Programs & Examples On #Mailman

Mailman is a Python-based open-source platform for managing email lists and discussion groups.

Jenkins fails when running "service start jenkins"

Similar problem on Ubuntu 16.04.

Setting up jenkins (2.72) ...
Job for jenkins.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status jenkins.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
invoke-rc.d: initscript jenkins, action "start" failed.
? jenkins.service - LSB: Start Jenkins at boot time
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/jenkins; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2017-08-01 05:39:06 UTC; 7ms ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 3700 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/jenkins start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Aug 01 05:39:06 ip-0 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Start Jenkins ....
Aug 01 05:39:06 ip-0 jenkins[3700]: ERROR: No Java executable ...
Aug 01 05:39:06 ip-0 jenkins[3700]: If you actually have java ...
Aug 01 05:39:06 ip-0 systemd[1]: jenkins.service: Control pro...1
Aug 01 05:39:06 ip-0 systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Start J....
Aug 01 05:39:06 ip-0 systemd[1]: jenkins.service: Unit entere....
Aug 01 05:39:06 ip-0 systemd[1]: jenkins.service: Failed with....

To fix the issue manually install Java Runtime Environment:

JDK version 9:

sudo apt install openjdk-9-jre

JDK version 8:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre

Open Jenkins configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/init.d/jenkins

Finally, append path to the new java executable (line 16):


@Autowired - No qualifying bean of type found for dependency

Correct way shall be to autowire AbstractManager, as Max suggested, but this should work fine as well.

public MailManager mailManager;


public class MailManager extends AbstractManager {

moment.js - UTC gives wrong date

Both Date and moment will parse the input string in the local time zone of the browser by default. However Date is sometimes inconsistent with this regard. If the string is specifically YYYY-MM-DD, using hyphens, or if it is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, it will interpret it as local time. Unlike Date, moment will always be consistent about how it parses.

The correct way to parse an input moment as UTC in the format you provided would be like this:

moment.utc('07-18-2013', 'MM-DD-YYYY')

Refer to this documentation.

If you want to then format it differently for output, you would do this:

moment.utc('07-18-2013', 'MM-DD-YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD')

You do not need to call toString explicitly.

Note that it is very important to provide the input format. Without it, a date like 01-04-2013 might get processed as either Jan 4th or Apr 1st, depending on the culture settings of the browser.

How to change the size of the font of a JLabel to take the maximum size

JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello World");
label.setFont(new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD, 20));

How do I use a pipe to redirect the output of one command to the input of another?

This should work:

for /F "tokens=*" %i in ('temperature') do prismcom.exe usb %i

If running in a batch file, you need to use %%i instead of just %i (in both places).

Undo a particular commit in Git that's been pushed to remote repos

Because it has already been pushed, you shouldn't directly manipulate history. git revert will revert specific changes from a commit using a new commit, so as to not manipulate commit history.

VBA code to set date format for a specific column as "yyyy-mm-dd"

Use the range's NumberFormat property to force the format of the range like this:

Sheet1.Range("A2", "A50000").NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"

Generate random numbers uniformly over an entire range

[edit] Warning: Do not use rand() for statistics, simulation, cryptography or anything serious.

It's good enough to make numbers look random for a typical human in a hurry, no more.

See @Jefffrey's reply for better options, or this answer for crypto-secure random numbers.

Generally, the high bits show a better distribution than the low bits, so the recommended way to generate random numbers of a range for simple purposes is:

((double) rand() / (RAND_MAX+1)) * (max-min+1) + min

Note: make sure RAND_MAX+1 does not overflow (thanks Demi)!

The division generates a random number in the interval [0, 1); "stretch" this to the required range. Only when max-min+1 gets close to RAND_MAX you need a "BigRand()" function like posted by Mark Ransom.

This also avoids some slicing problems due to the modulo, which can worsen your numbers even more.

The built-in random number generator isn't guaranteed to have a the quality required for statistical simulations. It is OK for numbers to "look random" to a human, but for a serious application, you should take something better - or at least check its properties (uniform distribution is usually good, but values tend to correlate, and the sequence is deterministic). Knuth has an excellent (if hard-to-read) treatise on random number generators, and I recently found LFSR to be excellent and darn simple to implement, given its properties are OK for you.

Scroll RecyclerView to show selected item on top

What i may add here is how to make it work together with DiffUtil and ListAdapter

You may note that calling recyclerView.scrollToPosition(pos) or (recyclerView.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager).scrollToPositionWithOffset(pos, offset) wouldn't work if called straight after adapter.submitList. It is because the differ looks for changes in a background thread and then asynchronously notifies adapter about changes. On a SO i have seen several wrong answers with unnecessary delays & etc to solve this.

To handle the situation properly the submitList has a callback which is invoked when changes have applied.

So the proper kotlin implementations in this case are:

//memorise target item here and a scroll offset if needed
adapter.submitList(items) { 
    val pos = /* here you may find a new position of the item or just use just a static position. It depends on your case */
adapter.submitList(items) { recyclerView.smoothScrollToPosition(pos) }
//or etc
adapter.submitList(items) { (recyclerView.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager).scrollToPositionWithOffset(pos, offset) }

How to remove elements/nodes from angular.js array

Here is filter with Underscore library might help you, we remove item with name "ted"

$scope.items = _.filter($scope.items, function(item) {
    return !( == 'ted');

How to convert an XML file to nice pandas dataframe?

You can also convert by creating a dictionary of elements and then directly converting to a data frame:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd

# Contents of test.xml
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <tags>   <row Id="1" TagName="bayesian" Count="4699" ExcerptPostId="20258" WikiPostId="20257" />   <row Id="2" TagName="prior" Count="598" ExcerptPostId="62158" WikiPostId="62157" />   <row Id="3" TagName="elicitation" Count="10" />   <row Id="5" TagName="open-source" Count="16" /> </tags>

root = ET.parse('test.xml').getroot()

tags = {"tags":[]}
for elem in root:
    tag = {}
    tag["Id"] = elem.attrib['Id']
    tag["TagName"] = elem.attrib['TagName']
    tag["Count"] = elem.attrib['Count']
    tags["tags"]. append(tag)

df_users = pd.DataFrame(tags["tags"])

Gson and deserializing an array of objects with arrays in it

The example Java data structure in the original question does not match the description of the JSON structure in the comment.

The JSON is described as

"an array of {object with an array of {object}}".

In terms of the types described in the question, the JSON translated into a Java data structure that would match the JSON structure for easy deserialization with Gson is

"an array of {TypeDTO object with an array of {ItemDTO object}}".

But the Java data structure provided in the question is not this. Instead it's

"an array of {TypeDTO object with an array of an array of {ItemDTO object}}".

A two-dimensional array != a single-dimensional array.

This first example demonstrates using Gson to simply deserialize and serialize a JSON structure that is "an array of {object with an array of {object}}".

input.json Contents:


import java.util.ArrayList;


public class Foo
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    TypeDTO[] myTypes = gson.fromJson(new FileReader("input.json"), TypeDTO[].class);

class TypeDTO
  int id;
  String name;
  ArrayList<ItemDTO> items;

class ItemDTO
  int id;
  String name;
  Boolean valid;

This second example uses instead a JSON structure that is actually "an array of {TypeDTO object with an array of an array of {ItemDTO object}}" to match the originally provided Java data structure.

input.json Contents:


import java.util.ArrayList;


public class Foo
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    TypeDTO[] myTypes = gson.fromJson(new FileReader("input.json"), TypeDTO[].class);

class TypeDTO
  int id;
  String name;
  ArrayList<ItemDTO> items[];

class ItemDTO
  int id;
  String name;
  Boolean valid;

Regarding the remaining two questions:

is Gson extremely fast?

Not compared to other deserialization/serialization APIs. Gson has traditionally been amongst the slowest. The current and next releases of Gson reportedly include significant performance improvements, though I haven't looked for the latest performance test data to support those claims.

That said, if Gson is fast enough for your needs, then since it makes JSON deserialization so easy, it probably makes sense to use it. If better performance is required, then Jackson might be a better choice to use. It offers much (maybe even all) of the conveniences of Gson.

Or am I better to stick with what I've got working already?

I wouldn't. I would most always rather have one simple line of code like

TypeDTO[] myTypes = gson.fromJson(new FileReader("input.json"), TypeDTO[].class); easily deserialize into a complex data structure, than the thirty lines of code that would otherwise be needed to map the pieces together one component at a time.

Paramiko's SSHClient with SFTP


Sample Usage:

import paramiko

# Open a transport
host,port = "",22
transport = paramiko.Transport((host,port))

# Auth    
username,password = "bar","foo"

# Go!    
sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)

# Download
filepath = "/etc/passwd"
localpath = "/home/remotepasswd"

# Upload
filepath = "/home/foo.jpg"
localpath = "/home/pony.jpg"

# Close
if sftp: sftp.close()
if transport: transport.close()

Removing carriage return and new-line from the end of a string in c#

This should work ...

var tst = "12345\n\n\r\n\r\r";
var res = tst.TrimEnd( '\r', '\n' );

Upload a file to Amazon S3 with NodeJS

Thanks to David as his solution helped me come up with my solution for uploading multi-part files from my Heroku hosted site to S3 bucket. I did it using formidable to handle incoming form and fs to get the file content. Hopefully, it may help you.


public upload(files): Observable<any> {  
    const formData: FormData = new FormData(); 
    files.forEach(file => {
      // create a new multipart-form for every file 
      formData.append('file', file,;           
    return, formData).pipe(

server.js'/api/upload', upload);
app.use('/api/upload', router);


const IncomingForm = require('formidable').IncomingForm;
const fs = require('fs');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

module.exports = function upload(req, res) {
    var form = new IncomingForm();

    const bucket = new AWS.S3(
        signatureVersion: 'v4',
        accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
        region: 'us-east-1'       

    form.on('file', (field, file) => {

        const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(file.path);

        const s3Params = {
            Bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_BUCKET,
            Key: 'folder/' +,
            Expires: 60,             
            Body: fileContent,
            ACL: 'public-read'

        bucket.upload(s3Params, function(err, data) {
            if (err) {
                throw err;
            console.log('File uploaded to: ' + data.Location);
            fs.unlink(file.path, function (err) {
              if (err) {
              console.log('Temp File Delete');

    // The second callback is called when the form is completely parsed. 
    // In this case, we want to send back a success status code.
    form.on('end', () => {        
      res.status(200).json('upload ok');



import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Output, EventEmitter, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { ApiService } from '../api.service';
import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material/snack-bar';

  selector: 'app-upload-image',
  templateUrl: './upload-image.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./upload-image.component.css']

export class UploadImageComponent implements OnInit {
  public files: Set<File> = new Set();
  @ViewChild('file', { static: false }) file;
  public uploadedFiles: Array<string> = new Array<string>();
  public uploadedFileNames: Array<string> = new Array<string>();
  @Output() filesOutput = new EventEmitter<Array<string>>();
  @Input() CurrentImage: string;
  @Input() IsPublic: boolean;
  @Output() valueUpdate = new EventEmitter();
  strUploadedFiles:string = '';
  filesUploaded: boolean = false;     

  constructor(private api: ApiService, public snackBar: MatSnackBar,) { }

  ngOnInit() {    

  updateValue(val) {  

    this.files = new Set();
    this.uploadedFiles = new Array<string>();
    this.uploadedFileNames = new Array<string>();
    this.filesUploaded = false;

  upload() { 

    this.api.upload(this.files).subscribe(res => {   
      if (res == 'upload ok')
    }, err => {

  onFilesAdded() {
    var txt = '';
    const files: { [key: string]: File } = this.file.nativeElement.files;

    for (let key in files) {
      if (!isNaN(parseInt(key))) {

        var currentFile = files[key];
        var sFileExtension ='.')['.').length - 1].toLowerCase();
        var iFileSize = currentFile.size;

        if (!(sFileExtension === "jpg" 
              || sFileExtension === "png") 
              || iFileSize > 671329) {
            txt = "File type : " + sFileExtension + "\n\n";
            txt += "Size: " + iFileSize + "\n\n";
            txt += "Please make sure your file is in jpg or png format and less than 655 KB.\n\n";
            return false;

        this.uploadedFiles.push('' + files[key].name);
        if (this.IsPublic && this.uploadedFileNames.length == 1)
          this.filesUploaded = true;
        else if (!this.IsPublic && this.uploadedFileNames.length == 3)
          this.strUploadedFiles += files[key].name;          
          this.filesUploaded = true;
          this.strUploadedFiles += files[key].name + ",";          

  addFiles() {;  

  openSnackBar(message: string, action: string) {, action, {
      duration: 2000,
      verticalPosition: 'top'



<input type="file" #file style="display: none" (change)="onFilesAdded()" multiple />
&nbsp;<button mat-raised-button color="primary" 
         [disabled]="filesUploaded" (click)="$event.preventDefault(); addFiles()">
  Add Files
&nbsp;<button class="btn btn-success" [disabled]="uploadedFileNames.length == 0" (click)="$event.preventDefault(); upload()">

What does <T> denote in C#

This feature is known as generics.

An example of this is to make a collection of items of a specific type.

class MyArray<T>
    T[] array = new T[10];

    public T GetItem(int index)
        return array[index];

In your code, you could then do something like this:

MyArray<int> = new MyArray<int>();

In this case, T[] array would work like int[] array, and public T GetItem would work like public int GetItem.

What's the difference between compiled and interpreted language?

What’s the difference between compiled and interpreted language?

The difference is not in the language; it is in the implementation.

Having got that out of my system, here's an answer:

  • In a compiled implementation, the original program is translated into native machine instructions, which are executed directly by the hardware.

  • In an interpreted implementation, the original program is translated into something else. Another program, called "the interpreter", then examines "something else" and performs whatever actions are called for. Depending on the language and its implementation, there are a variety of forms of "something else". From more popular to less popular, "something else" might be

    • Binary instructions for a virtual machine, often called bytecode, as is done in Lua, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk, and many other systems (the approach was popularized in the 1970s by the UCSD P-system and UCSD Pascal)

    • A tree-like representation of the original program, such as an abstract-syntax tree, as is done for many prototype or educational interpreters

    • A tokenized representation of the source program, similar to Tcl

    • The characters of the source program, as was done in MINT and TRAC

One thing that complicates the issue is that it is possible to translate (compile) bytecode into native machine instructions. Thus, a successful intepreted implementation might eventually acquire a compiler. If the compiler runs dynamically, behind the scenes, it is often called a just-in-time compiler or JIT compiler. JITs have been developed for Java, JavaScript, Lua, and I daresay many other languages. At that point you can have a hybrid implementation in which some code is interpreted and some code is compiled.

Xcode 6 Storyboard the wrong size?

Go to Attributes Inspector(right top corner) In the Simulated Metrics, which has Size, Orientation, Status Bar, Top Bar, Bottom Bar properties. For SIZE, change Inferred --> Freeform.

How do I position a div relative to the mouse pointer using jQuery?

var mouseX;
var mouseY;
$(document).mousemove( function(e) {
   mouseX = e.pageX; 
   mouseY = e.pageY;

the function above will make the DIV appear over the link wherever that may be on the page. It will fade in slowly when the link is hovered. You could also use .hover() instead. From there the DIV will stay, so if you would like the DIV to disappear when the mouse moves away, then,


If you DIV is already positioned, you can simply use


Also, keep in mind, your DIV style needs to be set to display:none; in order for it to fadeIn or show.

Is there a built-in function to print all the current properties and values of an object?

dir has been mentioned, but that'll only give you the attributes' names. If you want their values as well try __dict__.

class O:
   def __init__ (self):
      self.value = 3

o = O()

Here is the output:

>>> o.__dict__

{'value': 3}

How to draw vectors (physical 2D/3D vectors) in MATLAB?

I found this arrow(start, end) function on MATLAB Central which is perfect for this purpose of drawing vectors with true magnitude and direction.

How can I run a program from a batch file without leaving the console open after the program starts?

Here is my preferred solution. It is taken from an answer to a similar question.

Use a VBS Script to call the batch file:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\path\to\your\batchfile.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

Copy the lines above to an editor and save the file with .VBS extension.

How to set breakpoints in inline Javascript in Google Chrome?

Refresh the page containing the script whilst the developer tools are open on the scripts tab. This will add a (program) entry in the file list which shows the html of the page including the script. From here you can add breakpoints.

How to import load a .sql or .csv file into SQLite?

The sqlite3 .import command won't work for ordinary csv data because it treats any comma as a delimiter even in a quoted string.

This includes trying to re-import a csv file that was created by the shell:

Create table T (F1 integer, F2 varchar);
Insert into T values (1, 'Hey!');
Insert into T values (2, 'Hey, You!');

.mode csv
.output test.csv
select * from T;

Contents of test.csv:
2,"Hey, You!"

delete from T;

.import test.csv T
Error: test.csv line 2: expected 2 columns of data but found 3

It seems we must transform the csv into a list of Insert statements, or perhaps a different delimiter will work.

Over at SuperUser I saw a suggestion to use LogParser to deal with csv files, I'm going to look into that.

Which exception should I raise on bad/illegal argument combinations in Python?

I'm not sure I agree with inheritance from ValueError -- my interpretation of the documentation is that ValueError is only supposed to be raised by builtins... inheriting from it or raising it yourself seems incorrect.

Raised when a built-in operation or function receives an argument that has the right type but an inappropriate value, and the situation is not described by a more precise exception such as IndexError.

-- ValueError documentation

How to update and order by using ms sql

You can do a subquery where you first get the IDs of the top 10 ordered by priority and then update the ones that are on that sub query:

UPDATE  messages 
SET status=10 
             FROM Table 
             WHERE status=0 
             ORDER BY priority DESC);

How to save public key from a certificate in .pem format

There are a couple ways to do this.

First, instead of going into openssl command prompt mode, just enter everything on one command line from the Windows prompt:

E:\> openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in cert.pem  > pubkey.pem

If for some reason, you have to use the openssl command prompt, just enter everything up to the ">". Then OpenSSL will print out the public key info to the screen. You can then copy this and paste it into a file called pubkey.pem.

openssl> x509 -pubkey -noout -in cert.pem

Output will look something like this:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

String variable interpolation Java

You can use Kotlin, the Super (cede of) Java for JVM, it has a nice way of interpolating strings like those of ES5, Ruby and Python.

class Client(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) {
    val fullName = "$firstName $lastName"

Mac install and open mysql using terminal

In the terminal, I typed:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p

I was then prompted to enter the temporary password that was given to me upon completion of the installation.

Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?

I think there's no big difference between deflate and gzip, because gzip basically is just a header wrapped around deflate (see RFCs 1951 and 1952).

Android, getting resource ID from string?

This is based on @Macarse answer.

Use this to get the resources Id in a more faster and code friendly way.

public static int getId(String resourceName, Class<?> c) {
    try {
        Field idField = c.getDeclaredField(resourceName);
        return idField.getInt(idField);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No resource ID found for: "
                + resourceName + " / " + c, e);


getId("icon", R.drawable.class);

Center an item with position: relative

Another option is to create an extra wrapper to center the element vertically.

  border:solid 1px #33aaff;_x000D_
  border:dotted 1px #ff55aa;_x000D_
  border:solid 1px #ff55aa;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
  <div id="helper">_x000D_
    <div id="centered"></div>_x000D_

Class Not Found Exception when running JUnit test

For me I had to put the project x/src/test/java/ at the bottom of the "order and export" in the "java build path"

enter image description here

how to use getSharedPreferences in android

//Set Preference
SharedPreferences myPrefs = getSharedPreferences("myPrefs", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
SharedPreferences.Editor prefsEditor;  
prefsEditor = myPrefs.edit();  
//strVersionName->Any value to be stored  
prefsEditor.putString("STOREDVALUE", strVersionName);  

//Get Preferenece  
SharedPreferences myPrefs;    
myPrefs = getSharedPreferences("myPrefs", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);  
String StoredValue=myPrefs.getString("STOREDVALUE", "");

Try this..

Remove category & tag base from WordPress url - without a plugin

The dot trick will likely ruin your rss feeds and/or pagination. These work, though:

add_filter('category_rewrite_rules', 'no_category_base_rewrite_rules');
function no_category_base_rewrite_rules($category_rewrite) {
    foreach($categories as $category) {
        $category_nicename = $category->slug;
        if ( $category->parent == $category->cat_ID )
            $category->parent = 0;
        elseif ($category->parent != 0 )
            $category_nicename = get_category_parents( $category->parent, false, '/', true ) . $category_nicename;
        $category_rewrite['('.$category_nicename.')/(?:feed/)?(feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom)/?$'] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]&feed=$matches[2]';
        $category_rewrite['('.$category_nicename.')/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$'] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]';
        $category_rewrite['('.$category_nicename.')/?$'] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]';
    global $wp_rewrite;
    $old_base = $wp_rewrite->get_category_permastruct();
    $old_base = str_replace( '%category%', '(.+)', $old_base );
    $old_base = trim($old_base, '/');
    $category_rewrite[$old_base.'$'] = 'index.php?category_redirect=$matches[1]';
    return $category_rewrite;

// remove tag base
add_filter('tag_rewrite_rules', 'no_tag_base_rewrite_rules');
function no_tag_base_rewrite_rules($tag_rewrite) {
    foreach($tags as $tag) {
        $tag_nicename = $tag->slug;
        if ( $tag->parent == $tag->tag_ID )
            $tag->parent = 0;
        elseif ($tag->parent != 0 )
            $tag_nicename = get_tag_parents( $tag->parent, false, '/', true ) . $tag_nicename;
        $tag_rewrite['('.$tag_nicename.')/(?:feed/)?(feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom)/?$'] = 'index.php?tag=$matches[1]&feed=$matches[2]';
        $tag_rewrite['('.$tag_nicename.')/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$'] = 'index.php?tag=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]';
        $tag_rewrite['('.$tag_nicename.')/?$'] = 'index.php?tag=$matches[1]';
    global $wp_rewrite;
    $old_base = $wp_rewrite->get_tag_permastruct();
    $old_base = str_replace( '%tag%', '(.+)', $old_base );
    $old_base = trim($old_base, '/');
    $tag_rewrite[$old_base.'$'] = 'index.php?tag_redirect=$matches[1]';
    return $tag_rewrite;

// remove author base
add_filter('author_rewrite_rules', 'no_author_base_rewrite_rules');
function no_author_base_rewrite_rules($author_rewrite) { 
    global $wpdb;    
    $author_rewrite = array();    
    $authors = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT user_nicename AS nicename from $wpdb->users");    
    foreach($authors as $author) {
        $author_rewrite["({$author->nicename})/(?:feed/)?(feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom)/?$"] = 'index.php?author_name=$matches[1]&feed=$matches[2]';
        $author_rewrite["({$author->nicename})/page/?([0-9]+)/?$"] = 'index.php?author_name=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]';
        $author_rewrite["({$author->nicename})/?$"] = 'index.php?author_name=$matches[1]';
    return $author_rewrite;}
add_filter('author_link', 'no_author_base', 1000, 2);
function no_author_base($link, $author_id) {
    $link_base = trailingslashit(get_option('home'));
    $link = preg_replace("|^{$link_base}author/|", '', $link);
    return $link_base . $link;

Java Returning method which returns arraylist?

Your method can be called and the arraylist can be stored like this

YourClassName class = new YourClassName();
Arraylist<Integer> numbers = class.numbers(); 

This also allows the arraylist to be manipulated further in this class

Save array in mysql database

Store it in multi valued column with a comma separator in an RDBMs table.

Define an <img>'s src attribute in CSS

They are right. IMG is a content element and CSS is about design. But, how about when you use some content elements or properties for design purposes? I have IMG across my web pages that must change if i change the style (the CSS).

Well this is a solution for defining IMG presentation (no really the image) in CSS style.
1: create a 1x1 transparent gif or png.
2: Assign propery "src" of IMG to that image.
3: Define final presentation with "background-image" in the CSS style.

It works like a charm :)

How can I take an UIImage and give it a black border?

You can't add a border, but this would work for the same effect. You could also make the UIView called blackBG in this example into a UIImageView with a border image and a blank middle, and then you'd have a custom image border instead of just black.

UIView *blackBG = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,100,100)];

blackBG.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];

UIImageView *myPicture = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:
                          [UIImage imageNamed: @"myPicture.jpg"]];

int borderWidth = 10;

myPicture.frame = CGRectMake(borderWidth,

[blackBG addSubview: myPicture];

java: use StringBuilder to insert at the beginning

you can use strbuilder.insert(0,i);

Change the background color of a row in a JTable

This is basically as simple as repainting the table. I haven't found a way to selectively repaint just one row/column/cell however.

In this example, clicking on the button changes the background color for a row and then calls repaint.

public class TableTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame();

        final Color[] rowColors = new Color[] {
                randomColor(), randomColor(), randomColor()
        final JTable table = new JTable(3, 3);
        table.setDefaultRenderer(Object.class, new TableCellRenderer() {
            public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
                    Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
                    int row, int column) {
                JPanel pane = new JPanel();
                return pane;
        frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

        JButton btn = new JButton("Change row2's color");
        btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                rowColors[1] = randomColor();

        frame.add(table, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        frame.add(btn, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    private static Color randomColor() {
        Random rnd = new Random();
        return new Color(rnd.nextInt(256),
                rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256));

100% Min Height CSS layout

For min-height to work correctly with percentages, while inheriting it's parent node min-height, the trick would be to set the parent node height to 1px and then the child's min-height will work correctly.

Demo page

What's the difference between getPath(), getAbsolutePath(), and getCanonicalPath() in Java?

In short:

  • getPath() gets the path string that the File object was constructed with, and it may be relative current directory.
  • getAbsolutePath() gets the path string after resolving it against the current directory if it's relative, resulting in a fully qualified path.
  • getCanonicalPath() gets the path string after resolving any relative path against current directory, and removes any relative pathing (. and ..), and any file system links to return a path which the file system considers the canonical means to reference the file system object to which it points.

Also, each of these has a File equivalent which returns the corresponding File object.

Note that IMO, Java got the implementation of an "absolute" path wrong; it really should remove any relative path elements in an absolute path. The canonical form would then remove any FS links or junctions in the path.

C++, how to declare a struct in a header file

You can't.

In order to "use" the struct, i.e. to be able to declare objects of that type and to access its internals you need the full definition of the struct. So, it you want to do any of that (and you do, judging by your error messages), you have to place the full definition of the struct type into the header file.

How to add 'ON DELETE CASCADE' in ALTER TABLE statement

For anyone using MySQL:

If you head into your PHPMYADMIN webpage and navigate to the table that has the foreign key you want to update, all you have to do is click the Relational view located in the Structure tab and change the On delete select menu option to Cascade.

Image shown below:

enter image description here

python mpl_toolkits installation issue

if anyone has a problem on Mac, can try this

sudo pip install --upgrade matplotlib --ignore-installed six

Getting rid of all the rounded corners in Twitter Bootstrap

Bootstrap has it's own classes for borders including .rounded-0 to get rid of rounded corners on any element including buttons

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<a class="btn btn-primary">Regular Rounded Corners</a>_x000D_
<a class="btn btn-primary rounded-pill">Pill Corners</a>_x000D_
<a class="btn btn-primary rounded-0">Square Corners</a>

Select from where field not equal to Mysql Php

select * from table where fiels1 NOT LIKE 'x' AND field2 NOT LIKE 'y'

//this work in case insensitive manner

Skipping Incompatible Libraries at compile

That message isn't actually an error - it's just a warning that the file in question isn't of the right architecture (e.g. 32-bit vs 64-bit, wrong CPU architecture). The linker will keep looking for a library of the right type.

Of course, if you're also getting an error along the lines of can't find lPI-Http then you have a problem :-)

It's hard to suggest what the exact remedy will be without knowing the details of your build system and makefiles, but here are a couple of shots in the dark:

  1. Just to check: usually you would add flags to CFLAGS rather than CTAGS - are you sure this is correct? (What you have may be correct - this will depend on your build system!)
  2. Often the flag needs to be passed to the linker too - so you may also need to modify LDFLAGS

If that doesn't help - can you post the full error output, plus the actual command (e.g. gcc foo.c -m32 -Dxxx etc) that was being executed?

Read lines from a text file but skip the first two lines

Dim sFileName As String
Dim iFileNum As Integer
Dim sBuf As String
Dim Fields as String
Dim TempStr as String

sFileName = "c:\fields.ini"
''//Does the file exist?
If Len(Dir$(sFileName)) = 0 Then
    MsgBox ("Cannot find fields.ini")
End If

iFileNum = FreeFile()
Open sFileName For Input As iFileNum

''//This part skips the first two lines
if not(EOF(iFileNum)) Then Line Input #iFilenum, TempStr
if not(EOF(iFileNum)) Then Line Input #iFilenum, TempStr

Do While Not EOF(iFileNum)
    Line Input #iFileNum, Fields

    MsgBox (Fields)

Why can't I duplicate a slice with `copy()`?

The copy() runs for the least length of dst and src, so you must initialize the dst to the desired length.

A := []int{1, 2, 3}
B := make([]int, 3)
copy(B, A)
C := make([]int, 2)
copy(C, A)
fmt.Println(A, B, C)


[1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2]

You can initialize and copy all elements in one line using append() to a nil slice.

x := append([]T{}, []...)


A := []int{1, 2, 3}
B := append([]int{}, A...)
C := append([]int{}, A[:2]...)
fmt.Println(A, B, C)    


[1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2]

Comparing with allocation+copy(), for greater than 1,000 elements, use append. Actually bellow 1,000 the difference may be neglected, make it a go for rule of thumb unless you have many slices.

BenchmarkCopy1-4                50000000            27.0 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy10-4               30000000            53.3 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy100-4              10000000           229 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy1000-4              1000000          1942 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy10000-4              100000         18009 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy100000-4              10000        220113 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy1000000-4              1000       2028157 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy10000000-4              100      15323924 ns/op
BenchmarkCopy100000000-4               1    1200488116 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend1-4              50000000            34.2 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend10-4             20000000            60.0 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend100-4             5000000           240 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend1000-4            1000000          1832 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend10000-4            100000         13378 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend100000-4            10000        142397 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend1000000-4            2000       1053891 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend10000000-4            200       9500541 ns/op
BenchmarkAppend100000000-4            20     176361861 ns/op

ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol: 3, python2 pickle can not load the file dumped by python 3 pickle?

Pickle uses different protocols to convert your data to a binary stream.

You must specify in python 3 a protocol lower than 3 in order to be able to load the data in python 2. You can specify the protocol parameter when invoking pickle.dump.

What is the best java image processing library/approach?

There's ImageJ, which boasts to be the

world's fastest pure Java image processing program

It can be used as a library in another application. It's architecture is not brilliant, but it does basic image processing tasks.

putting a php variable in a HTML form value

You can do it like this,

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name;?>" />

But seen as you've taken it straight from user input, you want to sanitize it first so that nothing nasty is put into the output of your page.

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name);?>" />

Viewing my IIS hosted site on other machines on my network

In addition to modifying your firewall, don't forget to add port binding too!

Open $(SolutionDir)\.vs\config\applicationHost.config and find binding definitions, should be something like this

    <site name="Samples.Html5.Web" id="1">
        <application path="/" applicationPool="Clr4IntegratedAppPool">
            <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\Git\Samples.Html5.Web" />
            <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:63000:localhost" />

Just add extra lines to reflect your machine IP and designated port

    <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:63000:localhost" />
    <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:63000:" />


Bootstrap 4 navbar color

Update 2019

Remember that whatever CSS overrides you define must be the same CSS specificity or greater in order to properly override Bootstrap's CSS.

Bootstrap 4.1+

The Navbar is transparent by default. If you only want to change the background color, it can be done simply by applying the color to the <navbar class="bg-custom">, but remember that won't change the other colors such as the links, hover and dropdown menu colors.

Here's CSS that will change any relevant Navbar colors in Bootstrap 4...

/* change the background color */
.navbar-custom {
    background-color: #ff5500;
/* change the brand and text color */
.navbar-custom .navbar-brand,
.navbar-custom .navbar-text {
    color: rgba(255,255,255,.8);
/* change the link color */
.navbar-custom .navbar-nav .nav-link {
    color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);
/* change the color of active or hovered links */
.navbar-custom .nav-link,
.navbar-custom .nav-item:focus .nav-link,
.navbar-custom .nav-item:hover .nav-link {
    color: #ffffff;


Override Navbar Light or Dark

If you're using the Bootstrap 4 Navbar navbar-light or navbar-dark classes, then use this in the overrides. For example, changing the Navbar link colors...

.navbar-light .nav-link,
.navbar-light .nav-item:focus .nav-link,
.navbar-light .nav-item:hover .nav-link {
        color: #ffffff;

When making any Bootstrap customizations, you need to understand CSS Specificity. Overrides in your custom CSS need to use selectors that are as specific as the bootstrap.css. Read more

Transparent Navbar

Notice that the Bootstrap 4 Navbar is transparent by default. Use navbar-dark for dark/bold background colors, and use navbar-light if the navbar is a lighter color. This will effect the color of the text and color of the toggler icon as explained here.


Trying to merge 2 dataframes but get ValueError

this simple solution works for me

    final = pd.concat([df, rankingdf], axis=1, sort=False)

but you may need to drop some duplicate column first.


SELECT val1, val2 
SELECT val1, val2

How to use BigInteger?

Yes it's Immutable


so the method add() of BigInteger class does not add new BigIntger value to its own value ,but creates and returns a new BigInteger reference without changing the current BigInteger and this is what done even in the case of Strings

how to fix Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed?

you have already forwarded the response in catch block:

RequestDispatcher dd = request.getRequestDispatcher("error.jsp");

dd.forward(request, response);

so, you can not again call the :


because it is already forwarded (committed).

So what you can do is: keep a string to assign where you need to forward the response.

    String page = "";
    try {

    } catch (Exception e) {
      page = "error.jsp";
    } finally {
      page = "usertaskpage.jsp";

RequestDispatcher dd=request.getRequestDispatcher(page);
dd.forward(request, response);

ASP.NET Core Get Json Array using IConfiguration


"MySetting": {
  "MyValues": [

MySetting class:

namespace AspNetCore.API.Models
    public class MySetting : IMySetting
        public string[] MyValues { get; set; }

    public interface IMySetting
        string[] MyValues { get; set; }


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IMySetting>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<IOptions<MySetting>>().Value);


public class DynamicController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IMySetting _mySetting;

    public DynamicController(IMySetting mySetting)
        this._mySetting = mySetting;

Access values:

var myValues = this._mySetting.MyValues;

How should I multiple insert multiple records?

ClsConectaBanco bd = new ClsConectaBanco();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(" ([DT_LANCAMENTO]           ");
sb.Append(" ,[ID_LANCAMENTO_CONTABIL]  ");
sb.Append(" ,[NR_DOC_CONTABIL]         ");
sb.Append(" ,[TP_LANCAMENTO_GERADO]    ");
sb.Append(" ,[VL_LANCAMENTO]           ");
sb.Append(" ,[TP_NATUREZA]             ");
sb.Append(" ,[CD_EMPRESA]              ");
sb.Append(" ,[CD_FILIAL]               ");
sb.Append(" ,[CD_CONTA_CONTABIL]       ");
sb.Append(" ,[DS_CONTA_CONTABIL]       ");
sb.Append(" ,[ID_CONTA_CONTABIL]       ");
sb.Append(" ,[DS_TRIMESTRE]            ");
sb.Append(" ,[DS_SEMESTRE]             ");
sb.Append(" ,[NR_TRIMESTRE]            ");
sb.Append(" ,[NR_SEMESTRE]             ");
sb.Append(" ,[NR_ANO]                  ");
sb.Append(" ,[NR_MES]                  ");
sb.Append(" ,[NM_FILIAL])              ");
sb.Append(" VALUES                     ");
sb.Append(" (@DT_LANCAMENTO            ");
sb.Append(" ,@ID_LANCAMENTO_CONTABIL   ");
sb.Append(" ,@NR_DOC_CONTABIL          ");
sb.Append(" ,@TP_LANCAMENTO_GERADO     ");
sb.Append(" ,@VL_LANCAMENTO            ");
sb.Append(" ,@TP_NATUREZA              ");
sb.Append(" ,@CD_EMPRESA               ");
sb.Append(" ,@CD_FILIAL                ");
sb.Append(" ,@CD_CONTA_CONTABIL        ");
sb.Append(" ,@DS_CONTA_CONTABIL        ");
sb.Append(" ,@ID_CONTA_CONTABIL        ");
sb.Append(" ,@DS_TRIMESTRE             ");
sb.Append(" ,@DS_SEMESTRE              ");
sb.Append(" ,@NR_TRIMESTRE             ");
sb.Append(" ,@NR_SEMESTRE              ");
sb.Append(" ,@NR_ANO                   ");
sb.Append(" ,@NR_MES                   ");
sb.Append(" ,@NM_FILIAL)               ");

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sb.ToString(), bd.CriaConexaoSQL());

cmd.Parameters.Add("@DT_LANCAMENTO", SqlDbType.Date);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ID_LANCAMENTO_CONTABIL", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NR_DOC_CONTABIL", SqlDbType.VarChar,255);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@TP_LANCAMENTO_GERADO", SqlDbType.VarChar,255);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@VL_LANCAMENTO", SqlDbType.Decimal);
cmd.Parameters["@VL_LANCAMENTO"].Precision = 15;
cmd.Parameters["@VL_LANCAMENTO"].Scale = 2;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@TP_NATUREZA", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@CD_FILIAL", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@CD_CONTA_CONTABIL", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@DS_CONTA_CONTABIL", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ID_CONTA_CONTABIL", SqlDbType.VarChar,50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@DS_TRIMESTRE", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@DS_SEMESTRE", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NR_TRIMESTRE", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NR_SEMESTRE", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NR_ANO", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NR_MES", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@NM_FILIAL", SqlDbType.VarChar, 255);

 foreach (dtoVisaoBenner obj in lista)
     cmd.Parameters["@DT_LANCAMENTO"].Value = obj.CTLDATA;
     cmd.Parameters["@ID_LANCAMENTO_CONTABIL"].Value = obj.CTLHANDLE.ToString();
     cmd.Parameters["@NR_DOC_CONTABIL"].Value = obj.CTLDOCTO.ToString();
     cmd.Parameters["@TP_LANCAMENTO_GERADO"].Value = obj.LANCAMENTOGERADO;
     cmd.Parameters["@VL_LANCAMENTO"].Value = obj.CTLANVALORF;
     cmd.Parameters["@TP_NATUREZA"].Value = obj.NATUREZA;
     cmd.Parameters["@CD_EMPRESA"].Value = obj.EMPRESA;
     cmd.Parameters["@CD_FILIAL"].Value = obj.FILIAL;
     cmd.Parameters["@CD_CONTA_CONTABIL"].Value = obj.CONTAHANDLE.ToString();
     cmd.Parameters["@DS_CONTA_CONTABIL"].Value = obj.CONTANOME.ToString();
     cmd.Parameters["@ID_CONTA_CONTABIL"].Value = obj.CONTA;
     cmd.Parameters["@DS_TRIMESTRE"].Value = obj.TRIMESTRE;
     cmd.Parameters["@DS_SEMESTRE"].Value = obj.SEMESTRE;
     cmd.Parameters["@NR_TRIMESTRE"].Value = obj.NRTRIMESTRE;
     cmd.Parameters["@NR_SEMESTRE"].Value = obj.NRSEMESTRE;
     cmd.Parameters["@NR_ANO"].Value = obj.NRANO;
     cmd.Parameters["@NR_MES"].Value = obj.NRMES;
     cmd.Parameters["@NM_FILIAL"].Value = obj.NOME;

Any way to declare an array in-line?

I'd like to add that the array initialization syntax is very succinct and flexible. I use it a LOT to extract data from my code and place it somewhere more usable.

As an example, I've often created menus like this:

Menu menu=initMenus(menuHandler, new String[]{"File", "+Save", "+Load", "Edit", "+Copy", ...});

This would allow me to write come code to set up a menu system. The "+" is enough to tell it to place that item under the previous item.

I could bind it to the menuHandler class either by a method naming convention by naming my methods something like "menuFile, menuFileSave, menuFileLoad, ..." and binding them reflectively (there are other alternatives).

This syntax allows AMAZINGLY brief menu definition and an extremely reusable "initMenus" method. (Yet I don't bother reusing it because it's always fun to write and only takes a few minutes+a few lines of code).

any time you see a pattern in your code, see if you can replace it with something like this, and always remember how succinct the array initialization syntax is!.

bower automatically update bower.json

from bower help, save option has a capital S

-S, --save  Save installed packages into the project's bower.json dependencies

Convert string to hex-string in C#

According to this snippet here, this approach should be good for long strings:

private string StringToHex(string hexstring)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (char t in hexstring)
        //Note: X for upper, x for lower case letters
    return sb.ToString();


string result = StringToHex("Hello world"); //returns "48656c6c6f20776f726c64"

Another approach in one line

string input = "Hello world";
string result = String.Concat(input.Select(x => ((int)x).ToString("x")));

Editing an item in a list<T>

public changeAttr(int id)
    list.Find(p => p.IdItem == id).FieldToModify = newValueForTheFIeld;


  • IdItem is the id of the element you want to modify

  • FieldToModify is the Field of the item that you want to update.

  • NewValueForTheField is exactly that, the new value.

(It works perfect for me, tested and implemented)

MySQL error 1449: The user specified as a definer does not exist

you can create user with name web2vi and grant all privilage

Remove the last character from a string

An alternative to substr is the following, as a function:

substr_replace($string, "", -1)

Is it the fastest? I don't know, but I'm willing to bet these alternatives are all so fast that it just doesn't matter.

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL

Crossframe-Scripting is not possible when the two frames have different domains -> Security.

See this:

Now to answer your question: there is no solution or work around, you simply should check your website-design why there must be two frames from different domains that changes the url of the other one.

Why am I getting Unknown error in line 1 of pom.xml?

Following actions worked for me.

1.Go to Project in toolbar -> Unchecked "Build Automatically"

2.In POM File,Downgrade the spring-boot version to 2.1.4 RELEASE.

3.Right Click on Project name -> Select Maven -> Click on "Update Project". ->OK Wait till all the maven dependency to get downloaded(Need internet).

How to delete last character from a string using jQuery?

This page comes first when you search on Google "remove last character jquery"

Although all previous answers are correct, somehow did not helped me to find what I wanted in a quick and easy way.

I feel something is missing. Apologies if i'm duplicating


  var text = $(this).html();
  text = text.substring(0, text.length-1);


  var text = $(this).html();
  text = text.slice(0,-1);

get an element's id

In events handler you can get id as follows

function show(btn) {_x000D_
  console.log('Button id:',;_x000D_
<button id="myButtonId" onclick="show(this)">Click me</button>

How to delete selected text in the vi editor

If you want to remove all lines in a file from your current line number, use dG, it will delete all lines (shift g) mean end of file

Disable Laravel's Eloquent timestamps

In case you want to remove timestamps from existing model, as mentioned before, place this in your Model:

public $timestamps = false;

Also create a migration with following code in the up() method and run it:

Schema::table('your_model_table', function (Blueprint $table) {

You can use $table->timestamps() in your down() method to allow rolling back.

File URL "Not allowed to load local resource" in the Internet Browser

For people do not like to modify chrome's security options, we can simply start a python http server from directory which contains your local file:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

and for python 3:

python3 -m http.server

Now you can reach any local file directly from your js code or externally with

Why should I prefer to use member initialization lists?

// Without Initializer List
class MyClass {
    Type variable;
    MyClass(Type a) {  // Assume that Type is an already
                     // declared class and it has appropriate 
                     // constructors and operators
        variable = a;

Here compiler follows following steps to create an object of type MyClass
1. Type’s constructor is called first for “a”.
2. The assignment operator of “Type” is called inside body of MyClass() constructor to assign

variable = a;
  1. And then finally destructor of “Type” is called for “a” since it goes out of scope.

    Now consider the same code with MyClass() constructor with Initializer List

    // With Initializer List
     class MyClass {
    Type variable;
    MyClass(Type a):variable(a) {   // Assume that Type is an already
                     // declared class and it has appropriate
                     // constructors and operators

    With the Initializer List, following steps are followed by compiler:

    1. Copy constructor of “Type” class is called to initialize : variable(a). The arguments in initializer list are used to copy construct “variable” directly.
    2. Destructor of “Type” is called for “a” since it goes out of scope.

VBA array sort function?

Dim arr As Object
Dim InputArray

'Creating a array list
Set arr = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")

InputArray = Array("d", "c", "b", "a", "f", "e", "g")

'InputArray = Array(6, 5, 3, 4, 2, 1)

' adding the elements in the array to array_list
For Each element In InputArray
    arr.Add element

'sorting happens

'Converting ArrayList to an array
'so now a sorted array of elements is stored in the array sorted_array.

sorted_array = arr.toarray

Remove all items from a FormArray in Angular

I never tried using formArray, I have always worked with FormGroup, and you can remove all controls using:

Object.keys(this.formGroup.controls).forEach(key => {

being formGroup an instance of FormGroup.

Normalize columns of pandas data frame

Detailed Example of Normalization Methods

  • Pandas normalization (unbiased)
  • Sklearn normalization (biased)
  • Does biased-vs-unbiased affect Machine Learning?
  • Mix-max scaling

References: Wikipedia: Unbiased Estimation of Standard Deviation

Example Data

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
   A    B  C
0  1  100  a
1  2  300  b
2  3  500  c

Normalization using pandas (Gives unbiased estimates)

When normalizing we simply subtract the mean and divide by standard deviation.

df.iloc[:,0:-1] = df.iloc[:,0:-1].apply(lambda x: (x-x.mean())/ x.std(), axis=0)
     A    B  C
0 -1.0 -1.0  a
1  0.0  0.0  b
2  1.0  1.0  c

Normalization using sklearn (Gives biased estimates, different from pandas)

If you do the same thing with sklearn you will get DIFFERENT output!

import pandas as pd

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()

df = pd.DataFrame({
df.iloc[:,0:-1] = scaler.fit_transform(df.iloc[:,0:-1].to_numpy())
          A         B  C
0 -1.224745 -1.224745  a
1  0.000000  0.000000  b
2  1.224745  1.224745  c

Does Biased estimates of sklearn makes Machine Learning Less Powerful?


The official documentation of sklearn.preprocessing.scale states that using biased estimator is UNLIKELY to affect the performance of machine learning algorithms and we can safely use them.

From official documentation:

We use a biased estimator for the standard deviation, equivalent to numpy.std(x, ddof=0). Note that the choice of ddof is unlikely to affect model performance.

What about MinMax Scaling?

There is no Standard Deviation calculation in MinMax scaling. So the result is same in both pandas and scikit-learn.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
(df - df.min()) / (df.max() - df.min())
     A    B
0  0.0  0.0
1  0.5  0.5
2  1.0  1.0

# Using sklearn
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

scaler = MinMaxScaler() 
arr_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df) 

[[0.  0. ]
 [0.5 0.5]
 [1.  1. ]]

df_scaled = pd.DataFrame(arr_scaled, columns=df.columns,index=df.index)
     A    B
0  0.0  0.0
1  0.5  0.5
2  1.0  1.0

The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null

A linq-to-sql query isn't executed as code, but rather translated into SQL. Sometimes this is a "leaky abstraction" that yields unexpected behaviour.

One such case is null handling, where there can be unexpected nulls in different places. ...DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(0) can help in this (quite simple) case, where there might be no elements and sql's SUM returns null whereas c# expect 0.

A more general approach is to use ?? which will be translated to COALESCE whenever there is a risk that the generated SQL returns an unexpected null:

var creditsSum = (from u in context.User
              join ch in context.CreditHistory on u.ID equals ch.UserID                                        
              where u.ID == userID
              select (int?)ch.Amount).Sum() ?? 0;

This first casts to int? to tell the C# compiler that this expression can indeed return null, even though Sum() returns an int. Then we use the normal ?? operator to handle the null case.

Based on this answer, I wrote a blog post with details for both LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities.

Adding a view controller as a subview in another view controller

Thanks to Rob. Adding detailed syntax for your second observation :

let controller:MyView = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MyView") as! MyView
controller.ANYPROPERTY=THEVALUE // If you want to pass value
controller.view.frame = self.view.bounds

And to remove the viewcontroller :


AngularJS - Animate ng-view transitions

Try checking his post. It shows how to implement transitions between web pages using AngularJS's ngRoute and ngAnimate: How to Make iPhone-Style Web Page Transitions Using AngularJS & CSS

How to determine the Schemas inside an Oracle Data Pump Export file

You need to search for OWNER_NAME.

cat -v dumpfile.dmp | grep -o '<OWNER_NAME>.*</OWNER_NAME>' | uniq -u

cat -v turn the dumpfile into visible text.

grep -o shows only the match so we don't see really long lines

uniq -u removes duplicate lines so you see less output.

This works pretty well, even on large dump files, and could be tweaked for usage in a script.

Is it possible to specify proxy credentials in your web.config?

Directory Services/LDAP lookups can be used to serve this purpose. It involves some changes at infrastructure level, but most production environments have such provision

CSS hover vs. JavaScript mouseover

A very big difference is that ":hover" state is automatically deactivated when the mouse moves out of the element. As a result any styles that are applied on hover are automatically reversed. On the other hand, with the javascript approach, you would have to define both "onmouseover" and "onmouseout" events. If you only define "onmouseover" the styles that are applied "onmouseover" will persist even after you mouse out unless you have explicitly defined "onmouseout".

Correct way to pass multiple values for same parameter name in GET request

I am describing a simple method which worked very smoothly in Python (Django Framework).

1. While sending the request, send the request like this


2. Now in my backend, I split the value received with a split function which always creates a list.

id_filter = id.split(',')

Example: So if I send two values in the request,


then the filter on the data is

id_filter = ['a', 'b']

If I send only one value in the request,


then the filter outcome is

id_filter = ['a']

3. To actually filter the data, I simply use the 'in' function

queryset = queryset.filter(model_id__in=id_filter)

which roughly speaking performs the SQL equivalent of

WHERE model_id IN ('a', 'b')

with the first request and,

WHERE model_id IN ('a')

with the second request.

This would work with more than 2 parameter values in the request as well !

How do I extract specific 'n' bits of a 32-bit unsigned integer in C?

If you need the X last bits of your integer, use a binary mask :

unsigned last8bitsvalue=(32 bit integer) & 0xFF
unsigned last16bitsvalue=(32 bit integer) & 0xFFFF

Difference between nVidia Quadro and Geforce cards?

Hardware wise the Quadro and GeForce cards are often idential. Indeed it is sometimes possible to convert some models from GeForce into Quadro by simply uploading new firmware and changing a couple resistor jumpers.

The difference is in the intended market and hence cost.

Quadro cards are intended for CAD. High end CAD software still uses OpenGL, whereas games and lower end CAD software use Direct3D (aka DirectX).

Quadro cards simply have firmware that is optimised for OpenGL. In the early days OpenGL was better and faster than Direct3D but now there is little difference. Gaming cards only support a very limited set of OpenGL, hence they don't run it very well.

CAD companies, e.g. Dassault with SolidWorks actively push high end cards by offering no support for DirectX with any level of performance.

Other CAD companies such as Altium, with Altium Designer, made the decision that forcing their customers to buy more expensive cards is not worthwhile when Direct3D is as good (if not better these days) than OpenGL.

Because of the cost, there are often other differences in the hardware, such as less use of overclocking, more memory etc, but these have relatively minor effects compared with the firmware support.

Changing MongoDB data store directory

For me, the user was mongod instead of mongodb

sudo chown mongod:mongod /newlocation

You can see the logs for errors if the service fails:


Bootstrap: adding gaps between divs

I required only one instance of the vertical padding, so I inserted this line in the appropriate place to avoid adding more to the css. <div style="margin-top:5px"></div>

How Do I Convert an Integer to a String in Excel VBA?

If the string you're pulling in happens to be a hex number such as E01, then Excel will translate it as 0 even if you use the CStr function, and even if you first deposit it in a String variable type. One way around the issue is to append ' to the beginning of the value.

For example, when pulling values out of a Word table, and bringing them to Excel:

strWr = "'" & WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(iRow, iCol).Range.Text)

Histogram using gnuplot?

I have a little modification to Born2Smile's solution.

I know that doesn't make much sense, but you may want it just in case. If your data is integer and you need a float bin size (maybe for comparison with another set of data, or plot density in finer grid), you will need to add a random number between 0 and 1 inside floor. Otherwise, there will be spikes due to round up error. floor(x/width+0.5) will not do because it will create pattern that's not true to original data.


Wait until all promises complete even if some rejected

Here's my custom settledPromiseAll()

const settledPromiseAll = function(promisesArray) {
  var savedError;

  const saveFirstError = function(error) {
    if (!savedError) savedError = error;
  const handleErrors = function(value) {
    return Promise.resolve(value).catch(saveFirstError);
  const allSettled = Promise.all(;

  return allSettled.then(function(resolvedPromises) {
    if (savedError) throw savedError;
    return resolvedPromises;

Compared to Promise.all

  • If all promises are resolved, it performs exactly as the standard one.

  • If one of more promises are rejected, it returns the first one rejected much the same as the standard one but unlike it waits for all promises to resolve/reject.

For the brave we could change Promise.all():

(function() {
  var stdAll = Promise.all;

  Promise.all = function(values, wait) {
      return, values);

    return settledPromiseAll(values);

CAREFUL. In general we never change built-ins, as it might break other unrelated JS libraries or clash with future changes to JS standards.

My settledPromiseall is backward compatible with Promise.all and extends its functionality.

People who are developing standards -- why not include this to a new Promise standard?

Python argparse: default value or specified value

Actually, you only need to use the default argument to add_argument as in this script:

import argparse

if __name__ == '__main__':

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--example', default=1)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    print(args.example) --example
% 1 --example 2
% 2

Details are here.

Unable to verify leaf signature

You have to include the Intermediate certificate in your server. This solves the [Error: UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE]

Permanently hide Navigation Bar in an activity

You can

There are Two ways (both requiring device root) :

1- First way, open the device in adb window command, and then run the following:

 adb shell >
 pm disable-user --user 0 >

and to get it back just do the same but change disable to enable.

2- second way, add the following line to the end of your device's build.prop file :

qemu.hw.mainkeys = 1

then to get it back just remove it.

and if you don't know how to edit build.prop file:

  • download EsExplorer on your device and search for build.prop then change it's permissions to read and write, finally add the line.
  • download a specialized build.prop editor app like build.propEditor.
  • or refer to that link.

Delete all data rows from an Excel table (apart from the first)

I wanted to keep the formulas in place, which the above code did not do.

Here's what I've been doing, note that this leaves one empty row in the table.

Sub DeleteTableRows(ByRef Table As ListObject, KeepFormulas as boolean)

On Error Resume Next

if not KeepFormulas then
end if


On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

(PS don't ask me why!)

javax.naming.NoInitialContextException - Java

If working on EJB client library:

You need to mention the argument for getting the initial context.

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();

If you do not, it will look in the project folder for properties file. Also you can include the properties credentials or values in your class file itself as follows:

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
props.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming");
props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://localhost:1099");

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(props);

URL_PKG_PREFIXES: Constant that holds the name of the environment property for specifying the list of package prefixes to use when loading in URL context factories.

The EJB client library is the primary library to invoke remote EJB components.
This library can be used through the InitialContext. To invoke EJB components the library creates an EJB client context via a URL context factory. The only necessary configuration is to parse the value org.jboss.ejb.client.naming for the java.naming.factory.url.pkgs property to instantiate an InitialContext.

CentOS 7 and Puppet unable to install nc

yum install nmap-ncat.x86_64

resolved my problem

What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?


JavaScript has lexical (also called static) scoping and closures. This means you can tell the scope of an identifier by looking at the source code.

The four scopes are:

  1. Global - visible by everything
  2. Function - visible within a function (and its sub-functions and blocks)
  3. Block - visible within a block (and its sub-blocks)
  4. Module - visible within a module

Outside of the special cases of global and module scope, variables are declared using var (function scope), let (block scope), and const (block scope). Most other forms of identifier declaration have block scope in strict mode.


Scope is the region of the codebase over which an identifier is valid.

A lexical environment is a mapping between identifier names and the values associated with them.

Scope is formed of a linked nesting of lexical environments, with each level in the nesting corresponding to a lexical environment of an ancestor execution context.

These linked lexical environments form a scope "chain". Identifier resolution is the process of searching along this chain for a matching identifier.

Identifier resolution only occurs in one direction: outwards. In this way, outer lexical environments cannot "see" into inner lexical environments.

There are three pertinent factors in deciding the scope of an identifier in JavaScript:

  1. How an identifier was declared
  2. Where an identifier was declared
  3. Whether you are in strict mode or non-strict mode

Some of the ways identifiers can be declared:

  1. var, let and const
  2. Function parameters
  3. Catch block parameter
  4. Function declarations
  5. Named function expressions
  6. Implicitly defined properties on the global object (i.e., missing out var in non-strict mode)
  7. import statements
  8. eval

Some of the locations identifiers can be declared:

  1. Global context
  2. Function body
  3. Ordinary block
  4. The top of a control structure (e.g., loop, if, while, etc.)
  5. Control structure body
  6. Modules

Declaration Styles


Identifiers declared using var have function scope, apart from when they are declared directly in the global context, in which case they are added as properties on the global object and have global scope. There are separate rules for their use in eval functions.

let and const

Identifiers declared using let and const have block scope, apart from when they are declared directly in the global context, in which case they have global scope.

Note: let, const and var are all hoisted. This means that their logical position of definition is the top of their enclosing scope (block or function). However, variables declared using let and const cannot be read or assigned to until control has passed the point of declaration in the source code. The interim period is known as the temporal dead zone.

function f() {
    function g() {
    let x = 1
f() // 1 because x is hoisted even though declared with `let`!

Function parameter names

Function parameter names are scoped to the function body. Note that there is a slight complexity to this. Functions declared as default arguments close over the parameter list, and not the body of the function.

Function declarations

Function declarations have block scope in strict mode and function scope in non-strict mode. Note: non-strict mode is a complicated set of emergent rules based on the quirky historical implementations of different browsers.

Named function expressions

Named function expressions are scoped to themselves (e.g., for the purpose of recursion).

Implicitly defined properties on the global object

In non-strict mode, implicitly defined properties on the global object have global scope, because the global object sits at the top of the scope chain. In strict mode, these are not permitted.


In eval strings, variables declared using var will be placed in the current scope, or, if eval is used indirectly, as properties on the global object.


The following will throw a ReferenceError because the namesx, y, and z have no meaning outside of the function f.

function f() {
    var x = 1
    let y = 1
    const z = 1
console.log(typeof x) // undefined (because var has function scope!)
console.log(typeof y) // undefined (because the body of the function is a block)
console.log(typeof z) // undefined (because the body of the function is a block)

The following will throw a ReferenceError for y and z, but not for x, because the visibility of x is not constrained by the block. Blocks that define the bodies of control structures like if, for, and while, behave similarly.

    var x = 1
    let y = 1
    const z = 1
console.log(x) // 1
console.log(typeof y) // undefined because `y` has block scope
console.log(typeof z) // undefined because `z` has block scope

In the following, x is visible outside of the loop because var has function scope:

for(var x = 0; x < 5; ++x) {}
console.log(x) // 5 (note this is outside the loop!)

...because of this behavior, you need to be careful about closing over variables declared using var in loops. There is only one instance of variable x declared here, and it sits logically outside of the loop.

The following prints 5, five times, and then prints 5 a sixth time for the console.log outside the loop:

for(var x = 0; x < 5; ++x) {
    setTimeout(() => console.log(x)) // closes over the `x` which is logically positioned at the top of the enclosing scope, above the loop
console.log(x) // note: visible outside the loop

The following prints undefined because x is block-scoped. The callbacks are run one by one asynchronously. New behavior for let variables means that each anonymous function closed over a different variable named x (unlike it would have done with var), and so integers 0 through 4 are printed.:

for(let x = 0; x < 5; ++x) {
    setTimeout(() => console.log(x)) // `let` declarations are re-declared on a per-iteration basis, so the closures capture different variables
console.log(typeof x) // undefined

The following will NOT throw a ReferenceError because the visibility of x is not constrained by the block; it will, however, print undefined because the variable has not been initialised (because of the if statement).

if(false) {
    var x = 1
console.log(x) // here, `x` has been declared, but not initialised

A variable declared at the top of a for loop using let is scoped to the body of the loop:

for(let x = 0; x < 10; ++x) {} 
console.log(typeof x) // undefined, because `x` is block-scoped

The following will throw a ReferenceError because the visibility of x is constrained by the block:

if(false) {
    let x = 1
console.log(typeof x) // undefined, because `x` is block-scoped

Variables declared using var, let or const are all scoped to modules:

// module1.js

var x = 0
export function f() {}


import f from 'module1.js'

console.log(x) // throws ReferenceError

The following will declare a property on the global object because variables declared using var within the global context are added as properties to the global object:

var x = 1
console.log(window.hasOwnProperty('x')) // true

let and const in the global context do not add properties to the global object, but still have global scope:

let x = 1
console.log(window.hasOwnProperty('x')) // false

Function parameters can be considered to be declared in the function body:

function f(x) {}
console.log(typeof x) // undefined, because `x` is scoped to the function

Catch block parameters are scoped to the catch-block body:

try {} catch(e) {}
console.log(typeof e) // undefined, because `e` is scoped to the catch block

Named function expressions are scoped only to the expression itself:

(function foo() { console.log(foo) })()
console.log(typeof foo) // undefined, because `foo` is scoped to its own expression

In non-strict mode, implicitly defined properties on the global object are globally scoped. In strict mode, you get an error.

x = 1 // implicitly defined property on the global object (no "var"!)

console.log(x) // 1
console.log(window.hasOwnProperty('x')) // true

In non-strict mode, function declarations have function scope. In strict mode, they have block scope.

'use strict'
    function foo() {}
console.log(typeof foo) // undefined, because `foo` is block-scoped

How it works under the hood

Scope is defined as the lexical region of code over which an identifier is valid.

In JavaScript, every function-object has a hidden [[Environment]] reference that is a reference to the lexical environment of the execution context (stack frame) within which it was created.

When you invoke a function, the hidden [[Call]] method is called. This method creates a new execution context and establishes a link between the new execution context and the lexical environment of the function-object. It does this by copying the [[Environment]] value on the function-object, into an outer reference field on the lexical environment of the new execution context.

Note that this link between the new execution context and the lexical environment of the function object is called a closure.

Thus, in JavaScript, scope is implemented via lexical environments linked together in a "chain" by outer references. This chain of lexical environments is called the scope chain, and identifier resolution occurs by searching up the chain for a matching identifier.

Find out more.

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

This is a bit old but I found a better solution for this. I was trying the chosen answer here but looks like .testrunconfig is already obsolete.

1. For Unit Tests, Wrap the config is an Interface (IConfig)

for Unit tests, config really shouldn't be part of what your testing so create a mock which you can inject. In this example I was using Moq.

Mock<IConfig> _configMock;
_configMock.Setup(config => config.ConfigKey).Returns("ConfigValue");
var SUT = new SUT(_configMock.Object);

2. For Integration test, dynamically add the config you need

Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
if(config.AppSettings.Settings[configName] != null)
config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(configName, configValue);
config.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified, true);

How to get the MD5 hash of a file in C++?

You can implement the MD5 algorithm yourself (examples are all over the web), or you can link against the OpenSSL libs and use OpenSSL's digest functions. here's an example to get the MD5 of a byte array:

#include <openssl/md5.h>
QByteArray AESWrapper::md5 ( const QByteArray& data) {
    unsigned char * tmp_hash;
    tmp_hash = MD5((const unsigned char*)data.constData(), data.length(), NULL);
    return QByteArray((const char*)tmp_hash, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);

TypeScript function overloading

When you overload in TypeScript, you only have one implementation with multiple signatures.

class Foo {
    myMethod(a: string);
    myMethod(a: number);
    myMethod(a: number, b: string);
    myMethod(a: any, b?: string) {

Only the three overloads are recognized by TypeScript as possible signatures for a method call, not the actual implementation.

In your case, I would personally use two methods with different names as there isn't enough commonality in the parameters, which makes it likely the method body will need to have lots of "ifs" to decide what to do.

TypeScript 1.4

As of TypeScript 1.4, you can typically remove the need for an overload using a union type. The above example can be better expressed using:

myMethod(a: string | number, b?: string) {

The type of a is "either string or number".

Postgres DB Size Command

Yes, there is a command to find the size of a database in Postgres. It's the following:

SELECT pg_database.datname as "database_name", pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(pg_database.datname)) AS size_in_mb FROM pg_database ORDER by size_in_mb DESC;

Using Alert in Response.Write Function in ASP.NET


Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('ERROR');</script>);


Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('ERROR');</script>");

In other words, you're missing a closing " at the end of the Response.Write statement.

It's worth mentioning that the code shown in the screenshot appears to correctly contain a closing double quote, however your best bet overall would be to use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterScriptBlock method:

var clientScript = Page.ClientScript;
clientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "AlertScript", "alert('ERROR')'", true);

This will take care of wrapping the script with <script> tags and writing the script into the page for you.

newline character in c# string

A great way of handling this is with regular expressions.

string modifiedString = Regex.Replace(originalString, @"(\r\n)|\n|\r", "<br/>");

This will replace any of the 3 legal types of newline with the html tag.

how to show only even or odd rows in sql server 2008?

Oracle Database


select * from (select mod(rownum,2) as num , employees.* from employees) where num =0;


select * from (select mod(rownum,2) as num , employees.* from employees) where num =1; 

how to convert string into time format and add two hours

Use the SimpleDateFormat class parse() method. This method will return a Date object. You can then create a Calendar object for this Date and add 2 hours to it.

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Date date = formatter.parse(theDateToParse);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 2);
cal.getTime(); // This will give you the time you want.

Android, How to create option Menu

Change your onCreateOptionsMenu method to return true. To quote the docs:

You must return true for the menu to be displayed; if you return false it will not be shown.

fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository

This does not answer your question, but I faced a similar error message but due to a different reason. Allow me to make my post for the sake of information collection.

I have a git repo on a network drive. Let's call this network drive RAID. I cloned this repo on my local machine (LOCAL) and on my number crunching cluster (CRUNCHER). For convenience I mounted the user directory of my account on CRUNCHER on my local machine. So, I can manipulate files on CRUNCHER without the need to do the work in an SSH terminal.

Today, I was modifying files in the repo on CRUNCHER via my local machine. At some point I decided to commit the files, so a did a commit. Adding the modified files and doing the commit worked as I expected, but when I called git push I got an error message similar to the one posted in the question.

The reason was, that I called push from within the repo on CRUNCHER on LOCAL. So, all paths in the config file were plain wrong.

When I realized my fault, I logged onto CRUNCHER via Terminal and was able to push the commit.

Feel free to comment if my explanation can't be understood, or you find my post superfluous.

What is the list of valid @SuppressWarnings warning names in Java?

I just want to add that there is a master list of IntelliJ suppress parameters at:

It looks fairly comprehensive. Partial:

Warning Description - Warning Name

"Magic character" MagicCharacter 
"Magic number" MagicNumber 
'' method does not use parameter ComparatorMethodParameterNotUsed 
'Connection.prepare*()' call with non-constant string JDBCPrepareStatementWithNonConstantString 
'Iterator.hasNext()' which calls 'next()' IteratorHasNextCallsIteratorNext 
'' which can't throw 'NoSuchElementException' IteratorNextCanNotThrowNoSuchElementException 
'Statement.execute()' call with non-constant string JDBCExecuteWithNonConstantString 
'String.equals("")' StringEqualsEmptyString 
'StringBuffer' may be 'StringBuilder' (JDK 5.0 only) StringBufferMayBeStringBuilder 
'StringBuffer.toString()' in concatenation StringBufferToStringInConcatenation 
'assert' statement AssertStatement 
'assertEquals()' between objects of inconvertible types AssertEqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes 
'await()' not in loop AwaitNotInLoop 
'await()' without corresponding 'signal()' AwaitWithoutCorrespondingSignal 
'break' statement BreakStatement 
'break' statement with label BreakStatementWithLabel 
'catch' generic class CatchGenericClass 
'clone()' does not call 'super.clone()' CloneDoesntCallSuperClone

how to use Blob datatype in Postgres

Storing files in your database will lead to a huge database size. You may not like that, for development, testing, backups, etc.

Instead, you'd use FileStream (SQL-Server) or BFILE (Oracle).

There is no default-implementation of BFILE/FileStream in Postgres, but you can add it:

And further information (in french) can be obtained here:

To answer the acual question:
Apart from bytea, for really large files, you can use LOBS:

public int InsertLargeObject()
    int noid;
    byte[] BinaryData = new byte[123];

    // Npgsql.NpgsqlCommand cmd ;
    // long lng = cmd.LastInsertedOID;

    using (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection connection = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
        using (Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction())
                NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager manager = new NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager(connection);
                noid = manager.Create(NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager.READWRITE);
                NpgsqlTypes.LargeObject lo = manager.Open(noid, NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager.READWRITE);

                // lo.Write(BinaryData);
                int i = 0;
                    int length = 1000;
                    if (i + length > BinaryData.Length)
                        length = BinaryData.Length - i;

                    byte[] chunk = new byte[length];
                    System.Array.Copy(BinaryData, i, chunk, 0, length);
                    lo.Write(chunk, 0, length);
                    i += length;
                } while (i < BinaryData.Length);

            } // End Try
            } // End Catch

            return noid;
        } // End Using transaction 

    } // End using connection

} // End Function InsertLargeObject 

public System.Drawing.Image GetLargeDrawing(int idOfOID)
    System.Drawing.Image img;

    using (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection connection = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
        lock (connection)
            if (connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

            using (Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction trans = connection.BeginTransaction())
                NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager lbm = new NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager(connection);
                NpgsqlTypes.LargeObject lo = lbm.Open(takeOID(idOfOID), NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager.READWRITE); //take picture oid from metod takeOID
                byte[] buffer = new byte[32768];

                using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
                    int read;
                    while ((read = lo.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                        ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
                    } // Whend

                    img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);
                } // End Using ms


                if (connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
            } // End Using trans

        } // End lock connection

    } // End Using connection

    return img;
} // End Function GetLargeDrawing

public void DeleteLargeObject(int noid)
    using (Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection connection = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
        if (connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

        using (Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction trans = connection.BeginTransaction())
            NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager lbm = new NpgsqlTypes.LargeObjectManager(connection);


            if (connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
        } // End Using trans 

    } // End Using connection

} // End Sub DeleteLargeObject 

ASP.Net MVC: How to display a byte array image from model

If you want to present the image, add a method as a helper class or to the model itself and allow the method to convert the byte array image to a image format like PNG or JPG then convert to Base64 string. Once you have that, bind the base64 value on your view in the format

"data:image/[image file type extension];base64,[your base64 string goes here]"

The above is assigned to the img tag's src attribute.

The only issue I have with this is the base64 string being too long. So, I would not recommend it for multiple models being shown in a view.

What REALLY happens when you don't free after malloc?

Yes you are right, your example doesn't do any harm (at least not on most modern operating systems). All the memory allocated by your process will be recovered by the operating system once the process exits.

Source: Allocation and GC Myths (PostScript alert!)

Allocation Myth 4: Non-garbage-collected programs should always deallocate all memory they allocate.

The Truth: Omitted deallocations in frequently executed code cause growing leaks. They are rarely acceptable. but Programs that retain most allocated memory until program exit often perform better without any intervening deallocation. Malloc is much easier to implement if there is no free.

In most cases, deallocating memory just before program exit is pointless. The OS will reclaim it anyway. Free will touch and page in the dead objects; the OS won't.

Consequence: Be careful with "leak detectors" that count allocations. Some "leaks" are good!

That said, you should really try to avoid all memory leaks!

Second question: your design is ok. If you need to store something until your application exits then its ok to do this with dynamic memory allocation. If you don't know the required size upfront, you can't use statically allocated memory.

How to determine the installed webpack version

Version Installed:

Using webpack CLI: (--version, -v Show version number [boolean])

webpack --version


webpack -v

Using npm list command:

npm list webpack

Results in name@version-range:

<projectName>@<projectVersion> /path/to/project
+-- webpack@<version-range>

Using yarn list command:

yarn list webpack

How to do it programmatically?

Webpack 2 introduced Configuration Types.

Instead of exporting a configuration object, you may return a function which accepts an environment as argument. When running webpack, you may specify build environment keys via --env, such as --env.production or --env.platform=web.

We will use a build environment key called --env.version.

webpack --env.version $(webpack --version)


webpack --env.version $(webpack -v)

For this to work we will need to do two things:

Change our webpack.config.js file and use DefinePlugin.

The DefinePlugin allows you to create global constants which can be configured at compile time.

-module.exports = {
+module.exports = function(env) {
+  return {
    plugins: [
      new webpack.DefinePlugin({
+        WEBPACK_VERSION: JSON.stringify(env.version) //<version-range>
+  };

Now we can access the global constant like so:


Latest version available:

Using npm view command will return the latest version available on the registry:

npm view [<@scope>/]<name>[@<version>] [<field>[.<subfield>]...]

For webpack use:

npm view webpack version

Convert a SQL query result table to an HTML table for email

Here is one way to do it from an article titled "Format query output into an HTML table - the easy way [archive]". You would need to substitute the details of your own query for the ones in this example, which gets a list of tables and a row count.

declare @body varchar(max)

set @body = cast( (
select td = dbtable + '</td><td>' + cast( entities as varchar(30) ) + '</td><td>' + cast( rows as varchar(30) )
from (
      select dbtable  = object_name( object_id ),
             entities = count( distinct name ),
             rows     = count( * )
      from sys.columns
      group by object_name( object_id )
      ) as d
for xml path( 'tr' ), type ) as varchar(max) )

set @body = '<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="1">'
          + '<tr><th>Database Table</th><th>Entity Count</th><th>Total Rows</th></tr>'
          + replace( replace( @body, '&lt;', '<' ), '&gt;', '>' )
          + '</table>'

print @body

Once you have @body, you can then use whatever email mechanism you want.

Get all LI elements in array

QuerySelectorAll will get all the matching elements with defined selector. Here on the example I've used element's name(li tag) to get all of the li present inside the div with navbar element.

    let navbar = document_x000D_
    navbar.forEach((item, index) => {_x000D_
      console.log({ index, item })_x000D_
<div id="navbar">_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-One">One</li>_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-Two">Two</li>_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-Three">Three</li>_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-Four">Four</li>_x000D_
  <li id="navbar-Five">Five</li>_x000D_

Git - How to use .netrc file on Windows to save user and password

You can also install Git Credential Manager for Windows to save Git passwords in Windows credentials manager instead of _netrc. This is a more secure way to store passwords.

c#: getter/setter

You can also use a lambda expression

public string Type
    get => _type;
    set => _type = value;

Git submodule head 'reference is not a tree' error

Possible cause

This can happens when:

  1. Submodule(s) have been edited in place
  2. Submodule(s) committed, which updates the hash of the submodule being pointed to
  3. Submodule(s) not pushed.

e.g. something like this happened:

$ cd submodule
$ emacs my_source_file  # edit some file(s)
$ git commit -am "Making some changes but will forget to push!"

Should have submodule pushed at this point.

$ cd .. # back to parent repository
$ git commit -am "updates to parent repository"
$ git push origin master

As a result, the missing commits could not possibly be found by the remote user because they are still on the local disk.


Informa the person who modified the submodule to push, i.e.

$ cd submodule
$ git push

Angular routerLink does not navigate to the corresponding component

In my case I had line-wrapper in my VS code and, apparently, there was no space between end of closing quote belonging to [routerLink] and next attribute. Line-wrapper split this in two lines so missing space went unnoticed.

Android Studio not showing modules in project structure

You need to add a gradle.settings file to your root project structure, after that when you "Open Module settings" you will the menu aligned to your gradle.settings. When importing a project to Android Studio, it doesn't create this file for you. Sometimes it's usually better to start a clean project and move your code there, it's usually easier to achieve.

Setting maxlength of textbox with JavaScript or jQuery

Not sure what you are trying to accomplish on your first few lines but you can try this:


Get name of current class?

import sys

def class_meta(frame):
    class_context = '__module__' in frame.f_locals
    assert class_context, 'Frame is not a class context'

    module_name = frame.f_locals['__module__']
    class_name = frame.f_code.co_name
    return module_name, class_name

def print_class_path():
    print('%s.%s' % class_meta(sys._getframe(1)))

class MyClass(object):

How to end C++ code

To break a condition use the return(0);

So, in your case it would be:

        return 0;

Update with two tables?

For Microsoft Access

    ON A.ID = B.ID
SET A.Name = B.Name

Finding the average of an array using JS

You calculate an average by adding all the elements and then dividing by the number of elements.

var total = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
    total += grades[i];
var avg = total / grades.length;

The reason you got 68 as your result is because in your loop, you keep overwriting your average, so the final value will be the result of your last calculation. And your division and multiplication by grades.length cancel each other out.

How to wait in bash for several subprocesses to finish and return exit code !=0 when any subprocess ends with code !=0?

I don't believe it's possible with Bash's builtin functionality.

You can get notification when a child exits:

set -o monitor        # enable script job control
trap 'echo "child died"' CHLD

However there's no apparent way to get the child's exit status in the signal handler.

Getting that child status is usually the job of the wait family of functions in the lower level POSIX APIs. Unfortunately Bash's support for that is limited - you can wait for one specific child process (and get its exit status) or you can wait for all of them, and always get a 0 result.

What it appears impossible to do is the equivalent of waitpid(-1), which blocks until any child process returns.

What are the differences between a pointer variable and a reference variable in C++?

Beside all the answers here,

you can implement operator overloading using references:

my_point operator+(const my_point& a, const my_point& b)
  return { a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y };

Using parameters as value would create temporary copies of the original arguments and using pointers would not invoke this function because of pointers arithmetics.

Why do we not have a virtual constructor in C++?

The Vpointer is created at the time of object creation. vpointer wont exists before object creation. so there is no point of making the constructor as virtual.

Disable form autofill in Chrome without disabling autocomplete

My solution is based on dsuess user solution, which didn't work in IE for me, because I had to click one more time in the textbox to be able to type in. Therefore I adapted it only to Chrome:

$(window).on('load', function () {
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) {
        $('#myTextBox').attr('readonly', 'true');
        $('#myTextBox').focus(function () {

In your css add this:

.forceWhiteBackground {
    background-color:white !important;

The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'tx:annotation-driven'

In my case this was actually a symptom of the server, hosted on AWS, lacking an IP for the external network. It would attempt to download namespaces from and fail to make a connection.

How to update all MySQL table rows at the same time?

update mytable set online_status = 'online'

If you want to assign different values, you should use the TRANSACTION technique.

python socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

There is obviously another process listening on the port. You might find out that process by using the following command:

$ lsof -i :8000

or change your tornado app's port. tornado's error info not Explicitly on this.

How do I tell matplotlib that I am done with a plot?

Just enter plt.hold(False) before the first plt.plot, and you can stick to your original code.

Set NA to 0 in R

A solution using mutate_all from dplyr in case you want to add that to your dplyr pipeline:

df %>%
  mutate_all(funs(ifelse(, 0, .)))


   A B C
1  0 0 0
2  1 0 0
3  2 0 2
4  3 0 5
5  0 0 2
6  0 0 1
7  1 0 1
8  2 0 5
9  3 0 2
10 0 0 4
11 0 0 3
12 1 0 5
13 2 0 5
14 3 0 0
15 0 0 1

If in any case you only want to replace the NA's in numeric columns, which I assume it might be the case in modeling, you can use mutate_if:

df %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(ifelse(, 0, .)))

or in base R:

replace(, 0)


   A    B C
1  0    0 0
2  1 <NA> 0
3  2    0 2
4  3 <NA> 5
5  0    0 2
6  0 <NA> 1
7  1    0 1
8  2 <NA> 5
9  3    0 2
10 0 <NA> 4
11 0    0 3
12 1 <NA> 5
13 2    0 5
14 3 <NA> 0
15 0    0 1


with dplyr 1.0.0, across is introduced:

# Replace `NA` for all columns
df %>%
  mutate(across(everything(), ~ ifelse(, 0, .)))

# Replace `NA` for numeric columns
df %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ ifelse(, 0, .)))


df <- data.frame(A=rep(c(0:3, NA), 3), 
                 B=rep(c("0", NA), length.out = 15), 
                 C=sample(c(0:5, NA), 15, replace = TRUE))

How to redirect single url in nginx?

location ~ /issue([0-9]+) {
    return 301$1;

How can I find the location of origin/master in git, and how do I change it?

sometimes there's a difference between the local cached version of origin master (origin/master) and the true origin master.

If you run git remote update this will resynch origin master with origin/master

see the accepted answer to this question

Differences between git pull origin master & git pull origin/master

How to print bytes in hexadecimal using System.out.println?

byte test[] = new byte[3];
test[0] = 0x0A;
test[1] = 0xFF;
test[2] = 0x01;

for (byte theByte : test)

NOTE: test[1] = 0xFF; this wont compile, you cant put 255 (FF) into a byte, java will want to use an int.

you might be able to do...

test[1] = (byte) 0xFF;

I'd test if I was near my IDE (if I was near my IDE I wouln't be on Stackoverflow)

Transpose a data frame

df.aree <-
colnames(df.aree) <- df.aree[1, ]
df.aree <- df.aree[-1, ]
df.aree$myfactor <- factor(row.names(df.aree))

Launch programs whose path contains spaces

What you're trying to achieve is simple, and the way you're going about it isn't. Try this (Works fine for me) and save the file as a batch from your text editor. Trust me, it's easier.

start firefox.exe

How to get the Development/Staging/production Hosting Environment in ConfigureServices


Set an environment variable called ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT with the name of the environment (e.g. Production). Then do one of two things:

  • Inject IHostingEnvironment into Startup.cs, then use that (env here) to check: env.IsEnvironment("Production"). Do not check using env.EnvironmentName == "Production"!
  • Use either separate Startup classes or individual Configure/ConfigureServices functions. If a class or the functions match these formats, they will be used instead of the standard options on that environment.
    • Startup{EnvironmentName}() (entire class) || example: StartupProduction()
    • Configure{EnvironmentName}() || example: ConfigureProduction()
    • Configure{EnvironmentName}Services() || example: ConfigureProductionServices()

Full explanation

The .NET Core docs describe how to accomplish this. Use an environment variable called ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT that's set to the environment you want, then you have two choices.

Check environment name

From the docs:

The IHostingEnvironment service provides the core abstraction for working with environments. This service is provided by the ASP.NET hosting layer, and can be injected into your startup logic via Dependency Injection. The ASP.NET Core web site template in Visual Studio uses this approach to load environment-specific configuration files (if present) and to customize the app’s error handling settings. In both cases, this behavior is achieved by referring to the currently specified environment by calling EnvironmentName or IsEnvironment on the instance of IHostingEnvironment passed into the appropriate method.

NOTE: Checking the actual value of env.EnvironmentName is not recommended!

If you need to check whether the application is running in a particular environment, use env.IsEnvironment("environmentname") since it will correctly ignore case (instead of checking if env.EnvironmentName == "Development" for example).

Use separate classes

From the docs:

When an ASP.NET Core application starts, the Startup class is used to bootstrap the application, load its configuration settings, etc. (learn more about ASP.NET startup). However, if a class exists named Startup{EnvironmentName} (for example StartupDevelopment), and the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable matches that name, then that Startup class is used instead. Thus, you could configure Startup for development, but have a separate StartupProduction that would be used when the app is run in production. Or vice versa.

In addition to using an entirely separate Startup class based on the current environment, you can also make adjustments to how the application is configured within a Startup class. The Configure() and ConfigureServices() methods support environment-specific versions similar to the Startup class itself, of the form Configure{EnvironmentName}() and Configure{EnvironmentName}Services(). If you define a method ConfigureDevelopment() it will be called instead of Configure() when the environment is set to development. Likewise, ConfigureDevelopmentServices() would be called instead of ConfigureServices() in the same environment.

Font is not available to the JVM with Jasper Reports

Copy your Fonts on the following directory JDK_HOME\jre\lib\fonts

Automatic exit from Bash shell script on error

An alternative to the accepted answer that fits in the first line:

#!/bin/bash -e

cd some_dir  

./configure --some-flags  


make install

WAITING at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)

From the stack trace it's clear that, the ThreadPoolExecutor > Worker thread started and it's waiting for the task to be available on the BlockingQueue(DelayedWorkQueue) to pick the task and execute.So this thread will be in WAIT status only as long as get a SIGNAL from the publisher thread.

jQuery Datepicker close datepicker after selected date

There is another code that's works for me (jQuery).

    format: "dd/mm/yyyy",_x000D_
    autoHide: true_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />_x000D_
Date: <input type="text" readonly="true" class="datepicker">

NPM clean modules

In a word no.

In two, not yet.

There is, however, an open issue for a --no-build flag to npm install to perform an installation without building, which could be used to do what you're asking.

See this open issue.

Bash mkdir and subfolders

You can:

mkdir -p folder/subfolder

The -p flag causes any parent directories to be created if necessary.

using nth-child in tables tr td

Current css version still doesn't support selector find by content. But there is a way, by using css selector find by attribute, but you have to put some identifier on all of the <td> that have $ inside. Example: using nth-child in tables tr td


    <td data-rel='$'>$</td>


table tr td[data-rel='$'] {
    background-color: #333;
    color: white;

Please try these example.

table tr td[data-content='$'] {_x000D_
    background-color: #333;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
<table border="1">_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_
        <td data-content='$'>$</td>_x000D_

RSA encryption and decryption in Python

Watch out using Crypto!!! It is a wonderful library but it has an issue in python3.8 'cause from the library time was removed the attribute clock(). To fix it just modify the source in /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Crypto/Random/_UserFriendlyRNG.pyline 77 changing t = time.clock() int t = time.perf_counter()

Google Chromecast sender error if Chromecast extension is not installed or using incognito

Update: After several attempts, it looks like this may have been fixed in latest Chrome builds (per Paul Irish's comment below). That would suggest we will see this fixed in stable Chrome June-July 2016. Let's see ...

This is a known bug with the official Chromecast JavaScript library. Instead of failing silently, it dumps these error messages in all non-Chrome browsers as well as Chrome browsers where the Chromecast extension isn't present.

The Chromecast team have indicated they won't fix this bug.

If you are a developer shipping with this library, you can't do anything about it according to Chromecast team. You can only inform users to ignore the errors. (I believe Chromecast team is not entirely correct as the library could, at the least, avoid requesting the extension scipt if the browser is not Chrome. And I suspect it could be possible to suppress the error even if it is Chrome, but haven't tried anything.)

If you are a user annoyed by these console messages, you can switch to Chrome if not using it already. Within Chrome, either:

Update [Nov 13, 2014]: The problem has now been acknowledged by Google. A member of the Chromecast team seems to suggest the issue will be bypassed by a change the team is currently working on.

Update 2 [Feb 17, 2015]: The team claim there's nothing they can do to remove the error logs as it's a standard Chrome network error and they are still working on a long-term fix. Public comments on the bug tracker were closed with that update.

Update 3 [Dec 4, 2015]: This has finally been fixed! In the end, Chrome team simply added some code to block out this specific error. Hopefully some combination of devtools and extensions API will be improved in the future to make it possible to fix this kind of problem without patching the browser. Chrome Canary already has the patch, so it should roll out to all users around mid-January. Additionally, the team has confirmed the issue no longer affects other browsers as the SDK was updated to only activate if it's in Chrome.

Update 4 (April 30): Nope, not yet anyway. Thankfully Google's developer relations team are more aware than certain other stakeholders how badly this has affected developer experience. More whitelist updates have recently been made to clobber these log messages. Current status at top of the post.

How to open up a form from another form in VB.NET?

Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
                          Handles Button3.Click

    Dim box = New AboutBox1()

End Sub

How Do I Get the Query Builder to Output Its Raw SQL Query as a String?

I've created some simple functions to get the SQL and bindings from some queries.

 * getSql
 * Usage:
 * getSql( DB::table("users") )
 * Get the current SQL and bindings
 * @param  mixed  $query  Relation / Eloquent Builder / Query Builder
 * @return array          Array with sql and bindings or else false
function getSql($query)
    if( $query instanceof Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation )
        $query = $query->getBaseQuery();

    if( $query instanceof Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder )
        $query = $query->getQuery();

    if( $query instanceof Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder )
        return [ 'query' => $query->toSql(), 'bindings' => $query->getBindings() ];

    return false;

 * logQuery
 * Get the SQL from a query in a closure
 * Usage:
 * logQueries(function() {
 *     return User::first()->applications;
 * });
 * @param  closure $callback              function to call some queries in
 * @return Illuminate\Support\Collection  Collection of queries
function logQueries(closure $callback) 
    // check if query logging is enabled
    $logging = DB::logging();

    // Get number of queries
    $numberOfQueries = count(DB::getQueryLog());

    // if logging not enabled, temporarily enable it
    if( !$logging ) DB::enableQueryLog();

    $query = $callback();

    $lastQuery = getSql($query);

    // Get querylog
    $queries = new Illuminate\Support\Collection( DB::getQueryLog() );

    // calculate the number of queries done in callback
    $queryCount = $queries->count() - $numberOfQueries;

    // Get last queries
    $lastQueries = $queries->take(-$queryCount);

    // disable query logging
    if( !$logging ) DB::disableQueryLog();

    // if callback returns a builder object, return the sql and bindings of it
    if( $lastQuery )

    return $lastQueries;


getSql( DB::table('users') );
// returns 
// [
//     "sql" => "select * from `users`",
//     "bindings" => [],
// ]

getSql( $project->rooms() );
// returns
// [
//     "sql" => "select * from `rooms` where `rooms`.`project_id` = ? and `rooms`.`project_id` is not null",
//     "bindings" => [ 7 ],
// ]

Ubuntu, how do you remove all Python 3 but not 2

So I worked out at the end that you cannot uninstall 3.4 as it is default on Ubuntu.

All I did was simply remove Jupyter and then alias python=python2.7 and install all packages on Python 2.7 again.

Arguably, I can install virtualenv but me and my colleagues are only using 2.7. I am just going to be lazy in this case :)

HTTP 1.0 vs 1.1

One of the first differences that I can recall from top of my head are multiple domains running in the same server, partial resource retrieval, this allows you to retrieve and speed up the download of a resource (it's what almost every download accelerator does).

If you want to develop an application like a website or similar, you don't need to worry too much about the differences but you should know the difference between GET and POST verbs at least.

Now if you want to develop a browser then yes, you will have to know the complete protocol as well as if you are trying to develop a HTTP server.

If you are only interested in knowing the HTTP protocol I would recommend you starting with HTTP/1.1 instead of 1.0.

How do I execute a program from Python? os.system fails due to spaces in path

Here's a different way of doing it.

If you're using Windows the following acts like double-clicking the file in Explorer, or giving the file name as an argument to the DOS "start" command: the file is opened with whatever application (if any) its extension is associated with.

filepath = 'textfile.txt'
import os


import os

This will open textfile.txt with Notepad if Notepad is associated with .txt files.

PHP check whether property exists in object or class


echo $person->middleName ?? 'Person does not have a middle name';

To show how this would look in an if statement for more clarity on how this is working.

if($person->middleName ?? false) {
    echo $person->middleName;
} else {
    echo 'Person does not have a middle name';


The traditional PHP way to check for something's existence is to do:

if(isset($person->middleName)) {
    echo $person->middleName;
} else {
    echo 'Person does not have a middle name';

OR for a more class specific way:

if(property_exists($person, 'middleName')) {
    echo $person->middleName;
} else {
    echo 'Person does not have a middle name';

These are both fine in long form statements but in ternary statements they become unnecessarily cumbersome like so:

isset($person->middleName) ? echo $person->middleName : echo 'Person does not have a middle name';

You can also achieve this with just the ternary operator like so:

echo $person->middleName ?: 'Person does not have a middle name';

But... if the value does not exist (is not set) it will raise an E_NOTICE and is not best practise. If the value is null it will not raise the exception.

Therefore ternary operator to the rescue making this a neat little answer:

echo $person->middleName ?? 'Person does not have a middle name';

How to render string with html tags in Angular 4+?

Use one way flow syntax property binding:

<div [innerHTML]="comment"></div>

From angular docs: "Angular recognizes the value as unsafe and automatically sanitizes it, which removes the <script> tag but keeps safe content such as the <b> element."

Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling

Based on I wrote up this which works nicely:

class InfiniteViewPager @JvmOverloads constructor(
  context: Context,
  attrs: AttributeSet? = null
) : ViewPager(context, attrs) {
  // Allow for 100 back cycles from the beginning.
  // This should be enough to create an illusion of infinity.
  // Warning: scrolling to very high values (1,000,000+) results in strange drawing behaviour.
  private val offsetAmount get() = if (adapter?.count == 0) 0 else (adapter as InfinitePagerAdapter).realCount * 100

  override fun setAdapter(adapter: PagerAdapter?) {
    super.setAdapter(if (adapter == null) null else InfinitePagerAdapter(adapter))
    currentItem = 0

  override fun setCurrentItem(item: Int) = setCurrentItem(item, false)

  override fun setCurrentItem(item: Int, smoothScroll: Boolean) {
    val adapterCount = adapter?.count

    if (adapterCount == null || adapterCount == 0) {
      super.setCurrentItem(item, smoothScroll)
    } else {
      super.setCurrentItem(offsetAmount + item % adapterCount, smoothScroll)

  override fun getCurrentItem(): Int {
    val adapterCount = adapter?.count

    return if (adapterCount == null || adapterCount == 0) {
    } else {
      val position = super.getCurrentItem()
      position % (adapter as InfinitePagerAdapter).realCount

  fun animateForward() {
    super.setCurrentItem(super.getCurrentItem() + 1, true)

  fun animateBackwards() {
    super.setCurrentItem(super.getCurrentItem() - 1, true)

  internal class InfinitePagerAdapter(private val adapter: PagerAdapter) : PagerAdapter() {
    internal val realCount: Int get() = adapter.count

    override fun getCount() = if (realCount == 0) 0 else Integer.MAX_VALUE

    override fun instantiateItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int) = adapter.instantiateItem(container, position % realCount)

    override fun destroyItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int, `object`: Any) = adapter.destroyItem(container, position % realCount, `object`)

    override fun finishUpdate(container: ViewGroup) = adapter.finishUpdate(container)

    override fun isViewFromObject(view: View, `object`: Any) = adapter.isViewFromObject(view, `object`)

    override fun restoreState(bundle: Parcelable?, classLoader: ClassLoader?) = adapter.restoreState(bundle, classLoader)

    override fun saveState(): Parcelable? = adapter.saveState()

    override fun startUpdate(container: ViewGroup) = adapter.startUpdate(container)

    override fun getPageTitle(position: Int) = adapter.getPageTitle(position % realCount)

    override fun getPageWidth(position: Int) = adapter.getPageWidth(position)

    override fun setPrimaryItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int, `object`: Any) = adapter.setPrimaryItem(container, position, `object`)

    override fun unregisterDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver) = adapter.unregisterDataSetObserver(observer)

    override fun registerDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver) = adapter.registerDataSetObserver(observer)

    override fun notifyDataSetChanged() = adapter.notifyDataSetChanged()

    override fun getItemPosition(`object`: Any) = adapter.getItemPosition(`object`)

For consuming it simply change your ViewPager to InfiniteViewPager and that's all you need to change.

How to remove \xa0 from string in Python?

\xa0 is actually non-breaking space in Latin1 (ISO 8859-1), also chr(160). You should replace it with a space.

string = string.replace(u'\xa0', u' ')

When .encode('utf-8'), it will encode the unicode to utf-8, that means every unicode could be represented by 1 to 4 bytes. For this case, \xa0 is represented by 2 bytes \xc2\xa0.

Read up on

Please note: this answer in from 2012, Python has moved on, you should be able to use unicodedata.normalize now

How can I create a keystore?

I was crazy looking how to generate a .keystore using in the shell a single line command, so I could run it from another application. This is the way:

echo y | keytool -genkeypair -dname "cn=Mark Jones, ou=JavaSoft, o=Sun, c=US" -alias business -keypass kpi135 -keystore /working/android.keystore -storepass ab987c -validity 20000
  • dname is a unique identifier for the application in the .keystore

    • cn the full name of the person or organization that generates the .keystore
    • ou Organizational Unit that creates the project, its a subdivision of the Organization that creates it. Ex.
    • o Organization owner of the whole project. Its a higher scope than ou. Ex.:
    • c The country short code. Ex: For United States is "US"
  • alias Identifier of the app as an single entity inside the .keystore (it can have many)

  • keypass Password for protecting that specific alias.
  • keystore Path where the .keystore file shall be created (the standard extension is actually .ks)
  • storepass Password for protecting the whole .keystore content.
  • validity Amout of days the app will be valid with this .keystore

It worked really well for me, it doesnt ask for anything else in the console, just creates the file. For more information see keytool - Key and Certificate Management Tool.

Getting error "The package appears to be corrupt" while installing apk file

When you are releasing signed apk , please make sure you tick both v1 and v2 in signature versions

See below screenshot for more info Signed APK generation

Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time -- not possible?

This allows for parallel execution on all android versions with API 4+ (Android 1.6+):

void startMyTask(AsyncTask asyncTask) {
        asyncTask.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, params);

This is a summary of Arhimed's excellent answer.

Please make sure you use API level 11 or higher as your project build target. In Eclipse, that is Project > Properties > Android > Project Build Target. This will not break backward compatibility to lower API levels. Don't worry, you will get Lint errors if your accidentally use features introduced later than minSdkVersion. If you really want to use features introduced later than minSdkVersion, you can suppress those errors using annotations, but in that case, you need take care about compatibility yourself. This is exactly what happened in the code snippet above.

Using continue in a switch statement

This might be a megabit to late but you can use continue 2.

Some php builds / configs will output this warning:

PHP Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?

For example:

$i = 1;

while ($i <= 10) {
    $mod = $i % 4;
    echo "\r\n out $i";
        case 0:
        case 2:
            continue 2;
    echo " is even";

This will output:

out 1
out 2 is even
out 3
out 4 is even
out 5
out 6 is even
out 7
out 8 is even
out 9
out 10 is even

Tested with PHP 5.5 and higher.

How to create an empty file at the command line in Windows?

Here is yet another way:

rem/ > file.ext

The slash / is mandatory; without it the redirection part was commented out by rem.

add Shadow on UIView using swift 3


extension UIView {

  // OUTPUT 1
  func dropShadow(scale: Bool = true) {
    layer.masksToBounds = false
    layer.shadowColor =
    layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5
    layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: -1, height: 1)
    layer.shadowRadius = 1

    layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: bounds).cgPath
    layer.shouldRasterize = true
    layer.rasterizationScale = scale ? UIScreen.main.scale : 1

  // OUTPUT 2
  func dropShadow(color: UIColor, opacity: Float = 0.5, offSet: CGSize, radius: CGFloat = 1, scale: Bool = true) {
    layer.masksToBounds = false
    layer.shadowColor = color.cgColor
    layer.shadowOpacity = opacity
    layer.shadowOffset = offSet
    layer.shadowRadius = radius

    layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: self.bounds).cgPath
    layer.shouldRasterize = true
    layer.rasterizationScale = scale ? UIScreen.main.scale : 1

NOTE: If you don't pass any parameter to that function, then the scale argument will be true by default. You can define a default value for any parameter in a function by assigning a value to the parameter after that parameter’s type. If a default value is defined, you can omit that parameter when calling the function.



enter image description here


shadowView.dropShadow(color: .red, opacity: 1, offSet: CGSize(width: -1, height: 1), radius: 3, scale: true)

enter image description here

layer.shouldRasterize = true will make the shadow static and cause a shadow for the initial state of the UIView. So I would recommend not to use layer.shouldRasterize = true in dynamic layouts like view inside a UITableViewCell.

How to fix: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found

Perhaps the answer to this question is of use here too: how to find that contain GLIBCXX_3.4.19 for RHEL 6?

curl -O
ar -x libstdc++6-4.7-dbg_4.7.2-5_i386.deb && tar xvf data.tar.gz
mkdir backup
cp /usr/lib/* backup/
cp ./usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/debug/ /usr/lib
ln -s

Express.js: how to get remote client address

In my case, similar to this solution, I ended up using the following x-forwarded-for approach:

let ip = (req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || '').split(',')[0];

x-forwarded-for header will keep on adding the route of the IP from the origin all the way to the final destination server, thus if you need to retrieve the origin client's IP, this would be the first item of the array.

Row count with PDO

This is an old post, but getting frustrated looking for alternatives. It is super unfortunate that PDO lacks this feature, especially as PHP and MySQL tend to go hand in hand.

There is an unfortunate flaw in using fetchColumn() as you can no longer use that result set (effectively) as the fetchColumn() moves the needle to the next row. So for example, if you have a result similar to

  1. Fruit->Banana
  2. Fruit->Apple
  3. Fruit->Orange

If you use fetchColumn() you can find out that there are 3 fruits returned, but if you now loop through the result, you only have two columns, The price of fetchColumn() is the loss of the first column of results just to find out how many rows were returned. That leads to sloppy coding, and totally error ridden results if implemented.

So now, using fetchColumn() you have to implement and entirely new call and MySQL query just to get a fresh working result set. (which hopefully hasn't changed since your last query), I know, unlikely, but it can happen. Also, the overhead of dual queries on all row count validation. Which for this example is small, but parsing 2 million rows on a joined query, not a pleasant price to pay.

I love PHP and support everyone involved in its development as well as the community at large using PHP on a daily basis, but really hope this is addressed in future releases. This is 'really' my only complaint with PHP PDO, which otherwise is a great class.

MySQL SELECT x FROM a WHERE NOT IN ( SELECT x FROM b ) - Unexpected result

... or if you really want to use NOT IN you can use


Update records in table from CTE

Updates you make to the CTE will be cascaded to the source table.

I have had to guess at your schema slightly, but something like this should work.

(   SELECT  InvoiceNumber, 
            SUM(Sale + VAT) OVER(PARTITION BY InvoiceNumber) AS NewDocTotal
    FROM    PEDI_InvoiceDetail
SET     DocTotal = NewDocTotal

jQuery trigger event when click outside the element

try this one

    $(document).click(function(event) {

        if( === 'xxx' )
            return false;
        else {
              // do some this here


Using LINQ to group by multiple properties and sum

Use the .Select() after grouping:

var agencyContracts = _agencyContractsRepository.AgencyContracts
    .GroupBy(ac => new
                       ac.AgencyContractID, // required by your view model. should be omited
                                            // in most cases because group by primary key
                                            // makes no sense.
    .Select(ac => new AgencyContractViewModel
                       AgencyContractID = ac.Key.AgencyContractID,
                       AgencyId = ac.Key.AgencyID,
                       VendorId = ac.Key.VendorID,
                       RegionId = ac.Key.RegionID,
                       Amount = ac.Sum(acs => acs.Amount),
                       Fee = ac.Sum(acs => acs.Fee)

Styling Form with Label above Inputs

You could try something like

<form name="message" method="post">
      <label for="name">Name</label>
      <input id="name" type="text" value="" name="name">
      <label for="email">Email</label>
      <input id="email" type="text" value="" name="email">
      <label for="subject">Subject</label>
      <input id="subject" type="text" value="" name="subject">
    <div class="full">
      <label for="message">Message</label>
      <input id="message" type="text" value="" name="message">

and then css it like

form { width: 400px; }
form section div { float: left; }
form section div.full { clear: both; }
form section div label { display: block; }

Avoid printStackTrace(); use a logger call instead

A production quality program should use one of the many logging alternatives (e.g. log4j, logback, java.util.logging) to report errors and other diagnostics. This has a number of advantages:

  • Log messages go to a configurable location.
  • The end user doesn't see the messages unless you configure the logging so that he/she does.
  • You can use different loggers and logging levels, etc to control how much little or much logging is recorded.
  • You can use different appender formats to control what the logging looks like.
  • You can easily plug the logging output into a larger monitoring / logging framework.
  • All of the above can be done without changing your code; i.e. by editing the deployed application's logging config file.

By contrast, if you just use printStackTrace, the deployer / end user has little if any control, and logging messages are liable to either be lost or shown to the end user in inappropriate circumstances. (And nothing terrifies a timid user more than a random stack trace.)

Reducing video size with same format and reducing frame size

ffmpeg provides this functionality. All you need to do is run someting like

ffmpeg -i <inputfilename> -s 640x480 -b 512k -vcodec mpeg1video -acodec copy <outputfilename>

For newer versions of ffmpeg you need to change -b to -b:v:

ffmpeg -i <inputfilename> -s 640x480 -b:v 512k -vcodec mpeg1video -acodec copy <outputfilename>

to convert the input video file to a video with a size of 640 x 480 and a bitrate of 512 kilobits/sec using the MPEG 1 video codec and just copying the original audio stream. Of course, you can plug in any values you need and play around with the size and bitrate to achieve the quality/size tradeoff you are looking for. There are also a ton of other options described in the documentation

Run ffmpeg -formats or ffmpeg -codecs for a list of all of the available formats and codecs. If you don't have to target a specific codec for the final output, you can achieve better compression ratios with minimal quality loss using a state of the art codec like H.264.

div hover background-color change?

if you want the color to change when you have simply add the :hover pseudo

div.e:hover {

How to write macro for Notepad++?

I recorded a macro and I found it in %APPDATA%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml. It looks like posted in the first post of this thread.

I use NPP Ver. with Win7.

Bootstrap 3 only for mobile

If you're looking to make the elements be 33.3% only on small devices and lower:

This is backwards from what Bootstrap is designed for, but you can do this:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-md-12">.col-xs-4 .col-md-12</div>
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-md-12">.col-xs-4 .col-md-12</div>
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-md-12">.col-xs-4 .col-md-12</div>

This will make each element 33.3% wide on small and extra small devices but 100% wide on medium and larger devices.


If you're only looking to hide elements for smaller devices:

I think you're looking for the visible-xs and/or visible-sm classes. These will let you make certain elements only visible to small screen devices.

For example, if you want a element to only be visible to small and extra-small devices, do this:

<div class="visible-xs visible-sm">You're using a fairly small device.</div>

To show it only for larger screens, use this:

<div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">You're probably not using a phone.</div>

See for more information.

SQL distinct for 2 fields in a database

If you want distinct values from only two fields, plus return other fields with them, then the other fields must have some kind of aggregation on them (sum, min, max, etc.), and the two columns you want distinct must appear in the group by clause. Otherwise, it's just as Decker says.

How to import an existing project from GitHub into Android Studio


  1. Download the Zip from the website or clone from Github Desktop. Don't use VCS in android studio.
  2. (Optional)Copy the folder extracted into your AndroidStudioProjects folder which must contain the hidden .git folder.
  3. Open Android Studio-> File-> Open-> Select android directory.
  4. If it's a Eclipse project then convert it to gradle(Provided by Android Studio). Otherwise, it's done.

How to declare an array inside MS SQL Server Stored Procedure?

T-SQL doesn't support arrays that I'm aware of.

What's your table structure? You could probably design a query that does this instead:

from sales_table
group by month
order by month

How to loop over files in directory and change path and add suffix to filename

for file in Data/*.txt
    for ((i = 0; i < 3; i++))
        ./MyProgram.exe "$file" Logs/"${base}_Log$i.txt"

The name=${file##*/} substitution (shell parameter expansion) removes the leading pathname up to the last /.

The base=${name%.txt} substitution removes the trailing .txt. It's a bit trickier if the extensions can vary.

Using pg_dump to only get insert statements from one table within database

just in case you are using a remote access and want to dump all database data, you can use:

pg_dump -a -h your_host -U your_user -W -Fc your_database > DATA.dump

it will create a dump with all database data and use

pg_restore -a -h your_host -U your_user -W -Fc your_database < DATA.dump

to insert the same data in your data base considering you have the same structure

Bootstrap modal in React.js

I've only used bootstrap cdn (css + js) to achieve "reactstrap" like solution. I've used props.children to pass dynamic data from parent to child components. You can find more about this here. In this way you have three separate components modal header, modal body and modal footer and they are totally independent from each other.

//Modal component
import React, { Component } from 'react';

export const ModalHeader = props => {
  return <div className="modal-header">{props.children}</div>;

export const ModalBody = props => {
  return <div className="modal-body">{props.children}</div>;

export const ModalFooter = props => {
  return <div className="modal-footer">{props.children}</div>;

class Modal extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      modalShow: '',
      display: 'none'
    this.openModal = this.openModal.bind(this);
    this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this);

  openModal() {
      modalShow: 'show',
      display: 'block'

  closeModal() {
      modalShow: '',
      display: 'none'

  componentDidMount() {
    this.props.isOpen ? this.openModal() : this.closeModal();

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    if (prevProps.isOpen !== this.props.isOpen) {
      this.props.isOpen ? this.openModal() : this.closeModal();

  render() {
    return (
        className={'modal fade ' + this.state.modalShow}
        style={{ display: this.state.display }}
        <div className="modal-dialog" role="document">
          <div className="modal-content">{this.props.children}</div>

export default Modal;

//App component
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Modal, { ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from './components/Modal';

import './App.css';

class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      modal: false
    this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);

  toggle() {
    this.setState({ modal: !this.state.modal });

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <h1>Bootstrap Components</h1>

          className="btn btn-secondary"

        <Modal isOpen={this.state.modal}>
            <h3>This is modal header</h3>
              <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
            <p>This is modal body</p>
              className="btn btn-secondary"
              className="btn btn-primary"
              Save changes

export default App;

Trigger a keypress/keydown/keyup event in JS/jQuery?

You can trigger any of the events with a direct call to them, like this:

$(function() {

Does that do what you're trying to do?

You should probably also trigger .focus() and potentially .change()

If you want to trigger the key-events with specific keys, you can do so like this:

$(function() {
    var e = $.Event('keypress');
    e.which = 65; // Character 'A'

There is some interesting discussion of the keypress events here: jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed?, specifically regarding cross-browser compatability with the .which property.

Python3 project remove __pycache__ folders and .pyc files

Since this is a Python 3 project, you only need to delete __pycache__ directories -- all .pyc/.pyo files are inside them.

find . -type d -name __pycache__ -exec rm -r {} \+

or its simpler form,

find . -type d -name __pycache__ -delete

which didn't work for me for some reason (files were deleted but directories weren't), so I'm including both for the sake of completeness.

Alternatively, if you're doing this in a directory that's under revision control, you can tell the RCS to ignore __pycache__ folders recursively. Then, at the required moment, just clean up all the ignored files. This will likely be more convenient because there'll probably be more to clean up than just __pycache__.

How to do logging in React Native?

Press [command + control + Z] in Xcode Simulator, choose Debug JS Remotely, then press [command + option + J] to open Chrome developer tools.

Xcode Simulator Img

refer:Debugging React Native Apps

Javascript reduce on array of objects

After the first iteration your're returning a number and then trying to get property x of it to add to the next object which is undefined and maths involving undefined results in NaN.

try returning an object contain an x property with the sum of the x properties of the parameters:

var arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}];

arr.reduce(function (a, b) {
  return {x: a.x + b.x}; // returns object with property x

// ES6
arr.reduce((a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x}));

// -> {x: 7}

Explanation added from comments:

The return value of each iteration of [].reduce used as the a variable in the next iteration.

Iteration 1: a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, {x: 3} assigned to a in Iteration 2

Iteration 2: a = {x:3}, b = {x:4}.

The problem with your example is that you're returning a number literal.

function (a, b) {
  return a.x + b.x; // returns number literal

Iteration 1: a = {x:1}, b = {x:2}, // returns 3 as a in next iteration

Iteration 2: a = 3, b = {x:2} returns NaN

A number literal 3 does not (typically) have a property called x so it's undefined and undefined + b.x returns NaN and NaN + <anything> is always NaN

Clarification: I prefer my method over the other top answer in this thread as I disagree with the idea that passing an optional parameter to reduce with a magic number to get out a number primitive is cleaner. It may result in fewer lines written but imo it is less readable.

Change value of input and submit form in JavaScript

You can use the onchange event:

<form name="myform" id="myform" action="action.php">
    <input type="hidden" name="myinput" value="0" onchange="this.form.submit()"/>
    <input type="text" name="message" value="" />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" onclick="DoSubmit()" />

programming a servo thru a barometer

You could define a mapping of air pressure to servo angle, for example:

def calc_angle(pressure, min_p=1000, max_p=1200):     return 360 * ((pressure - min_p) / float(max_p - min_p))  angle = calc_angle(pressure) 

This will linearly convert pressure values between min_p and max_p to angles between 0 and 360 (you could include min_a and max_a to constrain the angle, too).

To pick a data structure, I wouldn't use a list but you could look up values in a dictionary:

d = {1000:0, 1001: 1.8, ...}  angle = d[pressure] 

but this would be rather time-consuming to type out!

How to copy multiple files in one layer using a Dockerfile?

It might be worth mentioning that you can also create a .dockerignore file, to exclude the files that you don't want to copy:

Before the docker CLI sends the context to the docker daemon, it looks for a file named .dockerignore in the root directory of the context. If this file exists, the CLI modifies the context to exclude files and directories that match patterns in it. This helps to avoid unnecessarily sending large or sensitive files and directories to the daemon and potentially adding them to images using ADD or COPY.

How to change indentation in Visual Studio Code?

Simplified explanation with pictures for those that googled "Change indentation in VS Code"

Step 1: Click on Preferences > Settings

enter image description here

Step 2: The setting you are looking for is "Detect Indentation", begin typing that. Click on "Editor: Tab Size"

enter image description here

Step 3: Scroll down to "Editor: Tab Size" and type in 2 (or whatever you need).

enter image description here

Changes are automatically saved

enter image description here

Example of my changes

enter image description here

Calculate distance between 2 GPS coordinates

// Maybe a typo error ?
We have an unused variable dlon in GetDirection,
I assume

double y = Math.Sin(dlon) * Math.Cos(lat2);
// cannot use degrees in Cos ?

should be

double y = Math.Sin(dlon) * Math.Cos(dlat);

Using iFrames In ASP.NET

How about:

<asp:HtmlIframe ID="yourIframe" runat="server" />

Is supported since .Net Framework 4.5

If you have Problems using this control, you might take a look here.

Failed to resolve:

If you receive an error stating the library cannot be found, check the Google maven repo for your library and version. I had a version suddenly disappear and make my builds fail.

What is the difference between .*? and .* regular expressions?

Let's say you have:


<(.*)> would match a></a where as <(.*?)> would match a. The latter stops after the first match of >. It checks for one or 0 matches of .* followed by the next expression.

The first expression <(.*)> doesn't stop when matching the first >. It will continue until the last match of >.

How to SFTP with PHP?

I performed a full-on cop-out and wrote a class which creates a batch file and then calls sftp via a system call. Not the nicest (or fastest) way of doing it but it works for what I need and it didn't require any installation of extra libraries or extensions in PHP.

Could be the way to go if you don't want to use the ssh2 extensions

SQL Server function to return minimum date (January 1, 1753)

Have you seen the SqlDateTime object? use SqlDateTime.MinValue to get your minimum date (Jan 1 1753).

Installing TensorFlow on Windows (Python 3.6.x)

If you are using anaconda distribution, you can do the following to use python 3.5 on the new environnement "tensorflow":

conda create --name tensorflow python=3.5
activate tensorflow
conda install jupyter
conda install scipy
pip install tensorflow
# or
# pip install tensorflow-gpu

It is important to add python=3.5 at the end of the first line, because it will install Python 3.5.
