Programs & Examples On #Bstr

`BSTR` stands for "Basic String". It is a size-prefixed, fixed-length, null-terminated, UTF-16 encoded character array used heavily in Microsoft's COM and OLE technologies for marshalling strings, especially between languages.

Intermediate language used in scalac?

The nearest equivalents would be icode and bcode as used by scalac, view Miguel Garcia's site on the Scalac optimiser for more information, here:

You might also consider Java bytecode itself to be your intermediate representation, given that bytecode is the ultimate output of scalac.

Or perhaps the true intermediate is something that the JIT produces before it finally outputs native instructions?

Ultimately though... There's no single place that you can point at an claim "there's the intermediate!". Scalac works in phases that successively change the abstract syntax tree, every single phase produces a new intermediate. The whole thing is like an onion, and it's very hard to try and pick out one layer as somehow being more significant than any other.

Android Gradle 5.0 Update:Cause: org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.tooling.util

I solved this issue after changing the "Gradle Version" and "Android Plugin version".

You just goto "File>>Project Structure>>Project>>" and make changes here. I have worked a combination of versions from another working project of mine and added to the Project where I was getting this problem.

Unable to compile simple Java 10 / Java 11 project with Maven

Specify maven.compiler.source and target versions.

1) Maven version which supports jdk you use. In my case JDK 11 and maven 3.6.0.

2) pom.xml


As an alternative, you can fully specify maven compiler plugin. See previous answers. It is shorter in my example :)


3) rebuild the project to avoid compile errors in your IDE.

4) If it still does not work. In Intellij Idea I prefer using terminal instead of using terminal from OS. Then in Idea go to file -> settings -> build tools -> maven. I work with maven I downloaded from apache (by default Idea uses bundled maven). Restart Idea then and run mvn clean install again. Also make sure you have correct Path, MAVEN_HOME, JAVA_HOME environment variables.

I also saw this one-liner, but it does not work.


I made some quick starter projects, which I re-use in other my projects, feel free to check:

After Spring Boot 2.0 migration: jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName

I have added in Application Class

public DataSource dataSource() {
    return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
} I have added


More details Configure a Custom DataSource

ReferenceError: fetch is not defined

It seems fetch support URL scheme with "http" or "https" for CORS request.

Install node fetch library npm install node-fetch, read the file and parse to json.

const fs = require('fs')
const readJson = filename => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".json")) {
      fs.readFile(filename, (err, data) => {
        if (err) {
    else {
      reject(new Error("Invalid filetype, <*.json> required."))

// usage
const filename = "../data.json"
readJson(filename).then(data => console.log(data)).catch(err => console.log(err.message))

Exception : AAPT2 error: check logs for details

Ensure if no image in drawable folder is corrupted.

Iterate over array of objects in Typescript

In Typescript and ES6 you can also use for..of:

for (var product of products) {

which will be transcoded to javascript:

for (var _i = 0, products_1 = products; _i < products_1.length; _i++) {
    var product = products_1[_i];

No converter found capable of converting from type to type

If you look at the exception stack trace it says that, it failed to convert from ABDeadlineType to DeadlineType. Because your repository is going to return you the objects of ABDeadlineType. How the spring-data-jpa will convert into the other one(DeadlineType). You should return the same type from repository and then have some intermediate util class to convert it into your model class.

public interface ABDeadlineTypeRepository extends JpaRepository<ABDeadlineType, Long> {
    List<ABDeadlineType> findAllSummarizedBy();

Android 8: Cleartext HTTP traffic not permitted

Create file - res / xml / network_security.xml

In network_security.xml ->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>

Open AndroidManifests.xml :

 android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" //Add this line in your manifests


How can I use String substring in Swift 4? 'substring(to:)' is deprecated: Please use String slicing subscript with a 'partial range from' operator

Hope it would be helpful.

extension String {
    func getSubString(_ char: Character) -> String {
        var subString = ""
        for eachChar in self {
            if eachChar == char {
                return subString
            } else {
                subString += String(eachChar)
        return subString

let str: String = "Hello, playground"

Go test string contains substring

Use the function Contains from the strings package.

import (
strings.Contains("something", "some") // true

Input type number "only numeric value" validation

I had a similar problem, too: I wanted numbers and null on an input field that is not required. Worked through a number of different variations. I finally settled on this one, which seems to do the trick. You place a Directive, ntvFormValidity, on any form control that has native invalidity and that doesn't swizzle that invalid state into ng-invalid.

Sample use: <input type="number" formControlName="num" placeholder="0" ntvFormValidity>

Directive definition:

import { Directive, Host, Self, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormControlName, FormControl, Validators } from '@angular/forms';

  selector: '[ntvFormValidity]'
export class NtvFormControlValidityDirective implements AfterViewInit {

  constructor(@Host() private cn: FormControlName, @Host() private el: ElementRef) { }

  - Angular doesn't fire "change" events for invalid <input type="number">
  - We have to check the DOM object for browser native invalid state
  - Add custom validator that checks native invalidity
  ngAfterViewInit() {
    var control: FormControl =;

    // Bridge native invalid to ng-invalid via Validators
    const ntvValidator = () => !this.el.nativeElement.validity.valid ? { error: "invalid" } : null;
    const v_fn = control.validator;

    control.setValidators(v_fn ? Validators.compose([v_fn, ntvValidator]) : ntvValidator);
    setTimeout(()=>control.updateValueAndValidity(), 0);

The challenge was to get the ElementRef from the FormControl so that I could examine it. I know there's @ViewChild, but I didn't want to have to annotate each numeric input field with an ID and pass it to something else. So, I built a Directive which can ask for the ElementRef.

On Safari, for the HTML example above, Angular marks the form control invalid on inputs like "abc".

I think if I were to do this over, I'd probably build my own CVA for numeric input fields as that would provide even more control and make for a simple html.

Something like this:

<my-input-number formControlName="num" placeholder="0">

PS: If there's a better way to grab the FormControl for the directive, I'm guessing with Dependency Injection and providers on the declaration, please let me know so I can update my Directive (and this answer).

Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/exc/InvalidDefinitionException

Try to use the latest com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind. I upgraded it to 2.9.4 and it works now.

<!-- -->

When to use 'raise NotImplementedError'?

You might want to you use the @property decorator,

>>> class Foo():
...     @property
...     def todo(self):
...             raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented")
>>> f = Foo()
>>> f.todo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 4, in todo
NotImplementedError: To be implemented

Android Room - simple select query - Cannot access database on the main thread

As asyncTask are deprecated we may use executor service. OR you can also use ViewModel with LiveData as explained in other answers.

For using executor service, you may use something like below.

public class DbHelper {

    private final Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

    public void fetchData(DataFetchListener dataListener){
        executor.execute(() -> {
                Object object = retrieveAgent(agentId);
                new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(() -> {

Main Looper is used, so that you can access UI element from onFetchDataSuccess callback.

Jersey stopped working with InjectionManagerFactory not found

Here is the new dependency (August 2017)

    <!-- -->

How to print a Groovy variable in Jenkins?

The following code worked for me:

echo userInput

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugKotlin'. > Compilation error. See log for more details

In my case I forgot to add the return type to a function in my inherited class from RoomDatabase:

abstract class LocalDb : RoomDatabase() {
    abstract fun progressDao(): ProgressDao

The ProgressDao return type was missing.

How to get root directory of project in core. Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() doesn't seem to work correctly on a mac

In some cases _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath and System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() targets to source directory. Here is bug about it.

The solution proposed there helped me


Spring boot: Unable to start embedded Tomcat servlet container

In my condition when I got an exception " Unable to start embedded Tomcat servlet container",

I opened the debug mode of spring boot by adding debug=true in the,

and then rerun the code ,and it told me that java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getVirtualServerName()Ljava/lang/String

Thus, we know that probably I'm using a servlet API of lower version, and it conflicts with spring boot version.

I went to my pom.xml, and found one of my dependencies is using servlet2.5, and I excluded it.

Now it works. Hope it helps.

PHP7 : install ext-dom issue

For CentOS, RHEL, Fedora:

$ yum search php-xml
============================================================================================================ N/S matched: php-xml ============================================================================================================
php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php-xmlseclibs.noarch : PHP library for XML Security
php54-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php54-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php55-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php55-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php56-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php56-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php70-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php70-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php71-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php71-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php72-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php72-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php73-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php73-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol

Then select the php-xml version matching your php version:

# php -v
PHP 7.2.11 (cli) (built: Oct 10 2018 10:00:29) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

# sudo yum install -y php72-php-xml.x86_64

Hibernate Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement

you have to be careful because reseved words are not only for table names, also you have to check column names, my mistake was that one of my columns was named "user". If you are using PostgreSQL the correct dialect is: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect


How to use Object.values with typescript?

Simplest way is to cast the Object to any, like this:

const data = {"Ticket-1.pdf":"8e6e8255-a6e9-4626-9606-4cd255055f71.pdf","Ticket-2.pdf":"106c3613-d976-4331-ab0c-d581576e7ca1.pdf"};
const obj = <any>Object;
const values = obj.values(data).map(x => x.substr(0, x.length - 4));
const commaJoinedValues = values.join(',');

And voila – no compilation errors ;)

Unit Tests not discovered in Visual Studio 2017

In the case of .NET Framework, in the test project there were formerly references to the following DLLs:


I deleted them and added reference to:


And then all the tests appeared and started working in the same way as before.

I tried almost all of the other suggestions above before, but simply re-referencing the test DLLs worked alright. I posted this answer for those who are in my case.

Laravel: PDOException: could not find driver

Finally I fixed this. There was a typo in the server configuration and all paths to php extecutables were fine except the path to php-cli, which caused the error. When I fixed the path, everything worked fine.

Tomcat: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name. HTTP method names must be tokens

I received this exception unrelated to any TLS issues. In my case the Content-Length header value did not match the body length.

ARG or ENV, which one to use in this case?

So if want to set the value of an environment variable to something different for every build then we can pass these values during build time and we don't need to change our docker file every time.

While ENV, once set cannot be overwritten through command line values. So, if we want to have our environment variable to have different values for different builds then we could use ARG and set default values in our docker file. And when we want to overwrite these values then we can do so using --build-args at every build without changing our docker file.

For more details, you can refer this.

Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the auto-configuration report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled

I added @Component annotation from import org.springframework.stereotype.Component and the problem was solved.

Caused by: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Validate failed. Migration Checksum mismatch for migration 2

The best solution would be to do these steps :

  1. Delete the file called - V2__create_shipwreck.sql, clean and build the project again.
  2. Run the project again, login into h2 and delete the table called "schema_version".

    drop table schema_version;

  3. Now make V2__create_shipwreck.sql file with ddl and rerun the project again.

  4. Do remember this, add version 4.1.2 for flyway-core in pom.xml like


It should work now. Hope this will help.

Tomcat 8 is not able to handle get request with '|' in query parameters?

The URI is encoded as UTF-8, but Tomcat is decoding them as ISO-8859-1. You need to edit the connector settings in the server.xml and add the URIEncoding="UTF-8" attribute.

or edit this parameter on your


How to install all required PHP extensions for Laravel?

Laravel Server Requirements mention that BCMath, Ctype, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, and XML extensions are required. Most of the extensions are installed and enabled by default.

You can run the following command in Ubuntu to make sure the extensions are installed.

sudo apt install openssl php-common php-curl php-json php-mbstring php-mysql php-xml php-zip

PHP version specific installation (if PHP 7.4 installed)

sudo apt install php7.4-common php7.4-bcmath openssl php7.4-json php7.4-mbstring

You may need other PHP extensions for your composer packages. Find from links below.

PHP extensions for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

PHP extensions for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic)

PHP extensions for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial)

Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource : Invocation of init method failed

I suspect that the jar files of hibernate-core and hibernate-entitymanager dependencies are corrupted or were not installed properly on your machine.

I suggest that you just delete the folders named hibernate-core and hibernate-entitymanager from your Maven local repository and Maven will reinstall them.

The default location for Maven local repository is C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\.m2 in windows or ~/.m2 in Linux/Mac.

Error: Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature

"Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature."

In your code :

class Post extends Component {
  public toggleBody: string;

  constructor() {
    this.toggleBody = this.setProp('showFullBody');

  public showMore(): boolean {
    return this.toggleBody(true);

  public showLess(): boolean {
    return this.toggleBody(false);

You have public toggleBody: string;. You cannot call a string as a function. Hence errors on : this.toggleBody(true); and this.toggleBody(false);

How does String substring work in Swift

enter image description here

All of the following examples use

var str = "Hello, playground"

Swift 4

Strings got a pretty big overhaul in Swift 4. When you get some substring from a String now, you get a Substring type back rather than a String. Why is this? Strings are value types in Swift. That means if you use one String to make a new one, then it has to be copied over. This is good for stability (no one else is going to change it without your knowledge) but bad for efficiency.

A Substring, on the other hand, is a reference back to the original String from which it came. Here is an image from the documentation illustrating that.

No copying is needed so it is much more efficient to use. However, imagine you got a ten character Substring from a million character String. Because the Substring is referencing the String, the system would have to hold on to the entire String for as long as the Substring is around. Thus, whenever you are done manipulating your Substring, convert it to a String.

let myString = String(mySubstring)

This will copy just the substring over and the memory holding old String can be reclaimed. Substrings (as a type) are meant to be short lived.

Another big improvement in Swift 4 is that Strings are Collections (again). That means that whatever you can do to a Collection, you can do to a String (use subscripts, iterate over the characters, filter, etc).

The following examples show how to get a substring in Swift.

Getting substrings

You can get a substring from a string by using subscripts or a number of other methods (for example, prefix, suffix, split). You still need to use String.Index and not an Int index for the range, though. (See my other answer if you need help with that.)

Beginning of a string

You can use a subscript (note the Swift 4 one-sided range):

let index = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)
let mySubstring = str[..<index] // Hello

or prefix:

let index = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 5)
let mySubstring = str.prefix(upTo: index) // Hello

or even easier:

let mySubstring = str.prefix(5) // Hello

End of a string

Using subscripts:

let index = str.index(str.endIndex, offsetBy: -10)
let mySubstring = str[index...] // playground

or suffix:

let index = str.index(str.endIndex, offsetBy: -10)
let mySubstring = str.suffix(from: index) // playground

or even easier:

let mySubstring = str.suffix(10) // playground

Note that when using the suffix(from: index) I had to count back from the end by using -10. That is not necessary when just using suffix(x), which just takes the last x characters of a String.

Range in a string

Again we simply use subscripts here.

let start = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)
let end = str.index(str.endIndex, offsetBy: -6)
let range = start..<end

let mySubstring = str[range]  // play

Converting Substring to String

Don't forget, when you are ready to save your substring, you should convert it to a String so that the old string's memory can be cleaned up.

let myString = String(mySubstring)

Using an Int index extension?

I'm hesitant to use an Int based index extension after reading the article Strings in Swift 3 by Airspeed Velocity and Ole Begemann. Although in Swift 4, Strings are collections, the Swift team purposely hasn't used Int indexes. It is still String.Index. This has to do with Swift Characters being composed of varying numbers of Unicode codepoints. The actual index has to be uniquely calculated for every string.

I have to say, I hope the Swift team finds a way to abstract away String.Index in the future. But until them I am choosing to use their API. It helps me to remember that String manipulations are not just simple Int index lookups.

Extension gd is missing from your system - laravel composer Update

Before installing the missing dependency, you need to check which version of PHP is installed on your system.

php -v
PHP 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (cli) (built: Sep 13 2018 13:45:02) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies

In this case it's php7.2. apt search php7.2 returns all the available PHP extensions.

apt search php7.2
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
libapache2-mod-php7.2/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module)

libphp7.2-embed/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  HTML-embedded scripting language (Embedded SAPI library)

php-all-dev/bionic,bionic 1:60ubuntu1 all
  package depending on all supported PHP development packages

php7.2/bionic-updates,bionic-updates,bionic-security,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 all
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage)

php7.2-bcmath/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  Bcmath module for PHP

php7.2-bz2/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  bzip2 module for PHP

php7.2-cgi/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)

php7.2-cli/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language

php7.2-common/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  documentation, examples and common module for PHP

php7.2-curl/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed]
  CURL module for PHP

php7.2-dba/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  DBA module for PHP

php7.2-dev/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  Files for PHP7.2 module development

php7.2-enchant/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  Enchant module for PHP

php7.2-fpm/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed]
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary)

php7.2-gd/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed]
  GD module for PHP

php7.2-gmp/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  GMP module for PHP

php7.2-imap/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  IMAP module for PHP

php7.2-interbase/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  Interbase module for PHP

php7.2-intl/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  Internationalisation module for PHP

php7.2-json/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  JSON module for PHP

php7.2-ldap/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  LDAP module for PHP

php7.2-mbstring/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  MBSTRING module for PHP

php7.2-mysql/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  MySQL module for PHP

php7.2-odbc/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  ODBC module for PHP

php7.2-opcache/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  Zend OpCache module for PHP

php7.2-pgsql/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  PostgreSQL module for PHP

php7.2-phpdbg/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary)

php7.2-pspell/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  pspell module for PHP

php7.2-readline/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
  readline module for PHP

php7.2-recode/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  recode module for PHP

php7.2-snmp/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  SNMP module for PHP

php7.2-soap/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  SOAP module for PHP

php7.2-sqlite3/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed]
  SQLite3 module for PHP

php7.2-sybase/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  Sybase module for PHP

php7.2-tidy/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  tidy module for PHP

php7.2-xml/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 [installed]
  DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP

php7.2-xmlrpc/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  XMLRPC-EPI module for PHP

php7.2-xsl/bionic-updates,bionic-updates,bionic-security,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 all
  XSL module for PHP (dummy)

php7.2-zip/bionic-updates,bionic-security 7.2.10-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64
  Zip module for PHP

You can now proceed to installing the missing dependency by running:

sudo apt install php7.2-gd Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

I am getting similar errors recently because recent JDKs (and browsers, and the Linux TLS stack, etc.) refuse to communicate with some servers in my customer's corporate network. The reason of this is that some servers in this network still have SHA-1 certificates.

Please see:

If this would be your current case (recent JDK vs deprecated certificate encription) then your best move is to update your network to the proper encription technology.

In case that you should provide a temporal solution for that, please see another answers to have an idea about how to make your JDK trust or distrust certain encription algorithms:

How to force java server to accept only tls 1.2 and reject tls 1.0 and tls 1.1 connections

Anyway I insist that, in case that I have guessed properly your problem, this is not a good solution to the problem and that your network admin should consider removing these deprecated certificates and get a new one.

org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 Bad Request

This is what worked for me. Issue is earlier I didn't set Content Type(header) when I used exchange method.

MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
map.add("param1", "123");
map.add("param2", "456");
map.add("param3", "789");
map.add("param4", "123");
map.add("param5", "456");

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

final HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>> entity = new HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>>(map ,
JSONObject jsonObject = null;

try {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =
            "https://url", HttpMethod.POST, entity,

    if (responseEntity.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.CREATED) {
        try {
            jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseEntity.getBody());
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("JSONException occurred");
  } catch (final HttpClientErrorException httpClientErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallBadRequestException();
  } catch (HttpServerErrorException httpServerErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(httpServerErrorException);
  } catch (Exception exception) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(exception);

ExternalCallBadRequestException and ExternalCallServerErrorException are the custom exceptions here.

Note: Remember HttpClientErrorException is thrown when a 4xx error is received. So if the request you send is wrong either setting header or sending wrong data, you could receive this exception.

Angular 2 - Setting selected value on dropdown list

This works for me.

<select formControlName="preferredBankAccountId" class="form-control" value="">
    <option value="">Please select</option>    
    <option *ngFor="let item of societyAccountDtos" [value]="item.societyAccountId" >{{item.nickName}}</option>

Not sure this is valid or not, correct me if it's wrong.
Correct me if this should not be like this.

Kotlin's List missing "add", "remove", Map missing "put", etc?

Agree with all above answers of using MutableList but you can also add/remove from List and get a new list as below.

val newListWithElement = existingList + listOf(element)
val newListMinusElement = existingList - listOf(element)


val newListWithElement =
val newListMinusElement = existingList.minus(element)

org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'

Just remove this line from build.gradle(Project folder)

apply plugin: ''

Now rebuild the application. works fine Happy coding

JPA Hibernate Persistence exception [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory

The issue is that you are not able to get a connection to MYSQL database and hence it is throwing an error saying that cannot build a session factory.

Please see the error below:

 Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) 

which points to username not getting populated.

Please recheck system properties


some packages seems to be missing as well pointing to a dependency issue:

package does not exist

Please run a mvn dependency:tree command to check for dependencies

How to remove specific substrings from a set of strings in Python?

I did the test (but it is not your example) and the data does not return them orderly or complete

>>> ind = ['p5','p1','p8','p4','p2','p8']
>>> newind = {x.replace('p','') for x in ind}
>>> newind
{'1', '2', '8', '5', '4'}

I proved that this works:

>>> ind = ['p5','p1','p8','p4','p2','p8']
>>> newind = [x.replace('p','') for x in ind]
>>> newind
['5', '1', '8', '4', '2', '8']


>>> newind = []
>>> ind = ['p5','p1','p8','p4','p2','p8']
>>> for x in ind:
...     newind.append(x.replace('p',''))
>>> newind
['5', '1', '8', '4', '2', '8']

org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'demoRestController'

Your DemoApplication class is in the package and your LoginBean class is in the package. By default components (classes annotated with @Component) are found if they are in the same package or a sub-package of your main application class DemoApplication. This means that LoginBean isn't being found so dependency injection fails.

There are a couple of ways to solve your problem:

  1. Move LoginBean into or a sub-package.
  2. Configure the packages that are scanned for components using the scanBasePackages attribute of @SpringBootApplication that should be on DemoApplication.

A few of other things that aren't causing a problem, but are not quite right with the code you've posted:

  • @Service is a specialisation of @Component so you don't need both on LoginBean
  • Similarly, @RestController is a specialisation of @Component so you don't need both on DemoRestController
  • DemoRestController is an unusual place for @EnableAutoConfiguration. That annotation is typically found on your main application class (DemoApplication) either directly or via @SpringBootApplication which is a combination of @ComponentScan, @Configuration, and @EnableAutoConfiguration.

Pyspark replace strings in Spark dataframe column

For Spark 1.5 or later, you can use the functions package:

from pyspark.sql.functions import *
newDf = df.withColumn('address', regexp_replace('address', 'lane', 'ln'))

Quick explanation:

  • The function withColumn is called to add (or replace, if the name exists) a column to the data frame.
  • The function regexp_replace will generate a new column by replacing all substrings that match the pattern.

getting error while updating Composer

Your error message is pretty explicit about what is going wrong:

laravel/framework v5.2.9 requires ext-mbstring * -> the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing from your system.

Do you have mbstring installed on your server and is it enabled?

You can install mbstring as part of the libapache2-mod-php5 package:

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5

Or standalone with:

sudo apt-get install php-mbstring

Installing it will also enable it, however you can also enable it by editing your php.ini file and remove the ; that is commenting it out if it is already installed.

If this is on your local machine, then follow the appropriate steps to install this on your environment.

Failed to load ApplicationContext (with annotation)

In my case, I had to do the following while running with Junit5

@SpringBootTest(classes = {abc.class}) @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class

Here abc.class was the class that was being tested

substring of an entire column in pandas dataframe

Use the str accessor with square brackets:

df['col'] = df['col'].str[:9]

Or str.slice:

df['col'] = df['col'].str.slice(0, 9)

Uncaught TypeError: .indexOf is not a function

I ran across this error recently using a javascript library which changes the parameters of a function based on conditions.

You can test an object to see if it has the function. I would only do this in scenarios where you don't control what is getting passed to you.

if( param.indexOf != undefined ) {
   // we have a string or other object that 
   // happens to have a function named indexOf

You can test this in your browser console:

> (3).indexOf == undefined;

> "".indexOf == undefined;

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12:test (default-test) on project.

This happens when Maven tries to run your test cases while building the jar. You can simply skip running the test cases by adding -DskipTests at the end of your maven command.

Ex: mvn clean install -DskipTests or mvn clean package -DskipTests

Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment]

Cause: The error occurred since hibernate is not able to connect to the database.
1. Please ensure that you have a database present at the server referred to in the configuration file eg. "hibernatedb" in this case.
2. Please see if the username and password for connecting to the db are correct.
3. Check if relevant jars required for the connection are mapped to the project.

How to create multiple output paths in Webpack config

Webpack does support multiple output paths.

Set the output paths as the entry key. And use the name as output template.

webpack config:

entry: {
    'module/a/index': 'module/a/index.js',
    'module/b/index': 'module/b/index.js',
output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: '[name].js'


+-- module
    +-- a
    ¦   +-- index.js
    +-- b
        +-- index.js

Android- Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForRelease'

I did receive also the same error:

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'. java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

well I fixed this with help of following steps:

  1. Open your app's build.gradle (not the one in the project root) and add:

    android {
    //add this into your existing 'android' block
        dexOptions {
        javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
  2. Try your build again.

Note: 4g is 4 Gigabytes and this is a maximum heap size for dex operation.

Extract the filename from a path

You could get the result you want like this.

$file = "D:\Server\User\CUST\MEA\Data\In\Files\CORRECTED\CUST_MEAFile.csv"
$a = $file.Split("\")
$index = $a.count - 1

If you use "Get-ChildItem" to get the "fullname", you could also use "name" to just get the name of the file.

Filter spark DataFrame on string contains

In pyspark,SparkSql syntax:

where column_n like 'xyz%'

might not work.


where column_n RLIKE '^xyz' 

This works perfectly fine.

Angular: Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]'

I think that the object you received in your response payload isn't an array. Perhaps the array you want to iterate is contained into an attribute. You should check the structure of the received data...

You could try something like that:

getusers() {
    .map(response => response.json().items) // <------
      data => this.users = data,
      error => console.log(error)


Following the Github doc (, the format of the response is:

  "total_count": 12,
  "incomplete_results": false,
  "items": [
      "login": "mojombo",
      "id": 1,
      "type": "User",
      "score": 105.47857

So the list of users is contained into the items field and you should use this:

getusers() {
    .map(response => response.json().items) // <------
      data => this.users = data,
      error => console.log(error)

If strings starts with in PowerShell

$Group is an object, but you will actually need to check if $Group.samaccountname.StartsWith("string").

Change $Group.StartsWith("S_G_") to $Group.samaccountname.StartsWith("S_G_").

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient

This is probably due to its lack of connections to the Hive Meta Store,my hive Meta Store is stored in Mysql,so I need to visit Mysql,So I add a dependency in my build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.38"

and the problem is solved!

configuring project ':app' failed to find Build Tools revision

For me, dataBinding { enabled true } was enabled in gradle, removing this helped me

Spring Boot @autowired does not work, classes in different package

Spring Boot will handle those repositories automatically as long as they are included in the same package (or a sub-package) of your @SpringBootApplication class. For more control over the registration process, you can use the @EnableMongoRepositories annotation. guides

@EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = {"RepositoryPackage"})
public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Failed to authenticate on SMTP server error using gmail

This is how I solved this issue:

  1. Change the .env file as follow

Screenshot Reference

  1. Never forget to restart the server after you change the .env file

Java: Local variable mi defined in an enclosing scope must be final or effectively final

One solution is to create a named class instead of using an anonymous class. Give that named class a constructor that takes whatever parameters you wish and assigns them to class fields:

class MenuActionListener implements ActionListener {
    private Color kolorIkony;

    public MenuActionListener(Color kolorIkony) {
        this.kolorIkony = kolorIkony

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        JMenuItem item = (JMenuItem) e.getSource();
        IconA icon = (IconA) item.getIcon();
        // Use the class field here

Now you can create an instance of this class as usual:

Jmi.addActionListener(new MenuActionListener(getColor(colors[mi]));

Spring jUnit Testing properties file

Firstly, in the @PropertySource should read if that's what the file is named (matching these things up matters):

@PropertySource(" ")

That file should be under your /src/test/resources classpath (at the root).

I don't understand why you'd specify a dependency hard coded to a file called Is that component only to be used in the test environment?

The normal thing to do is to have property files with the same name on different classpaths. You load one or the other depending on whether you are running your tests or not.

In a typically laid out application, you'd have:




And then inject it like this:


The even better thing to do would be to expose that property file as a bean in your spring context and then inject that bean into any component that needs it. This way your code is not littered with references to and you can use anything you want as a source of properties. Here's an example: how to read properties file in spring project?

HikariCP - connection is not available

I managed to fix it finally. The problem is not related to HikariCP. The problem persisted because of some complex methods in REST controllers executing multiple changes in DB through JPA repositories. For some reasons calls to these interfaces resulted in a growing number of "freezed" active connections, exhausting the pool. Either annotating these methods as @Transactional or enveloping all the logic in a single call to transactional service method seem to solve the problem.

How to return JSON data from spring Controller using @ResponseBody

Yes just add the setters/getters with public modifier ;)

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error processing condition on org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.JndiDataSourceAutoConfiguration

This is caused by non-matching Spring Boot dependencies. Check your classpath to find the offending resources. You have explicitly included version 1.1.8.RELEASE, but you have also included 3 other projects. Those likely contain different Spring Boot versions, leading to this error.

Composer - the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing from your system

I set the PHPRC variable and uncommented zend_extension=php_opcache.dll in php.ini and all works well.

WARNING: Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt

The important part is this:

Cannot find class [com.rakuten.points.persistence.manager.MemberPointSummaryDAOImpl] for bean with name 'MemberPointSummaryDAOImpl' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/context/PersistenceManagerContext.xml];

due to:

nested exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.rakuten.points.persistence.manager.MemberPointSummaryDAOImpl

According to this log, Spring could not find your MemberPointSummaryDAOImpl class.

SSL error SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

Firstable, make sure that you Antivirus software doesn't block SSL2.
Because I could not solve a problem for a long time and only disabling the antivirus helped me

How to find distinct rows with field in list using JPA and Spring?

I finally was able to figure out a simple solution without the @Query annotation.

List<People> findDistinctByNameNotIn(List<String> names);

Of course, I got the people object instead of only Strings. I can then do the change in java.

RecyclerView and java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder in Samsung devices

In my case, adapter data changed. And i was wrongly use notifyItemInserted() for these changes. When i use notifyItemChanged, the error has gone away.

Spring Boot: Cannot access REST Controller on localhost (404)

Place your springbootapplication class in root package for example if your service,controller is in package then your main class should be in springBoot package otherwise it will not scan below packages

Using `window.location.hash.includes` throws “Object doesn't support property or method 'includes'” in IE11

Adding import 'core-js/es7/array'; to my polyfill.ts fixed the issue for me.

Delete the last two characters of the String

Subtract -2 or -3 basis of removing last space also.

 public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s = "apple car 05";
        System.out.println(s.substring(0, s.length() - 2));


apple car

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

Your debug output indicates that Clean is the first thing that it's trying to run, so I'm guessing it's failing to download any plugins from central.

First off, see if you can download the plugin jar directly in a web browser:

If that works then your web browser has connectivity to central but maven doesn't. That suggests to me that your web browser is using a proxy that maven isn't configured to use.

Maven proxy settings are described in depth here. To simplify that a little fill this out (replace the protocol/host/port with the values from your internet settings) and put it in the <settings> tag of your maven settings.xml file:


No tests found for given includes Error, when running Parameterized Unit test in Android Studio

If you are using intellij and want to use gradle you need to add this to the dependencies section of build.gradle file:


How to filter a RecyclerView with a SearchView

simply create two list in adapter one orignal and one temp and implements Filterable.

    public Filter getFilter() {
        return new Filter() {
            protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {
                final FilterResults oReturn = new FilterResults();
                final ArrayList<T> results = new ArrayList<>();
                if (origList == null)
                    origList = new ArrayList<>(itemList);
                if (constraint != null && constraint.length() > 0) {
                    if (origList != null && origList.size() > 0) {
                        for (final T cd : origList) {
                            if (cd.getAttributeToSearch().toLowerCase()
                    oReturn.values = results;
                    oReturn.count = results.size();//newly Aded by ZA
                } else {
                    oReturn.values = origList;
                    oReturn.count = origList.size();//newly added by ZA
                return oReturn;

            protected void publishResults(final CharSequence constraint,
                                          FilterResults results) {
                itemList = new ArrayList<>((ArrayList<T>) results.values);
                // FIXME: 8/16/2017 implement Comparable with sort below


public GenericBaseAdapter(Context mContext, List<T> itemList) {
        this.mContext = mContext;
        this.itemList = itemList;
        this.origList = itemList;

Run a command shell in jenkins

Go to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global properties Check the box 'Environment variables' and add the JAVA_HOME path = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.1"

*Don't write bin at the end

phpMyAdmin Error: The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration

It could happen after you update your php version, for instance if you upgrade from php5.6 to php7.1 you need to run these commands:

sudo apt-get install php7.1-mbstring
sudo service apache2 restart

If your destination version is different you need to check if the mbstring package exsit or not, an example for php7.0:

sudo apt-cache search php7.0-mbstring

I found it useful to first check existence of all modules that you working with, then performing an upgrade, in addition to that update phpmyadmin after upgrading your php is a good idea

How to download a file using a Java REST service and a data stream

See example here: Input and Output binary streams using JERSEY?

Pseudo code would be something like this (there are a few other similar options in above mentioned post):

public StreamingOutput getFileContent() throws Exception {
     public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
        try {
          // 1. Get Stream to file from first server
          while(<read stream from first server>) {
              output.write(<bytes read from first server>)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new WebApplicationException(e);
        } finally {
              // close input stream

UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory'

Well, you're getting a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. In your pom.xml, hibernate-core version is 3.3.2.GA and declared after hibernate-entitymanager, so it prevails. You can remove that dependency, since will be inherited version 3.6.7.Final from hibernate-entitymanager.

You're using spring-boot as parent, so no need to declare version of some dependencies, since they are managed by spring-boot.

Also, hibernate-commons-annotations is inherited from hibernate-entitymanager and hibernate-annotations is an old version of hibernate-commons-annotations, you can remove both.

Finally, your pom.xml can look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



        <!-- Spring -->



        <!-- Hibernate -->


        <!-- MySQL -->






Let me know if you have a problem.

Javascript Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

The error is here:


You are passing the first item of words, instead of the array.

Instead, pass the array to the function:


Problem solved!

Here's a breakdown of what the problem was:

I'm guessing in your browser (chrome throws a different error), words[] == words[0], so when you call hasLetter("a",words[]);, you are actually calling hasLetter("a",words[0]);. So, in essence, you are passing the first item of words to your function, not the array as a whole.

Of course, because words is just an empty array, words[0] is undefined. Therefore, your function call is actually:

hasLetter("a", undefined);

which means that, when you try to access d[ascii], you are actually trying to access undefined[0], hence the error.

Can't Autowire @Repository annotated interface in Spring Boot

I had the same issues with Repository not being found. So what I did was to move everything into 1 package. And this worked meaning that there was nothing wrong with my code. I moved the Repos & Entities into another package and added the following to SpringApplication class.


After that, I moved the Service (interface & implementation) to another package and added the following to SpringApplication class.


This solved my issues.

Trying to get Laravel 5 email to work

My opinion after making changes on your .env files restart your server and serve the app again. Just to be sure of the actual error. The php artisan clear and cache afterwards works pretty fine.

Error:Execution failed for task ':ProjectName:mergeDebugResources'. > Crunching Cruncher *some file* failed, see logs

Today I also met this problem. Here is how I solved it:

  1. I built the app, then I saw the errors in the message window. They said the picture (with the full path) was malformed.
  2. Then I found the malformed png which had the name xxx.9.png.
  3. I renamed it to xxx9.png and rebuilt. There were no errors, and the java files with the red wave under the name are gone too.

JavaScript Array to Set

Just pass the array to the Set constructor. The Set constructor accepts an iterable parameter. The Array object implements the iterable protocol, so its a valid parameter.

var arr = [55, 44, 65];_x000D_
var set = new Set(arr);_x000D_
console.log(set.size === arr.length);_x000D_

See here

SSL peer shut down incorrectly in Java

This error is generic of the security libraries and might happen in other cases. In case other people have this same error when sending emails with javax.mail to a smtp server. Then the code to force other protocol is setting a property like this:

prop.put("mail.smtp.ssl.protocols", "TLSv1.2");            

//And just in case probably you need to set these too
prop.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", true);    
prop.put("", {YOURSERVERNAME});

How to drop rows from pandas data frame that contains a particular string in a particular column?

The below code will give you list of all the rows:-

df[df['C'] != 'XYZ']

To store the values from the above code into a dataframe :-

newdf = df[df['C'] != 'XYZ']

Spring boot - Not a managed type

Faced similar issue. In my case the repository and the type being managed where not in same package.

JsonParseException: Unrecognized token 'http': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')

It might be obvious, but make sure that you are sending to the parser URL object not a String containing www adress. This will not work:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String www = "";
    Weather weather = mapper.readValue(www, Weather.class);

But this will:

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    URL www = new URL("");
    Weather weather = mapper.readValue(www, Weather.class);

Convert a secure string to plain text

In PS 7, you can use ConvertFrom-SecureString and -AsPlainText:

 $UnsecurePassword = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $SecurePassword -AsPlainText

           [-SecureString] <SecureString>

Spring Maven clean error - The requested profile "pom.xml" could not be activated because it does not exist

Bumped into same warning. If you specified goals and built project using "Run as -> Maven build..." option check and remove pom.xml from Profiles: just below Goals:

Swift: How to get substring from start to last index of character

var url = ""
let str = path.suffix(3)
print(str) //low

A child container failed during start java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException

Faced the same issue. Changed the JRE to the correct 1.8 version and do a maven clean and build resolve the issue. You may need to change the Project Facet and verify the correct path.

Swift extract regex matches

@p4bloch if you want to capture results from a series of capture parentheses, then you need to use the rangeAtIndex(index) method of NSTextCheckingResult, instead of range. Here's @MartinR 's method for Swift2 from above, adapted for capture parentheses. In the array that is returned, the first result [0] is the entire capture, and then individual capture groups begin from [1]. I commented out the map operation (so it's easier to see what I changed) and replaced it with nested loops.

func matches(for regex: String!, in text: String!) -> [String] {

    do {
        let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: regex, options: [])
        let nsString = text as NSString
        let results = regex.matchesInString(text, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, nsString.length))
        var match = [String]()
        for result in results {
            for i in 0..<result.numberOfRanges {
                match.append(nsString.substringWithRange( result.rangeAtIndex(i) ))
        return match
        //return { nsString.substringWithRange( $0.range )} //rangeAtIndex(0)
    } catch let error as NSError {
        print("invalid regex: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        return []

An example use case might be, say you want to split a string of title year eg "Finding Dory 2016" you could do this:

print ( matches(for: "^(.+)\\s(\\d{4})" , in: "Finding Dory 2016"))
// ["Finding Dory 2016", "Finding Dory", "2016"]

How to declare Global Variables in Excel VBA to be visible across the Workbook

Your question is: are these not modules capable of declaring variables at global scope?

Answer: YES, they are "capable"

The only point is that references to global variables in ThisWorkbook or a Sheet module have to be fully qualified (i.e., referred to as ThisWorkbook.Global1, e.g.) References to global variables in a standard module have to be fully qualified only in case of ambiguity (e.g., if there is more than one standard module defining a variable with name Global1, and you mean to use it in a third module).

For instance, place in Sheet1 code

Public glob_sh1 As String

Sub test_sh1()
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

place in ThisWorkbook code

Public glob_this As String

Sub test_this()
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

and in a Standard Module code

Public glob_mod As String

Sub test_mod()
    glob_mod = "glob_mod"
    ThisWorkbook.glob_this = "glob_this"
    Sheet1.glob_sh1 = "glob_sh1"
    Debug.Print (glob_mod)
    Debug.Print (ThisWorkbook.glob_this)
    Debug.Print (Sheet1.glob_sh1)
End Sub

All three subs work fine.

PS1: This answer is based essentially on info from here. It is much worth reading (from the great Chip Pearson).

PS2: Your line Debug.Print ("Hello") will give you the compile error Invalid outside procedure.

PS3: You could (partly) check your code with Debug -> Compile VBAProject in the VB editor. All compile errors will pop.

PS4: Check also Put Excel-VBA code in module or sheet?.

PS5: You might be not able to declare a global variable in, say, Sheet1, and use it in code from other workbook (reading; I did not test this point, so this issue is yet to be confirmed as such). But you do not mean to do that in your example, anyway.

PS6: There are several cases that lead to ambiguity in case of not fully qualifying global variables. You may tinker a little to find them. They are compile errors.

Could not install Gradle distribution from ''

I was facing the same problem in IntelliJ. It was working from command line though.

I found the issue was because of an improper Gradle config in the IDE. I wasn't using the "default Gradle wrapper" as recommended:

enter image description here

Java 8 stream map on entry set

On Java 9 or later, Map.entry can be used, so long as you know that neither the key nor value will be null. If either value could legitimately be null, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry (as suggested in another answer) or AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry would be the way to go.

private Map<String, AttributeType> mapConfig(Map<String, String> input, String prefix) {
   int subLength = prefix.length();
   return input.entrySet().stream().map(e -> 
      Map.entry(e.getKey().substring(subLength), AttributeType.GetByName(e.getValue())));
   }).collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

Run a controller function whenever a view is opened/shown

This is probably what you were looking for:

Ionic caches your views and thus your controllers by default (max of 10)

There are events you can hook onto to let your controller do certain things based on those ionic events. see here for an example:

NSRange from Swift Range?

Swift 3 Extension Variant that preserves existing attributes.

extension UILabel {
  func setLineHeight(lineHeight: CGFloat) {
    guard self.text != nil && self.attributedText != nil else { return }
    var attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString()

    if let attributedText = self.attributedText {
      attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedText)
    } else if let text = self.text {
      attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

    let style = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
    style.lineSpacing = lineHeight
    style.alignment = self.textAlignment
    let str = NSString(string: attributedString.string)

                                  value: style,
                                  range: str.range(of: str as String))
    self.attributedText = attributedString

Powershell: count members of a AD group

easy way to do it: To get the actual user count:

$ADInfo = Get-ADGroup -Identity '<groupname>' -Properties Members

and you get the count easily, it is pretty fast as well for 20k+ users too

Multipart File Upload Using Spring Rest Template + Spring Web MVC

The Multipart File Upload worked after following code modification to Upload using RestTemplate

LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
map.add("file", new ClassPathResource(file));
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

HttpEntity<LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>> requestEntity = new    HttpEntity<LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>>(
                    map, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> result = template.get().exchange(
                    contextPath.get() + path, HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity,

And adding MultipartFilter to web.xml


indexOf and lastIndexOf in PHP?

You need the following functions to do this in PHP:

strpos Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string

strrpos Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string

substr Return part of a string

Here's the signature of the substr function:

string substr ( string $string , int $start [, int $length ] )

The signature of the substring function (Java) looks a bit different:

string substring( int beginIndex, int endIndex )

substring (Java) expects the end-index as the last parameter, but substr (PHP) expects a length.

It's not hard, to get the desired length by the end-index in PHP:

$sub = substr($str, $start, $end - $start);

Here is the working code

$start = strpos($message, '-') + 1;
if ($req_type === 'RMT') {
    $pt_password = substr($message, $start);
else {
    $end = strrpos($message, '-');
    $pt_password = substr($message, $start, $end - $start);

Split String by delimiter position using oracle SQL

Therefore, I would like to separate the string by the furthest delimiter.

I know this is an old question, but this is a simple requirement for which SUBSTR and INSTR would suffice. REGEXP are still slower and CPU intensive operations than the old subtsr and instr functions.

  2    ( SELECT 'F/P/O' str FROM dual
  3    )
  4  SELECT SUBSTR(str, 1, Instr(str, '/', -1, 1) -1) part1,
  5         SUBSTR(str, Instr(str, '/', -1, 1) +1) part2
  7  /

----- -----
F/P   O

As you said you want the furthest delimiter, it would mean the first delimiter from the reverse.

You approach was fine, but you were missing the start_position in INSTR. If the start_position is negative, the INSTR function counts back start_position number of characters from the end of string and then searches towards the beginning of string.

How to test if a string contains one of the substrings in a list, in pandas?

You can use str.contains alone with a regex pattern using OR (|):


Or you could add the series to a dataframe then use str.contains:

df = pd.DataFrame(s)


0 cat
1 hat
2 dog
3 fog 

Command failed due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11

When your development target is not supporting any UIControl

In my case i was using StackView in a project with development target 8.0. This error can happen if your development target is not supporting any UIControl.

When you set incorrect target

In below line if you leave default target "target" instead of self then Segmentation fault 11 occurs.

shareBtn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.share(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)

org.hibernate.HibernateException: Access to DialectResolutionInfo cannot be null when 'hibernate.dialect' not set

I had the same issue and it was caused by being unable to connect to the database instance. Look for hibernate error HHH000342 in the log above that error, it should give you an idea to where the db connection is failing (incorrect username/pass, url, etc.)

Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA with multiple DataSources

I have written a complete article at Spring Boot JPA Multiple Data Sources Example. In this article, we will learn how to configure multiple data sources and connect to multiple databases in a typical Spring Boot web application. We will use Spring Boot 2.0.5, JPA, Hibernate 5, Thymeleaf and H2 database to build a simple Spring Boot multiple data sources web application.

No found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations:

Look at the exception:

No qualifying bean of type [] found for dependency

This means that there's no bean available to fulfill that dependency. Yes, you have an implementation of the interface, but you haven't created a bean for that implementation. You have two options:

  • Annotate UserDaoImpl with @Component or @Repository, and let the component scan do the work for you, exactly as you have done with UserService.
  • Add the bean manually to your xml file, the same you have done with UserBoImpl.

Remember that if you create the bean explicitly you need to put the definition before the component scan. In this case the order is important.

Java ElasticSearch None of the configured nodes are available

Elasticsearch settings are in $ES_HOME/config/elasticsearch.yml. There, if the setting is commented out, it means ES would take just about any cluster name. So, in your code, the as "elastictest" might be the problem. Try this:

Client client = new TransportClient()
                .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(

Problems using Maven and SSL behind proxy

I ran into this problem in the same situation, and I wrote up a detailed answer to a related question on stack overflow explaining how to more easily modify the system's cacerts using a GUI tool. I think it's a little bit better than using a one-off keystore for a specific project or modifying the settings for maven (which may cause trouble down the road).

Trim whitespace from a String

#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>

void Trim(std::string& inputString)
    std::istringstream stringStream(inputString);
    std::vector<std::string> tokens((std::istream_iterator<std::string>(stringStream)), std::istream_iterator<std::string>());

    inputString = std::accumulate(std::next(tokens.begin()), tokens.end(),
                                 tokens[0], // start with first element
                                 [](std::string a, std::string b) { return a + " " + b; });

pip is not able to install packages correctly: Permission denied error

On a Mac, you need to use this command:

STATIC_DEPS=true sudo pip install lxml

Django: OperationalError No Such Table

The Thing that worked for me:

  1. Find out which migrations in your migration folder created the table if not add the class in your
  2. If the class already exist in your, try to delete that one and run python makemigrations <appname>
  3. And while migrating fake that migrations as your error might say table not found to delete using python migrate <yourappname> --fake
  4. Add the class again and makemigrations again python makemigrations <appname>.
  5. And finally migrate again python migrate <appname>

Spring Boot value not populating

follow these steps. 1:- create your configuration class like below you can see

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;

public class YourConfiguration{

    // passing the key which you set in
    private String somePro;

   // getting the value from that key which you set in
    public String getsomePro() {
        return somePro;

2:- when you have a configuration class then inject in the variable from a configuration where you need.

public class YourService {

    private String getsomePro;

    // now you have a value in getsomePro variable automatically.

Error: org.testng.TestNGException: Cannot find class in classpath: EmpClass

I had the same error when tried to run my tests in a JSF project.

I´m using Eclipse IDE (kepler). So, I did "project > clean" and then ran the tests again of the same project.

It worked!

Exposing the current state name with ui router

this is how I do it


var module = angular.module('yourModuleName', ['ui.router']); ['$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams',
                      function ($rootScope,   $state,   $stateParams) {
    $rootScope.$state = $state;
    $rootScope.$stateParams = $stateParams; 


<pre id="uiRouterInfo">
      $state = {{$}}
      $stateParams = {{$stateParams}}
      $state full url = {{ $state.$current.url.source }}    


How can I create an utility class?

For a completely stateless utility class in Java, I suggest the class be declared public and final, and have a private constructor to prevent instantiation. The final keyword prevents sub-classing and can improve efficiency at runtime.

The class should contain all static methods and should not be declared abstract (as that would imply the class is not concrete and has to be implemented in some way).

The class should be given a name that corresponds to its set of provided utilities (or "Util" if the class is to provide a wide range of uncategorized utilities).

The class should not contain a nested class unless the nested class is to be a utility class as well (though this practice is potentially complex and hurts readability).

Methods in the class should have appropriate names.

Methods only used by the class itself should be private.

The class should not have any non-final/non-static class fields.

The class can also be statically imported by other classes to improve code readability (this depends on the complexity of the project however).


public final class ExampleUtilities {
    // Example Utility method
    public static int foo(int i, int j) {
        int val;

        //Do stuff

        return val;

    // Example Utility method overloaded
    public static float foo(float i, float j) {
        float val;

        //Do stuff

        return val;

    // Example Utility method calling private method
    public static long bar(int p) {
        return hid(p) * hid(p);

    // Example private method
    private static long hid(int i) {
        return i * 2 + 1;

Perhaps most importantly of all, the documentation for each method should be precise and descriptive. Chances are methods from this class will be used very often and its good to have high quality documentation to complement the code.

Changing specific text's color using NSMutableAttributedString in Swift

Swift 2.1 Update:

 let text = "We tried to make this app as most intuitive as possible for you. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask us. For a detailed manual just click here."
 let linkTextWithColor = "click here"

 let range = (text as NSString).rangeOfString(linkTextWithColor)

 let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:text)
 attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: UIColor.redColor() , range: range)

 self.helpText.attributedText = attributedString

self.helpText is a UILabel outlet.

What's the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?

Abstraction : Abstraction is process in which you collect or gather relevant data and remove non-relevant data. (And if you have achieved abstraction, then encapsulation also achieved.)

Encapsulation: Encapsulation is a process in which you wrap of functions and members in a single unit. Means You are hiding the implementation detail. Means user can access by making object of class, he/she can't see detail.


 public class Test
    int t;
    string  s;
 public void show()
   s = "Testing";
   Console.WriteLine(See()); // No error

 int See()
   t = 10;
   return t;

 public static void Main()
  Test obj =  new Test();
  obj.Show(); // there is no error
  obj.See(); // Error:- Inaccessible due to its protection level

In the above example, User can access only Show() method by using obj, that is Abstraction.

And See() method is calling internally in Show() method that is encapsulation, because user doesn't know what things are going on in Show() method.

How to fix PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\\php_curl.dll'?

  1. Check if compatible Mysql for your PHP version is correctly installed. (eg. mysql-installer-community- for PHP 5.2.10, apache 2.2 and phpMyAdmin 3.5.2)
  2. In your php\php.ini set your loadable php extensions path (eg. extension_dir = "C:\php\ext") (
  3. (In your php\php.ini) check if extension=php_mysqli.dll is uncommented (
  4. Set your php folder (eg."C:\php") and php\ext folder (eg."C:\php\ext") as your runtime environment variable path (
  5. Restart apache service (

Error: org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' not supported

Ok - for me the source of the problem was in serialisation/deserialisation. The object that was being sent and received was as follows where the code is submitted and the code and maskedPhoneNumber is returned.

@ApiObject(description = "What the object is for.")
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class CodeVerification {

    @ApiObjectField(description = "The code which is to be verified.")
    @NotBlank(message = "mandatory")
    private final String code;

    @ApiObjectField(description = "The masked mobile phone number to which the code was verfied against.")
    private final String maskedMobileNumber;

    public codeVerification(@JsonProperty("code") String code, String maskedMobileNumber) {
        this.code = code;
        this.maskedMobileNumber = maskedMobileNumber;

    public String getcode() {
        return code;

    public String getMaskedMobileNumber() {
        return maskedMobileNumber;

The problem was that I didn't have a JsonProperty defined for the maskedMobileNumber in the constructor. i.e. Constructor should have been

public codeVerification(@JsonProperty("code") String code, @JsonProperty("maskedMobileNumber") String maskedMobileNumber) {
    this.code = code;
    this.maskedMobileNumber = maskedMobileNumber;

How to create JNDI context in Spring Boot with Embedded Tomcat Container

Have you tried @Lazy loading the datasource? Because you're initialising your embedded Tomcat container within the Spring context, you have to delay the initialisation of your DataSource (until the JNDI vars have been setup).

N.B. I haven't had a chance to test this code yet!

public DataSource jndiDataSource() throws IllegalArgumentException, NamingException {
    JndiObjectFactoryBean bean = new JndiObjectFactoryBean();
    return (DataSource)bean.getObject();

You may also need to add the @Lazy annotation wherever the DataSource is being used. e.g.

private DataSource dataSource;

onchange file input change img src and change image color

Below solution tested and its working, hope it will support in your project.
HTML code:
    <input type="file" name="asgnmnt_file" id="asgnmnt_file" class="span8" 
    style="display:none;" onchange="fileSelected(this)">
    <img id="asgnmnt_file_img" src="uploads/assignments/abc.jpg" width="150" height="150" 
    onclick="passFileUrl()" style="cursor:pointer;">

JavaScript code:
    function passFileUrl(){

    function fileSelected(inputData){
    document.getElementById('asgnmnt_file_img').src = window.URL.createObjectURL(inputData.files[0])

Why am I getting a "401 Unauthorized" error in Maven?

One of the reasons for this error is when repositoryId is not specified or specified incorrectly. As mentioned already it should be the same as in section in settings.xml. Couple of hints... Run mvn with -e -X options and check the debug output. It will tell you which repositoryId it is using:

[DEBUG]   (f) offline = false
[DEBUG]   (f) packaging = exe
[DEBUG]   (f) pomFile = c:\temp\build-test\pom.xml
[DEBUG]   (f) project = MavenProject: org.apache.maven:standalone-pom:1 @ 
[DEBUG]   (f) repositoryId = remote-repository
[DEBUG]   (f) repositoryLayout = default
[DEBUG]   (f) retryFailedDeploymentCount = 1
[DEBUG]   (f) uniqueVersion = true
[DEBUG]   (f) updateReleaseInfo = false
[DEBUG]   (f) url =
[DEBUG]   (f) version = 13.1
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --

In this case it uses the default value "remote-repository", which means that something went wrong.

Apparently I have specified -DrepositoryID (note ID in capital) instead of -DrepositoryId.

Failed to load ApplicationContext from Unit Test: FileNotFound

I faced the same error and realized that pom.xml had java 1.7 and STS compiler pointed to Java 1.8. Upon changing compiler to 1.7 and rebuild fixed the issue.

PS: This answer is not related to actual question posted but applies to similar error for app Context not loading

Could not extract response: no suitable HttpMessageConverter found for response type

Since you return to the client just String and its content type == 'text/plain', there is no any chance for default converters to determine how to convert String response to the FFSampleResponseHttp object.

The simple way to fix it:

  • remove expected-response-type from <int-http:outbound-gateway>
  • add to the replyChannel1 <json-to-object-transformer>

Otherwise you should write your own HttpMessageConverter to convert the String to the appropriate object.

To make it work with MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter (one of default converters) and your expected-response-type, you should send your reply with content type = 'application/json'.

If there is a need, just add <header-enricher> after your <service-activator> and before sending a reply to the <int-http:inbound-gateway>.

So, it's up to you which solution to select, but your current state doesn't work, because of inconsistency with default configuration.


OK. Since you changed your server to return FfSampleResponseHttp object as HTTP response, not String, just add contentType = 'application/json' header before sending the response for the HTTP and MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter will do the stuff for you - your object will be converted to JSON and with correct contentType header.

From client side you should come back to the expected-response-type="com.mycompany.MyChannel.model.FFSampleResponseHttp" and MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter should do the stuff for you again.

Of course you should remove <json-to-object-transformer> from you message flow after <int-http:outbound-gateway>.

Java 8 NullPointerException in Collectors.toMap

Retaining all questions ids with small tweak

Map<Integer, Boolean> answerMap =
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Answer::getId, a -> 

Using Java generics for JPA findAll() query with WHERE clause

Hat tip to Adam Bien if you don't want to use createQuery with a String and want type safety:

 EntityManager em;

 public List<ConfigurationEntry> allEntries() {
        CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<ConfigurationEntry> cq = cb.createQuery(ConfigurationEntry.class);
        Root<ConfigurationEntry> rootEntry = cq.from(ConfigurationEntry.class);
        CriteriaQuery<ConfigurationEntry> all =;
        TypedQuery<ConfigurationEntry> allQuery = em.createQuery(all);
        return allQuery.getResultList();

Spring data jpa- No bean named 'entityManagerFactory' is defined; Injection of autowired dependencies failed

Had this issue when migrated spring boot 1.5.2 to 2.0.4. Instead of creating bean I've used @EnableAutoConfiguration in the main class and it solved my problem.

How to convert an iterator to a stream?

Create Spliterator from Iterator using Spliterators class contains more than one function for creating spliterator, for example here am using spliteratorUnknownSize which is getting iterator as parameter, then create Stream using StreamSupport

Spliterator<Model> spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
        iterator, Spliterator.NONNULL);
Stream<Model> stream =, false);

DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -206, SQLSTATE: 42703

That only means that an undefined column or parameter name was detected. The errror that DB2 gives should point what that may be:


Double check your table definition. Maybe you just missed adding something.

I also tried google-ing this problem and saw this:

WAITING at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)

From the stack trace it's clear that, the ThreadPoolExecutor > Worker thread started and it's waiting for the task to be available on the BlockingQueue(DelayedWorkQueue) to pick the task and execute.So this thread will be in WAIT status only as long as get a SIGNAL from the publisher thread.

Remove last character from string. Swift language

Swift 3: When you want to remove trailing string:

func replaceSuffix(_ suffix: String, replacement: String) -> String {
    if hasSuffix(suffix) {
        let sufsize = suffix.count < count ? -suffix.count : 0
        let toIndex = index(endIndex, offsetBy: sufsize)
        return substring(to: toIndex) + replacement
        return self

Spring Boot - Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE

If you want to use embedded H2 database from Spring Boot starter add the below dependency to your pom file.


But as mentioned in comments, the embedded H2 database keeps data in memory and doesn't stores it permanently.

How to use UIVisualEffectView to Blur Image?

Here is how to use UIVibrancyEffect and UIBlurEffect with UIVisualEffectView


// Blur effect
UIBlurEffect *blurEffect = [UIBlurEffect effectWithStyle:UIBlurEffectStyleDark];
UIVisualEffectView *blurEffectView = [[UIVisualEffectView alloc] initWithEffect:blurEffect];
[blurEffectView setFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:blurEffectView];

// Vibrancy effect
UIVibrancyEffect *vibrancyEffect = [UIVibrancyEffect effectForBlurEffect:blurEffect];
UIVisualEffectView *vibrancyEffectView = [[UIVisualEffectView alloc] initWithEffect:vibrancyEffect];
[vibrancyEffectView setFrame:self.view.bounds];

// Label for vibrant text
UILabel *vibrantLabel = [[UILabel alloc] init];
[vibrantLabel setText:@"Vibrant"];
[vibrantLabel setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:72.0f]];
[vibrantLabel sizeToFit];
[vibrantLabel setCenter:];

// Add label to the vibrancy view
[[vibrancyEffectView contentView] addSubview:vibrantLabel];

// Add the vibrancy view to the blur view
[[blurEffectView contentView] addSubview:vibrancyEffectView];

Swift 4:

    // Blur Effect
    let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: UIBlurEffectStyle.dark)
    let blurEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
    blurEffectView.frame = view.bounds

    // Vibrancy Effect
    let vibrancyEffect = UIVibrancyEffect(blurEffect: blurEffect)
    let vibrancyEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: vibrancyEffect)
    vibrancyEffectView.frame = view.bounds

    // Label for vibrant text
    let vibrantLabel = UILabel()
    vibrantLabel.text = "Vibrant"
    vibrantLabel.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 72.0)
    vibrantLabel.sizeToFit() =

    // Add label to the vibrancy view

    // Add the vibrancy view to the blur view

How do you use String.substringWithRange? (or, how do Ranges work in Swift?)

The short answer is that this is really hard in Swift right now. My hunch is that there is still a bunch of work for Apple to do on convenience methods for things like this.

String.substringWithRange() is expecting a Range<String.Index> parameter, and as far as I can tell there isn't a generator method for the String.Index type. You can get String.Index values back from aString.startIndex and aString.endIndex and call .succ() or .pred() on them, but that's madness.

How about an extension on the String class that takes good old Ints?

extension String {
    subscript (r: Range<Int>) -> String {
        get {
            let subStart = advance(self.startIndex, r.startIndex, self.endIndex)
            let subEnd = advance(subStart, r.endIndex - r.startIndex, self.endIndex)
            return self.substringWithRange(Range(start: subStart, end: subEnd))
    func substring(from: Int) -> String {
        let end = countElements(self)
        return self[from..<end]
    func substring(from: Int, length: Int) -> String {
        let end = from + length
        return self[from..<end]

let mobyDick = "Call me Ishmael."
println(mobyDick[8...14])             // Ishmael

let dogString = "This 's name is Patch."
println(dogString[5..<6])               // 
println(dogString[5...5])              // 
println(dogString.substring(5))        // 's name is Patch.
println(dogString.substring(5, length: 1))   // 

Update: Swift beta 4 resolves the issues below!

As it stands [in beta 3 and earlier], even Swift-native strings have some issues with handling Unicode characters. The dog icon above worked, but the following doesn't:

let harderString = "1:1??"
for character in harderString {



How do I check if a string contains another string in Swift?

If you want to check that one String contains another Sub-String within it or not you can check it like this too,

var name = String()  
name = "John has two apples." 

Now, in this particular string if you want to know if it contains fruit name 'apple' or not you can do,

if name.contains("apple")      
print("Yes , it contains fruit name")    
 print(it does not contain any fruit name)    

Hope this works for you.

filter items in a python dictionary where keys contain a specific string

Go for whatever is most readable and easily maintainable. Just because you can write it out in a single line doesn't mean that you should. Your existing solution is close to what I would use other than I would user iteritems to skip the value lookup, and I hate nested ifs if I can avoid them:

for key, val in d.iteritems():
    if filter_string not in key:
    # do something

However if you realllly want something to let you iterate through a filtered dict then I would not do the two step process of building the filtered dict and then iterating through it, but instead use a generator, because what is more pythonic (and awesome) than a generator?

First we create our generator, and good design dictates that we make it abstract enough to be reusable:

# The implementation of my generator may look vaguely familiar, no?
def filter_dict(d, filter_string):
    for key, val in d.iteritems():
        if filter_string not in key:
        yield key, val

And then we can use the generator to solve your problem nice and cleanly with simple, understandable code:

for key, val in filter_dict(d, some_string):
    # do something

In short: generators are awesome.

upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream

Add the following to your conf file

fastcgi_buffers 16 16k; 
fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;

invalid new-expression of abstract class type

If you use C++11, you can use the specifier "override", and it will give you a compiler error if your aren't correctly overriding an abstract method. You probably have a method that doesn't match exactly with an abstract method in the base class, so your aren't actually overriding it.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'MyController':

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'MyController'

Make sure that you have added ojdbc14.jar into your library.

For oracle 11g, usie ojdbc6.jar.

How to disable SSL certificate checking with Spring RestTemplate?

In my case, with letsencrypt https, this was caused by using cert.pem instead of fullchain.pem as the certificate file on the requested server. See this thread for details.

How to find what code is run by a button or element in Chrome using Developer Tools

Solution 1: Framework blackboxing

Works great, minimal setup and no third parties.

According to Chrome's documentation:

What happens when you blackbox a script?

Exceptions thrown from library code will not pause (if Pause on exceptions is enabled), Stepping into/out/over bypasses the library code, Event listener breakpoints don't break in library code, The debugger will not pause on any breakpoints set in library code. The end result is you are debugging your application code instead of third party resources.

Here's the updated workflow:
  1. Pop open Chrome Developer Tools (F12 or ?+?+i), go to settings (upper right, or F1). Find a tab on the left called "Blackboxing"

enter image description here

  1. This is where you put the RegEx pattern of the files you want Chrome to ignore while debugging. For example: jquery\..*\.js (glob pattern/human translation: jquery.*.js)
  2. If you want to skip files with multiple patterns you can add them using the pipe character, |, like so: jquery\..*\.js|include\.postload\.js (which acts like an "or this pattern", so to speak. Or keep adding them with the "Add" button.
  3. Now continue to Solution 3 described down below.

Bonus tip! I use Regex101 regularly (but there are many others: ) to quickly test my rusty regex patterns and find out where I'm wrong with the step-by-step regex debugger. If you are not yet "fluent" in Regular Expressions I recommend you start using sites that help you write and visualize them such as and

You can also use the context menu when working in the Sources panel. When viewing a file, you can right-click in the editor and choose Blackbox Script. This will add the file to the list in the Settings panel:

enter image description here

Solution 2: Visual Event

enter image description here

It's an excellent tool to have:

Visual Event is an open-source Javascript bookmarklet which provides debugging information about events that have been attached to DOM elements. Visual Event shows:

  • Which elements have events attached to them
  • The type of events attached to an element
  • The code that will be run with the event is triggered
  • The source file and line number for where the attached function was defined (Webkit browsers and Opera only)

Solution 3: Debugging

You can pause the code when you click somewhere in the page, or when the DOM is modified... and other kinds of JS breakpoints that will be useful to know. You should apply blackboxing here to avoid a nightmare.

In this instance, I want to know what exactly goes on when I click the button.

  1. Open Dev Tools -> Sources tab, and on the right find Event Listener Breakpoints:

    enter image description here

  2. Expand Mouse and select click

  3. Now click the element (execution should pause), and you are now debugging the code. You can go through all code pressing F11 (which is Step in). Or go back a few jumps in the stack. There can be a ton of jumps

Solution 4: Fishing keywords

With Dev Tools activated, you can search the whole codebase (all code in all files) with ?+?+F or:

enter image description here

and searching #envio or whatever the tag/class/id you think starts the party and you may get somewhere faster than anticipated.

Be aware sometimes there's not only an img but lots of elements stacked, and you may not know which one triggers the code.

If this is a bit out of your knowledge, take a look at Chrome's tutorial on debugging.

Class is not abstract and does not override abstract method

If you're trying to take advantage of polymorphic behavior, you need to ensure that the methods visible to outside classes (that need polymorphism) have the same signature. That means they need to have the same name, number and order of parameters, as well as the parameter types.

In your case, you might do better to have a generic draw() method, and rely on the subclasses (Rectangle, Ellipse) to implement the draw() method as what you had been thinking of as "drawEllipse" and "drawRectangle".

How to test Spring Data repositories?

With JUnit5 and @DataJpaTest test will look like (kotlin code):

@ExtendWith(value = [SpringExtension::class])
class ActivityJpaTest {

    lateinit var entityManager: TestEntityManager

    lateinit var myEntityRepository: MyEntityRepository

    fun shouldSaveEntity() {
        // when
        val savedEntity =, "test")

        // then 

You could use TestEntityManager from org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.TestEntityManager package in order to validate entity state.

How to resolve the "ADB server didn't ACK" error?

For me it didn't work , it was related to a path problem happened after android studio 2.0 preview 1, I needed to update genymotion and virtual box, and apparently they tried to use same port for adb.

Solution is explained here link! Basically you just need to:

1) open genymotion settings

2) specify sdk path for the adb manually

3) adb kill-server

4) adb start-server

Postgresql SELECT if string contains

SELECT id FROM TAG_TABLE WHERE 'aaaaaaaa' LIKE '%' || "tag_name" || '%';

tag_name should be in quotation otherwise it will give error as tag_name doest not exist

INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

I found the error: I have a library that it was built using jdk 1.6. The Spring main controller and components are in this library. And how I use jdk 1.7, It does not find the classes built in 1.6.

The solution was built all using "compiler compliance level: 1.7" and "Generated .class files compatibility: 1.6", "Source compatibility: 1.6".

I setup this option in Eclipse: Preferences\Java\Compiler.

Thanks everybody.

java IO Exception: Stream Closed

You call writer.close(); in writeToFile so the writer has been closed the second time you call writeToFile.

Why don't you merge FileStatus into writeToFile?

How to fix Hibernate LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of roles, could not initialize proxy - no Session

First of all I'd like to say that all users who said about lazy and transactions were right. But in my case there was a slight difference in that I used result of @Transactional method in a test and that was outside real transaction so I got this lazy exception.

My service method:

User get(String uid) {};

My test code:

User user = userService.get("123");
user.getActors(); //org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role

My solution to this was wrapping that code in another transaction like this:

List<Actor> actors = new ArrayList<>();
 -> actors.addAll(userService.get("123").getActors()));

Spring Security exclude url patterns in security annotation configurartion

Where are you configuring your authenticated URL pattern(s)? I only see one uri in your code.

Do you have multiple configure(HttpSecurity) methods or just one? It looks like you need all your URIs in the one method.

I have a site which requires authentication to access everything so I want to protect /*. However in order to authenticate I obviously want to not protect /login. I also have static assets I'd like to allow access to (so I can make the login page pretty) and a healthcheck page that shouldn't require auth.

In addition I have a resource, /admin, which requires higher privledges than the rest of the site.

The following is working for me.

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {



NOTE: This is a first match wins so you may need to play with the order. For example, I originally had /** first:


Which caused the site to continually redirect all requests for /login back to /login. Likewise I had /admin/** last:


Which resulted in my unprivledged test user "guest" having access to the admin interface (yikes!)

How are people unit testing with Entity Framework 6, should you bother?

In order to unit test code that relies on your database you need to setup a database or mock for each and every test.

  1. Having a database (real or mocked) with a single state for all your tests will bite you quickly; you cannot test all records are valid and some aren't from the same data.
  2. Setting up an in-memory database in a OneTimeSetup will have issues where the old database is not cleared down before the next test starts up. This will show as tests working when you run them individually, but failing when you run them all.
  3. A Unit test should ideally only set what affects the test

I am working in an application that has a lot of tables with a lot of connections and some massive Linq blocks. These need testing. A simple grouping missed, or a join that results in more than 1 row will affect results.

To deal with this I have setup a heavy Unit Test Helper that is a lot of work to setup, but enables us to reliably mock the database in any state, and running 48 tests against 55 interconnected tables, with the entire database setup 48 times takes 4.7 seconds.

Here's how:

  1. In the Db context class ensure each table class is set to virtual

    public virtual DbSet<Branch> Branches { get; set; }
    public virtual DbSet<Warehouse> Warehouses { get; set; }
  2. In a UnitTestHelper class create a method to setup your database. Each table class is an optional parameter. If not supplied, it will be created through a Make method

    internal static Db Bootstrap(bool onlyMockPassedTables = false, List<Branch> branches = null, List<Products> products = null, List<Warehouses> warehouses = null)
        if (onlyMockPassedTables == false) {
            branches ??= new List<Branch> { MakeBranch() };
            warehouses ??= new List<Warehouse>{ MakeWarehouse() };
  3. For each table class, each object in it is mapped to the other lists

        branches?.ForEach(b => {
            b.Warehouse = warehouses.FirstOrDefault(w => w.ID == b.WarehouseID);
        warehouses?.ForEach(w => {
            w.Branches = branches.Where(b => b.WarehouseID == w.ID);
  4. And add it to the DbContext

         var context = new Db(new DbContextOptionsBuilder<Db>().UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options);
         return context;
  5. Define a list of IDs to make is easier to reuse them and make sure joins are valid

     internal const int BranchID = 1;
     internal const int WarehouseID = 2;
  6. Create a Make for each table to setup the most basic, but connected version it can be

     internal static Branch MakeBranch(int id = BranchID, string code = "The branch", int warehouseId = WarehouseID) => new Branch { ID = id, Code = code, WarehouseID = warehouseId };
     internal static Warehouse MakeWarehouse(int id = WarehouseID, string code = "B", string name = "My Big Warehouse") => new Warehouse { ID = id, Code = code, Name = name };

It's a lot of work, but it only needs doing once, and then your tests can be very focused because the rest of the database will be setup for it.

[TestCase(new string [] {"ABC", "DEF"}, "ABC", ExpectedResult = 1)]
[TestCase(new string [] {"ABC", "BCD"}, "BC", ExpectedResult = 2)]
[TestCase(new string [] {"ABC"}, "EF", ExpectedResult = 0)]
[TestCase(new string[] { "ABC", "DEF" }, "abc", ExpectedResult = 1)]
public int Given_SearchingForBranchByName_Then_ReturnCount(string[] codesInDatabase, string searchString)
    // Arrange
    var branches = codesInDatabase.Select(x => UnitTestHelpers.MakeBranch(code: $"qqqq{x}qqq")).ToList();
    var db = UnitTestHelpers.Bootstrap(branches: branches);
    var service = new BranchService(db);

    // Act
    var result = service.SearchByName(searchString);

    // Assert
    return result.Count();

"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send." With SSL Certificate

For me it was tls12:

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

Debugging the error "gcc: error: x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: No such file or directory"

After a fair amount of work, I was able to get it to build on Ubuntu 12.04 x86 and Debian 7.4 x86_64. I wrote up a guide below. Can you please try following it to see if it resolves the issue?

If not please let me know where you get stuck.

Install Common Dependencies

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config python-opengl python-imaging python-pyrex python-pyside.qtopengl idle-python2.7 qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer libqtgui4 libqtcore4 libqt4-xml libqt4-test libqt4-script libqt4-network libqt4-dbus python-qt4 python-qt4-gl libgle3 python-dev

Install NumArray 1.5.2

wget -O numarray-1.5.2.tgz
tar xfvz numarray-1.5.2.tgz
cd numarray-1.5.2
sudo python install

Install Numeric 23.8

wget -O numeric-23.8.tgz
tar xfvz numeric-23.8.tgz
cd Numeric-23.8
sudo python install

Install HDF5 1.6.5

tar xfvz hdf5-1.6.5.tar.gz
cd hdf5-1.6.5
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make 
sudo make install

Install Nanoengineer

git clone
cd nanoengineer
sudo make install


On Debian Jessie, you will receive the error message that cant pants mentioned. There seems to be an issue in the automake scripts. x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc is inserted in CFLAGS and gcc will interpret that as a name of one of the source files. As a workaround, let's create an empty file with that name. Empty so that it won't change the program and that very name so that compiler picks it up. From the cloned nanoengineer directory, run this command to make gcc happy (it is a hack yes, but it does work) ...

touch sim/src/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc

If you receive an error message when attemping to compile HDF5 along the lines of: "error: call to ‘__open_missing_mode’ declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT in second argument needs 3 arguments", then modify the file perform/zip_perf.c, line 548 to look like the following and then rerun make...

output = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);

If you receive an error message about Numeric/arrayobject.h not being found when building Nanoengineer, try running

export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/python2.7
sudo make install

If you receive an error message similar to "TRACE_PREFIX undeclared", modify the file sim/src/simhelp.c lines 38 to 41 to look like this and re-run make:

static char tracePrefix[] = "";
static char tracePrefix[] = "";

If you receive an error message when trying to launch NanoEngineer-1 that mentions something similar to "cannot import name GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB", modify the lines in the following files


that look like this:


to look like this:

from OpenGL.GL.ARB.vertex_buffer_object import GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_AR
from OpenGL.GL.ARB.vertex_buffer_object import GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB

I also found an additional troubleshooting text file that has been removed, but you can find it here

Name [jdbc/mydb] is not bound in this Context

You need a ResourceLink in your META-INF/context.xml file to make the global resource available to the web application.

 <ResourceLink name="jdbc/mydb"
              type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

Failed to build gem native extension (installing Compass)

For Mac OS:

My error was I forgot to select option in XCode - Preferences - Locations - Command Line Tools after new XCode installation (I had 2 versions and later I deleted one). Maybe it will help someone.

enter image description here

Why does my Spring Boot App always shutdown immediately after starting?

In my case the problem was introduced when I fixed a static analysis error that the return value of a method was not used.

Old working code in my was:

    public static void main(String[] args) {     , args);

New code that introduced the problem was:

    public static void main(String[] args) {        
      try (ConfigurableApplicationContext context = 
, args)) {
        LOG.trace("context: " + context);

Obviously, the try with resource block will close the context after starting the application which will result in the application exiting with status 0. This was a case where the resource leak error reported by snarqube static analysis should be ignored.

How can I open a .tex file?

A .tex file should be a LaTeX source file.

If this is the case, that file contains the source code for a LaTeX document. You can open it with any text editor (notepad, notepad++ should work) and you can view the source code. But if you want to view the final formatted document, you need to install a LaTeX distribution and compile the .tex file.

Of course, any program can write any file with any extension, so if this is not a LaTeX document, then we can't know what software you need to install to open it. Maybe if you upload the file somewhere and link it in your question we can see the file and provide more help to you.

Yes, this is the source code of a LaTeX document. If you were able to paste it here, then you are already viewing it. If you want to view the compiled document, you need to install a LaTeX distribution. You can try to install MiKTeX then you can use that to compile the document to a .pdf file.

You can also check out this question and answer for how to do it: How to compile a LaTeX document?

Also, there's an online LaTeX editor and you can paste your code in there to preview the document:

Function stoi not declared

stoi is a C++11 function. If you aren't using a compiler that understands C++11, this simply won't compile.

You can use a stringstream instead to read the input:

stringstream ss(hours0);
ss >> hours;

Using $state methods with $stateChangeStart toState and fromState in Angular ui-router

Suggestion 1

When you add an object to $stateProvider.state that object is then passed with the state. So you can add additional properties which you can read later on when needed.

Example route configuration

.state('public', {
    abstract: true,
    module: 'public'
.state('public.login', {
    url: '/login',
    module: 'public'
.state('tool', {
    abstract: true,
    module: 'private'
.state('tool.suggestions', {
    url: '/suggestions',
    module: 'private'

The $stateChangeStart event gives you acces to the toState and fromState objects. These state objects will contain the configuration properties.

Example check for the custom module property

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(e, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
    if (toState.module === 'private' && !$cookies.Session) {
        // If logged out and transitioning to a logged in page:
    } else if (toState.module === 'public' && $cookies.Session) {
        // If logged in and transitioning to a logged out page:

I didn't change the logic of the cookies because I think that is out of scope for your question.

Suggestion 2

You can create a Helper to get you this to work more modular.

Value publicStates

myApp.value('publicStates', function(){
    return {
      module: 'public',
      routes: [{
        name: 'login', 
        config: { 
          url: '/login'

Value privateStates

myApp.value('privateStates', function(){
    return {
      module: 'private',
      routes: [{
        name: 'suggestions', 
        config: { 
          url: '/suggestions'

The Helper

myApp.provider('stateshelperConfig', function () {
  this.config = {
    // These are the properties we need to set
    // $stateProvider: undefined
    process: function (stateConfigs){
      var module = stateConfigs.module;
      $stateProvider = this.$stateProvider;
      $stateProvider.state(module, {
        abstract: true,
        module: module
      angular.forEach(stateConfigs, function (route){
        route.config.module = module;
        $stateProvider.state(module +, route.config);

  this.$get = function () {
    return {
      config: this.config

Now you can use the helper to add the state configuration to your state configuration.

myApp.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', 
    'stateshelperConfigProvider', 'publicStates', 'privateStates',
  function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, helper, publicStates, privateStates) {
    helper.config.$stateProvider = $stateProvider;

This way you can abstract the repeated code, and come up with a more modular solution.

Note: the code above isn't tested

What is the runtime performance cost of a Docker container?

Here's some more benchmarks for Docker based memcached server versus host native memcached server using Twemperf benchmark tool with 5000 connections and 20k connection rate

Connect time overhead for docker based memcached seems to agree with above whitepaper at roughly twice native speed.

Twemperf Docker Memcached

Connection rate: 9817.9 conn/s
Connection time [ms]: avg 341.1 min 73.7 max 396.2 stddev 52.11
Connect time [ms]: avg 55.0 min 1.1 max 103.1 stddev 28.14
Request rate: 83942.7 req/s (0.0 ms/req)
Request size [B]: avg 129.0 min 129.0 max 129.0 stddev 0.00
Response rate: 83942.7 rsp/s (0.0 ms/rsp)
Response size [B]: avg 8.0 min 8.0 max 8.0 stddev 0.00
Response time [ms]: avg 28.6 min 1.2 max 65.0 stddev 0.01
Response time [ms]: p25 24.0 p50 27.0 p75 29.0
Response time [ms]: p95 58.0 p99 62.0 p999 65.0

Twemperf Centmin Mod Memcached

Connection rate: 11419.3 conn/s
Connection time [ms]: avg 200.5 min 0.6 max 263.2 stddev 73.85
Connect time [ms]: avg 26.2 min 0.0 max 53.5 stddev 14.59
Request rate: 114192.6 req/s (0.0 ms/req)
Request size [B]: avg 129.0 min 129.0 max 129.0 stddev 0.00
Response rate: 114192.6 rsp/s (0.0 ms/rsp)
Response size [B]: avg 8.0 min 8.0 max 8.0 stddev 0.00
Response time [ms]: avg 17.4 min 0.0 max 28.8 stddev 0.01
Response time [ms]: p25 12.0 p50 20.0 p75 23.0
Response time [ms]: p95 28.0 p99 28.0 p999 29.0

Here's bencmarks using memtier benchmark tool

memtier_benchmark docker Memcached

4         Threads
50        Connections per thread
10000     Requests per thread
Type        Ops/sec     Hits/sec   Misses/sec      Latency       KB/sec
Sets       16821.99          ---          ---      1.12600      2271.79
Gets      168035.07    159636.00      8399.07      1.12000     23884.00
Totals    184857.06    159636.00      8399.07      1.12100     26155.79

memtier_benchmark Centmin Mod Memcached

4         Threads
50        Connections per thread
10000     Requests per thread
Type        Ops/sec     Hits/sec   Misses/sec      Latency       KB/sec
Sets       28468.13          ---          ---      0.62300      3844.59
Gets      284368.51    266547.14     17821.36      0.62200     39964.31
Totals    312836.64    266547.14     17821.36      0.62200     43808.90

How to specify names of columns for x and y when joining in dplyr?

This feature has been added in dplyr v0.3. You can now pass a named character vector to the by argument in left_join (and other joining functions) to specify which columns to join on in each data frame. With the example given in the original question, the code would be:

left_join(test_data, kantrowitz, by = c("first_name" = "name"))

Python: Find a substring in a string and returning the index of the substring

There's a builtin method find on string objects.

s = "Happy Birthday"
s2 = "py"


Python is a "batteries included language" there's code written to do most of what you want already (whatever you want).. unless this is homework :)

find returns -1 if the string cannot be found.

"Could not find a part of the path" error message

There's something wrong. You have written:

string source_dir = @"E:\\Debug\\VipBat\\{0}";

and the error was

Could not find a part of the path E\Debug\VCCSBat

This is not the same directory.

In your code there's a problem, you have to use:

string source_dir = @"E:\Debug\VipBat"; // remove {0} and the \\ if using @


string source_dir = "E:\\Debug\\VipBat"; // remove {0} and the @ if using \\

Spring Boot: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

In my case we added the @Profile annotation newly in order to ignore the TestApplication class in production mode and the Application class in test mode.

Unfortunately, we forgot to add the following line into the files:

Without these config no profile was loaded which caused the not-so-much saying Spring Error.

Jboss server error : Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."jbpm-console.war"

  1. delete your project folder under C:\....\wildfly-9.0.1.Final\standalone\deployments\YOUR-PROJEKT-FOLDER
  2. restart your wildfly-server

T-SQL split string based on delimiter

I just wanted to give an alternative way to split a string with multiple delimiters, in case you are using a SQL Server version under 2016.

The general idea is to split out all of the characters in the string, determine the position of the delimiters, then obtain substrings relative to the delimiters. Here is a sample:

-- Sample data
DECLARE @testTable TABLE (
    TestString      VARCHAR(50)

DECLARE @delimiter VARCHAR(1) = ','

-- Generate numbers with which we can enumerate
;WITH Numbers AS (


    SELECT N + 1
    FROM Numbers 
    WHERE N < 255
-- Enumerate letters in the string and select only the delimiters
Letters AS (
    SELECT  n.N
            , SUBSTRING(t.TestString, n.N, 1) AS Letter
            , t.TestString 
            , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (   PARTITION BY t.TestString
                                    ORDER BY n.N
                                ) AS Delimiter_Number 
    FROM Numbers n
        INNER JOIN @testTable t
            ON n <= LEN(t.TestString)
    WHERE SUBSTRING(t.TestString, n, 1) = @delimiter 


    -- Include 0th position to "delimit" the start of the string
    SELECT  0
            , NULL
            , t.TestString 
            , 0
    FROM @testTable t 
-- Obtain substrings based on delimiter positions
SELECT  t.TestString 
        , ds.Delimiter_Number + 1 AS Position
        , SUBSTRING(t.TestString, ds.N + 1, ISNULL(de.N, LEN(t.TestString) + 1) - ds.N - 1) AS Delimited_Substring 
FROM @testTable t
    LEFT JOIN Letters ds
        ON t.TestString = ds.TestString 
    LEFT JOIN Letters de
        ON t.TestString = de.TestString 
        AND ds.Delimiter_Number + 1 = de.Delimiter_Number  

Why should I use IHttpActionResult instead of HttpResponseMessage?

This is just my personal opinion and folks from web API team can probably articulate it better but here is my 2c.

First of all, I think it is not a question of one over another. You can use them both depending on what you want to do in your action method but in order to understand the real power of IHttpActionResult, you will probably need to step outside those convenient helper methods of ApiController such as Ok, NotFound, etc.

Basically, I think a class implementing IHttpActionResult as a factory of HttpResponseMessage. With that mind set, it now becomes an object that need to be returned and a factory that produces it. In general programming sense, you can create the object yourself in certain cases and in certain cases, you need a factory to do that. Same here.

If you want to return a response which needs to be constructed through a complex logic, say lots of response headers, etc, you can abstract all those logic into an action result class implementing IHttpActionResult and use it in multiple action methods to return response.

Another advantage of using IHttpActionResult as return type is that it makes ASP.NET Web API action method similar to MVC. You can return any action result without getting caught in media formatters.

Of course, as noted by Darrel, you can chain action results and create a powerful micro-pipeline similar to message handlers themselves in the API pipeline. This you will need depending on the complexity of your action method.

Long story short - it is not IHttpActionResult versus HttpResponseMessage. Basically, it is how you want to create the response. Do it yourself or through a factory.

"Templates can be used only with field access, property access, single-dimension array index, or single-parameter custom indexer expressions" error

The ...For extension methods on the HtmlHelper (e.g., DisplayFor, TextBoxFor, ElementFor, etc...) take a property and nothing else. If you don't have a property, use the non-For method (e.g., Display, TextBox, Element, etc...).

The ...For extension methods provides a way of simplifying postback by naming the control after the property. This is why it takes an expression and not simply a value. If you are not interested in this postback facilitation then do not use the ...For methods at all.

Note: You should not be doing things like calling ToString inside the view. This should be done inside the view model. I realize that a lot of demo projects put domain objects straight into the view. In my experience, this rarely works because it assumes that you do not want any formatting on the data in the domain entity. Best practice is to create a view model that wraps the entity into something that can be directly consumed by the view. Most of the properties in this view model should be strings that are already formatted or data for which you have element or display templates created.

How to resolve "could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [numbering];"?

In my case, I had a OneToOne relation which I was using with @Column by mistake. I changed it to @JoinColumn and added @OneToOne annotation and it fixed the exception.

Javascript: Unicode string to hex

Here you go. :D


for non unicode


ASCII (utf-8) binary HEX string to string

"68656c6c6f20776f726c6421".match(/.{1,2}/g).reduce((acc,char)=>acc+String.fromCharCode(parseInt(char, 16)),"")

String to ASCII (utf-8) binary HEX string

"hello world!".split("").reduce((hex,c)=>hex+=c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(2,"0"),"")

--- unicode ---

String to UNICODE (utf-16) binary HEX string

"hello world!".split("").reduce((hex,c)=>hex+=c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(4,"0"),"")

UNICODE (utf-16) binary HEX string to string

"00680065006c006c006f00200077006f0072006c00640021".match(/.{1,4}/g).reduce((acc,char)=>acc+String.fromCharCode(parseInt(char, 16)),"")

How To Inject AuthenticationManager using Java Configuration in a Custom Filter

Override method authenticationManagerBean in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to expose the AuthenticationManager built using configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) as a Spring bean:

For example:

   public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
       return super.authenticationManagerBean();

How to implement the Java comparable interface?

Implement Comparable<Animal> interface in your class and provide implementation of int compareTo(Animal other) method in your class.See This Post

How to fix org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException - could not initialize proxy - no Session

if you use spring data jpa , spring boot you can add this line in

data.table vs dplyr: can one do something well the other can't or does poorly?

In direct response to the Question Title...

dplyr definitely does things that data.table can not.

Your point #3

dplyr abstracts (or will) potential DB interactions

is a direct answer to your own question but isn't elevated to a high enough level. dplyr is truly an extendable front-end to multiple data storage mechanisms where as data.table is an extension to a single one.

Look at dplyr as a back-end agnostic interface, with all of the targets using the same grammer, where you can extend the targets and handlers at will. data.table is, from the dplyr perspective, one of those targets.

You will never (I hope) see a day that data.table attempts to translate your queries to create SQL statements that operate with on-disk or networked data stores.

dplyr can possibly do things data.table will not or might not do as well.

Based on the design of working in-memory, data.table could have a much more difficult time extending itself into parallel processing of queries than dplyr.

In response to the in-body questions...


Are there analytical tasks that are a lot easier to code with one or the other package for people familiar with the packages (i.e. some combination of keystrokes required vs. required level of esotericism, where less of each is a good thing).

This may seem like a punt but the real answer is no. People familiar with tools seem to use the either the one most familiar to them or the one that is actually the right one for the job at hand. With that being said, sometimes you want to present a particular readability, sometimes a level of performance, and when you have need for a high enough level of both you may just need another tool to go along with what you already have to make clearer abstractions.


Are there analytical tasks that are performed substantially (i.e. more than 2x) more efficiently in one package vs. another.

Again, no. data.table excels at being efficient in everything it does where dplyr gets the burden of being limited in some respects to the underlying data store and registered handlers.

This means when you run into a performance issue with data.table you can be pretty sure it is in your query function and if it is actually a bottleneck with data.table then you've won yourself the joy of filing a report. This is also true when dplyr is using data.table as the back-end; you may see some overhead from dplyr but odds are it is your query.

When dplyr has performance issues with back-ends you can get around them by registering a function for hybrid evaluation or (in the case of databases) manipulating the generated query prior to execution.

Also see the accepted answer to when is plyr better than data.table?

how to use substr() function in jquery?

If you want to extract from a tag then


With the mouseover event,

$(this).text($(this).text().substr(0, 25));

The above will extract the text of a tag, then extract again assign it back. Remote host closed connection during handshake during web service communicaiton

Thanks to all for sharing your answers and examples. The same standalone program worked for me by small changes and adding the lines of code below.

In this case, keystore file was given by webservice provider.

// Small changes during connection initiation.. 

// Please add this static block 

      static {

        HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier()

            {   @Override

        public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession arg1) {

        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                if (hostname.equals("X.X.X.X")) {

                    System.out.println("Return TRUE"+hostname);

                    return true;


                System.out.println("Return FALSE");

                return false;


String xmlServerURL = "https://X.X.X.X:8080/services/EndpointPort";

URL urlXMLServer = new URL(null,xmlServerURL,new;

HttpsURLConnection httpsURLConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) urlXMLServer               .openConnection();

// Below extra lines are added to the same program

//Keystore file 

 System.setProperty("", "Drive:/FullPath/");

 System.setProperty("", "Password"); // Password given by vendor

//TrustStore file


System.setProperty("", "Password");

async for loop in node.js

You've correctly diagnosed your problem, so good job. Once you call into your search code, the for loop just keeps right on going.

I'm a big fan of, and it serves me well. Basically with it you'd end up with something like:

var async = require('async')
async.eachSeries(Object.keys(config), function (key, next){ 
  search(config[key].query, function(err, result) { // <----- I added an err here
    if (err) return next(err)  // <---- don't keep going if there was an error

    var json = JSON.stringify({
      "result": result
    results[key] = {
      "result": result
    next()    /* <---- critical piece.  This is how the forEach knows to continue to
                       the next loop.  Must be called inside search's callback so that
                       it doesn't loop prematurely.*/
}, function(err) {
  console.log('iterating done');

I hope that helps!

How to add row of data to Jtable from values received from jtextfield and comboboxes

Peeskillet's lame tutorial for working with JTables in Netbeans GUI Builder

  • Set the table column headers
    1. Highglight the table in the design view then go to properties pane on the very right. Should be a tab that says "Properties". Make sure to highlight the table and not the scroll pane surrounding it, or the next step wont work
    2. Click on the ... button to the right of the property model. A dialog should appear.
    3. Set rows to 0, set the number of columns you want, and their names.
  • Add a button to the frame somwhere,. This button will be clicked when the user is ready to submit a row

    1. Right-click on the button and select Events -> Action -> actionPerformed
    2. You should see code like the following auto-generated

      private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) {}
  • The jTable1 will have a DefaultTableModel. You can add rows to the model with your data

    private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) {
        String data1 = something1.getSomething();
        String data2 = something2.getSomething();
        String data3 = something3.getSomething();
        String data4 = something4.getSomething();
        Object[] row = { data1, data2, data3, data4 };
        DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) jTable1.getModel();
        // clear the entries.

So for every set of data like from a couple text fields, a combo box, and a check box, you can gather that data each time the button is pressed and add it as a row to the model.

"PKIX path building failed" and "unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

If you are seeing this issue in a linux container when java application is trying to communicate with another application/site, it is because the certificate have been imported incorrectly into the load balancer. There is sequence of steps to be followed for importing certificates and that if not done correctly, you will see issues like

Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid 
certification path to requested target

Once the certs are imported correctly, it should be done. No need to tinker with any JDK certs.

android studio 0.4.2: Gradle project sync failed error

This is what worked for me with Android Studio 1.0.2:

File -> Settings-> Gradle Set 'Use default Gradle wrapper.'

The other methods didn't seem to work for me.

SEVERE: ContainerBase.addChild: start:org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start error

According to me, this would happen if there are two offending classes of same name but with different version. Usually, it happens due to servlet-api.jar. If its present in lib folder of your war, then pls remove it using whichever tool used for building war. Or in case of maven, add the dependency with scope specified as "provided". This will solve the compilation issue and at run time it will refer to jar provided by server environment. Pls configure the dependency as follows:


SQL - The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

Just make sure that your Dates are compatible or can be run properly in your database manager(e.g. SQL Server Management Studio). For example, the DateTime.Now C# function is invalid in SQL server meaning your query has to include valid functions like GETDATE() for SQL Server.

This change has worked perfectly for me.

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of START_OBJECT token

Instead of the JSON document, you can update the ObjectMapper object like below :

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true);

Is there a splice method for strings?

The method Louis's answer, as a String prototype function:

String.prototype.splice = function(index, count, add) {
  if (index < 0) {
    index = this.length + index;
    if (index < 0) {
      index = 0;
  return this.slice(0, index) + (add || "") + this.slice(index + count);


 > "Held!".splice(3,0,"lo Worl")
 < "Hello World!"

Test if string begins with a string?

Judging by the declaration and description of the startsWith Java function, the "most straight forward way" to implement it in VBA would either be with Left:

Public Function startsWith(str As String, prefix As String) As Boolean
    startsWith = Left(str, Len(prefix)) = prefix
End Function

Or, if you want to have the offset parameter available, with Mid:

Public Function startsWith(str As String, prefix As String, Optional toffset As Integer = 0) As Boolean
    startsWith = Mid(str, toffset + 1, Len(prefix)) = prefix
End Function

Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory

Adding dependencies didn't fix the issue at my end.

The issue was happening at my end because of "additional" fields that are part of the "@Entity" class and don't exist in the database.

I removed the additional fields from the @Entity class and it worked.

PHP salt and hash SHA256 for login password

You can't do that because you can not know the salt at a precise time. Below, a code who works in theory (not tested for the syntaxe)

$password1 = $_POST['password'];
$salt      = 'hello_1m_@_SaLT';
$hashed    = hash('sha256', $password1 . $salt);

When you insert :

$qry="INSERT INTO member VALUES('$username', '$hashed')";

And for retrieving user :

$qry="SELECT * FROM member WHERE username='$username' AND password='$hashed'";

Launching Spring application Address already in use

It is really old question. Maybe this is usefull. Focusing in your title problem, it is how I start my applications and then I can easily shutdown them. Change the port number for each application you want to start as mentioned above.

#using curl -X POST localhost:8080/actuator/shutdown to avoid:
#netstat -ano | find "8080"
#taskkill /F /PID xxxx (xxxx stands for PID)

add this dependency:


Now you can shotdown easily by

curl -X POST localhost:8080/actuator/shutdown

what is the use of annotations @Id and @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)? Why the generationtype is identity?

Simply, @Id: This annotation specifies the primary key of the entity. 

@GeneratedValue: This annotation is used to specify the primary key generation strategy to use. i.e Instructs database to generate a value for this field automatically. If the strategy is not specified by default AUTO will be used. 

GenerationType enum defines four strategies: 
1. Generation Type . TABLE, 
2. Generation Type. SEQUENCE,
3. Generation Type. IDENTITY   
4. Generation Type. AUTO


With this strategy, underlying persistence provider must use a database sequence to get the next unique primary key for the entities. 


With this strategy, underlying persistence provider must use a database table to generate/keep the next unique primary key for the entities. 

This GenerationType indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity using a database identity column. IDENTITY column is typically used in SQL Server. This special type column is populated internally by the table itself without using a separate sequence. If underlying database doesn't support IDENTITY column or some similar variant then the persistence provider can choose an alternative appropriate strategy. In this examples we are using H2 database which doesn't support IDENTITY column.

This GenerationType indicates that the persistence provider should automatically pick an appropriate strategy for the particular database. This is the default GenerationType, i.e. if we just use @GeneratedValue annotation then this value of GenerationType will be used. 


javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element. Expected elements are (none)

Alternatively if you want to persist in using the DocumentType class. Then you could just add the following annotation on top of your DocumentType class.


Note: the String value "document" refers to the name of the root tag of the xml message.

Load arrayList data into JTable

I created an arrayList from it and I somehow can't find a way to store this information into a JTable.

The DefaultTableModel doesn't support displaying custom Objects stored in an ArrayList. You need to create a custom TableModel.

You can check out the Bean Table Model. It is a reusable class that will use reflection to find all the data in your FootballClub class and display in a JTable.

Or, you can extend the Row Table Model found in the above link to make is easier to create your own custom TableModel by implementing a few methods. The source code give a complete example of how you can do this.

Creating a JSON Array in node js

This one helped me,

                            var responseData    = {};
                            responseData['status'] = 200;
                            responseData['outputPath']  = outputDirectoryPath;
                            responseData['sourcePath']  = url;
                            responseData['message'] = 'Scraping of requested resource initiated.';
                            responseData['logfile'] = logFileName;

@Autowired - No qualifying bean of type found for dependency

  • One reason BeanB may not exist in the context
  • Another cause for the exception is the existence of two bean
  • Or definitions in the context bean that isn’t defined is requested by name from the Spring context

see more this url:

Could not resolve placeholder in string value

I had the same problem, resolved it by adding


in pom.xml :

before (didn't work):


after(it worked):


After that you just run mvn clean install and deploy application.

ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string / Select sum where date query

You can try as follows it works for me

select * from nm_admission where trunc(entry_timestamp) = to_date('09-SEP-2018','DD-MM-YY');


select * from nm_admission where trunc(entry_timestamp) = '09-SEP-2018';

You can also try using to_char but remember to_char is too expensive

select * from nm_admission where to_char(entry_timestamp) = to_date('09-SEP-2018','DD-MM-YY');

The TRUNC(17-SEP-2018 08:30:11) will give 17-SEP-2018 00:00:00 as a result, you can compare the only date portion independently and time portion will skip.

Unable to Build using MAVEN with ERROR - Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile

For me, I changed C:\apps\Java\jdk1.8_162\bin\javac.exe to C:\apps\Java\jdk1.8_162\bin\javacpl.exe Since there was no executable with that name in the bin folder. That worked.

BeanFactory not initialized or already closed - call 'refresh' before

The issue here is that the version of spring-web that you're using (3.1.1-RELEASE) is not compatible with the version of spring-beans that you're using (3.0.2-RELEASE). At the top of the stack you can see the NoSuchMethodError which in turn triggers the BeanFactory not initialized... exception.

The NoSuchMethodError is caused because the method invocation XmlWebApplicationContext.loadBeanDefinitions() in spring-web is trying to call XmlBeanDefinitionReader.setEnvironment() in spring-beans which doesn't exist in 3.0.2-RELEASE. It does however exist in 3.1.1-RELEASE - as setEnvironment is inherited from the parent AbstractBeanDefinitionReader.

To resolve, you'd probably be best to upgrade the spring-beans jar to 3.1.1-RELEASE. The version for this jar appears to be parameterized in your pom.xml and is controlled by the property org.springframework.version further down in the file.

Assert equals between 2 Lists in Junit

Don't transform to string and compare. This is not good for perfomance. In the junit, inside Corematchers, there's a matcher for this => hasItems

List<Integer> yourList = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4)    
assertThat(yourList, CoreMatchers.hasItems(1,2,3,4,5));

This is the better way that I know of to check elements in a list.

webpack: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve (with relative path)

changing templateUrl: '' to template: '' fixed it

jQuery removeClass wildcard

You could also use the className property of the element's DOM object:

var $hello = $('#hello');
$('#hello').attr('class', $hello.get(0).className.replace(/\bcolor-\S+/g, ''));

Deep copy in ES6 using the spread syntax

// use: clone( <thing to copy> ) returns <new copy>
// untested use at own risk
function clone(o, m){
  // return non object values
  if('object' !==typeof o) return o
  // m: a map of old refs to new object refs to stop recursion
  if('object' !==typeof m || null ===m) m =new WeakMap()
  var n =m.get(o)
  if('undefined' !==typeof n) return n
  // shallow/leaf clone object
  var c =Object.getPrototypeOf(o).constructor
  // TODO: specialize copies for expected built in types i.e. Date etc
  switch(c) {
    // shouldn't be copied, keep reference
    case Boolean:
    case Error:
    case Function:
    case Number:
    case Promise:
    case String:
    case Symbol:
    case WeakMap:
    case WeakSet:
      n =o
    // array like/collection objects
    case Array:
      m.set(o, n =o.slice(0))
      // recursive copy for child objects
        if('object' ===typeof v) n[i] =clone(v, m)
    case ArrayBuffer:
      m.set(o, n =o.slice(0))
    case DataView:
      m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(o.buffer, m), o.byteOffset, o.byteLength))
    case Map:
    case Set:
      m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(Array.from(o.entries()), m)))
    case Int8Array:
    case Uint8Array:
    case Uint8ClampedArray:
    case Int16Array:
    case Uint16Array:
    case Int32Array:
    case Uint32Array:
    case Float32Array:
    case Float64Array:
      m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(o.buffer, m), o.byteOffset, o.length))
    // use built in copy constructor
    case Date:
    case RegExp:
      m.set(o, n =new (c)(o))
    // fallback generic object copy
      m.set(o, n =Object.assign(new (c)(), o))
      // recursive copy for child objects
      for(c in n) if('object' ===typeof n[c]) n[c] =clone(n[c], m)
  return n

Min/Max of dates in an array?

**Use Spread Operators| ES6 **

let datesVar = [ 2017-10-26T03:37:10.876Z,
  2015-10-23T03:37:10.876Z ]


That will give the minimum date from the array.

Its shorthand Math.min.apply(null, ArrayOfdates);

Centos/Linux setting logrotate to maximum file size for all logs

It specifies the size of the log file to trigger rotation. For example size 50M will trigger a log rotation once the file is 50MB or greater in size. You can use the suffix M for megabytes, k for kilobytes, and G for gigabytes. If no suffix is used, it will take it to mean bytes. You can check the example at the end. There are three directives available size, maxsize, and minsize. According to manpage:

minsize size
              Log  files  are  rotated when they grow bigger than size bytes,
              but not before the additionally specified time interval (daily,
              weekly,  monthly, or yearly).  The related size option is simi-
              lar except that it is mutually exclusive with the time interval
              options,  and  it causes log files to be rotated without regard
              for the last rotation time.  When minsize  is  used,  both  the
              size and timestamp of a log file are considered.

size size
              Log files are rotated only if they grow bigger then size bytes.
              If size is followed by k, the size is assumed to  be  in  kilo-
              bytes.  If the M is used, the size is in megabytes, and if G is
              used, the size is in gigabytes. So size 100,  size  100k,  size
              100M and size 100G are all valid.
maxsize size
              Log files are rotated when they grow bigger than size bytes even before
              the additionally specified time interval (daily, weekly, monthly, 
              or yearly).  The related size option is  similar  except  that  it 
              is mutually exclusive with the time interval options, and it causes
              log files to be rotated without regard for the last rotation time.  
              When maxsize is used, both the size and timestamp of a log file are                  

Here is an example:

"/var/log/httpd/access.log" /var/log/httpd/error.log {
           rotate 5
           mail [email protected]
           size 100k
               /usr/bin/killall -HUP httpd

Here is an explanation for both files /var/log/httpd/access.log and /var/log/httpd/error.log. They are rotated whenever it grows over 100k in size, and the old logs files are mailed (uncompressed) to [email protected] after going through 5 rotations, rather than being removed. The sharedscripts means that the postrotate script will only be run once (after the old logs have been compressed), not once for each log which is rotated. Note that the double quotes around the first filename at the beginning of this section allows logrotate to rotate logs with spaces in the name. Normal shell quoting rules apply, with ,, and \ characters supported.

Android layout replacing a view with another view on run time

And if you do that very often, you could use a ViewSwitcher or a ViewFlipper to ease view substitution.

Java 8 NullPointerException in Collectors.toMap

Retaining all questions ids with small tweak

Map<Integer, Boolean> answerMap =
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Answer::getId, a -> 

How to refresh an IFrame using Javascript?

Works for IE, Mozzila, Chrome

document.getElementById('YOUR IFRAME').contentDocument.location.reload(true);

Can "git pull --all" update all my local branches?

This still isn't automatic, as I wish there was an option for - and there should be some checking to make sure that this can only happen for fast-forward updates (which is why manually doing a pull is far safer!!), but caveats aside you can:

git fetch origin
git update-ref refs/heads/other-branch origin/other-branch

to update the position of your local branch without having to check it out.

Note: you will be losing your current branch position and moving it to where the origin's branch is, which means that if you need to merge you will lose data!

Inline functions in C#?

You're mixing up two separate concepts. Function inlining is a compiler optimization which has no impact on the semantics. A function behaves the same whether it's inlined or not.

On the other hand, lambda functions are purely a semantic concept. There is no requirement on how they should be implemented or executed, as long as they follow the behavior set out in the language spec. They can be inlined if the JIT compiler feels like it, or not if it doesn't.

There is no inline keyword in C#, because it's an optimization that can usually be left to the compiler, especially in JIT'ed languages. The JIT compiler has access to runtime statistics which enables it to decide what to inline much more efficiently than you can when writing the code. A function will be inlined if the compiler decides to, and there's nothing you can do about it either way. :)

Create JPA EntityManager without persistence.xml configuration file

I was able to create an EntityManager with Hibernate and PostgreSQL purely using Java code (with a Spring configuration) the following:

public DataSource dataSource() {
    final PGSimpleDataSource dataSource = new PGSimpleDataSource();

    dataSource.setDatabaseName( "mytestdb" );
    dataSource.setUser( "myuser" );

    return dataSource;

public Properties hibernateProperties(){
    final Properties properties = new Properties();

    properties.put( "hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect" );
    properties.put( "hibernate.connection.driver_class", "org.postgresql.Driver" );
    properties.put( "", "create-drop" );

    return properties;

public EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory( DataSource dataSource, Properties hibernateProperties ){
    final LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean em = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
    em.setDataSource( dataSource );
    em.setPackagesToScan( "net.initech.domain" );
    em.setJpaVendorAdapter( new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter() );
    em.setJpaProperties( hibernateProperties );
    em.setPersistenceUnitName( "mytestdomain" );

    return em.getObject();

The call to LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet() is essential since otherwise the factory never gets built, and then getObject() returns null and you are chasing after NullPointerExceptions all day long. >:-(

It then worked with the following code:

PageEntry pe = new PageEntry();
pe.setLinkName( "Google" );
pe.setLinkDestination( new URL( "" ) );

EntityTransaction entTrans = entityManager.getTransaction();
entityManager.persist( pe );

Where my entity was this:

@Table(name = "page_entries")
public class PageEntry {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private long id;

    private String linkName;
    private URL linkDestination;

    // gets & setters omitted

How to take column-slices of dataframe in pandas

Here's how you could use different methods to do selective column slicing, including selective label based, index based and the selective ranges based column slicing.

In [37]: import pandas as pd    
In [38]: import numpy as np
In [43]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4,7), columns = list('abcdefg'))

In [44]: df
          a         b         c         d         e         f         g
0  0.409038  0.745497  0.890767  0.945890  0.014655  0.458070  0.786633
1  0.570642  0.181552  0.794599  0.036340  0.907011  0.655237  0.735268
2  0.568440  0.501638  0.186635  0.441445  0.703312  0.187447  0.604305
3  0.679125  0.642817  0.697628  0.391686  0.698381  0.936899  0.101806

In [45]: df.loc[:, ["a", "b", "c"]] ## label based selective column slicing 
          a         b         c
0  0.409038  0.745497  0.890767
1  0.570642  0.181552  0.794599
2  0.568440  0.501638  0.186635
3  0.679125  0.642817  0.697628

In [46]: df.loc[:, "a":"c"] ## label based column ranges slicing 
          a         b         c
0  0.409038  0.745497  0.890767
1  0.570642  0.181552  0.794599
2  0.568440  0.501638  0.186635
3  0.679125  0.642817  0.697628

In [47]: df.iloc[:, 0:3] ## index based column ranges slicing 
          a         b         c
0  0.409038  0.745497  0.890767
1  0.570642  0.181552  0.794599
2  0.568440  0.501638  0.186635
3  0.679125  0.642817  0.697628

### with 2 different column ranges, index based slicing: 
In [49]: df[df.columns[0:1].tolist() + df.columns[1:3].tolist()]
          a         b         c
0  0.409038  0.745497  0.890767
1  0.570642  0.181552  0.794599
2  0.568440  0.501638  0.186635
3  0.679125  0.642817  0.697628

How to prevent sticky hover effects for buttons on touch devices

Thats too easy to use javascrpt. thats not hover problem thats focus problem. set outline to none when focus using css.

.button:focus {
outline: none;

HTTP POST with URL query parameters -- good idea or not?

Everyone is right: stick with POST for non-idempotent requests.

What about using both an URI query string and request content? Well it's valid HTTP (see note 1), so why not?!

It is also perfectly logical: URLs, including their query string part, are for locating resources. Whereas HTTP method verbs (POST - and its optional request content) are for specifying actions, or what to do with resources. Those should be orthogonal concerns. (But, they are not beautifully orthogonal concerns for the special case of ContentType=application/x-www-form-urlencoded, see note 2 below.)

Note 1: HTTP specification (1.1) does not state that query parameters and content are mutually exclusive for a HTTP server that accepts POST or PUT requests. So any server is free to accept both. I.e. if you write the server there's nothing to stop you choosing to accept both (except maybe an inflexible framework). Generally, the server can interpret query strings according to whatever rules it wants. It can even interpret them with conditional logic that refers to other headers like Content-Type too, which leads to Note 2:

Note 2: if a web browser is the primary way people are accessing your web application, and application/x-www-form-urlencoded is the Content-Type they are posting, then you should follow the rules for that Content-Type. And the rules for application/x-www-form-urlencoded are much more specific (and frankly, unusual): in this case you must interpret the URI as a set of parameters, and not a resource location. [This is the same point of usefulness Powerlord raised; that it may be hard to use web forms to POST content to your server. Just explained a little differently.]

Note 3: what are query strings originally for? RFC 3986 defines HTTP query strings as an URI part that works as a non-hierarchical way of locating a resource.

In case readers asking this question wish to ask what is good RESTful architecture: the RESTful architecture pattern doesn't require URI schemes to work a specific way. RESTful architecture concerns itself with other properties of the system, like cacheability of resources, the design of the resources themselves (their behavior, capabilities, and representations), and whether idempotence is satisfied. Or in other words, achieving a design which is highly compatible with HTTP protocol and its set of HTTP method verbs. :-) (In other words, RESTful architecture is not very presciptive with how the resources are located.)

Final note: sometimes query parameters get used for yet other things, which are neither locating resources nor encoding content. Ever seen a query parameter like 'PUT=true' or 'POST=true'? These are workarounds for browsers that don't allow you to use PUT and POST methods. While such parameters are seen as part of the URL query string (on the wire), I argue that they are not part of the URL's query in spirit.

How to create python bytes object from long hex string?

You can do this with the hex codec. ie:

>>> s='000000000000484240FA063DE5D0B744ADBED63A81FAEA390000C8428640A43D5005BD44'
>>> s.decode('hex')

JQuery - Call the jquery button click event based on name property

You can use normal CSS selectors to select an element by name using jquery. Like this:

Button Code
<button type="button" name="mybutton">Click Me!</button>

Selector & Event Bind Code
$("button[name='mybutton']").click(function() {});

"Post Image data using POSTMAN"

Follow the below steps:

  1. No need to give any type of header.
  2. Select body > form-data and do same as shown in the image. 1

  3. Now in your Django

def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    image = request.FILES["image"]
    data = json.loads(['data'])
    return Response(...)
  1. You can access all the keys (id, uid etc..) from the data variable.

Get only the Date part of DateTime in mssql

Another nifty way is:

DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [YourDate]))

Which gets the number of days from DAY 0 to YourDate and the adds it to DAY 0 to set the baseline again. This method (or "derivatives" hereof) can be used for a bunch of other date manipulation.

Edit - other date calculations:

First Day of Month:

DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, getdate()), 0)

First Day of the Year:

DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, getdate()), 0)

First Day of the Quarter:

DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(qq, 0, getdate()), 0)

Last Day of Prior Month:

DATEADD(ms, -3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, getdate()), 0))

Last Day of Current Month:

DATEADD(ms, -3, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m, 0, getdate()) + 1, 0))

Last Day of Current Year:

DATEADD(ms, -3, DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, getdate()) + 1, 0))

First Monday of the Month:

DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 0, DATEADD(dd, 6 - DATEPART(day, getdate()), getdate())), 0)        

Edit: True, Joe, it does not add it to DAY 0, it adds 0 (days) to the number of days which basically just converts it back to a datetime.

Set a button background image iPhone programmatically

In case it helps anyone setBackgroundImage didn't work for me, but setImage did

How to disable anchor "jump" when loading a page?

I used dave1010's solution, but it was a bit jumpy when I put it inside the $().ready function. So I did this: (not inside the $().ready)

    if (location.hash) {               // do the test straight away
        window.scrollTo(0, 0);         // execute it straight away
        setTimeout(function() {
            window.scrollTo(0, 0);     // run it a bit later also for browser compatibility
        }, 1);

?: ?? Operators Instead Of IF|ELSE

The ternary operator (?:) is not designed for control flow, it's only designed for conditional assignment. If you need to control the flow of your program, use a control structure, such as if/else.

Host binding and Host listening

@HostListener is a decorator for the callback/event handler method, so remove the ; at the end of this line:

@HostListener('click', ['$']);

Here's a working plunker that I generated by copying the code from the API docs, but I put the onClick() method on the same line for clarity:

import {Component, HostListener, Directive} from 'angular2/core';

@Directive({selector: 'button[counting]'})
class CountClicks {
  numberOfClicks = 0;
  @HostListener('click', ['$']) onClick(btn) {
    console.log("button", btn, "number of clicks:", this.numberOfClicks++);
  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `<button counting>Increment</button>`,
  directives: [CountClicks]
export class AppComponent {
  constructor() { console.clear(); }

Host binding can also be used to listen to global events:

To listen to global events, a target must be added to the event name. The target can be window, document or body (reference)

@HostListener('document:keyup', ['$event'])
handleKeyboardEvent(kbdEvent: KeyboardEvent) { ... }

How Connect to remote host from Aptana Studio 3

Window -> Show View -> Other -> Studio/Remote

(Drag this tabbed window wherever)

Click the add FTP button (see below); #profit

Add New FTP Site...

Structs in Javascript

I use objects JSON style for dumb structs (no member functions).

How to change resolution (DPI) of an image?

This code using merge and convert 200 dbi

  static void Main(string[] args)
        { Path string Outputpath = @"C:\Users\MDASARATHAN\Desktop\TX_HARDIN_10-01-2016_K";

            string[] TotalFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Outputpath, "*.tif", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            foreach (string filename in TotalFiles)

                Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(filename);

                string ExportFilename = string.Empty;
                int Pagecount = 0;
                bool bFirstImage = true;
                bitmap.SetResolution(200, 200);

                ExportFilename = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename) + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(filename)+"f";
                MemoryStream byteStream = new MemoryStream();
                Pagecount = bitmap.GetFrameCount(FrameDimension.Page);

                if (bFirstImage)
                    bitmap.Save(byteStream, ImageFormat.Tiff);
                    bFirstImage = false;
                } Image tiff = Image.FromStream(byteStream);
                ImageCodecInfo encoderInfo = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders().First(i => i.MimeType == "image/tiff");
                EncoderParameters encoderParams = new EncoderParameters(2);
                EncoderParameter parameter = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Compression, (long)EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT4);
                encoderParams.Param[0] = parameter;
                parameter = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.SaveFlag, (long)EncoderValue.MultiFrame);
                encoderParams.Param[1] = parameter;
              //  bitmap.Dispose();

                    tiff.Save(ExportFilename, encoderInfo, encoderParams);
                catch (Exception ex)

                EncoderParameters EncoderParams = new EncoderParameters(2);
                EncoderParameter SaveEncodeParam = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.SaveFlag, (long)EncoderValue.FrameDimensionPage);
                EncoderParameter CompressionEncodeParam = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Compression, (long)EncoderValue.CompressionCCITT4);
                EncoderParams.Param[0] = CompressionEncodeParam;
                EncoderParams.Param[1] = SaveEncodeParam;
                if (bFirstImage == false)

                    for (int i = 1; i < Pagecount; i++)

                            //bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(filenames);
                            byteStream = new MemoryStream();
                            bitmap.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Page, i);
                            bitmap.Save(byteStream, ImageFormat.Tiff);
                            bitmap.SetResolution(200, 200);
                            tiff.SaveAdd(bitmap, EncoderParams);


                } SaveEncodeParam = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.SaveFlag, (long)EncoderValue.Flush);
                EncoderParams = new EncoderParameters(1);
                EncoderParams.Param[0] = SaveEncodeParam;



How to take off line numbers in Vi?

To turn off line numbering, again follow the preceding instructions, except this time enter the following line at the : prompt:

set nonumber

How to convert from Hex to ASCII in JavaScript?

For completeness sake the reverse function:

function a2hex(str) {
  var arr = [];
  for (var i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i ++) {
    var hex = Number(str.charCodeAt(i)).toString(16);
  return arr.join('');
a2hex('2460'); //returns 32343630

How do you set the width of an HTML Helper TextBox in ASP.NET MVC?

For this you have to use HtmlAttributes, but there is a catch: HtmlAttributes and css class .

you can define it like this:

new { Attrubute="Value", AttributeTwo = IntegerValue, @class="className" };

and here is a more realistic example:

new { style="width:50px" };
new { style="width:50px", maxsize = 50 };
new {size=30, @class="required"}

and finally in:


<%= Html.TextBox("test", new { style="width:50px" }) %> 


<%= Html.TextBox("test", null, new { style="width:50px" }) %> 


@Html.TextBox("test", null, new { style="width:50px" })

Wget output document and headers to STDOUT

It works here:

    $ wget -S -O -
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 
  HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
  Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 10:15:38 GMT
  Expires: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 10:15:38 GMT
  Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000
  Server: gws
  Content-Length: 219
  X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
  X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Location: [following]
--2012-08-25 12:20:29--
Resolving (,,, ...

  ...skipped a few more redirections ...

    [<=>                                                                                                                                     ] 0           --.-K/s              
<!doctype html><html itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><head><meta itemprop="image" content="/images/google_favicon_128.png"><ti 

... skipped ...

perhaps you need to update your wget (~$ wget --version GNU Wget 1.14 built on linux-gnu.)

Android setOnClickListener method - How does it work?

It works by same principle of anonymous inner class where we can instantiate an interface without actually defining a class :

Ref: no protocol on URL based on a string modified with URLEncoder

Thanks to Erhun's answer I finally realised that my JSON mapper was returning the quotation marks around my data too! I needed to use "asText()" instead of "toString()"

It's not an uncommon issue - one's brain doesn't see anything wrong with the correct data, surrounded by quotes!



Command line for looking at specific port

Use the lsof command "lsof -i tcp:port #", here is an example.

$ lsof -i tcp:1555 
java    27330 john  121u  IPv4 36028819      0t0  TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
java    27330 john  201u  IPv4 36018833      0t0  TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
java    27330 john  264u  IPv4 36020018      0t0  TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
java    27330 john  312u  IPv4 36058194      0t0  TCP> (ESTABLISHED)

python : list index out of range error while iteratively popping elements

You're changing the size of the list while iterating over it, which is probably not what you want and is the cause of your error.

Edit: As others have answered and commented, list comprehensions are better as a first choice and especially so in response to this question. I offered this as an alternative for that reason, and while not the best answer, it still solves the problem.

So on that note, you could also use filter, which allows you to call a function to evaluate the items in the list you don't want.


>>> l = [1,2,3,0,0,1]
>>> filter(lambda x: x > 0, l)
[1, 2, 3]

Live and learn. Simple is better, except when you need things to be complex.

How to limit google autocomplete results to City and Country only

Basically same as the accepted answer, but updated with new type and multiple country restrictions:

function initialize() {

 var options = {
  types: ['(regions)'],
  componentRestrictions: {country: ["us", "de"]}

 var input = document.getElementById('searchTextField');
 var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);

Using '(regions)' instead of '(cities)' allows to search by postal code as well as city name.

See official documentation, Table 3:

How to concatenate two numbers in javascript?

I converted back to number like this..

const timeNow = '' + 12 + 45;
const openTime = parseInt(timeNow, 10);

output 1245

-- edit --


for my use this still did not work for me after testing . I had to add the missing zero back in as it was being removed on numbers smaller than 10, my use is for letting code run at certain times May not be correct but it seems to work (so far).

h = new Date().getHours();
m = new Date().getMinutes();
isOpen: boolean;

timeNow = (this.m < 10) ? '' + this.h + 0 + this.m : '' + this.h + this.m;

openTime = parseInt(this.timeNow);

closed() {

(this.openTime >= 1450 && this.openTime <= 1830) ? this.isOpen = true : 
this.isOpen = false;
(this.openTime >= 715 && this.openTime <= 915) ? this.isOpen = true : 
this.isOpen = false;


The vote down was nice thank you :)

I am new to this and come here to learn from you guys an explanation of why would of been nice.

Anyways updated my code to show how i fixed my problem as this post helped me figure it out.

How could I create a list in c++?

We are already in 21st century!! Don't try to implement the already existing data structures. Try to use the existing data structures.

Use STL or Boost library

Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String

The second one causes a new char array to be created, and all chars from the String to be copied to this new char array, so I would guess that the first one is faster (and less memory-hungry).

How to convert float number to Binary?

Consider below example

Convert 2.625 to binary.

We will consider the integer and fractional part separately.

The integral part is easy, 2 = 10. 

For the fractional part:

0.625   × 2 =   1.25    1   Generate 1 and continue with the rest.
0.25    × 2 =   0.5     0   Generate 0 and continue.
0.5     × 2 =   1.0     1   Generate 1 and nothing remains.

So 0.625 = 0.101, and 2.625 = 10.101.

See this link for more information.

Adding up BigDecimals using Streams

Use this approach to sum the list of BigDecimal:

List<BigDecimal> values = ... // List of BigDecimal objects
BigDecimal sum =, y) -> x.add(y)).get();

This approach maps each BigDecimal as a BigDecimal only and reduces them by summing them, which is then returned using the get() method.

Here's another simple way to do the same summing:

List<BigDecimal> values = ... // List of BigDecimal objects
BigDecimal sum =;


If I were to write the class and lambda expression in the edited question, I would have written it as follows:

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class Demo
  public static void main(String[] args)
    LinkedList<Invoice> invoices = new LinkedList<>();
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C1", "I-001", BigDecimal.valueOf(.1), BigDecimal.valueOf(10)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C2", "I-002", BigDecimal.valueOf(.7), BigDecimal.valueOf(13)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C3", "I-003", BigDecimal.valueOf(2.3), BigDecimal.valueOf(8)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C4", "I-004", BigDecimal.valueOf(1.2), BigDecimal.valueOf(7)));

    // Java 8 approach, using Method Reference for mapping purposes.;
    System.out.println("Sum = " +, y) -> x.add(y)).get());

  // This is just my style of writing classes. Yours can differ.
  static class Invoice
    private String company;
    private String number;
    private BigDecimal unitPrice;
    private BigDecimal quantity;

    public Invoice()
      unitPrice = quantity = BigDecimal.ZERO;

    public Invoice(String company, String number, BigDecimal unitPrice, BigDecimal quantity)

    public BigDecimal total()
      return unitPrice.multiply(quantity);

    public String getCompany()
      return company;

    public void setCompany(String company)
    { = company;

    public String getNumber()
      return number;

    public void setNumber(String number)
      this.number = number;

    public BigDecimal getUnitPrice()
      return unitPrice;

    public void setUnitPrice(BigDecimal unitPrice)
      this.unitPrice = unitPrice;

    public BigDecimal getQuantity()
      return quantity;

    public void setQuantity(BigDecimal quantity)
      this.quantity = quantity;

Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

It's because your enum is not the standard library enum module. You probably have the package enum34 installed.

One way check if this is the case is to inspect the property enum.__file__

import enum
# standard library location should be something like 
# /usr/local/lib/python3.6/

Since python 3.6 the enum34 library is no longer compatible with the standard library. The library is also unnecessary, so you can simply uninstall it.

pip uninstall -y enum34

If you need the code to run on python versions both <=3.4 and >3.4, you can try having enum-compat as a requirement. It only installs enum34 for older versions of python without the standard library enum.

Setting background-image using jQuery CSS property

Try modifying the "style" attribute:

$('myObject').attr('style', 'background-image: url("' + imageUrl +'")');

Run jar file with command line arguments

For the question

How can i run a jar file in command prompt but with arguments


To pass arguments to the jar file at the time of execution

java -jar myjar.jar arg1 arg2

In the main() method of "Main-Class" [mentioned in the manifest.mft file]of your JAR file. you can retrieve them like this:

String arg1 = args[0];
String arg2 = args[1];

Test whether string is a valid integer

For portability to pre-Bash 3.1 (when the =~ test was introduced), use expr.

if expr "$string" : '-\?[0-9]\+$' >/dev/null
  echo "String is a valid integer."
  echo "String is not a valid integer."

expr STRING : REGEX searches for REGEX anchored at the start of STRING, echoing the first group (or length of match, if none) and returning success/failure. This is old regex syntax, hence the excess \. -\? means "maybe -", [0-9]\+ means "one or more digits", and $ means "end of string".

Bash also supports extended globs, though I don't recall from which version onwards.

shopt -s extglob
case "$string" of
        echo "String is a valid integer." ;;
        echo "String is not a valid integer." ;;

# equivalently, [[ $string = @(-|)[0-9]*([0-9])) ]]

@(-|) means "- or nothing", [0-9] means "digit", and *([0-9]) means "zero or more digits".

laravel 5.5 The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again

i had same problem. use 'clear browsing data' in chrome. maybe solve your problem.

get unique machine id

Maybe the easiest way is. Get the DeviceId Nuget package

And use it like

string deviceId = new DeviceIdBuilder()

You can personalize the info used to generate the ID

Github Project

pandas: How do I split text in a column into multiple rows?

This splits the Seatblocks by space and gives each its own row.

In [43]: df
   CustNum     CustomerName  ItemQty Item                 Seatblocks  ItemExt
0    32363  McCartney, Paul        3  F04               2:218:10:4,6       60
1    31316     Lennon, John       25  F01  1:13:36:1,12 1:13:37:1,13      300

In [44]: s = df['Seatblocks'].str.split(' ').apply(Series, 1).stack()

In [45]: s.index = s.index.droplevel(-1) # to line up with df's index

In [46]: = 'Seatblocks' # needs a name to join

In [47]: s
0    2:218:10:4,6
1    1:13:36:1,12
1    1:13:37:1,13
Name: Seatblocks, dtype: object

In [48]: del df['Seatblocks']

In [49]: df.join(s)
   CustNum     CustomerName  ItemQty Item  ItemExt    Seatblocks
0    32363  McCartney, Paul        3  F04       60  2:218:10:4,6
1    31316     Lennon, John       25  F01      300  1:13:36:1,12
1    31316     Lennon, John       25  F01      300  1:13:37:1,13

Or, to give each colon-separated string in its own column:

In [50]: df.join(s.apply(lambda x: Series(x.split(':'))))
   CustNum     CustomerName  ItemQty Item  ItemExt  0    1   2     3
0    32363  McCartney, Paul        3  F04       60  2  218  10   4,6
1    31316     Lennon, John       25  F01      300  1   13  36  1,12
1    31316     Lennon, John       25  F01      300  1   13  37  1,13

This is a little ugly, but maybe someone will chime in with a prettier solution.

What does the symbol \0 mean in a string-literal?

char str[]= "Hello\0";

That would be 7 bytes.

In memory it'd be:

48 65 6C 6C 6F 00 00
H  e  l  l  o  \0 \0


  • What does the \0 symbol mean in a C string?
    It's the "end" of a string. A null character. In memory, it's actually a Zero. Usually functions that handle char arrays look for this character, as this is the end of the message. I'll put an example at the end.

  • What is the length of str array? (Answered before the edit part)

  • and with how much 0s it is ending?
    You array has two "spaces" with zero; str[5]=str[6]='\0'=0

Extra example:
Let's assume you have a function that prints the content of that text array. You could define it as:

char str[40];

Now, you could change the content of that array (I won't get into details on how to), so that it contains the message: "This is just a printing test" In memory, you should have something like:

54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6a 75 73 74 20 61 20 70 72 69 6e 74
69 6e 67 20 74 65 73 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

So you print that char array. And then you want a new message. Let's say just "Hello"

48 65 6c 6c 6f 00 73 20 6a 75 73 74 20 61 20 70 72 69 6e 74
69 6e 67 20 74 65 73 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Notice the 00 on str[5]. That's how the print function will know how much it actually needs to send, despite the actual longitude of the vector and the whole content.

Why can't DateTime.Parse parse UTC date

or use the AdjustToUniversal DateTimeStyle in a call to

DateTime.ParseExact(String, String[], IFormatProvider, DateTimeStyles)

Missing Push Notification Entitlement

check Your App Id is Push Enabled or not on in iOS Provisioning Portal If Not then Enabled it,configure Your Push SSL Certificate for your App Id Download it, and Reinstall in Your Keychain Once again then Download Your Distrubution Profile install in your Xcode Liabrary

How to read a text file into a string variable and strip newlines?

In Python 3.5 or later, using pathlib you can copy text file contents into a variable and close the file in one line:

from pathlib import Path
txt = Path('data.txt').read_text()

and then you can use str.replace to remove the newlines:

txt = txt.replace('\n', '')

Best way to pass parameters to jQuery's .load()

In the first case, the data are passed to the script via GET, in the second via POST.

I don't think there are limits to the data size, but the completition of the remote call will of course take longer with great amount of data.

TypeError: got multiple values for argument

Simply put you can't do the following:

class C(object):
    def x(self, y, **kwargs):
        # Which y to use, kwargs or declaration? 

c = C()
y = "Arbitrary value"
kwargs["y"] = "Arbitrary value"
c.x(y, **kwargs) # FAILS

Because you pass the variable 'y' into the function twice: once as kwargs and once as function declaration.

jQuery and TinyMCE: textarea value doesn't submit

I used:

var save_and_add = function(){

This is all you need to do.

Hashing a string with Sha256

In the PHP version you can send 'true' in the last parameter, but the default is 'false'. The following algorithm is equivalent to the default PHP's hash function when passing 'sha256' as the first parameter:

public static string GetSha256FromString(string strData)
        var message = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strData);
        SHA256Managed hashString = new SHA256Managed();
        string hex = "";

        var hashValue = hashString.ComputeHash(message);
        foreach (byte x in hashValue)
            hex += String.Format("{0:x2}", x);
        return hex;

How to reload the datatable(jquery) data?

You could use this function:

function RefreshTable(tableId, urlData)
      //Retrieve the new data with $.getJSON. You could use it ajax too
      $.getJSON(urlData, null, function( json )
        table = $(tableId).dataTable();
        oSettings = table.fnSettings();


        for (var i=0; i<json.aaData.length; i++)
          table.oApi._fnAddData(oSettings, json.aaData[i]);

        oSettings.aiDisplay = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster.slice();

Dont' forget to call it after your delete function has succeded.


java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on working app

Check if the package name in the class matches the package name in the manifest file. This worked for me

Why does my favicon not show up?

Try adding the profile attribute to your head tag and use "image/x-icon" for the type attribute:

<head profile="">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="img/favicon.ico">

If the above code doesn't work, try using the full icon path for the href attribute:

<head profile="">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="">

What's the difference between identifying and non-identifying relationships?

  • An identifying relationship is when the existence of a row in a child table depends on a row in a parent table. This may be confusing because it's common practice these days to create a pseudokey for a child table, but not make the foreign key to the parent part of the child's primary key. Formally, the "right" way to do this is to make the foreign key part of the child's primary key. But the logical relationship is that the child cannot exist without the parent.

    Example: A Person has one or more phone numbers. If they had just one phone number, we could simply store it in a column of Person. Since we want to support multiple phone numbers, we make a second table PhoneNumbers, whose primary key includes the person_id referencing the Person table.

    We may think of the phone number(s) as belonging to a person, even though they are modeled as attributes of a separate table. This is a strong clue that this is an identifying relationship (even if we don't literally include person_id in the primary key of PhoneNumbers).

  • A non-identifying relationship is when the primary key attributes of the parent must not become primary key attributes of the child. A good example of this is a lookup table, such as a foreign key on Person.state referencing the primary key of States.state. Person is a child table with respect to States. But a row in Person is not identified by its state attribute. I.e. state is not part of the primary key of Person.

    A non-identifying relationship can be optional or mandatory, which means the foreign key column allows NULL or disallows NULL, respectively.

See also my answer to Still Confused About Identifying vs. Non-Identifying Relationships

create array from mysql query php

Very often this is done in a while loop:

$types = array();

while(($row =  mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
    $types[] = $row['type'];

Have a look at the examples in the documentation.

The mysql_fetch_* methods will always get the next element of the result set:

Returns an array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows.

That is why the while loops works. If there aren't any rows anymore $row will be false and the while loop exists.

It only seems that mysql_fetch_array gets more than one row, because by default it gets the result as normal and as associative value:

By using MYSQL_BOTH (default), you'll get an array with both associative and number indices.

Your example shows it best, you get the same value 18 and you can access it via $v[0] or $v['type'].

Assigning a function to a variable

when you perform y=x() you are actually assigning y to the result of calling the function object x and the function has a return value of None. Function calls in python are performed using (). To assign x to y so you can call y just like you would x you assign the function object x to y like y=x and call the function using y()

How to download dependencies in gradle

It is hard to figure out exactly what you are trying to do from the question. I'll take a guess and say that you want to add an extra compile task in addition to those provided out of the box by the java plugin.

The easiest way to do this is probably to specify a new sourceSet called 'speedTest'. This will generate a configuration called 'speedTest' which you can use to specify your dependencies within a dependencies block. It will also generate a task called compileSpeedTestJava for you.

For an example, take a look at defining new source sets in the Java plugin documentation

In general it seems that you have some incorrect assumptions about how dependency management works with Gradle. I would echo the advice of the others to read the 'Dependency Management' chapters of the user guide again :)

Connection refused to MongoDB errno 111

I follow this tutorial's instructions for installation

How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04

I had the same mistake. Finally, I found out that I needed to set the port number

The default port number for the mongo command is 27017

But the default port number in mongo.conf is 29999

Error: could not find function "%>%"

The benefit is that the output of previous function is used. You do not need to repeat where the data source comes from, for example.

How do I remove blank pages coming between two chapters in Appendix?

I put the \let\cleardoublepage\clearpage before \makeindex. Else, your content page will display page number based on the page number before you clear the blank page.

How do I link to part of a page? (hash?)

You use an anchor and a hash. For example:

Target of the Link:

 <a name="name_of_target">Content</a>

Link to the Target:

 <a href="#name_of_target">Link Text</a>

Or, if linking from a different page:

 <a href="http://path/to/page/#name_of_target">Link Text</a>

How to split (chunk) a Ruby array into parts of X elements?

If you're using rails you can also use in_groups_of:


Upload Image using POST form data in Python-requests

import requests

image_file_descriptor = open('test.jpg', 'rb')
# Requests makes it simple to upload Multipart-encoded files 
files = {'media': image_file_descriptor}
url = '...', files=files)

Don't forget to close the descriptor, it prevents bugs: Is explicitly closing files important?

<script> tag vs <script type = 'text/javascript'> tag

Douglas Crockford says:


This attribute is optional. Since Netscape 2, the default programming language in all browsers has been JavaScript. In XHTML, this attribute is required and unnecessary. In HTML, it is better to leave it out. The browser knows what to do.

In HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1(.1), the type attribute for <script> elements is required.

Quick Way to Implement Dictionary in C

Create a simple hash function and some linked lists of structures , depending on the hash , assign which linked list to insert the value in . Use the hash for retrieving it as well .

I did a simple implementation some time back :

#define K 16 // chaining coefficient

struct dict
    char *name; /* name of key */
    int val;   /*  value */
    struct dict *next; /* link field */

typedef struct dict dict;
dict *table[K];
int initialized = 0;

void  putval ( char *,int);

void init_dict()
    initialized = 1;
    int i;  
    for(i=0;iname = (char *) malloc (strlen(key_name)+1);
    ptr->val = sval;
    strcpy (ptr->name,key_name);

    ptr->next = (struct dict *)table[hsh];
    table[hsh] = ptr;


int getval ( char *key_name )
    int hsh = hash(key_name);   
    dict *ptr;
    for (ptr = table[hsh]; ptr != (dict *) 0;
        ptr = (dict *)ptr->next)
    if (strcmp (ptr->name,key_name) == 0)
        return ptr->val;
    return -1;

Identifying Exception Type in a handler Catch Block

UPDATED: assuming C# 6, the chances are that your case can be expressed as an exception filter. This is the ideal approach from a performance perspective assuming your requirement can be expressed in terms of it, e.g.:

catch ( Web2PDFException ex ) when ( ex.Code == 52 )

Assuming C# < 6, the most efficient is to catch a specific Exception type and do handling based on that. Any catch-all handling can be done separately

catch ( Web2PDFException ex )


catch ( Web2PDFException ex )
catch ( Exception ex )

or (if you need to write a general handler - which is generally a bad idea, but if you're sure it's best for you, you're sure):

 if( err is Web2PDFException)

or (in certain cases if you need to do some more complex type hierarchy stuff that cant be expressed with is)

 if( err.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Web2PDFException)))

or switch to VB.NET or F# and use is or Type.IsAssignableFrom in Exception Filters

Adding HTML entities using CSS content

Use the hex code for a non-breaking space. Something like this:

.breadcrumbs a:before {
    content: '>\00a0';

How to set the width of a RaisedButton in Flutter?

we use Row or Column, Expanded, Container and the element to use example RaisedButton

 body: Center(
            child: Column(
              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
              children: <Widget>[
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0),
                  children: <Widget>[
                      flex: 2, // we define the width of the button
                      child: Container(
                        // height: 50, we define the height of the button
                        child: Padding(
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10.0),
                          child: RaisedButton(
                            materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
                            textColor: Colors.white,
                            onPressed: () {
                              // Method to execute
                            child: Text('Copy'),
                      flex: 2, // we define the width of the button
                      child: Container(
                        // height: 50, we define the height of the button
                        child: Padding(
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10.0),
                          child: RaisedButton(
                            materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
                            textColor: Colors.white,
                            onPressed: () {
                              // Method to execute
                            child: Text('Paste'),

Reference jars inside a jar

You will need a custom class loader for this, have a look at One Jar.

One-JAR lets you package a Java application together with its dependency Jars into a single executable Jar file.

It has an ant task which can simplify the building of it as well.

REFERENCE (from background)

Most developers reasonably assume that putting a dependency Jar file into their own Jar file, and adding a Class-Path attribute to the META-INF/MANIFEST will do the trick:

| |    Main-Class: com.mydomain.mypackage.Main
| |    Class-Path: commons-logging.jar
| /com/mydomain/mypackage
| |  Main.class
| commons-logging.jar

Unfortunately this is does not work. The Java Launcher$AppClassLoader does not know how to load classes from a Jar inside a Jar with this kind of Class-Path. Trying to use jar:file:jarname.jar!/commons-logging.jar also leads down a dead-end. This approach will only work if you install (i.e. scatter) the supporting Jar files into the directory where the jarname.jar file is installed.

How to open my files in data_folder with pandas using relative path?

current_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) #older/folder2/scripts_folder

csv_filename = os.path.join(current_file, '../data_folder/data.csv')

CSS - Expand float child DIV height to parent's height

A common solution to this problem uses absolute positioning or cropped floats, but these are tricky in that they require extensive tuning if your columns change in number+size, and that you need to make sure your "main" column is always the longest. Instead, I'd suggest you use one of three more robust solutions:

  1. display: flex: by far the simplest & best solution and very flexible - but unsupported by IE9 and older.
  2. table or display: table: very simple, very compatible (pretty much every browser ever), quite flexible.
  3. display: inline-block; width:50% with a negative margin hack: quite simple, but column-bottom borders are a little tricky.

1. display:flex

This is really simple, and it's easy to adapt to more complex or more detailed layouts - but flexbox is only supported by IE10 or later (in addition to other modern browsers).


Relevant html:

<div class="parent"><div>column 1</div><div>column 2</div></div>

Relevant css:

.parent { display: -ms-flex; display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; }
.parent>div { flex:1; }

Flexbox has support for a lot more options, but to simply have any number of columns the above suffices!

2.<table> or display: table

A simple & extremely compatible way to do this is to use a table - I'd recommend you try that first if you need old-IE support. You're dealing with columns; divs + floats simply aren't the best way to do that (not to mention the fact that multiple levels of nested divs just to hack around css limitations is hardly more "semantic" than just using a simple table). If you do not wish to use the table element, consider css display: table (unsupported by IE7 and older).


Relevant html: (but consider using a plain <table> instead)

<div class="parent"><div>column 1</div><div>column 2</div></div>

Relevant css:

.parent { display: table; }
.parent > div {display: table-cell; width:50%; }
/*omit width:50% for auto-scaled column widths*/

This approach is far more robust than using overflow:hidden with floats. You can add pretty much any number of columns; you can have them auto-scale if you want; and you retain compatibility with ancient browsers. Unlike the float solution requires, you also don't need to know beforehand which column is longest; the height scales just fine.

KISS: don't use float hacks unless you specifically need to. If IE7 is an issue, I'd still pick a plain table with semantic columns over a hard-to-maintain, less flexible trick-CSS solution any day.

By the way, if you need your layout to be responsive (e.g. no columns on small mobile phones) you can use a @media query to fall back to plain block layout for small screen widths - this works whether you use <table> or any other display: table element.

3. display:inline block with a negative margin hack.

Another alternative is to use display:inline block.


Relevant html: (the absence of spaces between the div tags is significant!)

<div class="parent"><div><div>column 1</div></div><div><div>column 2</div></div></div>

Relevant css:

.parent { 
    position: relative; width: 100%; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; 

.parent>div { 
    display:inline-block; width:50%; white-space:normal; vertical-align:top; 

.parent>div>div {
    padding-bottom: 32768px; margin-bottom: -32768px; 

This is slightly tricky, and the negative margin means that the "true" bottom of the columns is obscured. This in turn means you can't position anything relative to the bottom of those columns because that's cut off by overflow: hidden. Note that in addition to inline-blocks, you can achieve a similar effect with floats.

TL;DR: use flexbox if you can ignore IE9 and older; otherwise try a (css) table. If neither of those options work for you, there are negative margin hacks, but these can cause weird display issues that are easy to miss during development, and there are layout limitations you need to be aware of.

How to show a GUI message box from a bash script in linux?

How about Ubuntu's alert. It can be used after any operation to alert it finished and even show red cross icon if operaton was finnished with errors

ls -la; alert

Can I create links with 'target="_blank"' in Markdown?

Automated for external links only, using GNU sed & make

If one would like to do this systematically for all external links, CSS is no option. However, one could run the following sed command once the (X)HTML has been created from Markdown:

sed -i 's|href="http|target="_blank" href="http|g' index.html

This can be further automated by adding above sed command to a makefile. For details, see GNU make or see how I have done that on my website.

Android: Clear Activity Stack

When you call startActivity on the last activity you could always use


as a flag on that intent.

Read more about the flag here.

setAttribute('display','none') not working

Try this:

setAttribute("hidden", true);

Regex for checking if a string is strictly alphanumeric

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("Teststring123");
if(matcher.matches()) {
     // yay! alphanumeric!

How can I fix MySQL error #1064?


Error #1064 means that MySQL can't understand your command. To fix it:

  • Read the error message. It tells you exactly where in your command MySQL got confused.

  • Examine your command. If you use a programming language to create your command, use echo, console.log(), or its equivalent to show the entire command so you can see it.

  • Check the manual. By comparing against what MySQL expected at that point, the problem is often obvious.

  • Check for reserved words. If the error occurred on an object identifier, check that it isn't a reserved word (and, if it is, ensure that it's properly quoted).

  1. Aaaagh!! What does #1064 mean?

    Error messages may look like gobbledygook, but they're (often) incredibly informative and provide sufficient detail to pinpoint what went wrong. By understanding exactly what MySQL is telling you, you can arm yourself to fix any problem of this sort in the future.

    As in many programs, MySQL errors are coded according to the type of problem that occurred. Error #1064 is a syntax error.

    • What is this "syntax" of which you speak? Is it witchcraft?

      Whilst "syntax" is a word that many programmers only encounter in the context of computers, it is in fact borrowed from wider linguistics. It refers to sentence structure: i.e. the rules of grammar; or, in other words, the rules that define what constitutes a valid sentence within the language.

      For example, the following English sentence contains a syntax error (because the indefinite article "a" must always precede a noun):

      This sentence contains syntax error a.

    • What does that have to do with MySQL?

      Whenever one issues a command to a computer, one of the very first things that it must do is "parse" that command in order to make sense of it. A "syntax error" means that the parser is unable to understand what is being asked because it does not constitute a valid command within the language: in other words, the command violates the grammar of the programming language.

      It's important to note that the computer must understand the command before it can do anything with it. Because there is a syntax error, MySQL has no idea what one is after and therefore gives up before it even looks at the database and therefore the schema or table contents are not relevant.

  2. How do I fix it?

    Obviously, one needs to determine how it is that the command violates MySQL's grammar. This may sound pretty impenetrable, but MySQL is trying really hard to help us here. All we need to do is…

    • Read the message!

      MySQL not only tells us exactly where the parser encountered the syntax error, but also makes a suggestion for fixing it. For example, consider the following SQL command:

      UPDATE my_table WHERE id=101 SET name='foo'

      That command yields the following error message:

      ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE id=101 SET name='foo'' at line 1

      MySQL is telling us that everything seemed fine up to the word WHERE, but then a problem was encountered. In other words, it wasn't expecting to encounter WHERE at that point.

      Messages that say ...near '' at line... simply mean that the end of command was encountered unexpectedly: that is, something else should appear before the command ends.

    • Examine the actual text of your command!

      Programmers often create SQL commands using a programming language. For example a php program might have a (wrong) line like this:

      $result = $mysqli->query("UPDATE " . $tablename ."SET name='foo' WHERE id=101");

      If you write this this in two lines

      $query = "UPDATE " . $tablename ."SET name='foo' WHERE id=101"
      $result = $mysqli->query($query);

      then you can add echo $query; or var_dump($query) to see that the query actually says

      UPDATE userSET name='foo' WHERE id=101

      Often you'll see your error immediately and be able to fix it.

    • Obey orders!

      MySQL is also recommending that we "check the manual that corresponds to our MySQL version for the right syntax to use". Let's do that.

      I'm using MySQL v5.6, so I'll turn to that version's manual entry for an UPDATE command. The very first thing on the page is the command's grammar (this is true for every command):

      UPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] table_reference
          SET col_name1={expr1|DEFAULT} [, col_name2={expr2|DEFAULT}] ...
          [WHERE where_condition]
          [ORDER BY ...]
          [LIMIT row_count]

      The manual explains how to interpret this syntax under Typographical and Syntax Conventions, but for our purposes it's enough to recognise that: clauses contained within square brackets [ and ] are optional; vertical bars | indicate alternatives; and ellipses ... denote either an omission for brevity, or that the preceding clause may be repeated.

      We already know that the parser believed everything in our command was okay prior to the WHERE keyword, or in other words up to and including the table reference. Looking at the grammar, we see that table_reference must be followed by the SET keyword: whereas in our command it was actually followed by the WHERE keyword. This explains why the parser reports that a problem was encountered at that point.

    A note of reservation

    Of course, this was a simple example. However, by following the two steps outlined above (i.e. observing exactly where in the command the parser found the grammar to be violated and comparing against the manual's description of what was expected at that point), virtually every syntax error can be readily identified.

    I say "virtually all", because there's a small class of problems that aren't quite so easy to spot—and that is where the parser believes that the language element encountered means one thing whereas you intend it to mean another. Take the following example:

    UPDATE my_table SET where='foo'

    Again, the parser does not expect to encounter WHERE at this point and so will raise a similar syntax error—but you hadn't intended for that where to be an SQL keyword: you had intended for it to identify a column for updating! However, as documented under Schema Object Names:

    If an identifier contains special characters or is a reserved word, you must quote it whenever you refer to it. (Exception: A reserved word that follows a period in a qualified name must be an identifier, so it need not be quoted.) Reserved words are listed at Section 9.3, “Keywords and Reserved Words”.

    [ deletia ]

    The identifier quote character is the backtick (“`”):

    mysql> SELECT * FROM `select` WHERE `select`.id > 100;

    If the ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode is enabled, it is also permissible to quote identifiers within double quotation marks:

    mysql> CREATE TABLE "test" (col INT);
    ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax...
    mysql> SET sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES';
    mysql> CREATE TABLE "test" (col INT);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

undefined reference to WinMain@16 (codeblocks)

You should create a new project in Code::Blocks, and make sure it's 'Console Application'.

Add your .cpp files into the project so they are all compiled and linked together.

Convert date field into text in Excel

You can use TEXT like this as part of a concatenation

=TEXT(A1,"dd-mmm-yy") & " other string"

enter image description here

Getting View's coordinates relative to the root layout

The Android API already provides a method to achieve that. Try this:

Rect offsetViewBounds = new Rect();
//returns the visible bounds
// calculates the relative coordinates to the parent
parentViewGroup.offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(childView, offsetViewBounds); 

int relativeTop =;
int relativeLeft = offsetViewBounds.left;

Here is the doc

How do I get the full url of the page I am on in C#

Thanks guys, I used a combination of both your answers @Christian and @Jonathan for my specific need.

"http://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] +  Request.RawUrl.ToString()

I don't need to worry about secure http, needed the servername variable and the RawUrl handles the path from the domain name and includes the querystring if present.

Unable to import path from django.urls

My assumption you already have settings on your

from django.urls import path, include 
# and probably something like this 
    urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('blog.urls')),

and on your app you should have something like this blog/

 from django.urls import path

 from .views import HomePageView, CreateBlogView

 urlpatterns = [
   path('', HomePageView.as_view(), name='home'),
   path('post/', CreateBlogView.as_view(), name='add_blog')

if it's the case then most likely you haven't activated your environment try the following to activate your environment first pipenv shell if you still get the same error try this methods below

make sure Django is installed?? any another packages? i.e pillow try the following

pipenv install django==2.1.5 pillow==5.4.1

then remember to activate your environment

pipenv shell

after the environment is activated try running

python3 makemigrations

python3 migrate

then you will need to run

python3 runserver

I hope this helps

Disable scrolling in webview?

Just use android:focusableInTouchMode="false" on your webView.

How to format numbers by prepending 0 to single-digit numbers?


function zpad(n,l){
   return rep(l-n.toString().length, '0') + n.toString();


function rep(len, chr) { 
   return new Array(len+1).join(chr);

Kubernetes Pod fails with CrashLoopBackOff

I faced similar issue "CrashLoopBackOff" when I debugged getting pods and logs of pod. Found out that my command arguments are wrong

How to add icon to mat-icon-button

The Material icons use the Material icon font, and the font needs to be included with the page.

Here's the CDN from Google Web Fonts:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Understanding Chrome network log "Stalled" state

This comes from the official site of Chome-devtools and it helps. Here i quote:

  • Queuing If a request is queued it indicated that:
    • The request was postponed by the rendering engine because it's considered lower priority than critical resources (such as scripts/styles). This often happens with images.
    • The request was put on hold to wait for an unavailable TCP socket that's about to free up.
    • The request was put on hold because the browser only allows six TCP connections per origin on HTTP 1. Time spent making disk cache entries (typically very quick.)
  • Stalled/Blocking Time the request spent waiting before it could be sent. It can be waiting for any of the reasons described for Queueing. Additionally, this time is inclusive of any time spent in proxy negotiation.

Pip install Matplotlib error with virtualenv

Building Matplotlib requires libpng (and freetype, as well) which isn't a python library, so pip doesn't handle installing it (or freetype).

You'll need to install something along the lines of libpng-devel and freetype-devel (or whatever the equivalent is for your OS).

See the building requirements/instructions for matplotlib.

Opening PDF String in new window with javascript

I just want to add with @Noby Fujioka's response, Edge will not support following"data:application/pdf," + encodeURI(pdfString));

For Edge we need to convert it to blob and this is something like following

//If Browser is Edge
            if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
                var byteCharacters = atob(<Your_base64_Report Data>);
                var byteNumbers = new Array(byteCharacters.length);
                for (var i = 0; i < byteCharacters.length; i++) {
                    byteNumbers[i] = byteCharacters.charCodeAt(i);
                var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);
                var blob = new Blob([byteArray], {
                    type: 'application/pdf'
                window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, "myreport.pdf");
            } else {
                var pdfWindow ="", '_blank');
                pdfWindow.document.write("<iframe width='100%' style='margin: -8px;border: none;' height='100%' src='data:application/pdf;base64, " + encodeURI(<Your_base64_Report Data>) + "'></iframe>");

I do not want to inherit the child opacity from the parent in CSS

As others have mentioned in this and other similar threads, the best way to avoid this problem is to use RGBA/HSLA or else use a transparent PNG.

But, if you want a ridiculous solution, similar to the one linked in another answer in this thread (which is also my website), here's a brand new script I wrote that fixes this problem automatically, called thatsNotYoChild.js:

Basically it uses JavaScript to remove all children from the parent div, then reposition the child elements back to where they should be without actually being children of that element anymore.

To me, this should be a last resort, but I thought it would be fun to write something that did this, if anyone wants to do this.

from unix timestamp to datetime

Note my use of t.format comes from using Moment.js, it is not part of JavaScript's standard Date prototype.

A Unix timestamp is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.

The presence of the +0200 means the numeric string is not a Unix timestamp as it contains timezone adjustment information. You need to handle that separately.

If your timestamp string is in milliseconds, then you can use the milliseconds constructor and Moment.js to format the date into a string:

var t = new Date( 1370001284000 );
var formatted = t.format(" hh:MM:ss");

If your timestamp string is in seconds, then use setSeconds:

var t = new Date();
t.setSeconds( 1370001284 );
var formatted = t.format(" hh:MM:ss");

How to disable back swipe gesture in UINavigationController on iOS 7

Just remove gesture recognizer from NavigationController. Work in iOS 8.

if ([self.navigationController respondsToSelector:@selector(interactivePopGestureRecognizer)])
    [self.navigationController.view removeGestureRecognizer:self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer];

Measuring function execution time in R

As Andrie said, system.time() works fine. For short function I prefer to put replicate() in it:

system.time( replicate(10000, myfunction(with,arguments) ) )

Aggregate function in SQL WHERE-Clause

You can't use an aggregate directly in a WHERE clause; that's what HAVING clauses are for.

You can use a sub-query which contains an aggregate in the WHERE clause.

Counting unique values in a column in pandas dataframe like in Qlik?

you can use unique property by using len function

len(df['hID'].unique()) 5

How to check if variable's type matches Type stored in a variable

In order to check if an object is compatible with a given type variable, instead of writing

u is t

you should write


How to capture a list of specific type with mockito

For an earlier version of junit, you can do

Class<Map<String, String>> mapClass = (Class) Map.class;
ArgumentCaptor<Map<String, String>> mapCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(mapClass);

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

try $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root") or $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "")

Error "can't load package: package my_prog: found packages my_prog and main"

Make sure that your package is installed in your $GOPATH directory or already inside your workspace/package.

For example: if your $GOPATH = "c:\go", make sure that the package inside C:\Go\src\pkgName

fcntl substitute on Windows

The fcntl module is just used for locking the pinning file, so assuming you don't try multiple access, this can be an acceptable workaround. Place this module in your sys.path, and it should just work as the official fcntl module.

Try using this module for development/testing purposes only in windows.

def fcntl(fd, op, arg=0):
    return 0

def ioctl(fd, op, arg=0, mutable_flag=True):
    if mutable_flag:
        return 0
        return ""

def flock(fd, op):

def lockf(fd, operation, length=0, start=0, whence=0):

Delete branches in Bitbucket

In addition to the answer given by @Marcus you can now also delete a remote branch via:

git push [remote-name] --delete [branch-name] 

AngularJS format JSON string output

Angular has a built-in filter for showing JSON

<pre>{{data | json}}</pre>

Note the use of the pre-tag to conserve whitespace and linebreaks


angular.module('app', [])_x000D_
  .controller('Ctrl', ['$scope',_x000D_
    function($scope) {_x000D_
      $ = {_x000D_
        a: 1,_x000D_
        b: 2,_x000D_
        c: {_x000D_
          d: "3"_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html ng-app="app">_x000D_
    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="1.2.15" src="//"></script>_x000D_
  <body ng-controller="Ctrl">_x000D_
    <pre>{{data | json}}</pre>_x000D_

There's also an angular.toJson method, but I haven't played around with that (Docs)

MySQL LIMIT on DELETE statement

From the documentation:

You cannot use ORDER BY or LIMIT in a multiple-table DELETE.

SQL statement to get column type

For IBM DB2 :

SELECT TYPENAME FROM SYSCAT.COLUMNS WHERE TABSCHEMA='your_schema_name' AND TABNAME='your_table_name' AND COLNAME='your_column_name'

Clear android application user data

The command pm clear requires root permission.
So, run su first.

Here is the sample code:

private static final String CHARSET_NAME = "UTF-8";
String cmd = "pm clear";

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder().redirectErrorStream(true).command("su");
Process p = pb.start();

// We must handle the result stream in another Thread first
StreamReader stdoutReader = new StreamReader(p.getInputStream(), CHARSET_NAME);

out = p.getOutputStream();
out.write((cmd + "\n").getBytes(CHARSET_NAME));
out.write(("exit" + "\n").getBytes(CHARSET_NAME));

String result = stdoutReader.getResult();

The class StreamReader:

import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

class StreamReader extends Thread {
    private InputStream is;
    private StringBuffer mBuffer;
    private String mCharset;
    private CountDownLatch mCountDownLatch;

    StreamReader(InputStream is, String charset) { = is;
        mCharset = charset;
        mBuffer = new StringBuffer("");
        mCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

    String getResult() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return mBuffer.toString();

    public void run() {
        InputStreamReader isr = null;
        try {
            isr = new InputStreamReader(is, mCharset);
            int c = -1;
            while ((c = != -1) {
                mBuffer.append((char) c);

        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (isr != null)
            } catch (IOException e) {

How to multiply all integers inside list

using numpy :

    In [1]: import numpy as np

    In [2]: nums = np.array([1,2,3])*2

    In [3]: nums.tolist()
    Out[4]: [2, 4, 6]

What is 'Currying'?

Currying is a transformation that can be applied to functions to allow them to take one less argument than previously.

For example, in F# you can define a function thus:-

let f x y z = x + y + z

Here function f takes parameters x, y and z and sums them together so:-

f 1 2 3

Returns 6.

From our definition we can can therefore define the curry function for f:-

let curry f = fun x -> f x

Where 'fun x -> f x' is a lambda function equivilent to x => f(x) in C#. This function inputs the function you wish to curry and returns a function which takes a single argument and returns the specified function with the first argument set to the input argument.

Using our previous example we can obtain a curry of f thus:-

let curryf = curry f

We can then do the following:-

let f1 = curryf 1

Which provides us with a function f1 which is equivilent to f1 y z = 1 + y + z. This means we can do the following:-

f1 2 3

Which returns 6.

This process is often confused with 'partial function application' which can be defined thus:-

let papply f x = f x

Though we can extend it to more than one parameter, i.e.:-

let papply2 f x y = f x y
let papply3 f x y z = f x y z

A partial application will take the function and parameter(s) and return a function that requires one or more less parameters, and as the previous two examples show is implemented directly in the standard F# function definition so we could achieve the previous result thus:-

let f1 = f 1
f1 2 3

Which will return a result of 6.

In conclusion:-

The difference between currying and partial function application is that:-

Currying takes a function and provides a new function accepting a single argument, and returning the specified function with its first argument set to that argument. This allows us to represent functions with multiple parameters as a series of single argument functions. Example:-

let f x y z = x + y + z
let curryf = curry f
let f1 = curryf 1
let f2 = curryf 2
f1 2 3
f2 1 3

Partial function application is more direct - it takes a function and one or more arguments and returns a function with the first n arguments set to the n arguments specified. Example:-

let f x y z = x + y + z
let f1 = f 1
let f2 = f 2
f1 2 3
f2 1 3

Using a remote repository with non-standard port

If you put something like this in your .ssh/config:

Host githost
Port 4019
User root

then you should be able to use the basic syntax:

git push githost:/var/cache/git/project.git master

Swift's guard keyword

It really really does make the flow of a sequence with several lookups and optionals much more concise and clear and reduces lots of if nesting. See Erica Sadun post on replacing Ifs. .... Could get carried away, an example below:

    let filteredLinks = locationsLinkedToList.filter({$0.actionVerb == movementCommand})
    guard let foundLink = filteredLinks.first else {return ("<Person> cannot go in that direction.", nil, nil)}
    guard filteredLinks.count == 1 else {return ("<Person> cannot decide which route to take.", nil, nil)}
    guard let nextLocation = foundLink.toLocation else {return ("<Person> cannot go in that direction.", nil, nil)}

See if that sticks.

correct way to use super (argument passing)

Sometimes two classes may have some parameter names in common. In that case, you can't pop the key-value pairs off of **kwargs or remove them from *args. Instead, you can define a Base class which unlike object, absorbs/ignores arguments:

class Base(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass

class A(Base):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print "A"
        super(A, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class B(Base):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print "B"
        super(B, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class C(A):
    def __init__(self, arg, *args, **kwargs):
        print "C","arg=",arg
        super(C, self).__init__(arg, *args, **kwargs)

class D(B):
    def __init__(self, arg, *args, **kwargs):
        print "D", "arg=",arg
        super(D, self).__init__(arg, *args, **kwargs)

class E(C,D):
    def __init__(self, arg, *args, **kwargs):
        print "E", "arg=",arg
        super(E, self).__init__(arg, *args, **kwargs)

print "MRO:", [x.__name__ for x in E.__mro__]


MRO: ['E', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'B', 'Base', 'object']
E arg= 10
C arg= 10
D arg= 10

Note that for this to work, Base must be the penultimate class in the MRO.

Difference between the Apache HTTP Server and Apache Tomcat?

If you are using java technology(Servlet/JSP) for making web application you will probably use Apache Tomcat. However, if you are using other technologies like Perl, PHP or ruby, its better(easier) to use Apache HTTP Server.

How to install Ruby 2.1.4 on Ubuntu 14.04

First of all, install the prerequisite libraries:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev

Then install rbenv, which is used to install Ruby:

git clone ~/.rbenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL

git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL

rbenv install 2.3.1
rbenv global 2.3.1
ruby -v

Then (optional) tell Rubygems to not install local documentation:

echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" > ~/.gemrc


Warning!!! There are issues with Gnome-Shell. See comment below.

Set database from SINGLE USER mode to MULTI USER

That error message generally means there are other processes connected to the DB. Try running this to see which are connected:

exec sp_who

That will return you the process and then you should be able to run:

kill [XXX]

Where [xxx] is the spid of the process you're trying to kill.

Then you can run your above statement.

Good luck.

Get Value of a Edit Text field

By using getText():

Button   mButton;
EditText mEdit;

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    mButton = (Button)findViewById(;
    mEdit   = (EditText)findViewById(;

        new View.OnClickListener()
            public void onClick(View view)
                Log.v("EditText", mEdit.getText().toString());

String Concatenation using '+' operator

It doesn't - the C# compiler does :)

So this code:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = x + y + z;

actually gets compiled as:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = string.Concat(x, y, z);

(Gah - intervening edit removed other bits accidentally.)

The benefit of the C# compiler noticing that there are multiple string concatenations here is that you don't end up creating an intermediate string of x + y which then needs to be copied again as part of the concatenation of (x + y) and z. Instead, we get it all done in one go.

EDIT: Note that the compiler can't do anything if you concatenate in a loop. For example, this code:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x += y;

just ends up as equivalent to:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x = string.Concat(x, y);

... so this does generate a lot of garbage, and it's why you should use a StringBuilder for such cases. I have an article going into more details about the two which will hopefully answer further questions.

Get all directories within directory nodejs

use fs?path module can got the folder. this use Promise. If your will get the fill, your can change isDirectory() to isFile() Nodejs--fs--fs.Stats.At last, you can get the file'name file'extname and so on Nodejs---Path

var fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path");
//your <MyFolder> path
var p = "MyFolder"
fs.readdir(p, function (err, files) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    //this can get all folder and file under  <MyFolder> (file) {
        //return file or folder path, such as **MyFolder/SomeFile.txt**
        return path.join(p, file);
    }).filter(function (file) {
        //use sync judge method. The file will add next files array if the file is directory, or not. 
        return fs.statSync(file).isDirectory();
    }).forEach(function (files) {
        //The files is array, so each. files is the folder name. can handle the folder.
        console.log("%s", files);

Add jars to a Spark Job - spark-submit

While we submit spark jobs using spark-submit utility, there is an option --jars . Using this option, we can pass jar file to spark applications.

Difference between arguments and parameters in Java

In java, there are two types of parameters, implicit parameters and explicit parameters. Explicit parameters are the arguments passed into a method. The implicit parameter of a method is the instance that the method is called from. Arguments are simply one of the two types of parameters.

Div not expanding even with content inside

You didn't typed the closingtag from the div with id="infohold.

How do I remove the passphrase for the SSH key without having to create a new key?

To change or remove the passphrase, I often find it simplest to pass in only the p and f flags, then let the system prompt me to supply the passphrases:

ssh-keygen -p -f <name-of-private-key>

For instance:

ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa

Enter an empty password if you want to remove the passphrase.

A sample run to remove or change a password looks something like this:

ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa
Enter old passphrase: 
Key has comment 'bcuser@pl1909'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.

When adding a passphrase to a key that has no passphrase, the run looks something like this:

ssh-keygen -p -f id_rsa
Key has comment 'charlie@elf-path'
Enter new passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved with the new passphrase.

How to debug Apache mod_rewrite

The LogRewrite directive as mentioned by Ben is not available anymore in Apache 2.4. You need to use the LogLevel directive instead. E.g.

LogLevel alert rewrite:trace6


rsync copy over only certain types of files using include option

Wrote this handy function and put in my bash scripts or ~/.bash_aliases. Tested sync'ing locally on Linux with bash and awk installed. It works

# selective rsync to sync only certain filetypes;
# based on:
# Example: selrsync 'tsv,csv' ./source ./target --dry-run
types="$1"; shift; #accepts comma separated list of types. Must be the first argument.
includes=$(echo $types| awk  -F',' \
    'BEGIN{OFS=" ";}
    for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) { if (length($i) > 0) $i="--include=*."$i; } print

echo Command: rsync -avz --prune-empty-dirs --include="*/" $includes --exclude="*" "$restargs"
eval rsync -avz --prune-empty-dirs --include="*/" "$includes" --exclude="*" $restargs


short handy and extensible when one wants to add more arguments (i.e. --dry-run).


selrsync 'tsv,csv' ./source ./target --dry-run

How to pass arguments to entrypoint in docker-compose.yml

The command clause does work as @Karthik says above.

As a simple example, the following service will have a -inMemory added to its ENTRYPOINT when docker-compose up is run.

version: '2'
    build: local-dynamo
    image: spud/dynamo
    command: -inMemory

How can I check if string contains characters & whitespace, not just whitespace?

The regular expression I ended up using for when I want to allow spaces in the middle of my string, but not at the beginning or end was this:




So, I know this is an old question, but you could do something like:

if (/^\s+$/.test(myString)) {
    //string contains characters and white spaces

or you can do what nickf said and use:

if (/\S/.test(myString)) {
    // string is not empty and not just whitespace

Vector erase iterator

res.erase(it) always returns the next valid iterator, if you erase the last element it will point to .end()

At the end of the loop ++it is always called, so you increment .end() which is not allowed.

Simply checking for .end() still leaves a bug though, as you always skip an element on every iteration (it gets 'incremented' by the return from .erase(), and then again by the loop)

You probably want something like:

 while (it != res.end()) {
        it = res.erase(it);    

to erase each element

(for completeness: I assume this is a simplified example, if you simply want every element gone without having to perform an operation on it (e.g. delete) you should simply call res.clear())

When you only conditionally erase elements, you probably want something like

for ( ; it != res.end(); ) {
  if (condition) {
    it = res.erase(it);
  } else {

How to export plots from matplotlib with transparent background?

Use the matplotlib savefig function with the keyword argument transparent=True to save the image as a png file.

In [30]: x = np.linspace(0,6,31)

In [31]: y = np.exp(-0.5*x) * np.sin(x)

In [32]: plot(x, y, 'bo-')
Out[32]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x3f29750>]            

In [33]: savefig('demo.png', transparent=True)

Result: demo.png

Of course, that plot doesn't demonstrate the transparency. Here's a screenshot of the PNG file displayed using the ImageMagick display command. The checkerboard pattern is the background that is visible through the transparent parts of the PNG file.

display screenshot

ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: 'undefined'

you have to tell angular that you updated the content after ngAfterContentChecked you can import ChangeDetectorRef from @angular/core and call detectChanges

import {ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core';

constructor( private cdref: ChangeDetectorRef ) {}

ngAfterContentChecked() {

this.sampleViewModel.DataContext = this.DataContext;
this.sampleViewModel.Position = this.Position;


How to handle Pop-up in Selenium WebDriver using Java

public void Test(){

     WebElement sign = fc.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[@id='login-scroll']/a"));;
        WebElement LoginAsGuest=fc.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[@id='guest-login-option']"));;
        WebElement email_id= fc.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[@id='guestemail']"));
        email_id.sendKeys("[email protected]");
        WebElement ContinueButton=fc.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[@id='contibutton']"));;


Send POST data via raw json with postman

Unlike jQuery in order to read raw JSON you will need to decode it in PHP.

print_r(json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true));

php://input is a read-only stream that allows you to read raw data from the request body.

$_POST is form variables, you will need to switch to form radiobutton in postman then use:


To post raw json with jquery:

    "url": "/rest/index.php",
    'data': JSON.stringify({foo:'bar'}),
    'type': 'POST',
    'contentType': 'application/json'

How should I pass multiple parameters to an ASP.Net Web API GET?

I just had to implement a RESTfull api where I need to pass parameters. I did this by passing the parameters in the query string in the same style as described by Mark's first example "api/controller?start=date1&end=date2"

In the controller I used a tip from URL split in C#?

// uri: /api/courses
public IEnumerable<Course> Get()
    NameValueCollection nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.RequestUri.Query);
    var system = nvc["System"];
    // BL comes here
    return _courses;

In my case I was calling the WebApi via Ajax looking like:

        url: '/api/DbMetaData',
        type: 'GET',
        data: { system : 'My System',
                searchString: '123' },
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function (data) {
                  $.each(data, function (index, v) {
                  alert(index + ': ' +;
         statusCode: {
                  404: function () {

I hope this helps...

Generating Fibonacci Sequence

Here is another one with proper tail call.

The recursive inner fib function can reuse the stack because everything is needed (the array of numbers) to produce the next number is passed in as an argument, no additional expressions to evaluate.

However tail call optimization introduced in ES2015.

Also one drawback is it gets the array length in every iteration (but only once) to generate the following number and getting the elements of the array upon their index (it is faster though than pop or splice or other array methods) but I did not performance tested the whole solution.

var fibonacci = function(len) {_x000D_
  var fib = function(seq) {_x000D_
    var seqLen = seq.length;_x000D_
    if (seqLen === len) {_x000D_
      return seq;_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      var curr = seq[seqLen - 1];_x000D_
      var prev = seq[seqLen - 2];_x000D_
      seq[seqLen] = curr + prev;_x000D_
      return fib(seq);_x000D_
  return len < 2 ? [0] : fib([0, 1]);_x000D_

Alternative for frames in html5 using iframes

HTML 5 does support iframes. There were a few interesting attributes added like "sandbox" and "srcdoc".

or you can use

<object data="framed.html" type="text/html"><p>This is the fallback code!</p></object>

Simple way to get element by id within a div tag?

You don't want to do this. It is invalid HTML to have more than one element with the same id. Browsers won't treat that well, and you will have undefined behavior, meaning you have no idea what the browser will give you when you select an element by that id, it could be unpredictable.

You should be using a class, or just iterating through the inputs and keeping track of an index.

Try something like this:

var div2 = document.getElementById('div2');
for(i = j = 0; i < div2.childNodes.length; i++)
    if(div2.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'INPUT'){
        var input = div2.childNodes[i];
        alert('This is edit'+j+': '+input);


SQL JOIN vs IN performance?

A interesting writeup on the logical differences: SQL Server: JOIN vs IN vs EXISTS - the logical difference

I am pretty sure that assuming that the relations and indexes are maintained a Join will perform better overall (more effort goes into working with that operation then others). If you think about it conceptually then its the difference between 2 queries and 1 query.

You need to hook it up to the Query Analyzer and try it and see the difference. Also look at the Query Execution Plan and try to minimize steps.

Why do I get a "permission denied" error while installing a gem?

I wanted to share the steps that I followed that fixed this issue for me in the hopes that it can help someone else (and also as a reminder for me in case something like this happens again)

The issues I'd been having (which were the same as OP's) may have to do with using homebrew to install Ruby.

To fix this, first I updated homebrew:

brew update && brew upgrade
brew doctor

(If brew doctor comes up with any issues, fix them first.) Then I uninstalled ruby

brew uninstall ruby

If rbenv is NOT installed at this point, then

brew install rbenv
brew install ruby-build
echo 'export RBENV_ROOT=/usr/local/var/rbenv' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi' >> ~/.bash_profile

Then I used rbenv to install ruby. First, find the desired version:

rbenv install -l

Install that version (e.g. 2.2.2)

rbenv install 2.2.2

Then set the global version to the desired ruby version:

rbenv global 2.2.2

At this point you should see the desired version set for the following commands:

rbenv versions


ruby --version

Now you should be able to install bundler:

gem install bundler

And once in the desired project folder, you can install all the required gems:

bundle install

Fastest Convert from Collection to List<T>

You could use

using System.Linq;

That will give you a ToList<> extension method for ICollection<>

How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?

On linux, find dblink.sql, then execute in the postgresql console something like this to create all required functions:

\i /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/dblink.sql 

you might need to install the contrib packages: sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib

Android emulator shows nothing except black screen and adb devices shows "device offline"

I too got the same problem. When i changed the Eclipse from EE to Eclipse Classic it worked fine. in Win professional 64Bit. Have a try it may work for you too..

List<object>.RemoveAll - How to create an appropriate Predicate

This should work (where enquiryId is the id you need to match against):

vehicles.RemoveAll(vehicle => vehicle.EnquiryID == enquiryId);

What this does is passes each vehicle in the list into the lambda predicate, evaluating the predicate. If the predicate returns true (ie. vehicle.EnquiryID == enquiryId), then the current vehicle will be removed from the list.

If you know the types of the objects in your collections, then using the generic collections is a better approach. It avoids casting when retrieving objects from the collections, but can also avoid boxing if the items in the collection are value types (which can cause performance issues).

Difference between const reference and normal parameter

Firstly, there is no concept of cv-qualified references. So the terminology 'const reference' is not correct and is usually used to describle 'reference to const'. It is better to start talking about what is meant.

$8.3.2/1- "Cv-qualified references are ill-formed except when the cv-qualifiers are introduced through the use of a typedef (7.1.3) or of a template type argument (14.3), in which case the cv-qualifiers are ignored."

Here are the differences

$13.1 - "Only the const and volatile type-specifiers at the outermost level of the parameter type specification are ignored in this fashion; const and volatile type-specifiers buried within a parameter type specification are significant and can be used to distinguish overloaded function declarations.112). In particular, for any type T, “pointer to T,” “pointer to const T,” and “pointer to volatile T” are considered distinct parameter types, as are “reference to T,” “reference to const T,” and “reference to volatile T.”

void f(int &n){
   cout << 1; 

void f(int const &n){
   cout << 2;
   //n++; // Error!, Non modifiable lvalue

int main(){
   int x = 2;

   f(x);        // Calls overload 1, after the call x is 3
   f(2);        // Calls overload 2
   f(2.2);      // Calls overload 2, a temporary of double is created $8.5/3

Deserialize JSON with Jackson into Polymorphic Types - A Complete Example is giving me a compile error

As promised, I'm putting an example for how to use annotations to serialize/deserialize polymorphic objects, I based this example in the Animal class from the tutorial you were reading.

First of all your Animal class with the Json Annotations for the subclasses.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo;

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY)
    @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Dog.class, name = "Dog"),

    @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Cat.class, name = "Cat") }
public abstract class Animal {

    private String name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;


Then your subclasses, Dog and Cat.

public class Dog extends Animal {

    private String breed;

    public Dog() {


    public Dog(String name, String breed) {

    public String getBreed() {
        return breed;

    public void setBreed(String breed) {
        this.breed = breed;

public class Cat extends Animal {

    public String getFavoriteToy() {
        return favoriteToy;

    public Cat() {}

    public Cat(String name, String favoriteToy) {

    public void setFavoriteToy(String favoriteToy) {
        this.favoriteToy = favoriteToy;

    private String favoriteToy;


As you can see, there is nothing special for Cat and Dog, the only one that know about them is the abstract class Animal, so when deserializing, you'll target to Animal and the ObjectMapper will return the actual instance as you can see in the following test:

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

        Animal myDog = new Dog("ruffus","english shepherd");

        Animal myCat = new Cat("goya", "mice");

        try {
            String dogJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(myDog);


            Animal deserializedDog = objectMapper.readValue(dogJson, Animal.class);

            System.out.println("Deserialized dogJson Class: " + deserializedDog.getClass().getSimpleName());

            String catJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(myCat);

            Animal deseriliazedCat = objectMapper.readValue(catJson, Animal.class);

            System.out.println("Deserialized catJson Class: " + deseriliazedCat.getClass().getSimpleName());

        } catch (Exception e) {


Output after running the Test class:

{"@type":"Dog","name":"ruffus","breed":"english shepherd"}

Deserialized dogJson Class: Dog


Deserialized catJson Class: Cat

Hope this helps,

Jose Luis

Laravel-5 'LIKE' equivalent (Eloquent)

If you want to see what is run in the database use dd(DB::getQueryLog()) to see what queries were run.

Try this

BookingDates::where('email', Input::get('email'))
    ->orWhere('name', 'like', '%' . Input::get('name') . '%')->get();

FormsAuthentication.SignOut() does not log the user out

The key here is that you say "If I type in a URL directly...".

By default under forms authentication the browser caches pages for the user. So, selecting a URL directly from the browsers address box dropdown, or typing it in, MAY get the page from the browser's cache, and never go back to the server to check authentication/authorization. The solution to this is to prevent client-side caching in the Page_Load event of each page, or in the OnLoad() of your base page:


You might also like to call:


Oracle Insert via Select from multiple tables where one table may not have a row

insert into account_type_standard (account_type_Standard_id, tax_status_id, recipient_id)
select account_type_standard_seq.nextval,
   ( select r.recipient_id
     from recipient r
     where r.recipient_code = ?
from tax_status ts
where ts.tax_status_code = ?

scp copy directory to another server with private key auth

Putty doesn't use openssh key files - there is a utility in putty suite to convert them.

edit: it is called puttygen

How to properly compare two Integers in Java?

No, == between Integer, Long etc will check for reference equality - i.e.

Integer x = ...;
Integer y = ...;

System.out.println(x == y);

this will check whether x and y refer to the same object rather than equal objects.


Integer x = new Integer(10);
Integer y = new Integer(10);

System.out.println(x == y);

is guaranteed to print false. Interning of "small" autoboxed values can lead to tricky results:

Integer x = 10;
Integer y = 10;

System.out.println(x == y);

This will print true, due to the rules of boxing (JLS section 5.1.7). It's still reference equality being used, but the references genuinely are equal.

If the value p being boxed is an integer literal of type int between -128 and 127 inclusive (§3.10.1), or the boolean literal true or false (§3.10.3), or a character literal between '\u0000' and '\u007f' inclusive (§3.10.4), then let a and b be the results of any two boxing conversions of p. It is always the case that a == b.

Personally I'd use:

if (x.intValue() == y.intValue())


if (x.equals(y))

As you say, for any comparison between a wrapper type (Integer, Long etc) and a numeric type (int, long etc) the wrapper type value is unboxed and the test is applied to the primitive values involved.

This occurs as part of binary numeric promotion (JLS section 5.6.2). Look at each individual operator's documentation to see whether it's applied. For example, from the docs for == and != (JLS 15.21.1):

If the operands of an equality operator are both of numeric type, or one is of numeric type and the other is convertible (§5.1.8) to numeric type, binary numeric promotion is performed on the operands (§5.6.2).

and for <, <=, > and >= (JLS 15.20.1)

The type of each of the operands of a numerical comparison operator must be a type that is convertible (§5.1.8) to a primitive numeric type, or a compile-time error occurs. Binary numeric promotion is performed on the operands (§5.6.2). If the promoted type of the operands is int or long, then signed integer comparison is performed; if this promoted type is float or double, then floating-point comparison is performed.

Note how none of this is considered as part of the situation where neither type is a numeric type.

Convert JSON string to dict using Python

When I started using json, I was confused and unable to figure it out for some time, but finally I got what I wanted
Here is the simple solution

import json
m = {'id': 2, 'name': 'hussain'}
n = json.dumps(m)
o = json.loads(n)
print(o['id'], o['name'])

CRON command to run URL address every 5 minutes

To run a URL simply use command below easy yess CPanel 100%

/usr/bin/php -q /home/CpanelUsername/public_html/RootFolder/cronjob/fetch.php

I hope this help.

Laravel Mail::send() sending to multiple to or bcc addresses

it works for me fine, if you a have string, then simply explode it first.

$emails = array();

Mail::send('emails.maintenance',$mail_params, function($message) use ($emails) {
    foreach ($emails as $email) {

    $message->subject('My Email');

Ping all addresses in network, windows

for /l %%a in (254, -1, 1) do ( 
    for /l %%b in (1, 1, 254) do (
        for %%c in (20, 168) do (
            for %%e in (172, 192) do (
                ping /n 1 %%e.%%c.%%b.%%a>>ping.txt

Frontend tool to manage H2 database

I would like to suggest DBEAVER .it is based on eclipse and supports better data handling

Start ssh-agent on login

Users of the fish shell can use this script to do the same thing.

# content has to be in .config/fish/
# if it does not exist, create the file
setenv SSH_ENV $HOME/.ssh/environment

function start_agent                                                                                                                                                                    
    echo "Initializing new SSH agent ..."
    ssh-agent -c | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > $SSH_ENV
    echo "succeeded"
    chmod 600 $SSH_ENV 
    . $SSH_ENV > /dev/null

function test_identities                                                                                                                                                                
    ssh-add -l | grep "The agent has no identities" > /dev/null
    if [ $status -eq 0 ]
        if [ $status -eq 2 ]

if [ -n "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ] 
    ps -ef | grep $SSH_AGENT_PID | grep ssh-agent > /dev/null
    if [ $status -eq 0 ]
    if [ -f $SSH_ENV ]
        . $SSH_ENV > /dev/null
    ps -ef | grep $SSH_AGENT_PID | grep -v grep | grep ssh-agent > /dev/null
    if [ $status -eq 0 ]


That's because you missed ELSE.

"Returns the result for the first condition that is true. If there was no matching result value, the result after ELSE is returned, or NULL if there is no ELSE part." (

Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances

There is a simple solution.

        <script src=""></script>      
        <script src=""> </script> 
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/flexcroll.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/JScript.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            $(function(){$('.dateTxt').datepicker(); }); 
        <p>Date 1: <input id="one" class="dateTxt" type="text" ></p>
        <p>Date 2: <input id="two" class="dateTxt" type="text" ></p>
        <p>Date 3: <input id="three" class="dateTxt" type="text" ></p>

How to strip HTML tags with jQuery?

This is a example for get the url image, escape the p tag from some item.

Try this:


How to unblock with mysqladmin flush hosts

You should put it into command line in windows.

mysqladmin -u [username] -p flush-hosts
**** [MySQL password]


mysqladmin flush-hosts -u [username] -p
**** [MySQL password]

For network login use the following command:

mysqladmin -h <RDS ENDPOINT URL> -P <PORT> -u <USER> -p flush-hosts
mysqladmin -h [YOUR RDS END POINT URL] -P 3306 -u [DB USER] -p flush-hosts 

you can permanently solution your problem by editing my.ini file[Mysql configuration file] change variables max_connections = 10000;


login into MySQL using command line -

mysql -u [username] -p
**** [MySQL password]

put the below command into MySQL window

SET GLOBAL max_connect_errors=10000;
set global max_connections = 200;

check veritable using command-

show variables like "max_connections";
show variables like "max_connect_errors";


I don't see why there is a encapsulation of a while...


//Use the appropriate start and end...
for(int rowIndex = 0, e = 65536; i < e; ++i){        
    if(rowIndex >= dataColLinker.size()) {
     } else {
        dataColLinker.set(rowIndex, value);

Getting error: Peer authentication failed for user "postgres", when trying to get pgsql working with rails

Changing METHOD peer to trust in pg_hba.conf (/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf | line 85) solves the issue. Adding md5 asks for a password, hence if there is a requirement to avoid using passwords, use trust instead of md5.

Adding List<t>.add() another list

List<T>.Add adds a single element. Instead, use List<T>.AddRange to add multiple values.

Additionally, List<T>.AddRange takes an IEnumerable<T>, so you don't need to convert tripDetails into a List<TripDetails>, you can pass it directly, e.g.:


ImproperlyConfigured: You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings

In my case it was python path issue.

#1 First set your PYTHONPATH


then run django-admin shell command (django-admin dbshell)
(venv) shakeel@workstation:~/project_path$ export PYTHONPATH=/home/shakeel/project_path
(venv) shakeel@workstation:~/project_path$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=my_project.settings
(venv) shakeel@workstation:~/project_path$ django-admin dbshell
SQLite version 3.22.0 2018-01-22 18:45:57
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

otherwise python shell works like charm.

bash: mkvirtualenv: command not found

On Windows 10, to create the virtual environment, I replace "pip mkvirtualenv myproject" by "mkvirtualenv myproject" and that works well.

Fastest way to Remove Duplicate Value from a list<> by lambda

List<long> distinctlongs = longs.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToList();

Download single files from GitHub

To follow up with what thomasfuchs said but instead for GitHub Enterprise users here's what you can use.

curl -H 'Authorization: token INSERTACCESSTOKENHERE' -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw' -O -L https://your_domain/api/v3/repos/owner/repo/contents/path

Also here's the API documentation

How to print the data in byte array as characters?

byte[] buff = {1, -2, 5, 66};
for(byte c : buff) {
    System.out.format("%d ", c);

gets you

1 -2 5 66 

Appending HTML string to the DOM

Quick Hack:


Use Cases:

1: Save as .html file and run in chrome or firefox or edge. (IE wont work)

2: Use in

In Action:

Broken down with comments:


//: The message "QUICK_HACK" 
//: wrapped in a header #1 tag.
var text = "<h1>QUICK_HACK</h1>";

//: It's a quick hack, so I don't
//: care where it goes on the document,
//: just as long as I can see it.
//: Since I am doing this quick hack in
//: an empty file or scratchpad, 
//: it should be visible.
var child = document.children[0];

//: Set the html content of your child
//: to the message you want to see on screen.
child.innerHTML = text;


Reason Why I posted: has two must haves:

  1. No autocomplete
  2. Vertical monitor friendly

But doesn't show console.log messages. Came here looking for a quick solution. I just want to see the results of a few lines of scratchpad code, the other solutions are too much work.

Autoplay an audio with HTML5 embed tag while the player is invisible

I used this code,

 <div style="visibility:hidden">
    <audio autoplay loop>
        <source src="Aakaasam-Yemaaya Chesave.mp3">

It is working well but i want stop and pause button. So, we can stop if we don't want to listen.

Excel: macro to export worksheet as CSV file without leaving my current Excel sheet

Almost what I wanted @Ralph, but here is the best answer. It'll solve your code problems:

  1. it exports just the hardcoded sheet named "Sheet1";
  2. it always exports to the same temp file, overwriting it;
  3. it ignores the locale separation char.

To solve these problems, and meet all my requirements, I've adapted the code from here. I've cleaned it a little to make it more readable.

Option Explicit
Sub ExportAsCSV()
    Dim MyFileName As String
    Dim CurrentWB As Workbook, TempWB As Workbook
    Set CurrentWB = ActiveWorkbook
    Set TempWB = Application.Workbooks.Add(1)
    With TempWB.Sheets(1).Range("A1")
      .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
      .PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
    End With        

    Dim Change below to "- 4"  to become compatible with .xls files
    MyFileName = CurrentWB.Path & "\" & Left(CurrentWB.Name, Len(CurrentWB.Name) - 5) & ".csv"
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    TempWB.SaveAs Filename:=MyFileName, FileFormat:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False, Local:=True
    TempWB.Close SaveChanges:=False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

There are still some small thing with the code above that you should notice:

  1. .Close and DisplayAlerts=True should be in a finally clause, but I don't know how to do it in VBA
  2. It works just if the current filename has 4 letters, like .xlsm. Wouldn't work in .xls excel old files. For file extensions of 3 chars, you must change the - 5 to - 4 when setting MyFileName.
  3. As a collateral effect, your clipboard will be substituted with current sheet contents.

Edit: put Local:=True to save with my locale CSV delimiter.

YouTube iframe API: how do I control an iframe player that's already in the HTML?

My own version of Kim T's code above which combines with some jQuery and allows for targeting of specific iframes.

$(function() {
    callPlayer($('#iframe')[0], 'unMute');

function callPlayer(iframe, func, args) {
    if ( iframe.src.indexOf('') !== -1) {
        iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( JSON.stringify({
            'event': 'command',
            'func': func,
            'args': args || []
        } ), '*');

How to use Select2 with JSON via Ajax request?

Tthe problems may be caused by incorrect mapping. Are you sure you have your result set in "data"? In my example, the backend code returns results under "items" key, so the mapping should look like:

results: $.map(data.items, function (item) {

and not:

 results: $.map(data, function (item) {

How do I use two submit buttons, and differentiate between which one was used to submit the form?

If you can't put value on buttons. I have just a rough solution. Put a hidden field. And when one of the buttons are clicked before submitting, populate the value of hidden field with like say 1 when first button clicked and 2 if second one is clicked. and in submit page check for the value of this hidden field to determine which one is clicked.

Converting String to Double in Android

String sc1="0.0";
Double s1=Double.parseDouble(sc1.toString());

how to create a cookie and add to http response from inside my service layer?

To add a new cookie, use HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie). The Cookie is pretty much a key value pair taking a name and value as strings on construction.

jQuery creating objects

May be you want this (oop in javascript)

function box(color)

var box1=new box('red');    
var box2=new box('white');    


For more information.

HTML button opening link in new tab

With Bootstrap you can use an anchor like a button.

<a class="btn btn-success" href="" target="_blank">Google</a>

And use target="_blank" to open the link in a new tab.

What is a handle in C++?

A handle is whatever you want it to be.

A handle can be a unsigned integer used in some lookup table.

A handle can be a pointer to, or into, a larger set of data.

It depends on how the code that uses the handle behaves. That determines the handle type.

The reason the term 'handle' is used is what is important. That indicates them as an identification or access type of object. Meaning, to the programmer, they represent a 'key' or access to something.

What is the purpose of "pip install --user ..."?

Other answers mention site.USER_SITE as where Python packages get placed. If you're looking for binaries, these go in {site.USER_BASE}/bin.

If you want to add this directory to your shell's search path, use:

export PATH="${PATH}:$(python3 -c 'import site; print(site.USER_BASE)')/bin"

Only on Firefox "Loading failed for the <script> with source"

I had the same problem (different web app though) with the error message and it turned out to be the MIME-Type for .js files was text/x-js instead of application/javascript due to a duplicate entry in mime.types on the server that was responsible for serving the js files. It seems that this is happening if the header X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff is set, which makes Firefox (and Chrome) block the content of the js files.

socket.error: [Errno 48] Address already in use

By the way, to prevent this from happening in the first place, simply press Ctrl+C in terminal while SimpleHTTPServer is still running normally. This will "properly" stop the server and release the port so you don't have to find and kill the process again before restarting the server.

(Mods: I did try to put this comment on the best answer where it belongs, but I don't have enough reputation.)

refresh div with jquery

I tried the first solution and it works but the end user can easily identify that the div's are refreshing as it is fadeIn(), without fade in i tried .toggle().toggle() and it works perfect. you can try like this


it works perfectly for me as i'm developing a messenger and need to minimize and maximize the chat box's and this does it best rather than the above code.

Compare every item to every other item in ArrayList

In some cases this is the best way because your code may have change something and j=i+1 won't check that.

for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){  
    for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) {
                if(i == j) {
               //to do code here



How to display databases in Oracle 11g using SQL*Plus

SELECT NAME FROM v$database; shows the database name in oracle

Pure CSS to make font-size responsive based on dynamic amount of characters

For reference, a non-CSS solution:

Below is some JS that re-sizes a font depending on the text length within a container.

Codepen with slightly modified code, but same idea as below:

function scaleFontSize(element) {
    var container = document.getElementById(element);

    // Reset font-size to 100% to begin = "100%";

    // Check if the text is wider than its container,
    // if so then reduce font-size
    if (container.scrollWidth > container.clientWidth) { = "70%";

For me, I call this function when a user makes a selection in a drop-down, and then a div in my menu gets populated (this is where I have dynamic text occurring).


In addition, I also use CSS ellipses ("...") to truncate yet even longer text too, like so:

#my_container_div {
    width: 200px; /* width required for text-overflow to work */
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

So, ultimately:

  • Short text: e.g. "APPLES"

    Fully rendered, nice big letters.

  • Long text: e.g. "APPLES & ORANGES"

    Gets scaled down 70%, via the above JS scaling function.

  • Super long text: e.g. "APPLES & ORANGES & BANAN..."

    Gets scaled down 70% AND gets truncated with a "..." ellipses, via the above JS scaling function together with the CSS rule.

You could also explore playing with CSS letter-spacing to make text narrower while keeping the same font size.

Base64 Encoding Image

Check the following example:

// First get your image
$imgPath = 'path-to-your-picture/image.jpg';
$img = base64_encode(file_get_contents($imgPath));
echo '<img width="100" height="100" src="data:image/jpg;base64,'. $img .'" />'

Cast object to interface in TypeScript

There's no casting in javascript, so you cannot throw if "casting fails".
Typescript supports casting but that's only for compilation time, and you can do it like this:

const toDo = <IToDoDto> req.body;
// or
const toDo = req.body as IToDoDto;

You can check at runtime if the value is valid and if not throw an error, i.e.:

function isToDoDto(obj: any): obj is IToDoDto {
    return typeof obj.description === "string" && typeof obj.status === "boolean";

addToDo(@Response() res, @Request() req) {
    if (!isToDoDto(req.body)) {
        throw new Error("invalid request");

    const toDo = req.body as IToDoDto;
    return res.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).end();


As @huyz pointed out, there's no need for the type assertion because isToDoDto is a type guard, so this should be enough:

if (!isToDoDto(req.body)) {
    throw new Error("invalid request");


html select scroll bar

Horizontal scrollbars in a HTML Select are not natively supported. However, here's a way to create the appearance of a horizontal scrollbar:

1. First create a css class

<style type="text/css">
   overflow: auto;
   width: 70px; /* adjust this width depending to amount of text to display */
   height: 80px; /* adjust height depending on number of options to display */
   border: 1px silver solid;
 .scrollable select{
   border: none;

2. Wrap the SELECT inside a DIV - also, explicitly set the size to the number of options.

<div class="scrollable">
<select size="6" multiple="multiple">
    <option value="1" selected>option 1 The Long Option</option>
    <option value="2">option 2</option>
    <option value="3">option 3</option>
    <option value="4">option 4</option>
    <option value="5">option 5 Another Longer than the Long Option ;)</option>
    <option value="6">option 6</option>

Is it possible to use argsort in descending order?

Instead of using np.argsort you could use np.argpartition - if you only need the indices of the lowest/highest n elements.

That doesn't require to sort the whole array but just the part that you need but note that the "order inside your partition" is undefined, so while it gives the correct indices they might not be correctly ordered:

>>> avgDists = [1, 8, 6, 9, 4]
>>> np.array(avgDists).argpartition(2)[:2]  # indices of lowest 2 items
array([0, 4], dtype=int64)

>>> np.array(avgDists).argpartition(-2)[-2:]  # indices of highest 2 items
array([1, 3], dtype=int64)

What is the C# Using block and why should I use it?

From MSDN:

C#, through the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR), automatically releases the memory used to store objects that are no longer required. The release of memory is non-deterministic; memory is released whenever the CLR decides to perform garbage collection. However, it is usually best to release limited resources such as file handles and network connections as quickly as possible.

The using statement allows the programmer to specify when objects that use resources should release them. The object provided to the using statement must implement the IDisposable interface. This interface provides the Dispose method, which should release the object's resources.

In other words, the using statement tells .NET to release the object specified in the using block once it is no longer needed.

setSupportActionBar toolbar cannot be applied to (android.widget.Toolbar) error

With the addition of androidx in Studio 3.0+ the Toolbar compatibility is now in a new library, accessible like this

import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar

Convert XML to JSON (and back) using Javascript

The best way to do it using server side as client side doesn't work well in all scenarios. I was trying to build online json to xml and xml to json converter using javascript and I felt almost impossible as it was not working in all scenarios. Ultimately I ended up doing it server side using Newtonsoft in ASP.MVC. Here is the online converter

How can I solve "Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (COLUMN) is wrong."?

I ran into this today and got it to work with:

EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.table_name.original_field_name', N'new_field_name', 'COLUMN' 

To get this syntax, I followed Martin Smith's advice above - open up the table in design view, rename the column and then click table designer | generate change script. This produced the script below which does the renaming in two steps:

/* To prevent any potential data loss issues, you should review this script in
   detail before running it outside the context of the database designer.*/
EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.table_name.original_field_name', N'Tmp_new_field_name_1', COLUMN' 
EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.table_name.Tmp_new_field_name_1', N'new_field_name', 'COLUMN' 

Using form input to access camera and immediately upload photos using web app

It's really easy to do this, simply send the file via an XHR request inside of the file input's onchange handler.

<input id="myFileInput" type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera">

var myInput = document.getElementById('myFileInput');

function sendPic() {
    var file = myInput.files[0];

    // Send file here either by adding it to a `FormData` object 
    // and sending that via XHR, or by simply passing the file into 
    // the `send` method of an XHR instance.

myInput.addEventListener('change', sendPic, false);

How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?

The following is another example using Random and forEach

int firstNum = 20;//Inclusive
int lastNum = 50;//Exclusive
int streamSize = 10;
Random num = new Random().ints(10, 20, 50).forEach(System.out::println);