Programs & Examples On #Cue

Changing PowerShell's default output encoding to UTF-8

Note: The following applies to Windows PowerShell.
See the next section for the cross-platform PowerShell Core (v6+) edition.

  • On PSv5.1 or higher, where > and >> are effectively aliases of Out-File, you can set the default encoding for > / >> / Out-File via the $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable:

    • $PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
  • On PSv5.0 or below, you cannot change the encoding for > / >>, but, on PSv3 or higher, the above technique does work for explicit calls to Out-File.
    (The $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable was introduced in PSv3.0).

  • On PSv3.0 or higher, if you want to set the default encoding for all cmdlets that support
    an -Encoding parameter
    (which in PSv5.1+ includes > and >>), use:

    • $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'

If you place this command in your $PROFILE, cmdlets such as Out-File and Set-Content will use UTF-8 encoding by default, but note that this makes it a session-global setting that will affect all commands / scripts that do not explicitly specify an encoding via their -Encoding parameter.

Similarly, be sure to include such commands in your scripts or modules that you want to behave the same way, so that they indeed behave the same even when run by another user or a different machine; however, to avoid a session-global change, use the following form to create a local copy of $PSDefaultParameterValues:

  • $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ '*:Encoding' = 'utf8' }

Caveat: PowerShell, as of v5.1, invariably creates UTF-8 files _with a (pseudo) BOM_, which is customary only in the Windows world - Unix-based utilities do not recognize this BOM (see bottom); see this post for workarounds that create BOM-less UTF-8 files.

For a summary of the wildly inconsistent default character encoding behavior across many of the Windows PowerShell standard cmdlets, see the bottom section.

The automatic $OutputEncoding variable is unrelated, and only applies to how PowerShell communicates with external programs (what encoding PowerShell uses when sending strings to them) - it has nothing to do with the encoding that the output redirection operators and PowerShell cmdlets use to save to files.

Optional reading: The cross-platform perspective: PowerShell Core:

PowerShell is now cross-platform, via its PowerShell Core edition, whose encoding - sensibly - defaults to BOM-less UTF-8, in line with Unix-like platforms.

  • This means that source-code files without a BOM are assumed to be UTF-8, and using > / Out-File / Set-Content defaults to BOM-less UTF-8; explicit use of the utf8 -Encoding argument too creates BOM-less UTF-8, but you can opt to create files with the pseudo-BOM with the utf8bom value.

  • If you create PowerShell scripts with an editor on a Unix-like platform and nowadays even on Windows with cross-platform editors such as Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text, the resulting *.ps1 file will typically not have a UTF-8 pseudo-BOM:

    • This works fine on PowerShell Core.
    • It may break on Windows PowerShell, if the file contains non-ASCII characters; if you do need to use non-ASCII characters in your scripts, save them as UTF-8 with BOM.
      Without the BOM, Windows PowerShell (mis)interprets your script as being encoded in the legacy "ANSI" codepage (determined by the system locale for pre-Unicode applications; e.g., Windows-1252 on US-English systems).
  • Conversely, files that do have the UTF-8 pseudo-BOM can be problematic on Unix-like platforms, as they cause Unix utilities such as cat, sed, and awk - and even some editors such as gedit - to pass the pseudo-BOM through, i.e., to treat it as data.

    • This may not always be a problem, but definitely can be, such as when you try to read a file into a string in bash with, say, text=$(cat file) or text=$(<file) - the resulting variable will contain the pseudo-BOM as the first 3 bytes.

Inconsistent default encoding behavior in Windows PowerShell:

Regrettably, the default character encoding used in Windows PowerShell is wildly inconsistent; the cross-platform PowerShell Core edition, as discussed in the previous section, has commendably put and end to this.


  • The following doesn't aspire to cover all standard cmdlets.

  • Googling cmdlet names to find their help topics now shows you the PowerShell Core version of the topics by default; use the version drop-down list above the list of topics on the left to switch to a Windows PowerShell version.

  • As of this writing, the documentation frequently incorrectly claims that ASCII is the default encoding in Windows PowerShell - see this GitHub docs issue.

Cmdlets that write:

Out-File and > / >> create "Unicode" - UTF-16LE - files by default - in which every ASCII-range character (too) is represented by 2 bytes - which notably differs from Set-Content / Add-Content (see next point); New-ModuleManifest and Export-CliXml also create UTF-16LE files.

Set-Content (and Add-Content if the file doesn't yet exist / is empty) uses ANSI encoding (the encoding specified by the active system locale's ANSI legacy code page, which PowerShell calls Default).

Export-Csv indeed creates ASCII files, as documented, but see the notes re -Append below.

Export-PSSession creates UTF-8 files with BOM by default.

New-Item -Type File -Value currently creates BOM-less(!) UTF-8.

The Send-MailMessage help topic also claims that ASCII encoding is the default - I have not personally verified that claim.

Start-Transcript invariably creates UTF-8 files with BOM, but see the notes re -Append below.

Re commands that append to an existing file:

>> / Out-File -Append make no attempt to match the encoding of a file's existing content. That is, they blindly apply their default encoding, unless instructed otherwise with -Encoding, which is not an option with >> (except indirectly in PSv5.1+, via $PSDefaultParameterValues, as shown above). In short: you must know the encoding of an existing file's content and append using that same encoding.

Add-Content is the laudable exception: in the absence of an explicit -Encoding argument, it detects the existing encoding and automatically applies it to the new content.Thanks, js2010. Note that in Windows PowerShell this means that it is ANSI encoding that is applied if the existing content has no BOM, whereas it is UTF-8 in PowerShell Core.

This inconsistency between Out-File -Append / >> and Add-Content, which also affects PowerShell Core, is discussed in this GitHub issue.

Export-Csv -Append partially matches the existing encoding: it blindly appends UTF-8 if the existing file's encoding is any of ASCII/UTF-8/ANSI, but correctly matches UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE.
To put it differently: in the absence of a BOM, Export-Csv -Append assumes UTF-8 is, whereas Add-Content assumes ANSI.

Start-Transcript -Append partially matches the existing encoding: It correctly matches encodings with BOM, but defaults to potentially lossy ASCII encoding in the absence of one.

Cmdlets that read (that is, the encoding used in the absence of a BOM):

Get-Content and Import-PowerShellDataFile default to ANSI (Default), which is consistent with Set-Content.
ANSI is also what the PowerShell engine itself defaults to when it reads source code from files.

By contrast, Import-Csv, Import-CliXml and Select-String assume UTF-8 in the absence of a BOM.

How to increase Bootstrap Modal Width?

In Bootstrap, the default width of modal-dialog is 600px. But you can explicitly change its width. For instance, if you would like to maximize its width to the value of your choice, 800px for instance, you do as following:

.modal-dialog {
    width: 800px;
    margin: 30px auto;

Note: This change sets to all modal dialog you use in your application. Also, my suggestion is it is best to have your own CSS rules defined and not to touch the core of the framework.

If you only want it to be set for specific modal dialog, use your own catchy class name as modal-800 whose width is set to 800px, as following:


<div class="modal">
   <div class="modal-dialog modal-800">
      <div class="modal-content">



.modal-dialog.modal-800 {
    width: 800px;
    margin: 30px auto;

Likewise, you can have class name as based on the width size like modal-700 whose width is 700px.

Hope it's helpful!


There is another scenario where this issue reproduces (as in my case). When THE CLIENT REQUEST doesn't contain the right extension on the url, the controller can't identify the desired result format.

For example: the controller is set to respond_to :json (as a single option, without a HTML response)- while the client call is set to /reservations instead of /reservations.json.

Bottom line, change the client call to /reservations.json.

How to vertically align text with icon font?

vertical-align can take a unit value so you can resort to that when needed:

  vertical-align: 5px;

  vertical-align: -5px;

Package doesn't exist error in intelliJ

Tried all the above approaches, didn't work. Finally running maven clean install solved it!

Python No JSON object could be decoded

It seems that you have invalid JSON. In that case, that's totally dependent on the data the server sends you which you have not shown. I would suggest running the response through a JSON validator.

File to import not found or unreadable: compass

In short, if you've installed the gem the run:

compass compile

in your rails root dir

Postgres could not connect to server

What worked for me I had 2 versions of PostgreSQL while running brew services list

Name           Status  User           Plist
consul         stopped                
docker-machine stopped                
mysql          stopped                
postgresql     started homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
[email protected] stopped                
redis          stopped                
runit          stopped                
unbound        stopped                
vault          stopped 

and just launched the other version brew services start [email protected]

The requested resource does not support HTTP method 'GET'

Please use the attributes from the System.Web.Http namespace on your WebAPI actions:

    [System.Web.Http.AcceptVerbs("GET", "POST")]
    public string Auth(string username, string password)

The reason why it doesn't work is because you were using the attributes that are from the MVC namespace System.Web.Mvc. The classes in the System.Web.Http namespace are for WebAPI.

Why is it bad style to `rescue Exception => e` in Ruby?

That's a specific case of the rule that you shouldn't catch any exception you don't know how to handle. If you don't know how to handle it, it's always better to let some other part of the system catch and handle it.

sudo: port: command not found

You can quite simply add the line:

source ~/.profile

To the bottom of your shell rc file - if you are using bash then it would be your ~/.bash_profile if you are using zsh it would be your ~/.zshrc

Then open a new Terminal window and type ports -v you should see output that looks like the following:

~ [ port -v                                                                                                              ] 12:12 pm
MacPorts 2.1.3
Entering interactive mode... ("help" for help, "quit" to quit)
[Users/sh] > quit

Hope that helps.

Target a css class inside another css class

Not certain what the HTML looks like (that would help with answers). If it's

<div class="testimonials content">stuff</div>

then simply remove the space in your css. A la...

.testimonials.content { css here }


Okay, after seeing HTML see if this works...

.testimonials .wrapper .content { css here }

or just

.testimonials .wrapper { css here }


.desc-container .wrapper { css here }

all 3 should work.

Preventing scroll bars from being hidden for MacOS trackpad users in WebKit/Blink

Another good way of dealing with Lion's hidden scroll bars is to display a prompt to scroll down. It doesn't work with small scroll areas such as text fields but well with large scroll areas and keeps the overall style of the site. One site doing this is, just check this example page and wait 1.5 seconds to see the prompt:

The implementation isn't hard but you have to take care, that you don't display the prompt when the user has already scrolled.

You need jQuery + Underscore and

$(window).scroll to check if the user already scrolled by himself,

_.delay() to trigger a delay before you display the prompt -- the prompt shouldn't be to obtrusive

$('#prompt_div').fadeIn('slow') to fade in your prompt and of course

$('#prompt_div').fadeOut('slow') to fade out when the user scrolled after he saw the prompt

In addition, you can bind Google Analytics events to track user's scrolling behavior.

How do I decode a base64 encoded string?

The m000493 method seems to perform some kind of XOR encryption. This means that the same method can be used for both encrypting and decrypting the text. All you have to do is reverse m0001cd:

string p0 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String("OBFZDT..."));

string result = m000493(p0, "_p0lizei.");
//    result == "gaia^unplugged^Ta..."

with return m0001cd(builder3.ToString()); changed to return builder3.ToString();.

Importing a function from a class in another file?

It would really help if you'd include the code that's not working (from the 'other' file), but I suspect you could do what you want with a healthy dose of the 'eval' function.

For example:

def run():
    print "this does nothing"

def chooser():
    return "run"

def main():
    '''works just like:

The chooser returns the name of the function to execute, eval then turns a string into actual code to be executed in-place, and the parentheses finish off the function call.

Test if string is a number in Ruby on Rails

Tl;dr: Use a regex approach. It is 39x faster than the rescue approach in the accepted answer and also handles cases like "1,000"

def regex_is_number? string
  no_commas =  string.gsub(',', '')
  matches = no_commas.match(/-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?/)
  if !matches.nil? && matches.size == 1 && matches[0] == no_commas


The accepted answer by @Jakob S works for the most part, but catching exceptions can be really slow. In addition, the rescue approach fails on a string like "1,000".

Let's define the methods:

def rescue_is_number? string
  true if Float(string) rescue false

def regex_is_number? string
  no_commas =  string.gsub(',', '')
  matches = no_commas.match(/-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?/)
  if !matches.nil? && matches.size == 1 && matches[0] == no_commas

And now some test cases:

test_cases = {
  true => ["5.5", "23", "-123", "1,234,123"],
  false => ["hello", "99designs", "(123)456-7890"]

And a little code to run the test cases:

test_cases.each do |expected_answer, cases|
  cases.each do |test_case|
    if rescue_is_number?(test_case) != expected_answer
      puts "**rescue_is_number? got #{test_case} wrong**"
      puts "rescue_is_number? got #{test_case} right"

    if regex_is_number?(test_case) != expected_answer
      puts "**regex_is_number? got #{test_case} wrong**"
      puts "regex_is_number? got #{test_case} right"

Here is the output of the test cases:

rescue_is_number? got 5.5 right
regex_is_number? got 5.5 right
rescue_is_number? got 23 right
regex_is_number? got 23 right
rescue_is_number? got -123 right
regex_is_number? got -123 right
**rescue_is_number? got 1,234,123 wrong**
regex_is_number? got 1,234,123 right
rescue_is_number? got hello right
regex_is_number? got hello right
rescue_is_number? got 99designs right
regex_is_number? got 99designs right
rescue_is_number? got (123)456-7890 right
regex_is_number? got (123)456-7890 right

Time to do some performance benchmarks:

Benchmark.ips do |x|"rescue") { test_cases.values.flatten.each { |c| rescue_is_number? c } }"regex") { test_cases.values.flatten.each { |c| regex_is_number? c } }!

And the results:

Calculating -------------------------------------
              rescue   128.000  i/100ms
               regex     4.649k i/100ms
              rescue      1.348k (±16.8%) i/s -      6.656k
               regex     52.113k (± 7.8%) i/s -    260.344k

               regex:    52113.3 i/s
              rescue:     1347.5 i/s - 38.67x slower

incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8

I got the same cryptic error message from Rails 4.1, Ruby 2.3.3 in a recent project, stacktrace originating in layout application.html.haml

After a wild goose chase, the culprit was a UTF-8 character which recently had been added to the footer of all pages. For some weird reason the error would only show up intermittently.

Replacing the UTF-8 character with the corresponding HTML escape sequence &#xHHHH; solved the issue.

I hope this saves other people some time in the future..

Begin, Rescue and Ensure in Ruby?

This is why we need ensure:

def hoge
    raise # raise again
    puts 'ensure' # will be executed
  puts 'end of func' # never be executed

How to break out from a ruby block?

next and break seem to do the correct thing in this simplified example!

class Bar
  def self.do_things
      Foo.some_method(1..10) do |x|
            next if x == 2
            break if x == 9
            print "#{x} "

class Foo
    def self.some_method(targets, &block)
      targets.each do |target|
          r = yield(target)
        rescue  => x
          puts "rescue #{x}"


output: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8

Is there a Visual Basic 6 decompiler?

For the final, compiled code of your application, the short answer is “no”. Different tools are able to extract different information from the code (e.g. the forms setups) and there are P code decompilers (see Edgar's excellent link for such tools). However, up to this day, there is no decompiler for native code. I'm not aware of anything similar for other high-level languages either.

How to find unused/dead code in java projects

One thing I've been known to do in Eclipse, on a single class, is change all of its methods to private and then see what complaints I get. For methods that are used, this will provoke errors, and I return them to the lowest access level I can. For methods that are unused, this will provoke warnings about unused methods, and those can then be deleted. And as a bonus, you often find some public methods that can and should be made private.

But it's very manual.

Remove specific commit

You can remove unwanted commits with git rebase. Say you included some commits from a coworker's topic branch into your topic branch, but later decide you don't want those commits.

git checkout -b tmp-branch my-topic-branch  # Use a temporary branch to be safe.
git rebase -i master  # Interactively rebase against master branch.

At this point your text editor will open the interactive rebase view. For example


  1. Remove the commits you don't want by deleting their lines
  2. Save and quit

If the rebase wasn't successful, delete the temporary branch and try another strategy. Otherwise continue with the following instructions.

git checkout my-topic-branch
git reset --hard tmp-branch  # Overwrite your topic branch with the temp branch.
git branch -d tmp-branch  # Delete the temporary branch.

If you're pushing your topic branch to a remote, you may need to force push since the commit history has changed. If others are working on the same branch, give them a heads up.

Is there a method for String conversion to Title Case?

Using Spring's StringUtils:


If you're already using Spring anyway, this avoids bringing in another framework.

Uncaught SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Error Fetching http headers

Try to set :

default_socket_timeout = 120

in your php.ini file.

Entity Framework is Too Slow. What are my options?

This is simple non-framework, non-ORM option that loads at 10,000/second with 30 fields or so. Running on an old laptop, so probably faster than that in a real environment.

How to access PHP variables in JavaScript or jQuery rather than <?php echo $variable ?>

Your example shows the most simple way of passing PHP variables to JavaScript. You can also use json_encode for more complex things like arrays:

    $simple = 'simple string';
    $complex = array('more', 'complex', 'object', array('foo', 'bar'));
<script type="text/javascript">
    var simple = '<?php echo $simple; ?>';
    var complex = <?php echo json_encode($complex); ?>;

Other than that, if you really want to "interact" between PHP and JavaScript you should use Ajax.

Using cookies for this is a very unsafe and unreliable way, as they are stored clientside and therefore open for any manipulation or won't even get accepted/saved. Don't use them for this type of interaction. jQuery.ajax is a good start IMHO.

How to use ImageBackground to set background image for screen in react-native

I think this will help u..

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { homePageStyles } from '../styles/Style';
import { Text, ImageBackground } from 'react-native';
import HomePageWallpaper from '../images/homePageWallpaper.jpg';

export default class Home extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <ImageBackground source={HomePageWallpaper} style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', width: null, height: null }}>
                        <Text style={homePageStyles.description_text}>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</Text>
                </Container >

POI setting Cell Background to a Custom Color

You get this error because pallete is full. What you need to do is override preset color. Here is an example of function I'm using:

public HSSFColor setColor(HSSFWorkbook workbook, byte r,byte g, byte b){
    HSSFPalette palette = workbook.getCustomPalette();
    HSSFColor hssfColor = null;
    try {
        hssfColor= palette.findColor(r, g, b); 
        if (hssfColor == null ){
            palette.setColorAtIndex(HSSFColor.LAVENDER.index, r, g,b);
            hssfColor = palette.getColor(HSSFColor.LAVENDER.index);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return hssfColor;

And later use it for background color:

HSSFColor lightGray =  setColor(workbook,(byte) 0xE0, (byte)0xE0,(byte) 0xE0);

PHP Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found

This error is caused by PDO not being available to PHP.

If you are getting the error on the command line, or not via the same interface your website uses for PHP, you are potentially invoking a different version of PHP, or utlising a different php.ini configuration file when checking phpinfo().

Ensure PDO is loaded, and the PDO drivers for your database are also loaded.

Python 3 Online Interpreter / Shell

Ideone supports Python 2.6 and Python 3

Reading an image file into bitmap from sdcard, why am I getting a NullPointerException?

It works:

Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath);

Git: How to remove remote origin from Git repo

To remove a remote:

git remote remove origin

To add a remote:

git remote add origin yourRemoteUrl

and finally

git push -u origin master

Cygwin - Makefile-error: recipe for target `main.o' failed

You see the two empty -D entries in the g++ command line? They're causing the problem. You must have values in the -D items e.g. -DWIN32

if you're insistent on using something like -D$(SYSTEM) -D$(ENVIRONMENT) then you can use something like:

SYSTEM ?= generic
ENVIRONMENT ?= generic

in the makefile which gives them default values.

Your output looks to be missing the all important output:

<command-line>:0:1: error: macro names must be identifiers
<command-line>:0:1: error: macro names must be identifiers

just to clarify, what actually got sent to g++ was -D -DWindows_NT, i.e. define a preprocessor macro called -DWindows_NT; which is of course not a valid identifier (similarly for -D -I.)

Python Matplotlib figure title overlaps axes label when using twiny

ax.set_title('My Title\n', fontsize="15", color="red")
plt.imshow(myfile, origin="upper")

If you put '\n' right after your title string, the plot is drawn just below the title. That might be a fast solution too.

Remove file extension from a file name string

The Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension method gives you the filename you pass as an argument without the extension, as should be obvious from the name.

"Cannot instantiate the type..."

Queue is an Interface so you can not initiate it directly. Initiate it by one of its implementing classes.

From the docs all known implementing classes:

  • AbstractQueue
  • ArrayBlockingQueue
  • ArrayDeque
  • ConcurrentLinkedQueue
  • DelayQueue
  • LinkedBlockingDeque
  • LinkedBlockingQueue
  • LinkedList
  • PriorityBlockingQueue
  • PriorityQueue
  • SynchronousQueue

You can use any of above based on your requirement to initiate a Queue object.

Convert hex to binary


                              '1': '0001',

                              '2': '0010',

                              '3': '0011',

                              '4': '0100',

                              '5': '0101',

                              '6': '0110',

                              '7': '0111',

                              '8': '1000',

                              '9': '1001',

                              'a': '1010',

                              'b': '1011',

                              'c': '1100',

                              'd': '1101',

                              'e': '1110',

                              'f': '1111'}

def hex_to_binary(hex_string):
    binary_string = ""
    for character in hex_string:
        binary_string += HEX_TO_BINARY_CONVERSION_TABLE[character]
    return binary_string

How to group dataframe rows into list in pandas groupby

Here I have grouped elements with "|" as a separator

    import pandas as pd

    df = pd.read_csv('input.csv')

      Area  Keywords
    0  A  1
    1  A  2
    2  B  5
    3  B  5
    4  B  4
    5  C  6

    df.dropna(inplace =  True)
    df['Area']=df['Area'].apply(lambda x:x.lower().strip())
    print df.columns
    df_op = df.groupby('Area').agg({"Keywords":lambda x : "|".join(x)})

    Area  Keywords

    A       [1| 2]
    B    [5| 5| 4]
    C          [6]

How to disable keypad popup when on edittext?

If anyone is still looking for the easiest solution, set the following attribute to true on your parent layout





SQL Server Group By Month

I prefer combining DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions like this:


Together, these two functions zero-out the date component smaller than the specified datepart (i.e. MONTH in this example).

You can change the datepart bit to YEAR, WEEK, DAY, etc... which is super handy.

Your original SQL query would then look something like this (I can't test it as I don't have your data set, but it should put you on the right track).

DECLARE @start [datetime] = '2010-04-01';

    DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, Created),0) [Month],
WHERE UserID = 16178
AND PaymentDate > @start

One more thing: the Month column is typed as a DateTime which is also a nice advantage if you need to further process that data or map it .NET object for example.

ImageView in android XML layout with layout_height="wrap_content" has padding top & bottom

I had a simular issue and resolved it using android:adjustViewBounds="true" on the ImageView.

    android:src="@drawable/banner_portrait" />

SQL to Query text in access with an apostrophe in it

When you include a string literal in a query, you can enclose the string in either single or double quotes; Access' database engine will accept either. So double quotes will avoid the problem with a string which contains a single quote.

SELECT * FROM tblStudents WHERE [name] Like "Daniel O'Neal";

If you want to keep the single quotes around your string, you can double up the single quote within it, as mentioned in other answers.

SELECT * FROM tblStudents WHERE [name] Like 'Daniel O''Neal';

Notice the square brackets surrounding name. I used the brackets to lessen the chance of confusing the database engine because name is a reserved word.

It's not clear why you're using the Like comparison in your query. Based on what you've shown, this should work instead.

SELECT * FROM tblStudents WHERE [name] = "Daniel O'Neal";

CMake link to external library

arrowdodger's answer is correct and preferred on many occasions. I would simply like to add an alternative to his answer:

You could add an "imported" library target, instead of a link-directory. Something like:

# Your-external "mylib", add GLOBAL if the imported library is located in directories above the current.
add_library( mylib SHARED IMPORTED )
# You can define two import-locations: one for debug and one for release.
set_target_properties( mylib PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/res/ )

And then link as if this library was built by your project:


Such an approach would give you a little more flexibility: Take a look at the add_library( ) command and the many target-properties related to imported libraries.

I do not know if this will solve your problem with "updated versions of libs".

Sort Dictionary by keys

let dictionary = [
    "A" : [1, 2],
    "Z" : [3, 4],
    "D" : [5, 6]

let sortedKeys = Array(dictionary.keys).sorted(<) // ["A", "D", "Z"]


The sorted array from the above code contains keys only, while values have to be retrieved from the original dictionary. However, 'Dictionary' is also a 'CollectionType' of (key, value) pairs and we can use the global 'sorted' function to get a sorted array containg both keys and values, like this:

let sortedKeysAndValues = sorted(dictionary) { $0.0 < $1.0 }
println(sortedKeysAndValues) // [(A, [1, 2]), (D, [5, 6]), (Z, [3, 4])]

EDIT2: The monthly changing Swift syntax currently prefers

let sortedKeys = Array(dictionary.keys).sort(<) // ["A", "D", "Z"]

The global sorted is deprecated.

Why is the Android emulator so slow? How can we speed up the Android emulator?

Well, since somebody suggested Android x86 as an alternative testing emulator, I'll also present my favorite. This might not be an alternative for everyone, but for me it's perfect!

Use the Bluestacks Player. It runs Android 2.3.4 and is very fluid and fast. Sometimes it is even faster than a normal device. The only downside is, that you can just test apps on the API Level 10 and just on one screen size, but it's perfect just for testing if it's working or not. Just connect the Player with the adb by running

adb connect 

After compiling, it installs instantly. It is very impressive, considering I have rather an average computer hardware (dual core with 4  GB of RAM).

How to unpublish an app in Google Play Developer Console

As per new Interface follow these steps

  1. Go to Google Play Developer Console
  2. Select your app you want to un-publish
  3. From the left Navigation Release >> Setup >> Advance Settings
  4. In the App Availability Check on Unpublished Radio button enter image description here

tsconfig.json: Build:No inputs were found in config file

If you don't want TypeScript compilation, disable it in your .csproj file, according to this post.

Just add the following line to your .csproj file:


Open new popup window without address bars in firefox & IE

Check the mozilla documentation on The window features ("directory=...,...,height=350") etc. arguments should be a string:'/pageaddress.html','winname',"directories=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=400,height=350");

Try if that works in your browsers. Note that some of the features might be overridden by user preferences, such as "location" (see doc.)

TypeError: Invalid dimensions for image data when plotting array with imshow()

There is a (somewhat) related question on StackOverflow:

Here the problem was that an array of shape (nx,ny,1) is still considered a 3D array, and must be squeezed or sliced into a 2D array.

More generally, the reason for the Exception

TypeError: Invalid dimensions for image data

is shown here: matplotlib.pyplot.imshow() needs a 2D array, or a 3D array with the third dimension being of shape 3 or 4!

You can easily check this with (these checks are done by imshow, this function is only meant to give a more specific message in case it's not a valid input):

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np

def valid_imshow_data(data):
    data = np.asarray(data)
    if data.ndim == 2:
        return True
    elif data.ndim == 3:
        if 3 <= data.shape[2] <= 4:
            return True
            print('The "data" has 3 dimensions but the last dimension '
                  'must have a length of 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA), not "{}".'
            return False
        print('To visualize an image the data must be 2 dimensional or '
              '3 dimensional, not "{}".'
        return False

In your case:

>>> new_SN_map = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> valid_imshow_data(new_SN_map)
To visualize an image the data must be 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional, not "1".

The np.asarray is what is done internally by matplotlib.pyplot.imshow so it's generally best you do it too. If you have a numpy array it's obsolete but if not (for example a list) it's necessary.

In your specific case you got a 1D array, so you need to add a dimension with np.expand_dims()

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
a = np.expand_dims(a, axis=0)  # or axis=1

enter image description here

or just use something that accepts 1D arrays like plot:

a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])

enter image description here

"Port 4200 is already in use" when running the ng serve command

Instead of killing the whole process or using ctrl+z, you can simply use ctrl+c to stop the server and can happily use ng serve command without any errors or if you want to run on a different port simply use this command ng serve --port portno(ex: ng serve --port 4201).

Browse and display files in a git repo without cloning

Not the exact, but a way around.

Use GitHub Developer API

  1. Opening this will get you the recent commits.

    You can get the specific commit details by attaching the commit hash in the end of above url.

  2. All the files ( You need sha for the main tree)

I hope this may help.

How to put a UserControl into Visual Studio toolBox

I had many users controls but one refused to show in the Toolbox, even though I rebuilt the solution and it was checked in the Choose Items... dialog.


  1. From Solution Explorer I Right-Clicked the offending user control file and selected Exclude From Project
  2. Rebuild the solution
  3. Right-Click the user control and select Include in Project (assuming you have the Show All Files enabled in the Solution Explorer)

Note this also requires you have the AutoToolboxPopulate option enabled. As @DaveF answer suggests.

Alternate Solution: I'm not sure if this works, and I couldn't try it since I already resolved my issue, but if you unchecked the user control from the Choose Items... dialog, hit OK, then opened it back up and checked the user control. That might also work.

Codeigniter displays a blank page instead of error messages

after installation of xamp/wamp you may notice few errors of similar nature. If your website was already running dont worry, it is a configuration related issue.

1) check database connections in database.php file inside application folder 2) check config.php file check url is correct or not? 3) by default short tags are off in new installations then follow the procedure below

in php.ini file change "short_open_tag=Off" to "short_open_tag=On"

Make sure to restart apache after doing this.

hope this helps.

inline if statement java, why is not working

This should be (condition)? True statement : False statement

Leave out the "if"

How to get row number in dataframe in Pandas?

count_smiths = (df['LastName'] == 'Smith').sum()

How can I iterate over an enum?

Assuming that enum is numbered sequentially is error prone. Moreover, you may want to iterate over selected enumerators only. If that subset is small, looping over it explicitly might be an elegant choice:

enum Item { Man, Wolf, Goat, Cabbage }; // or enum class

for (auto item : {Wolf, Goat, Cabbage}) { // or Item::Wolf, ...
    // ...

Find all files in a folder

You can try with Directory.GetFiles and fix your pattern

 string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\", "*.txt");

 foreach (string file in files)
    File.Copy(file, "....");

 Or Move

 foreach (string file in files)
    File.Move(file, "....");

How to do this in Laravel, subquery where in

You can use Eloquent in different queries and make things easier to understand and mantain:

$productCategory = ProductCategory::whereIn('category_id', ['223', '15'])
                   ->select('product_id'); //don't need ->get() or ->first()

and then we put all together:

Products::whereIn('id', $productCategory)
          ->where('active', 1)
          ->select('id', 'name', 'img', 'safe_name', 'sku', 'productstatusid')
          ->get();//runs all queries at once

This will generate the same query that you wrote in your question.

How to compare each item in a list with the rest, only once?

This code will count frequency and remove duplicate elements:

from collections import Counter

str1='the cat sat on the hat hat'


unique_list = []
for el in int_list:

    if el not in unique_list:
        print "Element already in the list"

print unique_list




print c

Get SSID when WIFI is connected

If you don't want to make Broadcast Receiver then simple try

WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
WifiInfo wifiInfo;

wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
if (wifiInfo.getSupplicantState() == SupplicantState.COMPLETED) {
    ssid = wifiInfo.getSSID();

Remember every time user disconnect or connect to new SSID or any wifi state change then you need to initialize WifiInfo i.e wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();

Table row and column number in jQuery

Off the top of my head, one way would be to grab all previous elements and count them.

    var colIndex = $(this).prevAll().length;
    var rowIndex = $(this).parent('tr').prevAll().length;

How to empty the content of a div

If you're using jQuery ...




Proper way to get page content

get page content by page name:

$page = get_page_by_title( 'page-name' );
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $page->post_content); 
echo $content;

C# declare empty string array

If you are using .NET Framework 4.6 and later, they have some new syntax you can use:

using System;  // To pick up definition of the Array class.

var myArray = Array.Empty<string>();

What do *args and **kwargs mean?

Also, we use them for managing inheritance.

class Super( object ):
   def __init__( self, this, that ):
       self.this = this
       self.that = that

class Sub( Super ):
   def __init__( self, myStuff, *args, **kw ):
       super( Sub, self ).__init__( *args, **kw )
       self.myStuff= myStuff

x= Super( 2.7, 3.1 )
y= Sub( "green", 7, 6 )

This way Sub doesn't really know (or care) what the superclass initialization is. Should you realize that you need to change the superclass, you can fix things without having to sweat the details in each subclass.

Build project into a JAR automatically in Eclipse

Check out Apache Ant

It's possible to use Ant for automatic builds with eclipse, here's how

Swift double to string

There are many answers here that suggest a variety of techniques. But when presenting numbers in the UI, you invariably want to use a NumberFormatter so that the results are properly formatted, rounded, and localized:

let value = 10000.5

let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal

guard let string = formatter.string(for: value) else { return }
print(string) // 10,000.5

If you want fixed number of decimal places, e.g. for currency values

let value = 10000.5

let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2

guard let string = formatter.string(for: value) else { return }
print(string) // 10,000.50

But the beauty of this approach, is that it will be properly localized, resulting in 10,000.50 in the US but 10.000,50 in Germany. Different locales have different preferred formats for numbers, and we should let NumberFormatter use the format preferred by the end user when presenting numeric values within the UI.

Needless to say, while NumberFormatter is essential when preparing string representations within the UI, it should not be used if writing numeric values as strings for persistent storage, interface with web services, etc.

Breadth First Vs Depth First

I think it would be interesting to write both of them in a way that only by switching some lines of code would give you one algorithm or the other, so that you will see that your dillema is not so strong as it seems to be at first.

I personally like the interpretation of BFS as flooding a landscape: the low altitude areas will be flooded first, and only then the high altitude areas would follow. If you imagine the landscape altitudes as isolines as we see in geography books, its easy to see that BFS fills all area under the same isoline at the same time, just as this would be with physics. Thus, interpreting altitudes as distance or scaled cost gives a pretty intuitive idea of the algorithm.

With this in mind, you can easily adapt the idea behind breadth first search to find the minimum spanning tree easily, shortest path, and also many other minimization algorithms.

I didnt see any intuitive interpretation of DFS yet (only the standard one about the maze, but it isnt as powerful as the BFS one and flooding), so for me it seems that BFS seems to correlate better with physical phenomena as described above, while DFS correlates better with choices dillema on rational systems (ie people or computers deciding which move to make on a chess game or going out of a maze).

So, for me the difference between lies on which natural phenomenon best matches their propagation model (transversing) in real life.

Get a Windows Forms control by name in C#

A simple solution would be to iterate through the Controls list in a foreach loop. Something like this:

foreach (Control child in Controls)
    // Code that executes for each control.

So now you have your iterator, child, which is of type Control. Now do what you will with that, personally I found this in a project I did a while ago in which it added an event for this control, like this:

child.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(dragDown);

Embedding a media player in a website using HTML

You can use plenty of things.

  • If you're a standards junkie, you can use the HTML5 <audio> tag:

Here is the official W3C specification for the audio tag.


<audio controls>
 <source src=""
 <!-- The next two lines are only executed if the browser doesn't support MP4 files -->
 <source src=""
         type='audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis'>
 <!-- The next line will only be executed if the browser doesn't support the <audio> tag-->
 <p>Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</p>

jsFiddle here.

Note: I'm not sure which are the best ones, as I have never used one (yet).

UPDATE: As mentioned in another answer's comment, you are using XHTML 1.0 Transitional. You might be able to get <audio> to work with some hack.

UPDATE 2: I just remembered another way to do play audio. This will work in XHTML!!! This is fully standards-compliant.

You use this JavaScript:

var aud = document.createElement("iframe");
aud.setAttribute('src', ""); // replace with actual file path
aud.setAttribute('width', '1px');
aud.setAttribute('height', '1px');
aud.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); = "0px";

This is my answer to another question.

UPDATE 3: To customise the controls, you can use something like this.

Setting session variable using javascript

You can use

sessionStorage.SessionName = "SessionData" ,

sessionStorage.getItem("SessionName") and


See the supported browsers on

How to use paginator from material angular?

The tricky part here is to handle is the page event. We can follow angular material documentation up to defining page event function.

Visit for the reference.

I will add my work with hours of hard work in this regard. in the relevant HTML file should look like as follows,

    (page)="pageEvent = pageNavigations($event)"

Then go to the relevant typescript file and following code,


@Input('data') customers: Observable<Customer[]>;
pageEvent: PageEvent;
Page: number=0;
Size: number=2;
recordCount: number;
pageSizeOptions: number[] = [2,3,4,5];

The key part of page navigation as follows,

pageNavigations(event? : PageEvent){
    this.Page = event.pageIndex;
    this.Size = event.pageSize;

We require the following function to call data from the backend.

reloadData() {

    this.customers = this.customerService.setPageSize(this.Page ,this.Size);
    this.customerService.getSize().subscribe(res => {
      this.recordCount = Number(res);

Before the aforementioned implementation, our services file should contain the following service call

setPageSize(page: number, size: number): Observable<any> {
    return this.http.get(`${this.baseUrl}?pageSize=${size}&pageNo=${page}`);

Then all set to go and enable pagination in our app. Feel free to ask related questions thank you.

Is it good practice to use the xor operator for boolean checks?

With code clarity in mind, my opinion is that using XOR in boolean checks is not typical usage for the XOR bitwise operator. From my experience, bitwise XOR in Java is typically used to implement a mask flag toggle behavior:

flags = flags ^ MASK;

This article by Vipan Singla explains the usage case more in detail.

If you need to use bitwise XOR as in your example, comment why you use it, since it's likely to require even a bitwise literate audience to stop in their tracks to understand why you are using it.

Cannot enqueue Handshake after invoking quit

SOLUTION: to prevent this error(for AWS LAMBDA):

In order to exit of "Nodejs event Loop" you must end the connection, and then reconnect. Add the next code to invoke the callback:

connection.end( function(err) {
        if (err) {console.log("Error ending the connection:",err);}

       //  reconnect in order to prevent the"Cannot enqueue Handshake after invoking quit"

         connection = mysql.createConnection({
                host     : '',
                port     :  3306,
                user     : 'user',
               password : 'password',
               database : 'target database'

        callback(null, {
            statusCode: 200,
            body: response,


How to Allow Remote Access to PostgreSQL database

After set listen_addresses = '*' in postgresql.conf

Edit the pg_hba.conf file and add the following entry at the very end of file:

host    all             all                           md5
host    all             all              ::/0                            md5

For finding the config files this link might help you.

The system cannot find the file specified in java

How are you running the program?

It's not the java file that is being ran but rather the .class file that is created by compiling the java code. You will either need to specify the absolute path like user1420750 says or a relative path to your System.getProperty("user.dir") directory. This should be the working directory or the directory you ran the java command from.

How to use the addr2line command in Linux?

That's exactly how you use it. There is a possibility that the address you have does not correspond to something directly in your source code though.

For example:

$ cat t.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    return 0;
$ gcc -g t.c
$ addr2line -e a.out 0x400534
$ addr2line -e a.out 0x400550

0x400534 is the address of main in my case. 0x400408 is also a valid function address in a.out, but it's a piece of code generated/imported by GCC, that has no debug info. (In this case, __libc_csu_init. You can see the layout of your executable with readelf -a your_exe.)

Other times when addr2line will fail is if you're including a library that has no debug information.

jquery $.each() for objects

Basically you need to do two loops here. The one you are doing already is iterating each element in the 0th array element.

You have programs: [ {...}, {...} ] so programs[0] is { "name":"zonealarm", "price":"500" } So your loop is just going over that.

You could do an outer loop over the array

$.each(data.programs, function(index) {

    // then loop over the object elements
    $.each(data.programs[index], function(key, value) {
        console.log(key + ": " + value);


How to generate unique IDs for form labels in React?

For the usual usages of label and input, it's just easier to wrap input into a label like this:

import React from 'react'

const Field = props => (
    <input type="text"/>

It's also makes it possible in checkboxes/radiobuttons to apply padding to root element and still getting feedback of click on input.

Changing text of UIButton programmatically swift

Swift 5:

    let controlStates: Array<UIControl.State> = [.normal, .highlighted, .disabled, .selected, .focused, .application, .reserved]
    for controlState in controlStates {
        button.setTitle(NSLocalizedString("Title", comment: ""), for: controlState)

Use PHP composer to clone git repo

I was encountering the following error: The requested package my-foo/bar could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.

If you're forking another repo to make your own changes you will end up with a new repository.


The new url will need to go into your repositories section of your composer.json.

Remember if you want refer to your fork as my-foo/bar in your require section, you will have to rename the package in the composer.json file inside of your new repo.

    "name":         "foo/bar",


    "name":         "my-foo/bar",

If you've just forked the easiest way to do this is edit it right inside github.

Forward slash in Java Regex

The problem is actually that you need to double-escape backslashes in the replacement string. You see, "\\/" (as I'm sure you know) means the replacement string is \/, and (as you probably don't know) the replacement string \/ actually just inserts /, because Java is weird, and gives \ a special meaning in the replacement string. (It's supposedly so that \$ will be a literal dollar sign, but I think the real reason is that they wanted to mess with people. Other languages don't do it this way.) So you have to write either:

"Hello/You/There".replaceAll("/", "\\\\/");


"Hello/You/There".replaceAll("/", Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\/"));

(Using java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement(String).)

! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)

Follow the steps given below as I also had the same problem:

$ git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories 

(To see if local branch can be easily merged with remote one)

$ git push -u origin master 

(Now push entire content of local git repository to your online repository)

telnet to port 8089 correct command

I believe telnet 8089 . Why don't u try both

How to copy a java.util.List into another java.util.List

I tried something similar and was able to reproduce the problem (IndexOutOfBoundsException). Below are my findings:

1) The implementation of the Collections.copy(destList, sourceList) first checks the size of the destination list by calling the size() method. Since the call to the size() method will always return the number of elements in the list (0 in this case), the constructor ArrayList(capacity) ensures only the initial capacity of the backing array and this does not have any relation to the size of the list. Hence we always get IndexOutOfBoundsException.

2) A relatively simple way is to use the constructor that takes a collection as its argument:

List<SomeBean> wsListCopy=new ArrayList<SomeBean>(wsList);  

How do you round a number to two decimal places in C#?

Math.Floor(123456.646 * 100) / 100 Would return 123456.64

The conversion of the varchar value overflowed an int column

Thanks Ravi and other users .... Nevertheless I have got the solution

SELECT @phoneNumber=
  WHEN  ISNULL(rdg2.nPhoneNumber  ,'0') in ('0','-',NULL)
THEN ISNULL(rdg2.nMobileNumber, '0') 
  WHEN ISNULL(rdg2.nMobileNumber, '0')  in ('0','-',NULL)
THEN '0'
  ELSE ISNULL(rdg2.nPhoneNumber  ,'0')
FROM tblReservation_Details_Guest  rdg2 
WHERE nReservationID=@nReservationID

Just need to put '0' instead of 0

Creating a custom JButton in Java

Yes, this is possible. One of the main pros for using Swing is the ease with which the abstract controls can be created and manipulates.

Here is a quick and dirty way to extend the existing JButton class to draw a circle to the right of the text.

package test;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Graphics;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class MyButton extends JButton {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Color circleColor = Color.BLACK;

    public MyButton(String label) {

    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

        Dimension originalSize = super.getPreferredSize();
        int gap = (int) (originalSize.height * 0.2);
        int x = originalSize.width + gap;
        int y = gap;
        int diameter = originalSize.height - (gap * 2);

        g.fillOval(x, y, diameter, diameter);

    public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
        Dimension size = super.getPreferredSize();
        size.width += size.height;
        return size;

    /*Test the button*/
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyButton button = new MyButton("Hello, World!");

        JFrame frame = new JFrame();
        frame.setSize(400, 400);

        Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
        contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());



Note that by overriding paintComponent that the contents of the button can be changed, but that the border is painted by the paintBorder method. The getPreferredSize method also needs to be managed in order to dynamically support changes to the content. Care needs to be taken when measuring font metrics and image dimensions.

For creating a control that you can rely on, the above code is not the correct approach. Dimensions and colours are dynamic in Swing and are dependent on the look and feel being used. Even the default Metal look has changed across JRE versions. It would be better to implement AbstractButton and conform to the guidelines set out by the Swing API. A good starting point is to look at the javax.swing.LookAndFeel and javax.swing.UIManager classes.

Understanding the anatomy of LookAndFeel is useful for writing controls: Creating a Custom Look and Feel

Parse json string using JSON.NET

I did not test the following snippet... hopefully it will point you towards the right direction:

    var jsreader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(stringData));
    var json = (JObject)new JsonSerializer().Deserialize(jsreader);
    var tableRows = from p in json["items"]
                 select new
                     Name = (string)p["Name"],
                     Age = (int)p["Age"],
                     Job = (string)p["Job"]

calling a function from class in python - different way

You need to have an instance of a class to use its methods. Or if you don't need to access any of classes' variables (not static parameters) then you can define the method as static and it can be used even if the class isn't instantiated. Just add @staticmethod decorator to your methods.

class MathsOperations:
    def testAddition (x, y):
        return x + y
    def testMultiplication (a, b):
        return a * b


Python class inherits object

Yes, it's historical. Without it, it creates an old-style class.

If you use type() on an old-style object, you just get "instance". On a new-style object you get its class.

Python: count repeated elements in the list

lst = ["a", "b", "a", "c", "c", "a", "c"]
for i in temp:
print result


{'a': 3, 'c': 3, 'b': 1}

Detect if PHP session exists

function is_session_started()
    if ( php_sapi_name() !== 'cli' ) {
        if ( version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '>=') ) {
            return session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE ? TRUE : FALSE;
        } else {
            return session_id() === '' ? FALSE : TRUE;
    return FALSE;

// Example
if ( is_session_started() === FALSE ) session_start();

Fetch frame count with ffmpeg

Cmd ->

ffprobe.exe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate,duration -of default=nw=1 "d:\movies\The.Matrix.1999.1080p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.dut.mp4"

Result ->


Calculation ->


Proof -> 

ffmpeg -i "d:\movies\The.Matrix.1999.1080p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.dut.mp4" -f null /dev/null
ffmpeg version N-92938-g0aaaca25e0-ffmpeg-windows-pacman Copyright (c) 2000-2019 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 8.2.0 (GCC)
  configuration: --pkg-config=pkg-config --pkg-config-flags=--static --extra-version=ffmpeg-windows-pacman --enable-version3 --disable-debug --disable-w32threads --arch=x86_64 --target-os=mingw32 --cross-prefix=/opt/sandbox/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-x86_64/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32- --enable-libcaca --enable-gray --enable-libtesseract --enable-fontconfig --enable-gmp --enable-gnutls --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libflite --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libilbc --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopus --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-libzimg --enable-libzvbi --enable-libmysofa --enable-libaom --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenh264 --enable-liblensfun --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --extra-libs=-lm --extra-libs=-lpthread --extra-cflags=-DLIBTWOLAME_STATIC --extra-cflags=-DMODPLUG_STATIC --extra-cflags=-DCACA_STATIC --enable-amf --enable-libmfx --enable-gpl --enable-avisynth --enable-frei0r --enable-filter=frei0r --enable-librubberband --enable-libvidstab --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-libxavs --enable-avresample --extra-cflags='-march=core2' --extra-cflags=-O2 --enable-static --disable-shared --prefix=/opt/sandbox/cross_compilers/mingw-w64-x86_64/x86_64-w64-mingw32 --enable-nonfree --enable-decklink --enable-libfdk-aac
  libavutil      56. 25.100 / 56. 25.100
  libavcodec     58. 43.100 / 58. 43.100
  libavformat    58. 25.100 / 58. 25.100
  libavdevice    58.  6.101 / 58.  6.101
  libavfilter     7. 47.100 /  7. 47.100
  libavresample   4.  0.  0 /  4.  0.  0
  libswscale      5.  4.100 /  5.  4.100
  libswresample   3.  4.100 /  3.  4.100
  libpostproc    55.  4.100 / 55.  4.100
Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'd:\movies\The.Matrix.1999.1080p.BrRip.x264.YIFY.dut.mp4':
    major_brand     : isom
    minor_version   : 512
    compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41
    encoder         : Lavf58.25.100
  Duration: 02:16:17.91, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 2497 kb/s
    Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1920x800 [SAR 1:1 DAR 12:5], 2397 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 24k tbn, 47.95 tbc (default)
      handler_name    : VideoHandler
    Stream #0:1(und): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 93 kb/s (default)
      handler_name    : GPAC ISO Audio Handler
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> wrapped_avframe (native))
  Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (aac (native) -> pcm_s16le (native))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
Output #0, null, to '/dev/null':
    major_brand     : isom
    minor_version   : 512
    compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41
    encoder         : Lavf58.25.100
    Stream #0:0(und): Video: wrapped_avframe, yuv420p, 1920x800 [SAR 1:1 DAR 12:5], q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbn, 23.98 tbc (default)
      handler_name    : VideoHandler
      encoder         : Lavc58.43.100 wrapped_avframe
    Stream #0:1(und): Audio: pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 1411 kb/s (default)
      handler_name    : GPAC ISO Audio Handler
      encoder         : Lavc58.43.100 pcm_s16le
frame=196071 fps=331 q=-0.0 Lsize=N/A time=02:16:17.90 bitrate=N/A speed=13.8x
video:102631kB audio:1408772kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown

How to subtract X day from a Date object in Java?

c1.set(2017, 12 , 01); //Ex: 1999 jan 20    //System.out.println("Date is : " + sdf.format(c1.getTime()));
  c1.add(Calendar.MONTH, -2); // substract 1 month
  ("Date minus 1 month : "
      + sdf.format(c1.getTime()));

An object reference is required to access a non-static member

You should make your audioSounds and minTime members static:

public static List<AudioSource> audioSounds = new List<AudioSource>();
public static double minTime = 0.5;

But I would consider using singleton objects instead of static members instead:

public class SoundManager : MonoBehaviour

    public List<AudioSource> audioSounds = new List<AudioSource>();
    public double minTime = 0.5;

    public static SoundManager Instance { get; private set; }

    void Awake()
        Instance = this;

    public void playSound(AudioClip sourceSound, Vector3 objectPosition, int volume, float audioPitch, int dopplerLevel)
        bool playsound = false;
        foreach (AudioSource sound in audioSounds) // Loop through List with foreach
            if ( != && sound.time <= minTime)
                playsound = true;

        if(playsound) {
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(sourceSound, objectPosition);


Update from September 2020:

Six years later, it is still one of my most upvoted answers on StackOverflow, so I feel obligated to add: singleton is a pattern that creates a lot of problems down the road, and personally, I consider it to be an anti-pattern. It can be accessed from anywhere, and using singletons for different game systems creates a spaghetti of invisible dependencies between different parts of your project.

If you're just learning to program, using singletons is OK for now. But please, consider reading about Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control and other architectural patterns. At least file it under "stuff I will learn later". This may sound as an overkill when you first learn about them, but a proper architecture can become a life-saver on middle and big projects.

grep a tab in UNIX

Look for blank spaces many times [[:space:]]*

grep [[:space:]]*'.''.'

Will find something like this:

'the tab' ..

These are single quotations ('), and not double (").
This is how you make concatenation in grep. =-)

How to create a Date in SQL Server given the Day, Month and Year as Integers

The following code should work on all versions of sql server I believe:


Count number of rows matching a criteria

  1. mydata$sCode is a vector, it's why nrow output is NULL.
  2. mydata[mydata$sCode == 'CA',] returns data.frame where sCode == 'CA'. sCode includes character. That's why sum gives you the error.
  3. subset(mydata, sCode='CA', select=c(sCode)), you should use sCode=='CA' instead sCode='CA'. Then subset returns you vector where sCode equals CA, so you should use

    length(subset(na.omit(mydata), sCode='CA', select=c(sCode)))

Or you can try this: sum(na.omit(mydata$sCode) == "CA")

Link to a section of a webpage


Use <section>.

and use <a href="page.html#tips">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a>

laravel Unable to prepare route ... for serialization. Uses Closure

If someone is still looking for an answer, for me the problem was in routes/web.php file. Example:

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

It is also Route, so yeah...Just remove it if not needed and you are good to go! You should also follow answers provided from above.

Replace words in the body text

While using innerHTML.replace will work and is pretty fast, this will break the DOM state. You can replicate this by setting "autofocus" on an input field and then changing innerHTML on body, it will loose focus.

A less destructive approach is:

// retrives all childNodes of body
var childNodes = document.body.childNodes;

// start replacing

function replaceInNodes(nodes,search,replace){
    // iterate through all nodes
    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { 
            var curNode = nodes[i];
            // if the node has attributes, let us look at those
            // i.E. we want to change "John" in the input placeholder to "Peter" - <input type="text" value="John">
            if(curNode.attributes !== undefined){
                var curNodeAttributes = curNode.attributes;
                for (var ii = 0; ii < curNodeAttributes.length; ii++) {
                    // replace attribute values
                    curNodeAttributes[ii].nodeValue = curNodeAttributes[ii].nodeValue.replace(search, replace);
            // It is a "TEXT_NODE"
            // i.E. <span>John</span>
            if(curNode.nodeType == 3){
       = this.injectIntoString(;
            // It is a "ELEMENT_NODE", meaning we need to go deeper
            if(curNode.nodeType == 1){

More info can be found here: Note: I am the author of said link

How to check if spark dataframe is empty?

If you do df.count > 0. It takes the counts of all partitions across all executors and add them up at Driver. This take a while when you are dealing with millions of rows.

The best way to do this is to perform df.take(1) and check if its null. This will return java.util.NoSuchElementException so better to put a try around df.take(1).

The dataframe return an error when take(1) is done instead of an empty row. I have highlighted the specific code lines where it throws the error.

enter image description here

Recursively list all files in a directory including files in symlink directories

find -L /var/www/ -type l

# man find
-L     Follow  symbolic links.  When find examines or prints information about files, the information used shall be taken from the

properties of the file to which the link points, not from the link itself (unless it is a broken symbolic link or find is unable to examine the file to which the link points). Use of this option implies -noleaf. If you later use the -P option, -noleaf will still be in effect. If -L is in effect and find discovers a symbolic link to a subdirectory during its search, the subdirectory pointed to by the symbolic link will be searched.

How to get file_get_contents() to work with HTTPS?

Try the following.

function getSslPage($url) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    return $result;

Note: This disables SSL verification, meaning the security offered by HTTPS is lost. Only use this code for testing / local development, never on the internet or other public-facing networks. If this code works, it means the SSL certificate isn't trusted or can't be verified, which you should look into fixing as a separate issue.

Google Play app description formatting

Currently (July 2015), HTML escape sequences (&bull; &#8226;) do not work in browser version of Play Store, they're displayed as text. Though, Play Store app handles them as expected.

So, if you're after the unicode bullet point in your app/update description [that's what's got you here, most likely], just copy-paste the bullet character

PS You can also use unicode input combo to get the character

Linux: CtrlShiftu 2022 Enter or Space

Mac: Hold ? 2022 release ?

Windows: Hold Alt 2022 release Alt

Mac and Windows require some setup, read on Wikipedia

PPS If you're feeling creative, here's a good link with more copypastable symbols, but don't go too crazy, nobody likes clutter in what they read.

Angular ForEach in Angular4/Typescript?

arrayData.forEach((key : any, val: any) => {
                        key['index'] = val + 1;

                        arrayData2.forEach((keys : any, vals :any) => {
                            if (key.group_id == {
                                key.group_name = keys.group_name;

What does 'git remote add upstream' help achieve?

Let's take an example: You want to contribute to django, so you fork its repository. In the while you work on your feature, there is much work done on the original repo by other people. So the code you forked is not the most up to date. setting a remote upstream and fetching it time to time makes sure your forked repo is in sync with the original repo.

Finishing current activity from a fragment

15 June 2020 - Updated answer.

You have two options for Java and Kotlin. However, logic of both ways are same. You should call activity after call finish() method.

Answer for Kotlin,

If your activity cannot be null, use Answer_1. However, if your activity can be null, use Answer_2.

Answer_1: activity!!.finish()
Answer_2: activity?.finish()

Answer for Java,



How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically?

I found another working solution: add the following line to your app under the onCreate event.


My sample Cordova project looks like this:

package com.apps.demo;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import org.apache.cordova.*;

public class ScanManActivity extends DroidGap {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

After that, my app would not go to sleep while it was open. Thanks for the anwer goes to xSus.

How can I selectively merge or pick changes from another branch in Git?

This is my workflow for merging selective files.

# Make a new branch (this will be temporary)
git checkout -b newbranch

# Grab the changes
git merge --no-commit  featurebranch

# Unstage those changes
git reset HEAD
(You can now see the files from the merge are unstaged)

# Now you can chose which files are to be merged.
git add -p

# Remember to "git add" any new files you wish to keep
git commit

How do I force "git pull" to overwrite local files?

Like Hedgehog I think the answers are terrible. But though Hedgehog's answer might be better, I don't think it is as elegant as it could be. The way I found to do this is by using fetch and merge with a defined strategy. Which should make it so that your local changes are preserved as long as they are not one of the files that you are trying to force an overwrite with.

First do a commit of your changes

 git add *
 git commit -a -m "local file server commit message"

Then fetch the changes and overwrite if there is a conflict

 git fetch origin master
 git merge -s recursive -X theirs origin/master

-X is an option name, and theirs is the value for that option. You're choosing to use their changes (the other option is ours changes) if there is a conflict.

how to configure hibernate config file for sql server

Properties that are database specific are:

  • hibernate.connection.driver_class: JDBC driver class
  • hibernate.connection.url: JDBC URL
  • hibernate.connection.username: database user
  • hibernate.connection.password: database password
  • hibernate.dialect: The class name of a Hibernate org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect which allows Hibernate to generate SQL optimized for a particular relational database.

To change the database, you must:

  1. Provide an appropriate JDBC driver for the database on the class path,
  2. Change the JDBC properties (driver, url, user, password)
  3. Change the Dialect used by Hibernate to talk to the database

There are two drivers to connect to SQL Server; the open source jTDS and the Microsoft one. The driver class and the JDBC URL depend on which one you use.

With the jTDS driver

The driver class name is net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver.

The URL format for sqlserver is:


So the Hibernate configuration would look like (note that you can skip the hibernate. prefix in the properties):

    <property name="connection.driver_class">net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver</property>
    <property name="connection.url">jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<server>[:<port>][/<database>]</property>
    <property name="connection.username">sa</property>
    <property name="connection.password">lal</property>

    <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect</property>


With Microsoft SQL Server JDBC 3.0:

The driver class name is

The URL format is:


So the Hibernate configuration would look like:

    <property name="connection.driver_class"></property>
    <property name="connection.url">jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instanceName][:portNumber]];databaseName=<databaseName></property>
    <property name="connection.username">sa</property>
    <property name="connection.password">lal</property>

    <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect</property>



CSS hexadecimal RGBA?

Charming Prince:

Only internet explorer allows the 4 byte hex color in the format of ARGB, where A is the Alpha channel. It can be used in gradient filters for example:

filter  : ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=@{dir},startColorstr=@{color1},endColorstr=@{color2})";

Where dir can be: 1(horizontal) or 0(vertical) And the color strings can be hex colors(#FFAAD3) or argb hex colors(#88FFAAD3).

how can I enable scrollbars on the WPF Datagrid?

Add grid with defined height and width for columns and rows. Then add ScrollViewer and inside it add the dataGrid.

jQuery issue - #<an Object> has no method

This usually has to do with a selector not being used properly. Check and make sure that you are using the jQuery selectors like intended. For example I had this problem when creating a click method:

$("[editButton]").click(function () {
    this.css("color", "red");

Because I was not using the correct selector method $(this) for jQuery it gave me the same error.

So simply enough, check your selectors!

C# find highest array value and index

A succinct one-liner:

var max = anArray.Select((n, i) => (Number: n, Index: i)).Max();

Test case:

var anArray = new int[] { 1, 5, 7, 4, 2 };
var max = anArray.Select((n, i) => (Number: n, Index: i)).Max();
Console.WriteLine($"Maximum number = {max.Number}, on index {max.Index}.");
// Maximum number = 7, on index 2.


  • Uses Linq (not as optimized as vanilla, but the trade-off is less code).
  • Does not need to sort.
  • Computational complexity: O(n).
  • Space complexity: O(n).


  • Make sure the number (and not the index) is the first element in the tuple because tuple sorting is done by comparing tuple items from left to right.

Visual Studio Code always asking for git credentials

The following steps walk you through how to:

  1. Generate SSH keys (without passphrase**)
  2. Add the public key generated in step 1 to your Git repository
  3. Confirm the above steps have been completed successfully
  4. Make your first commit (without having to provide a username / password)

**Generating SSH keys without a passphrase is unwise if your work is particularly sensitive.

OS - Fedora 28 | Editor - VS Code v1.23.0 | Repository - Git

Generate SSH keys:

  • ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
  • Enter file in which to save the key: Press Enter
  • Enter passphrase: Press Enter
  • Enter same passphrase again: Press Enter

After completing the above steps, the location of your public key is shown in the terminal window. If the currently logged in user is 'bob' the location of your public key would be /home/bob/.ssh/

Copy and import public key to GitHub:

  • cat /home/bob/.ssh/

  • Copy the whole public key that is now displayed in your terminal window to the clipboard

  • Go to and sign in
  • Click the user icon in the top right corner of the screen and select Settings
  • Click SSH and GPG keys
  • Click New SSH key
  • Enter a title, paste the public key copied to the clipboard in the first bullet point, and click Add SSH key

Confirm the above steps:

  • ssh -T [email protected]

  • yes

  • Hi ! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

First commit / push without having to enter a username / password: - touch test.txt

  • git add test.txt

  • git commit - opens editor, enter a message and save the file. If vi is your editor, press i once the file opens, enter a message, press esc, and then enter :x to save changes.

  • git push

The only hiccup you may encounter is when you attempt to SSH to GitHub. This link will provide some assistance -

Happy hunting!

How can I delete all of my Git stashes at once?

if you want to remove the latest stash or at any particular index -

git stash drop type_your_index

> git stash list

  stash@{0}: abc
  stash@{1}: xyz
  stash@{1}: pqr

> git stash drop 0

  Dropped refs/stash@{0}

> git stash list

  stash@{0}: xyz
  stash@{1}: pqr

if you want to remove all the stash at once -

> git stash clear

> git stash list

Warning : Once done you can not revert back your stash

How to check string length with JavaScript

 var myString = 'sample String';   var length = myString.length ;

first you need to defined a keypressed handler or some kind of a event trigger to listen , btw , getting the length is really simple like mentioned above

How to create an on/off switch with Javascript/CSS?

check out this generator: On/Off FlipSwitch

you can get various different style outcomes and its css only - no javascript!

MassAssignmentException in Laravel

I was getting the MassAssignmentException when I have extends my model like this.

class Upload extends Eloquent {


I was trying to insert array like this

Upload::create($array);//$array was data to insert.

Issue has been resolve when I created Upload Model as

class Upload extends Eloquent {
    protected $guarded = array();  // Important


How to flush output of print function?

In Python 3 you can overwrite print function with default set to flush = True

def print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=True):
    __builtins__.print(*objects, sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)

rsync: difference between --size-only and --ignore-times

On a Scientific Linux 6.7 system, the man page on rsync says:

--ignore-times          don't skip files that match size and time

I have two files with identical contents, but with different creation dates:

[root@windstorm ~]# ls -ls /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
4 -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 1595 Feb 15 03:45 /tmp/master/usercron
4 -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 1595 Feb 16 04:52 /tmp/new/usercron

[root@windstorm ~]# diff /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
[root@windstorm ~]# md5sum /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
368165347b09204ce25e2fa0f61f3bbd  /tmp/master/usercron
368165347b09204ce25e2fa0f61f3bbd  /tmp/new/usercron

With --size-only, the two files are regarded the same:

[root@windstorm ~]# rsync -v --size-only -n  /tmp/new/usercron /tmp/master/usercron

sent 29 bytes  received 12 bytes  82.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1595  speedup is 38.90 (DRY RUN)

With --ignore-times, the two files are regarded different:

[root@windstorm ~]# rsync -v --ignore-times -n  /tmp/new/usercron /tmp/master/usercron

sent 32 bytes  received 15 bytes  94.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1595  speedup is 33.94 (DRY RUN)

So it does not looks like --ignore-times has any effect at all.

Vertically align text next to an image?

Because you have to set the line-height to the height of the div for this to work

How to upgrade safely php version in wamp server

One important step is missing in all answers. I successfully upgraded with following steps:

  • stop apache service with wamp stack manager.
  • rename your wampstack/php dir to wampstack/php_old
  • copy new php dir to wampstack/
  • replace wampstack/php/php.ini by wampstack/php_old/php.ini
  • test and fix any error with php -v (for example missing extensions)
  • [optional] update php version in wampstack/properties.ini
  • Replace wampstack/apache/bin/php7ts.dll by wampstack/php/php7ts.dll
    • This is not mentioned in the other answers but you need this to use the right php version in apache!
  • start apache service

Finding the length of a Character Array in C

If you have an array, then you can find the number of elements in the array by dividing the size of the array in bytes by the size of each element in bytes:

char x[10];
int elements_in_x = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);

For the specific case of char, since sizeof(char) == 1, sizeof(x) will yield the same result.

If you only have a pointer to an array, then there's no way to find the number of elements in the pointed-to array. You have to keep track of that yourself. For example, given:

char x[10];
char* pointer_to_x = x;

there is no way to tell from just pointer_to_x that it points to an array of 10 elements. You have to keep track of that information yourself.

There are numerous ways to do that: you can either store the number of elements in a variable or you can encode the contents of the array such that you can get its size somehow by analyzing its contents (this is effectively what null-terminated strings do: they place a '\0' character at the end of the string so that you know when the string ends).

Setting Camera Parameters in OpenCV/Python

If anyone is still wondering what the value in CV_CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE might be:

Depends. For my cheap webcam I have to enter the desired value directly, e.g. 0.1 for 1/10s. For my expensive industrial camera I have to enter -5 to get an exposure time of 2^-5s = 1/32s.

Space between border and content? / Border distance from content?

If you have background on that element, then, adding padding would be useless.

So, in this case, you can use background-clip: content-box; or outline-offset

Explanation: If you use wrapper, then it would be simple to separate the background from border. But if you want to style the same element, which has a background, no matter how much padding you would add, there would be no space between background and border, unless you use background-clip or outline-offset

Restful API service

Lets say I want to start the service on an event - onItemClicked() of a button. The Receiver mechanism would not work in that case because :-
a) I passed the Receiver to the service (as in Intent extra) from onItemClicked()
b) Activity moves to the background. In onPause() I set the receiver reference within the ResultReceiver to null to avoid leaking the Activity.
c) Activity gets destroyed.
d) Activity gets created again. However at this point the Service will not be able to make a callback to the Activity as that receiver reference is lost.
The mechanism of a limited broadcast or a PendingIntent seems to be more usefull in such scenarios- refer to Notify activity from service

Why is my CSS style not being applied?

Reasoning for my CSS styles not being applied, even though they were being loaded:

The media attribute on the link tag which was loading the stylesheet had an incorrect value. I had inadvertently set it to 1 instead of all. This meant the browser was ignoring those styles in that linked stylesheet.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" media="1" />


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" media="all" />

Passing a callback function to another class

public class Class1

        private void btn_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ServerRequest sr = new ServerRequest();
            sr.Callback += new ServerRequest.CallbackEventHandler(sr_Callback);

        void sr_Callback(string something)



    public class ServerRequest
        public delegate void CallbackEventHandler(string something);
        public event CallbackEventHandler Callback;   

        public void DoRequest(string request)
            // do stuff....
            if (Callback != null)

How to append multiple values to a list in Python

You can use the sequence method list.extend to extend the list by multiple values from any kind of iterable, being it another list or any other thing that provides a sequence of values.

>>> lst = [1, 2]
>>> lst.append(3)
>>> lst.append(4)
>>> lst
[1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> lst.extend([5, 6, 7])
>>> lst.extend((8, 9, 10))
>>> lst
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

>>> lst.extend(range(11, 14))
>>> lst
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]

So you can use list.append() to append a single value, and list.extend() to append multiple values.

Draw Circle using css alone

yup.. here's my code:

     width: 100px;
     height: 100px;
     border-radius: 50%;
     background-color: blue
<div class="circle">

How can I validate a string to only allow alphanumeric characters in it?

I advise to not depend on ready made and built in code in .NET framework , try to bring up new solution ..this is what i do..

public  bool isAlphaNumeric(string N)
    bool YesNumeric = false;
    bool YesAlpha = false;
    bool BothStatus = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < N.Length; i++)
        if (char.IsLetter(N[i]) )

        if (char.IsNumber(N[i]))
            YesNumeric = true;

    if (YesAlpha==true && YesNumeric==true)
        BothStatus = true;
        BothStatus = false;
    return BothStatus;

Changing the page title with Jquery

Html code:

Change Title:
<input type="text" id="changeTitle" placeholder="Enter title tag">
<button id="changeTitle1">Click!</button>

Jquery code:

    $("#changeTitle1").click(function() {

What is http multipart request?

As the official specification says, "one or more different sets of data are combined in a single body". So when photos and music are handled as multipart messages as mentioned in the question, probably there is some plain text metadata associated as well, thus making the request containing different types of data (binary, text), which implies the usage of multipart.

Rotating a point about another point (2D)

The coordinate system on the screen is left-handed, i.e. the x coordinate increases from left to right and the y coordinate increases from top to bottom. The origin, O(0, 0) is at the upper left corner of the screen.

enter image description here

A clockwise rotation around the origin of a point with coordinates (x, y) is given by the following equations:

enter image description here

where (x', y') are the coordinates of the point after rotation and angle theta, the angle of rotation (needs to be in radians, i.e. multiplied by: PI / 180).

To perform rotation around a point different from the origin O(0,0), let's say point A(a, b) (pivot point). Firstly we translate the point to be rotated, i.e. (x, y) back to the origin, by subtracting the coordinates of the pivot point, (x - a, y - b). Then we perform the rotation and get the new coordinates (x', y') and finally we translate the point back, by adding the coordinates of the pivot point to the new coordinates (x' + a, y' + b).

Following the above description:

a 2D clockwise theta degrees rotation of point (x, y) around point (a, b) is:

Using your function prototype: (x, y) -> (p.x, p.y); (a, b) -> (cx, cy); theta -> angle:

POINT rotate_point(float cx, float cy, float angle, POINT p){

     return POINT(cos(angle) * (p.x - cx) - sin(angle) * (p.y - cy) + cx,
                  sin(angle) * (p.x - cx) + cos(angle) * (p.y - cy) + cy);

ExecutorService, how to wait for all tasks to finish

A simple alternative to this is to use threads along with join. Refer : Joining Threads

Convert a list to a dictionary in Python

You can also do it like this (string to list conversion here, then conversion to a dictionary)

    string_list = """
    Hello World
    Goodbye Night
    Great Day
    Final Sunset

    string_list = dict(zip(string_list[::2],string_list[1::2]))

    print string_list

How do I break out of a loop in Scala?

This has changed in Scala 2.8 which has a mechanism for using breaks. You can now do the following:

import scala.util.control.Breaks._
var largest = 0
// pass a function to the breakable method
breakable { 
    for (i<-999 to 1  by -1; j <- i to 1 by -1) {
        val product = i * j
        if (largest > product) {
            break  // BREAK!!
        else if (product.toString.equals(product.toString.reverse)) {
            largest = largest max product

Is the buildSessionFactory() Configuration method deprecated in Hibernate


Yes, it is. There are better ways to bootstrap Hibernate, like the following ones.

Hibernate-native bootstrap

The legacy Configuration object is less powerful than using the BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder, introduced since Hibernate 4:

final BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder bsrb = new BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder()

Integrator integrator = integrator();
if (integrator != null) {
    bsrb.applyIntegrator( integrator );

final BootstrapServiceRegistry bsr =;

final StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = 
    new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder(bsr)

final MetadataSources metadataSources = new MetadataSources(serviceRegistry);

for (Class annotatedClass : entities()) {

String[] packages = packages();
if (packages != null) {
    for (String annotatedPackage : packages) {

String[] resources = resources();
if (resources != null) {
    for (String resource : resources) {

final MetadataBuilder metadataBuilder = metadataSources.getMetadataBuilder()

final List<Type> additionalTypes = additionalTypes();
if (additionalTypes != null) { -> {
        metadataBuilder.applyTypes((typeContributions, sr) -> {
            if(type instanceof BasicType) {
                typeContributions.contributeType((BasicType) type);
            } else if (type instanceof UserType ){
                typeContributions.contributeType((UserType) type);
            } else if (type instanceof CompositeUserType) {
                typeContributions.contributeType((CompositeUserType) type);


MetadataImplementor metadata = (MetadataImplementor);

final SessionFactoryBuilder sfb = metadata.getSessionFactoryBuilder();
Interceptor interceptor = interceptor();
if(interceptor != null) {

SessionFactory sessionFactory =;

JPA bootstrap

You can also bootstrap Hibernate using JPA:

PersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnitInfo = persistenceUnitInfo(getClass().getSimpleName());
Map configuration = properties();

Interceptor interceptor = interceptor();
if (interceptor != null) {
    configuration.put(AvailableSettings.INTERCEPTOR, interceptor);

Integrator integrator = integrator();
if (integrator != null) {
        (IntegratorProvider) () -> Collections.singletonList(integrator));

EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl entityManagerFactoryBuilder = 
    new EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl(
        new PersistenceUnitInfoDescriptor(persistenceUnitInfo), 
EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory =;

This way, you are building the EntityManagerFactory instead of a SessionFactory. However, the SessionFactory extends the EntityManagerFactory, so the actual object that's built is aSessionFactoryImpl` too.


These two bootstrapping methods affect Hibernate behavior. When using the native bootstrap, Hibernate behaves in the legacy mode, which predates JPA.

When bootstrapping using JPA, Hibernate will behave according to the JPA specification.

There are several differences between these two modes:

For more details about these differences, check out the JpaCompliance class.

AngularJS dynamic routing

As of AngularJS 1.1.3, you can now do exactly what you want using the new catch-all parameter.

From the commit:

This allows routeProvider to accept parameters that matches substrings even when they contain slashes if they are prefixed with an asterisk instead of a colon. For example, routes like edit/color/:color/largecode/*largecode will match with something like this

I have tested it out myself (using 1.1.5) and it works great. Just keep in mind that each new URL will reload your controller, so to keep any kind of state, you may need to use a custom service.

1052: Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous

If the format of the id's in the two table varies then you want to join them, as such you can select to use an id from one-main table, say if you have table_customes and table_orders, and tha id for orders is like "101","102"..."110", just use one for customers

select, name, amount, date from customers.orders;

CSS3 Transition not working

A general answer for a general question... Transitions can't animate properties that are auto. If you have a transition not working, check that the starting value of the property is explicitly set. (For example, to make a node collapse, when it's height is auto and must stay that way, put the transition on max-height instead. Give max-height a sensible initial value, then transition it to 0)

How to save all files from source code of a web site?

Try Winhttrack

...offline browser utility.

It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.

WinHTTrack is the Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven release of HTTrack, and WebHTTrack the Linux/Unix/BSD release...

Android basics: running code in the UI thread

If you need to use in Fragment you should use

private Context context;

    public void onAttach(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    ((MainActivity)context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Log.d("UI thread", "I am the UI thread");

instead of

getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        Log.d("UI thread", "I am the UI thread");

Because There will be null pointer exception in some situation like pager fragment

Android Studio Run/Debug configuration error: Module not specified

never mind, i changed the name in settings.gradle and synced and then changed it back and synced again and it inexplicably worked this time.

Batch file for PuTTY/PSFTP file transfer automation

You need to store the psftp script (lines from open to bye) into a separate file and pass that to psftp using -b switch:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY"
psftp -b "C:\path\to\script\script.txt"


EDIT: For username+password: As you cannot use psftp commands in a batch file, for the same reason, you cannot specify the username and the password as psftp commands. These are inputs to the open command. While you can specify the username with the open command (open <user>@<IP>), you cannot specify the password this way. This can be done on a psftp command line only. Then it's probably cleaner to do all on the command-line:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY"
psftp -b script.txt <user>@<IP> -pw <PW>

And remove the open, <user> and <PW> lines from your script.txt.


What you are doing atm is that you run psftp without any parameter or commands. Once you exit it (like by typing bye), your batch file continues trying to run open command (and others), what Windows shell obviously does not understand.

If you really want to keep everything in one file (the batch file), you can write commands to psftp standard input, like:

    echo cd ...
    echo lcd ...
    echo put
) | psftp -b script.txt <user>@<IP> -pw <PW>

How to change navigation bar color in iOS 7 or 6?

Insert the below code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() in AppDelegate.m

[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor:[UIColor
    colorWithRed:26.0/255.0 green:184.0/255.0 blue:110.0/255.0 alpha:1.0]];

SQL Server procedure declare a list

Alternative to @Peter Monks.

If the number in the 'in' statement is small and fixed.

DECLARE @var1 varchar(30), @var2 varchar(30), @var3  varchar(30);

SET @var1 = 'james';
SET @var2 = 'same';
SET @var3 = 'dogcat';

Select * FROM Database Where x in (@var1,@var2,@var3);

Which Eclipse version should I use for an Android app?

**June 2012 **

Google Recommends Eclipse Helios, Eclipse Classic or Eclipse RCP. For details, read the below post.


Look under ADT 18.0.0 (April 2012).

Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 18.0.0.

Look under Installing the ADT Plugin.

If you need to install or update Eclipse, you can download it from The "Eclipse Classic" version is recommended. Otherwise, a Java or RCP version of Eclipse is recommended.

April 2014 Updated

Eclipse Indigo (Version 3.7.2) or higher is required. I'll suggest you to use Eclipse Kepler.

ADT 22.6.0 (March 2014)

Max or Default?

Since DefaultIfEmpty isn't implemented in LINQ to SQL, I did a search on the error it returned and found a fascinating article that deals with null sets in aggregate functions. To summarize what I found, you can get around this limitation by casting to a nullable within your select. My VB is a little rusty, but I think it'd go something like this:

Dim x = (From y In context.MyTable _
         Where y.MyField = value _
         Select CType(y.MyCounter, Integer?)).Max

Or in C#:

var x = (from y in context.MyTable
         where y.MyField == value
         select (int?)y.MyCounter).Max();

iPad WebApp Full Screen in Safari

It only opens the first (bookmarked) page full screen. Any next page will be opened WITH the address bar visible again. Whatever meta tag you put into your page header...

BigDecimal setScale and round

One important point that is alluded to but not directly addressed is the difference between "precision" and "scale" and how they are used in the two statements. "precision" is the total number of significant digits in a number. "scale" is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

The MathContext constructor only accepts precision and RoundingMode as arguments, and therefore scale is never specified in the first statement.

setScale() obviously accepts scale as an argument, as well as RoundingMode, however precision is never specified in the second statement.

If you move the decimal point one place to the right, the difference will become clear:

// 1.
new BigDecimal("35.3456").round(new MathContext(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP));
//result = 35.35
// 2.
new BigDecimal("35.3456").setScale(4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
// result = 35.3456

Mocking Extension Methods with Moq

I have used a Wrapper to get around this problem. Create a wrapper object and pass your mocked method.

See Mocking Static Methods for Unit Testing by Paul Irwin, it has nice examples.

XMLHttpRequest blocked by CORS Policy

I believe sideshowbarker 's answer here has all the info you need to fix this. If your problem is just No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the response you're getting, you can set up a CORS proxy to get around this. Way more info on it in the linked answer

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?

Please use as PendingIntent while showing notification than it will be resolved.

PendingIntent intent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

Add PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT as last field.

How to make a UILabel clickable?

Have you tried to set isUserInteractionEnabled to true on the tripDetails label? This should work.

How to add external library in IntelliJ IDEA?

I've used this process to attach a 3rd party Jar to an Android project in IDEA.

  • Copy the Jar to your libs/ directory
  • Open Project Settings (Ctrl Alt Shift S)
  • Under the Project Settings panel on the left, choose Modules
  • On the larger right pane, choose the Dependencies tab
  • Press the Add... button on the far right of the screen (if you have a smaller screen like me, you may have to drag resize to the right in order to see it)
  • From the dropdown of Add options, choose "Library". A "Choose Libraries" dialog will appear.
  • Press "New Library..."
  • Choose a suitable title for the library
  • Press "Attach Classes..."
  • Choose the Jar from your libs/ directory, and press OK to dismiss

The library should now be recognised.

Get current working directory in a Qt application

I'm running Qt 5.5 under Windows and the default constructor of QDir appears to pick up the current working directory, not the application directory.

I'm not sure if the getenv PWD will work cross-platform and I think it is set to the current working directory when the shell launched the application and doesn't include any working directory changes done by the app itself (which might be why the OP is seeing this behavior).

So I thought I'd add some other ways that should give you the current working directory (not the application's binary location):

// using where a relative filename will end up
QFileInfo fi("temp");
cout << fi.absolutePath() << endl;

// explicitly using the relative name of the current working directory
QDir dir(".");
cout << dir.absolutePath() << endl;

PersistenceContext EntityManager injection NullPointerException

If you have any NamedQueries in your entity classes, then check the stack trace for compilation errors. A malformed query which cannot be compiled can cause failure to load the persistence context.

Correct way to set Bearer token with CURL

If you are working with a private token instead (like Gitlab API), you should replace:

$authorization = "Authorization: Bearer 080042cad6356ad5dc0a720c18b53b8e53d4c274"


$authorization = "PRIVATE-TOKEN 080042cad6356ad5dc0a720c18b53b8e53d4c274";

Why can I ping a server but not connect via SSH?

Find out two pieces of information

  • Whats the hostname or IP of the target ssh server
  • What port is the ssh daemon listening on (default is port 22)

$> telnet <hostname or ip> <port>

Assuming the daemon is up and running and listening on that port it should etablish a telnet session. Likely causes:

  • The ssh daemon is not running
  • The host is blocking the target port with its software firewall
  • Some intermediate network device is blocking or filtering the target port
  • The ssh daemon is listening on a non standard port
  • A TCP wrapper is configured and is filtering out your source host

Is it possible to read from a InputStream with a timeout?

If your InputStream is backed by a Socket, you can set a Socket timeout (in milliseconds) using setSoTimeout. If the read() call doesn't unblock within the timeout specified, it will throw a SocketTimeoutException.

Just make sure that you call setSoTimeout on the Socket before making the read() call.

Proxy with express.js

I found a shorter solution that does exactly what I want

After installing http-proxy

npm install http-proxy --save

Use it like below in your server/index/app.js

var proxyServer = require('http-route-proxy');
app.use('/api/BLABLA/', proxyServer.connect({
  to: '',
  https: true,
  route: ['/']

I really have spent days looking everywhere to avoid this issue, tried plenty of solutions and none of them worked but this one.

Hope it is going to help someone else too :)

How to get the latest tag name in current branch in Git?

This is an old thread, but it seems a lot of people are missing the simplest, easiest, and most correct answer to OP's question: to get the latest tag for the current branch, you use git describe HEAD. Done.

Edit: you can also supply any valid refname, even remotes; i.e., git describe origin/master will tell you the latest tag that can be reached from origin/master.

How to instantiate a File object in JavaScript?

Because this is javascript and dynamic you could define your own class that matches the File interface and use that instead.

I had to do just that with dropzone.js because I wanted to simulate a file upload and it works on File objects.

Excel VBA: function to turn activecell to bold

A UDF will only return a value it won't allow you to change the properties of a cell/sheet/workbook. Move your code to a Worksheet_Change event or similar to change properties.


Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range)
  target.Font.Bold = True
End Sub

IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config

Just wanted to point out one thing missing in LazyOne's answer (I would have just commented under the answer but don't have enough rep)

In rule #2 for permanent redirect there is thing missing:


So rule #2 should look like this:

            <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^page$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="/page.html" redirectType="Permanent" />


For more information on how to use the URL Rewrite Module see this excellent documentation: URL Rewrite Module Configuration Reference

In response to @kneidels question from the comments; To match the url: topic.php?id=39 something like the following could be used:

      <rule name="SpecificRedirect" stopProcessing="true">
        <match url="^topic.php$" />
        <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
          <add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="(?:id)=(\d{2})" />
        <action type="Redirect" url="/newpage/{C:1}" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />

This will match topic.php?id=ab where a is any number between 0-9 and b is also any number between 0-9. It will then redirect to /newpage/xy where xy comes from the original url. I have not tested this but it should work.

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel after long inactivity in ASP.Net app

Add Validate Connection=true to your connection string.

Look at this blog to find more about.

DETAILS: After OracleConnection.Close() the real database connection does not terminate. The connection object is put back in connection pool. The use of connection pool is implicit by ODP.NET. If you create a new connection you get one of the pool. If this connection is "yet open" the OracleConnection.Open() method does not really creates a new connection. If the real connection is broken (for any reason) you get a failure on first select, update, insert or delete.

With Validate Connection the real connection is validated in Open() method.

Git says local branch is behind remote branch, but it's not

This happened to me when I was trying to push the develop branch (I am using git flow). Someone had push updates to master. to fix it I did:

git co master
git pull

Which fetched those changes. Then,

git co develop
git pull

Which didn't do anything. I think the develop branch already pushed despite the error message. Everything is up to date now and no errors.

How do I declare and use variables in PL/SQL like I do in T-SQL?

In Oracle PL/SQL, if you are running a query that may return multiple rows, you need a cursor to iterate over the results. The simplest way is with a for loop, e.g.:

  myname varchar2(20) := 'tom';
  for result_cursor in (select * from mytable where first_name = myname) loop
  end loop;

If you have a query that returns exactly one row, then you can use the select...into... syntax, e.g.:

  myname varchar2(20);
  select first_name into myname 
    from mytable 
    where person_id = 123;

How to resolve ORA-011033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress

I faced the same problem. I restarted the oracle service for that DB instance and the error is gone.

Call PHP function from Twig template

You can check your all defined function by

$arr = get_defined_functions();

this will give you array of all functions in if your function exist in it you can use it like:

 {{ user.myfunction({{parameter}}) }}

How to acces external json file objects in vue.js app

Just assign the import to a data property

      import json from './json/data.json'
      export default{
                  myJson: json

then loop through the myJson property in your template using v-for

        <div v-for="data in myJson">{{data}}</div>


If the object you want to import is static i.e does not change then assigning it to a data property would make no sense as it does not need to be reactive.

Vue converts all the properties in the data option to getters/setters for the properties to be reactive. So it would be unnecessary and overhead for vue to setup getters/setters for data which is not going to change. See Reactivity in depth.

So you can create a custom option as follows:

          import MY_JSON from './json/data.json'
          export default{
              //custom option named myJson
                 myJson: MY_JSON

then loop through the custom option in your template using $options:

            <div v-for="data in $options.myJson">{{data}}</div>

How to set the value of a hidden field from a controller in mvc

Please try using following way.

@Html.Hidden("hdnFlag",(object) Convert.ToInt32(ViewBag.page_Count))

How do I split a string so I can access item x?

This pattern works fine and you can generalize

                          ^^^^^                                   ^^^^^     ^^^^


Let some table with identifiers like


Then, you can write

SELECT Source         = q.value('(/n[1])', 'varchar(10)'),
       RecordType     = q.value('(/n[2])', 'varchar(20)'),
       RecordNumber   = q.value('(/n[3])', 'int'),
       Status         = q.value('(/n[4])', 'varchar(5)')
FROM   (
         SELECT   q = Convert(xml,'<n>'+Replace(fieldName,'.','</n><n>')+'</n>')
         FROM     some_TABLE
       ) Q

splitting and casting all parts.

How to test that a registered variable is not empty?

(ansible 2.9.6 ansible-lint 4.2.0)

See ansible-lint default rules. The condition below causes E602 Don’t compare to empty string

    when: test_myscript.stderr != ""

Correct syntax and also "Ansible Galaxy Warning-Free" option is

    when: test_myscript.stderr | length > 0

Quoting from source code

"Use when: var|length > 0 rather than when: var != "" (or ' 'conversely when: var|length == 0 rather than when: var == "")"


  1. Test empty bare variable e.g.
    - debug:
        msg: "Empty string '{{ var }}' evaluates to False"
      when: not var
        var: ''

    - debug:
        msg: "Empty list {{ var }} evaluates to False"
      when: not var
        var: []


    "msg": "Empty string '' evaluates to False"
    "msg": "Empty list [] evaluates to False"
  1. But, testing non-empty bare variable string depends on CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS. Setting ANSIBLE_CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS=false the condition works fine but setting ANSIBLE_CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS=true the condition will fail
    - debug:
        msg: "String '{{ var }}' evaluates to True"
      when: var
        var: 'abc'


fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => 
  msg: |-
    The conditional check 'var' failed. The error was: error while 
    evaluating conditional (var): 'abc' is undefined

Explicit cast to Boolean prevents the error but evaluates to False i.e. will be always skipped (unless var='True'). When the filter bool is used the options ANSIBLE_CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS=true and ANSIBLE_CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS=false have no effect

    - debug:
        msg: "String '{{ var }}' evaluates to True"
      when: var|bool
        var: 'abc'


skipping: [localhost]
  1. Quoting from Porting guide 2.8 Bare variables in conditionals
  - include_tasks: teardown.yml
    when: teardown

  - include_tasks: provision.yml
    when: not teardown

" based on a variable you define as a string (with quotation marks around it):"

  • In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, the two conditions above evaluated as True and False respectively if teardown: 'true'

  • In Ansible 2.7 and earlier, both conditions evaluated as False if teardown: 'false'

  • In Ansible 2.8 and later, you have the option of disabling conditional bare variables, so when: teardown always evaluates as True and when: not teardown always evaluates as False when teardown is a non-empty string (including 'true' or 'false')


"Expect that this setting eventually will be deprecated after 2.12"

Mask for an Input to allow phone numbers?

you can use cleave.js

// phone (123) 123-4567
var cleavePhone = new Cleave('.input-phone', {
        //prefix: '(123)',
        delimiters: ['(',') ','-'],
        blocks: [0, 3, 3, 4]


Why can't Python parse this JSON data?

"Ultra JSON" or simply "ujson" can handle having [] in your JSON file input. If you're reading a JSON input file into your program as a list of JSON elements; such as, [{[{}]}, {}, [], etc...] ujson can handle any arbitrary order of lists of dictionaries, dictionaries of lists.

You can find ujson in the Python package index and the API is almost identical to Python's built-in json library.

ujson is also much faster if you're loading larger JSON files. You can see the performance details in comparison to other Python JSON libraries in the same link provided.

convert string into array of integers

let idsArray = ids.split(',').map((x) => parseInt(x));

How can I get a list of all values in select box?





Link to fiddle

And I agree with Abraham - you might want to use text instead of value

The reason your fiddle didn't work was because you chose the option: "onLoad" instead of: "No wrap - in "

How to use a calculated column to calculate another column in the same view

If you want to refer to calculated column on the "same query level" then you could use CROSS APPLY(Oracle 12c):

--Sample data:
CREATE TABLE tab(ColumnA NUMBER(10,2),ColumnB NUMBER(10,2),ColumnC NUMBER(10,2));

INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (2, 10, 2);
INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (3, 15, 6);
INSERT INTO tab(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC) VALUES (7, 14, 3);


  sub.calccolumn1 / ColumnC AS calccolumn2
FROM tab t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT t.ColumnA + t.ColumnB AS calccolumn1 FROM dual) sub;

DBFiddle Demo

Please note that expression from CROSS APPLY/OUTER APPLY is available in other clauses too:

  sub.calccolumn1 / ColumnC AS calccolumn2
FROM tab t
CROSS APPLY (SELECT t.ColumnA + t.ColumnB AS calccolumn1 FROM dual) sub
WHERE sub.calccolumn1 = 12;
-- GROUP BY ...
-- ORDER BY ...;

This approach allows to avoid wrapping entire query with outerquery or copy/paste same expression in multiple places(with complex one it could be hard to maintain).

Related article: The SQL Language’s Most Missing Feature

Send values from one form to another form

How about using a public Event

I would do it like this.

public class Form2
   public event Action<string> SomethingCompleted;

   private void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

and call it from Form1 like this.

private void btnOpenForm2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    using (var frm = new Form2())
        frm.SomethingCompleted += text => {
            this.txtData.Text = text;


Then, Form1 could get a text from Form2 when Form2 is closed

Thank you.

In SQL Server, how to create while loop in select

  1. Create function that parses incoming string (say "AABBCC") as a table of strings (in particular "AA", "BB", "CC").
  2. Select IDs from your table and use CROSS APPLY the function with data as argument so you'll have as many rows as values contained in the current row's data. No need of cursors or stored procs.

AngularJS $resource RESTful example

you can just do $scope.todo = Todo.get({ id: 123 }). .get() and .query() on a Resource return an object immediately and fill it with the result of the promise later (to update your template). It's not a typical promise which is why you need to either use a callback or the $promise property if you have some special code you want executed after the call. But there is no need to assign it to your scope in a callback if you are only using it in the template.

Is it possible to pull just one file in Git?

@Mawardy's answer worked for me, but my changes were on the remote so I had to specify the origin

git checkout origin/master -- {filename}

UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version in WebSphere AS 7

At first you should check major version of compiled problematic .class file, in your case map/CareMonths. See this answer how to do it.

WAS7 uses Java 6 (as said Jacek), and Java 6 uses major version 50, so you have to compile your project with Java 6. How to set proper version of Java compiler depends on your IDE (e.g. Eclipse, IntelliJ) or build tool (e.g. Maven, Ant).

Calculating Page Table Size

My explanation uses elementary building blocks that helped me to understand. Note I am leveraging @Deepak Goyal's answer above since he provided clarity:

We were given a logical 32-bit address space (i.e. We have a 32 bit computer)

Consider a system with a 32-bit logical address space

We were also told that

each page size is 4 KB

  • 1 KB (kilobyte) = 1 x 1024 bytes = 2^10 bytes
  • 4 x 1024 bytes = 2^2 x 2^10 bytes => 4 KB (i.e. 2^12 bytes)
  • The size of each page is thus 4 KB (Kilobytes NOT kilobits).

As Depaak said, we calculate the number of pages in the page table with this formula:

Num_Pages_in_PgTable = Total_Possible_Logical_Address_Entries / page size 
Num_Pages_in_PgTable =         2^32                           /    2^12
Num_Pages_in_PgTable = 2^20 (i.e. 1 million) 

The authors go on to give the case where each entry in the page table takes 4 bytes. That means that the total size of the page table in physical memory will be 4MB:

Memory_Required_Per_Page = Size_of_Page_Entry_in_bytes x Num_Pages_in_PgTable
Memory_Required_Per_Page =           4                 x     2^20
Memory_Required_Per_Page =     4 MB (Megabytes)

So yes, each process would require at least 4MB of memory to run, in increments of 4MB.


Now if a professor wanted to make the question a bit more challenging than the explanation from the book, they might ask about a 64-bit computer. Let's say they want memory in bits. To solve the question, we'd follow the same process, only being sure to convert MB to Mbits.

Let's step through this example.


  • Logical address space: 64-bit
  • Page Size: 4KB
  • Entry_Size_Per_Page: 4 bytes

Recall: A 64-bit entry can point to one of 2^64 physical page frames - Since Page size is 4 KB, then we still have 2^12 byte page sizes

  • 1 KB (kilobyte) = 1 x 1024 bytes = 2^10 bytes
  • Size of each page = 4 x 1024 bytes = 2^2 x 2^10 bytes = 2^12 bytes

How Many pages In Page Table?

`Num_Pages_in_PgTable = Total_Possible_Logical_Address_Entries / page size 
Num_Pages_in_PgTable =         2^64                            /    2^12
Num_Pages_in_PgTable =         2^52 
Num_Pages_in_PgTable =      2^2 x 2^50 
Num_Pages_in_PgTable =       4  x 2^50 `  

How Much Memory in BITS Per Page?

Memory_Required_Per_Page = Size_of_Page_Entry_in_bytes x Num_Pages_in_PgTable 
Memory_Required_Per_Page =   4 bytes x 8 bits/byte    x     2^52
Memory_Required_Per_Page =     32 bits                x   2^2 x 2^50
Memory_Required_Per_Page =     32 bits                x    4  x 2^50
Memory_Required_Per_Page =     128 Petabits

[2]: Operating System Concepts (9th Ed) - Gagne, Silberschatz, and Galvin

Foreach loop in C++ equivalent of C#

using C++ 14:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

std::vector<std::string> listbox;
std::vector<std::string> strarr {"ram","mohan","sita"};    
for (const auto &str : strarr)

error: ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name in oracle

I just installed oracle11g

ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name in oracle

No, you have installed Oracle 12c. That error could only be on 12c, and cannot be on 11g.

Always check your database version up to 4 decimal places:

SELECT banner FROM v$version WHERE ROWNUM = 1;

Oracle 12c multitenant container database has:

  • a root container(CDB)
  • and/or zero, one or many pluggable databases(PDB).

You must have created the database as a container database. While, you are trying to create user in the container, i.e. CDB$ROOT, however, you should create the user in the PLUGGABLE database.

You are not supposed to create application-related objects in the container, the container holds the metadata for the pluggable databases. You should use the pluggable database for you general database operations. Else, do not create it as container, and not use multi-tenancy. However, 12cR2 onward you cannot create a non-container database anyway.

And most probably, the sample schemas might have been already installed, you just need to unlock them in the pluggable database.

For example, if you created pluggable database as pdborcl:

sqlplus SYS/password@PDBORCL AS SYSDBA


sqlplus scott/tiger@pdborcl

SQL> show user;

To show the PDBs and connect to a pluggable database from root container:

SQL> show con_name


SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 ORCLPDB                        READ WRITE NO

SQL> alter session set container = ORCLPDB;

Session altered.

SQL> show con_name;


I suggest read, Oracle 12c Post Installation Mandatory Steps

Note: Answers suggesting to use the _ORACLE_SCRIPT hidden parameter to set to true is dangerous in a production system and might also invalidate your support contract. Beware, without consulting Oracle support DO NOT use hidden parameters.

check if variable empty

here i have explained how the empty function and isset works please use the one that is appropriate also you can use is_null function also

    $val = 0;
    //evaluates to true because $var is empty
    if (empty($val)) {
        echo '$val is either 0, empty, or not set at all';
    //evaluates to true because $VAR IS SET
    if (isset($val)) {
        echo '$val is set even though it is empty';

How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?

Another way to declare and initialize ArrayList:

private List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(){{

Remove a parameter to the URL with JavaScript

function removeParam(parameter)
  var url=document.location.href;
  var urlparts= url.split('?');

 if (urlparts.length>=2)
  var urlBase=urlparts.shift(); 
  var queryString=urlparts.join("?"); 

  var prefix = encodeURIComponent(parameter)+'=';
  var pars = queryString.split(/[&;]/g);
  for (var i= pars.length; i-->0;)               
      if (pars[i].lastIndexOf(prefix, 0)!==-1)   
          pars.splice(i, 1);
  url = urlBase+'?'+pars.join('&');
  window.history.pushState('',document.title,url); // added this line to push the new url directly to url bar .

return url;

This will resolve your problem

HTTP POST with Json on Body - Flutter/Dart

This one is for using HTTPClient class

 request.headers.add("body", json.encode(map));

I attached the encoded json body data to the header and added to it. It works for me.

EXTRACT() Hour in 24 Hour format

simple and easier solution:

select extract(hour from systimestamp) from dual;


remove all variables except functions

The posted setdiff answer is nice. I just thought I'd post this related function I wrote a while back. Its usefulness is up to the reader :-).

    if (type=='function') type <-'closure'

The 'packages' element is not declared

Taken from this answer.

  1. Close your packages.config file.
  2. Build
  3. Warning is gone!

This is the first time I see ignoring a problem actually makes it go away...

Edit in 2020: if you are viewing this warning, consider upgrading to PackageReference if you can

Disabled form inputs do not appear in the request

In addition to Tom Blodget's response, you may simply add @HtmlBeginForm as the form action, like this:

 <form id="form" method="post" action="@Html.BeginForm("action", "controller", FormMethod.Post, new { onsubmit = "this.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(i => i.disabled = false)" })"

Move seaborn plot legend to a different position?

This is how I was able to move the legend to a particular place inside the plot and change the aspect and size of the plot:

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
import seaborn as sns

figure_name = 'rater_violinplot.png'
figure_output_path = output_path + figure_name

viol_plot = sns.factorplot(x="Rater", 
                       hue="Event Type", 
                       size = 10,
                       aspect = 1.5,

Legend location changed

This worked for me to change the size and aspect of the plot as well as move the legend outside the plot area.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
import seaborn as sns

figure_name = 'rater_violinplot.png'
figure_output_path = output_path + figure_name

viol_plot = sns.factorplot(x="Rater", 
                       hue="Event Type", 
                       size = 10,
                       aspect = 1.5,


violin plot with changed size, aspect and legend located outside

I figured this out from mwaskom's answer here and Fernando Hernandez's answer here.

How Do I Get the Query Builder to Output Its Raw SQL Query as a String?

In my opinion, this will be the best approach as a beginner:

echo "<pre>";

This is also depicted here.

What is the difference between SAX and DOM?

You're comparing apples and pears. SAX is a parser that parses serialized DOM structures. There are many different parsers, and "event-based" refers to the parsing method.

Maybe a small recap is in order:

  • The document object model (DOM) is an abstract data model that describes a hierarchical, tree-based document structure; a document tree consists of nodes, namely element, attribute and text nodes (and some others). Nodes have parents, siblings and children and can be traversed, etc., all the stuff you're used to from doing JavaScript (which incidentally has nothing to do with the DOM).

  • A DOM structure may be serialized, i.e. written to a file, using a markup language like HTML or XML. An HTML or XML file thus contains a "written out" or "flattened out" version of an abstract document tree.

  • For a computer to manipulate, or even display, a DOM tree from a file, it has to deserialize, or parse, the file and reconstruct the abstract tree in memory. This is where parsing comes in.

Now we come to the nature of parsers. One way to parse would be to read in the entire document and recursively build up a tree structure in memory, and finally expose the entire result to the user. (I suppose you could call these parsers "DOM parsers".) That would be very handy for the user (I think that's what PHP's XML parser does), but it suffers from scalability problems and becomes very expensive for large documents.

On the other hand, event-based parsing, as done by SAX, looks at the file linearly and simply makes call-backs to the user whenever it encounters a structural piece of data, like "this element started", "that element ended", "some text here", etc. This has the benefit that it can go on forever without concern for the input file size, but it's a lot more low-level because it requires the user to do all the actual processing work (by providing call-backs). To return to your original question, the term "event-based" refers to those parsing events that the parser raises as it traverses the XML file.

The Wikipedia article has many details on the stages of SAX parsing.

How do I make a newline after a twitter bootstrap element?

Like KingCronus mentioned in the comments you can use the row class to make the list or heading on its own line. You could use the row class on either or both elements:

<ul class="nav nav-tabs span2 row">
  <li><a href="./index.html"><i class="icon-black icon-music"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./about.html"><i class="icon-black icon-eye-open"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./team.html"><i class="icon-black icon-user"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./contact.html"><i class="icon-black icon-envelope"></i></a></li>

<div class="well span6 row">
  <h3>I wish this appeared on the next line without having to gratuitously use BR!</h3>

ES6 export all values from object

I just had need to do this for a config file.

var config = {
    x: "CHANGE_ME",
    y: "CHANGE_ME",
    z: "CHANGE_ME"

export default config;

You can do it like this

import { default as config } from "./config";

console.log(config.x); // CHANGE_ME

This is using Typescript mind you.

Java finished with non-zero exit value 2 - Android Gradle

In Your file, Use this

"compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])"

And it works fine.

Best practice to validate null and empty collection in Java

Personally, I prefer to use empty collections instead of null and have the algorithms work in a way that for the algorithm it does not matter if the collection is empty or not.

Convert a string to datetime in PowerShell

You can simply cast strings to DateTime:





$myDate = [DateTime]"Jul-16";

And you can format the resulting DateTime variable by doing something like this:

'{0:yyyy-MM-dd}' -f [DateTime]'Jul-16'




$myDate = [DateTime]"Jul-16";
'{0:yyyy-MM-dd}' -f $myDate

How to use the ProGuard in Android Studio?

NB.: Now instead of

runProguard false

you'll need to use

minifyEnabled false

How to sort a List of objects by their date (java collections, List<Object>)

You can use this:

Collections.sort(list, org.joda.time.DateTimeComparator.getInstance());

Authenticate with GitHub using a token

Step 1: Get access token

In your github account
Click on the image on the top corner of the page that contains your profile picture ->
Settings ->
In the side menu ->
Developer Settings ->
Personal access Tokens ->
Generate new token.

Step 2: Use the token

$ git push
Username: <your username>
Password: <the access token>

Now I do not have to type username and password every time I push changes.
I just type git push and press Enter, And changes will be pushed.

Python: How to remove empty lists from a list?

A few options:

filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, list1)  # Doesn't work with number types
filter(None, list1)  # Filters out int(0)
filter(lambda x: x==0 or x, list1) # Retains int(0)

sample session:

Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov 27 2010, 17:19:03) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> list1 = [[], [], [], [], [], 'text', 'text2', [], 'moreText']
>>> filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, list1)
['text', 'text2', 'moreText']
>>> list2 = [[], [], [], [], [], 'text', 'text2', [], 'moreText', 0.5, 1, -1, 0]
>>> filter(lambda x: x==0 or x, list2)
['text', 'text2', 'moreText', 0.5, 1, -1, 0]
>>> filter(None, list2)
['text', 'text2', 'moreText', 0.5, 1, -1]

Making a DateTime field in a database automatic?

Just right click on that column and select properties and write getdate()in Default value or image:

enter image description here

If you want do it in CodeFirst in EF you should add this attributes befor of your column definition:


this attributes can found in System.ComponentModel.Dataannotion.Schema.

In my opinion first one is better:))

JPA mapping: "QuerySyntaxException: foobar is not mapped..."

You have declared your Class as:

@Table( name = "foobar" )
public class FooBar {

You need to write the Class Name for the search.
from FooBar

How to add items to array in nodejs

Here is example which can give you some hints to iterate through existing array and add items to new array. I use UnderscoreJS Module to use as my utility file.

You can download from (

$ npm install underscore

Here is small snippet to demonstrate how you can do it.

var _ = require("underscore");
var calendars = [1, "String", {}, 1.1, true],
    newArray = [];

_.each(calendars, function (item, index) {
