    xmlStream.Position = 0;
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlStream); 

jQuery click events not working in iOS

Recently when working on a web app for a client, I noticed that any click events added to a non-anchor element didn't work on the iPad or iPhone. All desktop and other mobile devices worked fine - but as the Apple products are the most popular mobile devices, it was important to get it fixed.

Turns out that any non-anchor element assigned a click handler in jQuery must either have an onClick attribute (can be empty like below):



The element css needs to have the following declaration:


Strange, but that's what it took to get things working again!

eval command in Bash and its typical uses

I like the "evaluating your expression one additional time before execution" answer, and would like to clarify with another example.

var="\"par1 par2\""
echo $var # prints nicely "par1 par2"

function cntpars() {
  echo "  > Count: $#"
  echo "  > Pars : $*"
  echo "  > par1 : $1"
  echo "  > par2 : $2"

  if [[ $# = 1 && $1 = "par1 par2" ]]; then
    echo "  > PASS"
    echo "  > FAIL"
    return 1

# Option 1: Will Pass
echo "eval \"cntpars \$var\""
eval "cntpars $var"

# Option 2: Will Fail, with curious results
echo "cntpars \$var"
cntpars $var

The Curious results in Option 2 are that we would have passed 2 parameters as follows:

  • First Parameter: "value
  • Second Parameter: content"

How is that for counter intuitive? The additional eval will fix that.

Adapted from

How do I convert strings in a Pandas data frame to a 'date' data type?

Now you can do df['column']

Note that for datetime objects, if you don't see the hour when they're all 00:00:00, that's not pandas. That's iPython notebook trying to make things look pretty.

What is the correct way to read from NetworkStream in .NET

Networking code is notoriously difficult to write, test and debug.

You often have lots of things to consider such as:

  • what "endian" will you use for the data that is exchanged (Intel x86/x64 is based on little-endian) - systems that use big-endian can still read data that is in little-endian (and vice versa), but they have to rearrange the data. When documenting your "protocol" just make it clear which one you are using.

  • are there any "settings" that have been set on the sockets which can affect how the "stream" behaves (e.g. SO_LINGER) - you might need to turn certain ones on or off if your code is very sensitive

  • how does congestion in the real world which causes delays in the stream affect your reading/writing logic

If the "message" being exchanged between a client and server (in either direction) can vary in size then often you need to use a strategy in order for that "message" to be exchanged in a reliable manner (aka Protocol).

Here are several different ways to handle the exchange:

  • have the message size encoded in a header that precedes the data - this could simply be a "number" in the first 2/4/8 bytes sent (dependent on your max message size), or could be a more exotic "header"

  • use a special "end of message" marker (sentinel), with the real data encoded/escaped if there is the possibility of real data being confused with an "end of marker"

  • use a timeout....i.e. a certain period of receiving no bytes means there is no more data for the message - however, this can be error prone with short timeouts, which can easily be hit on congested streams.

  • have a "command" and "data" channel on separate "connections"....this is the approach the FTP protocol uses (the advantage is clear separation of data from the expense of a 2nd connection)

Each approach has its pros and cons for "correctness".

The code below uses the "timeout" method, as that seems to be the one you want.

See You can get access to the NetworkStream on the TCPClient so you can change the ReadTimeout.

string SendCmd(string cmd, string ip, int port)
  var client = new TcpClient(ip, port);
  var data = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(cmd);
  var stm = client.GetStream();
  // Set a 250 millisecond timeout for reading (instead of Infinite the default)
  stm.ReadTimeout = 250;
  stm.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
  byte[] resp = new byte[2048];
  var memStream = new MemoryStream();
  int bytesread = stm.Read(resp, 0, resp.Length);
  while (bytesread > 0)
      memStream.Write(resp, 0, bytesread);
      bytesread = stm.Read(resp, 0, resp.Length);
  return Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetString(memStream.ToArray());

As a footnote for other variations on this writing network code...when doing a Read where you want to avoid a "block", you can check the DataAvailable flag and then ONLY read what is in the buffer checking the .Length property e.g. stm.Read(resp, 0, stm.Length);

Css height in percent not working

This is what you need in the CSS:

html, body {
    height: 100%; 
    width: 100%; 
    margin: 0; 

git: fatal unable to auto-detect email address

For Visual Studio users:

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Click on Git menu > Source Control > Git Repository Settings > General
  3. Set the 'User name' and 'Email'
  4. Click 'OK'

Parsing a JSON array using Json.Net

Use Manatee.Json

And you can convert the entire object to a string, filename.json is expected to be located in documents folder.

        var text = File.ReadAllText("filename.json");
        var json = JsonValue.Parse(text);

        while (JsonValue.Null != null)


Why is Git better than Subversion?

One of the things about SubVersion that irks me is that it puts its own folder in each directory of a project, whereas git only puts one in the root directory. It's not that big of a deal, but little things like that add up.

Of course, SubVersion has Tortoise, which is [usually] very nice.

Best way to copy a database (SQL Server 2008)

If you want to take a copy of a live database, do the Backup/Restore method.

[In SQLS2000, not sure about 2008:] Just keep in mind that if you are using SQL Server accounts in this database, as opposed to Windows accounts, if the master DB is different or out of sync on the development server, the user accounts will not translate when you do the restore. I've heard about an SP to remap them, but I can't remember which one it was.

How to fully delete a git repository created with init?

In windows:

  1. Press Start Button
  2. Search Resource Monitor
  3. Under CPU Tab -> type .git -> right click rundll32 and end process

Now you can delete .git folder

Is there a label/goto in Python?

no there is an alternative way to implement goto statement

class id:
     def data1(self):
        while n>0:
            print("1. for enter data")
            print("2. update list")
            print("3. show data")
            print("choose what you want to do ?")
            ch=int(input("enter your choice"))
            if ch==1:    
                n=int(input("how many elemet you want to enter="))
                for i in range(n):
                    name.append(input("NAME "))
                    age.append(int(input("age "))) 
            elif ch==2:
                name.append(input("NAME "))
                age.append(int(input("age ")))
            elif ch==3:
                    if name==None:
                        print("empty list")
                        print("name \t age")
                        for i in range(n):
                            print(name[i]," \t ",age[i])
                    print("list is empty")
            print("do want to continue y or n")
            if ch1=="y":
                print("name \t age")
                for i in range(n):
                    print(name[i]," \t ",age[i])

setting the id attribute of an input element dynamically in IE: alternative for setAttribute method

I wasn't aware of a problem with setAttribute in IE ? However you could directly set the expando property on the node itself: = "uniqueIdentifier";

How to make --no-ri --no-rdoc the default for gem install?

Step by steps:

To create/edit the .gemrc file from the terminal:

vi  ~/.gemrc

You will open a editor called vi. paste in:

gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc

click 'esc'-button.

type in:


You can check if everything is correct with this command:

sudo /Applications/ ~/.gemrc

Check whether specific radio button is checked


use this and here ClientID fetch random id created by .net.

Creating a Shopping Cart using only HTML/JavaScript

Here's a one page cart written in Javascript with localStorage. Here's a full working pen. Previously found on Codebox


var cart = {
  hPdt : null, // HTML products list
  hItems : null, // HTML current cart
  items : {}, // Current

  save : function () {
    localStorage.setItem("cart", JSON.stringify(cart.items));

  load : function () {
    cart.items = localStorage.getItem("cart");
    if (cart.items == null) { cart.items = {}; }
    else { cart.items = JSON.parse(cart.items); }

  nuke : function () {
    if (confirm("Empty cart?")) {
      cart.items = {};

  init : function () {
    cart.hPdt = document.getElementById("cart-products");
    cart.hItems = document.getElementById("cart-items");

    cart.hPdt.innerHTML = "";
    let p, item, part;
    for (let id in products) {
      // WRAPPER
      p = products[id];
      item = document.createElement("div");
      item.className = "p-item";

      part = document.createElement("img");
      part.src = "images/" +p.img;
      part.className = "p-img";

      part = document.createElement("div");
      part.innerHTML =;
      part.className = "p-name";

      part = document.createElement("div");
      part.innerHTML = p.desc;
      part.className = "p-desc";

      part = document.createElement("div");
      part.innerHTML = "$" + p.price;
      part.className = "p-price";

      // ADD TO CART
      part = document.createElement("input");
      part.type = "button";
      part.value = "Add to Cart";
      part.className = "cart p-add";
      part.onclick = cart.add; = id;



  list : function () {
    // (D1) RESET
    cart.hItems.innerHTML = "";
    let item, part, pdt;
    let empty = true;
    for (let key in cart.items) {
      if(cart.items.hasOwnProperty(key)) { empty = false; break; }

    // (D2) CART IS EMPTY
    if (empty) {
      item = document.createElement("div");
      item.innerHTML = "Cart is empty";

    else {
      let p, total = 0, subtotal = 0;
      for (let id in cart.items) {
        // ITEM
        p = products[id];
        item = document.createElement("div");
        item.className = "c-item";

        // NAME
        part = document.createElement("div");
        part.innerHTML =;
        part.className = "c-name";

        // REMOVE
        part = document.createElement("input");
        part.type = "button";
        part.value = "X"; = id;
        part.className = "c-del cart";
        part.addEventListener("click", cart.remove);

        // QUANTITY
        part = document.createElement("input");
        part.type = "number";
        part.value = cart.items[id]; = id;
        part.className = "c-qty";
        part.addEventListener("change", cart.change);

        // SUBTOTAL
        subtotal = cart.items[id] * p.price;
        total += subtotal;

      item = document.createElement("input");
      item.type = "button";
      item.value = "Empty";
      item.addEventListener("click", cart.nuke);
      item.className = "c-empty cart";

      item = document.createElement("input");
      item.type = "button";
      item.value = "Checkout - " + "$" + total;
      item.addEventListener("click", cart.checkout);
      item.className = "c-checkout cart";

  add : function () {
    if (cart.items[] == undefined) {
      cart.items[] = 1;
    } else {

  change : function () {
    if (this.value == 0) {
      delete cart.items[];
    } else {
      cart.items[] = this.value;
  remove : function () {
    delete cart.items[];;
  checkout : function () {
    // CHECKS
    // PAYMENT
    alert("TO DO");

    var data = new FormData();
    data.append('cart', JSON.stringify(cart.items));
    data.append('products', JSON.stringify(products));
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "SERVER-SCRIPT");
    xhr.onload = function(){ ... };
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", cart.init);

How to check if String is null

You can check with null or Number.

First, add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic in your application.

Then, use the following code:

bool b = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric("null");
bool c = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsNumeric("abc");

In the above, b and c should both be false.

PHP Session timeout

    session_cache_expire( 20 );
    session_start(); // NEVER FORGET TO START THE SESSION!!!
    $inactive = 1200; //20 minutes *60
    if(isset($_SESSION['start']) ) {
$session_life = time() - $_SESSION['start'];
if($session_life > $inactive){
    header("Location: user_logout.php");
    $_SESSION['start'] = time();

    if($_SESSION['valid_user'] != true){
    header('Location: ../....php');


How to set underline text on textview?

You have to use SpannableString for that :

String mystring=new String("Hello.....");
SpannableString content = new SpannableString(mystring);
content.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), 0, mystring.length(), 0);

Update : You can refer my answer on Underling TextView's here in all possible ways.

How can I display a JavaScript object?

A little helper function I always use in my projects for simple, speedy debugging via the console. Inspiration taken from Laravel.

 * @param variable mixed  The var to log to the console
 * @param varName string  Optional, will appear as a label before the var
function dd(variable, varName) {
    var varNameOutput;

    varName = varName || '';
    varNameOutput = varName ? varName + ':' : '';

    console.warn(varNameOutput, variable, ' (' + (typeof variable) + ')');


dd(123.55); outputs:
enter image description here

var obj = {field1: 'xyz', field2: 2016};
dd(obj, 'My Cool Obj'); 

enter image description here

Create File If File Does Not Exist

You can simply call

using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText("log.txt"))

It will create the file if it doesn't exist and open the file for appending.


This is sufficient:

string path = txtFilePath.Text;               
using(StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path))
  foreach (var line in employeeList.Items)                 
    Employee e = (Employee)line; // unbox once

But if you insist on checking first, you can do something like this, but I don't see the point.

string path = txtFilePath.Text;               

using (StreamWriter sw = (File.Exists(path)) ? File.AppendText(path) : File.CreateText(path))                 
    foreach (var line in employeeList.Items)                     

Also, one thing to point out with your code is that you're doing a lot of unnecessary unboxing. If you have to use a plain (non-generic) collection like ArrayList, then unbox the object once and use the reference.

However, I perfer to use List<> for my collections:

public class EmployeeList : List<Employee>

How do I add PHP code/file to HTML(.html) files?

You can modify .htaccess like others said, but the fastest solution is to rename the file extension to .php

How to insert an element after another element in JavaScript without using a library?

2018 Solution (Bad Practice, go to 2020)

I know this question is Ancient, but for any future users, heres a modified prototype this is just a micro polyfill for the .insertAfter function that doesnt exist this prototype directly adds a new function baseElement.insertAfter(element); to the Element prototype:

Element.prototype.insertAfter = function(new) {
    this.parentNode.insertBefore(new, this.nextSibling);

Once youve placed the polyfill in a library, gist, or just in your code (or anywhere else where it can be referenced) Just write document.getElementById('foo').insertAfter(document.createElement('bar'));

2019 Solution (Ugly, go to 2020)

You SHOULD NOT USE PROTOTYPES. They overwrite the default codebase and arent very efficient or safe and can cause compatibility errors, but if its for non-commercial projects, it shouldnt matter. if you want a safe function for commercial use, just use a default function. its not pretty but it works:

function insertAfter(el, newEl) {
    el.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, this.nextSibling);

// use

const el = document.body || document.querySelector("body");
// the || means "this OR that"

el.insertBefore(document.createElement("div"), el.nextSibling);
// Insert Before

insertAfter(el, document.createElement("div"));
// Insert After 

2020 Solution

Current Web Standards for ChildNode:

Its currently in the Living Standards and is SAFE.

For Unsupported Browsers, use this Polyfill:

Someone mentioned that the Polyfill uses Protos, when I said they were bad practice. They are, especially when they are used blindly and overwrited, like with my 2018 solution. However, that polyfill is on the MDN Documentation and uses a kind of initialization and execution that is safer.

How to use the 2020 Solution:

// Parent Element
const el = document.querySelector(".class");

// Create New Element
const newEl = document.createElement("div"); = "foo";

// Insert New Element BEFORE an Element

// Insert New Element AFTER an Element

// Remove an Element

// Even though it’s a created element,
// newEl is still a reference to the HTML,
// so using .remove() on it should work
// if you have already appended it somewhere

How to extract text from a PDF?

For image extraction, pdfimages is a free command line tool for Linux or Windows (win32):

pdfimages: Extract and Save Images From A Portable Document Format ( PDF ) File

What is ".NET Core"?

Microsoft just announced .NET Core v 3.0, which is a much-improved version of .NET Core.

For more details visit this great article: Difference Between .NET Framework and .NET Core from April 2019.

Maven – Always download sources and javadocs

Not sure, but you should be able to do something by setting a default active profile in your settings.xml



MySQL load NULL values from CSV data

This will do what you want. It reads the fourth field into a local variable, and then sets the actual field value to NULL, if the local variable ends up containing an empty string:

LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/testdata.txt'
(one, two, three, @vfour, five)
SET four = NULLIF(@vfour,'')

If they're all possibly empty, then you'd read them all into variables and have multiple SET statements, like this:

LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/testdata.txt'
(@vone, @vtwo, @vthree, @vfour, @vfive)
one = NULLIF(@vone,''),
two = NULLIF(@vtwo,''),
three = NULLIF(@vthree,''),
four = NULLIF(@vfour,'')

C - error: storage size of ‘a’ isn’t known

Say it like this: struct xyx a;

CSS to make table 100% of max-width

Like this




javascript, is there an isObject function like isArray?

You can use typeof operator.

if( (typeof A === "object" || typeof A === 'function') && (A !== null) )
    alert("A is object");

Note that because typeof new Number(1) === 'object' while typeof Number(1) === 'number'; the first syntax should be avoided.

Regular expression to match characters at beginning of line only

(?i)^[ \r\n]*CTR

(?i) -- case insensitive -- Remove if case sensitive.
[ \r\n]  -- ignore space and new lines
* -- 0 or more times the same
CTR - your starts with string.

Is there any difference between "!=" and "<>" in Oracle Sql?

Actually, there are four forms of this operator:


and even

¬= -- worked on some obscure platforms in the dark ages

which are the same, but treated differently when a verbatim match is required (stored outlines or cached queries).

Media query to detect if device is touchscreen

The CSS solutions don't appear to be widely available as of mid-2013. Instead...

  1. Nicholas Zakas explains that Modernizr applies a no-touch CSS class when the browser doesn’t support touch.

  2. Or detect in JavaScript with a simple piece of code, allowing you to implement your own Modernizr-like solution:

        document.documentElement.className += 
        (("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) ? ' touch' : ' no-touch');

    Then you can write your CSS as:

    .no-touch .myClass {
    .touch .myClass {

ASP.NET Display "Loading..." message while update panel is updating

You can use code as below when

using Image as Loading

<asp:UpdateProgress id="updateProgress" runat="server">
        <div style="position: fixed; text-align: center; height: 100%; width: 100%; top: 0; right: 0; left: 0; z-index: 9999999; background-color: #000000; opacity: 0.7;">
            <asp:Image ID="imgUpdateProgress" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/ajax-loader.gif" AlternateText="Loading ..." ToolTip="Loading ..." style="padding: 10px;position:fixed;top:45%;left:50%;" />

using Text as Loading

<asp:UpdateProgress id="updateProgress" runat="server">
        <div style="position: fixed; text-align: center; height: 100%; width: 100%; top: 0; right: 0; left: 0; z-index: 9999999; background-color: #000000; opacity: 0.7;">
            <span style="border-width: 0px; position: fixed; padding: 50px; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 36px; left: 40%; top: 40%;">Loading ...</span>

How to read xml file contents in jQuery and display in html elements?

 $.get("/folder_name/filename.xml", function (xml) {_x000D_
 var xmlInnerhtml = xml.documentElement.innerHTML;_x000D_

What is Java Servlet?

In addition to the above, and just to point out the bleedin' obvious...

To many this is hyper obvious, but to someone used to writing apps which are just run and then end: a servlet spends most of its time hanging around doing nothing... waiting to be sent something, a request, and then responding to it. For this reason a servlet has a lifetime: it is initalised and then waits around, responding to anything thrown at it, and is then destroyed. Which implies that it has to be created (and later destroyed) by something else (a framework), that it runs in its own thread or process, and that it does nothing unless asked to. And also that, by some means or other, a mechanism must be implemented whereby this "entity" can "listen" for requests.

I suggest that reading about threads, processes and sockets will throw some light on this: it's quite different to the way a basic "hello world" app functions.

It could be argued that the term "server" or "servlet" is a bit of an overkill. A more rational and simpler name might be "responder". The reason for the choice of the term "server" is historical: the first such arrangements were "file servers", where multiple user/client terminals would ask for a specific file from a central machine, and this file would then be "served up" like a book or a plate of fish and chips.

How do I get the collection of Model State Errors in ASP.NET MVC?

Here is the VB.

Dim validationErrors As String = String.Join(",", ModelState.Values.Where(Function(E) E.Errors.Count > 0).SelectMany(Function(E) E.Errors).[Select](Function(E) E.ErrorMessage).ToArray())

Changing tab bar item image and text color iOS


For Image:

custom.tabBarItem = UITabBarItem(title: "Home", image: UIImage(named: "tab_icon_normal"), selectedImage: UIImage(named: "tab_icon_selected"))

For Text:

UITabBarItem.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.gray], for: .normal)
UITabBarItem.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes([NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor:], for: .selected)

printf a variable in C

As Shafik already wrote you need to use the right format because scanf gets you a char. Don't hesitate to look here if u aren't sure about the usage:

Hint: It's faster/nicer to write x=x+1; the shorter way: x++;

Sorry for answering what's answered just wanted to give him the link - the site was really useful to me all the time dealing with C.

How can I find a specific element in a List<T>?

var list = new List<MyClass>();
var item = list.Find( x => x.GetId() == "TARGET_ID" );

or if there is only one and you want to enforce that something like SingleOrDefault may be what you want

var item = list.SingleOrDefault( x => x.GetId() == "TARGET" );

if ( item == null )
    throw new Exception();

How do I divide so I get a decimal value?

I mean it's quite simple. Set it as a double. So lets say

double answer = 3.0/2.0;

Implementing autocomplete

PrimeNG has a native AutoComplete component with advanced features like templating and multiple selection.


You should be able to do the count on the purch variable:



var purch = from purchase in myBlaContext.purchases
select purchase;


How to play an android notification sound

If anyone's still looking for a solution to this, I found an answer at How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android

try {
    Uri notification = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION);
    Ringtone r = RingtoneManager.getRingtone(getApplicationContext(), notification);;
} catch (Exception e) {

You can change TYPE_NOTIFICATION to TYPE_ALARM, but you'll want to keep track of your Ringtone r in order to stop playing it... say, when the user clicks a button or something.

Hibernate dialect for Oracle Database 11g?

If you are using WL 10 use the following:


length and length() in Java

I was taught that for arrays, length is not retrieved through a method due to the following fear: programmers would just assign the length to a local variable before entering a loop (think a for loop where the conditional uses the array's length.) The programmer would supposedly do so to trim down on function calls (and thereby improve performance.) The problem is that the length might change during the loop, and the variable wouldn't.

Aesthetics must either be length one, or the same length as the dataProblems

Similar to @joran's answer. Reshape the df so that the prices for each product are in different columns:

xx <- reshape(df, idvar=c("skew","version","color"),
              v.names="price", timevar="product", direction="wide")

xx will have columns price.p1, ... price.p4, so:

ggp <- ggplot(xx,aes(x=price.p1, y=price.p3, color=factor(skew))) +
       geom_point(shape=19, size=5)
ggp + facet_grid(color~version)

gives the result from your image.

JavaScript/jQuery - "$ is not defined- $function()" error

if you are trying to use jquery in your electron app before adding jquery you should add it to your modules:

    if (typeof module === 'object') {
        window.module = module;
        module = undefined;
<script src="js/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script>

How to compare pointers?

Yes, that is the definition of raw pointer equality: they both point to the same location (or are pointer aliases); usually in the virtual address space of the process running your application coded in C++ and managed by some operating system (but C++ can also be used for programming embedded devices with micro-controllers having a Harward architecture: on such microcontrollers some pointer casts are forbidden and makes no sense - since read only data could sit in code ROM)

For C++, read a good C++ programming book, see this C++ reference website, read the documentation of your C++ compiler (perhaps GCC or Clang) and consider coding with smart pointers. Maybe read also some draft C++ standard, like n4713 or buy the official standard from your ISO representative.

The concepts and terminology of garbage collection are also relevant when managing pointers and memory zones obtained by dynamic allocation (e.g. ::operator new), so read perhaps the GC handbook.

For pointers on Linux machines, see also this.

CSS vertical alignment of inline/inline-block elements

vertical-align applies to the elements being aligned, not their parent element. To vertically align the div's children, do this instead:

div > * {
    vertical-align:middle;  // Align children to middle of line


NOTE: vertical-align is relative to the current text line, not the full height of the parent div. If you wanted the parent div to be taller and still have the elements vertically centered, set the div's line-height property instead of its height. Follow jsfiddle link above for an example.

Compare two List<T> objects for equality, ignoring order

As written, this question is ambigous. The statement:

... they both have the same elements, regardless of their position within the list. Each MyType object may appear multiple times on a list.

does not indicate whether you want to ensure that the two lists have the same set of objects or the same distinct set.

If you want to ensure to collections have exactly the same set of members regardless of order, you can use:

// lists should have same count of items, and set difference must be empty
var areEquivalent = (list1.Count == list2.Count) && !list1.Except(list2).Any();

If you want to ensure two collections have the same distinct set of members (where duplicates in either are ignored), you can use:

// check that [(A-B) Union (B-A)] is empty
var areEquivalent = !list1.Except(list2).Union( list2.Except(list1) ).Any();

Using the set operations (Intersect, Union, Except) is more efficient than using methods like Contains. In my opinion, it also better expresses the expectations of your query.

EDIT: Now that you've clarified your question, I can say that you want to use the first form - since duplicates matter. Here's a simple example to demonstrate that you get the result you want:

var a = new[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 2};
var b = new[] { 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2 };

// result below should be true, since the two sets are equivalent...
var areEquivalent = (a.Count() == b.Count()) && !a.Except(b).Any(); 

Java ArrayList - Check if list is empty

Good practice nowadays is to use CollectionUtils from either Apache Commons or Spring Framework.


Android - Best and safe way to stop thread

Currently and unfortunately we can't do anything to stop the thread....

Adding something to Matt's answer we can call interrupt() but that doesn't stop thread... Just tells the system to stop the thread when system wants to kill some threads. Rest is done by system, and we can check it by calling interrupted().

[p.s. : If you are really going with interrupt() I would ask you to do some experiments with a short sleep after calling interrupt()]

Creating PHP class instance with a string

have a look at example 3 from

$className = 'Foo';
$instance = new $className(); // Foo()

Clone private git repo with dockerfile

My key was password protected which was causing the problem, a working file is now listed below (for help of future googlers)

FROM ubuntu

MAINTAINER Luke Crooks "[email protected]"

# Update aptitude with new repo
RUN apt-get update

# Install software 
RUN apt-get install -y git
# Make ssh dir
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/

# Copy over private key, and set permissions
# Warning! Anyone who gets their hands on this image will be able
# to retrieve this private key file from the corresponding image layer
ADD id_rsa /root/.ssh/id_rsa

# Create known_hosts
RUN touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts
# Add bitbuckets key
RUN ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts

# Clone the conf files into the docker container
RUN git clone [email protected]:User/repo.git

Django URL Redirect

If you are stuck on django 1.2 like I am and RedirectView doesn't exist, another route-centric way to add the redirect mapping is using:

(r'^match_rules/$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url': '/new_url'}),  

You can also re-route everything on a match. This is useful when changing the folder of an app but wanting to preserve bookmarks:

(r'^match_folder/(?P<path>.*)', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url': '/new_folder/%(path)s'}),  

This is preferable to django.shortcuts.redirect if you are only trying to modify your url routing and do not have access to .htaccess, etc (I'm on Appengine and app.yaml doesn't allow url redirection at that level like an .htaccess).

How are "mvn clean package" and "mvn clean install" different?

Package & install are various phases in maven build lifecycle. package phase will execute all phases prior to that & it will stop with packaging the project as a jar. Similarly install phase will execute all prior phases & finally install the project locally for other dependent projects.

For understanding maven build lifecycle please go through the following link

How to change RGB color to HSV?

FIRST: make sure you have a color as a bitmap, like this:

Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)pictureBox1.Image.Clone();
paintcolor = bmp.GetPixel(e.X, e.Y);

(e is from the event handler wich picked my color!)

What I did when I had this problem a whilke ago, I first got the rgba (red, green, blue and alpha) values. Next I created 3 floats: float hue, float saturation, float brightness. Then you simply do:

hue = yourcolor.Gethue;
saturation = yourcolor.GetSaturation;
brightness = yourcolor.GetBrightness;

The whole lot looks like this:

Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)pictureBox1.Image.Clone();
            paintcolor = bmp.GetPixel(e.X, e.Y);
            float hue;
            float saturation;
            float brightness;
            hue = paintcolor.GetHue();
            saturation = paintcolor.GetSaturation();
            brightness = paintcolor.GetBrightness();

If you now want to display them in a label, just do:

yourlabelname.Text = hue.ToString;
yourlabelname.Text = saturation.ToString;
yourlabelname.Text = brightness.ToString;

Here you go, you now have RGB Values into HSV values :)

Hope this helps

How can I create a copy of an Oracle table without copying the data?

The task above can be completed in two simple steps.


CREATE table new_table_name AS(Select * from old_table_name);

The query above creates a duplicate of a table (with contents as well).

To get the structure, delete the contents of the table using.


DELETE * FROM new_table_name.

Hope this solves your problem. And thanks to the earlier posts. Gave me a lot of insight.

Getting files by creation date in .NET

@jing: "The DirectoryInfo solution is much faster then this (especially for network path)"

I cant confirm this. It seems as if Directory.GetFiles triggers a filesystem or network cache. The first request takes a while, but the following requests are much faster, even if new files were added. In my test I did a Directory.getfiles and a info.GetFiles with the same patterns and both run equally

GetFiles  done 437834 in00:00:20.4812480
process files  done 437834 in00:00:00.9300573
GetFiles by Dirinfo(2)  done 437834 in00:00:20.7412646

ALTER TABLE add constraint

alter table User 
    add constraint userProperties
    foreign key (properties)
    references Properties(ID)

Why doesn't indexOf work on an array IE8?

If you're using jQuery and want to keep using indexOf without worrying about compatibility issues, you can do this :

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
    Array.prototype.indexOf = function(val) {
        return jQuery.inArray(val, this);

This is helpful when you want to keep using indexOf but provide a fallback when it's not available.

AngularJS HTTP post to PHP and undefined

You need to deserialize your form data before passing it as the second parameter to .post (). You can achieve this using jQuery's $.param (data) method. Then you will be able to on server side to reference it like $.POST ['email'];

Changing project port number in Visual Studio 2013

The Visual Studio Development Server option applies only when you are running (testing) the Web project in Visual Studio. Production Web applications always run under IIS.

To specify the Web server for a Web site project

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the name of the Web site project for which you want to specify a Web server, and then click Property Pages.
  2. In the Property Pages dialog box, click the Start Options tab.
  3. Under Server, click Use custom server.
  4. In the Base URL box, type the URL that Visual Studio should start when running the current project.

    Note: If you specify the URL of a remote server (for example, an IIS Web application on another computer), be sure that the remote server is running at least the .NET Framework version 2.0.

To specify the Web server for a Web application project

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the name of the Web application project for which you want to specify a Web server, and then click Properties.
  2. In the Properties window, click the Web tab.
  3. Under Servers, click Use Visual Studio Development Server or Use Local IIS Web server or Use Custom Web server.
  4. If you clicked Local IIS Web server or Use Custom Web Server, in the Base URL box, type the URL that Visual Studio should start when running the current project.

    Note: If you clicked Use Custom Web Server and specify the URL of a remote server (for example, an IIS Web application on another computer), be sure that the remote server is running at least the .NET Framework version 2.0.


Getting the encoding of a Postgres database

Method 1:

If you're already logged in to the db server, just copy and paste this.




For Client encoding :


Method 2:

Again if you are already logged in, use this to get the list based result


Disable scrolling when touch moving certain element

Set the touch-action CSS property to none, which works even with passive event listeners:

touch-action: none;

Applying this property to an element will not trigger the default (scroll) behavior when the event is originating from that element.

How to reduce the space between <p> tags?

Replace <p> </p> with &nbsp;
Add as many &nbsp; as needed.

I solved the same problem by this. Just sharing it.

Cassandra "no viable alternative at input"

Wrong syntax. Here you are:

insert into user_by_category (game_category,customer_id) VALUES ('Goku','12');


insert into user_by_category ("game_category","customer_id") VALUES ('Kakarot','12');

The second one is normally used for case-sensitive column names.

How can I fix the Microsoft Visual Studio error: "package did not load correctly"?

I solved it:

  1. Go to install
  2. Modify
  3. Go to "Installation location" tab
  4. Check "keep download cache after the installation"
  5. Modify

node-request - Getting error "SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol"

You will get such error message when you request HTTPS resource via wrong port, such as 80. So please make sure you specified right port, 443, in the Request options.

Shortcut for changing font size

You'll probably find these shortcuts useful:

Ctrl+Shift+. to zoom in.

Ctrl+Shift+, to zoom out.

Those characters are period and comma, respectively.

How do I put the image on the right side of the text in a UIButton?

Just update the insets when the title is changed. You need to compensate for the inset with an equal and opposite inset on the other side.

[thebutton setTitle:title forState:UIControlStateNormal];
thebutton.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -thebutton.imageView.frame.size.width, 0, thebutton.imageView.frame.size.width);
thebutton.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, thebutton.titleLabel.frame.size.width, 0, -thebutton.titleLabel.frame.size.width);

TypeError: Cannot read property "0" from undefined

For me, the problem was I was using a package that isn't included in package.json nor installed.

import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';

So when the compiler tried to compile this, it threw an error.

(I installed it locally, and when running a build on an external server the error was thrown)

How to get text of an input text box during onKeyPress?

keep it Compact.
Each time you press a key, the function edValueKeyPress() is called.
You've also declared and initialized some variables in that function - which slow down the process and requires more CPU and memory as well.
You can simply use this code - derived from simple substitution.

function edValueKeyPress()
    document.getElementById("lblValue").innerText =""+document.getElementById("edValue").value;

That's all you want, and it's faster!

Error - trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

On Red Hat Linux I got this issue resolved by importing the certificates to /etc/pki/java/cacerts.

Convert a negative number to a positive one in JavaScript

Math.abs(x) or if you are certain the value is negative before the conversion just prepend a regular minus sign: x = -x.

Best way to repeat a character in C#

You can create an extension method

static class MyExtensions
    internal static string Repeat(this char c, int n)
        return new string(c, n);

Then you can use it like this


How to properly highlight selected item on RecyclerView?

UPDATE [26/Jul/2017]:

As the Pawan mentioned in the comment about that IDE warning about not to using that fixed position, I have just modified my code as below. The click listener is moved to ViewHolder, and there I am getting the position using getAdapterPosition() method

int selected_position = 0; // You have to set this globally in the Adapter class

public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
    Item item = items.get(position);

    // Here I am just highlighting the background
    holder.itemView.setBackgroundColor(selected_position == position ? Color.GREEN : Color.TRANSPARENT);

public class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener {

    public ViewHolder(View itemView) {

    public void onClick(View v) {
        // Below line is just like a safety check, because sometimes holder could be null,
        // in that case, getAdapterPosition() will return RecyclerView.NO_POSITION
        if (getAdapterPosition() == RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) return;

        // Updating old as well as new positions
        selected_position = getAdapterPosition();

        // Do your another stuff for your onClick

hope this'll help.

How to enable Google Play App Signing

While Migrating Android application package file (APK) to Android App Bundle (AAB), publishing app into Play Store i faced this issue and got resolved like this below...

When building .aab file you get prompted for the location to store key export path as below:

enter image description here
enter image description here In second image you find Encrypted key export path Location where our .pepk will store in the specific folder while generating .aab file.

Once you log in to the Google Play Console with play store credential: select your project from left side choose App Signing option Release Management>>App Signing enter image description here

you will find the Google App Signing Certification window ACCEPT it.

After that you will find three radio button select **

Upload a key exported from Android Studio radio button

**, it will expand you APP SIGNING PRIVATE KEY button as below

enter image description here

click on the button and choose the .pepk file (We Stored while generating .aab file as above)

Read the all other option and submit.

Once Successfully you can go back to app release and browse the .aab file and complete RollOut...


How to increase apache timeout directive in .htaccess?

This solution is for Litespeed Server (Apache as well)

Add the following code in .htaccess

RewriteRule .* - [E=noabort:1]
RewriteRule .* - [E=noconntimeout:1]

Litespeed reference

How to set default text for a Tkinter Entry widget

Use Entry.insert. For example:

    from tkinter import *  # Python 3.x
except Import Error:
    from Tkinter import *  # Python 2.x

root = Tk()
e = Entry(root)
e.insert(END, 'default text')

Or use textvariable option:

    from tkinter import *  # Python 3.x
except Import Error:
    from Tkinter import *  # Python 2.x

root = Tk()
v = StringVar(root, value='default text')
e = Entry(root, textvariable=v)

How is Java platform-independent when it needs a JVM to run?

When we compile C source data, it generate native code which can be understood by current operating system. When we move this source code to the other operating system, it can't be understood by operating system because of native code that means representation is change from O.S to O.S. So C or C++ are platform dependent .

Now in case of java, after compilation we get byte code instead of native code. When we will run the byte code, it is converted into native code with the help of JVM and then it will be executed.

So Java is platform independent and C or C++ is not platform independent.

Python dictionary replace values

via dict.update() function

In case you need a declarative solution, you can use dict.update() to change values in a dict.

Either like this:

my_dict.update({'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'})

or like this:

my_dict.update(key1='value1', key2='value2')

via dictionary unpacking

Since Python 3.5 you can also use dictionary unpacking for this:

my_dict = { **my_dict, 'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}

Note: This creates a new dictionary.

via merge operator or update operator

Since Python 3.9 you can also use the merge operator on dictionaries:

my_dict = my_dict | {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}

Note: This creates a new dictionary.

Or you can use the update operator:

my_dict |= {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}

Inner text shadow with CSS

For normal-sized text on small-ish buttons

I found the other ideas on this page to lose their efficacy when used on small buttons with small text lettering. This answer expands on RobertPitt's answer.

Here is the minor tweak:

text-shadow: 1px 1px transparent, -1px -1px black;

  border: 1px solid #aaa;
  border-top: 1px solid #333;
  border-left: 1px solid #333;
  color: #ecf0f8;
  background-color: #293d70;
  background-image: none;
  text-shadow: 1px 1px transparent, -1px -1px black;

  border: 1px solid #446;
  border-radius: 3px;
  color: white;
  background-color: #385499;
  background-image: linear-gradient(-180deg,##7d94cf,#1c294a 90%);
  cursor: pointer;
  font-size: 14px;
  font-weight: 600;
  padding: 6px 12px;
  xxtext-shadow: 1px 1px 2px navy;
<script src=""></script>
<button class="btnActive">Option One</button>
<button>Option Two</button>


I used this site to finesse the color shades.

Button inside of anchor link works in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer?

If you're using a framework like Twitter bootstrap you could simply add class "btn" to an a tag -- I just had a user call in about this problem apparently my checkout button wasn't working because I had a button inside an a tag... instead I just added the btn class to it and it works perfectly now.. Big mistake, one that probably cost customers -- and I sometimes forget to code check everything works in IE..

E.g. <a href="" class="btn" >Checkout</a>

random.seed(): What does it do?

A random number is generated by some operation on previous value.

If there is no previous value then the current time is taken as previous value automatically. We can provide this previous value by own using random.seed(x) where x could be any number or string etc.

Hence random.random() is not actually perfect random number, it could be predicted via random.seed(x).

import random 
random.seed(45)            #seed=45  
random.random()            #1st rand value=0.2718754143840908
random.random()            #2nd rand value=0.48802820785090784
random.seed(45)            # again reasign seed=45  
0.2718754143840908         #matching with 1st rand value  
0.48802820785090784        #matching with 2nd rand value

Hence, generating a random number is not actually random, because it runs on algorithms. Algorithms always give the same output based on the same input. This means, it depends on the value of the seed. So, in order to make it more random, time is automatically assigned to seed().

How to install PyQt5 on Windows?

One of the most (probably the most) easiest way to install site-packages like PyQt5 is installing one of the versions of Anaconda. You can just install many of site-packages by installing it. List of avaliable site-packages with Anaconda versions can be checked here.

  1. Dowload Anaconda3 or Anaconda2
  2. Install it.
  3. Add PyQt5's path inside Anaconda installation to your System Environment Variables.

For example:

PATH: ....; C:\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\PyQt5; ...
  1. It is ready to use.

Python: Figure out local timezone

First get pytz and tzlocal modules

pip install pytz tzlocal


from tzlocal import get_localzone
local = get_localzone()

then you can do things like

from datetime import datetime

LaTeX Optional Arguments

Here's my attempt, it doesn't follow your specs exactly though. Not fully tested, so be cautious.





    \ifnum\seccount>0, \fi

\def\seclast{\ifnum\seccount>0{} and \fi\last}%

% outputs "a, b, c, d and e"

% outputs "a"

% outputs "a and b"

How to right-align and justify-align in Markdown?

Specific to your usage of a Jupyter Notebook: the ability to specify table column alignment should return in a future release. (Current releases default to right-aligned everywhere.)

From PR #4130:

Allow markdown tables to specify their alignment with the :--, :--:, --: syntax while still allowing --- to default to right alignment.

This reverts a previous change (part of #2534) that stripped the alignment information from the rendered HTML coming out of the marked renderer. To be clear this does not change the right alignment default but does bring back support for overriding this alignment per column by using the gfm table alignment syntax.


How to add an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header

In your file.php of request ajax, can set value header.

<?php header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); //for all ?>

select data up to a space?

You can use a combiation of LEFT and CHARINDEX to find the index of the first space, and then grab everything to the left of that.

 SELECT LEFT(YourColumn, charindex(' ', YourColumn) - 1) 

And in case any of your columns don't have a space in them:

SELECT LEFT(YourColumn, CASE WHEN charindex(' ', YourColumn) = 0 THEN 
    LEN(YourColumn) ELSE charindex(' ', YourColumn) - 1 END)

How to make HTML code inactive with comments

If you are using Eclipse then the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + / to add a group of code. To make a comment line or select the code, right click -> Source -> Add Block Comment.

To remove the block comment, Ctrl + Shift + \ or right click -> Source -> Remove Block comment.

error: passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers

Let's me give a more detail example. As to the below struct:

struct Count{
    uint32_t c;

    Count(uint32_t i=0):c(i){}

    uint32_t getCount(){
        return c;

    uint32_t add(const Count& count){
        uint32_t total = c + count.getCount();
        return total;

enter image description here

As you see the above, the IDE(CLion), will give tips Non-const function 'getCount' is called on the const object. In the method add count is declared as const object, but the method getCount is not const method, so count.getCount() may change the members in count.

Compile error as below(core message in my compiler):

error: passing 'const xy_stl::Count' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]

To solve the above problem, you can:

  1. change the method uint32_t getCount(){...} to uint32_t getCount() const {...}. So count.getCount() won't change the members in count.


  1. change uint32_t add(const Count& count){...} to uint32_t add(Count& count){...}. So count don't care about changing members in it.

As to you problem, objects in the std::set are stored as const StudentT, but the method getId and getName are not const, so you give the above error.

You can also see this question Meaning of 'const' last in a function declaration of a class? for more detail.

nodejs get file name from absolute path?

var path = require("path");
var filepath = "C:\\Python27\\ArcGIS10.2\\python.exe";
var name = path.parse(filepath).name;
// returns

Above code returns the name of the file without extension, if you need the name with extention use

var path = require("path");
var filepath = "C:\\Python27\\ArcGIS10.2\\python.exe";
var name = path.basename(filepath);
// returns

Yahoo Finance API

You may use YQL however* tables are not the core yahoo tables. It is an open data table which uses the 'csv api' and converts it to json or xml format. It is more convenient to use but it's not always reliable. I could not use it just a while ago because it the table hits its storage limit or something...

You may use this php library to get historical data / quotes using YQL

Write to custom log file from a Bash script

logger logs to syslog facilities. If you want the message to go to a particular file you have to modify the syslog configuration accordingly. You could add a line like this:

local7.*   -/var/log/mycustomlog

and restart syslog. Then you can log like this:

logger -p "information message"
logger -p local7.err "error message"

and the messages will appear in the desired logfile with the correct log level.

Without making changes to the syslog configuration you could use logger like this:

logger -s "foo bar" >> /var/log/mycustomlog

That would instruct logger to print the message to STDERR as well (in addition to logging it to syslog), so you could redirect STDERR to a file. However, it would be utterly pointless, because the message is already logged via syslog anyway (with the default priority user.notice).

Efficient way of having a function only execute once in a loop

Assuming there is some reason why myFunction() can't be called before the loop

from itertools import count
for i in count():
    if i==0:

Converting a datetime string to timestamp in Javascript

Parsing dates is a pain in JavaScript as there's no extensive native support. However you could do something like the following by relying on the Date(year, month, day [, hour, minute, second, millisecond]) constructor signature of the Date object.

var dateString = '17-09-2013 10:08',
    dateTimeParts = dateString.split(' '),
    timeParts = dateTimeParts[1].split(':'),
    dateParts = dateTimeParts[0].split('-'),

date = new Date(dateParts[2], parseInt(dateParts[1], 10) - 1, dateParts[0], timeParts[0], timeParts[1]);

console.log(date.getTime()); //1379426880000
console.log(date); //Tue Sep 17 2013 10:08:00 GMT-0400

You could also use a regular expression with capturing groups to parse the date string in one line.

var dateParts = '17-09-2013 10:08'.match(/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)/);

console.log(dateParts); // ["17-09-2013 10:08", "17", "09", "2013", "10", "08"]

How to make layout with View fill the remaining space?

In case if < TEXT VIEW > is placed in LinearLayout, set the Layout_weight proprty of < and > to 0 and 1 for TextView.
In case of RelativeLayout align < and > to left and right and set "Layout to left of" and "Layout to right of" property of TextView to ids of < and >

Sending a mail from a linux shell script

On linux, mail utility can be used to send attachment with option "-a". Go through man pages to read about the option. For eg following code will send an attachment :

mail -s "THIS IS SUBJECT" -a attachment.txt [email protected] <<< "Hi Buddy, Please find failure reports."

Error - is not marked as serializable

Leaving my specific solution of this for prosperity, as it's a tricky version of this problem:

Type 'System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectArrayIterator[T...] was not marked as serializable

Due to a class with an attribute IEnumerable<int> eg:

class MySessionData{
    public int ID;
    public IEnumerable<int> RelatedIDs; //This can be an issue

Originally the problem instance of MySessionData was set from a non-serializable list:

MySessionData instance = new MySessionData(){ 
    ID = 123,
    RelatedIDs = nonSerizableList.Select<int>(item => item.ID)

The cause here is the concrete class that the Select<int>(...) returns, has type data that's not serializable, and you need to copy the id's to a fresh List<int> to resolve it.

RelatedIDs = nonSerizableList.Select<int>(item => item.ID).ToList();

How do I create a file AND any folders, if the folders don't exist?

You will need to check both parts of the path (directory and filename) and create each if it does not exist.

Use File.Exists and Directory.Exists to find out whether they exist. Directory.CreateDirectory will create the whole path for you, so you only ever need to call that once if the directory does not exist, then simply create the file.

How to read from a file or STDIN in Bash?

I don't find any of these answers acceptable. In particular, the accepted answer only handles the first command line parameter and ignores the rest. The Perl program that it is trying to emulate handles all the command line parameters. So the accepted answer doesn't even answer the question. Other answers use bash extensions, add unnecessary 'cat' commands, only work for the simple case of echoing input to output, or are just unnecessarily complicated.

However, I have to give them some credit because they gave me some ideas. Here is the complete answer:


if [ $# = 0 ]

# Iterates over all parameters or /dev/stdin
        while IFS= read -r LINE
                # Do whatever you want with LINE here.
                echo $LINE
        done < "$FILE"

OS specific instructions in CMAKE: How to?

Use some preprocessor macro to check if it's in windows or linux. For example

#ifdef WIN32
#elif __GNUC__

include -l$(LIB) in you build command.

You can also specify some command line argument to differentiate both.

Send Outlook Email Via Python?

This was one I tried using Win32:

import win32com.client as win32
import psutil
import os
import subprocess
import sys

# Drafting and sending email notification to senders. You can add other senders' email in the list
def send_notification():

    outlook = win32.Dispatch('outlook.application')
    olFormatHTML = 2
    olFormatPlain = 1
    olFormatRichText = 3
    olFormatUnspecified = 0
    olMailItem = 0x0

    newMail = outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    newMail.Subject = sys.argv[1]
    #newMail.Subject = "check"
    newMail.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML    #or olFormatRichText or olFormatPlain
    #newMail.HTMLBody = "test"
    newMail.HTMLBody = sys.argv[2]
    newMail.To = "[email protected]"
    attachment1 = sys.argv[3]
    attachment2 = sys.argv[4]

    # or just use this instead of .display() if you want to send immediately

# Open Outlook.exe. Path may vary according to system config
# Please check the path to .exe file and update below
def open_outlook():
    try:['C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\Outlook.exe'])
        os.system("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\Outlook.exe");
        print("Outlook didn't open successfully")     

# Checking if outlook is already opened. If not, open Outlook.exe and send email
for item in psutil.pids():
    p = psutil.Process(item)
    if == "OUTLOOK.EXE":
        flag = 1
        flag = 0

if (flag == 1):

link with target="_blank" does not open in new tab in Chrome

Learn from another guy:

<a onclick=",'_blank');return false;" href="">Some Other Site</a>

It makes sense to me.

Hive load CSV with commas in quoted fields

The problem is that Hive doesn't handle quoted texts. You either need to pre-process the data by changing the delimiter between the fields (e.g: with a Hadoop-streaming job) or you can also give a try to use a custom CSV SerDe which uses OpenCSV to parse the files.

How do I get the list of keys in a Dictionary?

For a hybrid dictionary, I use this:

List<string> keys = new List<string>(dictionary.Count);

Reactjs: Unexpected token '<' Error

The issue Unexpected token '<' is because of missing the babel preset.

Solution : You have to configure your webpack configuration as follows

  test   : /\.jsx?$/,
  exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
  loader : 'babel',
  query  : {
    presets:[ 'react', 'es2015' ]

here .jsx checks both .js and .jsx formats.

you can simply install the babel dependency using node as follows

npm install babel-preset-react

Thank you

how to get the last character of a string?

Use charAt:

The charAt() method returns the character at the specified index in a string.

You can use this method in conjunction with the length property of a string to get the last character in that string.
For example:

const myString = "";_x000D_
const stringLength = myString.length; // this will be 16_x000D_
console.log('lastChar: ', myString.charAt(stringLength - 1)); // this will be the string