Programs & Examples On #Include

A provision that many programming languages provide to allow functionality defined in one file to be used in another.

Can we call the function written in one JavaScript in another JS file?

ES6: Instead of including many js files using <script> in .html you can include only one main file e.g. script.js using attribute type="module" (support) and inside script.js you can include other files:

<script type="module" src="script.js"></script>

And in script.js file include another file like that:

import { hello } from './module.js';
// alert(hello());

In 'module.js' you must export function/class that you will import

export function hello() {
    return "Hello World";

Working example here.

How do I import/include MATLAB functions?

You should be able to put them in your ~/matlab on unix.

I'm not sure which directory matlab looks in for windows, but you should be able to figure it out by executing userpath from the matlab command line.

What is the purpose of Android's <merge> tag in XML layouts?

The include tag

The <include> tag lets you to divide your layout into multiple files: it helps dealing with complex or overlong user interface.

Let's suppose you split your complex layout using two include files as follows:


<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

    <!-- First include file -->
    <include layout="@layout/include1.xml" />

    <!-- Second include file -->
    <include layout="@layout/include2.xml" />


Then you need to write include1.xml and include2.xml.

Keep in mind that the xml from the include files is simply dumped in your top_level_activity layout at rendering time (pretty much like the #INCLUDE macro for C).

The include files are plain jane layout xml.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TextView xmlns:android=""
    android:text="First include"

... and include2.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Button xmlns:android=""
    android:text="Button" />

See? Nothing fancy. Note that you still have to declare the android namespace with xmlns:android="

So the rendered version of top_level_activity.xml is:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

    <!-- First include file -->
        android:text="First include"

    <!-- Second include file -->
        android:text="Button" />


In your java code, all this is transparent: findViewById( in your activity class returns the correct widget ( even if that widget was declared in a xml file different from the activity layout).

And the cherry on top: the visual editor handles the thing swimmingly. The top level layout is rendered with the xml included.

The plot thickens

As an include file is a classic layout xml file, it means that it must have one top element. So in case your file needs to include more than one widget, you would have to use a layout.

Let's say that include1.xml has now two TextView: a layout has to be declared. Let's choose a LinearLayout.


<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        android:text="Second include"

        android:text="More text"


The top_level_activity.xml will be rendered as:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

    <!-- First include file -->
        android:orientation="vertical" >

            android:text="Second include"

            android:text="More text"


     <!-- Second include file -->
        android:text="Button" />


But wait the two levels of LinearLayout are redundant!

Indeed, the two nested LinearLayout serve no purpose as the two TextView could be included under layout1for exactly the same rendering.

So what can we do?

Enter the merge tag

The <merge> tag is just a dummy tag that provides a top level element to deal with this kind of redundancy issues.

Now include1.xml becomes:

<merge xmlns:android="">

        android:text="Second include"

        android:text="More text"


and now top_level_activity.xml is rendered as:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

    <!-- First include file --> 
        android:text="Second include"

        android:text="More text"

    <!-- Second include file -->
        android:text="Button" />


You saved one hierarchy level, avoid one useless view: Romain Guy sleeps better already.

Aren't you happier now?

Cannot open include file with Visual Studio

For me, it helped to link the projects current directory as such:

In the properties -> C++ -> General window, instead of linking the path to the file in "additional include directories". Put "." and uncheck "inheret from parent or project defaults".

Hope this helps.

What is the difference between a .cpp file and a .h file?

A header (.h, .hpp, ...) file contains

  • Class definitions ( class X { ... }; )
  • Inline function definitions ( inline int get_cpus() { ... } )
  • Function declarations ( void help(); )
  • Object declarations ( extern int debug_enabled; )

A source file (.c, .cpp, .cxx) contains

  • Function definitions ( void help() { ... } or void X::f() { ... } )
  • Object definitions ( int debug_enabled = 1; )

However, the convention that headers are named with a .h suffix and source files are named with a .cpp suffix is not really required. One can always tell a good compiler how to treat some file, irrespective of its file-name suffix ( -x <file-type> for gcc. Like -x c++ ).

Source files will contain definitions that must be present only once in the whole program. So if you include a source file somewhere and then link the result of compilation of that file and then the one of the source file itself together, then of course you will get linker errors, because you have those definitions now appear twice: Once in the included source file, and then in the file that included it. That's why you had problems with including the .cpp file.

"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare <function>"

Since the code you've provided does not explicitly include anything, either it is being incldued twice, or (if the script is the entry point for the code) there must be a auto-prepend set up in the webserver config / php.ini or alternatively you've got a really obscure extension loaded which defines the function.

What is the correct syntax of ng-include?

    <ng-include src="'views/sidepanel.html'"></ng-include>


    <div ng-include="'views/sidepanel.html'"></div>


    <div ng-include src="'views/sidepanel.html'"></div>

Points To Remember:

--> No spaces in src

--> Remember to use single quotation in double quotation for src

Detecting superfluous #includes in C/C++?

Sorry to (re-)post here, people often don't expand comments.

Check my comment to crashmstr, FlexeLint / PC-Lint will do this for you. Informational message 766. Section 11.8.1 of my manual (version 8.0) discusses this.

Also, and this is important, keep iterating until the message goes away. In other words, after removing unused headers, re-run lint, more header files might have become "unneeded" once you remove some unneeded headers. (That might sound silly, read it slowly & parse it, it makes sense.)

PHP Include for HTML?

Here is the step by step process to include php code in html file ( Tested )

If PHP is working there is only one step left to use PHP scripts in files with *.html or *.htm extensions as well. The magic word is ".htaccess". Please see the Wikipedia definition of .htaccess to learn more about it. According to Wikipedia it is "a directory-level configuration file that allows for decentralized management of web server configuration."

You can probably use such a .htaccess configuration file for your purpose. In our case you want the webserver to parse HTML files like PHP files.

First, create a blank text file and name it ".htaccess". You might ask yourself why the file name starts with a dot. On Unix-like systems this means it is a dot-file is a hidden file. (Note: If your operating system does not allow file names starting with a dot just name the file "xyz.htaccess" temporarily. As soon as you have uploaded it to your webserver in a later step you can rename the file online to ".htaccess") Next, open the file with a simple text editor like the "Editor" in MS Windows. Paste the following line into the file: AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm If this does not work, please remove the line above from your file and paste this alternative line into it, for PHP5: AddType application/x-httpd-php5 .html .htm Now upload the .htaccess file to the root directory of your webserver. Make sure that the name of the file is ".htaccess". Your webserver should now parse *.htm and *.html files like PHP files.

You can try if it works by creating a HTML-File like the following. Name it "php-in-html-test.htm", paste the following code into it and upload it to the root directory of your webserver:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 <TITLE>Use PHP in HTML files</TITLE>

    <?php echo "It works!"; ?>

Try to open the file in your browser by typing in: (once again, please replace by your own domain...) If your browser shows the phrase "It works!" everything works fine and you can use PHP in .*html and *.htm files from now on. However, if not, please try to use the alternative line in the .htaccess file as we showed above. If is still does not work please contact your hosting provider.

How to include JavaScript file or library in Chrome console?

In the modern browsers you can use the fetch to download resource (Mozilla docs) and then eval to execute it.

For example to download Angular1 you need to type:

    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(text => eval(text))
    .then(() => { /* now you can use your library */ })

How to include another XHTML in XHTML using JSF 2.0 Facelets?

Included page:

<!-- opening and closing tags of included page -->
<ui:composition ...>

Including page:

<!--the inclusion line in the including page with the content-->
<ui:include src="yourFile.xhtml"/>
  • You start your included xhtml file with ui:composition as shown above.
  • You include that file with ui:include in the including xhtml file as also shown above.

Where are include files stored - Ubuntu Linux, GCC

gcc is a rich and complex "orchestrating" program that calls many other programs to perform its duties. For the specific purpose of seeing where #include "goo" and #include <zap> will search on your system, I recommend:

$ touch a.c
$ gcc -v -E a.c
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
 /System/Library/Frameworks (framework directory)
 /Library/Frameworks (framework directory)
End of search list.
# 1 "a.c"

This is one way to see the search lists for included files, including (if any) directories into which #include "..." will look but #include <...> won't. This specific list I'm showing is actually on Mac OS X (aka Darwin) but the commands I recommend will show you the search lists (as well as interesting configuration details that I've replaced with ... here;-) on any system on which gcc runs properly.

Visual Studio can't 'see' my included header files

If you choose Project and then All Files in the menu, all files should be displayed in the Solution Explorer that are physically in your project map, but not (yet) included in your project. If you right click on the file you want to add in the Solution Explorer, you can include it.

Creating your own header file in C

#ifndef MY_HEADER_H
# define MY_HEADER_H

//put your function headers here


MY_HEADER_H serves as a double-inclusion guard.

For the function declaration, you only need to define the signature, that is, without parameter names, like this:

int foo(char*);

If you really want to, you can also include the parameter's identifier, but it's not necessary because the identifier would only be used in a function's body (implementation), which in case of a header (parameter signature), it's missing.

This declares the function foo which accepts a char* and returns an int.

In your source file, you would have:

#include "my_header.h"

int foo(char* name) {
   //do stuff
   return 0;

How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?

ES6 Modules

Yes, use type="module" in a script tag (support):

<script type="module" src="script.js"></script>

And in a script.js file include another file like this:

import { hello } from './module.js';
// alert(hello());

In 'module.js' you must export the function/class that you will import:

export function hello() {
    return "Hello World";

A working example is here.

How to include a class in PHP

You can use either of the following:

include "class.twitter.php";


require "class.twitter.php";

Using require (or require_once if you want to ensure the class is only loaded once during execution) will cause a fatal error to be raised if the file doesn't exist, whereas include will only raise a warning. See and for more details

"Multiple definition", "first defined here" errors

Maybe you included the .c file in makefile multiple times.

Difference between require, include, require_once and include_once?

Include / Require you can include the same file more than once also:

require() is identical to include() except upon failure it will also produce a fatal E_COMPILE_ERROR level error. In other words, it will halt the script whereas include() only emits a warning (E_WARNING) which allows the script to continue.

require_once / include_once

is identical to include/require except PHP will check if the file has already been included, and if so, not include (require) it again.

How do I include a file over 2 directories back?

I saw your answers and I used include path with syntax

require_once '../file.php'; // server internal error 500

and http server (Apache 2.4.3) returned internal error 500.

When I changed the path to

require_once '/../file.php'; // OK

everything is fine.

How do include paths work in Visual Studio?

If you are only trying to change the include paths for a project and not for all solutions then in Visual Studio 2008 do this: Right-click on the name of the project in the Solution Navigator. From the popup menu select Properties. In the property pages dialog select Configuration Properties->C/C++/General. Click in the text box next to the "Additional Include Files" label and browse for the appropriate directory. Select OK.

What annoys me is that some of the answers to the original question asked do not apply to the version of Visual Studio that was mentioned.

Include another HTML file in a HTML file

If you use some framework like django/bootle, they often ship some template engine. Let's say you use bottle, and the default template engine is SimpleTemplate Engine. And below is the pure html file

$ cat footer.tpl
<hr> <footer>   <p>&copy; stackoverflow, inc 2015</p> </footer>

You can include the footer.tpl in you main file, like:

$ cat dashboard.tpl
%include footer

Besides that, you can also pass parameter to your dashborard.tpl.

What is the difference between #include <filename> and #include "filename"?

#include <filename>

is used when you want to use the header file of the C/C++ system or compiler libraries. These libraries can be stdio.h, string.h, math.h, etc.

#include "path-to-file/filename"

is used when you want to use your own custom header file which is in your project folder or somewhere else.

For more information about preprocessors and header. Read C - Preprocessors.

How to add include path in Qt Creator?

To add global include path use custom command for qmake in Projects/Build/Build Steps section in "Additional arguments" like this: "QT+=your_qt_modules" "DEFINES+=your_defines"

I think that you can use any command from *.pro files in that way.

What is the difference between include and require in Ruby?

If you're using a module, that means you're bringing all the methods into your class. If you extend a class with a module, that means you're "bringing in" the module's methods as class methods. If you include a class with a module, that means you're "bringing in" the module's methods as instance methods.


 module A
   def say
     puts "this is module A"

 class B
   include A

 class C
   extend A

B.say => undefined method 'say' for B:Class => this is module A

C.say => this is module A => undefined method 'say' for C:Class

Java - Including variables within strings?

You can always use String.format(....). i.e.,

String string = String.format("A String %s %2d", aStringVar, anIntVar);

I'm not sure if that is attractive enough for you, but it can be quite handy. The syntax is the same as for printf and java.util.Formatter. I've used it much especially if I want to show tabular numeric data.

How to get the file-path of the currently executing javascript code

Refining upon the answers found here I came up with the following:


var getCurrentScript = function () {
  if (document.currentScript) {
    return document.currentScript.src;
  } else {
    var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
    return scripts[scripts.length-1].src;


module.exports = getCurrentScript;


var getCurrentScript = require('./getCurrentScript');

var getCurrentScriptPath = function () {
  var script = getCurrentScript();
  var path = script.substring(0, script.lastIndexOf('/'));
  return path;

module.exports = getCurrentScriptPath;

BTW: I'm using CommonJS module format and bundling with webpack.

Passing a variable from one php include file to another: global vs. not

This is all you have to do:


global $name;
$name = 'james';

Already defined in .obj - no double inclusions

This is not a compiler error: the error is coming from the linker. After compilation, the linker will merge the object files resulting from the compilation of each of your translation units (.cpp files).

The linker finds out that you have the same symbol defined multiple times in different translation units, and complains about it (it is a violation of the One Definition Rule).

The reason is most certainly that main.cpp includes client.cpp, and both these files are individually processed by the compiler to produce two separate object files. Therefore, all the symbols defined in the client.cpp translation unit will be defined also in the main.cpp translation unit. This is one of the reasons why you do not usually #include .cpp files.

Put the definition of your class in a separate client.hpp file which does not contain also the definitions of the member functions of that class; then, let client.cpp and main.cpp include that file (I mean #include). Finally, leave in client.cpp the definitions of your class's member functions.


#include <boost/asio.hpp>

class SocketClient // Or whatever the name is...

// ...

    bool read(int, char*); // Or whatever the name is...

//  ...



#include "Client.h"

// ...

bool SocketClient::read(int, char*)
    // Implementation  goes here...

// ... (add the definitions for all other member functions)


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include "client.h"
//              ^^ Notice this!


#include "main.h"

C++, how to declare a struct in a header file

Try this new source :


#include <iostream>

struct Student {
    std::string lastName;
    std::string firstName;


#include "student.h"

struct Student student;

What's the difference between including files with JSP include directive, JSP include action and using JSP Tag Files?

All three template options - <%@include>, <jsp:include> and <%@tag> are valid, and all three cover different use cases.

With <@include>, the JSP parser in-lines the content of the included file into the JSP before compilation (similar to a C #include). You'd use this option with simple, static content: for example, if you wanted to include header, footer, or navigation elements into every page in your web-app. The included content becomes part of the compiled JSP and there's no extra cost at runtime.

<jsp:include> (and JSTL's <c:import>, which is similar and even more powerful) are best suited to dynamic content. Use these when you need to include content from another URL, local or remote; when the resource you're including is itself dynamic; or when the included content uses variables or bean definitions that conflict with the including page. <c:import> also allows you to store the included text in a variable, which you can further manipulate or reuse. Both these incur an additional runtime cost for the dispatch: this is minimal, but you need to be aware that the dynamic include is not "free".

Use tag files when you want to create reusable user interface components. If you have a List of Widgets, say, and you want to iterate over the Widgets and display properties of each (in a table, or in a form), you'd create a tag. Tags can take arguments, using <%@tag attribute> and these arguments can be either mandatory or optional - somewhat like method parameters.

Tag files are a simpler, JSP-based mechanism of writing tag libraries, which (pre JSP 2.0) you had to write using Java code. It's a lot cleaner to write JSP tag files when there's a lot of rendering to do in the tag: you don't need to mix Java and HTML code as you'd have to do if you wrote your tags in Java.

How to define several include path in Makefile

You need to use -I with each directory. But you can still delimit the directories with whitespace if you use (GNU) make's foreach:

INC=$(DIR1) $(DIR2) ...
INC_PARAMS=$(foreach d, $(INC), -I$d)

How to make Apache serve index.php instead of index.html?

PHP will work only on the .php file extension.

If you are on Apache you can also set, in your httpd.conf file, the extensions for PHP. You'll have to find the line:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html

and add how many extensions, that should be read with the PHP interpreter, as you want.

Include PHP file into HTML file

Create a .htaccess file in directory and add this code to .htaccess file

AddHandler x-httpd-php .html .htm


AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm

It will force Apache server to parse HTML or HTM files as PHP Script

Difference between "include" and "require" in php

Use include if you don't mind your script continuing without loading the file (in case it doesn't exist etc) and you can (although you shouldn't) live with a Warning error message being displayed.

Using require means your script will halt if it can't load the specified file, and throw a Fatal error.

Include php files when they are in different folders

Try to never use relative paths. Use a generic include where you assign the DocumentRoot server variable to a global variable, and construct absolute paths from there. Alternatively, for larger projects, consider implementing a PSR-0 SPL autoloader.

Get absolute path of initially run script

If you want to get current working directory use getcwd()

__FILE__ will return path with filename for example on XAMPP C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php instead of C:\xampp\htdocs\

How to include() all PHP files from a directory?

//Loading all php files into of functions/ folder 

$folder =   "./functions/"; 
$files = glob($folder."*.php"); // return array files

 foreach($files as $phpFile){   

How does the keyword "use" work in PHP and can I import classes with it?

Namespace is use to define the path to a specific file containing a class e.g.

namespace album/className; 

class className{
//enter class properties and methods here

You can then include this specific class into another php file by using the keyword "use" like this:

use album/className;

class album extends classname {
//enter class properties and methods

NOTE: Do not use the path to the file containing the class to be implements, extends of use to instantiate an object but only use the namespace.

Warning: require_once(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0


If this is not working for anyone, following is the good Idea to include file anywhere in the project.

require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/../../includes/enter.php";

This code will get the file from 2 directory outside of the current directory.

Inserting a PDF file in LaTeX

For putting a whole pdf in your file and not just 1 page, use:



Eclipse CDT: Symbol 'cout' could not be resolved

Most likely you have some system-specific include directories missing in your settings which makes it impossible for indexer to correctly parse iostream, thus the errors. Selecting Index -> Search For Unresolved Includes in the context menu of the project will give you the list of unresolved includes which you can search in /usr/include and add containing directories to C++ Include Paths and Symbols in Project Properties.

On my system I had to add /usr/include/c++/4.6/x86_64-linux-gnu for bits/c++config.h to be resolved and a few more directories.

Don't forget to rebuild the index (Index -> Rebuild) after adding include directories.

Including one C source file in another?

is it ok? yes, it will compile

is it recommended? no - .c files compile to .obj files, which are linked together after compilation (by the linker) into the executable (or library), so there is no need to include one .c file in another. What you probably want to do instead is to make a .h file that lists the functions/variables available in the other .c file, and include the .h file

How to include file in a bash shell script

Yes, use source or the short form which is just .:


How to add a default include path for GCC in Linux?

just a note: CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH and C_INCLUDE_PATH are not the equivalent of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. LD_LIBRARY_PATH serves the ld (the dynamic linker at runtime) whereas the equivalent of the former two that serves your C/C++ compiler with the location of libraries is LIBRARY_PATH.

Prevent direct access to a php include file

The following code is used in the Flatnux CMS (

if ( strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),strtolower(basename(__FILE__))) )
    header("Location: ../../index.php");

PHP pass variable to include

I found that the include parameter needs to be the entire file path, not a relative path or partial path for this to work.

Extend a java class from one file in another java file

Java doesn't use includes the way C does. Instead java uses a concept called the classpath, a list of resources containing java classes. The JVM can access any class on the classpath by name so if you can extend classes and refer to types simply by declaring them. The closes thing to an include statement java has is 'import'. Since classes are broken up into namespaces like, if you're in the qux package and you want to use the Baz class without having to use its full name of, then you need to use an import statement at the beginning of your java file like so: import

How do I run a file on localhost?

Ok, thanks for the more specific info, ppl may remove their downvotes now...

What you are proposing is a very common thing to do! You want to run your web application locally without uploading it to your host yet. That's totally fine and that's what your Apache is there for. Your Apache is a web server meaning its main purpose is to serve HTML, PHP, ASP, etc. files. Some like PHP; it first sends to the interpreter and then sends the rendered file to the browser. All in all: it's just serving pages to your browser (the client).

Your web server has a root directory which is wwwroot (IIS) or htdocs (apache, xampp) or something else like public_html, www or html, etc. It depends on your OS and web server.

Now if you type http://localhost into your browser, your browser will be directed to this webroot and the server will serve any index.html, index.php, etc. it can find there (in a customizable order).

If you have a project called "mytutorial" you can enter http://localhost/mytutorial and the server will show you the index-file of your tutorial, etc. If you look at the absolute path of this tutorial folder then it's just a subfolder of your webroot, which is itself located somewhere on your harddrive, but that doesn't matter for your localhost.

So the relative path is


while the absolute path may be




If you're working with Dreamweaver you can simplify the testing process by setting up your local server as a testing server in your project settings. Try it! It's easy. Once it's done, you can just press the browser icon with any of your files and it will open on localhost.

What is the difference between #import and #include in Objective-C?

If you are familiar with C++ and macros, then

#import "Class.h" 

is similar to

#pragma once

#include "class.h"

which means that your Class will be loaded only once when your app runs.

ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor: Include JavaScript file in the head tag

You can use Named Sections.


    <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js")"></script>
    @RenderSection("JavaScript", required: false)


@section JavaScript
   <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/SomeScript.js")"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("/Scripts/AnotherScript.js")"></script>

Dynamically load a JavaScript file

You may write dynamic script tags (using Prototype):

new Element("script", {src: "myBigCodeLibrary.js", type: "text/javascript"});

The problem here is that we do not know when the external script file is fully loaded.

We often want our dependant code on the very next line and like to write something like:

if (iNeedSomeMore) {
    Script.load("myBigCodeLibrary.js"); // includes code for myFancyMethod();
    myFancyMethod(); // cool, no need for callbacks!

There is a smart way to inject script dependencies without the need of callbacks. You simply have to pull the script via a synchronous AJAX request and eval the script on global level.

If you use Prototype the Script.load method looks like this:

var Script = {
    _loadedScripts: [],
    include: function(script) {
        // include script only once
        if (this._loadedScripts.include(script)) {
            return false;
        // request file synchronous
        var code = new Ajax.Request(script, {
            asynchronous: false,
            method: "GET",
            evalJS: false,
            evalJSON: false
        // eval code on global level
        if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
        } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) {
                new Element("script", {
                    type: "text/javascript"
                }), {
                    text: code
        } else {
        // remember included script

PHP - include a php file and also send query parameters

If you are going to write this include manually in the PHP file - the answer of Daff is perfect.

Anyway, if you need to do what was the initial question, here is a small simple function to achieve that:

// Include php file from string with GET parameters
function include_get($phpinclude)
    // find ? if available
    $pos_incl = strpos($phpinclude, '?');
    if ($pos_incl !== FALSE)
        // divide the string in two part, before ? and after
        // after ? - the query string
        $qry_string = substr($phpinclude, $pos_incl+1);
        // before ? - the real name of the file to be included
        $phpinclude = substr($phpinclude, 0, $pos_incl);
        // transform to array with & as divisor
        $arr_qstr = explode('&',$qry_string);
        // in $arr_qstr you should have a result like this:
        //   ('id=123', 'active=no', ...)
        foreach ($arr_qstr as $param_value) {
            // for each element in above array, split to variable name and its value
            list($qstr_name, $qstr_value) = explode('=', $param_value);
            // $qstr_name will hold the name of the variable we need - 'id', 'active', ...
            // $qstr_value - the corresponding value
            // $$qstr_name - this construction creates variable variable
            // this means from variable $qstr_name = 'id', adding another $ sign in front you will receive variable $id
            // the second iteration will give you variable $active and so on
            $$qstr_name = $qstr_value;
    // now it's time to include the real php file
    // all necessary variables are already defined and will be in the same scope of included file


I'm using this variable variable construction very often.

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'

All the above not working for me.. Because I am using Facebook Ad dependency..

Incase If anybody using this dependency compile ''

Try this code instead of above

compile (''){
exclude group: ''

Changing the width of Bootstrap popover

For a typescript component:

    selector: "your-component",
    templateUrl: "your-template.component.html",
    styles: [`
        :host >>> .popover {
          max-width: 100%;

printf \t option

A tab is a tab. How many spaces it consumes is a display issue, and depends on the settings of your shell.

If you want to control the width of your data, then you could use the width sub-specifiers in the printf format string. Eg. :

printf("%5d", 2);

It's not a complete solution (if the value is longer than 5 characters, it will not be truncated), but might be ok for your needs.

If you want complete control, you'll probably have to implement it yourself.

Comparing two strings in C?

You need to use strcmp:

strcmp(namet2, nameIt2)

Excel VBA - select multiple columns not in sequential order

Some of the code looks a bit complex to me. This is very simple code to select only the used rows in two discontiguous columns D and H. It presumes the columns are of unequal length and thus more flexible vs if the columns were of equal length.

As you most likely surmised 4=column D and 8=column H

Dim dlastRow As Long
Dim hlastRow As Long

dlastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
hlastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 8).End(xlUp).Row
Range("D2:D" & dlastRow & ",H2:H" & hlastRow).Select


align an image and some text on the same line without using div width?


<img src="assets/img/logo.png" align="left" />
Text Goes here

Simple HTML Attribute:


Other values for attribute:

  • bottom
  • left
  • middle
  • right
  • top

Required attribute on multiple checkboxes with the same name?

i had the same problem, my solution was apply the required attribute to all elements

<input type="checkbox" name="checkin_days[]" required="required" value="0" /><span class="w">S</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkin_days[]" required="required" value="1" /><span class="w">M</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkin_days[]" required="required" value="2" /><span class="w">T</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkin_days[]" required="required" value="3" /><span class="w">W</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkin_days[]" required="required" value="4" /><span class="w">T</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkin_days[]" required="required" value="5" /><span class="w">F</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkin_days[]" required="required" value="6" /><span class="w">S</span>

when the user check one of the elements i remove the required attribute from all elements:

var $checkedCheckboxes = $('#recurrent_checkin :checkbox[name="checkin_days[]"]:checked'),
    $checkboxes = $('#recurrent_checkin :checkbox[name="checkin_days[]"]');

$ {

if($checkedCheckboxes.length) {
    } else {
        $checkboxes.attr('required', 'required');


Elasticsearch : Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters index : not_analyzed

Check your Elastic version.

I had these problem because I was looking at the incorrect version's documentation.

enter image description here

Enabling the OpenSSL in XAMPP

Yes, you must open php.ini and remove the semicolon to:


If you don't have that line, check that you have the file (In my PC is on D:\xampp\php\ext) and add this to php.ini in the "Dynamic Extensions" section:


Things have changed for PHP > 7. This is what i had to do for PHP 7.2.

Step: 1: Uncomment extension=openssl

Step: 2: Uncomment extension_dir = "ext"

Step: 3: Restart xampp.


Explanation: ( From php.ini )

If you wish to have an extension loaded automatically, use the following syntax:


Note : The syntax used in previous PHP versions (extension=<ext>.so and extension='php_<ext>.dll) is supported for legacy reasons and may be deprecated in a future PHP major version. So, when it is possible, please move to the new (extension=<ext>) syntax.

Special Note: Be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.

How to get javax.comm API?

you can find Java Communications API 2.0 in below link

What do <o:p> elements do anyway?

Couldn't find any official documentation (no surprise there) but according to this interesting article, those elements are injected in order to enable Word to convert the HTML back to fully compatible Word document, with everything preserved.

The relevant paragraph:

Microsoft added the special tags to Word's HTML with an eye toward backward compatibility. Microsoft wanted you to be able to save files in HTML complete with all of the tracking, comments, formatting, and other special Word features found in traditional DOC files. If you save a file in HTML and then reload it in Word, theoretically you don't loose anything at all.

This makes lots of sense.

For your specific question.. the o in the <o:p> means "Office namespace" so anything following the o: in a tag means "I'm part of Office namespace" - in case of <o:p> it just means paragraph, the equivalent of the ordinary <p> tag.

I assume that every HTML tag has its Office "equivalent" and they have more.

How to find whether MySQL is installed in Red Hat?

rpmquery <package Name> By this command you can check which package is installed.

For Example: rpmquery mysql

nginx: how to create an alias url route?

server {
  root /path/to/root;
  location / {
    # bla bla
  location /demo {
    alias /path/to/root/production/folder/here;

If you need to use try_files inside /demo you'll need to replace alias with a root and do a rewrite because of the bug explained here

Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX AVX2

For Windows, you can check the official Intel MKL optimization for TensorFlow wheels that are compiled with AVX2. This solution speeds up my inference ~x3.

conda install tensorflow-mkl

Java: Unresolved compilation problem

I got this error multiple times and struggled to work out. Finally, I removed the run configuration and re-added the default entries. It worked beautifully.

ffmpeg usage to encode a video to H264 codec format

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ffmpegX86shared\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "C:\testfile.ts" -an -vcodec libx264 -g 75 -keyint_min 12 -vb 4000k -vprofile high -level 40 -s 1920x1080 -y -threads 0 -r 25 "C:\testfile.h264"

The above worked for me on a Windows machine using a FFmpeg Win32 shared build by Kyle Schwarz. The build was compiled on: Feb 22 2013, at: 01:09:53

Note that -an defines that audio should be skipped.

Warning:No JDK specified for module 'Myproject'.when run my project in Android studio

My issue was solved by simply refreshing the modules View > Maven Projects. There is refresh icon which refreshes your entire project(s)

How I got this error : I imported a project (Let's call this A which is main project) first and added the remaining projects (B,C,D etc) as modules to this one as I needed all my projects to be shown in one package folder. I deleted the old (A) Project and cloned it again from repo. The IntelliJ reloaded the (A) project but when I try to run, the project wasn't compiling saying "Warning:No JDK specified for module 'B'".

How to switch a user per task or set of tasks?

A solution is to use the include statement with remote_user var (describe there : but it has to be done at playbook instead of task level.

for each inside a for each - Java

If I understand correctly, what you want to do, in pseudo-code is the following:

for (Tweet tweet : tweets) {
    if (!db.containsTweet(tweet.getId())) {
        db.insertTweet(tweet.getText(), tweet.getId());

I assume your db class actually uses an sqlite database as a backend? What you could do is implement containsTweet directly and just query the database each time, but that seems less than perfect. The easiest solution if we go by your base code is to just keep a Set around that indexes the tweets. Since I can't be sure what the equals() method of Tweet looks like, I'll just store the identifiers in there. Then you get:

Set<Integer> tweetIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); // or long, whatever
for (Tweet tweet : tweets) {
    if (!tweetIds.contains(tweet.getId())) {
        db.insertTweet(tweet.getText(), tweet.getId());

It would probably be better to save a tiny bit of this work, by sorting the list of tweets to begin with and then just filtering out duplicate tweets. You could use:

// if tweets is a List
Collections.sort(tweets, new Comparator() {
    public int compare (Object t1, Object t2) {
        // might be the wrong way around
        return ((Tweet)t1).getId() - ((Tweet)t2).getId();

Then process it

Integer oldId;
for (Tweet tweet : tweets) {
    if (oldId == null || oldId != tweet.getId()) {
        db.insertTweet(tweet.getText(), tweet.getId());
    oldId = tweet.getId();

Yes, you could do this using a second for-loop, but you'll run into performance problems much more quickly than with this approach (although what we're doing here is trading time for memory performance, of course).

Daemon Threads Explanation

A simpler way to think about it, perhaps: when main returns, your process will not exit if there are non-daemon threads still running.

A bit of advice: Clean shutdown is easy to get wrong when threads and synchronization are involved - if you can avoid it, do so. Use daemon threads whenever possible.

How to create a popup window (PopupWindow) in Android

How to make a simple Android popup window

This is a fuller example. It is a supplemental answer that deals with creating a popup window in general and not necessarily the specific details of the OP's problem. (The OP asks for a cancel button, but this is not necessary because the user can click anywhere on the screen to cancel it.) It will look like the following image.

enter image description here

Make a layout for the popup window

Add a layout file to res/layout that defines what the popup window will look like.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:text="This is a popup window."/>


Inflate and show the popup window

Here is the code for the main activity of our example. Whenever the button is clicked, the popup window is inflated and shown over the activity. Touching anywhere on the screen dismisses the popup window.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void onButtonShowPopupWindowClick(View view) {

        // inflate the layout of the popup window
        LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)
        View popupView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.popup_window, null);

        // create the popup window
        int width = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
        int height = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
        boolean focusable = true; // lets taps outside the popup also dismiss it
        final PopupWindow popupWindow = new PopupWindow(popupView, width, height, focusable);

        // show the popup window
        // which view you pass in doesn't matter, it is only used for the window tolken
        popupWindow.showAtLocation(view, Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);

        // dismiss the popup window when touched
        popupView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                return true;

That's it. You're finished.

Going on

Check out how gravity values effect PopupWindow.

PopupWindow bottom gravity with offsets

You can also add a shadow.

PopupWindow with shadow

Further study

These were also helpful in learning how to make a popup window:

How to trigger button click in MVC 4

as per @anaximander s answer but your signup action should look more like

    public ActionResult SignUp(Account account)
            //do something with account
            return RedirectToAction("Index"); 
        return View("SignUp");

Change the name of a key in dictionary

In python 2.7 and higher, you can use dictionary comprehension: This is an example I encountered while reading a CSV using a DictReader. The user had suffixed all the column names with ':'

ori_dict = {'key1:' : 1, 'key2:' : 2, 'key3:' : 3}

to get rid of the trailing ':' in the keys:

corrected_dict = { k.replace(':', ''): v for k, v in ori_dict.items() }

application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data?


I know this is 3 years too late, but Matt's (accepted) answer is incomplete and will eventually get you into trouble. The key here is that, if you choose to use multipart/form-data, the boundary must not appear in the file data that the server eventually receives.

This is not a problem for application/x-www-form-urlencoded, because there is no boundary. x-www-form-urlencoded can also always handle binary data, by the simple expedient of turning one arbitrary byte into three 7BIT bytes. Inefficient, but it works (and note that the comment about not being able to send filenames as well as binary data is incorrect; you just send it as another key/value pair).

The problem with multipart/form-data is that the boundary separator must not be present in the file data (see RFC 2388; section 5.2 also includes a rather lame excuse for not having a proper aggregate MIME type that avoids this problem).

So, at first sight, multipart/form-data is of no value whatsoever in any file upload, binary or otherwise. If you don't choose your boundary correctly, then you will eventually have a problem, whether you're sending plain text or raw binary - the server will find a boundary in the wrong place, and your file will be truncated, or the POST will fail.

The key is to choose an encoding and a boundary such that your selected boundary characters cannot appear in the encoded output. One simple solution is to use base64 (do not use raw binary). In base64 3 arbitrary bytes are encoded into four 7-bit characters, where the output character set is [A-Za-z0-9+/=] (i.e. alphanumerics, '+', '/' or '='). = is a special case, and may only appear at the end of the encoded output, as a single = or a double ==. Now, choose your boundary as a 7-bit ASCII string which cannot appear in base64 output. Many choices you see on the net fail this test - the MDN forms docs, for example, use "blob" as a boundary when sending binary data - not good. However, something like "!blob!" will never appear in base64 output.

JavaScript calculate the day of the year (1 - 366)

I've made one that's readable and will do the trick very quickly, as well as handle JS Date objects with disparate time zones.

I've included quite a few test cases for time zones, DST, leap seconds and Leap years.

P.S. ECMA-262 ignores leap seconds, unlike UTC. If you were to convert this to a language that uses real UTC, you could just add 1 to oneDay.

// returns 1 - 366_x000D_
findDayOfYear = function (date) {_x000D_
  var oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // A day in milliseconds_x000D_
  var og = {                        // Saving original data_x000D_
    ts: date.getTime(),_x000D_
    dom: date.getDate(),            // We don't need to save hours/minutes because DST is never at 12am._x000D_
    month: date.getMonth()_x000D_
  date.setDate(1);                  // Sets Date of the Month to the 1st._x000D_
  date.setMonth(0);                 // Months are zero based in JS's Date object_x000D_
  var start_ts = date.getTime();    // New Year's Midnight JS Timestamp_x000D_
  var diff = og.ts - start_ts;_x000D_
  date.setDate(og.dom);             // Revert back to original date object_x000D_
  date.setMonth(og.month);          // This method does preserve timezone_x000D_
  return Math.round(diff / oneDay) + 1; // Deals with DST globally. Ceil fails in Australia. Floor Fails in US._x000D_
// Tests_x000D_
var pre_start_dst = new Date(2016, 2, 12);_x000D_
var on_start_dst = new Date(2016, 2, 13);_x000D_
var post_start_dst = new Date(2016, 2, 14);_x000D_
var pre_end_dst_date = new Date(2016, 10, 5);_x000D_
var on_end_dst_date = new Date(2016, 10, 6);_x000D_
var post_end_dst_date = new Date(2016, 10, 7);_x000D_
var pre_leap_second = new Date(2015, 5, 29);_x000D_
var on_leap_second = new Date(2015, 5, 30);_x000D_
var post_leap_second = new Date(2015, 6, 1);_x000D_
// 2012 was a leap year with a leap second in june 30th_x000D_
var leap_second_december31_premidnight = new Date(2012, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999);_x000D_
var january1 = new Date(2016, 0, 1);_x000D_
var january31 = new Date(2016, 0, 31);_x000D_
var december31 = new Date(2015, 11, 31);_x000D_
var leap_december31 = new Date(2016, 11, 31);_x000D_
alert( ""_x000D_
  + "\nPre Start DST: " + findDayOfYear(pre_start_dst) + " === 72"_x000D_
  + "\nOn Start DST: " + findDayOfYear(on_start_dst) + " === 73"_x000D_
  + "\nPost Start DST: " + findDayOfYear(post_start_dst) + " === 74"_x000D_
  + "\nPre Leap Second: " + findDayOfYear(pre_leap_second) + " === 180"_x000D_
  + "\nOn Leap Second: " + findDayOfYear(on_leap_second) + " === 181"_x000D_
  + "\nPost Leap Second: " + findDayOfYear(post_leap_second) + " === 182"_x000D_
  + "\nPre End DST: " + findDayOfYear(pre_end_dst_date) + " === 310"_x000D_
  + "\nOn End DST: " + findDayOfYear(on_end_dst_date) + " === 311"_x000D_
  + "\nPost End DST: " + findDayOfYear(post_end_dst_date) + " === 312"_x000D_
  + "\nJanuary 1st: " + findDayOfYear(january1) + " === 1"_x000D_
  + "\nJanuary 31st: " + findDayOfYear(january31) + " === 31"_x000D_
  + "\nNormal December 31st: " + findDayOfYear(december31) + " === 365"_x000D_
  + "\nLeap December 31st: " + findDayOfYear(leap_december31) + " === 366"_x000D_
  + "\nLast Second of Double Leap: " + findDayOfYear(leap_second_december31_premidnight) + " === 366"_x000D_

List only stopped Docker containers

docker container list -f "status=exited"


docker container ls -f "status=exited"


 docker ps -f "status=exited"

Partial Dependency (Databases)

I hope this explaination gives a more intuitive appeal to dependency than the answers previously given.

Functional Dependency

An analysis of dependency operates on the attribute level, i.e. one or more attribute is determined by another attribute, it comes before the concept of keys. 'The role of a key is based on the concept of determination. 'Determination is the state in which knowing the value of one attribute makes it possible to determine the value of another.' Database Systems 12ed

Functional dependency is when one or more attributes determine one or more attributes. For instance:

Social Security Number -> First Name, Last Name.

However, by definition of functional dependency:

(SSN, First Name) -> Last Name

This is also a valid functional dependency. The determinants (The attribute that which determines another attribution) are called super key.

Full Functional Dependency

Thus, as a subset of functional dependency, there is the concept of full functional dependency, where the bare minimal determinant is considered. We refer those bare minimal determinants collectively as one candidate key (weird linguistic quirk in my opinion, like the concept of vector).

Partial Functional Dependency

However, sometimes one of the attributes in the candidate key is sufficient to determine another attribute(s), BUT not all, in a relation (a table with no rows). That, is when you have a partial functional dependency within a relation.

HTML Button Close Window

I know this thread has been answered, but another solution that may be useful for some, particularly to those with multiple pages where they want to have this button, is to give the input an id and place the code in a JavaScript file. You can then place the code for the button on multiple pages, taking up less space in your code.

For the button:

    <input type="button" id="cancel_edit" value="Cancel"></input>

in the JavaScript file:


How to use the "required" attribute with a "radio" input field

You can use this code snippet ...

          <input type="radio" name="color" value="black" required />
          <input type="radio" name="color" value="white" />
          <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Specify "required" keyword in one of the select statements. If you want to change the default way of its appearance. You can follow these steps. This is just for extra info if you have any intention to modify the default behavior.

Add the following into you .css file.

/* style all elements with a required attribute */
:required {
  background: red;

For more information you can refer following URL.

How to determine the IP address of a Solaris system

The following shell script gives a nice tabular result of interfaces and IP addresses (excluding the loopback interface) It has been tested on a Solaris box

/usr/sbin/ifconfig -a | awk '/flags/ {printf $1" "} /inet/ {print $2}' | grep -v lo


Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.1

You should install Android SDK Build Tools 23.0.1 via Android SDK. Don't forget to check Show Packages Details.


Array.push() and unique items

If you use Lodash, take a look at _.union function:

let items = [];
items = _.union([item], items)

How do I find out which keystore was used to sign an app?

Much easier way to view the signing certificate:

jarsigner.exe -verbose -verify -certs myapk.apk

This will only show the DN, so if you have two certs with the same DN, you might have to compare by fingerprint.

Is it possible for UIStackView to scroll?

For nested or single Stack view scroll view must be set a fixed width with the root view. Main stack view which is inside of scroll view must set the same width. [My scroll view is bellow of a View ignore it]

Set up an equal Width constraint between the UIStackView and UIScrollView.

enter image description here

How to install PIP on Python 3.6?

I just successfully installed a package for excel. After installing the python 3.6, you have to download the desired package, then install. For eg,

  1. python.exe -m pip download openpyxl==2.1.4

  2. python.exe -m pip install openpyxl==2.1.4

git stash changes apply to new branch?

If you have some changes on your workspace and you want to stash them into a new branch use this command:

git stash branch branchName

It will make:

  1. a new branch
  2. move changes to this branch
  3. and remove latest stash (Like: git stash pop)

LINUX: Link all files from one to another directory

The posted solutions will not link any hidden files. To include them, try this:

cd /usr/lib
find /mnt/usr/lib -maxdepth 1 -print "%P\n" | while read file; do ln -s "/mnt/usr/lib/$file" "$file"; done

If you should happen to want to recursively create the directories and only link files (so that if you create a file within a directory, it really is in /usr/lib not /mnt/usr/lib), you could do this:

cd /usr/lib
find /mnt/usr/lib -mindepth 1 -depth -type d -printf "%P\n" | while read dir; do mkdir -p "$dir"; done
find /mnt/usr/lib -type f -printf "%P\n" | while read file; do ln -s "/mnt/usr/lib/$file" "$file"; done

Home does not contain an export named Home

You can use two ways to resolve this problem, first way that i think it as best way is replace importing segment of your code with bellow one:

import Home from './layouts/Home'

or export your component without default which is called named export like this

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Home extends Component{
        <p className="App-intro">
          Hello Man

export {Home};

Oracle "SQL Error: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1"

I got the same error and found the cause to be a wrong or missing foreign key. (Using JDBC)

Is there a program to decompile Delphi?

Languages like Delphi, C and C++ Compile to processor-native machine code, and the output executables have little or no metadata in them. This is in contrast with Java or .Net, which compile to object-oriented platform-independent bytecode, which retains the names of methods, method parameters, classes and namespaces, and other metadata.

So there is a lot less useful decompiling that can be done on Delphi or C code. However, Delphi typically has embedded form data for any form in the project (generated by the $R *.dfm line), and it also has metadata on all published properties, so a Delphi-specific tool would be able to extract this information.

Swap two variables without using a temporary variable


You can do it in 3 lines using basic math - in my example I used multiplication, but simple addition would work also.

float startAngle = 159.9F;
float stopAngle = 355.87F;

startAngle = startAngle * stopAngle;
stopAngle = startAngle / stopAngle;
startAngle = startAngle / stopAngle;

Edit: As noted in the comments, this wouldn't work if y = 0 as it would generate a divide by zero error which I hadn't considered. So the +/- solution alternatively presented would be the best way to go.


To keep my code immediately comprehensible, I'd be more likely to do something like this. [Always think about the poor guy that's gonna have to maintain your code]:

static bool Swap<T>(ref T x, ref T y)
        T t = y;
        y = x;
        x = t;
        return true;
        return false;

And then you can do it in one line of code:

float startAngle = 159.9F
float stopAngle = 355.87F
Swap<float>(ref startAngle, ref stopAngle);


MyObject obj1 = new MyObject("object1");
MyObject obj2 = new MyObject("object2");
Swap<MyObject>(ref obj1, ref obj2);

Done like can now pass in any type of object and switch them around...

Export from pandas to_excel without row names (index)?

Example: index = False

import pandas as pd

writer = pd.ExcelWriter("dataframe.xlsx", engine='xlsxwriter')
dataframe.to_excel(writer,sheet_name = dataframe, index=False) 

SQL sum with condition

Try moving ValueDate:

select sum(CASE  
             WHEN ValueDate > @startMonthDate THEN cash 
              ELSE 0 
 from Table a
where a.branch = p.branch 
  and a.transID = p.transID

(reformatted for clarity)

You might also consider using '0' instead of NULL, as you are doing a sum. It works correctly both ways, but is maybe more indicitive of what your intentions are.

Iterating over and deleting from Hashtable in Java

You can use a temporary deletion list:

List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>;

for(Map.Entry<String,String> entry : hashTable){
  if(entry.getValue().equals("delete")) // replace with your own check

for(String key : keyList){

You can find more information about Hashtable methods in the Java API

adding onclick event to dynamically added button?

try this:

but.onclick = callJavascriptFunction;

or create the button by wrapping it with another element and use innerHTML:

var span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = '<button id="but' + inc +'" onclick="callJavascriptFunction()" />';

How do I import/include MATLAB functions?

Solution for Windows

Go to File --> Set Path and add the folder containing the functions as Matlab files. (At least for Matlab 2007b on Vista)

Execute raw SQL using Doctrine 2

I had the same problem. You want to look the connection object supplied by the entity manager:

$conn = $em->getConnection();

You can then query/execute directly against it:

$statement = $conn->query('select foo from bar');
$num_rows_effected = $conn->exec('update bar set foo=1');

See the docs for the connection object at

Iterate through 2 dimensional array

Just invert the indexes' order like this:

for (int j = 0; j<array[0].length; j++){
     for (int i = 0; i<array.length; i++){

because all rows has same amount of columns you can use this condition j < array[0].lengt in first for condition due to the fact you are iterating over a matrix

Type safety: Unchecked cast

The solution to avoid the unchecked warning:

class MyMap extends HashMap<String, String> {};
someMap = (MyMap)getApplicationContext().getBean("someMap");

The requested URL /about was not found on this server

Here is another version for Wordpress, original one did not work as intended.

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [END]
    RewriteCond $1 ^(index\.php)?$ [OR]
    RewriteCond $1 \.(gif|jpg|png|ico|css|js)$ [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [END]
    RewriteRule ^ /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

Reference from this Github repository, modified a bit. After excessive testing this rule does not solve all problems. We have a Wordpress webshop, which has 40 plugins and somewhere is there a rewrite clash. I sincerely hope next version of Wordpress has no URL rewrites.

RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]

Syntax Rewrite Rule

The ^ signifies start of the string, \ escapes . or it would mean any character, and $ signifies end of the string.

^index\.php$ if http(s)://hostname/index.php - do nothing [END] flag can be used to terminate not only the current round of rewrite processing but prevent any subsequent rewrite processing.

RewriteCond $1 ^(index\.php)?$ [OR]

Syntax Rewrite Condition

In RewriteCond using $1 as a test string references to captured contents of everything from the start to the end of the url http(s)://hostname/bla/bla.php. If used in substitution or condition it references to captured backreference. RewriteRule (bla)/(ble\.php)$ - for http(s)://hostname/bla/ble.php captures bla into $1 and ble.php into $2. Multiple capture groups can be accessed via $3..N.

( ) groups several characters into single unit, ? forces the match optional. [OR] flag allows you to combine rewrite conditions with a logical OR relationship as opposed to the default AND.

In short, if bla/bla.php contains index.php OR next condition

RewriteCond $1 \.(gif|jpg|png|ico|css|js)$ [NC,OR]

( ) groups several characters into single unit, | separates characters to subgroups and conditions them if any one of. [NC] flag causes the RewriteRule to be matched in case-insensitive manner.

In short, if bla/bla.php ends with any of the filetypes OR next condition

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]

Server-Variables are variables of the form %{ NAME_OF_VARIABLE } where NAME_OF_VARIABLE can be a string taken from the following list:

enter image description here

%{REQUEST_FILENAME} is full local filesystem path to the file or script matching the request, if this has already been determined by the server at the time REQUEST_FILENAME is referenced. Otherwise, such as when used in virtual host context, the same value as REQUEST_URI. Depending on the value of AcceptPathInfo, the server may have only used some leading components of the REQUEST_URI to map the request to a file.

-f check for regular file. Treats the test string as pathname and tests whether or not it exists.

In short, if bla/bla.php is a file OR next condition

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d

-d check for directory. Treats the test string as a pathname and tests whether or not it exists.

In short, if bla/bla.php is a directory

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [END] not as in Github [S=1]

This statement is only executed when one of the condition returned true.

. match any character * zero or more times.

The [S] flag is used to skip rules that you don't want to run. The syntax of the skip flag is [S=N], where N signifies the number of rules to skip (provided the RewriteRule matches). This can be thought of as a goto statement in your rewrite ruleset. In the following example, we only want to run the RewriteRule if the requested URI doesn't correspond with an actual file.

In short, do nothing

RewriteRule ^ /index.php [L]

The [L] flag causes mod_rewrite to stop processing the rule set. In most contexts, this means that if the rule matches, no further rules will be processed. This corresponds to the last command in Perl, or the break command in C. Use this flag to indicate that the current rule should be applied immediately without considering further rules.

In short, rewrite every path as http(s)://hostname/index.php

I fetched this little doc together from documentation. Links below.

How to git clone a specific tag

Use --single-branch option to only clone history leading to tip of the tag. This saves a lot of unnecessary code from being cloned.

git clone <repo_url> --branch <tag_name> --single-branch

What causes a TCP/IP reset (RST) flag to be sent?

RST is sent by the side doing the active close because it is the side which sends the last ACK. So if it receives FIN from the side doing the passive close in a wrong state, it sends a RST packet which indicates other side that an error has occured.

c# razor url parameter from view

You can use the following:


See also: When do Request.Params and Request.Form differ?

C++ error: "Array must be initialized with a brace enclosed initializer"

You can't initialize arrays like this:

int cipher[Array_size][Array_size]=0;

The syntax for 2D arrays is:

int cipher[Array_size][Array_size]={{0}};

Note the curly braces on the right hand side of the initialization statement.

for 1D arrays:

int tomultiply[Array_size]={0};

Ansible: deploy on multiple hosts in the same time

As mentioned before: By default Ansible will attempt to run on all hosts in parallel, but task after Task(serial).

If you also want to run Tasks in parallel you have to start different instances of ansible. Here are some ways to to it.

1. Groups

If you already have different groups you can run one ansible instance for each group:

shell-1 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit webservers
shell-2 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit dbservers
shell-3 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit load_balancers

2. Multiple shells


If your playbooks work standalone you can although do this:

shell-1 #> ansible-playbook load_balancers.yml
shell-2 #> ansible-playbook webservers.yml
shell-3 #> ansible-playbook dbservers.yml


If not, you can let ansible do the fragmentation. When you have 6 hosts and want to run 3 instances with 2 host each, you can do something like this:

shell-1 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[0-2]
shell-2 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[2-4]
shell-3 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[4-6]

3. Background

Of course you can use one shell and put the tasks in background, an simple example would be:

shell-1 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[0-2] &
shell-1 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[2-4] &
shell-1 #> ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[4-6] &

With this method you get all output mixed together in one terminal. To avoid this you can write the output to different files.

ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[0-2] > log1 &
ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[2-4] > log2 &
ansible-playbook site.yml --limit all[4-6] > log3 &

4. Better Solutions

Maybe it's better to use a tool like tmux / screen to start the instances in virtual shells.

Or have a look at the "fireball mode":

If you want to know more about limits, look here:

Converting a Date object to a calendar object

Here's your method:

public static Calendar toCalendar(Date date){ 
  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
  return cal;

Everything else you are doing is both wrong and unnecessary.

BTW, Java Naming conventions suggest that method names start with a lower case letter, so it should be: dateToCalendar or toCalendar (as shown).

OK, let's milk your code, shall we?

DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
date = (Date)formatter.parse(date.toString()); 

DateFormat is used to convert Strings to Dates (parse()) or Dates to Strings (format()). You are using it to parse the String representation of a Date back to a Date. This can't be right, can it?

In SQL, is UPDATE always faster than DELETE+INSERT?

The bigger the table (number of and size of columns) the more expensive it becomes to delete and insert rather than update. Because you have to pay the price of UNDO and REDO. DELETEs consume more UNDO space than UPDATEs, and your REDO contains twice as many statements as are necessary.

Besides, it is plain wrong from a business point of view. Consider how much harder it would be to understand a notional audit trail on that table.

There are some scenarios involving bulk updates of all the rows in a table where it is faster to create a new table using CTAS from the old table (applying the update in the the projection of the SELECT clause), dropping the old table and renaming the new table. The side-effects are creating indexes, managing constraints and renewing privileges, but it is worth considering.

How to set default font family for entire Android app

Not talk about performance, for custom font you can have a recursive method loop through all the views and set typeface if it's a TextView:

public class Font {
    public static void setAllTextView(ViewGroup parent) {
        for (int i = parent.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
            if (child instanceof ViewGroup) {
                setAllTextView((ViewGroup) child);
            } else if (child instanceof TextView) {
                ((TextView) child).setTypeface(getFont());

    public static Typeface getFont() {
        return Typeface.createFromAsset(YourApplicationContext.getInstance().getAssets(), "fonts/whateverfont.ttf");

In all your activity, pass current ViewGroup to it after setContentView and it's done:

ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(;

For fragment you can do something similar.

How do I disable form resizing for users?

Change the FormBorderStyle to one of the fixed values: FixedSingle, Fixed3D, FixedDialog or FixedToolWindow.

The FormBorderStyle property is under the Appearance category.

Or check this:

// Define the border style of the form to a dialog box.
form1.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;

// Set the MaximizeBox to false to remove the maximize box.
form1.MaximizeBox = false;

// Set the MinimizeBox to false to remove the minimize box.
form1.MinimizeBox = false;

// Set the start position of the form to the center of the screen.
form1.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

// Display the form as a modal dialog box.

How to save a dictionary to a file?

Unless you really want to keep the dictionary, I think the best solution is to use the csv Python module to read the file. Then, you get rows of data and you can change member_phone or whatever you want ; finally, you can use the csv module again to save the file in the same format as you opened it.

Code for reading:

import csv

with open("my_input_file.txt", "r") as f:
   reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=":")
   lines = list(reader)

Code for writing:

with open("my_output_file.txt", "w") as f:
   writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=":")

Of course, you need to adapt your change() function:

def change(lines):
    a = input('ID')
    for line in lines:
      if line[0] == a:
      print "not"

Check whether values in one data frame column exist in a second data frame

Use %in% as follows

A$C %in% B$C

Which will tell you which values of column C of A are in B.

What is returned is a logical vector. In the specific case of your example, you get:

A$C %in% B$C

Which you can use as an index to the rows of A or as an index to A$C to get the actual values:

# as a row index
A[A$C %in% B$C,  ]  # note the comma to indicate we are indexing rows

# as an index to A$C
A$C[A$C %in% B$C]
[1] 1 3 4  # returns all values of A$C that are in B$C

We can negate it too:

A$C[!A$C %in% B$C]
[1] 2   # returns all values of A$C that are NOT in B$C

If you want to know if a specific value is in B$C, use the same function:

  2 %in% B$C   # "is the value 2 in B$C ?"  

  A$C[2] %in% B$C  # "is the 2nd element of A$C in B$C ?"  

How do I increase the RAM and set up host-only networking in Vagrant?

I could not get any of these answers to work. Here's what I ended up putting at the very top of my Vagrantfile, before the do block:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]

I noticed that the shortcut accessor style, "vb.memory = 1024", didn't seem to work.

Why is there no Constant feature in Java?

There is a way to create "const" variables in Java, but only for specific classes. Just define a class with final properties and subclass it. Then use the base class where you would want to use "const". Likewise, if you need to use "const" methods, add them to the base class. The compiler will not allow you to modify what it thinks is the final methods of the base class, but it will read and call methods on the subclass.

Read Excel File in Python

Here is the code to read an excel file and and print all the cells present in column 1 (except the first cell i.e the header):

import xlrd


for row in range(1,sheet.nrows):

how to get file path from sd card in android

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() will NOT return path to micro SD card Storage.

how to get file path from sd card in android

By sd card, I am assuming that, you meant removable micro SD card.

In API level 19 i.e. in Android version 4.4 Kitkat, they have added File[] getExternalFilesDirs (String type) in Context Class that allows apps to store data/files in micro SD cards.

Android 4.4 is the first release of the platform that has actually allowed apps to use SD cards for storage. Any access to SD cards before API level 19 was through private, unsupported APIs.

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() was there from API level 1

getExternalFilesDirs(String type) returns absolute paths to application-specific directories on all shared/external storage devices. It means, it will return paths to both internal and external memory. Generally, second returned path would be the storage path for microSD card (if any).

But note that,

Shared storage may not always be available, since removable media can be ejected by the user. Media state can be checked using getExternalStorageState(File).

There is no security enforced with these files. For example, any application holding WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE can write to these files.

The Internal and External Storage terminology according to Google/official Android docs is quite different from what we think.

I need to round a float to two decimal places in Java

If you're looking for currency formatting (which you didn't specify, but it seems that is what you're looking for) try the NumberFormat class. It's very simple:

double d = 2.3d;
NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
String output = formatter.format(d);

Which will output (depending on locale):


Also, if currency isn't required (just the exact two decimal places) you can use this instead:

NumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
String output = formatter.format(d);

Which will output 2.30

How can I make a JPA OneToOne relation lazy

The basic idea behing the XToOnes in Hibernate is that they are not lazy in most case.

One reason is that, when Hibernate have to decide to put a proxy (with the id) or a null,
it has to look into the other table anyway to join. The cost of accessing the other table in the database is significant, so it might as well fetch the data for that table at that moment (non-lazy behaviour), instead of fetching that in a later request that would require a second access to the same table.

Edited: for details, please refer to ChssPly76 's answer. This one is less accurate and detailed, it has nothing to offer. Thanks ChssPly76.

How do I copy a range of formula values and paste them to a specific range in another sheet?

How about if you're copying each column in a sheet to different sheets? Example: row B of mysheet to row B of sheet1, row C of mysheet to row B of sheet 2...

How to initailize byte array of 100 bytes in java with all 0's

Simply create it as new byte[100] it will be initialized with 0 by default

Name node is in safe mode. Not able to leave

If you use Hadoop version 2.6.1 above, while the command works, it complains that its depreciated. I actually could not use the hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave because I was running Hadoop in a Docker container and that command magically fails when run in the container, so what I did was this. I checked doc and found dfs.safemode.threshold.pct in documentation that says

Specifies the percentage of blocks that should satisfy the minimal replication requirement defined by dfs.replication.min. Values less than or equal to 0 mean not to wait for any particular percentage of blocks before exiting safemode. Values greater than 1 will make safe mode permanent.

so I changed the hdfs-site.xml into the following (In older Hadoop versions, apparently you need to do it in hdfs-default.xml:


Let JSON object accept bytes or let urlopen output strings

Python’s wonderful standard library to the rescue…

import codecs

reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
obj = json.load(reader(response))

Works with both py2 and py3.

Docs: Python 2, Python3

Retrieving Dictionary Value Best Practices

Well in fact TryGetValue is faster. How much faster? It depends on the dataset at hand. When you call the Contains method, Dictionary does an internal search to find its index. If it returns true, you need another index search to get the actual value. When you use TryGetValue, it searches only once for the index and if found, it assigns the value to your variable.


Ok, I understand your confusion so let me elaborate:

Case 1:

if (myDict.Contains(someKey))
     someVal = myDict[someKey];

In this case there are 2 calls to FindEntry, one to check if the key exists and one to retrieve it

Case 2:

myDict.TryGetValue(somekey, out someVal)

In this case there is only one call to FindKey because the resulting index is kept for the actual retrieval in the same method.

Count number of occurrences for each unique value

select time, coalesce(count(case when activities = 3 then 1 end), 0) as count
from MyTable
group by time

SQL Fiddle Example


| 13:00 |     2 |
| 13:15 |     2 |
| 13:30 |     0 |
| 13:45 |     1 |

If you want to count all the activities in one query, you can do:

select time, 
    coalesce(count(case when activities = 1 then 1 end), 0) as count1,
    coalesce(count(case when activities = 2 then 1 end), 0) as count2,
    coalesce(count(case when activities = 3 then 1 end), 0) as count3,
    coalesce(count(case when activities = 4 then 1 end), 0) as count4,
    coalesce(count(case when activities = 5 then 1 end), 0) as count5
from MyTable
group by time

The advantage of this over grouping by activities, is that it will return a count of 0 even if there are no activites of that type for that time segment.

Of course, this will not return rows for time segments with no activities of any type. If you need that, you'll need to use a left join with table that lists all the possible time segments.

Mod in Java produces negative numbers

if b > 0:
    int mod = (mod = a % b) < 0 ? a + b : a;

Doesn't use the % operator twice.

@ variables in Ruby on Rails

Use @title in your controllers when you want your variable to be available in your views.

The explanation is that @title is an instance variable while title is a local variable. Rails makes instance variables from controllers available to views because the template code (erb, haml, etc) is executed within the scope of the current controller instance.

AngularJS $location not changing the path

I had a similar problem some days ago. In my case the problem was that I changed things with a 3rd party library (jQuery to be precise) and in this case even though calling functions and setting variable works Angular doesn't always recognize that there are changes thus it never digests.

$apply() is used to execute an expression in angular from outside of the angular framework. (For example from browser DOM events, setTimeout, XHR or third party libraries).

Try to use $scope.$apply() right after you have changed the location and called replace() to let Angular know that things have changed.

Open a link in browser with java button?

public static void openWebPage(String url) {
    try {
        Desktop desktop = Desktop.isDesktopSupported() ? Desktop.getDesktop() : null;
        if (desktop != null && desktop.isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE)) {
            desktop.browse(new URI(url));
        throw new NullPointerException();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, url, "", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);

What's HTML character code 8203?

If you're seeing these in a source be aware that it may be someone attempting to fingerprint text documents to reveal who is leaking information. It also may be an attempt to bypass a spam filter by making the same looking information different on a byte-by-byte level.

See my article on mitigating fingerprinting if you're interested in learning more.

Default fetch type for one-to-one, many-to-one and one-to-many in Hibernate

It depends on whether you are using JPA or Hibernate.

From the JPA 2.0 spec, the defaults are:

OneToMany: LAZY
ManyToOne: EAGER
ManyToMany: LAZY

And in hibernate, all is Lazy


The latest version of Hibernate aligns with the above JPA defaults.

Java String - See if a string contains only numbers and not letters

boolean isNum = text.chars().allMatch(c -> c >= 48 && c <= 57)

Binning column with python pandas

You can use pandas.cut:

bins = [0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100]
df['binned'] = pd.cut(df['percentage'], bins)
print (df)
   percentage     binned
0       46.50   (25, 50]
1       44.20   (25, 50]
2      100.00  (50, 100]
3       42.12   (25, 50]

bins = [0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100]
labels = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
df['binned'] = pd.cut(df['percentage'], bins=bins, labels=labels)
print (df)
   percentage binned
0       46.50      5
1       44.20      5
2      100.00      6
3       42.12      5

Or numpy.searchsorted:

bins = [0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100]
df['binned'] = np.searchsorted(bins, df['percentage'].values)
print (df)
   percentage  binned
0       46.50       5
1       44.20       5
2      100.00       6
3       42.12       5

...and then value_counts or groupby and aggregate size:

s = pd.cut(df['percentage'], bins=bins).value_counts()
print (s)
(25, 50]     3
(50, 100]    1
(10, 25]     0
(5, 10]      0
(1, 5]       0
(0, 1]       0
Name: percentage, dtype: int64

s = df.groupby(pd.cut(df['percentage'], bins=bins)).size()
print (s)
(0, 1]       0
(1, 5]       0
(5, 10]      0
(10, 25]     0
(25, 50]     3
(50, 100]    1
dtype: int64

By default cut return categorical.

Series methods like Series.value_counts() will use all categories, even if some categories are not present in the data, operations in categorical.

How to enable php7 module in apache?

For Windows users looking for solution of same problem. I just repleced

LoadModule php7_module "C:/xampp/php/php7apache2_4.dll"

in my /conf/extra/http?-xampp.conf

Simple Random Samples from a Sql database

I want to point out that all of these solutions appear to sample without replacement. Selecting the top K rows from a random sort or joining to a table that contains unique keys in random order will yield a random sample generated without replacement.

If you want your sample to be independent, you'll need to sample with replacement. See Question 25451034 for one example of how to do this using a JOIN in a manner similar to user12861's solution. The solution is written for T-SQL, but the concept works in any SQL db.

How to generate a random string of 20 characters

Here you go. Just specify the chars you want to allow on the first line.

char[] chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toCharArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20);
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    char c = chars[random.nextInt(chars.length)];
String output = sb.toString();

If you are using this to generate something sensitive like a password reset URL or session ID cookie or temporary password reset, be sure to use instead. Values produced by java.util.Random and java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom are mathematically predictable.

SQL query to find third highest salary in company

for oracle it goes like this:

select salary from employee where rownnum<=3 order by salary desc
select salary from employee where rownnum<=2 order by salary desc;

How to do join on multiple criteria, returning all combinations of both criteria

SELECT  aa.*,
FROM    table1 aa
        INNER JOIN table2 bb
            ON aa.tableseat = bb.tableseat AND
                aa.weddingtable = bb.weddingtable
        INNER JOIN
            SELECT  a.tableSeat
            FROM    table1 a
                    INNER JOIN table2 b
                        ON a.tableseat = b.tableseat AND
                            a.weddingtable = b.weddingtable
            WHERE b.meal IN ('chicken', 'steak')
            GROUP by a.tableSeat
            HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT b.Meal) = 2
        ) c ON aa.tableseat = c.tableSeat

jQuery.ajax returns 400 Bad Request

I was getting the 400 Bad Request error, even after setting:

contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json"

The issue was with the type of a property passed in the json object, for the data property in the ajax request object.
To figure out the issue, I added an error handler and then logged the error to the console. Console log will clearly show validation errors for the properties if any.

This was my initial code:

var data = {
    "TestId": testId,
    "PlayerId": parseInt(playerId),
    "Result": result

var url = document.location.protocol + "//" + + "/api/tests"
    url: url,
    method: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json",
    data: JSON.stringify(data), // issue with a property type in the data object
    dataType: "json",
    error: function (e) {
        console.log(e); // logging the error object to console
    success: function () {
        console.log('Success saving test result');

Now after making the request, I checked the console tab in the browser development tool.
It looked like this: enter image description here

responseJSON.errors[0] clearly shows a validation error: The JSON value could not be converted to System.String. Path: $.TestId, which means I have to convert TestId to a string in the data object, before making the request.

Changing the data object creation like below fixed the issue for me:

var data = {
        "TestId": String(testId), //converting testId to a string
        "PlayerId": parseInt(playerId),
        "Result": result

I assume other possible errors could also be identified by logging and inspecting the error object.

Docker: Copying files from Docker container to host

With the release of Docker 19.03, you can skip creating the container and even building an image. There's an option with BuildKit based builds to change the output destination. You can use this to write the results of the build to your local directory rather than into an image. E.g. here's a build of a go binary:

$ ls
Dockerfile  go.mod  main.go

$ cat Dockerfile
FROM golang:1.12-alpine as dev
RUN apk add --no-cache git ca-certificates
RUN adduser -D appuser
COPY . /src/
CMD CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o app . && ./app

FROM dev as build
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o app .
USER appuser
CMD [ "./app" ]

FROM scratch as release
COPY --from=build /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/
COPY --from=build /src/app /app
USER appuser
CMD [ "/app" ]

FROM scratch as artifact
COPY --from=build /src/app /app

FROM release

From the above Dockerfile, I'm building the artifact stage that only includes the files I want to export. And the newly introduced --output flag lets me write those to a local directory instead of an image. This needs to be performed with the BuildKit engine that ships with 19.03:

$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target artifact --output type=local,dest=. .
[+] Building 43.5s (12/12) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                              0.7s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 572B                                                                                              0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                 0.5s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                   0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                                             0.9s
 => [dev 1/5] FROM  22.5s
 => => resolve       0.0s
 => => sha256:1ec62c064901392a6722bb47a377c01a381f4482b1ce094b6d28682b6b6279fd 155B / 155B                                        0.3s
 => => sha256:50deab916cce57a792cd88af3479d127a9ec571692a1a9c22109532c0d0499a0 1.65kB / 1.65kB                                    0.0s
 => => sha256:2ecd820bec717ec5a8cdc2a1ae04887ed9b46c996f515abc481cac43a12628da 1.36kB / 1.36kB                                    0.0s
 => => sha256:6a17089e5a3afc489e5b6c118cd46eda66b2d5361f309d8d4b0dcac268a47b13 3.81kB / 3.81kB                                    0.0s
 => => sha256:89d9c30c1d48bac627e5c6cb0d1ed1eec28e7dbdfbcc04712e4c79c0f83faf17 2.79MB / 2.79MB                                    0.6s
 => => sha256:8ef94372a977c02d425f12c8cbda5416e372b7a869a6c2b20342c589dba3eae5 301.72kB / 301.72kB                                0.4s
 => => sha256:025f14a3d97f92c07a07446e7ea8933b86068d00da9e252cf3277e9347b6fe69 125.33MB / 125.33MB                               13.7s
 => => sha256:7047deb9704134ff71c99791be3f6474bb45bc3971dde9257ef9186d7cb156db 125B / 125B                                        0.8s
 => => extracting sha256:89d9c30c1d48bac627e5c6cb0d1ed1eec28e7dbdfbcc04712e4c79c0f83faf17                                         0.2s
 => => extracting sha256:8ef94372a977c02d425f12c8cbda5416e372b7a869a6c2b20342c589dba3eae5                                         0.1s
 => => extracting sha256:1ec62c064901392a6722bb47a377c01a381f4482b1ce094b6d28682b6b6279fd                                         0.0s
 => => extracting sha256:025f14a3d97f92c07a07446e7ea8933b86068d00da9e252cf3277e9347b6fe69                                         5.2s
 => => extracting sha256:7047deb9704134ff71c99791be3f6474bb45bc3971dde9257ef9186d7cb156db                                         0.0s
 => [internal] load build context                                                                                                 0.3s
 => => transferring context: 2.11kB                                                                                               0.0s
 => [dev 2/5] RUN apk add --no-cache git ca-certificates                                                                          3.8s
 => [dev 3/5] RUN adduser -D appuser                                                                                              1.7s
 => [dev 4/5] WORKDIR /src                                                                                                        0.5s
 => [dev 5/5] COPY . /src/                                                                                                        0.4s
 => [build 1/1] RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o app .                                                                              11.6s
 => [artifact 1/1] COPY --from=build /src/app /app                                                                                0.5s
 => exporting to client                                                                                                           0.1s
 => => copying files 10.00MB                                                                                                      0.1s

After the build was complete the app binary was exported:

$ ls
Dockerfile  app  go.mod  main.go

$ ./app
Ready to receive requests on port 8080

Docker has other options to the --output flag documented in their upstream BuildKit repo:

SQLite string contains other string query

Using LIKE:

 WHERE column LIKE '%cats%'  --case-insensitive

How to start and stop/pause setInterval?

add is a local variable not a global variable try this

var add;_x000D_
var input = document.getElementById("input");_x000D_
function start() {_x000D_
  add = setInterval("input.value++", 1000);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="number" id="input" />_x000D_
<input type="button" onclick="clearInterval(add)" value="stop" />_x000D_
<input type="button" onclick="start()" value="start" />

What is the ideal data type to use when storing latitude / longitude in a MySQL database?

We store latitude/longitude X 1,000,000 in our oracle database as NUMBERS to avoid round off errors with doubles.

Given that latitude/longitude to the 6th decimal place was 10 cm accuracy that was all we needed. Many other databases also store lat/long to the 6th decimal place.

Passing parameters in Javascript onClick event

It is probably better to create a dedicated function to create the link so you can avoid creating two anonymous functions. Thus:

<div id="div"></div>

  function getLink(id)
    var link = document.createElement('a');
    link.setAttribute('href', '#');
    link.innerHTML = id;
    link.onclick = function()
    }; = 'block';
    return link;
  var div = document.getElementById('div');
  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i += 1)

Although in both cases you end up with two functions, I just think it is better to wrap it in a function that is semantically easier to comprehend.

Joining three tables using MySQL

Simply use:

select "Student", "Course"
from student s, bridge b, course c
where b.sid = s.sid and b.cid = c.cid 

Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk

This is caused by JAVA_HOME not being set correctly. It can be easily resolved by following the steps in this article.

How to indent/format a selection of code in Visual Studio Code with Ctrl + Shift + F

(This works at least up to version 1.52.0, 10 Dec 2020)

On macOS Visual Studio Code version 1.36.1 (2019)

Visual Studio Code version 1.36.1 (2019)

To auto-format the selection, use ?K ?F (the trick is that this is to be done in sequence, ?K first, followed by ?F).

Auto-format selection or document

To just indent (shift right) without auto-formatting, use ?]

Indent options

As in Keyboard Shortcuts (?K ?S, or from the menu as shown below)

Keyboard shortcuts

CSS Input field text color of inputted text


input, select, textarea{
    color: #000;


input, select, textarea{
    color: #f00;

or color: #ff0000;

How to increase heap size for jBoss server

Use -Xms and -Xmx command line options when runing java:

-Xms<size>        set initial Java heap size
-Xmx<size>        set maximum Java heap size

For more help type java -X in command line.

What is dtype('O'), in pandas?

'O' stands for object.

#Loading a csv file as a dataframe
import pandas as pd 
train_df = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
col_name = 'Name of Employee'

#Checking the datatype of column name

#Instead try printing the same thing
print train_df[col_name].dtype

The first line returns: dtype('O')

The line with the print statement returns the following: object

Java synchronized block vs. Collections.synchronizedMap

Check out Google Collections' Multimap, e.g. page 28 of this presentation.

If you can't use that library for some reason, consider using ConcurrentHashMap instead of SynchronizedHashMap; it has a nifty putIfAbsent(K,V) method with which you can atomically add the element list if it's not already there. Also, consider using CopyOnWriteArrayList for the map values if your usage patterns warrant doing so.

PHP/Apache: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

I had this same problem and had to refer to the php manual which told me the mysql and mysqli extensions require libmysql.dll to load. I searched for it under C:\windows\system32 (windows 7) and could not find, so I downloaded it here and placed it in my C:\windows\system32. I restarted Apache and everything worked fine. Took me 3 days to figure out, hope it helps.

Xcode error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'

Go to the bar where you have file, edit, view etc Go on view -> Navigators -> Show Project Navigator -> Click on team -> Select yours.


Check if string begins with something?

Have a look at JavaScript substring() method.

How to make an array of arrays in Java


String[][] arrays = new String[5][];

What does <a href="#" class="view"> mean?

It probably works with Javascript. When you click the link, nothing happens because it points to the current site. The javascript will then load a window or an url. It's used a lot in AJAX web apps.

Tracking the script execution time in PHP

return microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"];

How to correctly get image from 'Resources' folder in NetBeans

This was a pain, using netBeans IDE 7.2.

  1. You need to remember that Netbeans cleans up the Build folder whenever you rebuild, so
  2. Add a resource folder to the src folder:

    • (project)
      • src
        • project package folder (contains .java files)
        • resources (whatever name you want)
        • images (optional subfolders)
  3. After the clean/build this structure is propogated into the Build folder:

    • (project)
      • build
        • classes
          • project package folder (contains generated .class files)
          • resources (your resources)
          • images (your optional subfolders)

To access the resources:

dlabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("resources/images/logo.png")));


if (common.readFile(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/resources/allwise.ini"), buf).equals("OK")) {

worked for me. Note that in one case there is a leading "/" and in the other there isn't. So the root of the path to the resources is the "classes" folder within the build folder.

Double click on the executable jar file in the dist folder. The path to the resources still works.

Nested iframes, AKA Iframe Inception

If browser supports iframe, then DOM inside iframe come from src attribute of respective tag. Contents that are inside iframe tag are used as a fall back mechanism where browser does not supports iframe tag.


Correctly Parsing JSON in Swift 3

Swift 5 Cant fetch data from your api. Easiest way to parse json is Use Decodable protocol. Or Codable (Encodable & Decodable). For ex:

let json = """
    "dueDate": {
        "year": 2021,
        "month": 2,
        "day": 17

struct WrapperModel: Codable {
    var dueDate: DueDate

struct DueDate: Codable {
    var year: Int
    var month: Int
    var day: Int

let jsonData = Data(json.utf8)

let decoder = JSONDecoder()

do {
    let model = try decoder.decode(WrapperModel.self, from: jsonData)
} catch {

How to cast an Object to an int

I guess you're wondering why C or C++ lets you manipulate an object pointer like a number, but you can't manipulate an object reference in Java the same way.

Object references in Java aren't like pointers in C or C++... Pointers basically are integers and you can manipulate them like any other int. References are intentionally a more concrete abstraction and cannot be manipulated the way pointers can.

How do I "commit" changes in a git submodule?

You can treat a submodule exactly like an ordinary repository. To propagate your changes upstream just commit and push as you would normally within that directory.

find all unchecked checkbox in jquery

You can do so by extending jQuerys functionality. This will shorten the amount of text you have to write for the selector.

$.extend($.expr[':'], {
        unchecked: function (obj) {
            return ((obj.type == 'checkbox' || obj.type == 'radio') && !$(obj).is(':checked'));

You can then use $("input:unchecked") to get all checkboxes and radio buttons that are checked.

Thin Black Border for a Table

Style the td and th instead

td, th {
    border: 1px solid black;

And also to make it so there is no spacing between cells use:

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;

(also note, you have border-style: none; which should be border-style: solid;)

See an example here:

Parse large JSON file in Nodejs

If you have control over the input file, and it's an array of objects, you can solve this more easily. Arrange to output the file with each record on one line, like this:

   {"key": value},
   {"key": value},

This is still valid JSON.

Then, use the node.js readline module to process them one line at a time.

var fs = require("fs");

var lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({
    input: fs.createReadStream("input.txt")

lineReader.on('line', function (line) {
    line = line.trim();

    if (line.charAt(line.length-1) === ',') {
        line = line.substr(0, line.length-1);

    if (line.charAt(0) === '{') {

function processRecord(record) {
    // Process the records one at a time here! 

How do you view ALL text from an ntext or nvarchar(max) in SSMS?

I was able to get the full text (99,208 chars) out of a NVARCHAR(MAX) column by selecting (Results To Grid) just that column and then right-clicking on it and then saving the result as a CSV file. To view the result open the CSV file with a text editor (NOT Excel). Funny enough, when I tried to run the same query, but having Results to File enabled, the output was truncated using the Results to Text limit.

The work-around that @MartinSmith described as a comment to the (currently) accepted answer didn't work for me (got an error when trying to view the full XML result complaining about "The '[' character, hexadecimal value 0x5B, cannot be included in a name").

What is referencedColumnName used for in JPA?

"referencedColumnName" property is the name of the column in the table that you are making reference with the column you are anotating. Or in a short manner: it's the column referenced in the destination table. Imagine something like this: cars and persons. One person can have many cars but one car belongs only to one person (sorry, I don't like anyone else driving my car).

Table Person
name char(64) primary key
age int

Table Car
car_registration char(32) primary key
car_brand (char 64)
car_model (char64)
owner_name char(64) foreign key references Person(name)

When you implement classes you will have something like

class Person{

class Car{
    @JoinColumn([column]name="owner_name", referencedColumnName="name")
    private Person owner;

EDIT: as @searchengine27 has commented, columnName does not exist as a field in persistence section of Java7 docs. I can't remember where I took this property from, but I remember using it, that's why I'm leaving it in my example.

No Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present on the requested resource

On your servlet simply override the service method of your servlet so that you can add headers for all your http methods (POST, GET, DELETE, PUT, etc...).

    protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {

            res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.getHeader("origin"));
            res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Authorization");

        super.service(req, res);

Your configuration specifies to merge with the <branch name> from the remote, but no such ref was fetched.?

In my case I was simply lacking of initial commit on remote branch, so local branch wasn't finding anything to pull and it was giving that error message.

I did:

git commit -m 'first commit' // on remote branch
git pull // on local branch

COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'

Firstly run this query


You have character_set_server='latin1'

If so,go into your config file,my.cnf and add or uncomment these lines:

character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_unicode_ci

Restart the server. Yes late to the party,just encountered the same issue.

What and where are the stack and heap?

Others have answered the broad strokes pretty well, so I'll throw in a few details.

  1. Stack and heap need not be singular. A common situation in which you have more than one stack is if you have more than one thread in a process. In this case each thread has its own stack. You can also have more than one heap, for example some DLL configurations can result in different DLLs allocating from different heaps, which is why it's generally a bad idea to release memory allocated by a different library.

  2. In C you can get the benefit of variable length allocation through the use of alloca, which allocates on the stack, as opposed to alloc, which allocates on the heap. This memory won't survive your return statement, but it's useful for a scratch buffer.

  3. Making a huge temporary buffer on Windows that you don't use much of is not free. This is because the compiler will generate a stack probe loop that is called every time your function is entered to make sure the stack exists (because Windows uses a single guard page at the end of your stack to detect when it needs to grow the stack. If you access memory more than one page off the end of the stack you will crash). Example:

void myfunction()
   char big[10000000];
   // Do something that only uses for first 1K of big 99% of the time.

How to disable editing of elements in combobox for c#?

I tried ComboBox1_KeyPress but it allows to delete the character & you can also use copy paste command. My DropDownStyle is set to DropDownList but still no use. So I did below step to avoid combobox text editing.

  • Below code handles delete & backspace key. And also disables combination with control key (e.g. ctr+C or ctr+X)

     Private Sub CmbxInType_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles CmbxInType.KeyDown
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.Delete Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then 
            e.SuppressKeyPress = True
        End If
        If Not (e.Control AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.C) Then
            e.SuppressKeyPress = True
        End If
    End Sub
  • In form load use below line to disable right click on combobox control to avoid cut/paste via mouse click.

    CmbxInType.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu()

How to add hamburger menu in bootstrap

To create icon you can use Glyphicon in Bootstrap:

<a href="#" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger"></span>

And then control size of icon in css:

.glyphicon-menu-hamburger {
  font-size: npx;

Difference between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation

This is a standard interview question:

Dynamic memory allocation

Is memory allocated at runtime using calloc(), malloc() and friends. It is sometimes also referred to as 'heap' memory, although it has nothing to do with the heap data-structure ref.

int * a = malloc(sizeof(int));

Heap memory is persistent until free() is called. In other words, you control the lifetime of the variable.

Automatic memory allocation

This is what is commonly known as 'stack' memory, and is allocated when you enter a new scope (usually when a new function is pushed on the call stack). Once you move out of the scope, the values of automatic memory addresses are undefined, and it is an error to access them.

int a = 43;

Note that scope does not necessarily mean function. Scopes can nest within a function, and the variable will be in-scope only within the block in which it was declared. Note also that where this memory is allocated is not specified. (On a sane system it will be on the stack, or registers for optimisation)

Static memory allocation

Is allocated at compile time*, and the lifetime of a variable in static memory is the lifetime of the program.

In C, static memory can be allocated using the static keyword. The scope is the compilation unit only.

Things get more interesting when the extern keyword is considered. When an extern variable is defined the compiler allocates memory for it. When an extern variable is declared, the compiler requires that the variable be defined elsewhere. Failure to declare/define extern variables will cause linking problems, while failure to declare/define static variables will cause compilation problems.

in file scope, the static keyword is optional (outside of a function):

int a = 32;

But not in function scope (inside of a function):

static int a = 32;

Technically, extern and static are two separate classes of variables in C.

extern int a; /* Declaration */
int a; /* Definition */

*Notes on static memory allocation

It's somewhat confusing to say that static memory is allocated at compile time, especially if we start considering that the compilation machine and the host machine might not be the same or might not even be on the same architecture.

It may be better to think that the allocation of static memory is handled by the compiler rather than allocated at compile time.

For example the compiler may create a large data section in the compiled binary and when the program is loaded in memory, the address within the data segment of the program will be used as the location of the allocated memory. This has the marked disadvantage of making the compiled binary very large if uses a lot of static memory. It's possible to write a multi-gigabytes binary generated from less than half a dozen lines of code. Another option is for the compiler to inject initialisation code that will allocate memory in some other way before the program is executed. This code will vary according to the target platform and OS. In practice, modern compilers use heuristics to decide which of these options to use. You can try this out yourself by writing a small C program that allocates a large static array of either 10k, 1m, 10m, 100m, 1G or 10G items. For many compilers, the binary size will keep growing linearly with the size of the array, and past a certain point, it will shrink again as the compiler uses another allocation strategy.

Register Memory

The last memory class are 'register' variables. As expected, register variables should be allocated on a CPU's register, but the decision is actually left to the compiler. You may not turn a register variable into a reference by using address-of.

register int meaning = 42;
printf("%p\n",&meaning); /* this is wrong and will fail at compile time. */

Most modern compilers are smarter than you at picking which variables should be put in registers :)


Magento addFieldToFilter: Two fields, match as OR, not AND

public function testAction()
        $filter_a = array('like'=>'a%');
        $filter_b = array('like'=>'b%');


WHERE (((e.sku like 'a%') or (e.sku like 'b%')))


Plot inline or a separate window using Matplotlib in Spyder IDE


%matplotlib qt

when you want graphs in a separate window and

%matplotlib inline

when you want an inline plot

'node' is not recognized as an internal or an external command, operable program or batch file while using phonegap/cordova

If you install Node using the windows installer, there is nothing you have to do. It adds path to node and npm.

You can also use Windows setx command for changing system environment variables. No reboot is required. Just logout/login. Or just open a new cmd window, if you want to see the changing there.

setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\nodejs"

How do I change the title of the "back" button on a Navigation Bar

According to document of UINavigationBar>backItem

enter image description here

If the leftBarButtonItem property of the topmost navigation item is nil, the navigation bar displays a back button whose title is derived from the item in this property.

But setting backItem.backBarButtonItem does not work in first time viewWillAppear. Setting the topItem.backBarButtonItem only works in first time viewWillAppear. Because navigationBar.topItem is still pointing to the previousViewController.navigationItem. In viewWillLayoutSubviews, the topItem and backItem are updated. So after 1st time viewWillAppear, we should set the backItem.backBarButtonItem.

ANSWER : Setting a backBarButtonItem to the navigationItem of the previous viewController no matter when and where in your current viewController (the top viewController). You can use this code in viewWillAppear or viewDidLoad. Check my blog post iOS Set Navigation Bar Back Button Title for detail analysis.

 NSArray *viewControllerArray = [self.navigationController viewControllers];
    // get index of the previous ViewContoller
    long previousIndex = [viewControllerArray indexOfObject:self] - 1;
    if (previousIndex >= 0) {
        UIViewController *previous = [viewControllerArray objectAtIndex:previousIndex];
        previous.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]

How to get a List<string> collection of values from app.config in WPF?

Had the same problem, but solved it in a different way. It might not be the best solution, but its a solution.

in app.config:

<add key="errorMailFirst" value="[email protected]"/>
<add key="errorMailSeond" value="[email protected]"/>

Then in my configuration wrapper class, I add a method to search keys.

        public List<string> SearchKeys(string searchTerm)
            var keys = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Keys;
            return keys.Cast<object>()
                       .Where(key => key.ToString().ToLower()
                       .Select(key => ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(key.ToString())).ToList();

For anyone reading this, i agree that creating your own custom configuration section is cleaner, and more secure, but for small projects, where you need something quick, this might solve it.

How to print exact sql query in zend framework ?

even shorter:

echo $select->__toString()."\n";

and more shorter:

echo  $select .""; die;

Convert YYYYMMDD string date to a datetime value

You should have to use DateTime.TryParseExact.

var newDate = DateTime.ParseExact("20111120", 


string str = "20111021";
string[] format = {"yyyyMMdd"};
DateTime date;

if (DateTime.TryParseExact(str, 
                           out date))

Should I use Python 32bit or Python 64bit

Machine learning packages like tensorflow 2.x are designed to work only on 64 bit Python as they are memory intensive.

Log4Net configuring log level

Yes. It is done with a filter on the appender.

Here is the appender configuration I normally use, limited to only INFO level.

<appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
  <file value="${HOMEDRIVE}\\PI.Logging\\PI.ECSignage.${COMPUTERNAME}.log" />
  <appendToFile value="true" />
  <maxSizeRollBackups value="30" />
  <maximumFileSize value="5MB" />
  <rollingStyle value="Size" />     <!--A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. -->
  <staticLogFileName value="false" />
  <lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
  <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffff} [%2thread] %-5level %20.20type{1}.%-25method at %-4line| (%-30.30logger) %message%newline" />

  <filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter">
        <levelMin value="INFO" />
        <levelMax value="INFO" />

How to upload and parse a CSV file in php

Although you could easily find a tutorial how to handle file uploads with php, and there are functions (manual) to handle CSVs, I will post some code because just a few days ago I worked on a project, including a bit of code you could use...


<table width="600">
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<td width="20%">Select file</td>
<td width="80%"><input type="file" name="file" id="file" /></td>

<td><input type="submit" name="submit" /></td>



if ( isset($_POST["submit"]) ) {

   if ( isset($_FILES["file"])) {

            //if there was an error uploading the file
        if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) {
            echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";

        else {
                 //Print file details
             echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br />";
             echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br />";
             echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " Kb<br />";
             echo "Temp file: " . $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] . "<br />";

                 //if file already exists
             if (file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"])) {
            echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " already exists. ";
             else {
                    //Store file in directory "upload" with the name of "uploaded_file.txt"
            $storagename = "uploaded_file.txt";
            move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "upload/" . $storagename);
            echo "Stored in: " . "upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br />";
     } else {
             echo "No file selected <br />";

I know there must be an easier way to do this, but I read the CSV file and store the single cells of every record in an two dimensional array.

if ( isset($storagename) && $file = fopen( "upload/" . $storagename , r ) ) {

    echo "File opened.<br />";

    $firstline = fgets ($file, 4096 );
        //Gets the number of fields, in CSV-files the names of the fields are mostly given in the first line
    $num = strlen($firstline) - strlen(str_replace(";", "", $firstline));

        //save the different fields of the firstline in an array called fields
    $fields = array();
    $fields = explode( ";", $firstline, ($num+1) );

    $line = array();
    $i = 0;

        //CSV: one line is one record and the cells/fields are seperated by ";"
        //so $dsatz is an two dimensional array saving the records like this: $dsatz[number of record][number of cell]
    while ( $line[$i] = fgets ($file, 4096) ) {

        $dsatz[$i] = array();
        $dsatz[$i] = explode( ";", $line[$i], ($num+1) );


        echo "<table>";
        echo "<tr>";
    for ( $k = 0; $k != ($num+1); $k++ ) {
        echo "<td>" . $fields[$k] . "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";

    foreach ($dsatz as $key => $number) {
                //new table row for every record
        echo "<tr>";
        foreach ($number as $k => $content) {
                        //new table cell for every field of the record
            echo "<td>" . $content . "</td>";

    echo "</table>";

So I hope this will help, it is just a small snippet of code and I have not tested it, because I used it slightly different. The comments should explain everything.

Android 6.0 multiple permissions

The following methodology is about

  • asking permissions dynamically ;
  • showing a AlertDialog if the user denies any permission
  • looping until the user accepts permission(s)

Create a "static" class for permissions methods

public class PermissionsUtil {
    public static final int PERMISSION_ALL = 1;

    public static boolean doesAppNeedPermissions(){
        return android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1;

    public static String[] getPermissions(Context context)
            throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException {
        PackageInfo info = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
                context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS);

        return info.requestedPermissions;

    public static void askPermissions(Activity activity){
        if(doesAppNeedPermissions()) {
            try {
                String[] permissions = getPermissions(activity);

                if(!checkPermissions(activity, permissions)){
                    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, permissions,
            } catch(Exception e) {

    public static boolean checkPermissions(Context context, String... permissions){
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M && context != null &&
                permissions != null) {
            for (String permission : permissions) {
                if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, permission) !=
                        PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                    return false;
        return true;


    private void checkPermissions(){

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode,
                                           @NonNull String[] permissions,
                                           @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
        switch (requestCode) {
            case PermissionsUtil.PERMISSION_ALL: {

                if (grantResults.length > 0) {

                    List<Integer> indexesOfPermissionsNeededToShow = new ArrayList<>();

                    for(int i = 0; i < permissions.length; ++i) {
                        if(ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(this, permissions[i])) {

                    int size = indexesOfPermissionsNeededToShow.size();
                    if(size != 0) {
                        int i = 0;
                        boolean isPermissionGranted = true;

                        while(i < size && isPermissionGranted) {
                            isPermissionGranted = grantResults[indexesOfPermissionsNeededToShow.get(i)]
                                    == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;

                        if(!isPermissionGranted) {

                            showDialogNotCancelable("Permissions mandatory",
                                    "All the permissions are required for this app",
                                    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {

    private void showDialogNotCancelable(String title, String message,
                                         DialogInterface.OnClickListener okListener) {
        new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setPositiveButton("OK", okListener)

capture div into image using html2canvas didn't work for me... just a blank page rendered... but I was able to make the png appear on the page by replacing the src attribute of a pre-existing img element created as the target.

     element_to_png("container", "testhtmltocanvasimg");_x000D_
function element_to_png(srcElementID, targetIMGid){_x000D_
    console.log("element_to_png called for element id " + srcElementID);_x000D_
    html2canvas($("#"+srcElementID)[0]).then( function (canvas) {_x000D_
        var myImage = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");_x000D_
        $("#"+targetIMGid).attr("src", myImage);_x000D_
  console.log("html2canvas completed.  png rendered to " + targetIMGid);_x000D_
<div id="testhtmltocanvasdiv" class="mt-3">_x000D_
   <img src="" id="testhtmltocanvasimg">_x000D_

I can then right-click on the rendered png and "save as". May be just as easy to use the "snipping tool" to capture the element, but html2canvas is an certainly an interesting bit of code!

How do I convert a string to enum in TypeScript?

Enums created in the way you did are compiled into an object that stores both forward (name -> value) and reverse (value -> name) mappings. As we can observe from this chrome devtools screenshot:

enter image description here

Here is an example of how dual mapping works and how to cast from one to another:

enum Color{
    Red, Green
// To Number
var greenNr: number = Color['Green'];
console.log(greenNr); // logs 1

// To String
var greenString: string = Color[Color['Green']];  // or Color[Color[1]
console.log(greenString); // logs Green

// In your example

// recieve as instead of the string green
var green: string = Color[Color.Green];  

// obtain the enum number value which corresponds to the property
var color: Color = (<any>Color)[green];  

console.log(color); // logs 1

How to pass variable number of arguments to a PHP function

This is now possible with PHP 5.6.x, using the ... operator (also known as splat operator in some languages):


function addDateIntervalsToDateTime( DateTime $dt, DateInterval ...$intervals )
    foreach ( $intervals as $interval ) {
        $dt->add( $interval );
    return $dt;

addDateIntervaslToDateTime( new DateTime, new DateInterval( 'P1D' ), 
        new DateInterval( 'P4D' ), new DateInterval( 'P10D' ) );

python numpy machine epsilon

It will already work, as David pointed out!

>>> def machineEpsilon(func=float):
...     machine_epsilon = func(1)
...     while func(1)+func(machine_epsilon) != func(1):
...         machine_epsilon_last = machine_epsilon
...         machine_epsilon = func(machine_epsilon) / func(2)
...     return machine_epsilon_last
>>> machineEpsilon(float)
>>> import numpy
>>> machineEpsilon(numpy.float64)
>>> machineEpsilon(numpy.float32)

SQL Server : SUM() of multiple rows including where clauses

Try this:

   SUM(Amount) as TOTAL_COSTS
   EndDate IS NULL

Simplest/cleanest way to implement a singleton in JavaScript

I deprecate my answer, see my other one.

Usually the module pattern (see Christian C. Salvadó's answer) which is not the singleton pattern is good enough. However, one of the features of the singleton is that its initialization is delayed till the object is needed. The module pattern lacks this feature.

My proposition (CoffeeScript):

window.singleton = (initializer) ->
  instance = undefined
  () ->
    return instance unless instance is undefined
    instance = initializer()

Which compiled to this in JavaScript:

window.singleton = function(initializer) {
    var instance;
    instance = void 0;
    return function() {
        if (instance !== void 0) {
            return instance;
        return instance = initializer();

Then I can do following:

window.iAmSingleton = singleton(function() {
    /* This function should create and initialize singleton. */
    return {property1: 'value1', property2: 'value2'};

alert(window.iAmSingleton().property2); // "creating" will pop up; then "value2" will pop up
alert(window.iAmSingleton().property2); // "value2" will pop up but "creating" will not
window.iAmSingleton().property2 = 'new value';
alert(window.iAmSingleton().property2); // "new value" will pop up

"Line contains NULL byte" in CSV reader (Python)

I've recently fixed this issue and in my instance it was a file that was compressed that I was trying to read. Check the file format first. Then check that the contents are what the extension refers to.

In C#, how to check whether a string contains an integer?

You can check if string contains numbers only:

Regex.IsMatch(myStringVariable, @"^-?\d+$")

But number can be bigger than Int32.MaxValue or less than Int32.MinValue - you should keep that in mind.

Another option - create extension method and move ugly code there:

public static bool IsInteger(this string s)
   if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
       return false;

   int i;
   return Int32.TryParse(s, out i);

That will make your code more clean:

if (myStringVariable.IsInteger())
    // ...

Search for value in DataGridView in a column

Why don't you build a DataTable first then assign it to the DataGridView as DataSource:

DataTable table4DataSource=new DataTable();



(add your rows, manually, in a circle or via a DataReader from a database table) (assign the datasource)

dtGrdViewGrid.DataSource = table4DataSource;

and then use:

(dtGrdViewGrid.DataSource as DataTable).DefaultView.RowFilter = "col00 = '" + textBoxSearch.Text+ "'";

You can even put this piece of code within your textbox_textchange event and your filtered values will be showing as you write.

How Do I Replace/Change The Heading Text Inside <h3></h3>, Using jquery?

you don't - not like this. give an id to your tag , lets say it looks like this now :

<h3 id="myHeader"></h3>

then set the value like that :

myHeader.innerText = "public offers";

How to convert FileInputStream to InputStream?

InputStream is = new FileInputStream("c://filename");
return is;

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlretrieve'

A Python 2+3 compatible solution is:

import sys

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve
    # Not Python 3 - today, it is most likely to be Python 2
    # But note that this might need an update when Python 4
    # might be around one day
    from urllib import urlretrieve

# Get file from URL like this:

Git removing upstream from local repository

Using git version there is no "remove" command for remote. Use "rm" instead.

$ git remote rm upstream
$ git remote add upstream

or, as noted in the previous answer, set-url works.

I don't know when the command changed, but Ubuntu 12.04 shipped with

Adding Lombok plugin to IntelliJ project

For me it didn't work after doing all of the steps suggested in the question and in the top answer. Initially the import didn't work, and then when I restarted IntelliJ, I got these messages from the Gradle Plugin:

Gradle DSL method not found: 'annotationProcessor()'
Possible causes:<ul><li>The project 'wq-handler-service' may be using a version of the Android Gradle plug-in that does not contain the method (e.g. 'testCompile' was added in 1.1.0).
Upgrade plugin to version 2.3.2 and sync project</li><li>The project 'wq-handler-service' may be using a version of Gradle that does not contain the method.
Open Gradle wrapper file</li><li>The build file may be missing a Gradle plugin.
Apply Gradle plugin</li>

This was weird because I don't develop for Android, just using IntelliJ for Mac OS.

To be fair, my build.gradle file had these lines in the dependencies section, which I copied from a colleague:

compileOnly group: 'org.projectlombok', name: 'lombok', version: '1.16.20'
annotationProcessor group: 'org.projectlombok', name: 'lombok', version: '1.16.20'

After checking versions, the only thing that completely solved my problem was adding the below to the plugins section of build.gradle, which I found on this page:

id 'net.ltgt.apt' version '0.15'

Looks like it's a

Gradle plugin making it easier/safer to use Java annotation processors

(ltgt plugin page)

Visual Studio loading symbols

In my case Visual Studio was looking for 3rd-party PDBs in paths that, on my machine, referenced an optical drive. Without a disc in the tray it took about Windows about ~30 to fail, which in turn slowed down Visual Studio as it tried to load the PDBs from that location. More detail is available in my complete answer here:

Javascript date regex DD/MM/YYYY

Scape slashes is simply use \ before / and it will be escaped. (\/=> /).

Otherwise you're regex DD/MM/YYYY could be next:



  • [0-9]: Just Numbers
  • {2} or {4}: Length 2 or 4. You could do {2,4} as well to length between two numbers (2 and 4 in this case)
  • [\/]: Character /
  • g : Global -- Or m: Multiline (Optional, see your requirements)
  • $: Anchor to end of string. (Optional, see your requirements)
  • ^: Start of string. (Optional, see your requirements)

An example of use:

var regex = /^[0-9]{2}[\/][0-9]{2}[\/][0-9]{4}$/g;

var dates = ["2009-10-09", "2009.10.09", "2009/10/09", "200910-09", "1990/10/09", 
    "2016/0/09", "2017/10/09", "2016/09/09", "20/09/2016", "21/09/2016", "22/09/2016",
    "23/09/2016", "19/09/2016", "18/09/2016", "25/09/2016", "21/09/2018"];

//Iterate array
        console.log(date + " matches with regex?");

Of course you can use as boolean:

     //do something

Remove all whitespaces from NSString

That is for removing any space that is when you getting text from any text field but if you want to remove space between string you can use

xyz =[xyz.text stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@""];

It will replace empty space with no space and empty field is taken care of by below method:

searchbar.text=[searchbar.text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];

How to import an Excel file into SQL Server?

You can also use OPENROWSET to import excel file in sql server.

                        'Excel 12.0;Database=C:\temp\MySpreadsheet.xlsx',
                        'SELECT * FROM [Data$]')

Has Facebook sharer.php changed to no longer accept detailed parameters?

Starting from July 18, 2017 Facebook has decided to disregard custom parameters set by users. This choice blocks many of the possibilities offered by this answer and it also breaks buttons used on several websites.

The quote and hashtag parameters work as of Dec 2018.

Does anyone know if there have been recent changes which could have suddenly stopped this from working?

The parameters have changed. The currently accepted answer states:

Facebook no longer supports custom parameters in sharer.php

But this is not entirely correct. Well, maybe they do not support or endorse them, but custom parameters can be used if you know the correct names. These include:

  • URL (of course) ? u
  • custom image ? picture
  • custom title ? title
  • custom quote ? quote
  • custom description ? description
  • caption (aka website name) ? caption

For instance, you can share this very question with the following URL:

Try it!

I've built a tool which makes it easier to share URLs on Facebook with custom parameters. You can use it to generate your sharer.php link, just press the button and copy the URL from the tab that opens.

How do I display image in Alert/confirm box in Javascript?

You can emojis!

$('#test').on('click', () => {
    alert(' Build is too fast');

Converting between java.time.LocalDateTime and java.util.Date

If you are on android and using threetenbp you can use DateTimeUtils instead.


Date date = DateTimeUtils.toDate(localDateTime.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());

you can't use Date.from since it's only supported on api 26+

PostgreSQL - SQL state: 42601 syntax error

Your function would work like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prc_tst_bulk(sql text)
RETURNS TABLE (name text, rowcount integer) AS 

WITH v_tb_person AS (' || sql || $x$)
SELECT name, count(*)::int FROM v_tb_person WHERE nome LIKE '%a%' GROUP BY name
SELECT name, count(*)::int FROM v_tb_person WHERE gender = 1 GROUP BY name$x$;

$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT * FROM prc_tst_bulk($$SELECT a AS name, b AS nome, c AS gender FROM tbl$$)
  • You cannot mix plain and dynamic SQL the way you tried to do it. The whole statement is either all dynamic or all plain SQL. So I am building one dynamic statement to make this work. You may be interested in the chapter about executing dynamic commands in the manual.

  • The aggregate function count() returns bigint, but you had rowcount defined as integer, so you need an explicit cast ::int to make this work

  • I use dollar quoting to avoid quoting hell.

However, is this supposed to be a honeypot for SQL injection attacks or are you seriously going to use it? For your very private and secure use, it might be ok-ish - though I wouldn't even trust myself with a function like that. If there is any possible access for untrusted users, such a function is a loaded footgun. It's impossible to make this secure.

Craig (a sworn enemy of SQL injection!) might get a light stroke, when he sees what you forged from his piece of code in the answer to your preceding question. :)

The query itself seems rather odd, btw. But that's beside the point here.

module.exports vs exports in Node.js

Here is the result of




enter image description here


if(module.exports === exports){


Note: The CommonJS specification only allows the use of the exports variable to expose public members. Therefore, the named exports pattern is the only one that is really compatible with the CommonJS specification. The use of module.exports is an extension provided by Node.js to support a broader range of module definition patterns.

How to output oracle sql result into a file in windows?

Very similar to Marc, only difference I would make would be to spool to a parameter like so:


spool &1

-- Code

spool off

And then to call the SQLPLUS as

sqlplus -s username/password@sid @tmp.sql /tmp/output.txt

PHP 5 disable strict standards error

All above solutions are correct. But, when we are talking about a normal PHP application, they have to included in every page, that it requires. A way to solve this, is through .htaccess at root folder. Just to hide the errors. [Put one of the followling lines in the file]

php_flag display_errors off


php_value display_errors 0

Next, to set the error reporting

php_value error_reporting 30719

If you are wondering how the value 30719 came, E_ALL (32767), E_STRICT (2048) are actually constant that hold numeric value and (32767 - 2048 = 30719)

Converting from signed char to unsigned char and back again?

Do you realize, that CLAMP255 returns 0 for v < 0 and 255 for v >= 0?
IMHO, CLAMP255 should be defined as:

#define CLAMP255(v) (v > 255 ? 255 : (v < 0 ? 0 : v))

Difference: If v is not greater than 255 and not less than 0: return v instead of 255

Android: How can I validate EditText input?

TextWatcher is a bit verbose for my taste, so I made something a bit easier to swallow:

public abstract class TextValidator implements TextWatcher {
    private final TextView textView;

    public TextValidator(TextView textView) {
        this.textView = textView;

    public abstract void validate(TextView textView, String text);

    final public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        String text = textView.getText().toString();
        validate(textView, text);

    final public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { /* Don't care */ }

    final public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { /* Don't care */ }

Just use it like this:

editText.addTextChangedListener(new TextValidator(editText) {
    @Override public void validate(TextView textView, String text) {
       /* Validation code here */

Running Groovy script from the command line

You need to run the script like this:

groovy helloworld.groovy

Print <div id="printarea"></div> only?

With jQuery it's as simple as this:;

How to run eclipse in clean mode? what happens if we do so?

Two ways to run eclipse in clean mode.

1 ) In Eclipse.ini file

  • Open the eclipse.ini file located in the Eclipse installation directory.
  • Add -clean first line in the file.
  • Save the file.
  • Restart Eclipse.

enter image description here

2 ) From Command prompt (cmd/command)

  • Go to folder where Eclipse installed.
  • Take the path of Eclipse
  • C:..\eclipse\eclipse.exe -clean
  • press enter button

enter image description here

pandas how to check dtype for all columns in a dataframe?

The singular form dtype is used to check the data type for a single column. And the plural form dtypes is for data frame which returns data types for all columns. Essentially:

For a single column:


For all columns:



import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3], 'B': [True, False, False], 'C': ['a', 'b', 'c']})

# dtype('int64')
# dtype('bool')
# dtype('O')

#A     int64
#B      bool
#C    object
#dtype: object

How can I convert a comma-separated string to an array?

Hmm, split is dangerous IMHO as a string can always contain a comma. Observe the following:

var myArr = "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,','";
result = myArr.split(',');

So how would you interpret that? And what do you want the result to be? An array with:

['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', '\'', '\''] or
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', ',']

Even if you escape the comma, you'd have a problem.

I quickly fiddled this together:

(function($) {
        splitAttrString: function(theStr) {
            var attrs = [];

            var RefString = function(s) {
                this.value = s;
            RefString.prototype.toString = function() {
                return this.value;
            RefString.prototype.charAt = String.prototype.charAt;
            var data = new RefString(theStr);

            var getBlock = function(endChr, restString) {
                var block = '';
                var currChr = '';
                while ((currChr != endChr) && (restString.value !== '')) {
                    if (/'|"/.test(currChr)) {
                        block = $.trim(block) + getBlock(currChr, restString);
                    else if (/\{/.test(currChr)) {
                        block = $.trim(block) + getBlock('}', restString);
                    else if (/\[/.test(currChr)) {
                        block = $.trim(block) + getBlock(']', restString);
                    else {
                        block += currChr;
                    currChr = restString.charAt(0);
                    restString.value = restString.value.slice(1);
                return $.trim(block);

            do {
                var attr = getBlock(',', data);
            while (data.value !== '')
            return attrs;

Is the 'as' keyword required in Oracle to define an alias?

According to the select_list Oracle select documentation the AS is optional.

As a personal note I think it is easier to read with the AS

Can you detect "dragging" in jQuery?

For some reason, the above solutions were not working for me. I went with the following:

$('#container').on('mousedown', function(e) {
    $(this).data('p0', { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY });
}).on('mouseup', function(e) {
    var p0 = $(this).data('p0'),
        p1 = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY },
        d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1.x - p0.x, 2) + Math.pow(p1.y - p0.y, 2));

    if (d < 4) {

You can tweak the distance limit to whatever you please, or even take it all the way to zero.

JavaScript string encryption and decryption?

you can use those function it's so easy the First one for encryption so you just call the function and send the text you wanna encrypt it and take the result from encryptWithAES function and send it to decrypt Function like this:

const CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");

   //The Function Below To Encrypt Text
   const encryptWithAES = (text) => {
      const passphrase = "My Secret Passphrase";
      return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(text, passphrase).toString();
    //The Function Below To Decrypt Text
    const decryptWithAES = (ciphertext) => {
      const passphrase = "My Secret Passphrase";
      const bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(ciphertext, passphrase);
      const originalText = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
      return originalText;

  let encryptText = encryptWithAES("YAZAN"); 
  //EncryptedText==>  //U2FsdGVkX19GgWeS66m0xxRUVxfpI60uVkWRedyU15I= 

  let decryptText = decryptWithAES(encryptText);
  //decryptText==>  //YAZAN 

Check if an array is empty or exists

You should do this

    if (!image_array) {
      // image_array defined but not assigned automatically coerces to false
    } else if (!(0 in image_array)) {
      // empty array
      // doSomething

Mac install and open mysql using terminal

This command works for me:

./mysql -u root -p

(PS: I'm working on mac through terminal)

DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block?

I encountered a similar behavior while running a malfunctioned transaction on the postgres terminal. Nothing went through after this, as the database is in a state of error. However, just as a quick fix, if you can afford to avoid rollback transaction. Following did the trick for me:


How do I output the difference between two specific revisions in Subversion?

To compare entire revisions, it's simply:

svn diff -r 8979:11390

If you want to compare the last committed state against your currently saved working files, you can use convenience keywords:

svn diff -r PREV:HEAD

(Note, without anything specified afterwards, all files in the specified revisions are compared.)

You can compare a specific file if you add the file path afterwards:

svn diff -r 8979:HEAD /path/to/my/file.php

Angularjs: Get element in controller

You can pass in the element to the controller, just like the scope:

function someControllerFunc($scope, $element){


What is the difference between String.slice and String.substring?

The difference between substring and slice - is how they work with negative and overlooking lines abroad arguments:

substring (start, end)

Negative arguments are interpreted as zero. Too large values ??are truncated to the length of the string:   alert ( "testme" .substring (-2)); // "testme", -2 becomes 0

Furthermore, if start > end, the arguments are interchanged, i.e. plot line returns between the start and end:

alert ( "testme" .substring (4, -1)); // "test"
// -1 Becomes 0 -> got substring (4, 0)
// 4> 0, so that the arguments are swapped -> substring (0, 4) = "test"


Negative values ??are measured from the end of the line:

alert ( "testme" .slice (-2)); // "me", from the end position 2
alert ( "testme" .slice (1, -1)); // "estm", from the first position to the one at the end.

It is much more convenient than the strange logic substring.

A negative value of the first parameter to substr supported in all browsers except IE8-.

If the choice of one of these three methods, for use in most situations - it will be slice: negative arguments and it maintains and operates most obvious.

Can I escape html special chars in javascript?

Came across this issue when building a DOM structure. This question helped me solve it. I wanted to use a double chevron as a path separator, but appending a new text node directly resulted in the escaped character code showing, rather than the character itself:

var _div = document.createElement('div');
var _separator = document.createTextNode('&raquo;');
//_div.appendChild(_separator); /* this resulted in '&raquo;' being displayed */
_div.innerHTML = _separator.textContent; /* this was key */

How to get the selected date value while using Bootstrap Datepicker?

There are many solutions here but probably the best one that works. Check the version of the script you want to use.

Well at least I can give you my 100% working solution for

version : 4.17.45

bootstrap-datetimejs Copyright (c) 2015 Jonathan Peterson


var startdate = $('#startdate').val(); 

The output looks like: 12.09.2018 03:05

How do I create a right click context menu in Java Swing?

This question is a bit old - as are the answers (and the tutorial as well)

The current api for setting a popupMenu in Swing is


This way it will be shown automagically, both for mouse and keyboard triggers (the latter depends on LAF). Plus, it supports re-using the same popup across a container's children. To enable that feature:


Concatenate multiple node values in xpath

I used concat method and works well.


Huge performance difference when using group by vs distinct

The two queries express the same question. Apparently the query optimizer chooses two different execution plans. My guess would be that the distinct approach is executed like:

  • Copy all business_key values to a temporary table
  • Sort the temporary table
  • Scan the temporary table, returning each item that is different from the one before it

The group by could be executed like:

  • Scan the full table, storing each value of business key in a hashtable
  • Return the keys of the hashtable

The first method optimizes for memory usage: it would still perform reasonably well when part of the temporary table has to be swapped out. The second method optimizes for speed, but potentially requires a large amount of memory if there are a lot of different keys.

Since you either have enough memory or few different keys, the second method outperforms the first. It's not unusual to see performance differences of 10x or even 100x between two execution plans.

SQL Query NOT Between Two Dates

What you are currently doing is checking whether neither the start_date nor the end_date fall within the range of the dates given.

I guess what you are really looking for is a record which does not fit in the date range given. If so, use the query below.

    FROM `test_table` 
    WHERE  CAST('2009-12-15' AS DATE) > start_date  AND  CAST('2010-01-02' AS DATE) < end_date

Should methods in a Java interface be declared with or without a public access modifier?

The JLS makes this clear:

It is permitted, but discouraged as a matter of style, to redundantly specify the public and/or abstract modifier for a method declared in an interface.

How to find the remainder of a division in C?

You can use the % operator to find the remainder of a division, and compare the result with 0.


if (number % divisor == 0)
    //code for perfect divisor
    //the number doesn't divide perfectly by divisor

How to implement infinity in Java?

I'm supposing you're using integer math for a reason. If so, you can get a result that's functionally nearly the same as POSITIVE_INFINITY by using the MAX_VALUE field of the Integer class:

Integer myInf = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

(And for NEGATIVE_INFINITY you could use MIN_VALUE.) There will of course be some functional differences, e.g., when comparing myInf to a value that happens to be MAX_VALUE: clearly this number isn't less than myInf. Also, as noted in the comments below, incrementing positive infinity will wrap you back around to negative numbers (and decrementing negative infinity will wrap you back to positive).

There's also a library that actually has fields POSITIVE_INFINITY and NEGATIVE_INFINITY, but they are really just new names for MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUE.

jQuery ID starts with

Here you go:

$('td[id^="' + value +'"]')

so if the value is for instance 'foo', then the selector will be 'td[id^="foo"]'.

Note that the quotes are mandatory: [id^="...."].


Determining complexity for recursive functions (Big O notation)

I see that for the accepted answer (recursivefn5), some folks are having issues with the explanation. so I'd try to clarify to the best of my knowledge.

  1. The for loop runs for n/2 times because at each iteration, we are increasing i (the counter) by a factor of 2. so say n = 10, the for loop will run 10/2 = 5 times i.e when i is 0,2,4,6 and 8 respectively.

  2. In the same regard, the recursive call is reduced by a factor of 5 for every time it is called i.e it runs for n/5 times. Again assume n = 10, the recursive call runs for 10/5 = 2 times i.e when n is 10 and 5 and then it hits the base case and terminates.

  3. Calculating the total run time, the for loop runs n/2 times for every time we call the recursive function. since the recursive fxn runs n/5 times (in 2 above),the for loop runs for (n/2) * (n/5) = (n^2)/10 times, which translates to an overall Big O runtime of O(n^2) - ignoring the constant (1/10)...

Add values to app.config and retrieve them

Are you missing the reference to System.Configuration.dll? ConfigurationManager class lies there.

EDIT: The System.Configuration namespace has classes in mscorlib.dll, system.dll and in system.configuration.dll. Your project always include the mscorlib.dll and system.dll references, but system.configuration.dll must be added to most project types, as it's not there by default...

Creating an index on a table variable

The question is tagged SQL Server 2000 but for the benefit of people developing on the latest version I'll address that first.

SQL Server 2014

In addition to the methods of adding constraint based indexes discussed below SQL Server 2014 also allows non unique indexes to be specified directly with inline syntax on table variable declarations.

Example syntax for that is below.

/*SQL Server 2014+ compatible inline index syntax*/
C1 INT INDEX IX1 CLUSTERED, /*Single column indexes can be declared next to the column*/
       INDEX IX3 NONCLUSTERED(C1,C2) /*Example composite index*/

Filtered indexes and indexes with included columns can not currently be declared with this syntax however SQL Server 2016 relaxes this a bit further. From CTP 3.1 it is now possible to declare filtered indexes for table variables. By RTM it may be the case that included columns are also allowed but the current position is that they "will likely not make it into SQL16 due to resource constraints"

/*SQL Server 2016 allows filtered indexes*/
c1 INT NULL INDEX ix UNIQUE WHERE c1 IS NOT NULL /*Unique ignoring nulls*/

SQL Server 2000 - 2012

Can I create a index on Name?

Short answer: Yes.


A more detailed answer is below.

Traditional tables in SQL Server can either have a clustered index or are structured as heaps.

Clustered indexes can either be declared as unique to disallow duplicate key values or default to non unique. If not unique then SQL Server silently adds a uniqueifier to any duplicate keys to make them unique.

Non clustered indexes can also be explicitly declared as unique. Otherwise for the non unique case SQL Server adds the row locator (clustered index key or RID for a heap) to all index keys (not just duplicates) this again ensures they are unique.

In SQL Server 2000 - 2012 indexes on table variables can only be created implicitly by creating a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint. The difference between these constraint types are that the primary key must be on non nullable column(s). The columns participating in a unique constraint may be nullable. (though SQL Server's implementation of unique constraints in the presence of NULLs is not per that specified in the SQL Standard). Also a table can only have one primary key but multiple unique constraints.

Both of these logical constraints are physically implemented with a unique index. If not explicitly specified otherwise the PRIMARY KEY will become the clustered index and unique constraints non clustered but this behavior can be overridden by specifying CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED explicitly with the constraint declaration (Example syntax)


As a result of the above the following indexes can be implicitly created on table variables in SQL Server 2000 - 2012.

|             Index Type              | Can be created on a table variable? |
| Unique Clustered Index              | Yes                                 |
| Nonunique Clustered Index           |                                     |
| Unique NCI on a heap                | Yes                                 |
| Non Unique NCI on a heap            |                                     |
| Unique NCI on a clustered index     | Yes                                 |
| Non Unique NCI on a clustered index | Yes                                 |

The last one requires a bit of explanation. In the table variable definition at the beginning of this answer the non unique non clustered index on Name is simulated by a unique index on Name,Id (recall that SQL Server would silently add the clustered index key to the non unique NCI key anyway).

A non unique clustered index can also be achieved by manually adding an IDENTITY column to act as a uniqueifier.

Uniqueifier INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),

But this is not an accurate simulation of how a non unique clustered index would normally actually be implemented in SQL Server as this adds the "Uniqueifier" to all rows. Not just those that require it.

How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in MySQL?


From the link above, GROUP_CONCAT: This function returns a string result with the concatenated non-NULL values from a group. It returns NULL if there are no non-NULL values.

The project type is not supported by this installation

I had the same problem opening the NuGet solution with VS 2010 Ultimate, but the following command fixed it:

devenv /ResetSkipPkgs

What is the backslash character (\\)?

\ is used as for escape sequence in many programming languages, including Java.

If you want to

  • go to next line then use \n or \r,
  • for tab use \t
  • likewise to print a \ or " which are special in string literal you have to escape it with another \ which gives us \\ and \"

Create a mocked list by mockito

When dealing with mocking lists and iterating them, I always use something like:

private List<Object> parts = new ArrayList<>();

What does the colon (:) operator do?

It's used in for loops to iterate over a list of objects.

for (Object o: list)
    // o is an element of list here

Think of it as a for <item> in <list> in Python.

Format ints into string of hex

From Python documentation. Using the built in format() function you can specify hexadecimal base using an 'x' or 'X' Example:

x= 255 print('the number is {:x}'.format(x))


the number is ff

Here are the base options

'b' Binary format. Outputs the number in base 2. 'c' Character. Converts the integer to the corresponding unicode character before printing. 'd' Decimal Integer. Outputs the number in base 10. 'o' Octal format. Outputs the number in base 8. 'x' Hex format. Outputs the number in base 16, using lower- case letters for the digits above 9. 'X' Hex format. Outputs the number in base 16, using upper- case letters for the digits above 9. 'n' Number. This is the same as 'd', except that it uses the current locale setting to insert the appropriate number separator characters. None The same as 'd'.

How can you use php in a javascript function

despite some comments, at some cases it's really necessary to access PHP functions at Javascript (e.g. the AJAX cases).

At these cases you can use the mwsX library to use your PHP functions at Javascript.

mwsX library:

SQL MAX of multiple columns?

Either of the two samples below will work:

SELECT  MAX(date_columns) AS max_date
FROM    ( (SELECT   date1 AS date_columns
           FROM     data_table         )
          ( SELECT  date2 AS date_columns
            FROM    data_table
          ( SELECT  date3 AS date_columns
            FROM    data_table
        ) AS date_query

The second is an add-on to lassevk's answer.

SELECT  MAX(MostRecentDate)
FROM    ( SELECT    CASE WHEN date1 >= date2
                              AND date1 >= date3 THEN date1
                         WHEN date2 >= date1
                              AND date2 >= date3 THEN date2
                         WHEN date3 >= date1
                              AND date3 >= date2 THEN date3
                         ELSE date1
                    END AS MostRecentDate
          FROM      data_table
        ) AS date_query