[powershell] Extract the filename from a path

I want to extract filename from below path:


Now I wrote this code to get filename. This working fine as long as the folder level didn't change. But in case the folder level has been changed, this code need to rewrite. I looking a way to make it more flexible such as the code can always extract filename regardless of the folder level.


This question is related to powershell powershell-2.0

The answer is

If you are ok with including the extension this should do what you want.

$outputPath = "D:\Server\User\CUST\MEA\Data\In\Files\CORRECTED\CUST_MEAFile.csv"
$outputFile = Split-Path $outputPath -leaf

$file = Get-Item -Path "c:/foo/foobar.txt"

Works with both relative an absolute paths

You can try this:

[System.IO.FileInfo]$path = "D:\Server\User\CUST\MEA\Data\In\Files\CORRECTED\CUST_MEAFile.csv"
# Returns name and extension
# Returns just name

Using the BaseName in Get-ChildItem displays the name of the file and and using Name displays the file name with the extension.

$filepath = Get-ChildItem "E:\Test\Basic-English-Grammar-1.pdf"





You could get the result you want like this.

$file = "D:\Server\User\CUST\MEA\Data\In\Files\CORRECTED\CUST_MEAFile.csv"
$a = $file.Split("\")
$index = $a.count - 1

If you use "Get-ChildItem" to get the "fullname", you could also use "name" to just get the name of the file.

$(Split-Path "D:\Server\User\CUST\MEA\Data\In\Files\CORRECTED\CUST_MEAFile.csv" -leaf)

Get-ChildItem "D:\Server\User\CUST\MEA\Data\In\Files\CORRECTED\CUST_MEAFile.csv"
|Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

Find a file using wildcard and getting filename:

Resolve-Path "Package.1.0.191.*.zip" | Split-Path -leaf

Use :

[System.IO.Path]::GetFileName("c:\foo.txt") returns foo.txt. [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension("c:\foo.txt") returns foo

Just to complete the answer above that use .Net.

In this code the path is stored in the %1 argument (which is written in the registry under quote that are escaped: \"%1\" ). To retrieve it, we need the $arg (inbuilt arg). Don't forget the quote around $FilePath.

# Get the File path:  
$FilePath = $args
Write-Host "FilePath: " $FilePath

# Get the complete file name:
$file_name_complete = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName("$FilePath")
Write-Host "fileNameFull :" $file_name_complete

# Get File Name Without Extension:
$fileNameOnly = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension("$FilePath")
Write-Host "fileNameOnly :" $fileNameOnly

# Get the Extension:
$fileExtensionOnly = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension("$FilePath")
Write-Host "fileExtensionOnly :" $fileExtensionOnly