[arrays] Convert command line arguments into an array in Bash

How do I convert command-line arguments into a bash script array?

I want to take this:

./something.sh arg1 arg2 arg3

and convert it to

myArray=( arg1 arg2 arg3 )

so that I can use myArray for further use in the script.

This previous SO post comes close, but doesn't go into how to create an array: How do I parse command line arguments in Bash?

I need to convert the arguments into a regular bash script array; I realize I could use other languages (Python, for instance) but need to do this in bash. I guess I'm looking for an "append" function or something similar?

UPDATE: I also wanted to ask how to check for zero arguments and assign a default array value, and thanks to the answer below, was able to get this working:

if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
  myArray=( defaultarg1 defaultarg2 )
  myArray=( "$@" )

This question is related to arrays bash shell

The answer is

Actually your command line arguments are practically like an array already. At least, you can treat the $@ variable much like an array. That said, you can convert it into an actual array like this:

myArray=( "$@" )

If you just want to type some arguments and feed them into the $@ value, use set:

$ set -- apple banana "kiwi fruit"
$ echo "$#"
$ echo "$@"
apple banana kiwi fruit

Understanding how to use the argument structure is particularly useful in POSIX sh, which has nothing else like an array.

Actually the list of parameters could be accessed with $1 $2 ... etc.
Which is exactly equivalent to:


So, the list of parameters could be changed with set,
and ${!i} is the correct way to access them:

$ set -- aa bb cc dd 55 ff gg hh ii jjj kkk lll
$ for ((i=0;i<=$#;i++)); do echo "$#" "$i" "${!i}"; done
12 1 aa
12 2 bb
12 3 cc
12 4 dd
12 5 55
12 6 ff
12 7 gg
12 8 hh
12 9 ii
12 10 jjj
12 11 kkk
12 12 lll

For your specific case, this could be used (without the need for arrays), to set the list of arguments when none was given:

if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
    set -- defaultarg1 defaultarg2

which translates to this even simpler expression:

[ "$#" == "0" ] && set -- defaultarg1 defaultarg2

Maybe this can help:


also you can iterate over arguments by omitting 'in':

for arg; do
   echo "$arg"

will be equivalent

for arg in "${myArray[@]}"; do
   echo "$arg"

Here is another usage :

array=( "$@" )
for (( i=0; i<${arraylength}; i++ ));
   echo "${array[$i]}"

The importance of the double quotes is worth emphasizing. Suppose an argument contains whitespace.


printf 'arguments:%s\n' "$@"
declare -a arrayGOOD=( "$@" )
declare -a arrayBAAD=(  $@  )

printf '\n%s:\n' arrayGOOD
declare -p arrayGOOD
for (( i=1; i<${arrayGOODlength}+1; i++ ));
   echo "${arrayGOOD[$i-1]}"

printf '\n%s:\n' arrayBAAD
declare -p arrayBAAD
for (( i=1; i<${arrayBAADlength}+1; i++ ));
   echo "${arrayBAAD[$i-1]}"


> ./bash-array-practice.sh 'The dog ate the "flea" -- and ' the mouse.
arguments:The dog ate the "flea" -- and 

declare -a arrayGOOD='([0]="The dog ate the \"flea\" -- and " [1]="the" [2]="mouse.")'
The dog ate the "flea" -- and 

declare -a arrayBAAD='([0]="The" [1]="dog" [2]="ate" [3]="the" [4]="\"flea\"" [5]="--" [6]="and" [7]="the" [8]="mouse.")'

Easier Yet, you can operate directly on $@ ;)

Here is how to do pass a a list of args directly from the prompt:

function echoarg { for stuff in "$@" ; do echo $stuff ; done ; } 
    echoarg Hey Ho Lets Go

Side-by-side view of how the array and $@ are practically the same.



echo "Dollar-1 : $1"
echo "Dollar-2 : $2"
echo "Dollar-3 : $3"
echo "Dollar-AT: $@"
echo ""

myArray=( "$@" )

echo "A Val 0: ${myArray[0]}"
echo "A Val 1: ${myArray[1]}"
echo "A Val 2: ${myArray[2]}"
echo "A All Values: ${myArray[@]}"


./bash-array-practice.sh 1 2 3 4


Dollar-1 : 1
Dollar-2 : 2
Dollar-3 : 3
Dollar-AT: 1 2 3 4

A Val 0: 1
A Val 1: 2
A Val 2: 3
A All Values: 1 2 3 4

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