Programs & Examples On #Autorelease

Always pass weak reference of self into block in ARC?

Some explanation ignore a condition about the retain cycle [If a group of objects is connected by a circle of strong relationships, they keep each other alive even if there are no strong references from outside the group.] For more information, read the document

Xcode build failure "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64"

I know it's an old question but today got the same error and non of the above solutions worked.

Have fixed it however by setting option:

Project -> Architecture -> Build Active Architecture Only

to Yes

and project compiles and builds properly

Objective-C implicit conversion loses integer precision 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'int' warning

Contrary to Martin's answer, casting to int (or ignoring the warning) isn't always safe even if you know your array doesn't have more than 2^31-1 elements. Not when compiling for 64-bit.

For example:

NSArray *array = @[@"a", @"b", @"c"];

int i = (int) [array indexOfObject:@"d"];
// indexOfObject returned NSNotFound, which is NSIntegerMax, which is LONG_MAX in 64 bit.
// We cast this to int and got -1.
// But -1 != NSNotFound. Trouble ahead!

if (i == NSNotFound) {
    // thought we'd get here, but we don't
    NSLog(@"it's not here");
else {
    // this is what actually happens
    NSLog(@"it's here: %d", i);

    // **** crash horribly ****
    NSLog(@"the object is %@", array[i]);

Assertion failure in dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:

In Swift this problem can be solved by adding the following code in your



tableView.registerClass(UITableViewCell.classForKeyedArchiver(), forCellReuseIdentifier: "your_reuse_identifier")

Xcode error - Thread 1: signal SIGABRT

SIGABRT means in general that there is an uncaught exception. There should be more information on the console.

Undefined symbols for architecture i386

well i found a solution to this problem for who want to work with xCode 4. All what you have to do is importing frameworks from the SimulatorSDK folder /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator4.3.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks

i don't know if it works when you try to test your app on a real iDevice, but i'm sure that it works on simulator.


How to add a touch event to a UIView?

Gesture Recognizers

There are a number of commonly used touch events (or gestures) that you can be notified of when you add a Gesture Recognizer to your view. They following gesture types are supported by default:

  • UITapGestureRecognizer Tap (touching the screen briefly one or more times)
  • UILongPressGestureRecognizer Long touch (touching the screen for a long time)
  • UIPanGestureRecognizer Pan (moving your finger across the screen)
  • UISwipeGestureRecognizer Swipe (moving finger quickly)
  • UIPinchGestureRecognizer Pinch (moving two fingers together or apart - usually to zoom)
  • UIRotationGestureRecognizer Rotate (moving two fingers in a circular direction)

In addition to these, you can also make your own custom gesture recognizer.

Adding a Gesture in the Interface Builder

Drag a gesture recognizer from the object library onto your view.

enter image description here

Control drag from the gesture in the Document Outline to your View Controller code in order to make an Outlet and an Action.

enter image description here

This should be set by default, but also make sure that User Action Enabled is set to true for your view.

enter image description here

Adding a Gesture Programmatically

To add a gesture programmatically, you (1) create a gesture recognizer, (2) add it to a view, and (3) make a method that is called when the gesture is recognized.

import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var myView: UIView!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // 1. create a gesture recognizer (tap gesture)
        let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTap(sender:)))
        // 2. add the gesture recognizer to a view
    // 3. this method is called when a tap is recognized
    @objc func handleTap(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {


  • The sender parameter is optional. If you don't need a reference to the gesture then you can leave it out. If you do so, though, remove the (sender:) after the action method name.
  • The naming of the handleTap method was arbitrary. Name it whatever you want using action: #selector(someMethodName(sender:)).

More Examples

You can study the gesture recognizers that I added to these views to see how they work.

enter image description here

Here is the code for that project:

import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var tapView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var doubleTapView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var longPressView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var panView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var swipeView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var pinchView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var rotateView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Tap
        let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTap))
        // Double Tap
        let doubleTapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleDoubleTap))
        doubleTapGesture.numberOfTapsRequired = 2
        // Long Press
        let longPressGesture = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleLongPress(gesture:)))
        // Pan
        let panGesture = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePan(gesture:)))
        // Swipe (right and left)
        let swipeRightGesture = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleSwipe(gesture:)))
        let swipeLeftGesture = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleSwipe(gesture:)))
        swipeRightGesture.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.right
        swipeLeftGesture.direction = UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.left
        // Pinch
        let pinchGesture = UIPinchGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePinch(gesture:)))
        // Rotate
        let rotateGesture = UIRotationGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleRotate(gesture:)))
    // Tap action
    @objc func handleTap() {
        label.text = "Tap recognized"
        // example task: change background color
        if tapView.backgroundColor == {
            tapView.backgroundColor =
        } else {
            tapView.backgroundColor =
    // Double tap action
    @objc func handleDoubleTap() {
        label.text = "Double tap recognized"
        // example task: change background color
        if doubleTapView.backgroundColor == UIColor.yellow {
            doubleTapView.backgroundColor =
        } else {
            doubleTapView.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow
    // Long press action
    @objc func handleLongPress(gesture: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {
        label.text = "Long press recognized"
        // example task: show an alert
        if gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.began {
            let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Long Press", message: "Can I help you?", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
            alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: nil))
            self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
    // Pan action
    @objc func handlePan(gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
        label.text = "Pan recognized"
        // example task: drag view
        let location = gesture.location(in: view) // root view = location
    // Swipe action
    @objc func handleSwipe(gesture: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) {
        label.text = "Swipe recognized"
        // example task: animate view off screen
        let originalLocation =
        if gesture.direction == UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.right {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, animations: {
       += self.view.bounds.width
            }, completion: { (value: Bool) in
       = originalLocation
        } else if gesture.direction == UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.left {
            UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, animations: {
       -= self.view.bounds.width
            }, completion: { (value: Bool) in
       = originalLocation
    // Pinch action
    @objc func handlePinch(gesture: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {
        label.text = "Pinch recognized"
        if gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.changed {
            let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: gesture.scale, y: gesture.scale)
            pinchView.transform = transform
    // Rotate action
    @objc func handleRotate(gesture: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {
        label.text = "Rotate recognized"
        if gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.changed {
            let transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: gesture.rotation)
            rotateView.transform = transform


  • You can add multiple gesture recognizers to a single view. For the sake of simplicity, though, I didn't do that (except for the swipe gesture). If you need to for your project, you should read the gesture recognizer documentation. It is fairly understandable and helpful.
  • Known issues with my examples above: (1) Pan view resets its frame on next gesture event. (2) Swipe view comes from the wrong direction on the first swipe. (These bugs in my examples should not affect your understanding of how Gestures Recognizers work, though.)

How to set the title of UIButton as left alignment?

UIButton *btn;
btn.contentVerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentTop;
btn.contentHorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentLeft;

How can I get a uitableViewCell by indexPath?

I'm not quite sure what your problem is, but you need to specify the parameter name like so.

-(void) changeCellText:(NSIndexPath *) nowIndex{
    UILabel *content = (UILabel *)[[(UITableViewCell *)[(UITableView *)self cellForRowAtIndexPath:nowIndex] contentView] viewWithTag:contentTag];
    content.text = [formatter];

What is the most robust way to force a UIView to redraw?

Well I know this might be a big change or even not suitable for your project, but did you consider not performing the push until you already have the data? That way you only need to draw the view once and the user experience will also be better - the push will move in already loaded.

The way you do this is in the UITableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath you asynchronously ask for the data. Once you receive the response, you manually perform the segue and pass the data to your viewController in prepareForSegue. Meanwhile you may want to show some activity indicator, for simple loading indicator check

How does @synchronized lock/unlock in Objective-C?


  @synchronized(self) {
    return [[myString retain] autorelease];

transforms directly into:

// needs #import <objc/objc-sync.h>
    id retVal = [[myString retain] autorelease];
  return retVal;

This API available since iOS 2.0 and imported using...

#import <objc/objc-sync.h>

Create Elasticsearch curl query for not null and not empty("")

Wrap a Missing Filter in the Must-Not section of a Bool Filter. It will only return documents where the field exists, and if you set the "null_value" property to true, values that are explicitly not null.


Font is not available to the JVM with Jasper Reports

I use IReport to install font:

tools -> options -> fonts -> click install font

Then select the font and click

-> export as extension and type name myfont.jar

add this jar and also spring.jar* to your build path.

*copy spring.jar from Jaspersoft\iReport-3.7.0\ireport\modules\ext

Setting default values to null fields when mapping with Jackson

There is no annotation to set default value.
You can set default value only on java class level:

public class JavaObject 
    public String notNullMember;

    public String optionalMember = "Value";

Calculating Pearson correlation and significance in Python

The following code is a straight-up interpretation of the definition:

import math

def average(x):
    assert len(x) > 0
    return float(sum(x)) / len(x)

def pearson_def(x, y):
    assert len(x) == len(y)
    n = len(x)
    assert n > 0
    avg_x = average(x)
    avg_y = average(y)
    diffprod = 0
    xdiff2 = 0
    ydiff2 = 0
    for idx in range(n):
        xdiff = x[idx] - avg_x
        ydiff = y[idx] - avg_y
        diffprod += xdiff * ydiff
        xdiff2 += xdiff * xdiff
        ydiff2 += ydiff * ydiff

    return diffprod / math.sqrt(xdiff2 * ydiff2)


print pearson_def([1,2,3], [1,5,7])



This agrees with Excel, this calculator, SciPy (also NumPy), which return 0.981980506 and 0.9819805060619657, and 0.98198050606196574, respectively.


> cor( c(1,2,3), c(1,5,7))
[1] 0.9819805

EDIT: Fixed a bug pointed out by a commenter.

How to change the port number for Asp.Net core app?

If you want to run on a specific port 60535 while developing locally but want to run app on port 80 in stage/prod environment servers, this does it.

Add to environmentVariables section in launchSettings.json


and then modify Program.cs to

public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
                    webBuilder.UseKestrel(options =>
                        var devOverride = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_DEVELOPER_OVERRIDES");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(devOverride))

Should I mix AngularJS with a PHP framework?

It seems you may be more comfortable with developing in PHP you let this hold you back from utilizing the full potential with web applications.

It is indeed possible to have PHP render partials and whole views, but I would not recommend it.

To fully utilize the possibilities of HTML and javascript to make a web application, that is, a web page that acts more like an application and relies heavily on client side rendering, you should consider letting the client maintain all responsibility of managing state and presentation. This will be easier to maintain, and will be more user friendly.

I would recommend you to get more comfortable thinking in a more API centric approach. Rather than having PHP output a pre-rendered view, and use angular for mere DOM manipulation, you should consider having the PHP backend output the data that should be acted upon RESTFully, and have Angular present it.

Using PHP to render the view:


    echo "<p>Logged in as ".$user."</p>";
    echo "Please log in.";

How the same problem can be solved with an API centric approach by outputting JSON like this:


  user: {
      username: 'Joe', 
      securityToken: 'secret'

and in Angular you could do a get, and handle the response client side.

$"", {})
.success(function(data) {
    $scope.isLoggedIn = data.authorized;

To blend both client side and server side the way you proposed may be fit for smaller projects where maintainance is not important and you are the single author, but I lean more towards the API centric way as this will be more correct separation of conserns and will be easier to maintain.

boolean in an if statement

The identity (===) operator behaves identically to the equality (==) operator except no type conversion is done, and the types must be the same to be considered equal.

Copy Data from a table in one Database to another separate database

This works successfully.

INSERT INTO DestinationDB.dbo.DestinationTable (col1,col1)
 SELECT Src-col1,Src-col2 FROM SourceDB.dbo.SourceTable

Parsing query strings on Android

For a servlet or a JSP page you can get querystring key/value pairs by using request.getParameter("paramname")

String name = request.getParameter("name");

There are other ways of doing it but that's the way I do it in all the servlets and jsp pages that I create.

How to convert hex to rgb using Java?

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int hex = 0x123456;
    int r = (hex & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
    int g = (hex & 0xFF00) >> 8;
    int b = (hex & 0xFF);

How to fix homebrew permissions?

If you don't have the latest Homebrew: I "fixed" this in the past by forcing Homebrew to run as root, which could only be done by changing the ownership of the Homebrew executables to root. At some point, they removed this feature.

And I know they'll give lots of warnings saying it shouldn't run as root, but c'mon, it doesn't work properly otherwise.

How to comment in Vim's config files: ".vimrc"?

A double quote to the left of the text you want to comment.

Example: " this is how a comment looks like in ~/.vimrc

Java: Check the date format of current string is according to required format or not

DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
try {
    Date date= formatter.parse("02/03/2010");
} catch (ParseException e) {
    //If input date is in different format or invalid.

formatter.setLenient(false) will enforce strict matching.

If you are using Joda-Time -

private boolean isValidDate(String dateOfBirth) {
        boolean valid = true;
        try {
            DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/yyyy");
            DateTime dob = formatter.parseDateTime(dateOfBirth);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            valid = false;
        return valid;

Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH. You must fulfill at least one of these conditions.

ANDROID_HOME is deprecated now instead of using ANDROID_HOME use ANDROID_SDK_ROOT

as per Google android documentation -

ANDROID_SDK_ROOT sets the path to the SDK installation directory. Once set, the value does not typically change, and can be shared by multiple users on the same machine. ANDROID_HOME, which also points to the SDK installation directory, is deprecated.

If you continue to use it, the following rules apply:

  • If ANDROID_HOME is defined and contains a valid SDK installation, its value is used instead of the value in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT.
  • If ANDROID_HOME is not defined, the value in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is used.
  • If ANDROID_HOME is defined but does not exist or does not contain a valid SDK installation, the value in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is used instead.

For details follow this Android Documentation link

How to return multiple objects from a Java method?

Regarding the issue about multiple return values in general I usually use a small helper class that wraps a single return value and is passed as parameter to the method:

public class ReturnParameter<T> {
    private T value;

    public ReturnParameter() { this.value = null; }
    public ReturnParameter(T initialValue) { this.value = initialValue; }

    public void set(T value) { this.value = value; }
    public T get() { return this.value; }

(for primitive datatypes I use minor variations to directly store the value)

A method that wants to return multiple values would then be declared as follows:

public void methodThatReturnsTwoValues(ReturnParameter<ClassA> nameForFirstValueToReturn, ReturnParameter<ClassB> nameForSecondValueToReturn) {

Maybe the major drawback is that the caller has to prepare the return objects in advance in case he wants to use them (and the method should check for null pointers)

ReturnParameter<ClassA> nameForFirstValue = new ReturnParameter<ClassA>();
ReturnParameter<ClassB> nameForSecondValue = new ReturnParameter<ClassB>();
methodThatReturnsTwoValues(nameForFirstValue, nameForSecondValue);

Advantages (in comparison to other solutions proposed):

  • You do not have to create a special class declaration for individual methods and its return types
  • The parameters get a name and therefore are easier to differentiate when looking at the method signature
  • Type safety for each parameter

How to get different colored lines for different plots in a single figure?

I would like to offer a minor improvement on the last loop answer given in the previous post (that post is correct and should still be accepted). The implicit assumption made when labeling the last example is that plt.label(LIST) puts label number X in LIST with the line corresponding to the Xth time plot was called. I have run into problems with this approach before. The recommended way to build legends and customize their labels per matplotlibs documentation ( is to have a warm feeling that the labels go along with the exact plots you think they do:

# Plot several different functions...
labels = []
plotHandles = []
for i in range(1, num_plots + 1):
    x, = plt.plot(some x vector, some y vector) #need the ',' per ** below
    labels.append(some label)
plt.legend(plotHandles, labels, 'upper left',ncol=1)

**: Matplotlib Legends not working

How to remove "rows" with a NA value?

dat <- data.frame(x1 = c(1,2,3, NA, 5), x2 = c(100, NA, 300, 400, 500))

  x1  x2
1  1 100
3  3 300
5  5 500

How to add element in Python to the end of list using list.insert?

You'll have to pass the new ordinal position to insert using len in this case:

In [62]:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Running Bash commands in Python

It is possible you use the bash program, with the parameter -c for execute the commands:

bashCommand = "cwm --rdf test.rdf --ntriples > test.nt"
output = subprocess.check_output(['bash','-c', bashCommand])

What is the difference between a symbolic link and a hard link?


  1. Read performance of hard links is better than symbolic links (micro-performance)
  2. Symbolic links can be copied, version-controlled, ..etc. In another words, they are an actual file. On the other end, a hard link is something at a slightly lower level and you will find that compared to symbolic links, there are less tools that provide means for working with the hard links as hard links and not as normal files

J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations

J2ME Map Route Provider has a navigation service which can provide you route information in KML format.

To get kml file we need to form url with start and destination locations:

public static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon,
                            double toLat, double toLon) {// connect to map web service
    StringBuffer urlString = new StringBuffer();
    urlString.append("&saddr=");// from
    urlString.append("&daddr=");// to
    return urlString.toString();

Next you will need to parse xml (implemented with SAXParser) and fill data structures:

public class Point {
    String mName;
    String mDescription;
    String mIconUrl;
    double mLatitude;
    double mLongitude;

public class Road {
    public String mName;
    public String mDescription;
    public int mColor;
    public int mWidth;
    public double[][] mRoute = new double[][] {};
    public Point[] mPoints = new Point[] {};

Network connection is implemented in different ways on Android and Blackberry, so you will have to first form url:

 public static String getUrl(double fromLat, double fromLon,
     double toLat, double toLon)

then create connection with this url and get InputStream.
Then pass this InputStream and get parsed data structure:

 public static Road getRoute(InputStream is) 

Full source code


class MapPathScreen extends MainScreen {
    MapControl map;
    Road mRoad = new Road();
    public MapPathScreen() {
        double fromLat = 49.85, fromLon = 24.016667;
        double toLat = 50.45, toLon = 30.523333;
        String url = RoadProvider.getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon);
        InputStream is = getConnection(url);
        mRoad = RoadProvider.getRoute(is);
        map = new MapControl();
        add(new LabelField(mRoad.mName));
        add(new LabelField(mRoad.mDescription));
    protected void onUiEngineAttached(boolean attached) {
        if (attached) {
    private InputStream getConnection(String url) {
        HttpConnection urlConnection = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            urlConnection = (HttpConnection);
            is = urlConnection.openInputStream();
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return is;

See full code on J2MEMapRouteBlackBerryEx on Google Code


Android G1 screenshot

public class MapRouteActivity extends MapActivity {
    LinearLayout linearLayout;
    MapView mapView;
    private Road mRoad;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                double fromLat = 49.85, fromLon = 24.016667;
                double toLat = 50.45, toLon = 30.523333;
                String url = RoadProvider
                        .getUrl(fromLat, fromLon, toLat, toLon);
                InputStream is = getConnection(url);
                mRoad = RoadProvider.getRoute(is);

    Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {
            TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
            textView.setText(mRoad.mName + " " + mRoad.mDescription);
            MapOverlay mapOverlay = new MapOverlay(mRoad, mapView);
            List<Overlay> listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();

    private InputStream getConnection(String url) {
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            URLConnection conn = new URL(url).openConnection();
            is = conn.getInputStream();
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return is;
    protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
        return false;

See full code on J2MEMapRouteAndroidEx on Google Code

Angular 2: How to write a for loop, not a foreach loop

you can use _.range([optional] start, end). It creates a new Minified list containing an interval of numbers from start (inclusive) until the end (exclusive). Here I am using lodash.js ._range() method.



var dayOfMonth = _.range(1,32);  // It creates a new list from 1 to 31.

//HTML Now, you can use it in For loop

<div *ngFor="let day of dayOfMonth">{{day}}</div>

Pass a datetime from javascript to c# (Controller)

Update: Please see marked answer as a better solution to implement this. The following solution is no longer required.

Converting the json date to this format "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss"
dateFormat is a jasondate format.js file found at

var _meetStartTime = dateFormat(now, "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:ss");

How to open a WPF Popup when another control is clicked, using XAML markup only?

The following uses EventTrigger to show the Popup. This means we don't need a ToggleButton for state binding. In this example the Click event of a Button is used. You can adapt it to use another element/event combination.

<Button x:Name="OpenPopup">Popup
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Click">
                            <DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0" Value="True" />
<Popup x:Name="ContextPopup"
       PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=OpenPopup}"

Please note that the Popup is referencing the Button by name and vice versa. So x:Name="..." is required on both, the Popup and the Button.

It can actually be further simplified by replacing the Storyboard stuff with a custom SetProperty EventTrigger Action described in this SO Answer

UITextView that expands to text using auto layout

This more of a very important comment

Key to understanding why vitaminwater's answer works are three things:

  1. Know that UITextView is a subclass of UIScrollView class
  2. Understand how ScrollView works and how its contentSize is calculated. For more see this here answer and its various solutions and comments.
  3. Understand what contentSize is and how its calculated. See here and here. It might also help that setting contentOffset is likely nothing but:

func setContentOffset(offset: CGPoint)
    CGRect bounds = self.bounds
    bounds.origin = offset
    self.bounds = bounds

For more see objc scrollview and understanding scrollview

Combining the three together you'd easily understand that you need allow the the textView's intrinsic contentSize to work along AutoLayout constraints of the textView to drive the logic. It's almost as if you're textView is functioning like a UILabel

To make that happen you need to disable scrolling which basically means the scrollView's size, the contentSize's size and in case of adding a containerView, then the containerView's size would all be the same. When they're the same you have NO scrolling. And you'd have 0 contentOffset. Having 0 contentOffSet means you've not scrolled down. Not even a 1 point down! As a result the textView will be all stretched out.

It's also worth nothing that 0 contentOffset means that the scrollView's bounds and frame are identical. If you scroll down 5 points then your contentOffset would be 5, while your scrollView.bounds.origin.y - scrollView.frame.origin.y would be equal to 5

Compile to stand alone exe for C# app in Visual Studio 2010

You can use the files from debug folder,however if you look at app debug informations with some inspection software,you can clearly see "Symbols File Name" which can reveals not wanted informations in path to the original exe file.

Create a hidden field in JavaScript

You can use this method to create hidden text field with/without form. If you need form just pass form with object status = true.

You can also add multiple hidden fields. Use this way:

        "hidden" : 
            'fieldinFORM' : 'thisdata201' , 
            'fieldinFORM2' : 'this3' //multiple hidden fields
            'nNoOfFields' : 'nthData'
    "form" : 
        "status" : "true",
        "formID" : "form3"
} );

var CustomizePPT = new Object();_x000D_
CustomizePPT.setHiddenFields = function(){ _x000D_
    var request = [];_x000D_
 var container = '';_x000D_
 request = arguments[0].hidden;_x000D_
 if(arguments[0].hasOwnProperty('form') == true)_x000D_
  if(arguments[0].form.status == 'true'){_x000D_
   var parent = document.getElementById("container");_x000D_
   container = document.createElement('form');_x000D_
   Object.assign(container, {'id':arguments[0].form.formID});_x000D_
   container = document.getElementById("container");_x000D_
 //var container = document.getElementById("container");_x000D_
  if($('#'+elem).length <= 0){_x000D_
   console.log("Hidden Field created");_x000D_
   var input = document.createElement('input');_x000D_
   Object.assign(input, {"type" : "text", "id" : elem, "value" : request[elem]});_x000D_
   console.log("Hidden Field Exists and value is below" );_x000D_
CustomizePPT.setHiddenFields( { "hidden" : {'fieldinFORM' : 'thisdata201' , 'fieldinFORM2' : 'this3'}, "form" : {"status" : "true","formID" : "form3"} } );_x000D_
CustomizePPT.setHiddenFields( { "hidden" : {'withoutFORM' : 'thisdata201','withoutFORM2' : 'this2'}});
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id='container'>_x000D_

VLook-Up Match first 3 characters of one column with another column


How to remove stop words using nltk or python

In case your data are stored as a Pandas DataFrame, you can use remove_stopwords from textero that use the NLTK stopwords list by default.

import pandas as pd
import texthero as hero
df['text_without_stopwords'] = hero.remove_stopwords(df['text'])

What's the best way to override a user agent CSS stylesheet rule that gives unordered-lists a 1em margin?

I had the same issues but nothing worked. What I did was I added this to the selector:

-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;

SELECT DISTINCT on one column

SELECT min (id) AS 'ID', min(sku) AS 'SKU', Product
    FROM TestData
    WHERE sku LIKE 'FOO%' -- If you want only the sku that matchs with FOO%
    GROUP BY product 

How to print to console when using Qt

Well, after studying several examples on the Internet describing how to output messages from a GUI in Qt to stdout, I have refined a working stand-alone example on redirecting messages to a console, via qDebug() and installing qInstallMessageHandler(). The console will be showed at the same time as the GUI and can be hidden if deemed necessary. The code is easy to integrate with existing code in your project. Here is the full sample and feel free to use it in any way as you like, as long as you adhere to the License GNU GPL v2. You have to use a form of some sort and a MainWindow I think - otherwise the sample will run, but probably crash when forced to quit. Note: there is no way to quit via a close button or a menu close because I have tested those alternatives and the application will crash eventually every now and then. Without the close button the application will be stable and you can close it down from the main window. Enjoy!

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <QApplication>

//GNU GPL V2, 2015-02-07
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <windows.h>
#define CONSOLE_ROWS    5000
#define YOURCONSOLETITLE "Your_Console_Title"

typedef struct{


    HANDLE con_screenbuf;
    HWND hwndConsole;
    HMENU consoleMenu ;
    QString consoleTitle;

    QMessageBox mBox;
    QString localMsg;
    QString errorMessage;
    WINBOOL errorCode;

} consoleT;

static consoleT *console;


        if( ctrlMsg == CTRL_C_EVENT ){

            HWND hwndWin = GetConsoleWindow();

    return TRUE;

void removeCloseMenu(){

    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++){

        console->hwndConsole = FindWindowW( NULL, console->consoleTitle.toStdWString().data());

        if(console->hwndConsole != NULL)

    if( !(console->errorCode = 0) && (console->hwndConsole == NULL))
            console->errorMessage += QString("\nFindWindowW error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    if( !(console->errorCode = 0) &&  !(console->consoleMenu = GetSystemMenu( console->hwndConsole, FALSE )) )
        console->errorMessage += QString("GetSystemMenu error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    if(!(console->errorCode = DeleteMenu( console->consoleMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND )))
           console->errorMessage += QString("DeleteMenu error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

void initialiseConsole(){

    console->conScreenBuffInfoEX.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
    console->consoleMenu = NULL;
    console->consoleTitle = YOURCONSOLETITLE;
    console->con_screenbuf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    console->errorCode = 0;
    console->errorMessage = "";
    console->hwndConsole = NULL;
    console->localMsg = "";

    if(!(console->errorCode = FreeConsole()))
        console->errorMessage += QString("\nFreeConsole error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    if(!(console->errorCode = AllocConsole()))
        console->errorMessage += QString("\nAllocConsole error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    if( (console->errorCode = -1) && (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ==(console->con_screenbuf = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ,0, NULL, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL))))
        console->errorMessage += QString("\nCreateConsoleScreenBuffer error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    if(!(console->errorCode = SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(console->con_screenbuf)))
        console->errorMessage += QString("\nSetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    if(!(console->errorCode = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(console->con_screenbuf, &console->conScreenBuffInfoEX)))
        console->errorMessage += QString("\nGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    console->conScreenBuffInfoEX.dwSize.X = CONSOLE_COLUMNS;
    console->conScreenBuffInfoEX.dwSize.Y = CONSOLE_ROWS;

    if(!(console->errorCode = SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(console->con_screenbuf, &console->conScreenBuffInfoEX)))
       console->errorMessage += QString("\nSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    if(!(console->errorCode = SetConsoleTitleW(console->consoleTitle.toStdWString().data())))
        console->errorMessage += QString("SetConsoleTitle error: %1 \n").arg(console->errorCode);

    SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NULL, FALSE);
    SetConsoleCtrlHandler(catchCTRL, TRUE);


    if(console->errorMessage.length() > 0){


void messageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg){

    if((console->con_screenbuf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)){

        switch (type) {

        case QtDebugMsg:
            console->localMsg = console->errorMessage + "Debug: " + msg;
            WriteConsoleW(console->con_screenbuf, console->localMsg.toStdWString().data(), console->localMsg.toStdWString().length(), NULL, NULL );
            WriteConsoleA(console->con_screenbuf, "\n--\n", 4, NULL, NULL );

        case QtWarningMsg:
            console->localMsg = console->errorMessage + "Warning: " + msg;
            WriteConsoleW(console->con_screenbuf, console->localMsg.toStdWString().data(), console->localMsg.toStdWString().length() , NULL, NULL );
            WriteConsoleA(console->con_screenbuf, "\n--\n", 4, NULL, NULL );

        case QtCriticalMsg:
            console->localMsg = console->errorMessage + "Critical: " + msg;
            WriteConsoleW(console->con_screenbuf, console->localMsg.toStdWString().data(), console->localMsg.toStdWString().length(), NULL, NULL );
            WriteConsoleA(console->con_screenbuf, "\n--\n", 4, NULL, NULL );

        case QtFatalMsg:
            console->localMsg = console->errorMessage + "Fatal: " + msg;
            WriteConsoleW(console->con_screenbuf, console->localMsg.toStdWString().data(), console->localMsg.toStdWString().length(), NULL, NULL );
            WriteConsoleA(console->con_screenbuf, "\n--\n", 4, NULL, NULL );

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


    QApplication a(argc, argv);

    console = new consoleT();

    qDebug() << "Hello World!";

    MainWindow w;;

    return a.exec();

Calling Member Functions within Main C++

Declare an instance of MyClass, and then call the member function on that instance:

MyClass m;



I have been load testing a server application (on linux) by using a test program with 20 threads.

In 959,000 connect / close cycles I had 44,000 failed connections and many thousands of sockets in TIME_WAIT.

I set SO_LINGER to 0 before the close call and in subsequent runs of the test program had no connect failures and less than 20 sockets in TIME_WAIT.

Declaring and initializing a string array in VB.NET

Array initializer support for type inference were changed in Visual Basic 10 vs Visual Basic 9.

In previous version of VB it was required to put empty parens to signify an array. Also, it would define the array as object array unless otherwise was stated:

' Integer array
Dim i as Integer() = {1, 2, 3, 4} 

' Object array
Dim o() = {1, 2, 3} 

Check more info:

Visual Basic 2010 Breaking Changes

Collection and Array Initializers in Visual Basic 2010

What should every programmer know about security?

Also be sure to check out the OWASP Top 10 List for a categorization of all the main attack vectors/vulnerabilities.

These things are fascinating to read about. Learning to think like an attacker will train you of what to think about as you're writing your own code.

SQL Server 2008- Get table constraints

You should use the current sys catalog views (if you're on SQL Server 2005 or newer - the sysobjects views are deprecated and should be avoided) - check out the extensive MSDN SQL Server Books Online documentation on catalog views here.

There are quite a few views you might be interested in:

  • sys.default_constraints for default constraints on columns
  • sys.check_constraints for check constraints on columns
  • sys.key_constraints for key constraints (e.g. primary keys)
  • sys.foreign_keys for foreign key relations

and a lot more - check it out!

You can query and join those views to get the info needed - e.g. this will list the tables, columns and all default constraints defined on them:

    TableName = t.Name,
    ColumnName = c.Name,
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.default_constraints dc ON t.object_id = dc.parent_object_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON dc.parent_object_id = c.object_id AND c.column_id = dc.parent_column_id

How can I remove the string "\n" from within a Ruby string?

use chomp or strip functions from Ruby:

"abcd\n".chomp => "abcd"
"abcd\n".strip => "abcd"

Enable CORS in fetch api

Browser have cross domain security at client side which verify that server allowed to fetch data from your domain. If Access-Control-Allow-Origin not available in response header, browser disallow to use response in your JavaScript code and throw exception at network level. You need to configure cors at your server side.

You can fetch request using mode: 'cors'. In this situation browser will not throw execption for cross domain, but browser will not give response in your javascript function.

So in both condition you need to configure cors in your server or you need to use custom proxy server.

The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application. JAVA

I had a great deal of trouble linking to MySQL from a 64 bit laptop, running Windows 7, using MS Access 2010. I found the previous article very helpful, but still could not connect using odbc 3.5.1. As I had previously linked a 32 bit machine using Connector/ODBC 5.1.13, I downloaded that version and set it up using the instructions above. Success. The answer seems to be to try different versions of Connector.odbc.

How to run multiple .BAT files within a .BAT file

All the other answers are correct: use call. For example:

 call "msbuild.bat"


In ancient DOS versions it was not possible to recursively execute batch files. Then the call command was introduced that called another cmd shell to execute the batch file and returned execution back to the calling cmd shell when finished.

Obviously in later versions no other cmd shell was necessary anymore.

In the early days many batch files depended on the fact that calling a batch file would not return to the calling batch file. Changing that behaviour without additional syntax would have broken many systems like batch menu systems (using batch files for menu structures).

As in many cases with Microsoft, backward compatibility therefore is the reason for this behaviour.


If your batch files have spaces in their names, use quotes around the name:

call "unit tests.bat"

By the way: if you do not have all the names of the batch files, you could also use for to do this (it does not guarantee the correct order of batch file calls; it follows the order of the file system):

FOR %x IN (*.bat) DO call "%x"

You can also react on errorlevels after a call. Use:

exit /B 1   # Or any other integer value in 0..255

to give back an errorlevel. 0 denotes correct execution. In the calling batch file you can react using

if errorlevel neq 0 <batch command>

Use if errorlevel 1 if you have an older Windows than NT4/2000/XP to catch all errorlevels 1 and greater.

To control the flow of a batch file, there is goto :-(

if errorlevel 2 goto label2
if errorlevel 1 goto label1

As others pointed out: have a look at build systems to replace batch files.

Import CSV into SQL Server (including automatic table creation)

SQL Server Management Studio provides an Import/Export wizard tool which have an option to automatically create tables.

You can access it by right clicking on the Database in Object Explorer and selecting Tasks->Import Data...

From there wizard should be self-explanatory and easy to navigate. You choose your CSV as source, desired destination, configure columns and run the package.

If you need detailed guidance, there are plenty of guides online, here is a nice one:

Socket send and receive byte array

There is a JDK socket tutorial here, which covers both the server and client end. That looks exactly like what you want.

(from that tutorial) This sets up to read from an echo server:

    echoSocket = new Socket("taranis", 7);
    out = new PrintWriter(echoSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(

taking a stream of bytes and converts to strings via the reader and using a default encoding (not advisable, normally).

Error handling and closing sockets/streams omitted from the above, but check the tutorial.

How do I specify unique constraint for multiple columns in MySQL?

If you want to avoid duplicates in future. Create another column say id2.

UPDATE tablename SET id2 = id;

Now add the unique on two columns:

alter table tablename add unique index(columnname, id2);

iPhone UITextField - Change placeholder text color

Maybe you want to try this way, but Apple might warn you about accessing private ivar:

[self.myTextField setValue:[UIColor darkGrayColor] 

This is not working on iOS 7 anymore, according to Martin Alléus.

Datagrid binding in WPF

Without seeing said object list, I believe you should be binding to the DataGrid's ItemsSource property, not its DataContext.

<DataGrid x:Name="Imported" VerticalAlignment="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding Source=list}"  AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserResizeColumns="True">
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="ID" Binding="{Binding ID}"/>
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="Date" Binding="{Binding Date}"/>

(This assumes that the element [UserControl, etc.] that contains the DataGrid has its DataContext bound to an object that contains the list collection. The DataGrid is derived from ItemsControl, which relies on its ItemsSource property to define the collection it binds its rows to. Hence, if list isn't a property of an object bound to your control's DataContext, you might need to set both DataContext={Binding list} and ItemsSource={Binding list} on the DataGrid...)

Set HTML element's style property in javascript

Don't set the style object itself, set the background color property of the style object that is a property of the element.

And yes, even though you said no, jquery and tablesorter with its zebra stripe plugin can do this all for you in 3 lines of code.

And just setting the class attribute would be better since then you have non-hard-coded control over the styling which is more organized

Copy a table from one database to another in Postgres

You could do the following:

pg_dump -h <host ip address> -U <host db user name> -t <host table> > <host database> | psql -h localhost -d <local database> -U <local db user>

Making a Sass mixin with optional arguments

Even DRYer way!

@mixin box-shadow($args...) {
  @each $pre in -webkit-, -moz-, -ms-, -o- {
    #{$pre + box-shadow}: $args;
  #{box-shadow}: #{$args};

And now you can reuse your box-shadow even smarter:

.myShadow {
  @include box-shadow(2px 2px 5px #555, inset 0 0 0);

Include CSS and Javascript in my django template

First, create staticfiles folder. Inside that folder create css, js, and img folder.

import os

PROJECT_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)

    'default': {
         'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 
         'NAME': os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'myweblabdev.sqlite'),                        
         'USER': '',
         'PASSWORD': '',
         'HOST': '',                      
         'PORT': '',                     

MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'media')

MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'static')

STATIC_URL = '/static/'

    os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, 'staticfiles'),


from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
from django.conf.urls.static import static
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns
from myweblab import settings


urlpatterns = patterns('',
) + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()


{% load static %}

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/style.css' %}">

How do I enable C++11 in gcc?

I think you could do it using a specs file.

Under MinGW you could run
gcc -dumpspecs > specs

Where it says

%{posix:-D_POSIX_SOURCE} %{mthreads:-D_MT}

You change it to

%{posix:-D_POSIX_SOURCE} %{mthreads:-D_MT} -std=c++11

And then place it in

I'm sure you could do the same without a MinGW build. Not sure where to place the specs file though.

The folder is probably either /gcc/lib/ or /gcc/.

Export to CSV using jQuery and html

What if you have your data in CSV format and convert it to HTML for display on the web page? You may use the plugin. Check this example As you are already using jQuery library I have assumed you are able to add other javascript toolkit libraries.

If the data is in CSV format, you should be able to use the generic 'application/octetstream' mime type. All the 3 mime types you have tried are dependent on the software installed on the clients computer.

How to create a property for a List<T>

You could do this but the T generic parameter needs to be declared at the containing class:

public class Foo<T>
    public List<T> NewList { get; set; }

Convert XLS to CSV on command line

There's an Excel OLEDB data provider built into Windows; you can use this to 'query' the Excel sheet via ADO.NET and write the results to a CSV file. There's a small amount of coding required, but you shouldn't need to install anything on the machine.

Link and execute external JavaScript file hosted on GitHub

This is no longer possible. GitHub has explicitly disabled JavaScript hotlinking, and newer versions of browsers respect that setting.

Heads up: nosniff header support coming to Chrome and Firefox

How to trigger event in JavaScript?

Use jquery event call. Write the below line where you want to trigger onChange of any element.


element_id is the ID of the element whose onChange you want to trigger.

Avoid the use of


Because it has very less support. Refer this document for its support.

set dropdown value by text using jquery

try this..

$(element).find("option:contains(" + theText+ ")").attr('selected', 'selected');

NameError: uninitialized constant (rails)

I was getting the error:

NameError: uninitialized constant

Then I noticed that I had accidentally created a plural model so I went back and renamed the model file to singular and also changed the class name in the model file to singular and that solved it.

How to generate different random numbers in a loop in C++?

/*this code is written in Turbo C++
 For Visual Studio, code is in comment*/

int a[10],ct=0,x=10,y=10;    //x,y can be any value, but within the range of 
                             //array declared
randomize();                 //there is no need to use this Visual Studio
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
{   a[i]=random(10);         //use a[i]=rand()%10 for Visual Studio
{   ct=0;
    {   for(int j=0;j<y;j++)
        {   if(a[i]==a[j]&&i!=j)
            {   a[j]=random(10);    //use a[i]=rand()%10 for Visual Studio
            {   ct++;

Well I'm not a pro in C++, but learnt it in school. I am using this algo for past 1 year to store different random values in a 1D array, but this will also work in 2D array after some changes. Any suggestions about the code are welcome.

Unable to create a constant value of type Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context

Just add AsEnumerable() andToList() , so it looks like this

    .Where(x => x.userId == userId)
    .Join(db.Person, x => x.personId, y => y.personId, (x, y).ToList().AsEnumerable()


Can I add extension methods to an existing static class?

Nope. Extension method definitions require an instance of the type you're extending. It's unfortunate; I'm not sure why it's required...

Change old commit message on Git

Here's a very nice Gist that covers all the possible cases:


git rebase -i HEAD~X
# X is the number of commits to go back
# Move to the line of your commit, change pick into edit,
# then change your commit message:
git commit --amend
# Finish the rebase with:
git rebase --continue

How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE

For clean code, you might make use of the javascript file here: By including the line:

<script src="css_browser_selector.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

You can write subsequent css with the following simple pattern:

.ie7 [thing] {
  background-color: orange
.chrome [thing] {
  background-color: gray

How to set focus on a view when a layout is created and displayed?

The last suggestion is the correct solution. Just to repeat, first set android:focusable="true" in the layout xml file, then requestFocus() on the view in your code.

How to detect Ctrl+V, Ctrl+C using JavaScript?

With jquery you can easy detect copy, paste, etc by binding the function:

$("#textA").bind('copy', function() {
    $('span').text('copy behaviour detected!')
$("#textA").bind('paste', function() {
    $('span').text('paste behaviour detected!')
$("#textA").bind('cut', function() {
    $('span').text('cut behaviour detected!')

More information here:

How to erase the file contents of text file in Python?

Writing and Reading file content

def writeTempFile(text = ''):
    filePath = "/temp/file1.txt"
    if not text:                      # If blank return file content
        f = open(filePath, "r")
        slug =
        return slug
        f = open(filePath, "a") # Create a blank file  # sets  point at the beginning of the file
        f.truncate()  # Clear previous content
        f.write(text) # Write file
        f.close() # Close file
        return text

It Worked for me

Is there a pure CSS way to make an input transparent?

The two methods previously described are not enough today. I personnally use :

    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0px;
    outline: none;
    -webkit-box-shadow: none;
    -moz-box-shadow: none;
    box-shadow: none;

It also removes the shadow set on some browsers, hide the text that could be input and make the cursor behave as if the input was not there.

You may want to set width to 0px also.

WPF binding to Listbox selectedItem

First off, you need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface in your view model and raise the PropertyChanged event in the setter of the Rule property. Otherwise no control that binds to the SelectedRule property will "know" when it has been changed.

Then, your XAML

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=SelectedRule.Name}" />

is perfectly valid if this TextBlock is outside the ListBox's ItemTemplate and has the same DataContext as the ListBox.

Conveniently map between enum and int / String

You could perhaps use something like

interface EnumWithId {
    public int getId();


enum Foo implements EnumWithId {


That would reduce the need for reflection in your utility class.

Check for null variable in Windows batch

The right thing would be to use a "if defined" statement, which is used to test for the existence of a variable. For example:

IF DEFINED somevariable echo Value exists

In this particular case, the negative form should be used:

IF NOT DEFINED somevariable echo Value missing

PS: the variable name should be used without "%" caracters.

PHP ternary operator vs null coalescing operator

Both are shorthands for longer expressions.

?: is short for $a ? $a : $b. This expression will evaluate to $a if $a evaluates to TRUE.

?? is short for isset($a) ? $a : $b. This expression will evaluate to $a if $a is set and not null.

Their use cases overlaps when $a is undefined or null. When $a is undefined ?? will not produce an E_NOTICE, but the results are the same. When $a is null the result is the same.

How to read a CSV file into a .NET Datatable

Use this, one function solve all problems of comma and quote:

public static DataTable CsvToDataTable(string strFilePath)

        if (File.Exists(strFilePath))

            string[] Lines;
            string CSVFilePathName = strFilePath;

            Lines = File.ReadAllLines(CSVFilePathName);
            while (Lines[0].EndsWith(","))
                Lines[0] = Lines[0].Remove(Lines[0].Length - 1);
            string[] Fields;
            Fields = Lines[0].Split(new char[] { ',' });
            int Cols = Fields.GetLength(0);
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            //1st row must be column names; force lower case to ensure matching later on.
            for (int i = 0; i < Cols; i++)
                dt.Columns.Add(Fields[i], typeof(string));
            DataRow Row;
            int rowcount = 0;
                string[] ToBeContinued = new string[]{};
                bool lineToBeContinued = false;
                for (int i = 1; i < Lines.GetLength(0); i++)
                    if (!Lines[i].Equals(""))
                        Fields = Lines[i].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                        string temp0 = string.Join("", Fields).Replace("\"\"", "");
                        int quaotCount0 = temp0.Count(c => c == '"');
                        if (Fields.GetLength(0) < Cols || lineToBeContinued || quaotCount0 % 2 != 0)
                            if (ToBeContinued.GetLength(0) > 0)
                                ToBeContinued[ToBeContinued.Length - 1] += "\n" + Fields[0];
                                Fields = Fields.Skip(1).ToArray();
                            string[] newArray = new string[ToBeContinued.Length + Fields.Length];
                            Array.Copy(ToBeContinued, newArray, ToBeContinued.Length);
                            Array.Copy(Fields, 0, newArray, ToBeContinued.Length, Fields.Length);
                            ToBeContinued = newArray;
                            string temp = string.Join("", ToBeContinued).Replace("\"\"", "");
                            int quaotCount = temp.Count(c => c == '"');
                            if (ToBeContinued.GetLength(0) >= Cols && quaotCount % 2 == 0 )
                                Fields = ToBeContinued;
                                ToBeContinued = new string[] { };
                                lineToBeContinued = false;
                                lineToBeContinued = true;

                        //modified by Teemo @2016 09 13
                        //handle ',' and '"'
                        //Deserialize CSV following Excel's rule:
                        // 1: If there is commas in a field, quote the field.
                        // 2: Two consecutive quotes indicate a user's quote.

                        List<int> singleLeftquota = new List<int>();
                        List<int> singleRightquota = new List<int>();

                        //combine fileds if number of commas match
                        if (Fields.GetLength(0) > Cols) 
                            bool lastSingleQuoteIsLeft = true;
                            for (int j = 0; j < Fields.GetLength(0); j++)
                                bool leftOddquota = false;
                                bool rightOddquota = false;
                                if (Fields[j].StartsWith("\"")) 
                                    int numberOfConsecutiveQuotes = 0;
                                    foreach (char c in Fields[j]) //start with how many "
                                        if (c == '"')
                                    if (numberOfConsecutiveQuotes % 2 == 1)//start with odd number of quotes indicate system quote
                                        leftOddquota = true;

                                if (Fields[j].EndsWith("\""))
                                    int numberOfConsecutiveQuotes = 0;
                                    for (int jj = Fields[j].Length - 1; jj >= 0; jj--)
                                        if (Fields[j].Substring(jj,1) == "\"") // end with how many "

                                    if (numberOfConsecutiveQuotes % 2 == 1)//end with odd number of quotes indicate system quote
                                        rightOddquota = true;
                                if (leftOddquota && !rightOddquota)
                                    lastSingleQuoteIsLeft = true;
                                else if (!leftOddquota && rightOddquota)
                                    lastSingleQuoteIsLeft = false;
                                else if (Fields[j] == "\"") //only one quota in a field
                                    if (lastSingleQuoteIsLeft)
                            if (singleLeftquota.Count == singleRightquota.Count)
                                int insideCommas = 0;
                                for (int indexN = 0; indexN < singleLeftquota.Count; indexN++)
                                    insideCommas += singleRightquota[indexN] - singleLeftquota[indexN];
                                if (Fields.GetLength(0) - Cols >= insideCommas) //probabaly matched
                                    int validFildsCount = insideCommas + Cols; //(Fields.GetLength(0) - insideCommas) may be exceed the Cols
                                    String[] temp = new String[validFildsCount];
                                    int totalOffSet = 0;
                                    for (int iii = 0; iii < validFildsCount - totalOffSet; iii++)
                                        bool combine = false;
                                        int storedIndex = 0;
                                        for (int iInLeft = 0; iInLeft < singleLeftquota.Count; iInLeft++)
                                            if (iii + totalOffSet == singleLeftquota[iInLeft])
                                                combine = true;
                                                storedIndex = iInLeft;
                                        if (combine)
                                            int offset = singleRightquota[storedIndex] - singleLeftquota[storedIndex];
                                            for (int combineI = 0; combineI <= offset; combineI++)
                                                temp[iii] += Fields[iii + totalOffSet + combineI] + ",";
                                            temp[iii] = temp[iii].Remove(temp[iii].Length - 1, 1);
                                            totalOffSet += offset;
                                            temp[iii] = Fields[iii + totalOffSet];
                                    Fields = temp;
                        Row = dt.NewRow();
                        for (int f = 0; f < Cols; f++)
                            Fields[f] = Fields[f].Replace("\"\"", "\""); //Two consecutive quotes indicate a user's quote
                            if (Fields[f].StartsWith("\""))
                                if (Fields[f].EndsWith("\""))
                                    Fields[f] = Fields[f].Remove(0, 1);
                                    if (Fields[f].Length > 0)
                                        Fields[f] = Fields[f].Remove(Fields[f].Length - 1, 1);
                            Row[f] = Fields[f];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception( "row: " + (rowcount+2) + ", " + ex.Message);
            //OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(string.Format(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0}; Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited"";", FilePath + FileName));
            //OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM " + FileName, connection);
            //OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command);
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            return dt;
            return null;

        //OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(string.Format(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0}; Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited"";", strFilePath));
        //OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM " + strFileName, connection);
        //OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command);
        //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        //return dt;

How to serialize an object into a string

How about writing the data to a ByteArrayOutputStream instead of a FileOutputStream?

Otherwise, you could serialize the object using XMLEncoder, persist the XML, then deserialize via XMLDecoder.

Angular HTTP GET with TypeScript error http.get(...).map is not a function in [null]

I think that you need to import this:

import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'

Or more generally this if you want to have more methods for observables. WARNING: This will import all 50+ operators and add them to your application, thus affecting your bundle size and load times.

import 'rxjs/Rx';

See this issue for more details.

Android - styling seek bar

Simple Way to change the seek bar color ...


Style : Progress_color

 <style name="Progress_color">
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/white</item> <!-- Whatever color you want-->

java class change ProgressDrawable()

seek_bar.getProgressDrawable().setColorFilter(getResources().getColor(R.color.white), PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);

What's the difference between disabled="disabled" and readonly="readonly" for HTML form input fields?

Disabled means that no data from that form element will be submitted when the form is submitted. Read-only means any data from within the element will be submitted, but it cannot be changed by the user.

For example:

<input type="text" name="yourname" value="Bob" readonly="readonly" />

This will submit the value "Bob" for the element "yourname".

<input type="text" name="yourname" value="Bob" disabled="disabled" />

This will submit nothing for the element "yourname".

How do I order my SQLITE database in descending order, for an android app?

return database.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + DbHandler.TABLE_ORDER_DETAIL +
                         " ORDER BY "+DbHandler.KEY_ORDER_CREATED_AT + " DESC"
                         , new String[] {});

Why am I getting this error Premature end of file?

Use inputstream once don't use it multiple times and Do inputstream.close()

How to initialize to empty

IMO, you cannot create an empty Date(java.util). You can create a Date object with null value and can put a null check.

 Date date = new Date(); // Today's date and current time
 Date date2 = new Date(0); // Default date and time
 Date date3 = null; //Date object with null as value.
 if(null != date3) {
    // do your work.

python-pandas and databases like mysql

For Sybase the following works (with

import as psql
import Sybase

df = psql.frame_query("<Query>", con=Sybase.connect("<dsn>", "<user>", "<pwd>"))

Output first 100 characters in a string

To answer Philipp's concern ( in the comments ), slicing works ok for unicode strings too

>>> greek=u"aß?de??????µ???p??st?f???"
>>> print len(greek)
>>> print greek[:10]

If you want to run the above code as a script, put this line at the top

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

If your editor doesn't save in utf-8, substitute the correct encoding

How can moment.js be imported with typescript?

Not sure when this changed, but with the latest version of typescript, you just need to use import moment from 'moment'; and everything else should work as normal.


Looks like moment recent fixed their import. As of at least 2.24.0 you'll want to use import * as moment from 'moment';

using OR and NOT in solr query

simple do id:("12345") OR id:("7890") .... and so on

How to get all privileges back to the root user in MySQL?

This worked for me on Ubuntu:

Stop MySQL server:

/etc/init.d/mysql stop

Start MySQL from the commandline:


In another terminal enter mysql and issue:

grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' with grant option;

You may also want to add

grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' with grant option;

and optionally use a password as well.

flush privileges;

and then exit your MySQL prompt and then kill the mysqld server running in the foreground. Restart with

/etc/init.d/mysql start  

How do you run a js file using npm scripts?

{ "scripts" :
  { "build": "node build.js"}

npm run build OR npm run-script build

  "name": "build",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node build.js"

npm start

NB: you were missing the { brackets } and the node command

folder structure is fine:

+ build
  - package.json
  - build.js

How to code a modulo (%) operator in C/C++/Obj-C that handles negative numbers

The simplest general function to find the positive modulo would be this- It would work on both positive and negative values of x.

int modulo(int x,int N){
    return (x % N + N) %N;

Uncaught SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode

This means that you must declare strict mode by writing "use strict" at the beginning of the file or the function to use block-scope declarations.


function test(){
    "use strict";
    let a = 1;

How to uninstall Apache with command line

I've had this sort of problem.....

The solve: cmd / powershell run as ADMINISTRATOR! I always forget.

Notice: In powershell, you need to put .\ for example:

.\httpd -k shutdown .\httpd -k stop .\httpd -k uninstall

Result: Removing the apache2.4 service The Apache2.4 service has been removed successfully.

How to play or open *.mp3 or *.wav sound file in c++ program?

Try with simple c++ code in VC++.

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::cout<<"Sound playing... enjoy....!!!";
PlaySound("C:\\temp\\sound_test.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME); //SND_FILENAME or SND_LOOP
return 0;

Moving from JDK 1.7 to JDK 1.8 on Ubuntu

You can easily install 1.8 via PPA. Which can be done by:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Then check the running version:

$ java -version

If you must do it manually there's already an answer for that on AskUbuntu here.

How to do URL decoding in Java?

Using class:

public String getDecodedURL(String encodedUrl) {
    try {
        URI uri = new URI(encodedUrl);
        return uri.getScheme() + ":" + uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return "";

Please note that exception handling can be better, but it's not much relevant for this example.

How to communicate between iframe and the parent site?

the property should be able to give what you need.




.substring error: "is not a function"

try this code below :

var currentLocation = document.location;
muzLoc = String(currentLocation).substring(0,45);
prodLoc = String(currentLocation).substring(0,48); 
techLoc = String(currentLocation).substring(0,47);

Display fullscreen mode on Tkinter

Here's a simple solution with lambdas:

root = Tk()
root.attributes("-fullscreen", True)
root.bind("<F11>", lambda event: root.attributes("-fullscreen",
                                    not root.attributes("-fullscreen")))
root.bind("<Escape>", lambda event: root.attributes("-fullscreen", False))

This will make the screen exit fullscreen when escape is pressed, and toggle fullscreen when F11 is pressed.

What causes signal 'SIGILL'?

It means the CPU attempted to execute an instruction it didn't understand. This could be caused by corruption I guess, or maybe it's been compiled for the wrong architecture (in which case I would have thought the O/S would refuse to run the executable). Not entirely sure what the root issue is.

Securely storing passwords for use in python script

Know the master key yourself. Don't hard code it.

Use py-bcrypt (bcrypt), powerful hashing technique to generate a password yourself.

Basically you can do this (an idea...)

import bcrypt
from getpass import getpass
master_secret_key = getpass('tell me the master secret key you are going to use')
salt = bcrypt.gensalt()
combo_password = raw_password + salt + master_secret_key
hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(combo_password, salt)

save salt and hashed password somewhere so whenever you need to use the password, you are reading the encrypted password, and test against the raw password you are entering again.

This is basically how login should work these days.

Setting up an MS-Access DB for multi-user access

I have found the SMB2 protocol introduced in Vista to lock the access databases. It can be disabled by the following regedit:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters] "Smb2"=dword:00000000

Using git commit -a with vim

See this thread for an explanation: VIM for Windows - What do I type to save and exit from a file?

As I wrote there: to learn Vimming, you could use one of the quick reference cards:

Also note How can I set up an editor to work with Git on Windows? if you're not comfortable in using Vim but want to use another editor for your commit messages.

If your commit message is not too long, you could also type

git commit -a -m "your message here"

Creating a jQuery object from a big HTML-string

var jQueryObject = $('<div></div>').html( string ).children();

This creates a dummy jQuery object in which you can put the string as HTML. Then, you get the children only.

How to print formatted BigDecimal values?

I know this question is very old, but I was making similar thing in my kotlin app recently. So here is an example if anyone needs it:

val dfs = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.getDefault())
val bigD = BigDecimal("1e+30")
val formattedBigD = DecimalFormat("#,##0.#",dfs).format(bigD)

Result displaying $formattedBigD:


Setting Windows PowerShell environment variables

I tried to optimise SBF's and Michael's code a bit to make it more compact.

I am relying on PowerShell's type coercion where it automatically converts strings to enum values, so I didn't define the lookup dictionary.

I also pulled out the block that adds the new path to the list based on a condition, so that work is done once and stored in a variable for re-use.

It is then applied permanently or just to the Session depending on the $PathContainer parameter.

We can put the block of code in a function or a ps1 file that we call directly from the command prompt. I went with DevEnvAddPath.ps1.


    [ValidateSet('Machine', 'User', 'Session')]

[String]$ConstructedEnvPath = switch ($PathContainer) { "Session"{${env:Path};} default{[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $containerType);} };
$PathPersisted = $ConstructedEnvPath -split ';';

if ($PathPersisted -notcontains $PathChange) {
    $PathPersisted = $(switch ($PathPrepend) { $true{,$PathChange + $PathPersisted;} default{$PathPersisted + $PathChange;} }) | Where-Object { $_ };

    $ConstructedEnvPath = $PathPersisted -join ";";

if ($PathContainer -ne 'Session') 
    # Save permanently to Machine, User
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $ConstructedEnvPath, $PathContainer);

# Update the current session
${env:Path} = $ConstructedEnvPath;

I do something similar for a DevEnvRemovePath.ps1.


    [ValidateSet('Machine', 'User', 'Session')]

[String]$ConstructedEnvPath = switch ($PathContainer) { "Session"{${env:Path};} default{[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $containerType);} };
$PathPersisted = $ConstructedEnvPath -split ';';

if ($PathPersisted -contains $PathChange) {
    $PathPersisted = $PathPersisted | Where-Object { $_ -ne $PathChange };

    $ConstructedEnvPath = $PathPersisted -join ";";

if ($PathContainer -ne 'Session') 
    # Save permanently to Machine, User
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $ConstructedEnvPath, $PathContainer);

# Update the current session
${env:Path} = $ConstructedEnvPath;

So far, they seem to work.

How to see query history in SQL Server Management Studio

The system doesn't record queries in that way. If you know you want to do that ahead of time though, you can use SQL Profiler to record what is coming in and track queries during the time Profiler is running.

How to get the mysql table columns data type?

Most answers are duplicates, it might be useful to group them. Basically two simple options have been proposed.

First option

The first option has 4 different aliases, some of which are quite short :

EXPLAIN db_name.table_name;
DESCRIBE db_name.table_name;
SHOW FIELDS FROM db_name.table_name;
SHOW COLUMNS FROM db_name.table_name;

(NB : as an alternative to db_name.table_name, one can use a second FROM : db_name FROM table_name).

This gives something like :

| Field            | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| product_id       | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name             | varchar(255) | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |
| description      | text         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| meta_title       | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

Second option

The second option is a bit longer :

  TABLE_SCHEMA = 'db_name'
  TABLE_NAME = 'table_name';

It is also less talkative :

| column_name      | DATA_TYPE |
| product_id       | int       |
| name             | varchar   |
| description      | text      |
| meta_title       | varchar   |

It has the advantage of allowing selection per column, though, using AND COLUMN_NAME = 'column_name' (or like).

Vue.js toggle class on click

Without the need of a method:

// html element, will display'active' class if showMobile is true
//clicking on the elment will toggle showMobileMenu to true and false alternatively
<div id="mobile-toggle"
 :class="{ active: showMobileMenu }"
 @click="showMobileMenu = !showMobileMenu">

//in your vue.js app
data: {
    showMobileMenu: false

How do I import .sql files into SQLite 3?

From a sqlite prompt:

sqlite> .read db.sql


cat db.sql | sqlite3 database.db

Also, your SQL is invalid - you need ; on the end of your statements:

create table server(name varchar(50),ipaddress varchar(15),id init);
create table client(name varchar(50),ipaddress varchar(15),id init);

What are all the differences between src and data-src attributes?

The first <img /> is invalid - src is a required attribute. data-src is an attribute than can be leveraged by, say, JavaScript, but has no presentational meaning.

SQL - using alias in Group By

At least in PostgreSQL you can use the column number in the resultset in your GROUP BY clause:

 itemName as ItemName,
 substring(itemName, 1,1) as FirstLetter,
FROM table1

Of course this starts to be a pain if you are doing this interactively and you edit the query to change the number or order of columns in the result. But still.

Deleting an object in java?

//Just use a List
//create the list
public final List<Object> myObjects;

//instantiate the list
myObjects = new ArrayList<Object>();

//add objects to the list
Object object = myObject;

//remove the object calling this method if you have more than 1 objects still works with 1
//object too.

private void removeObject(){
int len = myObjects.size();
for(int i = 0;i<len; i++){
Objects object = myObjects.get(i);

Detect if string contains any spaces

var string  = 'hello world';
var arr = string.split(''); // converted the string to an array and then checked: 
if(arr[i] === ' '){

I know regex can do the trick too!

Generate random integers between 0 and 9

Generating random integers between 0 and 9.

import numpy
X = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, size=10)


[4 8 0 4 9 6 9 9 0 7]

intl extension: installing php_intl.dll

For WampServer 2.5 (Apache 2.4.9 and PHP 5.5.12):

In default I've had php_intl enabled (you can enable it when you left click on the wamp icon in the system tray > PHP > PHP extensions and check if is it marked)

To have it properly working, I've had to copy:


(total 8 files)



Then just restart the wamp and everything was just fine.

Read a javascript cookie by name

function getCookie(c_name)
    var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");

    for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
        if (x==c_name)
            return unescape(y);

Source: W3Schools

Edit: as @zcrar70 noted, the above code is incorrect, please see the following answer Javascript getCookie functions

Angular 2 'component' is not a known element

I have the same issue width php storm version 2017.3. This fix it for me: intellij support forum

It was an error width @angular language service:

PHPUnit assert that an exception was thrown?

Comprehensive Solution

PHPUnit's current "best practices" for exception testing seem.. lackluster (docs).

Since I wanted more than the current expectException implementation, I made a trait to use on my test cases. It's only ~50 lines of code.

  • Supports multiple exceptions per test
  • Supports assertions called after the exception is thrown
  • Robust and clear usage examples
  • Standard assert syntax
  • Supports assertions for more than just message, code, and class
  • Supports inverse assertion, assertNotThrows
  • Supports PHP 7 Throwable errors


I published the AssertThrows trait to Github and packagist so it can be installed with composer.

Simple Example

Just to illustrate the spirit behind the syntax:


// Using simple callback
$this->assertThrows(MyException::class, [$obj, 'doSomethingBad']);

// Using anonymous function
$this->assertThrows(MyException::class, function() use ($obj) {

Pretty neat?

Full Usage Example

Please see below for a more comprehensive usage example:



use Jchook\AssertThrows\AssertThrows;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

// These are just for illustration
use MyNamespace\MyException;
use MyNamespace\MyObject;

final class MyTest extends TestCase
    use AssertThrows; // <--- adds the assertThrows method

    public function testMyObject()
        $obj = new MyObject();

        // Test a basic exception is thrown
        $this->assertThrows(MyException::class, function() use ($obj) {

        // Test custom aspects of a custom extension class
            function() use ($obj) {
            function($exception) {
                $this->assertEquals('Expected value', $exception->getCustomThing());
                $this->assertEquals(123, $exception->getCode());

        // Test that a specific exception is NOT thrown
        $this->assertNotThrows(MyException::class, function() use ($obj) {


Prevent WebView from displaying "web page not available"

I would just change the webpage to whatever you are using for error handling:

final Activity activity = this;  
webview.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {  
public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int progress) {  
 // Activities and WebViews measure progress with different scales.  
 // The progress meter will automatically disappear when we reach 100%  
 activity.setProgress(progress * 1000);  
webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {  
public void onReceivedError(WebView view, int errorCode, String description, String 
failingUrl) {  
 Toast.makeText(activity, "Oh no! " + description, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();  

this can all be found on

How to Detect if I'm Compiling Code with a particular Visual Studio version?

_MSC_VER and possibly _MSC_FULL_VER is what you need. You can also examine visualc.hpp in any recent boost install for some usage examples.

Some values for the more recent versions of the compiler are:

MSVC++ 14.24 _MSC_VER == 1924 (Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4)
MSVC++ 14.23 _MSC_VER == 1923 (Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3)
MSVC++ 14.22 _MSC_VER == 1922 (Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2)
MSVC++ 14.21 _MSC_VER == 1921 (Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1)
MSVC++ 14.2  _MSC_VER == 1920 (Visual Studio 2019 version 16.0)
MSVC++ 14.16 _MSC_VER == 1916 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9)
MSVC++ 14.15 _MSC_VER == 1915 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8)
MSVC++ 14.14 _MSC_VER == 1914 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7)
MSVC++ 14.13 _MSC_VER == 1913 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6)
MSVC++ 14.12 _MSC_VER == 1912 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5)
MSVC++ 14.11 _MSC_VER == 1911 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3)
MSVC++ 14.1  _MSC_VER == 1910 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.0)
MSVC++ 14.0  _MSC_VER == 1900 (Visual Studio 2015 version 14.0)
MSVC++ 12.0  _MSC_VER == 1800 (Visual Studio 2013 version 12.0)
MSVC++ 11.0  _MSC_VER == 1700 (Visual Studio 2012 version 11.0)
MSVC++ 10.0  _MSC_VER == 1600 (Visual Studio 2010 version 10.0)
MSVC++ 9.0   _MSC_FULL_VER == 150030729 (Visual Studio 2008, SP1)
MSVC++ 9.0   _MSC_VER == 1500 (Visual Studio 2008 version 9.0)
MSVC++ 8.0   _MSC_VER == 1400 (Visual Studio 2005 version 8.0)
MSVC++ 7.1   _MSC_VER == 1310 (Visual Studio .NET 2003 version 7.1)
MSVC++ 7.0   _MSC_VER == 1300 (Visual Studio .NET 2002 version 7.0)
MSVC++ 6.0   _MSC_VER == 1200 (Visual Studio 6.0 version 6.0)
MSVC++ 5.0   _MSC_VER == 1100 (Visual Studio 97 version 5.0)

The version number above of course refers to the major version of your Visual studio you see in the about box, not to the year in the name. A thorough list can be found here. Starting recently, Visual Studio will start updating its ranges monotonically, meaning you should check ranges, rather than exact compiler values.

cl.exe /? will give a hint of the used version, e.g.:

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\bin>cl /?
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 17.00.50727.1 for x86

What is the 'new' keyword in JavaScript?

It does 5 things:

  1. It creates a new object. The type of this object is simply object.
  2. It sets this new object's internal, inaccessible, [[prototype]] (i.e. __proto__) property to be the constructor function's external, accessible, prototype object (every function object automatically has a prototype property).
  3. It makes the this variable point to the newly created object.
  4. It executes the constructor function, using the newly created object whenever this is mentioned.
  5. It returns the newly created object, unless the constructor function returns a non-null object reference. In this case, that object reference is returned instead.

Note: constructor function refers to the function after the new keyword, as in

new ConstructorFunction(arg1, arg2)

Once this is done, if an undefined property of the new object is requested, the script will check the object's [[prototype]] object for the property instead. This is how you can get something similar to traditional class inheritance in JavaScript.

The most difficult part about this is point number 2. Every object (including functions) has this internal property called [[prototype]]. It can only be set at object creation time, either with new, with Object.create, or based on the literal (functions default to Function.prototype, numbers to Number.prototype, etc.). It can only be read with Object.getPrototypeOf(someObject). There is no other way to set or read this value.

Functions, in addition to the hidden [[prototype]] property, also have a property called prototype, and it is this that you can access, and modify, to provide inherited properties and methods for the objects you make.

Here is an example:

ObjMaker = function() {this.a = 'first';};
// ObjMaker is just a function, there's nothing special about it that makes 
// it a constructor.

ObjMaker.prototype.b = 'second';
// like all functions, ObjMaker has an accessible prototype property that 
// we can alter. I just added a property called 'b' to it. Like 
// all objects, ObjMaker also has an inaccessible [[prototype]] property
// that we can't do anything with

obj1 = new ObjMaker();
// 3 things just happened.
// A new, empty object was created called obj1.  At first obj1 was the same
// as {}. The [[prototype]] property of obj1 was then set to the current
// object value of the ObjMaker.prototype (if ObjMaker.prototype is later
// assigned a new object value, obj1's [[prototype]] will not change, but you
// can alter the properties of ObjMaker.prototype to add to both the
// prototype and [[prototype]]). The ObjMaker function was executed, with
// obj1 in place of this... so obj1.a was set to 'first'.

// returns 'first'
// obj1 doesn't have a property called 'b', so JavaScript checks 
// its [[prototype]]. Its [[prototype]] is the same as ObjMaker.prototype
// ObjMaker.prototype has a property called 'b' with value 'second'
// returns 'second'

It's like class inheritance because now, any objects you make using new ObjMaker() will also appear to have inherited the 'b' property.

If you want something like a subclass, then you do this:

SubObjMaker = function () {};
SubObjMaker.prototype = new ObjMaker(); // note: this pattern is deprecated!
// Because we used 'new', the [[prototype]] property of SubObjMaker.prototype
// is now set to the object value of ObjMaker.prototype.
// The modern way to do this is with Object.create(), which was added in ECMAScript 5:
// SubObjMaker.prototype = Object.create(ObjMaker.prototype);

SubObjMaker.prototype.c = 'third';  
obj2 = new SubObjMaker();
// [[prototype]] property of obj2 is now set to SubObjMaker.prototype
// Remember that the [[prototype]] property of SubObjMaker.prototype
// is ObjMaker.prototype. So now obj2 has a prototype chain!
// obj2 ---> SubObjMaker.prototype ---> ObjMaker.prototype

// returns 'third', from SubObjMaker.prototype

// returns 'second', from ObjMaker.prototype

// returns 'first', from SubObjMaker.prototype, because SubObjMaker.prototype 
// was created with the ObjMaker function, which assigned a for us

I read a ton of rubbish on this subject before finally finding this page, where this is explained very well with nice diagrams.

WebService Client Generation Error with JDK8

Here is a hint Hint for gradle users without admin rights: add this line to your jaxb-task:

System.setProperty('javax.xml.accessExternalSchema', 'all')

it will look like this:

jaxb {
    System.setProperty('javax.xml.accessExternalSchema', 'all')
    xsdDir = "${}/xsd"
    xjc {
        taskClassname = ""
        args = ["-npa", "-no-header"]

CodeIgniter Active Record not equal

This should work (which you have tried)

$this->db->where_not_in('emailsToCampaigns.campaignId', $campaignId);

How can I use JQuery to post JSON data?

The top answer worked fine but I suggest saving your JSON data into a variable before posting it is a little bit cleaner when sending a long form or dealing with large data in general.

var Data = {_x000D_
"e-mail":"[email protected]",_x000D_
    type: 'POST',_x000D_
    url: '/form/',_x000D_
    data: Data,_x000D_
    success: function(data) { alert('data: ' + data); },_x000D_
    contentType: "application/json",_x000D_
    dataType: 'json'_x000D_

Delete empty rows

To delete rows empty in table


DELETE FROM table_name 
WHERE column_name IS NULL;


Table name: data ---> column name: pkdno


Answer: 5 rows deleted. (sayso)

How to use random in BATCH script?

set /a number=%random% %% [maximum]-[minimum]

example "

set /a number=%random% %% 100-50

will give a random number between 100 and 50. Be sure to only use one percentage sign as the operand if you are not using the line in a batch script!

Image height and width not working?

You have a class on your CSS that is overwriting your width and height, the class reads as such:

.postItem img {
    height: auto;
    width: 450px;

Remove that and your width/height properties on the img tag should work.

How do CSS triangles work?

This is an old question, but I think will worth it to share how to create an arrow using this triangle technique.

Step 1:

Lets create 2 triangles, for the second one we will use the :after pseudo class and position it just below the other:

2 triangles

    width: 0;
    height: 0;
    border-radius: 50px;
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;

        content: "";
        width: 0;
        height: 0;
        position: absolute;

     border-left: 50px solid transparent;
     border-right: 50px solid transparent;
     border-bottom: 50px solid #333;
         top: 5px;
         border-left: 50px solid transparent;
         border-right: 50px solid transparent;
         border-bottom: 50px solid #ccc;
         right: -50px;
<div class="arrow arrow-up"> </div>

Step 2

Now we just have to set the predominant border color of the second triangle to the same color of the background:

enter image description here

    width: 0;
    height: 0;
    border-radius: 50px;
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;

        content: "";
        width: 0;
        height: 0;
        position: absolute;

     border-left: 50px solid transparent;
     border-right: 50px solid transparent;
     border-bottom: 50px solid #333;
         top: 5px;
         border-left: 50px solid transparent;
         border-right: 50px solid transparent;
         border-bottom: 50px solid #fff;
         right: -50px;
<div class="arrow arrow-up"> </div>

Fiddle with all the arrows:

Regular expression to find two strings anywhere in input


Using the m modifier (which ensures the beginning/end metacharacters match on line breaks rather than at the very beginning and end of the string):

  • ^ matches the line beginning
  • .*? matches anything on the line before...
  • \b matches a word boundary the first occurrence of a word boundary (as @codaddict discussed)
  • then the string cat and another word boundary; note that underscores are treated as "word" characters, so _cat_ would not match*;
  • .*?: any characters before...
  • boundary, mat, boundary
  • .*?: any remaining characters before...
  • $: the end of the line.

It's important to use \b to ensure the specified words aren't part of longer words, and it's important to use non-greedy wildcards (.*?) versus greedy (.*) because the latter would fail on strings like "There is a cat on top of the mat which is under the cat." (It would match the last occurrence of "cat" rather than the first.)

* If you want to be able to match _cat_, you can use:


which matches either underscores or word boundaries around the specified words. (?:) indicates a non-capturing group, which can help with performance or avoid conflicted captures.

Edit: A question was raised in the comments about whether the solution would work for phrases rather than just words. The answer is, absolutely yes. The following would match "A line which includes both the first phrase and the second phrase":

/^.*?(?:\b|_)first phrase here(?:\b|_).*?(?:\b|_)second phrase here(?:\b|_).*?$/m

Edit 2: If order doesn't matter you can use:


And if performance is really an issue here, it's possible lookaround (if your regex engine supports it) might (but probably won't) perform better than the above, but I'll leave both the arguably more complex lookaround version and performance testing as an exercise to the questioner/reader.

Edited per @Alan Moore's comment. I didn't have a chance to test it, but I'll take your word for it.

Difference between clustered and nonclustered index

You should be using indexes to help SQL server performance. Usually that implies that columns that are used to find rows in a table are indexed.

Clustered indexes makes SQL server order the rows on disk according to the index order. This implies that if you access data in the order of a clustered index, then the data will be present on disk in the correct order. However if the column(s) that have a clustered index is frequently changed, then the row(s) will move around on disk, causing overhead - which generally is not a good idea.

Having many indexes is not good either. They cost to maintain. So start out with the obvious ones, and then profile to see which ones you miss and would benefit from. You do not need them from start, they can be added later on.

Most column datatypes can be used when indexing, but it is better to have small columns indexed than large. Also it is common to create indexes on groups of columns (e.g. country + city + street).

Also you will not notice performance issues until you have quite a bit of data in your tables. And another thing to think about is that SQL server needs statistics to do its query optimizations the right way, so make sure that you do generate that.

File Explorer in Android Studio

If anyone is looking for the Android Studio (2.3.1) on Mac OSX (10.12.1) answer then here are the steps for it.

  1. Tools Menu > Android > Android Device Monitor

  2. Choose Your Device (at Left) > Click on File Explorer Tab (at Right)

Hope this helps.

How to undo a SQL Server UPDATE query?

Since you have a FULL backup, you can restore the backup to a different server as a database of the same name or to the same server with a different name.

Then you can just review the contents pre-update and write a SQL script to do the update.

Objective-C: Reading a file line by line

This should do the trick:

#include <stdio.h>

NSString *readLineAsNSString(FILE *file)
    char buffer[4096];

    // tune this capacity to your liking -- larger buffer sizes will be faster, but
    // use more memory
    NSMutableString *result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256];

    // Read up to 4095 non-newline characters, then read and discard the newline
    int charsRead;
        if(fscanf(file, "%4095[^\n]%n%*c", buffer, &charsRead) == 1)
            [result appendFormat:@"%s", buffer];
    } while(charsRead == 4095);

    return result;

Use as follows:

FILE *file = fopen("myfile", "r");
// check for NULL
    NSString *line = readLineAsNSString(file);
    // do stuff with line; line is autoreleased, so you should NOT release it (unless you also retain it beforehand)

This code reads non-newline characters from the file, up to 4095 at a time. If you have a line that is longer than 4095 characters, it keeps reading until it hits a newline or end-of-file.

Note: I have not tested this code. Please test it before using it.

Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up

This code will work on all android versions:

 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

 //Automatic popping up keyboard on start Activity



 //avoid automatically appear android keyboard when activity start

wget command to download a file and save as a different filename

wget -O remote-storage.url/

will do the trick for you.


a) its a capital O.

b) wget -O filename url will only work. Putting -O last will not.

Select current date by default in ASP.Net Calendar control

Actually, I cannot get selected date in aspx. Here is the way to set selected date in codes:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
   if (!Page.IsPostBack)
      DateTime dt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
      Calendar1.VisibleDate = dt;
      Calendar1.SelectedDate = dt;
      Calendar1.TodaysDate = dt;

In above example, I need to set the default selected date to yesterday. The key point is to set TodayDate. Otherwise, the selected calendar date is always today.

How to parse/format dates with LocalDateTime? (Java 8)

Parsing date and time

To create a LocalDateTime object from a string you can use the static LocalDateTime.parse() method. It takes a string and a DateTimeFormatter as parameter. The DateTimeFormatter is used to specify the date/time pattern.

String str = "1986-04-08 12:30";
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(str, formatter);

Formatting date and time

To create a formatted string out a LocalDateTime object you can use the format() method.

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.of(1986, Month.APRIL, 8, 12, 30);
String formattedDateTime = dateTime.format(formatter); // "1986-04-08 12:30"

Note that there are some commonly used date/time formats predefined as constants in DateTimeFormatter. For example: Using DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME to format the LocalDateTime instance from above would result in the string "1986-04-08T12:30:00".

The parse() and format() methods are available for all date/time related objects (e.g. LocalDate or ZonedDateTime)

How can I select records ONLY from yesterday?



Reference: TRUNC

Calling a function on the tran_date means the optimizer won't be able to use an index (assuming one exists) associated with it. Some databases, such as Oracle, support function based indexes which allow for performing functions on the data to minimize impact in such situations, but IME DBAs won't allow these. And I agree - they aren't really necessary in this instance.

How to retrieve absolute path given relative

Try realpath.

~ $ sudo apt-get install realpath  # may already be installed
~ $ realpath .bashrc

To avoid expanding symlinks, use realpath -s.

The answer comes from "bash/fish command to print absolute path to a file".

How to check if an integer is within a range of numbers in PHP?

You can use filter_var

        'options' => array(
            'min_range' => $min, 
            'max_range' => $max

This will also allow you to specify whether you want to allow octal and hex notation of integers. Note that the function is type-safe. 5.5 is not an integer but a float and will not validate.

Detailed tutorial about filtering data with PHP:

How do I concatenate two arrays in C#?

int[] scores = { 100, 90, 90, 80, 75, 60 };
int[] alice = { 50, 65, 77, 90, 102 };
int[] scoreBoard = new int[scores.Length + alice.Length];

int j = 0;
for (int i=0;i<(scores.Length+alice.Length);i++)  // to combine two arrays
        scoreBoard[i] = scores[i];
        scoreBoard[i] = alice[j];
        j = j + 1;


for (int l = 0; l < (scores.Length + alice.Length); l++)

How to set the java.library.path from Eclipse

Here is another fix:

My build system (Gradle) added a required native library (dll) to the Eclipse build path (Right Click on Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries). Telling the build system not to add the native dll library to the Eclipse classpath solved the problem.

What is "string[] args" in Main class for?

For passing in command line parameters. For example args[0] will give you the first command line parameter, if there is one.

Find the least number of coins required that can make any change from 1 to 99 cents

I wrote this algorithm for similar kind of problem with DP, may it help

public class MinimumCoinProblem {

    private static void calculateMinumCoins(int[] array_Coins, int sum) {

        int[] array_best = new int[sum];

        for (int i = 0; i < sum; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < array_Coins.length; j++) {
                    if (array_Coins[j] <= i  && (array_best[i] == 0 || (array_best[i - array_Coins[j]] + 1) <= array_best[i])) {
                        array_best[i] = array_best[i - array_Coins[j]] + 1;
        System.err.println("The Value is" + array_best[14]);


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] sequence1 = {11, 9,1, 3, 5,2 ,20};
        int sum = 30;
        calculateMinumCoins(sequence1, sum);


How do I write a "tab" in Python?

It's usually \t in command-line interfaces, which will convert the char \t into the whitespace tab character.

For example, hello\talex -> hello--->alex.

ASP.NET MVC Bundle not rendering script files on staging server. It works on development server

I ran into the same problem, and I'm not sure why, but it turned out to be that the script link generated by Scripts.Render did not have a .js extension. Because it also does not have a Type attribute the browser was just unable to use it (chrome and firefox).

To resolve this, I changed my bundle configuration to generate compiled files with a js extension, e.g.

            var coreScripts = new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/coreAssets.js")

        var coreStyles = new StyleBundle("~/bundles/coreStyles.css")

Notice in new StyleBundle(... instead of saying ~/bundles/someBundle, I am saying ~/bundlers/someBundle.js or ~/bundles/someStyles.css..

This causes the link generated in the src attribute to have .js or .css on it when optimizations are enabled, as such the browsers know based on the file extension what mime/type to use on the get request and everything works.

If I take off the extension, everything breaks. That's because @Scripts and @Styles doesn't render all the necessary attributes to understand a src to a file with no extension.

Data truncation: Data too long for column 'logo' at row 1

Following solution worked for me. When connecting to the db, specify that data should be truncated if they are too long (jdbcCompliantTruncation). My link looks like this:


If you increase the size of the strings, you may face the same problem in future if the string you are attempting to store into the DB is longer than the new size.

EDIT: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES has to be removed from sql_mode as well.

How to use multiple conditions (With AND) in IIF expressions in ssrs

Here is an example that should give you some idea..

=IIF(First(Fields!Gender.Value,"vw_BrgyClearanceNew")="Female" and 

I think you have to identify the datasource name or the table name where your data is coming from.

How to remove "disabled" attribute using jQuery?

Use like this,


<input type="text" disabled="disabled" class="inputDisabled" value="">

<div id="edit">edit</div>


 $('#edit').click(function(){ // click to
            $('.inputDisabled').attr('disabled',false); // removing disabled in this class

onChange and onSelect in DropDownList

I'd do it like this jsFiddle example.


function check(elem) {
    document.getElementById('mySelect1').disabled = !elem.selectedIndex;


<select id="mySelect" onChange="check(this);">

<select id="mySelect1" disabled="disabled" >

Convert javascript array to string

You can use .toString() to join an array with a comma.

var array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
array.toString(); // result: a,b,c

Or, set the separator with array.join('; '); // result: a; b; c.

Removing the textarea border in HTML

Add this to your <head>:

<style type="text/css">
    textarea { border: none; }

Or do it directly on the textarea:

<textarea style="border: none"></textarea>

How to do tag wrapping in VS code?

imo there's a better answer for this using Snippets

Create a snippet with a definition like this:

"name_of_your_snippet": {
    "scope": "javascript,html",
    "prefix": "name_of_your_snippet",
    "body": "<${0:b}>$TM_SELECTED_TEXT</${0:b}>"

Then bind it to a key in keybindings.json E.g. like this:

    "key": "alt+w",
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "args": { "name": "name_of_your_snippet" }

I think this should give you exactly the same result as htmltagwrap but without having to install an extension.

It will insert tags around selected text, defaults to <b> tag & selects the tag so typing lets you change it.

If you want to use a different default tag just change the b in the body property of the snippet.

phpMyAdmin - Error > Incorrect format parameter?

None of these answers worked for me. I had to use the command line:

mysql -u root db_name < db_dump.sql
SET NAMES 'utf8';
SOURCE db_dump.sql;


The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference

If you use XHTML, for some reason, note that XHTML 1.0 C 4 says: “Use external scripts if your script uses < or & or ]]> or --.” That is, don’t embed script code inside a script element but put it into a separate JavaScript file and refer to it with <script src="foo.js"></script>.

Why is printing "B" dramatically slower than printing "#"?

Yes the culprit is definitely word-wrapping. When I tested your two programs, NetBeans IDE 8.2 gave me the following result.

  1. First Matrix: O and # = 6.03 seconds
  2. Second Matrix: O and B = 50.97 seconds

Looking at your code closely you have used a line break at the end of first loop. But you didn't use any line break in second loop. So you are going to print a word with 1000 characters in the second loop. That causes a word-wrapping problem. If we use a non-word character " " after B, it takes only 5.35 seconds to compile the program. And If we use a line break in the second loop after passing 100 values or 50 values, it takes only 8.56 seconds and 7.05 seconds respectively.

Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
        if(r.nextInt(4) == 0) {
        } else {
        if(j%100==0){               //Adding a line break in second loop      

Another advice is that to change settings of NetBeans IDE. First of all, go to NetBeans Tools and click Options. After that click Editor and go to Formatting tab. Then select Anywhere in Line Wrap Option. It will take almost 6.24% less time to compile the program.

NetBeans Editor Settings

Convert NaN to 0 in javascript

Please try this simple function

var NanValue = function (entry) {
    if(entry=="NaN") {
        return 0.00;
    } else {
        return entry;

Receiving JSON data back from HTTP request

What I normally do, similar to answer one:

var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(completeURL); //

if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode == true)
        string res = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        var content = Json.Deserialize<Model>(res);

// do whatever you need with the JSON which is in 'content'
// ex: int id = content.Id;

        return true;
        await JSRuntime.Current.InvokeAsync<string>("alert", "Warning, the credentials you have entered are incorrect.");
        return false;

Where 'model' is your C# model class.

Read a text file line by line in Qt

Here's the example from my code. So I will read a text from 1st line to 3rd line using readLine() and then store to array variable and print into textfield using for-loop :

QFile file("file.txt");

    if(! | QIODevice::Text))

    QTextStream in(&file);
    QString line[3] = in.readLine();
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)

How to remove indentation from an unordered list item?

Set the list style and left padding to nothing.

ul {
    list-style: none;
    padding-left: 0;

ul {_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
  padding-left: 0;_x000D_

To maintain the bullets you can replace the list-style: none with list-style-position: inside or the shorthand list-style: inside:

ul {
  list-style-position: inside;
  padding-left: 0;

ul {_x000D_
  list-style-position: inside;_x000D_
  padding-left: 0;_x000D_

how to set font size based on container size?

You may be able to do this with CSS3 using calculations, however it would most likely be safer to use JavaScript.

Here is an example:

Using JS you can change the height of the text, then simply bind this same calculation to a resize event, during resize so it scales while the user is making adjustments, or however you are allowing resizing of your elements.

Move top 1000 lines from text file to a new file using Unix shell commands

Out of curiosity, I found a box with a GNU version of sed (v4.1.5) and tested the (uncached) performance of two approaches suggested so far, using an 11M line text file:

$ wc -l input
11771722 input

$ time head -1000 input > output; time tail -n +1000 input > input.tmp; time cp input.tmp input; time rm input.tmp

real    0m1.165s
user    0m0.030s
sys     0m1.130s

real    0m1.256s
user    0m0.062s
sys     0m1.162s

real    0m4.433s
user    0m0.033s
sys     0m1.282s

real    0m6.897s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.159s

$ time head -1000 input > output && time sed -i '1,+999d' input

real    0m0.121s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.121s

real    0m26.944s
user    0m0.227s
sys     0m26.624s

This is the Linux I was working with:

$ uname -a
Linux hostname 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5 #1 SMP Mon Jan 26 13:58:24 EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

For this test, at least, it looks like sed is slower than the tail approach (27 sec vs ~14 sec).

Insert an element at a specific index in a list and return the updated list

Use the Python list insert() method. Usage:


The syntax for the insert() method -

list.insert(index, obj)


  • index - This is the Index where the object obj need to be inserted.
  • obj - This is the Object to be inserted into the given list.

#Return Value This method does not return any value, but it inserts the given element at the given index.


a = [1,2,4,5]



Returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

How can I hide a TD tag using inline JavaScript or CSS?


visibility: hidden


<td class="hide"/>

Edit- Just for you

The difference between display and visibility is this.

"display": has many properties or values, but the ones you're focused on are "none" and "block". "none" is like a hide value, and "block" is like show. If you use the "none" value you will totally hide what ever html tag you have applied this css style. If you use "block" you will see the html tag and it's content. very simple.

"visibility": has many values, but we want to know more about the "hidden" and "visible" values. "hidden" will work in the same way as the "block" value for display, but this will hide tag and it's content, but it will not hide the phisical space of that tag. For example, if you have a couple of text lines, then and image (picture) and then a table with three columns and two rows with icons and text. Now if you apply the visibility css with the hidden value to the image, the image will disappear but the space the image was using will remaing in it's place, in other words, you will end with a big space (hole) between the text and the table. Now if you use the "visible" value your target tag and it's elements will be visible again.

How come I can't remove the blue textarea border in Twitter Bootstrap?

This worked for me

.form-control {
box-shadow: none!important;}


To get the all related companies name, not based on particular Id.

    (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(cmp.cmpny_name) 
    FROM company cmp 
    WHERE FIND_IN_SET(cmp.CompanyID, odr.attachedCompanyIDs)
FROM orders odr

How can I give access to a private GitHub repository?

It is a simple 3 Step Process :
1) Go to your private repo and click on settings
2) To the left of the screen click on Manage access
3) Then Click on Invite Collaborator

Can I replace groups in Java regex?

Use $n (where n is a digit) to refer to captured subsequences in replaceFirst(...). I'm assuming you wanted to replace the first group with the literal string "number" and the second group with the value of the first group.

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d)(.*)(\\d)");
String input = "6 example input 4";
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
if (m.find()) {
    // replace first number with "number" and second number with the first
    String output = m.replaceFirst("number $3$1");  // number 46

Consider (\D+) for the second group instead of (.*). * is a greedy matcher, and will at first consume the last digit. The matcher will then have to backtrack when it realizes the final (\d) has nothing to match, before it can match to the final digit.

When should we call System.exit in Java

System.exit(0) terminates the JVM. In simple examples like this it is difficult to percieve the difference. The parameter is passed back to the OS and is normally used to indicate abnormal termination (eg some kind of fatal error), so if you called java from a batch file or shell script you'd be able to get this value and get an idea if the application was successful.

It would make a quite an impact if you called System.exit(0) on an application deployed to an application server (think about it before you try it).

How can I conditionally import an ES6 module?

Look at this example for clear understanding of how dynamic import works.

Dynamic Module Imports Example

To have Basic Understanding of importing and exporting Modules.

JavaScript modules Github

Javascript Modules MDN

How do I add indices to MySQL tables?

You say you have an index, the explain says otherwise. However, if you really do, this is how to continue:

If you have an index on the column, and MySQL decides not to use it, it may by because:

  1. There's another index in the query MySQL deems more appropriate to use, and it can use only one. The solution is usually an index spanning multiple columns if their normal method of retrieval is by value of more then one column.
  2. MySQL decides there are to many matching rows, and thinks a tablescan is probably faster. If that isn't the case, sometimes an ANALYZE TABLE helps.
  3. In more complex queries, it decides not to use it based on extremely intelligent thought-out voodoo in the query-plan that for some reason just not fits your current requirements.

In the case of (2) or (3), you could coax MySQL into using the index by index hint sytax, but if you do, be sure run some tests to determine whether it actually improves performance to use the index as you hint it.

adb uninstall failed

You can follow below steps to uninstall the app from the device via command prompt.

  1. execute the command : adb -s [devicename] uninstall -k [packagename]. this command will retain the data and cache in the device but will remove the app from the device.
  2. To remove the data and cache also from the device along with the application execute the command below. adb shell pm uninstall -k [packagename].

if it shows sucess your app is uninstalled successfully'

Django Rest Framework File Upload

    from rest_framework import status
    from rest_framework.response import Response
    class FileUpload(APIView):
         def put(request):
                file = request.FILES['filename']
                #now upload to s3 bucket or your media file
             except Exception as e:
                   print e
                   return Response(status, 
             return Response(status, status.HTTP_200_OK)

"Unable to locate tools.jar" when running ant

Make sure you use the root folder of the JDK. Don't add "\lib" to the end of the path, where tools.jar is physically located. It took me an hour to figure that one out. Also, this post will help show you where Ant is looking for tools.jar:

Why does ANT tell me that JAVA_HOME is wrong when it is not?

How to compile without warnings being treated as errors?

Sure, find where -Werror is set and remove that flag. Then warnings will be only warnings.

Is there a combination of "LIKE" and "IN" in SQL?

do this

WHERE something + '%' in ('bla', 'foo', 'batz')
OR '%' + something + '%' in ('tra', 'la', 'la')


WHERE something + '%' in (select col from table where ....)

AngularJS: How do I manually set input to $valid in controller?

to get this working for a date error I had to delete the error first before calling $setValidity for the form to be marked valid.

delete currentmodal.form.$;
currentmodal.form.$setValidity('myDate', true);

What is a View in Oracle?

If you like the idea of Views, but are worried about performance you can get Oracle to create a cached table representing the view which oracle keeps up to date.
See materialized views

How to know if two arrays have the same values

When you compare those two arrays, you're comparing the objects that represent the arrays, not the contents.

You'll have to use a function to compare the two. You could write your own that simply loops though one and compares it to the other after you check that the lengths are the same.

How to install and run phpize

Ohk.. I got it running by typing /usr/bin/phpize instead of only phpize.

How do I reverse an int array in Java?

Just for the sake of it. People often do only need a 'view' on an array or list in reversed order instead of a completely do not need a reversed array when working with streams and collections but a 'reversed' view on the original array/collection. , it is best to create a toolkit that has a reverse view on a list / array.

So create your Iterator implementation that takes an array or list and provide the input.

/// Reverse Iterator
public class ReverseIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
  private int index;
  private final List<T> list;
  public ReverseIterator(List<T> list) {
     this.list = list;
     this.index = list.size() - 1;
  public boolean hasNext() {
    return index >= 0 ? true : false;
  public T next() {
    if(index >= 0) 
      return list.get(index--);
      throw new NoSuchElementException();

An implementation for the array situation is quite similar. Of cause an iterator can be source for a stream or a collection as well.

So not always it is best to create a new array just to provide a reverse view when all you want to do is iterating over the array / list or feed it into a stream or a new collection / array.

Shell script to set environment variables

I cannot solve it with source ./ It says the source not found error.
Failed also when using . ./ It gives can't open

So my option is put it in a text file to be called in the next script.

echo "Perform Operation in su mode"
echo "ARCH=arm" >> environment.txt
echo "Export ARCH=arm Executed"
export PATH="/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/:$PATH"
echo "Export path done"
export "CROSS_COMPILE='/home/linux/Practise/linux-devkit/bin/arm-arago-linux-gnueabi-' ## What's next to -?" >> environment.txt
echo "Export CROSS_COMPILE done"
# continue your compilation commands here

Tnen call it whenever is needed:

while read -r line; do
    line=$(sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' <<<${line})
    var=`echo $line | cut -d '=' -f1`; test=$(echo $var)
    if [ -z "$(test)" ];then eval export "$line";fi
done <environment.txt

The Response content must be a string or object implementing __toString(), "boolean" given after move to psql


Just returning response()->json($promotion) won't solve the issue in this question. $promotion is an Eloquent object, which Laravel will automatically json_encode for the response. The json encoding is failing because of the img property, which is a PHP stream resource, and cannot be encoded.


Whatever you return from your controller, Laravel is going to attempt to convert to a string. When you return an object, the object's __toString() magic method will be invoked to make the conversion.

Therefore, when you just return $promotion from your controller action, Laravel is going to call __toString() on it to convert it to a string to display.

On the Model, __toString() calls toJson(), which returns the result of json_encode. Therefore, json_encode is returning false, meaning it is running into an error.

Your dd shows that your img attribute is a stream resource. json_encode cannot encode a resource, so this is probably causing the failure. You should add your img attribute to the $hidden property to remove it from the json_encode.

class Promotion extends Model
    protected $hidden = ['img'];

    // rest of class

sudo in php exec()

I had a similar situation trying to exec() a backend command and also getting no tty present and no askpass program specified in the web server error log. Original (bad) code:

$output = array();
$return_var = 0;
exec('sudo my_command', $output, $return_var);

A bash wrapper solved this issue, such as:

$output = array();
$return_var = 0;
exec('sudo bash -c "my_command"', $output, $return_var);

Not sure if this will work in every case. Also, be sure to apply the appropriate quoting/escaping rules on my_command portion.

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request

In my case, I created a new project and when I ran it the first time, it gave me the following error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

So my solution was to go to the Package Manager Console inside the Visual Studio and run:Update-Package

Problem solved!!

Check if a specific tab page is selected (active)

I think that using the event tabPage1.Enter is more convenient.

tabPage1.Enter += new System.EventHandler(tabPage1_Enter);

private void tabPage1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("you entered tabPage1");

This is better than having nested if-else statement when you have different logic for different tabs. And more suitable in case new tabs may be added in the future.

Note that this event fires if the form loads and tabPage1 is opened by default.

How can we convert an integer to string in AngularJs

.toString() is available, or just add "" to the end of the int

var x = 3,
    toString = x.toString(),
    toConcat = x + "";

Angular is simply JavaScript at the core.

Dynamic type languages versus static type languages

It depends on context. There a lot benefits that are appropriate to dynamic typed system as well as for strong typed. I'm of opinion that the flow of dynamic types language is faster. The dynamic languages are not constrained with class attributes and compiler thinking of what is going on in code. You have some kinda freedom. Furthermore, the dynamic language usually is more expressive and result in less code which is good. Despite of this, it's more error prone which is also questionable and depends more on unit test covering. It's easy prototype with dynamic lang but maintenance may become nightmare.

The main gain over static typed system is IDE support and surely static analyzer of code. You become more confident of code after every code change. The maintenance is peace of cake with such tools.

Spring not autowiring in unit tests with JUnit

I had same problem with Spring Boot 2.1.1 and JUnit 4
just added those annotations:

@RunWith( SpringRunner.class )

and all went well.

For Junit 5:



$(form).ajaxSubmit is not a function


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#contact-form').validate({submitHandler: function(form) {
         var data = $('#contact-form').serialize();   
               {data: data},

How to extract duration time from ffmpeg output?

If you want to retrieve the length (and possibly all other metadata) from your media file with ffmpeg by using a python script you could try this:

import subprocess
import json

input_file  = "< path to your input file here >"

metadata = subprocess.check_output(f"ffprobe -i {input_file} -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -hide_banner".split(" "))

metadata = json.loads(metadata)
print(f"Length of file is: {float(metadata['format']['duration'])}")


Length of file is: 7579.977143

  "streams": [
      "index": 0,
      "codec_name": "mp3",
      "codec_long_name": "MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)",
      "codec_type": "audio",
      "codec_time_base": "1/44100",
      "codec_tag_string": "[0][0][0][0]",
      "codec_tag": "0x0000",
      "sample_fmt": "fltp",
      "sample_rate": "44100",
      "channels": 2,
      "channel_layout": "stereo",
      "bits_per_sample": 0,
      "r_frame_rate": "0/0",
      "avg_frame_rate": "0/0",
      "time_base": "1/14112000",
      "start_pts": 353600,
      "start_time": "0.025057",
      "duration_ts": 106968637440,
      "duration": "7579.977143",
      "bit_rate": "320000",

Keep the order of the JSON keys during JSON conversion to CSV

It is quite simple to maintain order. I had the same problem with maintaining the order from DB layer to UI Layer.

Open file. It internally uses HashMap which doesn't maintain the order.

Change it to LinkedHashMap:

    // = new HashMap(); = new LinkedHashMap();

This worked for me. Let me know in the comments. I suggest the JSON library itself should have another JSONObject class which maintains order, like I am very poor in choosing the names.

Django upgrading to 1.9 error "AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet."

My problem was that I tried to import a Django model before calling django.setup()

This worked for me:

import django

from myapp.models import MyModel

The above script is in the project root folder.

How can I pop-up a print dialog box using Javascript?

If you just have a link without a click event handler:

<a href="javascript:window.print();">Print Page</a>

How to display pdf in php

easy if its pdf or img use

return (in_Array($file['content-type'], ['image/jpg', 'application/pdf']));

What is lexical scope?

There is an important part of the conversation surrounding lexical and dynamic scoping that is missing: a plain explanation of the lifetime of the scoped variable - or when the variable can be accessed.

Dynamic scoping only very loosely corresponds to "global" scoping in the way that we traditionally think about it (the reason I bring up the comparison between the two is that it has already been mentioned - and I don't particularly like the linked article's explanation); it is probably best we don't make the comparison between global and dynamic - though supposedly, according to the linked article, "...[it] is useful as a substitute for globally scoped variables."

So, in plain English, what's the important distinction between the two scoping mechanisms?

Lexical scoping has been defined very well throughout the answers above: lexically scoped variables are available - or, accessible - at the local level of the function in which it was defined.

However - as it is not the focus of the OP - dynamic scoping has not received a great deal of attention and the attention it has received means it probably needs a bit more (that's not a criticism of other answers, but rather a "oh, that answer made we wish there was a bit more"). So, here's a little bit more:

Dynamic scoping means that a variable is accessible to the larger program during the lifetime of the function call - or, while the function is executing. Really, Wikipedia actually does a nice job with the explanation of the difference between the two. So as not to obfuscate it, here is the text that describes dynamic scoping:

...[I]n dynamic scoping (or dynamic scope), if a variable name's scope is a certain function, then its scope is the time-period during which the function is executing: while the function is running, the variable name exists, and is bound to its variable, but after the function returns, the variable name does not exist.

Can I use wget to check , but not download

There is the command line parameter --spider exactly for this. In this mode, wget does not download the files and its return value is zero if the resource was found and non-zero if it was not found. Try this (in your favorite shell):

wget -q --spider address
echo $?

Or if you want full output, leave the -q off, so just wget --spider address. -nv shows some output, but not as much as the default.

How to split strings over multiple lines in Bash?

Line continuations also can be achieved through clever use of syntax.

In the case of echo:

# echo '-n' flag prevents trailing <CR> 
echo -n "This is my one-line statement" ;
echo -n " that I would like to make."
This is my one-line statement that I would like to make.

In the case of vars:

outp="This is my one-line statement" ; 
outp+=" that I would like to make." ; 
echo -n "${outp}"
This is my one-line statement that I would like to make.

Another approach in the case of vars:

outp="This is my one-line statement" ; 
outp="${outp} that I would like to make." ; 
echo -n "${outp}"
This is my one-line statement that I would like to make.


Trigger a button click with JavaScript on the Enter key in a text box

I have developed custom javascript to achieve this feature by just adding class

Example: <button type="button" class="ctrl-p">Custom Print</button>

Here Check it out Fiddle
-- or --
check out running example

Note: on current logic, you need to press Ctrl + Enter

How to set up file permissions for Laravel?

Just to state the obvious for anyone viewing this discussion.... if you give any of your folders 777 permissions, you are allowing ANYONE to read, write and execute any file in that directory.... what this means is you have given ANYONE (any hacker or malicious person in the entire world) permission to upload ANY file, virus or any other file, and THEN execute that file...


There are basically two ways to setup your ownership and permissions. Either you give yourself ownership or you make the webserver the owner of all files.

Webserver as owner (the way most people do it, and the Laravel doc's way):

assuming www-data (it could be something else) is your webserver user.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/your/laravel/root/directory

if you do that, the webserver owns all the files, and is also the group, and you will have some problems uploading files or working with files via FTP, because your FTP client will be logged in as you, not your webserver, so add your user to the webserver user group:

sudo usermod -a -G www-data ubuntu

Of course, this assumes your webserver is running as www-data (the Homestead default), and your user is ubuntu (it's vagrant if you are using Homestead).

Then you set all your directories to 755 and your files to 644... SET file permissions

sudo find /path/to/your/laravel/root/directory -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;    

SET directory permissions

sudo find /path/to/your/laravel/root/directory -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

Your user as owner

I prefer to own all the directories and files (it makes working with everything much easier), so, go to your laravel root directory:

cd /var/www/html/laravel >> assuming this is your current root directory
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data .

Then I give both myself and the webserver permissions:

sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;   
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;

Then give the webserver the rights to read and write to storage and cache

Whichever way you set it up, then you need to give read and write permissions to the webserver for storage, cache and any other directories the webserver needs to upload or write too (depending on your situation), so run the commands from bashy above :

sudo chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache

Now, you're secure and your website works, AND you can work with the files fairly easily