The answer of Shyam was right. I already faced with this issue before. It's not a problem, it's a SPRING feature. "Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only" is acceptable.
Let's me explain more detail:
Question: How many Transaction we have? Answer: Only one
Because you config the PROPAGATION is PROPAGATION_REQUIRED so that the @Transaction persist() is using the same transaction with the caller-processNextRegistrationMessage(). Actually, when we get an exception, the Spring will set rollBackOnly for the TransactionManager so the Spring will rollback just only one Transaction.
Question: But we have a try-catch outside (), why does it happen this exception? Answer Because of unique Transaction
Go to the catch outside
Spring will set the rollBackOnly to true -> it determine we must
rollback the caller (processNextRegistrationMessage) also.
The persist() will rollback itself first.
Question: Why we change PROPAGATION to REQUIRES_NEW, it works?
Answer: Because now the processNextRegistrationMessage() and persist() are in the different transaction so that they only rollback their transaction.