There are two options:
Create a php class file inside app/libraries/YourClassFile.php
a. Any function you create in it would be easily accessible in all the views and controllers.
b. If it is a static function you can easily access it by the class name.
c. Make sure you inclued "app/libraries" in autoload classmap in composer file.
In app/config/app.php create a variable and you can reference the same using
Hope this helps.
Edit 1:
Example for my 1st point:
// app/libraries/DefaultFunctions.php
class DefaultFunctions{
public static function getSomeValue(){
// Fetch the Site Settings object
$site_settings = Setting::all();
return $site_settings;
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"app/libraries" // add the libraries to access globaly.
$default_functions = new DefaultFunctions();