I know it's been quite a time since the beginning... There is a lot of wisdom in all these answers. Good indexing is the first thing when trying to improve a query. Well, almost the first. The most-first (so to speak) is making changes to code so that it's efficient. So, after all's been said and done, if one has a query with no WHERE, or when the WHERE-condition is not selective enough, there is only one way to get the data: TABLE SCAN (INDEX SCAN). If one needs all the columns from a table, then TABLE SCAN will be used - no question about it. This might be a heap scan or clustered index scan, depending on the type of data organization. The only last way to speed things up (if at all possible), is to make sure that as many cores are used as possible to do the scan: OPTION (MAXDOP 0). I'm ignoring the subject of storage, of course, but one should make sure that one has unlimited RAM, which goes without saying :)