[c#] Find a row in dataGridView based on column and value

I have a dataGridView that has 3 columns: SystemId, FirstName, LastName that is bound using database information. I would like to highlight a certain row, which I would do using:

dataGridView1.Rows[????].Selected = true;

The row ID I however do not know and the bindingsource keeps changing, thus row 10 could be "John Smith" in one instance but not even exist in another (I have a filter that filters out the source based on what user enters, so typing in "joh" would yield all rows where first / last name have "joh" in them, thus my list can go from 50 names to 3 in a click).

I want to find a way how I can select a row based on SystemId and a corresponding number. I can get the system ID using the following method:

systemId = dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index].Cells["SystemId"].Value.ToString();

Now I just need to apply it to the row selector. Something like dataGridView1.Columns["SystemId"].IndexOf(systemId} but that does not work (nor does such method exist). Any help is greatly appreciated.

This question is related to c# winforms datagridview

The answer is

This will give you the gridview row index for the value:

String searchValue = "somestring";
int rowIndex = -1;
foreach(DataGridViewRow row in DataGridView1.Rows)
        rowIndex = row.Index;

Or a LINQ query

int rowIndex = -1;

        DataGridViewRow row = dgv.Rows
            .Where(r => r.Cells["SystemId"].Value.ToString().Equals(searchValue))

        rowIndex = row.Index;

then you can do:

dataGridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Selected = true;

Try this:

        string searchValue = textBox3.Text;
        int rowIndex = -1;

        dataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect;
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
                if (row.Cells["peseneli"].Value.ToString().Equals(searchValue))
                    rowIndex = row.Index;
                    dataGridView1.CurrentCell = dataGridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[0];
                    dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex].Selected = true;

        catch (Exception exc)

This builds on the above answer from Gordon--not all of it is my original work. What I did was add a more generic method to my static utility class.

public static int MatchingRowIndex(DataGridView dgv, string columnName, string searchValue)
        int rowIndex = -1;
        bool tempAllowUserToAddRows = dgv.AllowUserToAddRows;

        dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = false; // Turn off or .Value below will throw null exception
        if (dgv.Rows.Count > 0 && dgv.Columns.Count > 0 && dgv.Columns[columnName] != null)
            DataGridViewRow row = dgv.Rows
                .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Cells[columnName].Value.ToString().Equals(searchValue));

            rowIndex = row.Index;
        dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = tempAllowUserToAddRows;
        return rowIndex;

Then in whatever form I want to use it, I call the method passing the DataGridView, column name and search value. For simplicity I am converting everything to strings for the search, though it would be easy enough to add overloads for specifying the data types.

private void UndeleteSectionInGrid(string sectionLetter)
        int sectionRowIndex = UtilityMethods.MatchingRowIndex(dgvSections, "SectionLetter", sectionLetter);
        dgvSections.Rows[sectionRowIndex].Cells["DeleteSection"].Value = false;

The above answers only work if AllowUserToAddRows is set to false. If that property is set to true, then you will get a NullReferenceException when the loop or Linq query tries to negotiate the new row. I've modified the two accepted answers above to handle AllowUserToAddRows = true.

Loop answer:

String searchValue = "somestring";
int rowIndex = -1;
foreach(DataGridViewRow row in DataGridView1.Rows)
    if (row.Cells["SystemId"].Value != null) // Need to check for null if new row is exposed
            rowIndex = row.Index;

LINQ answer:

int rowIndex = -1;

bool tempAllowUserToAddRows = dgv.AllowUserToAddRows;

dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = false; // Turn off or .Value below will throw null exception

    DataGridViewRow row = dgv.Rows
        .Where(r => r.Cells["SystemId"].Value.ToString().Equals(searchValue))

    rowIndex = row.Index;

dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = tempAllowUserToAddRows;

Those who use WPF

for (int i = 0; i < dataGridName.Items.Count; i++)
      string cellValue= ((DataRowView)dataGridName.Items[i]).Row["columnName"].ToString();                
      if (cellValue.Equals("Search_string")) // check the search_string is present in the row of ColumnName
         object item = dataGridName.Items[i];
         dataGridName.SelectedItem = item; // selecting the row of dataGridName

if you want to get the selected row items after this, the follwing code snippet is helpful

DataRowView drv = dataGridName.SelectedItem as DataRowView;
DataRow dr = drv.Row;
string item1= Convert.ToString(dr.ItemArray[0]);// get the first column value from selected row 
string item2= Convert.ToString(dr.ItemArray[1]);// get the second column value from selected row 

Or you can use like this. This may be faster.

int iFindNo = 14;
int j = dataGridView1.Rows.Count-1;
int iRowIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows.Count/2) +1; i++)
    if (Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value) == iFindNo)
        iRowIndex = i;
    if (Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value) == iFindNo)
        iRowIndex = j;
if (iRowIndex != -1)
    MessageBox.Show("Index is " + iRowIndex.ToString());
    MessageBox.Show("Index not found." );

If you just want to check if that item exists:

IEnumerable<DataGridViewRow> rows = grdPdfs.Rows
            .Where(r => r.Cells["SystemId"].Value.ToString().Equals(searchValue));
if (rows.Count() == 0) 
    // Not Found
    // Found

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