Programs & Examples On #Jdbc

JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) is the base API which enables interacting with SQL database servers by executing SQL statements using the Java programming language.

What is the MySQL JDBC driver connection string?


If you don't have any properties ignore it then it will be like


jdbc:mysql is the protocol is the host and 3306 is the port number test is the database

What does java:comp/env/ do?

There is also a property resourceRef of JndiObjectFactoryBean that is, when set to true, used to automatically prepend the string java:comp/env/ if it is not already present.

<bean id="someId" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
  <property name="jndiName" value="jdbc/loc"/>
  <property name="resourceRef" value="true"/>

Java JDBC connection status

You also can use

public boolean isDbConnected(Connection con) {
    try {
        return con != null && !con.isClosed();
    } catch (SQLException ignored) {}

    return false;

ORA-01882: timezone region not found

Happens when you use the wrong version of OJDBC jar.

You need to use

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver in Eclipse

The exception can also occur because of the class path not being defined.

After hours of research and literally going through hundreds of pages, the problem was that the class path of the library was not defined.

Set the class path as follows in your windows machine

set classpath=path\to\your\jdbc\jar\file;.

java.sql.SQLException: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1

See the link below for information about how to use PreparedStatement. I have also quoted from the link.

You must supply values in place of the question mark placeholders (if there are any) before you can execute a PreparedStatement object. Do this by calling one of the setter methods defined in the PreparedStatement class. The following statements supply the two question mark placeholders in the PreparedStatement named updateSales:

updateSales.setInt(1, e.getValue().intValue()); updateSales.setString(2, e.getKey());

Named parameters in JDBC

Plain vanilla JDBC does not support named parameters.

If you are using DB2 then using DB2 classes directly:

  1. Using named parameter markers with PreparedStatement objects
  2. Using named parameter markers with CallableStatement objects

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already

No need to increase the MaxConnections & InitialConnections. Just close your connections after after doing your work. For example if you are creating connection:

try {
     connection = DriverManager.getConnection(

   } catch (SQLException e) {

After doing your work close connection:

try {
} catch (SQLException e) {

Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment]

Upgrade MySql driver to Connector/Python 8.0.17 or greater than 8.0.17, Those who are using greater than MySQL 5.5 version

PreparedStatement with list of parameters in a IN clause

try with this code

 String ids[] = {"182","160","183"};
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            for( int i = 0 ; i < ids.length; i++ ) {

            String sql = "delete from emp where id in ("+builder.deleteCharAt( builder.length() -1 ).toString()+")";

            PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

            for (int i = 1; i <= ids.length; i++) {
                pstmt.setInt(i, Integer.parseInt(ids[i-1]));
            int count = pstmt.executeUpdate();

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver

Following is a simple code to read from SQL database. Database names is "database1". Table name is "table1". It contain two columns "uname" and "pass". Dont forget to add "sqljdbc4.jar" to your project. Download sqljdbc4.jar

public class NewClass {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Connection conn = null;
        String dbName = "database1";
        String serverip="";
        String serverport="1433";
        String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://"+serverip+"\\SQLEXPRESS:"+serverport+";databaseName="+dbName+"";
        Statement stmt = null;
        ResultSet result = null;
        String driver = "";
        String databaseUserName = "admin";
        String databasePassword = "root";
        try {
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, databaseUserName, databasePassword);
            stmt = conn.createStatement();
            result = null;
            String pa,us;
            result = stmt.executeQuery("select * from table1 ");

            while ( {
                pa = result.getString("pass");              
                System.out.println(us+"  "+pa);

        } catch (Exception e) {

What does it mean when Statement.executeUpdate() returns -1?

As the statement executed is not actually DML (eg UPDATE, INSERT or EXECUTE), but a piece of T-SQL which contains DML, I suspect it is not treated as an update-query.

Section of the JDBC 4.1 specification states something (rather hard to interpret btw):

When the method execute returns true, the method getResultSet is called to retrieve the ResultSet object. When execute returns false, the method getUpdateCount returns an int. If this number is greater than or equal to zero, it indicates the update count returned by the statement. If it is -1, it indicates that there are no more results.

Given this information, I guess that executeUpdate() internally does an execute(), and then - as execute() will return false - it will return the value of getUpdateCount(), which in this case - in accordance with the JDBC spec - will return -1.

This is further corroborated by the fact 1) that the Javadoc for Statement.executeUpdate() says:

Returns: either (1) the row count for SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements or (2) 0 for SQL statements that return nothing

And 2) that the Javadoc for Statement.getUpdateCount() specifies:

the current result as an update count; -1 if the current result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results

Just to clarify: given the Javadoc for executeUpdate() the behavior is probably wrong, but it can be explained.

Also as I commented elsewhere, the -1 might just indicate: maybe something was changed, but we simply don't know, or we can't give an accurate number of changes (eg because in this example it is a piece of T-SQL that is executed).

Why do I get java.lang.AbstractMethodError when trying to load a blob in the db?

In my case problem was at context.xml file of my project.

The following from context.xml causes the java.lang.AbstractMethodError, since we didn't show the datasource factory.

<Resource name="jdbc/myoracle"
              url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = ... "
              username="****" password="****" maxActive="10" maxIdle="1"
              maxWait="-1" removeAbandoned="true"/> 

Simpy adding factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory" solved the issue:

<Resource name="jdbc/myoracle"
              factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"  type="javax.sql.DataSource"
              url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = ... "
              username="****" password="****" maxActive="10" maxIdle="1"
              maxWait="-1" removeAbandoned="true"/>

To make sure I reproduced the issue several times by removing factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory" from Resource

Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC

this code runs permanently!!! created by diko(Turkey)

public void mysql() {

    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {


    thrd1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e1) {

                if (con == null) {
                    try {
                        con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://", "ali", "12345");

                    } catch (SQLException e) {
                        con = null;

                    if ((thrd2 != null) && (!thrd2.isAlive()))


    if ((thrd1 != null) && (!thrd1.isAlive())) thrd1.start();

    thrd2 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {

                if (con != null) {
                    try {
                     //   con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://", "ali", "12345");
                        Statement st = con.createStatement();
                        String ali = "'fff'";
                        st.execute("INSERT INTO deneme (name) VALUES(" + ali + ")");
                      //  ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from deneme");
                      //  ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
                      //  String result = new String();

                      //  while ( {
                      //      result += rsmd.getColumnName(1) + ": " + rs.getInt(1) + "\n";
                     //       result += rsmd.getColumnName(2) + ": " + rs.getString(2) + "\n";

                     //   }

                    } catch (SQLException e) {
                        con = null;

                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                } else {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {



Java, looping through result set

Result Set are actually contains multiple rows of data, and use a cursor to point out current position. So in your case, rs4.getString(1) only get you the data in first column of first row. In order to change to next row, you need to call next()

a quick example

while ( {
    String sid = rs.getString(1);
    String lid = rs.getString(2);
    // Do whatever you want to do with these 2 values

there are many useful method in ResultSet, you should take a look :)

How to get all table names from a database?

In newer versions of MySQL connectors the default tables are also listed if catalog is not passed

        DatabaseMetaData dbMeta = con.getMetaData();
        //con.getCatalog() returns database name
        ResultSet rs = dbMeta.getTables(con.getCatalog(), "", null, new String[]{"TABLE"});
        ArrayList<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>();
            String tableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME");
        return tables;

How to convert TimeStamp to Date in Java?

I have been looking for this since a long time, turns out that Eposh converter does it easily:

long epoch = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse("01/01/1970 01:00:00").getTime() / 1000;

Or the opposite:

String date = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new java.util.Date (epoch*1000));

How to fix: "No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname" error when using pools?

Since no one gave this answer, I would also like to add that, you can just add the jdbc driver file(mysql-connector-java-5.1.27-bin.jar in my case) to the lib folder of your server(Tomcat in my case). Restart the server and it should work.

PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?

SetArray is the best solution but its not available for many older drivers. The following workaround can be used in java8

String baseQuery ="SELECT my_column FROM my_table where search_column IN (%s)"

String markersString = -> "?").collect(joining(","));
String sqlQuery = String.format(baseSQL, markersString);

//Now create Prepared Statement and use loop to Set entries
int index=1;

for (String input : inputArray) {
     preparedStatement.setString(index++, input);

This solution is better than other ugly while loop solutions where the query string is built by manual iterations

How to read all rows from huge table?

Use a CURSOR in PostgreSQL or let the JDBC-driver handle this for you.

LIMIT and OFFSET will get slow when handling large datasets.

How can I get the SQL of a PreparedStatement?

If you're using MySQL you can log the queries using MySQL's query log. I don't know if other vendors provide this feature, but chances are they do.

How can I use the MS JDBC driver with MS SQL Server 2008 Express?

You have the wrong URL.

I don't know what you mean by "JDBC 2005". When I looked on the microsoft site, I found something called the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0. You're going to want that one - it includes lots of fixes and some perf improvements. [edit: you're probably going to want the latest driver. As of March 2012, the latest JDBC driver from Microsoft is JDBC 4.0]

Check the release notes. For this driver, you want:

URL:  jdbc:sqlserver://server:port;DatabaseName=dbname
Class name:

It seems you have the class name correct, but the URL wrong.

Microsoft changed the class name and the URL after its initial release of a JDBC driver. The URL you are using goes with the original JDBC driver from Microsoft, the one MS calls the "SQL Server 2000 version". But that driver uses a different classname.

For all subsequent drivers, the URL changed to the form I have here.

This is in the release notes for the JDBC driver.

Create a jTDS connection string

As detailed in the jTDS Frequenlty Asked Questions, the URL format for jTDS is:


So, to connect to a database called "Blog" hosted by a MS SQL Server running on MYPC, you may end up with something like this:


Or, if you prefer to use getConnection(url, "sa", "s3cr3t"):


EDIT: Regarding your Connection refused error, double check that you're running SQL Server on port 1433, that the service is running and that you don't have a firewall blocking incoming connections.

ojdbc14.jar vs. ojdbc6.jar

Also, from ojdbc14 to ojdbc6, several types (e.g., OracleResultSet, OracleStatement) moved from package oracle.jdbc.driver to oracle.jdbc.

The Network Adapter could not establish the connection when connecting with Oracle DB

I had similar problem before. But this was resolved when I started using hostname instead of IP address in my connection string.

ResultSet exception - before start of result set

You need to move the pointer to the first row, before asking for data:

String foundType = result.getString(1);

How to connect to a remote MySQL database with Java?

  1. Create a new user in the schema ‘mysql’ (mysql.user) Run this code in your mysql work space “GRANT ALL ON . to user@'%'IDENTIFIED BY '';

  2. Open the ‘3306’ port at the machine which is having the Data Base. Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Advance Settings -> Inbound Rules -> New Rule -> Port -> Next -> TCP & set port as 3306 -> Next -> Next -> Next -> Fill Name and Description -> Finish ->

  3. Try to check by a telnet msg on cmd including DB server's IP

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

Go through C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.47\lib path (this path may be differ based on where you installed the Tomcat server) then past ojdbc14.jar if its not contain.

Then restart the server in eclipse then run your app on server

java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

If your application is a Java EE application running on Oracle WebLogic as the application server, a possible cause for this issue is the Statement Cache Size setting in WebLogic.

If the Statement Cache Size setting for a particular data source is about equal to, or greater than, the Oracle database maximum open cursor count setting, then all of the open cursors can be consumed by cached SQL statements that are held open by WebLogic, resulting in the ORA-01000 error.

To address this, reduce the Statement Cache Size setting for each WebLogic datasource that points to the Oracle database to be significantly less than the maximum cursor count setting on the database.

In the WebLogic 10 Admin Console, the Statement Cache Size setting for each data source can be found at Services (left nav) > Data Sources > (individual data source) > Connection Pool tab.


If you can use shell, try

psql -U postgres -c 'select 1' -d $DB &>dev/null || psql -U postgres -tc 'create database $DB'

I think psql -U postgres -c "select 1" -d $DB is easier than SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'my_db',and only need one type of quote, easier to combine with sh -c.

I use this in my ansible task

- name: create service database
  shell: docker exec postgres sh -c '{ psql -U postgres -tc "SELECT 1" -d {{service_name}} &> /dev/null && echo -n 1; } || { psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE {{service_name}}"}'
  register: shell_result
  changed_when: "shell_result.stdout != '1'"

Oracle JDBC ojdbc6 Jar as a Maven Dependency

Add Following dependency in pom.xml


Hibernate Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement

I have got this error when trying to create JPA entity with the name "User" (in Postgres) that is reserved. So the way it is resolved is to change the table name by @Table annotation:

public class User {..}

Or change the table name manually.

Java program to connect to Sql Server and running the sample query From Eclipse

The problem is with Class.forName(""); this line. The Class qualified name is wrong

It is sqlserver.jdbc not jdbc.sqlserver

Get the current date in java.sql.Date format

You can achieve you goal with below ways :-

long millis=System.currentTimeMillis();  
java.sql.Date date=new java.sql.Date(millis);  


// create a java calendar instance
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

// get a java date (java.util.Date) from the Calendar instance.
// this java date will represent the current date, or "now".
java.util.Date currentDate = calendar.getTime();

// now, create a java.sql.Date from the java.util.Date
java.sql.Date date = new java.sql.Date(currentDate.getTime());

How do I connect to a SQL Server 2008 database using JDBC?

Try to use like this: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://; instance=instanceName

I don't know which version of mssql you are using, if it is express edition, default instance is sqlexpress

Do not forget check if SQL Server Browser service is running.

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement

Some of the benefits of PreparedStatement over Statement are:

  1. PreparedStatement helps us in preventing SQL injection attacks because it automatically escapes the special characters.
  2. PreparedStatement allows us to execute dynamic queries with parameter inputs.
  3. PreparedStatement provides different types of setter methods to set the input parameters for the query.
  4. PreparedStatement is faster than Statement. It becomes more visible when we reuse the PreparedStatement or use it’s batch processing methods for executing multiple queries.
  5. PreparedStatement helps us in writing object Oriented code with setter methods whereas with Statement we have to use String Concatenation to create the query. If there are multiple parameters to set, writing Query using String concatenation looks very ugly and error prone.

Read more about SQL injection issue at

java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I also have this problem, this solved it.

Change the:

Sring url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=UTC&user=root&password=password";


"serverTimezone=UTC" is "Unified standard world time". "useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8" is "Solve Chinese garbled".

Although my database have not any Chinese words. But it is working. Reference from

How to execute .sql script file using JDBC

Just read it and then use the preparedstatement with the full sql-file in it.

(If I remember good)

ADD: You can also read and split on ";" and than execute them all in a loop. Do not forget the comments and add again the ";"

Mapping a JDBC ResultSet to an object

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;

public class ObjectMapper {

//generic method to convert JDBC resultSet into respective DTo class
public static Object mapValue(List<Map<String, Object>> rows,Class<?> className) throws Exception

        List<Object> response=new ArrayList<>(); 
        Gson gson=new Gson();

        for(Map<String, Object> row:rows){
        org.json.simple.JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
        String json=jsonObject.toJSONString();
        Object actualObject=gson.fromJson(json, className);
        return response;


    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{

        List<Map<String, Object>> rows=new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); 

        //Hardcoded data for testing
        Map<String, Object> row1=new HashMap<String, Object>();
        row1.put("name", "Raja");
        row1.put("age", 22);
        row1.put("location", "India");

        Map<String, Object> row2=new HashMap<String, Object>();
        row2.put("name", "Rani");
        row2.put("age", 20);
        row2.put("location", "India");


        List<Dto> res=(List<Dto>) mapValue(rows, Dto.class);



    public class Dto {

    private String name;
    private Integer age;
    private String location;

    //getters and setters


Try the above code .This can be used as a generic method to map JDBC result to respective DTO class.

Can I connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication from Java EE webapp?

I do not think one can push the user credentials from the browser to the database (and does it makes sense ? I think not)

But if you want to use the credentials of the user running Tomcat to connect to SQL Server then you can use Microsoft's JDBC Driver. Just build your JDBC URL like this:


And copy the appropriate DLL to Tomcat's bin directory (sqljdbc_auth.dll provided with the driver)

MSDN > Connecting to SQL Server with the JDBC Driver > Building the Connection URL

Java java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index on preparing statement

Everywhere inside the query string, the wildcard should be ? instead of '?'. That should solve the problem.


To add to that, you need to change date '?' to to_date(?, 'yyyy-mm-dd'). Please try that and let me know.

java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset

If you reset the result set to the top, using rs.absolute(1) you won't get exhaused result set.

while ( {

You can also use rs.first() instead of rs.absolute(1), it does the same.

Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0

Unfortunately they are all out of date. DBCP has been updated a bit recently, the other two are 2-3 years old, with many outstanding bugs.

How to find whether a ResultSet is empty or not in Java?

Definitely this gives good solution,

ResultSet rs = stmt.execute("SQL QUERY");
// With the above statement you will not have a null ResultSet 'rs'.
// In case, if any exception occurs then next line of code won't execute.
// So, no problem if I won't check rs as null.

if ( {
    do {
      // Logic to retrieve the data from the resultset.
      // eg: rs.getString("abc");
    } while(;
} else {
    // No data

PreparedStatement setNull(..)

You could also consider using preparedStatement.setObject(index,value,type);

handling DATETIME values 0000-00-00 00:00:00 in JDBC

you can append the jdbc url with


With the help of this, sql convert '0000-00-00 00:00:00' as null value.



What does "javax.naming.NoInitialContextException" mean?

In extremely non-technical terms, it may mean that you forgot to put "ejb:" or "jdbc:" or something at the very beginning of the URI you are trying to connect.

Data truncation: Data too long for column 'logo' at row 1

Following solution worked for me. When connecting to the db, specify that data should be truncated if they are too long (jdbcCompliantTruncation). My link looks like this:


If you increase the size of the strings, you may face the same problem in future if the string you are attempting to store into the DB is longer than the new size.

EDIT: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES has to be removed from sql_mode as well.

Reusing a PreparedStatement multiple times

The loop in your code is only an over-simplified example, right?

It would be better to create the PreparedStatement only once, and re-use it over and over again in the loop.

In situations where that is not possible (because it complicated the program flow too much), it is still beneficial to use a PreparedStatement, even if you use it only once, because the server-side of the work (parsing the SQL and caching the execution plan), will still be reduced.

To address the situation that you want to re-use the Java-side PreparedStatement, some JDBC drivers (such as Oracle) have a caching feature: If you create a PreparedStatement for the same SQL on the same connection, it will give you the same (cached) instance.

About multi-threading: I do not think JDBC connections can be shared across multiple threads (i.e. used concurrently by multiple threads) anyway. Every thread should get his own connection from the pool, use it, and return it to the pool again.

To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered

This error happened to me in a Grails Application with the JTDS Driver 1.3.0 (SQL Server). The problem was an incorrect login in SQL Server. After solve this issue (in SQL Server) my app was correctly deployed in Tomcat. Tip: I saw the error in stacktrace.log

Check if table exists

You can use the available meta data:

  DatabaseMetaData meta = con.getMetaData();
  ResultSet res = meta.getTables(null, null, "My_Table_Name", 
     new String[] {"TABLE"});
  while ( {
        "   "+res.getString("TABLE_CAT") 
       + ", "+res.getString("TABLE_SCHEM")
       + ", "+res.getString("TABLE_NAME")
       + ", "+res.getString("TABLE_TYPE")
       + ", "+res.getString("REMARKS")); 

See here for more details. Note also the caveats in the JavaDoc.

JPA or JDBC, how are they different?

JDBC is a much lower-level (and older) specification than JPA. In it's bare essentials, JDBC is an API for interacting with a database using pure SQL - sending queries and retrieving results. It has no notion of objects or hierarchies. When using JDBC, it's up to you to translate a result set (essentially a row/column matrix of values from one or more database tables, returned by your SQL query) into Java objects.

Now, to understand and use JDBC it's essential that you have some understanding and working knowledge of SQL. With that also comes a required insight into what a relational database is, how you work with it and concepts such as tables, columns, keys and relationships. Unless you have at least a basic understanding of databases, SQL and data modelling you will not be able to make much use of JDBC since it's really only a thin abstraction on top of these things.

Java JDBC - How to connect to Oracle using Service Name instead of SID

So there are two easy ways to make this work. The solution posted by Bert F works fine if you don't need to supply any other special Oracle-specific connection properties. The format for that is:


However, if you need to supply other Oracle-specific connection properties then you need to use the long TNSNAMES style. I had to do this recently to enable Oracle shared connections (where the server does its own connection pooling). The TNS format is:


If you're familiar with the Oracle TNSNAMES file format, then this should look familiar to you. If not then just Google it for the details.

ORA-12516, TNS:listener could not find available handler

I fixed this problem with sql command line:

connect system/<password>
alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile;
alter system set sessions=300 scope=spfile;

Restart database.

'0000-00-00 00:00:00' can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp error

just cast the field as char

Eg: cast(updatedate) as char as updatedate

TNS-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

Go to Task Manager and check below services are running or not (if not start the services):




How can I convert a Timestamp into either Date or DateTime object?

You can also get DateTime object from timestamp, including your current daylight saving time:

public DateTime getDateTimeFromTimestamp(Long value) {
    TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
    long offset = timeZone.getOffset(value);
    if (offset < 0) {
        value -= offset;
    } else {
        value += offset;
    return new DateTime(value);

Total Number of Row Resultset getRow Method

One better way would be to use SELECT COUNT statement of SQL.

Just when you need the count of number of rows returned, execute another query returning the exact number of result of that query.

   Statement stmt = Conn.createStatement();        
    String sqlStmt = sql;        
    String sqlrow = SELECT COUNT(*) from (sql) rowquery;
    String total = stmt.executeQuery(sqlrow);
    int rowcount = total.getInt(1);

PreparedStatement with Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS

Not having a compiler by me right now, I'll answer by asking a question:

Have you tried this? Does it work?

long key = -1L;
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement();
statement.executeUpdate(YOUR_SQL_HERE, PreparedStatement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
ResultSet rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
if (rs != null && {
    key = rs.getLong(1);

Disclaimer: Obviously, I haven't compiled this, but you get the idea.

PreparedStatement is a subinterface of Statement, so I don't see a reason why this wouldn't work, unless some JDBC drivers are buggy.

Java: Insert multiple rows into MySQL with PreparedStatement

When MySQL driver is used you have to set connection param rewriteBatchedStatements to true ( jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/TestDB?**rewriteBatchedStatements=true**).

With this param the statement is rewritten to bulk insert when table is locked only once and indexes are updated only once. So it is much faster.

Without this param only advantage is cleaner source code.

Display Records From MySQL Database using JTable in Java

this is the easy way to do that you just need to download the jar file "rs2xml.jar" add it to your project and do that : 1- creat a connection 2- statment and resultset 3- creat a jtable 4- give the result set to DbUtils.resultSetToTableModel(rs) as define in this methode you well get your jtable so easy.

public void afficherAll(String tableName){
        String sql="select * from "+tableName;
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e);

URL string format for connecting to Oracle database with JDBC

The correct format for url can be one of the following formats:

jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostName>:<portNumber>:<sid>;  (if you have sid)
jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<hostName>:<portNumber>/serviceName; (if you have oracle service name)

And don't put any space there. Try to use 1521 as port number. sid (database name) must be the same as the one which is in environment variables (if you are using windows).

How to make Java work with SQL Server?

Indeed. The thing is that the 2008 R2 version is very tricky. The JTDs driver seems to work on some cases. In a certain server, the jTDS worked fine for an 2008 R2 instance. In another server, though, I had to use Microsoft's JBDC driver sqljdbc4.jar. But then, it would only work after setting the JRE environment to 1.6(or higher).

I used 1.5 for the other server, so I waisted a lot of time on this.

Tricky issue.

Cannot issue data manipulation statements with executeQuery()

This code works for me: I set values whit an INSERT and get the LAST_INSERT_ID() of this value whit a SELECT; I use java NetBeans 8.1, MySql and java.JDBC.driver

                try {

        String Query = "INSERT INTO `stock`(`stock`, `min_stock`,   
                `id_stock`) VALUES ("

                + "\"" + p.get_Stock().getStock() + "\", "
                + "\"" + p.get_Stock().getStockMinimo() + "\","
                + "" + "null" + ")";

        Statement st = miConexion.createStatement();

        java.sql.ResultSet rs;
        rs = st.executeQuery("Select LAST_INSERT_ID() from stock limit 1");               ; //para posicionar el puntero en la primer fila
        ultimo_id = rs.getInt("LAST_INSERT_ID()");
        } catch (SqlException ex) { ex.printTrace;}

How to execute IN() SQL queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate effectively?

I do the "in clause" query with spring jdbc like this:

String sql = "SELECT bg.goodsid FROM beiker_goods bg WHERE bg.goodsid IN (:goodsid)";

List ids = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{12496,12497,12498,12499});
Map<String, List> paramMap = Collections.singletonMap("goodsid", ids);
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate template = 
    new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(getJdbcTemplate().getDataSource());

List<Long> list = template.queryForList(sql, paramMap, Long.class); not found error

You are looking at sqljdbc4.2 version like :


but, for sqljdbc4 version statement should be:


I think if you change your first version to write the correct Class.forName , your application will run.

Is it possible to specify the schema when connecting to postgres with JDBC?

If it is possible in your environment, you could also set the user's default schema to your desired schema:

ALTER USER user_name SET search_path to 'schema'

ClassNotFoundException com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Just copy the MySQL JDBC drive jar file and paste it to Tomcat or whatever is the server's lib folder. It works for me.

oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ClassNotFoundException

In Eclipse,

When you use JDBC in your servlet, the driver jar must be placed in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your project.

How do I manually configure a DataSource in Java?

One thing you might want to look at is the Commons DBCP project. It provides a BasicDataSource that is configured fairly similarly to your example. To use that you need the database vendor's JDBC JAR in your classpath and you have to specify the vendor's driver class name and the database URL in the proper format.


If you want to configure a BasicDataSource for MySQL, you would do something like this:

BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource();

dataSource.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1");

Code that needs a DataSource can then use that.

JDBC connection failed, error: TCP/IP connection to host failed

The error is self explanatory:

  • Check if your SQL server is actually up and running
  • Check SQL server hostname, username and password is correct
  • Check there's no firewall rule blocking TCP connection to port 1433
  • Check the host is actually reachable

A good check I often use is to use telnet, eg on a windows command prompt run:

telnet 1433

If you get a blank screen it indicates network connection established successfully, and it's not a network problem. If you get 'Could not open connection to the host' then this is network problem

SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 08S01 Communications link failure

Check your server config file /etc/mysql/my.cnf - verify bind_address is not set to Set it to or comment it out then restart server with:

sudo service mysql restart

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Exception occurring. Why?

add these dependecies to your .pom file:






and add to your code to call a driver:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess://{file_location}/{accessdb_file_name.mdb};memory=false");

java.sql.SQLException Parameter index out of range (1 > number of parameters, which is 0)

This is an issue with the jdbc Driver version. I had this issue when I was using mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.0.3-bin.jar but when I changed to a later driver version mysql-connector-java-5.1.22.jar, the issue was fixed.

Must JDBC Resultsets and Statements be closed separately although the Connection is closed afterwards?

What you have done is perfect and very good practice.

The reason I say its good practice... For example, if for some reason you are using a "primitive" type of database pooling and you call connection.close(), the connection will be returned to the pool and the ResultSet/Statement will never be closed and then you will run into many different new problems!

So you can't always count on connection.close() to clean up.

I hope this helps :)

The network adapter could not establish the connection - Oracle 11g

First check your listener is on or off. Go to net manager then Local -> service naming -> orcl. Then change your HOST NAME and put your PC name. Now go to LISTENER and change the HOST and put your PC name.

Connect Java to a MySQL database

DriverManager is a fairly old way of doing things. The better way is to get a DataSource, either by looking one up that your app server container already configured for you:

Context context = new InitialContext();
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) context.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/myDB");

or instantiating and configuring one from your database driver directly:

MysqlDataSource dataSource = new MysqlDataSource();

and then obtain connections from it, same as above:

Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ID FROM USERS");

MySQL & Java - Get id of the last inserted value (JDBC)

Wouldn't you just change:

numero = stmt.executeUpdate(query);


numero = stmt.executeUpdate(query, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);

Take a look at the documentation for the JDBC Statement interface.

Update: Apparently there is a lot of confusion about this answer, but my guess is that the people that are confused are not reading it in the context of the question that was asked. If you take the code that the OP provided in his question and replace the single line (line 6) that I am suggesting, everything will work. The numero variable is completely irrelevant and its value is never read after it is set.

How to establish a connection pool in JDBC?

Usually if you need a connection pool you are writing an application that runs in some managed environment, that is you are running inside an application server. If this is the case be sure to check what connection pooling facilities your application server providesbefore trying any other options.

The out-of-the box solution will be the best integrated with the rest of the application servers facilities. If however you are not running inside an application server I would recommend the Apache Commons DBCP Component. It is widely used and provides all the basic pooling functionality most applications require.

How to change MySQL timezone in a database connection using Java?

useTimezone is an older workaround. MySQL team rewrote the setTimestamp/getTimestamp code fairly recently, but it will only be enabled if you set the connection parameter useLegacyDatetimeCode=false and you're using the latest version of mysql JDBC connector. So for example:

String url =

If you download the mysql-connector source code and look at setTimestamp, it's very easy to see what's happening:

If use legacy date time code = false, newSetTimestampInternal(...) is called. Then, if the Calendar passed to newSetTimestampInternal is NULL, your date object is formatted in the database's time zone:

this.tsdf = new SimpleDateFormat("''yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US);
timestampString = this.tsdf.format(x);

It's very important that Calendar is null - so make sure you're using:


... NOT setTimestamp(int,Timestamp,Calendar).

It should be obvious now how this works. If you construct a date: January 5, 2011 3:00 AM in America/Los_Angeles (or whatever time zone you want) using java.util.Calendar and call setTimestamp(1, myDate), then it will take your date, use SimpleDateFormat to format it in the database time zone. So if your DB is in America/New_York, it will construct the String '2011-01-05 6:00:00' to be inserted (since NY is ahead of LA by 3 hours).

To retrieve the date, use getTimestamp(int) (without the Calendar). Once again it will use the database time zone to build a date.

Note: The webserver time zone is completely irrelevant now! If you don't set useLegacyDatetimecode to false, the webserver time zone is used for formatting - adding lots of confusion.


It's possible MySQL my complain that the server time zone is ambiguous. For example, if your database is set to use EST, there might be several possible EST time zones in Java, so you can clarify this for mysql-connector by telling it exactly what the database time zone is:

String url =

You only need to do this if it complains.

Using "like" wildcard in prepared statement

We can use the CONCAT SQL function.

PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(
      "SELECT * FROM analysis WHERE notes like CONCAT( '%',?,'%')";
pstmt.setString(1, notes);
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

This works perfectly for my case.

Print the data in ResultSet along with column names

For what you are trying to do, instead of PreparedStatement you can use Statement. Your code may be modified as-

String sql = "SELECT column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='suppliers';";

Statement s  = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);

Hope this helps.

Solving a "communications link failure" with JDBC and MySQL

For Windows :- Goto start menu write , "MySqlserver Instance Configuration Wizard" and reconfigure your mysql server instance. Hope it will solve your problem.

No more data to read from socket error

For errors like this you should involve oracle support. Unfortunately you do not mention what oracle release you are using. The error can be related to optimizer bind peeking. Depending on the oracle version different workarounds apply.

You have two ways to address this:

  • upgrade to 11.2
  • set oracle parameter _optim_peek_user_binds = false

Of course underscore parameters should only be set if advised by oracle support

How to get row count using ResultSet in Java?

Following two options worked for me:

1) A function that returns the number of rows in your ResultSet.

private int resultSetCount(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException{
        int i = 0;
        while ( {
        return i;
    } catch (Exception e){
       System.out.println("Error getting row count");
    return 0;

2) Create a second SQL statement with the COUNT option.

Get query from java.sql.PreparedStatement

I have made a workaround to solve this problem. Visit the below link for more details


// Initialize connection
PreparedStatement prepStmt = connection.prepareStatement(sql);

PreparedStatementHelper prepHelper = new PreparedStatementHelper(prepStmt);

// User prepHelper.setXXX(indx++, value);
// .....

try {
   Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\?");
   Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sql);
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   int indx = 1;  // Parameter begin with index 1
   while (matcher.find()) {
 matcher.appendReplacement(sb, prepHelper.getParameter(indx++));
   LOGGER.debug("Executing Query [" + sb.toString() + "] with Database[" + /*db name*/ + "] ...");
   } catch (Exception ex) {
    LOGGER.debug("Executing Query [" + sql + "] with Database[" +  /*db name*/+ "] ...");


package java.sql;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Ref;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.RowId;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;

public class PreparedStatementHelper implements PreparedStatement {

 private PreparedStatement prepStmt;
 private String[] values;

 public PreparedStatementHelper(PreparedStatement prepStmt) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt = prepStmt;
  this.values = new String[this.prepStmt.getParameterMetaData().getParameterCount()];

 public String getParameter(int index) {
  String value = this.values[index-1];
  return String.valueOf(value);

 private void setParameter(int index, Object value) {
  String valueStr = "";
  if (value instanceof String) {
   valueStr = "'" + String.valueOf(value).replaceAll("'", "''") + "'";
  } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
   valueStr = String.valueOf(value);
  } else if (value instanceof Date || value instanceof Time || value instanceof Timestamp) {
   valueStr = "'" + String.valueOf(value) + "'";
  } else {
   valueStr = String.valueOf(value);
  this.values[index-1] = valueStr;

 public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.executeQuery(sql);

 public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.executeUpdate(sql);

 public void close() throws SQLException {


 public int getMaxFieldSize() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getMaxFieldSize();

 public void setMaxFieldSize(int max) throws SQLException {

 public int getMaxRows() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getMaxRows();

 public void setMaxRows(int max) throws SQLException {

 public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable) throws SQLException {

 public int getQueryTimeout() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getQueryTimeout();

 public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException {

 public void cancel() throws SQLException {

 public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getWarnings();

 public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException {

 public void setCursorName(String name) throws SQLException {

 public boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.execute(sql);

 public ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getResultSet();

 public int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getUpdateCount();

 public boolean getMoreResults() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getMoreResults();

 public void setFetchDirection(int direction) throws SQLException {

 public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getFetchDirection();

 public void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException {

 public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getFetchSize();

 public int getResultSetConcurrency() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getResultSetConcurrency();

 public int getResultSetType() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getResultSetType();

 public void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException {

 public void clearBatch() throws SQLException {

 public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.executeBatch();

 public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getConnection();

 public boolean getMoreResults(int current) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getMoreResults(current);

 public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getGeneratedKeys();

 public int executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.executeUpdate(sql, autoGeneratedKeys);

 public int executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.executeUpdate(sql, columnIndexes);

 public int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.executeUpdate(sql, columnNames);

 public boolean execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.execute(sql, autoGeneratedKeys);

 public boolean execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.execute(sql, columnIndexes);

 public boolean execute(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.execute(sql, columnNames);

 public int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getResultSetHoldability();

 public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.isClosed();

 public void setPoolable(boolean poolable) throws SQLException {

 public boolean isPoolable() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.isPoolable();

 public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.unwrap(iface);

 public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.isWrapperFor(iface);

 public ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.executeQuery();

 public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.executeUpdate();

 public void setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setNull(parameterIndex, sqlType);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, null);

 public void setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBoolean(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setByte(parameterIndex, x);
  // TODO Add to tree set

 public void setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setShort(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setInt(int parameterIndex, int x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setInt(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setLong(int parameterIndex, long x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setLong(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setFloat(int parameterIndex, float x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setFloat(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setDouble(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBigDecimal(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setString(int parameterIndex, String x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setString(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte[] x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBytes(parameterIndex, x);
  // TODO Add to tree set

 public void setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setDate(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setTime(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setTimestamp(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x, length);

 public void setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setUnicodeStream(parameterIndex, x, length);

 public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length);

 public void clearParameters() throws SQLException {

 public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setObject(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public boolean execute() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.execute();

 public void addBatch() throws SQLException {

 public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, int length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader, length);

 public void setRef(int parameterIndex, Ref x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setRef(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, Blob x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBlob(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Clob x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setClob(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setArray(int parameterIndex, Array x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setArray(parameterIndex, x);
  // TODO Add to tree set

 public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getMetaData();

 public void setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x, Calendar cal) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setDate(parameterIndex, x, cal);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x, Calendar cal) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setTime(parameterIndex, x, cal);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x, Calendar cal) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setTimestamp(parameterIndex, x, cal);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setNull(parameterIndex, sqlType, typeName);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, null);

 public void setURL(int parameterIndex, URL x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setURL(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws SQLException {
  return this.prepStmt.getParameterMetaData();

 public void setRowId(int parameterIndex, RowId x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setRowId(parameterIndex, x);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setNString(int parameterIndex, String value) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setNString(parameterIndex, value);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, value);

 public void setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader value, long length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex, value, length);

 public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, NClob value) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setNClob(parameterIndex, value);

 public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setClob(parameterIndex, reader, length);

 public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream inputStream, long length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBlob(parameterIndex, inputStream, length);

 public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setNClob(parameterIndex, reader, length);

 public void setSQLXML(int parameterIndex, SQLXML xmlObject) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setSQLXML(parameterIndex, xmlObject);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, xmlObject);

 public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scaleOrLength) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType, scaleOrLength);
  setParameter(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x, length);

 public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, length);

 public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, long length) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader, length);

 public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x);
  // TODO Add to tree set

 public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x);

 public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, reader);

 public void setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader value) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex, value);

 public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setClob(parameterIndex, reader);
  // TODO Add to tree set

 public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream inputStream) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setBlob(parameterIndex, inputStream);

 public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader) throws SQLException {
  this.prepStmt.setNClob(parameterIndex, reader);


SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby://localhost:1527

The question is answered but providing a command line for illustration. This worked for me when I was trying a as simple as possible test to connect to network mode derby.

  • Driver loaded in app with:Class.forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver").newInstance();

  • The connection URL was: "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB;create=true"

  • I ran my app using: java -classpath derbyclient.jar:. myAppClass

"Incorrect string value" when trying to insert UTF-8 into MySQL via JDBC?

my solution is change the column type from varchar(255) to blob

Oracle JDBC intermittent Connection Issue

Disabling SQL Net Banners saved us.

MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.33 - Time Zone Issue

It worked for me just by adding serverTimeZone=UTC on

How to convert Blob to String and String to Blob in java

And here is my solution, that always works for me

StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
String temp;
BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(myBlob.getBinaryStream()));
    while ((temp=bufReader.readLine())!=null) {

Oracle DB : java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection

You have to validate the connection.

If you use Oracle it is likely that you use Oracle´s Universal Connection Pool. The following assumes that you do so.

The easiest way to validate the connection is to tell Oracle that the connection must be validated while borrowing it. This can be done with


But it works only if you hold the connection for a short period. If you borrow the connection for a longer time, it is likely that the connection gets broken while you hold it. In that case you have to validate the connection explicitly with

if (connection == null || !((ValidConnection) connection).isValid())

See the Oracle documentation for further details.

Reading Data From Database and storing in Array List object

You have to create a new customer object in every iteration and then add that newly created object into the ArrayList at the lase of your iteration.

How to get the insert ID in JDBC?

Connection cn = DriverManager.getConnection("Host","user","pass");
Statement st = cn.createStatement("Ur Requet Sql");
int ret  = st.execute();

Where do I download JDBC drivers for DB2 that are compatible with JDK 1.5?

you can download and install db2client and looking for - db2jcc.jar - db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar - db2jcc_license_cu.jar - and etc. at C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\SQLLIB\java

Where can I download mysql jdbc jar from?

Here's a one-liner using Maven:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.38

Then, with default settings, it's available in:


Just replace the version number if you need a different one.

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date


Use neither.


java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date: when to use which and why?

Both of these classes are terrible, flawed in design and in implementation. Avoid like the Plague Coronavirus.

Instead use java.time classes, defined in in JSR 310. These classes are an industry-leading framework for working with date-time handling. These supplant entirely the bloody awful legacy classes such as Date, Calendar, SimpleDateFormat, and such.


The first, java.util.Date is meant to represent a moment in UTC, meaning an offset from UTC of zero hours-minutes-seconds.


Now replaced by java.time.Instant.

Instant instant = ;  // Capture the current moment as seen in UTC.


Instant is the basic building-block class of java.time. For more flexibility, use OffsetDateTime set to ZoneOffset.UTC for the same purpose: representing a moment in UTC.

OffsetDateTime odt = ZoneOffset.UTC ) ;

You can send this object to a database by using PreparedStatement::setObject with JDBC 4.2 or later.

myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , odt ) ;


OffsetDateTime odt = myResultSet.getObject( … , OffsetDateTime.class ) ;


The java.sql.Date class is also terrible and obsolete.

This class is meant to represent a date only, without a time-of-day and without a time zone. Unfortunately, in a terrible hack of a design, this class inherits from java.util.Date which represents a moment (a date with time-of-day in UTC). So this class is merely pretending to be date-only, while actually carrying a time-of-day and implicit offset of UTC. This causes so much confusion. Never use this class.


Instead, use java.time.LocalDate to track just a date (year, month, day-of-month) without any time-of-day nor any time zone or offset.

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "Africa/Tunis" ) ;
LocalDate ld = z ) ;    // Capture the current date as seen in the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region (a time zone).

Send to the database.

myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , ld ) ;


LocalDate ld = myResultSet.getObject( … , LocalDate.class ) ;

Table of date-time types in Java (both legacy and modern) and in standard SQL

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

Table of which java.time library to use with which version of Java or Android

The infamous java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found

No matter how old this thread becomes, people would continue to face this issue.

My Case: I have the latest (at the time of posting) OpenJDK and maven setup. I had tried all methods given above, with/out maven and even solutions on sister posts on StackOverflow. I am not using any IDE or anything else, running from bare CLI to demonstrate only the core logic.

Here's what finally worked.

  • Download the driver from the official site. (for me it was MySQL Use your flavour here.
  • Unzip the given jar file in the same directory as your java project. You would get a directory structure like this. If you look carefully, this exactly relates to what we try to do using Class.forName(....). The file that we want is the com/mysql/jdbc/Driver.class

  • Compile the java program containing the code.
  • Now load the director as a module by running
java --module-path com/mysql/jdbc -cp ./ App

This would load the (extracted) package manually, and your java program would find the required Driver class.

  • Note that this was done for the mysql driver, other drivers might require minor changes.
  • If your vendor provides a .deb image, you can get the jar from /usr/share/java/your-vendor-file-here.jar

Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'

If you have this in your


you can get rid of the error by removing that line.

No suitable driver found for 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql

Just telling my resolution: in my case, the libraries and projects weren't being added automatically to the classpath (i don't know why), even clicking at the "add to build path" option. So I went on run -> run configurations -> classpath and added everything I needed through there.

How to execute a MySQL command from a shell script?

To "automate" the process of importing the generated .sql file, while avoiding all the traps that can be hidden in trying to pass files through stdin and stdout, just tell MySQL to execute the generated .sql file using the SOURCE command in MySQL.

The syntax in the short, but excellent, answer, from Kshitij Sood, gives the best starting point. In short, modify the OP's command according to Kshitij Sood's syntax and replace the commands in that with the SOURCE command:

mysql -u$user -p$password $dbname -Bse "SOURCE ds_fbids.sql
SOURCE ds_fbidx.sql"

If the database name is included in the generated .sql file, it can be dropped from the command.

The presumption here is that the generated file is valid as an .sql file on its own. By not having the file redirected, piped, or in any other manner handled by the shell, there is no issue with needing to escape any of the characters in the generated output because of the shell. The rules with respect to what needs to be escaped in an .sql file, of course, still apply.

How to deal with the security issues around the password on the command line, or in a my.cnf file, etc., has been well addressed in other answers, with some excellent suggestions. My favorite answer, from Danny, covers that, including how to handle the issue when dealing with cron jobs, or anything else.

To address a comment (question?) on the short answer I mentioned: No, it cannot be used with a HEREDOC syntax, as that shell command is given. HEREDOC can be used in the redirection version syntax, (without the -Bse option), since I/O redirection is what HEREDOC is built around. If you need the functionality of HEREDOC, it would be better to use it in the creation of a .sql file, even if it's a temporary one, and use that file as the "command" to execute with the MySQL batch line.

cat >temp.sql <<SQL_STATEMENTS
SELECT \`column_name\` FROM \`table_name\` WHERE \`column_name\`='$shell_variable';
mysql -u $user -p$password $db_name -Be "SOURCE temp.sql"
rm -f temp.sql

Bear in mind that because of shell expansion you can use shell and environment variables within the HEREDOC. The down-side is that you must escape each and every backtick. MySQL uses them as the delimiters for identifiers but the shell, which gets the string first, uses them as executable command delimiters. Miss the escape on a single backtick of the MySQL commands, and the whole thing explodes with errors. The whole issue can be solved by using a quoted LimitString for the HEREDOC:

cat >temp.sql <<'SQL_STATEMENTS'
SELECT `column_name` FROM `table_name` WHERE `column_name`='constant_value';
mysql -u $user -p$password $db_name -Be "SOURCE temp.sql"
rm -f temp.sql

Removing shell expansion that way eliminates the need to escape the backticks, and other shell-special characters. It also removes the ability to use shell and environment variables within it. That pretty much removes the benefits of using a HEREDOC inside the shell script to begin with.

The other option is to use the multi-line quoted strings allowed in Bash with the batch syntax version (with the -Bse). I don't know other shells, so I cannot say if they work therein as well. You would need to use this for executing more than one .sql file with the SOURCE command anyway, since that is not terminated by a ; as other MySQL commands are, and only one is allowed per line. The multi-line string can be either single or double quoted, with the normal effects on shell expansion. It also has the same caveats as using the HEREDOC syntax does for backticks, etc.

A potentially better solution would be to use a scripting language, Perl, Python, etc., to create the .sql file, as the OP did, and SOURCE that file using the simple command syntax at the top. The scripting languages are much better at string manipulation than the shell is, and most have in-built procedures to handle the quoting and escaping needed when dealing with MySQL.

What are the ways to make an html link open a folder

A bit late to the party, but I had to solve this for myself recently, though slightly different, it might still help someone with similar circumstances to my own.

I'm using xampp on a laptop to run a purely local website app on windows. (A very specific environment I know). In this instance, I use a html link to a php file and run:

shell_exec('cd C:\path\to\file');
shell_exec('start .');

This opens a local Windows explorer window.

Why do many examples use `fig, ax = plt.subplots()` in Matplotlib/pyplot/python

In addition to the answers above, you can check the type of object using type(plt.subplots()) which returns a tuple, on the other hand, type(plt.subplot()) returns matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot which you can't unpack.

How do I add a ToolTip to a control?

I did it this way: Just add the event to any control, set the control's tag, and add a conditional to handle the tooltip for the appropriate control/tag.

private void Info_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Control senderObject = sender as Control;
    string hoveredControl = senderObject.Tag.ToString();

    // only instantiate a tooltip if the control's tag contains data
    if (hoveredControl != "")
        ToolTip info = new ToolTip
            AutomaticDelay = 500

        string tooltipMessage = string.Empty;

        // add all conditionals here to modify message based on the tag 
        // of the hovered control
        if (hoveredControl == "save button")
            tooltipMessage = "This button will save stuff.";

        info.SetToolTip(senderObject, tooltipMessage);

What's the reason I can't create generic array types in Java?

The main reason is due to the fact that arrays in Java are covariant.

There's a good overview here.

How to set image for bar button with swift?

Your problem is because of the way the icon has been made - it doesn't conform to Apple's custom tab bar icon specs:

To design a custom bar icon, follow these guidelines:

  • Use pure white with appropriate alpha transparency.
  • Don’t include a drop shadow.
  • Use antialiasing.

(From the guidelines.)

Something that would be possible looks like this. You can find such icons on most free tab bar icon sites.

Button example

Split comma-separated values

You could use LINQBridge (MIT Licensed) to add support for lambda expressions to C# 2.0:

With Studio's multi-targeting and LINQBridge, you'll be able to write local (LINQ to Objects) queries using the full power of the C# 3.0 compiler—and yet your programs will require only Framework 2.0.

Convert a list to a dictionary in Python

You can also try this approach save the keys and values in different list and then use dict method

data=['test1', '1', 'test2', '2', 'test3', '3', 'test4', '4']

for i,j in enumerate(data):
    if i%2==0:



{'test3': '3', 'test1': '1', 'test2': '2', 'test4': '4'}

Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed

Only call time pass-by-reference is removed. So change:

call_user_func($func, &$this, &$client ...

To this:

call_user_func($func, $this, $client ...

&$this should never be needed after PHP4 anyway period.

If you absolutely need $client to be passed by reference, update the function ($func) signature instead (function func(&$client) {)

How to uninstall with msiexec using product id guid without .msi file present

The good thing is, this one is really easily and deterministically to analyze: Either, the msi package is really not installed on the system or you're doing something wrong. Of course the correct call is:

msiexec /x {A4BFF20C-A21E-4720-88E5-79D5A5AEB2E8}

(Admin rights needed of course- With curly braces without any quotes here- quotes are only needed, if paths or values with blank are specified in the commandline.)
If the message is: "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed", then this is true. Either the package with this ProductCode is not installed or there is a typo.

To verify where the fault is:

  1. First try to right click on the (probably) installed .msi file itself. You will see (besides "Install" and "Repair") an Uninstall entry. Click on that.
    a) If that uninstall works, your msi has another ProductCode than you expect (maybe you have the wrong WiX source or your build has dynamic logging where the ProductCode changes).
    b) If that uninstall gives the same "...only valid for products already installed" the package is not installed (which is obviously a precondition to be able to uninstall it).

  2. If 1.a) was the case, you can look for the correct ProductCode of your package, if you open your msi file with Orca, Insted or another editor/tool. Just google for them. Look there in the table with the name "Property" and search for the string "ProductCode" in the first column. In the second column there is the correct value.

There are no other possibilities.

Just a suggestion for the used commandline: I would add at least the "/qb" for a simple progress bar or "/qn" parameter (the latter for complete silent uninstall, but makes only sense if you are sure it works).

Get the item doubleclick event of listview

for me, I do double click of ListView in this code section .

    this.listView.Activation = ItemActivation.TwoClick;

    this.listView.ItemActivate += ListView1_ItemActivate;

ItemActivate specify how user activate with items

When user do double click, ListView1_ItemActivate will be trigger. Property of ListView ItemActivate refers to access the collection of items selected.

    private void ListView1_ItemActivate(Object sender, EventArgs e)

        foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.SelectedItems)
           //do something


it works for me.

Break statement in javascript array map method

That's not possible using the built-in However, you could use a simple for-loop instead, if you do not intend to map any values:

var hasValueLessThanTen = false;
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
  if (myArray[i] < 10) {
    hasValueLessThanTen = true;

Or, as suggested by @RobW, use Array.prototype.some to test if there exists at least one element that is less than 10. It will stop looping when some element that matches your function is found:

var hasValueLessThanTen = myArray.some(function (val) { 
  return val < 10;

Convert char * to LPWSTR

The std::mbstowcs function is what you are looking for:

 char text[] = "something";
 wchar_t wtext[20];
 mbstowcs(wtext, text, strlen(text)+1);//Plus null
 LPWSTR ptr = wtext;

for strings,

 string text = "something";
 wchar_t wtext[20];
 mbstowcs(wtext, text.c_str(), text.length());//includes null
 LPWSTR ptr = wtext;

--> ED: The "L" prefix only works on string literals, not variables. <--

How to use HTTP.GET in AngularJS correctly? In specific, for an external API call?

No need to promise with $http, i use it just with two returns :

 myApp.service('dataService', function($http) {
   this.getData = function() {
      return $http({
          method: 'GET',
          url: '',
          params: 'limit=10, sort_by=created:desc',
          headers: {'Authorization': 'Token token=xxxxYYYYZzzz'}
        return data;
         return null ;

In controller

 myApp.controller('AngularJSCtrl', function($scope, dataService) {
     $ = null;
     dataService.getData().then(function(response) {
         $ = response;

Display text on MouseOver for image in html

You can do like this also:


<a><img src='' onmouseover="somefunction();"></a>

In javascript:

function somefunction()
  //Do somethisg.


How do I create a dictionary with keys from a list and values defaulting to (say) zero?

In addition to Tim's answer, which is very appropriate to your specific example, it's worth mentioning collections.defaultdict, which lets you do stuff like this:

>>> d = defaultdict(int)
>>> d[0] += 1
>>> d
{0: 1}
>>> d[4] += 1
>>> d
{0: 1, 4: 1}

For mapping [1, 2, 3, 4] as in your example, it's a fish out of water. But depending on the reason you asked the question, this may end up being a more appropriate technique.

Accessing a matrix element in the "Mat" object (not the CvMat object) in OpenCV C++

On the documentation:

It says:

(...) if you know the matrix element type, e.g. it is float, then you can use at<>() method

That is, you can use:

Mat M(100, 100, CV_64F);
cout <<<double>(0,0);

Maybe it is easier to use the Mat_ class. It is a template wrapper for Mat. Mat_ has the operator() overloaded in order to access the elements.

How to replace all dots in a string using JavaScript

Here's another implementation of replaceAll. Hope it helps someone.

    String.prototype.replaceAll = function (stringToFind, stringToReplace) {
        if (stringToFind === stringToReplace) return this;
        var temp = this;
        var index = temp.indexOf(stringToFind);
        while (index != -1) {
            temp = temp.replace(stringToFind, stringToReplace);
            index = temp.indexOf(stringToFind);
        return temp;

Then you can use it:

var myText = "My Name is George";
var newText = myText.replaceAll("George", "Michael");

Alternating Row Colors in Bootstrap 3 - No Table

I find that if I specify .row:nth-of-type(..), my other row's elements (for other formatting, etc) also get alternating colours. So rather, I'd define in my css an entirely new class:

  background-color: #efefef;

  background-color: #ffffff;

So now, the alternating row colours will only apply to the row container, when I specify its class as .row-striped, and not the elements inside the row.

<!-- this entire row container is #efefef -->
<div class="row row-striped">
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-sm-8"><h5>Field Greens with strawberry vinegrette</h5></div>
        <div class="col-sm-4">
            <input type="number" type="number" step="1" min="0"></input><small>$30/salad</small>

<!-- this entire row container is #ffffff -->
<div class="row row-striped">
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-sm-8"><h5>Greek Salad</h5></div>
        <div class="col-sm-4">
            <input type="number" type="number" step="1" min="0"></input><small>$25/salad</small>

DB query builder toArray() laravel 4

And another solution

$objectData = DB::table('user')
    ->select('column1', 'column2')
    ->where('name', '=', 'Jhon')
$arrayData = array_map(function($item) {
    return (array)$item; 
}, $objectData->toArray());

It good in case when you need only several columns from entity.

How do I use Spring Boot to serve static content located in Dropbox folder?

There's a property spring.resources.staticLocations that can be set in the Note that this will override the default locations. See org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ResourceProperties.

Database development mistakes made by application developers

Forgetting to set up relationships between the tables. I remember having to clean this up when I first started working at my current employer.

Another git process seems to be running in this repository

I got this error while pod update. I solved it by deleting the index.lock file in cocoapods's .git directory.

rm -f /Users/my_user_name/.cocoapods/repos/master/.git/index.lock

It might help someone.

Scroll to a div using jquery

Add this little function and use it as so: $('div').scrollTo(500);

  scrollTo : function(speed, easing)
    return this.each(function()
      var targetOffset = $(this).offset().top;
      $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, speed, easing);

How do I open a URL from C++?

C isn't as high-level as the scripting language you mention. But if you want to stay away from socket-based programming, try Curl. Curl is a great C library and has many features. I have used it for years and always recommend it. It also includes some stand alone programs for testing or shell use.

JQuery or JavaScript: How determine if shift key being pressed while clicking anchor tag hyperlink?

Here is the key code for each key stroke in JavaScript. You can use that and detect if the user has pressed the Shift key.

backspace           8
tab                 9
enter               13
shift               16
ctrl                17
alt                 18
pause/break         19
caps lock           20
escape              27
page up             33
page down           34
end                 35
home                36
left arrow          37
up arrow            38
right arrow         39
down arrow          40
insert              45
delete              46
0                   48
1                   49
2                   50
3                   51
4                   52
5                   53
6                   54
7                   55
8                   56
9                   57
a                   65
b                   66
c                   67
d                   68
e                   69
f                   70
g                   71
h                   72
i                   73
j                   74
k                   75
l                   76
m                   77
n                   78
o                   79
p                   80
q                   81
r                   82
s                   83
t                   84
u                   85
v                   86
w                   87
x                   88
y                   89
z                   90
left window key     91
right window key    92
select key          93
numpad 0            96
numpad 1            97
numpad 2            98
numpad 3            99
numpad 4            100
numpad 5            101
numpad 6            102
numpad 7            103
numpad 8            104
numpad 9            105
multiply            106
add                 107
subtract            109
decimal point       110
divide              111
f1                  112
f2                  113
f3                  114
f4                  115
f5                  116
f6                  117
f7                  118
f8                  119
f9                  120
f10                 121
f11                 122
f12                 123
num lock            144
scroll lock         145
semi-colon          186
equal sign          187
comma               188
dash                189
period              190
forward slash       191
grave accent        192
open bracket        219
back slash          220
close braket        221
single quote        222

Not all browsers handle the keypress event well, so use either the key up or the key down event, like this:

$(document).keydown(function (e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 16) {
        alert(e.which + " or Shift was pressed");

The iOS Simulator deployment targets is set to 7.0, but the range of supported deployment target version for this platform is 8.0 to 12.1

We can apply the project deployment target to all pods target. Resolved by adding this code block below to end of your Podfile:

post_install do |installer|

def fix_deployment_target(installer)
  return if !installer
  project = installer.pods_project
  project_deployment_target = project.build_configurations.first.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET']

  puts "Make sure all pods deployment target is #{}"
  project.targets.each do |target|
    puts "  #{}".blue
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      old_target = config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET']
      new_target = project_deployment_target
      next if old_target == new_target
      puts "    #{}: #{old_target.yellow} -> #{}"
      config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = new_target

Results log:

fix pods deployment target version warning

How does Java deal with multiple conditions inside a single IF statement

Yes, Java (similar to other mainstream languages) uses lazy evaluation short-circuiting which means it evaluates as little as possible.

This means that the following code is completely safe:

if(p != null && p.getAge() > 10)

Also, a || b never evaluates b if a evaluates to true.

RedirectToAction with parameter

If one want to Show error message for [httppost] then he/she can try by passing an ID using

return RedirectToAction("LogIn", "Security", new { @errorId = 1 });

for Details like this

 public ActionResult LogIn(int? errorId)
            if (errorId > 0)
                ViewBag.Error = "UserName Or Password Invalid !";
            return View();

public ActionResult LogIn(FormCollection form)
            string user= form["UserId"];
            string password = form["Password"];
            if (user == "admin" && password == "123")
               return RedirectToAction("Index", "Admin");
                return RedirectToAction("LogIn", "Security", new { @errorId = 1 });

Hope it works fine.

How to quickly and conveniently create a one element arraylist

Seeing as Guava gets a mention, I thought I would also suggest Eclipse Collections (formerly known as GS Collections).

The following examples all return a List with a single item.

Lists.mutable.of("Just one item");
Lists.mutable.with("Or use with");
Lists.immutable.of("Maybe it must be immutable?");
Lists.immutable.with("And use with if you want");

There are similar methods for other collections.

Converting URL to String and back again

Swift 3 (forget about NSURL).

let fileName = "20-01-2017 22:47"
let folderString = "file:///var/mobile/someLongPath"

To make a URL out of a string:

let folder: URL? = Foundation.URL(string: folderString)
// Optional<URL>
//  ? some : file:///var/mobile/someLongPath

If we want to add the filename. Note, that appendingPathComponent() adds the percent encoding automatically:

let folderWithFilename: URL? = folder?.appendingPathComponent(fileName)
// Optional<URL>
//  ? some : file:///var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017%2022:47

When we want to have String but without the root part (pay attention that percent encoding is removed automatically):

let folderWithFilename: String? = folderWithFilename.path
// ? Optional<String>
//  - some : "/var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017 22:47"

If we want to keep the root part we do this (but mind the percent encoding - it is not removed):

let folderWithFilenameAbsoluteString: String? = folderWithFilenameURL.absoluteString
// ? Optional<String>
//  - some : "file:///var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017%2022:47"

To manually add the percent encoding for a string:

let folderWithFilenameAndEncoding: String? = folderWithFilename.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed)
// ? Optional<String>
//  - some : "/var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017%2022:47"

To remove the percent encoding:

let folderWithFilenameAbsoluteStringNoEncodig: String? = folderWithFilenameAbsoluteString.removingPercentEncoding
// ? Optional<String>
//  - some : "file:///var/mobile/someLongPath/20-01-2017 22:47"

The percent-encoding is important because URLs for network requests need them, while URLs to file system won't always work - it depends on the actual method that uses them. The caveat here is that they may be removed or added automatically, so better debug these conversions carefully.

What is a practical use for a closure in JavaScript?

If you're comfortable with the concept of instantiating a class in the object-oriented sense (i.e. to create an object of that class) then you're close to understanding closures.

Think of it this way: when you instantiate two Person objects you know that the class member variable "Name" is not shared between instances; each object has its own 'copy'. Similarly, when you create a closure, the free variable ('calledCount' in your example above) is bound to the 'instance' of the function.

I think your conceptual leap is slightly hampered by the fact that every function/closure returned by the warnUser function (aside: that's a higher-order function) closure binds 'calledCount' with the same initial value (0), whereas often when creating closures it is more useful to pass different initializers into the higher-order function, much like passing different values to the constructor of a class.

So, suppose when 'calledCount' reaches a certain value you want to end the user's session; you might want different values for that depending on whether the request comes in from the local network or the big bad internet (yes, it's a contrived example). To achieve this, you could pass different initial values for calledCount into warnUser (i.e. -3, or 0?).

Part of the problem with the literature is the nomenclature used to describe them ("lexical scope", "free variables"). Don't let it fool you, closures are more simple than would appear... prima facie ;-)

jQuery - Getting the text value of a table cell in the same row as a clicked element

This will also work


how to implement a long click listener on a listview

This worked for me for cardView and will work the same for listview inside adapter calss, within onBindViewHolder() function

holder.cardView.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
            public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
                return false;

How to get the text node of an element?

This is my solution in ES6 to create a string contraining the concatenated text of all childnodes (recursive). Note that is also visit the shdowroot of childnodes.

function text_from(node) {
    const extract = (node) => [...node.childNodes].reduce(
        (acc, childnode) => [
            childnode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? childnode.textContent.trim() : '',
            ...(childnode.shadowRoot ? extract(childnode.shadowRoot) : [])],

    return extract(node).filter(text => text.length).join('\n');

This solution was inspired by the solution of

How can I test a change made to Jenkinsfile locally?

As far as i know this Pipeline Plugin is the "Engine" of the new Jenkinsfile mechanics, so im quite positive you could use this to locally test your scripts.

Im not sure if there is any additional steps needed when you copy it into a Jenkinsfile, however the syntax etc should be exactly the same.

Edit: Found the reference on the "engine", check this feature description, last paragraph, first entry.

how to count the total number of lines in a text file using python

this one also gives the no.of lines in a file.


How to convert string to string[]?

Casting can also help converting string to string[]. In this case, casting the string with ToArray() is demonstrated:

String myString = "My String";
String[] myString.Cast<char>().Cast<string>().ToArray();

How to test REST API using Chrome's extension "Advanced Rest Client"

This seems a very old question, but I am providing an answer, so that it might help others. You can specify the variables in the second screen in the form section, as shown below or in the RAW format by appending the variables as shown in the second image.

Specify Form Variables

Specify in RAW format

If your variable and variable values are valid, you should see a successful response in the response section.

Adding css class through aspx code behind

controlName.CssClass="CSS Class Name";

working example follows below

txtBank.CssClass = "csError";

How to convert a normal Git repository to a bare one?

Here is the definition of a bare repository from gitglossary:

A bare repository is normally an appropriately named directory with a .git suffix that does not have a locally checked-out copy of any of the files under revision control. That is, all of the Git administrative and control files that would normally be present in the hidden .git sub-directory are directly present in the repository.git directory instead, and no other files are present and checked out. Usually publishers of public repositories make bare repositories available.

I arrived here because I was playing around with a "local repository" and wanted to be able to do whatever I wanted as if it were a remote repository. I was just playing around, trying to learn about git. I'll assume that this is the situation for whoever wants to read this answer.

I would love for an expert opinion or some specific counter-examples, however it seems that (after rummaging through some git source code that I found) simply going to the file .git/config and setting the core attribute bare to true, git will let you do whatever you want to do to the repository remotely. I.e. the following lines should exist in .git/config:

    bare = true

(This is roughly what the command git config --bool core.bare true will do, which is probably recommended to deal with more complicated situations)

My justification for this claim is that, in the git source code, there seems to be two different ways of testing if a repo is bare or not. One is by checking a global variable is_bare_repository_cfg. This is set during some setup phase of execution, and reflects the value found in the .git/config file. The other is a function is_bare_repository(). Here is the definition of this function:

int is_bare_repository(void)
    /* if core.bare is not 'false', let's see if there is a work tree */
    return is_bare_repository_cfg && !get_git_work_tree();

I've not the time nor expertise to say this with absolute confidence, but as far as I could tell if you have the bare attribute set to true in .git/config, this should always return 1. The rest of the function probably is for the following situation:

  1. core.bare is undefined (i.e. neither true nor false)
  2. There is no worktree (i.e. the .git subdirectory is the main directory)

I'll experiment with it when I can later, but this would seem to indicate that setting core.bare = true is equivalent to removeing core.bare from the config file and setting up the directories properly.

At any rate, setting core.bare = true certainly will let you push to it, but I'm not sure if the presence of project files will cause some other operations to go awry. It's interesting and I suppose instructive to push to the repository and see what happened locally (i.e. run git status and make sense of the results).

Cassandra cqlsh - connection refused

Look for native_transport_port in /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml The default is 9842.

native_transport_port: 9842

For connecting to localhost with cqlsh, this port worked for me.

cqlsh 9842

c# - approach for saving user settings in a WPF application?

In my experience storing all the settings in a database table is the best solution. Don't even worry about performance. Today's databases are fast and can easily store thousands columns in a table. I learned this the hard way - before I was serilizing/deserializing - nightmare. Storing it in local file or registry has one big problem - if you have to support your app and computer is off - user is not in front of it - there is nothing you can do.... if setings are in DB - you can changed them and viola not to mention that you can compare the settings....

Move the most recent commit(s) to a new branch with Git

You can do this is just 3 simple step that i used.

1) make new branch where you want to commit you recent update.

git branch <branch name>

2) Find Recent Commit Id for commit on new branch.

git log

3) Copy that commit id note that Most Recent commit list take place on top. so you can find your commit. you also find this via message.

git cherry-pick d34bcef232f6c...

you can also provide some rang of commit id.

git cherry-pick d34bcef...86d2aec

Now your job done. If you picked correct id and correct branch then you will success. So before do this be careful. else another problem can occur.

Now you can push your code

git push

How to detect orientation change in layout in Android?

Create an instance of OrientationEventListener class and enable it.

OrientationEventListener mOrientationEventListener = new OrientationEventListener(YourActivity.this) {
    public void onOrientationChanged(int orientation) {
        Log.d(TAG,"orientation = " + orientation);

if (mOrientationEventListener.canDetectOrientation())

How to extract base URL from a string in JavaScript?

This, works for me:

var getBaseUrl = function (url) {_x000D_
  if (url) {_x000D_
    var parts = url.split('://');_x000D_
    if (parts.length > 1) {_x000D_
      return parts[0] + '://' + parts[1].split('/')[0] + '/';_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      return parts[0].split('/')[0] + '/';_x000D_

How to bind WPF button to a command in ViewModelBase?

 <Grid >
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
    <Button Command="{Binding ClickCommand}" Width="100" Height="100" Content="wefwfwef"/>

the code behind for the window:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
        DataContext = new ViewModelBase();

The ViewModel:

public class ViewModelBase
    private ICommand _clickCommand;
    public ICommand ClickCommand
            return _clickCommand ?? (_clickCommand = new CommandHandler(() => MyAction(), ()=> CanExecute));
     public bool CanExecute
            // check if executing is allowed, i.e., validate, check if a process is running, etc. 
            return true/false;

    public void MyAction()


Command Handler:

 public class CommandHandler : ICommand
    private Action _action;
    private Func<bool> _canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates instance of the command handler
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="action">Action to be executed by the command</param>
    /// <param name="canExecute">A bolean property to containing current permissions to execute the command</param>
    public CommandHandler(Action action, Func<bool> canExecute)
        _action = action;
        _canExecute = canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Wires CanExecuteChanged event 
    /// </summary>
    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
        add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
        remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Forcess checking if execute is allowed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameter"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return _canExecute.Invoke();

    public void Execute(object parameter)

I hope this will give you the idea.

Adding to an ArrayList Java

Well, you have to iterate through your abstract type Foo and that depends on the methods available on that object. You don't have to loop through the ArrayList because this object grows automatically in Java. (Don't confuse it with an array in other programming languages)

Recommended reading. Lists in the Java Tutorial

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer

you need to add jersey-bundle-1.17.1.jar to lib of project

<servlet> <servlet-name>Jersey REST Service</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer</servlet-class> <!-- <servlet-class>org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer</servlet-class> --> <init-param> <param-name></param-name> <!-- <param-name>jersey.config.server.provider.packages</param-name> --> <param-value>package.package.test</param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet>

CSS list-style-image size

Almost like cheating, I just went into an image editor and resized the image by half. Works like a charm for me.

Creating and Naming Worksheet in Excel VBA

Are you using an error handler? If you're ignoring errors and try to name a sheet the same as an existing sheet or a name with invalid characters, it could be just skipping over that line. See the CleanSheetName function here

for a list of invalid characters that you may want to check for.


Other things to try: Fully qualified references, throwing in a Doevents, code cleaning. This code qualifies your Sheets reference to ThisWorkbook (you can change it to ActiveWorkbook if that suits). It also adds a thousand DoEvents (stupid overkill, but if something's taking a while to get done, this will allow it to - you may only need one DoEvents if this actually fixes anything).

Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim i As Long

With ThisWorkbook
    Set WS = .Worksheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count))
End With

For i = 1 To 1000
Next i

WS.Name = txtSheetName.Value

Finally, whenever I have a goofy VBA problem that just doesn't make sense, I use Rob Bovey's CodeCleaner. It's an add-in that exports all of your modules to text files then re-imports them. You can do it manually too. This process cleans out any corrupted p-code that's hanging around.

Font size of TextView in Android application changes on changing font size from native settings

The easiest to do so is simply to use something like the following:


If you'd like to know more about the textSize property, you can check the Android developer documentation.

C char array initialization

Interestingly enough, it is possible to initialize arrays in any way at any time in the program, provided they are members of a struct or union.

Example program:

#include <stdio.h>

struct ccont
  char array[32];

struct icont
  int array[32];

int main()
  int  cnt;
  char carray[32] = { 'A', 66, 6*11+1 };    // 'A', 'B', 'C', '\0', '\0', ...
  int  iarray[32] = { 67, 42, 25 };

  struct ccont cc = { 0 };
  struct icont ic = { 0 };

  /*  these don't work
  carray = { [0]=1 };           // expected expression before '{' token
  carray = { [0 ... 31]=1 };    // (likewise)
  carray = (char[32]){ [0]=3 }; // incompatible types when assigning to type 'char[32]' from type 'char *'
  iarray = (int[32]){ 1 };      // (likewise, but s/char/int/g)

  // but these perfectly work...
  cc = (struct ccont){ .array='a' };        // 'a', '\0', '\0', '\0', ...
  // the following is a gcc extension, 
  cc = (struct ccont){ .array={ [0 ... 2]='a' } };  // 'a', 'a', 'a', '\0', '\0', ...
  ic = (struct icont){ .array={ 42,67 } };      // 42, 67, 0, 0, 0, ...
  // index ranges can overlap, the latter override the former
  // (no compiler warning with -Wall -Wextra)
  ic = (struct icont){ .array={ [0 ... 1]=42, [1 ... 2]=67 } }; // 42, 67, 67, 0, 0, ...

  for (cnt=0; cnt<5; cnt++)
    printf("%2d %c %2d %c\n",iarray[cnt], carray[cnt],ic.array[cnt],cc.array[cnt]);

  return 0;

Best way to convert strings to symbols in hash

You could be lazy, and wrap it in a lambda:

my_hash = YAML.load_file('yml')
my_lamb = lambda { |key| my_hash[key.to_s] }

my_lamb[:a] == my_hash['a'] #=> true

But this would only work for reading from the hash - not writing.

To do that, you could use Hash#merge

my_hash = { |h,k| h[k] = h[k.to_s] }.merge(YAML.load_file('yml'))

The init block will convert the keys one time on demand, though if you update the value for the string version of the key after accessing the symbol version, the symbol version won't be updated.

irb> x = { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 }
#=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
irb> y = { |h,k| h[k] = h[k.to_s] }.merge(x)
#=> {"a"=>1, "b"=>2}
irb> y[:a]  # the key :a doesn't exist for y, so the init block is called
#=> 1
irb> y
#=> {"a"=>1, :a=>1, "b"=>2}
irb> y[:a]  # the key :a now exists for y, so the init block is isn't called
#=> 1
irb> y['a'] = 3
#=> 3
irb> y
#=> {"a"=>3, :a=>1, "b"=>2}

You could also have the init block not update the hash, which would protect you from that kind of error, but you'd still be vulnerable to the opposite - updating the symbol version wouldn't update the string version:

irb> q = { 'c' => 4, 'd' => 5 }
#=> {"c"=>4, "d"=>5}
irb> r = { |h,k| h[k.to_s] }.merge(q)
#=> {"c"=>4, "d"=>5}
irb> r[:c] # init block is called
#=> 4
irb> r
#=> {"c"=>4, "d"=>5}
irb> r[:c] # init block is called again, since this key still isn't in r
#=> 4
irb> r[:c] = 7
#=> 7
irb> r
#=> {:c=>7, "c"=>4, "d"=>5}

So the thing to be careful of with these is switching between the two key forms. Stick with one.

How to store a dataframe using Pandas

Another quite fresh test with to_pickle().

I have 25 .csv files in total to process and the final dataframe consists of roughly 2M items.

(Note: Besides loading the .csv files, I also manipulate some data and extend the data frame by new columns.)

Going through all 25 .csv files and create the dataframe takes around 14 sec.

Loading the whole dataframe from a pkl file takes less than 1 sec

How to make Java work with SQL Server?

Have you tried the jtds driver for SQLServer?

Python Variable Declaration

This might be 6 years late, but in Python 3.5 and above, you declare a variable type like this:

variable_name: type_name

or this:

variable_name # type: shinyType

So in your case(if you have a CustomObject class defined), you can do:

customObj: CustomObject

See this or that for more info.

How to fix Hibernate LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of roles, could not initialize proxy - no Session

First of all I'd like to say that all users who said about lazy and transactions were right. But in my case there was a slight difference in that I used result of @Transactional method in a test and that was outside real transaction so I got this lazy exception.

My service method:

User get(String uid) {};

My test code:

User user = userService.get("123");
user.getActors(); //org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role

My solution to this was wrapping that code in another transaction like this:

List<Actor> actors = new ArrayList<>();
 -> actors.addAll(userService.get("123").getActors()));

How to Remove Array Element and Then Re-Index Array?

array_splice($array, array_search(array_value, $array), 1);

Controlling Maven final name of jar artifact

All of the provided answers are more complicated than necessary. Assuming you are building a jar file, all you need to do is add a <jar.finalName> tag to your <properties> section:


This will generate a jar:


This is in the documentation - note the User Property:

Name of the generated JAR.
Type: java.lang.String
Required: No
User Property: jar.finalName
Default: ${}

Command Line Usage

You should also be able to use this option on the command line with:

mvn -Djar.finalName=myCustomName ...

You should get myCustomName.jar, although I haven't tested this.

Dropdown using javascript onchange

Something like this should do the trick

<select id="leave" onchange="leaveChange()">
  <option value="5">Get Married</option>
  <option value="100">Have a Baby</option>
  <option value="90">Adopt a Child</option>
  <option value="15">Retire</option>
  <option value="15">Military Leave</option>
  <option value="15">Medical Leave</option>

<div id="message"></div>


function leaveChange() {
    if (document.getElementById("leave").value != "100"){
        document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Common message";
        document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Having a Baby!!";

jsFiddle Demo

A shorter version and more general could be


<select id="leave" onchange="leaveChange(this)">
  <option value="5">Get Married</option>
  <option value="100">Have a Baby</option>
  <option value="90">Adopt a Child</option>
  <option value="15">Retire</option>
  <option value="15">Military Leave</option>
  <option value="15">Medical Leave</option>


function leaveChange(control) {
    var msg = control.value == "100" ? "Having a Baby!!" : "Common message";
    document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = msg;

finding first day of the month in python

You can use dateutil.rrule:

In [1]: from dateutil.rrule import *

In [2]: rrule(DAILY, bymonthday=1)[0].date()
Out[2]:, 10, 1)

In [3]: rrule(DAILY, bymonthday=1)[1].date()
Out[3]:, 11, 1)

List all files in one directory PHP

You are looking for the command scandir.

$path    = '/tmp';
$files = scandir($path);

Following code will remove . and .. from the returned array from scandir:

$files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..'));

Is key-value observation (KVO) available in Swift?


KVO requires dynamic dispatch, so you simply need to add the dynamic modifier to a method, property, subscript, or initializer:

dynamic var foo = 0

The dynamic modifier ensures that references to the declaration will be dynamically dispatched and accessed through objc_msgSend.

How do I force git to checkout the master branch and remove carriage returns after I've normalized files using the "text" attribute?

As others have pointed out one could just delete all the files in the repo and then check them out. I prefer this method and it can be done with the code below

git ls-files -z | xargs -0 rm
git checkout -- .

or one line

git ls-files -z | xargs -0 rm ; git checkout -- .

I use it all the time and haven't found any down sides yet!

For some further explanation, the -z appends a null character onto the end of each entry output by ls-files, and the -0 tells xargs to delimit the output it was receiving by those null characters.

Sorting a Dictionary in place with respect to keys

You can't sort a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> - it's inherently unordered. (Or rather, the order in which entries are retrieved is implementation-specific. You shouldn't rely on it working the same way between versions, as ordering isn't part of its designed functionality.)

You can use SortedList<TKey, TValue> or SortedDictionary<TKey, TValue>, both of which sort by the key (in a configurable way, if you pass an IEqualityComparer<T> into the constructor) - might those be of use to you?

Pay little attention to the word "list" in the name SortedList - it's still a dictionary in that it maps keys to values. It's implemented using a list internally, effectively - so instead of looking up by hash code, it does a binary search. SortedDictionary is similarly based on binary searches, but via a tree instead of a list.

How to mention C:\Program Files in batchfile

Surround the script call with "", generally it's good practices to do so with filepath.

"C:\Program Files"

Although for this particular name you probably should use environment variable like this :


or for 32 bits program on 64 bit windows :


Command to get nth line of STDOUT

Another poster suggested

ls -l | head -2 | tail -1

but if you pipe head into tail, it looks like everything up to line N is processed twice.

Piping tail into head

ls -l | tail -n +2 | head -n1

would be more efficient?

IF EXIST C:\directory\ goto a else goto b problems windows XP batch files

To check for DIRECTORIES you should not use something like:

if exist c:\windows\

To work properly use:

if exist c:\windows\\.

note the "." at the end.

How to get the previous url using PHP

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will give you incomplete url.

If you want, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will give you only.

How to load image files with webpack file-loader


    test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif)$/i,
    loader: 'file-loader',
    options: {
        name: '[name].[ext]',


<img src={image_name.jpg} />

Appropriate datatype for holding percent values?

  • Hold as a decimal.
  • Add check constraints if you want to limit the range (e.g. between 0 to 100%; in some cases there may be valid reasons to go beyond 100% or potentially even into the negatives).
  • Treat value 1 as 100%, 0.5 as 50%, etc. This will allow any math operations to function as expected (i.e. as opposed to using value 100 as 100%).
  • Amend precision and scale as required (these are the two values in brackets columnName decimal(precision, scale). Precision says the total number of digits that can be held in the number, scale says how many of those are after the decimal place, so decimal(3,2) is a number which can be represented as #.##; decimal(5,3) would be ##.###.
  • decimal and numeric are essentially the same thing. However decimal is ANSI compliant, so always use that unless told otherwise (e.g. by your company's coding standards).

Example Scenarios

  • For your case (0.00% to 100.00%) you'd want decimal(5,4).
  • For the most common case (0% to 100%) you'd want decimal(3,2).
  • In both of the above, the check constraints would be the same


if object_id('Demo') is null
create table Demo
        Id bigint not null identity(1,1) constraint pk_Demo primary key
        , Name nvarchar(256) not null constraint uk_Demo unique 
        , SomePercentValue decimal(3,2) constraint chk_Demo_SomePercentValue check (SomePercentValue between 0 and 1)
        , SomePrecisionPercentValue decimal(5,2) constraint chk_Demo_SomePrecisionPercentValue check (SomePrecisionPercentValue between 0 and 1)

Further Reading:

HTML Upload MAX_FILE_SIZE does not appear to work

To anyone who had been wonderstruck about some files being easily uploaded and some not, it could be a size issue. I'm sharing this as I was stuck with my PHP code not uploading large files and I kept assuming it wasn't uploading any Excel files. So, if you are using PHP and you want to increase the file upload limit, go to the php.ini file and make the following modifications:

  • upload_max_filesize = 2M

to be changed to

  • upload_max_filesize = 10M

  • post_max_size = 10M

or the size required. Then restart the Apache server and the upload will start magically working. Hope this will be of help to someone.

How to trigger click event on href element

Just want to let you guys know, the accepted answer doesn't always work.

Here's an example it will fail.

if <href='/list'>

href = $('css_selector').attr('href')
href = document.querySelector('css_selector').href

or you could append the href you got from jQuery to this

href = document.URL +$('css_selector').attr('href');

or jQuery way

href = $('css_selector').prop('href')

Finally, invoke it to change the browser current page's url

window.location.href = href

or pop it out using

Here's an example in JSFiddle.

How to specify non-default shared-library path in GCC Linux? Getting "error while loading shared libraries" when running

There are two ways to achieve that:

  • Use -rpath linker option:

gcc XXX.c -o xxx.out -L$HOME/.usr/lib -lXX -Wl,-rpath=/home/user/.usr/lib

  • Use LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable - put this line in your ~/.bashrc file:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/.usr/lib

This will work even for a pre-generated binaries, so you can for example download some packages from the, unpack the binaries and shared libraries into your home directory, and launch them without recompiling.

For a quick test, you can also do (in bash at least):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/.usr/lib ./xxx.out

which has the advantage of not changing your library path for everything else.

Mask for an Input to allow phone numbers?

you can use cleave.js

// phone (123) 123-4567
var cleavePhone = new Cleave('.input-phone', {
        //prefix: '(123)',
        delimiters: ['(',') ','-'],
        blocks: [0, 3, 3, 4]


converting drawable resource image into bitmap

You probably mean Notification.Builder.setLargeIcon(Bitmap), right? :)

Bitmap largeIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.large_icon);

This is a great method of converting resource images into Android Bitmaps.

How to change the sender's name or e-mail address in mutt?

Normally, mutt sets the From: header based on the from configuration variable you set in ~/.muttrc:

set from="Fubar <foo@bar>"

If this is not set, mutt uses the EMAIL environment variable by default. In which case, you can get away with calling mutt like this on the command line (as opposed to how you showed it in your comment):

EMAIL="foo@bar" mutt -s '$MailSubject' -c "abc@def"

However, if you want to be able to edit the From: header while composing, you need to configure mutt to allow you to edit headers first. This involves adding the following line in your ~/.muttrc:

set edit_headers=yes

After that, next time you open up mutt and are composing an E-mail, your chosen text editor will pop up containing the headers as well, so you can edit them. This includes the From: header.

C++ pass an array by reference

Like the other answer says, put the & after the *.

This brings up an interesting point that can be confusing sometimes: types should be read from right to left. For example, this is (starting from the rightmost *) a pointer to a constant pointer to an int.

int * const *x;

What you wrote would therefore be a pointer to a reference, which is not possible.

What does 'super' do in Python?

Super() in a nutshell

  • Every Python instance has a class that created it.
  • Every class in Python has a chain of ancestor classes.
  • A method using super() delegates work to the next ancestor in the chain for the instance's class.


This small example covers all the interesting cases:

class A:
    def m(self):

class B(A):
    def m(self):
        print('B start')
        print('B end')
class C(A):
    def m(self):
        print('C start')
        print('C end')

class D(B, C):
    def m(self):
        print('D start')
        print('D end')

The exact order of calls in determined by the instance the method is called from:

>>> a = A()
>>> b = B()
>>> c = C()
>>> d = D()

For instance a, there is no super call:

>>> a.m()

For instance b, the ancestor chain is B -> A -> object:

>>> type(b).__mro__   
(<class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)

>>> b.m()
B start
B end

For instance c, the ancestor chain is C -> A -> object:

>>> type(c).__mro__   
(<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)

>>> b.m()
C start
C end

For instance d, the ancestor chain is more interesting D -> B -> C -> A -> object:

>>> type(d).__mro__
(<class '__main__.D'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)

>>> d.m()
D start
B start
C start
C end
B end
D end

More information

Having answered the question of "What does super do in Python?", the next question is how to use it effectively. See this step-by-step tutorial or this 45 minute video.

Best way to stress test a website

Maybe grinder will help? You can simulate concurrent request by threads and lightweight processes or distribute test over several machines. I'm using it extensively with success every time.

Sql Server : How to use an aggregate function like MAX in a WHERE clause

The correct way to use max in the having clause is by performing a self join first:

select t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
from table1 t1
join table1 t1_max
  on =
group by t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
having = max(

The following is how you would join with a subquery:

select t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
from table1 t1
where = (select max(
                 from table1 t1_max
                 where =

Be sure to create a single dataset before using an aggregate when dealing with a multi-table join:

select,, t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
into #dataset
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
  on =
join table2 t3
  on =

select a, b, c
from #dataset d
join #dataset d_max
  on =
having = max(
group by a, b, c

Sub query version:

select,, t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
into #dataset
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
  on =
join table2 t3
  on =

select a, b, c
from #dataset d
where = (select max(
                from #dataset d_max
                where =

Using LIMIT within GROUP BY to get N results per group?

The original query used user variables and ORDER BY on derived tables; the behavior of both quirks is not guaranteed. Revised answer as follows.

In MySQL 5.x you can use poor man's rank over partition to achieve desired result. Just outer join the table with itself and for each row, count the number of rows lesser than it. In the above case, lesser row is the one with higher rate:

SELECT, t.rate, t.year, COUNT(l.rate) AS rank
LEFT JOIN t AS l ON = AND t.rate < l.rate
GROUP BY, t.rate, t.year
HAVING COUNT(l.rate) < 5
ORDER BY, t.rate DESC, t.year

Demo and Result:

| id  | rate | year | rank |
| p01 |  8.0 | 2006 | 0    |
| p01 |  7.4 | 2003 | 1    |
| p01 |  6.8 | 2008 | 2    |
| p01 |  5.9 | 2001 | 3    |
| p01 |  5.3 | 2007 | 4    |
| p02 | 12.5 | 2001 | 0    |
| p02 | 12.4 | 2004 | 1    |
| p02 | 12.2 | 2002 | 2    |
| p02 | 10.3 | 2003 | 3    |
| p02 |  8.7 | 2000 | 4    |

Note that if the rates had ties, for example:

100, 90, 90, 80, 80, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, ...

The above query will return 6 rows:

100, 90, 90, 80, 80, 80

Change to HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT l.rate) < 5 to get 8 rows:

100, 90, 90, 80, 80, 80, 70, 60

Or change to ON = AND (t.rate < l.rate OR (t.rate = l.rate AND t.pri_key > l.pri_key)) to get 5 rows:

 100, 90, 90, 80, 80

In MySQL 8 or later just use the RANK, DENSE_RANK or ROW_NUMBER functions:

    FROM t
) AS x
WHERE rnk <= 5

Convert JavaScript String to be all lower case?

toLocaleUpperCase() or lower case functions don't behave like they should do.

For example in my system, Safari 4, Chrome 4 Beta, Firefox 3.5.x it converts strings with Turkish characters incorrectly.

The browsers respond to navigator.language as "en-US", "tr", "en-US" respectively.

But there is no way to get user's Accept-Lang setting in the browser as far as I could find.

Only Chrome gives me trouble although I have configured every browser as tr-TR locale preferred.

I think these settings only affect HTTP header, but we can't access to these settings via JS.

In the Mozilla documentation it says "The characters within a string are converted to ... while respecting the current locale.

For most languages, this will return the same as ...".

I think it's valid for Turkish, it doesn't differ it's configured as en or tr.

In Turkish it should convert "DINÇ" to "dinç" and "DINÇ" to "dinç" or vice-versa.

Android Fastboot devices not returning device

Are you rebooting the device into the bootloader and entering fastboot USB on the bootloader menu?


adb reboot bootloader

then look for on screen instructions to enter fastboot mode.

How to check whether an object is a date?

An approach using a try/catch

function getFormatedDate(date = new Date()) {_x000D_
  try {_x000D_
  } catch (e) {_x000D_
    date = new Date();_x000D_
  return date;_x000D_
console.log(getFormatedDate(new Date('AAAA')));_x000D_
console.log(getFormatedDate(new Date(2018, 2, 10)));

CSS selector - element with a given child

Is it possible to select an element if it contains a specific child element?

Unfortunately not yet.

The CSS2 and CSS3 selector specifications do not allow for any sort of parent selection.

A Note About Specification Changes

This is a disclaimer about the accuracy of this post from this point onward. Parent selectors in CSS have been discussed for many years. As no consensus has been found, changes keep happening. I will attempt to keep this answer up-to-date, however be aware that there may be inaccuracies due to changes in the specifications.

An older "Selectors Level 4 Working Draft" described a feature which was the ability to specify the "subject" of a selector. This feature has been dropped and will not be available for CSS implementations.

The subject was going to be the element in the selector chain that would have styles applied to it.

Example HTML
<p><span>lorem</span> ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
<p>consecteture edipsing elit</p>

This selector would style the span element

p span {
    color: red;

This selector would style the p element

!p span {
    color: red;

A more recent "Selectors Level 4 Editor’s Draft" includes "The Relational Pseudo-class: :has()"

:has() would allow an author to select an element based on its contents. My understanding is it was chosen to provide compatibility with jQuery's custom :has() pseudo-selector*.

In any event, continuing the example from above, to select the p element that contains a span one could use:

p:has(span) {
    color: red;

* This makes me wonder if jQuery had implemented selector subjects whether subjects would have remained in the specification.

Java: int[] array vs int array[]

No, there is no difference. But I prefer using int[] array as it is more readable.

Auto Increment after delete in MySQL

Try :

SET @num := 0;

UPDATE your_table SET id = @num := (@num+1);


That'll reset the autoincremented value, and then count every row while a new value is created for it.

example : before

  • 1 : first value here
  • 2 : second value here
  • X : deleted value
  • 4 : The rest of the table
  • 5 : The rest of the rest..

so the table will display the array : 1,2,4,5

Example : AFTER (if you use this command you will obtain)

  • 1 : first value here
  • 2 : second value here
  • 3 : The rest of the table
  • 4 : the rest of the rest

No trace of the deleted value, and the rest of the incremented continues with this new count.


  1. If somewhere on your code something use the autoincremented value... maybe this attribution will cause problem.
  2. If you don't use this value in your code everything should be ok.

Javascript/jQuery: Set Values (Selection) in a multiple Select

Iterate through the loop using the value in a dynamic selector that utilizes the attribute selector.

var values="Test,Prof,Off";
$.each(values.split(","), function(i,e){
    $("#strings option[value='" + e + "']").prop("selected", true);

Working Example

Change an image with onclick()

The most you could do is to trigger a background image change when hovering the LI. If you want something to happen upon clicking an LI and then staying that way, then you'll need to use some JS.

I would name the images starting with bw_ and clr_ and just use JS to swap between them.


$("#images").find('img').bind("click", function() {
  var src = $(this).attr("src"), 
      state = (src.indexOf("bw_") === 0) ? 'bw' : 'clr';

  (state === 'bw') ? src = src.replace('bw_','clr_') : src = src.replace('clr_','bw_');  

  $(this).attr("src", src);


link to fiddle:

SQLAlchemy create_all() does not create tables

You should put your model class before create_all() call, like this:

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql+psycopg2://login:pass@localhost/flask_app'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
    email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique=True)

    def __init__(self, username, email):
        self.username = username = email

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<User %r>' % self.username


admin = User('admin', '[email protected]')
guest = User('guest', '[email protected]')
users = User.query.all()
print users

If your models are declared in a separate module, import them before calling create_all().

Say, the User model is in a file called,

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql+psycopg2://login:pass@localhost/flask_app'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

# See important note below
from models import User


admin = User('admin', '[email protected]')
guest = User('guest', '[email protected]')
users = User.query.all()
print users

Important note: It is important that you import your models after initializing the db object since, in your _you also need to import the db object from this module.

How to connect to remote Redis server?

There are two ways to connect remote redis server using redis-cli:

1. Using host & port individually as options in command

redis-cli -h host -p port

If your instance is password protected

redis-cli -h host -p port -a password

e.g. if is the host url and 6379 is the port

Then this will be the command:

redis-cli -h -p 6379

if is the host IP address and 6379 is the port:

redis-cli -h -p 6379

command if the instance is protected with password pass123:

redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a pass123

2. Using single uri option in command

redis-cli -u redis://password@host:port

command in a single uri form with username & password

redis-cli -u redis://username:password@host:port

e.g. for the same above host - port configuration command would be

redis-cli -u redis://[email protected]:6379

command if username is also provided user123

redis-cli -u redis://user123:[email protected]:6379

This detailed answer was for those who wants to check all options. For more information check documentation: Redis command line usage

Visual Studio can't 'see' my included header files

If you choose Project and then All Files in the menu, all files should be displayed in the Solution Explorer that are physically in your project map, but not (yet) included in your project. If you right click on the file you want to add in the Solution Explorer, you can include it.

How to print SQL statement in codeigniter model

I had exactly the same problem and found the solution eventually. My query runs like:

$result = mysqli_query($link,'SELECT * FROM clients WHERE ' . $sql_where . ' AND ' . $sql_where2 . ' ORDER BY acconame ASC ');

In order to display the sql command, all I had to do was to create a variable ($resultstring) with the exact same content as my query and then echo it, like this:<?php echo $resultstring = 'SELECT * FROM clients WHERE ' . $sql_where . ' AND ' . $sql_where2 . ' ORDER BY acconame ASC '; ?>

It works!

Replace text in HTML page with jQuery

You could use the following to replace the first occurrence of a word within the body of the page:

var replaced = $("body").html().replace('-9o0-9909','The new string');

If you wanted to replace all occurrences of a word, you need to use regex and declare it global /g:

var replaced = $("body").html().replace(/-1o9-2202/g,'The ALL new string');

If you wanted a one liner:


You are basically taking all of the HTML within the <body> tags of the page into a string variable, using replace() to find and change the first occurrence of the found string with a new string. Or if you want to find and replace all occurrences of the string introduce a little regex to the mix.

See a demo here - look at the HTML top left to see the original text, the jQuery below, and the output to the bottom right.

How to detect online/offline event cross-browser?

well, you can try the javascript plugin which can monitor the browser connection in real time and notifies the user if internet or the browsers connection with the internet went down.

Wiremonkey Javascript plugin and the demo you can find here

Count the Number of Tables in a SQL Server Database

Try this:

SELECT Count(*)

How to check if a service is running via batch file and start it, if it is not running?

You can use the following command to see if a service is running or not:

sc query [ServiceName] | findstr /i "STATE"

When I run it for my NOD32 Antivirus, I get:

STATE                       : 4 RUNNING

If it was stopped, I would get:

STATE                       : 1 STOPPED

You can use this in a variable to then determine whether you use NET START or not.

The service name should be the service name, not the display name.

What does it mean with bug report captured in android tablet?

It's because you have turned on USB debugging in Developer Options. You can create a bug report by holding the power + both volume up and down.

Edit: This is what the forums say:

By pressing Volume up + Volume down + power button, you will feel a vibration after a second or so, that's when the bug reporting initiated.

To disable:

/system/bin/ must be deleted/renamed.

There should be a folder on your SD card called "bug reports".

Have a look at this thread:

And this one:

Convert System.Drawing.Color to RGB and Hex Value

If you can use C#6 or higher, you can benefit from Interpolated Strings and rewrite @Ari Roth's solution like this:

C# 6 :

public static class ColorConverterExtensions
    public static string ToHexString(this Color c) => $"#{c.R:X2}{c.G:X2}{c.B:X2}";

    public static string ToRgbString(this Color c) => $"RGB({c.R}, {c.G}, {c.B})";


  • I add the keyword this to use them as extensions methods.
  • We can use the type keyword string instead of the class name.
  • We can use lambda syntax.
  • I rename them to be more explicit for my taste.

jquery drop down menu closing by clicking outside

Selected answer works for one drop down menu only. For multiple solution would be:


Chrome ignores autocomplete="off"

After the chrome v. 34, setting autocomplete="off" at <form> tag doesn`t work

I made the changes to avoid this annoying behavior:

  1. Remove the name and the id of the password input
  2. Put a class in the input (ex.: passwordInput )

(So far, Chrome wont put the saved password on the input, but the form is now broken)

Finally, to make the form work, put this code to run when the user click the submit button, or whenever you want to trigger the form submittion:

var sI = $(".passwordInput")[0];
$(sI).attr("id", "password");
$(sI).attr("name", "password");

In my case, I used to hav id="password" name="password" in the password input, so I put them back before trigger the submition.

Python IndentationError unindent does not match any outer indentation level

I recently ran into the same problem but the issue wasn't related to tabs and spaces but an odd Unicode character that appeared invisible to the eye in my IDE. Eventually, I isolated the problem and typed out the line exactly as it was and checked the git diff:

enter image description here

If you are able to isolate the line before the reported line and type it out again, you might find that it solves your problem. Won't tell you why it happened in the first place, but it at least gets rid of the issue.

Search for all files in project containing the text 'querystring' in Eclipse

Just noticed that quick search has been included into eclipse 4.13 as a built-in function by typing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L (or Cmd+Alt+Shift+L on Mac)

Purpose of Activator.CreateInstance with example?

My good friend MSDN can explain it to you, with an example

Here is the code in case the link or content changes in the future:

using System;

class DynamicInstanceList
    private static string instanceSpec = "System.EventArgs;System.Random;" +

    public static void Main()
        string[] instances = instanceSpec.Split(';');
        Array instlist = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), instances.Length);
        object item;
        for (int i = 0; i < instances.Length; i++)
            // create the object from the specification string
            Console.WriteLine("Creating instance of: {0}", instances[i]);
            item = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(instances[i]));
            instlist.SetValue(item, i);
        Console.WriteLine("\nObjects and their default values:\n");
        foreach (object o in instlist)
            Console.WriteLine("Type:     {0}\nValue:    {1}\nHashCode: {2}\n",
                o.GetType().FullName, o.ToString(), o.GetHashCode());

// This program will display output similar to the following: 
// Creating instance of: System.EventArgs 
// Creating instance of: System.Random 
// Creating instance of: System.Exception 
// Creating instance of: System.Object 
// Creating instance of: System.Version 
// Objects and their default values: 
// Type:     System.EventArgs 
// Value:    System.EventArgs 
// HashCode: 46104728 
// Type:     System.Random 
// Value:    System.Random 
// HashCode: 12289376 
// Type:     System.Exception 
// Value:    System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown. 
// HashCode: 55530882 
// Type:     System.Object 
// Value:    System.Object 
// HashCode: 30015890 
// Type:     System.Version 
// Value:    0.0 
// HashCode: 1048575

Swap x and y axis without manually swapping values

In Numbers, click on the chart. Then in the BOTTOM LEFT corner there is the the option to either 'Plot Rows as Series'or 'Plot Columns as series'

How to create full compressed tar file using Python?

import tarfile
tar ="sample.tar.gz", "w:gz")
for name in ["file1", "file2", "file3"]:

If you want to create a tar.bz2 compressed file, just replace file extension name with ".tar.bz2" and "w:gz" with "w:bz2".

AngularJS ng-style with a conditional expression

For single css property

ng-style="1==1 && {'color':'red'}"

For multiple css properties below can be referred

ng-style="1==1 && {'color':'red','font-style': 'italic'}"

Replace 1==1 with your condition expression

How to round up value C# to the nearest integer?

It is simple. So follow this code.

decimal d = 10.5;
int roundNumber = (int)Math.Floor(d + 0.5);

Result is 11

How to change the hosts file on android

You have root, but you still need to remount /system to be read/write

$ adb shell
$ su
$ mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system

Go here for more information: Mount a filesystem read-write.

Get multiple elements by Id

As oppose to what others might say, using the same Id for multiple elements will not stop the page from being loaded, but when trying to select an element by Id, the only element returned is the first element with the id specified. Not to mention using the same id is not even valid HTML.

That being so, never use duplicate id attributes. If you are thinking you need to, then you are looking for class instead. For example:

<div id="div1" class="mydiv">Content here</div>
<div id="div2" class="mydiv">Content here</div>
<div id="div3" class="mydiv">Content here</div>

Notice how each given element has a different id, but the same class. As oppose to what you did above, this is legal HTML syntax. Any CSS styles you use for '.mydiv' (the dot means class) will correctly work for each individual element with the same class.

With a little help from Snipplr, you may use this to get every element by specifiying a certain class name:

function getAllByClass(classname, node) {

    if (!document.getElementsByClassName) {
        if (!node) {
            node =  document.body;

        var a = [],
            re = new RegExp('\\b' + classname + '\\b'),
            els = node.getElementsByTagName("*");

        for (var i = 0, j = els.length; i < j; i++) {
            if (re.test(els[i].className)) {
    } else {
        return document.getElementsByClassName(classname);

    return a;

The above script will return an Array, so make sure you adjust properly for that.

Jquery: Checking to see if div contains text, then action

Yes, I now made think for me. And it works fine!!!


How to handle-escape both single and double quotes in an SQL-Update statement

You can escape the quotes with a backslash:

"I asked my son's teacher, \"How is my son doing now?\""

What is SELF JOIN and when would you use it?

Well, one classic example is where you wanted to get a list of employees and their immediate managers:

select e.employee as employee, b.employee as boss
from emptable e, emptable b
where e.manager_id = b.empolyee_id
order by 1

It's basically used where there is any relationship between rows stored in the same table.

  • employees.
  • multi-level marketing.
  • machine parts.

And so on...

Find running median from a stream of integers

Efficient is a word that depends on context. The solution to this problem depends on the amount of queries performed relative to the amount of insertions. Suppose you are inserting N numbers and K times towards the end you were interested in the median. The heap based algorithm's complexity would be O(N log N + K).

Consider the following alternative. Plunk the numbers in an array, and for each query, run the linear selection algorithm (using the quicksort pivot, say). Now you have an algorithm with running time O(K N).

Now if K is sufficiently small (infrequent queries), the latter algorithm is actually more efficient and vice versa.

Does MS SQL Server's "between" include the range boundaries?

The BETWEEN operator is inclusive.

From Books Online:

BETWEEN returns TRUE if the value of test_expression is greater than or equal to the value of begin_expression and less than or equal to the value of end_expression.

DateTime Caveat

NB: With DateTimes you have to be careful; if only a date is given the value is taken as of midnight on that day; to avoid missing times within your end date, or repeating the capture of the following day's data at midnight in multiple ranges, your end date should be 3 milliseconds before midnight on of day following your to date. 3 milliseconds because any less than this and the value will be rounded up to midnight the next day.

e.g. to get all values within June 2016 you'd need to run:

where myDateTime between '20160601' and DATEADD(millisecond, -3, '20160701')


where myDateTime between '20160601 00:00:00.000' and '20160630 23:59:59.997'

datetime2 and datetimeoffset

Subtracting 3 ms from a date will leave you vulnerable to missing rows from the 3 ms window. The correct solution is also the simplest one:

where myDateTime >= '20160601' AND myDateTime < '20160701'

Select columns based on string match - dplyr::select

Based on Piotr Migdals response I want to give an alternate solution enabling the possibility for a vector of strings:

myVectorOfStrings <- c("foo", "bar")
matchExpression <- paste(myVectorOfStrings, collapse = "|")
# [1] "foo|bar"
df %>% select(matches(matchExpression))

Making use of the regex OR operator (|)

ATTENTION: If you really have a plain vector of column names (and do not need the power of RegExpression), please see the comment below this answer (since it's the cleaner solution).

Check if EditText is empty.

Try this out with using If ELSE If conditions. You can validate your editText fields easily.

 if(TextUtils.isEmpty(username)) {
                userNameView.setError("User Name Is Essential");
         } else  if(TextUtils.isEmpty(phone)) {
                phoneView.setError("Please Enter Your Phone Number");

clearInterval() not working

You're using clearInterval incorrectly.

This is the proper use:

Set the timer with

var_name = setInterval(fontChange, 500);

and then


How to list all the roles existing in Oracle database?

Got the answer :


Comparing two NumPy arrays for equality, element-wise

Usually two arrays will have some small numeric errors,

You can use numpy.allclose(A,B), instead of (A==B).all(). This returns a bool True/False

How to get the EXIF data from a file using C#

Image class has PropertyItems and PropertyIdList properties. You can use them.

Combining "LIKE" and "IN" for SQL Server

Effectively, the IN statement creates a series of OR statements... so

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IN (1, 2, 3)

Is effectively

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = 1 OR column = 2 OR column = 3

And sadly, that is the route you'll have to take with your LIKE statements

WHERE column LIKE 'Text%' OR column LIKE 'Hello%' OR column LIKE 'That%'

How to convert a file to utf-8 in Python?

This is my brute force method. It also takes care of mingled \n and \r\n in the input.

    # open the CSV file
    inputfile = open(filelocation, 'rb')
    outputfile = open(outputfilelocation, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
    for line in inputfile:
        if line[-2:] == b'\r\n' or line[-2:] == b'\n\r':
            output = line[:-2].decode('utf-8', 'replace') + '\n'
        elif line[-1:] == b'\r' or line[-1:] == b'\n':
            output = line[:-1].decode('utf-8', 'replace') + '\n'
            output = line.decode('utf-8', 'replace') + '\n'
except BaseException as error:
    cfg.log(self.outf, "Error(18): opening CSV-file " + filelocation + " failed: " + str(error))
    self.loadedwitherrors = 1
    return ([])
    # open the CSV-file of this source table
    csvreader = csv.reader(open(outputfilelocation, "rU"), delimiter=delimitervalue, quoting=quotevalue, dialect=csv.excel_tab)
except BaseException as error:
    cfg.log(self.outf, "Error(19): reading CSV-file " + filelocation + " failed: " + str(error))

Is it correct to use DIV inside FORM?

It is completely acceptable to use a DIV inside a <form> tag.

If you look at the default CSS 2.1 stylesheet, div and p are both in the display: block category. Then looking at the HTML 4.01 specification for the form element, they include not only <p> tags, but <table> tags, so of course <div> would meet the same criteria. There is also a <legend> tag inside the form in the documentation.

For instance, the following passes HTML4 validation in strict mode:

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<form id="test" action="test.php">
  Test: <input name="blah" value="test" type="text">

datetime dtypes in pandas read_csv

You might try passing actual types instead of strings.

import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
headers = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'] 
dtypes = [datetime, datetime, str, float] 
pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t', header=None, names=headers, dtype=dtypes)

But it's going to be really hard to diagnose this without any of your data to tinker with.

And really, you probably want pandas to parse the the dates into TimeStamps, so that might be:

pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t', header=None, names=headers, parse_dates=True)

How does Access-Control-Allow-Origin header work?

Whenever I start thinking about CORS, my intuition about which site hosts the headers is incorrect, just as you described in your question. For me, it helps to think about the purpose of the same origin policy.

The purpose of the same origin policy is to protect you from malicious JavaScript on accessing private information you've chosen to share only with Without the same origin policy, JavaScript written by the authors of could make your browser make requests to, using your authentication cookies for In this way, could steal the secret information you share with

Sometimes you need to work cross domain, which is where CORS comes in. CORS relaxes the same origin policy for, using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to list other domains ( that are trusted to run JavaScript that can interact with

To understand which domain should serve the CORS headers, consider this. You visit, which contains some JavaScript that tries to make a cross domain request to It should be up to, not, to decide whether or not it sets CORS headers that relax the same origin policy allowing the JavaScript from to interact with it. If could set its own CORS headers allowing its own JavaScript access to, this would completely nullify the same origin policy.

I think the reason for my bad intuition is the point of view I have when developing a site. It's my site, with all my JavaScript, therefore it isn't doing anything malicious and it should be up to me to specify which other sites my JavaScript can interact with. When in fact I should be thinking which other sites JavaScript are trying to interact with my site and should I use CORS to allow them?

How to write super-fast file-streaming code in C#?

Have you considered using the CCR since you are writing to separate files you can do everything in parallel (read and write) and the CCR makes it very easy to do this.

static void Main(string[] args)
        Dispatcher dp = new Dispatcher();
        DispatcherQueue dq = new DispatcherQueue("DQ", dp);

        Port<long> offsetPort = new Port<long>();

        Arbiter.Activate(dq, Arbiter.Receive<long>(true, offsetPort,
            new Handler<long>(Split)));

        FileStream fs = File.Open(file_path, FileMode.Open);
        long size = fs.Length;

        for (long i = 0; i < size; i += split_size)

    private static void Split(long offset)
        FileStream reader = new FileStream(file_path, FileMode.Open, 
        reader.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        long toRead = 0;
        if (offset + split_size <= reader.Length)
            toRead = split_size;
            toRead = reader.Length - offset;

        byte[] buff = new byte[toRead];
        reader.Read(buff, 0, (int)toRead);
        File.WriteAllBytes("c:\\out" + offset + ".txt", buff);

This code posts offsets to a CCR port which causes a Thread to be created to execute the code in the Split method. This causes you to open the file multiple times but gets rid of the need for synchronization. You can make it more memory efficient but you'll have to sacrifice speed.

How can I generate an HTML report for Junit results?

There are multiple options available for generating HTML reports for Selenium WebDriver scripts.

1. Use the JUNIT TestWatcher class for creating your own Selenium HTML reports

The TestWatcher JUNIT class allows overriding the failed() and succeeded() JUNIT methods that are called automatically when JUNIT tests fail or pass.

The TestWatcher JUNIT class allows overriding the following methods:

  • protected void failed(Throwable e, Description description)

failed() method is invoked when a test fails

  • protected void finished(Description description)

finished() method is invoked when a test method finishes (whether passing or failing)

  • protected void skipped(AssumptionViolatedException e, Description description)

skipped() method is invoked when a test is skipped due to a failed assumption.

  • protected void starting(Description description)

starting() method is invoked when a test is about to start

  • protected void succeeded(Description description)

succeeded() method is invoked when a test succeeds

See below sample code for this case:

import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;

public class TestClass2 extends WatchManClassConsole {

    @Test public void testScript1() {
        assertTrue(1 < 2); >

    @Test public void testScript2() {
        assertTrue(1 > 2);

    @Test public void testScript3() {
        assertTrue(1 < 2);

    @Test public void testScript4() {
        assertTrue(1 > 2);

import org.junit.Rule; 
import org.junit.rules.TestRule; 
import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher; 
import org.junit.runner.Description; 
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; 

public class WatchManClassConsole {

    @Rule public TestRule watchman = new TestWatcher() { 

        @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { 
            return super.apply(base, description); 

        @Override protected void succeeded(Description description) { 
            System.out.println(description.getDisplayName() + " " + "success!"); 

        @Override protected void failed(Throwable e, Description description) { 
            System.out.println(description.getDisplayName() + " " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); 

2. Use the Allure Reporting framework

Allure framework can help with generating HTML reports for your Selenium WebDriver projects.

The reporting framework is very flexible and it works with many programming languages and unit testing frameworks.

You can read everything about it at

You will need the following dependencies and plugins to be added to your pom.xml file

  1. maven surefire
  2. aspectjweaver
  3. allure adapter

See more details including code samples on this article:

Why is it bad practice to call System.gc()?

Maybe I write crappy code, but I've come to realize that clicking the trash-can icon on eclipse and netbeans IDEs is a 'good practice'.

How to do this in Laravel, subquery where in

The following code worked for me:

->whereIn('columnName',function ($query) {


R - test if first occurrence of string1 is followed by string2

I think it's worth answering the generic question "R - test if string contains string" here.

For that, use the grep function.

# example:
> if(length(grep("ab","aacd"))>0) print("found") else print("Not found")
[1] "Not found"
> if(length(grep("ab","abcd"))>0) print("found") else print("Not found")
[1] "found"

Why does CSV file contain a blank line in between each data line when outputting with Dictwriter in Python

By default, the classes in the csv module use Windows-style line terminators (\r\n) rather than Unix-style (\n). Could this be what’s causing the apparent double line breaks?

If so, you can override it in the DictWriter constructor:

output = csv.DictWriter(open('file3.csv','w'), delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n', fieldnames=headers)

bootstrap jquery event won't fire

In my case the problem was how travelsize comment.. The order of imports between bootstrap.js and jquery. Because I'am using the template Metronic and doesn't check before

Simple export and import of a SQLite database on Android

I use this code in the SQLiteOpenHelper in one of my applications to import a database file.

EDIT: I pasted my FileUtils.copyFile() method into the question.


public static String DB_FILEPATH = "/data/data/{package_name}/databases/database.db";

 * Copies the database file at the specified location over the current
 * internal application database.
 * */
public boolean importDatabase(String dbPath) throws IOException {

    // Close the SQLiteOpenHelper so it will commit the created empty
    // database to internal storage.
    File newDb = new File(dbPath);
    File oldDb = new File(DB_FILEPATH);
    if (newDb.exists()) {
        FileUtils.copyFile(new FileInputStream(newDb), new FileOutputStream(oldDb));
        // Access the copied database so SQLiteHelper will cache it and mark
        // it as created.
        return true;
    return false;


public class FileUtils {
     * Creates the specified <code>toFile</code> as a byte for byte copy of the
     * <code>fromFile</code>. If <code>toFile</code> already exists, then it
     * will be replaced with a copy of <code>fromFile</code>. The name and path
     * of <code>toFile</code> will be that of <code>toFile</code>.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * <i> Note: <code>fromFile</code> and <code>toFile</code> will be closed by
     * this function.</i>
     * @param fromFile
     *            - FileInputStream for the file to copy from.
     * @param toFile
     *            - FileInputStream for the file to copy to.
    public static void copyFile(FileInputStream fromFile, FileOutputStream toFile) throws IOException {
        FileChannel fromChannel = null;
        FileChannel toChannel = null;
        try {
            fromChannel = fromFile.getChannel();
            toChannel = toFile.getChannel();
            fromChannel.transferTo(0, fromChannel.size(), toChannel);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (fromChannel != null) {
            } finally {
                if (toChannel != null) {

Don't forget to delete the old database file if necessary.

Fix Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' for phpMyAdmin

Find file under C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.5.1 Inside this file find this one line

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] =";

and replace it with

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'Type your root password here';

Making LaTeX tables smaller?

if it's too long for one page, use the longtable package. and if it's too wide for the page, use p{width} in place of l,r, or c for the column specifier. you can also go smaller than \small, i.e. \footnotesize and \tiny. I would consult the setspace package for options on how to remove the double space, though it's probably \singlespace or something like that.

PHP-FPM doesn't write to error log

In my case php-fpm outputs 500 error without any logging because of missing php-mysql module. I moved joomla installation to another server and forgot about it. So apt-get install php-mysql and service restart solved it.

I started with trying to fix broken logging without success. Finally with strace i found fail message after db-related system calls. Though my case is not directly related to op's question, I hope it could be useful.

OSError - Errno 13 Permission denied

Just close the file in case it is opened in the background. The error disappears by itself

Get top most UIViewController

In a very rare case, with custom segue, the top most view controller is not in a navigation stack or tab bar controller or presented, but its view is inserted to the top of key windown's subviews.

In such situation, it's necessary to check if UIApplication.shared.keyWindow.subviews.last == self.view to determine if the current view controller is the top most.

Sleep function in Windows, using C

MSDN: Header: Winbase.h (include Windows.h)

Encrypting & Decrypting a String in C#

If you are targeting ASP.NET Core that does not support RijndaelManaged yet, you can use IDataProtectionProvider.

First, configure your application to use data protection:

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // ...

Then you'll be able to inject IDataProtectionProvider instance and use it to encrypt/decrypt data:

public class MyService : IService
    private const string Purpose = "my protection purpose";
    private readonly IDataProtectionProvider _provider;

    public MyService(IDataProtectionProvider provider)
        _provider = provider;

    public string Encrypt(string plainText)
        var protector = _provider.CreateProtector(Purpose);
        return protector.Protect(plainText);

    public string Decrypt(string cipherText)
        var protector = _provider.CreateProtector(Purpose);
        return protector.Unprotect(cipherText);

See this article for more details.

Rails - How to use a Helper Inside a Controller

In Rails 5+ you can simply use the function as demonstrated below with simple example:

module ApplicationHelper
  # format datetime in the format #2018-12-01 12:12 PM
  def datetime_format(datetime = nil)
    if datetime
      datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p')

class ExamplesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    current_datetime = helpers.datetime_format
    raise current_datetime.inspect


"2018-12-10 01:01 AM"

How to Specify Eclipse Proxy Authentication Credentials?

Here is the workaround:

In eclipse.ini write the following:

-Dorg.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.excludeContributors= org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient
-Dhttp.proxyUser=*proxy username*
-Dhttp.proxyPassword=*proxy password*

After starting eclipse verify, that you use the Manual proxy method.


Remove all git files from a directory?

The .git folder is only stored in the root directory of the repo, not all the sub-directories like subversion. You should be able to just delete that one folder, unless you are using Submodules...then they will have one too.

jQuery selector regular expressions

James Padolsey created a wonderful filter that allows regex to be used for selection.

Say you have the following div:

<div class="asdf">

Padolsey's :regex filter can select it like so:

$("div:regex(class, .*sd.*)")

Also, check the official documentation on selectors.

UPDATE: : syntax Deprecation JQuery 3.0

Since jQuery.expr[':'] used in Padolsey's implementation is already deprecated and will render a syntax error in the latest version of jQuery, here is his code adapted to jQuery 3+ syntax:

jQuery.expr.pseudos.regex = jQuery.expr.createPseudo(function (expression) {
    return function (elem) {
        var matchParams = expression.split(','),
            validLabels = /^(data|css):/,
            attr = {
                method: matchParams[0].match(validLabels) ?
                    matchParams[0].split(':')[0] : 'attr',
                property: matchParams.shift().replace(validLabels, '')
            regexFlags = 'ig',
            regex = new RegExp(matchParams.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''), regexFlags);
        return regex.test(jQuery(elem)[attr.method](;

Where do I put my php files to have Xampp parse them?

Look into the httpd.conf and/or httpd-vhosts.conf files and search for the DocumentRoot entry. If you configure multiple virtual hosts, there may be more than one of those, separated in <VirtualHost> tags.

How get sound input from microphone in python, and process it on the fly?

If you are using LINUX, you can use pyALSAAUDIO. For windows, we have PyAudio and there is also a library called SoundAnalyse.

I found an example for Linux here:

## This is an example of a simple sound capture script.
## The script opens an ALSA pcm for sound capture. Set
## various attributes of the capture, and reads in a loop,
## Then prints the volume.
## To test it out, run it and shout at your microphone:

import alsaaudio, time, audioop

# Open the device in nonblocking capture mode. The last argument could
# just as well have been zero for blocking mode. Then we could have
# left out the sleep call in the bottom of the loop
inp = alsaaudio.PCM(alsaaudio.PCM_CAPTURE,alsaaudio.PCM_NONBLOCK)

# Set attributes: Mono, 8000 Hz, 16 bit little endian samples

# The period size controls the internal number of frames per period.
# The significance of this parameter is documented in the ALSA api.
# For our purposes, it is suficcient to know that reads from the device
# will return this many frames. Each frame being 2 bytes long.
# This means that the reads below will return either 320 bytes of data
# or 0 bytes of data. The latter is possible because we are in nonblocking
# mode.

while True:
    # Read data from device
    l,data =
    if l:
        # Return the maximum of the absolute value of all samples in a fragment.
        print audioop.max(data, 2)

How to find all trigger associated with a table with SQL Server?

Go through

Need to list all triggers in SQL Server database with table name and table's schema

This URL have set of queries by which you can get the list of triggers associated with particular table.

I believe you are working in sqlserver following are the steps to get modify triggers

To modify a trigger

  1. Expand a server group, and then expand a server.

  2. Expand Databases, expand the database in which the table containing the trigger belongs, and then click Tables.

  3. In the details pane, right-click the table on which the trigger exists, point to All Tasks, and then click Manage Triggers.

  4. In Name, select the name of the trigger.

  5. Change the text of the trigger in the Text field as necessary. Press CTRL+TAB to indent the text of a SQL Server Enterprise Manager trigger.

  6. To check the syntax of the trigger, click Check Syntax.

How to initialize all members of an array to the same value?

I see no requirements in the question, so the solution must be generic: initialization of an unspecified possibly multidimensional array built from unspecified possibly structure elements with an initial member value:

#include <string.h> 

void array_init( void *start, size_t element_size, size_t elements, void *initval ){
  memcpy(        start,              initval, element_size              );
  memcpy( (char*)start+element_size, start,   element_size*(elements-1) );

// testing
#include <stdio.h> 

struct s {
  int a;
  char b;
} array[2][3], init;

int main(){
  init = (struct s){.a = 3, .b = 'x'};
  array_init( array, sizeof(array[0][0]), 2*3, &init );

  for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
    for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
      printf("array[%i][%i].a = %i .b = '%c'\n",i,j,array[i][j].a,array[i][j].b);


array[0][0].a = 3 .b = 'x'
array[0][1].a = 3 .b = 'x'
array[0][2].a = 3 .b = 'x'
array[1][0].a = 3 .b = 'x'
array[1][1].a = 3 .b = 'x'
array[1][2].a = 3 .b = 'x'

EDIT: start+element_size changed to (char*)start+element_size

Is there a way to compile node.js source files?

Now this may include more than you need (and may not even work for command line applications in a non-graphical environment, I don't know), but there is nw.js. It's Blink (i.e. Chromium/Webkit) + io.js (i.e. Node.js).

You can use node-webkit-builder to build native executable binaries for Linux, OS X and Windows.

If you want a GUI, that's a huge plus. You can build one with web technologies. If you don't, specify "node-main" in the package.json (and probably "window": {"show": false} although maybe it works to just have a node-main and not a main)

I haven't tried to use it in exactly this way, just throwing it out there as a possibility. I can say it's certainly not an ideal solution for non-graphical Node.js applications.

Select query to remove non-numeric characters

You can create SQL CLR scalar function in order to be able to use regular expressions like replace patterns.

Here you can find example of how to create such function.

Having such function will solve the issue with just the following lines:

SELECT [dbo].[fn_Utils_RegexReplace] ('AB ABCDE # 123', '[^0-9]', '');
SELECT [dbo].[fn_Utils_RegexReplace] ('ABCDE# 123', '[^0-9]', '');
SELECT [dbo].[fn_Utils_RegexReplace] ('AB: ABC# 123', '[^0-9]', '');

More important, you will be able to solve more complex issues as the regular expressions will bring a whole new world of options directly in your T-SQL statements.

How to use Git for Unity3D source control?

I would rather prefer that you use BitBucket, as it is not public and there is an official tutorial by Unity on Bitbucket.

hope this helps.

Strip off URL parameter with PHP

The safest "correct" method would be:

  1. Parse the url into an array with parse_url()
  2. Extract the query portion, decompose that into an array using parse_str()
  3. Delete the query parameters you want by unset() them from the array
  4. Rebuild the original url using http_build_query()

Quick and dirty is to use a string search/replace and/or regex to kill off the value.

How can I install pip on Windows?

2016+ Update:

These answers are outdated or otherwise wordy and difficult.

If you've got Python 3.4+ or 2.7.9+, it will be installed by default on Windows. Otherwise, in short:

  1. Download the pip installer:
  2. If paranoid, inspect file to confirm it isn't malicious (must b64 decode).
  3. Open a console in the download folder as Admin and run Alternatively, right-click its icon in Explorer and choose the "run as Admin...".

The new binaries pip.exe (and the deprecated easy_install.exe) will be found in the "%ProgramFiles%\PythonXX\Scripts" folder (or similar), which is often not in your PATH variable. I recommend adding it.

Oracle copy data to another table

You need an INSERT ... SELECT

INSERT INTO exception_codes( code, message )
  SELECT code, message
    FROM exception_code_tmp

The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists

If you have error the origin "server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists."

Then check the file position given here:

Reference image

What is meant by the term "hook" in programming?

A chain of hooks is a set of functions in which each function calls the next. What is significant about a chain of hooks is that a programmer can add another function to the chain at run time. One way to do this is to look for a known location where the address of the first function in a chain is kept. You then save the value of that function pointer and overwrite the value at the initial address with the address of the function you wish to insert into the hook chain. The function then gets called, does its business and calls the next function in the chain (unless you decide otherwise). Naturally, there are a number of other ways to create a chain of hooks, from writing directly to memory to using the metaprogramming facilities of languages like Ruby or Python.

An example of a chain of hooks is the way that an MS Windows application processes messages. Each function in the processing chain either processes a message or sends it to the next function in the chain.

C# - How to add an Excel Worksheet programmatically - Office XP / 2003

Here are a couple things I figured out:

  1. You can't open more than one instance of the same object at the same time. For Example if you instanciate a new excel sheet object called xlsheet1 you have to release it before creating another excel sheet object ex xlsheet2. It seem as COM looses track of the object and leaves a zombie process on the server.

  2. Using the open method associated with excel.workbooks also becomes difficult to close if you have multiple users accessing the same file. Use the Add method instead, it works just as good without locking the file. eg. xlBook = xlBooks.Add("C:\location\XlTemplate.xls")

  3. Place your garbage collection in a separate block or method after releasing the COM objects.

mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given

You are single quoting your SQL statement which is making the variables text instead of variables.

$sql = "SELECT * 
    FROM $usertable 
    WHERE PartNumber = $partid";

Dynamically Fill Jenkins Choice Parameter With Git Branches In a Specified Repo

You may try this, This list dynamic branch names in dropdown w.r.t inputted Git Repo.

Jenkins Plugins required:

  1. Validating String Parameter
  2. Active Choices

OPTION 1: Jenkins File:

        [$class: 'JobRestrictionProperty'], parameters([validatingString(defaultValue: '', description: 'Input Git Repo (https) Url', failedValidationMessage: 'Invalid Git Url. Retry again', name: 'GIT_REPO', regex: 'https://.*'), [$class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter', choiceType: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT', description: 'Select Git Branch Name', filterLength: 1, filterable: false, name: 'BRANCH_NAME', randomName: 'choice-parameter-8292706885056518', referencedParameters: 'GIT_REPO', script: [$class: 'GroovyScript', fallbackScript: [classpath: [], sandbox: false, script: 'return[\'Error - Unable to retrive Branch name\']'], script: [classpath: [], sandbox: false, script: ''
                            'def GIT_REPO_SRC = GIT_REPO.tokenize(\'/\')
                            GIT_REPO_FULL = GIT_REPO_SRC[-2] + \'/\' + GIT_REPO_SRC[-1]
                            def GET_LIST = ("git ls-remote --heads [email protected]:${GIT_REPO_FULL}").execute()
                            BRANCH_LIST = {
                                it.split()[1].replaceAll("refs/heads/", "").replaceAll("refs/tags/", "").replaceAll("\\\\^\\\\{\\\\}", "")
                            return BRANCH_LIST ''
                            ']]]]), throttleJobProperty(categories: [], limitOneJobWithMatchingParams: false, maxConcurrentPerNode: 0, maxConcurrentTotal: 0, paramsToUseForLimit: '
                            ', throttleEnabled: false, throttleOption: '
                            project '), [$class: '
                            JobLocalConfiguration ', changeReasonComment: '
    try {
        node('master') {
            stage('Print Variables') {
                echo "Branch Name: ${BRANCH_NAME}"
    catch (e) {
        currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
        print e.getMessage();
        print e.getStackTrace();

OPTION 2: Jenkins UI

enter image description here

enter image description here

Sample Output:

enter image description here

Get element of JS object with an index


------- or ----------


will get you 'B'

No module named setuptools

For ubuntu users, this error may arise because setuptool is not installed system-wide. Simply install setuptool using the command:

sudo apt-get install -y python-setuptools

For python3:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-setuptools

After that, install your package again normally, using

sudo python install

That's all.

Copy files without overwrite

There is an odd way to do this with xcopy:

echo nnnnnnnnnnn | xcopy /-y source target

Just include as many n's as files you're copying, and it will answer n to all of the overwrite questions.

List of ANSI color escape sequences

For these who don't get proper results other than mentioned languages, if you're using C# to print a text into console(terminal) window you should replace "\033" with "\x1b". In Visual Basic it would be Chrw(27).

How to get the last value of an ArrayList

arrays store their size in a local variable called 'length'. Given an array named "a" you could use the following to reference the last index without knowing the index value


to assign a value of 5 to this last index you would use:


how to split the ng-repeat data with three columns using bootstrap

I have a function and stored it in a service so i can use it all over my app:


app.service('SplitArrayService', function () {
return {
    SplitArray: function (array, columns) {
        if (array.length <= columns) {
            return [array];

        var rowsNum = Math.ceil(array.length / columns);

        var rowsArray = new Array(rowsNum);

        for (var i = 0; i < rowsNum; i++) {
            var columnsArray = new Array(columns);
            for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                var index = i * columns + j;

                if (index < array.length) {
                    columnsArray[j] = array[index];
                } else {
            rowsArray[i] = columnsArray;
        return rowsArray;



$scope.rows   = SplitArrayService.SplitArray($scope.images, 3); //im splitting an array of images into 3 columns


 <div class="col-sm-12" ng-repeat="row in imageRows">
     <div class="col-sm-4" ng-repeat="image in row">
         <img class="img-responsive" ng-src="{{image.src}}">

how to fix the issue "Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1" in iphone

I had this issue because i denied keychain access and in order to solve it you need to open keychain, Then click on the lock on top right of the screen to lock it again, after that you can archive and it will work

WCF error: The caller was not authenticated by the service

I got it.

If you want to use wshttpbinding, u need to add windows credentials as below.

svc.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "abc";
svc.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "xxx";


ImportError: No module named BeautifulSoup

Try This, Mine worked this way. To get any data of tag just replace the "a" with the tag you want.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import urllib


soup = bs(urllib.urlopen(url))
for link in soup.findAll('a'):
        print link.string

Executing JavaScript after X seconds

onclick = "setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('div1').style.display='none';document.getElementById('div2').style.display='none'}, 1000)"

Change 1000 to the number of milliseconds you want to delay.

How can I force clients to refresh JavaScript files?

Below worked for me:

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0" />
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=0" />
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" />
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Tue, 01 Jan 1980 1:00:00 GMT" />
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />

Where is adb.exe in windows 10 located?

If you just want to run adb command. Open command prompt and run following command:

C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\adb devices

NOTE: Make sure to replace <user_name> in above command.

Get file name from URL

Get File Name with Extension, without Extension, only Extension with just 3 line:

String urlStr = "";

String fileName = urlStr.substring(urlStr.lastIndexOf('/')+1, urlStr.length());
String fileNameWithoutExtension = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));
String fileExtension = urlStr.substring(urlStr.lastIndexOf("."));

Log.i("File Name", fileName);
Log.i("File Name Without Extension", fileNameWithoutExtension);
Log.i("File Extension", fileExtension);

Log Result:

File Name(13656): test.png
File Name Without Extension(13656): test
File Extension(13656): .png

Hope it will help you.

Spring Boot @autowired does not work, classes in different package

Try annotating your Configuration Class(es) with the @ComponentScan("com.esri.birthdays") annotation. Generally spoken: If you have sub-packages in your project, then you have to scan for your relevant classes on project-root. I guess for your case it'll be "com.esri.birthdays". You won't need the ComponentScan, if you have no sub-packaging in your project.

I would like to see a hash_map example in C++

hash_map is a non-standard extension. unordered_map is part of std::tr1, and will be moved into the std namespace for C++0x.

Plot multiple boxplot in one graph

ggplot version of the lattice plot:

df <- read.csv("TestData.csv", header=T)
df.m <- melt(df, id.var = "Label")

ggplot(data = df.m, aes(x=Label, y=value)) + 
         geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~variable,ncol = 4)

Plot: enter image description here

How do I set adaptive multiline UILabel text?

This is much better approach if you are looking for multiline dynamic text label which exactly takes the space based on its text.

No sizeToFit, preferredMaxLayoutWidth used

Below is how it will work.

enter image description here

Lets set up the project. Take a Single View application and in Storyboard Add a UILabel and a UIButton. Define constraints to UILabel as below snapshot:

enter image description here

Set the Label properties as below image:

enter image description here

Add the constraints to the UIButton. Make sure that vertical spacing of 100 is between UILabel and UIButton

enter image description here

Now set the priority of the trailing constraint of UILabel as 749

enter image description here

Now set the Horizontal Content Hugging and Horizontal Content Compression properties of UILabel as 750 and 748

enter image description here

Below is my controller class. You have to connect UILabel property and Button action from storyboard to viewcontroller class.

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var textLabel: UILabel!
var count = 0
let items = ["jackson is not any more in this world", "Jonny jonny yes papa eating sugar no papa", "Ab", "What you do is what will happen to you despite of all measures taken to reverse the phenonmenon of the nature"]

@IBAction func updateLabelText(sender: UIButton) {
    if count > 3 {
        count = 0
    textLabel.text = items[count]
    count = count + 1

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    //self.textLabel.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = 500

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


Thats it. This will automatically resize the UILabel based on its content and also you can see the UIButton is also adjusted accordingly.

Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN

I had this under TortoiseSVN and the error was related to a new directory I'd created under a new project. I had just created this project, so there was no way this directory had existed before. I looked in the repository browser and the new folder was indeed already in the repository, but TortoiseSVN didn't show it as committed.

In order to get around it, since I'd just created the folder anyway, I deleted it in the repository, and then did a commit. It worked fine.

Since I did this outside of Visual Studio, I then had to restart Visual Studio for it to figure everything out again.

How do I install soap extension?

In ubuntu to install php_soap on PHP7 use below commands. Reference

sudo apt-get install php7.0-soap
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

For older version of php use below command and restart apache.

apt-get install php-soap

What is IllegalStateException?

Illegal State Exception is an Unchecked exception.

It indicate that method has been invoked at wrong time.


Thread t = new Thread();


Runtime Excpetion: IllegalThreadStateException

We cant start the Thread again, it will throw IllegalStateException.

Bootstrap datetimepicker is not a function

Try to use datepicker/ timepicker instead of datetimepicker like:




$('#datetimepicker1').datepicker(); // or timepicker for time picker

Hiding the scroll bar on an HTML page

I wrote a WebKit version with some options like auto hide, little version, scroll only-y, or only-x:

    @size: 15px;
    @little_version_ratio: 2;
    @scrollbar-bg-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
    @scrollbar-handler-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.15);
    @scrollbar-handler-color-hover: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
    @scrollbar-coner-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);

    overflow-y: scroll;
    overflow-x: scroll;
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

    &::-webkit-scrollbar {
        background: none;
        width: @size;
        height: @size;

    &::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
        border-radius: @size;

    &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
        border-radius: @size;

    &::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
      background-color: @scrollbar-coner-color;

        &::-webkit-scrollbar {
            background: none;
            width: @size / @little_version_ratio;
            height: @size / @little_version_ratio;
        &::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
            border-radius: @size / @little_version_ratio;
        &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
            border-radius: @size / @little_version_ratio;

        overflow-x: hidden;
        overflow-y: hidden;
            overflow-y: scroll;
            overflow-x: scroll;
            -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
                overflow-y: scroll !important;
                overflow-x: hidden !important;

                overflow-x: scroll !important;
                overflow-y: hidden !important;

        overflow-y: scroll !important;
        overflow-x: hidden !important;

        overflow-x: scroll !important;
        overflow-y: hidden !important;

how to make a jquery "$.post" request synchronous

If you want an synchronous request set the async property to false for the request. Check out the jQuery AJAX Doc

Using $_POST to get select option value from HTML

<select name="taskOption">
      <option value="first">First</option>
      <option value="second">Second</option>
      <option value="third">Third</option>

$var = $_POST['taskOption'];

Asynchronous file upload (AJAX file upload) using jsp and javascript

I don't believe AJAX can handle file uploads but this can be achieved with libraries that leverage flash. Another advantage of the flash implementation is the ability to do multiple files at once (like gmail).

SWFUpload is a good start :

jQuery and some of the other libraries have plugins that leverage SWFUpload. On my last project we used SWFUpload and Java without a problem.

Also helpful and worth looking into is Apache's FileUpload :

Selenium WebDriver: I want to overwrite value in field instead of appending to it with sendKeys using Java

In case it helps anyone, the C# equivalent of ZloiAdun's answer is:

element.SendKeys(Keys.Control + "a");

C# importing class into another class doesn't work

MyClass is a class not a namespace. So this code is wrong:


You should check the namespace of the MyClass (e.g: MyNamespace). Then call it in a proper way:

MyNamespace.MyClass myClass =new MyNamespace.MyClass();

Install a Windows service using a Windows command prompt?

If you are using Powershell and you want to install .NET service you can use Install-Service module. It is a wrapper for InstalUtil tool.

It exposes 3 commands

  • Install-Service - invokes InstallUtil.exe pathToExecutable command
  • Install-ServiceIfNotInstalled - first it checks if service is installed if not perform the method Install-Service
  • Uninstall-Service- it uninstalls service. ServiceName of path to executable can be used.

Code to this module can be viewed here

Change the color of cells in one column when they don't match cells in another column

  1. Select your range from cell A (or the whole columns by first selecting column A). Make sure that the 'lighter coloured' cell is A1 then go to conditional formatting, new rule:

    enter image description here

  2. Put the following formula and the choice of your formatting (notice that the 'lighter coloured' cell comes into play here, because it is being used in the formula):


    enter image description here

  3. Then press OK and that should do it.

    enter image description here

"git pull" or "git merge" between master and development branches

The best approach for this sort of thing is probably git rebase. It allows you to pull changes from master into your development branch, but leave all of your development work "on top of" (later in the commit log) the stuff from master. When your new work is complete, the merge back to master is then very straightforward.

Delete all SYSTEM V shared memory and semaphores on UNIX-like systems

ipcs -m | grep `whoami` | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -n1 ipcrm -m
ipcs -s | grep `whoami` | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -n1 ipcrm -s
ipcs -q | grep `whoami` | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -n1 ipcrm -q

What is the difference between "#!/usr/bin/env bash" and "#!/usr/bin/bash"?

If the shell scripts start with #!/bin/bash, they will always run with bash from /bin. If they however start with #!/usr/bin/env bash, they will search for bash in $PATH and then start with the first one they can find.

Why would this be useful? Assume you want to run bash scripts, that require bash 4.x or newer, yet your system only has bash 3.x installed and currently your distribution doesn't offer a newer version or you are no administrator and cannot change what is installed on that system.

Of course, you can download bash source code and build your own bash from scratch, placing it to ~/bin for example. And you can also modify your $PATH variable in your .bash_profile file to include ~/bin as the first entry (PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH as ~ will not expand in $PATH). If you now call bash, the shell will first look for it in $PATH in order, so it starts with ~/bin, where it will find your bash. Same thing happens if scripts search for bash using #!/usr/bin/env bash, so these scripts would now be working on your system using your custom bash build.

One downside is, that this can lead to unexpected behavior, e.g. same script on the same machine may run with different interpreters for different environments or users with different search paths, causing all kind of headaches.

The biggest downside with env is that some systems will only allow one argument, so you cannot do this #!/usr/bin/env <interpreter> <arg>, as the systems will see <interpreter> <arg> as one argument (they will treat it as if the expression was quoted) and thus env will search for an interpreter named <interpreter> <arg>. Note that this is not a problem of the env command itself, which always allowed multiple parameters to be passed through but with the shebang parser of the system that parses this line before even calling env. Meanwhile this has been fixed on most systems but if your script wants to be ultra portable, you cannot rely that this has been fixed on the system you will be running.

It can even have security implications, e.g. if sudo was not configured to clean environment or $PATH was excluded from clean up. Let me demonstrate this:

Usually /bin is a well protected place, only root is able to change anything there. Your home directory is not, though, any program you run is able to make changes to it. That means malicious code could place a fake bash into some hidden directory, modify your .bash_profile to include that directory in your $PATH, so all scripts using #!/usr/bin/env bash will end up running with that fake bash. If sudo keeps $PATH, you are in big trouble.

E.g. consider a tool creates a file ~/.evil/bash with the following content:


if [ $EUID -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "All your base are belong to us..."
  # We are root - do whatever you want to do

/bin/bash "$@"

Let's make a simple script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Hello World"

Proof of concept (on a system where sudo keeps $PATH):

$ ./
Hello World

$ sudo ./
Hello World

$ export PATH="$HOME/.evil:$PATH"

$ ./
Hello World

$ sudo ./
All your base are belong to us...
Hello World

Usually the classic shells should all be located in /bin and if you don't want to place them there for whatever reason, it's really not an issue to place a symlink in /bin that points to their real locations (or maybe /bin itself is a symlink), so I would always go with #!/bin/sh and #!/bin/bash. There's just too much that would break if these wouldn't work anymore. It's not that POSIX would require these position (POSIX does not standardize path names and thus it doesn't even standardize the shebang feature at all) but they are so common, that even if a system would not offer a /bin/sh, it would probably still understand #!/bin/sh and know what to do with it and may it only be for compatibility with existing code.

But for more modern, non standard, optional interpreters like Perl, PHP, Python, or Ruby, it's not really specified anywhere where they should be located. They may be in /usr/bin but they may as well be in /usr/local/bin or in a completely different hierarchy branch (/opt/..., /Applications/..., etc.). That's why these often use the #!/usr/bin/env xxx shebang syntax.

How to create a folder with name as current date in batch (.bat) files

setlocal enableextensions 
set name="%DATE:/=_%"
mkdir %name%

to create only one folder like "Tue 01_28_2020"

How to Remove Line Break in String

Replace(yourString, vbNewLine, "", , , vbTextCompare)

Why are empty catch blocks a bad idea?

Exceptions should only be thrown if there is truly an exception - something happening beyond the norm. An empty catch block basically says "something bad is happening, but I just don't care". This is a bad idea.

If you don't want to handle the exception, let it propagate upwards until it reaches some code that can handle it. If nothing can handle the exception, it should take the application down.