Programs & Examples On #Readfile

ReadFile() is a Windows API function to read data from the specified file or input/output (I/O) device. Reads occur at the position specified by the file pointer if supported by the device.

Reading file using fscanf() in C

In your code:

while(fscanf(fp,"%s %c",item,&status) == 1)  

why 1 and not 2? The scanf functions return the number of objects read.

open read and close a file in 1 line of code

Using CPython, your file will be closed immediately after the line is executed, because the file object is immediately garbage collected. There are two drawbacks, though:

  1. In Python implementations different from CPython, the file often isn't immediately closed, but rather at a later time, beyond your control.

  2. In Python 3.2 or above, this will throw a ResourceWarning, if enabled.

Better to invest one additional line:

with open('pagehead.section.htm','r') as f:
    output =

This will ensure that the file is correctly closed under all circumstances.

How to read file with async/await properly?

Since Node v11.0.0 fs promises are available natively without promisify:

const fs = require('fs').promises;
async function loadMonoCounter() {
    const data = await fs.readFile("monolitic.txt", "binary");
    return new Buffer(data);

Where to put a textfile I want to use in eclipse?

Take a look at this video

All what you have to do is to select your file (assuming it's same simple form of txt file), then drag it to the project in Eclipse and then drop it there. Choose Copy instead of Link as it's more flexible. That's it - I just tried that.

ReadFile in Base64 Nodejs

Latest and greatest way to do this:

Node supports file and buffer operations with the base64 encoding:

const fs = require('fs');
const contents = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/file.jpg', {encoding: 'base64'});

Or using the new promises API:

const fs = require('fs').promises;
const contents = await fs.readFile('/path/to/file.jpg', {encoding: 'base64'});

How do I read a file line by line in VB Script?

When in doubt, read the documentation:

filename = "C:\Temp\vblist.txt"

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)

Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
  WScript.Echo f.ReadLine


How to refactor Node.js code that uses fs.readFileSync() into using fs.readFile()?

This variant is better because you could not know whether file exists or not. You should send correct header when you know for certain that you can read contents of your file. Also, if you have branches of code that does not finish with '.end()', browser will wait until it get them. In other words, your browser will wait a long time.

var fs = require("fs");
var filename = "./index.html";

function start(resp) {

    fs.readFile(filename, "utf8", function(err, data) {
        if (err) {
            // may be filename does not exists?
            resp.writeHead(404, {
                'Content-Type' : 'text/html'
            // log this error into browser
        } else {

            resp.writeHead(200, {
                "Content-Type": "text/html"

How to call same method for a list of objects?

maybe map, but since you don't want to make a list, you can write your own...

def call_for_all(f, seq):
    for i in seq:

then you can do:

call_for_all(lamda x: x.start(), all)
call_for_all(lamda x: x.stop(), all)

by the way, all is a built in function, don't overwrite it ;-)

Where can I find the error logs of nginx, using FastCGI and Django?

I was looking for a different solution.

Error logs, by default, before any configuration is set, on my system (x86 Arch Linux), was found in:


window.location.reload with clear cache

In my case reload() doesn't work because the controls behavior. So, to solve this issue I've used this approach, despite seems a work around.

self.clear = function () {
    //location.reload(true); Doesn't work to IE neither Firefox;
    //also, hash tags must be removed or no postback will occur.
    window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '');

How to list only the file names that changed between two commits?

Add below alias to your ~/.bash_profile, then run, source ~/.bash_profile; now anytime you need to see the updated files in the last commit, run, showfiles from your git repository.

alias showfiles='git show --pretty="format:" --name-only'

Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?

Let's say that you have class A that contain class B When you want to call some function of class B outside class A you will simply obtain a pointer to this class and you can do whatever you want and it will also change context of class B in your class A

But be careful with dynamic object

What is the behavior difference between return-path, reply-to and from?

Another way to think about Return-Path vs Reply-To is to compare it to snail mail.

When you send an envelope in the mail, you specify a return address. If the recipient does not exist or refuses your mail, the postmaster returns the envelope back to the return address. For email, the return address is the Return-Path.

Inside of the envelope might be a letter and inside of the letter it may direct the recipient to "Send correspondence to example address". For email, the example address is the Reply-To.

In essence, a Postage Return Address is comparable to SMTP's Return-Path header and SMTP's Reply-To header is similar to the replying instructions contained in a letter.

Round double in two decimal places in C#?

I think all these answers are missing the question. The problem was to "Round UP", not just "Round". It is my understanding that Round Up means that ANY fractional value about a whole digit rounds up to the next WHOLE digit. ie: 48.0000000 = 48 but 25.00001 = 26. Is this not the definition of rounding up? (or have my past 60 years in accounting been misplaced?

How to truncate milliseconds off of a .NET DateTime

To round down to the second:

dateTime.AddTicks(-dateTime.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond)

Replace with TicksPerMinute to round down to the minute.

If your code is performance sensitive, be cautious about

new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, date.Hour, date.Minute, date.Second)

My app was spending 12% of CPU time in System.DateTime.GetDatePart.

Bootstrap 3 navbar active li not changing background-color

In Bootstrap 3.3.x make sure you use the scrollspy JavaScript capability to track active elements. It's easy to include it in your HTML. Just do the following:

<body data-spy="scroll" data-target="Id or class of the element you want to track">

In most cases I usually track active elements on my navbar, so I do the following:

<body data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar-fixed-top" >

Now in your CSS you can target .navbar-fixed-top .active a:

.navbar-fixed-top .active a { 
    // Put in some styling 

This should work if you are tracking active li elements in your top fixed navigation bar.

Get the full URL in PHP

Have a look at $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], i.e.

$actual_link = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";

(Note that the double quoted string syntax is perfectly correct)

If you want to support both HTTP and HTTPS, you can use

$actual_link = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";

Editor's note: using this code has security implications. The client can set HTTP_HOST and REQUEST_URI to any arbitrary value it wants.

How to center canvas in html5

Using grid?

const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); 
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
body, html {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    background-color: black;

body {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-rows: auto;
    justify-items: center;
    align-items: center;

canvas {
  height: 80vh; 
  width: 80vw; 
  display: block;

How to pass multiple parameters to a get method in ASP.NET Core

To add some more detail about the overloading that you asked about in your comment after another answer, here is a summary. The comments in the ApiController show which action will be called with each GET query:

public class ValuesController : ApiController
    // EXPLANATION: See the view for the buttons which call these WebApi actions. For WebApi controllers, 
    //          there can only be one action for a given HTTP verb (GET, POST, etc) which has the same method signature, (even if the param names differ) so
    //          you can't have Get(string height) and Get(string width), but you can have Get(int height) and Get(string width).
    //          It isn't a particularly good idea to do that, but it is true. The key names in the query string must match the
    //          parameter names in the action, and the match is NOT case sensitive. This demo app allows you to test each of these
    //          rules, as follows:
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with no parameters (/api/values) then the Get() action will be called.
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with a height parameter (/api/values?height=5) then the Get(int height) action will be called.
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with a width parameter (/api/values?width=8) then the Get(string width) action will be called.
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with height and width parameters (/api/values?height=3&width=7) then the 
    //          Get(string height, string width) action will be called.
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with a depth parameter (/api/values?depth=2) then the Get() action will be called
    //          and the depth parameter will be obtained from Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with height and depth parameters (/api/values?height=4&depth=5) then the Get(int height) 
    //          action will be called, and the depth parameter would need to be obtained from Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with width and depth parameters (/api/values?width=3&depth=5) then the Get(string width) 
    //          action will be called, and the depth parameter would need to be obtained from Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with height, width and depth parameters (/api/values?height=7&width=2&depth=9) then the 
    //          Get(string height, string width) action will be called, and the depth parameter would need to be obtained from 
    //          Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().
    // When you send an HTTP GET request with a width parameter, but with the first letter of the parameter capitalized (/api/values?Width=8) 
    //          then the Get(string width) action will be called because the case does NOT matter.
    // NOTE: If you were to uncomment the Get(string height) action below, then you would get an error about there already being  
    //          a member named Get with the same parameter types. The same goes for Get(int id).
    // ANOTHER NOTE: Using the nullable operator (e.g. string? paramName) you can make optional parameters. It would work better to
    //          demonstrate this in another ApiController, since using nullable params and having a lot of signatures is a recipe
    //          for confusion.

    // GET api/values
    public IEnumerable<string> Get()
        return Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().Select(pair => "Get() => " + pair.Key + ": " + pair.Value);
        //return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };

    //// GET api/values/5
    //public IEnumerable<string> Get(int id)
    //    return new string[] { "Get(height) => height: " + id };

    // GET api/values?height=5
    public IEnumerable<string> Get(int height) // int id)
        return new string[] { "Get(height) => height: " + height };

    // GET api/values?height=3
    public IEnumerable<string> Get(string height)
        return new string[] { "Get(height) => height: " + height };

    //// GET api/values?width=3
    //public IEnumerable<string> Get(string width)
    //    return new string[] { "Get(width) => width: " + width };

    // GET api/values?height=4&width=3
    public IEnumerable<string> Get(string height, string width)
        return new string[] { "Get(height, width) => height: " + height + ", width: " + width };

You would only need a single route for this, in case you wondered:

        name: "DefaultApi",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
        defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

and you could test it all with this MVC view, or something simlar. Yes, I know you aren't supposed to mix JavaScript with markup and I'm not using bootstrap like you would normally, but this is for demo purposes only.

<div class="jumbotron">
    <h1>Multiple parameters test</h1>
    <p class="lead">Click a link below, which will send an HTTP GET request with parameters to a WebAPI controller.</p>
<script language="javascript">
    function passNothing() {
        $.get("/api/values", function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passHeight(height) {
        $.get("/api/values?height=" + height, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passWidth(width) {
        $.get("/api/values?width=" + width, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passHeightAndWidth(height, width) {
        $.get("/api/values?height=" + height + "&width=" + width, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passDepth(depth) {
        $.get("/api/values?depth=" + depth, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passHeightAndDepth(height, depth) {
        $.get("/api/values?height=" + height + "&depth=" + depth, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passWidthAndDepth(width, depth) {
        $.get("/api/values?width=" + width + "&depth=" + depth, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passHeightWidthAndDepth(height, width, depth) {
        $.get("/api/values?height=" + height + "&width=" + width + "&depth=" + depth, function (data) { alert(data); });

    function passWidthWithPascalCase(width) {
        $.get("/api/values?Width=" + width, function (data) { alert(data); });
<div class="row">
    <button class="btn" onclick="passNothing();">Pass Nothing</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeight(5);">Pass Height of 5</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passWidth(8);">Pass Width of 8</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeightAndWidth(3, 7);">Pass Height of 3 and Width of 7</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passDepth(2);">Pass Depth of 2</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeightAndDepth(4, 5);">Pass Height of 4 and Depth of 5</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passWidthAndDepth(3, 5);">Pass Width of 3 and Depth of 5</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeightWidthAndDepth(7, 2, 9);">Pass Height of 7, Width of 2 and Depth of 9</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passHeightWidthAndDepth(7, 2, 9);">Pass Height of 7, Width of 2 and Depth of 9</button>
    <button class="btn" onclick="passWidthWithPascalCase(8);">Pass Width of 8, but with Pascal case</button>

Pytorch tensor to numpy array

I believe you also have to use .detach(). I had to convert my Tensor to a numpy array on Colab which uses CUDA and GPU. I did it like the following:

# this is just my embedding matrix which is a Torch tensor object
embedding = learn.model.u_weight

embedding_list = list(range(0, 64382))

input = torch.cuda.LongTensor(embedding_list)
tensor_array = embedding(input)
# the output of the line below is a numpy array

R: Break for loop

Well, your code is not reproducible so we will never know for sure, but this is what help('break')says:

break breaks out of a for, while or repeat loop; control is transferred to the first statement outside the inner-most loop.

So yes, break only breaks the current loop. You can also see it in action with e.g.:

for (i in 1:10)
    for (j in 1:10)
        for (k in 1:10)
            cat(i," ",j," ",k,"\n")
            if (k ==5) break

Video format or MIME type is not supported

For Ubuntu 14.04

Just removed the package Oxideqt-dodecs then install flash or ubuntu restricted extras

and you are good to go!!

Dynamically change bootstrap progress bar value when checkboxes checked

Try this maybe :

Bootply :

Js :

$('input').on('click', function(){
  var valeur = 0;
       if ( $(this).attr('value') > valeur )
           valeur =  $(this).attr('value');
  $('.progress-bar').css('width', valeur+'%').attr('aria-valuenow', valeur);    


 <div class="progress progress-striped active">
        <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">
<div class="row tasks">
        <div class="col-md-6">
          <p><span>Identify your campaign audience.</span>Who are we talking to here? Understand your buyer persona before launching into a campaign, so you can target them correctly.</p>
        <div class="col-md-2">
        <div class="col-md-2">
          <input name="progress" class="progress" type="checkbox" value="10">
        <div class="col-md-2">
          <input name="done" class="done" type="checkbox" value="20">
      </div><!-- tasks -->

<div class="row tasks">
        <div class="col-md-6">
          <p><span>Set your goals + benchmarks</span>Having SMART goals can help you be
sure that you’ll have tangible results to share with the world (or your
boss) at the end of your campaign.</p>
        <div class="col-md-2">
        <div class="col-md-2">
          <input name="progress" class="progress" type="checkbox" value="30">
        <div class="col-md-2">
          <input name="done" class="done" type="checkbox" value="40">
      </div><!-- tasks -->


    background-color: #F6F8F8;
    padding: 10px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    margin-top: 10px;
.tasks span{
    font-weight: bold;
.tasks input{
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;
    margin-top: 10px;
.tasks a{
    color: #000;
    text-decoration: none;
.tasks a:hover{
    border-bottom: dashed 1px #0088cc;
.tasks label{
    display: block;
    text-align: center;

$('input').on('click', function(){_x000D_
  var valeur = 0;_x000D_
       if ( $(this).attr('value') > valeur )_x000D_
           valeur =  $(this).attr('value');_x000D_
  $('.progress-bar').css('width', valeur+'%').attr('aria-valuenow', valeur);    _x000D_
 background-color: #F6F8F8;_x000D_
 padding: 10px;_x000D_
 border-radius: 5px;_x000D_
 margin-top: 10px;_x000D_
.tasks span{_x000D_
 font-weight: bold;_x000D_
.tasks input{_x000D_
 display: block;_x000D_
 margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
 margin-top: 10px;_x000D_
.tasks a{_x000D_
 color: #000;_x000D_
 text-decoration: none;_x000D_
.tasks a:hover{_x000D_
 border-bottom: dashed 1px #0088cc;_x000D_
.tasks label{_x000D_
 display: block;_x000D_
 text-align: center;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
 <div class="progress progress-striped active">_x000D_
        <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">_x000D_
<div class="row tasks">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-6">_x000D_
          <p><span>Identify your campaign audience.</span>Who are we talking to here? Understand your buyer persona before launching into a campaign, so you can target them correctly.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-2">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-2">_x000D_
          <input name="progress" class="progress" type="checkbox" value="10">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-2">_x000D_
          <input name="done" class="done" type="checkbox" value="20">_x000D_
      </div><!-- tasks -->_x000D_
<div class="row tasks">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-6">_x000D_
          <p><span>Set your goals + benchmarks</span>Having SMART goals can help you be_x000D_
sure that you’ll have tangible results to share with the world (or your_x000D_
boss) at the end of your campaign.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-2">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-2">_x000D_
          <input name="progress" class="progress" type="checkbox" value="30">_x000D_
        <div class="col-md-2">_x000D_
          <input name="done" class="done" type="checkbox" value="40">_x000D_
      </div><!-- tasks -->

Set CSS property in Javascript?

  <h1 id="h1">Silence and Smile</h1><br />
  <h3 id="h3">Silence and Smile</h3>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    document.getElementById("h1").style.color = "Red";
    document.getElementById("h1").style.background = "Green";
    document.getElementById("h3").style.fontSize = "larger" ; 
    document.getElementById("h3").style.fontFamily = "Arial";

Overflow-x:hidden doesn't prevent content from overflowing in mobile browsers

I solved the issue by using overflow-x:hidden; as follows

@media screen and (max-width: 441px){

#end_screen { (NOte:-the end_screen is the wrapper div for all other div's inside it.)
  overflow-x: hidden;

structure is as follows

1st div end_screen >> inside it >> end_screen_2(div) >> inside it >> end_screen_2.

'end_screen is the wrapper of end_screen_1 and end_screen_2 div's

Laravel 5.4 redirection to custom url after login

You should set $redirectTo value to route that you want redirect

$this->redirectTo = route('dashboard');

inside AuthController constructor.

 * Where to redirect users after login / registration.
 * @var string
protected $redirectTo = '/';

 * Create a new authentication controller instance.
 * @return void
public function __construct()
    $this->middleware($this->guestMiddleware(), ['except' => 'logout']);
    $this->redirectTo = route('dashboard');

"You have mail" message in terminal, os X

If you don't want the hassle of using mail, you can read the mail with

cat /var/mail/<username>

and delete the mail with

sudo rm /var/mail/<username>

OpenCV resize fails on large image with "error: (-215) ssize.area() > 0 in function cv::resize"

In my case,

image = cv2.imread(filepath)
final_img = cv2.resize(image, size_img)

filepath was incorrect, cv2.imshow didn't give any error in this case but due to wrong path cv2.resize was giving me error.

How to measure elapsed time in Python?

import time

def getElapsedTime(startTime, units):
    elapsedInSeconds = time.time() - startTime
    if units == 'sec':
        return elapsedInSeconds
    if units == 'min':
        return elapsedInSeconds/60
    if units == 'hour':
        return elapsedInSeconds/(60*60)

How to lock specific cells but allow filtering and sorting

I know this is super old, but comes up whenever I google this issue. You can unprotect the range as given in the above cells and then add data validation to the unprotected cells to reference something outrageous like "423fdgfdsg3254fer" and then if users try to edit any those cells, they will be unable to, but you're sorting and filtering will now work.

Calculating frames per second in a game

In (c++ like) pseudocode these two are what I used in industrial image processing applications that had to process images from a set of externally triggered camera's. Variations in "frame rate" had a different source (slower or faster production on the belt) but the problem is the same. (I assume that you have a simple timer.peek() call that gives you something like the nr of msec (nsec?) since application start or the last call)

Solution 1: fast but not updated every frame

do while (1)
    if (frame.framenumber%poll_interval==0)
        framerate=poll_interval/(new_time - last_time)

Solution 2: updated every frame, requires more memory and CPU

do while (1)
   delta=new_time - last_time
   last_time = new_time
   total_time += delta
   framerate= delta_history.length() / total_time
   while (delta_history.length() > avg_interval)
      oldest_delta = delta_history.pop()
      total_time -= oldest_delta

How to set web.config file to show full error message

If you're using ASP.NET MVC you might also need to remove the HandleErrorAttribute from the Global.asax.cs file:

public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
    filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());

What is "with (nolock)" in SQL Server?

Simple answer - whenever your SQL is not altering data, and you have a query that might interfere with other activity (via locking).

It's worth considering for any queries used for reports, especially if the query takes more than, say, 1 second.

It's especially useful if you have OLAP-type reports you're running against an OLTP database.

The first question to ask, though, is "why am I worrying about this?" ln my experience, fudging the default locking behavior often takes place when someone is in "try anything" mode and this is one case where unexpected consequences are not unlikely. Too often it's a case of premature optimization and can too easily get left embedded in an application "just in case." It's important to understand why you're doing it, what problem it solves, and whether you actually have the problem.

Best way to split string into lines

It's tricky to handle mixed line endings properly. As we know, the line termination characters can be "Line Feed" (ASCII 10, \n, \x0A, \u000A), "Carriage Return" (ASCII 13, \r, \x0D, \u000D), or some combination of them. Going back to DOS, Windows uses the two-character sequence CR-LF \u000D\u000A, so this combination should only emit a single line. Unix uses a single \u000A, and very old Macs used a single \u000D character. The standard way to treat arbitrary mixtures of these characters within a single text file is as follows:

  • each and every CR or LF character should skip to the next line EXCEPT...
  • ...if a CR is immediately followed by LF (\u000D\u000A) then these two together skip just one line.
  • String.Empty is the only input that returns no lines (any character entails at least one line)
  • The last line must be returned even if it has neither CR nor LF.

The preceding rule describes the behavior of StringReader.ReadLine and related functions, and the function shown below produces identical results. It is an efficient C# line breaking function that dutifully implements these guidelines to correctly handle any arbitrary sequence or combination of CR/LF. The enumerated lines do not contain any CR/LF characters. Empty lines are preserved and returned as String.Empty.

/// <summary>
/// Enumerates the text lines from the string.
///   ? Mixed CR-LF scenarios are handled correctly
///   ? String.Empty is returned for each empty line
///   ? No returned string ever contains CR or LF
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<String> Lines(this String s)
    int j = 0, c, i;
    char ch;
    if ((c = s.Length) > 0)
            for (i = j; (ch = s[j]) != '\r' && ch != '\n' && ++j < c;)

            yield return s.Substring(i, j - i);
        while (++j < c && (ch != '\r' || s[j] != '\n' || ++j < c));

Note: If you don't mind the overhead of creating a StringReader instance on each call, you can use the following C# 7 code instead. As noted, while the example above may be slightly more efficient, both of these functions produce the exact same results.

public static IEnumerable<String> Lines(this String s)
    using (var tr = new StringReader(s))
        while (tr.ReadLine() is String L)
            yield return L;

Background color of text in SVG

this is my favorite hack (not sure it should work). It refer an element that is not yet displayed, and it works pretty well

<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 620 40" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">_x000D_
        <filter x="-0.02" y="0" width="1.04" height="1.1" id="removebackground">_x000D_
            <feFlood flood-color="#00ffff"/>_x000D_
    <!--Draw the text--> _x000D_
    <use xlink:href="#mygroup" filter="url(#removebackground)" />_x000D_
    <g id="mygroup">_x000D_
        <text id="text1" x="9" y="20" style="text-anchor:start;font-size:14px;">custom text with background</text>  _x000D_
        <line x1="200" y1="18" x2="200" y2="36" stroke="#000" stroke-width="5"/> _x000D_
        <line x1="120" y1="27" x2="203" y2="27" stroke="#000" stroke-width="5"/> _x000D_

How do I get the path to the current script with Node.js?

So basically you can do this:

fs.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'settings.json'), 'UTF-8', callback);

Use resolve() instead of concatenating with '/' or '\' else you will run into cross-platform issues.

Note: __dirname is the local path of the module or included script. If you are writing a plugin which needs to know the path of the main script it is:


or, to just get the folder name:


Div vertical scrollbar show

What browser are you testing in?

What DOCType have you set?

How exactly are you declaring your CSS?

Are you sure you haven't missed a ; before/after the overflow-y: scroll?

I've just tested the following in IE7 and Firefox and it works fine

<!-- Scroll bar present but disabled when less content -->_x000D_
<div style="width: 200px; height: 100px; overflow-y: scroll;">_x000D_
<!-- Scroll bar present and enabled when more contents -->        _x000D_
<div style="width: 200px; height: 100px; overflow-y: scroll;">_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_
  test<br />_x000D_

How to detect lowercase letters in Python?

import re
s = raw_input('Type a word: ')
print slower, supper


Type a word: A Title of a Book
itleofaook ATB

Or you can use a list comprehension / generator expression:

slower=''.join(c for c in s if c.islower())
supper=''.join(c for c in s if c.isupper())
print slower, supper


Type a word: A Title of a Book
itleofaook ATB

Calling constructors in c++ without new

Both lines are in fact correct but do subtly different things.

The first line creates a new object on the stack by calling a constructor of the format Thing(const char*).

The second one is a bit more complex. It essentially does the following

  1. Create an object of type Thing using the constructor Thing(const char*)
  2. Create an object of type Thing using the constructor Thing(const Thing&)
  3. Call ~Thing() on the object created in step #1

HTTP Status 405 - Method Not Allowed Error for Rest API




@Consumes({ MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA })
public Response uploadPdfFile(@FormDataParam("file") InputStream fileInputStream,@FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileMetaData) throws Exception {

How to improve a case statement that uses two columns

Just change your syntax ever so slightly:

CASE WHEN STATE = 2 AND RetailerProcessType = 1 THEN '"AUTHORISED"'
     WHEN STATE = 1 AND RetailerProcessType = 2 THEN '"PENDING"'
     WHEN STATE = 2 AND RetailerProcessType = 2 THEN '"AUTHORISED"'

If you don't put the field expression before the CASE statement, you can put pretty much any fields and comparisons in there that you want. It's a more flexible method but has slightly more verbose syntax.

Cannot find pkg-config error

if you have this error :

configure: error: Either a previously installed pkg-config or "glib-2.0 >= 2.16" could not be found. Please set GLIB_CFLAGS and GLIB_LIBS to the correct values or pass --with-internal-glib to configure to use the bundled copy.

Instead of do this command :

$ ./configure && make install

Do that :

./configure --with-internal-glib && make install

Finding element's position relative to the document

You can use element.getBoundingClientRect() to retrieve element position relative to the viewport.

Then use document.documentElement.scrollTop to calculate the viewport offset.

The sum of the two will give the element position relative to the document:

element.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.documentElement.scrollTop

Node.js check if path is file or directory

The answers above check if a filesystem contains a path that is a file or directory. But it doesn't identify if a given path alone is a file or directory.

The answer is to identify directory-based paths using "/." like --> "/c/dos/run/." <-- trailing period.

Like a path of a directory or file that has not been written yet. Or a path from a different computer. Or a path where both a file and directory of the same name exists.

// /tmp/
// |- dozen.path
// |- dozen.path/.
//    |- eggs.txt
// "/tmp/dozen.path" !== "/tmp/dozen.path/"
// Very few fs allow this. But still. Don't trust the filesystem alone!

// Converts the non-standard "path-ends-in-slash" to the standard "path-is-identified-by current "." or previous ".." directory symbol.
function tryGetPath(pathItem) {
    const isPosix = pathItem.includes("/");
    if ((isPosix && pathItem.endsWith("/")) ||
        (!isPosix && pathItem.endsWith("\\"))) {
        pathItem = pathItem + ".";
    return pathItem;
// If a path ends with a current directory identifier, it is a path! /c/dos/run/. and c:\dos\run\.
function isDirectory(pathItem) {
    const isPosix = pathItem.includes("/");
    if (pathItem === "." || pathItem ==- "..") {
        pathItem = (isPosix ? "./" : ".\\") + pathItem;
    return (isPosix ? pathItem.endsWith("/.") || pathItem.endsWith("/..") : pathItem.endsWith("\\.") || pathItem.endsWith("\\.."));
// If a path is not a directory, and it isn't empty, it must be a file
function isFile(pathItem) {
    if (pathItem === "") {
        return false;
    return !isDirectory(pathItem);

Node version: v11.10.0 - Feb 2019

Last thought: Why even hit the filesystem?

How to get the mysql table columns data type?

Most answers are duplicates, it might be useful to group them. Basically two simple options have been proposed.

First option

The first option has 4 different aliases, some of which are quite short :

EXPLAIN db_name.table_name;
DESCRIBE db_name.table_name;
SHOW FIELDS FROM db_name.table_name;
SHOW COLUMNS FROM db_name.table_name;

(NB : as an alternative to db_name.table_name, one can use a second FROM : db_name FROM table_name).

This gives something like :

| Field            | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| product_id       | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name             | varchar(255) | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |
| description      | text         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| meta_title       | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |

Second option

The second option is a bit longer :

  TABLE_SCHEMA = 'db_name'
  TABLE_NAME = 'table_name';

It is also less talkative :

| column_name      | DATA_TYPE |
| product_id       | int       |
| name             | varchar   |
| description      | text      |
| meta_title       | varchar   |

It has the advantage of allowing selection per column, though, using AND COLUMN_NAME = 'column_name' (or like).

Should try...catch go inside or outside a loop?

As already mentioned, the performance is the same. However, user experience isn't necessarily identical. In the first case, you'll fail fast (i.e. after the first error), however if you put the try/catch block inside the loop, you can capture all the errors that would be created for a given call to the method. When parsing an array of values from strings where you expect some formatting errors, there are definitely cases where you'd like to be able to present all the errors to the user so that they don't need to try and fix them one by one.

Database design for a survey

Having a large Answer table, in and of itself, is not a problem. As long as the indexes and constraints are well defined you should be fine. Your second schema looks good to me.

Should I use JSLint or JSHint JavaScript validation?

There is an another mature and actively developed "player" on the javascript linting front - ESLint:

ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code. In many ways, it is similar to JSLint and JSHint with a few exceptions:

  • ESLint uses Esprima for JavaScript parsing.
  • ESLint uses an AST to evaluate patterns in code.
  • ESLint is completely pluggable, every single rule is a plugin and you can add more at runtime.

What really matters here is that it is extendable via custom plugins/rules. There are already multiple plugins written for different purposes. Among others, there are:

And, of course, you can use your build tool of choice to run ESLint:

Referencing another schema in Mongoose

It sounds like the populate method is what your looking for. First make small change to your post schema:

var postSchema = new Schema({
    name: String,
    postedBy: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User'},
    dateCreated: Date,
    comments: [{body:"string", by: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId}],

Then make your model:

var Post = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema);

Then, when you make your query, you can populate references like this:

Post.findOne({_id: 123})
.exec(function(err, post) {
    // do stuff with post

HttpServlet cannot be resolved to a type .... is this a bug in eclipse?

I faced the same problem in eclipse with tomcat7 with the error javax.servlet cannot be resolved. If I select the server in targeted runtime mode and build project again, the error get's resolved.


It is ok for sure. With just few hundred of entries, it will be fast.

You can add an unique id as as primary key (int autoincrement) ans set your coupon_code as unique. So if you need to do request in other tables it's better to use int than varchar

Writing BMP image in pure c/c++ without other libraries

See if this works for you... In this code, I had 3 2-dimensional arrays, called red,green and blue. Each one was of size [width][height], and each element corresponded to a pixel - I hope this makes sense!

FILE *f;
unsigned char *img = NULL;
int filesize = 54 + 3*w*h;  //w is your image width, h is image height, both int

img = (unsigned char *)malloc(3*w*h);

for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<h; j++)
        x=i; y=(h-1)-j;
        r = red[i][j]*255;
        g = green[i][j]*255;
        b = blue[i][j]*255;
        if (r > 255) r=255;
        if (g > 255) g=255;
        if (b > 255) b=255;
        img[(x+y*w)*3+2] = (unsigned char)(r);
        img[(x+y*w)*3+1] = (unsigned char)(g);
        img[(x+y*w)*3+0] = (unsigned char)(b);

unsigned char bmpfileheader[14] = {'B','M', 0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 54,0,0,0};
unsigned char bmpinfoheader[40] = {40,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0, 24,0};
unsigned char bmppad[3] = {0,0,0};

bmpfileheader[ 2] = (unsigned char)(filesize    );
bmpfileheader[ 3] = (unsigned char)(filesize>> 8);
bmpfileheader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(filesize>>16);
bmpfileheader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(filesize>>24);

bmpinfoheader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(       w    );
bmpinfoheader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(       w>> 8);
bmpinfoheader[ 6] = (unsigned char)(       w>>16);
bmpinfoheader[ 7] = (unsigned char)(       w>>24);
bmpinfoheader[ 8] = (unsigned char)(       h    );
bmpinfoheader[ 9] = (unsigned char)(       h>> 8);
bmpinfoheader[10] = (unsigned char)(       h>>16);
bmpinfoheader[11] = (unsigned char)(       h>>24);

f = fopen("img.bmp","wb");
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)


Meaning of - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

An XML declaration is not required in all XML documents; however XHTML document authors are strongly encouraged to use XML declarations in all their documents. Such a declaration is required when the character encoding of the document is other than the default UTF-8 or UTF-16 and no encoding was determined by a higher-level protocol. Here is an example of an XHTML document. In this example, the XML declaration is included.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE html 
 PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>Virtual Library</title>
    <p>Moved to <a href=""></a>.</p>

Please refer to the W3 standards for XML.

How to add text inside the doughnut chart using Chart.js?

First of all, kudos on choosing Chart.js! I'm using it on one of my current projects and I absolutely love it - it does the job perfectly.

Although labels/tooltips are not part of the library yet, you may want to take a look at these three pull requests:

And, as Cracker0dks mentioned, Chart.js uses canvas for rendering so you may as well just implement your own tooltips by interacting with it directly.

Hope this helps.

css 100% width div not taking up full width of parent

The problem is caused by your #grid having a width:1140px.

You need to set a min-width:1140px on the body.

This will stop the body from getting smaller than the #grid. Remove width:100% as block level elements take up the available width by default. Live example:

html, body{
    min-width: 1140px; /* this is the important part*/
    background:#f8f8f8 url(../images/grid-container-bg.gif) repeat-x top left;
    margin:0px auto;

global variable for all controller and views

using middlwares

1- create middlware with any name


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;

class GlobalData
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        // edit this section and share what do you want
        $site_settings = Setting::all();
        View::share('site_settings', $site_settings);
        return $next($request);

2- register your middleware in Kernal.php

protected $routeMiddleware = [
 'globaldata' => GlobalData::class,

3-now group your routes with globaldata middleware

Route::group(['middleware' => ['globaldata']], function () {
//  add routes that need to site_settings

Check if any ancestor has a class using jQuery

There are many ways to filter for element ancestors.

if ($elem.closest('.parentClass').length /* > 0*/) {/*...*/}
if ($elem.parents('.parentClass').length /* > 0*/) {/*...*/}
if ($elem.parents().hasClass('parentClass')) {/*...*/}
if ($('.parentClass').has($elem).length /* > 0*/) {/*...*/}
if ($'.parentClass *')) {/*...*/} 

Beware, closest() method includes element itself while checking for selector.

Alternatively, if you have a unique selector matching the $elem, e.g #myElem, you can use:

if ($('.parentClass:has(#myElem)').length /* > 0*/) {/*...*/}
if(document.querySelector('.parentClass #myElem')) {/*...*/}

If you want to match an element depending any of its ancestor class for styling purpose only, just use a CSS rule:

.parentClass #myElem { /* CSS property set */ }

Open source face recognition for Android

Here are some links that I found on face recognition libraries.

Image Identification links:

How do I get whole and fractional parts from double in JSP/Java?

Since Java 8, you can use Math.floorDiv.

It returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) int value that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.

Some examples:

floorDiv(4, 3) == 1
floorDiv(-4, 3) == -2

Alternatively, the / operator can be used:

(4 / 3) == 1
(-4 / 3) == -1


ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (works when a separate sql, but does not work inside a oracle function)

There are a couple of things you could look at. Based on your question, it looks like the function owner is different from the table owner.

1) Grants via a role : In order to create stored procedures and functions on another user's objects, you need direct access to the objects (instead of access through a role).


By default, stored procedures and SQL methods execute with the privileges of their owner, not their current user.

If you created a table in Schema A and the function in Schema B, you should take a look at Oracle's Invoker/Definer Rights concepts to understand what might be causing the issue.

Pandas: Return Hour from Datetime Column Directly

For posterity: as of 0.15.0, there is a handy .dt accessor you can use to pull such values from a datetime/period series (in the above case, just sales.timestamp.dt.hour!

How to disable anchor "jump" when loading a page?

None of answers do not work good enough for me, I see page jumping to anchor and then to top for some solutions, some answers do not work at all, may be things changed for years. Hope my function will help to someone.

 * Prevent automatic scrolling of page to anchor by browser after loading of page.
 * Do not call this function in $(...) or $(window).on('load', ...),
 * it should be called earlier, as soon as possible.
function preventAnchorScroll() {
    var scrollToTop = function () {
    if (window.location.hash) {
        // handler is executed at most once
        $(window).one('scroll', scrollToTop);

    // make sure to release scroll 1 second after document readiness
    // to avoid negative UX
    $(function () {
            function () {
                $(window).off('scroll', scrollToTop);

Delete the first three rows of a dataframe in pandas


Pandas uses zero based numbering, so 0 is the first row, 1 is the second row and 2 is the third row.

Issue in installing php7.2-mcrypt

I followed below steps to install mcrypt for PHP7.2 using PECL.

  1. Install PECL

apt-get install php-pecl

  1. Before installing MCRYPT you must install libmcrypt

apt-get install libmcrypt-dev libreadline-dev

  1. Install MCRYPT 1.0.1 using PECL

pecl install mcrypt-1.0.1

  1. After the successful installation

You should add "" to php.ini

Please comment below if you need any assistance. :-)


According to reference many (all) mcrypt functions have been DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.1.0. Relying on this function is highly discouraged.

How to trigger button click in MVC 4

MVC doesn't do events. Just put a form and submit button on the page and the method decorated with the HttpPost attribute will process that request.

You might want to read a tutorial or two on how to create views, forms and controllers.

Removing the textarea border in HTML

textarea {
border: 0;
overflow: auto; }

less CSS ^ you can't align the text to the bottom unfortunately.

"Operation must use an updateable query" error in MS Access

There is no error in the code, but the error is thrown due to the following:

 - Please check whether you have given Read-write permission to MS-Access database file.
 - The Database file where it is stored (say in Folder1) is read-only..? 

suppose you are stored the database (MS-Access file) in read only folder, while running your application the connection is not force-fully opened. Hence change the file permission / its containing folder permission like in C:\Program files all most all c drive files been set read-only so changing this permission solves this Problem.

Android ADB commands to get the device properties

For Power-Shell

./adb shell getprop | Select-String -Pattern '(model)|(version.sdk)|(manufacturer)|(platform)|(serialno)|(|(brand)'

For linux(burrowing asnwer from @0x8BADF00D)

adb shell getprop | grep "model\|version.sdk\|manufacturer\|hardware\|platform\|revision\|serialno\|\|brand"

For single string find in power shell

./adb shell getprop | Select-String -Pattern 'model'


./adb shell getprop | Select-String -Pattern '(model)'

For multiple

./adb shell getprop | Select-String -Pattern '(a|b|c|d)'

The executable was signed with invalid entitlements

This is because your device, on which you are running your application is not selected with your provisioning profile.

So just go through Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles select your iOS Provisioning Profiles click on edit then select your Device

enter image description here

jquery - disable click

Use off() method after click event is triggered to disable element for the further click.


How to create image slideshow in html?

Instead of writing the code from the scratch you can use jquery plug in. Such plug in can provide many configuration option as well.

Here is the one I most liked.

How to custom switch button?


     android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_checked="false"

    <item android:state_checked="true"



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_checked="false">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">

            <size android:width="24dp" android:height="12dp" />
            <solid android:color="#EFE0BB" />
            <corners android:radius="6dp" />

    <item android:state_checked="true">

        <shape android:shape="rectangle">

            <size android:width="24dp" android:height="12dp" />
            <solid android:color="@color/colorPrimary" />
            <corners android:radius="6dp" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">

        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="#EFE0BB" />
                android:height="10dp" />
                android:color="@color/colorPrimary" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">

    <item >
        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="@color/colorPrimary"/>
            <size android:height="12dp"
            <stroke android:color="#EFE0BB"


Removing Data From ElasticSearch

To list down the indices curl -L localhost:9200/_cat/indices

9200 default port[change the port if using some other port]

You will likely find all indices starting with logstash-yyyy-mm-dd format(logstash-*)

You can see all the indices and use

To delete the indices and data trigger following command.

curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/index_name (Which will remove the data and indices both).

How can I write output from a unit test?

Trace.WriteLine should work provided you select the correct output (the dropdown labeled with "Show output from" found in the Output window).

Socket.IO handling disconnect event

You can also, if you like use socket id to manage your player list like this.

io.on('connection', function(socket){
  socket.on('disconnect', function() {
    for(var i = 0; i < onlineplayers.length; i++ ){
      if(onlineplayers[i].socket ==={
        console.log(onlineplayers[i].code + " just disconnected")
        onlineplayers.splice(i, 1)
    io.emit('players', onlineplayers)

  socket.on('lobby_join', function(player) {
    if(player.available === false) return
    var exists = false
    for(var i = 0; i < onlineplayers.length; i++ ){
      if(onlineplayers[i].code === player.code){
        exists = true
    if(exists === false){
        code: player.code,
    io.emit('players', onlineplayers)

  socket.on('lobby_leave', function(player) {
    var exists = false
    for(var i = 0; i < onlineplayers.length; i++ ){
      if(onlineplayers[i].code === player.code){
        onlineplayers.splice(i, 1)
    io.emit('players', onlineplayers)

How do I call one constructor from another in Java?

When I need to call another constructor from inside the code (not on the first line), I usually use a helper method like this:

class MyClass {
   int field;

   MyClass() {
   MyClass(int value) {
      if (value<0) {
      else { 
   void init(int x) {
      field = x;

But most often I try to do it the other way around by calling the more complex constructors from the simpler ones on the first line, to the extent possible. For the above example

class MyClass {
   int field;

   MyClass(int value) {
      if (value<0)
         field = 0;
         field = value;
   MyClass() {

How to succinctly write a formula with many variables from a data frame?

An extension of juba's method is to use reformulate, a function which is explicitly designed for such a task.

## Create a formula for a model with a large number of variables:
xnam <- paste("x", 1:25, sep="")

reformulate(xnam, "y")
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 + 
    x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 + 
    x22 + x23 + x24 + x25

For the example in the OP, the easiest solution here would be

# add y variable to data.frame d
d <- cbind(y, d)
reformulate(names(d)[-1], names(d[1]))
y ~ x1 + x2 + x3


mod <- lm(reformulate(names(d)[-1], names(d[1])), data=d)

Note that adding the dependent variable to the data.frame in d <- cbind(y, d) is preferred not only because it allows for the use of reformulate, but also because it allows for future use of the lm object in functions like predict.

MySQL Fire Trigger for both Insert and Update

You have to create two triggers, but you can move the common code into a procedure and have them both call the procedure.

Uninstalling Android ADT

The only way to remove the ADT plugin from Eclipse is to go to Help > About Eclipse/About ADT > Installation Details.

Select a plug-in you want to uninstall, then click Uninstall... button at the bottom.

enter image description here

If you cannot remove ADT from this location, then your best option is probably to start fresh with a clean Eclipse install.

how to copy only the columns in a DataTable to another DataTable?

If you want the structure of a particular data table(dataTable1) with column headers (without data) into another data table(dataTable2), you can follow the below code:

        DataTable dataTable2 = dataTable1.Clone();

Now you can fill dataTable2 according to your condition. :)

How do I build JSON dynamically in javascript?

First, I think you're calling it the wrong thing. "JSON" stands for "JavaScript Object Notation" - it's just a specification for representing some data in a string that explicitly mimics JavaScript object (and array, string, number and boolean) literals. You're trying to build up a JavaScript object dynamically - so the word you're looking for is "object".

With that pedantry out of the way, I think that you're asking how to set object and array properties.

// make an empty object
var myObject = {};

// set the "list1" property to an array of strings
myObject.list1 = ['1', '2'];

// you can also access properties by string
myObject['list2'] = [];
// accessing arrays is the same, but the keys are numbers
myObject.list2[0] = 'a';
myObject['list2'][1] = 'b';

myObject.list3 = [];
// instead of placing properties at specific indices, you
// can push them on to the end
// or unshift them on to the beginning
myObject.list3[0]['key1'] = 'value1';
myObject.list3[1]['key2'] = 'value2';

myObject.not_a_list = '11';

That code will build up the object that you specified in your question (except that I call it myObject instead of myJSON). For more information on accessing properties, I recommend the Mozilla JavaScript Guide and the book JavaScript: The Good Parts.

What's the difference between 'r+' and 'a+' when open file in python?

One difference is for r+ if the files does not exist, it'll not be created and open fails. But in case of a+ the file will be created if it does not exist.

QComboBox - set selected item based on the item's data

You can also have a look at the method findText(const QString & text) from QComboBox; it returns the index of the element which contains the given text, (-1 if not found). The advantage of using this method is that you don't need to set the second parameter when you add an item.

Here is a little example :

/* Create the comboBox */
QComboBox   *_comboBox = new QComboBox;

/* Create the ComboBox elements list (here we use QString) */
QList<QString> stringsList;

/* Populate the comboBox */

/* Create the label */
QLabel *label = new QLabel;

/* Search for "Text2" text */
int index = _comboBox->findText("Text2");
if( index == -1 )
    label->setText("Text2 not found !");
    label->setText(QString("Text2's index is ")

/* setup layout */
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);

Deserializing a JSON file with JavaScriptSerializer()

  public class User : List<UserData>

        public int id { get; set; }
        public string screen_name { get; set; }


    string json = client.DownloadString(url);
    JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    var Data = serializer.Deserialize<List<UserData>>(json);

Get the current file name in gulp.src()

Here is another simple way.

var es, log, logFile;

es = require('event-stream');

log = require('gulp-util').log;

logFile = function(es) {
  return, cb) {
    return cb();

gulp.task("do", function() {
 return gulp.src('./examples/*.html')

How can I replace the deprecated set_magic_quotes_runtime in php?

You don't need to replace it with anything. The setting magic_quotes_runtime is removed in PHP6 so the function call is unneeded. If you want to maintain backwards compatibility it may be wise to wrap it in a if statement checking phpversion using version_compare

Django Server Error: port is already in use

Click the arrow in the screenshot and find the bash with already running Django server. You were getting the message because your server was already running and you tried to start the server again.

enter image description here

C: printf a float value

printf("%9.6f", myFloat) specifies a format with 9 total characters: 2 digits before the dot, the dot itself, and six digits after the dot.

Exit a while loop in VBS/VBA

Use Do...Loop with Until keyword

Do Until //certain_condition_to_break_loop

This loop will continue to execute, Until the condition becomes true

While...Wend is the old syntax and does not provide feature to break loop! Prefer do while loops

Android EditText Max Length

For me this solution works:


How to change button text in Swift Xcode 6?

swift 4 work as well as 3

libero.setTitle("---", for: .normal)

where libero is a uibutton

How can I export Excel files using JavaScript?

There is an interesting project on github called Excel Builder (.js) that offers a client-side way of downloading Excel xlsx files and includes options for formatting the Excel spreadsheet.

You may encounter both browser and Excel compatibility issues using this library, but under the right conditions, it may be quite useful.

Another github project with less Excel options but less worries about Excel compatibility issues can be found here: ExcellentExport.js

If you are using AngularJS, there is ng-csv:
a "Simple directive that turns arrays and objects into downloadable CSV files".

Null vs. False vs. 0 in PHP

Below is an example:

            Comparisons of $x with PHP functions

Expression          gettype()   empty()     is_null()   isset() boolean : if($x)
$x = "";            string      TRUE        FALSE       TRUE    FALSE
$x = null;          NULL        TRUE        TRUE        FALSE   FALSE
var $x;             NULL        TRUE        TRUE        FALSE   FALSE
$x is undefined     NULL        TRUE        TRUE        FALSE   FALSE
$x = array();       array       TRUE        FALSE       TRUE    FALSE
$x = false;         boolean     TRUE        FALSE       TRUE    FALSE
$x = true;          boolean     FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE
$x = 1;             integer     FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE
$x = 42;            integer     FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE
$x = 0;             integer     TRUE        FALSE       TRUE    FALSE
$x = -1;            integer     FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE
$x = "1";           string      FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE
$x = "0";           string      TRUE        FALSE       TRUE    FALSE
$x = "-1";          string      FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE
$x = "php";         string      FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE
$x = "true";        string      FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE
$x = "false";       string      FALSE       FALSE       TRUE    TRUE

Please see this for more reference of type comparisons in PHP. It should give you a clear understanding.

Using jQuery Fancybox or Lightbox to display a contact form

you'll probably want to look into jquery-ui dialog. it's highly customizable and can be made to work exactly like lightbox/fancybox and supports everything you would need for a contact form from a regular link.

there is even an example with a form.

What is the purpose and use of **kwargs?

  • kwargs in **kwargs is just variable name. You can very well have **anyVariableName
  • kwargs stands for "keyword arguments". But I feel they should better be called as "named arguments", as these are simply arguments passed along with names (I dont find any significance to the word "keyword" in the term "keyword arguments". I guess "keyword" usually means words reserved by programming language and hence not to be used by the programmer for variable names. No such thing is happening here in case of kwargs.). So we give names param1 and param2 to two parameter values passed to the function as follows: func(param1="val1",param2="val2"), instead of passing only values: func(val1,val2). Thus, I feel they should be appropriately called "arbitrary number of named arguments" as we can specify any number of these parameters (that is, arguments) if func has signature func(**kwargs)

So being said that let me explain "named arguments" first and then "arbitrary number of named arguments" kwargs.

Named arguments

  • named args should follow positional args
  • order of named args is not important
  • Example

    def function1(param1,param2="arg2",param3="arg3"):
        print("\n"+str(param1)+" "+str(param2)+" "+str(param3)+"\n")
    function1(1)                      #1 arg2 arg3   #1 positional arg
    function1(param1=1)               #1 arg2 arg3   #1 named arg
    function1(1,param2=2)             #1 2 arg3      #1 positional arg, 1 named arg
    function1(param1=1,param2=2)      #1 2 arg3      #2 named args       
    function1(param2=2, param1=1)     #1 2 arg3      #2 named args out of order
    function1(1, param3=3, param2=2)  #1 2 3         #
    #function1()                      #invalid: required argument missing
    #function1(param2=2,1)            #invalid: SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg
    #function1(1,param1=11)           #invalid: TypeError: function1() got multiple values for argument 'param1'
    #function1(param4=4)              #invalid: TypeError: function1() got an unexpected keyword argument 'param4'

Arbitrary number of named arguments kwargs

  • Sequence of function parameters:
    1. positional parameters
    2. formal parameter capturing arbitrary number of arguments (prefixed with *)
    3. named formal parameters
    4. formal parameter capturing arbitrary number of named parameters (prefixed with **)
  • Example

    def function2(param1, *tupleParams, param2, param3, **dictionaryParams):
        print("param1: "+ param1)
        print("param2: "+ param2)
        print("param3: "+ param3)
        print("custom tuple params","-"*10)
        for p in tupleParams:
            print(str(p) + ",")
        print("custom named params","-"*10)
        for k,v in dictionaryParams.items():
              "custom param1",
              "custom param2",
              "custom param3",
              customNamedParam1 = "val1",
              customNamedParam2 = "val2"
    # Output
    #param1: arg1
    #param2: arg2
    #param3: arg3
    #custom tuple params ----------
    #custom param1,
    #custom param2,
    #custom param3,
    #custom named params ----------

Passing tuple and dict variables for custom args

To finish it up, let me also note that we can pass

  • "formal parameter capturing arbitrary number of arguments" as tuple variable and
  • "formal parameter capturing arbitrary number of named parameters" as dict variable

Thus the same above call can be made as follows:

tupleCustomArgs = ("custom param1", "custom param2", "custom param3")
dictCustomNamedArgs = {"customNamedParam1":"val1", "customNamedParam2":"val2"}

      *tupleCustomArgs,    #note *
      **dictCustomNamedArgs     #note **

Finally note * and ** in function calls above. If we omit them, we may get ill results.

Omitting * in tuple args:

      tupleCustomArgs,   #omitting *


param1: arg1
param2: arg2
param3: arg3
custom tuple params ----------
('custom param1', 'custom param2', 'custom param3'),
custom named params ----------

Above tuple ('custom param1', 'custom param2', 'custom param3') is printed as is.

Omitting dict args:

      dictCustomNamedArgs   #omitting **


SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

C read file line by line

void readLine(FILE* file, char* line, int limit)
    int i;
    int read;

    read = fread(line, sizeof(char), limit, file);
    line[read] = '\0';

    for(i = 0; i <= read;i++)
        if('\0' == line[i] || '\n' == line[i] || '\r' == line[i])
            line[i] = '\0';

    if(i != read)
        fseek(file, i - read + 1, SEEK_CUR);

what about this one?

How to upgrade Angular CLI to the latest version

After reading some issues reported on the GitHub repository, I found the solution.

In order to update the angular-cli package installed globally in your system, you need to run:

npm uninstall -g @angular-cli
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

Depending on your system, you may need to prefix the above commands with sudo.

Also, most likely you want to also update your local project version, because inside your project directory it will be selected with higher priority than the global one:

rm -rf node_modules
npm uninstall --save-dev @angular-cli
npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest
npm install

thanks grizzm0 for pointing this out on GitHub.

After updating your CLI, you probably want to update your Angular version too.

Note: if you are updating to Angular CLI 6+ from an older version, you might need to read this.

Edit: In addition, if you were still on a 1.x version of the cli, you need to convert your angular-cli.json to angular.json, which you can do with the following command:

ng update @angular/cli --from=1.7.4 --migrate-only

(check this for more details).

Opening new window in HTML for target="_blank"

To open in a new windows with dimensions and everything, you will need to call a JavaScript function, as target="_blank" won't let you adjust sizes. An example would be:

<a href="" onclick=", 'mywin',
'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" >Share this</a>

Hope this helps you.

C# Call a method in a new thread

If you actually start a new thread, that thread will terminate when the method finishes:

Thread thread = new Thread(SecondFoo);

Now SecondFoo will be called in the new thread, and the thread will terminate when it completes.

Did you actually mean that you wanted the thread to terminate when the method in the calling thread completes?

EDIT: Note that starting a thread is a reasonably expensive operation. Do you definitely need a brand new thread rather than using a threadpool thread? Consider using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem or (preferrably, if you're using .NET 4) TaskFactory.StartNew.

Convert this string to datetime

The Problem is with your code formatting,

inorder to use strtotime() You should replace '06/Oct/2011:19:00:02' with 06/10/2011 19:00:02 and date('d/M/Y:H:i:s', $date); with date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);. Note the spaces in between.

So the final code looks like this

$s = '06/10/2011 19:00:02';
$date = strtotime($s);
echo date('d/M/Y H:i:s', $date);

Returning string from C function

I came across this thread while working on my understanding of Cython. My extension to the original question might be of use to others working at the C / Cython interface. So this is the extension of the original question: how do I return a string from a C function, making it available to Cython & thus to Python?

For those not familiar with it, Cython allows you to statically type Python code that you need to speed up. So the process is, enjoy writing Python :), find its a bit slow somewhere, profile it, calve off a function or two and cythonize them. Wow. Close to C speed (it compiles to C) Fixed. Yay. The other use is importing C functions or libraries into Python as done here.

This will print a string and return the same or another string to Python. There are 3 files, the c file c_hello.c, the cython file sayhello.pyx, and the cython setup file sayhello.pyx. When they are compiled using python build_ext --inplace they generate a shared library file that can be imported into python or ipython and the function sayhello.hello run.


#include <stdio.h>

char *c_hello() {
  char *mystr = "Hello World!\n";
  return mystr;
  // return "this string";  // alterative


cdef extern from "c_hello.c":
    cdef char* c_hello()

def hello():
    return c_hello()

from setuptools import setup
from setuptools.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
from Cython.Build import cythonize

ext_modules = cythonize([Extension("sayhello", ["sayhello.pyx"])])

name = 'Hello world app',
cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
ext_modules = ext_modules

Programmatic equivalent of default(Type)

I do the same task like this.

//in MessageHeader 
   private void SetValuesDefault()
        MessageHeader header = this;             

//in ObjectPropertyHelper
   public static void SetPropertiesToDefault<T>(T obj) 
            Type objectType = typeof(T);

            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo [] props = objectType.GetProperties();

            foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo property in props)
                if (property.CanWrite)
                    string propertyName = property.Name;
                    Type propertyType = property.PropertyType;

                    object value = TypeHelper.DefaultForType(propertyType);
                    property.SetValue(obj, value, null);

//in TypeHelper
    public static object DefaultForType(Type targetType)
        return targetType.IsValueType ? Activator.CreateInstance(targetType) : null;

Change text color with Javascript?

use ONLY

function init() { 
    about = document.getElementById("about"); = 'blue';

.innerHTML() sets or gets the HTML syntax describing the element's descendants., All you need is an object here.


How do I wait for an asynchronously dispatched block to finish?

Trying to use a dispatch_semaphore. It should look something like this:

dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);

[object runSomeLongOperationAndDo:^{


if (![NSThread isMainThread]) {
    dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
} else {
    while (dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW)) { 
        [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0]]; 

This should behave correctly even if runSomeLongOperationAndDo: decides that the operation isn't actually long enough to merit threading and runs synchronously instead.

JQuery - Call the jquery button click event based on name property

You have to use the jquery attribute selector. You can read more here:

In your case it should be:


C++ alignment when printing cout <<

C++20 std::format options <, ^ and >

According to the following should hold:

// left: "42    "
std::cout << std::format("{:<6}", 42);

// right: "    42"
std::cout << std::format("{:>6}", 42);

// center: "  42  "
std::cout << std::format("{:^6}", 42);

More information at: std::string formatting like sprintf

How to read multiple Integer values from a single line of input in Java?

It's working with this code:

Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter Name : ");
String name =;
System.out.println("Enter Phone # : ");
String phone =;

How to generate entire DDL of an Oracle schema (scriptable)?

You can spool the schema out to a file via SQL*Plus and dbms_metadata package. Then replace the schema name with another one via sed. This works for Oracle 10 and higher.

set long 100000
set head off
set echo off
set pagesize 0
set verify off
set feedback off
spool schema.out

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(object_type, object_name, owner)
    --Convert DBA_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE to DBMS_METADATA object type:
        --Java object names may need to be converted with DBMS_JAVA.LONGNAME.
        --That code is not included since many database don't have Java installed.
            'DATABASE LINK',      'DB_LINK',
            'JOB',                'PROCOBJ',
            'RULE SET',           'PROCOBJ',
            'RULE',               'PROCOBJ',
            'CREDENTIAL',         'PROCOBJ',
            'CHAIN',              'PROCOBJ',
            'PROGRAM',            'PROCOBJ',
            'PACKAGE',            'PACKAGE_SPEC',
            'PACKAGE BODY',       'PACKAGE_BODY',
            'TYPE',               'TYPE_SPEC',
            'TYPE BODY',          'TYPE_BODY',
            'QUEUE',              'AQ_QUEUE',
            'JAVA CLASS',         'JAVA_CLASS',
            'JAVA TYPE',          'JAVA_TYPE',
            'JAVA SOURCE',        'JAVA_SOURCE',
            'JAVA RESOURCE',      'JAVA_RESOURCE',
            'XML SCHEMA',         'XMLSCHEMA',
        ) object_type
    from dba_objects 
    where owner in ('OWNER1')
        --These objects are included with other object types.
        and object_type not in ('INDEX PARTITION','INDEX SUBPARTITION',
        --Ignore system-generated types that support collection processing.
        and not (object_type = 'TYPE' and object_name like 'SYS_PLSQL_%')
        --Exclude nested tables, their DDL is part of their parent table.
        and (owner, object_name) not in (select owner, table_name from dba_nested_tables)
        --Exclude overflow segments, their DDL is part of their parent table.
        and (owner, object_name) not in (select owner, table_name from dba_tables where iot_type = 'IOT_OVERFLOW')
order by owner, object_type, object_name;

spool off

cat schema.out|sed 's/OWNER1/MYOWNER/g'>schema.out.change.sql

Put everything in a script and run it via cron (scheduler). Exporting objects can be tricky when advanced features are used. Don't be surprised if you need to add some more exceptions to the above code.

SFTP in Python? (platform independent)

Here is a sample using pysftp and a private key.

import pysftp

def upload_file(file_path):

    private_key = "~/.ssh/your-key.pem"  # can use password keyword in Connection instead
    srv = pysftp.Connection(host="your-host", username="user-name", private_key=private_key)
    srv.chdir('/var/web/public_files/media/uploads')  # change directory on remote server
    srv.put(file_path)  # To download a file, replace put with get
    srv.close()  # Close connection

pysftp is an easy to use sftp module that utilizes paramiko and pycrypto. It provides a simple interface to sftp.. Other things that you can do with pysftp which are quite useful:

data = srv.listdir()  # Get the directory and file listing in a list
srv.get(file_path)  # Download a file from remote server
srv.execute('pwd') # Execute a command on the server

More commands and about PySFTP here.

How to center a Window in Java?

Example: Inside myWindow() on line 3 is the code you need to set the window in the center of the screen.

JFrame window;

public myWindow() {

    window = new JFrame();
    window.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // this line set the window in the center of thr screen
    window.setLayout(null); // disable the default layout to use custom one.
    window.setVisible(true); // to show the window on the screen.

Intel X86 emulator accelerator (HAXM installer) VT/NX not enabled

Goto the SDK manager in your IDE and install the latest "Intel HAXM" and start the emulator.

If it is throwing the error as

Starting emulator for AVD 'X86'
emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.
CPU acceleration status: HAX is not installed on this machine (/dev/HAX is missing).

It means that some hardware graphical features are to be assigned.So to overcome this problem just go to the path where you have your Adroid SDK installed.



There you can find the file intelhaxm-android.exe.

Mac OS X

On Mac OSXthere is a IntelHAXM_X.X.X.dmg file, mount it and you'll find an mpkg-file.

Install the file and restart all the applications using android emulator such as(android studio,cmd etc..,).

Now try to open the emulator it will work fine

In Subversion can I be a user other than my login name?

TortoiseSVN always prompts for username. (unless you tell it not to)

how to find 2d array size in c++

Here is one possible solution of first part


using namespace std;
int main()
    int marks[][4] = {
                      10, 20, 30, 50,
                      40, 50, 60, 60,
                      10, 20, 10, 70

int rows =  sizeof(marks)/sizeof(marks[0]);
int cols = sizeof(marks)/(sizeof(int)*rows);

    for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<cols; j++)
            cout<<marks[i][j]<<" ";

    return 0;

Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is ''

One other thing that affected me: If you have multiple test devices, make sure you are making changes to the layout used by the device. In my case, I spent a while making changes to xmls in the "layout" directory until I discovered that my larger phone (which I switched to halfway through testing) was using xmls in the "layout-sw360dp" directory. Grrr!

ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher() vs ServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher()

I would think that your first question is simply a matter of scope. The ServletContext is a much more broad scoped object (the whole servlet context) than a ServletRequest, which is simply a single request. You might look to the Servlet specification itself for more detailed information.

As to how, I am sorry but I will have to leave that for others to answer at this time.

Python String and Integer concatenation

for i in range (1,10):

To get string0, string1 ..... string10, you could do like

>>> ["string"+str(i) for i in range(11)]
['string0', 'string1', 'string2', 'string3', 'string4', 'string5', 'string6', 'string7', 'string8', 'string9', 'string10']

How to import a csv file using python with headers intact, where first column is a non-numerical

For Python 3

Remove the rb argument and use either r or don't pass argument (default read mode).

with open( <path-to-file>, 'r' ) as theFile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(theFile)
    for line in reader:
        # line is { 'workers': 'w0', 'constant': 7.334, 'age': -1.406, ... }
        # e.g. print( line[ 'workers' ] ) yields 'w0'

For Python 2

import csv
with open( <path-to-file>, "rb" ) as theFile:
    reader = csv.DictReader( theFile )
    for line in reader:
        # line is { 'workers': 'w0', 'constant': 7.334, 'age': -1.406, ... }
        # e.g. print( line[ 'workers' ] ) yields 'w0'

Python has a powerful built-in CSV handler. In fact, most things are already built in to the standard library.

No Activity found to handle Intent : android.intent.action.VIEW

This exception can raise when you handle Deep linking or URL for a browser, if there is no default installed. In case of Deep linking there may be no application installed that can process a link in format myapp://mylink.

You can use the tangerine solution for API up to 29:

private fun openUrl(url: String) {
    val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url))
    val activityInfo = intent.resolveActivityInfo(packageManager, intent.flags)
    if (activityInfo?.exported == true) {
    } else {
            "No application that can handle this link found",

For API >= 30 see intent.resolveActivity returns null in API 30.

Get data type of field in select statement in ORACLE

I usually create a view and use the DESC command:

CREATE VIEW tmp_view AS 
    , a.surname
    , b.ordernum 
FROM customer a
  JOIN orders b
    ON =

Then, the DESC command will show the type of each field.

DESC tmp_view

How to do a background for a label will be without color?

Do you want to make the label (except for the text) transparent? Windows Forms (I assume WinForms - is this true) doesn't really support transparency. The easiest way, sometimes, is Label's Backcolor to Transparent.

label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

You will run into problems though, as WinForms really doesn't properly support transparency. Otherwise, see here:

Setting the parent of a usercontrol prevents it from being transparent

Good luck!

NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack

Webpack is a bundler. Like Browserfy it looks in the codebase for module requests (require or import) and resolves them recursively. What is more, you can configure Webpack to resolve not just JavaScript-like modules, but CSS, images, HTML, literally everything. What especially makes me excited about Webpack, you can combine both compiled and dynamically loaded modules in the same app. Thus one get a real performance boost, especially over HTTP/1.x. How exactly you you do it I described with examples here As an alternative for bundler one can think of Rollup.js (, which optimizes the code during compilation, but stripping all the found unused chunks.

For AMD, instead of RequireJS one can go with native ES2016 module system, but loaded with System.js (

Besides, I would point that npm is often used as an automating tool like grunt or gulp. Check out I personally go now with npm scripts only avoiding other automation tools, though in past I was very much into grunt. With other tools you have to rely on countless plugins for packages, that often are not good written and not being actively maintained. npm knows its packages, so you call to any of locally installed packages by name like:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm http-server"
  "devDependencies": {
    "http-server": "^0.10.0"

Actually you as a rule do not need any plugin if the package supports CLI.

how to change any data type into a string in python

str(object) will do the trick.

If you want to alter the way object is stringified, define __str__(self) method for object's class. Such method has to return str or unicode object.

Unique Key constraints for multiple columns in Entity Framework

The answer from niaher stating that to use the fluent API you need a custom extension may have been correct at the time of writing. You can now (EF core 2.1) use the fluent API as follows:

            .HasIndex(a => new { a.Column1, a.Column2}).IsUnique();

How to do ToString for a possibly null object?

Holstebroe's comment would be your best answer:

string s = string.Format("{0}", myObj);

If myObj is null, Format places an Empty String value there.

It also satisfies your one line requirement and is easy to read.

Compiling problems: cannot find crt1.o

Even I got the same compilation error when I was cross compiling i686-cm-linux-gcc.

The below compilation option solved my problem

$ i686-cm-linux-gcc a.c --sysroot=/opt/toolchain/i686-cm-linux-gcc

Note: The sysroot should point to compiler directory where usr/include available

In my case the toolchain is installed at /opt/toolchain/i686-cm-linux-gcc directory and usr/include is also available in the same directory

How to dynamic filter options of <select > with jQuery?

You can use select2 plugin for creating such a filter. With this lot's of coding work can be avoided. You can grab the plugin from

This plugin is much simple to apply and even advanced work can be easily done with it. :)

Invert "if" statement to reduce nesting

In my opinion early return is fine if you are just returning void (or some useless return code you're never gonna check) and it might improve readability because you avoid nesting and at the same time you make explicit that your function is done.

If you are actually returning a returnValue - nesting is usually a better way to go cause you return your returnValue just in one place (at the end - duh), and it might make your code more maintainable in a whole lot of cases.

jQuery lose focus event

If the 'Cool Options' are hidden from the view before the field is focused then you would want to create this in JQuery instead of having it in the DOM so anyone using a screen reader wouldn't see unnecessary information. Why should they have to listen to it when we don't have to see it?

So you can setup variables like so:

var $coolOptions= $("<div id='options'></div>").text("Some cool options");

and then append (or prepend) on focus

$("input[name='input_name']").focus(function() {

and then remove when the focus ends

$("input[name='input_name']").focusout(function() {

Java - Convert integer to string

This will do. Pretty trustworthy. : )


Just to clarify, this works and acceptable to use unless you are looking for micro optimization.

"Faceted Project Problem (Java Version Mismatch)" error message

Did you check your Project Properties -> Project Facets panel? (From that post)

A WTP project is composed of multiple units of functionality (known as facets).

The Java facet version needs to always match the java compiler compliance level.
The best way to change java level is to use the Project Facets properties panel as that will update both places at the same time.


The "Project->Preferences->Project Facets" stores its configuration in this file, "org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml", under the ".settings" directory.

The content might look like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <runtime name="WebSphere Application Server v6.1"/>
  <fixed facet=""/>
  <fixed facet="jst.web"/>
  <installed facet="" version="5.0"/>
  <installed facet="jst.web" version="2.4"/>
  <installed facet="" version="7.0"/>
  <installed facet="jsf.base" version="7.0"/>
  <installed facet="web.jstl" version="1.1"/>

Check also your Java compliance level:

Java compliance level

Storing Images in PostgreSQL

Quick update to mid 2015:

You can use the Postgres Foreign Data interface, to store the files in more suitable database. For example put the files in a GridFS which is part of MongoDB. Then use to access it in Postgres.

That has the advantages, that you can access/read/write/backup it in Postrgres and MongoDB, depending on what gives you more flexiblity.

There are also foreign data wrappers for file systems:

As an example you can use this one: (see here for brief usage example)

That gives you the advantage of the consistency (all linked files are definitely there) and all the other ACIDs, while there are still on the actual file system, which means you can use any file system you want and the webserver can serve them directly (OS caching applies too).

How to use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: with primitive types in Cocoa?

Pehaps...ok, very likely, I'm missing something, but why not just create an object type, say NSNumber, as a container to your non-object type variable, such as CGFloat?

CGFloat myFloat = 2.0; 
NSNumber *myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:myFloat];

[self performSelector:@selector(MyCalculatorMethod:) withObject:myNumber afterDelay:5.0];

How to stop an animation (cancel() does not work)

Use the method setAnimation(null) to stop an animation, it exposed as public method in, it is the base class for all widgets, which are used to create interactive UI components (buttons, text fields, etc.). /** * Sets the next animation to play for this view. * If you want the animation to play immediately, use * {@link #startAnimation(android.view.animation.Animation)} instead. * This method provides allows fine-grained * control over the start time and invalidation, but you * must make sure that 1) the animation has a start time set, and * 2) the view's parent (which controls animations on its children) * will be invalidated when the animation is supposed to * start. * * @param animation The next animation, or null. */ public void setAnimation(Animation animation)

What's the easiest way to install a missing Perl module?

On ubuntu most perl modules are already packaged, so installing is much faster than most other systems which have to compile.

To install Foo::Bar at a commmand prompt for example usually you just do:

sudo apt-get install libfoo-bar-perl

Sadly not all modules follow that naming convention.

How do you share constants in NodeJS modules?

From previous project experience, this is a good way:

In the constants.js:

// constants.js

'use strict';

let constants = {
    key1: "value1",
    key2: "value2",
    key3: {
        subkey1: "subvalue1",
        subkey2: "subvalue2"

module.exports =
        Object.freeze(constants); // freeze prevents changes by users

In main.js (or app.js, etc.), use it as below:

// main.js

let constants = require('./constants');



How to set ObjectId as a data type in mongoose

My solution on using ObjectId

// usermodel.js

const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
const ObjectId = Schema.Types.ObjectId

let UserSchema = new Schema({
   username: {
     type: String
   events: [{
     type: ObjectId,
     ref: 'Event' // Reference to some EventSchema

UserSchema.set('autoIndex', true)

module.exports = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema)

Using mongoose's populate method

// controller.js

const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const User = require('./usermodel.js')

let query = User.findOne({ name: "Person" })

query.exec((err, user) => {
  if (err) {
  } = events
  // is now an array of events

Error: Cannot find module 'webpack'

I was having this issue on OS X and it seemed to be caused by a version mismatch between my globally installed webpack and my locally installed webpack-dev-server. Updating both to the latest version got rid of the issue.

How do I make a MySQL database run completely in memory?

Memory Engine is not the solution you're looking for. You lose everything that you went to a database for in the first place (i.e. ACID).

Here are some better alternatives:

  1. Don't use joins - very few large apps do this (i.e Google, Flickr, NetFlix), because it sucks for large sets of joins.

A LEFT [OUTER] JOIN can be faster than an equivalent subquery because the server might be able to optimize it better—a fact that is not specific to MySQL Server alone.

-The MySQL Manual

  1. Make sure the columns you're querying against have indexes. Use EXPLAIN to confirm they are being used.
  2. Use and increase your Query_Cache and memory space for your indexes to get them in memory and store frequent lookups.
  3. Denormalize your schema, especially for simple joins (i.e. get fooId from barMap).

The last point is key. I used to love joins, but then had to run joins on a few tables with 100M+ rows. No good. Better off insert the data you're joining against into that target table (if it's not too much) and query against indexed columns and you'll get your query in a few ms.

I hope those help.

Drop columns whose name contains a specific string from pandas DataFrame

Solution when dropping a list of column names containing regex. I prefer this approach because I'm frequently editing the drop list. Uses a negative filter regex for the drop list.

drop_column_names = ['A','B.+','C.*']
drop_columns_regex = '^(?!(?:'+'|'.join(drop_column_names)+')$)'
print('Dropping columns:',', '.join([c for c in df.columns if,c)]))
df = df.filter(regex=drop_columns_regex,axis=1)

How to get df linux command output always in GB

You can use the -B option.

Man page of df:

-B, --block-size=SIZE use SIZE-byte blocks

All together,

df -BG

Is it possible to forward-declare a function in Python?

I apologize for reviving this thread, but there was a strategy not discussed here which may be applicable.

Using reflection it is possible to do something akin to forward declaration. For instance lets say you have a section of code that looks like this:

# We want to call a function called 'foo', but it hasn't been defined yet.
function_name = 'foo'
# Calling at this point would produce an error

# Here is the definition
def foo():

# Note that at this point the function is defined
    # Time for some reflection...

So in this way we have determined what function we want to call before it is actually defined, effectively a forward declaration. In python the statement globals()[function_name]() is the same as foo() if function_name = 'foo' for the reasons discussed above, since python must lookup each function before calling it. If one were to use the timeit module to see how these two statements compare, they have the exact same computational cost.

Of course the example here is very useless, but if one were to have a complex structure which needed to execute a function, but must be declared before (or structurally it makes little sense to have it afterwards), one can just store a string and try to call the function later.

how to use the Box-Cox power transformation in R

If I want tranfer only the response variable y instead of a linear model with x specified, eg I wanna transfer/normalize a list of data, I can take 1 for x, then the object becomes a linear model:

y = rf(500,30,30)
hist(y,breaks = 12)
result = boxcox(y~1, lambda = seq(-5,5,0.5))
mylambda = result$x[which.max(result$y)]
y2 = (y^mylambda-1)/mylambda

Detect home button press in android

An option for your application would be to write a replacement Home Screen using the android.intent.category.HOME Intent. I believe this type of Intent you can see the home button.

More details:

OrderBy pipe issue

This will work for any field you pass to it. (IMPORTANT: It will only order alphabetically so if you pass a date it will order it as alphabet not as date)

 *      Example use
 *      Basic Array of single type: *ngFor="let todo of todoService.todos | orderBy : '-'"
 *      Multidimensional Array Sort on single column: *ngFor="let todo of todoService.todos | orderBy : ['-status']"
 *      Multidimensional Array Sort on multiple columns: *ngFor="let todo of todoService.todos | orderBy : ['status', '-title']"

import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from "@angular/core";

@Pipe({name: "orderBy", pure: false})
export class OrderByPipe implements PipeTransform {

    value: string[] = [];

    static _orderByComparator(a: any, b: any): number {

        if (a === null || typeof a === "undefined") { a = 0; }
        if (b === null || typeof b === "undefined") { b = 0; }

        if (
            (isNaN(parseFloat(a)) ||
            !isFinite(a)) ||
            (isNaN(parseFloat(b)) || !isFinite(b))
        ) {
            // Isn"t a number so lowercase the string to properly compare
            a = a.toString();
            b = b.toString();
            if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) { return -1; }
            if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) { return 1; }
        } else {
            // Parse strings as numbers to compare properly
            if (parseFloat(a) < parseFloat(b)) { return -1; }
            if (parseFloat(a) > parseFloat(b)) { return 1; }

        return 0; // equal each other

    public transform(input: any, config = "+"): any {
        if (!input) { return input; }

        // make a copy of the input"s reference
        this.value = [...input];
        let value = this.value;
        if (!Array.isArray(value)) { return value; }

        if (!Array.isArray(config) || (Array.isArray(config) && config.length === 1)) {
            let propertyToCheck: string = !Array.isArray(config) ? config : config[0];
            let desc = propertyToCheck.substr(0, 1) === "-";

            // Basic array
            if (!propertyToCheck || propertyToCheck === "-" || propertyToCheck === "+") {
                return !desc ? value.sort() : value.sort().reverse();
            } else {
                let property: string = propertyToCheck.substr(0, 1) === "+" || propertyToCheck.substr(0, 1) === "-"
                    ? propertyToCheck.substr(1)
                    : propertyToCheck;

                return value.sort(function(a: any, b: any) {
                    let aValue = a[property];
                    let bValue = b[property];

                    let propertySplit = property.split(".");

                    if (typeof aValue === "undefined" && typeof bValue === "undefined" && propertySplit.length > 1) {
                        aValue = a;
                        bValue = b;
                        for (let j = 0; j < propertySplit.length; j++) {
                            aValue = aValue[propertySplit[j]];
                            bValue = bValue[propertySplit[j]];

                    return !desc
                        ? OrderByPipe._orderByComparator(aValue, bValue)
                        : -OrderByPipe._orderByComparator(aValue, bValue);
        } else {
            // Loop over property of the array in order and sort
            return value.sort(function(a: any, b: any) {
                for (let i = 0; i < config.length; i++) {
                    let desc = config[i].substr(0, 1) === "-";
                    let property = config[i].substr(0, 1) === "+" || config[i].substr(0, 1) === "-"
                        ? config[i].substr(1)
                        : config[i];

                    let aValue = a[property];
                    let bValue = b[property];

                    let propertySplit = property.split(".");

                    if (typeof aValue === "undefined" && typeof bValue === "undefined" && propertySplit.length > 1) {
                        aValue = a;
                        bValue = b;
                        for (let j = 0; j < propertySplit.length; j++) {
                            aValue = aValue[propertySplit[j]];
                            bValue = bValue[propertySplit[j]];

                    let comparison = !desc
                        ? OrderByPipe._orderByComparator(aValue, bValue)
                        : -OrderByPipe._orderByComparator(aValue, bValue);

                    // Don"t return 0 yet in case of needing to sort by next property
                    if (comparison !== 0) { return comparison; }

                return 0; // equal each other

Write output to a text file in PowerShell

The simplest way is to just redirect the output, like so:

Compare-Object $(Get-Content c:\user\documents\List1.txt) $(Get-Content c:\user\documents\List2.txt) > c:\user\documents\diff_output.txt

> will cause the output file to be overwritten if it already exists.
>> will append new text to the end of the output file if it already exists.

TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface

If you use Python3x then string is not the same type as for Python 2.x, you must cast it to bytes (encode it).

plaintext = input("Please enter the text you want to compress")
filename = input("Please enter the desired filename")
with + ".gz", "wb") as outfile:
    outfile.write(bytes(plaintext, 'UTF-8'))

Also do not use variable names like string or file while those are names of module or function.


Yes, non-ASCII text is also compressed/decompressed. I use Polish letters with UTF-8 encoding:

plaintext = 'Polish text: acelnószzACELNÓSZZ'
filename = 'foo.gz'
with, 'wb') as outfile:
    outfile.write(bytes(plaintext, 'UTF-8'))
with, 'r') as infile:
    outfile_content ='UTF-8')

Rails Active Record find(:all, :order => ) issue

The problem is that date is a reserved sqlite3 keyword. I had a similar problem with time, also a reserved keyword, which worked fine in PostgreSQL, but not in sqlite3. The solution is renaming the column.

See this: Sqlite3 activerecord :order => "time DESC" doesn't sort

Java reflection: how to get field value from an object, not knowing its class

If you know what class the field is on you can access it using reflection. This example (it's in Groovy but the method calls are identical) gets a Field object for the class Foo and gets its value for the object b. It shows that you don't have to care about the exact concrete class of the object, what matters is that you know the class the field is on and that that class is either the concrete class or a superclass of the object.

groovy:000> class Foo { def stuff = "asdf"}
===> true
groovy:000> class Bar extends Foo {}
===> true
groovy:000> b = new Bar()
===> Bar@1f2be27
groovy:000> f = Foo.class.getDeclaredField('stuff')
===> private java.lang.Object Foo.stuff
groovy:000> f.getClass()
===> class java.lang.reflect.Field
groovy:000> f.setAccessible(true)
===> null
groovy:000> f.get(b)
===> asdf

Most efficient way to map function over numpy array

How about using numpy.vectorize.

import numpy as np
x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
squarer = lambda t: t ** 2
vfunc = np.vectorize(squarer)
# Output : array([ 1,  4,  9, 16, 25])

How do I make an http request using cookies on Android?

A cookie is just another HTTP header. You can always set it while making a HTTP call with the apache library or with HTTPUrlConnection. Either way you should be able to read and set HTTP cookies in this fashion.

You can read this article for more information.

I can share my peace of code to demonstrate how easy you can make it.

public static String getServerResponseByHttpGet(String url, String token) {

        try {
            HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
            HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);
            get.setHeader("Cookie", "PHPSESSID=" + token + ";");
            Log.d(TAG, "Try to open => " + url);

            HttpResponse httpResponse = client.execute(get);
            int connectionStatusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            Log.d(TAG, "Connection code: " + connectionStatusCode + " for request: " + url);

            HttpEntity entity = httpResponse.getEntity();
            String serverResponse = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
            Log.d(TAG, "Server response for request " + url + " => " + serverResponse);

                return null;

            return serverResponse;

        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return null;

jQuery - Click event on <tr> elements with in a table and getting <td> element values

$(this).find('td') will give you an array of td's in the tr.

Pure CSS animation visibility with delay

you can't animate every property,

here's a reference to which are the animatable properties

visibility is animatable while display isn't...

in your case you could also animate opacity or height depending of the kind of effect you want to render_

fiddle with opacity animation

Generate signed apk android studio

Note: If its a React Native project

If you open the root project folder in Android Studio, you wont see the options suggested in other answers in this page.

enter image description here


Instead of the root folder I opened the packages/native/android folder. Then only I could see the options to build signed APK.

How to get form input array into PHP array

I know its a bit late now, but you could do something such as this:

function AddToArray ($post_information) {
    //Create the return array
    $return = array();
    //Iterate through the array passed
    foreach ($post_information as $key => $value) {
        //Append the key and value to the array, e.g.
            //$_POST['keys'] = "values" would be in the array as "keys"=>"values"
        $return[$key] = $value;
    //Return the created array
    return $return;

The test with:

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

This for me produced:

array (size=1)
  0 => 
    array (size=5)
      'stake' => string '0' (length=1)
      'odds' => string '' (length=0)
      'ew' => string 'false' (length=5)
      'ew_deduction' => string '' (length=0)
      'submit' => string 'Open' (length=4)

How to see data from .RData file?

If you have a lot of variables in your Rdata file and don't want them to clutter your global environment, create a new environment and load all of the data to this new environment.

load(file.path("C:/Users/isfar.RData"), isfar_env <- new.env() )

# Access individual variables in the RData file using '$' operator

# List all of the variable names in RData:

Convert date field into text in Excel

You can use TEXT like this as part of a concatenation

=TEXT(A1,"dd-mmm-yy") & " other string"

enter image description here

How to show hidden divs on mouseover?

You could wrap the hidden div in another div that will toggle the visibility with onMouseOver and onMouseOut event handlers in JavaScript:

<style type="text/css">
  #div1, #div2, #div3 {  
    visibility: hidden;  
  function show(id) {
    document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible";
  function hide(id) {
    document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden";

<div onMouseOver="show('div1')" onMouseOut="hide('div1')">
  <div id="div1">Div 1 Content</div>
<div onMouseOver="show('div2')" onMouseOut="hide('div2')">
  <div id="div2">Div 2 Content</div>
<div onMouseOver="show('div3')" onMouseOut="hide('div3')">
  <div id="div3">Div 3 Content</div>

.htaccess or .htpasswd equivalent on IIS?

There isn't a direct 1:1 equivalent.

You can password protect a folder or file using file system permissions. If you are using ASP.Net you can also use some of its built in functions to protect various urls.

If you are trying to port .htaccess files used for url rewriting, check out ISAPI Rewrite:

CSS @font-face not working in ie

You could use the Google Font API. They say it works from IE 6 and up. (I've not tested this.)

Google’s serving infrastructure takes care of converting the font into a format compatible with any modern browser (including Internet Explorer 6 and up), ...

Trying to get PyCharm to work, keep getting "No Python interpreter selected"

This situation occurred to me when I uninstalled a method and tried to reinstall it. My very same interpreter, which worked before, suddenly stopped working. And this error occurred.

I tried restarting my PC, reinstalling Pycharm, invalidating caches, nothing worked.

Then I went here to reinstall the interpreter:

When you install it, there's an option to fix the python.exe interpreter. Click that. My IDE went back to normal working conditions.

Java HTTPS client certificate authentication

They JKS file is just a container for certificates and key pairs. In a client-side authentication scenario, the various parts of the keys will be located here:

  • The client's store will contain the client's private and public key pair. It is called a keystore.
  • The server's store will contain the client's public key. It is called a truststore.

The separation of truststore and keystore is not mandatory but recommended. They can be the same physical file.

To set the filesystem locations of the two stores, use the following system properties:

and on the server:

To export the client's certificate (public key) to a file, so you can copy it to the server, use

keytool -export -alias MYKEY -file publicclientkey.cer -store clientsidestore.jks

To import the client's public key into the server's keystore, use (as the the poster mentioned, this has already been done by the server admins)

keytool -import -file publicclientkey.cer -store serversidestore.jks

Android: why setVisibility(View.GONE); or setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); do not work

I had the same problem once. Calling invalidate after changing visibility almost always works, but in some cases it doesn't. I had to cheat and set the background to a transparent image and set the text to "".

Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set()

If you are running your application just on localhost and it is not yet live, I believe it is very difficult to send mail using this.

Once you put your application online, I believe that this problem should be automatically solved. By the way,ini_set() helps you to change the values in php.ini during run time.

This is the same question as Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25

also check this php mail function not working

JavaScript DOM remove element

removeChild should be invoked on the parent, i.e.:


In your example, you should be doing something like:

if (frameid) {

How to create Custom Ratings bar in Android

You can try this rating bar with much better animations


enter image description here

ImportError: No module named google.protobuf

If you are a windows user and try to start py-script in cmd - don't forget to type python before filename.


I have "No module named google" error if forget to type it.

JavaScript Extending Class

I can propose one variant, just have read in book, it seems the simplest:

function Parent() { = 'default name';

function Child() {
  this.address = '11 street';

Child.prototype = new Parent();      // child class inherits from Parent
Child.prototype.constructor = Child; // constructor alignment

var a = new Child(); 

console.log(;                // "default name" trying to reach property of inherited class

Laravel: Auth::user()->id trying to get a property of a non-object

Now with laravel 4.2 it is easy to get user's id:

$userId = Auth::id();

that is all.

But to retrieve user's data other than id, you use:

$email = Auth::user()->email;

For more details, check security part of the documentation

Where can I find "make" program for Mac OS X Lion?

Have you installed Xcode and the developer tools? I think make, along with gcc and friends, is installed with that and not before. Xcode 4.1 for Lion is free.

Angular - Can't make ng-repeat orderBy work

You're going to have to reformat your releases object to be an array of objects. Then you'll be able to sort them the way you're attempting.

What determines the monitor my app runs on?

Right click the shortcut and select properties. Make sure you are on the "Shortcut" Tab. Select the RUN drop down box and change it to Maximized.

This may assist in launching the program in full screen on the primary monitor.

Git branching: master vs. origin/master vs. remotes/origin/master

Take a clone of a remote repository and run git branch -a (to show all the branches git knows about). It will probably look something like this:

* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

Here, master is a branch in the local repository. remotes/origin/master is a branch named master on the remote named origin. You can refer to this as either origin/master, as in:

git diff origin/master..master

You can also refer to it as remotes/origin/master:

git diff remotes/origin/master..master

These are just two different ways of referring to the same thing (incidentally, both of these commands mean "show me the changes between the remote master branch and my master branch).

remotes/origin/HEAD is the default branch for the remote named origin. This lets you simply say origin instead of origin/master.

Open Source HTML to PDF Renderer with Full CSS Support

It's not open source, but you can at least get a free personal use license to Prince, which really does a lovely job.

How to fill background image of an UIView

You can use UIGraphicsBeginImageContext method to set the size of image same that of view.

Syntax : void UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSize size);

 #define IMAGE(imageName) (UIImage *)[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:
  [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName ofType:IMAGE_TYPE_PNG]]

        [[UIImage imageNamed:@“MyImage.png"] drawInRect:self.view.bounds];
        UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:IMAGE(@"mainBg")];

How does one set up the Visual Studio Code compiler/debugger to GCC?

Ctrl+P and Type "ext install cpptools" it will install everything you need to debug c and c++.

Debugging in VS code is very complete, but if you just need to compile and run:

Look in the debugging section and it will explain everything

Pygame mouse clicking detection

I was looking for the same answer to this question and after much head scratching this is the answer I came up with:

#Python 3.4.3 with Pygame
import pygame

window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))

# Draw Once
Rectplace = pygame.draw.rect(window, (255, 0, 0),(100, 100, 100, 100))
# Main Loop
while True:
    # Mouse position and button clicking.
    pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    pressed1, pressed2, pressed3 = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
    # Check if the rect collided with the mouse pos
    # and if the left mouse button was pressed.
    if Rectplace.collidepoint(pos) and pressed1:
        print("You have opened a chest!")
    # Quit pygame.
            for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

Why is the default value of the string type null instead of an empty string?

Because a string variable is a reference, not an instance.

Initializing it to Empty by default would have been possible but it would have introduced a lot of inconsistencies all over the board.

How do I enable the column selection mode in Eclipse?

On Windows and Linux, it's AltShiftA, as RichieHindle pointed out. On OSX it's OptionCommandA (??A). It's also worth noting that the two modes can have different font preferences, so if you've changed the default text font, it can be jarring to toggle block selection modes and see the font change.

Finally, the "search commands" (Ctrl3 or Command3) pop-up will find it for you if you type block. This is useful if you use the feature just frequently enough to forget the hotkey.

how do you pass images (bitmaps) between android activities using bundles?

I had to rescale the bitmap a bit to not exceed the 1mb limit of the transaction binder. You can adapt the 400 the your screen or make it dinamic it's just meant to be an example. It works fine and the quality is nice. Its also a lot faster then saving the image and loading it after but you have the size limitation.

public void loadNextActivity(){
    Intent confirmBMP = new Intent(this,ConfirmBMPActivity.class);

    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    Bitmap bmp = returnScaledBMP();
    bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream);


public Bitmap returnScaledBMP(){
    Bitmap bmp=null;
    bmp = tempBitmap;
    bmp = createScaledBitmapKeepingAspectRatio(bmp,400);
    return bmp;


After you recover the bmp in your nextActivity with the following code:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Intent intent = getIntent();
    Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) intent.getParcelableExtra("Bitmap");


I hope my answer was somehow helpfull. Greetings

How to get the changes on a branch in Git

To see the log of the current branch since branching off master:

git log master...

If you are currently on master, to see the log of a different branch since it branched off master:

git log ...other-branch

How to "crop" a rectangular image into a square with CSS?

I actually came across this same problem recently and ended up with a slightly different approach (I wasn't able to use background images). It does require a tiny bit of jQuery though to determine the orientation of the images (I' sure you could use plain JS instead though).

I wrote a blog post about it if you are interested in more explaination but the code is pretty simple:


<ul class="cropped-images">
  <li><img src="" /></li>
  <li><img src="" /></li>


li {
  width: 150px; // Or whatever you want.
  height: 150px; // Or whatever you want.
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: 10px;
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: top;
li img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;
  width: auto;
li img.landscape {
  max-width: none;
  max-height: 100%;


$( document ).ready(function() {

    $('.cropped-images img').each(function() {
      if ($(this).width() > $(this).height()) {


vagrant primary box defined but commands still run against all boxes

The primary flag seems to only work for vagrant ssh for me.

In the past I have used the following method to hack around the issue.

# stage box intended for configuration closely matching production if ARGV[1] == 'stage'     config.vm.define "stage" do |stage|         box_setup stage, \         "", "deploy/playbook_full_stack.yml", "deploy/hosts/vagrant_stage.yml"     end end 

Maximum number of rows of CSV data in excel sheet

In my memory, excel (versions >= 2007) limits the power 2 of 20: 1.048.576 lines.

Csv is over to this boundary, like ordinary text file. So you will be care of the transfer between two formats.

Cannot find runtime 'node' on PATH - Visual Studio Code and Node.js

The cause for me receiving this error was trying the new pre-release VSCode JS debugger.

If you opted in, change via User settings:

    "debug.javascript.usePreview": true|false

Everything in my normal configuration and integrated terminal was correct and finding executables. I wasted a lot of time trying other things!

.Net: How do I find the .NET version?

Here is the Power Shell script which I used by taking the reference of:

$Lookup = @{
    378389 = [version]'4.5'
    378675 = [version]'4.5.1'
    378758 = [version]'4.5.1'
    379893 = [version]'4.5.2'
    393295 = [version]'4.6'
    393297 = [version]'4.6'
    394254 = [version]'4.6.1'
    394271 = [version]'4.6.1'
    394802 = [version]'4.6.2'
    394806 = [version]'4.6.2'
    460798 = [version]'4.7'
    460805 = [version]'4.7'
    461308 = [version]'4.7.1'
    461310 = [version]'4.7.1'
    461808 = [version]'4.7.2'
    461814 = [version]'4.7.2'
    528040 = [version]'4.8'
    528049 = [version]'4.8'

# For One True framework (latest .NET 4x), change the Where-Oject match 
# to PSChildName -eq "Full":
Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' -Recurse |
  Get-ItemProperty -name Version, Release -EA 0 |
  Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -match '^(?!S)\p{L}'} |
  Select-Object @{name = ".NET Framework"; expression = {$_.PSChildName}}, 
@{name = "Product"; expression = {$Lookup[$_.Release]}}, 
Version, Release

The above script makes use of the registry and gives us the Windows update number along with .Net Framework installed on a machine.


Here are the results for the same when running that script on two different machines

  1. Where .NET 4.7.2 was already installed:

enter image description here

  1. Where .NET 4.7.2 was not installed:

enter image description here

Javascript logical "!==" operator?

It's != without type coercion. See the MDN documentation for comparison operators.

Also see this StackOverflow answer, which includes a quote from "JavaScript: The Good Parts" about the problems with == and !=. (null == undefined, false == "0", etc.)

Short answer: always use === and !== unless you have a compelling reason to do otherwise. (Tools like JSLint, JSHint, ESLint, etc. will give you this same advice.)

Check if string doesn't contain another string

Or alternatively, you could use this:

WHERE CHARINDEX(N'Apples', someColumn) = 0

Not sure which one performs better - you gotta test it! :-)


UPDATE: the performance seems to be pretty much on a par with the other solution (WHERE someColumn NOT LIKE '%Apples%') - so it's really just a question of your personal preference.

When to catch java.lang.Error?

Very rarely.

I'd say only at the top level of a thread in order to ATTEMPT to issue a message with the reason for a thread dying.

If you are in a framework that does this sort of thing for you, leave it to the framework.

Long Press in JavaScript?

For modern, mobile browsers:

document.addEventListener('contextmenu', callback);

How to check if an array is empty?

Your test:

if (numberSet.length < 2) {
    return 0;

should be done before you allocate an array of that length in the below statement:

int[] differenceArray = new int[numberSet.length-1];

else you are already creating an array of size -1, when the numberSet.length = 0. That is quite odd. So, move your if statement as the first statement in your method.

package does not exist ; in Android studio 0.8

None of the above solutions worked for me. What finally worked was:

Instead of


Use this

import androidx.core.content.FileProvider;

This path is updated as of AndroidX (the repackaged Android Support Library).

500 Error on AppHarbor but downloaded build works on my machine

Just a wild guess: (not much to go on) but I have had similar problems when, for example, I was using the IIS rewrite module on my local machine (and it worked fine), but when I uploaded to a host that did not have that add-on module installed, I would get a 500 error with very little to go on - sounds similar. It drove me crazy trying to find it.

So make sure whatever options/addons that you might have and be using locally in IIS are also installed on the host.

Similarly, make sure you understand everything that is being referenced/used in your web.config - that is likely the problem area.

Intellij reformat on file save

If you're developing in Flutter, there's a new experimental option as of 5/1/2018 that allows you to format code on save. Settings

App.Config change value

when use "ConfigurationUserLevel.None" your code is right run when you click in nameyourapp.exe in debug folder. .
but when your do developing app on visual stdio not right run!! because "vshost.exe" is run.

following parameter solve this problem : "Application.ExecutablePath"

try this : (Tested in VS 2012 Express For Desktop)

Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);
config.AppSettings.Settings["PortName"].Value = "com3";

my english not good , i am sorry.

How to use Apple's new San Francisco font on a webpage

If the user is running El Capitan or higher, it will work in Chrome with

font-family: 'BlinkMacSystemFont';

comparing strings in vb

I think this String.Equals is what you need.

Dim aaa = "12/31"
            Dim a = String.Equals(aaa, "06/30")

a will return false.

What is cardinality in Databases?

Cardinality of a set is the namber of the elements in set for we have a set a > a,b,c < so ths set contain 3 elements 3 is the cardinality of that set

How to pass data from Javascript to PHP and vice versa?

Passing data from PHP is easy, you can generate JavaScript with it. The other way is a bit harder - you have to invoke the PHP script by a Javascript request.

An example (using traditional event registration model for simplicity):

<!-- headers etc. omitted -->
function callPHP(params) {
    var httpc = new XMLHttpRequest(); // simplified for clarity
    var url = "get_data.php";"POST", url, true); // sending as POST

    httpc.onreadystatechange = function() { //Call a function when the state changes.
        if(httpc.readyState == 4 && httpc.status == 200) { // complete and no errors
            alert(httpc.responseText); // some processing here, or whatever you want to do with the response
<a href="#" onclick="callPHP('lorem=ipsum&foo=bar')">call PHP script</a>
<!-- rest of document omitted -->

Whatever get_data.php produces, that will appear in httpc.responseText. Error handling, event registration and cross-browser XMLHttpRequest compatibility are left as simple exercises to the reader ;)

See also Mozilla's documentation for further examples

How can I one hot encode in Python?

Firstly, easiest way to one hot encode: use Sklearn.

Secondly, I don't think using pandas to one hot encode is that simple (unconfirmed though)

Creating dummy variables in pandas for python

Lastly, is it necessary for you to one hot encode? One hot encoding exponentially increases the number of features, drastically increasing the run time of any classifier or anything else you are going to run. Especially when each categorical feature has many levels. Instead you can do dummy coding.

Using dummy encoding usually works well, for much less run time and complexity. A wise prof once told me, 'Less is More'.

Here's the code for my custom encoding function if you want.

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

#Auto encodes any dataframe column of type category or object.
def dummyEncode(df):
        columnsToEncode = list(df.select_dtypes(include=['category','object']))
        le = LabelEncoder()
        for feature in columnsToEncode:
                df[feature] = le.fit_transform(df[feature])
                print('Error encoding '+feature)
        return df

EDIT: Comparison to be clearer:

One-hot encoding: convert n levels to n-1 columns.

Index  Animal         Index  cat  mouse
  1     dog             1     0     0
  2     cat       -->   2     1     0
  3    mouse            3     0     1

You can see how this will explode your memory if you have many different types (or levels) in your categorical feature. Keep in mind, this is just ONE column.

Dummy Coding:

Index  Animal         Index  Animal
  1     dog             1      0   
  2     cat       -->   2      1 
  3    mouse            3      2

Convert to numerical representations instead. Greatly saves feature space, at the cost of a bit of accuracy.

Subtracting two lists in Python

To prove jkp's point that 'anything on one line will probably be helishly complex to understand', I created a one-liner. Please do not mod me down because I understand this is not a solution that you should actually use. It is just for demonstrational purposes.

The idea is to add the values in a one by one, as long as the total times you have added that value does is smaller than the total number of times this value is in a minus the number of times it is in b:

[ value for counter,value in enumerate(a) if a.count(value) >= b.count(value) + a[counter:].count(value) ]

The horror! But perhaps someone can improve on it? Is it even bug free?

Edit: Seeing Devin Jeanpierre comment about using a dictionary datastructure, I came up with this oneliner:

sum([ [value]*count for value,count in {value:a.count(value)-b.count(value) for value in set(a)}.items() ], [])

Better, but still unreadable.

Construct pandas DataFrame from list of tuples of (row,col,values)

You can pivot your DataFrame after creating:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data)
>>> df.pivot(index=0, columns=1, values=2)
# avg DataFrame
1      c1     c2
r1  avg11  avg12
r2  avg21  avg22
>>> df.pivot(index=0, columns=1, values=3)
# stdev DataFrame
1        c1       c2
r1  stdev11  stdev12
r2  stdev21  stdev22

how to access iFrame parent page using jquery?

To find in the parent of the iFrame use:

$('#parentPrice', window.parent.document).html();

The second parameter for the $() wrapper is the context in which to search. This defaults to document.

HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents

I resolved this issue by correcting an error with my Global.asax file arrangement. I had copied across the files from another project and failed to embed the Global.asax.cs within the Global.asax file (both files previously existed at the same level).

Global.asax arrangement

Android: converting String to int

It's already a string? Remove the getText() call.

int myNum = 0;

try {
    myNum = Integer.parseInt(myString);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
  // Handle parse error.

Using Python to execute a command on every file in a folder

Use os.walk to iterate recursively over directory content:

import os

root_dir = '.'

for directory, subdirectories, files in os.walk(root_dir):
    for file in files:
        print os.path.join(directory, file)

No real difference between os.system and here - unless you have to deal with strangely named files (filenames including spaces, quotation marks and so on). If this is the case, is definitely better, because you don't need to do any shell-quoting on file names. os.system is better when you need to accept any valid shell command, e.g. received from user in the configuration file.