[java] Adding up BigDecimals using Streams

I have a collection of BigDecimals (in this example, a LinkedList) that I would like to add together. Is it possible to use streams for this?

I noticed the Stream class has several methods


Each of which has a convenient sum() method. But, as we know, float and double arithmetic is almost always a bad idea.

So, is there a convenient way to sum up BigDecimals?

This is the code I have so far.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    LinkedList<BigDecimal> values = new LinkedList<>();

    // Classical Java approach
    BigDecimal sum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    for(BigDecimal value : values) {
        sum = sum.add(value);
    System.out.println("Sum = " + sum);

    // Java 8 approach
    values.forEach((value) -> System.out.println(value));
    System.out.println("Sum = " + values.stream().mapToDouble(BigDecimal::doubleValue).sum());

As you can see, I am summing up the BigDecimals using BigDecimal::doubleValue(), but this is (as expected) not precise.

Post-answer edit for posterity:

Both answers were extremely helpful. I wanted to add a little: my real-life scenario does not involve a collection of raw BigDecimals, they are wrapped in an invoice. But, I was able to modify Aman Agnihotri's answer to account for this by using the map() function for stream:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    LinkedList<Invoice> invoices = new LinkedList<>();
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C1", "I-001", BigDecimal.valueOf(.1), BigDecimal.valueOf(10)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C2", "I-002", BigDecimal.valueOf(.7), BigDecimal.valueOf(13)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C3", "I-003", BigDecimal.valueOf(2.3), BigDecimal.valueOf(8)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C4", "I-004", BigDecimal.valueOf(1.2), BigDecimal.valueOf(7)));

    // Classical Java approach
    BigDecimal sum = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    for(Invoice invoice : invoices) {
        BigDecimal total = invoice.unit_price.multiply(invoice.quantity);
        sum = sum.add(total);
    System.out.println("Sum = " + sum);

    // Java 8 approach
    invoices.forEach((invoice) -> System.out.println(invoice.total()));
    System.out.println("Sum = " + invoices.stream().map((x) -> x.total()).reduce((x, y) -> x.add(y)).get());

static class Invoice {
    String company;
    String invoice_number;
    BigDecimal unit_price;
    BigDecimal quantity;

    public Invoice() {
        unit_price = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        quantity = BigDecimal.ZERO;

    public Invoice(String company, String invoice_number, BigDecimal unit_price, BigDecimal quantity) {
        this.company = company;
        this.invoice_number = invoice_number;
        this.unit_price = unit_price;
        this.quantity = quantity;

    public BigDecimal total() {
        return unit_price.multiply(quantity);

    public void setUnit_price(BigDecimal unit_price) {
        this.unit_price = unit_price;

    public void setQuantity(BigDecimal quantity) {
        this.quantity = quantity;

    public void setInvoice_number(String invoice_number) {
        this.invoice_number = invoice_number;

    public void setCompany(String company) {
        this.company = company;

    public BigDecimal getUnit_price() {
        return unit_price;

    public BigDecimal getQuantity() {
        return quantity;

    public String getInvoice_number() {
        return invoice_number;

    public String getCompany() {
        return company;

This question is related to java bigdecimal java-8 java-stream

The answer is

If you don't mind a third party dependency, there is a class named Collectors2 in Eclipse Collections which contains methods returning Collectors for summing and summarizing BigDecimal and BigInteger. These methods take a Function as a parameter so you can extract a BigDecimal or BigInteger value from an object.

List<BigDecimal> list = mList(

BigDecimal sum =
        list.stream().collect(Collectors2.summingBigDecimal(e -> e));
Assert.assertEquals(BigDecimal.valueOf(3.4), sum);

BigDecimalSummaryStatistics statistics =
        list.stream().collect(Collectors2.summarizingBigDecimal(e -> e));
Assert.assertEquals(BigDecimal.valueOf(3.4), statistics.getSum());
Assert.assertEquals(BigDecimal.valueOf(0.1), statistics.getMin());
Assert.assertEquals(BigDecimal.valueOf(2.1), statistics.getMax());
Assert.assertEquals(BigDecimal.valueOf(0.85), statistics.getAverage());

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections.

This post already has a checked answer, but the answer doesn't filter for null values. The correct answer should prevent null values by using the Object::nonNull function as a predicate.

BigDecimal result = invoiceList.stream()
    .filter(i -> (i.getUnit_price() != null) && (i.getQuantity != null))
    .reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add);

This prevents null values from attempting to be summed as we reduce.

You can sum up the values of a BigDecimal stream using a reusable Collector named summingUp:

BigDecimal sum = bigDecimalStream.collect(summingUp());

The Collector can be implemented like this:

public static Collector<BigDecimal, ?, BigDecimal> summingUp() {
    return Collectors.reducing(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add);

Use this approach to sum the list of BigDecimal:

List<BigDecimal> values = ... // List of BigDecimal objects
BigDecimal sum = values.stream().reduce((x, y) -> x.add(y)).get();

This approach maps each BigDecimal as a BigDecimal only and reduces them by summing them, which is then returned using the get() method.

Here's another simple way to do the same summing:

List<BigDecimal> values = ... // List of BigDecimal objects
BigDecimal sum = values.stream().reduce(BigDecimal::add).get();


If I were to write the class and lambda expression in the edited question, I would have written it as follows:

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class Demo
  public static void main(String[] args)
    LinkedList<Invoice> invoices = new LinkedList<>();
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C1", "I-001", BigDecimal.valueOf(.1), BigDecimal.valueOf(10)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C2", "I-002", BigDecimal.valueOf(.7), BigDecimal.valueOf(13)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C3", "I-003", BigDecimal.valueOf(2.3), BigDecimal.valueOf(8)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C4", "I-004", BigDecimal.valueOf(1.2), BigDecimal.valueOf(7)));

    // Java 8 approach, using Method Reference for mapping purposes.
    System.out.println("Sum = " + invoices.stream().map(Invoice::total).reduce((x, y) -> x.add(y)).get());

  // This is just my style of writing classes. Yours can differ.
  static class Invoice
    private String company;
    private String number;
    private BigDecimal unitPrice;
    private BigDecimal quantity;

    public Invoice()
      unitPrice = quantity = BigDecimal.ZERO;

    public Invoice(String company, String number, BigDecimal unitPrice, BigDecimal quantity)

    public BigDecimal total()
      return unitPrice.multiply(quantity);

    public String getCompany()
      return company;

    public void setCompany(String company)
      this.company = company;

    public String getNumber()
      return number;

    public void setNumber(String number)
      this.number = number;

    public BigDecimal getUnitPrice()
      return unitPrice;

    public void setUnitPrice(BigDecimal unitPrice)
      this.unitPrice = unitPrice;

    public BigDecimal getQuantity()
      return quantity;

    public void setQuantity(BigDecimal quantity)
      this.quantity = quantity;

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