Programs & Examples On #Perl packager


Add "Are you sure?" to my excel button, how can I?

Just make a custom userform that is shown when the "delete" button is pressed, then link the continue button to the actual code that does the deleting. Make the cancel button hide the userform.

Two way sync with rsync

Try Unison:

Syntax: unison dirA/ dirB/

Unison asks what to do when files are different, but you can automate the process by using the following which accepts default (nonconflicting) options:

unison -auto dirA/ dirB/

unison -batch dirA/ dirB/ asks no questions at all, and writes to output how many files were ignored (because they conflicted).

How to fetch FetchType.LAZY associations with JPA and Hibernate in a Spring Controller

Though this is an old post, please consider using @NamedEntityGraph (Javax Persistence) and @EntityGraph (Spring Data JPA). The combination works.


@Table(name = "Employee", schema = "dbo", catalog = "ARCHO")
@NamedEntityGraph(name = "employeeAuthorities",
            attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("employeeGroups"))
public class EmployeeEntity implements Serializable, UserDetails {
// your props

and then the spring repo as below

@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "Employee", path = "Employee")
public interface IEmployeeRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<EmployeeEntity, String>           {

    @EntityGraph(value = "employeeAuthorities", type = EntityGraphType.LOAD)
    EmployeeEntity getByUsername(String userName);


recursively use scp but excluding some folders

You can specify GLOBIGNORE and use the pattern *

GLOBIGNORE='ignore1:ignore2' scp -r source/* remoteurl:remoteDir

You may wish to have general rules which you combine or override by using export GLOBIGNORE, but for ad-hoc usage simply the above will do. The : character is used as delimiter for multiple values.

All shards failed

If you encounter this apparent index corruption in a running system, you can work around it by deleting all files called segments.gen. It is advisory only, and Lucene can recover correctly without it.

From ElasticSearch Blog

CSS to make HTML page footer stay at bottom of the page with a minimum height, but not overlap the page

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />

 <div id="page-container">
   <div id="content-wrap">
     <!-- all other page content -->
   <footer id="footer"></footer>


#page-container {
  position: relative;
  min-height: 100vh;

#content-wrap {
  padding-bottom: 2.5rem;    /* Footer height */

#footer {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 2.5rem;            /* Footer height */

SSRS the definition of the report is invalid

I just had this same problem during a SSRS development of a Custom Report for MS CRM Dynamics 2011.

The reason because it occurred is because I am using some Hidden Parameters and for some of them I forget to give a default value.

So, because of I have few time to finish the report I forget to put the default value for some Parameters and I risked to lost more time to fix it.

Luckily I found it very fast because the error shows the textbox and the paragraph with the first wrong parameter but it didn't shows the name of the parameter:

"I cannot post the image of the error because this website don't allows me"

In general during SSRS developments it's very important to remember: - To put the report parameters in the correct sequence (the referred ones for first es. parameters inherited from master report or parameters essentials for sub-datasets) - To assign a default value to the Hide and Internal Parameters.

How to make a dropdown readonly using jquery?

Easiest option for me was to make select as readonly and add:

onmousedown="return false" onkeydown="return false"

You don't need to write any extra logic. No hidden inputs or disabled and then re-enabled on form submit.

How to get all options of a select using jQuery?

Some answers uses each, but map is a better alternative here IMHO:

$("select#example option").map(function() {return $(this).val();}).get();

There are (at least) two map functions in jQuery. Thomas Petersen's answer uses "Utilities/"; this answer uses "Traversing/map" (and therefore a little cleaner code).

It depends on what you are going to do with the values. If you, let's say, want to return the values from a function, map is probably the better alternative. But if you are going to use the values directly you probably want each.

How to use protractor to check if an element is visible?

I had a similar issue, in that I only wanted return elements that were visible in a page object. I found that I'm able to use the css :not. In the case of this issue, this should do you...


In the context of a page object, you can get ONLY those elements that are visible in this way as well. Eg. given a page with multiple items, where only some are visible, you can use:

this.visibileIcons = $$('i.icon:not(.ng-hide)'); 

This will return you all visible i.icons

Prevent PDF file from downloading and printing

Ultimately you will need to:

  • Create Images for each page
  • Present those to the user on the web via your own interface (html, flash etc)

Keep in mind flash wont work on Apple devices if that's required.

A print screen will allow someone to recreate the low res image you present, and in this case you could add a watermark to the image.

Mysql - How to quit/exit from stored procedure

I think this solution is handy if you can test the value of the error field later. This is also applicable by creating a temporary table and returning a list of errors.

CREATE PROCEDURE $procName($params)
    FROM $tables
    WHERE $where
    ORDER BY $sorting LIMIT 1
    INTO $vars;
    IF error = 0 THEN
       SELECT $vars;
       SELECT 1 AS error;
       SET @error = 0;
    END IF;
CALL $procName($effp);

How to get different colored lines for different plots in a single figure?

Setting them later

If you don't know the number of the plots you are going to plot you can change the colours once you have plotted them retrieving the number directly from the plot using .lines, I use this solution:

Some random data

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig1 = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)

for i in range(1,15):

The piece of code that you need:

colormap = #nipy_spectral, Set1,Paired   
colors = [colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1,len(ax1.lines))]
for i,j in enumerate(ax1.lines):


The result is the following:enter image description here

How can I use custom fonts on a website?

Yes, there is a way. Its called custom fonts in CSS.Your CSS needs to be modified, and you need to upload those fonts to your website.

The CSS required for this is:

@font-face {
     font-family: Thonburi-Bold;
     src: url('pathway/Thonburi-Bold.otf'); 

How to get the selected item of a combo box to a string variable in c#

You can use as below:

string selected = cmbbox.Text;

Convert UTC Epoch to local date

 function ToLocalDate (inDate) {
    var date = new Date();
    date.setTime(inDate.valueOf() - 60000 * inDate.getTimezoneOffset());
    return date;

How to convert a full date to a short date in javascript?

Here you go:

(new Date()).toLocaleDateString('en-US');

That's it !!

you can use it on any date object

let's say.. you have an object called "currentDate"

var currentDate = new Date(); //use your date here
currentDate.toLocaleDateString('en-US'); // "en-US" gives date in US Format - mm/dd/yy


If you want it in local format then

currentDate.toLocaleDateString(); // gives date in local Format

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' when writing to a file in Python3

You have to change from wb to w:

def __init__(self):
    self.myCsv = csv.writer(open('Item.csv', 'wb')) 
    self.myCsv.writerow(['title', 'link'])


def __init__(self):
    self.myCsv = csv.writer(open('Item.csv', 'w'))
    self.myCsv.writerow(['title', 'link'])

After changing this, the error disappears, but you can't write to the file (in my case). So after all, I don't have an answer?

Source: How to remove ^M

Changing to 'rb' brings me the other error: io.UnsupportedOperation: write

jQuery how to bind onclick event to dynamically added HTML element

A little late to the party but I thought I would try to clear up some common misconceptions in jQuery event handlers. As of jQuery 1.7, .on() should be used instead of the deprecated .live(), to delegate event handlers to elements that are dynamically created at any point after the event handler is assigned.

That said, it is not a simple of switching live for on because the syntax is slightly different:

New method (example 1):

$(document).on('click', '#someting', function(){


Deprecated method (example 2):



As shown above, there is a difference. The twist is .on() can actually be called similar to .live(), by passing the selector to the jQuery function itself:

Example 3:

$('#something').on('click', function(){


However, without using $(document) as in example 1, example 3 will not work for dynamically created elements. The example 3 is absolutely fine if you don't need the dynamic delegation.

Should $(document).on() be used for everything?

It will work but if you don't need the dynamic delegation, it would be more appropriate to use example 3 because example 1 requires slightly more work from the browser. There won't be any real impact on performance but it makes sense to use the most appropriate method for your use.

Should .on() be used instead of .click() if no dynamic delegation is needed?

Not necessarily. The following is just a shortcut for example 3:



The above is perfectly valid and so it's really a matter of personal preference as to which method is used when no dynamic delegation is required.


Best way to do a PHP switch with multiple values per case?

Some other ideas not mentioned yet:

  case in_array($p, array('home', '')): 
    $current_home = 'current'; break;

  case preg_match('/^users\.(online|location|featured|new|browse|search|staff)$/', $p):
    $current_users = 'current'; break;

  case 'forum' == $p:
    $current_forum = 'current'; break; 

Someone will probably complain about readability issues with #2, but I would have no problem inheriting code like that.

How can I display the users profile pic using the facebook graph api?

I was having a problem fetching profile photos while using CURL. I thought for a while there was something wrong my implementation of the Facebook API, but I need to add a bit to my CURL called:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

How to get cookie's expire time

To get cookies expire time, use this simple method.


//#############PART 1#############
//expiration time (a*b*c*d) <- change D corresponding to number of days for cookie expiration
$time = time()+(60*60*24*365);
$timeMemo = (string)$time;

//sets cookie with expiration time defined above
setcookie("testCookie", "" . $timeMemo . "", $time);

//#############PART 2#############
//this function will convert seconds to days.
function secToDays($sec){

    return ($sec / 60 / 60 / 24);

//checks if cookie is set and prints out expiration time in days

    echo "Cookie is set<br />";
    if(round(secToDays((intval($_COOKIE['testCookie']) - time())),1) < 1){
        echo "Cookie will expire today.";
        echo "Cookie will expire in " . round(secToDays((intval($_COOKIE['testCookie']) - time())),1) . " day(s)";

    echo "not set...";


You need to keep Part 1 and Part 2 in different files, otherwise you will get the same expire date everytime.

joining two select statements

Not sure what you are trying to do, but you have two select clauses. Do this instead:

       FROM orders_products 
       INNER JOIN orders ON orders_products.orders_id = orders.orders_id 
       WHERE products_id = 181) AS A
       FROM orders_products 
       INNER JOIN orders ON orders_products.orders_id = orders.orders_id
       WHERE products_id = 180) AS B

ON A.orders_id=B.orders_id


You could probably reduce it to something like this:

SELECT o.orders_id, 
FROM orders o
INNER JOIN orders_products op1 on o.orders_id = op1.orders_id  
INNER JOIN orders_products op2 on o.orders_id = op2.orders_id  
WHERE op1.products_id = 180
AND op2.products_id = 181

How to convert List to Json in Java

Use GSONBuilder with setPrettyPrinting and disableHtml for nice output.

String json = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().
                            create().toJson(outputList  );

Difference between save and saveAndFlush in Spring data jpa

On saveAndFlush, changes will be flushed to DB immediately in this command. With save, this is not necessarily true, and might stay just in memory, until flush or commit commands are issued.

But be aware, that even if you flush the changes in transaction and do not commit them, the changes still won't be visible to the outside transactions until the commit in this transaction.

In your case, you probably use some sort of transactions mechanism, which issues commit command for you if everything works out fine.

Getting and removing the first character of a string

removing first characters:

x <- 'hello stackoverflow'
substring(x, 2, nchar(x))

Idea is select all characters starting from 2 to number of characters in x. This is important when you have unequal number of characters in word or phrase.

Selecting the first letter is trivial as previous answers:


A JRE or JDK must be available in order to run Eclipse. No JVM was found after searching the following locations

Newb move on my part, but I had installed just the JRE instead of JDK. Installed JDK and my problem went immediately away.

Appending HTML string to the DOM

Quick Hack:


Use Cases:

1: Save as .html file and run in chrome or firefox or edge. (IE wont work)

2: Use in

In Action:

Broken down with comments:


//: The message "QUICK_HACK" 
//: wrapped in a header #1 tag.
var text = "<h1>QUICK_HACK</h1>";

//: It's a quick hack, so I don't
//: care where it goes on the document,
//: just as long as I can see it.
//: Since I am doing this quick hack in
//: an empty file or scratchpad, 
//: it should be visible.
var child = document.children[0];

//: Set the html content of your child
//: to the message you want to see on screen.
child.innerHTML = text;


Reason Why I posted: has two must haves:

  1. No autocomplete
  2. Vertical monitor friendly

But doesn't show console.log messages. Came here looking for a quick solution. I just want to see the results of a few lines of scratchpad code, the other solutions are too much work.

MySQL - how to front pad zip code with "0"?

LPAD works with VARCHAR2 as it does not put spaces for left over bytes. LPAD changes leftover/null bytes to zeros on LHS SO datatype should be VARCHAR2

How do I echo and send console output to a file in a bat script?

My option was this:

Create a subroutine that takes in the message and automates the process of sending it to both console and log file.

set logfile=logfile.log

call :screenandlog "%DATE% %TIME% This message goes to the screen and to the log"    

goto :eof

set message=%~1
echo %message% & echo %message% >> %logfile%
exit /b

If you add a variable to the message, be sure to remove the quotes in it before sending it to the subroutine or it can screw your batch. Of course this only works for echoing.

Compare two files in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio 2012, 2013, 2015, you can also do it with Web Essentials, just right click the files and from context menu > Web Essential >> Diff selected files:

Edit: It's now available as a separate extension

enter image description here

Interpreting segfault messages

This is a segfault due to following a null pointer trying to find code to run (that is, during an instruction fetch).

If this were a program, not a shared library

Run addr2line -e yourSegfaultingProgram 00007f9bebcca90d (and repeat for the other instruction pointer values given) to see where the error is happening. Better, get a debug-instrumented build, and reproduce the problem under a debugger such as gdb.

Since it's a shared library

You're hosed, unfortunately; it's not possible to know where the libraries were placed in memory by the dynamic linker after-the-fact. Reproduce the problem under gdb.

What the error means

Here's the breakdown of the fields:

  • address (after the at) - the location in memory the code is trying to access (it's likely that 10 and 11 are offsets from a pointer we expect to be set to a valid value but which is instead pointing to 0)
  • ip - instruction pointer, ie. where the code which is trying to do this lives
  • sp - stack pointer
  • error - An error code for page faults; see below for what this means on x86.

     * Page fault error code bits:
     *   bit 0 ==    0: no page found       1: protection fault
     *   bit 1 ==    0: read access         1: write access
     *   bit 2 ==    0: kernel-mode access  1: user-mode access
     *   bit 3 ==                           1: use of reserved bit detected
     *   bit 4 ==                           1: fault was an instruction fetch

Which loop is faster, while or for?

Set the loop iterations to 10,000.

Find the time in milliseconds>Run Loop>find time in milliseconds and subtract the first timer.

Do it for both codes, what ever one has the lowest milliseconds it runs faster. You might want to run the test multiple times and average them out to reduce the likelihood of background processes influencing the test.

You are likely to get really similar times on both of them, but I am interested to see if one is always just slightly faster.

What is the difference between & and && in Java?

‘&&’ : - is a Logical AND operator produce a boolean value of true or false based on the logical relationship of its arguments.

For example: - Condition1 && Condition2

If Condition1 is false, then (Condition1 && Condition2) will always be false, that is the reason why this logical operator is also known as Short Circuit Operator because it does not evaluate another condition. If Condition1 is false , then there is no need to evaluate Condtiton2.

If Condition1 is true, then Condition2 is evaluated, if it is true then overall result will be true else it will be false.

‘&’ : - is a Bitwise AND Operator. It produces a one (1) in the output if both the input bits are one. Otherwise it produces zero (0).

For example:-

int a=12; // binary representation of 12 is 1100

int b=6; // binary representation of 6 is 0110

int c=(a & b); // binary representation of (12 & 6) is 0100

The value of c is 4.

for reference , refer this

Drag and drop menuitems

jQuery UI draggable and droppable are the two plugins I would use to achieve this effect. As for the insertion marker, I would investigate modifying the div (or container) element that was about to have content dropped into it. It should be possible to modify the border in some way or add a JavaScript/jQuery listener that listens for the hover (element about to be dropped) event and modifies the border or adds an image of the insertion marker in the right place.

How to get current PHP page name

In your case you can use __FILE__ variable !
It should help.
It is one of predefined.
Read more about predefined constants in PHP

How do you create a Spring MVC project in Eclipse?

This is the easiest way :

step 1) install Spring Tool Suite (STS) for eclipse (version 3.7.0RELEASE or above) To do this you can go to Help >> eclipse market place , then type Spring Tool suite in search box.

step 2) now go to file >> new >> spring project as shown in the image below enter image description here

step 3)now choose the template as "spring MVC Project" and give a name to your project on the top as shown below ( I named it 'SpringProject') enter image description here

step 4)now give a base package name like this enter image description here

and that is . The project will be created in a few minutes and Now you can right click on it and run on server.

How to fade changing background image

If your trying to fade the backgound image but leave the foreground text/images you could use css to separate the background image into a new div and position it over the div containing the text/images then fade the background div.

Android: ScrollView force to bottom

When the view is not loaded yet, you cannot scroll. You can do it 'later' with a post or sleep call as above, but this is not very elegant.

It is better to plan the scroll and do it on the next onLayout(). Example code here:

NuGet Packages are missing

Solution that works in my case - Visual Studio 2015 Enterprice, project .NET 4.6.1

  1. Upgrade to Update 3
  2. Install Web developer tools

Visual studio installation wizzard

WampServer: php-win.exe The program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing

What solves my problem: I am using 64 bit Windows 7, so I thought I could install 64 bit Wamp. After I Installed the 32-bit version the error does not appear. So something in the developing process at Wamp went wrong...

javascript popup alert on link click

You can use the onclick attribute, just return false if you don't want continue;

<script type="text/javascript">
function confirm_alert(node) {
    return confirm("Please click on OK to continue.");
<a href="" onclick="return confirm_alert(this);">Click Me</a>

What is token-based authentication?

Token Based (Security / Authentication)

means that In order for us to prove that we’ve access we first have to receive the token. In a real life scenario, the token could be an access card to building, it could be the key to the lock to your house. In order for you to retrieve a key card for your office or the key to your home, you first need to prove who you are, and that you in fact do have access to that token. It could be something as simple as showing someone your ID or giving them a secret password. So imagine I need to get access to my office. I go down to the security office, I show them my ID, and they give me this token, which lets me into the building. Now I have unrestricted access to do whatever I want inside the building, as long as I have my token with me.

What’s the benefit of token based security?

If we think back on the insecure API, what we had to do in that case was that we had to provide our password for everything that we wanted to do.

Imagine that every time we enter a door in our office, we have to give everyone sitting next to the door our password. Now that would be pretty bad, because that means that anyone inside our office could take our password and impersonate us, and that’s pretty bad. Instead, what we do is that we retrieve the token, of course together with password, but we retrieve that from one person. And then we can use this token wherever we want inside the building. Of course if we lose the token, we have the same problem as if someone else knew our password, but that leads us into things like how do we make sure that if we lose the token, we can revoke the access, and maybe the token shouldn’t live for longer than 24hours, so the next day that we come to the office, we need to show our ID again. But still, there’s just one person that we show the ID to, and that’s the security guard sitting where we retrieve the tokens.

Update records in table from CTE

Updates you make to the CTE will be cascaded to the source table.

I have had to guess at your schema slightly, but something like this should work.

(   SELECT  InvoiceNumber, 
            SUM(Sale + VAT) OVER(PARTITION BY InvoiceNumber) AS NewDocTotal
    FROM    PEDI_InvoiceDetail
SET     DocTotal = NewDocTotal

Skip to next iteration in loop vba

For i = 2 To 24
  Level = Cells(i, 4)
  Return = Cells(i, 5)

  If Return = 0 And Level = 0 Then GoTo NextIteration
  'Go to the next iteration
  End If
  ' This is how you make a line label in VBA - Do not use keyword or
  ' integer and end it in colon

ModelState.AddModelError - How can I add an error that isn't for a property?

You can add the model error on any property of your model, I suggest if there is nothing related to create a new property.

As an exemple we check if the email is already in use in DB and add the error to the Email property in the action so when I return the view, they know that there's an error and how to show it up by using

<%: Html.ValidationSummary(true)%>
<%: Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Email) %>


ModelState.AddModelError("Email", Resources.EmailInUse);

pip installs packages successfully, but executables not found from command line

I stumbled upon this question because I created, successfully built and published a PyPI Package, but couldn't execute it after installation. The $PATHvariable was correctly set.

In my case the problem was that I hadn't set the entry_pointin the file:

entry_points = {'console_scripts':


Remove characters after specific character in string, then remove substring?

The Uri class is generally your best bet for manipulating Urls.

show/hide html table columns using css

One line of code using jQuery:


// If your table has header(th), use this:

Source: Hide a Table Column with a Single line of jQuery code

Date object to Calendar [Java]

Calendar tCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();

date is a java.util.Date object. You may use Calendar.getInstance() as well to obtain the Calendar instance(much more efficient).

How does the "view" method work in PyTorch?

I figured it out that x.view(-1, 16 * 5 * 5) is equivalent to x.flatten(1), where the parameter 1 indicates the flatten process starts from the 1st dimension(not flattening the 'sample' dimension) As you can see, the latter usage is semantically more clear and easier to use, so I prefer flatten().

Why Git is not allowing me to commit even after configuration?

You're setting the global git options, but the local checkout possibly has overrides set. Try setting them again with git config --local <setting> <value>. You can look at the .git/config file in your local checkout to see what local settings the checkout has defined.

Identifying country by IP address

You can try using - geo location api that returns country among other IP information.

For example with Node.js

const request = require('request-promise')

  .then(response => console.log(JSON.parse(response)))
  .catch(err => console.log(err))

What type of hash does WordPress use?

For manually resetting the password in Wordpress DB, a simple MD5 hash is sufficient. (see reason below)

To prevent breaking backwards compatibility, MD5-hashed passwords stored in the database are still valid. When a user logs in with such a password, WordPress detects MD5 was used, rehashes the password using the more secure method, and stores the new hash in the database.


Update: this was an answer posted in 2014. I don't know if it still works for the latest version of WP since I don't work with WP anymore.

Why is there no Char.Empty like String.Empty?

The same reason there isn't an int.Empty. Containers can be empty, scalar values cannot. If you mean 0 (which is not empty), then use '\0'. If you mean null, then use null :)

"Large data" workflows using pandas

I'd like to point out the Vaex package.

Vaex is a python library for lazy Out-of-Core DataFrames (similar to Pandas), to visualize and explore big tabular datasets. It can calculate statistics such as mean, sum, count, standard deviation etc, on an N-dimensional grid up to a billion (109) objects/rows per second. Visualization is done using histograms, density plots and 3d volume rendering, allowing interactive exploration of big data. Vaex uses memory mapping, zero memory copy policy and lazy computations for best performance (no memory wasted).

Have a look at the documentation: The API is very close to the API of pandas.

Can pm2 run an 'npm start' script

pm2 start ./bin/www

can running

if you wanna multiple server deploy you can do that. instead of pm2 start npm -- start

Symfony - generate url with parameter in controller

If you want absolute urls, you have the third parameter.

$product_url = $this->generateUrl('product_detail', 
        'slug' => 'slug'

Remember to include UrlGeneratorInterface.

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;

Using number as "index" (JSON)

JSON regulates key type to be string. The purpose is to support the dot notation to access the members of the object.

For example, person = {"height":170, "weight":60, "age":32}. You can access members by person.height, person.weight, etc. If JSON supports value keys, then it would look like person.0, person.1, person.2.

How can I check if a string contains ANY letters from the alphabet?

Regex should be a fast approach:'[a-zA-Z]', the_string)

How to remove the arrow from a select element in Firefox

building on the answer by @JoãoCunha, one css style that is usefull for more then one browser

select {
    /*for firefox*/
    -moz-appearance: none;
    /*for chrome*/
    text-indent: 0.01px;
    text-overflow: '';
/*for IE10*/
select::-ms-expand {
    display: none;

Split string with PowerShell and do something with each token

Another way to accomplish this is a combination of Justus Thane's and mklement0's answers. It doesn't make sense to do it this way when you look at a one liner example, but when you're trying to mass-edit a file or a bunch of filenames it comes in pretty handy:

$test = '   One      for the money   '
$option = [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries
$($test.split(' ',$option)).foreach{$_}

This will come out as:


ASP.NET: Session.SessionID changes between requests

Another possibility that causes the SessionID to change between requests, even when Session_OnStart is defined and/or a Session has been initialized, is that the URL hostname contains an invalid character (such as an underscore). I believe this is IE specific (not verified), but if your URL is, say, http://server_name/app, then IE will block all cookies and your session information will not be accessible between requests.

In fact, each request will spin up a separate session on the server, so if your page contains multiple images, script tags, etc., then each of those GET requests will result in a different session on the server.

Further information:

Subtracting Number of Days from a Date in PL/SQL

Use sysdate-1 to subtract one day from system date.

select sysdate, sysdate -1 from dual;


-------- ---------
22-10-13 21-10-13 

Compiling Java 7 code via Maven

Not sure what the OS is in use here, but you can eliminate a lot of java version futzing un debian/ubuntu with update-java-alternatives to set the default jvm system wide.

#> update-java-alternatives -l
java-1.6.0-openjdk-amd64 1061 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-amd64
java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64 1071 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64
java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
java-7-oracle 1073 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle

To set a new one, use:

#> update-java-alternatives -s java-7-oracle

No need to set JAVA_HOME for most apps.

Can the "IN" operator use LIKE-wildcards (%) in Oracle?

Not 100% what you were looking for, but kind of an inside-out way of doing it:

SQL> CREATE TABLE mytable (id NUMBER, status VARCHAR2(50));

Table created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (1,'Finished except pouring water on witch');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (2,'Finished except clicking ruby-slipper heels');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (3,'You shall (not?) pass');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (4,'Done');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (5,'Done with it.');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (6,'In Progress');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (7,'In progress, OK?');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (8,'In Progress Check Back In Three Days'' Time');

1 row created.

  2  FROM   mytable m
  3  WHERE  +1 NOT IN (INSTR(m.status,'Done')
  4            ,       INSTR(m.status,'Finished except')
  5            ,       INSTR(m.status,'In Progress'));

        ID STATUS
---------- --------------------------------------------------
         3 You shall (not?) pass
         7 In progress, OK?


Using BufferedReader.readLine() in a while loop properly

In addition to the answer given by @ramin, if you already have BufferedReader or InputStream, it's possible to iterate through lines like this:

reader.lines().forEach(line -> {

or if you need to process it with given order:

reader.lines().forEachOrdered(line -> {

Convert a 1D array to a 2D array in numpy

There is a simple way as well, we can use the reshape function in a different way:

A_reshape = A.reshape(No_of_rows, No_of_columns)

The tilde operator in Python

This is minor usage is tilde...

def split_train_test_by_id(data, test_ratio, id_column):
    ids = data[id_column]
    in_test_set = ids.apply(lambda id_: test_set_check(id_, test_ratio)) 
    return data.loc[~in_test_set], data.loc[in_test_set]

the code above is from "Hands On Machine Learning"

you use tilde (~ sign) as alternative to - sign index marker

just like you use minus - is for integer index


array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

is the samething as


What's the shebang/hashbang (#!) in Facebook and new Twitter URLs for?

I always assumed the ! just indicated that the hash fragment that followed corresponded to a URL, with ! taking the place of the site root or domain. It could be anything, in theory, but it seems the Google AJAX Crawling API likes it this way.

The hash, of course, just indicates that no real page reload is occurring, so yes, it’s for AJAX purposes. Edit: Raganwald does a lovely job explaining this in more detail.

Can anyone explain python's relative imports?

You are importing from package "sub". is not itself in a package even if there is a present.

You would need to start your program from one directory over




import pkg.sub.relative

Now pkg is the top level package and your relative import should work.

If you want to stick with your current layout you can just use import parent. Because you use to launch your interpreter, the directory where is located is in your python path. lives there as a separate module.

You can also safely delete the top level, if you don't import anything into a script further up the directory tree.

Windows equivalent of the 'tail' command

Well, this will do it, but it's about as fast as it looks (roughly O(n*m), where n is the number of lines to display and m is the total number of lines in the file):

for /l %l in (1,1,10) do @for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=:" %a in ('findstr /n /r "^" filename ^| findstr /r "^%l:"') do @echo %b

Where "10" is the number of lines you want to print, and "filename" is the name of the file.

Java getHours(), getMinutes() and getSeconds()

Try this:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
int hours = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int minutes = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int seconds = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);


hours, minutes, seconds

above will be the hours, minutes and seconds after converting yourdate to System Timezone!

Android Service needs to run always (Never pause or stop)

You don't require broadcast receiver. If one would take some pain copy one of the api(serviceconnection) from above example by Stephen Donecker and paste it in google you would get this,

How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code?

For windows, the default key for multi-line comment is Alt + Shift + A

For windows, the default key for single line comment is Ctrl + /

jQuery won't parse my JSON from AJAX query

JSON strings are wrapped in double quotes; single quotes are not a valid substitute.

{"who": "Hello World"}

is valid but this is not...

{'who': 'Hello World'}

Whilst not the OP's issue, thought it worth noting for others who land here.

Javascript dynamic array of strings

The following code creates an Array object called myCars:

var myCars=new Array();

There are two ways of adding values to an array (you can add as many values as you need to define as many variables you require).


var myCars=new Array();

You could also pass an integer argument to control the array's size:

var myCars=new Array(3);


var myCars=new Array("Saab","Volvo","BMW");

Note: If you specify numbers or true/false values inside the array then the type of variables will be numeric or Boolean instead of string.

Access an Array

You can refer to a particular element in an array by referring to the name of the array and the index number. The index number starts at 0.

The following code line:


will result in the following output:


Modify Values in an Array

To modify a value in an existing array, just add a new value to the array with a specified index number:


Now, the following code line:


will result in the following output:


How to dynamically add elements to String array?

when using String array, you have to give size of array while initializing


String[] str = new String[10];

you can use index 0-9 to store values

str[0] = "value1"
str[1] = "value2"
str[2] = "value3"
str[3] = "value4"
str[4] = "value5"
str[5] = "value6"
str[6] = "value7"
str[7] = "value8"
str[8] = "value9"
str[9] = "value10"

if you are using ArrayList instread of string array, you can use it without initializing size of array ArrayList str = new ArrayList();

you can add value by using add method of Arraylist


get retrieve a value from arraylist, you can use get method

String s = str.get(0);

find total number of items by size method

int nCount = str.size();

read more from here

Working Copy Locked

I ended up using export command rather than update command. This is the post-commit hook

"C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\bin\svn.exe" export "D:\xampp\htdocs\test-lalala" --quiet --non-interactive --force --username myusername --password mypassword

Where does PHP's error log reside in XAMPP?

\xampp\apache\logs\error.log is the default location of error logs in php.

Favorite Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl+R+T (Runs the current test)

Ctrl+R+A (Runs all tests in the project)

copy db file with adb pull results in 'permission denied' error

Since I've updated to Android Oreo, I had to use this script to fix 'permission denied' issue.

This script on Mac OS X will copy your db file to Desktop. Just change it to match your ADB_PATH, DESTINATION_PATH and PACKAGE NAME.

NOT_PRESENT="List of devices attached"
ADB_FOUND=`${ADB_PATH}/adb devices | tail -2 | head -1 | cut -f 1 | sed 's/ *$//g'`
if [[ ${ADB_FOUND} == ${NOT_PRESENT} ]]; then
    echo "Make sure a device is connected"
     ${ADB_PATH}/adb exec-out run-as ${PACKAGE_NAME} cat files/${DB_NAME} > ${DESTINATION_PATH}

Get last n lines of a file, similar to tail

abc = "2018-06-16 04:45:18.68"
filename = "abc.txt"
with open(filename) as myFile:
    for num, line in enumerate(myFile, 1):
        if abc in line:
            lastline = num
print "last occurance of work at file is in "+str(lastline) 

Accessing session from TWIG template

A simple trick is to define the $_SESSION array as a global variable. For that, edit the core.php file in the extension folder by adding this function :

public function getGlobals() {
    return array(
        'session'   => $_SESSION,
    ) ;

Then, you'll be able to acces any session variable as :

{{ session.username }}

if you want to access to


How to open SharePoint files in Chrome/Firefox

You can use web-based protocol handlers for the links as per

Basically, just prepend ms-word:ofe|u| to the links to your SharePoint hosted Word documents.

Updating state on props change in React Form

The new hooks way of doing this is to use useEffect instead of componentWillReceiveProps the old way:

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
  // You don't have to do this check first, but it can help prevent an unneeded render
  if (nextProps.startTime !== this.state.startTime) {
    this.setState({ startTime: nextProps.startTime });

becomes the following in a functional hooks driven component:

// store the startTime prop in local state
const [startTime, setStartTime] = useState(props.startTime)
useEffect(() => {
  if (props.startTime !== startTime) {
}, [props.startTime]);

we set the state using setState, using useEffect we check for changes to the specified prop, and take the action to update the state on change of the prop.

How do I fix PyDev "Undefined variable from import" errors?

This worked for me:

step 1) Removing the interpreter, auto configuring it again

step 2) Window - Preferences - PyDev - Interpreters - Python Interpreter Go to the Forced builtins tab Click on New... Type the name of the module (curses in my case) and click OK

step 3) Right click in the project explorer on whichever module is giving errors. Go to PyDev->Code analysis.

get Context in non-Activity class

If your class is non-activity class, and creating an instance of it from the activiy, you can pass an instance of context via constructor of the later as follows:

class YourNonActivityClass{

// variable to hold context
private Context context;

//save the context recievied via constructor in a local variable

public YourNonActivityClass(Context context){


You can create instance of this class from the activity as follows:

new YourNonActivityClass(this);

Python send UDP packet

If you are running python 3 then you need to change the print statements to print functions, i.e. put things in brackets () after print statements.

The only thing that you will see the above do is the prints unless you have something listening on port 5005 as you are sending a packet not receiving it - so you need to implement and start the other part of the example in another console window first so it is waiting for the message.

Write / add data in JSON file using Node.js

For formatting jsonfile gives spaces option which you can pass as a parameter:

   jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, {spaces: 2}, function (err) {

Or use jsonfile.spaces = 4. Read details here.

I would not suggest writing to file each time in the loop, instead construct the JSON object in the loop and write to file outside the loop.

var jsonfile = require('jsonfile');
var obj={

for (i=0; i <11 ; i++){
jsonfile.writeFile('loop.json', obj, {spaces:2}, function(err){

SQL Server : check if variable is Empty or NULL for WHERE clause

Old post but worth a look for someone who stumbles upon like me


ISNULL(NULLIF(ColumnName, ' '), NULL) IS NULL Broken pipe

increase the response.getBufferSize() get the buffer size and compare with the bytes you want to transfer !

convert strtotime to date time format in php

Use date() function to get the desired date

// set default timezone

//define date and time
$strtotime = 1307595105;

// output
echo date('d M Y H:i:s',$strtotime);

// more formats
echo date('c',$strtotime); // ISO 8601 format
echo date('r',$strtotime); // RFC 2822 format

Recommended online tool for strtotime to date conversion:

How do I group Windows Form radio buttons?

Put radio buttons inside GroupBox (or other panel)

enter image description here

Access a JavaScript variable from PHP

_GET accesses query string variables, test is not a querystring variable (PHP does not process the JS in any way). You need to rethink. You could make a php variable $test, and do something like:

$test = "tester";
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    var test = "<?php echo $test?>";

    echo $test;

Of course, I don't know why you want this, so I'm not sure the best solution.

EDIT: As others have noted, if the JavaScript variable is really generated on the client, you will need AJAX or a form to send it to the server.

Binding to static property

There could be two ways/syntax to bind a static property. If p is a static property in class MainWindow, then binding for textbox will be:


<TextBox Text="{x:Static local:MainWindow.p}" />


<TextBox Text="{Binding Source={x:Static local:MainWindow.p},Mode=OneTime}" />

How to undo 'git reset'?

Old question, and the posted answers work great. I'll chime in with another option though.

git reset ORIG_HEAD

ORIG_HEAD references the commit that HEAD previously referenced.

Access restriction: Is not accessible due to restriction on required library ..\jre\lib\rt.jar

Excellent answer already provide onsite here.

See the summary below:

  1. Go to the Build Path settings in the project properties.
  2. Remove the JRE System Library
  3. Add it back; Select "Add Library" and select the JRE System Library. The default worked for me.

Error CS1705: "which has a higher version than referenced assembly"

Had a similar problem. My issue was that I had several projects within the same solution that each were referencing a specific version of a DLL but different versions. The solution was to set 'Specific Version' to false in the all of the properties of all of the references.

When should null values of Boolean be used?

For all the good answers above, I'm just going to give a concrete example in Java servlet HttpSession class. Hope this example helps to clarify some question you may still have.

If you need to store and retrieve values for a session, you use setAttribute(String, Object), and getAttribute(String, Object) method. So for a boolean value, you are forced to use the Boolean class if you want to store it in an http session.

HttpSession sess = request.getSession(false);
Boolean isAdmin = (Boolean) sess.getAttribute("admin");
if (! isAdmin) ...

The last line will cause a NullPointerException if the attribute values is not set. (which is the reason led me to this post). So the 3 logic state is here to stay, whether you prefer to use it or not.

How do I make a JSON object with multiple arrays?

Using below method pass any value which is any array:

Input parameter: url, like Example: "/node/[any int value of array]/anyKeyWhichInArray" Example: "cars/Nissan/[0]/model"

It can be used for any response:

    public String getResponseParameterThroughUrl(Response r, String url) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException {
    String value = "";
    String[] xpathOrder = url.split("/");
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String responseData = r.getBody().asString();       
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseData);
    byte[] jsonData = jsonObject.toString().getBytes();
    JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(jsonData);
    JsonNode node = null;
    for(int i=1;i<xpathOrder.length;i++) {
            node = rootNode;
            xpathOrder[i] = xpathOrder[i].replace("[", "");
            xpathOrder[i] = xpathOrder[i].replace("]", "");
            node = node.get(Integer.parseInt(xpathOrder[i]));
            node = node.path(xpathOrder[i]);
    value = node.asText();
    return value;

How can I access a hover state in reactjs?

For having hover effect you can simply try this code

import React from "react";
  import "./styles.css";

    export default function App() {

      function MouseOver(event) { = 'red';
      function MouseOut(event){"";
      return (
        <div className="App">
          <button onMouseOver={MouseOver} onMouseOut={MouseOut}>Hover over me!</button>

Or if you want to handle this situation using useState() hook then you can try this piece of code

import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
   let [over,setOver]=React.useState(false);

   let buttonstyle={


  return (
    <div className="App">
      <button style={buttonstyle}
      >Hover over me!</button>

Both of the above code will work for hover effect but first procedure is easier to write and understand

Difference between volatile and synchronized in Java

synchronized is method level/block level access restriction modifier. It will make sure that one thread owns the lock for critical section. Only the thread,which own a lock can enter synchronized block. If other threads are trying to access this critical section, they have to wait till current owner releases the lock.

volatile is variable access modifier which forces all threads to get latest value of the variable from main memory. No locking is required to access volatile variables. All threads can access volatile variable value at same time.

A good example to use volatile variable : Date variable.

Assume that you have made Date variable volatile. All the threads, which access this variable always get latest data from main memory so that all threads show real (actual) Date value. You don't need different threads showing different time for same variable. All threads should show right Date value.

enter image description here

Have a look at this article for better understanding of volatile concept.

Lawrence Dol cleary explained your read-write-update query.

Regarding your other queries

When is it more suitable to declare variables volatile than access them through synchronized?

You have to use volatile if you think all threads should get actual value of the variable in real time like the example I have explained for Date variable.

Is it a good idea to use volatile for variables that depend on input?

Answer will be same as in first query.

Refer to this article for better understanding.

What is the difference between HTTP and REST?

HTTP is a communications protocol that transports messages over a network. SOAP is a protocol to exchange XML-based messages that can use HTTP to transport those messages. Rest is a protocol to exchange any(XML or JSON) messages that can use HTTP to transport those messages.

Java Wait for thread to finish

Better alternatives to join() method have been evolved over a period of time.

ExecutorService.html#invokeAll is one alternative.

Executes the given tasks, returning a list of Futures holding their status and results when all complete. Future.isDone() is true for each element of the returned list.

Note that a completed task could have terminated either normally or by throwing an exception. The results of this method are undefined if the given collection is modified while this operation is in progress.

ForkJoinPool or Executors.html#newWorkStealingPool provides other alternatives to achieve the same purpose.

Example code snippet:

import java.util.concurrent.*;

import java.util.*;

public class InvokeAllDemo{
    public InvokeAllDemo(){
        System.out.println("creating service");
        ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());

        List<MyCallable> futureList = new ArrayList<MyCallable>();
        for ( int i=0; i<10; i++){
            MyCallable myCallable = new MyCallable((long)i);
            List<Future<Long>> futures = service.invokeAll(futureList);  
        }catch(Exception err){
    public static void main(String args[]){
        InvokeAllDemo demo = new InvokeAllDemo();
    class MyCallable implements Callable<Long>{
        Long id = 0L;
        public MyCallable(Long val){
   = val;
        public Long call(){
            // Add your business logic
            return id;

Argument Exception "Item with Same Key has already been added"

As others have said, you are adding the same key more than once. If this is a NOT a valid scenario, then check Jdinklage Morgoone's answer (which only saves the first value found for a key), or, consider this workaround (which only saves the last value found for a key):

// This will always overwrite the existing value if one is already stored for this key
rct3Features[items[0]] = items[1];

Otherwise, if it is valid to have multiple values for a single key, then you should consider storing your values in a List<string> for each string key.

For example:

var rct3Features = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
var rct4Features = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

foreach (string line in rct3Lines)
    string[] items = line.Split(new String[] { " " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None);

    if (!rct3Features.ContainsKey(items[0]))
        // No items for this key have been added, so create a new list
        // for the value with item[1] as the only item in the list
        rct3Features.Add(items[0], new List<string> { items[1] });
        // This key already exists, so add item[1] to the existing list value

// To display your keys and values (testing)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> item in rct3Features)
    Console.WriteLine("The Key: {0} has values:", item.Key);
    foreach (string value in item.Value)
        Console.WriteLine(" - {0}", value);

selecting unique values from a column

There is a specific keyword for the achieving the same.

FROM   buy 

How to convert UTC timestamp to device local time in android

It's Working

Call this method where you use

SntpClient client = new SntpClient();
if (client.requestTime("", 30000)) {
  long now = client.getNtpTime();
  Date current = new Date(now);

  date2 = sdf.parse(new Date(current.getTime()).toString());
 // System.out.println(current.toString());
  Log.e(TAG, "testing SntpClient time current.toString() "+current.toString()+" , date2 = "+date2);


import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;


 * {@hide}
 * Simple SNTP client class for retrieving network time.
 * Sample usage:
 * <pre>SntpClient client = new SntpClient();
 * if (client.requestTime("")) {
 *     long now = client.getNtpTime() + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - client.getNtpTimeReference();
 * }
 * </pre>
public class SntpClient
  private static final String TAG = "SntpClient";

  private static final int REFERENCE_TIME_OFFSET = 16;
  private static final int ORIGINATE_TIME_OFFSET = 24;
  private static final int RECEIVE_TIME_OFFSET = 32;
  private static final int TRANSMIT_TIME_OFFSET = 40;
  private static final int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48;

  private static final int NTP_PORT = 123;
  private static final int NTP_MODE_CLIENT = 3;
  private static final int NTP_VERSION = 3;

  // Number of seconds between Jan 1, 1900 and Jan 1, 1970
  // 70 years plus 17 leap days
  private static final long OFFSET_1900_TO_1970 = ((365L * 70L) + 17L) * 24L * 60L * 60L;

  // system time computed from NTP server response
  private long mNtpTime;

  // value of SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() corresponding to mNtpTime
  private long mNtpTimeReference;

  // round trip time in milliseconds
  private long mRoundTripTime;

   * Sends an SNTP request to the given host and processes the response.
   * @param host host name of the server.
   * @param timeout network timeout in milliseconds.
   * @return true if the transaction was successful.
  public boolean requestTime(String host, int timeout) {
    DatagramSocket socket = null;
    try {
      socket = new DatagramSocket();
      InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(host);
      byte[] buffer = new byte[NTP_PACKET_SIZE];
      DatagramPacket request = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length, address, NTP_PORT);

      // set mode = 3 (client) and version = 3
      // mode is in low 3 bits of first byte
      // version is in bits 3-5 of first byte
      buffer[0] = NTP_MODE_CLIENT | (NTP_VERSION << 3);

      // get current time and write it to the request packet
      long requestTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long requestTicks = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
      writeTimeStamp(buffer, TRANSMIT_TIME_OFFSET, requestTime);


      // read the response
      DatagramPacket response = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length);
      long responseTicks = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
      long responseTime = requestTime + (responseTicks - requestTicks);

      // extract the results
      long originateTime = readTimeStamp(buffer, ORIGINATE_TIME_OFFSET);
      long receiveTime = readTimeStamp(buffer, RECEIVE_TIME_OFFSET);
      long transmitTime = readTimeStamp(buffer, TRANSMIT_TIME_OFFSET);
      long roundTripTime = responseTicks - requestTicks - (transmitTime - receiveTime);
      // receiveTime = originateTime + transit + skew
      // responseTime = transmitTime + transit - skew
      // clockOffset = ((receiveTime - originateTime) + (transmitTime - responseTime))/2
      //             = ((originateTime + transit + skew - originateTime) +
      //                (transmitTime - (transmitTime + transit - skew)))/2
      //             = ((transit + skew) + (transmitTime - transmitTime - transit + skew))/2
      //             = (transit + skew - transit + skew)/2
      //             = (2 * skew)/2 = skew
      long clockOffset = ((receiveTime - originateTime) + (transmitTime - responseTime))/2;
      // if (false) Log.d(TAG, "round trip: " + roundTripTime + " ms");
      // if (false) Log.d(TAG, "clock offset: " + clockOffset + " ms");

      // save our results - use the times on this side of the network latency
      // (response rather than request time)
      mNtpTime = responseTime + clockOffset;
      mNtpTimeReference = responseTicks;
      mRoundTripTime = roundTripTime;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (false) Log.d(TAG, "request time failed: " + e);
      return false;
    } finally {
      if (socket != null) {

    return true;

   * Returns the time computed from the NTP transaction.
   * @return time value computed from NTP server response.
  public long getNtpTime() {
    return mNtpTime;

   * Returns the reference clock value (value of SystemClock.elapsedRealtime())
   * corresponding to the NTP time.
   * @return reference clock corresponding to the NTP time.
  public long getNtpTimeReference() {
    return mNtpTimeReference;

   * Returns the round trip time of the NTP transaction
   * @return round trip time in milliseconds.
  public long getRoundTripTime() {
    return mRoundTripTime;

   * Reads an unsigned 32 bit big endian number from the given offset in the buffer.
  private long read32(byte[] buffer, int offset) {
    byte b0 = buffer[offset];
    byte b1 = buffer[offset+1];
    byte b2 = buffer[offset+2];
    byte b3 = buffer[offset+3];

    // convert signed bytes to unsigned values
    int i0 = ((b0 & 0x80) == 0x80 ? (b0 & 0x7F) + 0x80 : b0);
    int i1 = ((b1 & 0x80) == 0x80 ? (b1 & 0x7F) + 0x80 : b1);
    int i2 = ((b2 & 0x80) == 0x80 ? (b2 & 0x7F) + 0x80 : b2);
    int i3 = ((b3 & 0x80) == 0x80 ? (b3 & 0x7F) + 0x80 : b3);

    return ((long)i0 << 24) + ((long)i1 << 16) + ((long)i2 << 8) + (long)i3;

   * Reads the NTP time stamp at the given offset in the buffer and returns
   * it as a system time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970).
  private long readTimeStamp(byte[] buffer, int offset) {
    long seconds = read32(buffer, offset);
    long fraction = read32(buffer, offset + 4);
    return ((seconds - OFFSET_1900_TO_1970) * 1000) + ((fraction * 1000L) / 0x100000000L);

   * Writes system time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970) as an NTP time stamp
   * at the given offset in the buffer.
  private void writeTimeStamp(byte[] buffer, int offset, long time) {
    long seconds = time / 1000L;
    long milliseconds = time - seconds * 1000L;
    seconds += OFFSET_1900_TO_1970;

    // write seconds in big endian format
    buffer[offset++] = (byte)(seconds >> 24);
    buffer[offset++] = (byte)(seconds >> 16);
    buffer[offset++] = (byte)(seconds >> 8);
    buffer[offset++] = (byte)(seconds >> 0);

    long fraction = milliseconds * 0x100000000L / 1000L;
    // write fraction in big endian format
    buffer[offset++] = (byte)(fraction >> 24);
    buffer[offset++] = (byte)(fraction >> 16);
    buffer[offset++] = (byte)(fraction >> 8);
    // low order bits should be random data
    buffer[offset++] = (byte)(Math.random() * 255.0);

jQuery: serialize() form and other parameters

I fix the problem with under statement ; send data with url same GET methode

    url: 'includes/get_ajax_function.php?value=jack&id='+id,
    type: 'post',
    data: $('#b-info1').serializeArray(),

and get value with $_REQUEST['value'] OR $_GET['id']

Put byte array to JSON and vice versa

Here is a good example of base64 encoding byte arrays. It gets more complicated when you throw unicode characters in the mix to send things like PDF documents. After encoding a byte array the encoded string can be used as a JSON property value.

Apache commons offers good utilities:

 byte[] bytes = getByteArr();
 String base64String = Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes);
 byte[] backToBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(base64String);

Java server side example:

public String getUnsecureContentBase64(String url)
        throws ClientProtocolException, IOException {

            //getUnsecureContent will generate some byte[]
    byte[] result = getUnsecureContent(url);

            // use apache org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
            // if you're sending back as a http request result you may have to
            // org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.URIUtil.encodeQuery
    return Base64.encodeBase64String(result);

JavaScript decode:

//decode URL encoding if encoded before returning result
var uriEncodedString = decodeURIComponent(response);

var byteArr = base64DecToArr(uriEncodedString);

//from mozilla
function b64ToUint6 (nChr) {

  return nChr > 64 && nChr < 91 ?
      nChr - 65
    : nChr > 96 && nChr < 123 ?
      nChr - 71
    : nChr > 47 && nChr < 58 ?
      nChr + 4
    : nChr === 43 ?
    : nChr === 47 ?


function base64DecToArr (sBase64, nBlocksSize) {

    sB64Enc = sBase64.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g, ""), nInLen = sB64Enc.length,
    nOutLen = nBlocksSize ? Math.ceil((nInLen * 3 + 1 >> 2) / nBlocksSize) * nBlocksSize : nInLen * 3 + 1 >> 2, taBytes = new Uint8Array(nOutLen);

  for (var nMod3, nMod4, nUint24 = 0, nOutIdx = 0, nInIdx = 0; nInIdx < nInLen; nInIdx++) {
    nMod4 = nInIdx & 3;
    nUint24 |= b64ToUint6(sB64Enc.charCodeAt(nInIdx)) << 18 - 6 * nMod4;
    if (nMod4 === 3 || nInLen - nInIdx === 1) {
      for (nMod3 = 0; nMod3 < 3 && nOutIdx < nOutLen; nMod3++, nOutIdx++) {
        taBytes[nOutIdx] = nUint24 >>> (16 >>> nMod3 & 24) & 255;
      nUint24 = 0;


  return taBytes;

Mongodb: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:10061

This is how I solved it, You can follow step by step here:

MongoDB Steps:

  • Download the latest 64-bit MSI version of MongoDB for Windows.

  • Run the installer (.msi file)

  • Add it to your PATH of environment variables. it Should be from:
    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin

now Create a “\data\db” folder in C:/ which is used by mongodb to store all data. You should have this folder:


Note: This is the default directory location expected by mongoDB, don’t create anywhere else


Finally, open command prompt and type:

>> mongod

You should see it asking for permissions (allow it) and then listen to a port. After that is done, open another command prompt, leaving the previous one running the server.

Type in the new command prompt

>> mongo

You should see it display the version and connect to a test database.

This proves successful install!=)

Reference link

Installing a plain plugin jar in Eclipse 3.5

Since the advent of p2, you should be using the dropins directory instead.

To be completely clear create "plugins" under "/dropins" and make sure to restart eclipse with the "-clean" option.

React JS Error: is not defined react/jsx-no-undef

you should do import Map from './Map' React is just telling you it doesn't know where variable you are importing is.

Integer.toString(int i) vs String.valueOf(int i)

Just two different ways of doing the same thing. It may be a historical reason (can't remember if one came before the other).

What is the difference between public, protected, package-private and private in Java?

When you are thinking of access modifiers just think of it in this way (applies to both variables and methods):

public --> accessible from every where
private --> accessible only within the same class where it is declared

Now the confusion arises when it comes to default and protected

default --> No access modifier keyword is present. This means it is available strictly within the package of the class. Nowhere outside that package it can be accessed.

protected --> Slightly less stricter than default and apart from the same package classes it can be accessed by sub classes outside the package it is declared.

Can't stop rails server

I used killall -9 rails like Sri suggested and it didn't work. I adjusted the command to killall -9 ruby and the server closed immediately.

Tl;dr: killall -9 ruby

Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function


In the following example $php_variable can be any PHP variable.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var obj = <?php echo json_encode($php_variable); ?>;

In your code, you could use like the following:

drawChart(600/50, <?php echo json_encode($day); ?>, ...)

In cases where you need to parse out an object from JSON-string (like in an AJAX request), the safe way is to use JSON.parse(..) like the below:

var s = "<JSON-String>";
var obj = JSON.parse(s);

How to process images of a video, frame by frame, in video streaming using OpenCV and Python

In openCV's documentation there is an example for getting video frame by frame. It is written in c++ but it is very easy to port the example to python - you can search for each fumction documentation to see how to call them in python.

#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"

using namespace cv;

int main(int, char**)
    VideoCapture cap(0); // open the default camera
    if(!cap.isOpened())  // check if we succeeded
        return -1;

    Mat edges;
        Mat frame;
        cap >> frame; // get a new frame from camera
        cvtColor(frame, edges, CV_BGR2GRAY);
        GaussianBlur(edges, edges, Size(7,7), 1.5, 1.5);
        Canny(edges, edges, 0, 30, 3);
        imshow("edges", edges);
        if(waitKey(30) >= 0) break;
    // the camera will be deinitialized automatically in VideoCapture destructor
    return 0;

Use css gradient over background image

body {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    background: url('img/background.jpg') repeat;

body:before {
    content: " ";
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: -1;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    background: -webkit-radial-gradient(top center, ellipse cover, rgba(255,255,255,0.2) 0%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 100%);

PLEASE NOTE: This only using webkit so it will only work in webkit browsers.

try :

-moz-linear-gradient = (Firefox)
-ms-linear-gradient = (IE)
-o-linear-gradient = (Opera)
-webkit-linear-gradient = (Chrome & safari)

jquery/javascript convert date string to date

If you only need it once, it's overkill to load a plugin.

For a date "dd/mm/yyyy", this works for me:

new Date(, 10),, 5)-1,, 2));

Just invert month and day for mm/dd/yyyy, the syntax is new Date(y,m,d)

Get URL query string parameters

The function parse_str() automatically reads all query parameters into an array.

For example, if the URL is, the code

$queries = array();
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $queries);

will store parameters into the $queries array ($queries['x']=100, $queries['y']=200).

Look at documentation of parse_str


According to the PHP documentation, parse_str() should only be used with a second parameter. Using parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) on this URL will create variables $x and $y, which makes the code vulnerable to attacks such as

Python to open Chrome browser

at least in Windows it has to be enough and you do not have to take care about path to the browser.

import webbrowser

url = ''

Note: With the above lines of code, it only opens in windows defualt browser(Microsoft Edge).

OS X cp command in Terminal - No such file or directory

I know this question has already been answered, but another option is simply to open the destination and source folders in Finder and then drag and drop them into the terminal. The paths will automatically be copied and properly formatted (thus negating the need to actually figure out proper file names/extensions).

I have to do over-network copies between Mac and Windows machines, sometimes fairly deep down in filetrees, and have found this the most effective way to do so.

So, as an example:

cp -r [drag and drop source folder from finder] [drag and drop destination folder from finder]

Why can't DateTime.ParseExact() parse "9/1/2009" using "M/d/yyyy"

try this

provider = new CultureInfo("en-US");
DateTime.ParseExact("9/1/2009", "M/d/yyyy", provider);


How to convert an array of strings to an array of floats in numpy?

You can use this as well

import numpy as np
x=np.array(['1.1', '2.2', '3.3'])

Google maps Marker Label with multiple characters

You can use MarkerWithLabel with SVG icons.

Update: The Google Maps Javascript API v3 now natively supports multiple characters in the MarkerLabel

proof of concept fiddle (you didn't provide your icon, so I made one up)

Note: there is an issue with labels on overlapping markers that is addressed by this fix, credit to robd who brought it up in the comments.

code snippet:

function initMap() {_x000D_
  var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(49.47805, -123.84716);_x000D_
  var homeLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(49.47805, -123.84716);_x000D_
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), {_x000D_
    zoom: 12,_x000D_
    center: latLng,_x000D_
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP_x000D_
  var marker = new MarkerWithLabel({_x000D_
    position: homeLatLng,_x000D_
    map: map,_x000D_
    draggable: true,_x000D_
    raiseOnDrag: true,_x000D_
    labelContent: "ABCD",_x000D_
    labelAnchor: new google.maps.Point(15, 65),_x000D_
    labelClass: "labels", // the CSS class for the label_x000D_
    labelInBackground: false,_x000D_
    icon: pinSymbol('red')_x000D_
  var iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow({_x000D_
    content: "Home For Sale"_x000D_
  google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function(e) {_x000D_, this);_x000D_
function pinSymbol(color) {_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    path: 'M 0,0 C -2,-20 -10,-22 -10,-30 A 10,10 0 1,1 10,-30 C 10,-22 2,-20 0,0 z',_x000D_
    fillColor: color,_x000D_
    fillOpacity: 1,_x000D_
    strokeColor: '#000',_x000D_
    strokeWeight: 2,_x000D_
    scale: 2_x000D_
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initMap);
#map_canvas {_x000D_
  height: 500px;_x000D_
  width: 500px;_x000D_
  margin: 0px;_x000D_
  padding: 0px_x000D_
.labels {_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
  font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Arial", sans-serif;_x000D_
  font-size: 10px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  width: 30px;_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
<script src=",places&ext=.js"></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="map_canvas" style="height: 400px; width: 100%;"></div>

Flutter Countdown Timer

Here is my Timer widget, not related to the Question but may help someone.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class OtpTimer extends StatefulWidget {
  _OtpTimerState createState() => _OtpTimerState();

class _OtpTimerState extends State<OtpTimer> {
  final interval = const Duration(seconds: 1);

  final int timerMaxSeconds = 60;

  int currentSeconds = 0;

  String get timerText =>
      '${((timerMaxSeconds - currentSeconds) ~/ 60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}: ${((timerMaxSeconds - currentSeconds) % 60).toString().padLeft(2, '0')}';

  startTimeout([int milliseconds]) {
    var duration = interval;
    Timer.periodic(duration, (timer) {
      setState(() {
        currentSeconds = timer.tick;
        if (timer.tick >= timerMaxSeconds) timer.cancel();

  void initState() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Row(
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
      children: <Widget>[
          width: 5,

You will get something like this

enter image description here

SmtpException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed

In case if all above solutions don't work for you then try to update following file to your server (by publish i mean, and a build before that would be helpful).

bin-> projectname.dll 

After updating you will see this error. as i have solved with this solution.

How to append elements at the end of ArrayList in Java?

Here is the syntax, along with some other methods you might find useful:

    //add to the end of the list

    //add to the beginning of the list
    stringList.add(0,  random);

    //replace the element at index 4 with random
    stringList.set(4, random);

    //remove the element at index 5

    //remove all elements from the list

Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an object: StartArray. Path

In this case that you know that you have all items in the first place on array you can parse the string to JArray and then parse the first item using JObject.Parse

var  jsonArrayString = @"
    ""country"": ""India"",
    ""city"": ""Mall Road, Gurgaon"",
    ""country"": ""India"",
    ""city"": ""Mall Road, Kanpur"",
JArray jsonArray = JArray.Parse(jsonArrayString);
dynamic data = JObject.Parse(jsonArray[0].ToString());

Unzip files (7-zip) via cmd command

make sure that your path is pointing to .exe file in C:\Program Files\7-Zip (may in bin directory)

How to hide command output in Bash

You should not use bash in this case to get rid of the output. Yum does have an option -q which suppresses the output.

You'll most certainly also want to use -y

echo "Installing nano..."
yum -y -q install nano

To see all the options for yum, use man yum.

How to declare 2D array in bash

A way to simulate arrays in bash (it can be adapted for any number of dimensions of an array):


## The following functions implement vectors (arrays) operations in bash:
## Definition of a vector <v>:
##      v_0 - variable that stores the number of elements of the vector
##      v_1..v_n, where n=v_0 - variables that store the values of the vector elements

VectorAddElementNext () {
# Vector Add Element Next
# Adds the string contained in variable $2 in the next element position (vector length + 1) in vector $1

    local elem_value
    local vector_length
    local elem_name

    eval elem_value=\"\$$2\"
    eval vector_length=\$$1\_0
    if [ -z "$vector_length" ]; then

    vector_length=$(( vector_length + 1 ))

    eval $elem_name=\"\$elem_value\"
    eval $1_0=$vector_length

VectorAddElementDVNext () {
# Vector Add Element Direct Value Next
# Adds the string $2 in the next element position (vector length + 1) in vector $1

    local elem_value
    local vector_length
    local elem_name

    eval elem_value="$2"
    eval vector_length=\$$1\_0
    if [ -z "$vector_length" ]; then

    vector_length=$(( vector_length + 1 ))

    eval $elem_name=\"\$elem_value\"
    eval $1_0=$vector_length

VectorAddElement () {
# Vector Add Element
# Adds the string contained in the variable $3 in the position contained in $2 (variable or direct value) in the vector $1

    local elem_value
    local elem_position
    local vector_length
    local elem_name

    eval elem_value=\"\$$3\"
    eval vector_length=\$$1\_0
    if [ -z "$vector_length" ]; then

    if [ $elem_position -ge $vector_length ]; then


    eval $elem_name=\"\$elem_value\"
    if [ ! $elem_position -eq 0 ]; then
        eval $1_0=$vector_length

VectorAddElementDV () {
# Vector Add Element
# Adds the string $3 in the position $2 (variable or direct value) in the vector $1

    local elem_value
    local elem_position
    local vector_length
    local elem_name

    eval elem_value="$3"
    eval vector_length=\$$1\_0
    if [ -z "$vector_length" ]; then

    if [ $elem_position -ge $vector_length ]; then


    eval $elem_name=\"\$elem_value\"
    if [ ! $elem_position -eq 0 ]; then
        eval $1_0=$vector_length

VectorPrint () {
# Vector Print
# Prints all the elements names and values of the vector $1 on sepparate lines

    local vector_length

    if [ "$vector_length" = "0" ]; then
        echo "Vector \"$1\" is empty!"
        echo "Vector \"$1\":"
        for ((i=1; i<=$vector_length; i++)); do
            eval echo \"[$i]: \\\"\$$1\_$i\\\"\"
            ###OR: eval printf \'\%s\\\n\' \"[\$i]: \\\"\$$1\_$i\\\"\"

VectorDestroy () {
# Vector Destroy
# Empties all the elements values of the vector $1

    local vector_length

    if [ ! "$vector_length" = "0" ]; then
        for ((i=1; i<=$vector_length; i++)); do
            unset $1_$i
        unset $1_0

### MAIN START ###

## Setting vector 'params' with all the parameters received by the script:
for ((i=1; i<=$#; i++)); do
    eval param="\${$i}"
    VectorAddElementNext params param

# Printing the vector 'params':
VectorPrint params

read temp

## Setting vector 'params2' with the elements of the vector 'params' in reversed order:
if [ -n "$params_0" ]; then
    for ((i=1; i<=$params_0; i++)); do
        VectorAddElement params2 count params_$i

# Printing the vector 'params2':
VectorPrint params2

read temp

## Getting the values of 'params2'`s elements and printing them:
if [ -n "$params2_0" ]; then
    echo "Printing the elements of the vector 'params2':"
    for ((i=1; i<=$params2_0; i++)); do
        eval current_elem_value=\"\$params2\_$i\"
        echo "params2_$i=\"$current_elem_value\""
    echo "Vector 'params2' is empty!"

read temp

## Creating a two dimensional array ('a'):
for ((i=1; i<=10; i++)); do
    VectorAddElement a 0 i
    for ((j=1; j<=8; j++)); do
        value=$(( 8 * ( i - 1 ) + j ))
        VectorAddElementDV a_$i $j $value

## Manually printing the two dimensional array ('a'):
echo "Printing the two-dimensional array 'a':"
if [ -n "$a_0" ]; then
    for ((i=1; i<=$a_0; i++)); do
        eval current_vector_lenght=\$a\_$i\_0
        if [ -n "$current_vector_lenght" ]; then
            for ((j=1; j<=$current_vector_lenght; j++)); do
                eval value=\"\$a\_$i\_$j\"
                printf "$value "
        printf "\n"

### MAIN END ###

How to set variable from a SQL query?

Use TOP 1 if the query returns multiple rows.

SELECT TOP 1 @ModelID = m.modelid 
 WHERE m.areaid = 'South Coast'

Converting 24 hour time to 12 hour time w/ AM & PM using Javascript

You can take a look at this. One of the examples says:

var d = new Date(dateString);

Once you have Date object you can fairly easy play with it. You can either call toLocaleDateString, toLocaleTimeString or you can test if getHours is bigger than 12 and then just calculate AM/PM time.

Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie?

Just my 2 cents on setting PHPSESSID cookie issue when on localhost and under dev environment. I make the AJAX call to my REST API endpoint on the locahost. Say its address is mysite.localhost/api/member/login/ (virtal host on my dev environment).

  • When I do this request on Postman, things go fine and PHPSESSID is set with the response.

  • When I request this endpoint via AJAX from the Browsersync proxied page (e.g. from in my browser address line, see the domain is different vs mysite.localhost) PHPSESSID does not appear among cookies.

  • When I make this request directly from the page on the same domain (i.e. mysite.localhost/test/api/login.php) PHPSESSID is set just fine.

So this is a cross-origin origin request cookies issue as mentioned in @flu answer above

Toad for Oracle..How to execute multiple statements?

F9 executes only one statement. By default Toad will try to execute the statement wherever your cursor is or treat all the highlighted text as a statement and try to execute that. A ; is not necessary in this case.

F5 is "Execute as Script" which means that Toad will take either the complete highlighted text (or everything in your editor if nothing is highlighted) containing more than one statement and execute it like it was a script in SQL*Plus. So, in this case every statement must be followed by a ; and sometimes (in PL/SQL cases) ended with a /.

ImportError: No module named sklearn.cross_validation

May be it's due to the deprecation of sklearn.cross_validation. Please replace sklearn.cross_validation with sklearn.model_selection


Why would you use String.Equals over ==?

It's entirely likely that a large portion of the developer base comes from a Java background where using == to compare strings is wrong and doesn't work.

In C# there's no (practical) difference (for strings) as long as they are typed as string.

If they are typed as object or T then see other answers here that talk about generic methods or operator overloading as there you definitely want to use the Equals method.

How do I revert an SVN commit?

I tried the above, (svn merge) and you're right, it does jack. However

svn update -r <revision> <target> [-R]

seems to work, but isn't permanent (my svn is simply showing an old revision). So I had to

mv <target> <target backup>
svn update <target>
mv <target backup> <target>
svn commit -m "Reverted commit on <target>" <target>

In my particular case my target is interfaces/AngelInterface.php. I made changes to the file, committed them, updated the build computer ran the phpdoc compiler and found my changes were a waste of time. svn log interfaces/AngelInterface.php shows my change as r22060 and the previous commit on that file was r22059. So I can svn update -r 22059 interfaces/AngelInterface.php and I end up with code as it was in -r22059 again. Then :-

mv interfaces/AngelInterface.php interfaces/AngelInterface.php~
svn update interfaces/AngelInterface.php
mv interfaces/AngelInterface.php~ interfaces/AngelInterface.php
svn commit -m "reverted -r22060" interfaces/AngelInterface.php

Alternatively I could do the same thing on a directory, by specifying . -R in place of interfaces/AngelInterface.php in all the above.

number several equations with only one number

How about something like:




    w^T x_i + b \geqslant 1-\xi_i \text{ if } y_i &= 1, \\
    w^T x_i + b \leqslant -1+\xi_i \text{ if } y_i &= -1


which produces:

enter image description here

How can I auto-elevate my batch file, so that it requests from UAC administrator rights if required?

For some programs setting the super secret __COMPAT_LAYER environment variable to RunAsInvoker will work.Check this :

set "__COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker"
start regedit.exe

Though like this there will be no UAC prompting the user will continue without admin permissions.

Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'id' at row 1

For the same error in wamp/phpmyadmin, I have edited my.ini, commented the original :


and added sql_mode = "".

The view didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead

I had the same error using an UpdateView

I had this:

if form.is_valid() and form2.is_valid():
    return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url())

and I solved just doing:

if form.is_valid() and form2.is_valid():
    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse_lazy('adopcion:solicitud_listar'))

R apply function with multiple parameters

If your function have two vector variables and must compute itself on each value of them (as mentioned by @Ari B. Friedman) you can use mapply as follows:


which gives you:

> mapply(mult_one,vars1,vars2)
[1] 10 40 90

Can media queries resize based on a div element instead of the screen?

After nearly a decade of work — with proposals, proofs-of-concept, discussions and other contributions by the broader web developer community — the CSS Working Group has finally laid some of the groundwork needed for container queries to be written into a future edition of the CSS Containment spec! For more details on how such a feature might work and be used, check out Miriam Suzanne's extensive explainer.

Hopefully it won't be much longer before we see a robust cross-browser implementation of such a system. It's been a grueling wait, but I'm glad that it's no longer something we simply have to accept as an insurmountable limitation of CSS due to cyclic dependencies or infinite loops or what have you (these are still a potential issue in some aspects of the proposed design, but I have faith that the CSSWG will find a way).

Media queries aren't designed to work based on elements in a page. They are designed to work based on devices or media types (hence why they are called media queries). width, height, and other dimension-based media features all refer to the dimensions of either the viewport or the device's screen in screen-based media. They cannot be used to refer to a certain element on a page.

If you need to apply styles depending on the size of a certain div element on your page, you'll have to use JavaScript to observe changes in the size of that div element instead of media queries.

Alternatively, with more modern layout techniques introduced since the original publication of this answer such as flexbox and standards such as custom properties, you may not need media or element queries after all. Djave provides an example.

Access-control-allow-origin with multiple domains

In Web.API this attribute can be added using Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors as detailed at

In MVC you could create a filter attribute to do this work for you:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method,
                AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class EnableCorsAttribute : FilterAttribute, IActionFilter {
    private const string IncomingOriginHeader = "Origin";
    private const string OutgoingOriginHeader = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin";
    private const string OutgoingMethodsHeader = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods";
    private const string OutgoingAgeHeader = "Access-Control-Max-Age";

    public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext) {
        // Do nothing

    public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        var isLocal = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsLocal;
        var originHeader = 
        var response = filterContext.HttpContext.Response;

        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(originHeader) &&
            (isLocal || IsAllowedOrigin(originHeader))) {
            response.AddHeader(OutgoingOriginHeader, originHeader);
            response.AddHeader(OutgoingMethodsHeader, "GET,POST,OPTIONS");
            response.AddHeader(OutgoingAgeHeader, "3600");

    protected bool IsAllowedOrigin(string origin) {
        // ** replace with your own logic to check the origin header
        return true;

Then either enable it for specific actions / controllers:

public class SecurityController : Controller {
    // *snip*
    public ActionResult SignIn(Guid key, string email, string password) {

Or add it for all controllers in Global.asax.cs

protected void Application_Start() {
    // *Snip* any existing code

    // Register global filter
    GlobalFilters.Filters.Add(new EnableCorsAttribute());

    // *snip* existing code

How do I do redo (i.e. "undo undo") in Vim?

Using VsVim for Visual Studio?

I came across this when experimenting with VsVim, which provides bindings for Vim commands in Visual Studio.

I know about Ctrlr in Vim itself, but this particular binding does not work in VsVim (at least not in my setup?).

What does work however, is the command :red. This is a little bit more of a hassle than the above, but it is still fine when you really need it.

How to insert text in a td with id, using JavaScript

There are several options... assuming you found your TD by var td = document.getElementyById('myTD_ID'); you can do:

  • td.innerHTML = "mytext";

  • td.textContent= "mytext";

  • td.innerText= "mytext"; - this one may not work outside IE? Not sure

  • Use firstChild or children array as previous poster noted.

If it's just the text that needs to be changed, textContent is faster and less prone to XSS attacks (

How to send a compressed archive that contains executables so that Google's attachment filter won't reject it

Another easy way to circumvent google's check is to use another compression algorithm with tar, like bz2:

tar -cvjf my.tar.bz2 dir/

Note that 'j' (for bz2 compression) is used above instead of 'z' (gzip compression).

Convert Json Array to normal Java list

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();     
JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray)jsonObject; 
if (jsonArray != null) { 
   int len = jsonArray.length();
   for (int i=0;i<len;i++){ 

Chaining multiple filter() in Django, is this a bug?

The way I understand it is that they are subtly different by design (and I am certainly open for correction): filter(A, B) will first filter according to A and then subfilter according to B, while filter(A).filter(B) will return a row that matches A 'and' a potentially different row that matches B.

Look at the example here:


Everything inside a single filter() call is applied simultaneously to filter out items matching all those requirements. Successive filter() calls further restrict the set of objects


In this second example (filter(A).filter(B)), the first filter restricted the queryset to (A). The second filter restricted the set of blogs further to those that are also (B). The entries select by the second filter may or may not be the same as the entries in the first filter.`

Excel VBA Open workbook, perform actions, save as, close

After discussion posting updated answer:

Option Explicit
Sub test()

    Dim wk As String, yr As String
    Dim fname As String, fpath As String
    Dim owb As Workbook

    With Application
        .DisplayAlerts = False
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
    End With

    wk = ComboBox1.Value
    yr = ComboBox2.Value
    fname = yr & "W" & wk
    fpath = "C:\Documents and Settings\jammil\Desktop\AutoFinance\ProjectControl\Data"

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Set owb = Application.Workbooks.Open(fpath & "\" & fname)

    'Do Some Stuff

    With owb
        .SaveAs fpath & Format(Date, "yyyymm") & "DB" & ".xlsx", 51
    End With

    With Application
        .DisplayAlerts = True
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With

Exit Sub
ErrorHandler: If MsgBox("This File Does Not Exist!", vbRetryCancel) = vbCancel Then

Else: Call Clear

End Sub

Error Handling:

You could try something like this to catch a specific error:

    On Error Resume Next
    Set owb = Application.Workbooks.Open(fpath & "\" & fname)
    If Err.Number = 1004 Then
    GoTo FileNotFound
    End If

    Exit Sub
    FileNotFound: If MsgBox("This File Does Not Exist!", vbRetryCancel) = vbCancel Then

    Else: Call Clear

How to set host_key_checking=false in ansible inventory file?

I could not use:

ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'

in inventory file. It seems ansible does not consider this option in my case (ansible from pip in ubuntu 14.04)

I decided to use:

server ansible_host= ansible_ssh_common_args= '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'

It helped me.

Also you could set this variable in group instead for each host:

ansible_ssh_common_args='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'

Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. localhost

First check what your php error reports tells you. And define application wide root at the biginning of your index.php

define ('APPROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));

and then use it to include you files


and so on... And to you have you .htaccess rewrite rule?

How do I print a double value without scientific notation using Java?

This may be a tangent.... but if you need to put a numerical value as an integer (that is too big to be an integer) into a serializer (JSON, etc.) then you probably want "BigInterger"


value is a string - 7515904334

We need to represent it as a numerical in a Json message:

    "servicer_name":"SOME CORPORATION"

We can't print it or we'll get this:

    "servicer_name":"SOME CORPORATION"

Adding the value to the node like this produces the desired outcome:

BigInteger.valueOf(Long.parseLong(value, 10))

I'm not sure this is really on-topic, but since this question was my top hit when I searched for my solution, I thought I would share here for the benefit of others, lie me, who search poorly. :D

DateTime format to SQL format using C#

Let's use the built in SqlDateTime class

new SqlDateTime(DateTime.Now).ToSqlString()

But still need to check for null values. This will throw overflow exception

new SqlDateTime(DateTime.MinValue).ToSqlString()

SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.

How to make all controls resize accordingly proportionally when window is maximized?

In WPF there are certain 'container' controls that automatically resize their contents and there are some that don't.

Here are some that do not resize their contents (I'm guessing that you are using one or more of these):


Here are some that do resize their contents:


Therefore, it is almost always preferable to use a Grid instead of a StackPanel unless you do not want automatic resizing to occur. Please note that it is still possible for a Grid to not size its inner controls... it all depends on your Grid.RowDefinition and Grid.ColumnDefinition settings:

        <RowDefinition Height="100" /> <!--<<< Exact Height... won't resize -->
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <!--<<< Will resize to the size of contents -->
        <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <!--<<< Will resize taking all remaining space -->

You can find out more about the Grid control from the Grid Class page on MSDN. You can also find out more about these container controls from the WPF Container Controls Overview page on MSDN.

Further resizing can be achieved using the FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignment and FrameworkElement.VerticalAlignment properties. The default value of these properties is Stretch which will stretch elements to fit the size of their containing controls. However, when they are set to any other value, the elements will not stretch.


In response to the questions in your comment:

Use the Grid.RowDefinition and Grid.ColumnDefinition settings to organise a basic structure first... it is common to add Grid controls into the cells of outer Grid controls if need be. You can also use the Grid.ColumnSpan and Grid.RowSpan properties to enable controls to span multiple columns and/or rows of a Grid.

It is most common to have at least one row/column with a Height/Width of "*" which will fill all remaining space, but you can have two or more with this setting, in which case the remaining space will be split between the two (or more) rows/columns. 'Auto' is a good setting to use for the rows/columns that are not set to '"*"', but it really depends on how you want the layout to be.

There is no Auto setting that you can use on the controls in the cells, but this is just as well, because we want the Grid to size the controls for us... therefore, we don't want to set the Height or Width of these controls at all.

The point that I made about the FrameworkElement.HorizontalAlignment and FrameworkElement.VerticalAlignment properties was just to let you know of their existence... as their default value is already Stretch, you don't generally need to set them explicitly.

The Margin property is generally just used to space your controls out evenly... if you drag and drop controls from the Visual Studio Toolbox, VS will set the Margin property to place your control exactly where you dropped it but generally, this is not what we want as it will mess with the auto sizing of controls. If you do this, then just delete or edit the Margin property to suit your needs.

How can I truncate a double to only two decimal places in Java?

//if double_v is 3.545555555
String string_v= String.valueOf(double_v);
int pointer_pos = average.indexOf('.');//we find the position of '.'
string_v.substring(0, pointer_pos+2));// in this way we get the double with only 2 decimal in string form
double_v = Double.valueOf(string_v);//well this is the final result

well this might be a little awkward, but i think it can solve your problem :)

Regular Expression to match only alphabetic characters

[a-zA-Z] should do that just fine.

You can reference the cheat sheet.

How to compare datetime with only date in SQL Server

Please try this. This query can be used for date comparison

select * from [User] U where convert(varchar(10),U.DateCreated, 120) = '2014-02-07'

What is the current choice for doing RPC in Python?

We are developing Versile Python (VPy), an implementation for python 2.6+ and 3.x of a new ORB/RPC framework. Functional AGPL dev releases for review and testing are available. VPy has native python capabilities similar to PyRo and RPyC via a general native objects layer (code example). The product is designed for platform-independent remote object interaction for implementations of Versile Platform.

Full disclosure: I work for the company developing VPy.

How do I concatenate a string with a variable?

Another way to do it simpler using jquery.


function add(product_id){

    // the code to add the product
    //updating the div, here I just change the text inside the div. 
    //You can do anything with jquery, like change style, border etc.
    $("#added_"+product_id).html('the product was added to list');


Where product_id is the javascript var and$("#added_"+product_id) is a div id concatenated with product_id, the var from function add.

Best Regards!

Unable to load Private Key. (PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:648:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY)

In our case what caused the issue is that the private key we were trying to use was encrypted with a passphrase.

We had to decrypt the private key using ssh-keygen -p before we could use the private key with the openssl command line tool.

What causes a TCP/IP reset (RST) flag to be sent?

Some firewalls do that if a connection is idle for x number of minutes. Some ISPs set their routers to do that for various reasons as well.

In this day and age, you'll need to gracefully handle (re-establish as needed) that condition.

How do I remove a MySQL database?

For Visual Studio, in the package manager console:


Why is it not advisable to have the database and web server on the same machine?

I think its because the two machines usually would need to be optimized in different ways. Other than that I have no idea, we run all our applications with the server-database on the same machine - granted we're not public facing - but we've had no problems.

I can't imagine that too many people care about one machine being compromised over both since the web application will usually have nearly unrestricted access to at the very least the data if not the schema inside the database.

Interested in what others might say.

How to make a node.js application run permanently?

Try pm2 to make your application run forever.

npm install -g pm2

and then use

pm2 start server.js

to list and stop apps, use commnds

pm2 list

pm2 stop 0

How to use the switch statement in R functions?

This is a more general answer to the missing "Select cond1, stmt1, ... else stmtelse" connstruction in R. It's a bit gassy, but it works an resembles the switch statement present in C

while (TRUE) {
  if ( {
    val <- "NULL"
  if (inherits(val, "POSIXct") || inherits(val, "POSIXt")) {
    val <- paste0("#",  format(val, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "#")
  if (inherits(val, "Date")) {
    val <- paste0("#",  format(val, "%Y-%m-%d"), "#")
  if (is.numeric(val)) break
  val <- paste0("'", gsub("'", "''", val), "'")

AngularJS- Login and Authentication in each route and controller

You should check user authentication in two main sites.

  • When users change state, checking it using '$routeChangeStart' callback
  • When a $http request is sent from angular, using an interceptor.

How to create and write to a txt file using VBA

an easy way with out much redundancy.

    Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Dim Fileout As Object
    Set Fileout = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\your_path\vba.txt", True, True)
    Fileout.Write "your string goes here"

Best dynamic JavaScript/JQuery Grid

you can try

DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. Key features:

  • Variable length pagination
  • On-the-fly filtering
  • Multi-column sorting with data type detection
  • Smart handling of column widths
  • Display data from almost any data source
  • DOM, Javascript array, Ajax file and server-side processing (PHP, C#, Perl, Ruby, AIR, Gears etc)
  • Scrolling options for table viewport
  • Fully internationalisable
  • jQuery UI ThemeRoller support
  • Rock solid - backed by a suite of 2600+ unit tests
  • Wide variety of plug-ins inc. TableTools, FixedColumns, KeyTable and more
  • It's free!
  • State saving
  • Hidden columns
  • Dynamic creation of tables
  • Ajax auto loading of data
  • Custom DOM positioning
  • Single column filtering
  • Alternative pagination types
  • Non-destructive DOM interaction
  • Sorting column(s) highlighting
  • Advanced data source options
  • Extensive plug-in support
  • Sorting, type detection, API functions, pagination and filtering
  • Fully themeable by CSS
  • Solid documentation
  • 110+ pre-built examples
  • Full support for Adobe AIR

Getting the textarea value of a ckeditor textarea with javascript

Well. You asked about get value from textarea but in your example you are using a input. Anyways, here we go:

$("#CampaignTitle").bind("keyup", function()

If you really wanted a textarea change your input type text to this

<textarea id="CampaignTitle"></textarea>

Hope it helps.

Determine Whether Integer Is Between Two Other Integers?

if number >= 10000 and number <= 30000:
    print ("you have to pay 5% taxes")

List files with certain extensions with ls and grep

Here is one example that worked for me.

find <mainfolder path> -name '*' | xargs -n 1 basename

Convert text into number in MySQL query

This should work:

FROM table

No module named Image

It is changed to : from PIL.Image import core as image for new versions.

Find control by name from Windows Forms controls

Use Control.ControlCollection.Find.

TextBox tbx = this.Controls.Find("textBox1", true).FirstOrDefault() as TextBox;
tbx.Text = "found!";

EDIT for asker:

Control[] tbxs = this.Controls.Find(txtbox_and_message[0,0], true);
if (tbxs != null && tbxs.Length > 0)
    tbxs[0].Text = "Found!";

Iterate through the fields of a struct in Go

Taking Chetan Kumar solution and in case you need to apply to a map[string]int

package main

import (

type BaseStats struct {
    Hp           int
    HpMax        int
    Mp           int
    MpMax        int
    Strength     int
    Speed        int
    Intelligence int

type Stats struct {
    Base map[string]int
    Modifiers []string

func StatsCreate(stats BaseStats) Stats {
    s := Stats{
        Base: make(map[string]int),

    //Iterate through the fields of a struct
    v := reflect.ValueOf(stats)
    typeOfS := v.Type()

    for i := 0; i< v.NumField(); i++ {
        val := v.Field(i).Interface().(int)
        s.Base[typeOfS.Field(i).Name] = val
    return s

func (s Stats) GetBaseStat(id string) int {
    return s.Base[id]

func main() {
    m := StatsCreate(BaseStats{300, 300, 300, 300, 10, 10, 10})


jQuery scroll to element

I wrote a general purpose function that scrolls to either a jQuery object, a CSS selector, or a numeric value.

Example usage:

// scroll to "#target-element":

// scroll to 80 pixels above first element with class ".invalid":
$.scrollTo(".invalid", -80);

// scroll a container with id "#my-container" to 300 pixels from its top:
$.scrollTo(300, 0, "slow", "#my-container");

The function's code:

* Scrolls the container to the target position minus the offset
* @param target    - the destination to scroll to, can be a jQuery object
*                    jQuery selector, or numeric position
* @param offset    - the offset in pixels from the target position, e.g.
*                    pass -80 to scroll to 80 pixels above the target
* @param speed     - the scroll speed in milliseconds, or one of the
*                    strings "fast" or "slow". default: 500
* @param container - a jQuery object or selector for the container to
*                    be scrolled. default: "html, body"
jQuery.scrollTo = function (target, offset, speed, container) {

    if (isNaN(target)) {

        if (!(target instanceof jQuery))
            target = $(target);

        target = parseInt(target.offset().top);

    container = container || "html, body";
    if (!(container instanceof jQuery))
        container = $(container);

    speed = speed || 500;
    offset = offset || 0;

        scrollTop: target + offset
    }, speed);

Android - styling seek bar

I wanted to create a style for the seekbar and then add the style to a theme so that I could have it applied to an entire theme while still allowing a substyle to override it. Here is what I did:

<!-- Blue App Theme -->
    <style name="AppTheme.Blue" parent="BaseTheme.Blue">        
        <item name="android:seekBarStyle">@style/SeekbarStyle.Blue</item>
        <item name="seekBarStyle">@style/SeekbarStyle.Blue</item> <!--This is essential for some devices, e.g. Samsung-->

<!-- Slider Styles -->
<style name="SeekbarStyle.Blue" parent="Widget.AppCompat.SeekBar">
        <item name="android:progressBackgroundTint">@color/material_blue_a700_pct_30</item>
        <item name="android:thumbTint">@color/material_blue_a700</item>
        <item name="android:thumbTintMode">src_in</item>
        <item name="android:progressTint">@color/material_blue_a700</item>

<style name="SeekbarStyle.Green" parent="Widget.AppCompat.SeekBar">
        <item name="android:progressBackgroundTint">@color/material_green_a700_pct_30</item>
        <item name="android:thumbTint">@color/material_green_a700</item>
        <item name="android:thumbTintMode">src_in</item>
        <item name="android:progressTint">@color/material_green_a700</item>

The above sets the Theme seekbar style to blue for all devices 21+ including Samsung (which need the seekBarStyle applied in addition to android:seekBarStyle; not sure why but I saw this issue firsthand). If you want all seekbars to keep the theme style and only apply the green seekbar style to a few widgets then add the following to the widget you want:


How to get the command line args passed to a running process on unix/linux systems?

This will do the trick:

xargs -0 < /proc/<pid>/cmdline

Without the xargs, there will be no spaces between the arguments, because they have been converted to NULs.

text-align: right; not working for <label>

You can make a text align to the right inside of any element, including labels.




label {display:block; width:x; height:y; text-align:right;}

This way, you give a width and height to your label and make any text inside of it align to the right.

How to grant "grant create session" privilege?

You can grant system privileges with or without the admin option. The default being without admin option.


or with admin option:


The Grantee with the ADMIN OPTION can grant and revoke privileges to other users

Excel formula to get week number in month (having Monday)

Jonathan from the ExcelCentral forums suggests:


This formula extracts the week of the year [...] and then subtracts it from the week of the first day in the month to get the week of the month. You can change the day that weeks begin by changing the second argument of both WEEKNUM functions (set to 2 [for Monday] in the above example). For weeks beginning on Sunday, use:


For weeks beginning on Tuesday, use:



I like it better because it's using the built in week calculation functionality of Excel (WEEKNUM).

How do I get the height of a div's full content with jQuery?

If you can possibly help it, DO NOT USE .scrollHeight.

.scrollHeight does not yield the same kind of results in different browsers in certain circumstances (most prominently while scrolling).

For example:

<div id='outer' style='width:100px; height:350px; overflow-y:hidden;'>
<div style='width:100px; height:150px;'></div>
<div style='width:100px; height:150px;'></div>
<div style='width:100px; height:150px;'></div>
<div style='width:100px; height:150px;'></div>
<div style='width:100px; height:150px;'></div>
<div style='width:100px; height:150px;'></div>

If you do


you'll get 900px in Chrome, FireFox and Opera. That's great.

But, if you attach a wheelevent / wheel event to #outer, when you scroll it, Chrome will give you a constant value of 900px (correct) but FireFox and Opera will change their values as you scroll down (incorrect).

A very simple way to do this is like so (a bit of a cheat, really). (This example works while dynamically adding content to #outer as well):

$('#outer').css("height", "auto");
var outerContentsHeight = $('#outer').height();
$('#outer').css("height", "350px");

console.log(outerContentsHeight); //Should get 900px in these 3 browsers

The reason I pick these three browsers is because all three can disagree on the value of .scrollHeight in certain circumstances. I ran into this issue making my own scrollpanes. Hope this helps someone.

How to get exception message in Python properly

from traceback import format_exc

    fault = 10/0
except ZeroDivision:

Another possibility is to use the format_exc() method from the traceback module.

PostgreSQL ERROR: canceling statement due to conflict with recovery

I'm going to add some updated info and references to @max-malysh's excellent answer above.

In short, if you do something on the master, it needs to be replicated on the slave. Postgres uses WAL records for this, which are sent after every logged action on the master to the slave. The slave then executes the action and the two are again in sync. In one of several scenarios, you can be in conflict on the slave with what's coming in from the master in a WAL action. In most of them, there's a transaction happening on the slave which conflicts with what the WAL action wants to change. In that case, you have two options:

  1. Delay the application of the WAL action for a bit, allowing the slave to finish its conflicting transaction, then apply the action.
  2. Cancel the conflicting query on the slave.

We're concerned with #1, and two values:

  • max_standby_archive_delay - this is the delay used after a long disconnection between the master and slave, when the data is being read from a WAL archive, which is not current data.
  • max_standby_streaming_delay - delay used for cancelling queries when WAL entries are received via streaming replication.

Generally, if your server is meant for high availability replication, you want to keep these numbers short. The default setting of 30000 (milliseconds if no units given) is sufficient for this. If, however, you want to set up something like an archive, reporting- or read-replica that might have very long-running queries, then you'll want to set this to something higher to avoid cancelled queries. The recommended 900s setting above seems like a good starting point. I disagree with the official docs on setting an infinite value -1 as being a good idea--that could mask some buggy code and cause lots of issues.

The one caveat about long-running queries and setting these values higher is that other queries running on the slave in parallel with the long-running one which is causing the WAL action to be delayed will see old data until the long query has completed. Developers will need to understand this and serialize queries which shouldn't run simultaneously.

For the full explanation of how max_standby_archive_delay and max_standby_streaming_delay work and why, go here.

Angular2 - Focusing a textbox on component load

This answer is inspired by post Angular 2: Focus on newly added input element

Steps to set the focus on Html element in Angular2

  1. Import ViewChildren in your Component

    import { Input, Output, AfterContentInit, ContentChild,AfterViewInit, ViewChild, ViewChildren } from 'angular2/core';
  2. Declare local template variable name for the html for which you want to set the focus

  3. Implement the function ngAfterViewInit() or other appropriate life cycle hooks
  4. Following is the piece of code which I used for setting the focus

    ngAfterViewInit() {vc.first.nativeElement.focus()}
  5. Add #input attribute to the DOM element you want to access.

///This is typescript_x000D_
import {Component, Input, Output, AfterContentInit, ContentChild,_x000D_
  AfterViewChecked, AfterViewInit, ViewChild,ViewChildren} from 'angular2/core';_x000D_
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit,AfterViewChecked { _x000D_
   @ViewChildren('input') vc;_x000D_
   ngAfterViewInit() {            _x000D_;_x000D_
    <form role="form" class="form-horizontal ">        _x000D_
        <div [ngClass]="{showElement:IsEditMode, hidden:!IsEditMode}">_x000D_
            <div class="form-group">_x000D_
                <label class="control-label col-md-1 col-sm-1" for="name">Name</label>_x000D_
                <div class="col-md-7 col-sm-7">_x000D_
                    <input #input id="name" type="text" [(ngModel)]="person.Name" class="form-control" />_x000D_
                <div class="col-md-2 col-sm-2">_x000D_
                    <input type="button" value="Add" (click)="AddPerson()" class="btn btn-primary" />_x000D_
        <div [ngClass]="{showElement:!IsEditMode, hidden:IsEditMode}">_x000D_
            <div class="form-group">_x000D_
                <label class="control-label col-md-1 col-sm-1" for="name">Person</label>_x000D_
                <div class="col-md-7 col-sm-7">_x000D_
                    <select [(ngModel)]="SelectedPerson.Id"  (change)="PersonSelected($" class="form-control">_x000D_
                        <option *ngFor="#item of PeopleList" value="{{item.Id}}">{{item.Name}}</option>_x000D_
        </div>        _x000D_

How to Right-align flex item?

Here you go. Set justify-content: space-between on the flex container.

.main { _x000D_
    display: flex; _x000D_
    justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
.a, .b, .c { background: #efefef; border: 1px solid #999; }_x000D_
.b { text-align: center; }
<h2>With title</h2>_x000D_
<div class="main">_x000D_
    <div class="a"><a href="#">Home</a></div>_x000D_
    <div class="b"><a href="#">Some title centered</a></div>_x000D_
    <div class="c"><a href="#">Contact</a></div>_x000D_
<h2>Without title</h2>_x000D_
<div class="main">_x000D_
    <div class="a"><a href="#">Home</a></div>_x000D_
<!--     <div class="b"><a href="#">Some title centered</a></div> -->_x000D_
    <div class="c"><a href="#">Contact</a></div>_x000D_

How to sort by two fields in Java?

I'm not sure if it's ugly to write the compartor inside the Person class in this case. Did it like this:

public class Person implements Comparable <Person> {

    private String lastName;
    private String firstName;
    private int age;

    public Person(String firstName, String lastName, int BirthDay) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.age = BirthDay;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;

    public int compareTo(Person o) {
        // default compareTo

    public String toString() {
        return firstName + " " + lastName + " " + age + "";

    public static class firstNameComperator implements Comparator<Person> {
        public int compare(Person o1, Person o2) {
            return o1.firstName.compareTo(o2.firstName);

    public static class lastNameComperator implements Comparator<Person> {
        public int compare(Person o1, Person o2) {
            return o1.lastName.compareTo(o2.lastName);

    public static class ageComperator implements Comparator<Person> {
        public int compare(Person o1, Person o2) {
            return o1.age - o2.age;
public class Test {
    private static void print() {
       ArrayList<Person> list = new ArrayList();
        list.add(new Person("Diana", "Agron", 31));
        list.add(new Person("Kay", "Panabaker", 27));
        list.add(new Person("Lucy", "Hale", 28));
        list.add(new Person("Ashley", "Benson", 28));
        list.add(new Person("Megan", "Park", 31));
        list.add(new Person("Lucas", "Till", 27));
        list.add(new Person("Nicholas", "Hoult", 28));
        list.add(new Person("Aly", "Michalka", 28));
        list.add(new Person("Adam", "Brody", 38));
        list.add(new Person("Chris", "Pine", 37));
        Collections.sort(list, new Person.lastNameComperator());
        Iterator<Person> it = list.iterator();

How to order citations by appearance using BibTeX?

The datatool package offers a nice way to sort bibliography by an arbitrary criterion, by converting it first into some database format.

Short example, taken from here and posted for the record:



% First argument is the name of new datatool database
% Second argument is list of .bib files
% Sort database in order of year starting from most recent
% Add citations

% Display bibliography

How to sort an array in descending order in Ruby

Just a quick thing, that denotes the intent of descending order.

descending = -1
a.sort_by { |h| h[:bar] * descending }

(Will think of a better way in the mean time) ;)

a.sort_by { |h| h[:bar] }.reverse!

Importing a csv into mysql via command line

Another option is to use the csvsql command from the csvkit library.

Example usage directly on command line:

csvsql --db mysql:///test --tables yourtable --insert yourfile.csv

This can be executed directly on the command line, or built into a python or shell script for automation if you need to do this for a number of files.

csvsql allows you to create database tables on the fly based on the structure of your csv, so it is a lite-code way of getting the first row of your csv to automagically be cast as the MySQL table header.

Full documentation and further examples here:

Calling virtual functions inside constructors

As a supplement, calling a virtual function of an object that has not yet completed construction will face the same problem.

For example, start a new thread in the constructor of an object, and pass the object to the new thread, if the new thread calling the virtual function of that object before the object completed construction will cause unexpected result.

For example:

#include <thread>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>

class Base
    std::thread worker([this] {
      // This will print "Base" rather than "Sub".
    // Try comment out this code to see different output.
  virtual void Print()
    std::cout << "Base" << std::endl;

class Sub : public Base
  void Print() override
    std::cout << "Sub" << std::endl;

int main()
  Sub sub;
  return 0;

This will output:


Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java


In Java 8 and later it could be done in one line using class java.time.LocalTime.

In the formatting pattern, lowercase hh means 12-hour clock while uppercase HH means 24-hour clock.

Code example:

String result =                                       // Text representing the value of our date-time object.
    LocalTime.parse(                                  // Class representing a time-of-day value without a date and without a time zone.
        "03:30 PM" ,                                  // Your `String` input text.
        DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(                  // Define a formatting pattern to match your input text.
            "hh:mm a" ,
            Locale.US                                 // `Locale` determines the human language and cultural norms used in localization. Needed here to translate the `AM` & `PM` value.
        )                                             // Returns a `DateTimeFormatter` object.
    )                                                 // Return a `LocalTime` object.
    .format( DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm") )   // Generate text in a specific format. Returns a `String` object.

See this code run live at


See Oracle Tutorial.

How to Allow Remote Access to PostgreSQL database

In addition to above answers suggesting (1) the modification of the configuration files pg_hba.conf and (2) postgresql.conf and (3) restarting the PostgreSQL service, some Windows computers might also require incoming TCP traffic to be allowed on the port (usually 5432).

To do this, you would need to open Windows Firewall and add an inbound rule for the port (e.g. 5432).

Head to Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Defender Firewall > Advanced Settings > Actions (right tab) > Inbound Rules > New Rule… > Port > Specific local ports and type in the port your using, usually 5432 > (defaults settings for the rest and type any name you'd like)

Windows firewall settings

Now, try connecting again from pgAdmin on the client computer. Restarting the service is not required.