[android] Where are shared preferences stored?

Where in an Eclipse project might one encounter a shared preferences file?

This question is related to android sharedpreferences

The answer is

Just to save some of you time...

On my Galaxy S v.2.3.3 Shared Preferences are not stored in:/data/data/YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME/shared_prefs/YOUR_PREFS_NAME.xml

but are now located in: /dbdata/databases/YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME/shared_prefs/YOUR_PREFS_NAME.xml

I believe they changed this in 2.3

Shared Preferences are the key/value pairs that we can store. They are internal type of storage which means we do not have to create an external database to store it. To see it go to, 1) Go to View in the menu bar. Select Tool Windows. 2) Click on Device File Explorer. 3) Device File Explorer opens up in the right hand side. 4) Find the data folder and click on it. 5) In the data folder, you can select another data folder. 6) Try to search for your package name in this data folder. Ex: com.example.com 7) Then Click on shared_prefs and open the .xml file.

Hope this helps!

Preferences can either be set in code or can be found in res/xml/preferences.xml. You can read more about preferences on the Android SDK website.

Use http://facebook.github.io/stetho/ library to access your app's local storage with chrome inspect tools. You can find sharedPreference file under Local storage -> < your app's package name >

enter image description here

I just tried to get path of shared preferences below like this.This is work for me.

File f = getDatabasePath("MyPrefsFile.xml");

if (f != null)
    Log.i("TAG", f.getAbsolutePath());

The data is stored on the device, in your application's private data area. It is not in an Eclipse project.