Programs & Examples On #Handlers

500 Error on AppHarbor but downloaded build works on my machine

Just a wild guess: (not much to go on) but I have had similar problems when, for example, I was using the IIS rewrite module on my local machine (and it worked fine), but when I uploaded to a host that did not have that add-on module installed, I would get a 500 error with very little to go on - sounds similar. It drove me crazy trying to find it.

So make sure whatever options/addons that you might have and be using locally in IIS are also installed on the host.

Similarly, make sure you understand everything that is being referenced/used in your web.config - that is likely the problem area.

How to compare oldValues and newValues on React Hooks useEffect?

For really simple prop comparison you can use useEffect to easily check to see if a prop has updated.

const myComponent = ({ prop }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    ---Do stuffhere----
  }, [prop])

useEffect will then only run your code if the prop changes.

Angular 6: How to set response type as text while making http call

Have you tried not setting the responseType and just type casting the response?

This is what worked for me:

 * Client for consuming recordings HTTP API endpoint.
  providedIn: 'root'
export class DownloadUrlClientService {
  private _log = Log.create('DownloadUrlClientService');

    private _http: HttpClient,
  ) {}

  private async _getUrl(url: string): Promise<string> {
    const httpOptions = {headers: new HttpHeaders({'auth': 'false'})};
    // const httpOptions = {headers: new HttpHeaders({'auth': 'false'}), responseType: 'text'};
    const res = await (this._http.get(url, httpOptions) as Observable<string>).toPromise();
    // const res = await (this._http.get(url, httpOptions)).toPromise();
    return res;

The type WebMvcConfigurerAdapter is deprecated

I have been working on Swagger equivalent documentation library called Springfox nowadays and I found that in the Spring 5.0.8 (running at present), interface WebMvcConfigurer has been implemented by class WebMvcConfigurationSupport class which we can directly extend.

import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurationSupport;

public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { }

And this is how I have used it for setting my resource handling mechanism as follows -

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {


Django - Reverse for '' not found. '' is not a valid view function or pattern name

  1. The syntax for specifying url is {% url namespace:url_name %}. So, check if you have added the app_name in
  2. In my case, I had misspelled the url_name. The had the following content path('<int:question_id>/', views.detail, name='question_detail') whereas the index.html file had the following entry <li><a href="{% url 'polls:detail' %}">{{ question.question_text }}</a></li>. Notice the incorrect name.

Error: the entity type requires a primary key

Make sure you have the following condition:

  1. Use [key] if your primary key name is not Id or ID.
  2. Use the public keyword.
  3. Primary key should have getter and setter.


public class MyEntity {
   public Guid Id {get; set;}

Convert Promise to Observable

try this:

import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromPromise';
import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable";

const subscription = Observable.fromPromise(
    firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
subscription.subscribe(firebaseUser => /* Do anything with data received */,
                       error => /* Handle error here */);

you can find complete reference to fromPromise operator here.

How to configure Spring Security to allow Swagger URL to be accessed without authentication

Some security config and you are ready with swagger open to all

For Swagger V2

public class CabSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    private static final String[] AUTH_WHITELIST = {
            // -- swagger ui

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

        // ... here goes your custom security configuration
        antMatchers(AUTH_WHITELIST).permitAll(). // whitelist URL permitted
        antMatchers("/**").authenticated(); // others need auth


For Swagger V3

public class CabSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    private static final String[] AUTH_WHITELIST = {
            // -- swagger ui

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

        // ... here goes your custom security configuration
        antMatchers(AUTH_WHITELIST).permitAll(). // whitelist URL permitted
        antMatchers("/**").authenticated(); // others need auth


Pip - Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'

I got the same error and followed a couple of answers. I have tried to upgrade and install 9.0.0 version of pip using the commands below

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install pip==9.0.0

For both the commands I got the warning which looked like this

WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None))

Nothing seemed to work. I lost my patients and followed the below steps and got it working

  1. Navigate to the path "C:\Users...Python\Python37-32\Scripts"
  2. Delete the files pip ,pip3 , pip3.7
  3. Then I used the command python -m pip install pip==9.0.0 which then installed pip
  4. Then I entered the required command of pyperclip which I wanted to leverage which was pip install pyperclip

Ignore the 4th step. Adding it only to let people know I was also able to install the required pyperclip seemlessly, if at all anyone is on the same path to install some modules further

Spring Boot access static resources missing scr/main/resources

I use Spring Boot, my solution to the problem was


Hope it helps someone.

How to get current route in react-router 2.0.0-rc5

In App.js add the below code and try


IIS Config Error - This configuration section cannot be used at this path

Click on your project properties, go to the web section, from the Servers section, change from IIS express to Local IIS, it will create a virtual directory for you

CORS with spring-boot and angularjs not working

If originally your program doesn't use spring security and can't afford for a code change, creating a simple reverse proxy can do the trick. In my case, I used Nginx with the following configuration:

http {
  server {
    listen 9090;
    location / {
      if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
      # Custom headers and headers various browsers *should* be OK with but aren't
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range';
      # Tell client that this pre-flight info is valid for 20 days
      add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;
      add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain; charset=utf-8';
      add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
      return 204;
      if ($request_method = 'POST') {
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range';
      add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Content-Length,Content-Range';
      if ($request_method = 'GET') {
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
      add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Range';
      add_header 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' 'Content-Length,Content-Range';

      proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;

My program listens to :8080.

REF: CORS on Nginx

Deploying Maven project throws invalid LOC header (bad signature)

Maybe unrelated to the original reason in this question, but for those who would face same with gradle and local module dependency

dependencies {
    checkstyle project(":module")

this error could happen, if module doesn't contain group and version, so in the module/build.gradle just need to be specified

plugins {
    id 'java-library'

group = "com.example"
version = "master-SNAPSHOT"

ECMAScript 6 class destructor

I just came across this question in a search about destructors and I thought there was an unanswered part of your question in your comments, so I thought I would address that.

thank you guys. But what would be a good convention if ECMAScript doesn't have destructors? Should I create a method called destructor and call it manually when I'm done with the object? Any other idea?

If you want to tell your object that you are now done with it and it should specifically release any event listeners it has, then you can just create an ordinary method for doing that. You can call the method something like release() or deregister() or unhook() or anything of that ilk. The idea is that you're telling the object to disconnect itself from anything else it is hooked up to (deregister event listeners, clear external object references, etc...). You will have to call it manually at the appropriate time.

If, at the same time you also make sure there are no other references to that object, then your object will become eligible for garbage collection at that point.

ES6 does have weakMap and weakSet which are ways of keeping track of a set of objects that are still alive without affecting when they can be garbage collected, but it does not provide any sort of notification when they are garbage collected. They just disappear from the weakMap or weakSet at some point (when they are GCed).

FYI, the issue with this type of destructor you ask for (and probably why there isn't much of a call for it) is that because of garbage collection, an item is not eligible for garbage collection when it has an open event handler against a live object so even if there was such a destructor, it would never get called in your circumstance until you actually removed the event listeners. And, once you've removed the event listeners, there's no need for the destructor for this purpose.

I suppose there's a possible weakListener() that would not prevent garbage collection, but such a thing does not exist either.

FYI, here's another relevant question Why is the object destructor paradigm in garbage collected languages pervasively absent?. This discussion covers finalizer, destructor and disposer design patterns. I found it useful to see the distinction between the three.

Edit in 2020 - proposal for object finalizer

There is a Stage 3 EMCAScript proposal to add a user-defined finalizer function after an object is garbage collected.

A canonical example of something that would benefit from a feature like this is an object that contains a handle to an open file. If the object is garbage collected (because no other code still has a reference to it), then this finalizer scheme allows one to at least put a message to the console that an external resource has just been leaked and code elsewhere should be fixed to prevent this leak.

If you read the proposal thoroughly, you will see that it's nothing like a full-blown destructor in a language like C++. This finalizer is called after the object has already been destroyed and you have to predetermine what part of the instance data needs to be passed to the finalizer for it to do its work. Further, this feature is not meant to be relied upon for normal operation, but rather as a debugging aid and as a backstop against certain types of bugs. You can read the full explanation for these limitations in the proposal.

Asp.Net WebApi2 Enable CORS not working with AspNet.WebApi.Cors 5.2.3

I found this question because I was having issues with the OPTIONS request most browsers send. My app was routing the OPTIONS requests and using my IoC to construct lots of objects and some were throwing exceptions on this odd request type for various reasons.

Basically put in an ignore route for all OPTIONS requests if they are causing you problems:

var constraints = new { httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint(HttpMethod.Options) };
config.Routes.IgnoreRoute("OPTIONS", "{*pathInfo}", constraints);

More info: Stop Web API processing OPTIONS requests

Hadoop cluster setup - Connection refused

hduser@marta-komputer:/usr/local/hadoop$ jps

11696 ResourceManager

11842 NodeManager

11171 NameNode

11523 SecondaryNameNode

12167 Jps

Where is your DataNode? Connection refused problem might also be due to no active DataNode. Check datanode logs for issues.


For this error:

15/03/01 00:59:34 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at / Call From marta-komputer.home/ to marta-komputer:9000 failed on connection exception: Connection refused; For more details see:

Add these lines in yarn-site.xml:


Restart the hadoop processes.

How to resolve Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source in linq?

Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source

Above error comes in situation when you are querying the collection which is null.

For demonstration below code will result in such an exception.

Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
IEnumerable<int> list = null;
list.Where(d => d ==4).FirstOrDefault();

Here is the output of the above code.

Hello World Run-time exception (line 11): Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source

Stack Trace:

[System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source] at Program.Main(): line 11

In your case ListMetadataKor is null. Here is the fiddle if you want to play around.

TypeError: Router.use() requires middleware function but got a Object

I had this error and solution help which was posted by Anirudh. I built a template for express routing and forgot about this nuance - glad it was an easy fix.

I wanted to give a little clarification to his answer on where to put this code by explaining my file structure.

My typical file structure is as follows:



---index.js (controls the main navigation)




(each file [in my case the index.js within page-two, although page-one would have an index.js too]- for each page - that uses app.METHOD or router.METHOD needs to have module.exports = router; at the end)

If someone wants I will post a link to github template that implements express routing using best practices. let me know

Thanks Anirudh!!! for the great answer.

Java Spring Boot: How to map my app root (“/”) to index.html?

You can add a RedirectViewController like:

public class WebConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
        registry.addRedirectViewController("/", "/index.html");

ImproperlyConfigured: You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings

I figured that the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE had to be set some way, so I looked at the documentation (link updated) and found:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings

Though that is not enough if you are running a server on heroku, you need to specify it there, too. Like this:

heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings --account <your account name> 

In my specific case I ran these two and everything worked out:

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=nirla.settings
heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=nirla.settings --account personal


I would also like to point out that you have to re-do this every time you close or restart your virtual environment. Instead, you should automate the process by going to venv/bin/activate and adding the line: set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings to the bottom of the code. From now on every time you activate the virtual environment, you will be using that app's settings.

Exporting PDF with jspdf not rendering CSS

You can get the example of css implemented html to pdf conversion using jspdf on following link: JSFiddle Link

This is sample code for the jspdf html to pdf download.

$('#print-btn').click(() => {
    var pdf = new jsPDF('p','pt','a4');
    pdf.addHTML(document.body,function() {'web.pdf');

Avoid dropdown menu close on click inside

I tried this simple thing and it worked like a charm.

I changed the dropdown-menu element from <div> to <form> and it worked well.

<div class="nav-item dropdown" >
  <a href="javascript:;" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
   Click to open dropdown
 <form class="dropdown-menu   ">
  <ul class="list-group text-black">
     <li class="list-group-item"  >
     <li class="list-group-item"   >

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="nav-item dropdown" >_x000D_
  <a href="javascript:;" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">_x000D_
   Click to open dropdown_x000D_
 <form class="dropdown-menu   ">_x000D_
  <ul class="list-group text-black">_x000D_
     <li class="list-group-item"  >_x000D_
      List Item 1_x000D_
     <li class="list-group-item"   >_x000D_
         LI 2<input class="form-control" />_x000D_
     <li class="list-group-item"   >_x000D_
        List Item 3_x000D_

Node/Express file upload

I needed to be walked through with a bit more detail than the other answers provided (e.g. how do I write the file to a location I decide at runtime?). Hopefully this is of help to others:  

get connect-busboy:

npm install connect-busboy --save

In your server.js, add these lines

let busboy = require('connect-busboy')

// ... 


// ...'/upload', function(req, res) {
    req.busboy.on('file', function(fieldname, file, filename) {
        var fstream = fs.createWriteStream('./images/' + filename); 
        fstream.on('close', function () {
            res.send('upload succeeded!');

This would seem to omit error handling though... will edit it in if I find it.

Error: No default engine was specified and no extension was provided

I just got this error message, and the problem was that I was not setting up my middleware properly.

I am building a blog in the MEAN stack and needed body parsing for the .jade files that I was using on the front end side. Here is the snippet of code from my "/middleware/index.js" file, from my project.

var express = require('express');
var morgan = require('morgan');
var session = require('express-session');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');

module.exports = function (app) {

// Good for now
// In the future, use connect-mongo or similar
// for persistant sessions
    extended: true
app.use(session({secret: 'building a blog', saveUninitialized: true, resave: true}));

Also, here is my "package.json" file, you may be using different versions of technologies. Note: because I am not sure of the dependencies between them, I am including the whole file here:

"dependencies": {
    "body-parser": "1.12.3",
    "consolidate": "0.12.1",
    "cookie-parser": "1.3.4",
    "crypto": "0.0.3",
    "debug": "2.1.1",
    "express": "4.12.2",
    "express-mongoose": "0.1.0",
    "express-session": "1.11.1",
    "jade": "1.9.2",
    "method-override": "2.3.2",
    "mongodb": "2.0.28",
    "mongoose": "4.0.2",
    "morgan": "1.5.1",
    "request": "2.55.0",
    "serve-favicon": "2.2.0",
    "swig": "1.4.2"

Hope this helps someone! All the best!

python object() takes no parameters error

I struggled for a while about this. Stupid rule for __init__. It is two "_" together to be "__"

Export HTML table to pdf using jspdf

Here is working example:

in head

<script type="text/javascript" src="jspdf.debug.js"></script>


<script type="text/javascript">
        function demoFromHTML() {
            var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter');
            // source can be HTML-formatted string, or a reference
            // to an actual DOM element from which the text will be scraped.
            source = $('#customers')[0];

            // we support special element handlers. Register them with jQuery-style 
            // ID selector for either ID or node name. ("#iAmID", "div", "span" etc.)
            // There is no support for any other type of selectors 
            // (class, of compound) at this time.
            specialElementHandlers = {
                // element with id of "bypass" - jQuery style selector
                '#bypassme': function(element, renderer) {
                    // true = "handled elsewhere, bypass text extraction"
                    return true
            margins = {
                top: 80,
                bottom: 60,
                left: 40,
                width: 522
            // all coords and widths are in jsPDF instance's declared units
            // 'inches' in this case
                    source, // HTML string or DOM elem ref.
                    margins.left, // x coord
          , {// y coord
                        'width': margins.width, // max width of content on PDF
                        'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers
            function(dispose) {
                // dispose: object with X, Y of the last line add to the PDF 
                //          this allow the insertion of new lines after html
            , margins);

and table:

<div id="customers">
        <table id="tab_customers" class="table table-striped" >
                <col width="20%">
                <col width="20%">
                <col width="20%">
                <col width="20%">
                <tr class='warning'>
                    <td>March 24, 2014</td>
                    <td>March 24, 2014</td>
                    <td>United States</td>
                    <td>March 24, 2014</td>
                    <td>July 1, 2013</td>
                    <td>July 1, 2013</td>

and button to run:

<button onclick="javascript:demoFromHTML()">PDF</button>

and working example online:

tabel to pdf jspdf

or try this: HTML Table Export

Stop handler.postDelayed()

  Boolean condition=false;  //Instance variable declaration.

 //-----------------Inside oncreate--------------------------------------------------- 
  start =(Button)findViewById(;
        start.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {




        stop=(Button) findViewById(;

        stop.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {



//-----------------Inside oncreate---------------------------------------------------

 public void starthandler()

        handler = new Handler();
        handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

                    //Do something after 100ms 


        }, 5000);


    public void stophandler()
    } ) .done( ) and success:

From the doc:

jqXHR.done(function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {});

An alternative construct to the success callback option, the .done() method replaces the deprecated jqXHR.success() method. Refer to deferred.done() for implementation details.

The point it is just an alternative for success callback option, and jqXHR.success() is deprecated.

Recommended way of making React component/div draggable

I've updated solution to React 16 / ES6 with enhancements like touch handling and snapping to a grid which is what I need for a game. Snapping to a grid alleviates the performance issues.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

class Draggable extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            relX: 0,
            relY: 0,
            x: props.x,
            y: props.y
        this.gridX = props.gridX || 1;
        this.gridY = props.gridY || 1;
        this.onMouseDown = this.onMouseDown.bind(this);
        this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this);
        this.onMouseUp = this.onMouseUp.bind(this);
        this.onTouchStart = this.onTouchStart.bind(this);
        this.onTouchMove = this.onTouchMove.bind(this);
        this.onTouchEnd = this.onTouchEnd.bind(this);

    static propTypes = {
        onMove: PropTypes.func,
        onStop: PropTypes.func,
        x: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        y: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        gridX: PropTypes.number,
        gridY: PropTypes.number

    onStart(e) {
        const ref = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.handle);
        const body = document.body;
        const box = ref.getBoundingClientRect();
            relX: e.pageX - (box.left + body.scrollLeft - body.clientLeft),
            relY: e.pageY - ( + body.scrollTop - body.clientTop)

    onMove(e) {
        const x = Math.trunc((e.pageX - this.state.relX) / this.gridX) * this.gridX;
        const y = Math.trunc((e.pageY - this.state.relY) / this.gridY) * this.gridY;
        if (x !== this.state.x || y !== this.state.y) {
            this.props.onMove && this.props.onMove(this.state.x, this.state.y);

    onMouseDown(e) {
        if (e.button !== 0) return;
        document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove);
        document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp);

    onMouseUp(e) {
        document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove);
        document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp);
        this.props.onStop && this.props.onStop(this.state.x, this.state.y);

    onMouseMove(e) {

    onTouchStart(e) {
        document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouchMove, {passive: false});
        document.addEventListener('touchend', this.onTouchEnd, {passive: false});

    onTouchMove(e) {

    onTouchEnd(e) {
        document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onTouchMove);
        document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.onTouchEnd);
        this.props.onStop && this.props.onStop(this.state.x, this.state.y);

    render() {
        return <div
                position: 'absolute',
                left: this.state.x,
                top: this.state.y,
                touchAction: 'none'
            ref={(div) => { this.handle = div; }}

export default Draggable;

Add context path to Spring Boot application

context path can be directly integrated to the code but it is not advisable since it cannot be reused so write in the file server.contextPath=/name of the folder where you placed the code contextPath = name of the folder where you placed the code/ Note:watch the slash carefully.

Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Http.WebHost after published to Azure web site

The dll is missing in the published (deployed environment). That is the reason why it is working in the local i.e. Visual Studio but not in the Azure Website Environment.

Just do Copy Local = true in the properties for the assembly(System.Web.Http.WebHost) and then do a redeploy, it should work fine.

HTTP Error 500.19 and error code : 0x80070021

If you're running IIS on that computer for the first time, you should try running the ASP.NET IIS registration tool (aspnet_regiis.exe).

Here's how to do that: If you're using .net framework v4, open command prompt as an administrator, and change directory to your .net framework base folder using:

CD C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319

or, if you're using a 64 bit computer, use:

CD C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319

when you've successfully navigated to the appropriate directory, execute the ASP.NET IIS registration tool using:

aspnet_regiis -i

If you're using a different .NET framework version, simply replace v4.0.30319 with the appropriate folder name.

Hope this helps.

How to export the Html Tables data into PDF using Jspdf

There is a tablePlugin for jspdf it expects array of objects and displays that data as a table. You can style the text and headers with little changes in the code. It is open source and also has examples for you to get started with.

Export HTML page to PDF on user click using JavaScript

This is because you define your "doc" variable outside of your click event. The first time you click the button the doc variable contains a new jsPDF object. But when you click for a second time, this variable can't be used in the same way anymore. As it is already defined and used the previous time.

change it to:

$(function () {

    var specialElementHandlers = {
        '#editor': function (element,renderer) {
            return true;
 $('#cmd').click(function () {
        var doc = new jsPDF();
            $('#target').html(), 15, 15, 
            { 'width': 170, 'elementHandlers': specialElementHandlers }, 
            function(){'sample-file.pdf'); }


and it will work.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Http 4.0.0 after update from 2012 to 2013

I had a similar issue. Everything was working before. It's was originally made using Web Forms and later on added Web API for some things.

  • Tried uninstalling, installing and reinstalling Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi package.
  • Tried removing packages folder from solution and letting NuGet restore in VS.
  • Tried removing individual assembly references (under References) and reinstalling packages.
  • Tried adding binding redirects to version in web.config mentioned in several answers. Nothing worked for me.

What worked was, in Visual Studio, change publish profile settings from Release to Debug. Strange, but that's what worked. So sharing here.

UnexpectedRollbackException: Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only

This is the normal behavior and the reason is that your sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method needs a TX when being executed (because it is marked with @Transactional annotation). But when it is called inside processNextRegistrationMessage, because there is a TX available, the container doesn't create a new one and uses existing TX. So if any exception occurs in sqlCommandHandlerService.persist method, it causes TX to be set to rollBackOnly (even if you catch the exception in the caller and ignore it).

To overcome this you can use propagation levels for transactions. Have a look at this to find out which propagation best suits your requirements.

Update; Read this!

Well after a colleague came to me with a couple of questions about a similar situation, I feel this needs a bit of clarification.
Although propagations solve such issues, you should be VERY careful about using them and do not use them unless you ABSOLUTELY understand what they mean and how they work. You may end up persisting some data and rolling back some others where you don't expect them to work that way and things can go horribly wrong.

EDIT Link to current version of the documentation

Change <select>'s option and trigger events with JavaScript

Try this:

<select id="sel">
 <option value='1'>One</option>
  <option value='2'>Two</option> 
  <option value='3'>Three</option> 

  <input type="button" value="Change option to 2"  onclick="changeOpt()"/>


  function changeOpt(){
  document.getElementById("sel").options[1].selected = true;



jsPDF multi page PDF with HTML renderer

Automatically not split data to multi pages. You may split manually.

If your ( rowCount * rowHeight ) > 420mm ( A3 Height in mm ) add new page function. ( Sorry I can't edit your code without run ) After add new page leftMargin, topMargin = 0; ( start over ) I added sample code with yours. I hope it's right.

else {
    doc.margins = 1;
    doc.setFont("Times  ");
    doc.setFontType("normal ");
    if ( rowCount * rowHeight > 420 ) {
        rowCount = 3; // skip 1 and 2 above
    } else {
        // now rowcount = 3 ( top of new page for 3 )
        // j is your x axis cell index ( j start from 0 on $.each function ) or you can add cellCount like rowCount and replace with
        // rowcount is your y axis cell index
        left = ( ( j ) * ( cellWidth + leftMargin );
        top = ( ( rowcount - 3 ) * ( rowHeight + topMargin );
        doc.cell( leftMargin, top, cellWidth, rowHeight, cellContent, i);
        // 1st=left margin    2nd parameter=top margin,     3rd=row cell width      4th=Row height

You can convert html directly to pdf lossless. Youtube video for html => pdf example

Django: ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty

I solved this problem occurring on OS X with Django both 1.5 and 1.6 by deactivating all active sessions to virtualenv and starting it again.

Django error - matching query does not exist

your line raising the error is here:

comment = Comment.objects.get(pk=comment_id)

you try to access a non-existing comment.

from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

comment = get_object_or_404(Comment, pk=comment_id)

Instead of having an error on your server, your user will get a 404 meaning that he tries to access a non existing resource.

Ok up to here I suppose you are aware of this.

Some users (and I'm part of them) let tabs running for long time, if users are authorized to delete data, it may happens. A 404 error may be a better error to handle a deleted resource error than sending an email to the admin.

Other users go to addresses from their history, (same if data have been deleted since it may happens).

Error: "dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required" on Django 1.4

I too had a similar type of problem . The solution is simple . just dont try to enter NULL or None value in values or u might have to use Something like this

The type initializer for 'System.Data.Entity.Internal.AppConfig' threw an exception

The general issue is just any issue involving Machine/Web/App configs.

I had the same connection strings in Machine.Config as in my App.Config so I put before my first connection string in my App.Config

"An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page..."

I wasn't using Azure, but I got the same error locally. Using <customErrors mode="Off" /> seemed to have no effect, but checking the Application logs in Event Viewer revealed a warning from ASP.NET which contained all the detail I needed to resolve the issue.

ASP.NET: HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error 0x8007000d

For me, it was all about setting up my web server to use the latest-and-greatest tech to support my ASP.NET 5 application!

The following URL gave me all the tips I needed:

Hope this helps :)

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Check encoding format of your file and use corresponding encoding format while reading file. It will solve your problem.

with open("AB.json", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as json_data:
     data = json.load(json_data, strict=False)

Disable scrolling when touch moving certain element

To my surprise, the "preventDefault()" method is working for me on latest Google Chrome (version 85) on iOS 13.7. It also works on Safari on the same device and also working on my Android 8.0 tablet. I am currently implemented it for 2D view on my site here:

coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found when rendering in django admin

First, check that whatever you are returning via unicode is a String.

If it is not a string you can change it to a string like this (where is an integer)

def __unicode__(self):
    return '%s' %

following which, if it still doesn't work, restart your ./ shell for the changes to take effect and try again. It should work.

Best Regards

how to print an exception using logger?

Use: LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Got an exception.", e);
or"Got an exception. " + e.getMessage());

405 method not allowed Web API

I had the same exception. My problem was that I had used:

using System.Web.Mvc; // Wrong namespace for HttpGet attribute !!!!!!!!!
public string Blah()
    return "blah";


using System.Web.Http; // Correct namespace for HttpGet attribute !!!!!!!!!
public string Blah()
    return "blah";

Include CSS and Javascript in my django template

Refer django docs on static files.


import os
CURRENT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__).decode('utf-8'))

MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, 'media')

MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

STATIC_ROOT = 'static/'

STATIC_URL = '/static/'

                    os.path.join(CURRENT_PATH, 'static'),

Then place your js and css files static folder in your project. Not in media folder.


from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, RequestContext

def view_name(request):
    #your stuff goes here
    return render_to_response('template.html', locals(), context_instance = RequestContext(request))

In template.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}css/style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>


from django.conf import settings
urlpatterns += patterns('',
    url(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'show_indexes': True}),

Project file structure can be found here in imgbin.

jQuery click events firing multiple times

In case this works fine

$( "#ok" ).bind( "click", function() {

Update TextView Every Second

You can also use TimerTask for that.

Here is an method

private void setTimerTask() {
    long delay = 3000;
    long periodToRepeat = 60 * 1000; /* 1 mint */
    Timer timer = new Timer();
    timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
        public void run() {
            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                 //   do your stuff here.
    }, 3000, 3000);

Can't access Eclipse marketplace

Considering this as a general programming problem, some possible causes are:

  • The service could be temporarily broken

  • You could have a problem with a firewall. These could be local or they could be implemented by your ISPs.

  • Your proxy HTTP settings (if you need one) could be incorrect. This Answer explains how to adjust the Eclipse-internal proxy settings ... if that is where the problem lies.

  • It is possible that your access may be blocked by over-active antivirus software.

  • The service could have blacklisted some net range and your hosts IP address is "collateral damage".

Try connecting to that URL with a web browser to try to see if it is just Eclipse that is affected ... or a broader problem.

Considering this in the context of the Eclipse Marketplace service, first address any local proxy / firewall / AV issues, if they apply. If that doesn't help, the best thing that you can do is to be patient.

  • It has been observed that the Eclipse Marketplace service does sometimes go down. It doesn't happen often, and when it does happen the problem does get fixed relatively quickly. (Hours, not days ...)

  • I can't find a "service status" page or feed or similar for the Eclipse services. (If you know of one, please add it as a comment below.)

  • There may be an "outage" notice on the Eclipse front page. Check for that.

  • Try to connect to the service URL (refer to the exception message!) using a web browser and/or from other locations. If you succeed, the real problem may be a networking issue at your end.

  • If you feel the need to complain about Eclipse's services, please don't do it here!! (It is off topic.)

logger configuration to log to file and print to stdout

After having used Waterboy's code over and over in multiple Python packages, I finally cast it into a tiny standalone Python package, which you can find here:

The code is well documented and easy to use. Simply download the .py file and include it in your project, or install the whole package via pip install duallog.

jquery ui Dialog: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization

I got this error when I only updated the jquery library without updating the jqueryui library in parallel. I was using jquery 1.8.3 with jqueryui 1.9.0. However, when I updated jquery 1.8.3 to 1.9.1 I got the above error. When I commented out the offending .close method lines, it then threw an error about not finding .browser in the jquery library which was deprecated in jquery 1.8.3 and removed from jquery 1.9.1. So bascially, the jquery 1.9.1 library was not compatible with the jquery ui 1.9.0 library despite the jquery ui download page saying it works with jquery 1.6+. Essentially, there are unreported bugs when trying to use differing versions of the two. If you use the jquery version that comes bundled with the jqueryui download, I'm sure you'll be fine, but it's when you start using different versions that you off the beaten path and get errors like this. So, in summary, this error is from mis-matched versions (in my case anyway).

Installing PDO driver on MySQL Linux server

Basically the answer from Jani Hartikainen is right! I upvoted his answer. What was missing on my system (based on Ubuntu 15.04) was to enable PDO Extension in my php.ini

restart the webserver (e.g. with "sudo service apache2 restart") -> every fine :-)

To find where your current active php.ini file is located you can use phpinfo() or some other hints from here:

Error Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35

After installing Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure through Nuget-Package Manager

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure

Copy the Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll manually from the Nuget-Package folder on your web application and then paste it in your bin folder of your web application deployed on the web server.


It worked for me.

Disable automatic sorting on the first column when using jQuery DataTables

If any of other solution doesn't fix it, try to override the styles to hide the sort togglers:

.sorting_asc:after, .sorting_desc:after {
  content: "";

IIS 7, HttpHandler and HTTP Error 500.21

This situation happens because you haven't installed/start service of

Use below command in windows 7,8,10.

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i

Disable sorting on last column when using jQuery DataTables

use this link

$(document).ready( function() {
   $('#example').dataTable( {
      "aoColumnDefs": [{ "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0 ] }]
    } );
} );

Event handlers for Twitter Bootstrap dropdowns?

Twitter bootstrap is meant to give a baseline functionality, and provides only basic javascript plugins that do something on screen. Any additional content or functionality, you'll have to do yourself.

<div class="btn-group">
  <button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Action <span class="caret"></span></button>
  <ul class="dropdown-menu">
    <li><a href="#" id="action-1">Action</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" id="action-2">Another action</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" id="action-3">Something else here</a></li>
</div><!-- /btn-group -->

and then with jQuery

//do something

Run a Java Application as a Service on Linux

Maybe not the best dev-ops solution, but good for the general use of a server for a lan party or similar.

Use screen to run your server in and then detach before logging out, this will keep the process running, you can then re-attach at any point.


Start a screen: screen

Start your server: java -jar minecraft-server.jar

Detach by pressing: Ctl-a, d

Re-attach: screen -r

More info here:

Error parsing yaml file: mapping values are not allowed here


  empId: 123
  empName: John
    empDept: IT


    id: 123
    name: John
    dept: IT

Error message "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server"

There is another way to solve this problem. Let us say you want to access directory "subphp" which exist at /var/www/html/subphp, and you want to access it using and you receive error like this:

You don't have permission to access /subphp/ on this server.

Then change the directory permissions from "None" to "access files". A command-line user can use the chmod command to change the permission.

Headers and client library minor version mismatch

Your PHP was compiled with MySQL 5.1 but now it is linking a mysql library of 5.5.X family. You have to upgrade PHP to a version compiled with MySQL 5.5 or revert back mysql client libraries to 5.1.x.

How to handle change of checkbox using jQuery?

Use :checkbox selector:

$(':checkbox').change(function() {

        // do stuff here. It will fire on any checkbox change



Node JS Error: ENOENT

use "temp" in lieu of "tmp"


it worked for me after i realized the tmp is a temporary folder that didn't exist on my computer, but my temp was my temporary folder



I also created a new folder "tmp" in my C: drive and everything worked perfectly. The book may have missed mentioning that small step

check out to chat with some of the node.js community

Get event listeners attached to node using addEventListener

You can't.

The only way to get a list of all event listeners attached to a node is to intercept the listener attachment call.

DOM4 addEventListener


Append an event listener to the associated list of event listeners with type set to type, listener set to listener, and capture set to capture, unless there already is an event listener in that list with the same type, listener, and capture.

Meaning that an event listener is added to the "list of event listeners". That's all. There is no notion of what this list should be nor how you should access it.

jQuery.ajax handling continue responses: "success:" vs ".done"?

If you need async: false in your ajax, you should use success instead of .done. Else you better to use .done. This is from jQuery official site:

As of jQuery 1.8, the use of async: false with jqXHR ($.Deferred) is deprecated; you must use the success/error/complete callback options instead of the corresponding methods of the jqXHR object such as jqXHR.done().

JQuery .on() method with multiple event handlers to one selector

That's the other way around. You should write:

    mouseenter: function() {
        // Handle mouseenter...
    mouseleave: function() {
        // Handle mouseleave...
    click: function() {
        // Handle click...
}, "td");

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The statement has been terminated

Timeout expired because the sql query is taking more time than you set in sqlCommand.CommandTimeout property.

Obviously you can increase CommandTimeout to solve this issue but before doing that you must optimize your query by adding index. If you run your query in Sql server management studio including actual execution plan then Sql server management studio will suggest you proper index. Most of the case you will get rid of timeout issue if you can optimize your query.

What is limiting the # of simultaneous connections my ASP.NET application can make to a web service?

See the "Threading" section of this page:, in conjunction with the "Connections" section.

Have you tried upping the maxconnection attribute of your processModel setting?

Display image at 50% of its "native" size

This should work:

img {
    max-width: 50%;
    height: auto;

how to solve Error cannot add duplicate collection entry of type add with unique key attribute 'value' in iis 7

For me in windows server 2012 R2 I solved it by removing the duplicates from web.config file i found this line duplicated twice i removed one line and kept the other line

<add name="CrystalImageHandler.aspx_GET" verb="GET" path="CrystalImageHandler.aspx" type="CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalImageHandler, CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=13.0.4000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304" preCondition="integratedMode"/></handlers><validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>

fileReader.readAsBinaryString to upload files

Use fileReader.readAsDataURL( fileObject ), this will encode it to base64, which you can safely upload to your server.

jquery: get value of custom attribute

You need some form of iteration here, as val (except when called with a function) only works on the first element:


should be:

$("input[placeholder]").each( function () {
    $(this).val( $(this).attr("placeholder") );


$("input[placeholder]").val(function() {
    return $(this).attr("placeholder");

Python logging not outputting anything

For anyone here that wants a super-simple answer: just set the level you want displayed. At the top of all my scripts I just put:

import logging
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)

Then to display anything at or above that level:"Hi you just set your fleeb to level plumbus")

It is a hierarchical set of five levels so that logs will display at the level you set, or higher. So if you want to display an error you could use logging.error("The plumbus is broken").

The levels, in increasing order of severity, are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL. The default setting is WARNING.

This is a good article containing this information expressed better than my answer:

Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread

AsyncTask is designed to perform not more than few seconds operation to be done in background (not recommended for megabytes of file downloading from server or compute cpu intensive task such as file IO operations ). If you need to execute a long running operation, you have been strongly advised to use java native threads. Java gives you various thread related classes to do what you need. Use Handler to update the UI Thread.

Target WSGI script cannot be loaded as Python module

In my own case on windows in xampp, I was incorrectly loading the application path in the file like so:


import sys

os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "advisory_portal.settings")

application = get_wsgi_application()

Instead of:


import sys

os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "advisory_portal.settings")

application = get_wsgi_application()

Don't forget to import sys python package

Objects inside objects in javascript

var pause_menu = {
    pause_button : { someProperty : "prop1", someOther : "prop2" },
    resume_button : { resumeProp : "prop", resumeProp2 : false },
    quit_button : false


pause_menu.pause_button.someProperty //evaluates to "prop1"

etc etc.

How to include route handlers in multiple files in Express?

I wrote a small plugin for doing this! got sick of writing the same code over and over.

Hope it helps.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xef' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

An easy solution to overcome this problem is to set your default encoding to utf8. Follow is an example

import sys


What's the difference between getRequestURI and getPathInfo methods in HttpServletRequest?

I will put a small comparison table here (just to have it somewhere):

Servlet is mapped as /test%3F/* and the application is deployed under /app.


Method              URL-Decoded Result           
getContextPath()        no      /app
getLocalName()                  30thh.loc
getLocalPort()                  8480
getMethod()                     GET
getPathInfo()           yes     /a?+b
getProtocol()                   HTTP/1.1
getQueryString()        no      p+1=c+d&p+2=e+f
getRequestedSessionId() no      S%3F+ID
getRequestURI()         no      /app/test%3F/a%3F+b;jsessionid=S+ID
getRequestURL()         no      http://30thh.loc:8480/app/test%3F/a%3F+b;jsessionid=S+ID
getScheme()                     http
getServerName()                 30thh.loc
getServerPort()                 8480
getServletPath()        yes     /test?
getParameterNames()     yes     [p 2, p 1]
getParameter("p 1")     yes     c d

In the example above the server is running on the localhost:8480 and the name 30thh.loc was put into OS hosts file.


  • "+" is handled as space only in the query string

  • Anchor "#a" is not transferred to the server. Only the browser can work with it.

  • If the url-pattern in the servlet mapping does not end with * (for example /test or *.jsp), getPathInfo() returns null.

If Spring MVC is used

  • Method getPathInfo() returns null.

  • Method getServletPath() returns the part between the context path and the session ID. In the example above the value would be /test?/a?+b

  • Be careful with URL encoded parts of @RequestMapping and @RequestParam in Spring. It is buggy (current version 3.2.4) and is usually not working as expected.

The difference between fork(), vfork(), exec() and clone()

The fork(),vfork() and clone() all call the do_fork() to do the real work, but with different parameters.

asmlinkage int sys_fork(struct pt_regs regs)
    return do_fork(SIGCHLD, regs.esp, &regs, 0);

asmlinkage int sys_clone(struct pt_regs regs)
    unsigned long clone_flags;
    unsigned long newsp;

    clone_flags = regs.ebx;
    newsp = regs.ecx;
    if (!newsp)
        newsp = regs.esp;
    return do_fork(clone_flags, newsp, &regs, 0);
asmlinkage int sys_vfork(struct pt_regs regs)
    return do_fork(CLONE_VFORK | CLONE_VM | SIGCHLD, regs.esp, &regs, 0);
#define CLONE_VFORK 0x00004000  /* set if the parent wants the child to wake it up on mm_release */
#define CLONE_VM    0x00000100  /* set if VM shared between processes */

SIGCHLD means the child should send this signal to its father when exit.

For fork, the child and father has the independent VM page table, but since the efficiency, fork will not really copy any pages, it just set all the writeable pages to readonly for child process. So when child process want to write something on that page, an page exception happen and kernel will alloc a new page cloned from the old page with write permission. That's called "copy on write".

For vfork, the virtual memory is exactly by child and father---just because of that, father and child can't be awake concurrently since they will influence each other. So the father will sleep at the end of "do_fork()" and awake when child call exit() or execve() since then it will own new page table. Here is the code(in do_fork()) that the father sleep.

if ((clone_flags & CLONE_VFORK) && (retval > 0))
return retval;

Here is the code(in mm_release() called by exit() and execve()) which awake the father.


For sys_clone(), it is more flexible since you can input any clone_flags to it. So pthread_create() call this system call with many clone_flags:


Summary: the fork(),vfork() and clone() will create child processes with different mount of sharing resource with the father process. We also can say the vfork() and clone() can create threads(actually they are processes since they have independent task_struct) since they share the VM page table with father process.

Content is not allowed in Prolog SAXParserException

This error is probably related to a byte order mark (BOM) prior to the actual XML content. You need to parse the returned String and discard the BOM, so SAXParser can process the document correctly.

You will find a possible solution here.

How to avoid a System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException?

I came across System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException while opening a project solution. Sometimes user doesn't have enough priveleges to run some COM Methods. I ran Visual Studio as Administrator and the exception was gone.

Passing arguments to AsyncTask, and returning results

Change your method to look like this:

String curloc = current.toString();
String itemdesc = item.mDescription;
ArrayList<String> passing = new ArrayList<String>();
new calc_stanica().execute(passing); //no need to pass in result list

And change your async task implementation

public class calc_stanica extends AsyncTask<ArrayList<String>, Void, ArrayList<String>> {
ProgressDialog dialog;

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        dialog = new ProgressDialog(baraj_mapa.this);
        dialog.setMessage("Please wait...");

    protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(ArrayList<String>... passing) {
        ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList<String> passed = passing[0]; //get passed arraylist

        //Some calculations...

        return result; //return result

    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {
        String minim = result.get(0);
        int min = Integer.parseInt(minim);
        String glons = result.get(1);
        String glats = result.get(2);
        double glon = Double.parseDouble(glons);
        double glat = Double.parseDouble(glats);
        GeoPoint g = new GeoPoint(glon, glat);
        String korisni_linii = result.get(3);


If you want to have access to the task starting context, the easiest way would be to override onPostExecute in place:

new calc_stanica() {
    protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {
      // here you have access to the context in which execute was called in first place. 
      // You'll have to mark all the local variables final though..

How to set level logging to DEBUG in Tomcat?

JULI logging levels for Tomcat

SEVERE - Serious failures

WARNING - Potential problems

INFO - Informational messages

CONFIG - Static configuration messages

FINE - Trace messages

FINER - Detailed trace messages

FINEST - Highly detailed trace messages

You can find here more

Node / Express: EADDRINUSE, Address already in use - Kill server

In windows users: open task manager and end task the nodejs.exe file, It works fine.

How to configure logging to syslog in Python?

Change the line to this:

handler = SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log')

This works for me

import logging
import logging.handlers

my_logger = logging.getLogger('MyLogger')

handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address = '/dev/log')


my_logger.debug('this is debug')
my_logger.critical('this is critical')

window.onload vs $(document).ready()

When you say $(document).ready(f), you tell script engine to do the following:

  1. get the object document and push it, since it's not in local scope, it must do a hash table lookup to find where document is, fortunately document is globally bound so it is a single lookup.
  2. find the object $ and select it, since it's not in local scope, it must do a hash table lookup, which may or may not have collisions.
  3. find the object f in global scope, which is another hash table lookup, or push function object and initialize it.
  4. call ready of selected object, which involves another hash table lookup into the selected object to find the method and invoke it.
  5. done.

In the best case, this is 2 hash table lookups, but that's ignoring the heavy work done by jQuery, where $ is the kitchen sink of all possible inputs to jQuery, so another map is likely there to dispatch the query to correct handler.

Alternatively, you could do this:

window.onload = function() {...}

which will

  1. find the object window in global scope, if the JavaScript is optimized, it will know that since window isn't changed, it has already the selected object, so nothing needs to be done.
  2. function object is pushed on the operand stack.
  3. check if onload is a property or not by doing a hash table lookup, since it is, it is called like a function.

In the best case, this costs a single hash table lookup, which is necessary because onload must be fetched.

Ideally, jQuery would compile their queries to strings that can be pasted to do what you wanted jQuery to do but without the runtime dispatching of jQuery. This way you have an option of either

  1. do dynamic dispatch of jquery like we do today.
  2. have jQuery compile your query to pure JavaScript string that can be passed to eval to do what you want.
  3. copy the result of 2 directly into your code, and skip the cost of eval.

How to handle AccessViolationException

You can try using AppDomain.UnhandledException and see if that lets you catch it.


Here is some more information that might be useful (it's a long read).

jQuery - Click event on <tr> elements with in a table and getting <td> element values

Unless otherwise definied (<tfoot>, <thead>), browsers put <tr> implicitly in a <tbody>.

You need to put a > tbody in between > table and > tr:

$("div.custList > table > tbody > tr")

Alternatively, you can also be less strict in selecting the rows (the > denotes the immediate child):

$("div.custList table tr")

That said, you can get the immediate <td> children there by $(this).children('td').

Trigger a keypress/keydown/keyup event in JS/jQuery?

To trigger an enter keypress, I had to modify @ebynum response, specifically, using the keyCode property.

e = $.Event('keyup');
e.keyCode= 13; // enter

HTML5 Audio Looping

Try using jQuery for the event listener, it will then work in Firefox.

myAudio = new Audio('someSound.ogg');

$(myAudio).bind('ended', function()  {
    myAudio.currentTime = 0;;

Something like that.

PHP memcached Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found

I found solution in this post:

I found the working dll files for PHP 5.4.4

I don't knowhow stable they are but they work for sure. Credits goes to this link.

It is the version, I noticed after compiling it (for PHP 5.4.4).

Please note that it is not 2.2.6 but works. I also mirrored them in my own FTP. Mirror links:

jQuery find events handlers registered with an object

I created a custom jQuery selector that checks against both jQuery's cache of assigned event handlers as well as elements that use the native method for adding them:


    $.find.selectors[":"].event = function(el, pos, match) {

        var search = (function(str){
            if (str.substring(0,2) === "on") {str = str.substring(2);}
            return str;

        if (search) {
            var events = $._data(el, "events");
            return ((events && events.hasOwnProperty(search)) || el["on"+search]);

        return false;





This will return elements that have a click handler attached to them.

Using lambda expressions for event handlers

Performance-wise it's the same as a named method. The big problem is when you do the following:

MyButton.Click -= (o, i) => 

It will probably try to remove a different lambda, leaving the original one there. So the lesson is that it's fine unless you also want to be able to remove the handler.

jQuery event handlers always execute in order they were bound - any way around this?

.data("events") has been removed in versions 1.9 and 2.0beta, so you cant any longer rely on those solutions.

ASP.NET IIS Web.config [Internal Server Error]

I had the same problem.


  1. Click the right button in your site folder in "iis"
  2. "Convert to Application".

Can I find events bound on an element with jQuery?

When I pass a little complex DOM query to $._data like this: $._data($('#outerWrap .innerWrap ul li:last a'), 'events') it throws undefined in the browser console.

So I had to use $._data on the parent div: $._data($('#outerWrap')[0], 'events') to see the events for the a tags. Here is a JSFiddle for the same:

How to force Sequential Javascript Execution?

I am an old hand at programming and came back recently to my old passion and am struggling to fit in this Object oriented, event driven bright new world and while i see the advantages of the non sequential behavior of Javascript there are time where it really get in the way of simplicity and reusability. A simple example I have worked on was to take a photo (Mobile phone programmed in javascript, HTML, phonegap, ...), resize it and upload it on a web site. The ideal sequence is :

  1. Take a photo
  2. Load the photo in an img element
  3. Resize the picture (Using Pixastic)
  4. Upload it to a web site
  5. Inform the user on success failure

All this would be a very simple sequential program if we would have each step returning control to the next one when it is finished, but in reality :

  1. Take a photo is async, so the program attempt to load it in the img element before it exist
  2. Load the photo is async so the resize picture start before the img is fully loaded
  3. Resize is async so Upload to the web site start before the Picture is completely resized
  4. Upload to the web site is asyn so the program continue before the photo is completely uploaded.

And btw 4 of the 5 steps involve callback functions.

My solution thus is to nest each step in the previous one and use .onload and other similar stratagems, It look something like this :

takeAPhoto(takeaphotocallback(photo) {
  photo.onload = function () {
    resizePhoto(photo, resizePhotoCallback(photo) {
      uploadPhoto(photo, uploadPhotoCallback(status) {

(I hope I did not make too many mistakes bringing the code to it's essential the real thing is just too distracting)

This is I believe a perfect example where async is no good and sync is good, because contrary to Ui event handling we must have each step finish before the next is executed, but the code is a Russian doll construction, it is confusing and unreadable, the code reusability is difficult to achieve because of all the nesting it is simply difficult to bring to the inner function all the parameters needed without passing them to each container in turn or using evil global variables, and I would have loved that the result of all this code would give me a return code, but the first container will be finished well before the return code will be available.

Now to go back to Tom initial question, what would be the smart, easy to read, easy to reuse solution to what would have been a very simple program 15 years ago using let say C and a dumb electronic board ?

The requirement is in fact so simple that I have the impression that I must be missing a fundamental understanding of Javsascript and modern programming, Surely technology is meant to fuel productivity right ?.

Thanks for your patience

Raymond the Dinosaur ;-)

Simulating a click in jQuery/JavaScript on a link

Easy! Just use jQuery's click function:


Web Application Problems (web.config errors) HTTP 500.19 with IIS7.5 and ASP.NET v2

Had the same problem as above, same error code etc. Setting up a local website on Windows 8. After much searching it was found that we were missing URL rewrite. After downloading it everything was fine. :)

jQuery: more than one handler for same event

jquery will execute both handler since it allows multiple event handlers. I have created sample code. You can try it


event.preventDefault() vs. return false

The main difference between return false and event.preventDefault() is that your code below return false will not be executed and in event.preventDefault() case your code will execute after this statement.

When you write return false it do the following things for you behind the scenes.

* Stops callback execution and returns immediately when called.
* event.stopPropagation();
* event.preventDefault();

test if event handler is bound to an element in jQuery

I think this might have updated with jQuery 1.9.*

I'm finding the this is the only thing that works for me at the moment:


Adding an onclick event to a table row

I try to figure out how to get a better result with pure JS and i get something this:


const tbody = document.getElementById("tbody");
let rowSelected;

tbody.onclick = (e) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < e.path.length; ++i) {
    if (e.path[i].tagName == "TR") {

function selectRow(r) {
  if (rowSelected !== undefined) = "white";

  rowSelected = r; = "dodgerblue";

And now you can use the variable rowSelected in other function like you want or call another function after set the style

MSBuild doesn't copy references (DLL files) if using project dependencies in solution

This requires adding a .targets file to your project and setting it to be included in the project's includes section.

See my answer here for the procedure.

How to set up java logging using a properties file? (java.util.logging)

Logger log = Logger.getLogger("myApp");
log.setLevel(Level.ALL);"initializing - trying to load configuration file ...");

//Properties preferences = new Properties();
try {
    //FileInputStream configFile = new //FileInputStream("/path/to/");
    InputStream configFile = myApp.class.getResourceAsStream("");
} catch (IOException ex)
    System.out.println("WARNING: Could not open configuration file");
    System.out.println("WARNING: Logging not configured (console output only)");
}"starting myApp");

this is working..:) you have to pass InputStream in readConfiguration().

How to remove all click event handlers using jQuery?

If you used...

    function myFunc() {
        // ... do something ...

... then it will be easier to unbind later.

Understanding events and event handlers in C#

C# knows two terms, delegate and event. Let's start with the first one.


A delegate is a reference to a method. Just like you can create a reference to an instance:

MyClass instance = myFactory.GetInstance();

You can use a delegate to create an reference to a method:

Action myMethod = myFactory.GetInstance;

Now that you have this reference to a method, you can call the method via the reference:

MyClass instance = myMethod();

But why would you? You can also just call myFactory.GetInstance() directly. In this case you can. However, there are many cases to think about where you don't want the rest of the application to have knowledge of myFactory or to call myFactory.GetInstance() directly.

An obvious one is if you want to be able to replace myFactory.GetInstance() into myOfflineFakeFactory.GetInstance() from one central place (aka factory method pattern).

Factory method pattern

So, if you have a TheOtherClass class and it needs to use the myFactory.GetInstance(), this is how the code will look like without delegates (you'll need to let TheOtherClass know about the type of your myFactory):

TheOtherClass toc;

class TheOtherClass
   public void SetFactory(MyFactory factory)
      // set here


If you'd use delegates, you don't have to expose the type of my factory:

TheOtherClass toc;
Action factoryMethod = myFactory.GetInstance;

class TheOtherClass
   public void SetFactoryMethod(Action factoryMethod)
      // set here


Thus, you can give a delegate to some other class to use, without exposing your type to them. The only thing you're exposing is the signature of your method (how many parameters you have and such).

"Signature of my method", where did I hear that before? O yes, interfaces!!! interfaces describe the signature of a whole class. Think of delegates as describing the signature of only one method!

Another large difference between an interface and a delegate is that when you're writing your class, you don't have to say to C# "this method implements that type of delegate". With interfaces, you do need to say "this class implements that type of an interface".

Further, a delegate reference can (with some restrictions, see below) reference multiple methods (called MulticastDelegate). This means that when you call the delegate, multiple explicitly-attached methods will be executed. An object reference can always only reference to one object.

The restrictions for a MulticastDelegate are that the (method/delegate) signature should not have any return value (void) and the keywords out and ref is not used in the signature. Obviously, you can't call two methods that return a number and expect them to return the same number. Once the signature complies, the delegate is automatically a MulticastDelegate.


Events are just properties (like the get;set; properties to instance fields) which expose subscription to the delegate from other objects. These properties, however, don't support get;set;. Instead, they support add; remove;

So you can have:

    Action myField;

    public event Action MyProperty
        add { myField += value; }
        remove { myField -= value; }

Usage in UI (WinForms,WPF,UWP So on)

So, now we know that a delegate is a reference to a method and that we can have an event to let the world know that they can give us their methods to be referenced from our delegate, and we are a UI button, then: we can ask anyone who is interested in whether I was clicked, to register their method with us (via the event we exposed). We can use all those methods that were given to us and reference them by our delegate. And then, we'll wait and wait.... until a user comes and clicks on that button, then we'll have enough reason to invoke the delegate. And because the delegate references all those methods given to us, all those methods will be invoked. We don't know what those methods do, nor we know which class implements those methods. All we do care about is that someone was interested in us being clicked, and gave us a reference to a method that complied with our desired signature.


Languages like Java don't have delegates. They use interfaces instead. The way they do that is to ask anyone who is interested in 'us being clicked', to implement a certain interface (with a certain method we can call), then give us the whole instance that implements the interface. We keep a list of all objects implementing this interface and can call their 'certain method we can call' whenever we get clicked.

What's causing my Connection reset?

I was getting this error because the port I tried to connect to was closed.

Delayed function calls

Thanks to modern C# 5/6 :)

public void foo()
    Task.Delay(1000).ContinueWith(t=> bar());

public void bar()
    // do stuff

How do you run your own code alongside Tkinter's event loop?

Use the after method on the Tk object:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

def task():
    root.after(2000, task)  # reschedule event in 2 seconds

root.after(2000, task)

Here's the declaration and documentation for the after method:

def after(self, ms, func=None, *args):
    """Call function once after given time.

    MS specifies the time in milliseconds. FUNC gives the
    function which shall be called. Additional parameters
    are given as parameters to the function call.  Return
    identifier to cancel scheduling with after_cancel."""

Setting focus to iframe contents


var self = this?

Yeah, this appears to be a common standard. Some coders use self, others use me. It's used as a reference back to the "real" object as opposed to the event.

It's something that took me a little while to really get, it does look odd at first.

I usually do this right at the top of my object (excuse my demo code - it's more conceptual than anything else and isn't a lesson on excellent coding technique):

function MyObject(){
  var me = this;

  Click = onClick; //Allows user to override onClick event with their own

  //Event Handlers
  onClick = function(args){
    me.MyProperty = args; //Reference me, referencing this refers to onClick
    //Do other stuff

Has an event handler already been added?

If I understand your problem correctly you may have bigger issues. You said that other objects may subscribe to these events. When the object is serialized and deserialized the other objects (the ones that you don't have control of) will lose their event handlers.

If you're not worried about that then keeping a reference to your event handler should be good enough. If you are worried about the side-effects of other objects losing their event handlers, then you may want to rethink your caching strategy.

What is the difference between vmalloc and kmalloc?

You only need to worry about using physically contiguous memory if the buffer will be accessed by a DMA device on a physically addressed bus (like PCI). The trouble is that many system calls have no way to know whether their buffer will eventually be passed to a DMA device: once you pass the buffer to another kernel subsystem, you really cannot know where it is going to go. Even if the kernel does not use the buffer for DMA today, a future development might do so.

vmalloc is often slower than kmalloc, because it may have to remap the buffer space into a virtually contiguous range. kmalloc never remaps, though if not called with GFP_ATOMIC kmalloc can block.

kmalloc is limited in the size of buffer it can provide: 128 KBytes*). If you need a really big buffer, you have to use vmalloc or some other mechanism like reserving high memory at boot.

*) This was true of earlier kernels. On recent kernels (I tested this on, max size of a single kmalloc is up to 4 MB! (I wrote a fairly detailed post on this.) — kaiwan

For a system call you don't need to pass GFP_ATOMIC to kmalloc(), you can use GFP_KERNEL. You're not an interrupt handler: the application code enters the kernel context by means of a trap, it is not an interrupt.

How to remove all event handlers from an event

From Removing All Event Handlers:

Directly no, in large part because you cannot simply set the event to null.

Indirectly, you could make the actual event private and create a property around it that tracks all of the delegates being added/subtracted to it.

Take the following:

List<EventHandler> delegates = new List<EventHandler>();

private event EventHandler MyRealEvent;

public event EventHandler MyEvent
        MyRealEvent += value;

        MyRealEvent -= value;

public void RemoveAllEvents()
    foreach(EventHandler eh in delegates)
        MyRealEvent -= eh;

Databinding an enum property to a ComboBox in WPF

you can consider something like that:

  1. define a style for textblock, or any other control you want to use to display your enum:

    <Style x:Key="enumStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
        <Setter Property="Text" Value="&lt;NULL&gt;"/>
            <Trigger Property="Tag">
                <Setter Property="Text" Value="{DynamicResource yourFriendlyValue1}"/>
            <!-- add more triggers here to reflect your enum -->
  2. define your style for ComboBoxItem

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBoxItem}">
        <Setter Property="ContentTemplate">
                    <TextBlock Tag="{Binding}" Style="{StaticResource enumStyle}"/>
  3. add a combobox and load it with your enum values:

    <ComboBox SelectedValue="{Binding Path=your property goes here}" SelectedValuePath="Content">

if your enum is large, you can of course do the same in code, sparing a lot of typing. i like that approach, since it makes localization easy - you define all the templates once, and then, you only update your string resource files.

Hidden Features of C#?

I am so so late to this question, but I wanted to add a few that I don't think have been covered. These aren't C#-specific, but I think they're worthy of mention for any C# developer.


This is similar to DefaultValueAttribute, but instead of providing the value that a property defaults to, it provides the value that a property uses to decide whether to request its value from somewhere else. For example, for many controls in WinForms, their ForeColor and BackColor properties have an AmbientValue of Color.Empty so that they know to get their colors from their parent control.


This is a Silverlight one. The framework handily includes this sealed class for providing settings persistence at both the per-application and per-site level.

Flag interaction with extension methods

Using extension methods, flag enumeration use can be a lot more readable.

    public static bool Contains(
          this MyEnumType enumValue,
          MyEnumType flagValue)
        return ((enumValue & flagValue) == flagValue);

    public static bool ContainsAny(
          this MyEnumType enumValue,
          MyEnumType flagValue)
        return ((enumValue & flagValue) > 0);

This makes checks for flag values nice and easy to read and write. Of course, it would be nicer if we could use generics and enforce T to be an enum, but that isn't allowed. Perhaps dynamic will make this easier.

Is there a way to include commas in CSV columns without breaking the formatting?

If you want to make that you said, you can use quotes. Something like this

$name = "Joe Blow, CFA.";
$arr[] = "\"".$name."\"";

so now, you can use comma in your name variable.

Adding and reading from a Config file

  1. Right click on the project file -> Add -> New Item -> Application Configuration File. This will add an app.config (or web.config) file to your project.

  2. The ConfigurationManager class would be a good start. You can use it to read different configuration values from the configuration file.

I suggest you start reading the MSDN document about Configuration Files.

In .NET, which loop runs faster, 'for' or 'foreach'?

Unless you're in a specific speed optimization process, I would say use whichever method produces the easiest to read and maintain code.

If an iterator is already setup, like with one of the collection classes, then the foreach is a good easy option. And if it's an integer range you're iterating, then for is probably cleaner.

Difference between Hashing a Password and Encrypting it

Encrypted vs Hashed Passwords

As shown in the above image, if the password is encrypted it is always a hidden secret where someone can extract the plain text password. However when password is hashed, you are relaxed as there is hardly any method of recovering the password from the hash value.

Extracted from Encrypted vs Hashed Passwords - Which is better?

Is encryption good?

Plain text passwords can be encrypted using symmetric encryption algorithms like DES, AES or with any other algorithms and be stored inside the database. At the authentication (confirming the identity with user name and password), application will decrypt the encrypted password stored in database and compare with user provided password for equality. In this type of an password handling approach, even if someone get access to database tables the passwords will not be simply reusable. However there is a bad news in this approach as well. If somehow someone obtain the cryptographic algorithm along with the key used by your application, he/she will be able to view all the user passwords stored in your database by decryption. "This is the best option I got", a software developer may scream, but is there a better way?

Cryptographic hash function (one-way-only)

Yes there is, may be you have missed the point here. Did you notice that there is no requirement to decrypt and compare? If there is one-way-only conversion approach where the password can be converted into some converted-word, but the reverse operation (generation of password from converted-word) is impossible. Now even if someone gets access to the database, there is no way that the passwords be reproduced or extracted using the converted-words. In this approach, there will be hardly anyway that some could know your users' top secret passwords; and this will protect the users using the same password across multiple applications. What algorithms can be used for this approach?

gdb fails with "Unable to find Mach task port for process-id" error

It works when I change to sudo gdb executableFileName! :)

Connect to mysql in a docker container from the host

If you use "" instead of localhost mysql will use tcp method and you should be able to connect container with:

mysql -h -P 3306 -u root

JQuery add class to parent element


how to parse JSON file with GSON

just parse as an array:

Review[] reviews = new Gson().fromJson(jsonString, Review[].class);

then if you need you can also create a list in this way:

List<Review> asList = Arrays.asList(reviews);

P.S. your json string should be look like this:

        "reviewerID": "A2SUAM1J3GNN3B1",
        "asin": "0000013714",
        "reviewerName": "J. McDonald",
        "helpful": [2, 3],
        "reviewText": "I bought this for my husband who plays the piano.",
        "overall": 5.0,
        "summary": "Heavenly Highway Hymns",
        "unixReviewTime": 1252800000,
        "reviewTime": "09 13, 2009"
        "reviewerID": "A2SUAM1J3GNN3B2",
        "asin": "0000013714",
        "reviewerName": "J. McDonald",
        "helpful": [2, 3],
        "reviewText": "I bought this for my husband who plays the piano.",
        "overall": 5.0,
        "summary": "Heavenly Highway Hymns",
        "unixReviewTime": 1252800000,
        "reviewTime": "09 13, 2009"


Why does Git treat this text file as a binary file?

If you have not set the type of a file, Git tries to determine it automatically and a file with really long lines and maybe some wide characters (e.g. Unicode) is treated as binary. With the .gitattributes file you can define how Git interpretes the file. Setting the diff attribute manually lets Git interprete the file content as text and will do an usual diff.

Just add a .gitattributes to your repository root folder and set the diff attribute to the paths or files. Here's an example:

src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/public/js/i18n/* diff
doc/Help/NothingToSay.yml                      diff
*.css                                          diff

If you want to check if there are attributes set on a file, you can do that with the help of git check-attr

git check-attr --all -- src/my_file.txt

Another nice reference about Git attributes could be found here.

How do you kill a Thread in Java?

I didn't get the interrupt to work in Android, so I used this method, works perfectly:

boolean shouldCheckUpdates = true;

private void startupCheckForUpdatesEveryFewSeconds() {
    Thread t = new Thread(new CheckUpdates());

private class CheckUpdates implements Runnable{
    public void run() {
        while (shouldCheckUpdates){
            //Thread sleep 3 seconds
            System.out.println("Do your thing here");

 public void stop(){
        shouldCheckUpdates = false;

CodeIgniter - accessing $config variable in view

Your controller should collect all the information from databases, configs, etc. There are many good reasons to stick to this. One good reason is that this will allow you to change the source of that information quite easily and not have to make any changes to your views.

How to use greater than operator with date?

I have tried but above not working after research found below the solution.

SELECT * FROM my_table where DATE(start_date) > '2011-01-01';


scp or sftp copy multiple files with single command

Copy multiple directories:

scp -r dir1 dir2 dir3 [email protected]:~/

Proper usage of Optional.ifPresent()

Why write complicated code when you could make it simple?

Indeed, if you are absolutely going to use the Optional class, the most simple code is what you have already written ...

if (user.isPresent())

This code has the advantages of being

  1. readable
  2. easy to debug (breakpoint)
  3. not tricky

Just because Oracle has added the Optional class in Java 8 doesn't mean that this class must be used in all situation.

Compare two dates in Java

I would use JodaTime for this. Here is an example - lets say you want to find the difference in days between 2 dates.

DateTime startDate = new DateTime(some_date); 
DateTime endDate = new DateTime(); //current date
Days diff = Days.daysBetween(startDate, endDate);

JodaTime can be downloaded from here.

What is a "thread" (really)?

This was taken from a Yahoo Answer:

A thread is a coding construct unaffect by the architecture of an application. A single process frequently may contain multiple threads. Threads can also directly communicate with each other since they share the same variables.

Processes are independent execution units with their own state information. They also use their own address spaces and can only interact with other processes through interprocess communication mechanisms.

However, to put in simpler terms threads are like different "tasks". So think of when you are doing something, for instance you are writing down a formula on one paper. That can be considered one thread. Then another thread is you writing something else on another piece of paper. That is where multitasking comes in.

Intel processors are said to have "hyper-threading" (AMD has it too) and it is meant to be able to perform multiple "threads" or multitask much better.

I am not sure about the logistics of how a thread is handled. I do recall hearing about the processor going back and forth between them, but I am not 100% sure about this and hopefully somebody else can answer that.

Copy every nth line from one sheet to another

Add new column and fill it with ascending numbers. Then filter by ([column] mod 7 = 0) or something like that (don't have Excel in front of me to actually try this);

If you can't filter by formula, add one more column and use the formula =MOD([column; 7]) in it then filter zeros and you'll get all seventh rows.

Print Combining Strings and Numbers

Yes there is. The preferred syntax is to favor str.format over the deprecated % operator.

print "First number is {} and second number is {}".format(first, second)

Spring: @Component versus @Bean

Additional Points from above answers

Let’s say we got a module which is shared in multiple apps and it contains a few services. Not all are needed for each app.

If use @Component on those service classes and the component scan in the application,

we might end up detecting more beans than necessary

In this case, you either had to adjust the filtering of the component scan or provide the configuration that even the unused beans can run. Otherwise, the application context won’t start.

In this case, it is better to work with @Bean annotation and only instantiate those beans,

which are required individually in each app

So, essentially, use @Bean for adding third-party classes to the context. And @Component if it is just inside your single application.

How do I perform a Perl substitution on a string while keeping the original?

The statement:

(my $newstring = $oldstring) =~ s/foo/bar/g;

Which is equivalent to:

my $newstring = $oldstring;
$newstring =~ s/foo/bar/g;

Alternatively, as of Perl 5.13.2 you can use /r to do a non destructive substitution:

use 5.013;
my $newstring = $oldstring =~ s/foo/bar/gr;

How to evaluate http response codes from bash/shell script?

Although the accepted response is a good answer, it overlooks failure scenarios. curl will return 000 if there is an error in the request or there is a connection failure.

status=$(curl --head --location --connect-timeout 5 --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null ${url})
[[ $status == 500 ]] || [[ $status == 000 ]] && echo restarting ${url} # do start/restart logic

Note: this goes a little beyond the requested 500 status check to also confirm that curl can even connect to the server (i.e. returns 000).

Create a function from it:

failureCode() {
    local url=${1:-http://localhost:8080}
    local code=${2:-500}
    local status=$(curl --head --location --connect-timeout 5 --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null ${url})
    [[ $status == ${code} ]] || [[ $status == 000 ]]

Test getting a 500:

failureCode && echo need to restart

Test getting error/connection failure (i.e. 000):

failureCode http://localhost:77777 && echo need to start

Test not getting a 500:

failureCode || echo not a failure

Python: most idiomatic way to convert None to empty string?

Probably the shortest would be str(s or '')

Because None is False, and "x or y" returns y if x is false. See Boolean Operators for a detailed explanation. It's short, but not very explicit.

"Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture"

Use Glide library instead of directly loading into imageview

Glide :


Import CSV file into SQL Server

Import the file into Excel by first opening excel, then going to DATA, import from TXT File, choose the csv extension which will preserve 0 prefixed values, and save that column as TEXT because excel will drop the leading 0 otherwise (DO NOT double click to open with Excel if you have numeric data in a field starting with a 0 [zero]). Then just save out as a Tab Delimited Text file. When you are importing into excel you get an option to save as GENERAL, TEXT, etc.. choose TEXT so that quotes in the middle of a string in a field like YourCompany,LLC are preserved also...

BULK INSERT dbo.YourTableName
FROM 'C:\Users\Steve\Downloads\yourfiletoIMPORT.txt'
FirstRow = 2, (if skipping a header row)

I wish I could use the FORMAT and Fieldquote functionality but that does not appear to be supported in my version of SSMS

How to convert Strings to and from UTF8 byte arrays in Java

For decoding a series of bytes to a normal string message I finally got it working with UTF-8 encoding with this code:

/* Convert a list of UTF-8 numbers to a normal String
 * Usefull for decoding a jms message that is delivered as a sequence of bytes instead of plain text
public String convertUtf8NumbersToString(String[] numbers){
    int length = numbers.length;
    byte[] data = new byte[length];

    for(int i = 0; i< length; i++){
        data[i] = Byte.parseByte(numbers[i]);
    return new String(data, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

Numpy how to iterate over columns of array?

This should give you a start

>>> for col in range(arr.shape[1]):

[1 2 3 4]
[99 14 12 43]
[2 5 7 1]

How to find a number in a string using JavaScript?

var str = "you can enter maximum 500 choices";
str.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
console.log(str); // "500"

Oracle - How to create a readonly user

you can create user and grant privilege

create user read_only identified by read_only; grant create session,select any table to read_only;

Why not use tables for layout in HTML?

I once learned that a table loads at once, in other words when a connection is slow, the space where the table comes remains blank until the entire table is loaded, a div on the other hand loads top to bottom as fast as the data comes and regardless if it is allready complete or not.

IntelliJ IDEA "The selected directory is not a valid home for JDK"

I ended up needing to replace 2017 with 2019, and everything worked fine. /shrug... no other suggestions here worked for me.

How to replace DOM element in place using Javascript?

A.replaceWith(span) - No parent needed

Generic form:


Way better/cleaner than the previous method.

For your use case:


Advanced usage

  1. You can pass multiple values (or use spread operator ...).
  2. Any string value will be added as a text element.


// Initially [child1, target, child3]

target.replaceWith(span, "foo")     // [child1, span, "foo", child3]

const list = ["bar", span]
target.replaceWith(...list, "fizz")  // [child1, "bar", span, "fizz", child3]

Safely handling null target

If your target has a chance to be null, you can consider using the newish ?. optional chaining operator. Nothing will happen if target doesn't exist. Read more here.


Related DOM methods

  1. Read More - child.before and child.after
  2. Read More - parent.prepend and parent.append

Mozilla Docs

Supported Browsers - 94% Apr 2020

Get file version in PowerShell

I prefer to install the PowerShell Community Extensions and just use the Get-FileVersionInfo function that it provides.

Like so:

Get-FileVersionInfo MyAssembly.dll

with output like:

ProductVersion   FileVersion      FileName
--------------   -----------      --------
1.0.2907.18095   1.0.2907.18095   C:\Path\To\MyAssembly.dll

I've used it against an entire directory of assemblies with great success.

Redis - Connect to Remote Server

First I'd check to verify it is listening on the IPs you expect it to be:

netstat -nlpt | grep 6379

Depending on how you start/stop you may not have actually restarted the instance when you thought you had. The netstat will tell you if it is listening where you think it is. If not, restart it and be sure it restarts. If it restarts and still is not listening where you expect, check your config file just to be sure.

After establishing it is listening where you expect it to, from a remote node which should have access try:

redis-cli -h REMOTE.HOST ping

You could also try that from the local host but use the IP you expect it to be listening on instead of a hostname or localhost. You should see it PONG in response in both cases.

If not, your firewall(s) is/are blocking you. This would be either the local IPTables or possibly a firewall in between the nodes. You could add a logging statement to your IPtables configuration to log connections over 6379 to see what is happening. Also, trying he redis ping from local and non-local to the same IP should be illustrative. If it responds locally but not remotely, I'd lean toward an intervening firewall depending on the complexity of your on-node IP Tables rules.

How long is the SHA256 hash?

It will be fixed 64 chars, so use char(64)

Postgres Error: More than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

USE LIMIT 1 - so It will return only 1 row. Example

customerId- (select id from enumeration where = 'Ready To Invoice' limit 1)

Delete all data rows from an Excel table (apart from the first)

I suggest first clearcontents, then resize Table:

Sub DeleteTableRows(ByRef Table As ListObject)

     Dim R               As Range

On Error Resume Next

    Set R = Table.Range.Rows(1).Resize(2)
    Table.Resize R

On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

Vim clear last search highlighting

To turn off highlighting until the next search


Visual Illustration

Where can I find the default timeout settings for all browsers?

firstly I don't think there is just one solution to your problem....

As you know each browser is vastly differant.

But lets see if we can get any closer to the answer you need....

I think IE Might be easy...

Check this link

For Firefox try this:

Open Firefox, and in the address bar, type "about:config" (without quotes). From there, scroll down to the Network.http.keep-alive and make sure that is set to "true". If it is not, double click it, and it will go from false to true. Now, go one below that to network.http.keep-alive.timeout -- and change that number by double clicking it. if you put in, say, 500 there, you should be good. let us know if this helps at all

Understanding SQL Server LOCKS on SELECT queries

At my work, we have a very big system that runs on many PCs at the same time, with very big tables with hundreds of thousands of rows, and sometimes many millions of rows.

When you make a SELECT on a very big table, let's say you want to know every transaction a user has made in the past 10 years, and the primary key of the table is not built in an efficient way, the query might take several minutes to run.

Then, our application might me running on many user's PCs at the same time, accessing the same database. So if someone tries to insert into the table that the other SELECT is reading (in pages that SQL is trying to read), then a LOCK can occur and the two transactions block each other.

We had to add a "NO LOCK" to our SELECT statement, because it was a huge SELECT on a table that is used a lot by a lot of users at the same time and we had LOCKS all the time.

I don't know if my example is clear enough? This is a real life example.

Can't install gems on OS X "El Capitan"

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

Try this. It will definately work.

Maven2: Missing artifact but jars are in place

Just in order to provide one more possible solution: In my case, I removed "central" from .m2/jdom/jdom/1.0 settings, and did everything else, without results.

So I discovered my settings.xml in ./m2 folder was stuck by a failed process. As I didn't found the process in the system task manager, I restarted the computer and it worked.

Resize image with javascript canvas (smoothly)

I created a reusable Angular service to handle high quality resizing of images / canvases for anyone who's interested:

The service includes two solutions because they both have their own pros / cons. The lanczos convolution approach is higher quality at the cost of being slower, whereas the step-wise downscaling approach produces reasonably antialiased results and is significantly faster.

Example usage:

angular.module('demo').controller('ExampleCtrl', function (imageService) {
  // NOTE: it's bad practice to access the DOM inside a controller, 
  // but this is just to show the example usage.

  // resize by lanczos-sinc filter
  imageService.resize($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
    .then(function (resizedImage) {
      // do something with resized image

  // resize by stepping down image size in increments of 2x
  imageService.resizeStep($('#myimg')[0], 256, 256)
    .then(function (resizedImage) {
      // do something with resized image

How to find the php.ini file used by the command line?

Run php --ini in your terminal, you'll get all details about ini files

[root@tamilan src]# php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc
Loaded Configuration File:         /etc/php.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: /etc/php.d
Additional .ini files parsed:      /etc/php.d/apc.ini,

For more, use helping command php --help It'll display all the possible options.

Get ID from URL with jQuery

var full_url = document.URL; // Get current url
var url_array = full_url.split('/') // Split the string into an array with / as separator
var last_segment = url_array[url_array.length-1];  // Get the last part of the array (-1)
alert( last_segment ); // Alert last segment

How to install Visual C++ Build tools?

I just stumbled onto this issue accessing some Python libraries: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools". The latest link to that is actually here:

When you begin the installer, it will have several "options" enabled which will balloon the install size to 5gb. If you have Windows 10, you'll need to leave selected the "Windows 10 SDK" option as mentioned here.

enter image description here

I hope it helps save others time!

List passed by ref - help me explain this behaviour

There are two parts of memory allocated for an object of reference type. One in stack and one in heap. The part in stack (aka a pointer) contains reference to the part in heap - where the actual values are stored.

When ref keyword is not use, just a copy of part in stack is created and passed to the method - reference to same part in heap. Therefore if you change something in heap part, those change will stayed. If you change the copied pointer - by assign it to refer to other place in heap - it will not affect to origin pointer outside of the method.

React-Router open Link in new tab

target="_blank" is enough to open in a new tab, when you are using react-router

eg: <Link to={/admin/posts/error-post-list/${this.props.errorDate}} target="_blank"> View Details </Link>

how to convert milliseconds to date format in android?

public static String toDateStr(long milliseconds, String format)
    Date date = new Date(milliseconds);
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.US);
    return formatter.format(date);

ggplot2 plot area margins?

You can adjust the plot margins with plot.margin in theme() and then move your axis labels and title with the vjust argument of element_text(). For example :

qplot(rnorm(100)) +
    ggtitle("Title") +
    theme(axis.title.x=element_text(vjust=-2)) +
    theme(axis.title.y=element_text(angle=90, vjust=-0.5)) +
    theme(plot.title=element_text(size=15, vjust=3)) +
    theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,1,1), "cm"))

will give you something like this :

enter image description here

If you want more informations about the different theme() parameters and their arguments, you can just enter ?theme at the R prompt.

How to implement swipe gestures for mobile devices?

There is also an AngularJS module called angular-gestures which is based on hammer.js:

Responsive css styles on mobile devices ONLY

I had to solve a similar problem--I wanted certain styles to only apply to mobile devices in landscape mode. Essentially the fonts and line spacing looked fine in every other context, so I just needed the one exception for mobile landscape. This media query worked perfectly:

@media all and (max-width: 600px) and (orientation:landscape) 
    /* styles here */

Importing variables from another file?

In Python you can access the contents of other files like as if they
are some kind of a library, compared to other languages like java or any oop base languages , This is really cool ;

This makes accessing the contents of the file or import it to to process it or to do anything with it ; And that is the Main reason why Python is highly preferred Language for Data Science and Machine Learning etc. ;

And this is the picture of project structure This

Where I am accessing variables from .env file where the API links and Secret keys reside .

General Structure:

from <File-Name> import *

link_to method and click event in Rails

To follow up on Ron's answer if using JQuery and putting it in application.js or the head section you need to wrap it in a ready() section...

$(document).ready(function() {
    event.preventDefault(); // Prevent link from following its href

pointer to array c++

int g[] = {9,8};

This declares an object of type int[2], and initializes its elements to {9,8}

int (*j) = g;

This declares an object of type int *, and initializes it with a pointer to the first element of g.

The fact that the second declaration initializes j with something other than g is pretty strange. C and C++ just have these weird rules about arrays, and this is one of them. Here the expression g is implicitly converted from an lvalue referring to the object g into an rvalue of type int* that points at the first element of g.

This conversion happens in several places. In fact it occurs when you do g[0]. The array index operator doesn't actually work on arrays, only on pointers. So the statement int x = j[0]; works because g[0] happens to do that same implicit conversion that was done when j was initialized.

A pointer to an array is declared like this

int (*k)[2];

and you're exactly right about how this would be used

int x = (*k)[0];

(note how "declaration follows use", i.e. the syntax for declaring a variable of a type mimics the syntax for using a variable of that type.)

However one doesn't typically use a pointer to an array. The whole purpose of the special rules around arrays is so that you can use a pointer to an array element as though it were an array. So idiomatic C generally doesn't care that arrays and pointers aren't the same thing, and the rules prevent you from doing much of anything useful directly with arrays. (for example you can't copy an array like: int g[2] = {1,2}; int h[2]; h = g;)


void foo(int c[10]); // looks like we're taking an array by value.
// Wrong, the parameter type is 'adjusted' to be int*

int bar[3] = {1,2};
foo(bar); // compile error due to wrong types (int[3] vs. int[10])?
// No, compiles fine but you'll probably get undefined behavior at runtime

// if you want type checking, you can pass arrays by reference (or just use std::array):
void foo2(int (&c)[10]); // paramater type isn't 'adjusted'
foo2(bar); // compiler error, cannot convert int[3] to int (&)[10]

int baz()[10]; // returning an array by value?
// No, return types are prohibited from being an array.

int g[2] = {1,2};
int h[2] = g; // initializing the array? No, initializing an array requires {} syntax
h = g; // copying an array? No, assigning to arrays is prohibited

Because arrays are so inconsistent with the other types in C and C++ you should just avoid them. C++ has std::array that is much more consistent and you should use it when you need statically sized arrays. If you need dynamically sized arrays your first option is std::vector.

How to save local data in a Swift app?

NsUserDefaults saves only small variable sizes. If you want to save many objects you can use CoreData as a native solution, or I created a library that helps you save objects as easy as .save() function. It’s based on SQLite.


Check it out and tell me your comments

How to display errors on laravel 4?

Inside config folder open app.php


'debug' => false,


'debug' => true, 

How to create a backup of a single table in a postgres database?

If you are on Ubuntu,

  1. Login to your postgres user sudo su postgres
  2. pg_dump -d <database_name> -t <table_name> > file.sql

Make sure that you are executing the command where the postgres user have write permissions (Example: /tmp)


If you want to dump the .sql in another computer, you may need to consider skipping the owner information getting saved into the .sql file.

You can use pg_dump --no-owner -d <database_name> -t <table_name> > file.sql

How do I list loaded plugins in Vim?

The problem with :scriptnames, :commands, :functions, and similar Vim commands, is that they display information in a large slab of text, which is very hard to visually parse.

To get around this, I wrote Headlights, a plugin that adds a menu to Vim showing all loaded plugins, TextMate style. The added benefit is that it shows plugin commands, mappings, files, and other bits and pieces.

JOptionPane Input to int

Simply use:

int ans = Integer.parseInt( JOptionPane.showInputDialog(frame,
        "[sample text to help input]"));

You cannot cast a String to an int, but you can convert it using Integer.parseInt(string).

Count Vowels in String Python

You could use regex and dict comprehension:

import re
s = "aeiouuaaieeeeeeee"

The regex function findall() returns a list containing all matches

Here x is the key and the lenght of the list returned by the regex is the count of each vowel in this string, note that regex will find any character you introduce into the "aeiou" string.

foo = {x: len(re.findall(f"{x}", s)) for x in "aeiou"}


{'a': 3, 'e': 9, 'i': 2, 'o': 1, 'u': 2}

Use of True, False, and None as return values in Python functions

You can directly check that a variable contains a value or not, like if var or not var.

How do I make a "div" button submit the form its sitting in?


this in div onclick don't have attribute form, you may try this.parentNode.submit() or document.forms[0].submit() will do

Also, onClick, should be onclick, some browsers don't work with onClick

Call a stored procedure with parameter in c#

Here is my technique I'd like to share. Works well so long as your clr property types are sql equivalent types eg. bool -> bit, long -> bigint, string -> nchar/char/varchar/nvarchar, decimal -> money

public void SaveTransaction(Transaction transaction) 
    using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConString"].ConnectionString))
        using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("spAddTransaction", con))
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            foreach (var prop in transaction.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + prop.Name, prop.GetValue(transaction, null));

Java: how do I get a class literal from a generic type?

The Java Generics FAQ and therefore also cletus' answer sound like there is no point in having Class<List<T>>, however the real problem is that this is extremely dangerous:

Class<List<String>> stringListClass = (Class<List<String>>) (Class<?>) List.class;

List<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> stringList = stringListClass.cast(intList);
// Surprise!
String firstElement = stringList.get(0);

The cast() makes it look as if it is safe, but in reality it is not safe at all.

Though I don't get where there can't be List<?>.class = Class<List<?>> since this would be pretty helpful when you have a method which determines the type based on the generic type of a Class argument.

For getClass() there is JDK-6184881 requesting to switch to using wildcards, however it does not look like this change will be performed (very soon) since it is not compatible with previous code (see this comment).

Removing the first 3 characters from a string

Just use substring: "apple".substring(3); will return le

Apache Spark: map vs mapPartitions?


Map transformation.

The map works on a single Row at a time.

Map returns after each input Row.

The map doesn’t hold the output result in Memory.

Map no way to figure out then to end the service.

// map example

val dfList = (1 to 100) toList

val df = dfList.toDF()

val dfInt = => x.getInt(0)+2)



MapPartition transformation.

MapPartition works on a partition at a time.

MapPartition returns after processing all the rows in the partition.

MapPartition output is retained in memory, as it can return after processing all the rows in a particular partition.

MapPartition service can be shut down before returning.

// MapPartition example

Val dfList = (1 to 100) toList

Val df = dfList.toDF()

Val df1 = df.repartition(4).rdd.mapPartition((int) => Iterator(itr.length))



For more details, please refer to the Spark map vs mapPartitions transformation article.

Hope this is helpful!

Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference

Fabrício's answer is spot on; but I wanted to complement his answer with something less technical, which focusses on an analogy to help explain the concept of asynchronicity.

An Analogy...

Yesterday, the work I was doing required some information from a colleague. I rang him up; here's how the conversation went:

Me: Hi Bob, I need to know how we foo'd the bar'd last week. Jim wants a report on it, and you're the only one who knows the details about it.

Bob: Sure thing, but it'll take me around 30 minutes?

Me: That's great Bob. Give me a ring back when you've got the information!

At this point, I hung up the phone. Since I needed information from Bob to complete my report, I left the report and went for a coffee instead, then I caught up on some email. 40 minutes later (Bob is slow), Bob called back and gave me the information I needed. At this point, I resumed my work with my report, as I had all the information I needed.

Imagine if the conversation had gone like this instead;

Me: Hi Bob, I need to know how we foo'd the bar'd last week. Jim want's a report on it, and you're the only one who knows the details about it.

Bob: Sure thing, but it'll take me around 30 minutes?

Me: That's great Bob. I'll wait.

And I sat there and waited. And waited. And waited. For 40 minutes. Doing nothing but waiting. Eventually, Bob gave me the information, we hung up, and I completed my report. But I'd lost 40 minutes of productivity.

This is asynchronous vs. synchronous behavior

This is exactly what is happening in all the examples in our question. Loading an image, loading a file off disk, and requesting a page via AJAX are all slow operations (in the context of modern computing).

Rather than waiting for these slow operations to complete, JavaScript lets you register a callback function which will be executed when the slow operation has completed. In the meantime, however, JavaScript will continue to execute other code. The fact that JavaScript executes other code whilst waiting for the slow operation to complete makes the behaviorasynchronous. Had JavaScript waited around for the operation to complete before executing any other code, this would have been synchronous behavior.

var outerScopeVar;    
var img = document.createElement('img');

// Here we register the callback function.
img.onload = function() {
    // Code within this function will be executed once the image has loaded.
    outerScopeVar = this.width;

// But, while the image is loading, JavaScript continues executing, and
// processes the following lines of JavaScript.
img.src = 'lolcat.png';

In the code above, we're asking JavaScript to load lolcat.png, which is a sloooow operation. The callback function will be executed once this slow operation has done, but in the meantime, JavaScript will keep processing the next lines of code; i.e. alert(outerScopeVar).

This is why we see the alert showing undefined; since the alert() is processed immediately, rather than after the image has been loaded.

In order to fix our code, all we have to do is move the alert(outerScopeVar) code into the callback function. As a consequence of this, we no longer need the outerScopeVar variable declared as a global variable.

var img = document.createElement('img');

img.onload = function() {
    var localScopeVar = this.width;

img.src = 'lolcat.png';

You'll always see a callback is specified as a function, because that's the only* way in JavaScript to define some code, but not execute it until later.

Therefore, in all of our examples, the function() { /* Do something */ } is the callback; to fix all the examples, all we have to do is move the code which needs the response of the operation into there!

* Technically you can use eval() as well, but eval() is evil for this purpose

How do I keep my caller waiting?

You might currently have some code similar to this;

function getWidthOfImage(src) {
    var outerScopeVar;

    var img = document.createElement('img');
    img.onload = function() {
        outerScopeVar = this.width;
    img.src = src;
    return outerScopeVar;

var width = getWidthOfImage('lolcat.png');

However, we now know that the return outerScopeVar happens immediately; before the onload callback function has updated the variable. This leads to getWidthOfImage() returning undefined, and undefined being alerted.

To fix this, we need to allow the function calling getWidthOfImage() to register a callback, then move the alert'ing of the width to be within that callback;

function getWidthOfImage(src, cb) {     
    var img = document.createElement('img');
    img.onload = function() {
    img.src = src;

getWidthOfImage('lolcat.png', function (width) {

... as before, note that we've been able to remove the global variables (in this case width).

What is the difference between JVM, JDK, JRE & OpenJDK?

JVM : A specification which describes the the way/resources to run a java program. Actually executes the byte code and make java platform independent. In doing so, it is different for different platform. JVM for windows cannot work as JVM for UNIX.

JRE : Implementation of JVM. (JVM + run time libraries)

JDK : JRE + java compiler and other essential tools to build a java program from scratch

How to install a package inside virtualenv?

For Python 3 :

pip3 install virtualenv

python3 -m venv venv_name

source venv_name/bin/activate  #key step

pip3 install "package-name"

How to make a drop down list in yii2?

Have a look this:

use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper; // load classes
use app\models\Course;
$dataList=ArrayHelper::map(Course::find()->asArray()->all(), 'id', 'name');
<?=$form->field($model, 'center_id')->dropDownList($dataList, 
         ['prompt'=>'-Choose a Course-']) ?>

How do I shrink my SQL Server Database?

Here's another solution: Use the Database Publishing Wizard to export your schema, security and data to sql scripts. You can then take your current DB offline and re-create it with the scripts.

Sounds kind of foolish, but there are a couple advantages. First, there's no chance of losing data. Your original db (as long as you don't delete your DB when dropping it!) is safe, the new DB will be roughly as small as it can be, and you'll have two different snapshots of your current database - one ready to roll, one minified - you can choose from to back up.

Recursive Lock (Mutex) vs Non-Recursive Lock (Mutex)

The right mental model for using mutexes: The mutex protects an invariant.

Why are you sure that this is really right mental model for using mutexes? I think right model is protecting data but not invariants.

The problem of protecting invariants presents even in single-threaded applications and has nothing common with multi-threading and mutexes.

Furthermore, if you need to protect invariants, you still may use binary semaphore wich is never recursive.

Python data structure sort list alphabetically

[] denotes a list, () denotes a tuple and {} denotes a dictionary. You should take a look at the official Python tutorial as these are the very basics of programming in Python.

What you have is a list of strings. You can sort it like this:

In [1]: lst = ['Stem', 'constitute', 'Sedge', 'Eflux', 'Whim', 'Intrigue']

In [2]: sorted(lst)
Out[2]: ['Eflux', 'Intrigue', 'Sedge', 'Stem', 'Whim', 'constitute']

As you can see, words that start with an uppercase letter get preference over those starting with a lowercase letter. If you want to sort them independently, do this:

In [4]: sorted(lst, key=str.lower)
Out[4]: ['constitute', 'Eflux', 'Intrigue', 'Sedge', 'Stem', 'Whim']

You can also sort the list in reverse order by doing this:

In [12]: sorted(lst, reverse=True)
Out[12]: ['constitute', 'Whim', 'Stem', 'Sedge', 'Intrigue', 'Eflux']

In [13]: sorted(lst, key=str.lower, reverse=True)
Out[13]: ['Whim', 'Stem', 'Sedge', 'Intrigue', 'Eflux', 'constitute']

Please note: If you work with Python 3, then str is the correct data type for every string that contains human-readable text. However, if you still need to work with Python 2, then you might deal with unicode strings which have the data type unicode in Python 2, and not str. In such a case, if you have a list of unicode strings, you must write key=unicode.lower instead of key=str.lower.

jQuery: Change button text on click

This should work for you:

        var $this = $(this);
            $this.text('See More');         
        } else {
            $this.text('See Less');

How to find if element with specific id exists or not

Use typeof for elements checks.

if(typeof(element) === 'undefined')
// then field does not exist

Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 3.0?

What worked for me:

  1. Change the Java to 1.8 (or 1.7)

In your POM - you have to set compiler plugin to version 1.8 (or 1.7) in <build> section:


Ensure that change Java Build shows 1.8. If it does not - click EDIT and select what it should be.

enter image description here

  1. Modify web.xml so 3.0 is referenced in version and in the link

enter image description here

  1. Ensure you have Java set to 1.8 in Project Facets

enter image description here

  1. At this stage I still could not change Dynamic Web Module;

Instead of changing it:

a) uncheck the Dynamic Web Module

b) apply

c) check it again. New version 3.0 should be set.**

enter image description here

After applying and checking it again:

enter image description here

Hope this helps.

async await return Task

async methods are different than normal methods. Whatever you return from async methods are wrapped in a Task.

If you return no value(void) it will be wrapped in Task, If you return int it will be wrapped in Task<int> and so on.

If your async method needs to return int you'd mark the return type of the method as Task<int> and you'll return plain int not the Task<int>. Compiler will convert the int to Task<int> for you.

private async Task<int> MethodName()
    await SomethingAsync();
    return 42;//Note we return int not Task<int> and that compiles

Sameway, When you return Task<object> your method's return type should be Task<Task<object>>

public async Task<Task<object>> MethodName()
     return Task.FromResult<object>(null);//This will compile

Since your method is returning Task, it shouldn't return any value. Otherwise it won't compile.

public async Task MethodName()
     return;//This should work but return is redundant and also method is useless.

Keep in mind that async method without an await statement is not async.

iPad WebApp Full Screen in Safari

Looks like most of the answers on this thread have not kept up. iOS Safari on iPads have fullscreen support now and it's very easy to implement using javascript.

Here's my full article on how to implement fullscreen capability on your web app.

How to detect Esc Key Press in React and how to handle it

If you're looking for a document-level key event handling, then binding it during componentDidMount is the best way (as shown by Brad Colthurst's codepen example):

class ActionPanel extends React.Component {
    this.escFunction = this.escFunction.bind(this);
    if(event.keyCode === 27) {
      //Do whatever when esc is pressed
    document.addEventListener("keydown", this.escFunction, false);
    document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.escFunction, false);
    return (   

Note that you should make sure to remove the key event listener on unmount to prevent potential errors and memory leaks.

EDIT: If you are using hooks, you can use this useEffect structure to produce a similar effect:

const ActionPanel = (props) => {
  const escFunction = useCallback((event) => {
    if(event.keyCode === 27) {
      //Do whatever when esc is pressed
  }, []);

  useEffect(() => {
    document.addEventListener("keydown", escFunction, false);

    return () => {
      document.removeEventListener("keydown", escFunction, false);
  }, []);

  return (   
    <input />

How to hide the border for specified rows of a table?

Use the CSS property border on the <td>s following the <tr>s you do not want to have the border.

In my example I made a class noBorder that I gave to one <tr>. Then I use a simple selector tr.noBorder td to make the border go away for all the <td>s that are inside of <tr>s with the noBorder class by assigning border: 0.

Note that you do not need to provide the unit (i.e. px) if you set something to 0 as it does not matter anyway. Zero is just zero.

table, tr, td {_x000D_
  border: 3px solid red;_x000D_
tr.noBorder td {_x000D_
  border: 0;_x000D_
  <tr class="noBorder">_x000D_

Here's the output as an image:

Output from HTML

No Creators, like default construct, exist): cannot deserialize from Object value (no delegate- or property-based Creator

I know this is an old post, but for anyone using Retrofit, this can be useful useful.

If you are using Retrofit + Jackson + Kotlin + Data classes, you need:

  1. add implement group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.module', name: 'jackson-module-kotlin', version: '2.7.1-2' to your dependencies, so that Jackson can de-serialize into Data classes
  2. When building retrofit, pass the Kotlin Jackson Mapper, so that Retrofit uses the correct mapper, ex:
    val jsonMapper = com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper()

    val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

Note: If Retrofit is not being used, @Jayson Minard has a more general approach answer.

Find Item in ObservableCollection without using a loop

I Don't know what do you mean exactly, but technially speaking, this is not possible without a loop.

May be you mean using a LINQ, like for example:

list.Where(x=>x.Title == title)

It's worth mentioning that the iteration over is not skipped, but simply wrapped into the LINQ query.

Hope this helps.


In other words if you really concerned about performance, keep coding the way you already doing. Otherwise choose LINQ for more concise and clear syntax.

how to solve Error cannot add duplicate collection entry of type add with unique key attribute 'value' in iis 7

For me in windows server 2012 R2 I solved it by removing the duplicates from web.config file i found this line duplicated twice i removed one line and kept the other line

<add name="CrystalImageHandler.aspx_GET" verb="GET" path="CrystalImageHandler.aspx" type="CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalImageHandler, CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=13.0.4000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304" preCondition="integratedMode"/></handlers><validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>

apache server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting

Did you consider using nginx (or other event based web server) instead of apache?

nginx shall allow higher number of connections and consume much less resources (as it is event based and does not create separate process per connection). Anyway, you will need some processes, doing real work (like WSGI servers or so) and if they stay on the same server as the front end web server, you only shift the performance problem to a bit different place.

Latest apache version shall allow similar solution (configure it in event based manner), but this is not my area of expertise.

What is the best way to programmatically detect porn images?

This was written in 2000, not sure if the state of the art in porn detection has advanced at all, but I doubt it.

PORNsweeper seems to have some ability to distinguish pictures of people from pictures of things that aren't people, as long as the pictures are in colour. It is less successful at distinguishing dirty pictures of people from clean ones.

With the default, medium sensitivity, if Human Resources sends around a picture of the new chap in Accounts, you've got about a 50% chance of getting it. If your sister sends you a picture of her six-month-old, it's similarly likely to be detained.

It's only fair to point out amusing errors, like calling the Mona Lisa porn, if they're representative of the behaviour of the software. If the makers admit that their algorithmic image recogniser will drop the ball 15% of the time, then making fun of it when it does exactly that is silly.

But PORNsweeper only seems to live up to its stated specifications in one department - detection of actual porn. It's half-way decent at detecting porn, but it's bad at detecting clean pictures. And I wouldn't be surprised if no major leaps were made in this area in the near future.

How to delete the top 1000 rows from a table using Sql Server 2008?

As defined in the link below, you can delete in a straight forward manner

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail
WHERE DueDate < '20020701';

PHP: HTML: send HTML select option attribute in POST

You can do this with JQuery


   <form name='add'>
   Age: <select id="age" name='age'>
   <option value='1' stud_name='sre'>23</option>
   <option value='2' stud_name='sam'>24</option>
   <option value='5' stud_name='john'>25</option>
   <input type='hidden' id="name" name="name" value=""/>
   <input type='submit' name='submit'/>

Add this code in Header section:

<script src=""></script>

Now JQuery function

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(function() {
      var studentNmae= $('option:selected', this).attr('stud_name');

you can use both values as

$name = $_POST['name'];
$value = $_POST['age'];

Delete all documents from index/type without deleting type

I'm using elasticsearch 7.5 and when I use

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/materials/_delete_by_query?conflicts=proceed&pretty' -d'
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}

which will throw below error.

  "error" : "Content-Type header [application/x-www-form-urlencoded] is not supported",
  "status" : 406

I also need to add extra -H 'Content-Type: application/json' header in the request to make it works.

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/materials/_delete_by_query?conflicts=proceed&pretty'  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}
  "took" : 465,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "total" : 2275,
  "deleted" : 2275,
  "batches" : 3,
  "version_conflicts" : 0,
  "noops" : 0,
  "retries" : {
    "bulk" : 0,
    "search" : 0
  "throttled_millis" : 0,
  "requests_per_second" : -1.0,
  "throttled_until_millis" : 0,
  "failures" : [ ]

Using multiprocessing.Process with a maximum number of simultaneous processes

more generally, this could also look like this:

import multiprocessing
def chunks(l, n):
    for i in range(0, len(l), n):
        yield l[i:i + n]

numberOfThreads = 4

if __name__ == '__main__':
    jobs = []
    for i, param in enumerate(params):
        p = multiprocessing.Process(target=f, args=(i,param))
    for i in chunks(jobs,numberOfThreads):
        for j in i:
        for j in i:

Of course, that way is quite cruel (since it waits for every process in a junk until it continues with the next chunk). Still it works well for approx equal run times of the function calls.

how to use javascript Object.defineProperty

defineProperty is a method on Object which allow you to configure the properties to meet some criterias. Here is a simple example with an employee object with two properties firstName & lastName and append the two properties by overriding the toString method on the object.

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
employee.toString=function () {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

You will get Output as : Jameel Moideen

I am going to change the same code by using defineProperty on the object

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {
    value: function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    writable: true,
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true

The first parameter is the name of the object and then second parameter is name of the property we are adding , in our case it’s toString and then the last parameter is json object which have a value going to be a function and three parameters writable,enumerable and configurable.Right now I just declared everything as true.

If u run the example you will get Output as : Jameel Moideen

Let’s understand why we need the three properties such as writable,enumerable and configurable.


One of the very annoying part of the javascript is , if you change the toString property to something else for example

enter image description here

if you run this again , everything gets breaks. Let’s change writable to false. If run the same again you will get the correct output as ‘Jameel Moideen’ . This property will prevent overwrite this property later.


if you print all the keys inside the object , you can see all the properties including toString.


enter image description here

if you set enumerable to false , you can hide toString property from everybody else. If run this again you will get firstName,lastName


if someone later redefined the object on later for example enumerable to true and run it. You can see toString property came again.

var employee = {
    firstName: "Jameel",
    lastName: "Moideen"
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {
    value: function () {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    writable: false,
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: true

//change enumerable to false
Object.defineProperty(employee, 'toString', {

    enumerable: true

enter image description here

you can restrict this behavior by set configurable to false.

Orginal reference of this information is from my personal Blog

'foo' was not declared in this scope c++

In general, in C++ functions have to be declared before you call them. So sometime before the definition of getSkewNormal(), the compiler needs to see the declaration:

double integrate (double start, double stop, int numSteps, Evaluatable evalObj);

Mostly what people do is put all the declarations (only) in the header file, and put the actual code -- the definitions of the functions and methods -- into a separate source (*.cc or *.cpp) file. This neatly solves the problem of needing all the functions to be declared.

How to tell if homebrew is installed on Mac OS X

use either the which or type built-in tools.

i.e.: which brew or type brew

What is the difference between class and instance methods?

So if I understand it correctly.

A class method does not need you to allocate instance of that object to use / process it. A class method is self contained and can operate without any dependence of the state of any object of that class. A class method is expected to allocate memory for all its own work and deallocate when done, since no instance of that class will be able to free any memory allocated in previous calls to the class method.

A instance method is just the opposite. You cannot call it unless you allocate a instance of that class. Its like a normal class that has a constructor and can have a destructor (that cleans up all the allocated memory).

In most probability (unless you are writing a reusable library, you should not need a class variable.

Javascript: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'addEventListener' of null

Your code is in the <head> => runs before the elements are rendered, so document.getElementById('compute'); returns null, as MDN promise...

element = document.getElementById(id);
element is a reference to an Element object, or null if an element with the specified ID is not in the document.



  1. Put the scripts in the bottom of the page.
  2. Call the attach code in the load event.
  3. Use jQuery library and it's DOM ready event.

What is the jQuery ready event and why is it needed?
(why no just JavaScript's load event):

While JavaScript provides the load event for executing code when a page is rendered, this event does not get triggered until all assets such as images have been completely received. In most cases, the script can be run as soon as the DOM hierarchy has been fully constructed. The handler passed to .ready() is guaranteed to be executed after the DOM is ready, so this is usually the best place to attach all other event handlers...

ready docs

How can I write maven build to add resources to classpath?

If you place anything in src/main/resources directory, then by default it will end up in your final *.jar. If you are referencing it from some other project and it cannot be found on a classpath, then you did one of those two mistakes:

  1. *.jar is not correctly loaded (maybe typo in the path?)
  2. you are not addressing the resource correctly, for instance: /src/main/resources/conf/ is seen on classpath as classpath:conf/

SQL WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ..., idn)

First option is definitely the best option.

SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ..., idn)

However considering that the list of ids is very huge, say millions, you should consider chunk sizes like below:

  • Divide you list of Ids into chunks of fixed number, say 100
  • Chunk size should be decided based upon the memory size of your server
  • Suppose you have 10000 Ids, you will have 10000/100 = 100 chunks
  • Process one chunk at a time resulting in 100 database calls for select

Why should you divide into chunks?

You will never get memory overflow exception which is very common in scenarios like yours. You will have optimized number of database calls resulting in better performance.

It has always worked like charm for me. Hope it would work for my fellow developers as well :)

How can I show line numbers in Eclipse?

Update November 2015:

In Eclipse Mars 4.5.1, line numbers are (annoyingly) turned off by default again. Follow the below instructions to enable it.

Update December 2013:

Lars Vogel just published on his blog:

Line numbers are default in Eclipse SDK Luna (4.4) as of today

(December 10, 2013)

We conducted a user survey if users want to have line numbers activated in text editors in the Eclipse IDE by default.
The response was very clear:

YES : 80.07% (1852 responses)
NO  : 19.93% (461 responses)
Total  : 2313
Skipped:   15

With Bug 421313, Review - Line number should be activated by default, we enabled it for the Eclipse SDK build, I assume other Eclipse packages will follow.

Update August 2014

Line number default length is now 120 (instead of 80) for Eclipse Mars 4.5M1.
See "How to customize Eclipse's text editor code formating".

Original answer (March 2009)

To really have it by default, you can write a script which ensure, before launching eclipse, that:
[workspace]\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs does contain:


(with [workspace] being the root directory of your eclipse workspace)
Then eclipse will be opened with "line numbers shown 'by default' "

Otherwise, you can also type 'CTRL+1' and then "line", which will give you access to the command "Show line numbers"
(that will switch to option "show line numbers" in the text editors part of the option.

Or you can just type "numb" in Windows Preferences to access to the Text Editor part:

show line number

Picture from "How to display line numbers in Eclipse" of blog ""

How to increase the max connections in postgres?

Just increasing max_connections is bad idea. You need to increase shared_buffers and kernel.shmmax as well.


max_connections determines the maximum number of concurrent connections to the database server. The default is typically 100 connections.

Before increasing your connection count you might need to scale up your deployment. But before that, you should consider whether you really need an increased connection limit.

Each PostgreSQL connection consumes RAM for managing the connection or the client using it. The more connections you have, the more RAM you will be using that could instead be used to run the database.

A well-written app typically doesn't need a large number of connections. If you have an app that does need a large number of connections then consider using a tool such as pg_bouncer which can pool connections for you. As each connection consumes RAM, you should be looking to minimize their use.

How to increase max connections

1. Increase max_connection and shared_buffers

in /var/lib/pgsql/{version_number}/data/postgresql.conf


max_connections = 100
shared_buffers = 24MB


max_connections = 300
shared_buffers = 80MB

The shared_buffers configuration parameter determines how much memory is dedicated to PostgreSQL to use for caching data.

  • If you have a system with 1GB or more of RAM, a reasonable starting value for shared_buffers is 1/4 of the memory in your system.
  • it's unlikely you'll find using more than 40% of RAM to work better than a smaller amount (like 25%)
  • Be aware that if your system or PostgreSQL build is 32-bit, it might not be practical to set shared_buffers above 2 ~ 2.5GB.
  • Note that on Windows, large values for shared_buffers aren't as effective, and you may find better results keeping it relatively low and using the OS cache more instead. On Windows the useful range is 64MB to 512MB.

2. Change kernel.shmmax

You would need to increase kernel max segment size to be slightly larger than the shared_buffers.

In file /etc/sysctl.conf set the parameter as shown below. It will take effect when postgresql reboots (The following line makes the kernel max to 96Mb)



Postgres Max Connections And Shared Buffers

Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server

How to make clang compile to llvm IR

Did you read clang documentation ? You're probably looking for -emit-llvm.

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

FROM tbl_name
WHERE coalesce(id_field,'unik_null_value') 
IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'unik_null_value')

So that you eliminate the null from the check. Given a null value in id_field, the coalesce function would instead of null return 'unik_null_value', and by adding 'unik_null_value to the IN-list, the query would return posts where id_field is value1-3 or null.

no default constructor exists for class

A default constructor is a constructor that either has no parameters, or if it has parameters, all the parameters have default values.

filemtime "warning stat failed for"

in my case it was not related to the path or filename. If filemtime(), fileatime() or filectime() don't work, try stat().

$filedate = date_create(date("Y-m-d", filectime($file)));


$stat = stat($directory.$file);
$filedate = date_create(date("Y-m-d", $stat['ctime']));

that worked for me.

Complete snippet for deleting files by number of days:

$directory = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/directory/';
$files = array_slice(scandir($directory), 2);
foreach($files as $file)
    $extension      = substr($file, -3, 3); 
    if ($extension == 'jpg') // in case you only want specific files deleted
        $stat = stat($directory.$file);
        $filedate = date_create(date("Y-m-d", $stat['ctime']));
        $today = date_create(date("Y-m-d"));
        $days = date_diff($filedate, $today, true);
        if ($days->days > 1) 

printing a value of a variable in postgresql

You can raise a notice in Postgres as follows:

raise notice 'Value: %', deletedContactId;

Read here

How can I rename a field for all documents in MongoDB?

I am using ,Mongo 3.4.0

The $rename operator updates the name of a field and has the following form:

{$rename: { <field1>: <newName1>, <field2>: <newName2>, ... } }

for e.g

db.getCollection('user').update( { _id: 1 }, { $rename: { 'fname': 'FirstName', 'lname': 'LastName' } } )

The new field name must differ from the existing field name. To specify a in an embedded document, use dot notation.

This operation renames the field nmae to name for all documents in the collection:

db.getCollection('user').updateMany( {}, { $rename: { "add": "Address" } } )

db.getCollection('user').update({}, {$rename:{"name.first":"name.FirstName"}}, false, true);

In the method above false, true are: { upsert:false, multi:true }.To update all your records, You need the multi:true.

Rename a Field in an Embedded Document

db.getCollection('user').update( { _id: 1 }, { $rename: { "name.first": "name.fname" } } )

use link :

Determine path of the executing script

Amazing there is no '$0' type structure in R! You can do it with a system() call to a bash script written in R:

write.table(c("readlink -e $0"), file="",col=F, row=F, quote=F)
thisscript <- system("sh", intern = TRUE)

Then just split out the name for other.R

splitstr <- rev(strsplit(thisscript, "\\/")[[1]])
otherscript <- paste0(paste(rev(splitstr[2:length(splitstr)]),collapse="/"),"/other.R")

Remove all occurrences of char from string


public String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)

will work.

Usage would be str.replace("X", "");.


"Xlakjsdf Xxx".replaceAll("X", "");


lakjsdf xx

How to read a text file?

It depends on what you are trying to do.

file, err := os.Open("file.txt")

The reason it outputs &{0xc082016240}, is because you are printing the pointer value of a file-descriptor (*os.File), not file-content. To obtain file-content, you may READ from a file-descriptor.

To read all file content(in bytes) to memory, ioutil.ReadAll

package main

import (

func main() {
    file, err := os.Open("file.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        if err = f.Close(); err != nil {

  b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)

But sometimes, if the file size is big, it might be more memory-efficient to just read in chunks: buffer-size, hence you could use the implementation of io.Reader.Read from *os.File

func main() {
    file, err := os.Open("file.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        if err = f.Close(); err != nil {

    buf := make([]byte, 32*1024) // define your buffer size here.

    for {
        n, err := file.Read(buf)

        if n > 0 {
            fmt.Print(buf[:n]) // your read buffer.

        if err == io.EOF {
        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("read %d bytes: %v", n, err)


Otherwise, you could also use the standard util package: bufio, try Scanner. A Scanner reads your file in tokens: separator.

By default, scanner advances the token by newline (of course you can customise how scanner should tokenise your file, learn from here the bufio test).

package main

import (

func main() {
    file, err := os.Open("file.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        if err = f.Close(); err != nil {

    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)

    for scanner.Scan() {             // internally, it advances token based on sperator
        fmt.Println(scanner.Text())  // token in unicode-char
        fmt.Println(scanner.Bytes()) // token in bytes


Lastly, I would also like to reference you to this awesome site: go-lang file cheatsheet. It encompassed pretty much everything related to working with files in go-lang, hope you'll find it useful.

What is the difference between public, protected, package-private and private in Java?

  • public - accessible from anywhere in the application.

  • default - accessible from package.

  • protected - accessible from package and sub-classes in other package. as well

  • private - accessible from its class only.

omp parallel vs. omp parallel for

I don't think there is any difference, one is a shortcut for the other. Although your exact implementation might deal with them differently.

The combined parallel worksharing constructs are a shortcut for specifying a parallel construct containing one worksharing construct and no other statements. Permitted clauses are the union of the clauses allowed for the parallel and worksharing contructs.

Taken from

The specs for OpenMP are here:

What is the best workaround for the WCF client `using` block issue?

I'd like to add implementation of Service from Marc Gravell's answer for case of using ServiceClient instead of ChannelFactory.

public interface IServiceConnector<out TServiceInterface>
    void Connect(Action<TServiceInterface> clientUsage);
    TResult Connect<TResult>(Func<TServiceInterface, TResult> channelUsage);

internal class ServiceConnector<TService, TServiceInterface> : IServiceConnector<TServiceInterface>
    where TServiceInterface : class where TService : ClientBase<TServiceInterface>, TServiceInterface, new()
    public TResult Connect<TResult>(Func<TServiceInterface, TResult> channelUsage)
        var result = default(TResult);
        Connect(channel =>
            result = channelUsage(channel);
        return result;

    public void Connect(Action<TServiceInterface> clientUsage)
        if (clientUsage == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("clientUsage");
        var isChanneldClosed = false;
        var client = new TService();
            isChanneldClosed = true;
            if (!isChanneldClosed)

C# Clear all items in ListView

Try with this:

myListView.ItemsSource = new List< DictionaryEntry >();

Convert hex to binary

hex --> decimal then decimal --> binary

#decimal to binary 
def d2b(n):
    bStr = ''
    if n < 0: raise ValueError, "must be a positive integer"
    if n == 0: return '0'
    while n > 0:
        bStr = str(n % 2) + bStr
        n = n >> 1    
    return bStr

#hex to binary
def h2b(hex):
    return d2b(int(hex,16))

JAX-WS client : what's the correct path to access the local WSDL?

Had the exact same problem that is described herein. No matter what I did, following the above examples, to change the location of my WSDL file (in our case from a web server), it was still referencing the original location embedded within the source tree of the server process.

After MANY hours trying to debug this, I noticed that the Exception was always being thrown from the exact same line (in my case 41). Finally this morning, I decided to just send my source client code to our trade partner so they can at least understand how the code looks, but perhaps build their own. To my shock and horror I found a bunch of class files mixed in with my .java files within my client source tree. How bizarre!! I suspect these were a byproduct of the JAX-WS client builder tool.

Once I zapped those silly .class files and performed a complete clean and rebuild of the client code, everything works perfectly!! Redonculous!!

YMMV, Andrew

Linear regression with matplotlib / numpy

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from scipy import stats

x = np.array([1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,5.5,6])
y = np.array([10.35,12.3,13,14.0,16,17,18.2,20,20.7,22.5])
gradient, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x,y)

USe this ..

How to read input from console in a batch file?

In addition to the existing answer it is possible to set a default option as follows:

echo off
ECHO A current build of Test Harness exists.
set delBuild=n
set /p delBuild=Delete preexisting build [y/n] (default - %delBuild%)?:

This allows users to simply hit "Enter" if they want to enter the default.

What order are the Junit @Before/@After called?

This isn't an answer to the tagline question, but it is an answer to the problems mentioned in the body of the question. Instead of using @Before or @After, look into using @org.junit.Rule because it gives you more flexibility. ExternalResource (as of 4.7) is the rule you will be most interested in if you are managing connections. Also, If you want guaranteed execution order of your rules use a RuleChain (as of 4.10). I believe all of these were available when this question was asked. Code example below is copied from ExternalResource's javadocs.

 public static class UsesExternalResource {
  Server myServer= new Server();

  public ExternalResource resource= new ExternalResource() {
      protected void before() throws Throwable {

      protected void after() {

  public void testFoo() {
      new Client().run(myServer);

BeautifulSoup getting href

You can use find_all in the following way to find every a element that has an href attribute, and print each one:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

html = '''<a href="some_url">next</a>
<span class="class"><a href="another_url">later</a></span>'''

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
    print "Found the URL:", a['href']

The output would be:

Found the URL: some_url
Found the URL: another_url

Note that if you're using an older version of BeautifulSoup (before version 4) the name of this method is findAll. In version 4, BeautifulSoup's method names were changed to be PEP 8 compliant, so you should use find_all instead.

If you want all tags with an href, you can omit the name parameter:

href_tags = soup.find_all(href=True)

Django Rest Framework -- no module named rest_framework

You need to install django rest framework using pip3 (pip for python 3):

pip3 install djangorestframework

Instructions on how to install pip3 can be found here

How do I divide so I get a decimal value?

You can do like,

int a = 3;
int b = 2;
int quotient = a / b;
int remainder = a % b;

To get quotient in real numbers

System.out.println((double) a / b);

To get quotient in integer numbers

System.out.println("Quotient: " + quotient);
System.out.println("Remainder: " + remainder);

To get quotient in real number such that one number after decimal

System.out.println(a / b + "." + a % b * 10 / b);

Note: In the last method it will not round the number up after the decimal.

Git Push ERROR: Repository not found

If you use Git on Windows, try to clear your credentials:

  1. Locate "credential manager" (should be in your Control Panel)
  2. Remove all credentials related to GitHub

enter image description here

The transaction log for the database is full

I met the error: "The transaction log for database '...' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION' while deleting old rows from tables of my database for freeing disk space. I realized that this error would occur if the number of rows to be deleted was bigger than 1000000 in my case. So instead of using 1 DELETE statement, i divided the delete task by using DELETE TOP (1000000).... statement.

For example:

instead of using this statement:


using following statement repeatedly:


How to write "not in ()" sql query using join

This article:

may be if interest to you.

In a couple of words, this query:

SELECT  d1.short_code
FROM    domain1 d1
        domain2 d2
ON      d2.short_code = d1.short_code
WHERE   d2.short_code IS NULL

will work but it is less efficient than a NOT NULL (or NOT EXISTS) construct.

You can also use this:

SELECT  short_code
FROM    domain1
SELECT  short_code
FROM    domain2

This is using neither NOT IN nor WHERE (and even no joins!), but this will remove all duplicates on domain1.short_code if any.

Convert HTML to PDF in .NET

With Winnovative HTML to PDF converter you can convert a HTML string in a single line

byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtml(htmlString, baseUrl);

The base URL is used to resolve the images referenced by relative URLs in HTML string. Alternatively you can use full URLs in HTML or embed images using src="data:image/png" for image tag.

In answer to 'fubaar' user comment about Winnovative converter, a correction is necessary. The converter does not use IE as rendering engine. It actually does not depend on any installed software and the rendering is compatible with WebKit engine.

How to change border color of textarea on :focus

you need just in scss varible

$input-btn-focus-width:       .05rem !default;

php.ini & SMTP= - how do you pass username & password

After working all day on this, I finally found a solution. Here's how I send from Windows XP with WAMP.

  1. Use Google's SMTP server. You probably need an account.
  2. Download and install Fake Sendmail. I just downloaded it, unzipped it and put it in the WAMP folder.
  3. Create a test PHP file. See below.
    $message = "test message body";
    $result = mail('[email protected]', 'message subject', $message);
    echo "result: $result";
  1. Update your php.ini file and your sendmail.ini file (sendmail.ini is in the sendmail folder).
  2. Check the error.log file in the sendmail folder that you just created if it doesn't work.


How do I parse JSON in Android?

  1. Writing JSON Parser Class

    public class JSONParser {
        static InputStream is = null;
        static JSONObject jObj = null;
        static String json = "";
        // constructor
        public JSONParser() {}
        public JSONObject getJSONFromUrl(String url) {
            // Making HTTP request
            try {
                // defaultHttpClient
                DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
                HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);
                HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
                HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();
                is = httpEntity.getContent();
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            try {
                BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                        is, "iso-8859-1"), 8);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                String line = null;
                while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                    sb.append(line + "\n");
                json = sb.toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e("Buffer Error", "Error converting result " + e.toString());
            // try parse the string to a JSON object
            try {
                jObj = new JSONObject(json);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Log.e("JSON Parser", "Error parsing data " + e.toString());
            // return JSON String
            return jObj;
  2. Parsing JSON Data
    Once you created parser class next thing is to know how to use that class. Below i am explaining how to parse the json (taken in this example) using the parser class.

    2.1. Store all these node names in variables: In the contacts json we have items like name, email, address, gender and phone numbers. So first thing is to store all these node names in variables. Open your main activity class and declare store all node names in static variables.

    // url to make request
    private static String url = "";
    // JSON Node names
    private static final String TAG_CONTACTS = "contacts";
    private static final String TAG_ID = "id";
    private static final String TAG_NAME = "name";
    private static final String TAG_EMAIL = "email";
    private static final String TAG_ADDRESS = "address";
    private static final String TAG_GENDER = "gender";
    private static final String TAG_PHONE = "phone";
    private static final String TAG_PHONE_MOBILE = "mobile";
    private static final String TAG_PHONE_HOME = "home";
    private static final String TAG_PHONE_OFFICE = "office";
    // contacts JSONArray
    JSONArray contacts = null;

    2.2. Use parser class to get JSONObject and looping through each json item. Below i am creating an instance of JSONParser class and using for loop i am looping through each json item and finally storing each json data in variable.

    // Creating JSON Parser instance
    JSONParser jParser = new JSONParser();
    // getting JSON string from URL
    JSONObject json = jParser.getJSONFromUrl(url);
        try {
        // Getting Array of Contacts
        contacts = json.getJSONArray(TAG_CONTACTS);
        // looping through All Contacts
        for(int i = 0; i < contacts.length(); i++){
            JSONObject c = contacts.getJSONObject(i);
            // Storing each json item in variable
            String id = c.getString(TAG_ID);
            String name = c.getString(TAG_NAME);
            String email = c.getString(TAG_EMAIL);
            String address = c.getString(TAG_ADDRESS);
            String gender = c.getString(TAG_GENDER);
            // Phone number is agin JSON Object
            JSONObject phone = c.getJSONObject(TAG_PHONE);
            String mobile = phone.getString(TAG_PHONE_MOBILE);
            String home = phone.getString(TAG_PHONE_HOME);
            String office = phone.getString(TAG_PHONE_OFFICE);
    } catch (JSONException e) {

You seem to not be depending on "@angular/core". This is an error

In my case the following worked:

rm -rf node_modules
rm package-lock.json
npm install

Hence the npm install, not update.

How do I prevent Conda from activating the base environment by default?

To disable auto activation of conda base environment in terminal:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

To activate conda base environment:

conda activate

Is there any way to start with a POST request using Selenium?

Short answer: No.

But you might be able to do it with a bit of filthing. If you open up a test page (with GET) then evaluate some JavaScript on that page you should be able to replicate a POST request. See JavaScript post request like a form submit to see how you can replicate a POST request in JavaScript.

Hope this helps.

Test if string begins with a string?

The best methods are already given but why not look at a couple of other methods for fun? Warning: these are more expensive methods but do serve in other circumstances.

The expensive regex method and the css attribute selector with starts with ^ operator

Option Explicit

Public Sub test()

    Debug.Print StartWithSubString("ab", "abc,d")

End Sub


Public Function StartWithSubString(ByVal substring As String, ByVal testString As String) As Boolean
    'required reference Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions
    Dim re As VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
    Set re = New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp

    re.Pattern = "^" & substring

    StartWithSubString = re.test(testString)

End Function

Css attribute selector with starts with operator

Public Function StartWithSubString(ByVal substring As String, ByVal testString As String) As Boolean
    'required reference Microsoft HTML Object Library
    Dim html As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
    Set html = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument

    html.body.innerHTML = "<div test=""" & testString & """></div>"

    StartWithSubString = html.querySelectorAll("[test^=" & substring & "]").Length > 0

End Function

How to set the timeout for a TcpClient?

As Simon Mourier mentioned, it's possible to use ConnectAsync TcpClient's method with Task in addition and stop operation as soon as possible.
For example:

// ...
client = new TcpClient(); // Initialization of TcpClient
CancellationToken ct = new CancellationToken(); // Required for "*.Task()" method
if (client.ConnectAsync(this.ip, this.port).Wait(1000, ct)) // Connect with timeout of 1 second

    // ... transfer

    if (client != null) {
        client.Close(); // Close the connection and dispose a TcpClient object
        ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // Stop asynchronous operation after successull connection(...and transfer(in needed))
    Console.WriteLine("Connetion timed out");
// ...

Also, I would recommended checking the AsyncTcpClient C# library with some examples provided like Server <> Client.

How do you list volumes in docker containers?

For Docker 1.8, I use:

$ docker inspect -f "{{ .Config.Volumes }}" 957d2dd1d4e8

Java: int[] array vs int array[]

From JLS

Here are examples of declarations of array variables that do not create arrays:

int[ ] ai;          // array of int
short[ ][ ] as;         // array of array of short
Object[ ]   ao,     // array of Object
        otherAo;    // array of Object
Collection<?>[ ] ca;        // array of Collection of unknown type
short       s,      // scalar short 
        aas[ ][ ];  // array of array of short

Here are some examples of declarations of array variables that create array objects:

Exception ae[ ] = new Exception[3]; 
Object aao[ ][ ] = new Exception[2][3];
int[ ] factorial = { 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040 };
char ac[ ] = { 'n', 'o', 't', ' ', 'a', ' ',
                 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g' }; 
String[ ] aas = { "array", "of", "String", };

The [ ] may appear as part of the type at the beginning of the declaration, or as part of the declarator for a particular variable, or both, as in this example:

byte[ ] rowvector, colvector, matrix[ ];

This declaration is equivalent to:

byte rowvector[ ], colvector[ ], matrix[ ][ ];

Hidden Columns in jqGrid

This thread is pretty old I suppose, but in case anyone else stumbles across this question... I had to grab a value from the selected row of a table, but I didn't want to show the column that row was from. I used hideCol, but had the same problem as Andy where it looked messy. To fix it (call it a hack) I just re-set the width of the grid.

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

                width: 700,

Since my row widths are automatic, when I reset the width of the table it reset the column widths but excluded the hidden one, so they filled in the gap.

Pass parameters in setInterval function

You need to create an anonymous function so the actual function isn't executed right away.

setInterval( function() { funca(10,3); }, 500 );

how to open Jupyter notebook in chrome on windows

Just make chrome as a default browser and launch the jupyter . It will work

To Make Google chrome a default browser , follow steps

  1. Click on Customize and Control Google chrome (The vertical three dots on the Upper right corner of your google chrome browser)
  2. Click on Settings and scroll down to Default browser.
  3. Change the value of the default browser to Google Chrome by clicking on whatever your default browser is there and selecting Google Chrome.


In windows 10, you will be redirected to Default apps under your computer's Settings. Please scroll down to Web browser and Select Google Chrome. If promted, Click on OK else just close the settings tab and return to your command or anaconda prompt and type jupyter notebook as usual. A new jupyter notebook tab should open in Google Chrome now.

Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path

Hi first of all i would like you to use 'Synaptic Package Manager'. You just need to goto the ubuntu software center and search for synaptic package manager.. The beauty of this is that all the packages you need are easily available here. Second it will automatically configures all your paths. Now install this then search for opencv packages over there if you found the package with the green box then its installed but else the package is not in the right place so you need to reinstall it but from package manager this time. If installed then you can do this only, you just need to fill the OpenCV_DIR variable with the path of opencv (containing the OpenCVConfig.cmake file)

    export OpenCV_DIR=<path_of_opencv>

WCF gives an unsecured or incorrectly secured fault error

In my case the server time was not correct. So I changed the server Datetime settings to Set time automatically and it resolved the issue.

How to get HTTP Response Code using Selenium WebDriver

For those people using Python, you might consider Selenium Wire, a library for inspecting requests made by the browser during a test.

You get access to requests via the driver.requests attribute:

from seleniumwire import webdriver  # Import from seleniumwire

# Create a new instance of the Firefox driver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

# Go to the Google home page

# Access requests via the `requests` attribute
for request in driver.requests:
    if request.response:

Prints: 200 text/html; charset=UTF-8 200 image/png 204 text/html; charset=utf-8 200 image/png 200 image/png,aft.58,prt.58 204 text/html; charset=UTF-8

The library gives you the ability to access headers, status code, body content, as well as the ability to modify headers and rewrite URLs.

Error Message : Cannot find or open the PDB file

I'm also a newbie to CUDA/Visual studio and encountered the same problem with a couple of the samples. If you run DEBUG-> Start Debugging, then repeatedly step over (F10) you'll see the output window appear and get populated. Normal execution returns nomal completion status 0x0 (as you observed) and the output window is closed.

Parse time of format hh:mm:ss

If you want to extract the hours, minutes and seconds, try this:

String inputDate = "12:00:00";
String[] split = inputDate.split(":");
int hours = Integer.valueOf(split[0]);
int minutes = Integer.valueOf(split[1]);
int seconds = Integer.valueOf(split[2]);

What is a good Hash Function?

This is an example of a good one and also an example of why you would never want to write one. It is a Fowler / Noll / Vo (FNV) Hash which is equal parts computer science genius and pure voodoo:

unsigned fnv_hash_1a_32 ( void *key, int len ) {
    unsigned char *p = key;
    unsigned h = 0x811c9dc5;
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
      h = ( h ^ p[i] ) * 0x01000193;

   return h;

unsigned long long fnv_hash_1a_64 ( void *key, int len ) {
    unsigned char *p = key;
    unsigned long long h = 0xcbf29ce484222325ULL;
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
      h = ( h ^ p[i] ) * 0x100000001b3ULL;

   return h;


  • Landon Curt Noll recommends on his site the FVN-1A algorithm over the original FVN-1 algorithm: The improved algorithm better disperses the last byte in the hash. I adjusted the algorithm accordingly.

Split string into string array of single characters

I believe this is what you're looking for:

char[] characters = "this is a test".ToCharArray();

Where are shared preferences stored?

Use library to access your app's local storage with chrome inspect tools. You can find sharedPreference file under Local storage -> < your app's package name >

enter image description here

Underline text in UIlabel

An enhanced version of the code of Kovpas (color and line size)

@implementation UILabelUnderlined

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {

    CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    const CGFloat* colors = CGColorGetComponents(self.textColor.CGColor);

    CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(ctx, colors[0], colors[1], colors[2], 1.0); // RGBA

    CGContextSetLineWidth(ctx, 1.0f);

    CGSize tmpSize = [self.text sizeWithFont:self.font constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(200, 9999)];

    CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, 0, self.bounds.size.height - 1);
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, tmpSize.width, self.bounds.size.height - 1);


    [super drawRect:rect];  


How to install Cmake C compiler and CXX compiler

Try to install gcc and gcc-c++, as Cmake works smooth with them.


yum install gcc gcc-c++


apt-get install cmake gcc g++


  1. remove 'CMakeCache.txt'
  2. run compilation again.

$("#form1").validate is not a function

Maybe silly, but check that you inline script is AFTER you include the script tags.

How to use parameters with HttpPost

Generally speaking an HTTP POST assumes the content of the body contains a series of key/value pairs that are created (most usually) by a form on the HTML side. You don't set the values using setHeader, as that won't place them in the content body.

So with your second test, the problem that you have here is that your client is not creating multiple key/value pairs, it only created one and that got mapped by default to the first argument in your method.

There are a couple of options you can use. First, you could change your method to accept only one input parameter, and then pass in a JSON string as you do in your second test. Once inside the method, you then parse the JSON string into an object that would allow access to the fields.

Another option is to define a class that represents the fields of the input types and make that the only input parameter. For example

class MyInput
    String str1;
    String str2;

    public MyInput() { }
      //  getters, setters

public void create(MyInput in){
System.out.println("value 1 = " + in.getStr1());
System.out.println("value 2 = " + in.getStr2());

Depending on the REST framework you are using it should handle the de-serialization of the JSON for you.

The last option is to construct a POST body that looks like:


then add some additional annotations to your server method:

public void create(@QueryParam("str1") String str1, 
                  @QueryParam("str2") String str2)

@QueryParam doesn't care if the field is in a form post or in the URL (like a GET query).

If you want to continue using individual arguments on the input then the key is generate the client request to provide named query parameters, either in the URL (for a GET) or in the body of the POST.

RestSharp JSON Parameter Posting

If you have a List of objects, you can serialize them to JSON as follow:

List<MyObjectClass> listOfObjects = new List<MyObjectClass>();

And then use addParameter:

requestREST.AddParameter("myAssocKey", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listOfObjects));

And you wil need to set the request format to JSON:

requestREST.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

PHP mysql insert date format

Get a date object from the jquery date picker using

var myDate = $('element').datepicker('getDate')

For mysql the date needs to be in the proper format. One option which handles any timezone issues is to use moment.js

moment(myDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')

malloc for struct and pointer in C

When you allocate memory for struct Vector you just allocate memory for pointer x, i.e. for space, where its value, which contains address, will be placed. So such way you do not allocate memory for the block, on which y.x will reference.

remove legend title in ggplot

Another option using labs and setting colour to NULL.

ggplot(df, aes(x, y, colour = g)) +
  geom_line(stat = "identity") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(colour = NULL)

enter image description here

From io.Reader to string in Go

func copyToString(r io.Reader) (res string, err error) {
    var sb strings.Builder
    if _, err = io.Copy(&sb, r); err == nil {
        res = sb.String()

How to get full REST request body using Jersey?

You could use the @Consumes annotation to get the full body:

import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public class BodyResource
  public void post(Document doc) throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException
    Transformer tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
    tf.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(System.out));

Note: Don't forget the "Content-Type: application/xml" header by the request.

Set The Window Position of an application via command line

Have found that AutoHotKey is very good for window positioning tasks.

Here is an example script. Call it notepad.ahk and then run it from the command line or double click on it.

Run, notepad.exe
WinWait, ahk_class Notepad
WinMove A,, 10, 10, A_ScreenWidth-20, A_ScreenHeight-20

It will start an application (notepad) and then adjust the window size so that it is centered in the window with a 10 pixel border on all sides.

Most efficient method to groupby on an array of objects

 * array group by 
 * @category array
 * @function arrayGroupBy
 * @returns  {object} {"fieldName":[{...}],...}
 * @static
 * @author hht
 * @param {string}} key group key
 * @param {array} data array
 * @example example 01 
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * import { arrayGroupBy } from "@xx/utils";
 * const array =  [
 *  {
 *    type: 'assets',
 *    name: 'zhangsan',
 *    age: '33',
 *  },
 *  {
 *    type: 'config',
 *    name: 'a',
 *    age: '13',
 *  },
 *  {
 *    type: 'run',
 *    name: 'lisi',
 *    age: '3',
 *  },
 *  {
 *    type: 'xx',
 *    name: 'timo',
 *    age: '4',
 *  },
 * arrayGroupBy(array,'type',);
 * result:{
 *    assets: [{ age: '33', name: 'zhangsan', type: 'assets' }],
 *    config: [{ age: '13', name: 'a', type: 'config' }],
 *    run: [{ age: '3', name: 'lisi', type: 'run' }],
 *    xx: [{ age: '4', name: 'timo', type: 'xx' }],
 *  };
 * @example example 02 null
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * const array = null;
 * arrayGroupBy(array,"type");
 * result:{}
 * @example example 03 key undefind
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * const array =  [
 *  {
 *    type: 'assets',
 *    name: 'zhangsan',
 *    age: '33',
 *  },
 *  {
 *    type: 'config',
 *    name: 'a',
 *    age: '13',
 *  },
 *  {
 *    type: 'run',
 *    name: 'lisi',
 *    age: '3',
 *  },
 *  {
 *    type: 'xx',
 *    name: 'timo',
 *    age: '4',
 *  },
 * arrayGroupBy(array,"xx");
 * {}
  const arrayGroupBy = (data, key) => {
  if (!data || !Array.isArray(data)) return {};
  const groupObj = {};
  data.forEach((item) => {
    if (!item[key]) return;
    const fieldName = item[key];
    if (!groupObj[fieldName]) {
      groupObj[fieldName] = [item];
  return groupObj;

const array = [
      type: 'assets',
      name: 'zhangsan',
      age: '33',
      type: 'config',
      name: 'a',
      age: '13',
      type: 'run',
      name: 'lisi',
      age: '3',
      type: 'run',
      name: 'wangmazi',
      age: '3',
      type: 'xx',
      name: 'timo',
      age: '4',
console.dir(arrayGroupBy(array, 'type'))

describe('arrayGroupBy match', () => {
  const array = [
      type: 'assets',
      name: 'zhangsan',
      age: '33',
      type: 'config',
      name: 'a',
      age: '13',
      type: 'run',
      name: 'lisi',
      age: '3',
      type: 'xx',
      name: 'timo',
      age: '4',

  test('arrayGroupBy  ...', () => {
    const result = {
      assets: [{ age: '33', name: 'zhangsan', type: 'assets' }],
      config: [{ age: '13', name: 'a', type: 'config' }],
      run: [{ age: '3', name: 'lisi', type: 'run' }],
      xx: [{ age: '4', name: 'timo', type: 'xx' }],

    expect(arrayGroupBy(array, 'type')).toEqual(result);

  test('arrayGroupBy not match..', () => {
    // result
    expect(arrayGroupBy(array, 'xx')).toEqual({});

  test('arrayGroupBy null', () => {
    let array = null;
    expect(arrayGroupBy(array, 'type')).toEqual({});

  test('arrayGroupBy undefined', () => {
    let array = undefined;
    expect(arrayGroupBy(array, 'type')).toEqual({});

  test('arrayGroupBy empty', () => {
    let array = [];
    expect(arrayGroupBy(array, 'type')).toEqual({});


How can I programmatically invoke an onclick() event from a anchor tag while keeping the ‘this’ reference in the onclick function?

Granted, OP stated very similarly that this didn't work, but it did for me. Based on the notes in my source, it seems it was implemented around the time, or after, OP's post. Perhaps it's more standard now.


In my case, my button didn't have an ID. If your element has an id, preferably use the following (untested).


I originally tried this method and it didn't work. After Googling I came back and realized my element was by name, and didn't have an ID. Double check you're calling the right attribute.


What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times?

Once you have applied all the code tricks above (forward declarations, reducing header inclusion to the minimum in public headers, pushing most details inside the implementation file with Pimpl...) and nothing else can be gained language-wise, consider your build system. If you use Linux, consider using distcc (distributed compiler) and ccache (cache compiler).

The first one, distcc, executes the preprocessor step locally and then sends the output to the first available compiler in the network. It requires the same compiler and library versions in all the configured nodes in the network.

The latter, ccache, is a compiler cache. It again executes the preprocessor and then check with an internal database (held in a local directory) if that preprocessor file has already been compiled with the same compiler parameters. If it does, it just pops up the binary and output from the first run of the compiler.

Both can be used at the same time, so that if ccache does not have a local copy it can send it trough the net to another node with distcc, or else it can just inject the solution without further processing.

Android Camera Preview Stretched

OK, so I think there is no sufficient answer for general camera preview stretching problem. Or at least I didn't find one. My app also suffered this stretching syndrome and it took me a while to puzzle together a solution from all the user answers on this portal and internet.

I tried @Hesam's solution but it didn't work and left my camera preview majorly distorted.

First I show the code of my solution (the important parts of the code) and then I explain why I took those steps. There is room for performance modifications.

Main activity xml layout:

    android:orientation="horizontal" >


Camera Preview:

public class CameraPreview extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {

private SurfaceHolder prHolder;
private Camera prCamera;
public List<Camera.Size> prSupportedPreviewSizes;
private Camera.Size prPreviewSize;

public YoCameraPreview(Context context, Camera camera) {
    prCamera = camera;

    prSupportedPreviewSizes = prCamera.getParameters().getSupportedPreviewSizes();

    prHolder = getHolder();

public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.d("Yologram", "Error setting camera preview: " + e.getMessage());

public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {

public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int w, int h) {
    if (prHolder.getSurface() == null){

    try {
    } catch (Exception e){

    try {
        Camera.Parameters parameters = prCamera.getParameters();
        List<String> focusModes = parameters.getSupportedFocusModes();
        if (focusModes.contains(Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO)) {
        parameters.setPreviewSize(prPreviewSize.width, prPreviewSize.height);


    } catch (Exception e){
        Log.d("Yologram", "Error starting camera preview: " + e.getMessage());

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {

    final int width = resolveSize(getSuggestedMinimumWidth(), widthMeasureSpec);
    final int height = resolveSize(getSuggestedMinimumHeight(), heightMeasureSpec);

    setMeasuredDimension(width, height);

    if (prSupportedPreviewSizes != null) {
        prPreviewSize = 
            getOptimalPreviewSize(prSupportedPreviewSizes, width, height);

public Camera.Size getOptimalPreviewSize(List<Camera.Size> sizes, int w, int h) {

    final double ASPECT_TOLERANCE = 0.1;
    double targetRatio = (double) h / w;

    if (sizes == null)
        return null;

    Camera.Size optimalSize = null;
    double minDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE;

    int targetHeight = h;

    for (Camera.Size size : sizes) {
        double ratio = (double) size.width / size.height;
        if (Math.abs(ratio - targetRatio) > ASPECT_TOLERANCE)

        if (Math.abs(size.height - targetHeight) < minDiff) {
            optimalSize = size;
            minDiff = Math.abs(size.height - targetHeight);

    if (optimalSize == null) {
        minDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Camera.Size size : sizes) {
            if (Math.abs(size.height - targetHeight) < minDiff) {
                optimalSize = size;
                minDiff = Math.abs(size.height - targetHeight);

    return optimalSize;

Main activity:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        maCamera = getCameraInstance();

        maLayoutPreview = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;

        maPreview = new CameraPreview(this, maCamera);

        Point displayDim = getDisplayWH();
        Point layoutPreviewDim = calcCamPrevDimensions(displayDim, 
                    displayDim.x, displayDim.y));
        if (layoutPreviewDim != null) {
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutPreviewParams = 
                (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) maLayoutPreview.getLayoutParams();
            layoutPreviewParams.width = layoutPreviewDim.x;
            layoutPreviewParams.height = layoutPreviewDim.y;

private Point getDisplayWH() {

    Display display = this.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    Point displayWH = new Point();

        return displayWH;
    displayWH.set(display.getWidth(), display.getHeight());
    return displayWH;

private Point calcCamPrevDimensions(Point disDim, Camera.Size camDim) {

    Point displayDim = disDim;
    Camera.Size cameraDim = camDim;

    double widthRatio = (double) displayDim.x / cameraDim.width;
    double heightRatio = (double) displayDim.y / cameraDim.height;

    // use ">" to zoom preview full screen
    if (widthRatio < heightRatio) {
        Point calcDimensions = new Point();
        calcDimensions.x = displayDim.x;
        calcDimensions.y = (displayDim.x * cameraDim.height) / cameraDim.width;
        return calcDimensions;
    // use "<" to zoom preview full screen
    if (widthRatio > heightRatio) { 
        Point calcDimensions = new Point();
        calcDimensions.x = (displayDim.y * cameraDim.width) / cameraDim.height;
        calcDimensions.y = displayDim.y;
        return calcDimensions;
    return null;

My commentary:

The point of all this is, that although you calculate the optimal camera size in getOptimalPreviewSize() you only pick the closest ratio to fit your screen. So unless the ratio is exactly the same the preview will stretch.

Why will it stretch? Because your FrameLayout camera preview is set in layout.xml to match_parent in width and height. So that is why the preview will stretch to full screen.

What needs to be done is to set camera preview layout width and height to match the chosen camera size ratio, so the preview keeps its aspect ratio and won't distort.

I tried to use the CameraPreview class to do all the calculations and layout changes, but I couldn't figure it out. I tried to apply this solution, but SurfaceView doesn't recognize getChildCount () or getChildAt (int index). I think, I got it working eventually with a reference to maLayoutPreview, but it was misbehaving and applied the set ratio to my whole app and it did so after first picture was taken. So I let it go and moved the layout modifications to the MainActivity.

In CameraPreview I changed prSupportedPreviewSizes and getOptimalPreviewSize() to public so I can use it in MainActivity. Then I needed the display dimensions (minus the navigation/status bar if there is one) and chosen optimal camera size. I tried to get the RelativeLayout (or FrameLayout) size instead of display size, but it was returning zero value. This solution didn't work for me. The layout got it's value after onWindowFocusChanged (checked in the log).

So I have my methods for calculating the layout dimensions to match the aspect ratio of chosen camera size. Now you just need to set LayoutParams of your camera preview layout. Change the width, height and center it in parent.

There are two choices how to calculate the preview dimensions. Either you want it to fit the screen with black bars (if windowBackground is set to null) on the sides or top/bottom. Or you want the preview zoomed to full screen. I left comment with more information in calcCamPrevDimensions().

How to make HTML table cell editable?

I am using this for editable field

<table class="table table-bordered table-responsive-md table-striped text-center">_x000D_
      <th class="text-center">Citation</th>_x000D_
      <th class="text-center">Security</th>_x000D_
      <th class="text-center">Implementation</th>_x000D_
      <th class="text-center">Description</th>_x000D_
      <th class="text-center">Solution</th>_x000D_
      <th class="text-center">Remove</th>_x000D_
      <td class="pt-3-half" contenteditable="false">Aurelia Vega</td>_x000D_
      <td class="pt-3-half" contenteditable="false">30</td>_x000D_
      <td class="pt-3-half" contenteditable="false">Deepends</td>_x000D_
      <td class="pt-3-half" contenteditable="true"><input type="text" name="add1" value="spain" class="border-none"></td>_x000D_
      <td class="pt-3-half" contenteditable="true"><input type="text" name="add1" value="marid" class="border-none"></td>_x000D_
        <span class="table-remove"><button type="button"_x000D_
                              class="btn btn-danger btn-rounded btn-sm my-0">Remove</button></span>_x000D_

How to add plus one (+1) to a SQL Server column in a SQL Query

You need both a value and a field to assign it to. The value is TableField + 1, so the assignment is:

SET TableField = TableField + 1

Opening a CHM file produces: "navigation to the webpage was canceled"

The definitive solution is to allow the InfoTech protocol to work in the intranet zone.

Add the following value to the registry and the problem should be solved:


More info here:

Copy existing project with a new name in Android Studio

The EASIEST (and definitely the quickest) way to do requires WINRAR, 7zip or similar archiving software:

  1. Find the project folder in windows explorer - double click to open this folder.

  2. Create a new folder and name it "Backup."

  3. While still in the project folder, select all files / folders, except the "backup" folder.

  4. Right-click and select "add to archive" or "create archive" (command will be different depending on your archiving software)

  5. Name the archive and click ok.

  6. Move this archive to the "Backup" folder.

You're Done - to open the backup archive, open "Backup" folder and right-click on the backup file. Select "Extract" or create a new folder to which the files will be extracted and hit "ok" then open the project as you normally would from Android Studio, etc.

Error when creating a new text file with python?

You can use open(name, 'a')

However, when you enter filename, use inverted commas on both sides, otherwise ".txt"cannot be added to filename

How to align an image dead center with bootstrap

Assuming there is nothing else alongside the image, the best way is to use text-align: center in the img parent:

.row .span4 {
    text-align: center;


As mentioned in the other answers, you can add the bootstrap CSS class .text-center to the parent element. This does exactly the same thing and is available in both v2.3.3 and v3

Why aren't Xcode breakpoints functioning?

Solution for me with XCode 9.4.1 (did not stop at any breakpoint):

Under build Target -> Build Settings -> Optimization Level: Switched from "Optimize for speed" -> "No optimization" (now it's slower but works)

Writing File to Temp Folder

For %appdata% take a look to


angular2 submit form by pressing enter without submit button

Always use keydown.enter instead of keyup.enter to avoid lagging.

<textarea [(ngModel)]="textValue" (keydown.enter)="sendMessage();false" ></textarea>

and function inside component.ts

 textValue : string = '';  
 sendMessage() {
    this.textValue = '';

Change Screen Orientation programmatically using a Button

Yes, you can set the screen orientation programatically anytime you want using:


for landscape and portrait mode respectively. The setRequestedOrientation() method is available for the Activity class, so it can be used inside your Activity.

And this is how you can get the current screen orientation and set it adequatly depending on its current state:

Display display = ((WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
final int orientation = display.getOrientation(); 
 // OR: orientation = getRequestedOrientation(); // inside an Activity

// set the screen orientation on button click
Button btn = (Button) findViewById(;
btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
          public void onClick(View v) {

              switch(orientation) {
                   case Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT:
                       setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);
                   case Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE:
                       setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT);

Taken from here:


Also, you can get the screen orientation using the Configuration:


How do I find which application is using up my port?

To see which ports are available on your machine run:

C:>  netstat -an |find /i "listening"

clearing a char array c

It depends on how you want to view the array. If you are viewing the array as a series of chars, then the only way to clear out the data is to touch every entry. memset is probably the most effective way to achieve this.

On the other hand, if you are choosing to view this as a C/C++ null terminated string, setting the first byte to 0 will effectively clear the string.

convert UIImage to NSData

NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(myImage.image);

What is the difference between \r and \n?

\r is used to point to the start of a line and can replace the text from there, e.g.


Produces this output:


\n is for new line.

How to create tar.gz archive file in Windows?

tar.gz file is just a tar file that's been gzipped. Both tar and gzip are available for windows.

If you like GUIs (Graphical user interface), 7zip can pack with both tar and gzip.

missing private key in the distribution certificate on keychain

After you changed a Mac which are not the origin one who created the disitribution certificate, you will missing the private key.Just delete the origin certificate and recreate a new one, that works for me~

Does "display:none" prevent an image from loading?

If so is there a way to not load the unnecessary content on mobile browsers?

use <img src="" srcset="">

Unit testing void methods?

Try this:

public void TestSomething()
    catch {

Batch file for PuTTY/PSFTP file transfer automation

You need to store the psftp script (lines from open to bye) into a separate file and pass that to psftp using -b switch:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY"
psftp -b "C:\path\to\script\script.txt"


EDIT: For username+password: As you cannot use psftp commands in a batch file, for the same reason, you cannot specify the username and the password as psftp commands. These are inputs to the open command. While you can specify the username with the open command (open <user>@<IP>), you cannot specify the password this way. This can be done on a psftp command line only. Then it's probably cleaner to do all on the command-line:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY"
psftp -b script.txt <user>@<IP> -pw <PW>

And remove the open, <user> and <PW> lines from your script.txt.


What you are doing atm is that you run psftp without any parameter or commands. Once you exit it (like by typing bye), your batch file continues trying to run open command (and others), what Windows shell obviously does not understand.

If you really want to keep everything in one file (the batch file), you can write commands to psftp standard input, like:

    echo cd ...
    echo lcd ...
    echo put
) | psftp -b script.txt <user>@<IP> -pw <PW>

GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM problem when working with terminal and MacFusion

You will also get this if git doesn't have permissions to read the config files. It will just go up in the hierarchy tree until it needs to cross file systems.

how to install tensorflow on anaconda python 3.6

According to :

To install this package with conda run:

conda install -c intel tensorflow

pip install To install this package with pip:

pip install -i tensorflow

How can I output a UTF-8 CSV in PHP that Excel will read properly?

You may append the 3 bytes to the file before exporting, it works for me . Before doing that system only work in Windows and HP -UX but failed in Linux.

FileOutputStream fStream = new FileOutputStream( f );
final byte[] bom = new byte[] { (byte) 0xEF, (byte) 0xBB, (byte) 0xBF };
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter( fStream, "UTF8" );
fStream.write( bom );

Have a UTF-8 BOM (3 bytes, hex EF BB BF) at the start of the file. Otherwise Excel will interpret the data according to your locale's default encoding (e.g. cp1252) instead of utf-8

Generating CSV file for Excel, how to have a newline inside a value

How to select the last record of a table in SQL?

It is always a good practice in your table design to have an automatic row identifier, such as


, then you can identify your last row by

 select * from yourTable where rowID =  @@IDENTITY 

What do I need to do to get Internet Explorer 8 to accept a self signed certificate?

If you're getting an address mismatch error, just allow address mismatches:

  1. Tools and select Internet Options
  2. select the Advanced tab
  3. Scroll down and uncheck Warn about certificate address mismatch

Convert and format a Date in JSP

Date td = new Date();
String b = new String("");
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY/MM/dd");
b = format.format(td);

File upload from <input type="file">

I think that it's not supported. If you have a look at this DefaultValueAccessor directive (see You will see that the value used to update the bound element is $

This doesn't apply in the case of inputs with type file since the file object can be reached $event.srcElement.files instead.

For more details, you can have a look at this plunkr:

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
      <input type="file" (change)="onChange($event)"/>
  providers: [ UploadService ]
export class AppComponent {
  onChange(event) {
    var files = event.srcElement.files;

How do I set the default page of my application in IIS7?

On IIS Manager--> Http view--> double click on Default and write the name of your desired startup page, Thats it

Apply function to each column in a data frame observing each columns existing data type

The reason that max works with apply is that apply is coercing your data frame to a matrix first, and a matrix can only hold one data type. So you end up with a matrix of characters. sapply is just a wrapper for lapply, so it is not surprising that both yield the same error.

The default behavior when you create a data frame is for categorical columns to be stored as factors. Unless you specify that it is an ordered factor, operations like max and min will be undefined, since R is assuming that you've created an unordered factor.

You can change this behavior by specifying options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE), which will change the default for the entire session, or you can pass stringsAsFactors = FALSE in the data.frame() construction call itself. Note that this just means that min and max will assume "alphabetical" ordering by default.

Or you can manually specify an ordering for each factor, although I doubt that's what you want to do.

Regardless, sapply will generally yield an atomic vector, which will entail converting everything to characters in many cases. One way around this is as follows:

#Some test data
d <- data.frame(v1 = runif(10), v2 = letters[1:10], 
                v3 = rnorm(10), v4 = LETTERS[1:10],stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

d[4,] <- NA

#Similar function to DWin's answer          
fun <- function(x){
    if(is.numeric(x)){max(x,na.rm = 1)}

#Use colwise from plyr package
         v1 v2       v3 v4
1 0.8478983  j 1.999435  J

Padding between ActionBar's home icon and title

Using titleMarginStart works for me. Xamarin example:


Set the logo like so:

mToolbar = FindViewById<SupportToolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);
SupportActionBar.Title = "App title";

SQL Server 2008 - Case / If statements in SELECT Clause

The most obvious solutions are already listed. Depending on where the query is sat (i.e. in application code) you can't always use IF statements and the inline CASE statements can get painful where lots of columns become conditional. Assuming Col1 + Col3 + Col7 are the same type, and likewise Col2, Col4 + Col8 you can do this:

SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM tbl WHERE @Var LIKE 'xyz'
SELECT Col3, Col4 FROM tbl WHERE @Var LIKE 'zyx'
SELECT Col7, Col8 FROM tbl WHERE @Var NOT LIKE 'xyz' AND @Var NOT LIKE 'zyx'

As this is a single command there are several performance benefits with regard to plan caching. Also the Query Optimiser will quickly eliminate those statements where @Var doesn't match the appropriate value without touching the storage engine.

sprintf like functionality in Python

This is probably the closest translation from your C code to Python code.

A = 1
B = "hello"
buf = "A = %d\n , B= %s\n" % (A, B)

c = 2
buf += "C=%d\n" % c

f = open('output.txt', 'w')
print >> f, c

The % operator in Python does almost exactly the same thing as C's sprintf. You can also print the string to a file directly. If there are lots of these string formatted stringlets involved, it might be wise to use a StringIO object to speed up processing time.

So instead of doing +=, do this:

import cStringIO
buf = cStringIO.StringIO()


print >> buf, "A = %d\n , B= %s\n" % (A, B)


print >> buf, "C=%d\n" % c


print >> f, buf.getvalue()

Java error: Implicit super constructor is undefined for default constructor

You could also get this error when JRE is not set. If so, try adding JRE System Library to your project.

Under Eclipse IDE:

  1. open menu Project --> Properties, or right-click on your project in Package Explorer and choose Properties (Alt+Enter on Windows, Command+I on Mac)
  2. click on Java Build Path then Libraries tab
  3. choose Modulepath or Classpath and press Add Library... button
  4. select JRE System Library then click Next
  5. keep Workspace default JRE selected (you can also take another option) and click Finish
  6. finally press Apply and Close.

How to pass multiple parameters in thread in VB

I think this will help you... Creating Threads and Passing Data at Start Time!

Imports System.Threading

' The ThreadWithState class contains the information needed for 
' a task, and the method that executes the task. 
Public Class ThreadWithState
    ' State information used in the task. 
    Private boilerplate As String 
    Private value As Integer 

    ' The constructor obtains the state information. 
    Public Sub New(text As String, number As Integer)
        boilerplate = text
        value = number
    End Sub 

    ' The thread procedure performs the task, such as formatting 
    ' and printing a document. 
    Public Sub ThreadProc()
        Console.WriteLine(boilerplate, value)
    End Sub  
End Class 

' Entry point for the example. 
Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Supply the state information required by the task. 
        Dim tws As New ThreadWithState( _
            "This report displays the number {0}.", 42)

        ' Create a thread to execute the task, and then 
        ' start the thread. 
        Dim t As New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf tws.ThreadProc))
        Console.WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then waits.")
        Console.WriteLine( _
            "Independent task has completed main thread ends.")
    End Sub 
End Class 
' The example displays the following output: 
'       Main thread does some work, then waits. 
'       This report displays the number 42. 
'       Independent task has completed; main thread ends.

How can I put an icon inside a TextInput in React Native?

You can wrap your TextInput in View.


and dynamically calculate width, if you want add an icon,

iconWidth = 0.05*viewWidth 
textInputWidth = 0.95*viewWidth

otherwise textInputwWidth = viewWidth.

View and TextInput background color are both white. (Small hack)

Remove Select arrow on IE

In IE9, it is possible with purely a hack as advised by @Spudley. Since you've customized height and width of the div and select, you need to change div:before css to match yours.

In case if it is IE10 then using below css3 it is possible

select::-ms-expand {
    display: none;

However if you're interested in jQuery plugin, try Chosen.js or you can create your own in js.

How do I get the number of days between two dates in JavaScript?

The simple way to calculate days between two dates is to remove both of their time component i.e. setting hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to 0 and then subtracting their time and diving it with milliseconds worth of one day.

var firstDate= new Date(firstDate.setHours(0,0,0,0));
var secondDate= new Date(secondDate.setHours(0,0,0,0));
var timeDiff = firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime();
var diffDays =timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24);

Ignore .classpath and .project from Git

The git solution for such scenarios is setting SKIP-WORKTREE BIT. Run only the following command:

git update-index --skip-worktree .classpath .gitignore

It is used when you want git to ignore changes of files that are already managed by git and exist on the index. This is a common use case for config files.

Running git rm --cached doesn't work for the scenario mentioned in the question. If I simplify the question, it says:

How to have .classpath and .project on the repo while each one can change it locally and git ignores this change?

As I commented under the accepted answer, the drawback of git rm --cached is that it causes a change in the index, so you need to commit the change and then push it to the remote repository. As a result, .classpath and .project won't be available on the repo while the PO wants them to be there so anyone that clones the repo for the first time, they can use it.


Based on git documentaion:

Skip-worktree bit can be defined in one (long) sentence: When reading an entry, if it is marked as skip-worktree, then Git pretends its working directory version is up to date and read the index version instead. Although this bit looks similar to assume-unchanged bit, its goal is different from assume-unchanged bit’s. Skip-worktree also takes precedence over assume-unchanged bit when both are set.

More details is available here.