Seems like you've already got your answer but I figured I'd chime in. This is what I do in some scripts on an Ubuntu (or debian server)
use warnings;
use strict;
#I've gotten into the habit of setting this on all my scripts, prevents weird path issues if the script is not being run by root
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin';
#Fill this with the perl modules required for your project
my @perl = qw(LWP::Simple XML::LibXML MIME::Lite DBI DateTime Config::Tiny Proc::ProcessTable);
chomp(my $curl = `which curl`);
if(!$curl){ system('apt-get install curl -y > /dev/null'); }
chomp(my $cpanm = system('/bin/bash', '-c', 'which cpanm &>/dev/null'));
#installs cpanm if missing
if($cpanm){ system('curl -s -L | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus'); }
#loops through required modules and installs them if missing
foreach my $x (@perl){
eval "use $x";
system("cpanm $x");
eval "use $x";
This works well for me, maybe there is something here you can use.